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20171158 Ver 1_PCN with Mitigation Plan_20190319
ID#* 20171158 Version* 1 Select Reviewer:* Mac Haupt Initial Review 03/19/2019 Completed Date Mitigation Project Submittal - 3/19/201, - Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site? * r Yes r Type of Mitigation Project:* PF Stream r Wetlands r Buffer r Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Email Address:* lin.xu@ncdenr.gov Project Information Existing 20171158 Existing 1 (DWR) (nunbersonly ...nodash) Version: (nurrbersonly) ID#:* Project Type: F DMS r Mitigation Bank Project Name: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site County: Buncombe Document Information Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Plans File Upload: WarrenWilson_Final_MitPlan.pdf 46.74MB WarrenWilson401 Asheville. pdf 37.19KB WarrenWilson401 COffice.pdf 42.74KB WarrenWilson401 FeeMemo.pdf 42.05KB WarrenWilsonPCN.pdf 2.07MB Rease upload only one RDF of the conplete file that needs to be subnitted... Signature Print Name:* Signature:* W A rE oOF � pG Office Use Only: r Corps action ID no. i o DWQ project no. Form Version 1.4 January 2009 Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form A. Applicant Information 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: ❑X Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 27 or General Permit (GP) number: 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ❑X Yes ❑ No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): ❑X 401 Water Quality Certification – Regular ❑ Non -404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification – Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this notification solely for the record For the record only for DWQ For the record only for Corps Permit: because written approval is not required? 401 Certification: ❑ Yes ❑X No ❑ Yes ❑X No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank ❑ Yes No or in -lieu fee program. 1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h ❑ Yes ❑Q No below. 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes ❑X No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site 2b. County: Buncombe 2c. Nearest municipality / town: Swannanoa 2d. Subdivision name: -- 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state project no: DMS Project ID No. 100019 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: Warren Wilson College 3b. Deed Book and Page No. 1071, 183 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if applicable): 3d. Street address: 701 Warren Wilson Rd 3e. City, state, zip: Swannanoa, NC 28778 3f. Telephone no.: 828-771-2056 3g. Fax no.: -- 3h. Email address: -- r —T. MAR 1 9 7,niq Page 1 of 10 Mrrrc°rTTVrs'(Y� PCN Form – Version 1.4 Januatjr 9 -S 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑X Other, specify: Permittee 4b. Name: Lin Xu 4c. Business name (if applicable): 4d. Street address: NC Division of Mitigation Services 217 West Jones St. 4e. City, state, zip: Raleigh, NC 27603 4f. Telephone no.: 919-707-8319 4g. Fax no.: lin.xu@ncdenr.gov 4h. Email address: 6. Co-Applicant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: Worth Creech 5b. Business name Restoration Systems, LLC (if applicable): 5c. Street address: 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 5d. City, state, zip: Raleigh, NC 27604 5e. Telephone no.: 919-755-9490 5f. Fax no.: 919-755-9492 5g. Email address: Worth@restorationsystems.com Page 2 of 10 B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): 110475 1 b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Latitude: 35.609817 Longitude: -82.44354 1 c. Property size: 25.6 acres 2. Surface Waters Comments: 2a. Name of nearest body of water to proposed project: Swannanoa River 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: C 2c. River basin: French Broad 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The Site drainage area is primarily composed of forest and agriculture land with less than 5% impervious surface , including roads, driveways, and rooftops. The Site, located within the Warren Wilson College property, consists of actively managed agricultural and forest land accessible to livestock. ' 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 2.87 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: 10,164 1 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: Stream restoration and enhancement (Level 1 and Level 2) i 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: A detailed description of proposed activities is provided in the attached Mitigation Plan. The project will be completed with standard earth -moving equip 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the X❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / project (includin2 all prior phases in thepast? Comments: 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type Preliminary ❑ Final of determination was made? 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: Name (if known): W Grant Lewis Other: Axiom Environmental, Inc. 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. Site visit on January 24, 2018; the signed Notification of Jurisdictional Determination dated April 2, 2018 is attached.. 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for ❑ Yes ❑X No ❑ Unknown this project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes ❑X No 6b. If yes, explain. Page 3 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ❑X Wetlands ❑X Streams —tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2d. 2e. 2f. Forested Type of jurisdiction Area of Corps (404,10) or impact DWQ (401, other) (acres) 2a. Wetland impact number Permanent (P) or Tempora T 2b. Type of impact 2c. Type of wetland LB SEE ATTACHED TABLE PA SH SG SD S5 S6 2g. Total Wetland Impacts: 2h. Comments: Permanent impacts to small wetland areas are anticipated by construction of proposed stream channels. Temporary impacts to wetlands are limited to enhancement activities including planting with native forest species. Jurisdictional wetland areas will be avoided to the maximum extent practicable; however, some encroachment will be necessary during project construction. Construction -related impacts will be temporary and all areas will be restored to pre -project elevations and planted appropriately. 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. Stream impact number Permanent (P) or Temporary (T) 3b. Type of impact 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. Stream name Perennial (PER) or Type of Average intermittent (INT)? jurisdiction stream width (feet) 3g. Impact length (linear feet) S1 Choose one SEE ATTACHED TABL - - S2 Choose one S3 S4 S5 S6 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts 3i. Comments: Project activities include restoration of 9381 If, enhancement (Level 1) of 62 If, and enhancement (Level II) of 2012 If of stream channels. No impacts are anticipated in conjunction with Enhancement (level II) activities. Please see the attached Mitigation Plan. Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. Open water impact number Permanent (P) or TemporaryT 4b. Name of waterbody (if applicable) 4c. 4d. Type of impact Waterbody type 4e. Area of impact (acres) 01 - Choose one Choose O2 Choose one f Choose 03 Choose one Choose 04 - Choose one ' Choose 4f. Total open water impacts 4g. Comments: Na 5. Pond or Lake Construction If pond or lake construction proposed, then complete the chart below. 5a. Pond ID number 5b, 5c, 5d. 5e. Proposed use or Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland purpose of pond (acres) Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Choose one P1 P2 Choose one 5f. Total: 5g. Comments: NA 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method of construction: 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation. then You MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar -Pamlico ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman ❑ Other: 6b. Buffer Impact number— Permanent (P) or Tem ora(T)_feet' 6c. Reason for impact 6d. 6e. Stream name Buffer mitigation required? 6f. Zone 1 impact (square 6g. Zone 2 impact (square feet B1 - NONE Yes/No B2 Yes/No B3 Yes/No B4 Yes/No B5 - Yes/No B6 - Yes/No 6h. Total Buffer Impacts: 0 0 6i. Comments: NA Page 5 of 10 D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. This is a stream mitigation project. As a result, avoidance and minimization were not part of the original design planning. The proposed project is anticipated to increase the function and length of jurisdictional stream. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. The only activities that will take place within the stream are filling and stabilization of banks, placement of channel bed material, and the installation of cross vanes and drop structures. No machinery will be driven within existing stream channels. If water is present, channels will be temporarily dewatered and all work will be performed in the dry. Impacts to jurisdictional areas are designed to benefit hydrology and vegetative communities. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for ❑ Yes ❑X No impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? 2b. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps ❑ Mitigation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this El Payment to in -lieu fee program project? ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: Type: Choose one Quantity: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type: Choose one Quantity: Type: Choose one Quantity: 3c. Comments: 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In -lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in -lieu fee program is attached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: Choose one 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4f. Non -riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: acres 4h. Comments: 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWWO 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires Yes ❑X No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impact Total impact Multiplier Required mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 3 (2 for Catawba) Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: o 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in -lieu fee fund). NA. 6h. Comments: Page 7 of 10 E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified ❑ Yes X❑ No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. NA; however, numerous marsh treatment areas are included in the Site design. ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? 0 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ Yes 0 No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: No impervious surfaces will be generated by the proposed project. On-site stormwater will be treated by a marsh treatment areas or flow through vegetated riparian buffers prior to flowing into surface waters. 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: NA 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which localgovernment's jurisdiction is thisproject? Local -Buncombe County ❑X Phase II ❑ NSW 3b. Which of the following locally -implemented stormwater management programs ❑ USMP apply (check all that apply): ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: El Yes ❑X No 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Program Review ❑Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a. Which of the following state -implemented stormwater management programs apply ❑ORW (check all that apply): ❑X Session Law 2006-246 ❑Other: 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes X❑ No attached? 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 8 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) la. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the Yes El No use of public (federal/state) land? No 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ❑X Yes ❑ No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) Please see the Approved Categorical Exclusion Form (Appendix E of the attached Yes ❑ No Comments: Mitigation Plan) 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, El Yes ❑X No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after -the -fact permit application? ❑Yes ❑X No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in ❑Yes ❑X No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. NA - No sewage will be generated by the proposed project. Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or Yes ❑ No habitat? Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts? 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? USFWS Asheville Field Office Website, informal Section 7 review, and NLEB 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? NOAA Fisheries Essential Fish Habitat Mapper v2.0 (online) Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation ❑X Yes ❑ No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? Field work by TRC Solutions concluded that construction will not impact any intact or significant archaeological resources, and recommended that construction proceed as designed (see report in Appendix G of attached Mitigation Plan). SHPO concurrence dated 3/27/18 is attached. 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA -designated 100 -year floodplain? ❑X Yes ❑ No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: A No -Rise Certification Study was completed and accepted by the NCNFIP (see attached letter dated December 5, 2018). A floodplain development permit will be completed prior to starting work. 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map 3700967900J (DFIRM Panel 9679) and coordination with the the National Flood Insurance Program. f XAI Applicant/Agent's Printed Name Worth Creech Restoration Systems, LLC Co-Applicant/Agent's Printed Name Applicant/Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided. �' • 3/19/19 Co-Applicant/Agent's Signature (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Date Page 10 of 10 Proposed Impacts Inventory - Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site WETLAND IMPACTS Wetland impact number Permanent (P) or Temporary (T) AJF (T) Type of impact Planting Type of wetland Headwater Wetland Forested No Type of jurisdiction Corps (404, 10) or DWQ (401, other) Corps Area of impact (acres) 0.002 GA (T) Planting Headwater Wetland No Corps 0.005 GB (T) Planting Headwater Wetland No Corps 0.182 GB (P) Planting Headwater Wetland No Corps 0.032 GC (T) Planting Headwater Wetland No Corps 0.003 GC (P) Planting Headwater Wetland No Corps 0.005 GD (T) Planting Headwater Wetland No Corps 0.230 GD (P) Planting Headwater Wetland No Corps 0.048 GE (T) Planting Bottomland Hardwood No Corps 0.033 GE (P) Planting Bottomland Hardwood No Carps 0.014 GF (T) Planting Bottomland Hardwood No Corps 0.159 GF (P) Planting Bottomland Hardwood No Corps 0.061 GG (T) Planting Bottomland Hardwood No Corps 0.002 GH (T) Planting Bottomland Hardwood No Corps 0.004 GJ (T) Planting Bottomland Hardwood No Corps 0.012 PA (T) Planting Headwater Wetland No Corps 0.250 PA (P) Planting Headwater Wetland No Corps 0.055 PB (T) Planting Headwater Wetland No Corps 0.454 PB (P) Planting Headwater Wetland No Corps 0.056 PC (T) Planting Bottomland Hardwood No Corps 0.229 PC (P) I Planting Bottomland Hardwood No Corps 0.096 PD (T) Planting Bottomland Hardwood No Corps 0.057 Total Wetland Impacts 1.99 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Impact Number Average Stream Permanent (P) or TvPe of Impact* Stream Name PER or INT Tvpe of Jurisdiction I Stream I Impact Temporary (T) mum (feet) Lengzn (feet) S1 (P) Relocation UTI PER Corps 10.9 743 52 (P) Relocation UT 3 PER Corps 12.1 2607 53 (T) Stabilization UT3 PER Corps 12.1 62 S4 (P) j Relocation UT4 PER Corps 7 70 S5 (P) Relocation UT5 PER Corps 6.1 719 S6 (P) Relocation UT6 INT/PER Corps 5.5 713 S7 (P) Relocation UT7 PER Corps 7.4 2426 S8 (T) Relocation UT8 PER Corps 6.8 957 Total Stream & Tributary Impacts 8297 No impacts are anticipates in conjunction with tnhancement (level II) activities. OPEN WATER IMPACTS Open Water Impact Name of Number Permanent (P) or Waterbody Temporary (T) NONE BUFFER IMPACTS: NA Type of Impact WaterbodyArea of Impact (acres) i Type Total Open Water Buffer Impact Number Reason for Buffer I Zone 2 Permanent (P) or Stream Name Mitigation Zone 1 Impact (ft sq) Impact (fi Temporary (T) Impact Required sq) NONE Total Buffer Impacts 0 ZLU U M o m N W F O Y N o0 p J y c T r LU cq Z Q tY O vU Z�F' a oLu s C7 r LLI m .. a w _j _j E W u d Z LL 0 a` a` 3 V MO 'a R a h _ d -75 c C4 0 co jr zi R ^ L N y ? «���'�---.-..._- .5 d ).1 �•�:f �1r, �� i � ;Ttilf�9�'l: ='.� �� i 5.. _. _ d Yn � y � d d J s . ���::•. .. d . � T `f n - `�-° - - }y���r5 l7.��J--r '"' `e � y 3 u°fi 'E E •E m � 1•. ;�;. � r •- ' 1 �.' yr _ - ','' '�, t; ULL o< H Z Hdr� 3U)°zx U ww w w :.� E a Q z °acF LU ff� U) U Y m a N O O r o Ld m _= N LL Z LL o - t ° a` Z W 2 J V) W= Q F- Z O F- ZW° v 9aQ W C7 Q m p Q n LU Eo (A QJF y a` Co F U y 3 o ` m ry ui C, o m m y m o d a` LLI N -y ti .tip, Ni ii*: -I` OR =t. ;Nr�. ,r r '�� , ��i r u � •�� ■ w I Y A av E E o E E N C w w o a r Z �'0 10Ito: LLoLL N_ ■ w I Y A E E o E E N C w w o a r Z �'0 10Ito: 2 W Z O W~ T Q V NO v O TWO v OwU Y m LZ0Q d o<a c (� N d a _J o N¢- Z LL n a J H u 9 A � AT Y i•t �._t - c. - __ '. .s• ..` - �.; 1, �,� _ � °�' a o E 0 fF,l,'S : •� 'y. C w w L a H 2 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action ID: SAW -2017-01557 County: Buncombe U.S.G.S. Quad: Oteen & Craeev NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Owner: Warren Wilson Colleee / Attn: Scott McKinney Address: P.O. Box 9000 Asheville, NC 28815 Telephone Number: 828-771-2056 Size (acres): 43 acres Nearest Town: Swannanoa Nearest Waterway: Swannanoa River Coordinates: 35.609817 -82.443540 River Basin/ HUC: French Broad Location description: The site is located in/around 701 Warren Wilson Road, in Swannanoa NC. Indicate Which of the Followin Apply: A. Preliminary Determination X There are waters, including wetlands, on the above described project area, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). The waters, including wetlands, have been delineated, and the delineation has been verified by the Corps to be sufficiently accurate and reliable. Therefore this preliminary jurisdiction determination may be used in the permit evaluation process, including determining compensatory mitigation. For purposes of computation of impacts, compensatory mitigation requirements, and other resource protection measures, a permit decision made on the basis of a preliminary JD will treat all waters and wetlands that would be affected in any way by the permitted activity on the site as if they are jurisdictional waters of the U.S. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). However, you may request an approved JD, which is an appealable action, by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. _ There are wetlands on the above described property, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). However, since the waters, including wetlands, have not been properly delineated, this preliminary jurisdiction determination may not be used in the permit evaluation process. Without a verified wetland delineation, this preliminary determination is merely an effective presumption of CWA/RHA jurisdiction over all of the waters, including wetlands, at the project area, which is not sufficiently accurate and reliable to support an enforceable permit decision. We recommend that you have the waters of the U.S. on your property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner, you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. B. Approved Determination There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. _ There are waters of the U.S, including wetlands on the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. We recommend you have the waters of the U.S. on your property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner, you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. The waters of the U.S. including wetlands on your project area have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. If you wish to have the delineation surveyed, the Corps can review and verify the survey upon completion. Once verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA and/or RHA jurisdiction on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. _ The waters of the U.S. including wetlands have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on . Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. _ There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described project area which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management to determine their requirements. Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US and/or wetlands without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). Placement of dredged or fill material, construction or placement of structures, or work within navigable waters of the United States without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Sections 9 and/or 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC § 401 and/or 403). If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact Amanda Jones at 828-271-7980, ext. 4225 or amanda.jones@usace.army.mil. C. Basis for Determination: See attached preliminary jurisdictional determination form. The site contains wetlands as determined by the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual: Eastern Mountain and Piedmont Region (version 2.0). These wetlands are adjacent to stream channels located on the property that exhibit indicators of ordinary high water marks. The stream channels on the site are unnamed tributaries to the French Broad River which ultimately drains to the Gulf of Mexico. D. Remarks: E. Attention USDA Program Participants This delineation/determination has been conducted to identify the limits of Corps' Clean Water Act jurisdiction for the particular site identified in this request. The delineation/determination may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, prior to starting work. F. Appeals Information (This information applies only to approved jurisdictional determinations as indicated in B. above) This correspondence constitutes an approved jurisdictional determination for the above described site. If you object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and request for appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Attn: Jason Steele, Review Officer 60 Forsyth Street SW, Room 1OM15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 2 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 33 l .5, and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by N/A (Preliminary -JD). **It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the Division Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence.** FUEMMELER.AMAND ='. --m— CK eYSouSP vnnrrt.. rapa}e. nl.aw-trA Corps Regulatory Official: A.JONES.1242835090,"';;;;„�':.�,"°'° Amanda Jones Issue Date of JD: April 2,201 Expiration Date: N/A Preliminary JD The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete our Customer Satisfaction Survey, located online at lrtt J/co stnapu.Lisace.arn ,v.inil/i:►tt_apex1f?p=136:4:0. Copy furnished: Axiom Environmental, Attn: Grant Lewis (via email) SECTION I - The following identifies your rights and options regarding an administrative appeal of the above decision. Additional information may be found at http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/Ret4ulatoiroProgramandPermits.aspx or Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. A: INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or object to the permit. • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received'a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that the permit be modified accordingly. You must complete Section II of this form and return the form to the district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the permit to address some of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section B below. B: PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or appeal the permit • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • APPEAL: If you choose to decline the proffered permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may appeal the declined permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: PERMIT DENIAL: You may appeal the denial of a permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. D: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. • ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the date of this notice, means that you accept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approved JD. • APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved JD, you may appeal the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the district engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. NOTIFICATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL OPTIONS AND PROCESS AND REQUEST FOR APPEAL. Applicant: Warren Wilson College / Attn: Scott File Number: SAW-SAW-2017-01557 Date: April 2, 2018 McKinney Attached is: See Section below ❑ INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter ofpermission) A ❑ PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter ofpermission) B ❑ PERMIT DENIAL C ❑ APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION D NJ PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION E SECTION I - The following identifies your rights and options regarding an administrative appeal of the above decision. Additional information may be found at http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/Ret4ulatoiroProgramandPermits.aspx or Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. A: INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or object to the permit. • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received'a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that the permit be modified accordingly. You must complete Section II of this form and return the form to the district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the permit to address some of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section B below. B: PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or appeal the permit • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • APPEAL: If you choose to decline the proffered permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may appeal the declined permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: PERMIT DENIAL: You may appeal the denial of a permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. D: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. • ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the date of this notice, means that you accept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approved JD. • APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved JD, you may appeal the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the district engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. E: PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You do not need to respond to the Corps regarding the preliminary JD. The Preliminary JD is not appealable. If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. SECTION II - REQUEST FOR APPEAL or OBJECTIONS TO AN INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT REASONS FOR APPEAL OR OBJECTIONS: (Describe your reasons for appealing the decision or your objections to an initial proffered permit in clear concise statements. You may attach additional information to this form to clarify where your reasons or objections are addressed in the administrative record.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The appeal is limited to a review of the administrative record, the Corps memorandum for the record of the appeal conference or meeting, and any supplemental information that the review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record. Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new information or analyses to the record. However, you may provide additional information to clarify the location of information that is already in the administrative record. POINT OF CONTACT FOR QUES71ONS OR INFORMATION: If you have questions regarding this decision and/or the If you only have questions regarding the appeal process you may appeal process you may contact: also contact: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division, Mr. Jason Steele, Administrative Appeal Review Officer Attn: Amanda Jones CESAD-PDO 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 60 Forsyth Street, Room 10M15 828-271-7980, ext. 4232 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Phone: (404) 562-5137 RIGHT OF ENTRY: Your signature below grants the right of entry to Corps of Engineers personnel, and any government consultants, to conduct investigations of the project site during the course of the appeal process. You will be provided a 15 day notice of an • site investigation, and will have the ODDortunit to participate in all site investi ations. Date: Telephone number: Signature of appellant or agent. For appeals on Initial Proffered Permits send this form to: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division, Attn.: Amanda Jones, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 For Permit denials, Proffered Permits and approved Jurisdictional Determinations send this form to: Division Engineer, Commander, U.S. Army Engineer Division, South Atlantic, Attn: Mr. Jason Steele, Administrative Appeal Officer, CESAD-PDO, 60 Forsyth Street, Room 10M15, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Phone: (404) 562-5137 BLANK PAGE PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD) FORM U.S. Army Corps of Engineers BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PRELIMINARY JD: April 2, 2018 B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PRELIMINARY JD: Warren Wilson College / Attn: Scott McKinney P.O. Box 9000 Asheville, NC 28815 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: CESAW-RG-A, SAW -2017-01557, D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The site is located in/around 701 Warren Wilson Road, in Swannanoa, NC. State: NC County/parish/borough: Buncombe City: Swannanoa Center coordinates of site (lat/long in degree decimal format): 35.609817 -82.443540 Universal Transverse Mercator: N/A Name of nearestwaterbody: Swannanoa River E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ Office (Desk) Determination. Date: April 2, 2018 ® Field Determination. Date(s): 01/24/18 Use the table below to document aquatic resources and/or aquatic resources at different sites Site Name GA GB Latitude 35.6087 35.6089 Longitude -82.4401 -82.4405 Estimated amount of aquatic resource in review area 0.16 ac 0.27 ac Type of aquatic resources Wetland Wetland Geographic authority o which the aquatic resource "may be" subject Section 404 Section 404 GC 35.6180 -82.4524 0.009 ac Wetland Section 404 GD 35.6175 -82.4523 0.42 ac 0.05 ac Wetland Wetland Section 404 Section 404 GE 35.6156 -82.4519 GF 35.6151 -82.4518 0.22 ac Wetland Section 404 GG 35.6142 -82.4519 0.09 ac Wetland Section 404 GH 35.6146 -82.4518 0.02 ac Wetland Section 404 GJ 35.6147 -82.4518 0.04 ac Wetland Section 404 PA 1 35.6116 -82.4390 0.30 ac Wetland I Section 404 PB 35.6041 -82.4428 0.51 ac Wetland Section 404 PC 35.6165 -82.4521 0.33 ac Wetland Section 404 PD 35.6087 -82.4562 0.30 ac Wetland Section 404 PX 35.6147 -82.4522 0.15 ac Wetland Section 404 AJF 1 35.6182 -82.4523 1 0.02 ac Wetland Section 404 UT1 35.6093 -82.4400 756.7 If Non -wetland Section 404 UT3 35.6093 -82.4545 3581.6 If Non -wetland Section 404 UT4 35.6170 -82.4518 312.3 If Non -wetland Section 404 UT5 35.6090 -82.4484 768.6 If Non -wetland Section 404 UT6 35.6057 -82.4433 1362.6 If Non -wetland Section 404 UT7 35.6031 -82.4414 2425.5 If Non -wetland Section 404 UT8 35.6036 -82.4382 957.1 If Non -wetland Section 404 Open Water 35.6034 -82.4426 0.30 ac Non -wetland Section 404 TABLE OFAQUATIC RESOURCES INREVIEWAREA WHICH "MAY BE" SUBJECT TO REGULATORY JURISDICTION 1. The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional aquatic resources in the review area, and the requestor of this PJD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved JD (AJD) for that review area based on an informed decision after having discussed the various types of JDs and their characteristics and circumstances when they may be appropriate. 2. In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre- construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non -reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an AJD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware that: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a PJD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional aquatic resources; (2) the applicant has the option to request an AJD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an AJD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an AJD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the PJD; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a PJD constitutes agreement that all aquatic resources in the review area affected in any way by that activity will be treated as jurisdictional, and waives any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an AJD or a PJD, the JD will be processed as soon as practicable. Further, an AJD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331. If, during an administrative appeal, it becomes appropriate to make an official determination whether geographic jurisdiction exists over aquatic resources in the review area, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional aquatic resources in the review area, the Corps will provide an AJD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. This PJD finds that there "may be" waters of the U.S. and/or that there "may be" navigable waters of the U.S. on the subject review area, and identifies all aquatic features in the review area that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: SUPPORTING DATA Data reviewed for preliminary JD (check all that apply) - Checked items should be included in subject file. Appropriately reference sources below where indicated for all checked items: ® Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of preliminary JD requester: ® Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of preliminary JD requester. ® Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. Rational: ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: ❑ U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Atlas: ❑ USGS NHD data. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit IIUC maps. ® USGS map(s). Cite scale & quad name: Oteen & Craggy. ® Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) Soil Survey. Citation: Buncombe County, NC ❑ National wetlands inventory (NWI) map(s). Cite name: ❑ State/Local wetland inventory map(s): ❑ Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) / Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) maps: ❑ 100 -year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) ® Photographs: ❑ Aerial (Name & Date): or ❑ Other (Name & Date): ❑ Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: ❑ Applicable/supporting scientific literature: ❑ Other information (please specify): IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this form has not necessarily been verified by the Corps and should not be relied upon for later jurisdictional determinations. 3a�rw�+tm FUEMMELER.AMAND)""e"`�F'e^'_ A.JONES.1242835090 to t [MM -R MANDAMNE51242835OW oa1�2o1aao o2ov:33m aaco• Amanda Jones, April 2, 2018 Warren Wilson College / Attn: Scott McKinney Signature and date of Regulatory Signature and date of person requesting staff member completing preliminary JD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the preliminary JD signature is impracticable) Two copies of this Preliminary JD Form have been provide/ Please sign both copies. Keep one signed copy for your record and return a signed copy to the Asheville Regulatory Field Office by mail or e-mail. US Army Corps of Engineers -Wilmington District Asheville Regulatory Field Offree ISI Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC'28801-5006 Districts may establish timeframes for requester to return signed PJD forms lfthe requester does not respond within the established time frame; the district may presume concurrence and no additional follow up is necessary prior to finalizing an action Y : North Carolina Department of Public Safety Emergency Management Roy Cooper, Governor Michael A. Sprayberry, Director Erik A. Hooks, Secretary December 5, 2018 Ms. Cynthia Fox -Clark, AICP Buncombe County Planning and Development 46 Valley Street Asheville, NC 28801 Subject: No -Rise Certification for Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Project, Swannanoa River, Buncombe County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Fox -Clark: The North Carolina Department of Public Safety Division of Emergency Management Risk Management National Flood Insurance Program (NCNFIP) staff has reviewed the information provided by Anchor QEA of North Carolina PLLC, Tracy Drury, P.E., in support of a No -Rise Certification for a stream restoration project on several tributaries of the Swannanoa River at Warren Wilson College in Buncombe County. The report is dated November 19, 2018. It was received in this office on November 30, 2018. Based on the information provided, the NCNFIP review indicates the report meets the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) guidance for a no -rise certification. The NCNFIP finds no objection to the conclusion of no increase in base flood elevation or floodway elevation as contained in the report. The No -Rise Certification Study is used to measure impacts due to the proposed development within the floodway of the Swannanoa River. It should not be used to establish base flood elevations. A floodplain development permit will be required prior to starting work. If you have any questions or concerns with the items herein, please contact me at (919) 825- 2300, by email at dan.brubaker tincdps.gov or at the address shown on the footer of this document. MAILING ADDRESS: 4218 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-4218 www.ncem.org An Equal Opportunity Employer CTM OFFICE LOCATION: 4105 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone: (919) 825-2341 Fax: (919) 825-0408 Cynthia Fox -Clark Page 2 of 2 December 5, 2018 Sincerely, 3 f John D. Brubaker, P.E., CFM NFIP Coordinator Risk Management cc: Terry Foxx, Western Area Planner Anchor QEA of North Carolina, PLLC Attention: Sara Stavinoha, P.E. 231 Haywood Street Asheville, NC 28801 Anchor QEA Tracy Drury, P.E. 1605 Cornwall Avenue Bellingham, WA 98225 File North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Banos, Administrator Governor Roy Cooper Secretary Susi fI. Hamilton March 27, 2018 Sara Stavinoha Anchor QEA of North Carolina 231 Haywood Street Asheville, NC 28801 Office of Archives and History Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry Re: Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Project, Buncombe County, ER 17-1683 Dear Ms. Stavinoha: Thank you for your letter of March 8, 2018, transmitting the management summary by Tasha Benyshek, TRC Environmental, for archaeological testing at 31BN28 for the above project. During the course of the testing, no significant archaeological resources were identified within the project APE. Ms. Benyshek recommends that no further archaeological work be undertaken at 31BN28 in connection with the current project, and that if project plans are altered, additional archaeological work is required. We concur with these recommendations and have no objection to construction proceeding as presently designed. We look forward to receiving the full report of the investigation at 31BN28 and monitoring at sections 4C and 4D, as well as updated archaeological site forms. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill -Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-807-6579 or environmental.revie;ncdcr��. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, Ramona M. Bartos cc: Worth Creech, Restoration Systems, LLC Tasha Benyshek, TRC Environmental Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 807-6570/807-6599 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary TIM BAUMGARTNER Director MEMORANDUM: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: �a STAIEW NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality Summer Lowe Lin Xu Ly Payment of Permit Fee 401 Permit Application March 19, 2019 The Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) is implementing a mitigation project for Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Mitigation Project in Buncombe County (DMS IMS # 100019). The activities associated with this restoration project involve stream restoration related temporary stream and wetland impact. To conduct these activities, the DMS must submit a Pre -construction Notification (PCN) Form to the Division of Water Resources (DWR) for review and approval. The DWR assesses a fee of $570.00 for this review. Please transfer $570.00 from DMS Fund # 2984, Account # 535120 to DWR as payment for this review. If you have any questions concerning this matter I can be reached at 919-707-8319. Thanks for your assistance. cc: Karen Higgins, DWR N(N�iTHCnRO D E` Q� 0".rmrilatEmiranrrNl Uuaq� !' North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services 217 W. Jones Street 11652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 919.707.8976 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary TIM BAUMGARTNER Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality March 19, 2019 Karen Higgins, 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit Supervisor Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 - 1617 Re: Permit Application- Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Mitigation Project, Buncombe County (DMS Full Delivery Project) Dear Ms. Higgins: Attached for your review is 404/401 permit application package for the subject project. Another copy has been sent to the Asheville Regional Office for review. A memo for the permit application fee is also included in the package. All electronic files have been uploaded to NC DWR's file system. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this plan (919- 707-8319). Thank you very much for your assistance. Sincerely Lin Xu Attachment: 404/401 Permit Application Package Final Mitigation Plan Permit Application Fee Memo NORTH CARDI.INA���` Oepxhnenl of Emtronm W Owf North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services 217 W. Jones Street 1 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 919.707.8976 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary TIM BAUMGARTNER Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality March 19, 2019 Landon Davidson, Water Resources — Water Quality Regional Supervisor NC DEQ Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 - 8211 Re: Permit Application — Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Mitigation Project, Buncombe County (DMS Full Delivery Project) Dear Mr. Davidson: Attached for your review is 404/401 permit application package for the subject project. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this plan (919-707-8319). Thank you very much for your assistance. Attachment: 404/401 Permit Application Package Final Mitigation Plan Cc: Karen Higgins Sincerely NCFT„CAROL INA���� Q !� Oeglhlb11101 EiW1tIXITgNI nomy Lin Xu North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services 217 W. Jones Street 1 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 919.707.8976 November 2018 Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Final Mitigation Plan Prepared for the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Mitigation Services FINAL MITIGATION PLAN WARREN WILSON COLLEGE STREAM MITIGATION SITE Buncombe County, North Carolina NCDMS Project ID No. 100019 Full Delivery Contract No. 7188 USACE Action ID No. SAW -2017-01557 RFP No. 16-006991 French Broad River Basin Cataloging Unit 06010105 Prepared for: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 Restoration Systems, LLC Authorized Representative: Worth Creech Phone: 919-755-9490 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Prepared by: ANCHOR 231 Haywood Street Asheville, QEA North Carolina 28801 Anchor QEA of North Carolina, PLLC V_ Axiom Environmental, Inc. 218 Snow Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 AW VK Ax,omEnvimnta. "This mitigation plan has been written in conformance with the requirements of the following: • Federal rule for compensatory mitigation project sites as described in the Federal Register Title 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters Volume 3 Chapter 2 Section § 332.8 paragraphs (c)(2) through (c)(14). • North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Mitigation Services In -Lieu Fee Instrument signed and dated July 28, 2010 These documents govern NCDMS' operations and procedures for the delivery of compensatory mitigation." This document was assembled using the June 2017 NCDMS Stream and Wetland Mitigation Plan Template and Guidance and the October 24, 2016 North Carolina Interagency Review Team Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update. ' North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services Regulatory Division DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 December 21, 2018 Re: NCIRT Review and USACE Approval of the Warren Wilson College Mitigation Plan; SAW -2017- 01557; NCDMS Project # 100019 Mr. Tim Baumgartner North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Dear Mr. Baumgartner: The purpose of this letter is to provide the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS) with all comments generated by the North Carolina Interagency Review Team (NCIRT) during the 30 -day comment period for the Warren Wilson College Mitigation Plan, which closed on December 21, 2018. These comments are attached for your review. Based on our review of these comments, we have determined that no major concerns have been identified with the Draft Mitigation Plan, which is considered approved with this correspondence. However, several minor issues were identified, as described in the attached comment memo, which must be addressed in the Final Mitigation Plan. The Final Mitigation Plan is to be submitted with the Preconstruction Notification (PCN) Application for Nationwide permit approval of the project along with a copy of this letter. Issues identified above must be addressed in the Final Mitigation Plan. All changes made to the Final Mitigation Plan should be summarized in an errata sheet included at the beginning of the document. If it is determined that the project does not require a Department of the Army permit, you must still provide a copy of the Final Mitigation Plan, along with a copy of this letter, to the appropriate USACE field office at least 30 days in advance of beginning construction of the project. Please note that this approval does not preclude the inclusion of permit conditions in the permit authorization for the project, particularly if issues mentioned above are not satisfactorily addressed. Additionally, this letter provides initial approval for the Mitigation Plan, but this does not guarantee that the project will generate the requested amount of mitigation credit. As you are aware, unforeseen issues may arise during construction or monitoring of the project that may require maintenance or reconstruction that may lead to reduced credit. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter, and if you have any questions regarding this letter, the mitigation plan review process, or the requirements of the Mitigation Rule, please call me at 919-554-4884, ext 60. Sincerely, BROWN ING.KIMBERLY.NItally signed by BROW11NG.KIMBEBLY.DANIELLE,15276B3510 M -r- LNUs. GwmtipwA4eu- DoD,eu:M,—USA, DANIELLE.1527683510 �;�° &,'�; ;�9051W .'S2'6B'S'° Kim Browning Mitigation Specialist for Henry Wicker Enclosures Electronic Copies Furnished: NCIRT Distribution List Paul Wiesner — NCDMS November 2, 2018 Paul Wiesner Western Region Supervisor North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 5 Ravenscroft Drive Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Subject: Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Mitigation Plan Comment Response Letter DMS Contract No. 7188; DMS Project ID: 100019; RFP No. 16-006991 Dear Mr. Wiesner, The following are responses to the IRT's Final Draft Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Plan comments. Mac Haupt, North Carolina Division of Water Resources, August 23, 2018 1. Table 6- this table lists the soils on site and has a column for hydric status, please change the table and list the correct hydric status (non -hydric) for the following series: Biltmore, Dellwood-Reddies, Dillard, French loam, lotla, Rosman, and Statler. 1.1. Table 6 was updated accordingly. 2. Section 8.1- DWR does not recommend utilization of the Terracell in the case of the drop down for the UT8 reach to the Swannanoa River. DWR strongly recommends a rock step down in this case. 2.1. TerraCell will be removed, and a drop structure constructed of stone and wood will be added to the construction plans. Section 8.1 (Drop Structures) was revised to read as follows: "One drop structure is proposed on UT -8. The drop structure may be constructed out of stone and wood as depicted in typical details of the construction plans. The structure should be constructed to resist erosive forces associated with hydraulic drops proposed at the Site." 1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492 3. Section 8.4.4- DWR likes the fact that groundwater gauges have been installed along the upper UT3 reach. DWR requests an instream transducer be placed as soon as possible in the lower portion (station 13+00) of UT3. DWR believes it is critical to document the increased overbank as well as increased wetland hydrology to justify moving the channel (upper UT3). At the post -contract visits there were extensive discussions regarding whether this channel needed to be moved at all. Upon reviewing the draft mitigation plan DWR decided, in addition to the COE, to visit this reach again before final comments for this plan. DWR and the COE visited the site on the afternoon of August 13th with the primary purpose of evaluating both upper and lower reaches of UT3 to determine the appropriate level of intervention for these reaches. DWR concurs with the approach for both the lower and upper reaches of UT3, however, for the upper reach of UT3 DWR would like to see metrics developed that documents functional uplift of both wetland hydrology and increased floodplain connection. DWR believes these metrics are necessary to justify the moving of a channel that currently not only possesses good channel bed form and limited lateral instability, but also does have some current connection to the floodplain (middle portion of upper UT3). In addition, these metrics would further support the objectives listed in Table 12B and discussion in Section 3.1. A crest gauge will be added to UT -3 (upper) to collect preconstruction overbank events for comparison to post -construction overbank events. The crest gauge will consist of an instream pressure transducer that will record measurements of stream surface water elevations. The gauge is proposed to be placed near station 15+00 of UT -3 (upper). DWR requested that the gauge be located near station 13+00; however, this reach is proposed to begin the drop-down to enhancement (level II) along UT -3 and may not characterize hydrologic modifications in wetland restoration areas along the majority of the UT -3 (upper) reach. 3.2. Metrics for overbank flooding have been identified in Table 12 B for this reach using North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM) (Floodplain Access) and tied to goals for the Site (i.e., connect streams to functioning wetland systems). 4. Table 18- Monitoring Summary: This table should be modified to reflect the targeted monitoring metrics discussed in #3. 4.1. Table 18 currently indicates we are tracking overbank events on UT -3 and wetland hydrology in wetlands adjacent to UT -3. 5. DWR recommends the removal of the crossing shown in on the upper UT3 design plans (since it is near the top of the project, can it be moved to the top?). 5.1. The Dean of Land Resources has discussed with others at Warren Wilson College (WWC). They would prefer to leave the crossing in its proposed location due to the crossing's significant effect on current cattle operations on the property. 1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492 6. DWR recommends the installation of a wetland monitoring gauge stream right on lower UT1, stream left in the upper reach of UT6, and an additional gauge installed stream right on the lower section of the upper UT3 reach (station 13+00). 6.1. Three groundwater gauges will be added to the Site in late winter 2018/2019 in the requested locations. Table 18 (Wetland Parameters) has been updated to read, "8 gauges in UT -1, UT -6, and UT -3 wetlands." 7. Design sheets- the lower stream profiles for lower UT3 are missing. 7.1. The profile for the lower restoration section of UT -3 Lower has been added to the construction plans. 8. DWR requests that in the future the design sheets be no larger than 11x17. In addition, DWR requests that the stationing begin at the top of the reaches. 8.1. Design sheets will be 11x17 in size for future submittals. We respectfully request to keep stream stationing as currently depicted in plan sheets and figures. Converting stream stationing may lead to unnecessary errors and provides no improvement to project documentation. 9. Design Typical- DWR recommends that vane arms have no more than a 7% slope, the vane typical for the log vanes shows a 5:1 slope or 20%. DWR did not see a typical for a rock cross vane. Are any of these being built? Also, DWR would like to see the typical for the rock step down structure recommended for UT8. 9.1. Typical details will be updated to include maximum slopes of 7% for log vane arms. Rock cross vanes are not proposed. The detail for the drop structure in UT -8 has been added to the Typical Detail sheet. Andrea Hughes, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, October 12, 2018 1. Page 2 indicates that the provider intends to install fence posts in areas that will be utilized for livestock rotation. Since it is anticipated that these areas will be used for livestock, these areas must be fenced in order to generate stream credits. 1.1. RS will work with the school's Dean of Land Resources and plans to install fencing in areas of current and future livestock use. 2. Section 7.1: Regarding the footpath adjacent to UT 3, please provide a photograph to demonstrate the existing condition of the footpath. Also, please ensure the landowner is aware that no maintenance or upgrades to the footpath will be allowed within the boundaries of the conservation easement. 2.1. A photograph and related text has been added to Section 7.1. 1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492 3. Section 7.3: According to the most recent correspondence from SHPO dated March 27, 2018, the full report of the investigation at 31BN28 and monitoring at sections 4C and 4D, as well as updated archaeological site forms have been requested by SHPO. Please provide confirmation that the requested information will be provided as soon as it is available. 3.1. RS will provide the IRT with the full archeological report and updated Site forms when they become available (post -construction). 4. Section 8.1: Regarding stream crossings, the provider should locate the proposed crossing on upper UT 3 to the edge of the easement or begin crediting just below the proposed crossing. 4.1. The Dean of Land Resources has discussed with others at WWC. They would prefer to leave the crossing in its proposed location due to the crossing's significant effect on current cattle operations on the property. 5. Section 8.1: Marsh treatment areas: If these areas are located within a stream buffer we typically require a vegetation cover performance standard during the 7 year monitoring period. In addition, the document indicates that terracel will be used for the drop structures associated with the marsh treatment areas and UT 8. This has been discussed on previous sites and we do not believe terracel is an appropriate material to use on mitigation sites when more appropriate methods are available. Please revise the plan to address this issue. 5.1. Terracell is not associated with marsh treatment areas. In addition, the only Terracell proposed for the project is located at the lower reaches of UT -8. This Terracell has been removed from the project and replaced with a rock step structure. 5.2. Marsh treatment areas total approximately one hundredth of an acre in size and are intended to naturalize into the floodplain. The areas are slight depressions (0.5 to 1.5 feet in depth) that are designed to catch the first pulse of storm drainage prior to vegetation establishment. These are not stormwater best management practices (BMPs), which require maintenance to continue functioning. At this time, due to the small size and expectation of naturalization, we do not propose extensive monitoring beyond the standard vegetative monitoring protocols outlined in the IRT guidance. 6. Section Regarding construction of UT3 through existing wetlands, you must demonstrate that the impacted wetlands have been replaced onsite by expansion or re- establishment of new wetlands. You must also document that existing wetlands adjacent to the stream channel demonstrate 10-20% improvement in post construction hydrology as compared to pre -construction hydrology. 6.1. A paragraph has been added to Section that states the following: "Stream channel excavation is expected to occur at the historic location of the stream channel in the lowest portion of the floodplain. The development of jurisdictional wetlands in this portion of the floodplain may result in the loss of wetlands in the design channel that is 1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492 expected to be negated by the development of in -channel wetlands throughout the Site and overall functional uplift and expansion of the remaining on-site wetlands." 6.2. In addition, Table 19 (Wetland Hydrology) has been updated to include the following success criteria: "Jurisdictional wetland adjacent to UT -3 will demonstrate a 10 to 20% increase in wetland hydrology as compared to pre -construction hydrology, under similar climactic conditions." 7. Section 9.1: Entrenchment Ratio for C/E streams should be >2.2. 7.1. The entrenchment ratio in Table 19 has been changed from a minimum of 1.4 to 2.2. 8. Section 9.1: Please revise to state 260 stems per acre at year 5. 8.1. The vegetation criteria in Table 19 has been changed to 260 stems per acre at year 5. 9. Design: Please provide profiles for all restoration reaches. 9.1. The profile for the lower restoration section of UT -3 Lower has been added to the construction plans. 10. Table 131: Proposed Bank Height Ratios should not exceed 1.2 (performance standard). Also, typically C/E channel design for MWR should be at least 3.5. Please explain the rationale for the proposed MWR range of 1.5 to 4.0 with an average of 3.0. 10.1. The performance standard for Bank Height Ratio is 1.2. The rationale for an MWR of 1.5 to 4.0 results from reference reach data that has meander width ratios ranging from 1.0 to 3.7. The lower MWR is due to steeper sloped streams associated with the Mountain Physiographic province, where B -type channel pattern (lower sinuosity, narrower pool -to -pool spacing) variables occur, even within C/E-type channels. Todd Bowers, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, August 6, 2018 1. Section 1.2/Page 1: Project Components and Structure a. Denote that the 10,227 Stream Mitigation Units are for cold -water credit in the text and in Table 1. i. Section 1.2 Project Components and Structure: The first paragraph and Table 1 have been updated to denote "cold -water" credit. b. Mention that there are power lines that will be moved to accommodate the project. i. Section 8.4.2 of the individual reach descriptions currently states that the project will include "relocation of the powerline outside the conservation easement." 1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492 2. Table 4/Page 6: a. USGS Hydrologic Unit 8 and 14 -digit codes should be 8 and 14 digits. i. Table 4 was updated accordingly. 3. Table 8/Page 15: a. The design discharge velocity for the Proposed Restoration Reaches has a range of 3.7 to 4.2 ft/s. UT1 on Table 9 shows a velocity of 5.54 so the range should read: 3.7 to 5.5 ft/s. L Table 8 (Proposed [Restoration Reaches]) Design Discharge Velocity was changed to "3.7-5.5 ft/s." 4. Section 3.6.1/Page 15: a. Recommend adding language that includes lack of riparian buffer vegetation as a stressor to site streams. i. Section 3.6.1 has been updated to read, "Site UTs are characterized by incised channels that receive extensive sediment and nutrient inputs, are eroded vertically and laterally, have been cleared of riparian vegetation, are dredged and straightened, and/or rerouted to the floodplain edge." 5. Table 12/Page 24: a. What does "ceasing current land use practices" refer to? Does this mean removing livestock and agriculture from uplands or just within the riparian zone? Nutrient inputs will likely continue as upland land practices remain so this statement is overly vague. i. Text in Table 12B has been changed to: "Remove livestock and cease agriculture practices within areas protected by the conservation easement." b. Recommend including "Adding LWD" to the list of objectives/actions to support Habitat goals. i. The recommended objective was added to Table 12B. 6. Section 8.1/Page 29: a. Recommend the sponsor consider alternatives to using TerraCell for drop structures (UT -8 and marsh treatment areas) as they are primarily made of polyethylene. This material is not biodegradable and therefore will remain in the ecosystem long after the stream outfall and the meander in the Swannanoa River have shifted from their current location and the device has long outlived its usefulness. i. TerraCell will be removed, and a drop structure constructed of stone and wood will be added to the construction plans. Section 8.1 (Drop Structures) was revised to read as follows: "One drop structure is proposed on UT -8. The 1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492 drop structure may be constructed out of stone and wood, as depicted in typical details of the construction plans. The structure should be constructed to resist erosive forces associated with hydraulic drops proposed at the Site." 7. Section 8.4/Pages 30 — 40: a. Recommend a heavy edit to the stream nomenclature to match Figures 7-71. Every stream reach in Figures 7-71 has A -B -C nomenclature which is not consistent with the text of Section 8.4. For example, UT -1 (Upper) is called UT- 1A in Figure 7A and UT-1(Lower) is called UT -1B and C in Figure 7B. The text in Section 8.4 has been altered to match Figures 7 through 71. Specifically, the headings of each individual stream reach were revised to include the nomenclature for Figures 7 through 71. The reason for the discrepancy arises from multiple entities requiring or requesting specific nomenclature for each reach. For example, North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services requests the UT -1A, UT -1B, UT -1C nomenclature in order to match asset tables with figures. However, the college requests specific nomenclature to match fields and specific areas on the campus. Efforts have been made to make the document and figures clear for all parties. Headings for Section 8.4 were updated as follows: 1. 8.4.1 UT -1 Upper (Swim Pond, UT -1A in Figure 7A) 2. 8.4.2 UT -1 Lower (Hog Bottom, UT -1B and UT -1C in Figure 7B) 3. 8.4.3 UT -2 (Lower Field/Pig Pond in Figure 7B) 4. 8.4.4 UT -3 Upper (Little Berea/Clingman's, UT -3A, UT -3B, UT -3C in Figures 7C and 7D) 5. 8.4.5 UT -3 Lower (Stokes Field, UT -3D, UT -3E, UT -3F, UT -3G in Figure 7E) 6. 8.4.6 UT -4 (Clingman's, UT -4A and UT -4B in Figures 7C and 7D) 7. 8.4.7 UT -5 (Bellfield, UT -5A and UT -5B in Figure 7F) 8. 8.4.8 UT -6 (S -Field, UT -6A, UT -6B, UT -6C in Figures 7G and 7H) 9. 8.4.9 UT -7 (Big Bottom Field, UT -7A in Figures 7G and 71) 10. 8.4.10 UT -8 (Forbat's Field, UT -8A in Figure 71) b. Each stream reach description should reference the appropriate Figure (7A-71) in Appendix A. i. See response to comment 7a above. c. UT -2 is not shown on any map. Recommend including it on Figure 7B to improve clarity. i. UT -2 has been added to Figures 4 and 7B. 1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492 d. Recommend adding description of footpath crossing in Reach UT -313 just below confluence of UT -3 and UT -4. i. Text has been added to clarify the current and future condition of the crossing in this location. e. Recommend adding description of crossing of UT -413 shown in Figures 7C and 7D. i. Please see section 8.1 (Stream Restoration) for descriptions of piped channel crossings. f. Recommend adding description of the 31 -foot easement break in UT -513 and the 48 feet of Ell work for UT -5A as show in Figure 7F. i. The 31 -foot easement break is a power line crossing that is not permitted to be included in the conservation easement. Descriptions for Ell work are provided in Section 8.3 (Stream Enhancement [Level 11]). g. For UT -6, I recommend referencing the appropriate reach (UT -6 A, B or C) and the level of work for each. UT -613 is Priority One restoration and UT -6A is Enhancement 11 work. Also recommend that conservation easement breaks due to roads and culverts are included in the description as well as the marsh treatment area in UT - 6B. The description is in the discussion of UT -7 i. Text has been added to clarify the reach work for UT -6A, UT -613, and UT -6C. In addition, the following text was added to the UT -6 reach description: "Two easement breaks in the lower reaches of UT -6 are necessary to allow access for agriculture equipment. Both crossings will be piped channel crossings as described in Section 8.1. Agriculture ditches will be directed to a marsh treatment area that will be constructed as described in Section 8.1." h. Recommend clarifying the restoration approach for UT -7. i. Please see Section 8.4.9 for details concerning the restoration approach for UT -7. Recommend adding discussion of powerlines and other easement breaks for UT -7 and UT -8. i. The following text was added to corresponding reach descriptions: 1. "Two easement breaks in UT -7 are necessary to allow access for agriculture equipment and to accommodate a sewer line easement. The piped crossing will be constructed as described in Section 8.1." 2. "An easement break in UT -8 is necessary due to an existing sewer line easement." 1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492 j. Add discussion of restoration priority type and the proposed drop structure or method for UT -8 tie in to the Swannanoa River. i. The restoration priority type (Priority 1) was added to the last paragraph of the reach description. The description of the proposed drop structure is included in Section 8.1. 8. Section 9.1/Page 46: a. State the goals and objectives assumed to be functionally elevated by restoration activities. i. Table 20 states the goals to be functionally elevated based on data collected at the Site and in reference reaches. b. Vegetation must be at a minimum of 260 stems per acre at Year 5, rather than Year 4 (Table 19). i. Table 19 has been updated accordingly. 9. Appendix A/Figure 4D: Recommend adding UT -2 to the figure to illustrate a potential stressor to function and water quality of UT -1. a. Figures have been updated to include UT -2. Thank you for your time, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Worth Creech Project Manager 1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents 1 Project Introduction..................................................................................................................1 1.1 Directions to the Site.........................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Project Components and Structure..............................................................................................................1 2 Watershed Approach and Site Selection.............................................................................8 2.1 Land Use/Development Trends.....................................................................................................................8 2.2 French Broad River Basin Restoration Priorities......................................................................................8 3 Baseline and Existing Conditions.........................................................................................10 3.1 Physiography and Land Use.........................................................................................................................10 3.2 Water Quality.....................................................................................................................................................10 3.3 Geology & Soils................................................................................................................................................10 3.4 Sediment Model............................................................................................................................................... 12 3.5 Nutrient Model.................................................................................................................................................. 13 3.6 Existing Stream Characteristics................................................................................................................... 14 3.6.1 Stream Morphology........................................................................................................................ 15 3.6.2 Discharge.............................................................................................................................................15 3.7 Channel Stability Assessment...................................................................................................................... 16 3.8 Bankfull Verification........................................................................................................................................ 18 4 Reference Streams...................................................................................................................19 4.1 UT -4 Reference..................................................................................................................................................19 4.2 Chemtronics Reference..................................................................................................................................19 5 Reference Forest Ecosyste 6 Functional Uplift & Project Goals and Objectives 20 21 7 Site Design and Implementation Constraints.................................................................. 25 7.1 Existing Paths.....................................................................................................................................................25 7.2 Threatened & Endangered Species...........................................................................................................26 7.3 Cultural Resources...........................................................................................................................................27 7.4 FEMA.....................................................................................................................................................................28 7.5 Utilities..................................................................................................................................................................28 7.6 Air Transport Facilities.................................................................................................................................... 28 Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina i November 2018 8 Design Approach and Mitigation Work Plan................................................................... 29 8.1 Stream Restoration..........................................................................................................................................29 8.2 Stream Enhancement (Level 1)..................................................................................................................... 30 8.3 Stream Enhancement (Level 11).................................................................................................................... 30 8.4 Individual Reach Mitigation Discussions.................................................................................................30 8.4.1 UT -1 (Upper) Swim Pond...............................................................................................................30 8.4.2 UT -1 (Lower) Hog Bottom.............................................................................................................32 8.4.3 UT -2 (Lower Field/Pig Pond)........................................................................................................32 8.4.4 UT -3 Upper (Little Berea/Clingman's)....................................................................................... 33 8.4.5 UT -3 Lower (Stokes Field)............................................................................................................. 36 8.4.6 UT -4 (Clingman's Field)..................................................................................................................37 8.4.7 UT-5(Ballfield)...................................................................................................................................38 8.4.8 UT -6 (S-Field).....................................................................................................................................38 8.4.9 UT -7 (Big Bottom Field)................................................................................................................. 39 8.4.10 UT -8 (Forbat's Field)........................................................................................................................40 8.5 Natural Plant Community Restoration.....................................................................................................40 8.5.1 Natural Community Classification..............................................................................................41 8.5.2 Planting Strategy..............................................................................................................................41 8.5.3 Nuisance Species Management..................................................................................................43 9 Performance Standards and Monitoring Plan.................................................................44 9.1 Success Criteria................................................................................................................................................. 46 9.2 Contingency.......................................................................................................................................................46 9.2.1 Stream Contingency........................................................................................................................46 9.2.2 Vegetation Contingency................................................................................................................47 9.3 Compatibility with Project Goals................................................................................................................47 10 Adaptive Management Plan 49 11 Long -Term Management Plan............................................................................................. 50 12 References Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina ii 51 November 2018 TABLES Table 1 Project Mitigation Assets and Components....................................................................................3 Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History ..............................................................................................5 Table3 Project Contacts...........................................................................................................................................5 Table 4 Project Attribute Table..............................................................................................................................6 Table5 Population Growth......................................................................................................................................8 Table 6 Web Soil Survey Soils Mapped within the Site...........................................................................11 Table 7 BEHI and NBS Modeling Summary ..................................................................................................13 Table 8 Essential Morphology Parameters....................................................................................................15 Table 9 Stream Power (S2) and Shear Stress (i) Values............................................................................17 Table 10 Reference Reach Bankfull Discharge Analysis.............................................................................18 Table 11 Reference Forest Ecosystem................................................................................................................20 Table 12A North Carolina Stream Assessment Method Summary ..........................................................22 Table 12B Stream Targeted Functions, Goals, and Objectives...................................................................24 Table 13 Federally Protected Species.................................................................................................................26 Table 14 Important Archaeological Sites..........................................................................................................27 Table15 Seed Mix.......................................................................................................................................................41 Table16 Planting Plan...............................................................................................................................................42 Table17 Monitoring Schedule..............................................................................................................................44 Table18 Monitoring Summary .............................................................................................................................45 Table19 Success Criteria..........................................................................................................................................46 Table 20 Compatibility of Performance Criteria to Project Goals and Objectives ..........................48 Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina iii November 2018 APPENDICES Appendix A Figures Appendix B Stream Data Appendix C Regional Regression Model Data Appendix D Jurisdictional Determination Appendix E Categorical Exclusion Document Appendix F Northern Long -Eared Bat (NLEB) 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation Form Appendix G Archeological Testing and Site Assessment for 31 BN28 Appendix H Financial Assurance Appendix I Site Protection Instrument Appendix J Credit Release Schedule Appendix K Maintenance Plan Appendix L Post -IRT Site Visit Notes Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina iv November 2018 ABBREVIATIONS BMPs best management practices col colonies College Warren Wilson College lbs/yr pounds per year NC SAM North Carolina Stream Assessment Method NC SFAT NC Stream Functional Assessment Team NC WAM North Carolina Wetland Assessment Model NCDEQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality NCDMS North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services NCDWR North Carolina Division of Water Resources NCEEP North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program RBRP River Basin Restoration Priorities Site Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site SMU Stream Mitigation Unit TLW Targeted Local Watershed tons/year tons per year USGS United States Geological Survey UT unnamed tributary Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina v November 2018 1 Project Introduction The Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site (the Site), located entirely within the Warren Wilson College property, encompasses 23.9 acres (Figure 1, Appendix A). Warren Wilson College (the College) occupies approximately 1,200 acres (2% campus, 59% forest, and 39% agriculture). The Site is part of an actively managed farm and forest system on the Warren Wilson College property that includes livestock management areas, pastureland, agricultural row crops, and a sustainably managed forest. The Site includes seven cold -water, unnamed tributaries (UTs) to the Swannanoa River that are proposed for mitigation, located in the French Broad River Basin 14 -digit United States Geological Survey (USGS) Cataloging Unit and Targeted Local Watershed 06010105070030 of the Tennessee Region (North Carolina Division of Water Resources [NCDWR] subbasin 04-03-02; Figure 2, Appendix A). The Site is located in the Broad Basins Ecoregion of the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province, approximately 2 miles west of Swannanoa and 5 miles east of Asheville in Buncombe County, North Carolina. 1.1 Directions to the Site Directions to the Site from Raleigh, North Carolina: • Take 1-40 West from Raleigh and travel 229 miles. • Take exit 59 towards Swannanoa and turn right onto Patton Cove Road. • After 0.3 mile, turn left onto US -70 West. • Travel 1.9 miles, then turn right onto Warren Wilson Road. • After 1.4 miles, Riceville Road is on the left, and South Lane is on the right. - Site parcels can be accessed off Warren Wilson Road, Riceville Road, and South Lane. - Site latitude and longitude: 35.609817, -82.443540 (WGS84) 1.2 Project Components and Structure The Site includes 10,164 linear feet (If) of degraded stream channel (seven UTs to the Swannanoa River) that will be mitigated as part of the proposed project (Figures 4 and 4A through 4D, Appendix A). Proposed Site mitigation activities will result in the following (Table 1, Figures 7A through 71, Appendix A): • Provide 10,227 cold -water Stream Mitigation Units (SMUs). - Restore 9,381 If of perennial stream channel by constructing stable streams in the historic floodplain location and elevation. - Enhance (Level 1) 62 If of stream by installing in -stream structures, providing proper channel dimension and appropriate floodplain width, reducing shear on eroding banks, Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina November 2018 controlling invasive species within the riparian area, and planting with native riparian vegetation. — Enhance (Level II) 2,012 If of stream channel by removing current land use practices, controlling invasive species within the riparian area, and planting native vegetation. • Install four marsh treatment areas to treat stormwater runoff before it enters Site streams. • Completely remove a partially breached in-line dam on UT -1 upper to restore unimpeded streamflow. • Establish a minimum 30 -foot -wide woody riparian buffer adjacent to Site streams. • Fence the conservation easement boundaries in areas used for livestock management. • Protect the Site in perpetuity with a conservation easement Completed project activities, reporting history, completion dates, project contacts, and background information are summarized in Tables 1 through 4. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina November 2018 Table 1 Project Mitigation Assets and Components Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina November 2018 Map Cold -Water Reach Existing Mitigation Restoration Priority Mitigation Mitigation Reach ID Footage Stationing Plan Footage Level* Level Ratio Credits Notes/Comments UT -1 UT -1A 189 0+09-4+92 483 Restoration 1 1:1 483.0 -- Upper UT -113 13 1+09-1+22 13 Ell -- 2.5:1 5.2 -- UT-1 Lower UT -1C 554 1+22-7+06 584-20= 564 Restoration 1 1:1 564.0 20 If is outside of the easement and therefore is non -credit -generating. UT -3A 45 0+05-0+50 45 Ell -- 2.5:1 18.0 -- 20 If is outside of the easement and 5 0+50- 2116-20- If is located at a foot crossing within UT -3 UT -3B 1901 Restoration I/II 1:1 2,091.0 21+66 5=2091 the easement; therefore, these are Upper non -credit -generating. 1+66- 21+66- UT -3C 62 62 EI -- 1.5:1 41.3 -- 22+28 22+28 UT-31D 428 0+00-5+00 500 Restoration 1 1:1 500.0 -- UT-3E 334 5+00-8+34 334 Ell -- 2.5:1 133.6 -- UT-3 Lower UT -3F 91 8+34-9+60 126 Restoration 1 1:1 126.0 -- 9+60- 21 If is outside of the easement and UT-3G 721 721-21=700 Ell -- 2.5:1 280.0 16+81 therefore is non -credit -generating. UT -4A 70 0+00-2+33 233 Restoration 1 1:1 233.0 -- UT4 20 If is outside of the easement and UT -46 242 2+33-4+75 242-20=222 Ell -- 2.5:1 88.8 therefore is non -credit -generating. UT -5A 48 0+00-0+48 48 Ell -- 2.5:1 19.2 -- UT5 0+48- 1,110- 31 If is outside of the easement and UT -5B 719 Restoration I 1:1 1,079.0 11+58 31=1,079 therefore is non -credit -generating. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina November 2018 Note: *EI: Enhancement (Level 1), Ell: Enhancement (Level II) Table 1 (continued) Length Summation by Mitigation Category and Overall Asset Summary Restoration Level Map Cold -Water Mitigation Credits Restoration 9,616-235*=9,381 9,381.0 Enhancement (Level 1) 62 Cold -Water Enhancement (Level 11) 2,053-41*=2,012 Reach Existing 11,455 If Mitigation Restoration Priority Mitigation Mitigation Reach dk ID Footage Stationing Plan Footage Level* Level Ratio Credits Notes/Comments UT -6A 155 0+08-1+63 155 Ell -- 2.5:1 62.0 -- 2+16- 1,432- 20 If is outside of the easement and UT -613 713 Restoration 1/11 1:1 1,412 UT6 16+48 20=1,412 therefore is non -credit -generating. 16 6 +48- UT -6C 495 495 Ell -- 2.5:1 198.0 -- +43 Three areas totaling 101 If are 0+00- 1,985-36-20- UT -7 UT -7A 2426 Restoration 1 1:1 1,884 outside of the easement and 19+85 45=1,884 therefore are non -credit -generating. 0+18- 1,047- 38 If is outside of the easement and UT -8 UT -8A 957 Restoration 11 1:1 1,009 10+65 38=1,009 therefore is non -credit -generating. Note: *EI: Enhancement (Level 1), Ell: Enhancement (Level II) Table 1 (continued) Length Summation by Mitigation Category and Overall Asset Summary Restoration Level Stream (linear footage) Cold -Water Mitigation Credits Restoration 9,616-235*=9,381 9,381.0 Enhancement (Level 1) 62 41.3 Enhancement (Level 11) 2,053-41*=2,012 804.8 Totals 11,455 If 10,227 SMUs Note: *Areas located outside of the easement or at a foot path crossing within the easement and therefore are non -credit -generating. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina November 2018 Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Activity or Deliverable Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery RFP No. 16-006991 Issuance Date September 16, 2016 September 16, 2016 RFP No. 16-006991 Opening Date February 15, 2017 February 15, 2017 DEQ Contract No. 7188 (Project Instituted) -- May 22, 2017 (DEQ Contract Execution Date) Mitigation Plan March 2018 June 2018 Construction Plans -- -- Note: NCDEQ: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Table 3 Project Contacts Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 5 November 2018 Restoration Systems 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Full Delivery Provider Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Worth Creech 919-755-9490 Anchor QEA of North Carolina, PLLC 231 Haywood Street Designer Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Stuart Ryman 828-281-3350 Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 5 November 2018 Table 4 Project Attribute Table Project Background Information Project Name Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site County Buncombe County, North Carolina Project Area (acres) 23.9 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) 35.609817, -82.443540 Area of Planted Woody Stems (acres) 19.64 Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Blue Ridge River Basin French Broad USGS Hydrologic Unit 8 -di it 06010105 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14 -di it 06010105070030 DWR Sub -basin 04-03-02 Project Drainage Area 0.08-1.28 square miles (49.9-822.3 acres) Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area < 5% CGIA Land Use Classification Cultivated, Managed Herbaceous Vegetation, Unmanaged Herbaceous Vegetation, Hardwood Swamp, Oak/Gum/Cypress Reach Summary Information Parameters UT -1 UT -3 UT -4 UT -5 UT -6 UT -7 UT -8 Existing length of reach (linear feet) 756.7 3,581.6 312.3 768.6 1,362.6 2,425.5 957.1 Valley confinement (Confined, moderately confined, unconfined) Moderately confined to somewhat unconfined (UT -3 & UT -5) Drainage area (Square Miles) 0.27 1.28 0.24 0.15 0.08 0.22 0.10 Perennial (P), Intermittent (1), Ephemeral € P P P P I/P P P DWR Water Quality Classification C Thermal Regime Cold Water Existing Morphological Description Cg4 Eg4 G4 G3 G3 Gb4 Eg4 Proposed Morphological Description Cb4 Ce4 C4 Ce4 Ce4 Eb4 C4 Evolutionary Trend II/III (Channelized/Degraded) FEMA classification NA Zone AE NA I NA NA NA NA Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina November 2018 Regulatory Considerations Parameters Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Docs Water of the United States - Section 404 Yes Yes JD Package (Appendix D) Water of the United States - Section 401 Yes Yes JD Package (Appendix D) Endangered Species Act Yes Yes CE Document (Appendix E) and NLEB Form (Appendix F) Historic Preservation Act Yes No CE Document (Appendix E) and Archaeology Report (Appendix G) Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA or CAMA) NA -- NA FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes No Section 7.4 Essential Fisheries Habitat NA -- NA Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina November 2018 2 Watershed Approach and Site Selection Primary considerations for Site selection include the potential for protection/improvement of water quality within a region of North Carolina under heavy livestock, agricultural, and developmental pressure. More specifically, considerations include hydrologic conditions of the Site, compatibility with adjacent land uses, reasonably foreseeable effects the mitigation project will have on ecologically important aquatic and terrestrial resources, and potential development trends and land use changes. 2.1 Land Use/Development Trends The Site is located in the French Broad River Basin 8 -digit USGS Cataloging Unit 06010105, more specifically in the Middle Swannanoa River/Bull Creek/Beetree Creek 14 -digit Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) 06010105070030. This 14 -digit watershed is more forested (78%) and less developed (15%) than the other three Swannanoa subwatersheds, yet it retains some agricultural land (7%). However, approximately 35% of its streams lack a forested buffer, and development in this watershed is increasing, most notably with new construction of very large gated communities and golf courses on southern slopes within the watershed (North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program [NCEEP] 2009). The Site is located approximately 2 miles west of Swannanoa and 5 miles east of Asheville. According to United States census data, Asheville's population increased 17.3% between 2000 and 2010 and an additional 6.5% between 2010 and 2016 (USCB 2000, 2016). Much of this growth is attributed to the migration of people to the South for better climates and jobs, in addition to the migration of baby boomers in or near retirement. The population increase correlates with increased development pressures throughout the Asheville area with new construction of residential and commercial properties. Table 5 Population Growth Location Population in 2000 Population 2010 % Change 2000 to 2010 Population in 2016 % Change 2010 to 2016 Asheville 68,889 83,344 17.3% 89,121 6.5% Buncombe County 206,330 238,352 13.4% 256,088 6.9% 2.2 French Broad River Basin Restoration Priorities Stressors documented in the French Broad River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP) report (NCEEP 2009) include habitat degradation, poor riparian buffers, nutrient enrichment, channelization, sedimentation, and toxicity primarily attributed to urban and residential runoff and development. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina November 2018 Within the Site, stressors can further be attributed to soil instability, increased runoff, and water quality impairments in the receiving watersheds. The project is not located in a Regional or Local Watershed Planning Area; however, the RBRP goals outlined below are addressed by project activities as follows (Site-specific information follows each RBRP goal in parentheses). 1. Reduce sediment inputs (based on the sediment model [Section 3.41, reducing approximately 228 tons per year [tons/year] of sediment resulting from streambank erosion, excessive fines from channel straightening, channel incision, lack of cobble substrate in disturbed reaches, and a narrow or absent riparian buffer) 2. Reduce nutrient inputs (based on the nutrient model [Section 3.5], reducing 657.4 pounds per year [lbs/yr] of nitrogen and 54.5 lbs/yr of phosphorus by installing marsh treatment areas, removing current land uses and livestock, and eliminating fertilizer application) 3. Restore riparian buffers (removing current land uses and livestock, controlling invasive species, and planting approximately 19.6 acres of woody riparian buffers adjacent to streams) 4. Stabilize streambanks (restoring stable channels at the historic floodplain elevation, and enhancing oversized and incised channels by raising the stream invert and using grade control/habitat structures) 5. Restore and/or protect aquatic habitat (restoring aquatic habitat in restoration and enhancement [Level 11 reaches by installing grade control/habitat structures, coarsening channel bed materials, removing nutrient inputs, and planting woody riparian buffers to provide shade and organic matter to streams) 6. Reduce fecal coliform inputs (based on the nutrient model [Section 3.5], reducing 31.2 x 10" colonies [col] of fecal coliform per day by removing current land uses and livestock and treating agricultural runoff with marsh treatment areas) 7. Implement agricultural best management practices (BMPs), such as fencing livestock from accessing the easement and installing marsh treatment areas. Site-specific mitigation goals and objectives have been developed through the use of the North Carolina Stream Assessment Method (NC SAM) and are discussed further in Section 6 (Functional Uplift & Project Goals/Objectives). Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina November 2018 3 Baseline and Existing Conditions 3.1 Physiography and Land Use The Site is located in the Broad Basins Ecoregion of the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province within Buncombe County, North Carolina. Regional physiography is characterized by intermountain basins with low mountains, rolling foothills, moderately broad mountain valleys, and moderate gradient streams with mostly cobble and boulders and low -to -moderate -gradient rivers with sand and bedrock substrates (Griffith et al. 2002). On-site elevations range from a high of 2,180 feet to a low of approximately 2,120 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum (USGS Oteen, North Carolina 7.5 -minute topographic quadrangle; Figures 1 and 3, Appendix A). The primary hydrologic features of the Site include seven UTs to the Swannanoa River. Site drainage areas range in size from 0.08 to 1.28 square miles (49.9 to 822.3 acres; Figure 3, Appendix A). The Site drainage areas are primarily composed of forest and agriculture land. Detailed GIS analysis of the upstream drainages indicates that less than 5% is impervious, including roads, driveways, and rooftops. The Site, located within the Warren Wilson College property, consists of agricultural and managed forest land accessible to livestock. Site streams are currently part of an actively managed farm and forest system that includes livestock, pastureland, agricultural row crops, and sustainable forest management. Streams are eroded vertically and laterally, receive extensive sediment and nutrient inputs, and have been dredged and straightened and/or rerouted to the floodplain edge. 3.2 Water Quality The Site is located within the French Broad River Basin in 14 -digit USGS Cataloging Unit and Targeted Local Watershed 06010105070030 of the Tennessee Region (North Carolina Division of Water Resources [NCDWR] subbasin 04-03-02; Figure 2, Appendix A). Topographic features of the Site include first- and second -order UTs to the Swannanoa River. Site UTs drain to a reach of the Swannanoa River, which has been assigned Stream Index Number 6-78 and a Best Usage Classification of C (NCDWR 2016). Site tributaries and their immediate receiving waters are not listed on the final 2016 NC 303(d) list (NCDWR 2018); however, the Swannanoa River from its source to the North Fork Swannanoa River (Assessment Unit Number 6-78a), located approximately 5 miles upstream from the Site, is listed due to exceeding criteria for benthos. 3.3 Geology & Soils Site UTs occur within an alluvial system with a floodplain composed of unconsolidated sedimentary deposits. Therefore, bedrock control is not expected within Site UTs as it would be on the Swannanoa River. Geologic probing on UT -8 revealed no bedrock. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 10 November 2018 Soils that occur within the Site, according to the Web Soil Survey (USDA 2016) are described in the following table. Table 6 Web Soil Survey Soils Mapped within the Site Hydric Soil Series Status Description Biltmore loamy This series consist of very deep, occasionally flooded, well -drained soils formed in sand Nonhydric recent alluvium found on floodplains in the Southern Appalachian Mountains and (BeA) mesic areas of the Southern Piedmont. Permeability is rapid. Slopes are typically 0 to 3%. Clifton clay loam This series consists of moderately eroded, very deep, well -drained, moderately and sandy loam Nonhydric permeable soils on ridges and side slopes of the Blue Ridge. Clifton soils formed in (CkD2, CsQ residuum weathered from intermediate and mafic igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks that are high in ferromagnesium minerals. Slopes are 8 to 30%. This complex consists of occasionally flooded, moderately well -drained, moderately Dellwood- rapidly to very rapidly permeable soils formed in dominantly coarse-textured alluvium Reddies complex Nonhydric or in recent alluvium that is loamy in the upper part and is moderately deep to sandy (DeA) strata containing more than 35% by volume gravel and/or cobbles. These soils are found on floodplains in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Slopes are typically 0 to 3%. This series consists of rarely flooded, deep or very deep, moderately well -drained, Dillard loam Nonhydric moderately slow permeable soils that formed in loamy alluvium of the Holocene age (DrB) and occur on narrow, nearly level to sloping stream terraces and toe slopes. Slopes are 1 to 5%. Evard-Cowee This series consist of stony, very deep, well -drained, moderately rapidly permeable complex Nonhydric soils found on mountain slopes, hillslopes, and ridges. Slopes are typically 15 to 50%. (EwD, EwE) This series consist of occasionally flooded, very deep, moderately well -drained to French loam somewhat poorly drained, moderately rapidly permeable soils with contrasting (FrA) Nonhydric textures formed in recent alluvial sediments and found on floodplains of small streams in the southern Appalachian and Blue Ridge Mountains. Slopes are typically 0 to 3%. This series consists of rarely flooded, very poorly drained, slowly permeable soils that Hemphill loam Hydric formed in alluvium, and found on nearly level, low stream terraces in the Southern (HpA) Blue Ridge. The seasonal high-water tables are at a depth of 0 to 1 foot in winter and early spring, and 0.5 to 1.5 feet in summer and fall. Slopes are 0 to 3%. This series consists of very deep, somewhat poorly drained, moderately permeable lotla loam Nonhydric soils formed in recently deposited, loamy alluvial materials found on nearly level (loA) floodplains of the southern Blue Ridge Mountains. These soils are occasionally to frequently flooded for brief durations. Slopes are 0 to 2%. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 11 November 2018 Jurisdictional wetlands were delineated and mapped by a licensed soil scientist in November 2017, and subsequently field -verified by the United State Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) regulatory agent, Amanda Jones Fuemmeler, on January 25, 2018; the Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination is included in Appendix D. Wetlands have been disturbed by livestock grazing, clearing of vegetation, stream channel incision, and/or relocation of stream channels to the floodplain margins. 3.4 Sediment Model Sediment load modeling was performed using methodologies outlined in A Practical Method of Computing Streambank Erosion Rate (Rosgen 2009) along with Estimating Sediment Loads using the Bank Assessment of Non -Point Sources Consequences of Sediment (Rosgen 2011). These models provide a quantitative prediction of streambank erosions by calculating Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) and Near -Bank Stress (NBS) along each Site reach. The resulting BEHI and NBS values are then compared to streambank erodibility graphs prepared for North Carolina by the North Carolina Stream Restoration Institute and North Carolina Sea Grant. Streambank characteristics involve measurements of bank height, angles, materials, presence of layers, rooting depth, rooting density, and percentage of the bank protected by rocks, logs, roots, or Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 12 November 2018 This series consists of poorly to very poorly drained, moderately rapidly permeable Nikwasi loam Hydric soils formed in recent alluvium consisting of loamy material that is moderately deep (NkA) to strata of sand, gravel, and/or cobbles. They are on nearly level, relatively narrow floodplains in the upper reaches of watersheds in the Blue Ridge. Slopes are 0 to 2%. Pits gravel Nonhydric This map unit consists of areas quarried for stone. (Pg) This series consists of occasionally flooded, very deep, well -drained to moderately Rosman fine well -drained, moderately rapidly permeable soils formed in loamy alluvium derived sandy loam Nonhydric from igneous, high-grade metamorphic or low-grade metasedimentary geology. They (RsA) are on nearly level flood plains in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Slopes are 0 to 3%. Statler loam This series consists of rarely flooded, very deep, well -drained soils formed in loamy (StB) Nonhydric alluvium. They are on level to sloping low terraces along streams in or flowing out of the Unaka Mountain Range. Slopes are 1 to 5%. Tate loam This series consists of very deep, well -drained, moderately permeable soils formed in (Ta B, TaC, TkC, Nonhydric colluvium weathered from felsic to mafic high-grade metamorphic rocks, which can TkD) be very stony. They are on benches, fans, and toe slopes in coves in the Blue Ridge. Slopes range from 2 to 30%. This series consists of very deep, moderately permeable, and poorly to very poorly Toxaway loam Hydric drained soils formed in loamy alluvial deposits on nearly level flood plains of (TsA) mountain valleys. This series is subject to common, very brief floods. Slopes range from 0 to 2%. Udorthents- This series consists of deep or very deep, somewhat excessively drained to moderately Urban land Nonhydric well -drained, very rapidly to slowly permeable soils found on intermountain hills and (UhE) low and intermediate mountains. Slopes range from 2 to 50%. Jurisdictional wetlands were delineated and mapped by a licensed soil scientist in November 2017, and subsequently field -verified by the United State Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) regulatory agent, Amanda Jones Fuemmeler, on January 25, 2018; the Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination is included in Appendix D. Wetlands have been disturbed by livestock grazing, clearing of vegetation, stream channel incision, and/or relocation of stream channels to the floodplain margins. 3.4 Sediment Model Sediment load modeling was performed using methodologies outlined in A Practical Method of Computing Streambank Erosion Rate (Rosgen 2009) along with Estimating Sediment Loads using the Bank Assessment of Non -Point Sources Consequences of Sediment (Rosgen 2011). These models provide a quantitative prediction of streambank erosions by calculating Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) and Near -Bank Stress (NBS) along each Site reach. The resulting BEHI and NBS values are then compared to streambank erodibility graphs prepared for North Carolina by the North Carolina Stream Restoration Institute and North Carolina Sea Grant. Streambank characteristics involve measurements of bank height, angles, materials, presence of layers, rooting depth, rooting density, and percentage of the bank protected by rocks, logs, roots, or Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 12 November 2018 vegetation. Site reaches have been measured for each BEHI and NBS characteristic and predicted lateral erosion rate, height, and length to calculate a cubic volume of sediment contributed by the reach each year. Data forms for the analysis are available upon request and the data output is presented in Appendix B. Results of the model are summarized below. Table 7 BEHI and NBS Modeling Summary Stream Reach Proposed Mitigation Treatment Predicted Sediment Contribution (tons/year) UT -1 Restoration/Enhancement (Level II) 11.65 UT -3 and 4 Restoration/Enhancement (Level I & 11) 121.48 UT -5 Restoration/Enhancement (Level II) 32.93 UT -6 and 7 Restoration/Enhancement (Level II) 46.28 UT -8 Restoration/Enhancement (Level II) 15.53 Total Sediment Contribution (tons/year) 227.87 Results of the sediment model appear to match the prescribed mitigation treatment proposed for the Site. Site stream channels are contributing a significant amount of sediment to the downstream receiving waters. Based on this analysis, mitigation of impaired streams at the Site will reduce streambank erosion and subsequent sedimentation within receiving waters. 3.5 Nutrient Model Nutrient modeling was conducted using a method developed by NCDMS (NCDMS 2016) to determine nutrient and fecal coliform reductions from exclusion of livestock from the buffer. The equation for nutrient reduction for this model includes the following: Where: lbs TN reduction lbs(yr)=51.04 ac x Area (ac) yr lbs TP reduction (yr) lbs bs=4.23 acx Ara (ac) yr TN = total nitrogen TP = total phosphorus ac = acres Area = total area of restored riparian buffers inside of livestock exclusion fences Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 13 November 2018 Equations for fecal coliform reduction for this model include the following. Where: col Fecal coli f orm reduction (col) = 2.2 x 1011 da x AU x 0.085 Y Col = quantities of Fecal Coliform bacteria AU = animal unit (1,000 lbs of livestock) Results of the NCDMS analysis indicate approximately 657.4 lbs/yr of nitrogen, 54.5 lbs/yr of phosphorus, and 31.2 x 10" col of fecal coliform/day may be reduced due to exclusion of livestock from the easement area. 3.6 Existing Stream Characteristics Stream geometry and substrate data have been evaluated to classify existing stream conditions based on fluvial geomorphic principles (Rosgen 1996). This classification system characterizes stream reaches based on pattern, dimension, profile, and substrate. Primary components of the classification include degree of entrenchment, width -depth ratio, sinuosity, and channel slope. Locations of existing streams and cross-sections are depicted in Figures 4A through 4D (Appendix A). Stream geometry measurements under existing conditions are summarized in Table 8 (Essential Morphology Parameters) and Table 131 (Appendix B). Preliminary estimates of stable stream attributes are based primarily upon measurements of two reference reaches and regional curves. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 14 November 2018 Table 8 Essential Morphology Parameters Parameter Existing Condition (Restoration Reaches) UT 4 Reference Condition Chemtronics Reference Condition Proposed (Restoration Reaches) Valley Width (ft) 50-100 50 50 50-100 Contributing Drainage Area (mil) 0.08-1.09 0.21 1.04 0.08-1.09 Channel/Reach Classification Cg4, Eg4, G3, Gb4 EM B4 Cb4, Ce4, Eb4, C4 Design Discharge Width (ft) 2.6-19.3 6.8 14.0 6.1-17.1 Design Discharge Depth (ft) 0.4-1.6 0.9 1.2 0.4-1.2 Design Discharge Area (ft') 3.1-18.2 6.2 16.7 3.1-18.2 Design Discharge Velocity (ft/s) 3.7-8.7 4.8 4.2 3.7-5.5 Design Discharge (cfs) 11.5-75.8 29.6 69.5 11.5-75.8 Water Surface Slope 0.0039-0.0294 0.0226 0.0167 0.0034-0.0286 Sinuosity 1.01-1.06 1.16 1.03 1.05-1.15 Width/Depth Ratio 2.1-53.2 7.6 12 12-16 Bank Height Ratio 1.0-5.8 1.0 1.0 1.0-1.2 Entrenchment Ratio 1.2-21.2 2.9 1.4 1.3-13.7 Substrate Cobble, Gravel Gravel Gravel Cobble, Gravel Notes: ft: feet mi': square miles ft2: square feet ft/s: feet per second cfs: cubic feet per second 3.6.1 Stream Morphology Site UTs are characterized by incised channels that receive extensive sediment and nutrient inputs, are eroded vertically and laterally, have been cleared of riparian vegetation, have been dredged and straightened, and/or rerouted to the floodplain edge. Channel dredging has resulted in low sinuosity (1.01-1.06), little to no riffle -pool morphology, disturbed instream habitat, oversized channel cross- sectional areas (existing channels are 2 to 12 times the bankfull channel cross-sectional area), and limited or no access to Site floodplains during overbank events (bank -height ratios up to 5.8). 3.6.2 Discharge Rainfall in the region is highly variable, with precipitation at the local Asheville airport averaging approximately 47 inches per year (USDA 2009). Site stream discharge is dominated by a combination of upstream basin catchment, groundwater flow, and precipitation. Based on indicators of bankfull at reference reaches, the designed channel will equal approximately 80% of the channel size indicated by Mountain regional curves (Harman et al. 2000); this is discussed in Section 3.8 (Bankfull Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 15 November 2018 Verification). Therefore, based on reference measurements, the bankfull discharge for a 0.08- to 1.28 - square -mile watershed is expected to average 11.5 to 85.1 cubic feet per second and occur approximately every 1.3 to 1.5 years (Rosgen 1996, Leopold 1994). 3.7 Channel Stability Assessment Channel degradation or aggradation occurs when hydraulic forces exceed or do not approach the resisting forces in the channel. The amount of degradation or aggradation is a function of relative magnitude of these forces over time. The interaction of flow within the boundary of open channels is only imperfectly understood. Adequate analytical expressions describing this interaction have yet to be developed for conditions in natural channels. Thus, means of characterizing these processes rely heavily upon empirical formulas. Traditional approaches for characterizing stability can be placed in one of two categories: 1) maximum permissible velocity and 2) tractive force, or stream power and shear stress. The former is advantageous in that velocity can be measured directly. Shear stress and stream power cannot be measured directly and must be computed from various flow parameters. However, stream power and shear stress are generally better measures of fluid force on the channel boundary than velocity. Stream power and shear stress were estimated for 1) existing dredged and straightened reaches, 2) the reference reaches, and 3) proposed Site conditions. Important input values and output results (including stream power, shear stress, and per unit shear power and shear stress) are presented in Table 9. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 16 November 2018 Table 9 Stream Power (S2) and Shear Stress (T) Values Reach Bankfull Discharge (ft3/s) Water surface Slope MOO Total Stream Power (S2) f2/W Hydraulic Radius Shear Stress (T) Velocity (V) T V Tmax Existing Conditions UT -1 27.7 0.0294 50.82 4.66 4.16 7.63 0.55 4.20 11.44 UT -3 Upper 75.8 0.0146 69.06 5.71 3.31 3.02 1.52 4.57 4.53 UT -5 18.1 0.0140 15.81 2.59 8.70 7.60 0.27 2.05 11.40 UT -6 11.5 0.0039 2.80 0.51 4.34 1.06 0.40 0.42 1.59 UT -7 23.9 0.0202 30.13 4.07 1.69 2.13 1.57 3.35 3.19 UT -8 13.5 0.0046 3.88 0.57 3.91 1.12 0.44 0.50 1.68 Reference Conditions UT -4 Reference 29.6 0.0226 41.74 6.14 0.72 1.02 4.77 4.85 1.53 Chemtronics 69.5 0.0167 72.42 5.17 1.02 1.06 4.16 4.42 1.59 Proposed Conditions UT -1 27.7 0.0286 49.43 4.94 0.44 0.78 5.54 4.34 1.17 UT -3 Upper 75.8 0.0141 66.69 4.17 1.00 0.88 4.16 3.66 1.32 UT -5 18.1 0.0134 15.13 1.85 0.51 0.43 3.77 1.61 0.64 UT -6 11.5 0.0042 3.01 0.46 0.41 0.11 3.71 0.40 0.16 UT -7 23.9 0.0194 28.93 3.11 0.58 0.70 3.85 2.70 1.05 UT -8 13.5 0.0144 12.13 1.71 0.44 0.40 3.75 1.50 0.60 Notes: ft3/s: cubic feet per second ft/ft: feet per foot Existing Site streams are characterized by a wide range of water surface slopes and varying degrees of degradation. In general, stream power values of existing streams are slightly elevated as compared to proposed values, and shear stress values of existing streams are significantly elevated as compared to proposed and reference reach values. Proposed condition values are comparable to reference reach values when taking into consideration variations in water surface slope and drainage area; values for UT -5, UT -6, and UT -8 are lower than values for reference reaches as expected due to smaller drainage areas and lower water surface slopes. Proposed stream power and shear stress values appear adequate to mobilize and transport sediment through the Site, without aggradation of the channel or erosion on proposed streambanks while maintaining channel bed material characterized by gravel -sized particles. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 17 November 2018 3.8 Bankfull Verification For this study, the bankfull channel is defined as the channel dimensions designed to support the "channel forming" or "dominant" discharge (Gordon et al. 1992). Discharge estimates for the Site utilize an assumed definition of "bankfull" and the return interval associated with that bankfull discharge. Therefore, two reference reaches were measured to determine the assumed bankfull; more information for each reference reach is included in Section 4. For this analysis, field indicators of bankfull (primarily topographic breaks identified on the banks and riffle cross sections) were utilized to obtain an average bankfull cross-sectional area for the reference reaches. The Mountain regional curves were then utilized to plot the watershed area and discharge for the reference reach cross-sectional area. Field indicators of bankfull approximate an average discharge of 29.6 and 69.5 cfs, respectively for the UT -4 and Chemtronics Reference Reaches, respectively, which are 80 and 76% of that predicted by the regional curves; these are verified by the range approximated by the USGS regional regression equation (Appendix Q. The following table summarizes this discharge analysis of the reference reaches. Table 10 Reference Reach Bankfull Discharge Analysis Based on field indicators of bankfull on the UT -4 Reference Reach (80% of the curves), located upstream of the Site on an undisturbed reach of UT -4, the designed on-site channel restoration area will equal approximately 80% of the channel size indicated by Mountain regional curves. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 18 November 2018 Watershed Area Return Interval Discharge Method (square miles) (years) (cfs) UT -4 Reference Reach Mountain Regional Curves 0.21 1.3-1.5 37.0 (Harman et al. 2000) Blue Ridge/Piedmont Regional Regression Model 0.21 1.3-1.5 26-32 (USGS 2006) Field Indicators of Bankfull 0.21 1.3-1.5 29.6 Chemtronics Reference Reach Mountain Regional Curves 1.04 1.3-1.5 91.6 (Harman et al. 2000) Blue Ridge/Piedmont Regional Regression Model 1.04 1.3-1.5 80-100 (USGS 2006) Field Indicators of Bankfull 1.04 1.3-1.5 69.5 Based on field indicators of bankfull on the UT -4 Reference Reach (80% of the curves), located upstream of the Site on an undisturbed reach of UT -4, the designed on-site channel restoration area will equal approximately 80% of the channel size indicated by Mountain regional curves. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 18 November 2018 4 Reference Streams Two reference reaches were identified for the Site (Figure 1, Appendix A). The first (UT -4 Reference, Figures 5A -5C, Appendix A) is located upstream of the Site on an undisturbed reach of UT -4. The second (Chemtronics, Figures 6A -6C, Appendix A) is located less than 1.5 miles northeast of the Site on Gregg Branch. The two reference reaches were measured and classified by stream type (Rosgen 1996) (Table B1, Warren Wilson College Morphological Stream Characteristics, Appendix B). The reference reaches are relatively stable, undisturbed reaches, which offer variability in drainage areas, slopes, and sinuosity, which approximates variability of proposed restoration reaches located on the Site. 4.1 UT -4 Reference Classification: The UT -4 Reference is characterized as an Eb-type stream channel dominated by gravel substrate. Bankfull/Discharge: Field indicators of bankfull approximate an average discharge of 29.6 cfs, which is 80% of that predicted by Mountain regional curves. Dimension: Data collected at the UT -4 Reference indicates averages for bankfull cross-sectional area of 6.2 square feet, bankfull width of 6.8 feet, bankfull depth of 0.9 feet, width -to -depth ratio of 7.6, and bank -height ratio of 1.0. Pattern and Profile: In -field measurements yielded an average sinuosity of 1.16 (thalweg distance/straight-line distance). The valley slope is 0.0262 and the average water surface slope is 0.0226. 4.2 Chemtronics Reference Classification: The Chemtronics Reference is characterized as a B -type stream channel dominated by gravel substrate. Bankfull/Discharge: Field indicators of bankfull approximate an average discharge of 69.5 cfs, which is 76% of that predicted by Mountain regional curves. Dimension: Data collected at the Chemtronics Reference indicates averages for bankfull cross- sectional area of 16.7 square feet, bankfull width of 14.0 feet, bankfull depth of 1.2 feet, width -to - depth ratio of 12.0, and bank -height ratio of 1.0. Pattern and Profile: In -field measurements yielded an average sinuosity of 1.03 (thalweg distance/straight-line distance). The valley slope is 0.0172 and the average water surface slope is 0.0167. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 19 November 2018 5 Reference Forest Ecosystem A Reference Forest Ecosystem (RFE) is a forested area on which to model restoration efforts at the Site in relation to soils and vegetation. RFEs should be ecologically stable climax communities and should be a representative model of the Site as it likely existed prior to human disturbances. Data describing plant community composition and structure should be collected at the RFEs and subsequently applied as reference data to emulate a natural climax community. The RFE for this project is located on the UT -4 Reference, which is immediately upstream of the Site on a stable, relatively undisturbed reach, in addition to riparian areas adjacent to the lower reaches of UT -3 on the Site. The RFE supports plant community and landform characteristics that restoration efforts will attempt to emulate. Tree and shrub species identified within the reference forest (Table 11) will be used, in addition to other relevant species in appropriate Schafale and Weakley (1990) and Schafale (2012) community descriptions. Table 11 Reference Forest Ecosystem Montane Alluvial Forest red maple (Acer rubrum) sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum) tag alder (Alnus serrulata) white pine (Pinus strobus) ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana) American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) pignut hickory (Carya glabra) black cherry (Prunus serotina) green ash (Froxinus pennsylvanica) white oak (Quercus alba) American holly (Ilex opaca) Northern red oak (Quercus rubra) eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) post oak (Quercus stellata) black walnut (Juglans nigra) oak (Quercus sp.) tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 20 November 2018 6 Functional Uplift and Project Goals and Objectives RBRP goals outlined below are addressed by project activities; see Section 2.2 for a more details on RBRP goals and project activities. • Reduce sediment inputs • Reduce nutrient inputs • Restore riparian buffers • Stabilize streambanks • Restore and/or protect aquatic habitat • Reduce fecal coliform inputs • Implement agriculture BMPs Site-specific mitigation goals and objectives have been developed using NC SAM analyses of existing impaired and reference streams at the Site (NC Stream Functional Assessment Team [NC SFAT] 2015). These methodologies rate functional metrics for streams as high, medium, or low, based on field data collected on forms and transferred into a rating calculator. Using Boolean logic, the rating calculator assigns a high, medium, or low value for each metric and overall function of the stream. Site functional assessment data forms are available upon request and model output is included in Appendix B. Table 12A summarizes NC SAM metrics ratings; metrics targeted to meet the Site's goals and objectives are depicted in bold. NC SAM reaches are depicted on Figures 4A -4D (Appendix A). Based on NC SAM output, all three primary stream functional metrics (Hydrology, Water Quality, and Habitat), as well as the majority of the sub -metrics are under -performing as exhibited by a LOW metric ratings. These same metrics measured in the stable, relatively undisturbed UT -4 Reference Reach (WWC-01) located upstream of the Site exhibit HIGH metric ratings. LOW performing metrics are to be targeted for functional uplift through mitigation activities, goals, and objectives, as well as monitoring and success criteria. Table 12B outlines stream functions targeted for functional uplift, goals that are tied to the specific functions, and objectives to be completed to achieve the proposed goals. The proposed easement, existing conditions, and proposed mitigation activities are depicted in Figures 4, 4A -4D, and 7A-71 (Appendix A). The Site provides for restoration and protection of aquatic resources within a conservation easement and will result in net gains in hydrology, water quality, and habitat functions. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 21 November 2018 Table 12A North Carolina Stream Assessment Method Summary NC SAM Function Class Rating Summary UT 4 (Upstream) WWC-1 Ref UT 3 (Upstream) WWC-2 UT 3 (Downstream) WWC-3* UT 5 WWC-04 UT 7 WWC-06 UT 6 WWC-07 UT 1 WWC-08 (1) Hydrology HIGH LOW HIGH LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM (2) Baseflow HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH MEDIUM HIGH HIGH (2) Flood Flow HIGH LOW HIGH LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM (3) Streamside Area Attenuation HIGH LOW HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW (4) Floodplain Access HIGH LOW HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW (4) Wooded Riparian Buffer HIGH LOW HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW (4) Microtopography HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW (3) Stream Stability HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH HIGH HIGH (4) Channel Stability HIGH MEDIUM HIGH LOW HIGH HIGH HIGH (4) Sediment Transport HIGH MEDIUM HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW (4) Stream Geomorphology HIGH LOW MEDIUM LOW HIGH HIGH HIGH (1) Water Quality HIGH MEDIUM MEDIUM LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM (2) Baseflow HIGH HIGH HIGH MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH HIGH (2) Stream -side Area Vegetation HIGH LOW HIGH HIGH LOW LOW LOW (3) Upland Pollutant Filtration HIGH LOW HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW (3) Thermoregulation HIGH MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM LOW LOW LOW (2) Indicators of Stressors NO NO YES YES NO NO NO (2) Aquatic Life Tolerance MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM (1) Habitat HIGH LOW HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW (2) In -stream Habitat HIGH LOW HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW (3) Baseflow HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH MEDIUM HIGH HIGH (3) Substrate HIGH MEDIUM HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW (3) Stream Stability HIGH MEDIUM HIGH LOW HIGH HIGH HIGH Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 22 November 2018 NC SAM Function Class Rating Summary UT 4 (Upstream) WWC-1 Ref UT 3 (Upstream) WWC-2 UT 3 (Downstream) WWC-3* UT 5 WWC-04 UT 7 WWC-06 UT 6 WWC-07 UT 1 WWC-08 (3) In -Stream Habitat HIGH LOW HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW (2) Stream -Side Habitat HIGH LOW HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW (3) Stream -Side Habitat HIGH LOW HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW (3) Thermoregulation HIGH LOW HIGH MEDIUM LOW LOW LOW Overall HIGH LOW HIGH LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM Note: * UT -3 Downstream is proposed for enhancement (level II). Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 23 November 2018 Table 12B Stream Targeted Functions, Goals, and Objectives Targeted Functions Goals Objectives (1) HYDROLOGY 2 Flood Flow (Floodplain Access () ( p ) • Attenuate flood flow Construct new channel at historic floodplain elevation to restore overbank flows across the Site. and enhance existing jurisdictional wetlands. (3) Streamside Area Attenuation • Minimize downstream . Plant woody riparian buffer. flooding to the Remove livestock and cease agriculture practices within areas protected by the (4) Floodplain Access maximum extent possible. conservation easement. (4) Wooded Riparian Buffer . Connect streams to • Deep rip floodplain soils to reduce compaction and increase soil surface functioning wetland roughness. (4) Microtopography systems. • Protect riparian buffers with a perpetual conservation easement. (3) Stream Stability • Increase stream stability within the Site so that channels are neither aggrading nor • Construct channels with proper pattern, dimension, longitudinal profile, and substrate. • Remove livestock and cease agriculture practices within areas protected by the conservation easement. • Construct stable channels with gravel substrate. (4) Channel Stability (4) Sediment Transport (4) Thermoregulation degrading. • Stabilize streambanks. (4) Stream Geomorphology . Plant woody riparian buffer. (1) WATER QUALITY (2) Streamside Area Vegetation . Remove direct nutrient • Remove livestock and reduce agricultural land/inputs. and pollutant inputs • Install marsh treatment areas. Plant woody riparian buffer. (3) Upland Pollutant Filtration from the Site and reduce contributions to downstream waters. Enhance jurisdictional wetlands adjacent to Site streams. • Provide surface roughness and reduce compaction through deep ripping/plowing. (2) Indicators of Stressors . Restore overbank flooding by constructing channels at historic floodplain elevation. (1) HABITAT (2) In -stream Habitat • Improve instream and stream -side habitat. • Construct stable channels with gravel substrate. • Plant woody riparian buffer to provide organic matter and shade. • Construct new channel at historic floodplain elevation to restore overbank flows. Protect riparian buffers with a perpetual conservation easement. Enhance jurisdictional wetlands adjacent to Site streams. . Remove invasive plant species. (3) Substrate (3) Stream Stability 3 In -Stream Habitat () 2 Stream -side Habitat () (3) Stream -side Habitat (3) Thermoregulation . Add large woody debris to Site channels. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 24 November 2018 7 Site Design and Implementation Constraints The presence of conditions or characteristics that have the potential to hinder restoration activities on the Site was evaluated. The evaluation focused primarily on the presence of hazardous materials, utilities and restrictive easements, federally protected species or critical habitats, and the potential for hydrologic trespass. Existing information regarding Site constraints was acquired and reviewed. In addition, Site conditions that have the potential to restrict the restoration design and implementation were documented during the field investigation. No known Site constraints, that may hinder proposed mitigation activities were identified during field surveys; however, archaeologists will be present to monitor any ground -disturbing activities in the vicinity of UT -1, UT -6, and UT -7 (see Section 7.3 Cultural Resources). 7.1 Existing Paths Pedestrian trails are currently located within and adjacent to the Site. The trails are approximately 2 feet wide with three stream crossings on UT -3 and one crossing on UT -5 (Figures 4A & 4B, 7D, 7E, 7F, and Appendix A). The trails are low -impact, high-value assets to the College and local community. The pedestrian trail stream crossings will remain within the Site, will not hinder Site mitigation activities, and SMUs have been removed where the stream is bridged (Upper UT -3, Little Berea: Figure 7D). On Lower UT -3, Stokes Field (Figure 7E), the trail runs parallel to UT -3 but is under full mature forest canopy and a dense stand of rhododendron. The trail meanders within the easement in a few short sections and is never closer than 20 feet to UT -3 due to the severe topography of the left bank. No maintenance or upgrades will take place on the trail within the conservation easement, and Photograph 1 shows the existing condition of the trail. The trails will be located and included on the survey recorded at the Buncombe County Register of Deeds. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 25 November 2018 7.2 Threatened & Endangered Species Eleven federally protected species are listed as occurring in Buncombe County (USFWS 2016). A desktop analysis and field investigations were conducted to evaluate federally protected species potentially occurring in and around the Site. The online project review (known as IPaQ was performed via the USFWS Asheville Field Office Website and a letter was sent to USFWS biologist John Ellis on July 26, 2017 alerting them to the project activities for an informal Section 7 review. Table 13 details species listed for Buncombe County, if habitat may occur within the Site, and a biological conclusion for each species. A summary follows. • 10 of 11 federally protected species: No Effect Northern long-eared bat: The project area does not contain caves or suitable winter roosting areas for the Northern long-eared bat. Project activities involving cutting of suitable summer roosting tree species would be conducted between August and May, in accordance with USFWS guidance. In order to comply with the Northern long-eared Bat (NLEB) 4(d) streamlined rule for federal agencies, the appropriate consultation form was submitted. It was determined that the project "may affect the NLEB, but any incidental take of the NLEB is not prohibited by the final 4(d) rule." The signed NLEB 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation Form contains more detailed information (Appendix F). Table 13 Federally Protected Species Common Name Habitat Biological (Threatened/Endangered) Scientific Name at Site Conclusion Summary Bog Turtle Species is not subject to (Threatened due to G(yptemys muh(enbergii Yes N/A section seven consultations requirements under the Similarity of Appearance) Endangered Species Act. Carolina northern flying squirrel Giaucomys sabrinus No No Effect No habitat exists in or near coioratus the project boundaries. (Endangered) Foraging habitat present within the Site; however, no Gray Bat Myotis grisescens No No Effect roosting habitat with the Site (Endangered) boundaries or near the Site. Foraging habitat will not be disturbed summer months. Northern long-eared bat Myotis septentriona(is Yes May Effect (See attached Northern long (Threatened) eared Bat consultation form) Spotfin chub Historic record only, only Erimonax monachus No No Effect known from four sites (Threatened) outside this watershed. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 26 November 2018 7.3 Cultural Resources In a letter dated September 27, 2017, the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) stated that there are several important archaeological sites located on the Warren Wilson College campus (this letter is included in the CE document found in Appendix Q. Three of the sites could potentially be affected by the project; the following lists each site and gives SHPO's recommendations. Table 14 Important Archaeological Sites Archaeological Site Location SHIPO Recommendation Historic record only, no Archaeological testing and evaluation by an experienced 31 BN28 Adjacent to UT -5 archaeologist was recommended to assess the significance of known presence in or near Appalachian elktoe Alasmidonta raveneliana No No Effect the Site. Existing stream (Endangered) In the vicinity of UT -1, UT -6, and UT -7 Ground -disturbing activities should be monitored by a professional archaeologist during construction in these areas. 31 BN145/491 channels do not provide habitat due to sediment build UPS Spruce -fir moss spider Microhexura montivaga No No Effect No habitat exists in or near (Endangered) the project boundaries. Historic record only, no known presence in or near Tan riffleshell Epioblasma florentina No No Effect the Site. Existing stream (Endangered) walkeri channels do not provide habitat due to sediment build UPS. Spreading avens Geum radiatum No No Effect No habitat exists in or near (Endangered) the project boundaries. Virginia spiraea Historic record only, no Spiraea virginiana No No Effect known presence in or near (Threatened) the Site. Rock gnome lichen Gymnoderma lineare No No Effect No habitat exists in or near (Endangered) the project boundaries. 7.3 Cultural Resources In a letter dated September 27, 2017, the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) stated that there are several important archaeological sites located on the Warren Wilson College campus (this letter is included in the CE document found in Appendix Q. Three of the sites could potentially be affected by the project; the following lists each site and gives SHPO's recommendations. Table 14 Important Archaeological Sites Archaeological Site Location SHIPO Recommendation Archaeological testing and evaluation by an experienced 31 BN28 Adjacent to UT -5 archaeologist was recommended to assess the significance of archaeological remains that may be damaged or destroyed by the proposed project. 31 BN135 In the vicinity of UT -1, UT -6, and UT -7 Ground -disturbing activities should be monitored by a professional archaeologist during construction in these areas. 31 BN145/491 Restoration Systems retained TRC Solutions, Inc. (TRC) to perform field work for testing and site assessment of site 31 BN28; in addition, to monitoring any ground -disturbing activities during Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 27 November 2018 construction in the vicinity of the 31 BN135 and 31 BN145/491 sites to ensure no adverse impacts occur to the sites. TRC completed fieldwork for archaeological testing and site assessment for site 31 BN28 between January 4 and 14, 2018; the report is included as Appendix G. TRC concluded that "results suggest that construction will not impact any intact or significant deposits, and we recommend that the construction is allowed to proceed as presently designed. If design plans change, additional archaeological assessment would likely be necessary." 7.4 FEMA Inspection of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map 3700967900) (DFIRM panel number 9679), effective January 6, 2010 indicates the Swannanoa River and Bull Creek are mapped hydrographic features with associated special flood hazard areas (SFHAs). These SFHAs include the regulated floodway boundary and Zone AE boundary. Therefore, floodplain permitting and a no -rise certification will be performed as a requirement of the Buncombe County Planning Department in cooperation with state and federal guidelines. A HEC -RAS analysis will be completed on the existing and proposed conditions of the Site where work is being proposed in the regulated floodway to assess hydraulic performance. It is unlikely that a Conditional Letter of Map Revisions (CLOMR) will be required for this Site. If final modeling and analysis or permitting guidance requires the submittal of the CLOMR, the additional permitting packages will be completed. 7.5 Utilities Several utility crossings occur within the property including sewer lines and overhead powerlines. All utility crossings occur within breaks in the proposed conservation easement and no mitigation credit will be obtained within these breaks. An overhead powerline currently parallels the right bank of UT -1 upper; however, this powerline will be relocated outside of the conservation easement. Utility easements are not expected to hinder proposed mitigation activities. 7.6 Air Transport Facilities No air transport facilities are located within 5 miles of the Site. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 28 November 2018 8 Design Approach and Mitigation Work Plan Primary activities designed to restore Site streams include 1) stream restoration, 2) stream enhancement (Level 1), 3) stream enhancement (Level 11), 4) construction of marsh wetland treatment areas, and 5) vegetation planting (Figures 7A-71, Appendix A). 8.1 Stream Restoration Stream restoration efforts are designed to restore a stable stream that approximates hydrodynamics, stream geometry, and local microtopography relative to reference conditions. The majority of stream restoration at the Site will be Priority I; therefore, bankfull elevations will be raised to meet the adjacent valley floodplain elevation. UT -3 upper and the upper portion of UT -6 will include short reaches of Priority II to ensure that grades are suitable and to get the channel elevations up to the historic floodplain elevation to tie into Priority I channel restoration. Restoration of UT -8 will require grading the entire floodplain to restore historic elevations due to excessive amounts of fill being dumped and incorporated into the existing floodplain. More details for mitigation activities on each individual reach can be found in Section 8.4. Stream restoration is expected to entail 1) belt -width preparation, 2) channel excavation, 3) spoil stockpiling, 4) channel stabilization, 5) channel diversion, and 6) channel backfill. In -Stream Structures: The use of in -stream structures for grade control and habitat are essential for successful stream restoration. In -stream structures may be placed in the channel to elevate local water surface profiles in the channel, potentially flattening the water energy slope or gradient. The structures would likely consist of log/rock cross -vanes or log/rock j -hook vanes designed primarily to direct stream energy into the center of the channel and away from banks. In addition, the structures would be placed in relatively straight reaches to provide secondary (perpendicular) flow cells during bankfull events. Piped Channel Crossings: Landowner constraints will necessitate the installation of piped channel crossings. Crossings will allow access to portions of the property isolated by stream restoration activities. The crossings will be constructed of properly sized pipes and hydraulically stable rip -rap or suitable rock. The crossings will be large enough to handle the weight of anticipated vehicular traffic. Approach grades to the crossing will be at an approximate 10:1 slope and constructed of hard, scour -resistant crushed rock or other permeable material, which is free of fines. Drop Structures: One drop structure is proposed on UT -8. The drop structure may be constructed out of stone and wood, as depicted in typical details of the construction plans. The structures should be constructed to resist erosive forces associated with hydraulic drops proposed at the Site. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 29 November 2018 Marsh Treatment Areas: Shallow wetland marsh treatment areas will be excavated to intercept surface waters draining through agricultural areas prior to discharging into the restored streams. Marsh treatment areas are intended to improve the mitigation project and are not generating mitigation credit. Proposed marsh treatment areas will consist of shallow depressions that will provide treatment and attenuation of initial stormwater pulses. The outfall of each treatment area will be constructed of hydraulically stable rip -rap or other suitable material that will protect against headcut migration into the constructed depression. It is expected that the treatment areas will fill with sediment and organic matter overtime. 8.2 Stream Enhancement (Level 1) Stream enhancement (Level 1) activities will include the installation of in -stream structures, providing proper channel dimension and appropriate floodplain width, reducing shear on eroding banks, removing livestock and fencing streams, controlling invasive plant species, and planting with native woody vegetation. 8.3 Stream Enhancement (Level 11) Stream enhancement (Level 11) activities include stabilizing streambanks (where necessary), removing livestock and fencing streams, controlling invasive plant species, and supplemental planting with riparian forest vegetation. 8.4 Individual Reach Mitigation Discussions Mitigation strategies proposed for each UT are presented below (Figures 7A-71, Appendix A). 8.4.1 UT -1 Upper (Swim Pond, UT -1A in Figure 7A) UT -1 begins upstream of an impoundment that was intentionally breached for safety reasons. A small forebay/wetland utilized by the school for research projects constitutes the initiation point for UT -1. Unconsolidated sediments line the bottom of the drained impoundment, which UT -1 drains through from the forebay to the dam breach. UT -1 has formed a braided channel through the former pond sediment before coalescing at a ponded area behind remnants of the dam. The stream is constricted by the breached dam, which was manually breached and stabilized by rip -rap. The rip -rap forms an approximately 4 -foot hydraulic drop to the historic stream bed. Wetlands have developed within the remaining pond sediments due to extended saturation and hydrophytic vegetation is establishing, primarily soft rush (Juncus effusus). Immediately downstream of the dam, streambanks are over -steepened and eroding. A parking lot encroaches on the right bank immediately downstream of the former dam. UT -1 (upper) outfalls into a culvert, which transports the stream under paved roads and a parking area. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 30 November 2018 Restoration will be performed on the entire length of UT -1 upper. The left side of the partially breached dam is to be completely removed to match the elevation of the floodplain and valley walls upstream and downstream of dam. The right side of the dam is to remain intact and Hemlocks growing on the dam remnants are to be protected during construction activities. Stream restoration within the abandoned pond will include 1) removal of the dam to the elevation of the adjacent floodplain; 2) excavating sediment that is unsuitable for channel bank construction; 3) backfilling areas of sediment removed with soil suitable for channel construction (if necessary); 4) excavation of the design channel; 5) stabilization of the channel with coir matting, seed, and mulch; and 6) installation of structures. The section of dam to be removed will be excavated and stockpiled and, if suitable, may be used as channel backfill for reaches of stream to be abandoned during stream restoration efforts. If additional backfill remains, the material will be stockpiled outside of the easement, or spread evenly across the adjacent property and seeded for stabilization. Erosion control measures, such as silt fence, seeding, and mulching will be implemented on all stockpiled or spread soil materials. A determination on sediment quantity and quality within the abandoned pond will be made concerning the ability to work within, or to stabilize the sediment for stream construction. If sediment is deemed unsuitable for channel construction, the sediment will be removed from the vicinity of the design channel and spread along the outer margins of the pond. Subsequently, suitable soil material will be placed in the location of the design channel such that design channel banks will be stabilized without liquefaction. The removal of unsuitable material, installation of suitable material, and excavation of the design channel may occur simultaneously to reduce impacts of machinery on the pond bed. The lower reach of stream, below the breached dam will be reconnected to its historic channel which was identified during field surveys. This section of stream was abandoned when the dam was constructed and the outfall structure was realigned adjacent to the stream channel. Approximately 45 feet of historic channel will be reconnected by dam removal and channel realignment. Below the dam, multiple cross -vane (log or stone) structures will be installed to tie elevations of the design channel through the pond bottom to the historic channel bed. Currently, the pond bed is approximately 3 feet above the abandoned channel. Once the channel has been reconnected below the dam, the channel will be constructed to the proper dimension and profile as determined by reference studies. Structures will be installed to dissipate energy and reduce lateral erosion within the confined valley. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 31 November 2018 A marsh treatment feature will be constructed on the right bankjust upstream of the former dam and within the Conservation Easement. A storm drainage channel will be directed toward the marsh treatment feature in order to address stormwater entering the project area. 8.4.2 UT -7 Lower (Hog Bottom, UT -7B and UT -7C in Figure 7B) UT -1 lower begins approximately 550 feet downstream of UT -1 upper and is separated by parking and facilities associated with the College. This reach is currently encroached upon by agriculture research facilities including pig breeding and rearing lots, horse pasture, and dairy cattle fields/barns. UT -1 lower has been dredged in support of adjacent infrastructure. Powerlines run adjacent to the stream for the majority of its reach, which are cleared on a regular basis; however, vegetation is currently overgrown within the utility easement. Two wetlands discharge into the stream, one on each bank. Wetlands have sheet flow in the winter and spring seasons and are characterized by emergent vegetation in wetter areas. UT -1 lower drains to the Swannanoa River; however, the project easement is separated from the river by a sewer line easement. Historically stormwater flows have been controlled by the upstream impoundment (recently breached), which will be removed during restoration of UT -1 upper. As a result, UT -1 lower has historically been characterized by attenuated stormwater flows and consequently, relatively low sediment contributions. If left in its current condition, this reach is expected to destabilize as the result of normal/unimpounded stormwater pulses. Therefore, restoration of this reach is an important project component. Restoration of UT -1 lower will include 1) relocation of the powerline outside the conservation easement, 2) excavation of a sinuous channel connected to the adjacent wetlands, 3) installation of grade control/habitat structures, and 4) installation of marsh treatment areas. UT -1 lower restoration will entail Priority I channel construction at the historic floodplain elevation to restore overbank flows to adjacent floodplains and jurisdictional wetlands. Currently, the channel adjacent to existing jurisdictional wetlands has elevated bank -height -ratios (approximately 1.3); however, incision of the channel gets significantly worse as the stream descends towards the Swannanoa River. Reduction of bank -height -ratio and reconnection with adjacent wetlands is a primary component of the restoration of this reach. The installation of a marsh treatment areas is expected to reduce stormwater flows and treat agricultural runoff from these heavily used areas. 8.4.3 UT -2 (Lower Field/Pig Pond in Figure 7B) UT -2 is a sediment -choked drainage located downstream of the confluence of two ditch systems that drain agriculture fields adjacent to the Site. UT -2 was deemed as a linear wetland and not a Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 32 November 2018 jurisdictional stream by the US Army Corps of Engineers. The linear wetland is characterized by sheet flow of water for extended periods during the winter and early spring; however, it is not a defined by a bank -to -bank channel with an ordinary high-water mark. UT -2 receives stormwater runoff from livestock holding areas and likely contributes sediment, nutrients, and fecal coliform to UT -1 via stormwater runoff. The main strategy for UT -2 is to direct stormwater runoff into a marsh treatment area constructed within the conservation easement. At this time, no stream mitigation credit is being pursued for this reach. Portions of UT -2 will be permanently fenced to exclude livestock. 8.4.4 UT -3 Upper (Little Berea/Clingman's, UT -3A, UT -3B, and UT -3C in Figures 7C and 7D) The upper reaches of UT -3 (upstream of Riceville Road) have been dredged and straightened (sinuosity of approximately 1.03) and the stream channel (ditch) is currently oversized (2 to 3 times the bankfull cross-sectional area). The channel (ditch) is incised (bank -height -ratio of 1.8 to 2.4) well below its former floodplain elevation. The channel (ditch) appears to be scouring laterally and developing sinuosity within the oversized channel (ditch); however, dense thickets of invasive species (primarily Chinese privet [Ligustrum sinense]) have minimized erosion along the channel (ditch). The incised nature of the channel (ditch) is presumed to have effected groundwater table elevations, possibly draining or effecting the jurisdictional hydroperiod of wetlands adjacent to UT -3 upper. In an effort to measure the effect of channel incision on the groundwater table a series of groundwater monitoring gauges have been nested in three transects along UT -3 (Figure 4A, Appendix A). Data collection is ongoing and will be presented in as -built documentation. All of the restored sections of UT -3 will be permanently fenced to exclude livestock. The upper reaches of UT -3 have been dredged and straightened with the channel banks at a higher elevation than the adjacent abandoned floodplain (spoil from ditching the historic channel). Remnants of the relict channel are Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina F Photograph 2 33 1 r d FJ, November 2018 evident within a section of floodplain; the location has been confirmed with historic aerial photographs. Mature hardwood trees are present throughout the historical floodplain and will be protected to the maximum extent possible during restoration activities. Trees greater than approximately 12 inches in diameter were located with GPS equipment (Trimble Geo7X, with reported sub -meter accuracy). Tree avoidance areas are depicted on Figures 7C and 7D (Appendix A) and were utilized during design channel layout. Mitigation implementation of UT -3 upper is expected to entail 1) Stream Enhancement Level I in the upper reaches, 2) Stream Restoration in the middle reaches, and 3) Stream Enhancement Level 11 in the downstream reaches. Stream Enhancement Level I is proposed at the start of UT -3, where the channel enters the property and the channel bed elevation is fixed to avoid hydrologic trespass to adjacent properties. In this reach, bench excavation will occur to construct a channel at the proper dimension within the existing channel. This reach is expected to have relatively low slope, as the channel is brought up to the historic floodplain elevation. Mature trees will be left in place to the maximum extent possible and banks will be stabilized with erosion control matting, sodding, and seeding. Existing bed material will be harvested from the abandoned channel and reused as riffle bed material in the new channel. Downstream from the Enhancement Level I reach; the floodplain begins to expand and is appropriate for stream restoration on new location. The primary restoration approach will be Priority 1; however, some short sections of Priority 2 restoration may be necessary to ensure bank -height -ratios will be less than 1.2, particularly as they tie to the existing channel being backfilled. Once the stream is on the historic floodplain, Priority 1 stream restoration will achieve the goal of connecting the stream and wetland complex interaction, as requested by the IRT; these wetlands are discussed further in the following section (Section Two crossings exist on UT -3 Upper (UT -313 in Figure 7D). Currently the footpath shown in Figure 7D is facilitated by a wooden bridge over the existing channel. When the channel is relocated, an armored riffle will be installed to continue the footpath across the channel. The existing crossing shown in Figure 7C will be relocated further upstream, and an easement break is shown for this area, since it will be a piped crossing used for agricultural purposes. Before the stream reenters the existing channel upstream of Riceville Road, Priority 1 restoration will occur in relatively disturbed wooded areas as the channel ties back to the existing channel. Sections of relict channels were identified in wooded areas and were targeted for the new, design channel location. Any work done in existing wetlands will be done in a way to prevent any permanent damage. An eroding, tight meander bend in the existing channel will be relieved at the downstream end of the Restoration reach, where Priority 1 restoration ends on the downstream extent of UT -3 (before Riceville Road), the channel is characterized by Enhancement Level II and will include bank Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 34 November 2018 stabilization, where necessary, invasive species control, and supplemental planting with native forest vegetation. Overview of Wetland Areas Adjacent to Upper UT -3 Wetlands adjacent to upper UT -3 are characterized by the North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM) as Bottomland Hardwood Forest. Bottomland Hardwood Forest wetlands are found throughout the state in geomorphic floodplains of second -order and larger streams. These wetlands are generally intermittently to seasonally inundated. Overbank flooding is an important source of water as is groundwater and surface runoff. This wetland type is generally characterized by ground surface relief that provides good water storage. Bottomland Hardwood Forest corresponds to the HGM class Riverine (sub -classes Headwater Complex, Intermittent -Upper Perennial, and Lower Perennial). See the Jurisdictional Determination in Appendix D. Priority 1 restoration of UT -3 upper is expected to enhance existing wetland conditions by reconnecting stream hydrology interactions with wetlands in the riparian area. Currently, wetlands along the stream corridor are located in maintained pasture land characterized by herbaceous vegetation, primarily planted fescue. The incised nature of the adjacent streams has reduced overbank hydrology to a minimum, only occurring during extreme rain/flooding events. In addition to the loss of overbank hydrology, it appears that channel incision has lowered the adjacent groundwater table, possibly effecting wetland hydrology. Groundwater gauges installed adjacent to UT -3 have been installed to monitor the groundwater table. Results of the data will be presented in as -built documentation and for comparison with gauges installed post -construction. Stream channel excavation is expected to occur at the historic location of the stream channel in the lowest portion of the floodplain. The development of jurisdictional wetlands in this portion of the floodplain may result in the loss of wetlands in the proposed design channel. These losses are expected to be negated by the development of in -channel wetlands throughout the Site and overall functional uplift and expansion of the remaining on-site wetlands. Wetland functions that NC WAM predict would be improved by removal of livestock, planting with forest vegetation, ripping floodplain soils, and reconnecting stream overbank flooding include the following. Surface Storage and Retention (Hydrology) a. Inundation Duration — Evidence of short -duration inundation (<7 consecutive days) b. Water Storage/Surface Relief — Depressions able to pond water (6 inches in depth) c. Wetland Width — Increasing wetland width d. Vegetation Structure — Closed canopy with a dense mid-story/sapling, shrub, and herbaceous layer e. Hydrologic Connectivity — Restoring overbank and overland flow Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 35 November 2018 2. Pathogen Change, Particulate Change, Soluble Change, Physical Change (Water Quality) a. Inundation Duration — Evidence of short -duration inundation (<7 consecutive days) b. Land Use — Elimination of pasture/agriculture land use c. Hydrologic Connectivity — Restoring overbank and overland flow d. Indicators of Deposition — Sediment deposition at natural levels e. Vegetation Structure — Closed canopy with a dense mid-story/sapling, shrub, and herbaceous layer f. Wetland Acting as a Vegetated Buffer — Vegetated wetland acting as a stream buffer 3. Physical Structure, Landscape Patch Structure, Vegetation Composition (Habitat) a. Vegetation Structure — Closed canopy with a dense mid-story/sapling, shrub, and herbaceous layer b. Diameter Class Distribution — Trees with majority of stems > 6 inches diameter at breast height (DBH) and few are >12 inches DBH c. Snags — Large snags (> 12 inched DBH) present d. Large Woody Debris — Large logs (> 12 inches DBH) present e. Surface Storage Capacity and Duration — Water storage capacity (>6 inches) and duration (>7 days) are present f. Ground Surface Condition — Ground surface not compacted by livestock g. Connectivity to other Natural Areas — Wetland well connected to naturally vegetated areas h. Vegetation Composition — Vegetation has species composition and proportions as comparable to reference conditions, with exotic species absent or sparse. Although some factors of wetland functional uplift may not be achieved during the 7 -year monitoring period (trees, snags, and logs > 12 inches DBH), the majority of functions will be elevated immediately upon completion of proposed mitigation activities. 8.4.5 UT -3 Lower (Stokes Field, UT -3D, UT -3E, UT -3F, UT -3G in Figure 7E) UT -3 lower (downstream of Riceville Road) is characterized by a channel that has been moved to the outer edge of the floodplain in support of cattle grazing. The channel appears to be oversized and is widening laterally to create a new floodplain at the current stream elevation. Valley walls on the left bank are steeply sloped and vegetated with mature forest, which prevents significant streambank erosion. Streambanks on the right bank are characterized by disturbed shrub -scrub vegetation with livestock pasture encroaching upon the streambanks. Streambanks are eroding and contributing significant amounts of sediment to the Swannanoa River at the immediate reach outfall. Bankfull benches are prevalent along this reach, which make Enhancement Level II an attractive mitigation alternative. UT -3 lower was proposed at Enhancement Level II, with a 2.5:1 mitigation ratio. The IRT requested a discussion outlining mitigation treatments that warrant a 2.5:1 mitigation Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 36 November 2018 ratio for a reach that has one bank fully vegetated and livestock fenced from the immediate streambanks. Detailed field surveys determined the following. • Approximately 315 feet of streambank requires stabilization within the upper 724 feet of channel. This equates to approximately 44% of streambank that will be stabilized. Stabilization is expected to include bank sloping, matting and seeding, willow staking, toe protection, brush mattress installation, and the removal of trees that are overhanging the bank, or are otherwise potentially destabilizing the streambank. • Livestock seeking shade along the fence line immediately adjacent to the channel contribute non -point sources of pollution to the reach. Soils along the fence line are exposed, heavily trampled, and devoid of stabilizing herbaceous vegetation. Surface water flows contribute sediment and agriculture pollutants to the stream. • Two reaches of stream (one in the central portion and one at the lowest portion of UT -3 lower) are characterized by excessive sinuosity, with radii on outer bends that will not be stabilized by vegetative plantings alone. These reaches are proposed for restoration by excavating a new channel across the tight meander bends. Stream mitigation efforts to be implemented along UT -3 lower include 1) bank stabilization, 2) removing livestock from the 30 feet stream buffer, 3) restoring channel in overly sinuous reaches with tight bends, 4) planting vegetation, and 5) maintaining existing footpaths along the southern forested streambank. 8.4.6 UT -4 (C(ingman's, UT -4A and UT -4B in Figures 7C and 7D) UT -4 is a headwater stream draining a largely forested watershed, with some light residential areas in its upper reach. The upper half of the reach is forested, with a forested buffer to the north (right bank) and agriculture fields encroaching within the easement to the south (left bank). The lower half of the reach has been dredged and straightened to direct water into the entrenched UT -3. The lower half of channel is approximately 4 feet in depth and has very low sinuosity. Historically this area was likely characterized by a stream/wetland complex, as evidenced by wetlands on both sides of the channel (see Photograph 2). However, the incised channel and disturbance with land conversion to agriculture has resulted in the loss of channel footage and drainage of adjacent wetlands. Upstream wooded portions of the reach are proposed for Enhancement Level II, through the removal of livestock, treatment of invasive species, and connection to the floodplain at the lower reach in support of Priority 1 restoration. The lower portion of UT -4 will be restored to the historic floodplain elevation, thereby connecting the channel to wetlands in the floodplain. UT -4 will be permanently fenced to exclude livestock. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 37 November 2018 8.4.7 UT -5 (Ballfield, UT -5A and UT -5B in Figure 7F) UT -5 is characterized by a piped stream that discharges into an excavated and straightened gully (G -type). The first 200 feet are included in an active pasture for various livestock. UT -5 is proposed to be restored by creating a new stable channel on the historic floodplain. This will entail eliminating approximately 200 feet of piped stream and conducting Priority 1 restoration for the entire stream reach. Immediately above this, the existing gully will be plugged and backfilled. The new channel will meander through a mature forest before re-entering the existing channel approximately 50 feet upstream of the Swannanoa River at a bedrock sill. The channel is aligned in a manner that preserves large, mature trees. Trees greater than 12 inches in diameter were located with GPS equipment and are depicted on Figure 7F (Appendix A) as a tree avoidance area. UT -5 will have posts set for future exclusion of livestock. 8.4.8 UT -6 (S -Field, UT -6A, UT -6B, and UT -6C in Figures 7G and 7H) UT -6 originates at a small, spring -fed pond and traverses along the margins of the Swannanoa River floodplain. The pond is utilized as a wetland study area for multiple courses and at the request of the College, is located outside of the conservation easement. The pond is fenced to exclude livestock and a drinker has been located nearby to provide livestock an alternative water source. The channel appears to have been excavated and manipulated by years of agriculture into a ditch system with no woody riparian vegetation. The upper reaches of UT -6 are flat, wide, and filled with sediment. As the channel progresses downstream, the stream becomes more entrenched as it nears the Swannanoa River. The lower reaches of the channel are characterized by dense thickets of river cane (Arundinaria gigantea). UT -6 is characterized by Enhancement Level II in the upper and lower reaches (UT -6A and UT -6C). UT -6C is characterized by deep, unconsolidated sediments, dense herbaceous vegetation, surface water flows across a wide channel. Planting vegetation will provide shade and roots critical to the success of this reach. As UT -6 traverses across the wide, flat Swannanoa floodplain, it will be necessary to excavate a bankfull bench to provide adequate slopes for channel development and maintenance. This reach (UT -613) will be characterized as Priority 1 Restoration. The bankfull bench will be excavated to approximately 1 foot in maximum depth and will taper to the existing floodplain grade. Care will be taken to strip surficial soils prior to excavation of the bench, surficial soils will be stockpiled and redistributed across the bench once excavation is complete. To maintain proposed slopes, the piped outfall of UT -6 (Station 01 +63 to 01 +73) will be dropped approximately 0.6 feet with a resulting average water surface slope of 0.0042. River cane is a natural vegetative feature of stream systems in the area and dense stands lead to the term canebreak, which were formerly widespread in the southern United States. Canebreaks have Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 38 November 2018 widely been replaced by agriculture and the loss of this ecological niche has provided challenges to the survival of several species that have become critically endangered. Planting river cane along streambanks will occur by sifting through excavated surficial soils and pruning active growing rhizome nodes to be replanted. It is expected that Warren Wilson College student labor will be utilized for harvesting rhizomes, with oversight from botany professors, or other school management. Cane reproduces asexually and rapidly, an adaption that allows them to persist quietly in forest soils until a disturbance disrupts the overstory. When a disturbance occurs, cane can quickly reoccupy the gaps. Although there are not performance criteria established for river cane, the intrinsic value of the plant, including the historical use by native peoples in the Swannanoa River Valley, warrant the level of effort that will be required to transplant the cane and thereby establish new cane breaks. Two easement breaks in the lower reaches of UT -6 are necessary to allow access for agriculture equipment. Both crossings will be piped channel crossings, as described in Section 8.1. Agriculture ditches will be directed to a marsh treatment area that will be constructed as described in Section 8.1. UT -6 will have posts set for future exclusion of livestock. 8.4.9 UT -7 (Big Bottom Field, UT -7A in Figures 7G and 71) UT -7 is a ditched channel that has been rerouted across the Swannanoa River floodplain. The upper reaches of UT -7 originate from a culvert that is perched approximately 3 feet above the channel bottom. The stream progresses through an entrenched ditch network towards the expansive Swannanoa River floodplain. Channel depths from the historic ground surface are approximately 4 to 6 feet and bank -height -ratios range from 1.4 to 2.6. The channel is contained within a deeply excavated ditch, which over time has scoured a B -type valley that remains stable due to dense thickets of river cane, Chinese privet, and multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora). The channel flows to the Swannanoa floodplain, where a ditch directs flow across the floodplain and away from agricultural fields, leaving the abandoned floodplain subject to intensive livestock grazing. The middle reach of UT -7 was originally proposed for Enhancement Level II; however, discussions with IRT members and data compilation appear to necessitate a Restoration approach for the reach. Restoration allows for upstream pipe tie in and downstream channel relocation to the historic floodplain. In order to tie to the pipe and floodplain elevations, the channel invert will be raised by approximately 1.5 to 2 feet, thereby doubling the flood -prone area width and converting the channel from a G -type channel to a Cb -type channel. In order to stabilize channel backfill, log (or stone) cross -vanes will be installed at the bottom of each riffle, providing habitat and directing scour into the center of the channel and away from the banks. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 39 November 2018 The lower reaches of UT -7 will be restored into its historic valley and the abandoned ditch sufficiently backfilled. Channel plugs will be installed at the initiation point of new channel construction. Plugs will be constructed of suitable material to stop piping of water down the abandoned channel reach. The abandoned channel will require drain tile or a grass swale to ensure proper drainage of agriculture fields once UT -7 has been returned to its proper location within the floodplain. The drainage will be directed into a marsh treatment area prior to discharging into the lower reach of UT - 6. UT -7 will be tied into UT -8 prior to discharging into the Swannanoa River and will have posts set for future exclusion of livestock. Two easement breaks in UT -7 are necessary to allow access for agriculture equipment and to accommodate a sewer line easement. The piped crossing will be constructed as described in Section 8.1. 8.4. 70 UT -8 (Forbat's Field, UT -8A in Figure 71) UT -8 is a ditched and straightened channel characterized by low slope and sinuosity. The channel originates at an undersized culvert, which does not pass stormwater flows. The undersized culvert, combined with the low channel slope have resulted in flooding to adjacent properties that may be mitigated by the project. The low slope nature of the channel may be due to a significant amount of soil overburden that has been placed on the floodplain in the vicinity of UT -8. Based on topographic mapping and field measurements, it appears that fallow fields adjacent to UT -8 are 2- to 4 -feet higher than adjacent fields along the Swannanoa floodplain. In addition, existing culvert elevations for UT -8 are approximately 4 feet higher than other culverts draining to the river. Soil borings were inconclusive as to the depth or nature of overburden; however, this is expected in an alluvial floodplain. Mitigation activities at UT -8 are expected to include the following: 1) removal of the undersized culvert at the upper reaches, 2) excavation of floodplain overburden to the approximate elevation of the surrounding Swannanoa floodplain, 3) stockpiling and redistribution of topsoil within the floodplain, 4) Priority 1 excavation of a design channel, 5) removal of a culvert over the sewer line and replacement with an armored riffle, 6) planting with river cane and woody forest vegetation. UT - 8 will have posts set for future exclusion of livestock on the western boundary. An easement break in UT -8 is necessary due to an existing sewer line easement. 8.5 Natural Plant Community Restoration Restoration of floodplain forest and stream -side habitat allows for the establishment and expansion of characteristic species across the landscape. Ecotonal changes between community types contribute to diversity and provide secondary benefits, such as enhanced feeding and nesting opportunities for mammals, birds, amphibians, and other wildlife. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 40 November 2018 8.5.1 Natural Community Classification Reference Forest Ecosystem (RFE) data, on-site observations, and community descriptions from the Guide to the Natural Communities of North Carolina (Schafale 2012) were used to determine the primary plant communities that will be promoted during restoration efforts. The targeted natural community for the Site, which is part of a mid -elevation, south Appalachian ecosystem, is a Montane Alluvial Forest. Montane Alluvial Forests are found on mountain river floodplains characterized by a mixture of plants typical of cove forests and floodplains. Montane Alluvial Forests are distinguished by the presence of alluvial indicator species such as American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), river birch (Betula nigra), and tag alder (Alnus serrulate) coupled with evidence of flooding; flood -dispersed invasive plant species are often present where they are usually scarce in upland forests. 8.5.2 Planting Strategy Stream -side trees and shrubs include species with high values for sediment stabilization, rapid growth rates, and the ability to withstand hydraulic forces associated with bankfull flows and overbank flood events. Stream -side trees and shrubs will be planted within 15 feet of thechannel throughout the meander belt -width. Shrub elements will be planted along the reconstructed streambanks, concentrated along outer bends. Bare -root seedlings appropriate to the Montane Alluvial Forest community will be planted at a density of approximately 680 stems per acre on 8 -foot centers. Seedlings in the stream -side assemblage and Marsh Wetland Treatment Areas will be planted at a density of 2,720 stems per acre on 4 -foot centers. In addition to planting seedlings, a seed mix will be spread within Marsh Treatment Wetland Areas (Table 15). Table 16 depicts the total number of stems and species distribution within each vegetation association (Figures 10A -10E, Appendix A). Planting is expected to be performed between December 1 and March 15 to allow plants to stabilize during the dormant period and set root during the spring season. Table 15 Seed Mix Scientific Name Common Name E( mus vir inicus Virginia wildr e Panicum vir atum Switch grass Andro 0 on gerardii Big blue stem Sor hastrum nutans Indian grass Dichanthelium clandestinum Deer ton ue Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 41 November 2018 Table 16 Planting Plan Vegetation Association Montane Alluvial Forest* Stream -side Assemblage** Marsh Treatment Wetland** TOTAL Area (acres) 12.29 7.25 0.1 19.64 Species # planted* % of total # planted** % of total # planted** % of total # planted River birch (Betula nigra) 836 10 1,972 10 -- -- 2,808 Ironwood (Corpinus caroliniona) 418 5 -- -- -- -- 418 Buttonbush (Cepholanthus occidentalis) -- -- -- -- 54 20 54 Sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia) -- -- -- -- 41 15 41 Silky dogwood (Cornus amomum) 836 10 2,958 15 54 20 3,848 Persimmon (Diospyros virginiona) 418 5 -- -- -- -- 418 Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) 836 10 2,958 15 -- -- 3,794 Tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) 836 10 -- -- -- -- 836 Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) 1,671 20 3,944 20 -- -- 5,615 Black willow (Salix nigra) -- -- 1,972 10 27 10 1,999 White oak (Quercus alba) 1,254 15 2,958 15 -- -- 4,212 Water oak (Quercus nigra) 1,254 15 2,958 15 -- -- 4,212 Elderberry (Sambucus conadensis) -- -- -- -- 41 15 41 Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) -- -- -- -- 27 10 27 Possumhaw (Viburnum nudum) -- -- -- -- 27 10 27 TOTAL 8,357 100 19,720 100 272 100 28,349 Note: * Planted at a density of 680 stems/acre ** Planted at a density of 2,720 stems/acre Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 42 November 2018 8.5.3 Nuisance Species Management Prior to planting invasive species including Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), Russian olive (Eleagnus angustifolium), and tree -of -heaven (Ailanthus altissima) will be controlled, as necessary. Inspections for beaver and otherpotential nuisance species will occur throughout the course of the monitoring period. Appropriate actions may be taken to ameliorate any negative impacts regarding vegetation development and/or water management on an as -needed basis. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 43 November 2018 9 Performance Standards and Monitoring Plan Monitoring requirements and success criteria outlined in this plan follow the October 24, 2016 NC Interagency Review Team Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update. Monitoring will be conducted by Axiom Environmental, Inc. based on the schedule in Table 17. A summary of monitoring is outlined in Table 18 (Figures 11A — 11 E, Appendix A). Annual monitoring reports of the data collected will be submitted to the NCDMS by Restoration Systems no later than December 31 of each monitoring year. Table 17 Monitoring Schedule Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 44 November 2018 Table 18 Monitoring Summary Parameter Method Schedule/Frequency Number/Extent Data Collected/Reported Stream Parameters Stream Full longitudinal survey As -built (unless All restored Graphic and tabular data. Profile otherwise required) stream channels Stream Total of 50 cross - Cross-sections Years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 sections on Graphic and tabular data. Dimension restored channels Areas of concern will be depicted Visual Assessments Yearly All restored on a plan view figure with a written stream channels assessment and photograph of the Channel area included in the report. Stability Only if instability Additional Cross-sections Yearly is documented Graphic and tabular data. during monitoring Stream Continuous monitoring Continuous recording UT -3, UT -6, and Surface water data for each Hydrology surface water gauges through monitoring UT -8 monitoring period and/or trail camera period Continuous monitoring Continuous recording UT -3, UT -6, and Surface water data for each Bankfsurface 11 water gauges through monitoring UT -8 monitoring period and/or trail camera period Event Events E Visual/Physical Evidence Continuous through All restored Visual evidence, photo monitoring period stream channels documentation, and/or rain data. Wetland Parameters Wetland Pre -construction, 8 gauges in UT -1, Hydrology Groundwater gauges As -built, Years 1-7 UT -6, and UT -3 Graphic and tabular data. wetlands Vegetation Parameters Permanent vegetation plots 0.0247 acre (100 Vegetation square meters) in size; As -built, Years 1, 2, 3, 25 plots spread Species, height, planted vs. establishment CVS-EEP Protocol for 5, and 7 across the Site volunteer, stems/acre and vigor Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2 (Lee et al. 2008) Annual random vegetation As -built, Years 1, 2, 3, 5 plots randomly plots, 0.0247 acre (100 5, and 7 selected each year Species and height square meters) in size Note: * Five groundwater monitoring gauges will be installed in jurisdictional wetland areas adjacent to UT -3 to take measurements before and after hydrological modifications are performed at the Site. Currently the upper reach of UT -3 is an incised Eg-type channel with bank -height -ratios ranging from 1.8-2.4. The majority of UT -3 upper is proposed for Priority I restoration with construction of channels at the historic floodplain elevation to restore overbank flows to adjacent wetlands. A crest gauge or staff gauge will be installed on UT -3 upper along with a trail camera to verify overbank events. Groundwater gauge data will be used to observe fluctuations in groundwater hydrology pre- and post -construction as the result of overbank events; however, no wetland mitigation credit is being acquired and there are no wetland hydrology success criteria proposed at this time. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 45 November 2018 9.1 Success Criteria Monitoring and success criteria for restoration should relate to project goals and objectives identified from on-site NC SAM data collection. From a mitigation perspective, several of the goals and objectives are assumed to be functionally elevated by restoration activities without direct measurement. Other goals and objectives will be considered successful upon achieving success criteria. The following summarizes Site success criteria. Table 19 Success Criteria 9.2 Contingency In the event success criteria are not fulfilled, a mechanism for contingency will be implemented. 9.2.1 Stream Contingency Stream contingency may include 1) structure repair and/or installation; 2) repair of dimension, pattern, and/or profile variables; and 3) bank stabilization. The method of contingency is expected to Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 46 November 2018 Streams • All streams must maintain an Ordinary High -Water Mark (OHWM), per RGL 05-05. • Continuous surface flow must be documented each year for at least 30 consecutive days. • Bank height ratio (BHR) cannot exceed 1.2 at any measured cross section. • Entrenchment ratio (ER) must be no less than 2.2 at any measured riffle cross section. • BHR and ER at any measure riffle cross section should not change by more than 10% from baseline condition. • The stream project shall remain stable and all other performance standards shall be met through four separate bankfull events, occurring in separate years, during the monitoring years 1-7. Wetland Hydrology • Groundwater gauge data will be used to observe fluctuations in groundwater hydrology pre- and post - construction as the result of overbank events; however, no wetland mitigation credit is being acquired and there are no wetland hydrology success criteria proposed at this time. • Jurisdictional wetland adjacent to UT -3 will demonstrate a 10 to 20% increase in wetland hydrology as compared to pre -construction hydrology, under similar climactic conditions. Vegetation • Within planted portions of the site, a minimum of 320 stems per acre must be present at year 3; a minimum of 260 stems per acre must be present at year 5; and a minimum of 210 stems per acre must be present at year 7. — Areas of dense river cane (canebrakes) are a natural niche habitat within the Swannanoa River floodplain that contribute native habitat for endangered species. River cane may outcompete woody seedlings during the initial establishment of vegetation. Within the Swannanoa floodplain (UT -6, UT -7, and UT -8), the presence of canebrakes may supersede the vegetative success criteria for planted stems per acre. • Trees must average 6 feet in height at year 5, and 8 feet in height at year 7. • Planted and volunteer stems are counted, provided they are included in the approved planting list for the site; natural recruits not on the planting list may be considered by the IRT on a case-by-case basis. 9.2 Contingency In the event success criteria are not fulfilled, a mechanism for contingency will be implemented. 9.2.1 Stream Contingency Stream contingency may include 1) structure repair and/or installation; 2) repair of dimension, pattern, and/or profile variables; and 3) bank stabilization. The method of contingency is expected to Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 46 November 2018 be dependent upon stream variables that are not in compliance with success criteria. Primary concerns, which may jeopardize stream success, include 1) structure failure, 2) headcut migration through the Site, and/or 3) bank erosion. Structure Failure: In the event that structures are compromised the affected structure will be repaired, maintained, or replaced. Once the structure is repaired or replaced, it must function to stabilize adjacent streambanks and/or maintain grade control within the channel. Structures that remain intact, but exhibit flow around, beneath, or through the header/footer will be repaired by excavating a trench on the upstream side of the structure and reinstalling filter fabric in front of the pilings. Structures that have been compromised, resulting in shifting or collapse of a header/footer, will be removed and replaced with a structure suitable for Site flows. Headcut Migration Through the Site: In the event that a headcut occurs within the Site (identified visually or through measurements [i.e., bank -height ratios exceeding 1.4]), provisions for impeding headcut migration and repairing damage caused by the headcut will be implemented. Headcut migration may be impeded through the installation of in -stream grade control structure (rip -rap sill and/or log cross -vane weir) and/or restoring stream geometry variables until channel stability is achieved. Channel repairs to stream geometry may include channel backfill with coarse material and stabilizing the material with erosion control matting, vegetative transplants, and/or willow stakes. Bank Erosion: In the event that severe bank erosion occurs within the Site, resulting in incision, lateral instability, and/or elevated width -to -depth ratios locally or systemically, contingency measures to reduce bank erosion and width -to -depth ratio will be implemented. Bank erosion contingency measures may include the installation of log -vane weirs and/or other bank stabilization measures. If the resultant bank erosion induces shoot cutoffs or channel abandonment, a channel may be excavated to reduce shear stress to stable values. 9.2.2 Vegetation Contingency If vegetation success criteria are not achieved, supplemental planting may be performed with tree species approved by regulatory agencies. Supplemental planting will be performed as needed until achievement of vegetation success criteria. 9.3 Compatibility with Project Goals The following table outlines the compatibility of Site performance criteria described above to Site goals and objectives that will be utilized to evaluate whether Site goals and objectives are achieved. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 47 November 2018 Table 20 Compatibility of Performance Criteria to Project Goals and Objectives Goals Objectives Success Criteria (1) HYDROLOGY • Attenuate flood flow across the • Construct new channel at historic floodplain elevation to restore • BHR not to exceed 1.2. Site. overbank flows and enhance existing jurisdictional wetlands. • Minimize downstream flooding Plant wood riparian buffer. Y p Document four overbank events in separate monitoring years. to the maximum extent • Remove livestock and cease current land use practices. • Livestock excluded from the easement. possible. • Deep rip floodplain soils to reduce compaction and increase soil • Connect streams to surface roughness. • Attain Vegetation Success Criteria. functioning wetland systems. • Protect riparian buffers with a perpetual conservation easement. Conservation easement recorded. • Cross-section measurements and visual assessments indicate stable channels and • Construct channels with proper pattern, dimension, and structures. • Increase stream stability within longitudinal profile the Site so that channels are Remove livestock from the Site • BHR not to exceed 1.2. neither aggrading nor • ER of 1.4 or greater. degrading. • Construct stable channels with cobble/gravel substrate • < 10% change in BHR and ER. • Plant woody riparian buffer • Livestock excluded from the easement. • Attain Vegetation Success Criteria. (1) WATER QUALITY • Remove direct nutrient and Remove livestock and reduce agricultural land/inputs. pollutant inputs from the Site Install marsh treatment areas. • Livestock excluded from the easement and reduce contributions to . Plant woody riparian buffer. • Attain Vegetation Success Criteria downstream waters. Restore/enhance wetlands adjacent to Site streams. (1) HABITAT • Construct channels with proper pattern, dimension, longitudinal • Increase stream stability within profile, and substrate. Cross-section measurements and visual the Site so that channels are Remove livestock and cease current land use practices. assessments indicate stable channels and structures neither aggrading nor Construct stable channels with gravel substrate. Attain Vegetation Success Criteria degrading. 9 g. Stabilize streambanks. • Conservation Easement recorded • Plant woody riparian buffer. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 48 November 2018 10 Adaptive Management Plan In the event the Site or a specific component of the Site fails to achieve the necessary performance standards as specified in the mitigation plan, the sponsor shall notify the members of the IRT and work with them to develop contingency plans and remedial actions. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 49 November 2018 11 Long -Term Management Plan The Site will be transferred to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Stewardship Program. This party shall serve as conservation easement holder and long-term steward for the property and will conduct periodic inspection of the site to ensure that restrictions required in the conservation easement are upheld. Funding will be supplied by the responsible party on a yearly basis until such time an endowment is established. The NCDEQ Stewardship Program is developing an endowment system within the non -reverting, interest-bearing Conservation Lands Conservation Fund Account. The use of funds from the Endowment Account will be governed by North Carolina General Statute GS 113A -232(d)(3). Interest gained by the endowment fund may be used for the purpose of stewardship, monitoring, stewardship administration, and land transaction costs, if applicable. The NCDEQ Stewardship Program will periodically install signage as needed to identify boundary markings. Any livestock or associated fencing or permanent crossings will be the responsibility the owner of the underlying fee to maintain. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 50 November 2018 12 References Gordon, N.D., T.A. McMahon, and B.L. Finlayson, 1992. Stream Hydrology: an Introduction for Ecologists. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. West Sussex, England. Griffith, G.E., J.M. Omernik, J.A. Comstock, M.P. Schafale, W.H. McNab, D.R. Lenat, T.F. MacPherson, J.B. Glover, and V.B. Shelbourne, 2002. Ecoregions of North Carolina and South Carolina. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia. Harman, W.A., D.E. Wise, M.A. Walker, R. Morris, M. A. Cantrell, M. Clemmons, G.D. Jennings, D. Clinton, and J. Patterson, 2000. Bankfull Regional Curves for North Carolina Mountain Streams. In: AWRA Conference Proceedings. D.L. Kane, editor. AWRA Specialty Conference on Water Resources in Extreme Environments. Anchorage, Alaska. Lee, M.T., R.K. Peet, S.D. Roberts, and T.R. Wentworth, 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation. Version 4.2. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Raleigh, North Carolina. Leopold, L.B. 1994. A View of the River. Harvard University Press. Cambridge, MA. 298 pp. North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS), 2016. Quantifying Benefits to Water Quality from Livestock Exclusion and Riparian Buffer Establishment for Stream Restoration. June 15, 2016. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Raleigh, North Carolina. North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR), 2016. River Basin Classification Schedule (online). Available at https://deq.nc.gov/river-basin-classification-schedule [December 13, 2016]. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Raleigh. North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR), 2018. Final 2076 Category 5 Assessments - 303(d) List (online). Available at https://files.nc.gov/ncdeglWater%20Quality/Planning/TMDL/303d/2016/2Ol 6_NC_Category_ 5_303d_list.pdf [April 11, 2018]. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Raleigh. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP), 2009. French Broad River Basin Restoration Priorities 2009 (online). Available at https:Hncdenr.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs- public/PublicFolder/Work%20With/Watershed%20PIanners/French_Broad_RBRP_15july09.pdf [June 1, 2016]. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Raleigh. North Carolina Stream Functional Assessment Team, 2015. N.C. Stream Assessment Method (NC SAM) User Manual. Version 2.1. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 51 November 2018 Rosgen, D., 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology (Publisher). Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Rosgen, D., 2009. A Practical Method of Computing Streambank Erosion Rate (online). Available at http://www.u-s-c.org/htmI/documents/Erosionrates.pdf. Rosgen, D., 2011. Estimating Sediment Loads using the Bank Assessment of Non -Point Source Consequences of Sediment (BANCS). Watershed Assessment of River Stability and Sediment Supply (WARSSS). Hagerstown, Maryland. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley, 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. Schafale, M.P., 2012. Guide to the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Fourth Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. United States Census Bureau (USCB), 2000. Census 2000 Summary File. Available at https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/J*sf/pages/index.xhtml United States Census Bureau (USCB), 2016. Population estimates V.2076. Available at https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/ashevillecitynorthcarolina,NC/PST045217. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 2009. Soil Survey for Buncombe County North Carolina. US Department of Agriculture. Available at: http://www.nres.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_MANUSCRIPTS/north_carolina/buncombeNC2009/Bu ncombe_NC.pdf [June 7, 2016]. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 2016. Web Soil Survey (online). Available: http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov/app/WebSoilSurvey.aspx [June 1, 20161. United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), 2016. Threatened and Endangered Species in North Carolina (online). Available: http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/es/countyfr.html. [April 17, 2016]. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Raleigh, North Carolina. United States Geological Survey (USGS), 2006. Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Rural Basins of North Carolina — Recompiled. USGS Water -Resources Investigations Report 01-4207. Raleigh, North Carolina. Mitigation Plan (NCDMS Project No. 100019) Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina 52 November 2018 Appendix A Figures • Figure 1. Site Location • Figure 2. Hydrologic Unit Map • Figure 3. Topography and Drainage Area • Figures 4, 4A through 4D. Existing Conditions and Soils • Figure 5A. UT -4 Reference Drainage Area • Figure 5B. UT -4 Reference Existing Conditions • Figure 5C. UT -4 Reference Reach Dimension, Pattern, and Profile • Figure 6A. Chemtronics Reference Drainage Area • Figure 6B. Chemtronics Reference Existing Conditions • Figure 6C. Chemtronics Reference Reach Dimension, Pattern, and Profile • Figures 7A-71. Restoration Plan • Figure 8. Proposed Dimension, Pattern, and Profile • Figures 9A-913. Typical Structure Details • Figures 10A -10E. Planting Plan • Figures 11A-11 E. Monitoring Plan i x � 7 I tT or` Ij^ �. ., lox � s-- �i Axiom Environ+nen1a3, Pnc, Prepared for: f-Chemtro nics Reference Reachy Y 91 —�� i it aa., ,��..' ._ ,� � - �„�. .� . ,•� i � � ��>���_ - f - 1 �✓ �-rL i `` `J_ ,�:.. r.," _ -- _- £7 n v-rojeci: ,fit - _. � �• __ - j �-- ��, _ � �� � J "f ,��,• ���. - — �_. t" 'A UT -4 Reference Reach O •t S -_t ?,- I WARREN WILSON COLLEGE STREAM MITIGATION SITE - - - - . _. .. +-�� .� - - 1- r :'.�tom, � r .� ���_ .•ti .• ��� .'w„�� - - Buncombe County, NC +�- �' a. -� Title: ~ 01 . __ _ _ � �:�:: � � •_kY �ti�i- �-- "`�'= '+• i,- _ SITE LOCATION —�e1 _ i � � .� = �' .Or .- i, �r.�.. '•F�. yaw •� :, d ..- ,:: _f. fig... - - � r p l�1 - z. •"-, r FI .t ILLI 70 a _ � r ,�r- �� l r- _� I, �l' �, -"- :• Drawn by: KRJ r r�� ✓✓✓'��� �` ;e �. 'I�?f Date: May 2018 Scale: } "" : .i - _ 3 11 �� - ,r� % �, •[ s 1:40000 Project [ No.: 17-018 USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map (Oteen and Craggy Pinnacle, NCI Quads) - r Directions to the Site from Raleigh: FIGURE �� r,1 :Y'` • ' ' r ' „ , _ •, - Take 1-40 West out of Raleigh and travel 229 miles, Take exit 59 towards Swannanoa and turn right onto Patton Cove Road, After 0.3 miles, turn left onto US -70 West, 1 4 - Travel 1.9 miles, then turn right onto Warren Wilson Road, ' A" - After 1 4 miles Riceville Road is on the left and South Lane is on the ri ht Site parcels can be accessed off Warren Wilson Road, Riceville Road, and South Lane, CoP-q., 2f013'Netional�G ographic_ Site Latitude, Longitude 35.609817°N, 82.443540°W (WGS84) Society,, i -cube 5w �y v 25 +� 321 L7-0 32 _. I Heriders J Ifbe is Cou t, N -, AVE-. o isan Axl=Sriv,ronmenla7. W. 'Hu baOk Q t131r3 . Prepared for: RESTORATION Project: Location of Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site within USGS Hydrologic Unit and Targeted Local Watershed WARREN WILSON y .,_ -` .COLLEGE STREAM 06010105070030 MITIGATION SITE Buncombe County, NC Title: d HYDROLOGIC UNIT MAP Drawn by: KRJ Date: - { 74q - May 2018 r Scale: 1:435000 Legend Project No.: 17-018 Warren Wilson College Easement USGS Hydrologic Unit 06010105 FIGURE 14 Digit Hydrologic Unit Boundaries Targeted Local Watersheds 2 5 10 20 30 1 SEVIN NOTE: Impervious surfaces account for less than 5% of the total Site drainage area. ` ��: r� ' ALJ �• - % i —� •�i" �r Axiom Enviton+nen1a3, enc, Prepared for: lope,RESTORATION op - �- � 11 � • :yam• ._ Iv � I, / Project: •� , �fr WARREN WILSON COLLEGE STREAM a�u �• '- -- n r �" _ ' 1 MITIGATION SITE 1 �[i a • i i1 i � as ati , ■ - _ �• 4 �. ' r ' �� Buncombe County, NC a s� _ y f-�'�•-- �. cr1 `_�Gl X� p Title: 110, 4 TOPOGRAPHY .' _�, �_ r '• AND - �• �� r % , � � � i�iiO,i � 1! �V • v ° .ter J DRAINAGE AREA Al .• 471 • .4 a rE:A rte` ,L- _rte _ ••-�T. _ _- - W _ •,. 40 �•1 y. • •o - Savanna Drawn by: '" j __ • 1 . _ * 0,1 Churl KRJ Legend °g 'yy"s - - k l l ��=y ti � � E • Date: n 1. Conservation Easement = 25.57 ac 'a . _ •• - "&AJ � • ..t r .�_� s� s amu t � May 2018 s5 L — • r , 0 t �� -•. Scale: UT -1 Drainage Area - 0.27 sq mi (171.3 ac) ag * _ '� g� ' `•,�° ' �� ti 1:20000 UT -3 Drainage Area - 1.28 sq mi (822.3 ac) 4 rt==; ► �I �11' r� • Project No.: ,. I a '1 • Swan j UT -4 Drainag eArea - 0.24 sq mi (153.9 ac) ! > j`I l� p° •� 17-018 UT -5 Drainage Area - 0.15 sq mi (98.3 ac) : CP UT -6 Drainage Area - 0.08 sq mi (49.9 ac) ��� �� _ _ "� :$s • FIGURE 0 UT -7 Drainag eArea - 0.22 sq mi (141.0 ac) :� y ••.._ _ t , UT -8 Drainage Area - 0.10 sq mi (64.4 ac) • � \: ;1'� • J t.: .,,. 4:11 ,.,, 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 ' . r. '}' ' • = : ,, . ' `"'` ` Feet �' �' ` -• • - f1 . Copyrighb�©i201r3"Nation°a'I Geographic'Soc'iety,-cubedT,- Legend Warren Wilson College Parcel Conservation Easement = 25.57 acres Existing Streams=1 0, 164.4 linear feet Existing Wetlands= 2.87 acres Existing Open Water = 0.30 acre 0 1,000 2,000 Stokes v i -x L Pig'Pond Bottom I - k G Big Bottom e ••� � Forbat' y s y `L a !• a �� Axlom Env ronmenla7. Inc, 11 0 Prepared for: 11111r, P Project: - WARREN WILSON COLLEGE STREAM MITIGATION SITE Buncombe County, NC Title: EXISTING CONDITIONS Drawn by: KRJ Date: Oct 2018 Scale: 1:10,000 Project No.: 17-018 FIGURE 4 _. IN + 7 Legend Conservation Easement = 25.57 acres Existing Streams =10,164.4 linear feet Cross -Sections (Plots found in Appendix B) Existing Footpaths (approximately located) Power Line Soil Boundaries NC SAM Forms 0 150 300 At XS -1 - XS -2 4_4 wmow 600 M Feet Map Unit BcA Soil Series Biltmore loamy sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes. DrB Dillard loam, 1 to 5 percent slopes EwE Evard-Cowee complex, 30 to 50 percent slopes loA Iotla loam, 0 to 2percent slopes StB Nil- Statler loam, 1 to 5 percent slopes TaB Tate loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes TaC Tate loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes XS -5 XS -6 AX1= Env ronalenla7. Inc, Prepared for: Project: WARREN WILSON COLLEGE STREAM MITIGATION SITE Buncombe County, NC Title: EXISTING CONDITIONS AND SOILS Drawn by: KRJ Date: May 2018 Scale: 1:1200 Project No.: 17-018 FIGURE 4B Ta w S XS -1 Swim Pond „ °s XS -2 g �UhE' r; ... ExD Legend Conservation Easement = 25.57 acres Existing Streams =10,164.4 linear feet +� Existing Wetlands= 2.87 acres. •� Cross -Sections (Plots found in Appendix B) * a ,- ExC � T 0 Groundwater Gauges Installed 2018 Existing Footpaths (approximately located)VIM Power Line ' 3 4 Sewer Line - Soil Boundaries *J NC SAM Forms s r. 0 150 300 600 ' t1 Feet e Map Unit Soil Series BeA Biltmore loamy sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes. DrB Dillard loam, 1 to 5 percent slopes IoA Iotla loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes RsA Rosman fine sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes TaB Tate loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes Axl= Snvimnmenlaz Irnc. TaC Tate loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes UhE Udorthents-Urban land complex, 0 to 5 percents Prepared for: •, { DrB i •` ' x L e + i 11 RESTORATION SYSTEMS I LLC Project: WARREN WILSON Hog Bottom XS -3 t■_' XS -4 �- Ta�C f • i COLLEGE STREAM MITIGATION SITE Buncombe County, NC 5i Title: EXISTING CONDITIONS AND SOILS XS -5 $ Drawn by: KRJ Date: Oct 2018 Scale: `'- 1:1400 Project No.: 17-018 FIGURE W� 4D �c�co i d � I II �Y - 'L�• � + -le •R.; � :•tom y � � • • � F F W Jo- ��Ff.>+� 'K •,�- #.. kif� y M� k 76 k 'ip i 0, 0 100 50 n Reference Pattern Lp-p = 37 (27 - 46) ft 104 Lm = 64 (57 - 76) ft Wbelt = 19 (15 - 25) ft 103 Rc = 16 (9 - 29) ft Lp-p/Wbkf = 5.5 (4.0 - 6.7) Lm/Wbkf = 9.4 (8.3 - 11.2) 102 Wbelt/Wbkf = 2.8 (2.3 - 3.7) Rc/Wbkf = 2.3 (1.3 - 4.3) SIN = 1.16 101 100 v0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Pattern Legend Top of Bank Thalweg Cross Section 104 102 101 100 99 98 97 ME 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 0 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 C:rnss Sectinn 1 - Riffle Abkf = 5.3 ft Dave = 1.0 ft Wbkf = 5.1 ft Dmax = 1.3 ft Bank Height = 1.3 ft Bank Height Ratio = 1.0 W/D = 4.9 FPA = 15 ENT = 2.9 25 Stream Type = Eb Grnss Ser•.tinn 2 - Ponl Abkf = 9.2 ft Wbkf =6.4ft Dmax = 2.0 ft Abkf =7.7ft Dave = 0.8 ft Wbkf =9.4ft Dmax = 1.5 ft Bank Height = 1.5 ft a u Bank Height Ratio = 1.0 W/D = 11.6 FPA = 28 ENT = 3.0 Stream Type = Eb 5 10 15 20 25 30 103 Fl4oron6 A ea 102 Ban fu I 101 100 0 5 10 15 20 2 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 0 5 10 15 20 25 7�ross Section 4 - Riffle Abkf = 5.7 ft Dave = 1.0 ft Wbkf =5.9ft Dmax = 1.4 ft Bank Height = 1.4 ft Bank Height Ratio = 1.0 W/D = 6.0 FPA = 16 ENT = 2.7 Stream Type = Eb Cross Section 5 - Pool Abkf = 10.1 ft Wbkf = 1205 ft Dmax = 2.6 ft Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Profile (Reference Reach) Title: Save = 0.0226 rise/run UT 4 Reference Reach Svalley = 0.0262 rise/run Dimension, Pattern, Sriffle = 0.0400 (0.0090 - 0.0754) rise/run Spool = 0.0021 (0 - 0.0243) rise/run and Profile Srun = 0.0075 (0 - 0.3661) rise/run Sglide = 0.0032 (0.0016 - 0.0179) rise/run Scale: NA FIGURE NO. Water Surface Date: /� Channel Bed Nov 2017 5/v - Project No.: 17-008 MEMO, ON RM thho- no ON =:rr" NOMEMENEM MEMEMEMEREME Reference Pattern Lp-p = 37 (27 - 46) ft 104 Lm = 64 (57 - 76) ft Wbelt = 19 (15 - 25) ft 103 Rc = 16 (9 - 29) ft Lp-p/Wbkf = 5.5 (4.0 - 6.7) Lm/Wbkf = 9.4 (8.3 - 11.2) 102 Wbelt/Wbkf = 2.8 (2.3 - 3.7) Rc/Wbkf = 2.3 (1.3 - 4.3) SIN = 1.16 101 100 v0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Pattern Legend Top of Bank Thalweg Cross Section 104 102 101 100 99 98 97 ME 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 0 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 C:rnss Sectinn 1 - Riffle Abkf = 5.3 ft Dave = 1.0 ft Wbkf = 5.1 ft Dmax = 1.3 ft Bank Height = 1.3 ft Bank Height Ratio = 1.0 W/D = 4.9 FPA = 15 ENT = 2.9 25 Stream Type = Eb Grnss Ser•.tinn 2 - Ponl Abkf = 9.2 ft Wbkf =6.4ft Dmax = 2.0 ft Abkf =7.7ft Dave = 0.8 ft Wbkf =9.4ft Dmax = 1.5 ft Bank Height = 1.5 ft a u Bank Height Ratio = 1.0 W/D = 11.6 FPA = 28 ENT = 3.0 Stream Type = Eb 5 10 15 20 25 30 103 Fl4oron6 A ea 102 Ban fu I 101 100 0 5 10 15 20 2 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 0 5 10 15 20 25 7�ross Section 4 - Riffle Abkf = 5.7 ft Dave = 1.0 ft Wbkf =5.9ft Dmax = 1.4 ft Bank Height = 1.4 ft Bank Height Ratio = 1.0 W/D = 6.0 FPA = 16 ENT = 2.7 Stream Type = Eb Cross Section 5 - Pool Abkf = 10.1 ft Wbkf = 1205 ft Dmax = 2.6 ft Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Profile (Reference Reach) Title: Save = 0.0226 rise/run UT 4 Reference Reach Svalley = 0.0262 rise/run Dimension, Pattern, Sriffle = 0.0400 (0.0090 - 0.0754) rise/run Spool = 0.0021 (0 - 0.0243) rise/run and Profile Srun = 0.0075 (0 - 0.3661) rise/run Sglide = 0.0032 (0.0016 - 0.0179) rise/run Scale: NA FIGURE NO. Water Surface Date: /� Channel Bed Nov 2017 5/v - Project No.: 17-008 I 77" dr 7�7 4W Ilk 0 0 , km% '79 1L lb 04 0 150 100 Cross 50 0 5 Cross Sectibn 2 tion 1 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Pattern Legend Top of Bank Thalweg Cross Section 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 Cross Section 3 - Riffle Abkf = 1809 ft Dave = 1.2 ft Wbkf =15.8ft Dmax = 2.0 ft Bank Height = 2.0 ft Bank Height Ratio = 1.0 W/D = 13.3 FPA = 22 ENT = 1.4 SIN = 1.03 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Stream Type = B 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 Cross Sertinn 1 - Riffle 0 Abkf = 16.3 ft Dave = 1.4 ft Wbkf = 11.3 ft Dmax = 1.7 ft Bank Height = 1.7 ft Bank Height Ratio = 1.0 W/D = 7.8 FPA = 16.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ENT = 1.5 Stream Type = B 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 Crnss St-denn 2 - Ponl Abkf = 13.3 ft Wbkf = 10.1 ft Dmax = 1.9 ft 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Warren Wilson College Chemtronics Reference Reach 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 0 50 100 150 200 250 Cross Section 4 - Pool Abkf = 11.6 ft Wbkf =9.0ft Dmax =2.2ft 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 102 101 100 Cross Section 5 - Pool 99 Abkf = 16.2 ft 98 Wbkf = 10.0 ft 97 Dmax = 2.3 ft 96 95 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 los Cross Section 6 - Riffle 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 300 Abkf = 15.0 ft Dave = 1.0 ft Wbkf =14.8ft Dmax = 1.7 ft Bank Height = 1.7 ft Bank Height Ratio = 1.0 W/D = 14.7 FPA = 19 ENT = 1.3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Stream Type = Be 350 400 Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS II Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Profile (Reference Reach) Title: Save = 0.0167 rise/run Chemtronics Svalley = 0.0172 rise/run Reference Reach Sriffle = 0.0228 (0.0156 - 0.0468) rise/run Dimension, Pattern, Spool = 0.0006 (0 - 0.0080) rise/run and Profile Srun = 0.0217 (0.008 - 0.0737) rise/run Sglide = 0.0039 (0 - 0.0149) rise/run Water Surface Channel Bed Scale: NA Date: Nov 2017 Project No.: 17-008 102 Reference Pattern 101 Lp-p = 51 (29 - 71) ft 100 Lm = 96 (60 - 117) ft 99 Wbelt = 15 (13 - 17) ft 98 Rc = 31 (11 - 46) ft 97 Lp-p/Wbkf = 3.6 (2.1 - 5.1) 96 Lm/Wbkf = 6.9 (4.3 - 8.4) 95 Wbelt/Wbkf = 1.1 (1.0 - 1.2) 94 Rc/Wbkf = 2.2 (0.8 - 3.3) 93 Cross Section 3 - Riffle Abkf = 1809 ft Dave = 1.2 ft Wbkf =15.8ft Dmax = 2.0 ft Bank Height = 2.0 ft Bank Height Ratio = 1.0 W/D = 13.3 FPA = 22 ENT = 1.4 SIN = 1.03 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Stream Type = B 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 Cross Sertinn 1 - Riffle 0 Abkf = 16.3 ft Dave = 1.4 ft Wbkf = 11.3 ft Dmax = 1.7 ft Bank Height = 1.7 ft Bank Height Ratio = 1.0 W/D = 7.8 FPA = 16.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ENT = 1.5 Stream Type = B 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 Crnss St-denn 2 - Ponl Abkf = 13.3 ft Wbkf = 10.1 ft Dmax = 1.9 ft 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Warren Wilson College Chemtronics Reference Reach 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 0 50 100 150 200 250 Cross Section 4 - Pool Abkf = 11.6 ft Wbkf =9.0ft Dmax =2.2ft 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 102 101 100 Cross Section 5 - Pool 99 Abkf = 16.2 ft 98 Wbkf = 10.0 ft 97 Dmax = 2.3 ft 96 95 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 los Cross Section 6 - Riffle 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 300 Abkf = 15.0 ft Dave = 1.0 ft Wbkf =14.8ft Dmax = 1.7 ft Bank Height = 1.7 ft Bank Height Ratio = 1.0 W/D = 14.7 FPA = 19 ENT = 1.3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Stream Type = Be 350 400 Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS II Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Profile (Reference Reach) Title: Save = 0.0167 rise/run Chemtronics Svalley = 0.0172 rise/run Reference Reach Sriffle = 0.0228 (0.0156 - 0.0468) rise/run Dimension, Pattern, Spool = 0.0006 (0 - 0.0080) rise/run and Profile Srun = 0.0217 (0.008 - 0.0737) rise/run Sglide = 0.0039 (0 - 0.0149) rise/run Water Surface Channel Bed Scale: NA Date: Nov 2017 Project No.: 17-008 UT 3 UT 3 Mitigation Lcgcnd Stream Restoration Stream Enhancement I Stream Enhancement II UT 5� T 3C 4B T 4A Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTESIREVISIONS Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: 8A Restoration Plan r HA Scale: FIGURE NO. AS SHOWN Date: March 2018 Project bio.: 7 17-008 7C 7D 7E F 7A 7H Stonrrwater catchment ire Easement Major Topographic Line Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channel Drop Structure Proposed Crossing Marsh Treatment Area Proposed Drain Tile Utility Cross Vane Log Vane Existing Wetland ... • Tree Avoidance Area Footpath J'pond,lieg Lea e Dam with Hemrocks istin Forebay research area. �!iwl Pon tr.raa litestoratr Sta 04+92 Elev 2161.50 Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS 1 � 1t4AlAVVN 1t4 aff Al4fl_ �I Darn to Match �ll 1 L Project: I� Start Restoration Warren Wilson Sta 00+09 College Elev at grade JI (approx 2141.66) Mitigation Site -� Buncombe Count _ North Carolina Mitigation Legend --� Stream Restoration TiVe: Stream Enhancement I Stream Enhancement II Restoration Plan scale. FIGURE NO. AS SHOWN Date 1 0 100 200 March 2018 JPrGject No.: 7A SCALE IN FEET 17-008 ❑, 7A 771 Flo 20 ft outside of easement and non-credit+generating. UT I B - Start Enhance II. Sta 01+09 Y Mitigation Legend Strearn Restoration Stream Enhancement I Stream Enhancement II Move Powerline Pig Pond UT 2 R s Hog Bottom \\yL UT IB End Enhance 11 UT IC Start Restoration Sta 01+22 !, Elev at Grade AN A� 1 UT IC End Restoration Sta 07+06 Elev at grade AS Easement Major Topographic Line Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channei Drop Structure Proposed Crossing Marsh Treatment Area Proposed Drai:i Tile utility Cross Vane Log Vane Existing Wetland .... Tree Avoidance Area Footpath 0 100 2010 SCALE IN FEET Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS Project Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title' Restoration Plan Scale: FIGURE NO. AS SHOWN Date: March 2018 Project No.: 7B 17-008 W 7D 7F 7H 7c V ANN" UT 3C End Enhance I Sta 22+25 UT 3B Elev 2172.91 End Restoration UT 3C Start Enhance 1 20 ft outside of easement Sta 21+66 and non-credit generating. Elev 2172.07 - Easement Major Topographic Line 1 ' Minor Topographic Line ' Proposed Design Channel Drop Structure Proposed Crossing Marsh Treatment Area Proposed Drain Tile Utility 4 Cross Vane 0 Log Vane Existing Wetland - Tree Avoidance Area Little-_ Clip man's ... - Footpath 7A Berea , Mitigation Legend Stream Restoration Stream Enhanceme 0 20 ft outside of eas-eiii6m and non-credit generatmg� UT 4A`, End Restoration - UT 4B Start Enhance I1 Sta 02+33 Elcv 2160.76 UT 4B End Enhance 11 Sta 04+75 0 100 204 SCALE IN FEET Axiom Environmental, Inc. I NOTES/REVISIONS Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: Restoration Plan Scale' FIGURE NO. AS SHOWN Date - March 2418 Project No.: 7C 1 7C 7D 7E 7F 71-1 - 7' 1 1 A 1 Mitigation Legend Stream Restoration Stream Enhancement I Stream Enhancement 1 [ _ W011 UT 4A - RestoTation Sta 00+00 lev 2153.99 Little Berea 20 ft outside of easement hk and non-credit generating UT 4A Axiom Environmental, Inc. End Restoration UT 4B Start Enhance II Sta 42+33 Elegy 2160.76 Ep " Easement a Major Topographic Line l . Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channel Drop Structure Proposed Crossing Marsh Treatment Area 1 Proposed Drain Tile Utility 7 Cross Vane ■ Log Vane Existing Wetland .... Tree Avoidance Area Footpath - t � is UT 3A End Enhance II UT 3B Start Restoration Sta 00+50 Elev 2141.77 UT I Start Enhance 11 Sta 00+05 0 100 200 SCALE IN FEET NOTES/REVISIONS Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: Restoration Plan scale. FIGURE NO. AS SHOWN Date - March 2818 Project No., 7D 17-008 Mitigation Legend Stream Restoration Stream Enhancement I Stream Enhancement II L.UT3D Enid Reswratioix tsar nce iI to edra '• ` - � +00 E1ev at grade grade UT 3D Start Restoration Sta OW 00 Eley atZ adc I 7C 7U 7E I 17F Axiom Environmental, Inc. Stokes Field Sta 08+34 ti Elegy at rade --- _ -.. itsidc of case cnt r d i n -credit generating, ;< UT 3F �jlfC0 End Restoration Bank Slabilization I UT 3G Start Enhance !I Approx. 35 ft of +r' Sta 09+60 Bank StalliliZiu Elev at grade f ,, i t' '- r ' Approx. ?5 it of RcmoGc Large Bank Stabilization.' Ij't Approx. 150 ft of �1 Bank StabjbZation.' Easement 0. Major Topographic Line Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channel Drop Structure Proposed Crossing Marsh Treatment Area Proposed Drain Tile �,. utility k 7 Cross Vane Log Vane Existing Wetland Tree Avoidance Area Footpath a 100 200 SCALE EN FEET Project Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: Restoration Plan scale. FIGURE NO. AS SHOWN Date - March 2018 7E Project No.: 17_008 UI'3G End Enhance I1 Approx, 25 ft of Sta 16+81 f Bank Stabilization RcnnaVx Large Remove Largo Tree 'Free c Approx_ 35 ft of ' crrtove Large Tree Bank Stabilization Stokes Field Sta 08+34 ti Elegy at rade --- _ -.. itsidc of case cnt r d i n -credit generating, ;< UT 3F �jlfC0 End Restoration Bank Slabilization I UT 3G Start Enhance !I Approx. 35 ft of +r' Sta 09+60 Bank StalliliZiu Elev at grade f ,, i t' '- r ' Approx. ?5 it of RcmoGc Large Bank Stabilization.' Ij't Approx. 150 ft of �1 Bank StabjbZation.' Easement 0. Major Topographic Line Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channel Drop Structure Proposed Crossing Marsh Treatment Area Proposed Drain Tile �,. utility k 7 Cross Vane Log Vane Existing Wetland Tree Avoidance Area Footpath a 100 200 SCALE EN FEET Project Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: Restoration Plan scale. FIGURE NO. AS SHOWN Date - March 2018 7E Project No.: 17_008 7C 7D 7E 7F 31 ft outside of easement and non-credit generating. Tree Avoidance Area End Restoration i at pipe outfall Sta 11+58 - Elev 2134.30 1 Channel at Grade (approximate) Ball i Field Easement Major Topographic Line Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channel Drop Structure Proposed Crossing Marsh Treatment Area Proposed Drain Tile Utility Cross Vane Log Vane Existing Wetland ... • Tree Avoidance Area Footpath ¢ UT 5A Encs Enhancement II UT 513 Mitigation Legend Start Restoration Stream Restoration Sta 00+on Stream Enhancement I Elev At Cir e °Stream Enhancement II r UT 5A ` nhanc ent II Sta 00 Q 100 2E1Q Mot- - l - SCALE IN FEET Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS Project, Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title' Restoration Plan Scale-. FIGURE NO. AS SHOWN Date: March 2418 7F Project No-: 17-008 7 7C 7D 7F UT 6C End Enhance II Sta 21+43 Elev at grade Reach proposed as Restoration to allow for upstream pipe tie in and downstream channel relocation. Channel invert will be raised and floodprone area width will be more than doubled, with resultant Gb-type channel converted to Cb -type channel. Mitigation Legend Stream Restoration UT 7A End Restoration Stream Enhancement I +85 Stream Enhancement 11 Sta 1 Elev 2139.509.50 (Armor pipe outfall) UT 6B End Restoration UT 6C Start Enhance II Sta 16+48 Elev 2118.40 Install Channel Plug ` and Backfill to Match Floodplain Elevations S -Field Piped Crossing 20 feet outside of easement and non-credit generating. Big Bottom Field.. Easement Major Topographic Line Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channel Drop Structure Proposed Crossing 1� Marsh Treatment Area /r Proposed Drain Tile Utility f 7 Cross Vane Log Vane Existing Wetland • Tree Avoidance Area Footpath 1 End credit generation o o at property line. ff i Sta 1 9+40 I F AW Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: Restoration Plan Scale FIGURE NO. AS SHOWN Date.- ate:March March2018 7G Project No.: 17-008 _mart -Enka Sta 00+08 nd Cnha J Sta 01+63 J Elev 2110.30 UT 613 Start Restoration Sta 02+16 1 11/ I / Easement Major Topographic Line Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channel Drop Structure Proposed Crossing Marsh Treatment Area Proposed Drain Tile Utility '1 Cross Vane Log Vane Existing Wetland ... • Tree Avoidance Area 1 Footpath II 7C 7D 7E 7F 20 ft outside of casement and non-credit generating. 711 7G Big Bottom 7A 7I Add Drain Tile S -Field and Backfill Mitigation Legend Stream Restoration Stream Enhancement I Stream Enhancement I1 UT 6B End Restoration UT 6C Start Enhance 11 Sta 16+48 Elev 2118.00 o 100 200 SCALE IN FEET Axiom Environmental, Inc. Project - Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: Restoration Plan Scale-. FIGURE NO. AS SHOWN Late: March 2018 Project Flo.: 7 HI 17-008 7C 7D UT 8A Start Res ation Sta +18 7E 7F Big Start Resto T Sta 00 7H Bottom E1ev 2119 Add Drain Tile 71 Field and Backfill 7G S -Field Install Channel Plug and Backfill to Match Floodplain Elevations ion 0 .5 36 ft outside of easement and non-credit generating. Easement Major Topographic Line Minor Topographic Linc Proposed Design Channel Drop Structure Proposed Crossing Marsh Treatment Area Proposed Drain Tile Utility Cross Vane Log Vane Existing Wetland .... • Tree Avoidance Area Footpath Piped Crossing UT SA 20,feet outside pf easement End Restoration and non-credit generating. Sta 10+65 Elev2124.98 x I ,- s! S 1 Top Drop St cture Sta 00+43 Elev 2118.21 ft I*.*\\ 1) FoField Axiom Environmental, Inc. 38 ft outside of_ crit and non-credit generating. 1 Remove Fill and Grade to Floodplain Elevation. Mitigation Legend Stream Restoration �.. Stream Enhancement 1 Stream Enhancement 11 a 200 Project- Warren rojectWarren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: Restoration Plan scale. FIGURE NO. AS SHOWN Date: March 2018 Project Flo.: 71 17-0D$ TYPICAL CHANNEL PROFILE NOTES: 1. POOL -TO -POOL SPACING IS MEASURED FROM CENTER OF POOL BEND TO CENTER OF POOL BEND. TAIL OF RIFrLC DESIGN CHANN TYPICAL CHANNEL PLAN VIEW CHANNEL PLAN VIEW NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LAYOUT THE CHANNEL ALIGNMENT BY LOCATING THE RADII AND SCRIBING THE CENTER LINE FOR EACH POOL BEND_ THE CONNECTING TANGENT SECTIONS SHALL COMPLETE THE LAYOUT OF THE CHANNEL. 2. FIELD ADJUSTMENTS OF THE ALIGNMENT MAY BE REQUIRED TO SAVE TREES OR AVOID OBSTACLES. THE STAKE -OUT SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER BEFORE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CHANNEL. PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN MAX. 1'.1 SLOPE TYPICAL POOL CROSS-SECTION CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1. MATERIAL EXCAVATED FROM CHANNELAND FLOODPLAIN SHALL BE USED TO BACKFILL EXISTING CHANNEL. 2. BANK PROTECTION SHALL CONSIST OF NATURAL COIR FIBER MATTING. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY BED MATERIAL FOR THE ENTIRE BED LENGTH OF EACH RIFFLE SECTION. THE BED MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF A MIX OF CLASS AAND SMALLER STONE. 15' MIN. W bkf VAI I FY S16ESLOPELIVE REACH WILLOW Wbot ft. Drill ft. Dthal ft. D ool ft. Wool ft. STAKES UT 1 10.0 COIR FIBER 1.4 -T- 1.0 CRO510N PROPOSFD lll� _ 3 2.2 CONI ROL MAI IING FLOODPLAIN =III=III=III_ 9.3 D1a9S A aOL' 1.3 =1I=111=1 I 1=1 =1 L=1 1-111-11111-111 -� � �-i it i_ ' ' 1 I - Cobblo Stonc� -- 'I=. LL 1T11T_- -I 1-I I 2:1 In ❑ 1.0 BANK SI OPE _J 3.8 0.6 0.1 0.9 EXTEND STONE n Wlhal UT 8 7.1 BED MATFRIAIUP 1.0 7.8 1.0 CHANNELBANK 10 113 D rifl W bot TYPICAL RIFFLE CROSS-SECTION PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN MAX. 1'.1 SLOPE TYPICAL POOL CROSS-SECTION CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1. MATERIAL EXCAVATED FROM CHANNELAND FLOODPLAIN SHALL BE USED TO BACKFILL EXISTING CHANNEL. 2. BANK PROTECTION SHALL CONSIST OF NATURAL COIR FIBER MATTING. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY BED MATERIAL FOR THE ENTIRE BED LENGTH OF EACH RIFFLE SECTION. THE BED MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF A MIX OF CLASS AAND SMALLER STONE. Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: PROPOSED DIMENSION, PATTERN, AND PROFILE Scale: NA FIGURE NO. Date: ^ March 2018 (j.J� Project No.: 17-008 CROSS-SECTION DIMENSIONS REACH Wbkf ft. Wbot ft. Drill ft. Dthal ft. D ool ft. Wool ft. Wthal ft. UT 1 10.0 5.6 1.0 0.1 1.4 11.0 1.0 UT3 16.0 9.2 1.6 0.1 2.2 17.6 1.0 UT 4 and 7 9.3 5.3 0.9 0.1 1.3 102 1.0 UT5 8.2 4.6 0.8 0.1 1.1 9.0 1.0 UT 6 6.6 3.8 0.6 0.1 0.9 72 1.0 UT 8 7.1 3.9 0.7 0.1 1.0 7.8 1.0 Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: PROPOSED DIMENSION, PATTERN, AND PROFILE Scale: NA FIGURE NO. Date: ^ March 2018 (j.J� Project No.: 17-008 #57 STONE CLASS W F NATIVE CH MATERIAL LOG CROSS VANE SCALE:NTS PLAN VIEW NOTES: L 1. HEADER AND FOOTER LOGS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 18" DIAMETER AND SHALL BE A HARDWOOD SPECIES. (FOOTER LOG MAY BE SUBSTITUTED WITH PINE) 2. A DOUBLE FOOTER LOG MAY BE REQUIRED IN SAND BED STREAMS. 3. ALL STONES ARE TO BE STRUCTURE STONES. 4. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE TO PREVENT WASHOUT OF SEDIMENT THROUGH LOG GAPS. FILTER FABRIC SHALL EXTEND FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOTER TO THE FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION AND SHALL BE PLACED THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE STRUCTURE. 5. PERPENDICULAR ROOTWAD LOGS ARE REQUIRED IF THE LOG VANE ARM DOES NOT HAVE A ROOTBALL TO TIE INTO THE BANK. "' A -A iii �•iq HEADER LOG 7� A COIR LOG — CLASS W RIP RAP I NATIVE CHANNEL MATERIAL EXISTING TOP OF BANK CH STONE / NATIVE GROUND rHEADER LOG (BANKFULL) "_GROUND CHANNEL MATERIAL j COIR LOG BACKFILLED AND COMPACTED- FILTER J" WITH #57 STONE AND T 'iPOOL I� FABRIC J CLASS RIP RAP /NATIVE <�9�F� FOOTER LOG CHANNEL MATERIAL STREAMBED FILTER FABRIC SECTION A -A ELEVATION FOOTERLOG SECTION B -B REACH ARM LENGTH (FT.) CHANNEL DEPTH (FT.) UT1and 7 8 1.0-1.1 UT 5, 6,and 8 7 0.7-0.9 UT 3 12 1.7 NOTE: HEADER AND FOOTER STONES ARE LARGE, ANGULAR BOULDERS MEASURING A MINIMUM OF 24" ALONG THE SHORTEST DIMENSION. r CHANNEL CHANNEL BANK I I BANK FILTER I,,— I� I X -4 PLAN VIEW SCOUR TOP OF BANK (BANKFULL) ELEVATION Tz otP \ A \ CHANNEL ` BANK �t I I LARGE STONE / / SCOUR / HOLE / / 1 (I NOTE: FILTER FABRIC TOED IN AND DRAPED ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF LOG VANE PRIOR TO BACKFILL. TOP OF BANK \ \ \ CHANNEL BANK PLAN VIEW SCALE: N.T.S. A LOG VANE FILTER FABRIC LARGE STONE EXIST. \ CHANNEL / CROSS-SECTION A -A \ HEADER rn \ STONE SCALE: N.T.S. w „;,, %s'r' v7fkv ; '�i„�, .I (�_„�,; ;; 'i.'•F;; _:: TOP OF BANK FOOTER BANKFULL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — — — — — 10-1s° — — ELEVATION A -A STONE FLOWS N GPM I PMr.TH BOTTOM OF CHANNEL BACK FILL TO GRADE EXIST. GROUND ROCK FILL (#57 STONE) WHERE NEEDED TYPICAL CROSS -VANE PROFILE B -B FILTER FABRIC LARGE STONE t % LOG VANE FILTER FABRIC NOTE: FILTER FABRIC TOED IN AND DRAPED PROFILE B -B ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF LOG VANE SCALE: N.T.S. PRIOR TO BACKFILL. TYPICAL LOG VANE OF Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: TYPICAL STRUCTURE DETAILS Scale: FIGURE NO. NO SCALE Date: A March 2018 Project No.: 17-008 • F I� I X -4 PLAN VIEW SCOUR TOP OF BANK (BANKFULL) ELEVATION Tz otP \ A \ CHANNEL ` BANK �t I I LARGE STONE / / SCOUR / HOLE / / 1 (I NOTE: FILTER FABRIC TOED IN AND DRAPED ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF LOG VANE PRIOR TO BACKFILL. TOP OF BANK \ \ \ CHANNEL BANK PLAN VIEW SCALE: N.T.S. A LOG VANE FILTER FABRIC LARGE STONE EXIST. \ CHANNEL / CROSS-SECTION A -A \ HEADER rn \ STONE SCALE: N.T.S. w „;,, %s'r' v7fkv ; '�i„�, .I (�_„�,; ;; 'i.'•F;; _:: TOP OF BANK FOOTER BANKFULL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — — — — — 10-1s° — — ELEVATION A -A STONE FLOWS N GPM I PMr.TH BOTTOM OF CHANNEL BACK FILL TO GRADE EXIST. GROUND ROCK FILL (#57 STONE) WHERE NEEDED TYPICAL CROSS -VANE PROFILE B -B FILTER FABRIC LARGE STONE t % LOG VANE FILTER FABRIC NOTE: FILTER FABRIC TOED IN AND DRAPED PROFILE B -B ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF LOG VANE SCALE: N.T.S. PRIOR TO BACKFILL. TYPICAL LOG VANE OF Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: TYPICAL STRUCTURE DETAILS Scale: FIGURE NO. NO SCALE Date: A March 2018 Project No.: 17-008 Wetland PRS SECTION A -A Side SM. a[ 81 MARSH TREATMENT AREA Axiom Environmental, Inc. Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: TYPICAL STRUCTURE DETAILS NO SCALE Date, March 2018 Project No.: 17-008 FIGURE NO. 10E r M t Easement Major Topographic Line Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channel Montane Alluvial Forest = 10.88 Acres Stream -side Assemblage = 7.23 Acres Marsh Treatment Area = 0.1 Acre Vegetation Association Monotone Alluvial Forest* Stream -side Assemblage** Marsh Treatment Area** TOTAL Area (acres) 12.29 7.25 0.1 19.64 Species # planted* % oftotal # planted* % oftotal # plantcdk* % oftotal # planted Riverbirch (Betula nigra) 836 10 1972 10 -- — 2808 Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana) 418 5 -- -- -- — 418 Buttonbush (Cepha/anthus occidentalis) -- -- -- -- 54 20 54 Sweet pepperbush (Clethra a/nifolia) -- — -- -- 41 15 41 Silky dogwood (Cornus amomum) 836 10 2958 15 54 20 3848 Persitntnon (Diospyros virginiana) 418 5 -- -- -- — 418 Cxeen ash(Fraxinuspennsylvanica) 836 10 2958 15 -- — 3794 Tulip poplar(Liriodendron tulipifera) 836 10 -- -- -- — 836 Sycamore (P/atanus occidentalis) 1671 20 3944 20 -- — 5615 Black willow (Salix nigra) — — 1972 10 27 10 1999 White oak (Quercus alba) 1254 15 2958 15 -- — 4212 Wateroak(Quercusnigra) 1254 15 2958 15 -- — 4212 Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) -- -- -- -- 41 15 41 Blueberry(Vacciniumcorymbosum) -- -- -- -- 27 10 27 Possumbaw(Viburnum nudum) -- -- -- -- 27 10 27 TOTAL 8357 100 19720 100 272 100 28349 * Planted at a density of 680 stems/acre. ** Planted at a density of 2720 stems/acre. 0 100 zoo SCALE IN FEET Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: Planting Plan Scale: FIGURE NO. As Shown Date: 10A March 2018 Project No.: 17-008 Easement Major Topographic Line Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channel Montane Alluvial Forest = 10.88 Acres Stream -side Assemblage = 7.23 Acres Marsh Treatment Area = 0.1 Acre Vegetation Association Mountane Alluvial Forest* Streamside Assemblage** Marsh Treatment Area** TOTAL Area (acres) 12.29 7.25 0.1 19.64 Species # planted* % oftotal # planted* % oftotal # planted" '% oftotal # planted River birch (Betula nigra) 836 10 1972 10 -- -- 2808 Ironwood(Carpinus caroliniana) 418 5 -- -- -- -- 418 Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) -- -- -- -- 54 20 54 Sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia) -- -- -- -- 41 15 41 Silky dogwood (Cornus amomum) 836 10 2958 15 54 20 3848 Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) 418 5 -- -- -- -- 418 Green ash (Fra inuspennsylvanica) 836 10 2958 15 — -- 3794 Tulip poplar (Liriodendrontulipifera) 836 10 -- -- — -- 836 Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) 1671 20 3944 20 — -- 5615 Black willow (Salix nigra) -- -- 1972 10 27 1 10 1999 White oak (Quercus alba ) 1254 15 2958 15 — -- 4212 Water oak (Quercus nigra) 1254 15 2958 15 — -- 4212 Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) -- -- -- -- 41 15 41 Blueberry (Vacciniumcorymbosum) -- -- -- -- 27 10 27 Possumhaw(Viburnum nudum) -- — -- — 27 10 27 TOTAL. 8357 100 19720 100 1 272 1 100 28349 * Planted at a density of 680 stems/acre. ** Planted at a density of 2720 stems/acre. (f 0 c too zoo SCALE IN FEET Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS I I I Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: Planting Plan Scale: FIGURE NO. As Shown Date: 1 OB March 2018 Project No.: 17-008 Vegetation Association Mountane Alluvial Forest* Stream side Assemblage— Marsh Treatment Area— TOTAL Area(acres) 12.29 7.25 0.1 19.64 Species # planted* % of total # planted* % of total # planted** % of total # planted River birch (Betula nigra) 836 10 1972 10 — -- 2808 Ironwood(Carpinus caroliniana) 418 5 -- -- — -- 418 Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) -- -- -- — 54 20 54 Sweet pepperbush(Clethra alnifolia) -- -- -- -- 41 15 41 Silky dogwood (Cornus amomum) 836 10 2958 15 54 20 3848 Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) 418 5 -- -- — -- 418 Green ash (Fra inuspennsylvanica) 836 10 2958 15 — -- 3794 Tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) 836 10 -- -- — -- 836 Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) 1671 20 3944 20 — -- 5615 Black willow (Salix nigra) 1 1972 10 27 10 1999 White oak (Quercus alba ) 1254 15 2958 15 — -- 4212 Water oak (Quercus nigra) 1254 15 2958 15 1— -- 4212 Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) -- -- -- -- 41 15 41 Blueberry (Vacciniumcorymbosum) -- -- -- — 27 10 27 Possumhaw(Viburnum nudum) -- -- -- -- 27 10 27 101A1. 8357 100 19720 100 272 10 28349 * Planted at a density of 680 stems/acre. — .) J **Planted at a density of 2720 stems/acre. 10-' ��•/� // N 1 Easement Major Topographic Line Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channel Montane Alluvial Forest = 10.88 Acres Stream -side Assemblage = 7.23 Acres Marsh Treatment Area = 0.1 Acre 0\6 Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS I I Project: c- - Warren Wilson IOB College 1 Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina 0 100 SCALE IN 0 1 Title: Planting Plan Scale: FIGURE NO. As Shown Date: 10C March 2018 Project No.: 17-008 10B 10C Easement Major Topographic Line Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channel Montane Alluvial Forest = 10.88 Acres Stream -side Assemblage = 7.23 Acres Marsh Treatment Area = 0.1 Acre Vegetation Association Mountane Alluvial Forest* Stream -side Assemblage— Marsh Treatment Area— TOTAL Area (acres) 12.29 7.25 0.1 19.64 Species # planted* % oftotal # planted* % oftotal # planted— % oftotal # planted Riverbirch (Betula nigra) 836 10 1972 10 -- -- 2808 Ironwood(Carpinus caroliniana) 418 5 – -- -- -- 418 Buttonbush(Cephalanthus occidentalis) -- -- – -- 54 20 54 Sweet pepperbush(Clethra a/nifolia) -- -- – -- 41 1 15 41 Silky dogwood (Cornus amomum) 836 10 2958 15 54 20 3848 Petsitntnon (Diospyros virginiana) 418 5 – -- -- -- 418 Green ash(Fraxinuspennsylvanica) 836 10 2958 15 -- -- 3794 Tulip poplar(Liriodendron tulipifera) 836 10 – -- -- -- 836 Sycamore (P/atanus occidentalis) 1671 20 3944 1 20 -- -- 5615 Black willow (Salix nigra) -- -- 1972 10 27 1 10 1999 White oak (Quercus alba) 1254 15 2958 15 -- -- 4212 Water oak (Quercus nigra) 1254 15 2958 15 – -- 4212 Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) -- -- – -- 41 15 41 Blueberry(vacciniumcorymbosum – – – – 27 10 27 Possumhaw(Viburnum nudum) -- -- – -- 27 10 27 TOTAL 8357 100 19720 100 272 loo 28349 * Planted at a density of 680 stems/acre. ** Planted at a densitv of 2720 stems/acre. 0 100 SCALE IN 200 1 Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS I I Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: Planting Plan Scale: FIGURE NO. As Shown Date: 10D March 2018 Project No.: 17-008 YJ 1� I- N, Vegetation Association Mountmre Alluvial Forest* Stream�ide Assemblage— ssemblage*xArea(acres) Mars h Treatment Area** TOTAL Area (acres) 12.29 7.25 0.1 19.64 Species #planted* % of total #planted* % of total #planted** % oftotal #planted River birch (Betula nigra) 836 10 1972 10 — -- 2808 Ironwood(Carpinus caroliniana) 418 5 -- -- — -- 418 Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) -- — -- -- 54 20 54 Sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia) -- — -- -- 41 15 41 Silky dogwood (Cornus amomum) 836 10 2958 15 54 20 3848 Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) 418 5 -- -- — -- 418 Gwen ash (Fra inuspennsylvanica) 836 10 2958 15 — -- 3794 Tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) 836 10 -- -- — -- 836 Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) 1671 20 3944 20 — -- 5615 Black willow (Salix nigra) -- -- 1972 10 27 10 1999 White oak (Quercus alba) 1254 15 2958 15 — -- 4212 Water oak (Quercus nigra) 1254 15 2958 15 — -- 4212 Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) -- -- -- -- 41 15 1 41 Blueberry (Vacciniumcorymbosum) -- -- -- -- 27 10 27 Possumhaw(Viburnum nudum) -- -- -- -- 27 10 27 TOT 8357 1 IOU 1 19720 1 100 272 100 28349 * Planted at a density of 680 stems/acre. ** Planted at a density of 2720 stems/acre. I Ir o� 0 • 10B l0A Easement Major Topographic Line Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channel Montane Alluvial Forest = 10.88 Acres Stream -side Assemblage = 7.23 Acres Marsh Treatment Area = 0.1 Acre 100 SCALE IN FEET 200 Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: Planting Plan Scale: FIGURE NO. As Shown Date: 10E March 2018 Project No.: 17-008 IC .ft UT 1 E %r Axiom Environmental, Inc. re Easement Major Topographic Line Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channel Proposed Cross Section Location ■ Proposed Vegetation Plot Location Q Groundwater Gauge MINES 0 100 200 iii SCALE IN FEET NOTES/REVISIONS 11 Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: Monitoring Plan Scale: FIGURE NO. As Shown Date: 11A March 2018 Project No.: 17-008 1 1 B J Axiom Environmental, Inc. 11C 11D 11A 11E f RESTORATION SYSTEMS I LLC c NOTES/REVISIONS 0 Easement Major Topographic Line �• Minor Topographic Line c t Proposed Design Channel" Proposed Cross Section Location i ■ Proposed Vegetation Plot Location O Groundwater Gauge ! A� Project: Warren Wilson College U 3 Mitigation Site � T Buncombe County North Carolina Title: Monitoring Plan \ � l l\ Scale: FIGURE NO. As Shown Date: ._ March 2018 11B Project No.: 17-008 SCALE IN FEET Easement Major Topographic Line Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channel Proposed Cross Section Location ■ Proposed Vegetation Plot Location Q Groundwater Gauge N 1 UT 3 0 100 SCALE IN Axiom Environmental, Inc. NOTES/REVISIONS I I Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: Monitoring Plan Scale: FIGURE NO. As Shown Date: 1 C March 2018 Project No.: 17-008 Easement Major Topographic Line Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channel Proposed Cross Section Location ■ Proposed Vegetation Plot Location Q Groundwater Gauge J ■ d lAxiom Environmental, Inc. RESTORATION SYSTEMS I LLC NOTES/REVISIONS 0 100 200 SCALE IN FE Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: Monitoring Plan Scale: FIGURE NO. As Shown Date: 11D March 2018 Project No.: 17-008 ■ UT 6 YJ X 0 r Ca M - `, l 1113 OQ • Axiom Environmental, Inc. a 11C 11D 11A d �1 RESTORATION p oZ Y SYSTEMS 11C NOTES/REVISIONS � C I • , C Easement Major Topographic Line / Minor Topographic Line Proposed Design Channel Proposed Cross Section Location ■ Proposed Vegetation Plot Location r1 Q Groundwater Gauge UT 8 0 100 11 SCALE IN FEET Project: Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site Buncombe County North Carolina Title: Monitoring Plan Scale: FIGURE NO. As Shown Date: HE March 2018 Project No.: 17-008 Appendix B Stream Data • Table 131. Warren Wilson College Morphological Stream Characteristics • Existing Stream Cross-section Data • BEHI & NBS Data • NC SAM Forms Table 131. Warren Wilson College Morphological Stream Characteristics Variables UT 4 Reference Dimension Ratios Chemtronics Ref UT 1 Existing Average Water Surface Slope (Save) UT 1 Proposed Pattern Stream Type 0.0167 Eb 4 2.9 Mean: B 4 Mean: Cg 4 6.9 Med: Mean: Cb 4 2.9 0.0300 Drainage Area (mit) 0.21 0.0400 Mean: 1.04 0.27 0.0457 0.27 Range: Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 2.7-3.0 29.6 1.3 - 1.5 Range: 69.5 to 27.7 Range: 1.3 to 27.7 Mean: 7.6 Mean: 12.0 Mean: No distinct repetitive pattern of 17.0 Mean: 0.0029 Mean: Pool Slope (Spool) 14.0 Range: Width / Depth Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) Range: 59.8-117.2 riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 59.8 Dimension Variables 119.6 Belt Width (Wbelt) Med: 19.0 Med: 14.7 Med: 29.9 Run Slope (Sr„n) Mean: Range: Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (Abkf) Range: 6.2 Range: 2.1 16.7 53.2 3.2-7.1 12.0 to 7.1 Med: 29.9 Mean: Existing Cross -Sectional Area at TOB (Aexisting) Mean: 6.2 Mean: 16.7 Mean: 0.0039 3.2-97.4 1.5 7.1 Max. Dbkf/ Dbkf Ratio 8.7-29.4 Range: Mean: 6.8 1 Range: Mean: 14.0 Mean: Sinuosity (Sin) 10.9 1.16 Mean: 1.03 10.0 1.3-1.9 Bankfull Width (Wbkf) 1.2 - 1.7 Range: 1.4 to 2.6 Range: 1.2 to 1.7 Mean: 1.0 Mean: 1.0 Range: 5.1-9.4 1.8 Range: 11.3 - 15.8 Range: 2.6 to 19.3 Range: 9.2 to 10.7 Med: Mean: 0.9 Range: Mean: 1.2 Mean: Range: 0.6 Range: Mean: Range: 0.7 Range: Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) to 5.7 Range: 1.0 to 1.3 Maximum Pool Depth / Bankfull Mean: 2.5 Mean: 1.8 Mean: to 2.8 Range: 0.8-1.0 Med: 1.1 Range: 1.0 - 1.4 Range: 0.4 to 1.2 Range: 0.7 to 0.8 2.8 Mean: 1.4 to Mean: 1.8 Mean: 1.4 1.7 0.7 Mean: 0.8-3.3 1.1 1 Range: Bankfull Maximum Depth (Dmax) to 1.1 Width (Wpool/Wbkf) Range: 0.9-1.8 Range: 0.6-0.7 Range: 0.8 to 1.5 Range: 1.0 Range: 1.3-1.5 Pool Area / Bankfull Range: 1.7-2.0 Range: 0.6 to 1.7 Range: 0.9 to 1.3 Pool Width (WPool) Mean: 9.5 Range: Mean: 9.7 Mean: Range: 12.7 to Mean: Range: 11.0 to 1.5 Range: 6.4-12.5 Range: 9.0 - 10.1 Range: 8.8 to 16.5 Range: 10.0 to 19.9 Maximum Pool Depth (DPool) Mean: 2.3 Mean: 2.1 Mean: 1.8 Mean: 1.4 Range: 2.0-2.6 Range: 1.9-2.3 Range: 1.8 to 1.8 Range: 1.0 to 1.4 Mean: 20 Mean: 19 Mean: 55 Mean: 55 Width of Floodprone Area (Wfpa) Range: 15-28 Range: 16.5-22.0 Range: 27 to 75 Range: 25 to 75 Variables UT 4 Reference Dimension Ratios UT 1 Existing UT 1 Proposed Average Water Surface Slope (Save) Pattern Variables 0.0167 Mean: 2.9 Mean: 1.4 Mean: Med: 6.9 Med: Mean: 0.0300 2.9 0.0300 Entrenchment Ratio (WfPa/Wbkf) Pool to Pool Spacing (LP_P) 0.0400 Mean: 0.0228 Mean: 0.0457 Riffle Slope (Sriffle) Range: Range: 2.7-3.0 Range: 1.3 - 1.5 Range: 1.4 to 21.2 Range: 1.3 to 3.0 Mean: 7.6 Mean: 12.0 Mean: No distinct repetitive pattern of 17.0 Mean: 0.0029 Mean: Pool Slope (Spool) 14.0 Range: Width / Depth Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) Range: 59.8-117.2 riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 59.8 to 119.6 Belt Width (Wbelt) Med: 19.0 Med: 14.7 Med: 29.9 Run Slope (Sr„n) Mean: Range: 5.1-11.8 Range: 8.1 -14.8 Range: 2.1 to 53.2 Range: 12.0 to 16.0 Med: 29.9 Mean: 1.5 Mean: 1.5 Mean: 1.7 Mean: 0.0039 Mean: 1.5 Max. Dbkf/ Dbkf Ratio 8.7-29.4 Range: 10.7-46.1 1 1 Range: 19.9 to 39.9 Sinuosity (Sin) 0.0016-0.0179 1.16 0-0.0149 1.03 Range: 1.3-1.9 Range: 1.2 - 1.7 Range: 1.4 to 2.6 Range: 1.2 to 1.7 Mean: 1.0 Mean: 1.0 Mean: Pattern Ratios 1.8 Mean: Riffle Slope/ Water Surface 1.0 Pool to Pool Spacing/ Low Bank Height / Max. Dbkf Ratio 5.5 Med: 3.6 Med: 4.0 Range: Bankfull Width (LP_P/Wbkf) Range: 4.0-6.7 Range: 2.1 -5.1 Range: Range: Range: to Range: 1.0 to 5.7 Range: 1.0 to 1.3 Maximum Pool Depth / Bankfull Mean: 2.5 Mean: 1.8 Mean: to 2.8 Meander Width Ratio Mean: Med: 1.1 1.9 Range: Mean Depth (Dpool/Dbkf) Range: 2.1-2.8 Range: 1.6 - 1.9 Range: 2.8 to 2.8 Range: 1.4 to 2.0 Pool Width / Bankfull Mean: 1.4 Mean: 0.7 Mean: 0.8-3.3 1.2 1 Range: Mean: to 1.1 Width (Wpool/Wbkf) Range: 0.9-1.8 Range: 0.6-0.7 Range: 0.8 to 1.5 Range: 1.0 to 2.0 Pool Area / Bankfull Mean: 1.5 Mean: 0.8 Mean: 0.9 Mean: 1.2 Cross Sectional Area Range: 1.5-1.6 Range: 0.7 - 1.0 Range: 0.8 to 1.0 Range: 1.0 to 1.5 Variables UT 4 Reference Chemtronics Ref UT 1 Existing UT 1 Proposed Average Water Surface Slope (Save) Pattern Variables 0.0167 0.0294 0.0286 Valley Slope (Svalley) Med: 37.1 Med: 50.7 0.0300 Med: 0.0300 39.9 Pool to Pool Spacing (LP_P) 0.0400 Mean: 0.0228 Mean: 0.0457 Riffle Slope (Sriffle) Range: 27.3-45.8 Range: 28.8-70.7 Range: 29.9 to 69.8 Range: Med: 63.8 Med: 96.3 Med: 84.7 Meander Length (Lm) 0.0286 to 0.0857 No distinct repetitive pattern of Mean: 0.0006 Mean: 0.0029 Pool Slope (Spool) Range: Range: 56.5-76.0 Range: 59.8-117.2 riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 59.8 to 119.6 Belt Width (Wbelt) Med: 19.0 Med: 14.7 Med: 29.9 Run Slope (Sr„n) Mean: Range: 15.4-25.2 Range: 13.4 - 16.6 Mean: Range: 15.0 to 39.9 Range: Med: 15.8 Med: 30.9 Med: 29.9 Radius of Curvature (Ro) 0.0000 to 0.2000 Mean: 0.0032 Mean: 0.0039 Mean: 0.0031 Glide Slope (S91ide) Range: 8.7-29.4 Range: 10.7-46.1 1 1 Range: 19.9 to 39.9 Sinuosity (Sin) 0.0016-0.0179 1.16 0-0.0149 1.03 1.02 0.0000 1.05 0.0143 Profile Ratios Pattern Ratios Riffle Slope/ Water Surface Mean: Pool to Pool Spacing/ Med: 5.5 Med: 3.6 Med: 4.0 Range: Bankfull Width (LP_P/Wbkf) Range: 4.0-6.7 Range: 2.1 -5.1 1.0 Range: 3.0 to 7.0 Meander Length/ Med: 9.4 Med: 6.9 Med: 8.5 Range: Bankfull Width (Lm/Wbkf) Range: 8.3-11.2 Range: 4.3-8.4 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 6.0 to 12.0 Meander Width Ratio Med: 2.8 Med: 1.1 Med: 3.0 Range: (Wbelt/Wbkf) Range: 2.3-3.7 Range: 1.0 - 1.2 0.0 Range: 1.5 to 4.0 Radius of Curvature/ Med: 2.3 Med: 2.2 Med: 3.0 Range: Bankfull Width (Rc/Wbkf) Range: 1.3-4.3 Range: 0.8-3.3 0.0 1 Range: 2.0 to 4.0 Profile Variables Average Water Surface Slope (Save) 0.0226 0.0167 0.0294 0.0286 Valley Slope (Svalley) 0.0262 0.0172 0.0300 0.0300 Mean: 0.0400 Mean: 0.0228 Mean: 0.0457 Riffle Slope (Sriffle) Range: 0.0090-0.0754 Range: 0.0156 - 0.0468 Range: 0.0286 to 0.0857 Mean: 0.0021 Mean: 0.0006 Mean: 0.0029 Pool Slope (Spool) Range: 0-0.0243 Range: 0-0.0080 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to Range: 0.0000 to 0.0200 Run Slope (Sr„n) Mean: 0.0075 Mean: 0.0217 staightening activities Mean: 0.0371 Range: 0-0.3661 Range: 0.008 - 0.0737 Range: 0.0000 to 0.2000 Mean: 0.0032 Mean: 0.0039 Mean: 0.0031 Glide Slope (S91ide) Range: 0.0016-0.0179 Range: 0-0.0149 Range: 0.0000 to 0.0143 Profile Ratios Riffle Slope/ Water Surface Mean: 1.8 Mean: 1.4 Mean: 1.6 Slope (Sriffle/Save) Range: 0.4-3.3 Range: 0.9-2.8 Range: 1.0 to 3.0 Pool Slope/Water Surface Mean: 0.1 Mean: 0.04 Mean: 0.10 Slope (Spool/Save) Range: 0-1.1 Range: 0-0.5 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 0.0 to 0.7 Run Slope/Water Surface Mean: 0.33 Mean: 1.30 Mean: 1.30 Slope (Sm./Save) Range: 0-16.2 Range: 0.5-4.4 Range: 0.0 to 7.0 Glide Slope/Water Surface Mean: 0.14 Mean: 0.20 Mean: 0.11 Slope (S9lide/Save) Range: 0.07-0.8 Range: 0-0.9 Range: 0.0 to 0.5 Table 131. Warren Wilson Colleqe Morphological Stream Characteristics (continued) Variables UT 3 Upper Existing UT 3 Upper Proposed UT 5 Existing UT 5 Existing UT 5 Proposed Average Water Surface Slope (Save) UT 5 Proposed Pattern Stream Type Med: Eg 4 0.0134 Med: Ce 4 Mean: 0.0155 2.5 G 3 Mean: Med: 6.3 Ce 4 Mean: Pool to Pool Spacing (Lp_p) Drainage Area (mi) 7.0 1.09 Med: 8.5 12.2 Riffle Slope (Sriffle) 1.09 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 6.0 to 0.15 to 111.7 Range: Range: 0.15 to 57.4 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Med: 135.7 75.8 (Wbelt/Wbkf) Meander Length (Lm) No distinct repetitive pattern of 75.8 Range: 1.3 to 18.1 Range: 5.4 to 18.1 Range: 1.2 to 1.5 Range: 10.5 to 13.7 Med: 47.9 Mean: to 8.0 0.0183 Mean: to 63.8 14.0 Range: Mean: to 7.8 0.0000 Mean: Med: 24.6 Dimension Variables Radius of Curvature (Ro) Width / Depth Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) Mean: 0.0016 Mean: 0.0015 Glide Slope (S9lide) Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (Abkf) Range: 31.9 18.2 Range: 16.4 18.2 32.8 Sinuosity (Sin) Range: 4.8 to 10.9 Range: 4.8 to 16.0 Existing Cross -Sectional Area at TOB (Aexisting) 6.5 39.6-60.4 12.0 Range: 18.2 to 16.0 Profile Ratios 18.7-57.3 1.3 4.8 Mean: 1.5 Mean: Mean: 12.1 1.4 Mean: Mean: 16.0 1.5 Mean: Max. Dbkf/ Dbkf Ratio 6.1 3.0 Mean: Range: 8.2 Pool Slope/Water Surface Bankfull WidthW ( bkf) Mean: 0.10 Slope (Spool/Save) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 0.0 to 0.7 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: Range: 1.2 to 1.5 Range: 1.2 to Range: 11.5 to 14.1 Range: 14.8 to 17.1 Range: 5.6 to 7.6 Range: 7.6 to 8.8 1.0 Mean: Mean: 1.5 4.8 Mean: Mean: 1.1 1.0 Mean: Low Bank Height / Max. Dbkf Ratio 0.8 Mean: 0.6 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) Range: 1.8 to 2.4 Range: 1.0 to Range: 1.3 to 1.6 Range: 1.1 to 1.2 Range: 0.6 to 0.9 Range: 0.5 to 0.6 1.9 Mean: Mean: 2.0 1.4 Mean: Mean: 1.7 1.9 Mean: Mean Depth (Dpool/Dbkf) 1.2 1.3 Mean: 1.3 0.9 1.4 Bankfull Maximum Depth (Dmax) 2.0 Range: 1.3 to 1.5 Range: 1.4 to 2.0 Pool Width / Bankfull Mean: 1.4 Mean: 1.1 Range: 1.6 to 2.2 Range: 1.4 to 2.1 Range: 0.8 to 1.3 Range: 0.7 to 1.1 to Mean: Range: 16.4 to Mean: Range: 17.6 to Mean: Pool Area / Bankfull 6.6 Mean: 9.0 Pool Width( Wpool) Mean: 1.0 Mean: 1.2 Cross Sectional Area Range: 1.0 to 1.0 Range: 1.0 to Range: 13.9 to 18.9 Range: 16.0 to 31.9 Range: 5.6 to 7.5 Range: 8.2 to 16.4 Mean: 1.9 Mean: 2.2 Mean: 1.1 Mean: 1.1 Maximum Pool Depth (Dpool) Range: 1.9 to 1.9 Range: 1.6 to 2.3 Range: 1.0 to 1.2 Range: 0.8 to 1.2 Mean: 29 Mean: 100 Mean: 9 Mean: 100 Width of Floodprone Area (Wfpa) Range: 19 to 100 Range: 80 to 120 Range: 8 to 9 Range: 80 to 120 Variables UT 3 Upper Existing UT 3 Upper Proposed UT 5 Existing Dimension Ratios UT 5 Proposed Average Water Surface Slope (Save) 0.0146 Pattern Variables Med: 4.0 0.0134 Med: 0.0155 Mean: 0.0155 2.5 63.8 Mean: Med: 6.3 32.8 Mean: Pool to Pool Spacing (Lp_p) 1.4 7.0 Mean: Med: 8.5 12.2 Riffle Slope (Sriffle) Entrenchment Ratio (Wfpa/Wbkf) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 6.0 to Range: 47.9 to 111.7 Range: Range: 24.6 to 57.4 Med: 3.0 Med: 135.7 Med: 69.7 (Wbelt/Wbkf) Meander Length (Lm) No distinct repetitive pattern of to Range: 1.3 to 8.3 Range: 5.4 to 7.0 Range: 1.2 to 1.5 Range: 10.5 to 13.7 Med: 47.9 Mean: to 8.0 0.0183 Mean: to 63.8 14.0 Range: Mean: to 7.8 0.0000 Mean: Med: 24.6 14.0 Radius of Curvature (Ro) Width / Depth Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) Mean: 0.0016 Mean: 0.0015 Glide Slope (S9lide) Range: 31.9 to 63.8 Range: 16.4 to 32.8 Sinuosity (Sin) Range: 7.3 to 10.9 Range: 12.0 to 16.0 Range: 6.5 to 12.0 Range: 12.0 to 16.0 Profile Ratios Mean: 1.3 Mean: 1.5 Mean: 1.4 Mean: Mean: Slope (Sriffle/Save) 1.5 Range: Max. Dbkf/ Dbkf Ratio to 3.0 Range: 1.0 to 3.0 Pool Slope/Water Surface Mean: 0.10 Mean: 0.10 Slope (Spool/Save) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 0.0 to 0.7 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: Range: 1.2 to 1.5 Range: 1.2 to 1.7 Range: 1.3 to 1.7 Range: 1.2 to 1.7 Mean: Mean: Slope (S9lide/Save) 2.0 Range: Mean: to 1.0 Mean: 0.0 to 0.5 4.8 Mean: 1.0 Low Bank Height / Max. Dbkf Ratio Range: 1.8 to 2.4 Range: 1.0 to 1.3 Range: 2.4 to 5.8 Range: 1.0 to 1.3 Maximum Pool Depth / Bankfull Mean: 1.3 Mean: 1.9 Mean: 1.4 Mean: 1.9 Mean Depth (Dpool/Dbkf) Range: 1.3 to 1.3 Range: 1.4 to 2.0 Range: 1.3 to 1.5 Range: 1.4 to 2.0 Pool Width / Bankfull Mean: 1.4 Mean: 1.1 Mean: 1.1 Mean: 1.1 Width (Wpool/Wbkf) Range: 1.1 to 1.6 Range: 1.0 to 2.0 Range: 0.9 to 1.2 Range: 1.0 to 2.0 Pool Area / Bankfull Mean: 1.0 Mean: 1.2 Mean: 1.0 Mean: 1.2 Cross Sectional Area Range: 1.0 to 1.0 Range: 1.0 to 1.5 Range: 1.0 to 1.0 Range: 1.0 to 1.5 Variables UT 3 Upper Existing UT 3 Upper Proposed UT 5 Existing UT 5 Proposed Average Water Surface Slope (Save) 0.0146 Pattern Variables Med: 4.0 0.0134 Med: 0.0155 4.0 0.0155 Med: 63.8 Range: 3.0 Med: 7.0 32.8 Range: Pool to Pool Spacing (Lp_p) to 7.0 Meander Length/ Med: 8.5 Med: 8.5 Riffle Slope (Sriffle) Bankfull Width (Lm/Wbkf) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 6.0 to Range: 47.9 to 111.7 Range: Range: 24.6 to 57.4 Med: 3.0 Med: 135.7 Med: 69.7 (Wbelt/Wbkf) Meander Length (Lm) No distinct repetitive pattern of to 4.0 No distinct repetitive pattern of Range: 1.5 to 4.0 Radius of Curvature/ riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 95.8 to 191.5 riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 49.2 to 98.4 Belt Width (Wbeit) Med: 47.9 Med: 24.6 to 4.0 0.0183 Range: 23.9 to 63.8 Mean: Range: 12.3 to 32.8 0.0000 Med: 47.9 Med: 24.6 Radius of Curvature (Ro) 0.0000 to 0.0935 Mean: 0.0016 Mean: 0.0015 Glide Slope (S9lide) Range: 31.9 to 63.8 Range: 16.4 to 32.8 Sinuosity (Sin) 1.06 1.10 1.05 0.0000 to 0.0067 1.10 Pattern Ratios Average Water Surface Slope (Save) 0.0146 Pool to Pool Spacing/ 0.0141 Med: 4.0 0.0134 Med: 0.0155 4.0 0.0155 Bankfull Width (Lp_p/Wbkf) 0.0147 Range: 3.0 to 7.0 Range: 3.0 to 7.0 Meander Length/ Med: 8.5 Med: 8.5 Riffle Slope (Sriffle) Bankfull Width (Lm/Wbkf) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 6.0 to 12.0 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 6.0 to 12.0 Meander Width Ratio Med: 3.0 Med: 3.0 0.0423 (Wbelt/Wbkf) Range: Range: 1.5 to 4.0 Mean: Range: 1.5 to 4.0 Radius of Curvature/ Med: 3.0 Med: 3.0 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to Bankfull Width (Rc/Wbkf) 0.0000 to 0.0094 Range: 2.0 to 4.0 Range: 2.0 to 4.0 Profile Variables Average Water Surface Slope (Save) 0.0146 0.0141 0.0140 0.0134 Valley Slope (Svalley) 0.0155 0.0155 0.0147 0.0147 Mean: 0.0225 Mean: 0.0214 Riffle Slope (Sriffle) Range: 0.0141 to 0.0423 Range: 0.0134 to 0.0401 0.0014 Mean: 0.0013 Pool Slope (Spool)Mean: No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to Range: 0.0000 to 0.0099 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to Range: 0.0000 to 0.0094 Run Slope (Sr o) staightening activities Mean: 0.0183 staightening activities Mean: 0.0174 Range: 0.0000 to 0.0986 Range: 0.0000 to 0.0935 Mean: 0.0016 Mean: 0.0015 Glide Slope (S9lide) Range: 0.0000 to 0.0070 Range: 0.0000 to 0.0067 Profile Ratios Riffle Slope/ Water Surface Mean: 1.6 Mean: 1.6 Slope (Sriffle/Save) Range: 1.0 to 3.0 Range: 1.0 to 3.0 Pool Slope/Water Surface Mean: 0.10 Mean: 0.10 Slope (Spool/Save) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 0.0 to 0.7 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 0.0 to 0.7 Run Slope/Water Surface Mean: 1.30 Mean: 1.30 Slope (Srun/Save) Range: 0.0 to 7.0 Range: 0.0 to 7.0 Glide Slope/Water Surface Mean: 0.11 Mean: 0.11 Slope (S9lide/Save) Range: 0.0 to 0.5 Range: 0.0 to 0.5 Table B1. Warren Wilson Colleqe Morphological Stream Characteristics (continued) Variables UT 6 Existing UT 6 Proposed UT 7 Existing UT 7 Proposed Stream Type G 3 Ce 4 Gb 4 Eb 4 Drainage Area (mit) 0.08 0.08 0.22 0.22 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 11.5 11.5 23.9 23.9 Variables UT 6 Existing UT 6 Proposed UT 7 Existing Dimension Variables UT 7 Proposed Average Water Surface Slope (SaVe) 0.0039 Pattern Variables 0.0202 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (Abkf) 3.1 0.0039 1.5 Mean: 3.1 7.6 0.0208 Mean: 6.2 1.5 Mean: Mean: 6.2 Pool to Pool Spacing (Lp_p) 7.5 Existing Cross -Sectional Area at TOB (Aexisting) Entrenchment Ratio (Wfpa/Wbkf) 23.5-34.6 Riffle Slope (Sriffle) 3.1 10-20.8 Range: 6.2 to 0.0042 Bankfull WidthW ( bkf) Mean: Range: 5.5 Range: Mean: to 2.1 6.6 4.1 Mean: Meander Length (Lm) 7.4 Range: Mean: to 2.4 9.3 2.3 to Range: 4.2 to 6.4 Range: 6.1 to Mean: 7.0 Range: 7.0 to 9.7 Range: 8.6 to Mean: 10.0 Med: 19.8 Mean: Range: 0.6 to Mean: 9.9 to 0.5 26.4 Mean: Range: 0.8 to Mean: 37.3 0.7 Med: 27.9 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) Radius of Curvature (Ro) Range: Range: 5.7 to 13.2 Range: 12.0 to 16.0 Range: 7.9 to 15.2 Range: 12.0 to Range: 0.5 to 0.7 Range: 0.4 to Mean: 0.5 Range: 0.6 to 0.9 Range: 0.6 to Mean: 0.7 Mean: 1.0 1.0 Mean: Range: 0.7 to Mean: Pool Slope/Water Surface 1.1 Mean: 0.10 Mean: Slope (Spool/Save) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities 1.0 Pattern Ratios Bankfull Maximum Depth (Dmax) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 0.0 Range: 1.2 to 1.8 Range: 1.2 to 1.7 Range: 1.1 to 1.5 Range: 1.2 to Range: 0.6 to 1.3 Range: 0.6 to Mean: 0.9 Range: 0.9 to 1.3 Range: 0.8 to Mean: 1.2 Pool Width(Wpool) Mean: 6.0 5.2 Mean: No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 7.2 to Mean: 12.0 5.8 Med: 3.0 Mean: (Wbelt/Wbkf) 10.2 Range: 1.5 Range: 4.4 to 6.0 Range: 6.6 to Range: 13.2 Range: 5.8 to 5.8 Range: 9.3 to Range: 18.6 Maximum Pool Depth (Dpool) Mean: 1.3 1.0 Mean: Mean: 1.8 4.0 0.9 Mean: 1.9 1.6 Mean: Mean: 1.8 1.3 Range: 0.9 to 1.1 Range: 0.7 to Range: 0.9 Range: 1.5 to 1.6 Range: 0.9 to Range: 1.3 to Mean: 2.0 9 Mean: Mean: 0.9 50 Mean: 1.1 13 Mean: Mean: 0.8 70 Width of Floodprone Area (Wfpa) 1.1 Width (Wpool/Wbkf) Range: 0.8 to 1.1 Range: 1.0 to 2.0 Range: 0.8 to 0.8 Range: 1.0 to Range: 8 to 9 Range: 25 to Mean: 75 Range: 10 to 17 Range: 20 to Mean: 120 Variables UT 6 Existing UT 6 Proposed UT 7 Existing Dimension Ratios UT 7 Proposed Average Water Surface Slope (SaVe) 0.0039 Pattern Variables 0.0202 0.0194 Mean: 0.0039 1.5 Mean: 0.0208 7.6 0.0208 Mean: Med: 1.5 Mean: Mean: 0.0067 Pool to Pool Spacing (Lp_p) 7.5 Entrenchment Ratio (Wfpa/Wbkf) Riffle Slope (Sriffle) Range: 19.8 to 0.0042 46.1 Range: 27.9 Range: 1.4 to 2.1 Range: 4.1 to Meander Length (Lm) 10.6 Range: 1.4 to 2.4 Range: 2.3 to 12.0 Mean: Run Slope (Srun) 9.8 Range: Mean: to activities 14.0 and pools due to staightening activities Mean: 55.9 8.8 Mean: Belt Width (Wbelt) Med: 19.8 14.0 Range: Width / Depth Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) to Range: 9.9 to Mean: 0.0021 26.4 Glide Slope (S9lide) Range: 14.0 to 37.3 Med: 19.8 Med: 27.9 Radius of Curvature (Ro) Range: Range: 5.7 to 13.2 Range: 12.0 to 16.0 Range: 7.9 to 15.2 Range: 12.0 to 26.4 16.0 lRange: Mean: to 1.8 37.3 Mean: 1.01 Riffle Slope/ Water Surface 1.5 1.15 Mean: 1.6 1.4 Mean: Mean: 1.07 1.5 Max. Dbkf/ Dbkf Ratio 1.0 to 3.0 Range: 1.0 to 3.0 Pool Slope/Water Surface Mean: 0.10 Mean: 0.10 Slope (Spool/Save) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: Pattern Ratios to 0.7 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 0.0 Range: 1.2 to 1.8 Range: 1.2 to 1.7 Range: 1.1 to 1.5 Range: 1.2 to Bankfull Width (Lp_p/Wbkf) 1.7 Range: Mean: to 3.9 7.0 Mean: Range: 3.0 1.0 0.0 Mean: Meander Length/ 1.9 Med: 8.5 Mean: Bankfull Width (Lm/Wbkf) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities 1.0 6.0 Low Bank Height /Max. Dbkf Ratio 12.0 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 6.0 to 12.0 Meander Width Ratio Med: 3.0 Med: 3.0 (Wbelt/Wbkf) Range: 1.5 to 4.0 Range: 2.8 to 5.0 Range: 1.0 to Med: 3.0 1.3 Range: 1.4 to 2.6 Range: 1.0 to 4.0 1.3 Maximum Pool Depth / Bankfull Mean: to 1.8 4.0 Mean: 1.9 Mean: 1.8 Mean: 1.9 Mean Depth (Dpool/Dbkf) Range: 1.6 to 2.0 Range: 1.4 to 2.0 Range: 1.8 to 1.9 Range: 1.4 to 2.0 Pool Width / Bankfull Mean: 0.9 Mean: 1.1 Mean: 0.8 Mean: 1.1 Width (Wpool/Wbkf) Range: 0.8 to 1.1 Range: 1.0 to 2.0 Range: 0.8 to 0.8 Range: 1.0 to 2.0 Pool Area / Bankfull Mean: 1.0 Mean: 1.2 Mean: 1.0 Mean: 1.2 Cross Sectional Area Range: 1.0 to 1.0 Range: 1.0 to 1.5 Range: 1.0 to 1.0 Range: 1.0 to 1.5 Variables UT 6 Existing UT 6 Proposed UT 7 Existing UT 7 Proposed Average Water Surface Slope (SaVe) 0.0039 Pattern Variables 0.0202 0.0194 Valley Slope (Svalley) 0.0039 Med: 0.0208 26.4 0.0208 Med: Mean: 37.3 0.0067 Pool to Pool Spacing (Lp_p) Mean: 0.0311 Riffle Slope (Sriffle) Range: 19.8 to 0.0042 46.1 Range: 27.9 to 0.0583 65.2 0.0004 Med: 56.0 Med: 79.2 Pool Slope (Spool)Mean: Meander Length (Lm) No distinct repetitive pattern 0.0000 to 0.0029 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening Range: 0.0000 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles 0.0136 Run Slope (Srun) of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 39.5 to activities 79.1 and pools due to staightening activities Range: 55.9 to 111.8 Belt Width (Wbelt) Med: 19.8 Med: 27.9 Range: 0.0000 to Range: 9.9 to Mean: 0.0021 26.4 Glide Slope (S9lide) Range: 14.0 to 37.3 Med: 19.8 Med: 27.9 Radius of Curvature (Ro) Range: 0.0000 to 0.0021 1 lRange: 0.0000 to 0.0097 Range: 13.2 to 26.4 1 lRange: 18.6 to 37.3 Sinuosity (Sin) 1.01 Riffle Slope/ Water Surface 1.15 1.6 1.03 Mean: 1.07 Slope (Sriffle/Save) Range: 1.0 to 3.0 Range: 1.0 to 3.0 Pool Slope/Water Surface Mean: 0.10 Mean: 0.10 Slope (Spool/Save) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: Pattern Ratios to 0.7 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 0.0 to 0.7 Run Slope/Water Surface Pool to Pool Spacing/ Mean: 1.30 Med: Slope (Srun/Save) 4.0 0.0 to 7.0 Med: Range: 0.0 4.0 7.0 Bankfull Width (Lp_p/Wbkf) Mean: 0.11 Range: 3.0 to 7.0 0.0 Range: 3.0 to 0.0 7.0 Meander Length/ Med: 8.5 Med: 8.5 Bankfull Width (Lm/Wbkf) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 6.0 to 12.0 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 6.0 to 12.0 Meander Width Ratio Med: 3.0 Med: 3.0 (Wbelt/Wbkf) Range: 1.5 to 4.0 Range: 1.5 to 4.0 Radius of Curvature/ Med: 3.0 Med: 3.0 Bankfull Width (Rc/Wbkf) Range: 2.0 to 4.0 Range: 2.0 to 4.0 Profile Variables Average Water Surface Slope (SaVe) 0.0039 0.0042 0.0202 0.0194 Valley Slope (Svalley) 0.0039 0.0048 0.0208 0.0208 Mean: 0.0067 Mean: 0.0311 Riffle Slope (Sriffle) Range: 0.0042 to 0.0125 Range: 0.0194 to 0.0583 0.0004 Mean: 0.0019 Pool Slope (Spool)Mean: No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to Range: 0.0000 to 0.0029 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening Range: 0.0000 to 0.0136 Run Slope (Srun) staightening activities Mean: 0.0054 activities Mean: 0.0253 Range: 0.0000 to 0.0292 Range: 0.0000 to 0.1361 Mean: 0.0005 Mean: 0.0021 Glide Slope (S9lide) Range: 0.0000 to 0.0021 1 lRange: 0.0000 to 0.0097 Profile Ratios Riffle Slope/ Water Surface Mean: 1.6 Mean: 1.6 Slope (Sriffle/Save) Range: 1.0 to 3.0 Range: 1.0 to 3.0 Pool Slope/Water Surface Mean: 0.10 Mean: 0.10 Slope (Spool/Save) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 0.0 to 0.7 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 0.0 to 0.7 Run Slope/Water Surface Mean: 1.30 Mean: 1.30 Slope (Srun/Save) Range: 0.0 to 7.0 Range: 0.0 to 7.0 Glide Slope/Water Surface Mean: 0.11 Mean: 0.11 Slope (S9lide/Save) Range: 0.0 to 0.5 Range: 0.0 to 0.5 Table 131. Warren Wilson Colleqe Morpholoqical Stream Characteristics (continued) Variables UT 8 Existing UT 8 Proposed Stream Type Eg 4 C 4 Drainage Area (mit) 0.10 0.10 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 13.5 13.5 Variables Dimension Variables UT 8 Proposed Pattern Variables Med: Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (Abkf) 4.0 Mean: 3.6 2.0 Med: Mean: 3.6 7.0 Pool to Pool Spacing (Lp_p) Existing Cross -Sectional Area at TOB (Aexisting) 0.0231 Bankfull Width (Lm/Wbkf) 21.6-39.3 Range: 6.0 3.6 Range: 21.3 Bankfull Width(Wbkf) 49.7 Mean: Range: 6.8 to Mean: Range: 7.1 to 9.9 Bankfull Width (Rc/Wbkf) Range: 5.6 to 9.4 Range: 6.6 to 7.6 Width / Depth Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) Mean: 10.6 0.5 28.4 Mean: Med: 21.3 0.5 Radius of Curvature (R.) Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) to 0.0072 Range: 8.7 to 24.5 Range: 12.0 to 16.0 Sinuosity (Sin) Range: 0.4 to 0.6 Range: 0.5 to 0.5 Slope (Sriffle/Save) Max. Dbkf / Dbkf Ratio Mean: 1.0 1.0 3.0 Mean: Mean: 0.10 0.8 Slope (Spool/Save) Bankfull Maximum Depth (Drriax) Range: 0.0 Range: 1.6 to 2.6 Range: 1.2 to 1.7 0.0 Range: 0.9 to 1.0 Range: 0.6 to 0.9 Pool Width(Wpool) Low Bank Height / Max. Dbkf Ratio Mean: 5.4 Mean: 0.0 Range: 4.8 to 6.0 Range: 7.1 to 14.2 Maximum Pool Depth (Dpool) Maximum Pool Depth / Bankfull Mean: Mean: 1.0 1.8 Mean: Mean: 1.9 Mean Depth (Dpool/Dbkf) Range: 0.9 to 1.0 Range: 0.7 to 1.0 2.0 Pool Width / Bankfull Mean: Mean: 12 0.8 Mean: Mean: 50 1.1 Width of Floodprone Area (Wfpa) Width (Wpool/Wbkf) Range: 0.7 to 0.9 Range: 1.0 to 2.0 Pool Area / Bankfull Range: 11 to 19 Range: 25 to 75 Variables Dimension Variables UT 8 Proposed Pattern Variables Med: 0.0144 4.0 Mean: Bankfull Width (Lp_p/Wbkf) 2.0 Med: Mean: 28.4 7.0 Pool to Pool Spacing (Lp_p) Entrenchment Ratio (Wfpa/Wbkf) 0.0231 Bankfull Width (Lm/Wbkf) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 6.0 to Range: 21.3 to 49.7 (Wbelt/Wbkf) Range: 1.8 to 2.0 Range: 3.8 to 9.9 Bankfull Width (Rc/Wbkf) riffles and pools due to staightening activities Mean: 42.6 12.8 85.2 Mean: Med: 21.3 14.0 Width / Depth Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) Range: 10.6 to 28.4 Med: 21.3 Radius of Curvature (R.) 0.0000 to 0.0072 Range: 8.7 to 24.5 Range: 12.0 to 16.0 Sinuosity (Sin) 1.02 Mean: Riffle Slope/ Water Surface 1.7 Mean: Mean: 1.6 1.5 Slope (Sriffle/Save) Max. Dbkf / Dbkf Ratio Range: 1.0 to 3.0 Pool Slope/Water Surface Mean: 0.10 Slope (Spool/Save) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 0.0 Range: 1.6 to 2.6 Range: 1.2 to 1.7 0.0 to Mean: Glide Slope/Water Surface 2.7 Mean: 1.0 0.0 Low Bank Height / Max. Dbkf Ratio 0.5 Range: 2.3 to 3.8 Range: 1.0 to 1.3 Maximum Pool Depth / Bankfull Mean: 1.8 Mean: 1.9 Mean Depth (Dpool/Dbkf) Range: 1.7 to 1.9 Range: 1.4 to 2.0 Pool Width / Bankfull Mean: 0.8 Mean: 1.1 Width (Wpool/Wbkf) Range: 0.7 to 0.9 Range: 1.0 to 2.0 Pool Area / Bankfull Mean: 1.0 Mean: 1.2 Cross Sectional Area Range: 1.0 to 1.0 Range: 1.0 to 1.5 Variables UT 8 Existing UT 8 Proposed Pattern Variables Med: 0.0144 4.0 Valley Slope (Svalley) Bankfull Width (Lp_p/Wbkf) Med: 3.0 28.4 7.0 Pool to Pool Spacing (Lp_p) Med: 8.5 0.0231 Bankfull Width (Lm/Wbkf) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 6.0 to Range: 21.3 to 49.7 (Wbelt/Wbkf) Med: Range: Meander Length (Lm) No distinct repetitive pattern of 4.0 Radius of Curvature/ Med: 3.0 0.0188 Bankfull Width (Rc/Wbkf) riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 42.6 to 85.2 Belt Width (Wbelt) Med: 21.3 Mean: 0.0016 Glide Slope (S9lide) Range: 10.6 to 28.4 Med: 21.3 Radius of Curvature (R.) 0.0000 to 0.0072 Range: 14.2 to 28.4 Sinuosity (Sin) 1.02 11.15 Riffle Slope/ Water Surface Mean: Profile Variables Pattern Ratios Pool to Pool Spacing/ 0.0046 Med: 0.0144 4.0 Valley Slope (Svalley) Bankfull Width (Lp_p/Wbkf) Range: 3.0 to 7.0 Meander Length/ Med: 8.5 0.0231 Bankfull Width (Lm/Wbkf) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 6.0 to 12.0 Meander Width Ratio Med: 3.0 0.0014 Range: 0.0000 to (Wbelt/Wbkf) Range: 1.5 to 4.0 Radius of Curvature/ Med: 3.0 0.0188 Bankfull Width (Rc/Wbkf) Range: 2.0 to 4.0 Profile Variables Average Water Surface Slope (Save) 0.0046 0.0144 Valley Slope (Svalley) 0.0047 0.0166 Riffle Slope (Sriffle) Mean: 0.0231 No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to Range: 0.0144 to 0.0433 Pool Slope (Spool)Mean: 0.0014 Range: 0.0000 to 0.0101 Run Slope (Srun) staightening activities Mean: 0.0188 Range: 0.0000 to 0.1010 Mean: 0.0016 Glide Slope (S9lide) Range: 0.0000 to 0.0072 Profile Variables Riffle Slope/ Water Surface Mean: 1.6 Slope (Sriffle/Save) Range: 1.0 to 3.0 Pool Slope/Water Surface Mean: 0.10 Slope (Spool/Save) No distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to staightening activities Range: 0.0 to 0.7 Run Slope/Water Surface Mean: 1.30 Slope (Srun/Save) Range: 0.0 to 7.0 Glide Slope/Water Surface Mean: 0.11 Slope (S9lide/Save) Range: 0.0 to 0.5 Warren Wilson UT 1 - XS 1 Riffle -- 106.5 106 105.5 105 c 104.5 104 w 103.5 103 102.5 102 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Width from River Left to Right (ft) section: Riffle description: height of instrument (ft): r r r r omit distance FS FS FS W fpa channel Mannings notes ot. (ft) (ft) elevation bankfull too of bank fftl slooe (%) dimensions 7.0 19.3 x -section area 0.4 19.6 d mean width wet P 0.6 d max 0.4 h d radi 3.4 bank ht 53.6 w ratio 27.0 W flood prone area 1.4 ant ratio hydraulics 0measured 0.0 velocity ft/sec relative rou hness 1 0.11 1 fric. factor 11 0.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 1.8 0.00 shear stress lbs/ft s h d radi 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 0.000 unit stream power Ibs/fUsec threshold grain size mm 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* " threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0measured D84 mm 0.0 relative rou hness 1 0.11 1 fric. factor 11 0.000 1 Mannin 's n from channel material 102 100 98 x 96 94 - w 92 .... ... ....; 90 - 88 86 0 10 sect descript height of instrument omitdistance FS notes ot. (ft) (ft) Warren Wilson UT 1 - XS 2 Pool --- 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width from River Left to Right (ft) channel dimensions 7.0 8.8 x -section area 0.8 9.6 d mean width wet P 1.8 d max 0.7 h d radi 9.5 bank ht 9-9 threshold grain size mm hydraulics 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 9-9 threshold grain size mm Warren Wilson UT 1 - XS 3 Riffle --- 66.5 66 65.5 65 c 64.5 64 w 63.5 63 62.5 ---- 771 62 4- ELA 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width from River Left to Right (ft) sectio;Riffle descriptioheight of instrument (fomit distance FSFS FS Wfpa channel Manningsnotes ot. (ft) !ftl bankfull too of bank (ft) slope (a 1 "n" dimensions 7.0 10.9 x -section area 0.6 12.1 1 d mean width wet P 1.7 d max 0.6 h d radi 3.0 bank ht 16.9 w/d ratio 75.0 W flood prone area 6.9 ant ratio hydraulics 5.6 16.5 0.0 velocit We C) 1 d mean 0.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 1.8 0.00 shear stress Ibs/fts h d radi 0.00 shear velocity (ft/sec) 48-6 0.000 unit stream power(lbs/ft/sec) ea 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* 0-B threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 measured D64 mm 0.0 relative rou hness 1 0.0 fric. factor 0.000 Mannin 's in from channel material 64 63.5 63 62.5 o 62 w 61.5 61 60.5 Warren Wilson UT 1 - XS 4 Pool -- 0 10 20 Width from Ril to Right (ft) 40 description: ght of instmment (ft): i i distance FS FS FS 50 60 dimensions 5.6 16.5 x -section area 0.3 18.5 1 d mean width wet P 1.8 d max 0.3 h d radi 1.8 bank ht 48-6 ea 0.9 hydraulics 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity fUsec 0-B threshold grain size mm 64 63.5 63 62.5 z c 62 61.5 -- w 61 60.5 60 59.5 0 10 ight of instrument distance I FS notes Warren Wilson UT 1 - XS 5 Riffle --- 20 30 40 50 60 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Warren Wilson UT 1 - XS 5 Riffle rr ii FS FS W fpa I channel I Manning's elevation bankfull too of bank (ft) slope (%1 dimensions 3.2 2.6 x -section area 1.2 4.9 d mean width wet P 1.7 d max 0.6 h d radi 1.7 bank ht 2.2 w/d ratio 55.0 W flood prone area 20.9 ant ratio hydraulics 0.0 velocit ft/sec 0.0 discharge rate, Q(ds) 0.00 shear stress Ibs/fts 0.00 shear velocity (ft/sec) 0.000 unit stream power(lbs/ft/sec) 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* 0-B threshold grain size mm 0.0 ant ratio check from channel material 0 measured D84 ra 0.0 relative rou hness 1 0.0 fric. factor 0.000 Mannin 's n from channel material 0.9 --- 0.8 0.7 --- 0.6 - 0.5 - 0.4 w 0.3 - 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 ght of instrument distance I FS Riffle --- 04 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Riffle FSIFS W fpa I channel Manning's elevation bankfull too of bank (ft) Slone (%) "n" dimensions 0.0 0.0 x -section area 0.0 0.0 d mean width wet P 0.0 d max 0.0 h d radi 0.0 bank ht 0.0 w/d ratio 0.0 W flood prone area 0.0 ant ratio hydraulics 0.0 velocity (ft/sec) 0.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 0.000 unit stream power(lbs/ft/sec) 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* 0-0 threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 measured D84 mm 0.0 relative rou hnes.) 1 0.0 1 fric. factor 0.000 Mannin 's n from channel material Warren Wilson UT 3 - XS 1 Riffle -- 97 96 95 — 94 93 w 92 91 90 89 0 20 40 60 80 Width from River Left to Right (ft) 100 120 Riffle description: height of instrument (ft): r r omit distance FS FS FS W fpa channel Mannings notes ot. (ftl (ft) elevation bankfull too of bank fft) Slone (%) dimensions 18.2 14.1 x -section area 1.3 15.0 d mean width wet P 1.6 d max 1.2 h d radi 3.9 bank ht 11.0 w/d ratio 19.0 W flood prone area 1.3 ant ratio hydraulics 0.0 velocity ft/sec 0.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 0.00 shear stress lbs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 0.000 unit stream power lbs/ft/sec 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* " threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 measured D84 mm 0.0 relative rou hness 1 0.0 1 fric. factor 0.000 Mannin 's n from channel material 92 91 90 -- x 89 88 d w 87 86 85 84 0 20 section: Pc description: height of instrument (ft): omit distance FS notes ot. (ft) I (ft) e Warren Wilson UT 3 - XS 2 Pool --- 40 60 80 100 Width from River Left to Right (ft) channel 120 dimensions 18.2 18.9 x -section area 1.0 19.9 d mean width wet P 1.9 d max 0.9 h d radi 3.6 bank ht 19-.7 threshold grain size mm &9 hydraulics 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 0-9 threshold grain size mm Warren Wilson UT 3 - XS 3 Riffle --- 83 82 81 80 w 79 78 0 20 40 60 80 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Riffle height of instrument omitl distance FS notes ot. I (ft) I (ft) 100 120 f bank) N(ft) slope `% Mannings dimensions 18.2 11.5 x -section area 1.6 13.0 1 d mean width wet P 2.0 d max 1.4 h d radi 3.6 bank ht 7.3 w/d ratio 29.0 W floodprone area 2.5 1 ant ratio hydraulics 18.2 13.9 0.0 velocit We C) d mean 0.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 1.9 0.00 shear stress Ibs/fts h d radi 0.00 shear velocity (ft/sec) 0.000 unit stream power(lbs/ft/sec) threshold grain size mm 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* 0-0 threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 measured D84 mm 0.0 relative rou hness 1 0.0 fric. factor 0.000 Mannin 's in from channel material 79 78 77 76 75 75 w 74 73 72 Warren Wilson UT 3 - XS 4 Pool -- 0 20 40 Ath from Ril to Right (100 120 140 160 Pool description: height of instrument (ft): omitl distance I FS I I I FS I FS channel dimensions 18.2 13.9 x -section area 1.3 15.2 d mean width atP 1.9 d max 1.2 h d radi 3.7 bank ht 9-B threshold grain size mm hydraulics 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity fUsec 9-B threshold grain size mm 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 w 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.2 ght of instrument distance FS Riffle --- 04 0.6 0.8 Width from River Left to Right (ft) FS FS bankfull too of t 1.2 W fpa I channel I Manning's (ft) Slone (%) "n" dimensions 0.0 0.0 x -section area Warren Wilson UT 3 - XS 5 Riffle --- d mean width wet P 0.0 d max 0.0 74 0.0 bank ht 0.0 w/d ratio 0.0 W flood prone area 0.0 ent ratio 73 72 z c 71 w 70 69 68 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Width from River Left to Right (ft) section:Warren Wilson UT 3 - XS 5 Riffle description: height of instrument (ft): omit distance FS FS FS W fpa channel Manning's notes pt. (ft) (ft) elevation bankfull top of bank (ft) slope i - 72.34346r r r r• 71.78494 70.465 72.77 : � 71.96408 72.28033 dimensions 72.45145 18.2 x -section area 1.5 d mean 72.41853 12.1 width 13.6 wet P • 72.78632 2.2 d max 1.3 h d radi Ll 1r : • 72.77401 4.5 bank ht 8.0 w/d ratio 71.46252 100.0 W flood prone area 8.3 ant ratio 68.65012 r : r : 68.81492 hydraulics 68.60146 0.0 velocity fUsec Ll 11• 68.28264 0.0 discharge rate, Q(ds) Ll 11• i 70.92104 0.00 shear stress lbs/fts 72.85163 0.00 shear velocity (ft/sec) 73.06076 0.000 unit stream power Ibs/ftlsec • • r 73.09674 0.00 Froude number Ll 0.0 friction factor u/u* 0-B threshold grain size mm Ll check from channel material 0 measured D84 mm 0.0 relative rouglibness 1 0.0 1 Inc. factor 0.000 Manning's in from channel material 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 w 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.2 ght of instrument distance FS Riffle --- 04 0.6 0.8 Width from River Left to Right (ft) FS FS bankfull too of t 1.2 W fpa I channel I Manning's (ft) Slone (%) "n" dimensions 0.0 0.0 x -section area 0.0 0.0 d mean width wet P 0.0 d max 0.0 h d radi 0.0 bank ht 0.0 w/d ratio 0.0 W flood prone area 0.0 ent ratio hydraulics 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.0 " velocity (ft/sec) discharge rate, Q cfs shear stress Ibs/ft s shear velocity ft/sec unit stream power(lbs/ft/sec) Froude number friction factor u/u* threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0measured 0.0 0.000 D84 mm relative rou hness 1 0.0 Inc. factor Manning's n from channel material 107 106 105 104 r 103 Z102 m 101 ru 100 99 98 97 96 0 Warren Wilson UT 5 - XS 1 Riffle -- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Riffle description: height of instrument (ft): r r omit distance FS FS FS W fpa channel Manning's notes ot. (ft)(ftl elevation bankfull too of bank (ft) Slone (% 1 "n" dimensions 4.8 5.6 x -section area 0.9 6.5 d mean width wet P 1.2 d max 0.7 h d radi 5.8 bank ht 6.5 w ratio 8.0 W flood prone area 1.4 ant ratio hydraulics 0.0 velocity ft/sec 0.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 0.00 shear stress lbs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 0.000 unit stream power lbs/ft/sec 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* " threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 measured D84 mm 0.0 relative rou hness 1 0.11 1 fric. factor 11 0.000 Mannin 's n from channel material 103 102 101 100 x 99 98 w 97 96 95 94 Warren Wilson UT 5 - XS 2 Pool --- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width from River Left to Right (ft) description: height of instrument (ft): omit distance FS notes ot. (ft) (ft) e channel dimensions 4.8 7.5 x -section area 0.6 7.9 d mean width wet P 1.0 d max 0.6 h d radi 4.8 bank ht 44-.7 0-0 hydraulics 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 0-0 threshold grain size mm Warren Wilson UT 5 - XS 4 Riffle --- 94 93.5 93 92.5 S 92 91.5 91 w 90.5 90 89.5 89 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width from River Left to Right (ft) section: Warren Wilson UT 5 - XS 4 Riffle description: height of instrument (ft): omit distance FS FS I FS W fpa channelMapping's notes ot. (ft) (ft) elevation bankfull too of bank (ft) slope (% 1 "n., dimensions 4.8 6.1 x -section area 0.8 6.9 d mean width wet P 1.3 d max 0.7 h d radi 3.1 bank ht 7.6 w/d ratio 9.0 W flood rope area 1.5 ant ratio hydraulics 4.8 5.6 0.0 velocit fUsec 1 d mean 0.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 1.2 0.00 shear stress lbs/fts radi 0.00 shear velocity (ft/sec) 6� 0.000 unit stream power(lbs/ft/sec) ea 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* 9-B threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 measured D84 mm 0.0 relative rou hness 1 0.0 fric. factor 0.000 Mannin 's in from channel material 91 90 89 88 L 87 86 85 Warren Wilson UT 5 - XS 5 Pool -- 0 10 20 Ath from River4Feft to Right(n) 60 70 80 Pool description: height of instmment (ft): omit distance I FS FS I FS channel dimensions 4.8 5.6 x -section area 0.9 6.5 1 d mean width wet P 1.2 d max 0.7 radi 3.5 bank ht 6� ryd ea 0.9 hydraulics 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity fUsec 11 0-B Ithreshold gran size mm Warren Wilson UT 5 - XS 6 Riffle --- 89 88 87 � 86 o — 85 w 84 83 82 r, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Width from River Left to Right (ft) section: Warren Wilson UT 5 - XS 6 Riffle description: height of instrument (ft): omit distance FS FS FS W fpa channel Mapping's notes ot. !ft) !ft) elevation bankfull too of bank (ft) slope (a 1 dimensions 4.8 7.6 0.8 4.6 9.0 x -section area 0.6 8.3 0.6 12.0 1.2 1 d mean width wet P d max h d radi bank ht w/d ratio W floodprone area ant ratio hydraulics 0.0 velocity fUsec 0.0 discharge rate, Q(ds) 0.00 shear stress lbs/fts 0.00 shear velocity (ft/sec) 0.000 unit stream power(lbs/ft/sec) 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* 0-0 threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 0.0 0.000 measured D84 mm relative rou hness 1 0.0 Inc. factor Mannin 's n from channel material Warren Wilson UT 6 - XS 1 Riffle -- 73 72 71 70 w 69 68 67 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width from River Left to Right (ft) section: WRiffledescription: height of instrument (ft):omit distance FSFS FS W fpa channel Manning's notesot. (ft) (ftlankfull too of bank (ft) slope I / 1 "n" dimensions 3.1 4.2 1.3 3.6 9.0 x -section area 0.7 5.0 0.6 5.7 2.2 d mean width wet P d max h d radi bank ht w/d ratio W flood prone area ant ratio hydraulics 0 0.0 velocity ft/sec relative rou hness 1 0.11 1 fric. factor 11 0.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 1.1 0.00 shear stress lbs/ft s h d radi 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 64 0.000 unit stream power Ibs/fUsec 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* " threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 measured D34 mm 0.0 relative rou hness 1 0.11 1 fric. factor 11 0.000 Mannin 's n from channel material 72 71.5 71 70.5 70 69.5 69 w 68.5 68 67.5 67 Warren Wilson UT 6 - XS 2 Pool --- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Width from River Left to Right (ft) description: height of instrument (ft): r r .0 omit distance FS FS FS channel notes ot. (ft) (ft) elevation bankfull too of bank slope ( %) dimensions 3.1 4.4 x -section area 0.7 5.3w d mean width et P 1.1 d max 0.6 h d radi 2.7 bank ht 64 0-9 hydraulics 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 0-0 threshold grain size mm Warren Wilson UT 6 - XS 3 Riffle --- 71.5 71 70.5 70 x c 69.5 69 w 68.5 68 67.5 67 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width from River Left to Right (ft) section:TIRE Riffle description: height of instrument (ft): r r i i omit distance FS FS FS W fpa channl Manning's notes ot. !ft) !ftl elevation bankfull too of bank (ft) slooe (%G) "n" dimensions 3.1 6.4 x -section area 0.5 6.7 1 d mean width wet P 0.6 d max 0.5 h d radi 3.0 bank ht 13.2 w/d ratio 9.0 W floodprone area 1.4 ant ratio hydraulics 3.1 6.0 0.0 velocity fUsec d mean 0.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 0.9 0.00 shear stress Ibs/fts h d radi 0.00 shear velocity (ft/sec) 94-.7 0.000 unit stream power(lbs/ft/sec) ea 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor i 0-B Ithreshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 measured D84 mm 0.0 relative rou hness 1 0.0 Inc. factor 0.000 Mannin 's n from channel material 70.5 70 69.5 69 68.5 w 68 67.5 67 66.5 Warren Wilson UT 6 - XS 4 Pool -- 0 10 20 Width On River Left to Qht (ft) 50 60 70 Pool description: height of instmment (ft): omitl distance I FS I I I FS I FS I channel dimensions 3.1 6.0 x -section area 0.5 6.4 d mean width atP 0.9 d max 0.5 h d radi 2.2 bank ht 94-.7 ea 0.9 hydraulics 0.00 shear stress((lbs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 11 0-B Ithreshold grain size mm 71 70 69 z — 68 w 67 66 65 + 0 10 20 section: Riffle description: height of instrument (ft): r omit distance FS notes ot. ift) !ft) elev Warren Wilson UT 6 - XS 5 Riffle --- 30 40 50 60 70 Width from River Left to Right (ft) !"I"im FS FS W fpa channel Mannings bankfull too of bank (ft) slope ! dimensions 3.1 5.5 1.0 3.9 8.0 x -section area 0.6 5.9 0.5 9.8 1.4 d mean width wet P d max h d radi bank ht w/d ratio W flood prone area ant ratio hydraulics 0.0 velocity fUsec 0.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 0.00 shear stress Ibs/fts 0.00 shear velocity (ft/sec) 0.000 unit stream power(lbs/ft/sec) 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* 0-9 threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 0.0 0.000 1 measured D84 mm relative rou hness 1 0.0 fric. factor Mannin 's in from channel material 102 100 98 96 w 94 92 90 Warren Wilson UT 7 - XS 1 Riffle -- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width from River Left to Right (ft) description: height of instrument (ft): omit distance FS notes ot. (ft) I (ft l e f bank) Wff) Slone (/) Man �ing's dimensions 6.2 9.7 x -section area 0.6 10.2 d mean width wet P 0.9 d max 0.6 h d radi 1.4 bank ht 15.4 w ratio 15.0 W flood prone area 1.5 ant ratio hydraulics 0.0 velocity ft/sec 0.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 0.000 unit stream power Ibs/fUsec 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* " threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 measured D84 mm 0.0 relative rou hness 1 0.0 1 fric. factor 11 0.000 Mannin 's n from channel material 102 100 98 x 96 - 94 w 82 90 88 86 Warren Wilson UT 7 - XS 2 Pool --- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width from River Left to Right (ft) description: height of instrument (ft): omit distance FS notes ot. (ft) (ft) e channel dimensions 6.2 5.8 x -section area 1.1 7.4 d mean width wet P 1.6 d max 0.8 h d radi 2.0 bank ht &.4 0-9 hydraulics 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec g,B threshold grain size mm Warren Wilson UT 7 - XS 3 Riffle --- 96 95 94 93 S 92 91 90 w 89 88 87 86 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width from River Left to Right (ft) section: Warren Wilson UT 7 - XS 3 Riffle description: height of instrument (ft): r r omit distance FS FS I FS I W fpa I channel Manning's notes ot. (ft) (ft) elevation bankfull too of bank (ft) slope fe 1 "n., dimensions 6.2 7.7 x -section area 0.8 8.6 d mean width wet P 0.9 d max 0.7 h d radi 2.3 bank ht 9.6 w/d ratio 11.0 W flood tune area 1.4 ant ratio hydraulics 0.0 velocity fUsec 6.2 5.8 0.0 discharge rate, Q(ds) d mean 0.00 shear stress Ibs/fts 1.5 0.00 shear velocity (ft/sec) d radi 0.000 unit stream power(lbs/ft/sec) 53 0.00 Froude number ea 0.0 friction factor u/u* 0-B threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 measured D84 mm 0.0 relative rou hness 1 0.0 fric. factor 0.000 1 Mannin 's in from channel material 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 w 84 83 82 81 Warren Wilson UT 7 - XS 4 Pool -- 0 10 20 Width An River Left to Qht(ft) 50 60 70 description: ght of instmment (ft): distance FS FS FS (ftl (Melevation bankfull too of t dimensions 6.2 5.8 x -section area 1.1 7.1 d mean width wet P 1.5 d max 0.9h d radi 3.5 bank ht 53 ea 0.0 hydraulics 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity fUsec 9-B threshold grain size mm 88 _. 87 -- 86 85 _ -- t 84 - 83 -- 82 w 81 80 79 78 0 10 Warren Wilson UT 7 - XS 5 Riffle --- 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Riffle description: height of instrument (ft): r omit distance FS notes ot. (ft) !ft) ecev FS IF I nkfull Itoo of bank) N(ft) I score (%) hannMannings dimensions 6.2 7.0 x -section area 0.9 7.9 1 d mean width wet P 1.2 d max 0.8 h d radi 2.8 bank ht 7.9 w/d ratio 10.0 W flood rove area 1.4 ant ratio hydraulics 6.2 7.1 0.0 velocit We C) d mean 0.0 discharge rate, Q(ds) 1.3 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ftsq) h d radi 0.00 shear velocity (ft/sec) 8.2 0.000 unit stream power(lbs/ft/sec) W flood prone area 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* 0-B threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 measured D84 mm 0.0 relative rou hness 1 0.0 fric. factor 0.000 Mannin 's n from channel material Warren Wilson UT 7 - XS 6 Riffle --- 82 81 80 - z 79 o78 - --- - --- --- --- - --- --- Eu 77 76 75 - 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Width from River Left to Right (ft) section: Riffle description: - height of instrument (ft): omit distance FS FS FS W fpa channel Manning's rotes rt. (ftl (ftl elevation bankfull too of bank (ft) score (%) "n" dimensions 6.2 7.1 x -section area 0.9 7.9 d mean width wet P 1.3 d max 0.8 h d radi 1.8 bank ht 8.2 w/d ratio 17.0 W flood prone area 2.4 ant ratio hydraulics IMF - 0.0 velocity (ft/sec) 0.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity fUsec 0.000 unit stream power(lbs/ft/sec) 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* B -B Ithreshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 measured D84 mm 0.0 relative mu mess 1 0.0 1 fric. factor 0.000 Mannin 's n from channel material Warren Wilson UT 8 - XS 1 Riffle -- 102 101.5 101 - Z 100.5 100 w 99.5 99 98.5 98 0 10 20 30 40 Width from River Left to Right (ft) 50 60 Riffle description: height of instrument (ft): r r omit distance FS FS FS W fpa channel Manning's notes ot. (ft) (ftl elevation bankfull too of bank (ft) Slone (%) dimensions 3.6 9.4 x -section area 0.4 9.8 d mean width wet P 1.0 d max 0.4 h d radi 2.3 bank ht 24.8 w/d ratio 19.0 W flood prone area 2.0 ant ratio hydraulics 0.0 velocity ft/sec 0.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 0.00 shear stress lbs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 0.000 unit stream power Ibs/fUsec 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* " threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 measured D84 mm 0.0 relative rou hness 1 0.0 1 fric. factor 11 0.000 Mannin 's n from channel material 103 102.5 102 101.5 - x 101 100.5 _ --- m w 100 - 99.5 99 98.5 0 10 section: Pc description: height of instrument (ft): omit distance FS notes nt. (ft) I (ft) e Warren Wilson UT 8 - XS 2 Pool --- 20 30 40 50 Width from River Left to Right (ft) channel 60 dimensions 3.6 6.0 x -section area 0.6 6.5 d mean width wet P 0.9 d max 0.6 h d redi 2.9 bank ht 4" threshold grain size mm 0-9 hydraulics 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 9-9 threshold grain size mm 105 104 103 102 > 101 w 100 99 98 0 10 Warren Wilson UT 8 - XS 3 Riffle --- 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Riffle description: height of instrument (ft): r omit distance FS notes ot. (ft) (ftl elev FS W fpa channel Mannings tf bank (ft1 slope ! % 1 "n" dimensions 3.6 6.8 x -section area 0.5 7.1 1 d mean width wet P 0.9 d max 0.5 h d radi 3.4 bank ht 12.9 w/d ratio 12.0 W floodprone area 1.8 ant ratio hydraulics 3.6 4.8 0.0 velocit fUsec d mean 0.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 1.0 0.00 shear stress Ibs/fts h d radi 0.00 shear velocity (ft/sec) 6.4 0.000 unit stream power(lbs/ft/sec) 'ea 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* 0-B threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 measured D64 mm 0.0 relative rou hness 1 0.0 fric. factor 0.000 Mannin 's in from channel material Warren Wilson UT 8 - XS 4 Pool -- 106 105 104 103 > 102 -- -- --- -- --- w 101 100 — — — — 99 2p 0 5 10 15 W idl 4.m Rive�SLeft to RigF1[ `ft) 35 40 45 50 Pool ght of instmment (ft): distance 1 FS I FS I FS dimensions 3.6 4.8 x -section area 0.8 5.6 d mean width atP 1.0 d max 0.7 h d radi 3.4 bank ht 6.4 'ea 0.0 hydraulics 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity fUsec 11 0-B Ithreshold grain size mm Warren Wilson UT 8 - XS 5 Riffle --- 104 103.5 103 102.5 z c 102 o ,°101.5 w 101 100.5 100 -- 99.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width from River Left to Right (ft) section: Warren Wilson UT 8 - XS 5 Riffle description: ul height of instrument (ft): r r omit distance FS FS I FS W fpa I channel Manning's notes ot. (ft) (ft) elevation bankfull too of bank (ft) slooe (a 1 dimensions 3.6 5.6 1.0 2.7 11.0 x -section area 0.6 6.2 0.6 8.9 2.0 1 d mean width wet P d max h d radi bank ht w/d ratio W flood prone area ent ratio hydraulics 0.0 velocity fUsec 0.0 discharge rate, Q(ds) 0.00 shear stress Ibs/fts 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 0.000 unit stream power Ibs/ftlsec 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* 0-0 threshold grain size mm check from channel material 0 0.0 0.000 measured D84 mm relative rou hness 1 0.0 fric. factor Mannin 's in from channel material Appendix B Warren Wilson College Bank Erosion Hazard Index Waypoint Bank Length (feet) Near Bank Stress Conditions Ranking Bank BEHI Bank Erosion Rate Erosion Sub -Total (ft'/yr) Total Erosion/Trib (tons/yer) LIT 1 D1 200 Low 6 Very Low 0.01 12 D2 500 Low 3 Moderate 0.03 45 D3 400 Low 6 Very Low 0.01 24 D4 200 Low 4 Moderate 0.03 24 D5 150 Low 4 Moderate 0.03 18 D6 400 Low 3.5 Moderate 0.03 42 D7 500 Low 2.5 Moderate 0.03 37.5 D8 400 Low 2 Very Low 0.01 8 D9 300 Low 3.5 Moderate 0.03 31.5 11.65 LIT 3&4 Al 200 High 6 Moderate 0.11 132 A2 400 High 6.5 Moderate 0.11 286 A3 200 Moderate to High 3.5 Moderate 0.08 56 A4 600 Low 3 Moderate 0.03 54 A5 300 Moderate to High 2.5 Moderate 0.08 60 A7 500 High 6 Moderate 0.11 330 A8 400 Moderate 2.5 Very Low 0.04 40 A9 500 High 10 Moderate 0.11 550 A10 400 Low 6 Moderate 0.03 72 All 500 Low to Moderate 4.5 Very Low 0.04 90 Al2 200 Moderate to High 4.5 Moderate 0.08 72 A13 500 Moderate 5 Moderate 0.07 175 A14 800 Low 4 Very Low 0.01 32 A15 400 Moderate to High 4.5 Very Low 0.04 72 A16 500 Low 4 Very Low 0.01 20 A17 400 Low 3 Very Low 0.01 12 A18 600 Moderate 4 Moderate 0.07 168 A19 400 Low 6.5 Moderate 0.03 78 A20 400 Low 4 Moderate 0.03 48 A21 400 High 4 Moderate 0.11 176 121.48 Page 1 of 2 Appendix B Warren Wilson College Bank Erosion Hazard Index Waypoint Bank Length (feet) Near Bank Stress Conditions Ranking Bank BEHI Bank Erosion Rate Erosion Sub -Total (ft'/yr) Total Erosion/Trib (tons/yer) UT 5 Erosion (tons/yr) 227.87 Total Erosion (tons/yr/ft) 0.011 B1 400 High 6.5 Moderate 0.11 286 B2 400 Moderate to High 4 Moderate 0.08 128 B3 400 Moderate to High 5 Moderate 0.08 160 B4 200 High 5 Moderate 0.11 110 32.93 UT6&7 C1 300 High 7 Moderate 0.11 231 C2 150 Moderate 5.5 Moderate 0.07 57.75 C3 700 Moderate 6 Moderate 0.07 294 C4 300 Moderate 5.5 Moderate 0.07 115.5 C5 100 High 4 Moderate 0.11 44 C6 1000 Moderate 2 Moderate 0.07 140 C7 200 Low 1 Very Low 0.01 2 C8 1000 Low 2.5 Very Low 0.01 25 C9 600 Low 3 Very Low 0.01 18 C10 200 Low 3 Very Low 0.01 6 C11 800 Low 1 Very Low 0.01 8 C12 400 Low 5 Very Low 0.01 20 46.28 UT 8 C13 500 Low 6.5 Very Low 0.01 32.5 C14 800 Low 2.5 Very Low 0.01 20 C15 400 High 6 Moderate 0.11 264 C16 200 Low 3 Very Low 0.01 6 15.53 I. Sum Erosion sub -totals for each BEHI/NBS combination II. Divide total erosion (feet') by 27 feet' /yard' III. Multiply Total Erosion (yard;) by 1.3 (conversion of yd' to tons for average material type) IV. Calculate erosion per unit length: divide total erosion (ton/yr) by total length of stream (ft) surveyed Total Erosion (ft'/yr) 4732.75 Total Erosion (yd'/yr) 175.29 Total Erosion (tons/yr) 227.87 Total Erosion (tons/yr/ft) 0.011 Page 2 of 2 Draft NC SAM Stream Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 2.12 Stream Site Name R frren Wilson College 1- Date of Assessment 06-01-2016 Stream Category Ma2 Assessor Name/Organization Lewis/Axiom Notes of Field Assessment Form (Y/N) NO Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) YES Additional stream information/supplementary measurements included (Y/N) NO NC SAM feature type (perennial, intermittent, Tidal Marsh Stream) Perennial USACE/ NCDWR Function Class Rating Summary All Streams Intermittent (1) Hydrology HIGH (2) Baseflow HIGH (2) Flood Flow HIGH (3) Streamside Area Attenuation HIGH (4) Floodplain Access HIGH (4) Wooded Riparian Buffer HIGH (4) Microtopography HIGH (3) Stream Stability HIGH (4) Channel Stability HIGH (4) Sediment Transport HIGH (4) Stream Geomorphology HIGH (2) Stream/Intertidal Zone Interaction NA (2) Longitudinal Tidal Flow NA (2) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (1) Water Quality HIGH (2) Baseflow HIGH (2) Streamside Area Vegetation HIGH (3) Upland Pollutant Filtration HIGH (3) Thermoregulation HIGH (2) Indicators of Stressors NO (2) Aquatic Life Tolerance MEDIUM (2) Intertidal Zone Filtration NA (1) Habitat HIGH (2) In -stream Habitat HIGH (3) Baseflow HIGH (3) Substrate HIGH (3) Stream Stability HIGH (3) In -stream Habitat HIGH (2) Stream -side Habitat HIGH (3) Stream -side Habitat HIGH (3) Thermoregulation HIGH (2) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (3) Flow Restriction NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (3) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (2) Intertidal Zone NA Overall HIGH Draft NC SAM Stream Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 2.12 Stream Site Name Warren Wilson College #2 Date of Assessment 06-01-2016 Stream Category Ma3 Assessor Name/Organization Lewis/Axiom Notes of Field Assessment Form (Y/N) NO Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) NO Additional stream information/supplementary measurements included (Y/N) NC SAM feature type (perennial, intermittent, Tidal Marsh Stream) Perennial USACE/ NCDWR Function Class Rating Summary All Streams Intermittent (1) Hydrology LOW (2) Baseflow HIGH (2) Flood Flow LOW (3) Streamside Area Attenuation LOW (4) Floodplain Access LOW (4) Wooded Riparian Buffer LOW (4) Microtopography LOW (3) Stream Stability LOW (4) Channel Stability MEDIUM (4) Sediment Transport MEDIUM (4) Stream Geomorphology LOW (2) Stream/Intertidal Zone Interaction NA (2) Longitudinal Tidal Flow NA (2) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (1) Water Quality MEDIUM (2) Baseflow HIGH (2) Streamside Area Vegetation LOW (3) Upland Pollutant Filtration LOW (3) Thermoregulation MEDIUM (2) Indicators of Stressors NO (2) Aquatic Life Tolerance MEDIUM (2) Intertidal Zone Filtration NA (1) Habitat LOW (2) In -stream Habitat LOW (3) Baseflow HIGH (3) Substrate MEDIUM (3) Stream Stability MEDIUM (3) In -stream Habitat LOW (2) Stream -side Habitat LOW (3) Stream -side Habitat LOW (3) Thermoregulation LOW (2) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (3) Flow Restriction NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (3) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (2) Intertidal Zone NA Overall LOW Draft NC SAM Stream Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 2.12 Stream Site Name Warren Wilson College #3 Date of Assessment 06-01-2016 Stream Category Ma3 Assessor Name/Organization Lewis/Axiom Notes of Field Assessment Form (Y/N) NO Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) YES Additional stream information/supplementary measurements included (Y/N) NO NC SAM feature type (perennial, intermittent, Tidal Marsh Stream) Perennial USACE/ NCDWR Function Class Rating Summary All Streams Intermittent (1) Hydrology HIGH (2) Baseflow HIGH (2) Flood Flow HIGH (3) Streamside Area Attenuation HIGH (4) Floodplain Access HIGH (4) Wooded Riparian Buffer HIGH (4) Microtopography LOW (3) Stream Stability HIGH (4) Channel Stability HIGH (4) Sediment Transport HIGH (4) Stream Geomorphology MEDIUM (2) Stream/Intertidal Zone Interaction NA (2) Longitudinal Tidal Flow NA (2) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (1) Water Quality MEDIUM (2) Baseflow HIGH (2) Streamside Area Vegetation HIGH (3) Upland Pollutant Filtration HIGH (3) Thermoregulation MEDIUM (2) Indicators of Stressors YES (2) Aquatic Life Tolerance MEDIUM (2) Intertidal Zone Filtration NA (1) Habitat HIGH (2) In -stream Habitat HIGH (3) Baseflow HIGH (3) Substrate HIGH (3) Stream Stability HIGH (3) In -stream Habitat HIGH (2) Stream -side Habitat HIGH (3) Stream -side Habitat HIGH (3) Thermoregulation HIGH (2) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (3) Flow Restriction NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (3) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (2) Intertidal Zone NA Overall HIGH Draft NC SAM Stream Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 2.12 Stream Site Name Warren Wilson College #4 Date of Assessment 06-01-2016 Stream Category Mat Assessor Name/Organization Lewis/Axiom Notes of Field Assessment Form (Y/N) NO Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) YES Additional stream information/supplementary measurements included (Y/N) NO NC SAM feature type (perennial, intermittent, Tidal Marsh Stream) Perennial USACE/ NCDWR Function Class Rating Summary All Streams Intermittent (1) Hydrology LOW (2) Baseflow HIGH (2) Flood Flow LOW (3) Streamside Area Attenuation LOW (4) Floodplain Access LOW (4) Wooded Riparian Buffer LOW (4) Microtopography LOW (3) Stream Stability LOW (4) Channel Stability LOW (4) Sediment Transport LOW (4) Stream Geomorphology LOW (2) Stream/Intertidal Zone Interaction NA (2) Longitudinal Tidal Flow NA (2) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (1) Water Quality LOW (2) Baseflow HIGH (2) Streamside Area Vegetation LOW (3) Upland Pollutant Filtration LOW (3) Thermoregulation MEDIUM (2) Indicators of Stressors YES (2) Aquatic Life Tolerance MEDIUM (2) Intertidal Zone Filtration NA (1) Habitat LOW (2) In -stream Habitat LOW (3) Baseflow HIGH (3) Substrate LOW (3) Stream Stability LOW (3) In -stream Habitat LOW (2) Stream -side Habitat LOW (3) Stream -side Habitat LOW (3) Thermoregulation MEDIUM (2) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (3) Flow Restriction NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (3) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (2) Intertidal Zone NA Overall LOW Draft NC SAM Stream Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 2.12 Stream Site Name Warren Wilson College Date of Assessment 06/01/2016 Stream Category Mal Assessor Name/Organization Lewis/Axiom Notes of Field Assessment Form (Y/N) NO Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) YES Additional stream information/supplementary measurements included (Y/N) NC SAM feature type (perennial, intermittent, Tidal Marsh Stream) Perennial USACE/ NCDWR Function Class Rating Summary All Streams Intermittent (1) Hydrology LOW (2) Baseflow HIGH (2) Flood Flow LOW (3) Streamside Area Attenuation LOW (4) Floodplain Access LOW (4) Wooded Riparian Buffer HIGH (4) Microtopography LOW (3) Stream Stability LOW (4) Channel Stability LOW (4) Sediment Transport LOW (4) Stream Geomorphology MEDIUM (2) Stream/Intertidal Zone Interaction NA (2) Longitudinal Tidal Flow NA (2) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (1) Water Quality MEDIUM (2) Baseflow HIGH (2) Streamside Area Vegetation HIGH (3) Upland Pollutant Filtration HIGH (3) Thermoregulation HIGH (2) Indicators of Stressors NO (2) Aquatic Life Tolerance LOW (2) Intertidal Zone Filtration NA (1) Habitat LOW (2) In -stream Habitat LOW (3) Baseflow HIGH (3) Substrate LOW (3) Stream Stability LOW (3) In -stream Habitat LOW (2) Stream -side Habitat HIGH (3) Stream -side Habitat MEDIUM (3) Thermoregulation HIGH (2) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (3) Flow Restriction NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (3) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (2) Intertidal Zone NA Overall LOW Draft NC SAM Stream Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 2.12 Stream Site Name Warren Wilson College #6 Date of Assessment 06/02/2016 Stream Category Mat Assessor Name/Organization Lewis/Axiom Notes of Field Assessment Form (Y/N) NO Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) YES Additional stream information/supplementary measurements included (Y/N) NO NC SAM feature type (perennial, intermittent, Tidal Marsh Stream) Perennial USACE/ NCDWR Function Class Rating Summary All Streams Intermittent (1) Hydrology MEDIUM (2) Baseflow MEDIUM (2) Flood Flow MEDIUM (3) Streamside Area Attenuation LOW (4) Floodplain Access LOW (4) Wooded Riparian Buffer LOW (4) Microtopography LOW (3) Stream Stability HIGH (4) Channel Stability HIGH (4) Sediment Transport LOW (4) Stream Geomorphology HIGH (2) Stream/Intertidal Zone Interaction NA (2) Longitudinal Tidal Flow NA (2) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (1) Water Quality MEDIUM (2) Baseflow MEDIUM (2) Streamside Area Vegetation LOW (3) Upland Pollutant Filtration LOW (3) Thermoregulation LOW (2) Indicators of Stressors NO (2) Aquatic Life Tolerance MEDIUM (2) Intertidal Zone Filtration NA (1) Habitat LOW (2) In -stream Habitat LOW (3) Baseflow MEDIUM (3) Substrate LOW (3) Stream Stability HIGH (3) In -stream Habitat LOW (2) Stream -side Habitat LOW (3) Stream -side Habitat LOW (3) Thermoregulation LOW (2) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (3) Flow Restriction NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (3) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (2) Intertidal Zone NA Overall MEDIUM Draft NC SAM Stream Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 2.12 Stream Site Name Warren Wilson College Date of Assessment 06/02/2016 Stream Category Mal Assessor Name/Organization Lewis/Axiom Notes of Field Assessment Form (Y/N) NO Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) YES Additional stream information/supplementary measurements included (Y/N) NO NC SAM feature type (perennial, intermittent, Tidal Marsh Stream) Perennial USACE/ NCDWR Function Class Rating Summary All Streams Intermittent (1) Hydrology MEDIUM (2) Baseflow HIGH (2) Flood Flow MEDIUM (3) Streamside Area Attenuation LOW (4) Floodplain Access LOW (4) Wooded Riparian Buffer LOW (4) Microtopography LOW (3) Stream Stability HIGH (4) Channel Stability HIGH (4) Sediment Transport LOW (4) Stream Geomorphology HIGH (2) Stream/Intertidal Zone Interaction NA (2) Longitudinal Tidal Flow NA (2) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (1) Water Quality MEDIUM (2) Baseflow HIGH (2) Streamside Area Vegetation LOW (3) Upland Pollutant Filtration LOW (3) Thermoregulation LOW (2) Indicators of Stressors NO (2) Aquatic Life Tolerance MEDIUM (2) Intertidal Zone Filtration NA (1) Habitat LOW (2) In -stream Habitat LOW (3) Baseflow HIGH (3) Substrate LOW (3) Stream Stability HIGH (3) In -stream Habitat LOW (2) Stream -side Habitat LOW (3) Stream -side Habitat LOW (3) Thermoregulation LOW (2) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (3) Flow Restriction NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (3) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (2) Intertidal Zone NA Overall MEDIUM Draft NC SAM Stream Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 2.12 Stream Site Name Warren Wilson College Date of Assessment 06/02/2016 Stream Category Mat Assessor Name/Organization Axiom/Lewis Notes of Field Assessment Form (Y/N) NO Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) YES Additional stream information/supplementary measurements included (Y/N) NO NC SAM feature type (perennial, intermittent, Tidal Marsh Stream) Perennial USACE/ NCDWR Function Class Rating Summary All Streams Intermittent (1) Hydrology LOW (2) Baseflow MEDIUM (2) Flood Flow LOW (3) Streamside Area Attenuation LOW (4) Floodplain Access LOW (4) Wooded Riparian Buffer LOW (4) Microtopography LOW (3) Stream Stability LOW (4) Channel Stability HIGH (4) Sediment Transport LOW (4) Stream Geomorphology LOW (2) Stream/Intertidal Zone Interaction NA (2) Longitudinal Tidal Flow NA (2) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (1) Water Quality LOW (2) Baseflow MEDIUM (2) Streamside Area Vegetation LOW (3) Upland Pollutant Filtration LOW (3) Thermoregulation MEDIUM (2) Indicators of Stressors NO (2) Aquatic Life Tolerance LOW (2) Intertidal Zone Filtration NA (1) Habitat LOW (2) In -stream Habitat LOW (3) Baseflow MEDIUM (3) Substrate LOW (3) Stream Stability MEDIUM (3) In -stream Habitat LOW (2) Stream -side Habitat LOW (3) Stream -side Habitat LOW (3) Thermoregulation MEDIUM (2) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (3) Flow Restriction NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (3) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (2) Intertidal Zone NA Overall LOW Appendix C Regional Regression Model Data Region: Blue Ridge/Piedmont Return Interval (years) Discharge (cfs) 1.3 26 1.5 32 2 45.1 5 84.1 10 119 25 174 50 223 100 281 200 347 500 451 500 --a 450 c ° 400 v N 350 CL 300 250 200 150 tw M 100 0 50 Bold indicates interpolated data. 1 0 UT -4 Reference Reach 1 10 100 1000 Return Interval (years), Logarithmic Scale Reaion: Blue Ridae/Piedmont Chemtronics Reference Reach Return Interval (years) Discharge (cfs) 1.3 80 1.5 100 2 139 5 249 10 343 25 488 50 617 100 763 200 930 500 1190 Bold indicates interpolated data. 1400 o 1200 U G! 1000 CL a 800 U 600 U400 M v 200 tA 0 0 1 10 100 1000 Return Interval (years), Logarithmic Scale Appendix D Jurisdictional Determination U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action ID: SAW -2017-01557 County: Buncombe U.S.G.S. Quad: Oteen & Craggy NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Owner: Warren Wilson College / Attn: Scott McKinney Address: P.O. Box 9000 Asheville, NC 28815 Telephone Number: 828-771-2056 Size (acres): 43 acres Nearest Town: Swannanoa Nearest Waterway: Swannanoa River Coordinates: 35.609817 -82.443540 River Basin/ HUC: French Broad Location description: The site is located in/around 701 Warren Wilson Road, in Swannanoa, NC. Indicate Which of the Following Apply: A. Preliminary Determination X There are waters, including wetlands, on the above described project area, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). The waters, including wetlands, have been delineated, and the delineation has been verified by the Corps to be sufficiently accurate and reliable. Therefore this preliminary jurisdiction determination may be used in the permit evaluation process, including determining compensatory mitigation. For purposes of computation of impacts, compensatory mitigation requirements, and other resource protection measures, a permit decision made on the basis of a preliminary JD will treat all waters and wetlands that would be affected in any way by the permitted activity on the site as if they are jurisdictional waters of the U.S. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). However, you may request an approved JD, which is an appealable action, by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. There are wetlands on the above described property, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). However, since the waters, including wetlands, have not been properly delineated, this preliminary jurisdiction determination may not be used in the permit evaluation process. Without a verified wetland delineation, this preliminary determination is merely an effective presumption of CWA/RHA jurisdiction overall of the waters, including wetlands, at the project area, which is not sufficiently accurate and reliable to support an enforceable permit decision. We recommend that you have the waters of the U.S. on your property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner, you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. B. Approved Determination There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. There are waters of the U.S. including wetlands on the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. We recommend you have the waters of the U.S. on your property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner, you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. The waters of the U.S. including wetlands on your project area have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. If you wish to have the delineation surveyed, the Corps can review and verify the survey upon completion. Once verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA and/or RHA jurisdiction on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. _ The waters of the U.S. including wetlands have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on . Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described project area which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. _ The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (LAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management to determine their requirements. Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US and/or wetlands without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). Placement of dredged or fill material, construction or placement of structures, or work within navigable waters of the United States without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Sections 9 and/or 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC § 401 and/or 403). If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact Amanda Jones at 828-271-7980, ext. 4225 or amanda.jones@usace.army.mil. C. Basis for Determination: See attached preliminary jurisdictional determination form. The site contains wetlands as determined by the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual: Eastern Mountain and Piedmont Region (version 2.0). These wetlands are adjacent to stream channels located on the property that exhibit indicators of ordinary high water marks. The stream channels on the site are unnamed tributaries to the French Broad River which ultimately drains to the Gulf of Mexico. D. Remarks: E. Attention USDA Program Participants This delineation/determination has been conducted to identify the limits of Corps' Clean Water Act jurisdiction for the particular site identified in this request. The delineation/determination may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, prior to starting work. F. Appeals Information (This information applies only to approved jurisdictional determinations as indicated in B. above) This correspondence constitutes an approved jurisdictional determination for the above described site. If you object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and request for appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Attn: Jason Steele, Review Officer 60 Forsyth Street SW, Room 10M 15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by N/A (Preliminary -JD). **It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the Division Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence.** FUEMMELER.AMAND FDIMI UEMELEBAMANDAJONES.1242835090 DN: —US, ¢U.S. Government, 1 -DOD, oU=PKI, 1U—USA, Corps Regulatory Official: A.JONES.1242835090 -2018 -0 -3639 -- Amanda Jones Issue Date of JD: April 2, 2018 Expiration Date: N/A Preliminary JD The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete our Customer Satisfaction Survey, located online at http:Hcorl2smapu.usace.gM.mil/cm apex/f9p=136:4:0. Copy furnished: Axiom Environmental, Attn: Grant Lewis (via email) SECTION I - The following identifies your rights and options regarding an administrative appeal of the above decision. Additional information may be found at http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/ReguhryProgramandPermits.aspx or y.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/RegulatoMProgramandPermits.as- Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. A: INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or object to the permit. • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that the permit be modified accordingly. You must complete Section II of this form and return the form to the district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the permit to address some of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section B below. B: PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or appeal the permit • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • APPEAL: If you choose to decline the proffered permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may appeal the declined permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: PERMIT DENIAL: You may appeal the denial of a permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. D: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. • ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the date of this notice, means that you accept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approved JD. • APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved JD, you may appeal the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the district engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. NOTIFICATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL OPTIONS AND PROCESS AND AL REQUEST FOR APPEAL Applicant: Warren Wilson College / Attn: Scott McKinney File Number: SAW -SAW -2017-01557 Date: April 2, 2018 Attached is: See Section below ❑ INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT Standard Permit or Letter ofpermission) A ❑ PROFFERED PERMIT Standard Permit or Letter ofpermission) B ❑ PERMIT DENIAL C ❑ APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION D ® PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION E SECTION I - The following identifies your rights and options regarding an administrative appeal of the above decision. Additional information may be found at http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/ReguhryProgramandPermits.aspx or y.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/RegulatoMProgramandPermits.as- Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. A: INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or object to the permit. • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that the permit be modified accordingly. You must complete Section II of this form and return the form to the district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the permit to address some of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section B below. B: PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or appeal the permit • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • APPEAL: If you choose to decline the proffered permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may appeal the declined permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: PERMIT DENIAL: You may appeal the denial of a permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. D: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. • ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the date of this notice, means that you accept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approved JD. • APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved JD, you may appeal the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the district engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. E: PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You do not need to respond to the Corps regarding the preliminary JD. The Preliminary JD is not appealable. If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. SECTION II - REQUEST FOR APPEAL or OBJECTIONS TO AN INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT REASONS FOR APPEAL OR OBJECTIONS: (Describe your reasons for appealing the decision or your objections to an initial proffered permit in clear concise statements. You may attach additional information to this form to clarify where your reasons or objections are addressed in the administrative record.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The appeal is limited to a review of the administrative record, the Corps memorandum for the record of the appeal conference or meeting, and any supplemental information that the review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record. Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new information or analyses to the record. However, you may provide additional information to clarify the location of information that is already in the administrative record. POINT OF CONTACT FOR QUESTIONS OR INFORMATION: If you have questions regarding this decision and/or the If you only have questions regarding the appeal process you may appeal process you may contact: also contact: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division, Mr. Jason Steele, Administrative Appeal Review Officer Attn: Amanda Jones CESAD-PDO 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 60 Forsyth Street, Room 1OM15 828-271-7980, ext. 4232 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Phone: (404) 562-5137 RIGHT OF ENTRY: Your signature below grants the right of entry to Corps of Engineers personnel, and any government consultants, to conduct investigations of the project site during the course of the appeal process. You will be provided a 15 day notice of any site investigation, and will have the opportuni to participate in all site investigations. Date: Telephone number: Signature of appellant oragent. For appeals on Initial Proffered Permits send this form to: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division, Attn.: Amanda Jones, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 For Permit denials, Proffered Permits and approved Jurisdictional Determinations send this form to: Division Engineer, Commander, U.S. Army Engineer Division, South Atlantic, Attn: Mr. Jason Steele, Administrative Appeal Officer, CESAD-PDO, 60 Forsyth Street, Room 1OM15, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Phone: (404) 562-5137 PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD) FORM U.S. Army Corps of Engineers BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PRELIMINARY JD: April 2, 2018 B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PRELIMINARY JD: Warren Wilson College / Attn: Scott McKinney P.O. Box 9000 Asheville, NC 28815 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: CESAW-RG-A, SAW -2017-01557, D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The site is located in/around 701 Warren Wilson Road, in Swannanoa, NC. State: NC County/parish/borough: Buncombe City: Swannanoa Center coordinates of site (lat/long in degree decimal format): 35.609817 -82.443540 Universal Transverse Mercator: N/A Name of nearestwaterbody: Swannanoa River E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ Office (Desk) Determination. Date: April 2, 2018 ® Field Determination. Date(s): 01/24/18 Use the table below to document aquatic resources and/or aquatic resources at different sites Site Name Latitude Longitude Estimated amount of aquatic resource in review area Type of aquatic resources Geographic authority to which the aquatic resource "may be" subject GA 35.6087 -82.4401 0.16 ac Wetland Section 404 GB 35.6089 -82.4405 0.27 ac Wetland Section 404 GC 35.6180 -82.4524 0.009 ac Wetland Section 404 GD 35.6175 -82.4523 0.42 ac Wetland Section 404 GE 35.6156 -82.4519 0.05 ac Wetland Section 404 GF 35.6151 -82.4518 0.22 ac Wetland Section 404 GG 35.6142 -82.4519 0.09 ac Wetland Section 404 GH 35.6146 -82.4518 0.02 ac Wetland Section 404 GJ 35.6147 -82.4518 0.04 ac Wetland Section 404 PA 35.6116 -82.4390 0.30 ac Wetland Section 404 PB 35.6041 -82.4428 0.51 ac Wetland Section 404 PC 35.6165 -82.4521 0.33 ac Wetland Section 404 PD 35.6087 -82.4562 0.30 ac Wetland Section 404 PX 35.6147 -82.4522 0.15 ac Wetland Section 404 AJF 35.6182 -82.4523 0.02 ac Wetland Section 404 UT1 35.6093 -82.4400 756.7 If Non -wetland Section 404 UT3 35.6093 -82.4545 3581.6 If Non -wetland Section 404 UT4 35.6170 -82.4518 312.3 If Non -wetland Section 404 UT5 35.6090 -82.4484 768.6 If Non -wetland Section 404 UT6 35.6057 -82.4433 1362.6 If Non -wetland Section 404 UT7 35.6031 -82.4414 2425.5 If Non -wetland Section 404 UT8 35.6036 -82.4382 957.1 If Non -wetland Section 404 Open Water 35.6034 -82.4426 0.30 ac Non -wetland Section 404 TABLE OF AQUATIC RESOURCES INREVIEW AREA WHICH "MAY BE" SUBJECT TO REGULATORY JURISDICTION 1. The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional aquatic resources in the review area, and the requestor of this PJD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved JD (AJD) for that review area based on an informed decision after having discussed the various types of JDs and their characteristics and circumstances when they may be appropriate. In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre- construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non -reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an AJD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware that: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a PJD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional aquatic resources; (2) the applicant has the option to request an AJD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an AID could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an AJD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the PJD; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a PJD constitutes agreement that all aquatic resources in the review area affected in any way by that activity will be treated as jurisdictional, and waives any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an AJD or a PJD, the JD will be processed as soon as practicable. Further, an AJD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331. If, during an administrative appeal, it becomes appropriate to make an official determination whether geographic jurisdiction exists over aquatic resources in the review area, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional aquatic resources in the review area, the Corps will provide an AJD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. This PJD finds that there "may be" waters of the U.S. and/or that there "may be" navigable waters of the U.S. on the subject review area, and identifies all aquatic features in the review area that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: SUPPORTING DATA Data reviewed for preliminary JD (check all that apply) - Checked items should be included in subject file. Appropriately reference sources below where indicated for all checked items: ® Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of preliminary JD requester: ® Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of preliminary JD requester. ® Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. Rational: ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: ❑ U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Atlas: ❑ USGS NHD data. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. ® USGS map(s). Cite scale & quad name: Oteen & Craggy. ® Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) Soil Survey. Citation: Buncombe County, NC ❑ National wetlands inventory (NWI) map(s). Cite name: ❑ State/Local wetland inventory map(s): ❑ Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) / Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) maps: ❑ 100 -year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) ® Photographs: ❑ Aerial (Name & Date): or ❑ Other (Name & Date): ❑ Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: ❑ Applicable/supporting scientific literature: ❑ Other information (please specify): IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this form has not necessarily been verified by the Corps and should not be relied upon for later jurisdictional determinations. Digitally signed by FUEMMELER.AMAND DN c^USL oRUSAOGovernment, ou=DoD, u=PKI, A.JONES.1242835090 rn FU MMELER.AMANDAJONE5.1242835090 Date: 2018.04.02 09:37:07 -04'00' Amanda Jones, April 2, 2018 Signature and date of Regulatory staff member completing preliminary JD Warren Wilson College / Attn: Scott McKinney Signature and date of person requesting preliminary JD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable) Two copies of this Preliminary JD Form have been provided. Please sign both copies. Keep one signed copy for your record and return a signed copy to the Asheville Regulatory Field Office by mail or e-mail. U5 Army Corps of Engineers -Wilmington District Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 1 Districts may establish timeframes for requester to return signed PID forms. If the requester does not respond within the established time frame, the district may presume concurrence and no additional follow up is necessary prior to finalizing an action. Legend Warren Wilson College Parcel Project Area = 43 acres Potential Easement = 22 acres W"° A Axiom Environmernw. mc, Prepared for: RESTORATION SYSTEMS I LLC�a Project: WARREN WILSON COLLEGE STREAM - MITIGATION SITE Buncombe County, NC Title: OVERVIEW MAP i4 =ice L row-. Wetlands= 2.87 acres Streams =10,164.4 linear feet Open Water = 0.30 acre ' 1,000 2,000 4,000 m Feet Drawn by. KRJ/CLF Date: Jan 2018 Scale: 1:10,000 Project No.: 17-018 FIGURE 2 R' F i W"° A Axiom Environmernw. mc, Prepared for: RESTORATION SYSTEMS I LLC�a Project: WARREN WILSON COLLEGE STREAM - MITIGATION SITE Buncombe County, NC Title: OVERVIEW MAP i4 =ice L row-. Wetlands= 2.87 acres Streams =10,164.4 linear feet Open Water = 0.30 acre ' 1,000 2,000 4,000 m Feet Drawn by. KRJ/CLF Date: Jan 2018 Scale: 1:10,000 Project No.: 17-018 FIGURE 2 R' Appendix E Categorical Exclusion Document Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site Buncombe County, North Carolina DMS Project No. 100019 Categorical Exclusion/ERTR Prepared for: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 November 2017 Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site NC DMS Contract # 7188 RFP # 16-006991 DMS/Project # 100019 TASK 1 b.) Categorical Exclusion Summary: Part 1: General Project Information (Attached) Part 2: All Projects Regulation/Questions Coastal Zone Management Act Not applicable — project is not located within a CAMA county. CERCLA No issue within project boundaries— please see the attached Executive Summary from a Limited Phase 1 Site Assessment performed by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) on October 26th, 2017. Three sites were reported within the target map boundaries of the EDR report, however, these sites are outside of the proposed project conservation easements of the Site. Restoration Systems discussed these sites with WWC faculty and the findings are summarized below. Map ID A2, Tank ID Al: An existing 6,000 -gallon gasoline underground storage tank (UST) is located at Warren Wilson College's Facilities and Maintenance Building. This tank provides fuel for WWC owned vehicles. This UST is outside of the proposed easement. Map ID A2, Tank IDs 1-5: These various fuel tanks or USTs have been removed and were not located within the Site's proposed easements. Map ID Al: WWC campus composting facility located outside of proposed conservation easements. Permit # 115 -COMPOST -2009 National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106) Updated- please see attached letter from Ramona M. Bartos- State of the Historic Preservation Office. Restoration Systems is now submitting a revised CE/ERTR to FHWA following the completion of work at archeological site 31BN28. When archeological site 31BN28 was evaluated and the proposed project was determined to not negatively impact the site, SHPO sent a concurrence letter for site 31BN28 that allows FHWA to fully approve the Categorical Exclusion. Construction Monitoring of sites 31BN135 and 31BN145/491 will take place during two weeks of construction which will likely occur Fall 2018. Uniform Act Please see the attached letter, sent to the landowner October 24, 2017. Part 3: Ground -Disturbing Activates Regulation/Questions American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA) A coordination letter was sent to Holly Austin, the Federal Cultural Resource Law Liaison at the Tribal Historic Preservation Office since Buncombe County contains areas claimed as "territory" by the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Antiquities Act (AA) Not applicable — project is not located on Federal land. Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site NC DMS Contract # 7188 RFP # 16-006991 DMS/Project # 100019 Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) Not applicable — project is not located on federal or Indian lands. Endangered Species Act (ESA) A desktop analysis and field investigation were conducted to evaluate federally protected species potentially occurring in and around the Site. The online project review (known as IPaC) was performed via the USFWS Asheville Field Office Website. A letter was also sent to the USFWS's biologist John Ellis on July 26th, 2017 alerting them to the project activities for an informal Section 7 review. There are 11 known federally protected species (listed below) occurring in Buncombe County, NC. Our summary is that NO existing habitats exist within the project boundaries for 10 of the 11 species. Based on the absence of suitable habitat, and lack of observation during surveys for the listed species, it is reasonable to conclude implementation and monitoring of the project will have No Effect on the following listed species: Bog Turtle, Carolina northern flying squirrel, Gray Bat, Spotfin chub, Appalachian elktoe, Spruce -fir moss spider, Tan riffleshell, Spreading Avens, Virginia spiraea, and the Rock gnome lichen. The Northern long-eared bat- The project area does not contain any caves or suitable winter roosting areas for the Northern long-eared bat. Any project activities involving tree cutting of suitable summer roosting tree species would be conducted between August 1st and May 31St in accordance to USFWS guidance on the subject. In order to comply with the Northern long- eared Bat (NLEB) 4(d) streamlined rule for federal agencies form was submitted (attached below). It was determined that the project "may affect the NLEB, but any incidental take of the NLEB is not prohibited by the final 4(d) rule." Please see the NLEB 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation Form for detailed information. Federally Protected Species Common Name Scientific Name Habitat at Site Biological Summary (Threatened/Endangered) Conclusion Bog Turtle (T) Glyptemys Yes N/A Species is not subject to section muhlenbergii seven consultations requirements under the Endangered Species Act. Carolina northern flying Glaucomyssabrinus No No Effect No habitat exists in or near the squirrel (E) coloratus project boundaries. Gray Bat (E) Myotis grisescens No No Effect Only foraging habitat present within the Site; however, no roosting habitat with the Site boundaries or near the Site. Foraging habitat will not be disturbed summer months. Northern long-eared bat Myotis septentrionalis Yes May Effect (See attached Northern long (T) eared Bat consultation form) Spotfin chub (T) Erimonax monachus No No Effect Historic record only, only known from four sites outside this watershed. Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site NC DMS Contract # 7188 RFP # 16-006991 DMS/Project # 100019 Appalachian elktoe (E) Alasmidonta No No Effect Historic record only, no known raveneliana presence in or near the Site. Existing stream channels do not provide habitat due to sediment build ups Spruce -fir moss spider (E) Microhexura No No Effect No habitat exists in or near the montivaga project boundaries. Tan riffleshell (E) Epioblasma florentina No No Effect Historic record only, no known walkeri presence in or near the Site. Existing stream channels do not provide habitat due to sediment build ups. Spreading avens (E) Geum radiatum No No Effect No habitat exists in or near the project boundaries. Virginia spiraea (T) Spiraea virginiana No No Effect Historic record only, no known presence in or near the Site. Rock gnome lichen (E) Gymnoderma lineare No No Effect No habitat exists in or near the project boundaries. Summary of Anticipated Effects Project activates are not likely to affect habitat for Endangered or Threatened Species. The proposed project will occur in existing agricultural fields which are intensively managed for row crops and pasture for grazing and hay production. The likelihood of any habitat occurring on the project site is extremely low. Record searches from the Natural Heritage Program indicate that federally protected species have not been documented within a mile of the Site boundaries. Executive Order 13007 (Indian Sacred Sites) Not applicable — project is not located on federal lands. Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA) Please find the attached Form AD -1006 dated 8/30/2017 and letter from Milton Cortes of the NRCS. Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) Please find the attached Northern Long -Eared Bat Consultation Form. Land & Water Conservation Fund Act (Section 6(f)) Not applicable Magnuson -Stevens Fishery Conservation and management Act (Essential Fish Habitat) Not applicable — project is not located within an estuarine system Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) USFWS has no recommendation with the project relative to the MBTA IMIrlornocc Ort Not applicable—the project is not located within a Wilderness area. Appendix A Categorical Exclusion Form for Ecosystem Enhancement Program Projects Version 1.4 Note: Only Appendix A should to be submitted (along with any supporting documentation) as the environmental document. r-ro ect riame: Warren Wilson College 5tseam Mtuptlon site County Name: &.ncorrm e EEP Number: IDft: 1fl0019 cantracl,M7168 Project s rlsor: Restoration Systems, LLC Project Contact Name: wenn Creech Project Contact Address: 1141 Hapes Street, Suite 211, Raleigh, NC 27604 Project Contact E-mail: u+orth@restomijonsystems.com EEP Project Manager: I Pauf Wiesner paul.wiesnerAncdennoov ;ite is located approximately 5 miles east of Asheville In Buncombe County, within the North Carolina Division of Water es [NCDWRi subbasin number 04-43-02 and MMS Targeted Local Watershed OW1010507003D. :ion of riparian buffers and stream connectivity will involve 11 low flow channel construction, 2) ditch plug Installation, 3) existing channels to historic levels, and 4) re -vegetating stream buffer areas. These activities will restore riparian within 16 acres of conservation easement at the Site. Reviewed By: Date / EEP Project Manager Conditional Approved By: 0-711-17 Date k1cheek this box if there are outstanding issues Final Approval By: Date For Division Administrator FHWA For Division Administrator FHWA 6 Version 1.4, 8/18105 Appendix F Northern Long -Eared Bat (NLEB) 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation Form Northern Lone -Eared Bat 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation Form Federal agencies should use this form for the optional streamlined consultation framework for the northern long- eared bat (NLEB). This framework allows federal agencies to rely upon the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) January 5, 2016, intra -Service Programmatic Biological Opinion (BO) on the final 4(d) rule for the NLEB for section 7(a)(2) compliance by: (1) notifying the USFWS that an action agency will use the streamlined framework; (2) describing the project with sufficient detail to support the required determination; and (3) enabling the USFWS to track effects and determine if reinitiation of consultation is required per 50 CFR 402.16. This form is not necessary if an agency determines that a proposed action will have no effect to the NLEB or if the USFWS has concurred in writing with an agency's determination that a proposed action may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the NLEB (i.e., the standard informal consultation process). Actions that may cause prohibited incidental take require separate formal consultation. Providing this information does not address section 7(a)(2) compliance for any other listed species. Information to Determine 4(d) Rule Compliance: YES NO 1. Does the project occur wholly outside of the WNS Zone'? ❑ 2. Have you contacted the appropriate agency2 to determine if your project is near ❑x ❑ known hibernacula or maternity roost trees? 3. Could the project disturb hibernating NLEBs in a known hibernaculum? ❑ 4. Could the project alter the entrance or interior environment of a known ❑ N hibernaculum? 5. Does the project remove any trees within 0.25 miles of a known hibernaculum at ❑ any time of ear? 6. Would the project cut or destroy known occupied maternity roost trees, or any ❑ N other trees within a 150 -foot radius from the maternity roost tree from June 1 through July 31. You are eligible to use this form if you have answered yes to question #1 or yes to question #2 and no to questions 3, 4, 5 and 6. The remainder of the form will be used by the USFWS to track our assumptions in the BO. Agency and Applicant3 Federal Highway Administration, Donnie Brew-Preconstruction & Environmental Engineer, 310 New Bern Ave, Suite 410, Raleigh, NC 27601 donnie.brew(a),dot.gov 919-747-7017 Project Name: Warren Wilson College Stream Restoration Site Project Location: 35° 36'37.64"N / 82° 26'27.61"W Basic Project Description: The Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site has been identified for the purpose of providing in- kind mitigation for unavoidable stream impacts. The primary goals of this restoration project are on improving wildlife habitat and restoring vital riparian stream functions to an area that has been 1 http://www.fws.gov/midwest/endangered/mammals/nleb/pdf/WNSZone.pdf z See http://www.fvvs.gov/midwest/endangered/mammals/nleb/nhisites.html 3 If applicable - only needed for federal actions with applicants (e.g., for a permit, etc.) who are party to the consultation. functioning as an agricultural area for decades. Restoration on the Site will focus on the restoration of riparian buffers, enhancing nutrient and sediment reduction from agricultural lands, improving aquatic quality and habitat and restoring connectivity to historic channels. Stream restoration is expected to entail 1) belt -width preparation, 2) channel excavation, 3) spoil stockpiling, 4) channel stabilization, 5) channel diversion, and 6) channel backfill. Belt -width corridor preparation will entail channel staking, floodplain clearing and grubbing, and any necessary grading prior to channel excavation. After the floodplain has been prepped, the proposed design channel will be staked and/or clearly marked to the design parameters. Spoil material excavated during floodplain grading will be stockpiled adjacent to the existing channels. After construction of the new channel is complete, existing channels will be abandoned and backfilled with stockpiled soils. Once belt -width corridor preparation is complete, the proposed channel will be excavated to the average width, depth, and cross-sectional area derived from reference reach studies and detailed measurements of the onsite reach. Stream banks and the belt -width area of constructed channels will be immediately planted with shrub and herbaceous vegetation. Root mats may also be selectively removed from adjacent areas and placed as erosion control features on channel banks. Once the proposed design channel has been excavated and stabilized, abandoned channels will be backfilled utilizing spoil material stockpiled from channel excavation and/or from suitable material excavated from the Site or adjacent to the Site. Abandoned channels will be backfilled to the maximum extent feasible. General Project Information YES NO Does the project occur within 0.25 miles of a known hibernaculum? ❑ ❑x Does the project occur within 150 feet of a known maternity roost tree? ❑ ❑X Does the project include forest conversion4? (if yes, report acreage below) ❑x ❑ Estimated total acres of forest conversion .25 If known, estimated acres' of forest conversion from April 1 to October 31 0 If known, estimated acres of forest conversion from June 1 to July 316 0 Does the project include timber harvest? (if yes, report acreage below) ❑ ❑x Estimated total acres of timber harvest If known, estimated acres of timber harvest from April 1 to October 31 If known, estimated acres of timber harvest from June 1 to July 31 Does the project include prescribed fire? (if yes, report acreage below) ❑ ❑X Estimated total acres of prescribed fire If known, estimated acres of prescribed fire from April 1 to October 31 If known, estimated acres of prescribed fire from June 1 to July 31 Does the project install new wind turbines? (if yes, report capacity in MW below) ❑ ❑X Estimated wind capacity (MW) 4 Any activity that temporarily or permanently removes suitable forested habitat, including, but not limited to, tree removal from development, energy production and transmission, mining, agriculture, etc. (see page 48 of the BO). s If the project removes less than 10 trees and the acreage is unknown, report the acreage as less than 0.1 acre. 6 If the activity includes tree clearing in June and July, also include those acreage in April to October. Agency Determination: By signing this form, the action agency determines that this project may affect the NLEB, but that any resulting incidental take of the NLEB is not prohibited by the final 4(d) rule. If the USFWS does not respond within 30 days from submittal of this form, the action agency may presume that its determination is informed by the best available information and that its project responsibilities under 7(a)(2) with respect to the NLEB are fulfilled through the USFWS January 5, 2016, Programmatic BO. The action agency will update this determination annually for multi-year activities. The action agency understands that the USFWS presumes that all activities are implemented as described herein. The action agency will promptly report any departures from the described activities to the appropriate USFWS Field Office. The action agency will provide the appropriate USFWS Field Office with the results of any surveys conducted for the NLEB. Involved parties will promptly notify the appropriate USFWS Field Office upon finding a dead, injured, or sick NLEB. Signature:Date Submitted: Wiesner, Paul From: Brew, Donnie (FHWA) <Donnie.Brew@dot.gov> Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2017 3:46 PM To: Marella_Buncick@fws.gov Cc: Wiesner, Paul; Worth Creech; John Hamby Subject: [External] Warren Wilson College mitigation site NLEB 4(d) rule consultation Attachments: Warren Wilson _NLEB (4D) Form_113017 signed.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov. Good afternoon Marella, The purpose of this message is to notify your office that FHWA will use the streamlined consultation framework for the Warren Wilson College Mitigation Site in Buncombe County, NC. Attached is a completed NLEB 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation form, including site maps. Thank you and have a great afternoon, Donnie Notifying the Service Under the Framework Northern Long -Eared Bat 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation Form Federal agencies (or designated non-federal representatives) should use the Northern Long -Eared Bat 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation form to notify the Service of their project and meet the requirements of the framework. Northern Long -Eared Bat 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation Form (Word document) Information requested in the Northern Long -Eared Bat 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation Form serves to (1) notify the field office that an action agency will use the streamlined framework; (2) describe the project with sufficient detail to support the required determination; and (3) enable the USFWS to track effects and determine if reinitiation of consultation for the 4(d) rule is required. This form requests the minimum amount of information required for the Service to be able to track this information. Providing information in the Streamlined Consultation Form does not address section 7(a)(2) compliance for any other listed species. Donnie Brew I Preconstruction & Environment Engineer Federal Highway Administration 310 New Bern Ave, Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27601 donnie.brew@dot.gov 919-747-7017 ***Please consider the environment before printing this email.*** Appendix G Archeological Testing and Site Assessment for 31BN28 btu. STATE,, North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Roy Cooper Secretary Susi H. Hamilton March 27, 2018 Sara Stavinoha Anchor QEA of North Carolina 231 Haywood Street Asheville, NC 28801 Office of Archives and History Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry Re: Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Project, Buncombe County, ER 17-1683 Dear Ms. Stavinoha: Thank you for your letter of March 8, 2018, transmitting the management summary by Tasha Benyshek, TRC Environmental, for archaeological testing at 31BN28 for the above project. During the course of the testing, no significant archaeological resources were identified within the project APE. Ms. Benyshek recommends that no further archaeological work be undertaken at 31BN28 in connection with the current project, and that if project plans are altered, additional archaeological work is required. We concur with these recommendations and have no objection to construction proceeding as presently designed. We look forward to receiving the full report of the investigation at 31BN28 and monitoring at sections 4C and 4D, as well as updated archaeological site forms. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill -Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-807-6579 or environmental.reviewgncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, �C� )�4ck&�tt- �Ramona M. Bartos cc: Worth Creech, Restoration Systems, LLC Tasha Benyshek, TRC Environmental Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 807-6570/807-6599 5 Dogwood Road Asheville, NC 28806 828.667.3838 PHONE 828.667.3839 FAX www.TRCsolutions.com February 2, 2018 Mr. Worth Creech Restoration Systems, LLC 1101 Haynes Street Suite 211 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Re: Management Summary, Archaeological Testing and Site Assessment for 31 BN28, Buncombe County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Creech: TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC) has completed the fieldwork for the archaeological testing and site assessment for 31BN28 in Buncombe County, North Carolina for a proposed stream restoration project on the Warren Wilson campus. The project will impact a portion of site 31BN28, an extensive, multicomponent site first recorded in 1964 (Egloff 1964) and systematically investigated in 2016 (Buchner et al. 2016). The site's National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility has not been determined (Buchner et al. 2016). (Additional archaeological monitoring near two other archaeological sites [3IBN135 and 3IBN145/491] will be performed at a later date.) The project includes construction of a new stream channel within a meandering, linear easement measuring ca. 1,008 ft (307 m) in length and 68 ft (21 m) in width that extends northward from a wooded area adjacent to the Swannanoa River into a fallow agricultural field on the west side of an existing artificial drainage (Figures 1-4). From there, the construction easement extends to a buried culvert situated in a pasture south of Riceville Road. The project also includes the removal of trees on both sides of the existing drainage. All of these proposed impacts are situated within the boundaries of 31BN28. FIELD METHODS The fieldwork for this project was conducted over a period extending from January 4-14, 2018. All fieldwork was directed by Bruce Idol and followed the procedures outlined in TRC's technical proposal for the project (TRC 2017). The project boundaries were identified in the field using maps and a digital GIS shapefile provided by Sara Stavinoha of Anchor QEA of North Carolina, PLLC. Shovel tests were excavated within the boundaries of the stream easement (which was marked in the field using the provided boundary coordinates) and along both sides of the existing artificial drainage. The subsurface survey included systematic shovel testing at 10-m (ca. 33 ft.) intervals except for areas of standing water. The shovel tests measured at least 30 cm in diameter and were excavated to sterile subsoil, hydric soils, or impenetrable fill (along and over the culvert at the head of the existing artificial drainage). Augering was accomplished at the bases of some shovel tests to assess deeper alluvial deposits. Two 1 x 1 in test units (TUs) were also excavated as part of the investigation. All soil was screened through 1/4 inch mesh for uniform artifact recovery, and all of the excavations were backfilled at the conclusion of the work. The locations of all shovel tests and test units were recorded with a GPS unit for mapping. Representative photographs were also taken of the project area. All recovered artifacts were returned to TRC's Asheville office for washing, analysis, and curation preparation. Although formal artifact analysis is pending, at least two precontact period Native American components have been identified based on field inspection. RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Results The assessment included mapping and excavation of 122 shovel tests and two 1 X 1 in test units. These excavations encountered varied stratigraphic sequences on the alluvial terrace east and west of the artificial drainage, which are consistent with the mapped soil types (Hudson 2009; NRCS 2013). The only shovel test (ST 1) situated on the lower terrace adjacent to the river produced no artifacts and encountered coarse sand to over 80 crabs, overlying finer sediment. Excavations on the broad, higher terrace to the north encountered varied sequences; in general, the area east of the drainage appeared slightly higher and was somewhat better drained. Most shovel tests at the edge of the pasture there encountered a plowzone overlying dark grayish brown (1OYR 4/2) clay loam (flecked with oxidized manganese concretions, and clearly related to hydric or semi -hydric conditions) or brownish yellow (IOYR 6/6 or 6/8) clay loam with gray (IOYR 5/1) clay bands. A few tests (notably ST 23 and the adjacent test unit [TU 1]) situated east of the drainage encountered a much thicker A horizon. In TU 1, the 59-66 cm thick upper layer (dark yellowish brown sandy loam) appeared to represent superimposed disturbed deposits resulting from the construction of the artificial drainage and continuous plowing. This overlay a loamier, slightly darker deposit that was up to 17 cm thick (but not continuous across the test unit) that appeared to have accumulated in a low-lying slump on the terrace (and does not appear to be part of any extensive buried A horizon). Up to four non-diagnostic lithic artifacts were found in this deposit, and artifacts were entirely absent in the underlying B horizon clay. With the exception of one shovel test (ST 64) located on the edge of the second terrace (in the wooded area toward the river), which encountered a 60+ cm thick A horizon overlying dark grayish brown sandy clay loam (see Figure 2), nearly all shovel tests west of the drainage encountered a 27 to 38 cm thick plowzone overlying light brownish gray (1OYR 6/2) clay loam, very dark gray (1OYR 3/1) clay loam, or brownish yellow (1 OYR 6/8) clay loam with gray clay bands. A few shovel tests west of the drainage in the southern corner of the field encountered standing water and/or hydric soils at or near the surface (this part of the field is drained by a shallow ditch extending to the artificial drainage). Isolated seeps and sizeable areas of poorly drained soil are consistent with Dillard loam, the mapped soil type (Hudson 2009:145-146). All of the shovel tests situated in the pasture at the head of the artificial drainage encountered strong brown, rock -filled clayey subsoil or similar impenetrable fill associated with the buried cement drainpipe. There is no potential for intact deposits in that area. Twenty-one of the 122 shovel tests produced Native American artifacts, including eight (STs 2, 8, 21, 23, 64, 89, 90, and 95) that generated small numbers of ceramic sherds (see Figure 2). With the exception of a residual sherd obtained from the top of the hydric B horizon in TU 2, all ceramic sherds were found in the plowzone or the upper A horizon. Identifiable sherds include those of the Middle Woodland (Connestee series) and Mississippian period (Pisgah series) types. A few identifiable plain -surfaced sherds are likely attributable to one or both of those types. Lithic artifacts were found in 18 shovel tests; diagnostic artifacts are limited to five triangular projectile points (including unfinished examples) that were found in the thick A horizon (ca. 0-60 cmbs) in TU 1. No lithic artifacts were found in B horizon contexts, although a few such non-diagnostic artifacts were found in the lower A horizon deposit in TU 1. A few non-diagnostic lithic artifacts were collected within the easement from the surface of the plowed field, and a few clearly modern artifacts (e.g., clear or green bottle glass, plastic) were encountered in plowed soils. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS In summary, that part of 31BN28 situated within the construction easement (including the areas that will be affected by tree removal) is represented by small numbers of lithic and ceramic artifacts, including artifacts diagnostic of Middle Woodland and Mississippian period occupation. Most of these were found in plowed or relatively shallow A horizon contexts, and those few deeper artifacts appear attributable to bioturbation moving artifacts downward (and appear intrusive). No artifacts were found in underlying B horizon contexts, and most of the soil sequences encountered suggest a less than favorable environment for habitation. There are no buried deposits or evidence for cultural stratification, and local soil conditions along with low artifact density, suggest that Woodland or Mississippian features are unlikely to be present. These investigations are not sufficient to characterize the site in its entirety, and it is very likely that meaningful artifact distributions and cultural features (especially those associated with Woodland to Mississippian period occupations) are present on the broad terrace outside the construction easement. Further assessment would certainly appear necessary to define the prehistoric occupation of the site in those locations. Although the eligibility status of 31BN28 remains undetermined, the present results suggest that construction will not impact any intact or significant deposits, and we recommend that the construction be allowed to proceed as presently designed. If design plans change, additional archaeological assessment would likely be necessary. We hope that this summary is useful in the planning process. Please do not hesitate to contact us at (828) 230-4812 or via email at tben, shekktresolutions.com or bidol&tresolutions.com if you have any questions or comments about this information, or if you need any additional information prior to submittal of the draft report. Sincerely, Tasha Benyshek Senior Archaeologist/Manager Asheville Bruce Idol Senior Archaeologist Chapel Hill REFERENCES Buchner, C. Andrew, Karla Oesch, Chester Walker, and William Wilson 2016 Archaeological Survey at Warren Wilson College for the Swannanoa River Valley Flood Risk Management Study, Buncombe County, North Carolina. Panamerican Consultants, Inc., Memphis, Tennessee. Report prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CELRN-RC-N, Nashville, Tennessee. Egloff, Brian J. 1964 31BN28. North Carolina State Site Form. On file, Office of State Archaeology, Raleigh. Hudson, Mark S. 2009 Soil Survey of Buncombe County, North Carolina. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington. Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) 2013 Web Soil Survey. Electronic document, http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov/app/, accessed 16 January 2018. TRC Environmental Corporation 2017 Proposal, Archaeological Testing and Site Assessment for 31BN28 and Monitoring Near Sites 31BN135 and 3IBN145/491 for the Warren Wilson Stream Restoration Project, Buncombe County, North Carolina. TRC Environmental Corporation, Asheville. Technical proposal submitted to Stream Restoration Systems, LLC, Raleigh. a Quadrangleminute series VA 4.000 Feei r���il� ��Yi7AiNCGA SC Figure 1. Project Area Location. to - !pr i! _ 0 r' a Quadrangleminute series VA 4.000 Feei r���il� ��Yi7AiNCGA SC Figure 1. Project Area Location. 1, N W F. JED � flOGi i m m ma aw Iff ®. *1E f! o mg C@ •W Om 0) 60 flm W effi g) / go IISD 03 • flri 1� g 5$ \90 0 fl 511 \0 ffi ff3 W) 9D )Wm,/ 5S me a 0 8 YA fel 0 9Q zsti°� in, ga'!oN Tuz' in i, w, Negative Shovel Test �p Positive Historic Shovel Test (m aL CO Positive Precontact C Shovel Test Positive Historic and diver Precontact Shovel Test Test Unit Sw_an nanaa Site Boundary APE 0 20 40 60 SO Drainage Meters Figure 2. Project Area Map Showing Shovel Tests and Test Units. AW ter. rte= a lo `0.-ww �__ Appendix H Financial Assurance Pursuant to Section IV H and Appendix III of the NCDEQ DMS (formerly Ecosystem Enhancement Program) In -Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28, 2010, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) has provided the USACE-Wilmington District with a formal commitment to fund projects to satisfy mitigation requirements assumed by NCDEQ DMS. This commitment provides financial assurance for all mitigation projects implemented by the program. Appendix I Site Protection Instrument There are no delinquent taxes that are a lien the parcel(s) described in the deed which the Buncombe County Tax Collector is charged with collecting. L-" 9 -- 02-12-2019 Date Deputy Tax Collector RS: $946.00 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BUNCOMBE COUNTY SPO File Number: 11 -DI DMS Project Number: 100019 Type: CONSOLIDATED REAL PROPERTY Recorded: 2/12/2019 2:53:06 PM Fee Amt: $1,000.00 Page 1 of 22 Revenue Tax: $946.00 Buncombe County, NC Drew Reisinger Register of Deeds ARM DEED OF CONSERVATION EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF ACCESS PROVIDED PURSUANT TO FULL DELIVERY MITIGATION CONTRACT Prepared by: Office of the Attorney General Property Control Section Return to: NC Department of Administration State Property Office 1321 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1321 TRIS DEED OF CONSERVATION EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF ACCESS, made this '?'0' day of February, 2019, by Warren Wilson College, Incorporated, a North Carolina non-profit, educational corporation, and Warren Wilson College Foundation, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, ("Grantor"), whose mailing address is 701 Warren Wilson Road, Swannanoa, NC 28778, to the State of North Carolina, ("Grantee"), whose mailing address is State of North Carolina, Department of Administration, State Property Office, 1321 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1321. The designations of Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-214.8 et sea-, the State of North Carolina has established the Division of Mitigation Services (formerly known as the Ecosystem Enhancement Program and Wetlands Restoration Program) within the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for the purposes of acquiring, maintaining, restoring, enhancing, creating and preserving wetland and riparian resources that contribute to the R&S 21761101 submitted electronically by "Manning Fulton & skinner, P.A." in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Buncombe county Register of Deeds. Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 1 of 22 protection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities; and WHEREAS, this Conservation Easement from Grantor to Grantee has been negotiated, arranged and provided for as a condition of a full delivery contract between Restoration Systems, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211, Raleigh, NC 27604-1499, and the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, to provide stream, wetland and/or buffer mitigation pursuant to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Purchase and Services Contract Number 7188. WHEREAS, The State of North Carolina is qualified to be the Grantee of a Conservation Easement pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § I21-35; and WHEREAS, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District entered into a Memorandum of Understanding, (MOU) duly executed by all parties on November 4, 1998. This MOU recognized that the Wetlands Restoration Program was to provide effective compensatory mitigation for authorized impacts to wetlands, streams and other aquatic resources by restoring, enhancing and preserving the wetland and riparian areas of the State; and WHEREAS, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the North Carolina Department of Transportation and the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District entered into a Memorandum of Agreement, (MOA) duly executed by all parties in Greensboro, NC on July 22, 2003, which recognizes that the Division of Mitigation Services (formerly Ecosystem Enhancement Program) is to provide for compensatory mitigation by effective protection of the land, water and natural resources of the State by restoring, enhancing and preserving ecosystem functions; and WHEREAS, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management, and the National Marine Fisheries Service entered into an agreement to continue the In -Lieu Fee operations of the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources' Division of Mitigation Services (formerly Ecosystem Enhancement Program) with an effective date of 28 July, 2010, which supersedes and replaces the previously effective MOA and MOU referenced above; and WHEREAS, the acceptance of this instrument for and on behalf of the State of North Carolina was granted to the Department of Administration by resolution as approved by the Governor and Council of State adopted at a meeting held in the City of Raleigh, North Carolina, on the 8t' day of February 2000; and WHEREAS, the Division of Mitigation Services in the Department of Environmental Quality, which has been delegated the authority authorized by the Governor and Council of State to the Department of Administration, has approved acceptance of this instrument; and R&5 2176110_1 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 2 of 22 WHEREAS, Grantor owns in fee simple certain real property situated, lying, and being in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina (the "Property"), and being more particularly described as that certain parcel of land containing approximately 1,005.50 acres and being conveyed to the Grantor by deed as recorded in Deed Book 1061 at Page 635; Deed Book 1071 at Page 183; Deed Book 2214 at Page 833; Deed Book 2595 at Page 353; Deed Book 4216 at Page 534; and Deed Book 5387 at Page 1246 of the Buncombe County Registry, North Carolina; and WHEREAS, Grantor is willing to grant a Conservation Easement and Right of Access over the herein described areas of the Property, thereby restricting and limiting the use of the areas of the Property subject to the Conservation Easement to the terms and conditions and purposes hereinafter set forth, and Grantee is willing to accept said Easement and Access Rights. The Conservation Easement shall be for the protection and benefit of the waters of the Swannanoa River. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, terms, conditions, and restrictions hereinafter set forth, Grantor unconditionally and irrevocably hereby grants and conveys unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever and in perpetuity, a Conservation Easement along with a general Right of Access. The Conservation Easement Area consists of the following: BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 1 containing a total of 0.09 acres, more or less, Conservation Easement Area 2 containing 0.93 acres, more or less, Conservation Easement Area 3 containing 0.93 acres, more or less, Conservation Easement Area 4 containing 2.19 acres, more or less, Conservation Easement Area 5 containing 1.38 acres, more or less, Conservation Easement Area 6 containing 4.33 acres, more or less, Conservation Easement Area 7 containing 0.29 acres, more or less, Conservation Easement Area 8 containing 0.33 acres, more or less, Conservation Easement Area 9 containing 1.48 acres, more or less, Conservation Easement Area 10 containing 0.69 acres, more or less, Conservation Easement Area 11 containing 3.27 acres, more or less, Conservation Easement Area 12 containing 0.65 acres, more or less, Conservation Easement Area 13 containing 0.26 acres, more or less, Conservation Easement Area 14 containing 1.42 acres, more or less, Conservation Easement Area 15 containing 2.33 acres, more or less, Conservation Easement Area 16 containing 2.72 acres, more or less, and Conservation Easement Area 17 containing 2.29 acres, more or less, all as shown on the plat of survey titled "Conservation Easement for the State of North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services, Warren Wilson College, DMS Project Number 100019, SPO File No. 11 -DI, Owner: Warren Wilson College," dated May 3, 2018, and certified December 18, 2018, by F. Donald Lawrence NC, PLS Number L-1290 and recorded in the Buncombe County, North Carolina Register of Deeds at Plat Book 195, Pages 33-46. See attached "Exhibit A", Legal Description of area of the Property hereinafter referred to as the "Conservation Easement Area" R&S 2176110_1 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 3 of 22 The purposes of this Conservation Easement are to maintain, restore, enhance, construct, create and preserve wetland and/or riparian resources in the Conservation Easement Area that contribute to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities; to maintain permanently the Conservation Easement Area in its natural condition, consistent with these purposes; and to prevent any use of the Easement Area that will significantly impair or interfere with these purposes. To achieve these purposes, the following conditions and restrictions are set forth: I. DURATION OF EASEMENT Pursuant to law, including the above referenced statutes, this Conservation Easement and Right of Access shall be perpetual and it shall run with, and be a continuing restriction upon the use of, the Property, and it shall be enforceable by the Grantee against the Grantor and against Grantor's heirs, successors and assigns, personal representatives, agents, lessees, and licensees. H. GRANTOR RESERVED USES AND RESTRICTED ACTIVITIES The Conservation Easement Area shall be restricted from any development or usage that would impair or interfere with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Unless expressly reserved as a compatible use herein, any activity in, or use of, the Conservation Easement Area by the Grantor is prohibited as inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Any rights not expressly reserved hereunder by the Grantor have been acquired by the Grantee. Any rights not expressly reserved hereunder by the Grantor, including the rights to all mitigation credits, including, but not limited to, stream, wetland, and riparian buffer mitigation units, derived from each site within the area of the Conservation Easement, are conveyed to and belong to the Grantee. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following specific uses are prohibited, restricted, or reserved as indicated: A. Recreational Uses. Grantor expressly reserves the right to undeveloped recreational uses, including hiking, bird watching, hunting and fishing, and access to the Conservation Easement Area for the purposes thereof. B. Motorized Vehicle Use. Motorized vehicle use in the Conservation Easement Area is prohibited except within a Crossing Area(s) or Road or Trail as shown on the recorded survey plat. C. Educational Uses. The Grantor reserves the right to engage in and permit others to engage in educational uses in the Conservation Easement Area not inconsistent with this Conservation Easement, and the right of access to the Conservation Easement Area for such purposes including organized educational activities such as site visits and observations. Educational uses of the property shall not alter vegetation, hydrology or topography of the site. D. Damage to Vegetation. Except within Crossing Area(s) as shown on the recorded survey plat and as related to the removal of non-native plants, diseased or damaged trees, or vegetation that destabilizes or renders unsafe the Conservation Easement Area to persons or R&s 2176110_1 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 4 of 22 natural habitat, all cutting, removal, mowing, harming, or destruction of any trees and vegetation in the Conservation Easement Area is prohibited. E. Industrial, Residential and Commercial Uses. All industrial, residential and commercial uses are prohibited in the Conservation Easement Area. F. Agricultural Use. All agricultural uses are prohibited within the Conservation Easement Area including any use for cropland, waste lagoons, or pastureland. G. New Construction. There shall be no building, facility, mobile home, antenna, utility pole, tower, or other structure constructed or placed in the Conservation Easement Area. H. Roads and Trails. There shall be no construction or maintenance of new roads, trails, walkways, or paving in the Conservation Easement. All existing roads, trails and crossings within the Conservation Easement Area shall be shown on the recorded survey plat. 1. Signs. No signs shall be permitted in the Conservation Easement Area except interpretive signs describing restoration activities and the conservation values of the Conservation Easement Area, signs identifying the owner of the Property and the holder of the Conservation Easement, signs giving directions, or signs prescribing rules and regulations for the use of the Conservation Easement Area. J. Dumping or Storing. Dumping or storage of soil, trash, ashes, garbage, waste, abandoned vehicles, appliances, machinery, or any other material in the Conservation Easement Area is prohibited. K. Grading, Mineral Use, Excavation, Dredging. There shall be no grading, filling, excavation, dredging, mining, drilling, hydraulic fracturing; removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rock, peat, minerals, or other materials. L. Water Quality and Drainage Patterns. There shall be no diking, draining, dredging, channeling, filling, leveling, pumping, impounding or diverting, causing, allowing or permitting the diversion of surface or underground water in the Conservation Easement Area. No altering or tampering with water control structures or devices, or disruption or alteration of the restored, enhanced, or created drainage patterns is allowed. All removal of wetlands, polluting or discharging into waters, springs, seeps, or wetlands, or use of pesticide or biocides in the Conservation Easement Area is prohibited. In the event of an emergency interruption or shortage of all other water sources, water from within the Conservation Easement Area may temporarily be withdrawn for good cause shown as needed for the survival of livestock on the Property. M. Subdivision and Conveyance. Grantor voluntarily agrees that no further subdivision, partitioning, or dividing of the Conservation Easement Area portion of the Property owned by the Grantor in fee simple ("fee") that is subject to this Conservation Easement is allowed. Any future transfer of the Property shall be subject to this Conservation Easement and Right of Access and to the R&s 2176110_1 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 5 of 22 Grantee's right of unlimited and repeated ingress and egress over and across the Property to the Conservation Easement Area for the purposes set forth herein. N. Development Rights. All development rights are permanently removed from the Conservation Easement Area and are non-transferrable. O. Disturbance of Natural Features. Any change, disturbance, alteration or impairment of the natural features of the Conservation Easement Area or any intentional introduction of non- native plants, trees and/or animal species by Grantor is prohibited. The Grantor may request permission to vary from the above restrictions for good cause shown, provided that any such request is not inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement, and the Grantor obtains advance written approval from the Division of Mitigation Services, 1652 Mail Services Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652. III. GRANTEE RESERVED USES A. Right of Access, Construction, and Inspection. The Grantee, its employees and agents, successors and assigns, receive a perpetual Right of Access to the Conservation Easement Area over the Property at reasonable times to undertake any activities on the property to restore, construct, manage, maintain, enhance, protect, and monitor the stream, wetland and any other riparian resources in the Conservation Easement Area, in accordance with restoration activities or a long-term management plan. Unless otherwise specifically set forth in this Conservation Easement, the rights granted herein do not include or establish for the public any access rights, B. Restoration Activities. These activities include planting of trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation, installation of monitoring wells, utilization of heavy equipment to grade, fill, and prepare the soil, modification of the hydrology of the site, and installation of natural and manmade materials as needed to direct in -stream, above ground, and subterraneous water flow. C. Signs. The Grantee, its employees and agents, successors or assigns, shall be permitted to place signs and witness posts on the Property to include any or all of the following: describe the project, prohibited activities within the Conservation Easement, or identify the project boundaries and the holder of the Conservation Easement. D. Fences. Conservation Easements are purchased to protect the investments by the State (Grantee) in natural resources. Livestock within conservations easements damages the investment and can result in reductions in natural resource value and mitigation credits which would cause financial harm to the State. Therefore, Landowners (Grantor) with livestock are required to restrict livestock access to the Conservation Easement area. Repeated failure to do so may result in the State (Grantee) repairing or installing livestock exclusion devices (fences) within the conservation area for the purpose of restricting livestock access. In such cases, the landowner (Grantor) must provide access to the State (Grantee) to make repairs. E. Crossing Area(s). The Grantee is not responsible for maintenance of crossing area(s), however, the Grantee, its employees and agents, successors or assigns, reserve the right to repair R&S 21761101 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 6 of 22 crossing area(s), at its sole discretion and to recover the cost of such repairs from the Grantor if such repairs are needed as a result of activities of the Grantor, his successors or assigns. N. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES A. Enforcement. To accomplish the purposes of this Conservation Easement, Grantee is allowed to prevent any activity within the Conservation Easement Area that is inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement and to require the restoration of such areas or features in the Conservation Easement Area that may have been damaged by such unauthorized activity or use. Upon any breach of the terms of this Conservation Easement by Grantor, the Grantee shall, except as provided below, notify the Grantor in writing of such breach and the Grantor shall have ninety (90) days after receipt of such notice to correct the damage caused by such breach. If the breach and damage remains uncured after ninety (90) days, the Grantee may enforce this Conservation Easement by bringing appropriate legal proceedings including an action to recover damages, as well as injunctive and other relief. The Grantee shall also have the power and authority, consistent with its statutory authority: (a) to prevent any impairment of the Conservation Easement Area by acts which may be unlawful or in violation of this Conservation Easement; (b) to otherwise preserve or protect its interest in the Property, or (c) to seek damages from any appropriate person or entity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Grantee reserves the immediate right, without notice, to obtain a temporary restraining order, injunctive or other appropriate relief, if the breach is or would irreversibly or otherwise materially impair the benefits to be derived from this Conservation Easement, and the Grantor and Grantee acknowledge that the damage would be irreparable and remedies at law inadequate. The rights and remedies of the Grantee provided hereunder shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, all other rights and remedies available to Grantee in connection with this Conservation Easement. B. Inspection. The Grantee, its employees and agents, successors and assigns, have the right, with reasonable notice, to enter the Conservation Easement Area over the Property at reasonable times for the purpose of inspection to determine whether the Grantor is complying with the terms, conditions and restrictions of this Conservation Easement. C. Acts Beyond Grantor's Control. Nothing contained in this Conservation Easement shall be construed to entitle Grantee to bring any action against Grantor for any injury or change in the Conservation Easement Area caused by third parties, resulting from causes beyond the Grantor's control, including, without limitation, fire, flood, storm, and earth movement, or from any prudent action taken in good faith by the Grantor under emergency conditions to prevent, abate, or mitigate significant injury to life or damage to the Property resulting from such causes. D. Costs of Enforcement. Beyond regular and typical monitoring expenses, any costs incurred by Grantee in enforcing the terms of this Conservation Easement against Grantor, including, without limitation, any costs of restoration necessitated by Grantor's acts or omissions in violation of the terms of this Conservation Easement, shall be borne by Grantor. E. No Waiver. Enforcement of this Easement shall be at the discretion of the Grantee and any forbearance, delay or omission by Grantee to exercise its rights hereunder in the event of any breach of any term set forth herein shall not be construed to be a waiver by Grantee. R&5 21761101 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 7 of 22 V. MISCELLANEOUS A. This instrument sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Conservation Easement and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings or agreements relating to the Conservation Easement. If any provision is found to be invalid, the remainder of the provisions of the Conservation Easement, and the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found to be invalid, shall not be affected thereby. B. Grantor is responsible for any real estate taxes, assessments, fees, or charges levied upon the Property. Grantee shall not be responsible for any costs or liability of any kind related to the ownership, operation, insurance, upkeep, or maintenance of the Property, except as expressly provided herein. Upkeep of any constructed bridges, fences, or other amenities on the Property are the sole responsibility of the Grantor. Nothing herein shall relieve the Grantor of the obligation to comply with federal, state or local laws, regulations and permits that may apply to the exercise of the Reserved Rights. C. Any notices shall be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested to the parties at their addresses shown herein or to other addresses as either party establishes in writing upon notification to the other. D. Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing of the name and address and any party to whom the Property or any part thereof is to be transferred at or prior to the time said transfer is made. Grantor further agrees that any subsequent lease, deed, or other legal instrument by which any interest in the Property is conveyed is subject to the Conservation Easement herein created. E. The Grantor and Grantee agree that the terms of this Conservation Easement shall survive any merger of the fee and easement interests in the Property or any portion thereof. F. This Conservation Easement and Right of Access may be amended, but only in writing signed by all parties hereto, or their successors or assigns, if such amendment does not affect the qualification of this Conservation Easement or the status of the Grantee under any applicable laws, and is consistent with the purposes of the Conservation Easement. The owner of the Property shall notify the State Property Office and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in writing sixty (60) days prior to the initiation of any transfer of all or any part of the Property or of any request to void or modify this Conservation Easement. Such notifications and modification requests shall be addressed to: Division of Mitigation Services Program Manager NC State Property Office 1321 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1321 and R&S 21761101 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 8 of 22 General Counsel US Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 G. The parties recognize and agree that the benefits of this Conservation Easement are in gross and assignable provided, however, that the Grantee hereby covenants and agrees, that in the event it transfers or assigns this Conservation Easement, the organization receiving the interest will be a qualified holder under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-34 et seq. and § 170(h) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the Grantee further covenants and agrees that the terms of the transfer or assignment will be such that the transferee or assignee will be required to continue in perpetuity the conservation purposes described in this document. VIS. QUIET ENJOYMENT Grantor reserves all remaining rights accruing from ownership of the Property, including the right to engage in or permit or invite others to engage in only those uses of the Conservation Easement Area that are expressly reserved herein, not prohibited or restricted herein, and are not inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Grantor expressly reserves to the Grantor, and the Grantor's invitees and licensees, the right of access to the Conservation Easement Area, and the right of quiet enjoyment of the Conservation Easement Area, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said rights and easements perpetually unto the State of North Carolina for the aforesaid purposes, AND Grantor covenants that Grantor is seized of said premises in fee and has the right to convey the permanent Conservation Easement herein granted; that the same is free from encumbrances and that Grantor will warrant and defend title to the same against the claims of all persons whomsoever. R&S 2176110_1 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 9 of 22 f �4, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. Warren Wilson College, Incorporated, a North Carolina non-profit, educational corporation By:A)i /Y1 �%g- ALJ (SEAL) Name: L'j V') -V\- M_ . Mow V CV Title: President By: (SEAL) Na e: S•tCCI Tit . Secretary [COLLEGE SEAL] NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF }�vincos I, j?0 uj e"' a M' ?o Mme ra � , a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that 1ptj vs h m - VK-4o.r , as President on behalf of Grantor Warren Wilson College, Incorporated, personally appeared before me this day and ackpo*�$gq.d the execution of the foregoing instrument. ., 'WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notary Seal this the �,ao f{.,m 200J. ,,.Y 1G NA. , , ,CAROLINA COUNTY.OF f v,,.,cp "e - My commission expires: Q,"L `i, -�o I q I, 7'k"0 Vje-n TO u1"�'�°1� , a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that ess V P I as Secretary on behalf of Grantor Warren Wilson College, Incorporated, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notary Seal this the g jP` day of�-�,r� �,r y , 201`x. a _ TROY Q1 ^ - Q4'...•' •.....1Vt Vmmission expires: R&S 2176110_1 e{pro�a Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 10 of 22 Warren Wilson College Foundation, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company By: f� (SEAL) Name:Av1 0A-, Title: NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF v �w-- 1, �Ow-e�vu% W' ?C'""e'1,'-f a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that t vylor6o ' , as rtsrdz•, on behalf of Grantor Warren Wilson College Foundation, LLC, personally appearedbefore me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notary Seal this the -K day of � �o+ru�.- 20 ff . T •••, ••,...• My commission expires: r ........ I_pF.' OfR lf,ltl, 4\4f R&S 2176110_1 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 11 of 22 EXHIBIT A [LEGAL DESCRIPTION] Conservation Easement Area 1 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 1 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 694079.697 and whose Easting is 977498.800; thence bearing S 47-34-13 W a distance of 55.85 feet; thence bearing N 42-35-51 W a distance of 70.00 feet; thence bearing N 47-24-9 E a distance of 23.74 feet; thence bearing N 47-24-9 E a distance of 27.33 feet; thence bearing S 46-29-59 E a distance of 70.33 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.09 acres, more or less. Access Easement Area I BEING ALL OF Access Easement Area 1 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 694493.315 and whose Easting is 977787.289;thence bearing N 47-3-30 E a distance of 54.54 feet; thence bearing N 1646-54 E a distance of 138.71 feet; thence bearing N 36-46-8 E a distance of 85.60 feet; thence bearing N 0-43-57 W a distance of 33.62 feet; thence bearing N 66-34-16 W a distance of 86.70 feet; thence bearing N 50-5-47 W a distance of 17.96 feet; thence bearing N 61-35-2 W a distance of 34.36 feet; thence bearing N 71-19-11 W a distance of 14.41 feet; thence bearing N 87-29-18 W a distance of 16.57feet; thence bearing S 82-40-15 W a distance of 22.58 feet; thence bearing S 72-4649 W a distance of 22.36 feet; thence bearing S 61-58-21 W a distance of 32.29 feet; thence bearing S 59-6-39 W a distance of 28.88 feet; thence bearing S 52-7-52 W a distance of 24.30 feet; thence bearing S 50-17-58 W a distance of 27.66 feet; thence bearing S 45-45-52 W a distance of 38.73 feet; thence bearing S 43-4-24 W a distance of 114.25 feet; thence bearing S 42-53-51 W a distance of 110.08 feet; thence bearing S 43-44-00 W a distance of 13.32 feet; thence bearing S 46-54-28 W a distance of 48.34 feet; thence bearing S 58-36-00 W a distance of 34.88 feet; thence bearing S 65-44-14 W a distance of 41.24 feet; thence bearing S 70-47-22 W a distance of 78.20 feet; thence bearing S 80-39-21 W a distance of 52.00 feet; thence bearing S 82-59-8 W a distance of 97.64 feet; thence bearing S 83-6-4 W a distance of 174.64 feet; thence bearing S 84- 40-17 W a distance of 61.53 feet; thence bearing S 86-34-10 W a distance of 22.72 feet; thence bearing N 83-6-8 W a distance of 22.67 feet; thence bearing N 70-50-50 W a distance of 22.51 feet; thence bearing N 56-34-01 W a distance of 22.76 feet; thence bearing N 44-37-47 W a distance of 16.26 feet; thence bearing N 34-15-26 W a distance of 22.28 feet; thence bearing N 23-55-40 W a distance of 28.10 feet; thence bearing N 19-26-44 W a distance of 67.71 feet; thence bearing N 30-16-46 W a distance of 23.50 feet; thence bearing N 39-19-39 W a distance of 9.37 feet; thence bearing N 83-57-14 W a distance of 18.91 feet; thence bearing N 16-27-45 E a distance of 15.25 feet; thence bearing S 83-57-14 E a distance of 22.31 feet; thence bearing S R&s 21761 10_1 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 12 of 22 39-19-39 E a distance of 16.71 feet; thence bearing S 30-16-46 E a distance of 26.11 feet; thence bearing S 19-26-44 E a distance of 68.55 feet; thence bearing S 23-55-40 E a distance of 26.16 feet; thence bearing S 34-15-26 E a distance of 19.56 feet; thence bearing S 44-37-47 E a distance of 13.33 feet; thence bearing S 56-34-OIE a distance of 19.31 feet; thence bearing S 70- 50-50 E a distance of 19.02 feet; thence bearing S 83-6-8 E a distance of 19.70 feet; thence bearing N 86-34-10 E a distance of 21.12 feet; thence bearing N 84-40-17 E a distance of 61.08 feet; thence bearing N 83-6-4 E a distance of 174.42 feet; thence bearing N 82-59-8 E a distance of 97.32 feet; thence bearing N 80-39-21 E a distance of 50.40 feet; thence bearing N 70-47-22 E a distance of 76.25 feet; thence bearing N 65-44-14 E a distance of 39.64 feet; thence bearing N 58-36-00 E a distance of 32.41 feet; thence bearing N 46-54-28 E a distance of 4639 feet; thence bearing N 43-44-00 E a distance of 12.90 feet; thence bearing N 42-53-48 E a distance of 109.91 feet; thence bearing N 434-54 E a distance of 114.96 feet; thence bearing N 45-45-52 E a distance of 39.32 feet; thence bearing 50-17-58 E a distance of 28.49 feet; thence bearing N 52-7-52 E a distance of 25.46 feet; thence bearing N 59-6-39 E a distance of 30.17 feet; thence bearing N 61-58-21 E a distance of 32.66 feet; thence bearing N 72-12-15 E a distance of 26.47 feet; thence bearing N 82-40-15 E a distance of 25.17 feet; thence bearing S 87-29-18 E a distance of 20.00 feet; thence bearing S 71-19-11 E a distance of 16.54 feet; thence bearing S 61-54-22 E a distance of 38.40 feet; thence bearing S 50-5-47 E a distance of 17.29 feet; thence bearing S 6634-16 E a distance of 80.67 feet; thence bearing N 20-10-30 E a distance of 186.17 feet; thence bearing S 74-10-45 E a distance of 15.00 feet; thence bearing S 20-10-9 W a distance of 188.16 feet; thence bearing S 1-33-56 W a distance of 48.71 feet; thence bearing S 36-46-8 W a distance of 86.77 feet; thence bearing S 16-43-51 W a distance of 140.00 feet; thence bearing S 47-3-30 W a distance of 59.00 feet; thence bearing N 42-56-30 W a distance of 15.00 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.68 acres, more or less. Access Easement Area 2 BEING ALL OF Access Easement Area 2 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 694099.611 and whose Easting is 977506.869; thence bearing S 22-3-28 W a distance of 21.49feet; thence bearing N 46-29-59 W a distance of 70.33feet; thence bearing N 42-9-46 E a distance of 20.O1feet; thence bearing S 46-29-59 E a distance of 62.94feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.03 acres, more or less. Conservation Easement Area 2 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 2 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 694196.131 and whose Easting is 977616.623; thence bearing S 4840-15 W a distance of 146.16 feet; thence bearing N 46-29-59 W a distance of 62.94 feet; thence bearing N 37-16-23 E a distance of 46.75 feet; thence bearing N 20-14-39 E a distance of 176.89 feet; thence bearing N 62-11-12 E a distance of 66.52 feet; thence bearing S 49-0-47 E a distance of 42.44 feet; thence bearing N 42-51-21 E a distance of 205.31 feet; thence R&5 21761101 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 13 of 22 bearing S 42-56-30 E a distance of 8.87 feet; thence bearing S 42-56-30 E a distance of 15.00 feet; thence bearing S 42-56-30 E a distance of 38.63 feet; thence bearing S 43-33-16 W a distance of 77.84 feet; thence bearing S 40-11-52 W a distance of 51.04 feet; thence bearing S 43-32-42 W a distance of 181.32 feet; thence bearing S 7-50-58 E a distance of 31.40 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.93 acres, more or less. Conservation Easement Area 3 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 3 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 694936.971 and whose Easting is 978068.088 ; thence bearing S 87-47-52 W a distance of 15.80 feet; thence bearing N 74-1045 W a distance of 55.24 feet; thence bearing N 74-10-45 W a distance of 15.00 feet; thence bearing N 12-3-55 E a distance of 53.67 feet; thence bearing N 23-27-57 E a distance of 31.40 feet ; thence bearing N 3- 26-0 E a distance of 31.20 feet; thence bearing N 8-14-26 W a distance of 49.25 feet; thence bearing S 86-36-47 W a distance of 43.38 feet; thence bearing N 10-11-29 W a distance of 19.35 feet; thence bearing N 47-47-10 E a distance of 60.99 feet; thence bearing N 26-4-27 E a distance of 48.40 feet; thence bearing N 3-38-39 E a distance of 33.44 feet; thence bearing N 12- 40-7 E a distance of 114.66 feet; thence bearing N 12-30-18 E a distance of 52.72 feet; thence bearing N 88-22-20 E a distance of 79.27 feet; thence bearing S 9-27-29 W a distance of 154.31 feet; thence bearing S 14-22-57 W a distance of 96.55 feet; thence bearing S 5-43-41 W a distance of 235.04 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.93 acres, more or less. Access Easement Area 3 BEING ALL OF Access Easement Area 3 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 694221.701 and whose Easting is 972344.000; thence bearing N 68-53-24 E a distance of 15.00feet; thence bearing S 21-6-36 E a distance of 57.45feet; thence bearing S 57-16-17 W a distance of 15.31feet; thence bearing N 21-6-36 W a distance of 60.54feet to the point of beginning containing 0.02 acres, more or less. Conservation Easement Area 4 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 4 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 694188.916 and whose Easting is 972631.370; thence bearing S 63-39-33 W a distance of 277.11 feet; thence bearing N 9-50-42 W a distance of I00.75 feet; thence bearing N 57-16-17 E a distance of 15.31 feet; thence bearing N 57-16-17 E a distance of 121.00 feet; thence bearing N 60-59-11 E a distance of 95.32 feet; thence bearing S 74-28-35 E a distance of 47.70 feet; thence bearing N 81-11-17 E a distance of 87.34 feet; R&S 2176110_1 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 14 of 22 thence bearing N 57-15-51 E a distance of 40.18 feet; thence bearing N 79-4-23 E a distance of 39.12 feet; thence bearing S 65-0-25 E a distance of 54.97 feet; thence bearing N 55-56-00 E a distance of 85.40 feet; thence bearing N 83-4-48 E a distance of 84.02 feet; thence bearing N 22- 11-23 E a distance of 66.75 feet; thence bearing N 63-39-30 E a distance of 156.69 feet; thence bearing S 80-0-24 E a distance of 70.98 feet; thence bearing S 11-51-32 E a distance of 39.58 feet; thence bearing S 29-4-37 W a distance of 111.53 feet; thence bearing S 69-15-6 W a distance of 168.04 feet; thence bearing S 69-25-55 W a distance of 161.36 feet; thence bearing S 82-59-23 W a distance of 223.86 feet to the point of beginning containing 2.19 acres, more or less. Access Easement 4 BEING ALL OF Access Easement Area 4 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted)`. Beginning at a point whose Northing is 694343.439 and whose Easting is 973190.760; thence bearing S 69-15-6 W a distance of 31.00 feet; thence bearing N 29-4-37 E a distance of 111.53 feet; thence bearing N 11-51-32 W a distance of 39.58 feet; thence bearing S 80-0-24 E a distance of 21.55 feet; thence bearing S 11-51-32 E a distance of 39.03 feet; thence bearing S 29- 4-37 W a distance of 95.31 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.07 acres, more or less. Conservation Easement Area 5 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 5 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 694367.053 and whose Easting is 973253.093; thence bearing S 69-I5-6 W a distance of 66.66 feet; thence bearing N 29-4-37 E a distance of 95.31 feet; thence bearing N 11-51-32 W a distance of 39.03 feet;thence bearing N 64-42-43 E a distance of 166.69 feet; thence bearing N 14-18-33 E a distance of 64.70 feet; thence bearing N 72-47-54 E a distance of 122.05 feet; thence bearing N 35-5443 E a distance of 71.86 feet; thence bearing N 56-48-14 E a distance of 165.01 feet; thence bearing S 14-42-37 E a distance of 85.67 feet; thence bearing S 47-54-46 W a distance of 187.45 feet; thence bearing S 45-32-32 W a distance of 159.05 feet; thence bearing S 65-10-20 W a distance of 229.85 feet to the point of beginning containing 1.3 8 acres, more or less. Conservation Easement Area 6 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 6 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 696309.168 and whose Easting is 974267.634; thence bearing S 43-2-4 W a distance of 39.33 feet; thence bearing N 37-40-40 W a distance of 70.71 feet; thence bearing N 34-46-22 W a distance of 11.75 feet; thence bearing N 9-56-9 E a R&S 2176110_1 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 15 of 22 distance of 109.95 feet; thence bearing N 11-7-54 E a distance of 162.33 feet; thence bearing N 33-53-33 E a distance of 52.25 feet; thence bearing N 20-59-49 W a distance of 147.87 feet; thence bearing N 14-5-46 E a distance of 61.70 feet; thence bearing N 19-34-53 W a distance of 174.65 feet; thence bearing N 24-0-42 E a distance of 60.91 feet; thence bearing N 18-17-41 W a distance of 147.68 feet; thence bearing N 2-15-35 E a distance of 44.62 feet; thence earing N 41- 11-39 W a distance of 171.09 feet; thence bearing N 33-22-32 E a distance of 193.68 feet; thence bearing N 38-56-31 W a distance of 75.28 feet; thence bearing N 5-8-25 E a distance of 5.50 feet; thence bearing N 20-8-8 W a distance of 93.37 feet; thence bearing N 25-17-13 E a distance of 159.73 feet; thence bearing N 10-52-24 W a distance of 53.89 feet; thence bearing N 2-23-50 E a distance of 102.64 feet; thence bearing N 7-9-12 W a distance of 97.43 feet; thence bearing N 12-14-21 E a distance of 22.76 feet; thence bearing S. 75-18-23 E a distance of 76.36 feet; thence bearing S 15-28-19 E a distance of 50.85 feet; thence bearing S 5-49-0 E a distance of 92.36 feet; thence bearing S 3-3-37 W a distance of 182.14 feet; thence bearing S 36- 44-57 W a distance of 99.76 feet; thence bearing S 22-4-6 E a distance of 80.56 feet; thence bearing S 7-48-32 W a distance of 51.72 feet; thence bearing S 39-14-34 E a distance of 72.19 feet; thence bearing S 2-2-48 E a distance of 78.02 feet; thence bearing S 40-48-31 W a distance of 127.12 feet; thence bearing S 35-56-55 E a distance of 76.93 feet; thence bearing N 74-3-19 E a distance of 72.94 feet; thence bearing N 74-3-19 E a distance of 21.54 feet; thence bearing S 16-26=40 E a distance of 129.37 feet; thence bearing S 16-42-37 W a distance of 147.84 feet; thence bearing S 8-58-38 E a distance of 36.84 feet; thence bearing S 1-33-19 E a distance of 98.46 feet; thence bearing S 20-38-45 E a distance of 101.13 feet; thence bearing S 10-32-47 E a distance of 210.02 feet; thence bearing S 15-53-35 W a distance of 279.90 feet; thence bearing S 9-0-51 W a distance of 87.36 feet to the point of beginning containing 4.33 acres, more or less. Access Easement 5 BEING ALL OF Access Easement Area 5 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 697277.193 and whose Easting is 974328.477; thence bearing S 16-42-37 W a distance of 36.57 feet; thence bearing N 16-26-40 W a distance of 129.37 feet; thence bearing N 74-3-19 E a distance of 20.00 feet; thence bearing S 16-26-40 E a distance of 98.58 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.05 acres, more or less. Access Easement 6 BEING ALL OF Access Easement Area 6 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 698180.348 and whose Easting is 974209.283; thence bearing S 17-40-45 W a distance of 20.03 feet; thence bearing N 75-18-23 W a distance of 76.36 feet; thence bearing N 12-14-21 E a distance of 20.02 feet; thence bearing S 75-18-30 E a distance of 78.26 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.04 acres, more or less. R&S 2176110_1 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 16 of 22 Conservation Easement Area 7 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 7 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 698217.401 and whose Easting is 974215.991;thence bearing S 10-15-43 W a distance of 37.66 feet; thence bearing N 75-18-30 W a distance of 78.26 feet; thence bearing N 17-25-31 W a distance of 71.42 feet; thence bearing N 10-37-25 E a distance of 73.23 feet; thence bearing S 86-21-24 E a distance of 87.04 feet; thence bearing S 15- 40-35 W a distance of 66.21 feet; thence bearing S 21-41-2 E a distance of 57.72 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.29 acres, more or less. Conservation Easement Area 8 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 8 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 697307.443 and whose Easting is 974386.475; thence bearing S 62-27-18 W a distance of 65.41 feet; thence bearing N 16-26-43 W a distance of 98.58 feet; thence bearing N 74-3-19 E a distance of 19.00 feet; thence bearing N 9-19-49 E a distance of 42.11 feet; thence bearing N 50-17-57 E a distance of 95.24 feet; thence bearing S 35-17-55 E a distance of 71.56 feet; thence bearing S 37-58-36 W a distance of 69.76 feet; thence bearing S 10-32-54 W a distance of 59.53 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.33 acres, more or less. Access Easement Area 7 BEING ALL OF Access Easement Area 7 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 695178.178 and whose Easting is 975672.191; thence bearing N 61-48-7 W a distance of 23.21 feet; thence bearing N 77-55-56 E a distance of 144.06 feet; thence bearing S 9-11-16 E a distance of 15.02 feet; thence bearing S 77-55-56 W a distance of 125.60 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.05 acres, more or less. Conservation Easement Area 9 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 9 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 695076.283 and whose Easting is 975529.360; thence bearing N 28-11-53 E a distance of 157.29 feet; thence bearing S 61-48-7 E a distance of R&s 21761101 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 17 of 22 54.52 feet; thence bearing S 61-48-7 E a distance of 23.21 feet; thence bearing S 28-11-53 W a distance of 184.46 feet; thence bearing S 71-34-00 W a distance of 111.14 feet; thence bearing S 48-18-9 W a distance of 235.13 feet; thence bearing S 24-17-10 E a distance of 121.47 feet; thence bearing S 13-57-39 W a distance of 116.01 feet; thence bearing N 73-52-23 W a distance of 50.79 feet; thence bearing N 75-19-45 W a distance of 32.76 feet; thence bearing N 16-33-23 E a distance of 82.84 feet; thence bearing N 25-41-4 W a distance of 81.03 feet; thence bearing N 0-3-21 E a distance of 64.21 feet; thence bearing N 14-20-36 E a distance of 80.49 feet; thence bearing N 53-37-23 E a distance of 229.14 feet; thence bearing N 76-2-23 E a distance of 93.63 feet to the point of beginning containing 1.48 acres, more or less. Access Easement Area 8 BEING ALL OF Access Easement Area 8 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 694597.763 and whose Easting is 975215.101; thence bearing N 50-8-6 E a distance of 39.63 feet; thence bearing S 75-19-45 E a distance of 32.76 feet; thence bearing S 73-52-23 E a distance of 50.79 feet; thence bearing S 47-22-37 W a distance of 33.22 feet; thence bearing N 76-39-22 W a distance of 32.61 feet; thence bearing N 77-39-27 W a distance of 56.02 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.06 acres, more or less. Conservation Easement Area 10 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 10 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 694485.427 and whose Easting is 975174.529; thence bearing N 19-51-29 E a distance of 119.44 feet; thence bearing S 77-39-27 E a distance of 56.02 feet; thence bearing S 76-39-44 E a distance of 32.29 feet; thence bearing S 9-3-34 W a distance of 310.02 feet; thence bearing S 69-10-8 W a distance of 18.51 feet; thence bearing S 73-2-33 W a distance of I.94 feet; thence bearing N 62-48-55 W a distance of 60.09 feet; thence bearing N 1-39-46 W a distance of 193.09 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.69 acres, more or less. Conservation Easement Area 11 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 11 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 692379.619 and whose Easting is 976799.489; thence bearing S 68-13-31 W a distance of 72.66 feet; thence bearing N 8-21-30 W a distance of 121.78 feet; thence bearing N 41-22-33 E a distance of 309.41 feet; thence bearing N 7-34-14 E a distance of 54.71 feet; thence bearing N 39-36-18 W a distance of 356.29 feet; thence bearing N 30-43-43 W a distance of 111.57 feet; thence bearing N 6-52-46 W a distance R&s 2176110_1 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 18 of 22 of 178.76 feet; thence bearing N 23-20-43 E a distance of 66.94 feet; thence bearing N 45-42-53 E a distance of 280.82 feet; thence bearing S 31-28-37 E a distance of 92.25 feet; thence bearing S 22-45-56 W a distance of 86.88 feet; thence bearing S 86-49-45 W a distance of 66.15 feet; thence bearing S 21-0-16 W a distance of 228.46 feet; thence bearing S 38-33-56 E a distance of 520.15 feet; thence bearing S 22-53-6 W a distance of 242.97 feet; thence bearing S 50-4-12 W a distance of 196.32 feet; thence bearing S 6-1-4 E a distance of 53.40 feet to the point of beginning containing 3.27 acres, more or less. Access Easement Area 9 BEING ALL OF Access Easement Area 9 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 693472.720 and whose Easting is 976927.975; thence bearing N 66-50-26 W a distance of 34.56feet; thence bearing N 31-28-37 W a distance of 92.25feet; thence bearing N 31-53-35 E a distance of 22.37feet; thence bearing S 31-28-37 E a distance of 130.46 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.05 acres, more or less. Conservation Easement Area 12 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 12 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 693485.447 and whose Easting is 976951.698; thence bearing S 61-47-15 W a distance of 26.92 feet; thence bearing N 31-28-37 W a distance of 130.46 feet; thence bearing N 33-23-22 W a distance of 169.79 feet; thence bearing N 20-38-25 W a distance of 30.14 feet; thence bearing N 76-43-58 E a distance of 91.35 feet; thence bearing S 43-32-10 E a distance of 152.24 feet; thence bearing S 0-40-53 E a distance of 179.11 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.65 acres, more or less. Access Easement Area 10 BEING ALL OF Access Easement Area 10 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 693818.937 and whose Easting is 976771.443; thence bearing S 58-59-51 E a distance of 85.47 feet; thence bearing S 76-43-58 W a distance of 91.35 feet; thence bearing N 34-6-28 W a distance of 42.55 feet; thence bearing N 53-1-1 E a distance of 49.46 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.09 acres, more or less. Conservation Easement Area 13 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 13 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): R&s 217611 b_ 1 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 19 of 22 Beginning at a point whose Northing is 693882.787 and whose Easting is 976727.901; thence bearing S 34-17-31 E a distance of 77.28 feet; thence bearing S 53-1-1 W a distance of 49.46 feet; thence bearing N 75-6-22 W a distance of 77.20 feet; thence bearing N 46-12-13 W a distance of 80.59 feet; thence bearing N 46-12-13 W a distance of 28.43 feet; thence bearing N 80-51-52 E a distance of 20.88 feet; thence bearing S 89-44-19 E a distance of 43.35 feet; thence bearing S 86-46-26 E a distance of 85.43 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.26 acres, more or less.. Access Easement Area 11 BEING ALL OF Access Easement Area 11 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 693890.688 and whose Easting is 976549.305; thence bearing S 78-2-37 E a distance of 29.98 feet; thence bearing S 46-12-13 E a distance of 28.43 feet; thence bearing N 78-2-37 W a distance of 54.13 feet; thence bearing N 11-57-23 E a distance of 15.00 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.01 acres, more or less. Conservation Easement Area 14 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 14 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted); Beginning at a point whose Northing is 692025.790 and whose Easting is 977162.369; thence bearing S 24-12-57 W a distance of 314.29 feet; thence bearing S 83-7-00 W a distance of 59.76 feet; thence bearing S 83-7-00 W a distance of 16.27 feet; thence bearing N 34644 E a distance of 61.32 feet; thence bearing N 22-58-19 E a distance of 287.37 feet; thence bearing N 43-26-42 E a distance of 281.25 feet; thence bearing N 59-17-00 E a distance of 88.39 feet; thence bearing S 63-37-21 E a distance of 31.31 feet; thence bearing S 80-24-15 E a distance of 45.58 feet; thence bearing S 26-50-54 W a distance of 30.56 feet; thence bearing S 51-14-55 W a distance of 130.26 feet; thence bearing S 33-58-47 W a distance of 163.20 feet; thence bearing S 73-5435 W a distance of 49.52 feet to the point of beginning containing 1.42 acres, more or less. Access Easement Area 13 BEING ALL OF Access Easement Area 13 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 692303.242 and whose Easting is 977420.640; thence bearing S 11-47-35 W a distance of 20.02 feet; thence bearing N 80-24-15 W a distance of 45.58 feet; thence bearing N 63-37-21 W a distance of 31.31 feet; thence bearing N 4-48-40 W a distance of 21.13 feet; thence bearing S 65-29-58 E a distance of 37.50 feet; thence bearing S 80- 34-43 E a distance of 45.34 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.04 acres, more or less. R&S 21761101 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 20 of 22 Conservation Easement Area 15 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 15 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 692380.898 and whose Easting is 977497.559; thence bearing S 44-43-36 W a distance of 109.30 feet; thence bearing N 80-34-43 W a distance of 45.34 feet; thence bearing N 65-29-58 W a distance of 37.50 feet; thence bearing N 26-54-6 E a distance of 82.88 feet; thence bearing N 41-6-39 E a distance of 101.25 feet; thence bearing N 19-42-29 E a distance of 183.63 feet; thence bearing N 56-43-56 E a distance of 193.16 feet; thence bearing N 69-18-49 E a distance of 359.87 feet; thence bearing S 38-27-8 E a distance of 32.25 feet; thence bearing S 23-19-11 E a distance of 85.47 feet; thence bearing S 68-13-47 W a distance of 415.06 feet; thence bearing S 35-57-26 W a distance of 301.18 feet to the point of beginning containing 2.33 acres, more or less. Access Easement Area 14 BEING ALL OF Access Easement Area 14 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 692816.732 and whose Easting is 978097.128; thence bearing S 44-21-59 W a distance of 53.30 feet; thence bearing N 23-19-11 W a distance of 85.47 feet; thence bearing N 38-27-8 W a distance of 32.25 feet; thence bearing S 76-18-47 E a distance of 67.06 feet; thence bearing S 27-35-3 E a distance of 56.16 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.09 acres, more or less. Conservation Easement Area 16 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 16 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 692561.569 and whose Easting is 978327.613; thence bearing S 3-56-28 W a distance of 398.20 feet; thence bearing N 85-57-20 W a distance of 251.12 feet; thence bearing N 3-53-29 E a distance of 596.77 feet; thence bearing S 38-51-44 E a distance of 271.73 feet; thence along a curve to the LEFT, having a radius of 15.00 feet, a delta angle of 66° 28' 15", and whose long chord bears S 72-5-51 E a distance of 16.44 feet; thence bearing N 74-40-1 E a distance of 53.83 feet; thence bearing S 2-57-2 W a distance of 13.46 feet to the point of beginning containing 2.72 acres, more or less. Access Easement Area 15 BEING ALL OF Access Easement Area 15 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): R&S 21761101 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 21 of 22 Beginning at a point whose Northing is 692606.560 and whose Easting is 978329.932; thence bearing S 2-57-2 W a distance of 31.60 feet; thence bearing S 74-40-1 W a distance of 53.83 feet; thence along a curve to the RIGHT, leaving a radius of 15.00 feet, a delta angle of 66° 28' 15", and whose long chord bears N 72-5-51 W a distance of 16.44 feet; thence bearing N 38- 51-44 W a distance of 271.73 feet; thence bearing N 9-55-19 E a distance of 39.91 feet; thence bearing S 38-51-27 E a distance of 288.20 feet; thence bearing N 74-40-1 E a distance of 53.91 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.24 acres, more or less. Conservation Easement Area 17 BEING ALL OF Conservation Easement Area 17 of the Warren Wilson College Stream Mitigation Site lying and being situated in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina and particular described as follows (all distances are ground distance unless otherwise noted): Beginning at a point whose Northing is 692970.705 and whose Easting is 978348.702; thence bearing S 2-57-2 W a distance of 364.63 feet; thence bearing S 74-40-1 W a distance of 53.91 feet; thence bearing N 38-51-27 W a distance of 288.20 feet; thence bearing N 27-35-3 W a distance of 56.16 feet; thence bearing N 2-9-18 E a distance of 243.95 feet; thence bearing S 51-40-22 E a distance of 13.28 feet, thence bearing S 56-18-46 E a distance of 18.06 feet; thence bearing S 64-7-43 E a distance of 23.49 feet; thence bearing S 64-7-37 E a distance of 13.70 feet; thence bearing S 7743-25 E a distance of 57.00 feet; thence bearing S 83-18-45 E a distance of 65.35 feet; thence bearing S 77-43-38 E a distance of 44.29 feet; thence bearing S 83-34-34 E a distance of 49.84 feet; thence bearing S 3-10-28 W a distance of 70.49 feet to the point of beginning containing 2.29 acres, more or less. ALL OF THE FOREGOING CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREAS AND ACCESS EASEMENT AREAS are as shown on the plat of survey titled "Conservation Easement for the State of North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services, Warren Wilson College, DMS Project Number 100019, SPO File No. 11 -DI, Owner: Warren Wilson College," dated May 3, 2018, and certified December 18, 2018, by F. Donald Lawrence NC, PLS Number L-1290 and recorded in the Buncombe County, North Carolina Register of Deeds at Plat Book 195, Pages 33-46. R&S 2176110_1 Book: 5743 Page: 843 Page 22 of 22 Appendix J Credit Release Schedule CREDIT RELEASE SCHEDULE All credit releases will be based on the total credit generated as reported in the approved final mitigation plan, unless there are major discrepancies and then a mitigation plan addendum will be submitted. Under no circumstances shall any mitigation project be debited until the necessary Department of the Army (DA) authorization has been received for its construction or the District Engineer (DE) has otherwise provided written approval for the project in the case where no DA authorization is required for construction of the mitigation project. The DE, in consultation with the IRT, will determine if performance standards have been satisfied sufficiently to meet the requirements of the release schedules below. In cases where some performance standards have not been met, credits may still be released depending on the specifics of the case. Monitoring may be required to be restarted or be extended, depending on the extent to which the site fails to meet the specified performance standard. The release of project credits will be subject to the criteria described as follows in Table D1. Table D1. Stream Credit Release Schedule Credit Interim Total Release Release Activity Release Release Milestone 0 Initial Allocation — see requirements below 30% 30% 1 First year monitoring report demonstrates performance 10% 40% standards are being met 2 Second year monitoring report demonstrates 10% 50% performance standards are being met 3 Third year monitoring report demonstrates performance 10% 60% standards are being met 4 Fourth year monitoring report demonstrates performance 65% standards are being met .5% (75%**) 5 Fifth year monitoring report demonstrates performance 10% 75%* standards are being met (85%**) Sixth year monitoring report demonstrates performance 5% 80%* 6* standards are beingmet 90% 7 Seventh year monitoring report demonstrates 90% performance standards are being met and project has 10% (100%**) received closeout approval *Please note that vegetation data may not be required with monitoring reports submitted during these monitoring years unless otherwise required by the Mitigation Plan or directed by the IRT. **10% reserve of credits to be held back until the bankfull event performance standard has been met. Initial Allocation of Released Credits The initial allocation of released credits, as specified in the mitigation plan, can be released by DMS without prior written approval of the DE upon satisfactory completion of the following activities: 1) Approval of the final Mitigation Plan. 2) Recordation of the preservation mechanism, as well as a title opinion acceptable to the USACE covering the property. 3) Completion of project construction (the initial physical and biological improvements to the mitigation site) pursuant to the mitigation plan; per the DMS Instrument, construction means that a mitigation site has been constructed in its entirety, to include planting, and an as -built report has been produced. As -built reports must be sealed by an engineer prior to project closeout, if appropriate but not prior to the initial allocation of released credits. 4) Receipt of necessary DA permit authorization or written DA approval for projects where DA permit issuance is not required. Subsequent Credit Releases All subsequent credit releases must be approved by the DE, in consultation with the IRT, based on a determination that required performance standards have been achieved. For stream projects a reserve of 10% of a site's total stream credits shall be released after four bankfull events have occurred, in separate years, provided the channel is stable and all other performance standards are met. In the event that less than four bankfall events occur during the monitoring period, release of these reserve credits shall be at the discretion of the IRT. As projects approach milestones associated with credit release, DMS will submit a request for credit release to the DE along with documentation substantiating achievement of criteria required for release to occur. This documentation will be included with the annual monitoring report. Appendix K Maintenance Plan Maintenance Plan The Site shall be monitored on a regular basis and a physical inspection of the site shall be conducted a minimum of once per year throughout the post -construction monitoring period until performance standards are met. These site inspections may identify site components and features that require routine maintenance. Routine maintenance should be expected most often in the first two years following site construction and may include the following: Component/Feature Maintenance through project close-out Routine channel maintenance and repair activities may include securing of loose coir matting and supplemental installations of live stakes and other target Stream vegetation along the channel. Areas where stormwater and floodplain flows intercept the channel may also require maintenance to prevent bank failures and head -cutting. Vegetation shall be maintained to ensure the health and vigor of the targeted plant community. Routine vegetation maintenance and repair activities may include supplemental planting, pruning, mulching, and fertilizing. Exotic invasive Vegetation plant species shall be controlled by mechanical and/or chemical methods. Any vegetation control requiring herbicide application will be performed in accordance with NC Department of Agriculture (NCDA) rules and regulations. Beaver and associated dams are to be removed as they colonize and until the Beaver project is closed. Site boundaries shall be identified in the field to ensure clear distinction between the mitigation site and adjacent properties. Boundaries may be identified by Site Boundary fence, marker, bollard, post, tree- blazing, or other means as allowed by site conditions and/or conservation easement. Boundary markers disturbed, damaged, or destroyed will be repaired and/or replaced on an as needed basis. Road crossings within the site may be maintained only as allowed by Road Crossing Conservation Easement or existing easement, deed restrictions, rights of way, or corridor agreements. Terracell Drop Routine maintenance and repair activities may include removal of debris and supplemental installation of live stakes and other target vegetation along the Structure channel. Undermining of the structure may require repair or replacement. Appendix L Post -IRT Site Visit Notes MEMORANDUM September 1, 2017 RE: Warren Wilson Mitigation Site Post -IRT Site Visit Notes DMS Project ID: 100019 Attendees: USACE: Todd Tugwell, Kim Browning NCDWR: Mac Haupt, Zan Price NCWRC: Andrea Leslie USFWS: Marella Buncick NCDMS: Paul Wiesner, Matthew Reed, Kelly Phillips AXE: Grant Lewis AES: Craig Straub AQ: Stu Ryman, Ryan Davis RS: JD Hamby, Worth Creech On Monday August 28, 2017, representatives of the Interagency Review Team (IRT) met with representatives from North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS), Restoration Systems (RS), and Axiom Environmental (AXE), Applied Ecological Services (AES), Anchor QEA of NC (AQ) at Warren Wilson Mitigation Site to review proposed site mitigation features and approaches. Below is a summary of what was discussed onsite and how those comments will be addressed as the mitigation plan moves forward. Much of the post field meeting summary is reflected in the comments below. This proposal will be further refined in the development of the Mitigation Plan. The mitigation reaches are discussed in the same order as the field visit. UT -7: • There was discussion of Restoration throughout the entire tributary rather than Enhancement 2 in one section as originally proposed. This approach will be further evaluated and justified in the Mitigation Plan if pursued. • The viability of replacing the upstream culvert to a more appropriate size and slope was discussed. This will be further investigated and may become part of the project if necessary and obtainable. 1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492 UT -8: • The overall Restoration approach of this reach was accepted. • There were concerns regarding the sewer line crossing of the stream channel. It is expected that consultation will occur with the utilities company about removal of the culverted crossing. • The location of the channel will be determined in the Mitigation Plan. UT -6: • There was a group discussion regarding River Cane (Arundinaria gigantean) and how it may be incorporated into the buffers. It was decided that it should be included in the project and there could be some flexibility as to how it was incorporated into the success criteria. WRC gave several ideas involving canebrakes and suggested an expert to contact regarding the matter. Proposed success criteria will be detailed in the Mitigation Plan. • Lack of flow is a concern in the upper reach and flow data should be closely monitored to prove there is stream function, rather than wetland. Design criteria, including slope and grade will be imperative for the function of this systems as a stream. • Flow gauges will be incorporated into the success criteria. UT -5: • The overall Restoration approach of this reach was accepted. • Damage or removal of mature trees will be avoided in the Swannanoa River buffer. UT -4: • The Mitigation Plan should describe specific treatments on the upper portion of this reach to justify Enhancement Level 2. Without justification, a lower credit ratio may be assigned to the upper end of this reach. • An E1 to Restoration approach was discussed along the bottom portion of UT4 at the approach to the confluence with UT 3. This will be detailed in the Mitigation Plan. UT -3: (Upper) • There was much discussion of what kind of treatment is appropriate for this reach. It was agreed that the Mitigation Plan will have to strongly justify restoring this reach as a stream/wetland complex in order to obtain Restoration credit. • It was agreed that wetland monitoring (wells, overbank flow, etc.) would need to be added to success criteria for this reach. (Lower) • Enhancement Level 2 being accepted here would depend on how much bank work would occur, with 6-8 spots or several hundreds of feet being needed to justify it at the standard ratio. If that much bank work is not done/necessary then a reduced ratio would be given (mentioned 1:5) since only one side of the buffer would be extended to the full 30 feet, with several feet of buffer already existing. Given this information, we could propose a ratio in the Mitigation Plan to discuss. (1:3, 1:5, etc.) 1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492 UT -1: (Upper) • The channel below the breached dam could justify Restoration as proposed and will need to be supported in the Mitigation Plan. • A braided stream would not be acceptable for credit in the old pond bed. • There is value in the existing wetland habitat that has established in the former pond area, however, everyone acknowledged that the dam was recently breached and could be rebuilt by the landowner thereby impacting the emerging wetlands. • Newly formed emergent wetlands in the old impoundment will be preserved as much as possible in the stream restoration design. • The remaining dam structure on river left will be removed to match floodplain grade. • The dam on river right will remain as needed to support the mature hemlock stand. UT -1: (Lower) • The overall Restoration approach of this reach was accepted. • Assure the new channel does not disrupt the existing wetlands. UT -2: • A jurisdictional determination should be done on this reach to justify any stream credit. • A BMP will be installed upstream of the confluence of UT -2 and UT -1 regardless of credit generation on UT -2. • Do not discharge hog lagoon waters into UT -2. Thank you, Worth Creech Restoration Systems 1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492 From: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US) To: Wiesner, Paul; Haupt, Mac; Browning, Kimberly D CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Leslie, Andrea J; Buncick, Marella; Price, Zan (George) Cc: Stu Ryman; Grant Lewis; John Hamby; Craig A. Straub; Reid, Matthew; Worth Creech; Phillips, Kelly D Subject: RE: Warren Wilson College_100019_IRT Meeting Minutes - Aug. 2017 Date: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 10:53:27 AM Paul, my only comment on this is that I also did have some concerns on the short reach of channel immediately below the pond on UT 1 lower. This section appeared to be relatively stable and not in need of much work or buffer planting. Other than that, I'm OK with the notes. Thanks, Todd -----Original Message ----- From: Wiesner, Paul[mailto:paul.wiesner&ncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 9:29 AM To: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Todd.Tugwell@usace.army.mil>; Haupt, Mac <mac.haupt@ncdenr.gov>; Browning, Kimberly D CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Kimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil>; Leslie, Andrea J <andrea.leslie@ncwildlife.org>; Buncick, Marella <marella_buncick@fws.gov>; Price, Zan (George) <Zan.Price@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Stu Ryman <sryman@anchorgea.com>; Grant Lewis <glewis@axiomenvironmental.org>; John Hamby <jhamby@restorationsystems.com>; Craig A. Straub <craig.straub@appliedeco.com>; Reid, Matthew <matthew.reid@ncdenr.gov>; Worth Creech <worth@restorationsystems.com>; Phillips, Kelly D <Kelly.Phillips@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Warren Wilson College_ 100019_ IRT Meeting Minutes - Aug. 2017 All, Please find the meeting minutes from the Warren Wilson College Post Contract IRT site visit attached. Let us know if you have any additional comments. Thanks Paul Wiesner Western Regional Supervisor North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 828-273-1673 Mobile paul.wiesner@ncdenr.gov<mailto:paul.wiesnernncdenr.gov> Western DMS Field Office 5 Ravenscroft Drive Suite 102 Asheville, N.C. 28801 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY WARREN WILSON COLLEGE STREAM MITIGATION SITE SWANNANOA, BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NC I I t� I I L to L -J on �r Z9 y a / Q 2 a �A V / C SOURCE: BING MAPS 0 c Q 0 In ifl 00 0 N ul O 0 z c N r - rw �OLy a' Ft d wY Warren Wilson G al I -go ` S 0 z �eS[ Ln Warten r 1 � x V I �I i z Myrtle K G-1 COVER SHEET �4 vc 4 co r,c •4 C-1.0 c N r - rw �OLy a' Ft d wY Warren Wilson G al I -go ` S 0 z �eS[ Ln Warten r 1 � x V I �I i z Myrtle K G-1 COVER SHEET ` GENERAL NOTES AND ABBREVIATIONS r,c SHEET INDEX C-1.0 � a a a � ��ue Ln midge 1 s, 0.3,40c 01 Wairen Wilson College Rd pug, a 0 n x =+ Charles D Owen DmifcI Park SpC►�74" f� tj Rip S ales R Q, j+ I I L..j y�c 4iidaer+ �� L.4 ciIt r `-� o0�iCL t] � �q colle4 �- o� a i Sh erw❑od Forest W tiyiy S urnm erhaven supe(k a 0 M0%) n� �n eila.k �Go u C0 4 0 nil DRAWING INDEX z Myrtle K G-1 COVER SHEET G-2 GENERAL NOTES AND ABBREVIATIONS G-3 SHEET INDEX C-1.0 UT -1 LOWER LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN C-1.1 a � UT -1 UPPER LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN !s w Melody UT -3 LOWER LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN 1 C-3.1 UT -3 LOWER LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN 2 C-3.2 Q IN L UT -3 UPPER & UT -4 LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN � ti C-4.2 Shrr C-4.3 UT -4 UPPER PROFILE AND SECTIONS C-5.0 UT -5 LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN C-5.1 UT -5 PROFILE AND SECTIONS Wil u C0 4 0 nil DRAWING INDEX DWG # TITLE G-1 COVER SHEET G-2 GENERAL NOTES AND ABBREVIATIONS G-3 SHEET INDEX C-1.0 UT -1 LOWER LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN C-1.1 UT -1 LOWER PROFILE AND SECTIONS C-2.0 UT -1 UPPER LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN C-2.1 UT -1 UPPER PROFILE AND SECTIONS C-3.0 UT -3 LOWER LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN 1 C-3.1 UT -3 LOWER LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN 2 C-3.2 UT -3 LOWER PROFILE C-4.0 UT -3 UPPER & UT -4 LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN C-4.1 UT -3 UPPER & UT -4 LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN 2 C-4.2 UT -3 UPPER PROFILE AND SECTIONS C-4.3 UT -4 UPPER PROFILE AND SECTIONS C-5.0 UT -5 LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN C-5.1 UT -5 PROFILE AND SECTIONS C-6.0 UT -6 LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN 1 C-6.1 UT -6 LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN 2 C-6.2 UT -6 PROFILE AND SECTIONS C-7.0 UT -7 & UT -8 LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN 1 C-7.1 UT -7 LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN 2 C-7.2 UT -7 LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN 3 C-7.3 UT -8 LAYOUT AND STRUCTURES PLAN 2 C-7.4 UT -7 PROFILE AND SECTIONS C-7.5 UT -8 PROFILE AND SECTIONS C-8.0 TYPICAL DETAILS C-8.1 TYPICAL DETAILS 2 C-9.0 STRUCTURE DETAILS C-9.1 STRUCTURE DETAILS 2 ESC -1.0 UT -1 LOWER ESC PLAN ESC -2.0 UT -1 UPPER ESC PLAN ESC -3.0 UT -3 LOWER ESC PLAN 1 ESC -3.1 UT -3 LOWER ESC PLAN 2 ESC -4.0 UT -3 UPPER & UT -4 ESC PLAN 1 ESC -4.1 UT -3 UPPER & UT -4 ESC PLAN 2 ESC -5.0 UT -5 ESC PLAN ESC -6.0 UT -6 ESC PLAN 1 ESC -6.1 UT -6 & UT -7 ESC PLAN 2 ESC -6.2 UT -7 & UT -8 ESC PLAN 3 ESC -7.0 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 1 DATA BLOCK PROPERTY OWNER: WARREN WILSON COLLEGE WWC 6362 PO BOX 9000 ASHEVILLE, NC 28815-9000 CONTACT PERSON: DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ANCHOR QEA OF NORTH CAROLINA, PLLC 231 HAYWOOD STREET ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 CONTACT: STU RYMAN (828) 281-3350 PROJECT NAME: WARREN WILSON COLLEGE STREAM MITIGATION SITE PIN #: 9679-54-4937 ZONING DISTRICT: RIVER BASIN: FRENCH BROAD PROPERTY SIZE: 1005.5 ACRES TOTAL DISTURBED AREA: PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION z O LqLLJ Q z = Lu O = z V > Lu G a 00 = o N � vi 0 } p � V Lum 0 iY Q z O m C7 N p N U Q vi Q O CD m m m J p Z p p U r) z Y > V) w o w p = p V a Q ii m Lu Q p 571 V I J Z LLI d J O J p 0) W O V O _ 00 T i kA Z O N U 0LD J ru V s rB p o W +, W zL o �o O W � ° M 01 ce Q w " O z m > �, � 00 N ur v)� Q N Q S ii m Lu Q p 571 VICINITY MAP 0 1000 2000 0 SCALE IN FEET NORTH 0 O N O a Z LLI W Hp J J Vf Q W O V O _ u T i kA Z a 0LD J H 0 Z W Q W � Z O W Q V ce Q � z � Q VICINITY MAP 0 1000 2000 0 SCALE IN FEET NORTH 0 O N O a GENERAL NOTES (APPLICABLE TO ALL SHEETS): 1. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PROVIDED BY HAYES JAMES AND SIGNED AND SEALED ON 12/19/2017. 2. PROJECT TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ONE PHASE. 3. ALL IMPROVEMENTS, MATERIALS, AND METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (NCDOT) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION LATEST EDITION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS OR SUPERSEDED BY ANOTHER JURISDICTION HAVING AUTHORITY (JHA). 4. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES STANDARDS, LATEST EDITION. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING PROPERTY MONUMENTATION AND PRIMARY CONTROL. ANY SUCH POINTS WHICH THE CONTRACTOR BELIEVES WILL BE DESTROYED SHALL HAVE OFFSET POINTS ESTABLISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ANY MONUMENTATION DESTROYED BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REESTABLISHED AT HIS EXPENSE. 6. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO: A.) PREVENT ANY DAMAGE TO PRIVATE PROPERTY AND PROPERTY OWNER'S POLES, FENCES, SHRUBS, ETC. B.) PROTECT ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. C.) NOTIFY ALL UTILITY COMPANIES AND FIELD VERIFY HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY OWNER OF ANY POTENTIAL CONFLICTS WHICH MAY EXIST BETWEEN THE EXISTING UTILITIES AND CONSTRUCTION PLANS. 7. BARRICADING AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL CONFORM TO THE NCDOT APPROVED LIST FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES IN WORK ZONES. PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICULAR TRAFFIC FLOW SHALL BE MAINTAINED DURING ALL PHASES OF THE CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC SAFETY MEASURES FOR WORK ON PROJECT. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN DRAINAGE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. PONDING OF WATER IN STREETS, DRIVES, TRUCK COURTS, TRENCHES, ETC. WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE. 9. ANY DAMAGES THAT MAY OCCUR TO REAL PROPERTY OR EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE RESTORED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO AT LEAST THE SAME CONDITION THAT THE REAL PROPERTY OR EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS WERE IN PRIOR TO THE DAMAGES. THIS RESTORATION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE OWNER'S APPROVAL; MOREOVER, THIS RESTORATION SHALL NOT BE A BASIS FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION TO THE CONTRACTOR. RESTORATION SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, REGRASSING, REVEGETATION, REPLACING FENCES, REPLACING TREES, ETC. 10. WHERE PRESENT, CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SERVICE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 11. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION LAWS AND ORDINANCES. 12. PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPAIR SHALL CONFORM TO NCDOT REQUIREMENTS. ALL SAWCUTS SHALL BE FULL DEPTH CUTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE EFFORTS TO PROTECT CONCRETE EDGES. ANY LARGE SPALLED OR BROKEN EDGES SHALL BE REMOVED BY SAWCUTTING PAVEMENT PRIOR TO REPLACEMENT. 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES THROUGH THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT AND THROUGH THE ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATION SUFFICIENT TO PROVIDE EROSION PROTECTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL OF ALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PRIOR TO PROJECT CLOSE-OUT. 14. PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THAT ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND APPROVALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED FROM ALL REGULATORY AUTHORITIES. 15. ALL DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE STABILIZED AND SEEDED WITHIN 14 DAYS OF DISTURBANCE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 16. TESTING: SUBGRADE MOISTURE DENSITY TESTING SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ONE TEST PER SOIL TYPE AND COMPACTION TESTING AT ONE TEST PER 400 SF. ABC TESTING SHALL INCLUDE 1 MOISTURE -DENSITY TEST PER SOURCE AND COMPACTION TESTING AT ONE TEST PER 400 SF. GRADING NOTES (APPLICABLE TO ALL SHEETS): 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THESE PLANS, SITE GRADING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPENDIX J OF THE NC BUILDING CODE. 2. THE SURFACE OF AREAS TO BE GRADED SHALL BE PREPARED TO RECEIVE FILL BY REMOVING VEGETATION, TOPSOIL, AND OTHER UNSUITABLE MATERIALS, AND SCARIFYING THE GROUND TO PROVIDE A BOND WITH THE FILL MATERIAL. ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES PROPOSED BY THESE PLANS SHALL BE 2:1 (HORIZONTAL:VERTICAL) OR FLATTER. 3. CUT AND FILL SLOPES (EMBANKMENTS) SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCDOT CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (2004). AT A MINIMUM, ALL FILL SLOPES SHALL BE PLACED IN 10 -INCH MAXIMUM LIFTS COMPACTED TO NOT LESS THAN 95 PERCENT DENSITY (STANDARD PROCTOR). CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE FOR INDEPENDENT COMPACTION TESTING RESULTS TO BE PAID FOR BY THE OWNER. 4. FINE GRADING AND SEEDING SHALL OCCUR AT ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY THE WORK OF THE PROJECT. 5. FINE GRADING SHALL INCLUDE REMOVAL OF ALL DEBRIS (ROOTS, ROCKS, TRASH, AND OTHER FOREIGN MATERIAL) LARGER THAN 2 INCHES IN ANY DIMENSION AND THE APPLICATION OF 2-3 INCHES OF TOPSOIL. FINE GRADING SHALL ACHIEVE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS AND IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH THE DRAINAGE PLANS. LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL NOT BE SLOPED LESS THAN 2%. 6. GROUND COVER REQUIREMENTS: ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE PLANTED WITH AN APPROVED GROUND COVER WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS. ALL PERIMETER DIKES, SWALES, DITCHES, PERIMETER SLOPES, AND ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 MUST BE STABILIZED IN 7 DAYS. SLOPES 50' OR GREATER IN LENGTH MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 7 DAYS EXCEPT WHEN THE SLOPE IS FLATTER THAN 4:1. SLOPES LESS THAN 50' MUST BE STABILIZED IN 14 DAYS EXCEPT WHEN THE SLOPE IS STEEPER THAN 3:1, THEN THE 7 DAY REQUIREMENT APPLIES. INSTALL TEMPORARY SEEDING ON ALL AREAS THAT WILL BE LEFT IDLE FOR MORE THAN 14 DAYS. HARDWOOD MULCH IS AN ACCEPTABLE TEMPORARY COVER BUT MAY NOT BE BLENDED INTO THE SUBGRADE AND WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE REMOVED PRIOR TO CONTINUATION OF THE WORK. EROSION CONTROL NOTES (APPLICABLE TO ALL SHEETS): 1. STRAW MULCH AND TALL FESCUE SHOULD NOT BE USED IN RIPARIAN AREAS. 2. IF CONCRETE IS USED (EG. HEADWALLS), A DRY WORK AREA MUST BE MAINTAINED TO PREVENT DIRECT CONTACT BETWEEN CURING CONCRETE AND STREAM WATER. WATER THAT INADVERTENTLY CONTACTS LIVE CONCRETE MUST NOT BE DISCHARGED TO SURFACE WATERS DUE TO THE POTENTIAL FOR WATER CHEMISTRY CHANGE AND FISH KILLS. 3. SANDBAGS, FLEXIBLE PIPE, OR OTHER DIVERSION STRUCTURES SHOULD BE USED TO AVOID EXCAVATING IN FLOWING WATER. ANY DIVERSION CHANNELS MUST BE LINED WITH FILTER FABRIC AND/OR ROCK. 4. RIPARIAN VEGETATION ESPECIALLY TREES AND SHRUBS, SHOULD BE PRESERVED AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. NATIVE WOODY VEGETATION (EG. RHODODENDRON, DOG HOBBLE, SILKY DOGWOOD, SYCAMORE, RIVER BIRCH, RED MAPLE) SHOULD BE REESTABLISHED TO PROVIDE BANK STABILITY AND SHADING. THE USE OF NATIVE PLANTS THAT MUST BE REMOVED FROM PERMANENTLY DISTURBED AREAS IS ENCOURAGED. S. ALL MECHANIZED EQUIPMENT OPERATED NEAR SURFACE WATERS SHOULD BE INSPECTED AND MAINTAINED REGULARLY TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION OF LAKE WATERS FROM FUELS, LUBRICANTS, HYDRAULIC FLUIDS AND OTHER TOXIC MATERIALS. 6. DISCHARGING HYDROSEED MIXTURES AND WASHING OUT HYDROSEEDERS AND OTHER EQUIPMENT IN OR ADJACENT TO SURFACE WATERS IS PROHIBITED. 7. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY AND AFTER ANY RAINFALL. DEFICIENCIES SHALL BE CORRECTED IMMEDIATELY. A DAILY RECORD SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON THE SITE BY THE CONTRACTOR. PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS MAY REQUIRE INSTALLATION OF ADDITIONAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND MAINTENANCE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SOUTH CAROLINA DHEC BMP HANDBOOK. 8. DUST CONTROL: CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTROLLING DUST GENERATED BY THE WORK OF THE PROJECT. INSTALL TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT SURFACE STABILIZATION MEASURES IMMEDIATELY AFTER COMPLETING LAND DISTURBANCE. LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE PLANTED AND STABILIZED WITH MULCH OR GROUNDCOVER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. AREAS SUBJECT TO TRAFFIC SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH THE APPLICATION OF WATER (SPRINKLING), SPRAY -ON ADHESIVES (E.G. ASPHALT EMULSION, ETC.), CALCIUM CHLORIDE, OR STONE. DUST CONTROL SHALL INCLUDE THAT CAUSED BY SAW -CUTTING AND SIMILAR DUST GENERATING ACTIVITIES. WIND FENCE OR SIMILAR BARRIERS MAY BE REQUIRED DURING PARTICULARLY WINDY, DRY CONDITIONS. TILLAGE (I.E. DEEP PLOWING TO BRING CLODS TO THE SURFACE) MAY BE USED AS AN EMERGENCY MEASURE FOR LARGE OPEN AREAS. DUST CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR THROUGHOUT THE DRY WEATHER UNTIL ALL DISTURBED AREAS ARE STABILIZED. SEEDING NOTES (APPLICABLE TO ALL SHEETS): 1. SEED SHALL BE PLACED ON DISTURBED SOIL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE OR WITHIN 14 DAYS AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS COMPLETE WITH THE GOAL OF PROVIDING A PERMANENT COVER OF NATIVE GRASSES AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. 2. FERTILIZING: PRIOR TO PLANTING, SOIL SHALL BE PREPARED WITH THE FOLLOWING: GROUND LIMESTONE: 75 LB/1000 SF N -P -K TURF -GRADE FERTILIZER APPLIED AT A RATE OF 1 LB NITROGEN/1000 SF. THE FERTILIZER SHALL HAVE A 3-1-2 OR 4-1-2 ANALYSIS. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE LABELS FOR THE FERTILIZER TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO APPLICATION. 3. COVER ALL SEEDED AREA WITH MULCH IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION OF THE SEEDING APPLICATION. SPECIFIED EROSION CONTROL FABRIC SHALL BE CONSIDERED MULCH. IN AREAS WHERE NO EROSION CONTROL FABRIC IS SPECIFIED, MULCH SHALL CONSIST OF WEED FREE STRAW. STRAW SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE OF 90LBS/ACRE. 4. WATERING: CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ESTABLISHING A CONTINUOUS, CLOSE STAND OF GRASS WITH NO GAPS OR BARE SPOTS EXCEEDING A HAND'S BREADTH. WHEN REQUIRED TO GERMINATE OR SUSTAIN THE GRASS UNTIL THE PROJECT IS COMPLETE, LAKE WATER SHALL BE USED TO GENTLY WET THE SEEDED AREA IN THE MORNING HOURS A MINIMUM OF THREE TIMES PER WEEK THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT DURATION. 5. INSPECT PERMANENTLY SEEDED AREAS FOR FAILURE, MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS AND RE -SEED OR OVERSEED WITHIN THE SAME GROWING SEASON IF POSSIBLE. IF THE GRASS COVER IS SPARSE OR PATCHY, RE-EVALUATE THE CHOICE OF GRASS AND QUANTITIES OF LIME AND FERTILIZER APPLIED. FINAL STABILIZATION BY PERMANENT SEEDING OF THE SITE REQUIRES THAT IT BE COVERED BY A 70% COVERAGE RATE. PLANTING NOTES (APPLICABLE TO ALL SHEETS): 1. APPLICABLE STANDARDS: ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. THE OWNER SHALL RECEIVE TAGS FROM EACH PLANT SPECIES AND A LIST OF PLANT SUPPLIERS. WHERE ANY REQUIREMENTS ARE OMITTED FROM THE PLANT LIST, THE PLANTS FURNISHED SHALL MEET THE NORMAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE VARIETY OR CULTIVAR PER THE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK, LATEST EDITION PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICANHORT. 2. SUBSTITUTIONS: NO SUBSTITUTIONS OF PRODUCTS, PLANT TYPES OR SIZES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND LOCAL/STATE JHA, IF APPLICABLE. REQUESTS FOR SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL STATE THE REASONS FOR THE SUBSTITUTION REQUEST, THE SUGGESTED ALTERNATE, AND THE CHANGES IN COST. 3. QUANTITIES: QUANTITIES OF PLANTS AS SHOWN BY PLANT SYMBOL ON THE PLAN SHALL GOVERN OVER THE QUANTITIES SHOWN IN THE PLANT LIST. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY PLANT LIST TOTALS WITH QUANTITIES SHOWN ON PLAN. 4. WARRANTY: WARRANT EACH PLANT TO REMAIN ALIVE AND BE IN HEALTHY, VIGOROUS CONDITION FOR A PERIOD OF 1 YEAR AFTER COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE PLANT MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION. INSPECTION OF PLANTS WILL BE MADE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER AT THE EXPIRATION OF THE ONE YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD. ALL PLANTS THAT ARE MISSING OR NOT IN A LIVE, HEALTHY GROWING CONDITION SHALL BE LISTED AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE HELD LIABLE FOR REPLACEMENT WITH EQUIVALENT PLANTS OF SAME SPECIES AND SIZE. 5. ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD: THE PLANT ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD SHALL BE THE PERIOD OF TIME FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE CONTRACT TO THE END OF THE PLANT MATERIAL WARRANTY AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 6. MAINTENANCE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CARE FOR ALL PLANTS DURING THE PLANT ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO KEEP PLANTS IN A LIVE, HEALTHY GROWING CONDITION. THESE DUTIES SHALL INCLUDE : A. PRUNING, CULTIVATING, REMOVAL OF WEEDS FROM PLANTING BEDS AND MULCH AREAS; REMOVE ALL WEEDS PRIOR TO REVIEW FOR COMPLETION. B. LAKE WATER SHALL BE USED TO WATER PLANT MATERIAL IN THE MORNING HOURS A MINIMUM OF THREE TIMES PER WEEK TO ENHANCE EARLY ROOT GROWTH. C. ADJUSTMENT OF STAKES AND TIES TO MAINTAIN PLANT IN UPRIGHT AND PLUMB CONDITION. D. RE -SET SETTLED PLANTS TO PROPER GRADES AND POSITION. RESTORE PLANTING SAUCER AND MULCH; ADDING PLANTING SOIL AND MULCH AS MAY BE REQUIRED. 7. PLANT CONDITION: ALL PLANTS SHALL BE IN A LIVE, HEALTHY, AND GROWING CONDITION BOTH AT THE DATE OF COMPLETION BEFORE ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT BY THE OWNER AND/OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND AT THE END OF THE PLANT ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD. MATERIALS: 1. PLANTS: ALL PLANTS SHALL BE NURSERY GROWN. THEY SHALL BE TYPICAL OF THEIR SPECIES, CULTIVAR OR VARIETY. THEY SHALL BE SOUND, HEALTHY AND VIGOROUS AND SHALL BE FREE OF DISEASE AND ANY EVIDENCE OF INSECTS. IF IN LEAF, THEY SHALL BE DENSELY FOLIATED, WITHOUT LEAF SPOTS, DISCOLORATION, CURL, WILTING, CHLOROSIS OR DAMAGE. THEY SHALL HAVE HEALTHY, WELL-DEVELOPED ROOT SYSTEMS. 2. MINIMUM SIZES: SIZES SPECIFIED IN THE PLANT LIST ARE THE MINIMUM SIZES TO WHICH THE PLANTS ARE TO BE JUDGED. MEASUREMENTS ARE NOT TO INCLUDE ANY TERMINAL GROWTH. 3. PLANT HARDINESS: THE SUPPLIER OF ALL PLANTS SHALL CERTIFY THAT THE ORIGIN OF THE PLANTS IS FROM HARDINESS ZONE 6 THROUGH 8 ONLY. 4. MULCH IS TO BE DOUBLE SHREDDED HARDWOOD BARK MULCH FOR TREES AND SHRUBS. 5. TOPSOIL: ACCEPTABLE TOPSOIL SHALL BE FERTILE, WEED FREE, FRIABLE NATURAL LOAM, UNIFORM IN COMPOSITION, FREE OF STONES, LIMBS, PLANTS AND THEIR ROOTS, DEBRIS AND OTHER EXTRANEOUS MATTER OVER 2" IN DIAMETER. THE SOIL SHALL BE CAPABLE OF SUSTAINED PLANT GROWTH AND HAVE A 5% MINIMUM ORGANIC CONTENT. IN SITUATIONS REQUIRING A CUSTOM MIX OR STRUCTURAL SOIL, SPECIFICATIONS WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 6. SOIL TESTING: PRIOR TO PLANTING, EXISTING SOILS AND TOPSOILS TO BE SPREAD SHALL BE TESTED BY AN APPROVED SOIL TESTING LABORATORY OR AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE LABORATORY. TESTS SHALL INCLUDE MECHANICAL AND CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. A SOILS REPORT SHALL INCLUDE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE ADDITION OF FERTILIZER AND ADJUSTMENTS TO PH OR OTHER AMENDMENTS AND INDICATE THE AMOUNT OF ORGANIC MATTER. A WRITTEN REVIEW OF THE ANALYSIS IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER AND/OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. INSTALLATION: 1. VERIFY GRADES: PRIOR TO PLANTING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT CONSTRUCTED GRADES ARE AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IF ADJUSTMENT TO PLANT MATERIAL IS REQUIRED. 2. STAKE PLANT LOCATIONS: PRIOR TO PLANTING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LAY OUT THE EXTENT OF THE PLANT BEDS AND THE PROPOSED LOCATION FOR B&B MATERIAL FOR REVIEW. 3. FIELD ADJUSTMENTS: THE CONTRACTOR IS TO FINELY ADJUST PLANT LOCATIONS IN THE FIELD AS NECESSARY TO BE CLEAR OF OBSTACLES. FINISHED PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE GRADED SO AS NOT TO IMPEDE DRAINAGE. 4. PLANTING: BACKFILL THE PLANTING HOLES WITH IN-SITU SOIL REMOVED FOR PLANTING PIT. FOLLOWING BACKFILL, WATER TO THE POINT OF SATURATION AND TAMP TO COMPACT BACKFILL. ADD EXISTING SOIL TO BRING THE FINAL GRADE OF THE PLANTING HOLE TO THE SURROUNDING SOIL SURFACE. RAKE THE UNUSED SOIL OUTSIDE OF THE PLANTING HOLE TO EVENLY DISTRIBUTE EXCESS THROUGHOUT THE BED, TAKING CARE NOT TO CREATE A SOIL MOUND OR TO ALTER THE EXISTING GRADE. 5. PROPOSED TREES INDICATED ON THE LANDSCAPE PLAN LOCATED BELOW THE PROPOSED TOE OF BANK ARE GENERALLY AROUND THE 796 CONTOUR. THESE AREAS MAY BE INUNDATED DEPENDING ON LAKE LEVELS. LAKE LEVELS VARY FROM DAY TO DAY AND CAN BE MONITORED FROM THE FOLLOWING WEBSITE (HTTPS:HLAKES.DUKE-ENERGY.COM/#/LAKES). PLANTING SHOULD OCCUR WHEN THE LAKE LEVELS ARE BELOW THE 796 MARK AND GROUND SURFACE AT THESE LOCATIONS IS ABOVE THE WATER LINE. 6. SLOPES: SHRUBS, GROUNDCOVERS AND PERENNIALS PLANTED ON SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:1 SHALL HAVE A NATURAL FIBER GEOTEXTILE WOVEN MESH MATERIAL PINNED TO THE GROUND PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. GROUNDCOVER BEDS SHALL HAVE 2" OF GROUND LEAF COMPOST SPREAD ONTO SLOPE PRIOR TO PLACING MESH. EXCAVATE PLANT PITS THROUGH MESH. 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY ABBREVIATIONS ABBRV ABBREVIATION AQ ANCHOR QEA ASTM AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS BLDG BUILDING CB CATCH BASIN CONC CONCRETE CONT CONTINUED OR CONTINUOUS CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE COP CITY OF PORTLAND VERTICAL DATUM CP CONTROL POINT (SURVEYED) CPE CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE CY CUBIC YARD DGPS DIFFERENTIAL GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM DI DUCTILE IRON DIA DIAMETER DWG DRAWING E EAST EA EACH EL, ELEV ELEVATION ESC EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL EX EXISTING FT FOOT OR FEET FS FINISHED SURFACE FTG FOOTING IE INVERT ELEVATION IN INCH OR INCHES LS LUMP SUM MAX MAXIMUM MH MANHOLE, MAINTENANCE HOLE MIN MINIMUM MISC MISCELLANEOUS N NORTH NAD NORTH AMERICAN DATUM NPDES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM OC ON CENTER PE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, POLYETHYLENE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE S SOUTH SD STORM DRAIN SF SQUARE FOOT OR FEET SPEC SPECIFICATION STA STATION STD STANDARD STRUCT STRUCTURE, STRUCTURAL TESC TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL TYP TYPICAL W WEST DETAIL AND SECTION REFERENCING DETAIL REFERENCE NUMBER DRAWING ON WHICH DETAIL APPEARS C-1 "-" INDICATES TYPICAL OR ON SAME DRAWING DETAIL REFERENCE NUMBER SECTION "A" IS SHOWN ON DRAWING "C-2" SECTION REFERENCE LETTER PLAN NUMBER WHICH SECTION WAS TAKEN DETAIL SCALE: I" = 10' INDICATES DIRECTION OF CUTTING PLAN SECTION SCALE: I" = 10' PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION V) z 0 Ln LLJ 0 z a a a _ "' _ 0 vi 0 z Q z } > V I- V, LA o v v m m m m o z o 0 z Y > w O w 0 = � V a Q 0 x U a w d in :. A Lu Q 0 571 In z a Ln W O z tA z O a 0 Lu0 z V) Lu Q V) m O N Lu Lu a 0 J J a o 0 00 00 0 N ru ro V c: s +, 0 0 a) v z�; o `er o Lr) w oo oZm co N rnv) � Q r\j < W LLI W ~ 0 z V O Za 0 oQ C~C Z G Z ZLLI a ce W N a � tA x o x LL o O N n N n O v Z H W W Q w cn a t 0 12M 66 c2 CDN - 1 � \ ,------------ - — — 1 _ — — — —— / / \ 1 -2730---1 130--- STA 11 +09 BEGIN UT -1 LOWER , _ _ \, ��%.'�,�� CF X I ENHANCEMENT II G� CE I PRIVATELY MAINTAINED SEWER �\ `\ STA 11 +22 MAIN (LOCATION APPROXIMATE) \ `\ - __---- \ \`\ - END UT -1 LOWER ENHANCEMENT II 30' MSD SEWER EASEMENT ��a \\\\ / �- _ BEGIN RESTORATION \\' /�,�;^/ \\ X , (LOCATION APPROXIMATE) _ `\ ------- INSTALL PERMANENT MSD MAINTAINED SEWER MAIN �) \�\ --_- - CROSSING WITH �kp0 CULVERT BURIED 12" ' ' / — 1 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL LEGEND: —2130 ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY EXISTING CONTOURS (1'& 5' INTERVALS) EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION BOUNDARY EXISTING CHANNEL CENTERLINE PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE PROPOSED BANKFULL PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 MARSH TREATMENT AREA EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE (LOCATION APPROXIMATE) TO BE RELOCATED OUT OF CONSERVATION EASEMENT 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET \ I 1 I I ! I ! (LOCATION APPROXIMATE) —�CXE CE CE CE CE \`\ I I I I � \\ \I -7 10+QQ��_^"_------ \ ! 1 1 \ \ I I \ I it 11 II I II \ II I II I I I 1 NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical 17+20 STATION Riffle Typical 13+86 Pool Typical 16+67 Log Vane Pool Typical 13+64 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+62 LV -4 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+59 Riffle Typical 16+57 14+30 Riffle Typical 13+54 Pool Typical 15+99 Log Vane Pool Typical 13+22 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+94 LV -9 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+17 Riffle Typical 15+89 12+32 Riffle Typical 13+12 Pool Typical 15+34 Log Vane Pool Typical 12+63 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+29 co Pool -Riffle Transition 12+58 Riffle Typical 15+24 Riffle Typical 12+53 Pool Typical 14+69 Pool Typical 12+32 Pool -Riffle Transition 14+64 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+27 Riffle Typical 14+59 w Riffle Typical 12+22 Pool Typical 14+30 Pool Typical 12+03 Pool -Riffle Transition 14+25 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+98 Riffle Typical 14+20 Riffle Typical 11+93 Pool Typical 13+96 Pool Typical 11+32 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+91 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+27 o z o N - / -- _\ \ CE / / / / \ ! — — 7S ,� " \------------- CE CE +00',17+20 n 11+00 -�� — STA 17+06 — — — ----- —I I CE �/ CE— rE —+— _ _ END UT -1 LOWER m `-- ------ �_ — — r x �F — CE -L �! /,'y — — —_— '� — RESTORATION CP I CECE m CE CE CE E EXISTING TRAIL X STREAM CHANNEL CENTERLINE MARSH TREATMENT AREA , I � I PROPERTY BOUNDARY APPROXIMATE BANKFULL WIDTH ` X (NOT SURVEYED) THROUGH RIFFLES (WIDTH \ EXISTING WETLAND SII i\I L, VARIES, SEE DWG C-1.1) \ DELINEATION BOUNDARY 1 \ PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY + \Ll ' 1 II I 1 NOTE: SEE DWG C-9.0 & C-9.1 FOR STRUCTURE DETAILS. STRUCTURE LOCATIONS LABEL DETAIL STATION LV -1 Log Vane 16+67 LV -2 Log Vane 15+99 LV -3 Log Vane 15+34 LV -4 Log Vane 14+69 LV -5 Log Vane 14+30 LV -6 Log Vane 13+96 LV-7 Log Vane 13+64 LV -8 Log Vane 13+22 LV -9 Log Vane 12+63 LV -10 Log Vane 12+32 LV -11 Log Vane 12+03 LV -12 Log Vane 11+32 x x UT -2 I I I f \ + \ LOWER FIELD HOG BOTTOM \ \ + \ c,,\\\\_------- X _ I \ I \ I I I 1 1 I I 1\ \ O 11 I PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I I / I I I I � I I I I � \ = z Vuj > 0 I I \ J I II ti _ �o N o o co } V x x UT -2 I I I f \ + \ LOWER FIELD HOG BOTTOM \ \ + \ c,,\\\\_------- X _ I \ I \ I I I 1 1 I I 1\ \ O 11 I PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION a z zo = z Vuj > 0 Ln a z zo = z Vuj > " G _ N o o co } V >uj � oCD w � vi o a d CD m m m JI— o z o o u o Y > z l7 w O _ wLn V a � a m �� LTJ r V J J d C 00 0o O N ru V � s }, O i N ru O z 4- " v o`er o O m w °oZm [7 cB = 00 N s= Q)-� u ,= 00 Qrn r\j W W Lu J tA V z ooz za 0 O�Q ~ z z zLu Q 22 W N Q � LA O E 12M 00 00 0 N c 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY® PRELIMINARY NOT FOR Know what's below. CONSTRUCTION Call before you dig. 2140 2140 a 0 z a a a _ `) _ o vi o o co z Q z L o Qo=c 0 vi H vi CD m m m J 0 2130 2130 z C2 LLJ Q� w'o V a w a Q Q z LU U LU L.L w/ J z W z 0 C 00 O o ro U 0 J 2120 2120 V o LU w o a) v LU zN� o �o 0 o m ,Q 00 Z m ���co N r N � Q N Q 2110 2110 9+90 10+20 10+50 10+80 11+10 11+40 11+70 12+00 12+30 12+60 12+90 13+20 13+50 13+80 14+10 14+40 14+70 15+00 15+30 15+60 15+90 16+20 16+50 16+80 17+10 17+40 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 6X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION z 0 a STREAM PROFILE V Lu Lu _ HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 30' o VERT. SCALE: 1" = 5' Ln z 0 Uj NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. 0 a Q m w a 0 LU Z W W Q "' H J LU J Z V LL 1A 0ZZ � Z Z�Q OC 0 o�Z CC ~ ~ z W V Z W W � to �G Q O ceLUtA tA r X o x ,� o 0 N L r Z V V W ; W Q W cn a RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS CHANNEL BOTTOM CHANNEL CHANNEL MIN. FLOODPLAIN REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE SLOPE WIDTH (FT) DEPTH (FT) BANK SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -1 LOWER -ALL 11+10 17+20 1.68% 4.5 0.90 3:1 13.5 10:1 3:1 17.0 a m + � D � N PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH a INSTALL PERMANENT CROSSING WITH EXISTING GRADE — BOTTOM OF CULVERT BURIED 12" — — oc Q 1.68% / \ — PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS CHANNEL BOTTOM CHANNEL CHANNEL MIN. FLOODPLAIN REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE SLOPE WIDTH (FT) DEPTH (FT) BANK SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -1 LOWER -ALL 11+10 17+20 1.68% 4.5 0.90 3:1 13.5 POOL CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS CHANNEL BOTTOM CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND OUTSIDE OF BEND MIN. FLOODPLAIN REACH ID STA BEG STA END POOL SLOPE WIDTH (FT) DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK SLOPES CHANNEL BANK SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -1 UPPER -ALL 11+10 17+20 0.25% 4.5 1.15 10:1 3:1 17.0 O C E M 66 0 N p DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH 90 / AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE LEGEND: INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY _ \ � \ \ —2130 �� , — _ — — — / - �o \ \ _ EXISTING CONTOURS Q \ �o — — — _ / . — •-_ \ \ `\ \, (1 & 5 INTERVALS) \ \� O \ `\ \ `\ \ -13,7) J\\ \\ \\ ��\ \ \ �\ - ------------- 60 \\\ '-- - --_- _- - — EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION \\ \\ \ \ --------- ----' -- \ BOUNDARY EXISTING CHANNEL CENTERLINE 11 O\ — — '' ' • \__ 1�` \` --_`-- -��� �\\ \�\ 2�)_ _ X21-9-0 ----------------------- N, — — — ---- ---------- --- ---�-- \ — 10+00 PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE � ---------------- — — — — — — `\ � \ '__�\ PROPOSED BANKFULL --- _\-�0ozCz CE PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY -217 218( — — __----'- \ \ NOTES: i \ 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. MARSH TREATMENT AREA � \ INTERCEPT EXISTING STORMWATER 0 30 60 CONVEYANCE SWALE AND 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 \\ \\ \._ `, '\ ` �• -'/ / \-__� \� _--_\- \ 2170' — — `� \\ \` \- r 2160 CONSTRUCT NEW SWALE TO SCALE IN FEET MARSH TREATMENT AREA �?/S / \ ,� / / , I I j I / \ \\�---- / O \ '--- \ 2180 I ^ r \ CE \�_ �, \CE cE _ SWIM POND _ `\_ ` \ — , / .----\ -,_ , J ,__ — _\ -- X60. \ / CCE CEE /I \ o STA 14+92 - -- ` ` /"\ \\\ / END UT 1 UPPER RESTORATION _NT 0 - �� _ "��' �. _'' / i i i � \ \ \ � _ -i / _ -2170' \�- 1 1 ---' _ — _ / / / 1\' '1 \\ \_ _-- -----'---------- -2160-- ----_--_----; -- --- — — - — ` - —----------- \ rn \ -----__/ -- [ - — / ���2 \ \ v \---- --------- \C CE \____'�'---------- - / ,CE / �'-_---------- \---��-------------- - CE=/CE CE,• " �'� j—,�E' ---C-E CE _-------------- _ --2180 --- \ \ / \\ \ '--CE CE _ ---- _-____-------- — _ — ___---- NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical 14+92 Pool Typical 14+46 Pool -Riffle Transition 14+41 Riffle Typical 14+36 Pool Typical 13+93 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+88 Riffle Typical 13+83 Pool Typical 13+64 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+59 Riffle Typical 13+54 Pool Typical 13+25 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+20 Riffle Typical 13+15 Pool Typical 12+85 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+80 Riffle Typical 12+75 Pool Typical 12+39 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+34 Riffle Typical 12+29 Pool Typical 12+11 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+06 Riffle Typical 12+01 Pool Typical 11+71 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+66 Riffle Typical 11+61 Pool Typical 11+10 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+05 Riffle Typical 11+00 Pool Typical 10+73 Pool -Riffle Transition 10+68 Riffle Typical 10+63 w 1 STA 10+09 _ -- STREAM CHANNEL CENTERLINE \% ; BEGIN UT -1 RESTORATION _ 'J '/ — _ — — ,"" — EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION BOUNDARY —0rgZ Z I /u-- — ' \_ APPROXIMATE BANKFULL WIDTH THROUGH___---- / RIFFLES (WIDTH VARIES, SEE DWG C-2.1) r i i --------------- - -'''-------- I �2/ PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY , , / / _ _ -2200 I \ , / `2180, ---------------- \` _ ''`/ 1 1 ---- 6-----� -�I / I \ \) / i' "\` �------------------- OI / /i''-'' --------- 11 t / / 1 I I 1 I \ / ' ----------- -------------�'- \ �\ `� `� /\ , \ \ \ \ `\ \ 1 ' I ' I /L — — X2170- \ ' I I I \ // /-' -------- ---- -\\ \ \ \ , \\ \ \ ` \ \ I / I l\ I ti \ k 79 NOTE: SEE DWG C-9.0 & C-9.1 FOR STRUCTURE DETAILS. STRUCTURE LOCATIONS LABEL DETAIL STATION CS -1 Cross Vane 14+46 CS -2 Cross Vane 13+93 CS -3 Cross Vane 13+64 CS -4 Cross Vane 13+25 CS -5 Cross Vane 12+85 LV -1 Log Vane 12+39 LV -2 Log Vane 12+11 LV -3 Log Vane 11+71 LV -4 Log Vane 11+10 LV -5 Log Vane 10+73 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Q X J I w/ Z J -2200— — O O 0 0 = z JLLI r 00 O a ON U a ru V ru 0 O Z w Q V Q Q z O U) O V to J � zt O vi O0p w C7 Ozm > Q N z } o tA ell > F Q ro N Q S N o a /----- w a v v L:j 6i 0 z 0 D U Y > Ln z PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Q X J I w/ Z J O O 0 0 = z JLLI r 00 O a ON U a ru V ru 0 O Z w Q V Q Q z O U) O V to J � OO m O vi O0p w C7 Ozm > Q z z } o tA > Q > F Q ro N Q S N o a w a v v L:j 6i 0 z 0 D U Y > Ln z l7 w O LI) _ V a � Q 0 X J I w/ Z J aZ O 0 0 = 00 JLLI r 00 O a ON U O� ru V ru 0 O Z w -4f_ O +, ru v Q z O U) O V to J � OO m 01 V w C7 Ozm > Q ) D 00 N LLJ tA r� N Q ro N Q S 0 X O x Z aZ O WW 0 N ~ JLLI r O O a ozz O� V uo. z Z O J W Q z IceZ V to J � Q W V ZLu 2 Q D W LLJ tA N X O x O O 0 N O O N V ' Z W V ; W Q 2 GI: cn a 0 E 12M 00 00 0 N c RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE SLOPE CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH (FT) 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH MIN. FLOODPLAIN WIDTH (FT) UT -1 UPPER -SHALLOW 10+14 12+85 2.25% 4.0 0.90 3:1 13.0 UT -1 UPPER -STEEP 12+85 14+92 AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE 1.0 0.90 3:1 11.0 8:1 3:1 15.5 w � INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY® PRELIMINARY m + LU NOT FOR 2170 2170 Know what's below. CONSTRUCTION Call before you dig.Ln ca -1- OC � � L7 w Q O z a a a O > �; O > o co ? o 0 .-. °000 2160 2160 z p �j LLn vi z WLU o z z o � o< o > �, LU `" � V) C2 w o = a LL EXISTING GRADE o N Q � � V d Q z zck� O w LU � � rn I w/ J J 2150 2150 O 00 LUco _ O N U V � s O w +, O a) v l� w zN= o �o 2.25% O m OOz01 - PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG w m "> �,co N = N 2140 2140 s U S 00 Q N Q 9+90 10+20 10+50 10+80 11+10 11+40 11+70 12+00 12+30 12+60 12+90 13+20 13+50 13+80 14+10 14+40 14+70 15+00 15+30 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 6X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION STREAM PROFILE _ HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 30' VERT. SCALE: 1 " = 5' z O NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. a V) 0 Ln z 0Uj 0 a a a m LU a 0 LU Z W N.I W W H J tA LL VA J Z V O Z 0ZZ 0 Zoo 0 Z W W CL � `Z Q CL ceLUN a� X o x o LL 0 N N ' Z V W V ; W Q W cn a RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE SLOPE CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH (FT) CHANNEL DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK SLOPES MIN. FLOODPLAIN WIDTH (FT) UT -1 UPPER -SHALLOW 10+14 12+85 2.25% 4.0 0.90 3:1 13.0 UT -1 UPPER -STEEP 12+85 14+92 6.50% 1.0 0.90 3:1 11.0 8:1 3:1 15.5 w � m + LU D � N ca -1- OC � � L7 w �j � `" � 1 1 EXISTING GRADE o N Q � w LU � � rn l� w 2.25% - PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE SLOPE CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH (FT) CHANNEL DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK SLOPES MIN. FLOODPLAIN WIDTH (FT) UT -1 UPPER -SHALLOW 10+14 12+85 2.25% 4.0 0.90 3:1 13.0 UT -1 UPPER -STEEP 12+85 14+92 6.50% 1.0 0.90 3:1 11.0 POOL CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS POOL CHANNEL BOTTOM CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND OUTSIDE OF BEND MIN. FLOODPLAIN REACH ID STA BEG STA END SLOPE WIDTH (FT) DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK SLOPES CHANNEL BANK SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -1 UPPER -ALL 10+14 14+92 0.50% 1.0 1.15 8:1 3:1 15.5 2130-\ ___--- `\/ice\ 2 40,_ ---------- - - ` 2140— \ 40 --- -------- --- - \ - / 21 _ __ 2j30 ------------------'- //- --- _ -------- - — `- — — — — — --2140 , / 20- _ _ - - - _ - --- — — — \\ \ _ ------ - - - - -- _ --- — / \ � `` `\ \ `_ - - /- - ,___ \ 213 ,,__' \ 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY \\ Kno6 0 w what's below. \\\ Call before you dig. IN 2140- \ \ \--------- \\\\ ------------------ - '--''-- — — — — — — -2130— \ \\\\\_ —2130 NN -N `\ ^ `\ `^ N---- - - \ `-'--___----- ------------------ \\\�.\- _ -_--''' ---2120- - \ \-- _-- X10 _ - ,_/ '1 o — _ -\_-\ aN-N, NN, \ - ---- 10- / / _------- 1111111 :7 - \ \ \ _______ __________------__ / �1r\`O' \ ___-- --- -'--------_ `_ _-__jjp \ \ ,-�� = - / 2120— \ — — — ___--'_'' I\ \ \ — _ `- - ___ -------------------------------- l` '---'��---_- - `_--_'--_-�_ \`_ _ _ — -�-\-.-_-`.-� \'\ -/ \`- --____---_-''/------/ - \ `\\ --\ \, - -- Old � by _ _ Farm \\-`\`_\ �\`\ \\\ `\ --'-- ` \ \ �---,\ STOKES FIELD --- -'--,- �-\`, \``\ \ \ \ �--,,---------- _________________,.,_ - -// Ro ` cool \ /-- - - `\--`-- - - / a� \ \ \ 2170\ 0 \\\ \\ 11 CE � CE CE \---------__ `\ - - - - - \ \ \/ \ 1 CE CE I CE CE \ — — — — \ \ \\ _ \ \` \" \E i \ 700 `\\ _--- /--' - - 0— IN \ t `\ I f ' \I `\\�\\ / — \ a _ _ \ \ PROPOSED STREAM CHANNEL CENTERLINE 12+Q`0 \ \\ CF / \ \ /-2100 ------------- - 1\\ \ / I`\ I / \\ / II X \ \ 1 \ \ \ — / //'// // / �=\ \�`� 1' / / \ \ \ \ -\ C ✓ STA 15+00 \ _ \ ' ' l I 1 ` ` >>+00 /� I %— '— \ \ ' — END UT -3 LOWER RESTORATION ' I I \ __--' i 1 ,/ ;— �` `-_``\ • ', \ \ — / \ 1\ `\ EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION BOUNDARY I \ i i `� r / i \ ``/' /--`/ �'��% 1 \ \ r — — — — — — t`- BEGIN UT -3 LOWER ENHANCEMENT II __,l _ \\ ` \ NN \11 NI \\^ \ T \/ \ ?I \ \ I \ \ \ 1 \ 2 100---\ \\ L �\_ 270a — — — \ f\ 1 \ice\ \` \� \� 00 \ \I 1 \CECE \ ---------------- CE I —�_� C \ \ i \rte CE CE \ i /�� `\ CE \ - \` F \ / \ I \ C� �� CE, C \ \ ` PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY - \ \ — — '-` - c -'`-_ _ /' \ - i I` `Y)' \N IN \\ \ \ /--; " STA 10+00 _` `-- -_ _ F- \`\ \\\ \\\��� ; BEGIN UT -3 LOWER RESTORATION ------- ----'------__---- -- _ , Z�`-------------------- _ ,-- - \ \ - _ _ — _ _ CF ' / A� _ \` _ �' `n' \\ ' / /' - - ---___ �---.\\_ ---_ 110\ ` --- --_- ^-��-__� `-' \�\�G \ \`\ / \ -'-,�� -L� / \ \ \\ _ _= C0 --------------- \` _-- ---` \ \ ` _ \ --- `F `,C\� - ---` \` \ \�\\\ / ;��koo ,_-\\ \ //- \` _/ .! ��x \�\�•--- \ �-s� 19 `W / /,/' //� ` —2120— — — — — \ \ - --_-\\ --`� ` __-__-_ ` \ ` \ _�` -- \\ \\` \\\\` \ \ `mac / / / C� -`-/ \\ \ \\I / A , --1 �0 N. ---2110—\ �.-_ �_ \�__ `\ \ `\ , / , \ \ \ / , �,__ \_' t — z \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ I I I 1 I / / -' _ / �' — —----_____--__ - --__-- �\ — -- - \�--_ \` \ \ `�___. \ ._ _ ,� _ J -- -\-_ \\ \ 0 I `'�// __/ / ----------- -2110- 770 ---------_ `.. \ \`\7 \\ \ /`\---_// ___/ ._-------------- `\`��/"`\ I \ / // ,/- / /___ - `2110 Ce \ \ `\ `\ \ `♦ ' ` 1 I I I / / / /' /' / /'� -----' — — — 2130- ---- ` \ _ - ----- - _ __ �► �-------------- ` \ -------------- --------------- NN -- ---` ` \ ` `\ ------------------ - - -_-\ — - _---__ -__ `�- — — `-_ --- '__---'-----__- C�-------------NI -------- -- - --------------- ----. -_ j3p_ `\ - \ �`. / / 212 - \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \ Q - ---------- ------- '_ Q\ _ N\ / \ C \ \\ \\`\ `\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ ( I I /' / -i' _ -2140 - -' — — \ `� `\ \ `---__- \ — \`- \ -__ \`___ \\ \ ` — — CC / N N, \ \ \ CE `\ \ N I / / ,'-__--___- _ 1 \\___- �\ \ \ \\ -\\ �___ — — —2120- / �— _` CE \\\ \\\\\\\\\\\ \\`\\ \\\\\ \\\\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ 11 ' I / / /,,/' ,,' /�-�/' _/�,- - \-\\\\ \\\`\\\`_ \ — \ - 18+34 NN --CE- STA � \ \ \ .- -- -_- --_ \ -_ END UT -3 LOWER ENHANCEMENT II -'' `-----__--_ �--- \ \ ,__ - _ BEGIN UT -3 LOWER RESTORATION— \\-`\ i''`-�\ � 21 ---____--` -��\_` `\\\Vol `�\ \ \ \ `\\\ \\\\ `\\\ \- \ / —2130' -------` \ \`\ `\ \`\ �\ -\\ \\ `\`\ `\`\ �N\ `\\\ `\ \\ \ `\ \` \` \\ \ \\ \\ 1\ \I I \\ I / /'/ / / ,'' /��-' `\ \\\ \ -� -2130--- -----' --- ------------ so_, NN N- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 1 / / / / LEGEND: \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 / I I l / -- ` \ ` \ \ `- — \ \ \ \ \ -\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ / \` \\\\\\\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ I / / , `\\ 2 — Z \ `\` \ ` \ \ \` `"` \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \\ \ \� \ \ '\ \ I ' 1 - \-__ 7S `\ \\ ]4o EXISTING CONTOURS \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ -, ♦ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I 1 - __-- `\ - 2130 \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \`\ \ `\ \ \ \ ` \ \ ` ` \ ( ' I I ' -- - (1 & 5 INTERVALS) \ \ \ \ \ `\\ \\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ `\ \\ \ \ 1 I I i —2160_ — — --_ -- \ — \`\\` �``\\ \\ \\�`��\\\ W \\\ \\ \\ \ \ ' ; ' ' /-------- \ \` \` \ — — — EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 I I \ o \ `\ `\ `�\`\ ``\\\`\\\ ` \\\ \ \ \ `\ `\ \ \ \ I I 1 I --- _ \ \` \ ` \ BOUNDARY N N\\ \\\\\\\\���\\\ `\ \\ `\ \ \\ \ \ / \ \\ \\ \\\ _____ EXISTING CHANNEL CENTERLINE 10+00 PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE `. \ \��^\`\ \ `\ `\ `\ \\ �� `\ \ ` \\ Q `\ `\ `\ \ \ \\ /� ` �\ ` `\ \ \� \ \ \ \ \ \ > N NNN\ \ \ \`rte \-\\ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ O\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ I / \ \ \ \ \ -- \ _ PROPOSED BANKFULL \ N.\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ o \ PROPOSED CONSERVATION `\ `� \ `� \ \\ `\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ `\ \ `\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ `\ ` �\ -- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ` \ \ \ \ ` \ `� \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \_\ \\ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \\ - '� `\\ 1\ \\\N `\\\- \`\\\\\\ `\ \ \`\\ `\NN \ `\\ `\\ \ \ `\\ `\\ `\\ \ \ `\\ `\ 1\ /\ `\ \\ `\ — — — — — — \ - CE EASEMENT BOUNDARY NII --\\ \� I `� \ \ 1 �\ \`\\ \ \ \ `\ \ \ \\ \\ \ `\\ �\ `\ \ 30\ \-\`\\ `\`\ \ `\ `\ `\\ \ \ \ ` \ ` ` \ \ I ` `\ ` \ - -- I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - \ \ N N,\ \ `_ \ `\ \ ` \ ` \ \ `\ \ `\ \ , \ "/ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N.\ \ \ \ \ N. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ N\ \\ �\ \ `\ `\ `\ '11,\ �\ \ `\ N\ \ \\ - \ \ IN,` \ ` \ \ \ 1 11 \ \\ NOTES: \ \\ 1 \ \ \ 1 1 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ `\ N.\ `\ 20\ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I 1 -� ` - ------ N, `\ `\ `\ \ -,NNN, \ \ \\ \\ `\\ \, `\\`\\ `\\ ��, `\\ `\ \ `\ `\ \ 1 _ ---- 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE `\ \ \\`\ `\ ` \ \\ `\ `\ `\ \ `\ \\ \\ `\ 2j \ \\ \\ \ % \ \\ `\ \ \ \ \ 1 \\ \\ \ \ \ 4 s \ \ \ 1 PLANE NAD 83 U.S. FEET. \ \ `\ \ \ `\ `\ \\ `\ `\ `\ O \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ — — -21 70 — r r \ -\ \ \ N', \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ `\ \ \ \ \ 0 30 60 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ --- `\ `\ \\ \\ � \\\\ \ `\ \ \\ \\ `\ \ \`\ \ I 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 \ \ \\ \\ \\77 \ �\,\ \\ \\\\\ \ \\ \\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ � -- SCALE IN FEET \ \ \ O O \ PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -----------� J I w/ z -� /---'`772 0\ J 0 ' O 00 z W � `_\ `___• `�\.�` \ — `�_\`\�_- `\\ �'-__------ _ --'/ __- �/' / /-2120' --------------- --- -- ' ---- — `- _,- _---__� `--'------� \212 --.\ ; - __` \� \`„--___ `�`_''____.,--'\ U - '� --'� / --------------- _ ---- ___ — \ �`-------_ '`-_ \ -2130\�_-- a a a tz z O i O _ `) _ 0 OM z 01 p 0 > HH LA L/i l7 l7 H Om > LA0 In \ 21 2 .\ �__ \ - \\ \ l / ul z Q O _ w \ 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY \\ Kno6 0 w what's below. \\\ Call before you dig. IN 2140- \ \ \--------- \\\\ ------------------ - '--''-- — — — — — — -2130— \ \\\\\_ —2130 NN -N `\ ^ `\ `^ N---- - - \ `-'--___----- ------------------ \\\�.\- _ -_--''' ---2120- - \ \-- _-- X10 _ - ,_/ '1 o — _ -\_-\ aN-N, NN, \ - ---- 10- / / _------- 1111111 :7 - \ \ \ _______ __________------__ / �1r\`O' \ ___-- --- -'--------_ `_ _-__jjp \ \ ,-�� = - / 2120— \ — — — ___--'_'' I\ \ \ — _ `- - ___ -------------------------------- l` '---'��---_- - `_--_'--_-�_ \`_ _ _ — -�-\-.-_-`.-� \'\ -/ \`- --____---_-''/------/ - \ `\\ --\ \, - -- Old � by _ _ Farm \\-`\`_\ �\`\ \\\ `\ --'-- ` \ \ �---,\ STOKES FIELD --- -'--,- �-\`, \``\ \ \ \ �--,,---------- _________________,.,_ - -// Ro ` cool \ /-- - - `\--`-- - - / a� \ \ \ 2170\ 0 \\\ \\ 11 CE � CE CE \---------__ `\ - - - - - \ \ \/ \ 1 CE CE I CE CE \ — — — — \ \ \\ _ \ \` \" \E i \ 700 `\\ _--- /--' - - 0— IN \ t `\ I f ' \I `\\�\\ / — \ a _ _ \ \ PROPOSED STREAM CHANNEL CENTERLINE 12+Q`0 \ \\ CF / \ \ /-2100 ------------- - 1\\ \ / I`\ I / \\ / II X \ \ 1 \ \ \ — / //'// // / �=\ \�`� 1' / / \ \ \ \ -\ C ✓ STA 15+00 \ _ \ ' ' l I 1 ` ` >>+00 /� I %— '— \ \ ' — END UT -3 LOWER RESTORATION ' I I \ __--' i 1 ,/ ;— �` `-_``\ • ', \ \ — / \ 1\ `\ EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION BOUNDARY I \ i i `� r / i \ ``/' /--`/ �'��% 1 \ \ r — — — — — — t`- BEGIN UT -3 LOWER ENHANCEMENT II __,l _ \\ ` \ NN \11 NI \\^ \ T \/ \ ?I \ \ I \ \ \ 1 \ 2 100---\ \\ L �\_ 270a — — — \ f\ 1 \ice\ \` \� \� 00 \ \I 1 \CECE \ ---------------- CE I —�_� C \ \ i \rte CE CE \ i /�� `\ CE \ - \` F \ / \ I \ C� �� CE, C \ \ ` PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY - \ \ — — '-` - c -'`-_ _ /' \ - i I` `Y)' \N IN \\ \ \ /--; " STA 10+00 _` `-- -_ _ F- \`\ \\\ \\\��� ; BEGIN UT -3 LOWER RESTORATION ------- ----'------__---- -- _ , Z�`-------------------- _ ,-- - \ \ - _ _ — _ _ CF ' / A� _ \` _ �' `n' \\ ' / /' - - ---___ �---.\\_ ---_ 110\ ` --- --_- ^-��-__� `-' \�\�G \ \`\ / \ -'-,�� -L� / \ \ \\ _ _= C0 --------------- \` _-- ---` \ \ ` _ \ --- `F `,C\� - ---` \` \ \�\\\ / ;��koo ,_-\\ \ //- \` _/ .! ��x \�\�•--- \ �-s� 19 `W / /,/' //� ` —2120— — — — — \ \ - --_-\\ --`� ` __-__-_ ` \ ` \ _�` -- \\ \\` \\\\` \ \ `mac / / / C� -`-/ \\ \ \\I / A , --1 �0 N. ---2110—\ �.-_ �_ \�__ `\ \ `\ , / , \ \ \ / , �,__ \_' t — z \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ I I I 1 I / / -' _ / �' — —----_____--__ - --__-- �\ — -- - \�--_ \` \ \ `�___. \ ._ _ ,� _ J -- -\-_ \\ \ 0 I `'�// __/ / ----------- -2110- 770 ---------_ `.. \ \`\7 \\ \ /`\---_// ___/ ._-------------- `\`��/"`\ I \ / // ,/- / /___ - `2110 Ce \ \ `\ `\ \ `♦ ' ` 1 I I I / / / /' /' / /'� -----' — — — 2130- ---- ` \ _ - ----- - _ __ �► �-------------- ` \ -------------- --------------- NN -- ---` ` \ ` `\ ------------------ - - -_-\ — - _---__ -__ `�- — — `-_ --- '__---'-----__- C�-------------NI -------- -- - --------------- ----. -_ j3p_ `\ - \ �`. / / 212 - \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \ Q - ---------- ------- '_ Q\ _ N\ / \ C \ \\ \\`\ `\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ ( I I /' / -i' _ -2140 - -' — — \ `� `\ \ `---__- \ — \`- \ -__ \`___ \\ \ ` — — CC / N N, \ \ \ CE `\ \ N I / / ,'-__--___- _ 1 \\___- �\ \ \ \\ -\\ �___ — — —2120- / �— _` CE \\\ \\\\\\\\\\\ \\`\\ \\\\\ \\\\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ 11 ' I / / /,,/' ,,' /�-�/' _/�,- - \-\\\\ \\\`\\\`_ \ — \ - 18+34 NN --CE- STA � \ \ \ .- -- -_- --_ \ -_ END UT -3 LOWER ENHANCEMENT II -'' `-----__--_ �--- \ \ ,__ - _ BEGIN UT -3 LOWER RESTORATION— \\-`\ i''`-�\ � 21 ---____--` -��\_` `\\\Vol `�\ \ \ \ `\\\ \\\\ `\\\ \- \ / —2130' -------` \ \`\ `\ \`\ �\ -\\ \\ `\`\ `\`\ �N\ `\\\ `\ \\ \ `\ \` \` \\ \ \\ \\ 1\ \I I \\ I / /'/ / / ,'' /��-' `\ \\\ \ -� -2130--- -----' --- ------------ so_, NN N- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 1 / / / / LEGEND: \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 / I I l / -- ` \ ` \ \ `- — \ \ \ \ \ -\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ / \` \\\\\\\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ I / / , `\\ 2 — Z \ `\` \ ` \ \ \` `"` \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \\ \ \� \ \ '\ \ I ' 1 - \-__ 7S `\ \\ ]4o EXISTING CONTOURS \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ -, ♦ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I 1 - __-- `\ - 2130 \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \`\ \ `\ \ \ \ ` \ \ ` ` \ ( ' I I ' -- - (1 & 5 INTERVALS) \ \ \ \ \ `\\ \\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ `\ \\ \ \ 1 I I i —2160_ — — --_ -- \ — \`\\` �``\\ \\ \\�`��\\\ W \\\ \\ \\ \ \ ' ; ' ' /-------- \ \` \` \ — — — EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 I I \ o \ `\ `\ `�\`\ ``\\\`\\\ ` \\\ \ \ \ `\ `\ \ \ \ I I 1 I --- _ \ \` \ ` \ BOUNDARY N N\\ \\\\\\\\���\\\ `\ \\ `\ \ \\ \ \ / \ \\ \\ \\\ _____ EXISTING CHANNEL CENTERLINE 10+00 PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE `. \ \��^\`\ \ `\ `\ `\ \\ �� `\ \ ` \\ Q `\ `\ `\ \ \ \\ /� ` �\ ` `\ \ \� \ \ \ \ \ \ > N NNN\ \ \ \`rte \-\\ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ O\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ I / \ \ \ \ \ -- \ _ PROPOSED BANKFULL \ N.\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ o \ PROPOSED CONSERVATION `\ `� \ `� \ \\ `\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ `\ \ `\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ `\ ` �\ -- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ` \ \ \ \ ` \ `� \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \_\ \\ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \\ - '� `\\ 1\ \\\N `\\\- \`\\\\\\ `\ \ \`\\ `\NN \ `\\ `\\ \ \ `\\ `\\ `\\ \ \ `\\ `\ 1\ /\ `\ \\ `\ — — — — — — \ - CE EASEMENT BOUNDARY NII --\\ \� I `� \ \ 1 �\ \`\\ \ \ \ `\ \ \ \\ \\ \ `\\ �\ `\ \ 30\ \-\`\\ `\`\ \ `\ `\ `\\ \ \ \ ` \ ` ` \ \ I ` `\ ` \ - -- I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - \ \ N N,\ \ `_ \ `\ \ ` \ ` \ \ `\ \ `\ \ , \ "/ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N.\ \ \ \ \ N. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ N\ \\ �\ \ `\ `\ `\ '11,\ �\ \ `\ N\ \ \\ - \ \ IN,` \ ` \ \ \ 1 11 \ \\ NOTES: \ \\ 1 \ \ \ 1 1 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ `\ N.\ `\ 20\ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I 1 -� ` - ------ N, `\ `\ `\ \ -,NNN, \ \ \\ \\ `\\ \, `\\`\\ `\\ ��, `\\ `\ \ `\ `\ \ 1 _ ---- 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE `\ \ \\`\ `\ ` \ \\ `\ `\ `\ \ `\ \\ \\ `\ 2j \ \\ \\ \ % \ \\ `\ \ \ \ \ 1 \\ \\ \ \ \ 4 s \ \ \ 1 PLANE NAD 83 U.S. FEET. \ \ `\ \ \ `\ `\ \\ `\ `\ `\ O \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ — — -21 70 — r r \ -\ \ \ N', \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ `\ \ \ \ \ 0 30 60 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ --- `\ `\ \\ \\ � \\\\ \ `\ \ \\ \\ `\ \ \`\ \ I 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 \ \ \\ \\ \\77 \ �\,\ \\ \\\\\ \ \\ \\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ � -- SCALE IN FEET \ \ \ O O \ PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION z 0 V) LU a J I w/ z J O O 0 (t3 c O 00 z W � W Z �J Q QLLI O N U V t � O z w a a a tz z O i O _ `) _ 0 OM z 01 p 0 > HH LA L/i l7 l7 H Om > LA0 In } OfO H o In N Q ul z Q O _ w w m 0 z LA m Z C2 0 m 00 Y w = V m > o a Q Q V LA Q D z 0 V) LU ii T e m LU Q 0 J I w/ z J O O 0 (t3 c O 00 z W � W 00 �J Q QLLI O N U V t � O z w i ° }, (1) " Z 0 tz z O i O V J_ � 0 OM z 01 p z ; Q o��>� W Q O _ ��� — 00 ~ Uc Q N Q S ii T e m LU Q 0 0 x z O O 0 z W � W 00 �J Q QLLI J —jZ ooz V: u a ' z J111A W Z 0 tz � V J_ � Q z W p z Q to W Q O ��� ~ M D 0 x O O 0 00 W M V ' z W V ; W p m to s O E rn 00 00 0 N .--____-�/ /,' /Z•1�//'/ _ % � �-''///'213//,/'' / /' 2130- I --- --- " 90 % DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH -_-" -_ � AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY ® PRELIMINARY /-- NOT FOR \\\\ \ `\ \ \�\\--_\\\\____ `\---- 150- \ - - -- --- CONSTRUCTION O \ \ 1 �1 `\ `\ `\ ___-\ \ \ \-----\`--- - --// /'2 /'' /' / ; ^ ---� : 0 c E Q M M 00 CDN Lri O 0 z RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH MIN. REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE BOTTOM WIDTH CHANNEL CHANNEL BANK FLOODPLAIN CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) SLOPE (FT) DEPTH (FT) SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -3 LOWER 10+05 19+81 1.55% 5.5 1.8 3:1 24.5 AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE 6:1 3:1 40.0 Q � w INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY ® PRELIMINARY � N NOT FOR Know what's below. CONSTRUCTION Call before you dig. D-GR-UT3 Lower -Centerline D-GR-UT3 Lower -Centerline' LU � 2130 PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH _� a 2130 l/') Q zz L7 w = 0 V z N L 2120 + 2120 2 N > O } o Uj > m cir�LU Q 0 � z O .-. pp l'7 N w 1.55% Q � vi � Q 000 Q jc� - - / m m m 0 z 0 m -j F - 0 PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG z � W > z 2110 2110 - , w o �Ie W un C) = V a a Q W LL ctf zCO O J d 2100 2100 � o Q O 00 LUJ V W C 2090 2090 �.L , 0 z ) v 4-1 N o 0-0 Ln rn 0/N w 0 z m 00 00 = .5;N 2080 2080 s 10+00 10+40 10+80 11+20 11+60 12+00 12+40 12+80 13+20 13+60 14+00 14+40 14+80 15+20 15+60 16+00 16+40 17+20 17+60 18+00 18+40 18+80 19+20 19+60 20+00 <` � M � � 00 Q N Q HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 4X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION STREAM PROFILE _ HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 40' VERT. SCALE: 1" = 10' z 0 a iY V V) LU Ln z 0 Uj 0 a a a m w a 0 LU W Q J Z LL W O O J"'Q ODV a V _ NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. Z 0 W W J H Z Q 0 Wiz M LU DC DC Z QRZ Q 0 NN O M 1 V a RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND MIN. REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE BOTTOM WIDTH CHANNEL CHANNEL BANK FLOODPLAIN CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) SLOPE (FT) DEPTH (FT) SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -3 LOWER 10+05 19+81 1.55% 5.5 1.8 3:1 24.5 2.2 6:1 3:1 40.0 Q � w � N 00 � � LU � PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH _� a l/') EXISTING GRADE L7 w N + l'7 N w 1.55% jc� - - / PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND MIN. REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE BOTTOM WIDTH CHANNEL CHANNEL BANK FLOODPLAIN CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) SLOPE (FT) DEPTH (FT) SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -3 LOWER 10+05 19+81 1.55% 5.5 1.8 3:1 24.5 POOL CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND OUTSIDE OF BEND MIN. FLOODPLAIN REACH ID STA BEG STA END SLOPE BOTTOM WIDTH DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) (FT) SLOPES SLOPES UT -3 LOWER 10+05 19+81 0.14% 6.5 2.2 6:1 3:1 40.0 0 E rn 00 m 0 N / / /� _/ _ — _/'-- ---- '- oL Z' / I' 90 % SI N SUBMI TTAL Of�E IN `\ _ "----------------- _ 2 \ 1 --_ - _ - _ _ _`/ " / �\ L� / i// _-\ -1> I r Imo' ' \ __ _----- /--------'- ' ° `\ / / /, 1�`_ 1`--' �> / ' //' / 1' r/ I / I1 1 AT FULL SI7, , if f�IOT ONS /_ \ ,i / f\1'/ i\ `�78 lW-ial SCALE ACCO41DINGt'Y -, ® PRELIMINARY /- _ --1 / / I ( \ I _ 1 I I NOT FOR _---- - _ �'LLZ-----------'-----r\\r'/,_\_ \_--/ i�-/-- _.-'\-/^.!'""' -J-'' /' `\ ,`� ; '/� \ �2 1�\-__ `, ,//;' �, ; \ �\ ; `\\ `� '�,�_ '\\\ " -\ �\ I\ \\ (\;` l`i Knowwhalt'.S aGO.�I__i CONSTRUCTION / — - , /' 7>O \ ,! /' / \ I \ Z �/ \ \ 1 -_ `� `\ /�\ Call KJ e:ip- UI / �� _---\/ •' ' / 9� 1, / ' /' ` ` I ' / ' ' ( \ \ \\ \\ ` \ `\�, _-t- -'- -_-' Z/ J - /' /^✓ /-''' i -2160 /� // \ ✓ 2 \\ \\ \ '1 \ \t \ /� I\ \� \\ I` 1� ♦_� `'�__ --_-_- /,--------- ------------// '_- ��' _ �09�Z1- ✓ � _,.- - -/' \ 1 ` � ..\ 1 .�� �\ ^- _ /�' ,__/\.�''/ _- -' �' / -/ ---' O ' 1 -' `\ -I l \ �\ \ IN, _.--�----/ \ \r- l� _ - _ / ) \ \ _ `` \�..' ' t✓'' %- \^ - __ _ ( /' ' l l \ `\ ��� \\ \ \\ \ -\ \ \ 1 ��_ rte\ `Q6�-7 — _ / _� ✓ �\V - _�_ r/n�Z Z � Lu _/^ �`__ `\`� /!' `' __�•-`1_l/ `'^ ``� -- /ice'' / `\\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ �- 00 \ -' �\ \'� f� `` - /_v/�1` r/..il /J 'oa > > V F �/�r `\\\\_\ \�\\ \ -~\\ -`\`` \_ \ \� _ `--\�__ \`---------- --- -_-_-- --'' -- -��8'- J l �- '--''-/ N H In H Q - \ % '� _\ \ �/ 1 / • / // ""/ \ \\ 27 _\ \\ \ ��� ` \ \ \ \ \ `\ \ \\ l \21$ _\/� ^--�__-__ - _\/ I / ' /1. 0��- -'- ___--- m m m m J H \ / f \ \ \ \ `\ `\ \_/_ _ O \� \ 11c SII_ ' \ ' ��-__- � '\` \\_\ \\` \ \ ___ \-\_-_ \ \\\\ _ __-_____� __^`_'\_�___��--_''-'-/' 2170 / -_ ui � _ \✓/ `� !) l ) ~ `I ^ ,/ �1--- \ \ \ \ \ ��\ \\\ `�\ \_\- 2170 \ _ `......................... _- __-^__-`- __ /- _'' — — / �' '_ _ V d ` `, rJ /'! /' 76Q \`—_--------- ------------------- -----_ / V ------------------------------------'------- / d \ ,i i %,7 Q), �' `' /' -''' 1\ PROPERTY BOUNDARY (NOT SURVEYED) `�� \ I_ \ \ -\-''----------------------------- / %`---- j ------ --- ----_ __------ '-_-/a----- __ _ - 00 ru 2160 u EXISTING FOOTBRIDGE TO BE RELOCATED IN �;� _ _ _ _ --/ % U s +, o / / ORDER TO PROVIDE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING i / , - �/ i a) e STA 10+05 _ — - 1 I/) = o OVER NEW CHANNEL AND MAINTAIN � / �\ BEGIN UT -3 UPPER ENHANCEMENT II \\ EXISTING PATHWAY. \. _ \1 1 1 o06 ��\e e / /\ LITTLE BEREA STA 10+50 \ FILL EXISTING CHANNEL --21s --2150-_ END UT -3 UPPER ENHANCEMENT II \, BEGIN UT -3 UPPER RESTORATION '\ `- - 1'2�s52-\ \\, EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION BOUNDARY C3 ' 27SO,7 � \ r---- CP I r- "'N -1 l�\j.� -/ __ /\.//^ C3CE E r ✓05Lz 1 L ll-_ / /' T — Q — — Lu 0 Lu 71 CE J Lu CE 3D Q CONFLUENCE OF UT -3 UPPER AND UT -4 V (1 �'- \`\ _ F \ \ \ / ' - UT -4 STA 10+00 / UT -3 UPPER STA 18+56 / 00�'L CE \ BEGIN UT -4 RESTORATION / ' ----- __ CLINGMAN'S / ---- 1 GL )V ^ CF - ------ �` /------- / NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. UT -3 UPPER RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical 31+66 STATION Pool Typical 25+32 DETAIL Pool Typical 18+28 Pool Typical 31+62 Pool -Riffle Transition Pool -Riffle Transition 25+27 21+94 Pool -Riffle Transition 18+23 Pool -Riffle Transition 31+57 LS -17 Riffle Typical 25+22 LS -3 Riffle Typical 18+18 Riffle Typical 31+52 Log Vane Pool Typical 24+76 Log Vane Pool Typical 17+67 Pool Typical 31+06 19+83 Pool -Riffle Transition 24+71 29+04 Pool -Riffle Transition 17+62 Pool -Riffle Transition 31+01 LS -6 Riffle Typical 24+66 Riffle Typical 17+57 Riffle Typical 30+96 Log Vane Pool Typical 23+98 LS -23 Pool Typical 17+01 Pool Typical 30+46 27+34 Pool -Riffle Transition 23+93 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 16+96 Pool -Riffle Transition 30+41 Riffle Typical 23+88 15+96 Riffle Typical 16+91 Riffle Typical 30+36 LS -26 Pool Typical 23+50 LS -11 Pool Typical 15+96 Pool Typical 29+93 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 23+45 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 15+91 Pool -Riffle Transition 29+88 13+70 Riffle Typical 23+40 23+98 Riffle Typical 15+86 Riffle Typical 29+83 LS -14 Pool Typical 22+99 Pool Typical 15+28 Pool Typical 29+04 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 22+94 LS -31 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+23 Pool -Riffle Transition 28+99 Riffle Typical 22+89 Riffle Typical 15+18 Riffle Typical 28+94 Pool Typical 21+94 Pool Typical 14+65 Pool Typical 28+47 Pool -Riffle Transition 21+89 Pool -Riffle Transition 14+60 Pool -Riffle Transition 28+42 Riffle Typical 21+84 Riffle Typical 14+55 Riffle Typical 28+37 Pool Typical 21+21 Pool Typical 13+70 Pool Typical 27+94 Pool -Riffle Transition 21+16 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+65 Pool -Riffle Transition 27+89 Riffle Typical 21+11 Riffle Typical 13+60 Riffle Typical 27+84 Pool Typical 20+40 Pool Typical 13+09 Pool Typical 27+34 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+35 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+04 Pool -Riffle Transition 27+29 Riffle Typical 20+30 Riffle Typical 12+99 Riffle Typical 27+24 Pool Typical 19+83 Pool Typical 12+56 Pool Typical 26+81 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+78 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+51 Pool -Riffle Transition 26+76 Riffle Typical 19+73 Riffle Typical 12+46 Riffle Typical 26+71 Pool Typical 19+25 Pool Typical 11+46 Pool Typical 26+19 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+20 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+41 Pool -Riffle Transition 26+14 Riffle Typical 19+15 Riffle Typical 11+36 Riffle Typical 26+09 Riffle Typical 18+56 ]J `\\ __ � I ��\✓ _ -� � ter\ _ ____ ` — \ i STREAM CHANNEL CENTERLINE _ ' ( _ - _- - APPROXIMATE BANKFULL WIDTH "' r/'' /'���� PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY \2160--- \�`\ THROUGH RIFFLES (WIDTH :_,%._- -- uL�(- '',\/--- _,�_ �\ _—OLt �\ 2 -�" -\,. `, = --- i EXISTING TREE AND VEGETATION (TYP.) ^ --- _- --� ---- --__ - Z�-- -- -\\ VARIES, SEE DWG C-4.2) - - .-'' — - _ -_-- 1 - �; ' _----- - -____ _- 02 _-— $ 2170 -2180 NOTE: SEE DWG C-9.0 & C-9.1 FOR STRUCTURE DETAILS. UT -3 UPPER STRUCTURE LOCATIONS LABEL DETAIL STATION 12+20 LABEL DETAIL STATION LS -1 Log Vane 31+62 Pool -Riffle Transition LS -16 Log Vane 21+94 LS -2 Log Vane 31+06 11+27 LS -17 Log Vane 21+21 LS -3 Log Vane 30+46 Riffle Typical LS -18 Log Vane 20+40 LS -4 Log Vane 29+93 10+53 LS -19 Log Vane 19+83 LS -5 Log Vane 29+04 Confluence with UT -3 LS -20 Log Vane 19+25 LS -6 Log Vane 28+47 LS -22 Log Vane 18+28 LS -7 Log Vane 27+94 LS -23 Log Vane 17+67 LS -8 Log Vane 27+34 LS -24 Log Vane 17+01 LS -9 Log Vane 26+81 LS -25 Log Vane 15+96 LS -10 Log Vane 26+19 LS -26 Log Vane 15+28 LS -11 Log Vane 25+32 LS -27 Log Vane 14+65 LS -12 Log Vane 24+76 LS -28 Log Vane 13+70 LS -13 Log Vane 23+98 LS -29 Log Vane 13+09 LS -14 Log Vane 23+50 LS -30 Log Vane 12+56 LS -15 Log Vane 22+99 LS -31 Log Vane 11+46 2 ' / - p' --------`-------- ' 1801 / /' - // L�------------------------------- ---------------- _ \ .�/ /' /- - / ./` -- -� — —. — — — — '_-`-' ^`-Q6 —219/T --------------\ \__`� /-/ ^ /../'".'.�'' / ✓ /---''^\-'_--`---•-_-------\..-'_'�_��^ ------------ I / I , / / / / / \.^ r`-' /l \ � J NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. UT -4 RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical 12+33 Pool Typical 12+20 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+15 Riffle Typical 12+10 Pool Typical 11+77 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+72 Riffle Typical 11+67 Pool Typical 11+32 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+27 Riffle Typical 11+22 Pool Typical 10+91 Pool -Riffle Transition 10+86 Riffle Typical 10+81 Pool Typical 10+63 Pool -Riffle Transition 10+58 Riffle Typical 10+53 Pool Typical 10+35 Pool -Riffle Transition 10+30 Riffle Typical 10+25 Confluence with UT -3 10+00 ^� �.. f`\_ "%)Q�y�' /2200- -� 1 �/ �' --� ✓ \___\\ /_--\\ '_\..\ -`�\ \\ \ `\ \�\\`-\ \\ \ \ `\ NOTE: SEE DWG C-9.0 & C-9.1 FOR STRUCTURE DETAILS. UT -4 STRUCTURE LOCATIONS LABEL DETAIL STATION CS -1 Cross Vane 12+20 CS -2 Cross Vane 11+77 CS -3 Cross Vane 11+32 CS -4 Cross Vane 10+91 CS -5 Cross Vane 10+63 CS -6 Cross Vane 10+35 LEGEND: 2130 — EXISTING CONTOURS (1'& 5' INTERVALS) EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION BOUNDARY EXISTING CHANNEL CENTERLINE 10+00 PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE — — — — — — PROPOSED BANKFULL CE PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY NOTES: 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 z O 7C7 0 40 80 000109 SCALE IN FEET II m D Oz Q �a � W V W a� CL 1A D 0 M z F Q D rv1 Ili,m O -Ln w 0OZm "> 00 N rv) � M Qc\IQ°� W W Lu J � V Z ODZ za0 to Q ~ Z z zuj Q W to Q Ce tA X o LL o 0 N o � Z v k W W Q LA a 0 E ru 0 0 0 N / O ,___,--- 1 \ - - - - \--_ °\ `\- % DESIGN SUBMITTAL ` �\ ONE I �I �\ Pool Typical 12+20 ------------------/-' _ 12+15 Riffle Typical 12+10 /- 1-'79R \T �`i;ULL ZE IENaT-OT\1 \\ -- '` 11+67 \ LE ACCORDINGLY Pool -Riffle Transition PRELIMINARY ---------------------------------/'�- /1 -`_ \, -. \ \`,, �`_, `� \\, \`\ NOT FOR 10+86 Riffle Typical 10+81 ��_\\, ( 10+63 Pool -Riffle Transition `\ \,-------------, Know w%t's biei� CONSTRUCTION 10+35 _\_\ I_ \-�''------•___\ '`\ \\ \ — 08�Z y — — �- L — `\,\\ \\^ `\` \\\ -.\ \\ \ \\_` ,-' --Pall bbfor6i sy dg,_NN 10+25 / 2 ,\ \ LITTLE BEREA� 19+25 . Log Vane 28+47 RELOCATE EXISTING WATER LINE \'- \ _ — �'` \\ 18+28 STREAM CHANNEL CENTERLINE �\ � / UT -4 RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical 12+33 Pool Typical 12+20 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+15 Riffle Typical 12+10 Pool Typical 2170\ -___ -__ ` 2180 \\ -- '` 11+67 Pool Typical 11+32 Pool -Riffle Transition ----- Riffle Typical 11+22 Pool Typical 10+91 Pool -Riffle Transition 10+86 Riffle Typical 10+81 Pool Typical 10+63 Pool -Riffle Transition 10+58 Riffle Typical 10+53 Pool Typical 10+35 Pool -Riffle Transition 10+30 Riffle Typical 10+25 / PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY LITTLE BEREA� 19+25 . Log Vane 28+47 RELOCATE EXISTING WATER LINE \'- \ _ — �'` \\ 18+28 STREAM CHANNEL CENTERLINE �\ � \`, ^� \__\ \\ TO NEW CROSSING (WORK \ - `790�_ \ I )�,\ - // ; `\ PERFORMED BY OTHERS) 2180, .� APPROXIMATE BANKFULL WIDTH THROUGH - STA 31+66 ,_\,---► , - _ , RIFFLES (WIDTH VARIES, SEE DWG C-4.2) (__ y �,,�" —_ - \ END UT -3 UPPER RESTORATION F EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION BOUNDARY '-��� \``-, BEGIN UT -3 UPPER /`� �- \ > _ _ _ " '-\ ENHANCEMENT I \� \� /II / `-�� ----- _ - Yom_-__\�-��� `_ _ �_ _ CE 1�.`�-\,'_�- _ --_` \ _ _ _ _t_ �_ o C / C ` Q CE '// , �/ \`\ �\ �_( `---�_C-1`-'� - - �`--�-� / l - �`_~_.�_ _Z, _ `\ moi__` _ 97V., _... \ _ „ -- IN, \ i 0y �\ // / \ _ l� \ -__-_� ` ' ,_yL- f- 1 J 170 �' '- _ ��-= '�-��,��_�� CE�-' �7�7- E _ eol \\` J L �^ — ——_---------- -- OLLz-��_ \� \—�^oL.LCe— — _ __--___ , \ /�.\ \ w\ OD E \ L (✓ \ \ EXISTING WOODEN BRIDGE TO BE / ---' /---'- _ - �� valz- CF \ / c c� CLINGMAN S cE _/ �� \ �/ F �_ REMOVED. CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE --- --' r L 2166- STA 12+33 -- -\�� ELIGIBILITY FOR RE -USE ON-SITE. CE �� - -- - — 1, f END UT -4 RESTORATION 3D — �— ----- - - --- ----- - CE-"- CE CE \-- p .� BEGIN UT -4 ENHANCEMENT II_ - '-"-" _ '-------------`------------"� -_- //-_'- - INSTALL PERMANENT CROSSING' ---------- --`---- -_- --- _-_-_- - ' WITH CULVERT BURIED 12" _ STA 32+28 `- cp� _,_-- J _ — — — — _I —08Lz- — — _ — — . — '' '' --- --- ---' — END UT -3 UPPER - - // 8�Z— l -- ------ oBvZ - - ---- Ill \\ 1,_,\ INSTALL PERMANENT _-'" 1 _ ^ / /' ,/-" ,-' --------------------------- W1\" - - ' ENHANCEMENT I i �\ — 2 70_ / ------------------------_------ —2190— ' - `N _ '''" \�;� CROSSING WITH CULVERT / ---------------------------------- BURIED ------------- ____-,' ---_ _ — — — — — — — — — — -' _ \ __ Lll' — ,'�`\ ` �� BURIED 12" /' �/ , / ' '' '^ /- --- - J/''--"- /------------ ---2190 '- ------- ---\_ _--- ---_ l7\, -2180 1, ---------------\ / 0 --- 190` \ '\\\ \`- \ / \ I / / / _/------- —\I--- --- ' / —' -- '—__ ___-- _— --- —_ ------_ `---/— /_ �_— —\_ \_ \\_`\ _ // — --- - - \\-_ ~ / -- ` v �// , L^\ I/ I 1 - / l/ �`-'- `----_' '- -''' / i-' ' /''" _-'' /-_ —-_____'___-- __I----------- ------ -____- ____---_-__\ //' /�/'' / _. / -2200— \ `\�_ a1 \ ) , _--' / /�/ /_' /_'' /�-'-- n(` / — _-"_'- _----- - _---' __ --- I — zz_ — — ` // / _ ��___ \ \\\� �`- ✓\`N- (0\, \\ 'D /I \\ V //\ CE // \`/ --' \\ \\ 0 i \ i i ' -------------------- _-- �__.•._�/-�r-1-- J J /Vy�' ��_-------'- i--''-��-_'_- '_' — — — — — �0(. ` `\\ - '- /-// / / --_- \-- \ \`\ \ �I `, L ♦' I ( I I / / _----- �_------' -- _/-'' / / ,/' "�-' -__-- -� -- / / ��-_ -_-- ------------\_\_ `�\ \ t / ,'' /''-\ \ ��° /'' _ _/ �' _ _-'-------- - __--- \` 0OzZ / _ _` \ �- /� CE I -moi L_-/ \-' \i/�'-'' 1 I\\ 1 `\ \\ IN 0\1\ /L1 IN N IN N STA 14+75 `-% ,-\ -,,--=�\ \ , �� 180 �\ `\ �� END UT -4 ENHANCEMENT II �-\ `, ` \\ `� \• `\ \ n IN \ / 170' \ LEGEND: 2130 EXISTING CONTOURS — - (1' & 5' INTERVALS) — — EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION BOUNDARY EXISTING CHANNEL CENTERLINE 10+00 PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE — — — — — — PROPOSED BANKFULL CE PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY NOTES: 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 0 40 80 SCALE IN FEET NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. UT -4 RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical 12+33 Pool Typical 12+20 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+15 Riffle Typical 12+10 Pool Typical 11+77 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+72 Riffle Typical 11+67 Pool Typical 11+32 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+27 Riffle Typical 11+22 Pool Typical 10+91 Pool -Riffle Transition 10+86 Riffle Typical 10+81 Pool Typical 10+63 Pool -Riffle Transition 10+58 Riffle Typical 10+53 Pool Typical 10+35 Pool -Riffle Transition 10+30 Riffle Typical 10+25 Confluence with UT -3 10+00 NOTE: SEE DWG C-9.0 & C-9.1 FOR STRUCTURE DETAILS. UT -4 STRUCTURE LOCATIONS LABEL DETAIL STATION CS -1 Cross Vane 12+20 CS -2 Cross Vane 11+77 CS -3 Cross Vane 11+32 CS -4 Cross Vane 10+91 CS -5 Cross Vane 10+63 CS -6 Cross Vane 10+35 NOTE: SEE DWG C-9.0 & C-9.1 FOR STRUCTURE DETAILS. UT -3 UPPER STRUCTURE LOCATIONS LABEL DETAIL STATION ( LABEL DETAIL STATION LS -1 Log Vane 31+62 , I LS -16 Log Vane 21+94 LS -2 Log Vane 31+06 31+57 LS -17 Log Vane 21+21 LS -3 Log Vane 30+46 \ LS -18 Log Vane 20+40 LS -4 Log Vane 29+93 17+67 LS -19 Log Vane 19+83 LS -5 Log Vane 29+04 Pool -Riffle Transition LS -20 Log Vane 19+25 LS -6 Log Vane 28+47 LS -22 Log Vane 18+28 LS -7 Log Vane 27+94 23+98 LS -23 Log Vane 17+67 LS -8 Log Vane 27+34 Pool -Riffle Transition LS -24 Log Vane 17+01 LS -9 Log Vane 26+81 LS -25 Log Vane 15+96 LS -10 Log Vane 26+19 30+36 LS -26 Log Vane 15+28 LS -11 Log Vane 25+32 Pool Typical LS -27 Log Vane 14+65 LS -12 Log Vane 24+76 15+91 LS -28 Log Vane 13+70 LS -13 Log Vane 23+98 Riffle Typical LS -29 Log Vane 13+09 LS -14 Log Vane 23+50 LS -30 Log Vane 12+56 LS -15 Log Vane 22+99 22+94 LS -31 Log Vane 11+46 NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. UT -3 UPPER RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical I ( \\ I I Pool Typical I I , I Pool -Riffle Transition 25+27 Pool -Riffle Transition 18+23 Pool -Riffle Transition 31+57 Riffle Typical I \ Riffle Typical I \ 31+52 I\ \ 24+76 1 17+67 Pool Typical 31+06 NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. UT -3 UPPER RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical 31+66 Pool Typical 25+32 Pool Typical 18+28 Pool Typical 31+62 Pool -Riffle Transition 25+27 Pool -Riffle Transition 18+23 Pool -Riffle Transition 31+57 Riffle Typical 25+22 Riffle Typical 18+18 Riffle Typical 31+52 Pool Typical 24+76 Pool Typical 17+67 Pool Typical 31+06 Pool -Riffle Transition 24+71 Pool -Riffle Transition 17+62 Pool -Riffle Transition 31+01 Riffle Typical 24+66 Riffle Typical 17+57 Riffle Typical 30+96 Pool Typical 23+98 Pool Typical 17+01 Pool Typical 30+46 Pool -Riffle Transition 23+93 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+96 Pool -Riffle Transition 30+41 Riffle Typical 23+88 Riffle Typical 16+91 Riffle Typical 30+36 Pool Typical 23+50 Pool Typical 15+96 Pool Typical 29+93 Pool -Riffle Transition 23+45 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+91 Pool -Riffle Transition 29+88 Riffle Typical 23+40 Riffle Typical 15+86 Riffle Typical 29+83 Pool Typical 22+99 Pool Typical 15+28 Pool Typical 29+04 Pool -Riffle Transition 22+94 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+23 Pool -Riffle Transition 28+99 Riffle Typical 22+89 Riffle Typical 15+18 Riffle Typical 28+94 Pool Typical 21+94 Pool Typical 14+65 Pool Typical 28+47 Pool -Riffle Transition 21+89 Pool -Riffle Transition 14+60 Pool -Riffle Transition 28+42 Riffle Typical 21+84 Riffle Typical 14+55 Riffle Typical 28+37 Pool Typical 21+21 Pool Typical 13+70 Pool Typical 27+94 Pool -Riffle Transition 21+16 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+65 Pool -Riffle Transition 27+89 Riffle Typical 21+11 Riffle Typical 13+60 Riffle Typical 27+84 Pool Typical 20+40 Pool Typical 13+09 Pool Typical 27+34 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+35 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+04 Pool -Riffle Transition 27+29 Riffle Typical 20+30 Riffle Typical 12+99 Riffle Typical 27+24 Pool Typical 19+83 Pool Typical 12+56 Pool Typical 26+81 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+78 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+51 Pool -Riffle Transition 26+76 Riffle Typical 19+73 Riffle Typical 12+46 Riffle Typical 26+71 Pool Typical 19+25 Pool Typical 11+46 Pool Typical 26+19 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+20 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+41 Pool -Riffle Transition 26+14 Riffle Typical 19+15 Riffle Typical 11+36 Riffle Typical 26+09 Riffle Typical 18+56 Lu z 0 = z_ V) > � � a N ZO } p co Lu Q >Lu <J 0 OC VOC Of z w co LA Ln CD m m m D z C1 0< zY Ln w O Ln _ � V a Q P4 0� Ua Q6L n 4 J J tl C Ib 00 O N /6 ru V � s +, O Q) ru O (3) v z4- oL/')'� o Ln LQ 0 0 0 z m L > = 00 N r� Q N v) Q S W W W ~ O Z Z V O Z a O to Q C~C Z G Z ZLLI Q W/ to Q C 21 00 oo 2160 z LU z 2150 O 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY ® PRELIMINARY NOT FOR Know what's below. CONSTRUCTION Call before you dig. 9°/ J 1 w N CHANNEL Q INSIDE OF BEND 7 CO +Ln 0')w STA END RIFFLE BOTTOM WIDTH CHANNEL FLOODPLAIN CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) SLOPE (FT) DEPTH (FT) SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -3 UPPER - A 10+50 16+91 1.58% 5.5 1.8 3:1 24.5 UT -3 UPPER - B 16+91 18+56 2.27% 4.5 1.8 3:1 23.5 2170 0 STREAM THALWEG 2.5 1.8 3:1 21.0 UT -3 UPPER - D Q LU Of CONFLUENCE OF UT -3 UPPER AND UT -4 1.45% 4.0 1.8 3:1 23.0 � � M 1 p �! N 00 + PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH PROP ROAD WIDTH (14' C) �, N � OO 1 2140 a LU = V 2140 00 LU LU rn N a� z > W O vi 0} o co EXISTING GRADE O N m O LU VLU O N co � U U 0 t O Q � N _---- - - - - 2160 < orf oC ZO w v, v, o N z vi H vi H Q �.. aw_ W }, 0 TO __-------- _ NT PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH - �'CD N "� LLn 10+40 10+80 11+20 11+60 12+00 12+40 12+80 13+20 13+60 14+00 14+40 14+80 15+20 15+60 16+00 16+40 16+80 17+20 17+60 18+00 18+40 18+80 19+20 19+60 20+00 20+40 20+80 21+20 21+60 — — _ — HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 2.27% 4X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION 0 = m m m m Q a LU o% O L EXISTING GRADE — _ _ — - 1 7 o LU m + -- — — — 11J Z z w p O — — — �-- 2.27% O LA o= N —" 0 " Q Q > PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG — — -- - INSTALL PERMANENT m 2150 of cn a, — — r -- �— CROSSING WITH W — ----- STA 18+56 Q w _ _— -- ELEV 2153 9 L'o u F -- LU LU 2170 z z O H J 2160 LU J 1 POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND MIN. REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE BOTTOM WIDTH CHANNEL FLOODPLAIN CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) SLOPE (FT) DEPTH (FT) SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -3 UPPER - A 10+50 16+91 1.58% 5.5 1.8 3:1 24.5 UT -3 UPPER - B 16+91 18+56 2.27% 4.5 1.8 3:1 23.5 UT -3 UPPER - C PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG 2.5 1.8 3:1 21.0 UT -3 UPPER - D Q LU Of CONFLUENCE OF UT -3 UPPER AND UT -4 1.45% 4.0 1.8 3:1 23.0 � � M 1 00 + PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH PROP ROAD WIDTH (14' C) �, N OO 1 2140 LU 2140 00 LU N a� z > EXISTING GRADE O N co � U U 0 t O _---- - - - - - - �.. aw_ W }, 0 TO __-------- " NT — - �'CD 2130 2130 LLn 10+40 10+80 11+20 11+60 12+00 12+40 12+80 13+20 13+60 14+00 14+40 14+80 15+20 15+60 16+00 16+40 16+80 17+20 17+60 18+00 18+40 18+80 19+20 19+60 20+00 20+40 20+80 21+20 21+60 <0LU z m HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 0 cy 3: a� o 4X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION 0 = V s co M `^ o 2190 2190 F -- LU LU 2170 z z O H J 2160 LU 2170 2160 2150 2150 21+60 22+00 22+40 22+80 23+20 23+60 24+00 24+40 24+80 25+20 25+60 26+00 26+40 26+80 27+20 27+60 28+00 28+40 28+80 29+20 29+60 30+00 30+40 30+80 31+20 31+60 32+00 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 4X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION STREAM PROFILE _ HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 40' VERT. SCALE: 1" = 10' NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS x o POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND MIN. REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE BOTTOM WIDTH CHANNEL CHANNEL BANK FLOODPLAIN CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) SLOPE (FT) DEPTH (FT) SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -3 UPPER - A 10+50 16+91 1.58% 5.5 1.8 3:1 24.5 UT -3 UPPER - B 16+91 18+56 2.27% 4.5 1.8 3:1 23.5 UT -3 UPPER - C 18+56 21+11 2.27% 2.5 1.8 3:1 21.0 UT -3 UPPER - D Q LU Of O 1.45% 4.0 1.8 3:1 23.0 � � M 1 00 + PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH PROP ROAD WIDTH (14' C) �, N LU N a� z > EXISTING GRADE co _---- - - - - - - �.. aw_ __-------- " NT — - — — - 1 7 1.45% -- l — PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG INSTALL PERMANENT CROSSING WITH CULVERT BURIED 12" 2170 2160 2150 2150 21+60 22+00 22+40 22+80 23+20 23+60 24+00 24+40 24+80 25+20 25+60 26+00 26+40 26+80 27+20 27+60 28+00 28+40 28+80 29+20 29+60 30+00 30+40 30+80 31+20 31+60 32+00 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 4X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION STREAM PROFILE _ HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 40' VERT. SCALE: 1" = 10' NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS x o POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND MIN. REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE BOTTOM WIDTH CHANNEL CHANNEL BANK FLOODPLAIN CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) SLOPE (FT) DEPTH (FT) SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -3 UPPER - A 10+50 16+91 1.58% 5.5 1.8 3:1 24.5 UT -3 UPPER - B 16+91 18+56 2.27% 4.5 1.8 3:1 23.5 UT -3 UPPER - C 18+56 21+11 2.27% 2.5 1.8 3:1 21.0 UT -3 UPPER - D 21+11 31+66 1.45% 4.0 1.8 3:1 23.0 POOL CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS x o POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND OUTSIDE OF BEND MIN. FLOODPLAIN REACH ID STA BEG STA END SLOPE BOTTOM WIDTH DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) J j (FT) V SLOPES SLOPES Cl UT -3 UPPER A -B 10+50 18+56 0.14% 6.5 2.2 6:1 3:1 40.0 UT -3 UPPER C -D j 18+56 j 31+66 j 0.14% j 4.0 —T-2.2 5:1 3:1 37.0 Q N Q 0 x o x Z O NLL. o N W N Nd W W H J j Z Z V O Z Cl Z Z Ind 2 Zoo W V 0tzZ ; DC p z W 0- WC %A `Z G m RLU(A � � M 1 x o x O NLL. o N � N � V ' Z W V ; W p W cn a 0 E co 0 0 of 00 0 N c 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY® PRELIMINARY NOT FOR Know what's below. 2170 2170 CONSTRUCTION Call before you dig. a O z a a a o � O o co z Q z L o 0000 2160 2160 0 0 Of z CD M G G o z L v; ¢ Z) Q m m m m z o z o o< o w � Y LLI > Ln LU C2 w o '-'-' Ln o = w V a z Q z O v I J Q J 2150 2150 0C co w � O N co � � U V - -4f- O N � 6L O 12 U z ) o - o O m w O z m 00N s = N 0/ U , s 00 2140 2140 Q N Q 9+9010+00 10+20 10+40 10+60 10+80 11+00 11+20 11+40 11+60 11+80 12+00 12+20 12+40 12+60 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 4X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION A STREAM PROFILE_ HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 20' z - o VERT. SCALE: 1" = 5- U V) LU NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. unz 0Uj 0 a Q m LU a 0 LU Z N.I W W W H J J Z u LL 1A OZZ O Z z~o 0 0�z W W a � WQ� a LU D ace H X o x 0 M o N � M � � r Z *k V W O W W cn a RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND MIN. REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE BOTTOM WIDTH CHANNEL CHANNEL BANK FLOODPLAIN CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) SLOPE (FT) DEPTH (FT) SLOPES WIDTH (FT) a � m � 10+00 12+33 2.73% 1.5 1.4 2:1 14.0 2.3 2:1 PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH m 0° �, � D � N Q � > N l7 w � EXISTING GRADE m o �= m Q � "' 2.73% PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND MIN. REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE BOTTOM WIDTH CHANNEL CHANNEL BANK FLOODPLAIN CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) SLOPE (FT) DEPTH (FT) SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -4 ALL 10+00 12+33 2.73% 1.5 1.4 2:1 14.0 POOL CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND OUTSIDE OF BEND MIN. FLOODPLAIN REACH ID STA BEG STA END SLOPE BOTTOM WIDTH DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) (FT) SLOPES SLOPES UT -4 ALL 10+00 12+33 0.21% 1.5 2.3 2:1 2:1 22.5 '�O\ ;/ -- 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH \ AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE `\\ LEGEND: AT SCALE ACCORDINGLY _I V 1I 2130 EXISTING CONTOURS (1' & 5- INTERVALS) Know what's below. i Call before you dig. STA 10+00 , I EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION BEGIN UT -5 ENHANCMENT II i i (� BOUNDARY \ 1 ; STA 10+48 - EXISTING CHANNEL CENTERLINE END UT -5 ENHANCEMENT II 1` \` \`\ 10+00 \ `\ PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE BEGIN UT -5 RESTORATION \ �\ ------ I STA 10+84 - PROPOSED BAN KFULL WIDTH (APPROXIMATE) TIE IN TO EXISTING IN -STREAM BEDROCK \i CE PROPOSED CONSERVATION z EASEMENT BOUNDARY p NOTES: PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY , _ 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. 0 40 80 /3 I 3D 3D STA 13+42 TO 13+72 �ti 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 3 l w SCALE IN FEET I� D , ' BREAK IN EASEMENT DUE TO EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY (LOCATION APPROXIMATE) o j I I ; CF I \ \\ O Off\ ---- J' \\, kp0 — \'\ \ CE \\ \\\ \\`\ \\\ / ; '' DAIRY BARN ; II \r— �.� \ ` 1 X00 I `� `\ CE CE `\ C \ 1 o \ CE CE TL ��\ \ O CE `1 �7 -_ _ 16±00 Lv CE xCE r F CE Imo+ 00 91 Aj FILL EXISTING CHANNEL ; `\__, \`\ ' `� _ ---- I - EX LIVESTOCK NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical 21+59 STATION Pool Typical 18+21 DETAIL Pool -Riffle Transition 14+40 Pool Typical 21+11 Pool -Riffle Transition 18+16 16+20 Riffle Typical 14+35 Pool -Riffle Transition 21+06 CS -16 Riffle Typical 18+11 CS -3 Pool Typical 14+17 Riffle Typical 21+01 Cross Vane Pool Typical 17+89 Cross Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 14+12 Pool Typical 20+79 14+83 Pool -Riffle Transition 17+84 19+76 Riffle Typical 14+07 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+74 CS -6 Riffle Typical 17+79 Pool Typical 13+80 Riffle Typical 20+69 Cross Vane Pool Typical 17+58 CS -21 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+75 Pool Typical 20+47 18+76 Pool -Riffle Transition 17+53 Cross Vane Riffle Typical 13+70 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+42 Riffle Typical 17+48 13+13 Pool Typical 13+49 Riffle Typical 20+37 CS -24 Pool Typical 17+07 CS -11 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+44 Pool Typical 20+12 Cross Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 17+02 Cross Vane Riffle Typical 13+39 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+07 11+75 Riffle Typical 16+97 17+07 Pool Typical 13+13 Riffle Typical 20+02 CS -14 Pool Typical 16+77 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+08 Pool Typical 19+76 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+72 Riffle Typical 13+03 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+71 Riffle Typical 16+67 Pool Typical 12+72 Riffle Typical 19+66 Pool Typical 16+20 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+67 Pool Typical 19+43 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+15 Riffle Typical 12+62 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+38 Riffle Typical 16+10 Pool Typical 12+23 Riffle Typical 19+33 Pool Typical 15+67 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+18 Pool Typical 19+06 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+62 Riffle Typical 12+13 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+01 Riffle Typical 15+57 Pool Typical 11+75 Riffle Typical 18+96 Pool Typical 15+12 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+70 Pool Typical 18+76 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+07 Riffle Typical 11+65 Pool -Riffle Transition 18+71 Riffle Typical 15+02 Pool Typical 11+35 Riffle Typical 18+66 Pool Typical 14+83 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+30 Pool Typical 18+50 Pool -Riffle Transition 14+78 Riffle Typical 11+25 Pool -Riffle Transition 18+45 Riffle Typical 14+73 Riffle Typical 18+40 Pool Typical 14+45 \°\ WATERER TO REMAIN (LOCATION APPROXIMATE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION z 0 V) LU a 0 z _ G _ 0 vi 0 00 > > o oC oC z0 w LA LAL/i vi a W- w m m m m Q a 0 z 0 0 V D LU Y > LA l7 C2 w O LA LU o = a � V Q U ad ii 51 T n m n n I i i /f BALL FIELD' �/ �� EX VEGETATION AND TREELINE (LOCATION APPROXIMATE) I I I REMOVE EX CMP CULVERT 1 II �' --\ , ����'' \\ STA 21 +58 v o (n ; , \ F END UT -5 RESTORATION W \ C \\\\ \I REMOVE EX DROP INLET AND Q CD STREAM CHANNEL CENTERLINE C \ O F INSTALL CONCRETE HEADWALL ON NOTE: SEE DWG C-9.0 & C-9.1 FOR STRUCTURE DETAILS. STRUCTURE LOCATIONS LABEL DETAIL STATION LABEL DETAIL STATION CS -1 Cross Vane 21+11 CS -15 Cross Vane 16+20 CS -2 Cross Vane 20+79 CS -16 Cross Vane 15+67 CS -3 Cross Vane 20+47 CS -17 Cross Vane 15+12 CS -4 Cross Vane 20+12 CS -18 Cross Vane 14+83 CS -5 Cross Vane 19+76 CS -19 Cross Vane 14+45 CS -6 Cross Vane 19+43 CS -20 Cross Vane 14+17 CS -7 Cross Vane 19+06 CS -21 Cross Vane 13+80 CS -8 Cross Vane 18+76 CS -22 Cross Vane 13+49 CS -9 Cross Vane 18+50 CS -23 Cross Vane 13+13 CS -10 Cross Vane 18+21 CS -24 Cross Vane 12+72 CS -11 Cross Vane 17+89 CS -25 Cross Vane 12+23 CS -12 Cross Vane 17+58 CS -26 Cross Vane 11+75 CS -13 Cross Vane 17+07 CS -27 Cross Vane 11+35 CS -14 Cross Vane 16+77 11 'y DOWNSTREAM END OF EX CMP. APPROXIMATE BANKFULL WIDTH THROUGH i CF RIFFLES (WIDTH VARIES, SEE DWG C-5.1) ; `�2140— _ Lm D \ \ I / -----" I I / AL O • Ln I In J J a C:) c 00 O N V t }, 0 i N � 0 N V to L O Lu OOM z m O U � Q N Ln Q °O W W W ~ 0 z U0 0 Q O ~ Z Z W G �L� a� X Z H W W tA 2130 2125 00 co Q z 2120 Lu Lu u - z O 2115 Lu J W 2140 00 oo 2135 0 Q z iJ iJ `- 2130 z z O Q J 2125 iJ 2110 2105 9+90 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 10+20 10+50 10+80 11+10 11+40 11+70 12+00 12+30 12+60 12+90 13+20 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 6X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION 13+50 13+80 14+10 14+40 14+70 15+00 15+30 ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY 2 130 2125 2120 2115 2110 2105 15+60 REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE SLOPE CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH (FT) CHANNEL DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK SLOPES MIN. FLOODPLAIN WIDTH (FT) UT -5 LOWER 10+84 13+80 2.29% 2.5 0.9 3:1 12.0 UT -5 MIDDLE 13+80 i Lu 2.0 0.9 3:1 11.5 UT -5 UPPER 18+21 21+58 1.34% 3.5 0.9 3:1 13.0 O z o co o a of L o w L 'a 00 o n 06 a CD Q m J o o z oo< � Y Ln z l7 < w > O Lu,� o V a a — — PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH '-'-' + Lu d O o) m + N ON - - ru rB V 0 s O w m = N V) _ — �Ln � M oo 01 w z 0 > , ) co " N= = N N u ,ro N 00 EXISG GRADE TIN Q N Q s - _ — Lu z v, ---- L7 N w - - i-- w 1.34% O TOP OF EXISTING BEDROCK — — STA 10+84 --'— -- — m w ELEV: 2112.27 v — —Lu PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG z � — — - 2.29% 2.85% PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG = EXISTING GRADE f 10+20 10+50 10+80 11+10 11+40 11+70 12+00 12+30 12+60 12+90 13+20 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 6X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION 13+50 13+80 14+10 14+40 14+70 15+00 15+30 ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY 2 130 2125 2120 2115 2110 2105 15+60 2120- 15+60 15+90 16+20 16+50 16+80 17+10 17+40 17+70 18+00 18+30 18+60 18+90 19+20 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 6X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION A STREAM PROFILE _ HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 30' VERT. SCALE: 1'' = 5' NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE SLOPE CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH (FT) CHANNEL DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK SLOPES MIN. FLOODPLAIN WIDTH (FT) UT -5 LOWER 10+84 13+80 2.29% 2.5 0.9 3:1 12.0 UT -5 MIDDLE 13+80 i Lu 2.0 0.9 3:1 11.5 UT -5 UPPER 18+21 21+58 1.34% 3.5 0.9 3:1 13.0 O z o co o a of L o w L v a CD Q m J o o z oo< � Y Ln z l7 < w > O Lu,� o V a a — — V I J Lu d O o) m + N ON - - ru rB V 0 s O w +, o °' u V) Lu w 00 T- Q N �Ln � M oo 01 w z 0 > , ) co " N= = N N u ,ro N 00 - Q N Q s - Lu z v, ---- — — - - w 1.34% PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG - 2.85% PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH EXISTING GRADE f 2120- 15+60 15+90 16+20 16+50 16+80 17+10 17+40 17+70 18+00 18+30 18+60 18+90 19+20 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 6X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION A STREAM PROFILE _ HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 30' VERT. SCALE: 1'' = 5' NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE SLOPE CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH (FT) CHANNEL DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK SLOPES MIN. FLOODPLAIN WIDTH (FT) UT -5 LOWER 10+84 13+80 2.29% 2.5 0.9 3:1 12.0 UT -5 MIDDLE 13+80 18+21 2.85% 2.0 0.9 3:1 11.5 UT -5 UPPER 18+21 21+58 1.34% 3.5 0.9 3:1 13.0 POOL CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS a POOL CHANNEL BOTTOM CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND OUTSIDE OF BEND MIN. FLOODPLAIN REACH ID STA BEG STA END SLOPE WIDTH (FT) DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK SLOPES CHANNEL BANK SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -5 10+84 21+58 0.13% 4.0 1.2 5:1 3:1 21.5 O E ro 0 0 00 0 N c 19+50 19+80 20+10 20+40 20+70 21+00 21+30 21+60 EX DROP INLET (TO BE REMOVED) 2140 Sta:21 + 58 EIev:2134.30 2135 EX CMP (TO REMAIN) DOWNSTREAM IE = 2134.3 2130 2125 2120 21+90 z O Ln w A LTJ V W �n D Z Q W J LL O a Lm D • In 1 r v I u W LLI W ~ 0 z VD 0<0 O Q ~ Z Z ZLLI Q ce W N Q ce tA a O z a O za O z o co o a of L o w L v a CD m m m J o o z oo< � Y Ln z l7 < w > O Ln uj o V a a V I J d O o) 00 ON U ru rB V 0 s O w +, o °' u zL o �o �Ln � M oo 01 w z 0 > , ) co " N= = N N u ,ro N 00 Q N Q s z O Ln w A LTJ V W �n D Z Q W J LL O a Lm D • In 1 r v I u W LLI W ~ 0 z VD 0<0 O Q ~ Z Z ZLLI Q ce W N Q ce tA 0 E ro 0 0 of 0 N c ' `i I \ 1 CE CE CE CE CE — ` I \ BIG BOTTOM 5+00� MARSH TREATMENT AREA CE i i 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL L- _ INSTALL PERMANENT CROSSING WITH CULVERT BURIED 12" ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE / INCH SCALE ACCORDIN%Y— 2120/ Know what's below. Call before you dig. i APPROXIMATE BANKFULL WIDTH THROUGH RIFFLES (WDITH VARIES, SEE DWG C-6.2) [NJ 61 \ 1 1 \ `� 1 I `\ \ I \ NJ1 II I I \N \ \ I 2kQ0) 1 1''J � I /� I I \ ?\ / I i li '1 I L 1NO 13+00 / / / ,--- \\ 1 / --_— (Y- \ \ L \ S FIELD 6-- 1 \ \ w / I I j STREAM CHANNEL CENTERLINE -16 \J r i - I I \ i STA 12+16 BEGIN UT -6 RESTORATION 3J \ FILL EXISTING CHANNEL \ \\\\\`\\\ \\\ \\\ \x,18+00 �J PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY / STA 11 +63 TO 12+16 BREAK IN PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT DUE TO CROSSING AND EXISTING SEWER MAIN EASEMENT. SEE PROFILE DWG C-6.2 FOR SEWER CROSSING `I \ INSTALL PERMANENT CROSSING WITH CULVERT BURIED 12" \\ / STA 11 +63 END UT -6 ENHANCEMENT II It STA 10+08 I BEGIN UT -6 ENHANCEMENT II I , PROPERTY BOUNDARY (NOT SURVEYED) l Vii_ l 1 N 4- , I < 1 r r I I / 1 I I � I I / NOTE: SEE DWG C-9.0 & C-9.1 FOR STRUCTURE DETAILS. STRUCTURE LOCATIONS LABEL DETAIL STATION Riffle Typical LABEL DETAIL STATION LV -1 Log Vane 26+31 15+16 LV -24 Log Vane 18+88 LV -2 Log Vane 26+05 Pool Typical LV -25 Log Vane 18+62 LV -3 Log Vane 25+64 LV -26 Log Vane 18+37 LV -4 Log Vane 25+44 Riffle Typical LV -27 Log Vane 18+12 LV -5 Log Vane 25+14 LV -28 Log Vane 17+86 LV -6 Log Vane 24+78 25+95 LV -29 Log Vane 17+44 LV -7 Log Vane 24+49 LV -30 Log Vane 16+98 LV -8 Log Vane 24+21 21+93 LV -31 Log Vane 16+67 LV -9 Log Vane 23+77 Riffle Typical LV -32 Log Vane 16+37 LV -10 Log Vane 23+41 18+02 LV -33 Log Vane 16+14 LV -11 Log Vane 23+07 W LV -34 Log Vane 15+88 LV -12 Log Vane 22+77 �, LV -35 Log Vane 15+66 LV -13 Log Vane 22+47 111 LV -36 Log Vane 15+26 LV -14 Log Vane 22+23 LV -37 Log Vane 14+96 LV -15 Log Vane 21+93 Pool Typical LV -38 Log Vane 14+70 LV -16 Log Vane 21+49 LV -39 Log Vane 14+46 LV -17 Log Vane 21+18 24+78 LV -40 Log Vane 14+18 LV -18 Log Vane 20+90 LV -41 Log Vane 13+78 LV -19 Log Vane 20+66 20+80 LV -42 Log Vane 13+55 LV -20 Log Vane 20+27 Pool Typical LV -43 Log Vane 13+29 LV -21 Log Vane 19+98 16+67 LV -44 Log Vane 12+95 LV -22 Log Vane 19+64 Riffle Typical LV -45 Log Vane 12+68 LV -23 Log Vane 19+21 13+19 LV -46 Log Vane 12+25 NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical 26+48 Riffle Typical 22+67 Riffle Typical 18+78 Riffle Typical 15+16 Pool Typical 26+31 Pool Typical 22+47 Pool Typical 18+62 Pool Typical 14+96 Riffle Typical 26+21 Riffle Typical 22+37 Riffle Typical 18+52 Riffle Typical 14+86 Pool Typical 26+05 Pool Typical 22+23 Pool Typical 18+37 Pool Typical 14+70 Riffle Typical 25+95 Riffle Typical 22+13 Riffle Typical 18+27 Riffle Typical 14+60 Pool Typical 25+64 Pool Typical 21+93 Pool Typical 18+12 Pool Typical 14+46 Riffle Typical 25+54 Riffle Typical 21+83 Riffle Typical 18+02 \\OC, ` `\ \ Pool Typical —�\\/�— W TEST FIELD --�\, �\ ,79Xo0 17+86 Pool Typical �, Riffle Typical 25+34 /��__� Riffle Typical 21+39 111 17+76 Riffle Typical 14+08 Pool Typical 25+14 Pool Typical 21+18 Pool Typical 17+44 Pool Typical 13+78 Riffle Typical 25+04 Riffle Typical 21+08 Riffle Typical 17+34 Riffle Typical 13+68 Pool Typical 24+78 Pool Typical 20+90 CEQ 16+98 Pool Typical 13+55 Riffle Typical CE Riffle Typical 20+80 Riffle Typical ----- CE _—, Riffle Typical 13+45 Pool Typical 24+49 �– CE 20+66 Pool Typical 16+67 Pool Typical CE Riffle Typical 24+39 NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical 26+48 Riffle Typical 22+67 Riffle Typical 18+78 Riffle Typical 15+16 Pool Typical 26+31 Pool Typical 22+47 Pool Typical 18+62 Pool Typical 14+96 Riffle Typical 26+21 Riffle Typical 22+37 Riffle Typical 18+52 Riffle Typical 14+86 Pool Typical 26+05 Pool Typical 22+23 Pool Typical 18+37 Pool Typical 14+70 Riffle Typical 25+95 Riffle Typical 22+13 Riffle Typical 18+27 Riffle Typical 14+60 Pool Typical 25+64 Pool Typical 21+93 Pool Typical 18+12 Pool Typical 14+46 Riffle Typical 25+54 Riffle Typical 21+83 Riffle Typical 18+02 Riffle Typical 14+36 Pool Typical 25+44 Pool Typical 21+49 Pool Typical 17+86 Pool Typical 14+18 Riffle Typical 25+34 Riffle Typical 21+39 Riffle Typical 17+76 Riffle Typical 14+08 Pool Typical 25+14 Pool Typical 21+18 Pool Typical 17+44 Pool Typical 13+78 Riffle Typical 25+04 Riffle Typical 21+08 Riffle Typical 17+34 Riffle Typical 13+68 Pool Typical 24+78 Pool Typical 20+90 Pool Typical 16+98 Pool Typical 13+55 Riffle Typical 24+68 Riffle Typical 20+80 Riffle Typical 16+88 Riffle Typical 13+45 Pool Typical 24+49 Pool Typical 20+66 Pool Typical 16+67 Pool Typical 13+29 Riffle Typical 24+39 Riffle Typical 20+56 Riffle Typical 16+52 Riffle Typical 13+19 Pool Typical 24+21 Pool Typical 20+27 Pool Typical 16+37 Pool Typical 12+95 Riffle Typical 24+11 Riffle Typical 20+17 Riffle Typical 16+27 Riffle Typical 12+85 Pool Typical 23+77 Pool Typical 19+98 Pool Typical 16+14 Pool Typical 12+68 Riffle Typical 23+67 Riffle Typical 19+88 Riffle Typical 16+04 Riffle Typical 12+58 Pool Typical 23+41 Pool Typical 19+64 Pool Typical 15+88 Pool Typical 12+25 Riffle Typical 23+31 Riffle Typical 19+54 Riffle Typical 15+78 Riffle Typical 12+15 Pool Typical 23+07 Pool Typical 19+21 Pool Typical 15+66 Riffle Typical 22+97 Riffle Typical 19+11 Riffle Typical 15+56 Pool Typical 22+77 Pool Typical 18+88 Pool Typical 15+26 LEGEND: 2130 — 10+00 CE NOTES: EXISTING CONTOURS (1'& 5' INTERVALS) EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION BOUNDARY EXISTING CHANNEL CENTERLINE PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE PROPOSED BANKFULL PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 0 30 60 000109 SCALE IN FEET PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Q O z a Q V Q O L/i O o 00 z Q z 'j , o Q of ZO w a 0 z o 0< o z Y > Ln l7 C2 w O w _ � V a Q z 0 V) LLJ rv1 11i.m J J d C 00 O N ru V s +, o 2 O a� v zN� o 0 Ln 0 rn w OOZm " > 00 O = j N rv) � Q r\j < W W W ~ 0 Z Z U0 Z a 0 O_ Q C~C Z G Z ZLLI Q W V% Q Ce: X o x ILL. o 0 N Z v W W Q LA a 0 m E 0 of 0 N c NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical 26+48 STATION Riffle Typical 22+67 DETAIL Riffle Typical 18+78 Log Vane Riffle Typical 15+16 Pool Typical 26+31 18+88 Pool Typical 22+47 26+05 Pool Typical 18+62 Log Vane Pool Typical 14+96 Riffle Typical 26+21 Riffle Typical 22+37 18+37 Riffle Typical 18+52 25+44 Riffle Typical 14+86 Pool Typical 26+05 LV -5 Pool Typical 22+23 Pool Typical 18+37 17+86 Pool Typical 14+70 Riffle Typical 25+95 LV -29 Riffle Typical 22+13 LV -7 Riffle Typical 18+27 Riffle Typical 14+60 Pool Typical 25+64 Log Vane Pool Typical 21+93 LV -31 Pool Typical 18+12 LV -9 Pool Typical 14+46 Riffle Typical 25+54 Log Vane Riffle Typical 21+83 Log Vane Riffle Typical 18+02 LV -33 Riffle Typical 14+36 Pool Typical 25+44 23+07 Pool Typical 21+49 Log Vane Pool Typical 17+86 Log Vane Pool Typical 14+18 Riffle Typical 25+34 15+66 Riffle Typical 21+39 22+47 Riffle Typical 17+76 Log Vane Riffle Typical 14+08 Pool Typical 25+14 Pool Typical 21+18 14+96 Pool Typical 17+44 21+93 Pool Typical 13+78 Riffle Typical 25+04 LV -16 Riffle Typical 21+08 Riffle Typical 17+34 14+46 Riffle Typical 13+68 Pool Typical 24+78 LV -40 Pool Typical 20+90 LV -18 Pool Typical 16+98 Pool Typical 13+55 Riffle Typical 24+68 Log Vane Riffle Typical 20+80 LV -42 Riffle Typical 16+88 LV -20 Riffle Typical 13+45 Pool Typical 24+49 Log Vane Pool Typical 20+66 Log Vane Pool Typical 16+67 LV -44 Pool Typical 13+29 Riffle Typical 24+39 19+64 Riffle Typical 20+56 Log Vane Riffle Typical 16+52 Log Vane Riffle Typical 13+19 Pool Typical 24+21 12+25 Pool Typical 20+27 Pool Typical 16+37 Pool Typical 12+95 Riffle Typical 24+11 Riffle Typical 20+17 Riffle Typical 16+27 Riffle Typical 12+85 Pool Typical 23+77 Pool Typical 19+98 Pool Typical 16+14 Pool Typical 12+68 Riffle Typical 23+67 Riffle Typical 19+88 Riffle Typical 16+04 Riffle Typical 12+58 Pool Typical 23+41 Pool Typical 19+64 Pool Typical 15+88 Pool Typical 12+25 Riffle Typical 23+31 Riffle Typical 19+54 Riffle Typical 15+78 Riffle Typical 12+15 Pool Typical 23+07 Pool Typical 19+21 Pool Typical 15+66 Riffle Typical 22+97 Riffle Typical 19+11 Riffle Typical 15+56 Pool Typical 22+77 Pool Typical 18+88 Pool Typical 15+26 J NOTE: SEE DWG C-9.0 & C-9.1 FOR STRUCTURE DETAILS. STRUCTURE LOCATIONS LABEL DETAIL STATION LABEL DETAIL STATION LV -1 Log Vane 26+31 LV -24 Log Vane 18+88 LV -2 Log Vane 26+05 LV -25 Log Vane 18+62 LV -3 Log Vane 25+64 LV -26 Log Vane 18+37 LV -4 Log Vane 25+44 LV -27 Log Vane 18+12 LV -5 Log Vane 25+14 LV -28 Log Vane 17+86 LV -6 Log Vane 24+78 LV -29 Log Vane 17+44 LV -7 Log Vane 24+49 LV -30 Log Vane 16+98 LV -8 Log Vane 24+21 LV -31 Log Vane 16+67 LV -9 Log Vane 23+77 LV -32 Log Vane 16+37 LV -10 Log Vane 23+41 LV -33 Log Vane 16+14 LV -11 Log Vane 23+07 LV -34 Log Vane 15+88 LV -12 Log Vane 22+77 LV -35 Log Vane 15+66 LV -13 Log Vane 22+47 LV -36 Log Vane 15+26 LV -14 Log Vane 22+23 LV -37 Log Vane 14+96 LV -15 Log Vane 21+93 LV -38 Log Vane 14+70 LV -16 Log Vane 21+49 LV -39 Log Vane 14+46 LV -17 Log Vane 21+18 LV -40 Log Vane 14+18 LV -18 Log Vane 20+90 LV -41 Log Vane 13+78 LV -19 Log Vane 20+66 LV -42 Log Vane 13+55 LV -20 Log Vane 20+27 LV -43 Log Vane 13+29 LV -21 Log Vane 19+98 LV -44 Log Vane 12+95 LV -22 Log Vane 19+64 LV -45 Log Vane 12+68 LV -23 Log Vane 19+21 LV -46 Log Vane 12+25 STA 26+48 END UT -6 RESTORATION BEGIN UT -6 ENHANCEMENT II L /' / 27+00 26+00 2 / OXO 1< r-1 STREAM CHANNEL CENTERLINE APPROXIMATE BANKFULL WIDTH THROUGH /// /' % ; - \ c/ `''J RIFFLES (WIDTH VARIES, SEE DWG C-6.2) O 61 Oo/— .-b \ 1, '�� o I I do T'E c,T;f:I ELj� �a` \ x°°\ J la� CE 61 I 1 \ \ 31 +00 / I I 61 I —�_ CE 61 / i ,,- - STA 31 +43 - /END UT -6 ENHANCEMENT II (51- -0- �o- 21+00/ / 1 u- Lu 6—Lu' / –''– z = 6- / Q CE 1 I 1 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL LEGEND: —2130 10+00 CE NOTES: ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY EXISTING CONTOURS (1'& 5' INTERVALS) EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION BOUNDARY EXISTING CHANNEL CENTERLINE PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE PROPOSED BANKFULL PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION BOUNDARY PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY S FIELD CE ---------- H O z 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET / l 1 Il L 212 0Z L'( PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION a O z a a a _ "' _ O vi O 00 z Q z>-Luo Q of zw vi vi a 0 z C1 0 U z Y > Ln w O w _ � V a Q -------------------------- ------ 2130— / / i / I I j m Q N ZZ a� �a D 1A 0 1u Q J � V 1 D V J J tl C 00 00 O N ru rB V -f- +, O a) ru O a� v z o o M Ln w OOZm 00 N rv) � Q r\j < W LLI LLI J V Z ooz za 0 OQ - ~ Z z zLLI Q 22 W N Q � tA 2125 00 00 2120 C] z_ LU 2115 z z O > J 2110 W 2105 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY® PRELIMINARY NOT FOR Know what's below. CONSTRUCTION Call before you dig. 2125 X a POOL INS ALL PERMANENT CROSSING AND CULVERT 0Uj 0 STA BEG STA END RIFFLE BOTTOM WIDTH INSTALL PERMANENT CROSSING AND CULVERT z > WIDTH (FT) W SLOPE W DEPTH (FT) SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -6 - STEEP 11+37 19+98 WIDTH OF PROP D (14') 2120L EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH N 0 > 26+48 WIDTH F PROP ROAD (14') 3:1 LU oC m OC 0 v, z O 0 z w z W W cn Q V 0 OOZ V _ Z 0Q0 Q J_ ~ Q o z = W o Ln o 2115 z < w > 0 N Ln � _ V a GRADE Q V m 2110 LU LU Vi 00 0c) � o -A n,✓ N ti� m °+' � 0 N UV PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH rB c: 2105 LU w0 12 v N N Q C) LU r N L7 w �`^ -, crf N L ✓ IJ`J .. -., ✓ f ✓'^''" ' �" �-."_ L7 w / / .� ��.� / �— �.�� 1.00% �/ �� r NA Mir 0.27% EXISTING 42" DUCTILE IRON SEWER PIPE PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG STREAM THALWEG PROPOSED EXISTING CMP CULVERT (LOCATION TOP OF PIPE: 2106.75 (HORIZONTAL AND APPROXIMATE) TO BE REPLACED VERTICAL LOCATION APPROXIMATE) 2125 X a POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND z z 0Uj 0 STA BEG STA END RIFFLE BOTTOM WIDTH CHANNEL CHANNEL BANK = LUj z > WIDTH (FT) W SLOPE (FT) DEPTH (FT) SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -6 - STEEP 11+37 19+98 1.00% 2.0 0.85 2120L 7.75 N 0 > 26+48 p U cn 0.85 3:1 LU oC m OC 0 v, W D 0 z w z W W cn Q V 0 OOZ V _ Z 0Q0 Q J_ ~ Q o z o Y o Ln o 2115 z < w > 0 N Ln � _ V a GRADE Q V m 2110 00 0c) � o m °+' � 0 N UV PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH rB c: 2105 w0 12 v 10+20 10+50 10+80 11+10 11+40 11+70 12+00 12+30 12+60 12+90 13+20 13+50 13+80 14+10 14+40 14+70 15+00 15+30 15+60 15+90 16+20 16+50 16+80 17+10 17+40 17+70 18+00 18+30 18+60 z v) = o HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET w 00 z m 6X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION 01 0 �:00 0 m 5; N s = N 2130 2130 U,=00 Qrn N Q oS o 2125 Q z H W W z 2120 z O Q J 2115 W 2125 2120 2115 2110 2110 18+60 18+90 19+20 19+50 19+80 20+10 20+40 20+70 21+00 21+30 21+60 21+90 22+20 22+50 22+80 23+10 23+40 23+70 24+00 24+30 24+60 24+90 25+20 25+50 25+80 26+10 26+40 26+70 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 6X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION STREAM PROFILE _ HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 30' VERT. SCALE: 1" = 5' NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS X o POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND MIN. REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE BOTTOM WIDTH CHANNEL CHANNEL BANK FLOODPLAIN CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) W SLOPE (FT) DEPTH (FT) SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -6 - STEEP 11+37 19+98 1.00% 2.0 0.85 3:1 7.75 UT -6 - SHALLOW 19+98 26+48 0.27% 5.5 0.85 3:1 12.0 W V W 0W H W W cn Q V 0 OOZ V _ Z 0Q0 Q J_ ~ Q W J � 00 0 �+ Z Z LLLU Z�Q W O ce ce N Q tA W rn GRADE m EXISTING oo o m °+' � PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH N N Q C) L7 w �`^ -, IJ`J .. -., ✓ f ✓'^''" ' �" �-."_ �,✓�`� r .� ��.� / �— �.�� �/ �� r NA Mir 0.27% STREAM THALWEG PROPOSED 2125 2120 2115 2110 2110 18+60 18+90 19+20 19+50 19+80 20+10 20+40 20+70 21+00 21+30 21+60 21+90 22+20 22+50 22+80 23+10 23+40 23+70 24+00 24+30 24+60 24+90 25+20 25+50 25+80 26+10 26+40 26+70 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 6X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION STREAM PROFILE _ HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 30' VERT. SCALE: 1" = 5' NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS X o POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND MIN. REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE BOTTOM WIDTH CHANNEL CHANNEL BANK FLOODPLAIN CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) W SLOPE (FT) DEPTH (FT) SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -6 - STEEP 11+37 19+98 1.00% 2.0 0.85 3:1 7.75 UT -6 - SHALLOW 19+98 26+48 0.27% 5.5 0.85 3:1 12.0 POOL CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS X o POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND OUTSIDE OF BEND MIN. FLOODPLAIN REACH ID STA BEG STA END SLOPE BOTTOM WIDTH DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) W LU r (FT) SLOPES SLOPES UT -6 - ALL 11+37 26+48 0.15% 5.0 0.9 6:1 3:1 18.5 z 0 a U N LU 0 Ln z 0 w 0 EL a a X o x ca m LAm0 N LU a 0 o N 00 W LU r cn Z Z *k 0 W W V W 0W H W W cn J Z V 0 OOZ V _ Z 0Q0 Q J_ ~ Q W J Z Z LLLU Z�Q W O ce ce N Q tA a X o x LAm0 N o N 00 W � r Z *k V W W O W cn om 0 c 5 E rn M co 0 N 1xel9►103 —2130 EXISTING CONTOURS (1' & 5' INTERVALS) EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION BOUNDARY EXISTING CHANNEL CENTERLINE 10+00 PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE — — — — — — PROPOSED BANKFULL CE PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY NOTES: 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 0 30 60 00119 SCALE IN FEET NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. UT -8 RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical 20+76 STATION Pool -Riffle Transition 18+20 DETAIL Pool Typical 15+63 Log Vane Riffle Typical 13+17 Pool Typical 20+41 20+26 Riffle Typical 18+15 29+03 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+58 Log Vane Pool Typical 12+98 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+36 Pool Typical 17+96 19+36 Riffle Typical 15+53 27+96 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+93 Riffle Typical 20+31 LV -5 Pool -Riffle Transition 17+91 Pool Typical 15+33 18+46 Riffle Typical 12+88 Pool Typical 20+05 LV -27 Riffle Typical 17+86Pool-Riffle LV -7 Transition 15+28 Pool Typical 12+70 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+00 Log Vane Pool Typical 17+52 LV -29 Riffle Typical 15+23 LV -9 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+65 Riffle Typical 19+95 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 17+47 Log Vane Pool Typical 14+99 LV -31 Riffle Typical 12+60 Pool Typical 19+82 24+52 Riffle Typical 17+42 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 14+94 Log Vane Pool Typical 12+41 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+77 15+09 Pool Typical 17+22 23+85 Riffle Typical 14+89 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 12+36 Riffle Typical 19+72 Pool -Riffle Transition 17+17 13+96 Pool Typical 14+51 23+13 Riffle Typical 12+31 Pool Typical 19+36 LV -16 Riffle Typical 17+12 Q Pool -Riffle Transition 14+46 13+13 Pool Typical 12+19 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+31 LV -38 Pool Typical 16+80 LV -18 Riffle Typical 14+41 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+14 Riffle Typical19+26 27+86 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 16+75 LV -40 Pool Typical 14+26 LV -20 Riffle Typical 12+09 Pool Typical 19+11 Log Vane Riffle Typical 16+70 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 14+21 LV -42 Pool Typical 11+90 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+06 Pool Typical 16+44 Riffle Typical 14+16 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+85 Riffle Typical 19+01 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+39 Pool Typical 13+96 Riffle Typical 11+80 Pool Typical 18+83 Riffle Typical 16+34 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+91 Pool Typical 11+43 Pool -Riffle Transition 18+78 Pool Typical 16+19 Riffle Typical 13+86 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+38 Riffle Typical 18+73 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+14 Pool Typical 13+58 Riffle Typical 11+33 Pool Typical 18+58 Riffle Typical 16+09 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+53 Pool Typical 10+97 Pool -Riffle Transition 18+53 Pool Typical 15+91 Riffle Typical 13+48 Pool -Riffle Transition 10+92 Riffle Typical 18+48 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+86 Pool Typical 13+27 Riffle Typical 10+87 Pool Typical 18+25 Riffle Typical 15+81 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+22 Pool Typical 11+84 NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. UT -7 RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical 29+85 STATION Pool -Riffle Transition 24+47 DETAIL Pool Typical 20+26 Log Vane Riffle Typical 15+36 Pool Typical 29+57 20+26 Riffle Typical 24+42 29+03 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+21 Log Vane Pool Typical 15+09 Pool -Riffle Transition 29+52 Pool Typical 24+18 19+36 Riffle Typical 20+16 27+96 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+04 Riffle Typical 29+47 LV -5 Pool -Riffle Transition 24+13 Pool Typical 19+75 18+46 Riffle Typical 14+99 Pool Typical 29+03 LV -27 Riffle Typical 24+08 LV -7 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+70 Pool Typical 14+52 Pool -Riffle Transition 28+98 Log Vane Pool Typical 23+85 LV -29 Riffle Typical 19+65 LV -9 Pool -Riffle Transition 14+47 Riffle Typical 28+93 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 23+80 Log Vane Pool Typical 19+36 LV -31 Riffle Typical 14+42 Pool Typical 28+48 24+52 Riffle Typical 23+75 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 19+31 Log Vane Pool Typical 13+96 Pool -Riffle Transition 28+43 15+09 Pool Typical 23+50 23+85 Riffle Typical 19+26 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 13+91 Riffle Typical 28+38 Pool -Riffle Transition 23+45 13+96 Pool Typical 18+84 23+13 Riffle Typical 13+86 Pool Typical 27+96 LV -16 Riffle Typical 23+40 Q Pool -Riffle Transition 18+79 13+13 Pool Typical 13+61 Pool -Riffle Transition 27+91 LV -38 Pool Typical 23+13 LV -18 Riffle Typical 18+74 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+56 Riffle Typical 27+86 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 23+08 LV -40 Pool Typical 18+46 LV -20 Riffle Typical 13+51 Pool Typical 27+40 Log Vane Riffle Typical 23+03 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 18+41 LV -42 Pool Typical 13+13 Pool -Riffle Transition 27+35 Pool Typical 22+72 Riffle Typical 18+36 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+08 Riffle Typical 27+30 Pool -Riffle Transition 22+67 Pool Typical 17+93 Riffle Typical 13+03 Pool Typical 26+85 Riffle Typical 22+62 Pool -Riffle Transition 17+88 Pool Typical 12+82 Pool -Riffle Transition 26+80 Pool Typical 22+37 Riffle Typical 17+83 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+77 Riffle Typical 26+75 Pool -Riffle Transition 22+32 Pool Typical 17+36 Riffle Typical 12+72 Pool Typical 26+50 Riffle Typical 22+27 Pool -Riffle Transition 17+31 Pool Typical 12+32 Pool -Riffle Transition 26+45 Pool Typical 22+06 Riffle Typical 17+26 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+27 Riffle Typical 26+40 Pool -Riffle Transition 22+01 Pool Typical 16+87 Riffle Typical 12+22 Pool Typical 25+92 Riffle Typical 21+96 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+82 Pool Typical 11+84 Pool -Riffle Transition 25+87 Pool Typical 21+57 Riffle Typical 16+77 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+79 Riffle Typical 25+82 Pool -Riffle Transition 21+52 Pool Typical 16+35 Riffle Typical 11+74 Pool Typical 25+57 Riffle Typical 21+47 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+30 Pool Typical 11+28 Pool -Riffle Transition 25+52 Pool Typical 21+01 Riffle Typical 16+25 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+23 Riffle Typical 25+47 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+96 Pool Typical 15+76 Riffle Typical 11+18 Pool Typical 25+16 Riffle Typical 20+91 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+71 Pool Typical 10+63 Pool -Riffle Transition 25+11 Pool Typical 20+65 Riffle Typical 15+66 Pool -Riffle Transition 10+58 Riffle Typical 25+06 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+60 Pool Typical 15+46 Riffle Typical 10+53 Pool Typical 24+52 Riffle Typical 20+55 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+41 n NOTE: SEE DWG C-9.0 & C-9.1 FOR STRUCTURE DETAILS. UT -7 STRUCTURE LOCATIONS LABEL DETAIL STATION V, > LABEL DETAIL STATION LV -1 Log Vane 29+57 LV -22 Log Vane 20+26 LV -2 Log Vane 29+03 LV -23 Log Vane 19+75 LV -3 Log Vane 28+48 LV -24 Log Vane 19+36 LV -4 Log Vane 27+96 LU LV -25 Log Vane 18+84 LV -5 Log Vane 27+40 LV -26 Log Vane 18+46 LV -6 Log Vane 26+85 Of LV -27 Log Vane 17+93 LV -7 Log Vane 26+50 LV -28 Log Vane 17+36 LV -8 Log Vane 25+92 vi LV -29 Log Vane 16+87 LV -9 Log Vane 25+57 LV -30 Log Vane 16+35 LV -10 Log Vane 25+16 LV -31 Log Vane 15+76 LV -11 Log Vane 24+52 o LV -32 Log Vane 15+46 LV -12 Log Vane 24+18 LV -33 Log Vane 15+09 LV -13 Log Vane 23+85 U LV -34 Log Vane 14+52 LV -14 Log Vane 23+50 LV -35 Log Vane 13+96 LV -15 Log Vane 23+13 wLn LV -36 Log Vane 13+61 LV -16 Log Vane 22+72 Q LV -37 Log Vane 13+13 LV -17 Log Vane 22+37 LV -38 Log Vane 12+82 LV -18 Log Vane 22+06 LV -39 Log Vane 12+32 LV -19 Log Vane 21+57 LV -40 Log Vane 11+84 LV -20 Log Vane 21+01 LV -41 Log Vane 11+28 LV -21 Log Vane 20+65 LV -42 Log Vane 10+63 NOTE: SEE DWG C-9.0 & C-9.1 FOR STRUCTURE DETAILS. UT -8 STRUCTURE LOCATIONS LABEL DETAIL STATION V, > LABEL DETAIL STATION LV -1 Log Vane 20+41 LV -17 Log Vane 15+33 LV -2 Log Vane 20+05 LV -18 Log Vane 14+99 LV -3 Log Vane 19+82 LV -19 Log Vane 14+51 LV -4 Log Vane 19+36 LU LV -20 Log Vane 14+26 LV -5 Log Vane 19+11 LV -21 Log Vane 13+96 LV -6 Log Vane 18+83 Of LV -22 Log Vane 13+58 LV -7 Log Vane 18+58 LV -23 Log Vane 13+27 LV -8 Log Vane 18+25 vi LV -24 Log Vane 12+98 LV -9 Log Vane 17+96 LV -25 Log Vane 12+70 LV -10 Log Vane 17+52 CS -1 Cross Vane 12+41 LV -11 Log Vane 17+22 o LV -27 Log Vane 12+19 LV -12 Log Vane 16+80 LV -28 Log Vane 11+90 LV -13 Log Vane 16+44 U LV -29 Log Vane 11+43 LV -14 Log Vane 16+19 LV -30 Log Vane 10+97 LV -15 Log Vane 15+91 wLn DS-1Drop Structure 10+43 LV -16 Log Vane 15+63 Q L FORBAT'S FI ELU- n 11 III i i i i 1/ / / / PROPOSED CHANNEL CROSSES EXISTING SEWER LINE SEE PROFILE DWG C-7.5 APPROXIMATE BANKFULL WIDTH THROUGH RIFFLES (WIDTH VARIES, SEE DWG C-7.5) STA 10+18 BEGIN UT -8 RESTORATION STA 10+43 INSTALL DROP STRUCTURE (TERRACELL OR OTHER) 1: 1/111 I/ It 14- ----------- — n ------ ---- �>------------------ -- 1 _ 1 \ / ------------ 1 / l f' '/i'' \ 3D 3D >----- \' ' 3D 3D3D 3D\ 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL I ONE INCH I / I '--AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ON�\ INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY\. ® _ PRELIMINARY NOT FOR 1 Know what's below. CONSTRUCTION Call before you dig. 1 I 1 J z = / (jG / / 1 1 1 xvo m 61 L \\ z w O LLJ / \ N W z \V Q 3J 3D STA 10+00 BEGIN UT -7 RESTORATION INSTALL PERMANENT CROSSING WITH CULVERT BURIED 12" ' rl -' j(i i - Ili 11 I I PROPOSED CHANNEL CROSSES EXISTING SEWER LINE / ��/�/ i SEE PROFILE DWG C-7.4 1 / / II \ \ / 1 � d BIG BOTTOM \\ r `\ I 1 ' / I / � \ I 1 I /I I / I 1 � I \ 1 N EASEMENT BOUNDARY \ 11 I I 1 I EXISTING CROSSING AND CULVERT TO BE REMOVED APPROXIMATE BANKFULL WIDTH THROUGH RIFFLES (WIDTH VARIES, SEE DWG C-7.4) STREAM CHANNEL CENTERLINE v v v J I I \ v \ MATC,HLINE -`SEE DWG C-7.1 = o Z LU V, > a Ei 0 LU V) _ N co zo >_o LU P >V � oC Of Z w o a d � vi m m m m � o z o o U o > Ln zY � U O _ wLn V a � Q FIN R FIR m V J J rZ co O C 00 Co O N ra V 4 +, o o a) v z o `er o 0 m w 0 Z m >=00 N 00 Q N U Q °� W W q H LU J tA V z 00z z a 0 O � Q ~ z z LU z � Q W W N Q cc tA LU a 0 LU V J J rZ co O C 00 Co O N ra V 4 +, o o a) v z o `er o 0 m w 0 Z m >=00 N 00 Q N U Q °� W W q H LU J tA V z 00z z a 0 O � Q ~ z z LU z � Q W W N Q cc tA 0 m M 00 m 0 N MATCHLINE - SEE DWG C-7.0 \IK r \ \ to I / I I I I I J 1 I 1 obi I 1 / / 1 \lo o \ — i IRX ' J � NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. UT -7 RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical 29+85 STATION Pool -Riffle Transition 24+47 DETAIL Pool Typical 20+26 Log Vane Riffle Typical 15+36 Pool Typical 29+57 20+26 Riffle Typical 24+42 29+03 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+21 Log Vane Pool Typical 15+09 Pool -Riffle Transition 29+52 ru V s Pool Typical 24+18 19+36 Riffle Typical 20+16 27+96 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+04 Riffle Typical 29+47 LV -5 Pool -Riffle Transition 24+13 01 Pool Typical 19+75 18+46 Riffle Typical 14+99 Pool Typical 29+03 LV -27 Riffle Typical 24+08 LV -7 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+70 Q Pool Typical 14+52 Pool -Riffle Transition 28+98 Log Vane Pool Typical 23+85 LV -29 Riffle Typical 19+65 LV -9 Pool -Riffle Transition 14+47 Riffle Typical 28+93 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 23+80 Log Vane Pool Typical 19+36 LV -31 Riffle Typical 14+42 Pool Typical 28+48 24+52 Riffle Typical 23+75 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 19+31 Log Vane Pool Typical 13+96 Pool -Riffle Transition 28+43 15+09 Pool Typical 23+50 23+85 Riffle Typical 19+26 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 13+91 Riffle Typical 28+38 Pool -Riffle Transition 23+45 13+96 Pool Typical 18+84 23+13 Riffle Typical 13+86 Pool Typical 27+96 LV -16 Riffle Typical 23+40 Pool -Riffle Transition 18+79 13+13 Pool Typical 13+61 Pool -Riffle Transition 27+91 LV -38 Pool Typical 23+13 LV -18 Riffle Typical 18+74 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+56 Riffle Typical 27+86 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 23+08 LV -40 Pool Typical 18+46 LV -20 Riffle Typical 13+51 Pool Typical 27+40 Log Vane Riffle Typical 23+03 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 18+41 LV -42 Pool Typical 13+13 Pool -Riffle Transition 27+35 Pool Typical 22+72 Riffle Typical 18+36 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+08 Riffle Typical 27+30 Pool -Riffle Transition 22+67 Pool Typical 17+93 Riffle Typical 13+03 Pool Typical 26+85 Riffle Typical 22+62 Pool -Riffle Transition 17+88 Pool Typical 12+82 Pool -Riffle Transition 26+80 Pool Typical 22+37 Riffle Typical 17+83 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+77 Riffle Typical 26+75 Pool -Riffle Transition 22+32 Pool Typical 17+36 Riffle Typical 12+72 Pool Typical 26+50 Riffle Typical 22+27 Pool -Riffle Transition 17+31 Pool Typical 12+32 Pool -Riffle Transition 26+45 Pool Typical 22+06 Riffle Typical 17+26 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+27 Riffle Typical 26+40 Pool -Riffle Transition 22+01 Pool Typical 16+87 Riffle Typical 12+22 Pool Typical 25+92 Riffle Typical 21+96 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+82 Pool Typical 11+84 Pool -Riffle Transition 25+87 Pool Typical 21+57 Riffle Typical 16+77 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+79 Riffle Typical 25+82 Pool -Riffle Transition 21+52 Pool Typical 16+35 Riffle Typical 11+74 Pool Typical 25+57 Riffle Typical 21+47 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+30 Pool Typical 11+28 Pool -Riffle Transition 25+52 Pool Typical 21+01 Riffle Typical 16+25 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+23 Riffle Typical 25+47 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+96 Pool Typical 15+76 Riffle Typical 11+18 Pool Typical 25+16 Riffle Typical 20+91 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+71 Pool Typical 10+63 Pool -Riffle Transition 25+11 Pool Typical 20+65 Riffle Typical 15+66 Pool -Riffle Transition 10+58 Riffle Typical 25+06 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+60 Pool Typical 15+46 Riffle Typical 10+53 Pool Typical 24+52 Riffle Typical 20+55 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+41 — 'UCl y 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL EXISTING CONTOURS (1'& 5' INTERVALS) ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION BOUNDARY EXISTING CHANNEL CENTERLINE PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE PROPOSED BANKFULL PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY APPROXIMATE BANKFULL WIDTH THROUGH RIFFLES (WDITH VARIES, SEE DWG C-7.4) STREAM CHANNEL CENTERLINE BIG BOTTOM 3D \\ \ 31 \\ \ i /1 \ \`•� \ 1 1 NOTE: SEE DWG C-9.0 & C-9.1 FOR STRUCTURE DETAILS. UT -7 STRUCTURE LOCATIONS LABEL DETAIL STATION LABEL DETAIL STATION LV -1 Log Vane 29+57 O LV -22 Log Vane 20+26 LV -2 Log Vane 29+03 00 LV -23 Log Vane 19+75 LV -3 Log Vane 28+48 ru V s LV -24 Log Vane 19+36 LV -4 Log Vane 27+96 LV -25 Log Vane 18+84 LV -5 Log Vane 27+40 01 LV -26 Log Vane 18+46 LV -6 Log Vane 26+85 00 N = LV -27 Log Vane 17+93 LV -7 Log Vane 26+50 Q LV -28 Log Vane 17+36 LV -8 Log Vane 25+92 LV -29 Log Vane 16+87 LV -9 Log Vane 25+57 LV -30 Log Vane 16+35 LV -10 Log Vane 25+16 LV -31 Log Vane 15+76 LV -11 Log Vane 24+52 LV -32 Log Vane 15+46 LV -12 Log Vane 24+18 LV -33 Log Vane 15+09 LV -13 Log Vane 23+85 LV -34 Log Vane 14+52 LV -14 Log Vane 23+50 LV -35 Log Vane 13+96 LV -15 Log Vane 23+13 LV -36 Log Vane 13+61 LV -16 Log Vane 22+72 LV -37 Log Vane 13+13 LV -17 Log Vane 22+37 LV -38 Log Vane 12+82 LV -18 Log Vane 22+06 LV -39 Log Vane 12+32 LV -19 Log Vane 21+57 LV -40 Log Vane 11+84 LV -20 Log Vane 21+01 LV -41 Log Vane 11+28 LV -21 Log Vane 20+65 LV -42 Log Vane 10+63 INSTALL PERMANENT CROSSING WITH CULVERT BURIED 12" 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET \1 b N 1 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION z = = o Z Lu N o o 00 >Lu V O oC < cztf, zo w Q H vi Q o z oo< o z Y > v, w o w _ � V a Q z / o % M w O Lu � o / a / 1 a l / } m / w / o 0 m N Lu I I 1 I i W V z LLJJ - amj J�V \ ` a ooz 101 \ \\ �b 0 W otD°z \ \ ry) J Q \ _ H \\ \\ Nl, _6 C Z � G \ �'N' 1 J zea W Q 22 Lu tA Ce 0 I \\'w i r. M z X o i r LL o II 1 / JJ j U 0 N Q • 1 V W O 1 \ W cn a J I w/ J O C:) 00 00 ON U ru V s rB 0 O w 012 +, v o0�o 0 - � � m 01 w " 0z > , ) 00 N = s u� ^ v) C\J Q N Q S z / o % M w O Lu � o / a / 1 a l / } m / w / o 0 m N Lu I I 1 I i W V z LLJJ - amj J�V \ ` a ooz 101 \ \\ �b 0 W otD°z \ \ ry) J Q \ _ H \\ \\ Nl, _6 C Z � G \ �'N' 1 J zea W Q 22 Lu tA Ce 0 I \\'w i r. M z X o i r LL o II 1 / JJ j U 0 N Q • 1 V W O 1 \ W cn a 0 c m E M 00 0 N \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ 1 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ONE INCH 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ter' AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE LEGEND - : 219p INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY \ \ \ 1 `\ `\ \\ \ 1\ \\ '\ \\ \ `\ \ \ ` I ( / yi' \\\\\ I I �I 1 /// ♦`— _i'i' \\_^___ —2130EXISTIi NG CONTOURS (1'& 5 INTERVALS) EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION BOUNDARY Lu ;o i 1 1 1 \ \ \ ` ` \ `. \ \ `\ \ ''- ------- 10+00 EXISTING CHANNEL CENTERLINE \ 1 \ \ Q14 I - PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE -w \ �J i PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY \ `� `\ 1\ \\ \ \\ \\\\ \\\ \ `\\ \`\ `, ► i -2180— x\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ll \-- \ z \ � 1 � 1 \ _--' — � _ ,-- — — — — — — PROPOSED BANKFULL \ \ I \ \ \ -\ PROPOSED CONSERVATION u °F��`\ \\ \ \\\-- / �' � •\ \ \ \\ \\ \ ,\ \ \ \\ \ _\ \ --- ' - � .\ `\ CE EASEMENT BOUNDARY \ 1 1 \ \ \ \ \ ` NOTES: 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE APPROXIMATE BANKFULL WIDTH THROUGH I \�\ \`, \ \ `\ \\� \_ �; // �,/ PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. RIFFLES \ (WIDTH VARIES, SEE DWG C-7.4) I \`\ �\ \`\ \` , / ,,� �/ 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 STREAM CHANNEL CENTERLINE �J---,,_______ \ PROPERTY BOUNDARY (NOT SURVEYED) \ 1 \I I I I 1 1 I, \\\\ '1 \\ \ \ `\\ '\ 1�1 \\ I \ /� i I i i i i00 J, I I \ I I I I j \\ 1 1 I\ \\ \ I CHARLIE'S t1 1 \ 0 EP -- \------ \I \\ \ \ —017 z— ��� — i / \ \ \\ \ \\\ : —0 -- — \\\ \\_ — \ `�\ \STA 29+85 \��\\� _\-- ���9 END UT -7 RESTORATION NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. UT -7 RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical 29+85 STATION Pool -Riffle Transition 24+47 DETAIL Pool Typical 20+26 Log Vane Riffle Typical 15+36 Pool Typical 29+57 20+26 Riffle Typical 24+42 29+03 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+21 Log Vane Pool Typical 15+09 Pool -Riffle Transition 29+52 Pool Typical 24+18 19+36 Riffle Typical 20+16 27+96 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+04 Riffle Typical 29+47 LV -5 Pool -Riffle Transition 24+13 Pool Typical 19+75 18+46 Riffle Typical 14+99 Pool Typical 29+03 LV -27 Riffle Typical 24+08 LV -7 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+70 Pool Typical 14+52 Pool -Riffle Transition 28+98 Log Vane Pool Typical 23+85 LV -29 Riffle Typical 19+65 LV -9 Pool -Riffle Transition 14+47 Riffle Typical 28+93 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 23+80 Log Vane Pool Typical 19+36 LV -31 Riffle Typical 14+42 Pool Typical 28+48 24+52 Riffle Typical 23+75 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 19+31 Log Vane Pool Typical 13+96 Pool -Riffle Transition 28+43 15+09 Pool Typical 23+50 23+85 Riffle Typical 19+26 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 13+91 Riffle Typical 28+38 Pool -Riffle Transition 23+45 13+96 Pool Typical 18+84 23+13 Riffle Typical 13+86 Pool Typical 27+96 LV -16 Riffle Typical 23+40 Pool -Riffle Transition 18+79 13+13 Pool Typical 13+61 Pool -Riffle Transition 27+91 LV -38 Pool Typical 23+13 LV -18 Riffle Typical 18+74 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+56 Riffle Typical 27+86 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 23+08 LV -40 Pool Typical 18+46 LV -20 Riffle Typical 13+51 Pool Typical 27+40 Log Vane Riffle Typical 23+03 Log Vane Pool -Riffle Transition 18+41 LV -42 Pool Typical 13+13 Pool -Riffle Transition 27+35 Pool Typical 22+72 Riffle Typical 18+36 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+08 Riffle Typical 27+30 Pool -Riffle Transition 22+67 Pool Typical 17+93 Riffle Typical 13+03 Pool Typical 26+85 Riffle Typical 22+62 Pool -Riffle Transition 17+88 Pool Typical 12+82 Pool -Riffle Transition 26+80 Pool Typical 22+37 Riffle Typical 17+83 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+77 Riffle Typical 26+75 Pool -Riffle Transition 22+32 Pool Typical 17+36 Riffle Typical 12+72 Pool Typical 26+50 Riffle Typical 22+27 Pool -Riffle Transition 17+31 Pool Typical 12+32 Pool -Riffle Transition 26+45 Pool Typical 22+06 Riffle Typical 17+26 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+27 Riffle Typical 26+40 Pool -Riffle Transition 22+01 Pool Typical 16+87 Riffle Typical 12+22 Pool Typical 25+92 Riffle Typical 21+96 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+82 Pool Typical 11+84 Pool -Riffle Transition 25+87 Pool Typical 21+57 Riffle Typical 16+77 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+79 Riffle Typical 25+82 Pool -Riffle Transition 21+52 Pool Typical 16+35 Riffle Typical 11+74 Pool Typical 25+57 Riffle Typical 21+47 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+30 Pool Typical 11+28 Pool -Riffle Transition 25+52 Pool Typical 21+01 Riffle Typical 16+25 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+23 Riffle Typical 25+47 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+96 Pool Typical 15+76 Riffle Typical 11+18 Pool Typical 25+16 Riffle Typical 20+91 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+71 Pool Typical 10+63 Pool -Riffle Transition 25+11 Pool Typical 20+65 Riffle Typical 15+66 Pool -Riffle Transition 10+58 Riffle Typical 25+06 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+60 Pool Typical 15+46 Riffle Typical 10+53 Pool Typical 24+52 Riffle Typical 20+55 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+41 \ , 12140 \— \ _ 1 \ \ \ _ \ L I , ---3D3J, _ NOTE: SEE DWG C-9.0 & C-9.1 FOR STRUCTURE DETAILS. UT -7 STRUCTURE LOCATIONS LABEL DETAIL STATION LABEL DETAIL STATION LV -1 Log Vane 29+57 i LV -22 Log Vane 20+26 LV -2 Log Vane 29+03 LV -23 Log Vane 19+75 LV -3 Log Vane 28+48 LV -24 Log Vane 19+36 LV -4 Log Vane 27+96 / LV -25 Log Vane 18+84 LV -5 Log Vane 27+40 LV -26 Log Vane 18+46 LV -6 Log Vane 26+85 LV -27 Log Vane 17+93 LV -7 Log Vane 26+50 LV -28 Log Vane 17+36 LV -8 Log Vane 25+92 LV -29 Log Vane 16+87 LV -9 Log Vane 25+57 LV -30 Log Vane 16+35 LV -10 Log Vane 25+16 LV -31 Log Vane 15+76 LV -11 Log Vane 24+52 LV -32 Log Vane 15+46 LV -12 Log Vane 24+18 LV -33 Log Vane 15+09 LV -13 Log Vane 23+85 LV -34 Log Vane 14+52 LV -14 Log Vane 23+50 LV -35 Log Vane 13+96 LV -15 Log Vane 23+13 LV -36 Log Vane 13+61 LV -16 Log Vane 22+72 LV -37 Log Vane 13+13 LV -17 Log Vane 22+37 LV -38 Log Vane 12+82 LV -18 Log Vane 22+06 LV -39 Log Vane 12+32 LV -19 Log Vane 21+57 LV -40 Log Vane 11+84 LV -20 Log Vane 21+01 LV -41 Log Vane 11+28 LV -21 Log Vane 20+65 LV -42 Log Vane 10+63 --— \-- — — — —— 1 I \\ L2 --_— \_-09Lz---_ l— '----\\ --\ LM I 1 \ I -� RED BARN --�' - 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET 0 O 01 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION L/) z O Lq LLJ z o = Z > Lu V Q N o } o 00 Lu >Lu o Of ° w m l7 LA D vt Z Q H vi Q o z o o u o > z Y l7 � w O w _ V a Q ii Lu Q 571 r v I u V J J C 00 rb O N rB ru V s +, O O (3) v z4 - O N � O O m Ln w 0zro cB = 00 N � r � Q N v) Q °° W W W ~ OZZ V O Z a 0 to Q 5~ Z G Z ZLLI Q W to Q Ce X O X LL O 0 N Z v W W Q LA a I — i / / / / 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET 0 O 01 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION L/) z O Lq LLJ z o = Z > Lu V Q N o } o 00 Lu >Lu o Of ° w m l7 LA D vt Z Q H vi Q o z o o u o > z Y l7 � w O w _ V a Q ii Lu Q 571 r v I u V J J C 00 rb O N rB ru V s +, O O (3) v z4 - O N � O O m Ln w 0zro cB = 00 N � r � Q N v) Q °° W W W ~ OZZ V O Z a 0 to Q 5~ Z G Z ZLLI Q W to Q Ce X O X LL O 0 N Z v W W Q LA a 0 E M 00 0 N 1x4]4011113 —2130 EXISTING CONTOURS (1' & 5' INTERVALS) EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION BOUNDARY EXISTING CHANNEL CENTERLINE 10+00 PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE — — — — — — PROPOSED BANKFULL CE PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY NOTES: 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 \ / I 1� STATION \\ 1 DETAIL 1 I \ 1 O I\ Log Vane 1 1 I Log Vane \ 00 1 I I 14+99 1 � 19+82 0 > � LV -19 Log Vane 14+51 LV -4 1 19+36 / � Log Vane 14+26 LV -5 Log Vane 19+11 01 LV -21 Log Vane 13+96 LV -6 6 i / I / STATION 1 1 DETAIL STATION I \ 1 O LV -17 Log Vane , / 1 I Log Vane 20+05 00 LV -18 I I 14+99 LV -3 � 1 1 I I I I \\ 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET 1 Vim/ 1 1 I I I I APPROXIMATE BANKFULL WIDTH THROUGH ff 190% DESIGN SUBMITTAL \ / I \ \ I / ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY STA 20+ END UT -8 RESTORATI( n i / / / RIFFLES (WIDTH VARIES, SEE DWG C-7.5) Oj J I ' / / 1 / I / \ w \ U PROPERTY BOUNDARY (NOT SURVEYED) i x / U / EXISTING CROSSING AND CULVERT TO BE REMOVED b w I N PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY \/w U I 1 I I i i 1 I //— �Z+2Q(gyp// // /' ,� /1\� v / \ I -- ' /jam - U 10'C I -----LLJ �i ___� // -- - �' FILL EXISTING CHANNELLLJ\ IU N Lu / I / STATION z LABEL DETAIL STATION z Log Vane 20+41 O LV -17 Log Vane 15+33 LV -2 Log Vane 20+05 00 LV -18 Log Vane 14+99 LV -3 Log Vane 19+82 0 > � LV -19 Log Vane 14+51 LV -4 Log Vane 19+36 Pool -Riffle Transition LV -20 Log Vane 14+26 LV -5 Log Vane 19+11 01 LV -21 Log Vane 13+96 LV -6 Log Vane 18+83 –\ LV -22 Log Vane 13+58 LV -7 Log Vane 18+58 Q LV -23 -- 13+27 LV -8 Log Vane 18+25 17+52 LV -24 Log Vane --_--`— ��� Z ---rte LV -9 Log Vane 17+96 Riffle Typical LV -25 Log Vane 12+70 LV -10 ----- 3D----- ----------------- 3D 17+52 14+99 CS -1 Cross Vane 12+41 LV -11 Log Vane 3D 3J--�32--- \\ LV -27 Log Vane `\ LV -12 Log Vane 16+80 �----------------3D \\ --- -----, 3D ,3D -- --------------� I �' 11+90 I \\ \ LL, U 16+44 Riffle Typical LV -29 --- 11+43 LV -14 Log Vane 16+19 LV -30 \------ `\ 10+97 LV -15 Log Vane –,_ 3D/'�� \\ Riffle Typical DS -1 Drop Structure 10+43 LV -16 Log Vane 15+63 Pool -Riffle Transition 14+46 Pool Typical 12+19 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+31 Pool Typical 16+80 Riffle Typical 14+41 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+14 Riffle Typical 19+26 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+75 Pool Typical 14+26 Riffle Typical 12+09 Pool Typical 19+11 Riffle Typical 16+70 Pool -Riffle Transition 14+21 Pool Typical 11+90 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+06 Pool Typical 16+44 Riffle Typical 14+16 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+85 Riffle Typical 19+01 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+39 Pool Typical 13+96 Riffle Typical 11+80 Pool Typical 18+83 Riffle Typical 16+34 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+91 Pool Typical O I \\ \ 18+78 Pool Typical 16+19 Riffle Typical 13+86 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+38 Riffle Typical 18+73 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+14 Pool Typical 13+58 Riffle Typical 11+33 Pool Typical 18+58 Riffle Typical 16+09 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+53 Pool Typical 10+97 Pool -Riffle Transition 18+53 Pool Typical 15+91 Riffle Typical 13+48 Pool -Riffle Transition 10+92 Riffle Typical 18+48 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+86 Pool Typical 13+27 Riffle Typical 10+87 Pool Typical 18+25 Riffle Typical 15+81 LPool-Riffle Transition 13+22 I \ ------------------' 0�� \ \ \ \ o / M N / / l 1 / I I / I / STATION z LABEL DETAIL STATION LV -1 NOTE: SEE DWG C-9.0 & C-9.1 FOR STRUCTURE DETAILS. UT -8 STRUCTURE LOCATIONS LABEL DETAIL STATION z LABEL DETAIL STATION LV -1 Log Vane 20+41 O LV -17 Log Vane 15+33 LV -2 Log Vane 20+05 00 LV -18 Log Vane 14+99 LV -3 Log Vane 19+82 0 > � LV -19 Log Vane 14+51 LV -4 Log Vane 19+36 Pool -Riffle Transition LV -20 Log Vane 14+26 LV -5 Log Vane 19+11 01 LV -21 Log Vane 13+96 LV -6 Log Vane 18+83 00 N LV -22 Log Vane 13+58 LV -7 Log Vane 18+58 Q LV -23 Log Vane 13+27 LV -8 Log Vane 18+25 17+52 LV -24 Log Vane 12+98 LV -9 Log Vane 17+96 Riffle Typical LV -25 Log Vane 12+70 LV -10 Log Vane 17+52 14+99 CS -1 Cross Vane 12+41 LV -11 Log Vane 17+22 Riffle Typical LV -27 Log Vane 12+19 LV -12 Log Vane 16+80 12+41 LV -28 Log Vane 11+90 LV -13 Log Vane 16+44 Riffle Typical LV -29 Log Vane 11+43 LV -14 Log Vane 16+19 LV -30 Log Vane 10+97 LV -15 Log Vane 15+91 Riffle Typical DS -1 Drop Structure 10+43 LV -16 Log Vane 15+63 Pool -Riffle Transition 14+46 ki PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION = UT -8 RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS J 20+76 I w/ z J Q Pool Typical 15+63 O Riffle Typical O Pool Typical C = Z_ V) > Riffle Typical 18+15 00 V _ O N U N LU oC ro d 0 > � } V cztf, o LU F zo a m w i +, N ro Pool -Riffle Transition z 0 m m 0 z z w C) L m 0 Y w _ V m 0 > o a Q U Ln � ° M °OZm :. A z 0 LLJ NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. UT -8 RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS J 20+76 I w/ Pool -Riffle Transition J Q Pool Typical 15+63 a Riffle Typical O Pool Typical C 0o Riffle Typical 18+15 00 15+58 1A O N U 20+36 rz V ro 0 O 17+96 Z i +, N ro Pool -Riffle Transition z 0 N� �o 20+31 ZLU Pool -Riffle Transition Ln � ° M °OZm 01 Pool Typical w � a� Riffle Typical 12+88 Pool Typical 00 N to Riffle Typical 17+86 rN � Pool -Riffle Transition 15+28 Q N Q S :. A z 0 LLJ NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL RIFFLE AND POOL DETAILS. UT -8 RIFFLE AND POOL BEGINNING STATIONS Riffle Typical 20+76 Pool -Riffle Transition 18+20 Q Pool Typical 15+63 a Riffle Typical 13+17 Pool Typical 20+41 Riffle Typical 18+15 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+58 1A Pool Typical 12+98 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+36 W Pool Typical 17+96 Z Riffle Typical 15+53 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+93 Riffle Typical 20+31 ZLU Pool -Riffle Transition 17+91 M W 1 Pool Typical 15+33 Ce Riffle Typical 12+88 Pool Typical 20+05 to Riffle Typical 17+86 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+28 Pool Typical 12+70 Pool -Riffle Transition 20+00 Pool Typical 17+52 Riffle Typical 15+23 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+65 Riffle Typical 19+95 Pool -Riffle Transition 17+47 N N Pool Typical 14+99 ' Riffle Typical 12+60 Pool Typical 19+82 V Riffle Typical 17+42 ; Q Pool -Riffle Transition 14+94 Pool Typical 12+41 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+77 Pool Typical 17+22 Riffle Typical 14+89 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+36 Riffle Typical 19+72 Pool -Riffle Transition 17+17 Pool Typical 14+51 Riffle Typical 12+31 Pool Typical 19+36 Riffle Typical 17+12 Pool -Riffle Transition 14+46 Pool Typical 12+19 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+31 Pool Typical 16+80 Riffle Typical 14+41 Pool -Riffle Transition 12+14 Riffle Typical 19+26 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+75 Pool Typical 14+26 Riffle Typical 12+09 Pool Typical 19+11 Riffle Typical 16+70 Pool -Riffle Transition 14+21 Pool Typical 11+90 Pool -Riffle Transition 19+06 Pool Typical 16+44 Riffle Typical 14+16 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+85 Riffle Typical 19+01 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+39 Pool Typical 13+96 Riffle Typical 11+80 Pool Typical 18+83 Riffle Typical 16+34 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+91 Pool Typical 11+43 Pool -Riffle Transition 18+78 Pool Typical 16+19 Riffle Typical 13+86 Pool -Riffle Transition 11+38 Riffle Typical 18+73 Pool -Riffle Transition 16+14 Pool Typical 13+58 Riffle Typical 11+33 Pool Typical 18+58 Riffle Typical 16+09 Pool -Riffle Transition 13+53 Pool Typical 10+97 Pool -Riffle Transition 18+53 Pool Typical 15+91 Riffle Typical 13+48 Pool -Riffle Transition 10+92 Riffle Typical 18+48 Pool -Riffle Transition 15+86 Pool Typical 13+27 Riffle Typical 10+87 Pool Typical 18+25 Riffle Typical 15+81 LPool-Riffle Transition 13+22 N Z z Q a Q— J"U CL Qoz D 1A Zao 0 W to ~ Z Q z z ZLU Q M W 1 D w Ce V� Q to x x O M o 0 N � N N � r ' Z V V W W ; Q LA a 2130 Q LU o Ln 0 2125 0 0+ N --- z � �' \� _ w F -- LU LU z 2120 z CONFLUENCE WITH UT -8 Q J 2115 — LU 2110 9+90 2135 00 coo 2130 0 Q z W LU z 2125 z 0 a J 2120 LU 2115 18+30 10+20 10+50 10+80 11+10 INSTALL PERMANENT CROSSING WITH CULVERT BURIED 12" WIDTH OF PROP RD 14' EXISTING 42" DUCTILE IRON SEWER PIPE TOP OF PIPE: 2113.71 (HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION APPROXIMATE) 11+40 11+70 12+00 12+30 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINIGLY 5 30 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH Know what's helow. CONSTRUCTION Call before you dig. 2125 EXISTING GRADE ---- -------------- ---- ----- --- ---- � _- -�- ---- ----- - --- ---- -----------_�- - 2120 0.1 z O PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG v m LU N 2115 12+60 12+90 13+20 13+50 13+80 14+10 14+40 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 6X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION -4- 2110 14+70 15+00 15+30 15+60 15+90 16+20 16+50 16+80 17+10 17+40 17+70 18+00 18+30 a REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE SLOPE CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH (FT) Z 0 MIN. FLOODPLAIN WIDTH (FT) UT -7 - LOWER 10+00 18+74 LU 12.0 1.20 3:1 19.50 UT -7 - MIDDLE = L Z > 1.25% EXISTING GRADE 3:1 13.0 LU G Q _ 2.60% 2.0 0.95 3:1 a LU ��- z l}J o LU ~ z a co o W 18+74 m m m 1.1 U* w 0 z l7 LA Z 2 0 Y w O _ U m 0 > Q Q U Ln a D 1.1 — 3:1 12.5 U z j 14+70 15+00 15+30 15+60 15+90 16+20 16+50 16+80 17+10 17+40 17+70 18+00 18+30 a 18+60 18+90 19+20 19+50 19+80 20+10 20+40 20+70 21+00 21+30 21+60 21+90 22+20 22+50 22+80 23+10 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 6X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL POOL AND RIFFLE DETAILS. 2145 00 00 M > z 2140 LU LU z O 2135 W J W 2130 23+40 23+70 24+00 24+30 24+60 24+90 25+20 25+50 25+80 26+10 26+40 REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE SLOPE CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH (FT) CHANNEL DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK SLOPES MIN. FLOODPLAIN WIDTH (FT) UT -7 - LOWER 10+00 18+74 0.10% 12.0 1.20 3:1 19.50 UT -7 - MIDDLE 18+74 23+03 1.25% EXISTING GRADE 3:1 13.0 UT -7 - UPPER 23+03 29+85 2.60% 2.0 0.95 3:1 12.0 LU ��- 10:1 3:1 26.5 UT -7 - MIDDLE 18+74 23+03 0.50% 1 1.1 aLU N 12.5 UT -7 - UPPER EXISTING GRADE 0.50% 2.0 1.1 — 3:1 12.5 z j F- 1U LU- WIDTH O PROP RD: 1 - °° N_:i r — O rn N NLU 2.6% 0 PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG IE co N \ m �o + N - - �� — — PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG J u m LU Q _ N — Q W PROPOSED BANKFULL DEPTH L„ c!f}, W ----_ — - -- -- -------- — _ ---- 1.25% INSTALL PERMANENT CROSSING WITH CULVERT BURIED 12" 18+60 18+90 19+20 19+50 19+80 20+10 20+40 20+70 21+00 21+30 21+60 21+90 22+20 22+50 22+80 23+10 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 6X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL POOL AND RIFFLE DETAILS. 2145 00 00 M > z 2140 LU LU z O 2135 W J W 2130 23+40 23+70 24+00 24+30 24+60 24+90 25+20 25+50 25+80 26+10 26+40 26+70 27+00 RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE SLOPE CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH (FT) CHANNEL DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK SLOPES MIN. FLOODPLAIN WIDTH (FT) UT -7 - LOWER 10+00 18+74 0.10% 12.0 1.20 3:1 19.50 UT -7 - MIDDLE 18+74 23+03 1.25% 4.0 0.95 3:1 13.0 UT -7 - UPPER 23+03 29+85 2.60% 2.0 0.95 3:1 12.0 LU ��- 10:1 3:1 26.5 UT -7 - MIDDLE 18+74 23+03 0.50% 1 1.1 6:1 J 0 � Q 12.5 UT -7 - UPPER EXISTING GRADE 0.50% 2.0 1.1 6:1 3:1 12.5 F- 1U LU- ^y - r �i 2.6% PROPOSED STREAM THALWEG 26+70 27+00 RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE SLOPE CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH (FT) CHANNEL DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK SLOPES MIN. FLOODPLAIN WIDTH (FT) UT -7 - LOWER 10+00 18+74 0.10% 12.0 1.20 3:1 19.50 UT -7 - MIDDLE 18+74 23+03 1.25% 4.0 0.95 3:1 13.0 UT -7 - UPPER 23+03 29+85 2.60% 2.0 0.95 3:1 12.0 27+30 27+60 27+90 28+20 28+50 28+80 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 6X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION STREAM PROFILE _ HORIZ. SCALE: 1 " = 30' VERT. SCALE: 1" = 5' POOL CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS O co c 00 POOL CHANNEL BOTTOM CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND OUTSIDE OF BEND MIN. FLOODPLAIN REACH ID STA BEG STA END SLOPE WIDTH (FT) DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) o 0 U 0 -0 i O SLOPES SLOPES Ln 0 m z ' UT -7 - LOWER 10+00 18+74 0.01% 15.0 1.65 10:1 3:1 26.5 UT -7 - MIDDLE 18+74 23+03 0.50% 2.0 1.1 6:1 3:1 12.5 UT -7 - UPPER 23+03 29+85 0.50% 2.0 1.1 6:1 3:1 12.5 29+10 29+40 29+70 2145 2140 — STA 29+85 EXISTING CULVERT (TO REMAIN) INV OUT: 2139.5 2135 2130 30+00 2125 2120 2115 26+70 0 Of Lm W W W ~ OZZ VO ZQ O ~ Z Z W G R Lu a� x o x LL O O r� M O N � n O v Z W 0 W W cn a O co c 00 00 O N r , U U 2135 w o 0 U 0 -0 i O Ln 0 m z ' LU ;m C7 3°'� 2130 0(0 -> "' 2 Uc 00 Q N Q °O 2125 2120 2115 26+70 0 Of Lm W W W ~ OZZ VO ZQ O ~ Z Z W G R Lu a� x o x LL O O r� M O N � n O v Z W 0 W W cn a 2130 00 °o 2125 z F -- Lu W W z 2120 z O Q 2115 iJ 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY 125 120 115 2110 2110 10+00 10+20 10+50 10+80 11+10 11+40 11+70 12+00 12+30 12+60 12+90 13+20 13+50 13+80 14+10 14+40 14+70 15+00 15+30 15+60 15+90 16+20 16+50 16+80 17+10 17+40 17+70 18+00 18+30 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 6X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION NOTE: SEE DWG C-8.0 FOR TYPICAL POOL AND RIFFLE DETAILS. 2135 00 00 Q z 2130 I -- Lu W u - z O 2125 Q Lu J W 2120 2135 2130 2125 2120 18+30 18+60 18+90 19+20 19+50 19+80 20+10 20+40 20+70 20+90 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 6X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION STREAM PROFILE _ HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 30' VERT. SCALE: 1 " = 5' RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS a zo o w = POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND MIN. REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE CHANNEL BOTTOM CHANNEL W 00 "o or) ccf FLOODPLAIN CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) O SLOPE WIDTH (FT) DEPTH (FT) co + WIDTH (FT) UT -8 - LOWER 10+00 12+26 0.91% 8.0 1.00 W O 16.00 UT -8 - MIDDLE 12+26 15+91 0.91% 4.0 0.75 C) N N 11.5 UT -8 - UPPER 15+91 20+76 0.65% 4.5 0.80 t/1 12.5 0.20% 2.0 1.0 8:1 3:1 14.0 l7 w a Z QO O�Q Q tA H V I J Z d O Q co �Lu LutA 65% O N U V c: s O w +, 2 O v 0o 2135 2130 2125 2120 18+30 18+60 18+90 19+20 19+50 19+80 20+10 20+40 20+70 20+90 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 6X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION STREAM PROFILE _ HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 30' VERT. SCALE: 1 " = 5' RIFFLE CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS a zo o w = POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND MIN. REACH ID STA BEG STA END RIFFLE CHANNEL BOTTOM CHANNEL CHANNEL BANK FLOODPLAIN CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) O SLOPE WIDTH (FT) DEPTH (FT) SLOPES WIDTH (FT) UT -8 - LOWER 10+00 12+26 0.91% 8.0 1.00 3:1 16.00 UT -8 - MIDDLE 12+26 15+91 0.91% 4.0 0.75 3:1 11.5 UT -8 - UPPER 15+91 20+76 0.65% 4.5 0.80 3:1 12.5 POOL CROSS SECTION PARAMETERS a zo o w = POOL CHANNEL CHANNEL INSIDE OF BEND OUTSIDE OF BEND MIN. FLOODPLAIN REACH ID STA BEG STA END SLOPE BOTTOM WIDTH DEPTH (FT) CHANNEL BANK CHANNEL BANK WIDTH (FT) O r p co (FT) SLOPES SLOPES VLu UT -8 - LOWER 10+00 12+26 0.20% 6.0 1.25 10:1 3:1 19.0 UT -8 - MIDDLE 12+26 15+91 0.20% 2.0 1.0 8:1 3:1 14.0 UT -8 - UPPER 15+91 20+76 0.20% 2.0 1.0 8:1 3:1 14.0 O E M 00 00 0 N c z a zo o w = z m LLu > _ o Lu a 0 `~^ N O r p co > VLu kA o oC Z o=C z w a H vi Q a V w Lu Lu W~ cn W IA 0 z Cl Y 0 U Ln z C2 w > o Ln uj = V a Z QO O�Q Q tA H V I J Z d O Q co �Lu LutA O N U V c: s O w +, 2 O v 0o zN� o �o O m w O z m C7 > �, co N= = N N u ,ro N 00 Q N Q s z O H d V V) Lu 0 z O w 0 a a a X o x m 0 Ln o Lu a 0 N r Lu Inc V ' kA Z W V O W Q V w Lu Lu W~ cn W IA 0 OZZ UO Z Z QO O�Q Q tA H W J Z W G Q O �Lu LutA IA 0o I X o x 0 Ln o N N r V ' Z W V ; W Q w cn a EXISTING GRADE WETLAND SHELF - WETLAND SIDE SLOPES (8:1 MIN) GRADE WETLAND SHELF AT 15:1 A SECTION VIEW _ NOT TO SCALE RIP RAP APRON FILTER FABRIC BACKFILL WITH NO. 57 STONE FOOTER LOG HEADER LOG 5' MIN. EMBE DEEP POOL MARSH TREATMENT AREA NOT TO SCALE FCH OR PIPE INLET ILII I\rll) APRON CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH Tin r nnnly PLAN VIEW N. EMBEDMENT TOP OF BANK SECTION A -A FILTER FABRIC BACKFILL WITH NO. 57 STONE (IDTH PROPOSED RIFFLE SLOPE HANNEL DEPTH OG OG J IVIIIV. LIVIULVIVIENT 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL BRUSH MATTRESS SEE NOTES FOR INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS. EXISTING INCISEDBANK \ \ \ PROPOSED CHANNEL BANK \ \ \\ AT 3:1 SLOPE (MIN.) \ \\ \ INSTALL WOODEN STAKES ON 3'x 3' GRID. \ \ \\ EMBED AT LEAST 18" INTO NEWLY \ CONSTRUCTED BANK. STAKES SHOULD \ EXTEND 12" ABOVE GRADE. ROCK TOE PROTECTION BANKFULL ELEVATION NOTES: 1. REMOVE LOOSE MATERIAL AND GRADE BANK TO A STABLE SLOPE (3:1 MIN). EXCAVATE A TRENCH AT THE TOE OF THE SLOPE. 2. INSTALL STAKES INTO THE SLOPE ON A 3'x 3' GRID SO THEY EXTEND APPROXIMATELY 12" ABOVE GRADE. PLACE BRANCHES (2" TO 1" DIAMETER) ON THE SLOPE AT A DENSITY OF APPROXIMATELY 15 TO 20 BRANCHES PER FOOT WITH THE CUT END IN THE TRENCH, BELOW THE LOW FLOW WATER SURFACE ELEVATION. SECURE BRANCHES WITH STRING AND TIE TO STAKES. 3. BACKFILL TRENCH AND INSTALL ROCK TOE PROTECTION. BRUSH MATTRESS NOT TO SCALE FLOODPLAIN EXTEND FABRIC A MINIMUM OF 2 FEET BEYOND TOI OF BANK LOW FLOW LLLVMI 1v114 A B G H C F --TOP OF BANK CHANNEL D E APPROXIMATE LOW FLOW SURFACE 2' MIN. 2' MIN. COIR MATTING ON STREAM BANK NOT TO SCALE ELEVATION AT DROP STRUCTURE UPSTREAM STATION HEADER LOG SEE PROFILE FOR PROPOSED DROP HEIGHT NOTES: 1. SILL LOGS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM TRUNK DIAMETER OF 12".III=III=111=11 2. LOG SILL SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH AT LEAST ONE FOOTER LOG AND ONE HEADER LOG. o 0 0 0 —III—III—III= il- 3. NAIL FILTER FABRIC ON TOP OF FOOTER LOG USING 3" 10d GALVANIZED COMMON NAIL ON 2' — III—III—III—IIIIII—III—IIIiII= o 0 0 SPACING ALONG THE LOG. 1=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 I f 1=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 I I—III—I 11=1 1I- 4. PLACE HEADER LOG SLIGHTLY FORWARD ON TOP OF THE FOOTER LOG ALLOWING FOR OVERHANG. —III=III=III=11f 5. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE VANE STRUCTURE TO PREVENT 24" MIN. WASHOUT OF SEDIMENT THROUGH BOULDER GAPS. FOOTER LOG 6. FILTER FABRIC SHALL EXTEND FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOTER LOG TO THE FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION AND SHALL BE PLACED THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE STRUCTURE. SECTION 13-13 3� DROP STRUCTURE NOT TO SCALE POSED RIFFLE SLOPE LOODPLAIN TAKES AT 3' PACING OP OF BANK PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1. PREPARE SOIL, SOW SEED AND PLACE STRAW WHERE FABRIC IS TO BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO INSTALLING EROSION CONTROL FABRIC. 2. EROSION CONTROL FABRIC SHALL CONSIST OF 600 GRAM/SQUARE METER WOVEN COIR FABRIC OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 3. FASTENERS SHALL BE 12 INCH ECO -STAKE BY NORTH AMERICAN GREEN OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT, INSTALLED AT A RATE OF 3.4 STAKES PER SQUARE YARD. NOMINAL SPACING IS 20 INCHES PERPENDICULAR TO FLOW AND 24 INCHES PARALLEL TO FLOW. Ln 4. FABRIC SHALL BE SECURED TO THE GROUND SUCH THAT FABRIC o DOES NOT SEPARATE FROM GROUND MORE THAN 1 INCH WITH w A REASONABLE TUG. ADDITIONAL FASTENERS WILL BE REQUIRED IF FABRIC FAILS THIS PULL TEST. 5. OVERLAP BETWEEN ADJACENT RUNS OF FABRIC SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES. FABRIC SHALL OVERLAP IN THE DOWNSTREAM DIRECTION PARALLEL TO FLOW AND DOWN-SLOPE PERPENDICULAR TO FLOW. 6. FABRIC SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 2 FEET BEYOND TOP OF BANK. FABRIC SHALL EXTEND BELOW LOW FLOW SURFACE 1 SECURE EDGE OF FOOT OR TO CHANNEL BOTTOM, WHICH EVER IS LESS. FABRIC AND TOE PER NOTE 7. 7. TERMINAL ENDS OF FABRIC SHALL BE BURIED IN A 6 INCH DEEP TRENCH AND SECURED BY 18 INCH HARDWOOD 2"X2" STAKES SPACED 3 FEET APART. TOE OF FABRIC SHALL BE SECURED WITH 18 INCH HARDWOOD 2"X2" STAKES SPACED 3 FEET APART. 8. INSTALL A ROOFING NAIL TO THE END OF THE 18 INCH STAKES TO HELP SECURE THE MATTING. a zz = O V z L Lu a °° o N to OZLu } p � > ~o m O d F-: Vi F-: a o m m m m pz p p< o z � > Ln C2 w o w p = a p V 0- < a m ;r J J d 0 00 O N u � +, o O a) u - o o 0 Lu O z m C7 co O •5 N u Ln QNQco a NZ W LSO W J Q OZv v0= WZac~G tALDO J t— Z J a � — V Zoo Wiz �cez tA FILTER FABRIC FLOW DIRECTION - BEHIND LOG FILTER FABRIC BEHIND LOG 0 Q M 00 0 N Lri 0 0 z .. CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH FILTER FABRIC BEHIND LOG 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL RIFFLE FLOW DIRECTION L EXCAVATED POOL + ADDITIONAL DROP (DEPTH VARIES) FILTER SEE POOL GEOMETRY TABLES FABRIC --/ PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ----, (6) 20' LOG POLES, A SECTION - CUT TO FIT _ scALE:N.T.s. SEE CROSS SECTION GEOMETRY FOR SLOPE OF VANE ARM 630 TYP. FINISHED GRADE AS I SHOWN ON PLANS BANKFULL CHANNEL -- FILTER FABRIC 2.0' TYP. BEHIND LOG -- NOTES: 1. HEADER AND FOOTER LOGS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 12" DIAMETER AND SHALL BE A HARDWOOD SPECIES. THE FOOTER B SECTION LOG MAY BE SUBSTITUTED WITH PINE. _ sCALE:N.T.s. 2. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE TO PREVENT WASHOUT OF SEDIMENT THROUGH THE LOW FLOW LOG GAPS. FILTER FABRIC SHALL EXTEND FROM THE BOTTOM OF CHANNEL THE FOOTER TO THE FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION AND SHALL BE PLACED THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE STRUCTURE. CROSS VANE - BEND SCALE:N.T.S. BANKFULL un WIDTH o w FILTER FABRIC BEHIND LOG 63° TYP. i (6) 20' LOG POLES, CUT TO FIT FILTER FABRIC BEHIND LOG 0 BANKFULL WIDTH RIFFLE FLOW DIRECTION a z z = o V z LA a 2 0 N N OZLu } p ~LLJ O m o z o d Vi F-: a o CD m m m J F - z > C2 w o w p = a p V a a �J L EXCAVATED POOL + ADDITIONAL DROP (DEPTH VARIES) w FILTER SEE POOL GEOMETRY TABLES o FABRIC Lu u J J d 0 00 O N m u +, o zNs o -0 o 0 w oozm ���� o 5; N 2 u ,� Q N Q00 A SECTION SCALE: N.T.S. SEE CROSS SECTION a GEOMETRY FOR SLOPE Z OF VANE ARM J Lu O FINISHED GRADE AS Q J - SHOWN ON PLANS BANKFULL CHANNEL W 0Z v v 0 _ W 0 � J_0 �z l0 2.0' TYP. 71,� v LuWa ce z �p NOTES: a �' 1. HEADER AND FOOTER LOGS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 12" N B SECTIONDIAMETER AND SHALL BE A HARDWOOD SPECIES. THE FOOTER Vf _ SCALE: N.T.S. LOG MAY BE SUBSTITUTED WITH PINE. 2. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE TO PREVENT WASHOUT OF SEDIMENT THROUGH THE LOG GAPS. FILTER FABRIC SHALL EXTEND FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOTER TO THE FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION AND SHALL BE c PLACED THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE STRUCTURE. N 2 CROSS VANE - STRAIGHT ' N _ SCALE: N.T.S. M l V LOW FLOW CHANNEL V O cc a -- -- --,-------- \ 130-- �\ ` / / `\ EXISTING WETLAND \ DELINEATION BOUNDARY (TYP) ---------- - -\\ ----------- / / '�/ I i LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (TYP) --_ ---' ; / �'� / �� " APPROXIMATE BANKFULL WIDTH (TYP) 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL LEGEND: ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY 2130 EXISTING CONTOURS (1'& 5' INTERVALS) PROPOSED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE PROPOSED SILT FENCE PROPOSED STAGING AREA 10+00 PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE — — — — — — PROPOSED BANKFULL WIDTH NOTES: 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 0 --------------- ----------- ti --ti 1 / / / �~ / \ ' -� - ` — — — — �'------ __-/'�+ ` \ � _ `\� /'/ _------ /.� /\/ / X STAGING AREA (1,080 SF) I `I 1 D STAGING 1 \ I I AREA \ y (8,090 SF) \ \El " ' c I D / 'I \ II in I 11 cmi� \�+ "\\. n HAUL/ACCESS ROAD (TY I 30 60 SCALE IN FEET I PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION a O z = G = O ui O 00 Z ; U o H E H z w v � LnoLno a Lu L11 m m m m z Q a o o o< o z Y > Ln l7 C2 w O LI) o _ L V a a ii / I O � I \ a O N \ ' I j ' a I / 1 1 ' v m I W ILA W I `\ W 11 p Lu , I I \ / LL, Inc I I I 1 \ 1 0 --------------- ----------- ti --ti 1 / / / �~ / \ ' -� - ` — — — — �'------ __-/'�+ ` \ � _ `\� /'/ _------ /.� /\/ / X STAGING AREA (1,080 SF) I `I 1 D STAGING 1 \ I I AREA \ y (8,090 SF) \ \El " ' c I D / 'I \ II in I 11 cmi� \�+ "\\. n HAUL/ACCESS ROAD (TY I 30 60 SCALE IN FEET I PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION a O z = G = O ui O 00 Z ; U o H E H z w v � LnoLno a Lu L11 m m m m z Q a o o o< o z Y > Ln l7 C2 w O LI) o _ L V a a ii ,� l\ LOWER FIELD I i 1 HOG BOTTOM �� + \ +`\ ` 11 11 \ i N), \ c�j \\ X \ 1 N 1 pa ---- ;i�\ + \, \ ' "J x I I I I I I \ x 0 c E O 00 0 N \ Z Q a V kA W w W 3: O J D V J J a 00 00 O N ru ro V c: s +, O � N � O (3) v z4- 0 o�o Ln w oO oZm > " co N rN � Q N Q (1 W W LIJ J � V Z OOZ ZQ O OQ ~ Z Z ZLu Q W kA Q � LA / I O � I O a O N ' I j ' a I / 1 1 ' v m I W ILA W I `\ W 11 p Lu , I I \ / LL, Inc I I I 1 ,� l\ LOWER FIELD I i 1 HOG BOTTOM �� + \ +`\ ` 11 11 \ i N), \ c�j \\ X \ 1 N 1 pa ---- ;i�\ + \, \ ' "J x I I I I I I \ x 0 c E O 00 0 N \ Z Q a V kA W w W 3: O J D V J J a 00 00 O N ru ro V c: s +, O � N � O (3) v z4- 0 o�o Ln w oO oZm > " co N rN � Q N Q (1 W W LIJ J � V Z OOZ ZQ O OQ ~ Z Z ZLu Q W kA Q � LA X o O LL O O N ' N r Z v V W ILA W Q W a \ \\\ \\\ \\ ` \ \`. _; '\ `\ p\ \ \\ \\ \\ I \\ '-1 1 `,__ \-- \ I \� I \\ \ - p ONE INCH 1 -_\ � ; \ _ \`, `\ \ \\ `\ I I \\ `\ 1 .\ \'� �`\ ` -`\\ �., -_ \\ \\ \\ \ \, 90 / DESIGN SUBMITTAL AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY \ \ \ \ LEGEND: 1 , 2130 EXISTING CONTOURSQ � a \\\ \ `I_\OO— i i (1 & 5 INTERVALS) -------------610 \ I 1 , 1 I I PROPOSED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ---------- --'' \ _\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ `\_ �`� \ \ `\ `� �� --� — `-_ �\ \ \ \ \ \\ - \\_'\ _\ -\ \\ `\ \ - \ \ `\ - -__-_ — �z 9o- _---------------------------- — _ — — — — — — — \\ 1 PROPOSED SILT FENCE --___ — — — — — — — — —06 ---- 7�5 s �?s 10+00 \ \Q I` /'> --- - \ \- ,218 17 - -- - —2180 NOTES: PROPOSED STAGING AREA PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE PROPOSED BANKFULL WIDTH 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE, i NAD 83 U.S. FEET. 2170, — — ` `-- 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 2160 ` - `---- CONFIRM CONDITION OF `\ _- ---\__----------'---\\ \-\ BRIDGE IS ADEQUATE_-- -'Q� 1' ' BEFORE USING FOR _ STAGING AREA (1,368 SF) \\ 4 ager \; iii EQUIPMENT ACCESS ' -�` ' __ '---- _ — \ / - _ =�' = HAUL/ ACCESS ROAD (TYP) - �7SQ _ J/ t I ; ! -� \ �� \- -- _ 1 o _-- _ 2180 _ - -. / `-I `_ LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE (TYP) - \2190 -09�Z' — — _ HA `\_ - _ APPROXIMATE BANKFULL WIDTH (TYP) STAGING AREA (1,572 SF) --------------- --\ SWIM POND - �- `-- 76 `\ — —--- \ / J \ 0. 7o- _ 0 _ - /I -- ` _-�/'' �------------- _ �-' -\_- \ --/' �-__---' � � / / / f I \ 1 \ `_--- ------ � � _---'--��___'' — / / �' /' _i'' ��i---------__�/-\_ ---___ - \ \ \ \ ------ - I --------- --'% _ _ _ _ -----2170 _ \''\\\-----------" ----- ------___---- / —2160-- \---- ` — / moi'' �''' moi' ''- / — ` — — —-_______-''_-_--- \/ -- / i / i'' 1 �'Li ---- - \ `/ - _------------- ' — — , �' i �i I� _---------- -- ---- \ '// — 2160' — — — — — -------`---''/ moi''/ ''/ / i i ��_''' -- __----- --- ---- - _ -- ----------- ----------- -_ ------ �--------------------- ----- - / --2180—, -------_----------------- ------------ ____-_-- O Z 0 30 __-_-__-_- i i' /' __''- --__ i' / moi' i' i' 8�Z __-- _---------- -2160` — / / /-----'"- ------ ---------------- Aj // / ( �2170 'l,/ ' 2 - I --------------- / \ _ _------------------- / / ___---- \ \ / / I ) I I / / / -2200 \ \ 6� l / _� 1 1 1 1 l -_'----- -2180, _ — — _ (b\ ----------------------------- It t -------- ----- co / �'''-------------------- 279 X2170- //' I I I I\ \, f / i'' - ----\ -----' ----''''-----------\\_ -\ \ \ \ - ` - '\ \\\ \ `\ \\ \\ `\\ I / '\ II ti/\r I \ \ \ `\\ --\It ------------ y -2200— --------------- / IIII\ I If' I / I �-' `--' \ _1 SCALE IN FEET PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION z 0 V) LLJ X a O TS `W r a Jtu I1J LL O(6 0 uo Y C) W 0 Z~O o) � O J ON z U V ro O 0 a w - O +, a,ro a) v ce zN= o � 1 a I`. NA Ln oO m 015 w L oZm > O W m co N = N _ V _ Q N Q s 0 vi 0 z z 00 a L o a o w V) � a o o z oo< Y > Ln z o 60u ui V a a z 0 V) LLJ II m z X O O TS `W r a Jtu I1J LL O(6 0 uo Y C) W IA W Z~O o) � O J ON Z Z U V ro O 0 a w - O +, a,ro a) v ce zN= o � 1 I`. NA Ln oO m 015 w L oZm > O W m co N = N s u — '-rr)N 00 Q N Q s II m z X O O LLIJ � `W r a Jtu LL V 0 uo Z Z IA W Z~O O � O J — ~ Z Z W a z a Lu V ce Lu N 1 I`. NA kA W W O W m a X O O r LL O N N O � ' M � Z V kA W W O W m a _-`__-__-____ \-_ 2 - - \ - / __.--' ,_// ,___-'--------___ `--- 140- 740 ' _ _�_' - ----------------------- -------, - - - \ 2J - -'`-,-,'_-__ ,-_/' / `___-__' - \ - - - - -2140/ 3o ----------------- - �- - --� / -2120---- _ - ---- -- - - - -_\ 213 --------------- 22120 IV _ _-�_// �_/ �,/. -_\\--\---\\ / - - \2120 ` \ ^\`-l► \\- \ \ / 18�- - `%'/-_'' �./' `\\\ -\ '� `--.\/.^\\ \ `.\\ - \\�\ \\ / 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY Call before you dig. --�\ -----------\----moi --- ---- ------------------------------------ _ -2130- �2J&01 \_ \\`----------------------- _ =2130- � _ /— _ --___ --_---------- _--- PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 211 - . ----------------- 2120- / \\\ \\\ \ \ __-_�.'--------____\--- --_ --- \ ✓ - \ `J ,\o/ \ �, '� __�__ -, , ^ - _' - -\-- - ;2J7o 2120 \ \\\\100- - - \ - '- -------- - - - or Old m\ \ d F \ STOKES FIELD - - \\ `\\\ \ ��,\` - ---- _ - _// Ro School STOKES 770� ------------ 12 00 —2100 \ 1113+ 00 / \\0. 270 1 \��'�/ \ � X70 \I ------ \�---- \ \ \ 1 _---211 76 Of --2120---- --_ - \ Q 78+00- ------------------ \ --___ - -- -2110— __----- ----------- __-__-__ _ `- \\`___ \ - \\`-__ _ '--_� \`` \\`-_ 2170 -21,20 2130- `------ - ----------------- \ \__��- `\_-- �`-' /' ------ ---T \ ``\ 37, \ I - 212' 2140 - '-'2120- -------------------------- / _ \ ✓-- \ /- 2 �_/__ __ -2730-, ------------- / ---------------- 70 1\ f - \ - \ 40, ------- 213 / — 2130' (�-------- __------- <7 \\ \\ 274 S� \` \\-- ----- LEGEND: \\ \\\\ \ \ \ ♦ \ \\\ \\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ `\ `\ \ 1 I I 1 - -2160- 2130 EXISTING CONTOURS W& 5 INTERVALS) \\� / \\ \ \ \ ; ( /- ---_\ \ \ \ \ ` \ — PROPOSED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE `I \ \ \--`-\ \ \`-\� \ \ - - \\ �\ 1 1 \ \ \IIII \ \ \\ \\ ` -\-\\ \ \ \`\\\\ \ \ \\ \\�l�\ \ -1 \ 1\ \\\ T\II\ \` \o\ / \/ \ -\ \\`\ / \\�\\\` \ \ ``I\ \ \\1 \I\I\\\ \ \ \\'\1 \\r \ \\ \\ � \\ \` \ \ `\\\\\ `�\\ \ ``\\ \\\� �\\\\ \\\ \\\ `\ �\.\\ \\ \\ \ \�\\\ � �\ \ `.\\;\ \`,\�\ \; \\\\\ \\ \ �``�\.`\ o\\ \�\\ \`\\\\ \\ \\ \\ \\,\\\,\ \, \ `\\\ `\\\ \; \ \\` \\\\ \\ \ \ \\\\\\\ \. \\ \\\s\\ ` \\\ \ \\ `\ \\ \ \ �\` \\\\`\\\ \\ \�\ \ \\\ \\\\\`\ � `\\\ .\ _\ \`\\♦\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\\`\ \\\\ \\ \\\\\ \\\ \ \\ \\\ \\\ \\ \ \ \\\\\ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \I\ \ \ \ \ \\\`\ \\\ \\ 1 \\ `\ \\ I I � \/ _I1 ` \ \ `\\\ \\ \ \ \-\ \\\\ \` \ - ------------------ � PROPOSED SILT FENCE \Vol PROPOSED STAGING A REA 10+00 PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE \ \\ -\ \ \\ \ \ 7 PROPOSED BANKFULL WIDTH `- - ----- ----------- O,Q \ /\ \1 II ;II ;II ij II \♦ \\\ \ \\\\ \\\\\\\ \ \�\\\\\ \ `\ `\\\ \\\\\ \\\\ ``\\\ \\\ \\\\ \\\ `\\\\ `\\\ \ `\\\\ \\ \\ \ `\\ \\\ \\\ \\\`\ \ \\\\ \\ `%\s� \\ \\ \\\ \♦ \\\\\ \\\\ \\ `\ \ \ \ \ \ `\ `\ \ `\ I\ \ ,-- — - - _ - IN 0 30 60 \ 144 --2170 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE SCALE IN FEET PLANE NAD 83 U.S. FEET. \\\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 ii z a a U kAW W J J J d _ (6 O C 00 O N V _4 i N � z N V L") LO LU oOM z ' ;m O OC) Ln � Q N Q s W LLI LI J V Z O O Za0 5= Z Z W G Lu 11A a� tA o O x Z =O W O ° = Z Ln > V _ M � N LU m l7 Q 0 > LA0 v } 0 LU F- 0 N Q 00 LU Z ; V Ed w m m 0 Z z LU m 0 Y U = V m 0 > o a Q Q V Ln a D ii z a a U kAW W J J J d _ (6 O C 00 O N V _4 i N � z N V L") LO LU oOM z ' ;m O OC) Ln � Q N Q s W LLI LI J V Z O O Za0 5= Z Z W G Lu 11A a� tA W x o O x r LL. O ° M ' M � Z v V W kA W ° W x 0 c E 0 0 N C PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -2140- - \ - 1R IN 2130 OLD FARM SCHOOL RD 2120- �\ _- --------------- - ------ ---- \ \ STOKES FIELD Aj �770�, //, °Q(/ Qr / ' / / / \ \ � � / / �• � ,./ � ' '1/' ' / /' / / , , w OO70 00 770, 120\ ---- 212p --low loe ------------ \ --- ---_ - --- --;_- ---- /--- --- -/-2140' 30-- - -213 -�— _ -------------- ----------- --------------------------- _ , �--------------- - - \------- -- -----_ //---------------'-'-------------- -'---- -__-----'----_----_-----------' / _--- _ ----- ,21------ `2140- \ 140- _ - ---- --- - _ _ - - -2140 - - - - - - - - -2140 - - - - - -- - / - - - - - - - -2140- - J --------------- - _- _----------- - -- --- ----- __-------- -- _-------- ------ '- - / _ _ LEGEND: -216 _ - - -2150- _-------------------------� _2150- \-- - _ _ ------ - - -2150- - - -/ - - _ ----__--' " _ /-- i,_____-- ,,_,-' - - ---'' _ - -2130 - EXISTING CONTOURS - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,------50 ---- - - - 2150 (V& 5' INTERVALS) "- -'- ---- ---------------------------------------------''"__--'-------/''----_______------------------_--__---------""""�__ ,,�-'"--" �, / PROPOSED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE - - - �-----------------------------------------------------------''"_-------_ --------------- '-'----------'i-----,-''��,, --''" � - - -216__ _� --------------- -2160- - _ ----------- _------------------------_ - - 2 --'-----_- '---------------- ,----- PROPOSED SILT FENCE --_ _ - -- _ ----- _ - ---------- ------- -------------- -2160 / -----------_ ------ --\__- - - - _ - - - - 2160 - - - - - --------------6a - - - _, __ ,,-'' -----_---_ -\-----_-- - -------------- ___- ---- - - - - - - - - - -216 - --,- / / — PROPOSED STAGING AREA ,------------ ----------------';- __-----_---- - _ - ,- ,-' / - - -- 00 + 10 -21s / -2170'- - - - - - -- - - ----\---`\---------------'-----' -`-----/-,-----''" ------_---_-- -\ - \`------------------------ -"---" ,,---' '"-- ��o/ / , - / PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE \ ' PROPOSED BANKFULL WIDTH ^ ----------- ---- -- ---------------- '__----------------___-----_----\` - - - - --- _ \------------------ - ------ --- _ - \ - \ / __, ,- q� 10 ,-'' - / - - NOTES: ---2180- - - _ ------------- --- ----- _-- ---- - -- - - ---------"" --''-- "---// 0 30 60 \ \ `- - __--_NORTH CAROLINA STATE SCALE IN FEET PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. _,----------------- ^------ -- __ �-�-----_-_/---_,_ _--' ---- --,goo '' /' '�'. -_\-- --- /-- - ,--------------- - -- \218o- 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 a x x - --, �----- ---' 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH LL - - - 0 _----� ,, M O ---\___ \`-_ N � ,- M �-----_, ,�-----' -\__• __--_- -2150- ,�'\\ \\\\ \\ AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE -' / '`\; -'" \ _ INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY V I - \ a � a Wm = N = \ 130- / _-'' _•' \\ \ \ \ `\ \\ \ `\\ \ -__\ -----\ -�,,--__-_` 21 2140 / ; \ , \/^\ `; \ \`\ \\ \ \� Know what's below. -----------'' ,,'' -------- \\`\ `\ \:: \��= \ Call before you 120 --------------- \� oN Q C7 Q f- H Z W Ln \ / \\.\\�. III 1 - / - -214 ---- ------ o- , - - ,- ,,, _ \\\ - .\ %; `-- _ _ / — � -\ \ .\ \ \_-, VIII-----;-- �` ---- ��i_-------------------------- In In - Q w w m m m m PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -2140- - \ - 1R IN 2130 OLD FARM SCHOOL RD 2120- �\ _- --------------- - ------ ---- \ \ STOKES FIELD Aj �770�, //, °Q(/ Qr / ' / / / \ \ � � / / �• � ,./ � ' '1/' ' / /' / / , , w OO70 00 770, 120\ ---- 212p --low loe ------------ \ --- ---_ - --- --;_- ---- /--- --- -/-2140' 30-- - -213 -�— _ -------------- ----------- --------------------------- _ , �--------------- - - \------- -- -----_ //---------------'-'-------------- -'---- -__-----'----_----_-----------' / _--- _ ----- ,21------ `2140- \ 140- _ - ---- --- - _ _ - - -2140 - - - - - - - - -2140 - - - - - -- - / - - - - - - - -2140- - J --------------- - _- _----------- - -- --- ----- __-------- -- _-------- ------ '- - / _ _ LEGEND: -216 _ - - -2150- _-------------------------� _2150- \-- - _ _ ------ - - -2150- - - -/ - - _ ----__--' " _ /-- i,_____-- ,,_,-' - - ---'' _ - -2130 - EXISTING CONTOURS - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,------50 ---- - - - 2150 (V& 5' INTERVALS) "- -'- ---- ---------------------------------------------''"__--'-------/''----_______------------------_--__---------""""�__ ,,�-'"--" �, / PROPOSED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE - - - �-----------------------------------------------------------''"_-------_ --------------- '-'----------'i-----,-''��,, --''" � - - -216__ _� --------------- -2160- - _ ----------- _------------------------_ - - 2 --'-----_- '---------------- ,----- PROPOSED SILT FENCE --_ _ - -- _ ----- _ - ---------- ------- -------------- -2160 / -----------_ ------ --\__- - - - _ - - - - 2160 - - - - - --------------6a - - - _, __ ,,-'' -----_---_ -\-----_-- - -------------- ___- ---- - - - - - - - - - -216 - --,- / / — PROPOSED STAGING AREA ,------------ ----------------';- __-----_---- - _ - ,- ,-' / - - -- 00 + 10 -21s / -2170'- - - - - - -- - - ----\---`\---------------'-----' -`-----/-,-----''" ------_---_-- -\ - \`------------------------ -"---" ,,---' '"-- ��o/ / , - / PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE \ ' PROPOSED BANKFULL WIDTH ^ ----------- ---- -- ---------------- '__----------------___-----_----\` - - - - --- _ \------------------ - ------ --- _ - \ - \ / __, ,- q� 10 ,-'' - / - - NOTES: ---2180- - - _ ------------- --- ----- _-- ---- - -- - - ---------"" --''-- "---// 0 30 60 \ \ `- - __--_NORTH CAROLINA STATE SCALE IN FEET PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. _,----------------- ^------ -- __ �-�-----_-_/---_,_ _--' ---- --,goo '' /' '�'. -_\-- --- /-- - ,--------------- - -- \218o- 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 a x x o LL O 0 N M O N � Z_ M r - Z v V W a � a Wm = N = O vi O 00 LU V oN Q C7 Q f- H Z W Ln z Ln In In Q w w m m m m Q Q 0 z C1 0 V Y > Ln z U o LI) C) _ V a t] Q IER ii z- W 7 } 00 U OE"', A N Z Q J a u W IceW 0 J M H co O N r V s4o o a) v z� o 0 m w 0zrn co o = > N N rN � Q N Q S W W LIJ J � V z ooz Z Q O OQ ~ Z Z ZLU Q W kA Q � LA x x o LL O 0 N M N � ' M r - Z v V W W0 Wm a a N m m O O E 0 0 N / / / $� --- " " - 90 / DESIGN SUBMITTAL __ -0 _ --------------------- _-- - _ - Z _ -OLS ,__--- � / \ _'/ �` / /;' ,,' / ,' � �' � p ONE INCH --- - / / t / — — — — — — — — �2� / — ___-------/' '-----'-'/ / /-- ,\_�.--- \\`- / ,;/ /' / ` / \� 7 AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE ,- / '' \ I OL Z� i _ INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY -----`---------------- --_/' ��2 /- __--- _ _\/-------' ,--'' ' A \----- /) ---------------- __-' ----- -------------------- / — — — — / -^-/- _-'- /'_/- "._/ / \ /// r\) 1 1%8p I ,'/ _/ J Know what's below. L\Z- - - --------------- � - / .-� \\ /-'/ � \\ ., -` `I \ ; // / � Call before you dig. If _ - //'--_ "''//\\ _-- J, _-_�^ '' _- -\' /'� ✓ .� \ / `_ WJE' �' / ' // _��_- `\ \( 1 � /' � 1\ % I \ � \\\ \\ ` �\ \\- \�-•� \\ \ \ -` 1 -- � _\ ,.t _�_-_-- �-__--._-- _' � QZZ /'_' -'' /^_J'�' - '----_ -2160 --- / \ 1 \ \ \ ( \ \ \ l � I \, \ P_ og 2169 �. -. ' `\� ( /�_ \_ _ ( -0 / 1 I \\ \\ \\ \\ ii `\` -\ ``� \ `\ `�- -\ - _---`��_� ----'/ -� v -/-' ` � --------------- 760, N\.2180 `-21"01-`_\/�__--\---_-_- \-l'.._-__-_--- �' ✓ i �8� /�-- --' __W ~ -------------------- ,_ /__,-' 2170 r o\ 21 _ - -----------------__ - -- lr`Q6-------------------- ` ---- -------------------``-------``--- ---- ---- -------Il _---- ^\------------------- \'\1 i r/ /r�•�K {_ --- ` 2760 --------------------- _-----' ------ - --- / — 2160 \ice\— `�J LITTLE BEREA J \21 2150- — — STAGING / I ) // \ / •\\QJ \- -2150-\ —< \ / ` r AREA /,21C GPJ ---- ` \ ` /', ••SJ2 _` \ ��\ t' /i /' J_ \\� /\ �`�`_ 11 — —�X _ \ .\ \ (8,102 SF) /' \��--��/ \—1 \ \ �\ 4 10 cp /\ \ VV z) X, /1 \ / ) / _ /// , I _ �•� I �/ \ \/ /' _ /'_1 1 / / - G � __ cr ( ♦ ��/ \ �-�Osv _/ r= V \ �. ��C 1 � \\ / zj _ — — - / - -'--------------- --------- -------------- r/�`\---- \ \ 2 ' - _ - -\___HAUL RO9Q/ ACCESS ' .--' i `�y-i--'--_--•_-_- -'-'~2_170_ \ \_-•-_ / '_\----------- =-\-- ` _---- - ----_216 � ----\ -LI, _' --- =---------\ ' -------------- PIC ♦� ti \ _-/ �_\\ -\\\` `\\\I� r `,PVR --'/ - '' //' / /�/_-'^/'� _.________\--_�-. - `` ` \'\ ,/ �'-_/-'-' / '/l ✓ J^ -_-\OO �Z- \ --\\ \ _. _- -'�- 121 70, -- - r ,- -_' l ' ''/ _ r -_---`_---- _ -' `-�_� ` ' ' /V/ _/ `J ��--�80 � _--• �'� -_-- \--------_ -` -_---- I- \ ( r -/ / r ,/ , �/ -i- "' --_ \\ --`� /- /•�/� ../'- Imo_-/ ✓ --""' ---•�----' '.\�./^-l-..----- -- I 1j i/ i i ✓ i ,/ ,/ 0,/ �/- / ---- _ _�\ \\ ; ' ,-1 / LEGEND: It I i /� // /, /J i/ / i �� \ r "// /'� i _ —2130- EXISTING CONTOURS V & 5 INTERVALS PROPOSED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE PROPOSED SILT FENCE PROPOSED STAGING AREA 10+00 PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE - - - - - - PROPOSED BANKFULL WIDTH NOTES: 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 0 40 80 SCALE IN FEET PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION N z O Lq ii AN W } 00 n r A X J O Z Z 2O w W o O N _ _Z > LLU a o N Q O N U to cC oC Q z> In -p oC LU z Ln Q ao w i o +, a) ro a) v 1 ZQ O ZN� O 0 o z z Y ccC V) 0 0 o YL W _ V o< O a Q (' o ii AN W } 00 n r A X J O Z w ,L. o O N 0o a o V W LI O N U J V s ro � o Z w i o +, a) ro a) v 1 ZQ O ZN� O 0 0 D J_�a (' °G m W w oZm = O Z LU W co (B N = N W a a� = U — �� Q N Q S ii AN W } 00 n r A X o O Z a ,L. o J N a M V W LI LU � 1A W J Z V Z O O 1 ZQ O 0 D J_�a (' Z W Z O Z LU W a W a a� D M 1 D X o O ,L. o N M l0 ' M � Z v V LA W W O W a 0 C E 0 0 N �]9 �. — �/' / _/ `\/' r/\� /' �/' -\\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ -\\ -2200-- \ v / �- \ 1 / ,�- I , / / /•- r^ / / _/ \ \ \1-0 \ \\ \ Nv ------ -------------------- -2190— , 90— — — — — — --\ \- / r' / ` \ Nv _ \ 8 -/-- - - - - --_ \ --- \ - , \ ^2180 HAU` CESS )ESI GN SUBMITTAL, \_ _ xTFULLSI IF -N ONE �o ;\ PRELIMINARY ,.- INCN-SCAtL ACC \RQI LY \ ,- - - _ NOT FOR \\'-` - \\- ow what's be CONSTRUCTION \ 2\- II bifore ou I <1010 0 IN 2 N O l0 \\ \ � zLn_ Z v V LA \\ O a L a -\` \\\ �`--\ \ \`\\ -`\\\ \ -N- \\ O \ `\\\ ` /2200\ \ \\\ \ `\ \\`\- \`\ \\ \`\ — \\ \\ l V \ oN Q Q f- z W Ln 0 z Ln In In \ ' \' -- ___ l r w \ \ \ m _ / \ \ Q Q o z o o V p > un z Y l7 , w \ \- \\ -\\ \ --\ `\ _W `` 790 `\ _\ V -' r- \ \--\ 0 � Q — -\ -- \�' , \ \ \` ------------- \ \ - — \ ` \\ �- _, . ; \1 /�\�27j \ _ 2180 STAGING % \` \_ AREA \ ✓^\-' \`\ / (13,480 SF) X i�' - - - - -- ------__ --_,__ ``'�� �_ ___ ` _ ` \_\ �j \` ) ------------ --------- 176 O'i- ,/^ / -(J \ I \ \ \ ) ^t — ' ,�_.� %-rte- \\ -/ \ [� \ - -- /-��g-� ��2170 — .� \-__ \ \�-\^_ •-\ / _ \- N ? — -� / / / �� \ �)\\\ 1 // ` /-,^ --------------------- -----\------- _�' ` \`� - /��.=\_� ' —\��__',\_` _-- __'_�-`\ - l\ O 2180 \ x� / \ \ \>� \ ,J / / _ I_� /` _ -OL I Z_ _ -------------------------- OLLZZ -—�L�-�- -_-, \,\\_ 1 \7 /_ / / / / \ / �) \\ ' �/- `-\r-\. �i i\. �_ -- -- ----� __tea/ _ -_'� \\ \ \ ` / 1 f —17 \ _ - --------------- -0 - -----l NN -29+00 '218:` mi Z\\ /\ // / '\ \\ \\'`\ cn _ __ � ( "2160- \ - __ _/--' — STAGING / �" //-_,,//- _ -'_-__, __ —' J _ — — /_'_ __- ___ \ - -_ \ � \ � — �� - --- --- _ --�- AREA — - / / _--'' /--------'- -- \_ - \\\ \ \cli 1 I9 \ cb, W _-___/---- (3,355 SF) ,/- ROAb/ ACCESS ' J — _ ----- /--' /-------- - ` - i -0103 O r - - - --_ _— _--- - - - \\ \ _ _' \\ ------------------- —0612- — —\ \ , , - — — � ___ _- __ i -\ \ 0 — — — — — — — — -- 8LZ ,/-'' //--' --- ---------------------- —-------------- X170- — / /--___-------------------------------------------- — — — — — — — -2190-' _--------- �1\ \\ N� \ / _-'' __------------�.---------------------------- ---' /-'"-�- — --061 //- _/-- ------- \_ \ \\_ \\ \ _ PROPOSED / /' � _ ) ,''� /-'r -' �-'' � � � _-' _'� ---------------------- -/---"" — — —--------------------- __----------'� _/-' ____---------- \\`\ \\\ '2190-- ------- -\\ / CROSSING / _/-- _-- ----------------- - _ - --- _ -- '- — — — — 190- __ -' '-----'' ' /-- -\ \`\_ \_ \ \, -- -- ----- ,,_------- _____ ____-- - - -' 2200— \ /�----------- _- -_-/ / I ' /_'' /' �_-' '- � '_ ---------- --N --- -____ �7 \\ \-_- '.N\ ------------- — ,/' ' _-- _ - J �2 i _/-- _ _ _ --_--- — — — — -00ZZ- — — — �-\ / /--__/\___\_ ---- `-\ \` `\-- \ \ ------------------ -----------------\_~ / - I \`\ 4po -\ oozv ----------------- STAGING -` -- p // / 1 I r i / �, l� i /' / / .-' /-' _/ -022— — —- `--\ \` �`\ \ / ,l I / ) /f'I AREA (6,374 SF),\\ r m \ ✓ \ - /_\ \ �` //-- `\\ `\ \ \ \�� 2780 \-\ \\`\ D-^\ \ / / \ �\ \ \ •9 c� / r / r / / LEGEND: 0,- X170— , > / /> ! , -,--,� \\ \\ `\ / I I ti , r — —2130 - EXISTING CONTOURS ` 1 / I ti (1 & 5 INTERVALS) \�\\ \\ ` \ PROPOSED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE i\ 170 , \/ l 1 `1 �� \N N�/ \\\ \_� -`--, \^\ 1 I 1 \ \ \ r-- r r r PROPOSED SILT FENCE / - \ ) r Z — PROPOSED STAGING AREA \ \ \ OL \ \ \ \ \ \ � \ \ \ \ , < \ \ \ 1 \\ , \ \� \/ </ , \ \ .- ll. \ \\ �/ \ \ \\ \ 1 1�\ \ - ` `, \\ `\ \ Com, - 1 \\ 10+00 \ ^-\ 1_ ' �\ \ \ \ ` \ \ \\ v \\ ` \ \ \ / PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE \ \ \ 1� - .; /-\ \ / , , I , \\_ ` \ \ \\`- 11 , S \ PROPOSED BANKFULL WIDTH cp \� \ NN N NOTES: 0 40 80 1\ \ 1 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE SCALE IN FEET PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 Q x x 0 LL 2 N O l0 ' M � zLn_ Z v V LA W W O a L a O O co V oN Q Q f- z W Ln 0 z Ln In In Q w w m m m m Q Q o z o o V p > un z Y l7 , w O Ln C) _ V a � Q ii m I- p"A a J a V kA W D W a a D M D 00 W O N ru ro V c: s +, O N ro o (3) v z4- o Ln w oO oZm co o = > N a� rro v) � Q N Q s `W^ W LIJV J � V Z O�Z ZQ O O Z ~ Z Z ZQ Lu W kA Q � LA x x 0 LL N Iq l0 ' M � Z v V LA W W O W 0 c 0 0 N 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE �� `�� LEGEND: INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY ® PRELIMINARY /Nj / Aj'NOTFOR —2130 — EXISTING CONTOURSW. CONSTRUCTION — — 'ii�I I l7 I I ( / ; 1\\`, m — — KnowCall is bel , you dig. a/"�\ , I / 1 (1 & 5 INTERVALS) j PROPOSED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE / /'' PROPOSED SILT FENCE _ zo PROPOSED STAGING AREA Q 11 iii li i 10+00 = V) _ \_ PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINEco Ao �; o o � ', \I i \\ `--\ \ li iLU / '' >> aaO�----- PROPOSED BANKFULL WIDTH vi 7 L/)i 0 Z vi � vi a ui ui �% Illi l �! / ' l ` ,' It I\ \\ I I / l7 < w O NOTES: z Y> / / 0 50 100 9 w V a 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE a , 1� i 1 I\ `, /' / `\ PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. SCALE IN FEET , , , �/ / \ \ rl V pJII 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88_ a C 00 O ro N U ljo o o O O m zm VI I \tiq� gccF / ` J II a : a 01 ) o > °>DAIRY BARN 00 a�m vn N N Q STAGING AREA \ I 1 I (6,193 SF) APPROXIMATE BANKFULL WIDTH (TYP) Rw ),Ip/ I�j I 1 I FSS v `\ \ 1\ � I 111 i ;\ \ �� .•, _ _ `� � , 1 \ \ / % \\ \ HAUL/ACCESS ROAD (TYP)' \ \ z O w t\ STAGING AREA I \ (5,014 SF) LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (TYP)EL ca / 1 Q / I \ \ I �� • \ _ \ I\ // I } �2130-\\` \ \ I // -OS l z — / i LU LU INSTALL SAFETY FENCING AROUND BALL FIELD I 1 `.\ I r� EXISTING LIVESTOCK WATERER Barn n 1 I N ' I \X • ' I t i i ' � ,' � I / o \ It I / 1 \ ----------------------- ----------------- j ------------- --------------- ----- /- _------- -------- --- 1 Seville i '/-09tz------ =.2760 i Z W "~ LLI LLI O J J O CoQ Z U Z a W 0 J Q O Q Z ' Z LLI � Q 5 G W ce tA Q tA V1 X o O LL O N L ' M Z v V W kA W Q W a c=n \j / 1 C:) 11— / 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY / / / / / / / / I / / / / / / 0-0 00 ol I r 212 / BIG BOTTOM / //'//^ 000.0< � / _0 \ 1 / 011-1 i----1 U-)\ // / STAGING — '�\ \ , / ✓ ✓ / j i / / / // / /// AREA PROPOSED \ /✓212 / / /�,� �/ CROSSING (5,333 SF) S FIELD / \ice'\ STAGING / I I y � -, - I I AREA r ,'------- i \\ `\ i / / / i ✓ I I J / Ll (1,813 SF) \ 2120-/ -711 ` EXISTING CROSSING TO \ \ \�� \ �\ \ /� '`,QO / STAGING EIAG / BE IMPROVED /— (2,978 SF) � \ � \,� � rl �,r i ' rr� TEST FIELD STAGING AREA I I S � y' I , / \ \ (2,098 SF \ \\ �� STAGING STAGING — o, `-,----\ AREA AREA 212 \------- (629 SF) I (5 058 SF) cc Ox LEGEND: I / —2130 - EXISTING CONTOURS r ` (1'& 5' INTERVALS) PROPOSED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE \ \\ \ \ PROPOSED SILT FENCE PROPOSED STAGING AREA 10+00 PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE /ADO - --- _ UosllM Ua ap `�\ \ OZ L Z _ \p�`cl— \ ` ! I\- M _ �\ _ )-----,,\ — — — — — — PROPOSED BANKFULL WIDTH � / / / / \ \1 \ • _ ` NOTES: I 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE 0 40 80 1\- -------_ _ PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. SCALE IN FEET o 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION z 0 Ln LLJ Q Lu l7 W � O Z LIJ J z V a OOZ O O O zQ C z V t ~ o) kA W ' O N UV Z�Q rB � Z � Q W DG kA 0-0 _ V, _ W rLn 0 o 0 u; 0 Lu 0 oZm 6 m W O co = j N Lu N rro v) � V oN Q (D Q I--o=c z w Ln oN z LA F-: Q w w m m m m Q a 0 z Cl 0 V > �, zY �w o _ Lu V a � Q AN ti4 r., Lu l7 W � O Z LIJ J z V a OOZ d O O zQ C 00 V t ~ o) kA W ' O N UV Z�Q rB � Z � Q W DG kA 0-0 -0 0 W rLn 0 o 01 Lu 0 oZm 6 Q W O co = j N N rro v) � Q N Q s AN ti4 r., Lu l7 W � O Z LIJ J z V a OOZ Z O a zQ N O V t ~ Q kA W ' M Z Z Z�Q Z � Q W DG kA LA X o O LL O o N ' M � Z v V W LA W Q W a 0 c E 0 0 N 1 '\ '\` \\ \\\\ \\\\ \\\ 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ONE INCH AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE LEGEND: INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY ® PRELIMINARY \ NOT FOR 2130 EXISTING CONTOURS CONSTRUCTION— — — (1 & 5 INTERVALS) \ \ \ � � Know what's below. Call before you dig. BIG BOTTOM PROPOSED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE PROPOSED SILT FENCE '0 rn' `\ \\ `\ \ \ \ \ PROPOSED STAGING AREA > Q 1 \ 1 \ \ \ 10+00 = �^ _ PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE ° ° j o N -'� 1 1►� i I i i / \I 1 it 'i ', \`\ \\ — — — — — — PROPOSED BANKFULL WIDTH = G o z z / vi 1- vi H Q /;-__�'i' 1 �� ` ` •'r \ v—\ I \ I I I r I i I\ '1 ` \ z z C1 0 Q a — \ , ) I I ( / , 1 \ \ NOTES: z < Y > 0 40 80 9C2 LLJ L, o LLJ ti \\ �� — _ '� \ ; ; ; ; I r ', 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE Q `CD`\ PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. SCALE IN FEET 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 ` O \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ O C 00 ro O v 4- O Lr) 00, W O z M \ \ I \ 1 O U 00 \\\-� EXISTING \ __ �J� \\ \\ \ \ \ \ , --- \ b \ \ ( / TREE I ,--__ \ LU STAGING �c / AREA ' /I _ \\lh EXISTING (16,147 SF) i I'f ,� % i \\\ \ \\ \\ \\\ \\\ \\ `\ i i I i \\ i �l I i i i i z FENCE , \ , \\I 1 \, \ \ `\ \\ \ \ \ `\ + `, ', \ ( I I I I I / LU S Lo �� \, Iii , I , \ I '9�, \ �•-�, v. ----� � � \ \ \ \ \ , 1 \ \ \ 1 1 \ I I I I I I I � .9 ca CHARLIE'S\\ �— ``\\\ \ \I \\ \� `� ,\ --\ ` \�\\ \ \ \ \ \\1 \I \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ I 1 \ I \\ I \ \ \\- \ \\ \ \\ w LU Inc1 ( S FIELD \ \ 1 \ \ , \ \ \ , �� STAGING i \ \ \—0t,Lz— _ AREA \ \ ` �_� \,\ \ '-� \ �0� (10,550 SF)--� �\ \? �\ ` I I 1\ \ \ \ 1 \ t, \ `\\ L \ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \\ STAGING — \ i `\ ` \\ ry) 40 AREA . (5,439 SF) N \ 00 000' �� ' I I I I I ` \ I ` 1 --- y�rJ ` •\, ,.__ W / ' ` O c /xRogO/4 C c\!� — r(IV\i-------------- ` \\ oFrs ry I \ II \ \\ \ pO 71 \ o — ( 1 / \ , / 1 \ I ( , I I RED BARN — T ESY'F -11 �/ m N > \ I / 1 I 1 I 1 O \ / - / \ � / / I I I � I I ( I � I 1 / / / / / I I I N I I I I I I / / • J31 +60 LA LLI W W W ~ 0 Z v O ZQO ;A Z ~ Z Z ZLU Q W kA Q LA X o x LL O 0 N M � Z v W W Q LA a 0 E 0 0 N IONE INCH _ 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL AT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE ry II / ��\ \ / I_, _ \ �1 / / \ 1 I INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY ® PRELIMINARY NOT FOR �I I I r / i_\----_------ -`\ N I I i I� ;; 1 --\ -- (p Know what's below. CONSTRUCTION Call before you dig. / i ; FORBAT'S F�LG- �'✓ /� \ \` \ 11 \\\ I / zO V)_ O vi O � m ,� I > Q > V L _ i / , l7 U N C z `L/I / � oC � oLU vi vi R /' �'' 1 \' m m m m LU LU LU / 1 Nr I/fill / 1 ,' , \ / /' ` / \ / w Y w to Q p V Q �O j�-- \ V //// \\ / / //�_�`--\ \ X / j� ��` \-% ��- 1 d C) J O \_\\_moi--' 00 \\ </ ca rB ROAD/ ACCESS �9, �,� I CCE S i i \\ U III `/�' -- �— I '� \\ NAU`RONo/ A S % % / � \\\ �,1 � � — � ro / , , `—_ �� / / STAGING ------ -c T--� /-_-�..� / / I \ / I ,� �, O � v / / I / / - ----- 1 , - I I . \ w / -- \ AREA / // z (4,5 11 SF) / / — ,, , \ o Lr) ,0000 co -------------- % %�: STAGING \ �- - \�- �__ ' / / \ s = a') AREA PROPOSED \` >\�/ ------------------------------ �/ \,-'/ j j / \\ o N � � CROSSING 1 , I 1 I \ i, Q �, Q °° _ _------------------ ,' (5,821 SF) � � _ �' '---,, STAGING AREA / (4,782 SF)-- -- `---------' / I `\ \ i''/\\\ \\\ \OE2 — — rn / w / z oo,1 \ \ \\ > LU \---------- N, -------\ \\\ \I �� \ \ \\ \\ �\ a m / BIG BOTTOM \ LU / / / \ \\ \ \\\\ \\`\ �� w I I M / �/ / I I I I / I W 00 LEGEND: 2130 - EXISTING CONTOURS — — — (V& 5' INTERVALS) PROPOSED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE `\\ \ PROPOSED SILT FENCE PROPOSED STAGING AREA W W W ~ 0 Z Z U0 Z Q 0 to —~Z Z ZUj Q ce W N Q ISG tA 10+00 N i i PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE / I — — — — — — PROPOSED BANKFULL WIDTH = N / O ' M NOTES: z 0 40 80 v V 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. SCALE IN FEET W I I ` I 2. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD88 W W W ~ 0 Z Z U0 Z Q 0 to —~Z Z ZUj Q ce W N Q ISG tA " N N ' M � Z v V W W 0 W � a In CC 'Om aE EE PROPOSED DRIVE WIDTH 36-0" MINIMUM 4'-0" ■■■■■■■■■■■N MAINTENANCE: 1. INSPECT SEDIMENT FENCES AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK AND AFTER EACH RAINFALL. 2. REPLACE COMPONENTS OF THE SILT FENCE IF AREAS ARE TORN, COLLAPSED, OR OTHERWISE INEFFECTIVE. 3. REMOVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE STORAGE VOLUME AND TO REDUCE L PRESSURE OF THE FENCE FABRIC. AVOID UNDERMINING THE FENCE DURING CLEANOUT ACTIVITIES. v i FROMM EXISTING ROAD vi AD rwivvi WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC EO NOTES: 1. A STABILIZED PAD OF CRUSHED STONE SHALL BE LOCATED WHERE TRAFFIC WILL BE ENTERING OR LEAVING A CONSTRUCTION SITE TO OR FROM A PUBLIC STREET. STONE TO BE RAILROAD TYPE BALLAST. 2. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED UNDER THE ENTRANCE/EXIT AND SHALL BE MIRAFI 500 OR EQUAL. MAINTENANCE: 1. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC STREETS OR EXISTING PAVEMENT. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL STONE AS CONDITIONS DEMAND AND REPAIR AND/OR CLEANOUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. 2. ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED OR TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC STREETS MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. 3. WHEELS MUST BE CLEAN PRIOR TO ENTERING A PUBLIC STREET. WHEN WASHING OF WHEELS IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT BASIN. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE CLASS B RIP RAP SUPPORT LOG I DIA. MIN. PROFILE VIEW NOT TO SCALE MIN. 10 GA. LINE WIRES NOTE: 8' MAX. VARIABLE AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER iiia il11, ii 1111 BERM FACED WITH #57 WASHED STONE. 1. USE SILT FENCE ONLY WHEN DRAINAGE AREA DOES NOT = X J EXCEED 1/4 ACRE per 100LF AND NEVER IN AREAS OF o I CONCENTRATED FLOW.11 J 2. PROVIDE SILT FENCE BREAKS EVERY 200 FEET OF FENCING OR 3 o LL O AT LOW POINTS. z `n N (6 c o W W W STEEL POSTS: 00 - 5' LONG W/ANCHOR PLT. WIRE STAPLES: m - 1 -" WIDE O - 8 1" LENGTH MIN. - 1 =ITI=1T1 = --_ 1111'-1I1 - MIN. WT. 1.25LB/FT 2 - NO. 9 STAPLE O W.4 - ANCHOR PLATE MIN AREA= 14SQ" SILTFENCE FABRIC: }, N m U ~ N - NCDOT CLASS B u i O WOVEN WIRE: ��Z w - TOP & BOTTOM WIRES: 10 GAGE MIN. 01 Zia LU - INTERMEDIATE WIRES: 121 GAGE MIN. ;m Z - MAXIMUM MESH SPACING: 6INCHES SIDE O VIEW SILT FENCE NOTES: I. CONSTRUCT STREAM CROSSING WHEN FLOW IS AT NORMAL BASEFLOW. 2. MINIMIZE CLEARING AND EXCAVATION OF STREAMBANKS. DO NOT EXCAVATE CHANNEL BOTTOM. 3. INSTALL STREAM CROSSING PERPENDICULAR TO THE FLOW. 4. MAINTAIN CROSSING SO THAT RUNOFF IN THE CONSTRUCTION ROAD DOES NOT ENTER EXISTING CHANNEL. 5. STABILIZE AN ACCESS RAMP OF CLASS B RIP RAP TO EDGE OF THE MUD MAT. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE AN APPRORPRIATE RAMP ANGLE ACCORDING TO EQUIPEMENT UTILIZED. TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING - MUD MAT DETAIL SECTION VIEW F� 0W tom_ COIR LOG 12" FILTREX CHECK DAM OR APPROVED EQUAL 2"X2"X3' WOODEN STAKE (TYP.) SPACING 5' O.C. MAX. 12" STAKING DEPTH POOLED WATER LEVEL APPROXIMATELY 40' B pTTS INSTALL SOD STAPLES THROUGH CHECK DAM NETTING TO INSURE CONTINUOUS CONTACT OF COIR LOG TO CHANNEL BOTTOM. RUNOFF SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO FLOW UNDER THE CHECK DAM. COIR LOG CHECK DAM COIR LOGS SHALL BE PLACED PERPENDICULAR TO THE CHANNEL SLOPE APPROXIMATELY 40' APART. REFER TO SHEET C19.0 FOR LOCATIONS. NOT TO SCALE FRONT VIEW CHECK DAM TO EXTEND PAST TOP OF CHANNEL. RUNOFF SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PASS AROUND ENDS OF CHECK DAM. CHANNEL WIDTH NOT TO SCALE FRONT VIEW 1.33 Ib/lin ft STEEL POST WOVEN WIRE FABRIC SILT FENCE FABRIC FILL SLOPE * FOR REPAIR OF SILT FENCE GRADE FAILURES, USE No. 57 WASHED STONE. AS AN 6" MIN. COVER ANCHOR WHEN SILT FENCE IS OVER SKIRT * PROTECTING CATCH BASIN. ANCHOR SKIRT AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER CHANNEL SLOPE AND SPACING BETWEEN DAMS (MAX) 2% - 75' 4% - 37.5' 6% - 25' 8% - 19' 10% - 15' 12% - 12.5' 14% - 10' <14%-10' 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL SWALE OUTLET TO FLAT AREA Know what's below. Call before you dig. A I. 12-1/2 GA. apo FLOW W Do= PIPE DIAMETER RMEDIATE D= DEPTH OF RIPRAP ES No. LA W SIZE OF SWALE STONE (MIN). GRADE PLAN 1 lll' LA OFFILTER D IIIIIII�III_Il�lllll�llo BLANKET SECTION AA NOT TO SCALE FRONT VIEW NOTES: -.- GENERAL NOTES: I. LA IS THE LENGTH OF THE RIP RAP APRON. 2. D = 1.5 TIMES THE MAXIMUM STONE DIAMETER BUT NOT LESS THAN 18" 3. IN A WELL-DEFINED CHANNEL EXTEND THE APRON UP THE CHANNEL BANKS TO AN ELEVATION OF 6" ABOVE THE MAXIMUM TAILWATER DEPTH OR TO THE TOP OF THE BANK, WHICHEVER IS LESS. 4. A FILTER BLANKET OR FILTER FABRIC SHOULD BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE RIP RAP AND SOIL FOUNDATION. 5. COMPACT ANY REQUIRED FILL TO DENSITY OF SURROUNDING UNDISTURBED MATERIAL. 6. RIP RAP MAY BE FIELDSTONE OR ROUGH QUARRY STONE AND SHALL BE HARD, ANGULAR AND WELL -GRADED. 7. CONSTRUCT APRON AT ZERO GRADE. TOP OF RIP RAP SHALL BE LEVEL WITH THE RECEIVING CHANNEL OR SLIGHTLY LOWER. 8. ALIGN APRON WITH RECEIVING CHANNEL OR STREAM. ASSURE APRON IS STRAIGHT THROUGHOUT ITS LENGTH. 9. END WIDTH OF APRON TO BE EQUAL TO WIDTH OF RECEIVING CHANNEL. RIP RAP APRON MAX. SPACING 18" TOP ELEVATION OF STORMWATER 9" MIN. #57 WASHED 2 MAX. STONE I 1.5' MAX Elm EXISTING SLOPE -1j m I r Ill CLASS B RIP -RAP VARIES SIDE VIEW WIDTH DETERMINED BY EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND SEDIMENT STORAGE REQUIRED. KEY RIP RAP INTO THE DAM FOR STABILIZATION. ROCK CHECK DAM MAINTENANCE: INSPECT CHECK DAM AND CHANNELS AT LEAST WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT (1/2" OR GREATER) RAINFALL EVENT AND REPAIR IMMEDIATELY. CLEAN OUT SEDIMENT OR OTHER DEBRIS THAT COULD CLOG THE CHANNEL. ANTICIPATE SUBMERGENCE AND DEPOSITION ABOVE THE CHECK DAM AND EROSION FROM HIGH FLOWS AROUND THE EDGES OF THE DAM. CORRECT ALL DAMAGE IMMEDIATELY. REMOVE ALL SEDIMENT ACCUMULATED BEHIND THE DAMS AS NEEDED TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO CHANNEL VEGETATION, ALLOW THE CHANNEL TO DRAIN THROUGH THE CHECK DAM, AND PREVENT LARGE FLOWS FROM CARRYING SEDIMENT OVER THE DAM. ADD STONES AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN DESIGN HEIGHT AND CROSS SECTION. NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION z O > Of a 0 z _ "' _ O vi O co > oc of zz w LA 0 LA Ln vi H vi � Q ww coo coo on coo Q Q 0 z0 0 U 0 z Y >Uj LA 0 " w o LA = a 0 U Q T n m n n X J O I w/ J J LL O 00- (6 c o W W W W H 00 J O N U Ov U t � o O W.4 i Z }, N m U ~ 0 J O i O Z ��Z w Ln O m o Z ' 01 Zia LU ;m Z a� O O �ItA U co O Q N Q T n m n n W � a X O O tA J LL O a N W W W W H J Z V J Ov p Z O ZQo V ~ 0 J (7 ~ Z Z ��Z Z O V Zia LU W Z a� W(A O �ItA O W W � a X O O X LL O N ' M � Z v V W kA W O W � a