HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000555_COMPLIANCE_20170228--- STORN11Ni4TER-DIVISION-CODINGSHEET— PERMIT NO. N cSC�L�SS S DOC TYPE 0 FINAL PERMIT ❑ MONITORING INFO ❑ APPLICATION COMPLIANCE ❑ OTHER DOC DATE ❑ YYYYMMDD 14 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: NCS000555 Effective: 03/01/12 Expiration: 02/28/17 Owner: Winston Weaver Company Inc SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Winston Weaver Company Inc County: Forsyth PO Box 17366 Region: Winston-Salem Winston Salem NC 27116 Contact Person: Vernon C Carlton Title: Phone: 336-661-1495 Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 02105/2015 Primary Inspector: Sue White Secondary Inspector(s): Entry Time: 09:30AM Reason for Inspection: Routine Permit Inspection Type: Stormwater Discharge, Individual Facility Status: Compliant Not Compliant Question Areas: 0 Storm Water (See attachment summary) Certification: Phone: Exit Time: 12MPM Phone: 336-771-5000 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Page: 1 Permit: NCS000555 Owner - Facility: Winston Weaver Company Inc Inspection bate: 0210512015 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Page: 2 Permit: NCS000555 Owner - Facility: Winston Weaver Company Inc Inspection Date: 02 OS12015 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map? E ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a "Narrative Description of Practices"? E ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? N ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? E ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a BMP summary? ■ ❑ ❑ Cl # Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? ❑ ❑ ❑ # Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? E ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring semi-annually? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? N ❑ ❑ ❑ # Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Permit and Outfalts Yes No NA NE # Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? E ❑ ❑ ❑ # If the facility has representative outfall status. is it properly documented by the Division? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ # Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges? ❑ E ❑ ❑ Comment: Discussed drain located where the dewater pit is. This is a direct Wastewater discharge and is not taken into consideration in the stormwater sample. It was agreed that this drain would be closed off permanently, a sample of the pit would be taken and analysed. Increased pumping of the pit to the head of the plant will be inacted to reuse product in fertilzer. Page: 3 'instoHmem Public Works Department stormwaaterfEiosion and kilimentation Control Program City of WuUton-U m P.O. Box 2511 Wi cn-Sat=. NC 27102 CiryLink 311 (336,727.8000) Fax 336.748.3173 rmumtersnuD% com February 26, 2014 Mr. James Ownley General Manager Winston Weaver Company, Inc. 4440 N. Cherry Street Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Dear Mr. Ownley: The Stormwater Division of the City of Winston-Salem would like to thank you for your time and professional courtesy regarding the February 19, 2014 inspection of Winston Weaver Company. As per your request, a copy of the completed surface water inspection form has been enclosed to you. Part 4 of this report (Required Actions to be completed by Facility) contains Annotations #1417 that Winston Weaver Company must complete. Please provide documentation that verifies Winston Weaver Company's successful completion of the corrective measures to me by May 14, 2014. The Stormwater Division reserves the right to enter and inspect Winston Weaver Company as often as necessary to determine compliance with permit requirements of NCS00055 5. Thank you for your continued support and implementation of the City of Winston- Salem's Stormwater Program. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (336) 747-6968. Sincerely, Andrew K. Allen Special Projects Coordinator Cellular Phone: (336) 413-0675 Fax: (336)748-3173 andrewa@cityofws.org Gs7 Couadh Mayor Allcn Joint; Yirisn H. Burke. Mayor I'mTunpcm. Aonhca¢ Wand: Dour D. Ad. Nonh Weed: Dan Base. Sourh%c Wad. Robe C. Clerk. W u Wail: Molly Leighr. South Wand; Wanda Membet. Northw r WSrd: Derwin L Montprnery. Easy Ward: Ja Taylne. Jr., Soods Wuxi: City Man g- Lee D. Ganiry Call 311 or 336-727-8000 c ityl ink@cityofws.o rg s io W 1�11�IF�1PfIi Stormwater/Erosion Control Division Surface Water Inspection for Industrial Sites A) Official Company Name: Winston Weaver Company, Inc. B) Physical Address: 4440 N. Cherry Street Winston-Salem, NC 27105 C) Telephone Number: (336) 661-1495 D) Mailing Address, if different from above address: P.O. Box 17366 Winston-Salem, NC 27116-7366 E) Authorized contacts to represent company in environmental regulatory issues: Primary contact: James Ownley Title: General Manager Contact number(s): (336) 661-1496 Fax: (336) 661-9216 Email address: jownley@weaverfertilizer.com Secondary contact: Shane Collins Title: Plant Manager Contact number(s): (336) 661-1495 Email address: shanecollins@triad.rr.com F) SIC Code Number of business: 2875 G) NC Stormwater NPDES Permit Number: NCS000555 Permit Category: Individual G) Any other control authority permit(s) (air quality control, wastewater, hazardous waste) & number(s). Air Quality Control Permit 400004R7 H) Brief description of industrial activities that occur on -site: The manufacturing and blending of fertilizer materials for wholesale distribution to retail entities. I) Ultimate Receiving Waters: Monarcas Creek, a tributary of Mill Creek. Mill Creek flows into Muddy Creek, which is impaired due to turbidity (TSS) TMDL stream NYes ❑No Part I - Stormwater Controls 1. Best Management Practices . List the nonstructural controls employed by the laciltty: 1. Food -grade phosphate is not exposed to rainwater due to watertight, plastic -wrapped bags. The bags are placed on pallets to prevent direct contact with stormwater runoff. 2. Diesel and gasoline ASTs are double -walled for proper containment. 3. The ammonium sulfate storage pile is covered with tarps in order to prevent exposure to rainwater. 4. Winston Weaver uses a street sweeper to capture residual fertilizer from impervious surfaces around the site. " b. Are BMPs reasonable & appropriate for the facility? ❑Yes NNo Comments Currently, Winston Weaver is in a Tier III response for benchmark exceedences for total nitrites and nitrates, total suspended solids, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and total phosphorus at SDOs 92 and #3. Winston Weaver must evaluate current operational practices and select additional BMPs (nonstructural or structural) in order to minimize pollutant exposure to stormwater runoff. c. Are BMPs installed correctly, maintained, and effective operating condition? ❑Yes NNo During our on -site inspection, staff observed multiple hydrocarbon sheens from various locations around the facility (e.g. equipment repair shop, diesel fueling area, and Dustrol secondary containment area) that entered Winston Weaver stormwater collection system. In addition, particulate solids from the ammonium sulfate storage area were conveyed into SDO #2. 2. Provide a brief description of other controls that manage/prevent/minimize stormwater runoff (e.g., erosion and sediment controls, inlet protection/control at storm drains, diversion structures): 1. Diesel fuel AST has been replaced; gasoline AST is scheduled for replacing in 2014. 2. Winston Weaver has installed a small retention basin within the stormwater ditch line to SDO #2 in order to capture ammonium sulfate particles. Part 2 — Miscellaneous 1. Any evidence of discharge to receiving waters/MS4? (e.g.: stormwater runoff, dry weather discharge, co - mingling of process wastewater): NYes ❑No 1. Stormwater runoff is conveyed to Monarcas Creek, via the City of Winston-Salem's municipal separate storm sewer system. 2. During our on -site inspection, staff observed an open secondary containment valve at the Dustrol above -ground storage tank. The opened valve allowed hydrocarbons to enter a stormwater ditch located at the southern area of the property. 2) Do the stor nwater outfalls on -site correspond with those listed on the site map and in SPPP? ©Yes ❑No Comments The Stormwater Division recommends to following modifications to Winston Weaver's SDO status: 1) Evaluate the sampling point within the drop box at SDO 42; currently sampling practices do not collect overflow from the upstream, in -line retention basin. 2) Petition NCDLR to revoke SDO status at SDO #1 since influent stormwater runoff to this outfall is: sheet flow (not concentrated), originates from Winston Weaver's finished product loading area, and contains off -site runoff from the adjacent upland drainage subbasin. 3) Summary of Stormwater Discharge OutfalIs SDO Identification Potential Pollutants that Physical Location Latitude and Longitude could be discharged 1 Oil, gas, and antifreeze from Southern area of property N 36.1487 vehicles W 80.2649 Nitrite, nitrate, TKN, 2 phosphorus, potassium, Northern portion of the N 36.1506 suspended solids, oil, property W 80.2658 gasoline, diesel fuel, antifreeze 3 Nitrite, nitrate, TKN, N 36.1501 phosphorus, potassium, and Northwest corner of property W 80.2666 suspended solids Site Overview Part 3 — SPPP Review (can be completed in office) Yes No Notes Is there a SPPP? ✓ Last update was April 2012 Does SPPP include a certification statement by the responsible corporate officer? ✓ Last certification statement was signed 5/30/12 Does the general map depict the facility's location on a USGS quad ma orequivalent map) with receiving waters (or MS4) -listed? ✓ City of Winston Salem not listed as receiving MS4 Identification of impaired waters or watershed (if applicable)? Muddy Creek impaired due to turbidity (TSS) Narrative Description of these Industrial Activities: Storage Practices Unloading(Loading Activities Outdoor Processes Particulate Generating/Control Processes Waste Disposal ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Does site map denote drainage items: flow direction, boundaries, % impervious, and structures? Also includes SDOs, industrial activity areas, and site topography? ✓ A list of major spills that have occurred within the past three years (with corrective actions to revent futures ilIs)? A signed, annual certification that the facility has been tested for non- stormwater discharges from the site? ✓ Last statement was in April 2012 ✓ Last statement was in April 2012 Comments: 1) Please update the following annual SPPP requirements: plan amendment/review, SPPP certification statement, statement of no major spills, and nonstormwater discharge assessment. 2) Add the City of Winston Salem, Stormwater Division to Winston Weaver's spill notification list. The contact for spill notification is Keith Huff, Stormwater Director, (336) 747-6962 = landline and (336) 406-3332 = cell phone number. Mr. Huff's email address is keithhl Cc ,cityofws.orE for providing written notification to the Stormwater Division. Stormwater Management Strategy Yes No Notes Does SPPP incorporate the nine baseline controls: Feasibility Study (technical & economic review to minimize pollutant exposure) Secondary Containment (table summary of tanks, stored materials, release records) BMP Summary (listing of site stntctural/nonstructural practices) SPRP & Procedures (clear, concise procedures of spill contairunent) PM & GH (inspection of material handling areas & regular cleaning schedules) Facility Inspections (biannual inspections of facility and all stormwater systems) Employee Training (annual basis for staff who perform SRP and PM functions) Responsible Party (specific position(s)-developing, implementing, & revising SPPP) Amendment & Annual Update (of major spills, nonsw flows, BMPs, sampling data ✓ Ethylene glycol requires secondary containment in an amount NIA requirement of signed and dated acknowledgement ✓ ✓ No BMP effectiveness summary Does SPPP contain completed routine inspection reports/records regarding reportable implementation of the nine baseline controls (i.e. SPPP Implementation)? ✓ No annual recertifications of major spills, BMP effectiveness, and nonstormwater flows Analytical Monitoring Yes No Notes Are samples collected within 30 minutes of treasurable rain events Record the on -site rain gauge and at least 72 hours since the last storm event? level at sample collection. Are sampling events monthly? ✓ Winston Weaver is in a Tier III response ---- Is analytical monitoring complete (including schedule) for each ✓ SDO? Any exceedences of pollutant parameters when compared against the ✓ Monthly exceedences of TSS, permit benchmark values? TKN NO2/NO3 and TP at SDOs #2 & #3. Has Facility implemented appropriate, selected actions to reduce Benchmark exceedences are pollutant concentrations, in response to benchmark exceedences (if ✓ occurring on monthly frequency a licable)? — indicative of on -going issues. Qualitative Monitoring Yes No Notes Is qualitative monitoring being performed during measurable storm Record the on -site rain gauge everts? level at sample collection. Is qualitative monitoring complete (including schedule) for each ✓ SDO? Qualitative monitoring occurs at Are monitoring events monthly? ✓ the same time as analytical sample collection. Any observable, excessive amounts of pollutant indicators in ✓ stormwater discharge at SDOs? Part 4 — Required Actions to be completed by Facility: 1) Add the City of Winston Salem, Stormwater Division to Winston Weaver's spill notification list. The contact for spill notification is Keith Huff, Stormwater Director, (336) 747-6962 = landline and (336) 406-3332 = cell phone number. Mr. Huff s email address is keithhl @cityoAvs.org for providing written notification to the Stormwater Division. 2) List the City of Winston-Salem as the receiving MS4 entity on your site or general map. 3) Denote on your site map (or SPPP narrative) that Winston Weaver is located in Mill Creek Watershed, an impaired watershed for turbidity (TSS). 4) Please incorporate narrative descriptions of Winston Weaver's unloading/loading process, outdoor processes, waste disposal methods, and particulate generating/control processes activities into your SPPP. 5) Please update the following annual SPPP requirements: plan amendment/review, SPPP certification statement, statement of no major spills, BMP effectiveness summary, and nonstormwater discharge assessment. 6) Since ethylene glycol (i.e. antifreeze) is a SARA Title 111 313 Water Priority Chemical, Winston Weaver must install a secondary containment structure in order to satisfy permit requirements. Your permit specifies that any amount of ethylene glycol warrants secondary containment. 7) Record the on -site rain gauge level at sample collection in order to establish that a `first flush' discharge was obtained. 8) During the on -site inspection, numerous locations (e.g. equipment storage area, vehicle staging area, and diesel fueling pad) had hydrocarbon releases to Winston Weaver's collection system (and ultimately, the MS4). Winston Weaver shall perform spill response training of pertinent employees to ensure effective spill clean-up methods are followed. Once the training has been completed, please send written confirmation (a class roster with attendee signatures) to the Stormwater Division for our master file. 9) Evaluate your current sampling protocols at SDO #2 in order to collect a representative sample that include overflow from the in -line retention basin. The Stormwater Division requires Winston Weaver to contact the NC Division of Land Resources in order to obtain a definite answer regarding representative sampling methods at SDO #2. 10) The Stormwater Division recommends Winston Weaver petition NCDLR to revoke SDO status at SDO #1 since influent stormwater runoff to this outfall is sheet flow (not concentrated), originates from Winston Weaver's finished product loading area, and contains off -site runoff from the adjacent upland drainage subbasin. 11) During the on -site inspection, staff observed an open secondary containment valve at the Dustrol above -ground storage tank. The opened valve allowed hydrocarbons to enter an adjacent sormwater ditch located at the southern area of the property. Immediately place a lockable mechanism on the release valve in order to prevent further illicit releases to the MS4. As per our conversation, Winston Weaver must implement a protocol of pumping the contaminated hydrocarbon/rainwater from the Dustrol and boiler blow -down containment berms into your fertilizer manufacturing process. If collected rainwater within the Dustrol and boiler blown -down containment areas is uncontaminated, Winston Weaver shall perform a visual inspection and document your results on a secondary containment release log. Winston Weaver shall incorporate these protocols into your SPPP; please furnish a hard copy of your standard operating procedures to the Stormwater Division for our master file. 12) Ensure that 40 yard container is watertight in order to prevent leachate from being spilled during the loading process. 13) Remove the contaminated hydrocarbon/rainwater mixture in the hydraulic base mille pump secondary containment system. Dispose of this mixture in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations. 14) Extend the roof and add retention berms at the bag mill air compressor in order to eliminate rainwater from making contact with leaked hydrocarbon. 15) During the on -site inspection, staff observed a five gallon bucket of blue dye (or possibly hydraulic oil) outdoors and exposed to rainfall. Relocate and store this bucket indoors. 16) Currently, Winston Weaver is in a Tier III response for benchmark exceedences for total nitrites and nitrates, total suspended solids, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and total phosphorus at SDOs 42 and ##3. Winston Weaver must evaluate current operational practices and select additional BMPs (nonstructural or structural) in order to minimize pollutant exposure to stormwater runoff. Please provide your finalized list of selected BMPs with an anticipated implementation schedule to the Stormwater Division. 17) Cover your spare machinery with a tarp or relocate these items indoors in order to prevent exposure of hydrocarbons to rainwater. Company Representative(s) that participated in inspection: Mr. James Ownley Title(s): General Manager Start of Inspection: 9:00 A.M. Completion of Inspection: 1:16 P.M. Date: February 19, 2014 Signature of Stormwater Inspector: Title: Special Projects Coordinator 3 Picture # I — Ammonium Sulfate Storage Area Raw material is conveyed outdoors due to high usage; Winston Weaver uses a street sweeper to collect: residual solids Picture #2 -- Bucket of Blue Dye (or Hydraulic Oil) Please place bucket indoors when not in use 7 Picture 43 — Drop Inlet that receives Overflow from Retention Basin Evaluate current sampling protocols in order to collect stormwater discharge from the in -line Retention Basin Picture #4 -- Spare Parts Storage Area Please cover parts in order to eliminate the exposure of hydrocarbons to rainwater 8 Picture #7 — 40 Yazd Waste Storage Container Ensure container is watertight in order to contain leachate during the loading process for transporting Picture #$ — Hydrocarbon Sheen in Boiler Blowdown Secondary Containment Area Pump and discharge the hydrocarbon/rainwater mixture into Winston Weaver's fertilizer manufacturing process 10 Picture 49 — Dustrol Release from Secondary Containment Area Immediately place a lockable mechanism on release valve Picture # 10 — Hydrocarbon/Rainwater Mixture at Hydraulic Base Mille Pump Dispose of mixture in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations 11 RECEIVED } z N.C.Dept. of ENR EEB 24 2014 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) �;I ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT (DMR) I SPPP Annual Update DATA REVI IN{FOFtMon sa�en, Calendar Year tea 13 R lonaI office Individual NPDES Permit No. NCS©M❑O ©= or Certificate of Coverage (COC) No. NCG❑❑❑❑❑❑ This monitoring report summary of the calendar year should be kept on file on -site with the facility SPPP, Facility Name: W I yi Weaver County: r-ot'S f _ Phone Number: M) (e (a I — 4 9 Total no. of SDOs monitored Outfall No.. �-,/ Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes Ba No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes T/ No ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No 0?" ,P ameter units Q Total TO}A ;Su5N4a 3 3,Ni�,�fCgE11' �i YO G!'hb5 i�OrN S P r irichesG �kL a j �: , ,m�� 1 ',c . ¢, �. �..,, _. � .k.. ry1 �( Benchmark N/At 0 Q.,. 0 2-Q'.2.. R' it �..: s �, Date Sample Collected; mmlddlyy, Uc, U I o m- Feb, W 13 No Flo 03 ,4 1• 0. 0 3 1010 1900 2 04 19 2013 0. 3Y 0 ri cl 9. gIL . , •8 a 2o13 A 64r 50 K o 02 2 .s SWU-264 - Generic Annual DMR Last revised 5/17/2013 Additional Outfall Attachment W 10 5 �on W e(w er Co , , Zn G O Wall No. Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes &"No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes VNo ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO°monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No I R" n- r ararneter; uitLs} ' 32 1 `Total r1 FSi,s�rrtl ��Ra�nfall` ;S:a1i�;5 •., > ��n¢hes� 1rM ' illr'}n�i� Id 3 a►� N�tn,�, ,,� yy m ..�Cia�: 1 i^ �n Tb,}Q;�w : Qh65` orct5; � � �ro 1 tW► r4pOTArsSik ! / rv, -L x, n d,.c}..ry ,, 5 , r t Benchmark- _ te,Sampie ?Collected; �"' � mrnlddlyy._ 2V 13 fr Elov, _ - i Ai4241 o c zo1 0 10/0 Zell,5 2 0 I2 I D. l 31 • 5-.19 6, 201 o Flow, 15 -LID r C 8. i' 3z 151 SWU-264 - Generic Annual DMR Last revised 511712013 Additional Outfall Attachment �j e-Ave-r 6, J 7 n G Outfall No. 4- Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes 19--*,'No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes VNo ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDOJmonitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No ,x liar'ameter units 1 1 r a. r s a1 ���Total� finches r II Jp.•� �'W ,, ,, �►, I - Y '�. ... , v .. :; .1 A ��/yr iut�r>!Y V r - 1 €'w'•M1:-'p+, � 1pp�..,E. yye` L M Ci �Q-!} �." -';� .t°.. s„� J ;y%r'/F��"'. '^ • - ! Yl-/J_�1:.i�l.r Fs r ' 5 i i r �•L i ."r - 3 f, c'-Y i y +�". .. 5• i�. �� F;. . '�l]ate�SampEe'� -� Collected;; r A,� "mmlddlyyi � �` If i .. ,- .... _. .', .. ., �,il D ._is .:.. .S .;y'.. 'I..i 7- - A•!1 i Lr Sir'' aliS'_: re...a�i,iD:, i.. �..i. ,n .. i:.•.a-..�L.�...•. ,w.... i:� 4 C. L.r 7_ .e•:�-.. i �• �'' ` r ..�'r t-.'-, 'Wf �.fi� ..k.,..5• .`. r �'.. ..-. fie. _.. .:�1 r,.v f+•_r... ..�. - i.. .�... .:.. r: r. _.'.. �20)3 -lo ON)2- -W3 D. bQ Soo, 20 159 8 5 r7 Iy D to leo 0W ! 20i' . 3S '7 2 I 0 1117 2 590 u 2613 ND c&j- CYC e0 r_SZ _ 4 JL%11 L i Ilk A,iD cu 2vl So b S e V 13 Ot Pot", iv IM3 s 5 2 3 ' 12. Nov;0 13 Na Fl - - IZ 14 Lu j,3 o.,'7 '7 qq 17, -S S Lt 69 SWU-264 - Generic Annual DMR Last revised 5/17/2013 1 Additional Outfall Attachment w S h w wer �-Ll •� TY1 G h Outfall No. _ ;2 Isthis outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes [e-**'�No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes VNo ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ / Was this SDO;monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No 2- ? i ' i'ararneter units " z�1 otal } r�Ml S cied Nirwf ..N3 . :',7 '.1. 1 r en rt r: '� 4 -,: PhiiS ori5 _ ''.1 �`;' � :Date Sample. M1-m�ddyv�;, a,l,'zo1N 0 Fla Ak Flar � r DrIL�IJ f N*,-6�10J3 1u20t3 F:*, �(D �j G.19 20 j . j� 2 r r GL Alp POW" Mt-r-'i D &.. 2 �S> 32, ,� > (A 20I3 ND nCL u 201 0 P0� TO AID o O 20r3 D, 9 (02> �' o : SO 15 V0 F1PC-,-1 i 20j' 0 2y :2 /613 i4IL> 1 S .S SWU-264 - Generic Annual DMR Last revised 5/1712013 W rnShy) �) Cc,/ Zne, "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to -the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Sign Date For questions, contact your local Regional Office: DWQ Regional Office Contact Information: 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 (828) 296-4500 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 791-4200 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 (336) 771-5000 225 Green Street Systel Building Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (910) 433-3300 943 Washington Square Mail Washington, NC 27889 (252) 946-6481 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919)807-6300 610 East Center Avenue/Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-2845 (910)796-7215 "TO p�5�t1!E,. prt]deCd: :a nd enhance" 'Noah-Camiiha's Nader..." SWU-264 - Generic Annual DMR Last revised 511712013 SITE INSPECTION WORKSHEETS The general procedure the inspector should follow is outlined below. The inspection should generally begin with a tour of the operational areas. If concerns are noted, they must be brought to the attention of the Plan Coordinator. Please mark the log sheets as original forms and make several 3-hole copies of it to maintain a supply of blank inspection forms. A. Check the industrial activity areas for signs of equipment deterioration or material leaks specifically looking for: Drip marks or puddles containing stored material; Discoloration of storage containers; Corrosion; Cracks; Droplets of stored material; Evidence of stored material seepage on valves or seals; Damage caused by impact; Presence of precipitation and available capacity in secondary containments; Tracking or transport of materials due to wind, water, vehicle activity, or foot traffic; Inventory and ease of access to spill -kits; and Stressed or stained vegetation, concrete, roof drains, or other items contacted by stormwater_ Yt ecl 2 1 1 '� 114 ACT 34 FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVIATIO�N1 LOG SHEET Date: Potential Source and Location f OK Comments Raw Materials X. Clean uV c,n 4_ 61"o" T y��C > cf Loading/Unloading Areas d lea/jam' �x=1�j ADC; ocv Raw Materials and/or Manufacturin,9 Area �fi sip' (Ln � /f/Qro Mee . ' ; /SIG �� CMecf, Office, Vehicle, and Truck Parking Areas Cif u.>�IG"a-t t Uc'_ cr /1�l-Gv'p•jt OAS. Above ground storage tanks and containment Boiler and other condensate and/or blow -down Rao J C�'�--- C� I � L�IG7 p(f Ilfy/Yi1 �e�i�S�4rG Gi producing equipment Maintenance and Equipment c,l=' �'rt•-4 tce.b'n� 5'w,Pi 5 Areas l���tr' bJcti ' J�Lfrt(' Ffreel. ri.tOL L464�C� �.✓�?.fE�- Other o i � P<r l�r�s ,scrt�l l�, s ..�E►�c� l b� ave- P,-e MeA Ae, AF, 7-e-q Skk Cie-o 7 be t_.k :'lac Lir1r Inspector (sign) (print) c P e, _5 A, (Ow �i )C \K 35 ylq~ �f14 -TTe r Two Resp on se, •.fin spe-c-'ki'o n 1� _ FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET (FrDnj -I �-13som `�n t�- Ye,4� Date: M P Potential Source and Location ✓ OK Comments Raw Materials >L Clem ott� S��d�'Mewl Pl.- LoadinglUnloading Areas 'C =0 �' rJ C'"t L4 Cjr I'1 � �'- a� Raw Materials and/or Manufacturing Area ROW 01-e6 S , Office, Vehicle, and Truck Parking Areas k on A)"' 5jJje— I c vi n G9nc� sIle lier Above ground storage tanks and C0cr hiz� containment jcrr� Boiler and other condensate 00d producing and/or blow -down equipment Maintenance and Equipment Areas f/ r GI��75f7'GG!)C+7 CI' W�iS'� !�i•fr�'-- _ �� L�'aSji bC'Srr, I c�i,c %v t,rasr�r,Svrlc1L/.. wr<'` car�rr Other l :sG�^<� S,�'�� � � � Gc' f C�it ►o 51ev c /P S1 k— )-o r1 /tr._�Cf� `� /�'?mac' ��� ' ��+;�� ��ll� 1'•� Fd Inspector (sign (print) 35 -Tier Two Ae s PQ n se_- _Xns f eA an1 FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET rrom J 113 Date: ��oZo�-r� ��iri��lnc1 r�veh� Potential Source and Location ✓ OK Comments Raw Materials Source Co S S4e I Ro Load inglUnloading Areas Eveioq4t,k r, �a�' -r! X ,� RePlaceH, l�� r A 11 641lr000vtr Raw Materials and/or Are R by' 3-k&l cl wosW-1- Manufacturing Area cleMa Ip^d2S` 13 . Office, Vehicle, and Truck Con1 nh �� S w P1 h - Parking Areas � .) Above ground storage tanks and containment �nl7htK. K �'Ar d rr., heel AM G e wef / Boiler and other condensate producing and/or blow -down Goo equipment Maintenance and Equipment Areas �•+10DI jLa E g, J Oj CJ AeeA ogsh '64%N Other Grossy area oN War* C on AD -�%- 13 q > - � Inspector (sigi (print) 6 / 1&Pf S 61rie, Co I i ins 35 A FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET Date: /0-1.7=1Q Potential Source and Location ✓ OK Comments Raw Materials Loading/Unloading Areas J ��; /i Raw Materials and/or Manufacturing Area ?( ,�- A4,7c_ 1 P -2-s Office, Vehicle, and Truck Parking Areas i �-L'�r �11 c►�_ Sl%f ��/JI�I: J Above ground storage tanks and containment C t?►,,?'ri tie.��c,c'�i�l�� C��i�C�'S CIl Boiler and other condensate blow �i `/�-. j producing and/or -down equipment l'l Sc Maintenance and Equipment Areas /�,If.,��� ��,�/E7 ! 1 SC L 1 d"� Other At 6 el t ) E� I ,�- car j1, Inspector {sign)�t�17 _ C (print) 35 V-1 FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET Date: Potential Source and Location ✓ OK Comments Raw Materials Loading/Unloading Areas /-on L ►'i C� Pll1b� G��GH� / y Raw Materials and/or Manufacturing G 1"n P9. Area X Office, Vehicle, and Truck Parking Areas Gdr1I'ji7GlG St.Jep Ii2 G� Gleams,►,'2�- on ✓tom �h D�. Above ground storage tanks and containment r co ? h rt e, ke_ yin�i olI /�L e$ Irqj ne- Boiler and other condensate COn A h Uer /ot- / 1r � O�1 _ CJ � <4 producing and/or blow -down equipment .r n p�i S�S.4 61 Sec.J+P./' Maintenance and Equipment Areas r repyl GZr heuibk She Other %le4no ye, Pone— / 0- /l - /3 rack, c lean 'OLS l�- . Inspector (sign) (print) 35 FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET Date: Sn�z—/ Potential Source and Location ✓ OK Comments Raw Materials Load inglUnloading Areas 7� Cc n j h 4L se./�a���' Gl � /` o� � on r / n , Raw Materials and/or Manufacturing Area i� m r ez— � 1�41 Plat, be. f }�! !e-� i 7ko r v7 l e s✓a o ay - Office, Vehicle, and Truck Parking Areas �/ Gon is ti S w �a� �ar fives . Above ground storage tanks and containment Boiler and other condensate producing and/or blow -down equipment Maintenance and Equipment A l j ��� S � jpjG' e.O� Areas Other Reps L owe Wlise • red /a P1, ✓ on �- r� n o �A11^ co ���� P- 30 - l 9 Tr j#7 , n Sro7G b., d i t .r a o Inspector (sign) (print) 35 T'er -1"wd ResponSe. FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET Date:�- �o,) S�nr�ltJa Sa�1r+� Potential Source and Location ✓ OK Comments Raw Materials X C. IGc,Y% f*kw m* C-'1 '04S Link Loading/Unloading Areas Raw Materials and/or X C�CAh at-ot,,d bbe d lcw�- Manufacturing Area I Office, Vehicle, and Truck Parking Areas OL COA h„ e SweLAJr� W �G1 w / rrn Q Above ground storage tanks and ✓ DWS �ft j 64 Sf;? C- /CAn 0 L4 containment Boiler and other condensate oo CI.1 �. S A N�"rJ?OrvlNgr s+k producing and/or blow -down equipment I MQ1-4- 01rer q1 r C `7 _(-13) Maintenance and Equipment A /r siee j j h m&lam Areas W►'1 PI G k ee Other + (411d R- ✓ Aigai r- Na rh o ``rrw►i� froh, M1 ni' i 2 I^u n o 1hi0[ol/ rese I ear �lovri c Inspector (sigr M "&f f'p,K 01%?01w5e . 35 n44 =13. 4,a Wed ,411 FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET Date: Potential Source and Location ✓ OK Comments Raw Materials Loading/Unloading Areas C 1C�fY1 i�SiO L7C c,-►� rr�nllja , Raw Materials and/or C %G. �/„/ /Oajl?j Manufacturing Area Office, Vehicle, and Truck Parking Areas C t,n J7•)l We S ,�� i!? V, 4 G�✓/S m6v(2 b e, �O rlr �� `�'i c` s cv.�a Sao' oC Above ground storage tanks and containment A, �' ���� 00 q-- n4l a0 o Boiler and other condensate producing and/or blow -down ✓ Gc�r.c�• �'i�� equipment C1�n;�i C�i ��oSc-._X Maintenance and Equipment �Yfe�-� j 5G,(yp Areas �r- Cy •'S _S�Crio .Spe�e,af In, afe- lS - Other X <- Ile 5 1.0 M Mc►vjla_�)A G y A a � /�a s, •7 ,� cle�,� n�o Inspector (sign; -no C=1PGr n n A SdG'C 16 r Scf e o e 7-ffi ,-13, (Print) 19. Ot.o ii l e-- 35 t �`'%r �fo Res )) L c-�7Q P FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET Date: _I sopy),Eves Potential Source and Location f OK Comments Raw Materials x cleat) pe sidt'lL from Loading/Unloading Areas J Vi . rl �i1C�krICr/S ,�'Dn � -roll inc i 5 cf� l �3c Raw Materials and/or C 1e�� ��l�'�Gr� _1 �J (J� Manufacturing Area �( C leem Gc-i Ach &;) ih 6 nd re-- h of ro tour G� dl-ol I,-, t e- care ; Office, Vehicle, and Truck Parking Areas X Conklit'lr✓ Stye err�� Lod • &4d old logy,1W- 6J716r di "05e Above ground storage tanks and containment Boiler and other condensate producing and/or blow -down ✓, equipment Maintenance and Equipment C_ leers M G i; I� S G('�Areas � Arkll.Mr D vne- ,5 -f7-f3 Other r?���Gr PeA-1 �G' Ile Y%90A, A16 A s �s�c e- �l.�cl c. fe�F � �, R, ea Dore_ .5 =f•2._ i 3 -� s' e'Cl' .6e16 " /- Inspector (sign) le, (print) -_�� LTG J�LS �• ��!/l �E } S41c�I'd overpock �)/^if"Y I U't f `rf�V cr 1 f«�e 1 ,4ck Lair oerp)e5, ��' com p tle_4'� der Two Res�ons� Tn spec o� FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET Date-. �ro.h 3- )2-13 SaryTh ,, F✓Md- Potential Source and Location ✓ OK Comments Raw Materials ConAhue. clupfj•n�� Sl• ke- , Loading/Unloading Areas c6vm r>" oA.0n I" a 0 4 It d01% trt S,We, o �=- Raw Materials and/or v G feAn CWOUN hlid Manufacturing Area lo46,� owd otoline be- IV Done 1H2,--/ 3 , Office, Vehicle, and Truck Parking Areas �7 �0991 its. . Above ground storage tanks and containment Boiler and other condensate producing and/or blow -dawn equipment Maintenance and Equipment le n IS b� S�o� 4" ^ Areas x w� %D SI�r 61n bone. 'NS-13 • W Other X NO ?4/M 0 ".11.2er b+f cw�G1 GIeGn Inspector (sign) (print) 35 n le, 0jr— r 44V *18-13 ew- -Tka o R els on se-. �s � �ibnj � P e FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET Date: J— 167 13 Potential Source and Location ✓ OK Comments Raw Materials Loading/Unloading Areas 1 r Raw Materials and/or Manufacturing Area }� Coll h IIW, t 5ti iA zel IV ru.�o 1 0041i1 Office, Vehicle, and Truck Parking Areas !o gg Above ground storage tanks and containment ✓ Boiler and other condensate producing and/or blow -down equipment Maintenance and Equipment Areas �y A�__Cr L=1 I rr U ul t � 5 Other K1/le � u 1� gaio�! s Inspector (sign) (print) © Re, 1 r 5 n &ac k Ne. w 4 b oarQ f 1'&e, k k Jkr do "fkM - dons-13 35 f'n '2�, clean clebr►S km roof areA.S jV Ane, 2-9-13 - z 01 ; vee� Wa//' /VIO ruha4!, FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET Date: /.2 - W - /;�, Potential Source and Location f OK Comments Raw Materials Loading/Unloading Areas X 6J� +-o pr"& - /1 ns D.W C ff (tJ '1'"r!!'vn ranr� ��'Gr��..15 Oita-# riu S G fi rath. Raw Materials and/or Manufacturing Area / fn m j Coffer a" erg Office, Vehicle, and Truck Parking Areas / Above ground storage tanks and containment Boiler and other condensate producing and/or blow -down •/ equipment Maintenance and Equipment 56ro-p rn h4S -be, Areas / a,.\c(— uT + � F ►1 ��c.t CI VMP SICr Other I �; �5 Ski S� e- r Bj ienak ll` X grorom i ►��i�� n �e �� h e S Inspector (sign) WA (print) Xa-n e— e0fil-'el 35 FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET Date: Potential Source and Location ✓ OK Comments Raw Materials CDrfl�nu� fo keep rare Loading/Unloading Areas ,/ l��ec� sti ur n &ve-r Q__(r� us�►� 5�-� ��crr Raw Materials and/or Manufacturing Area K�+�.C'J+ �y h� e►�r i,� G� / Y �,rev2n� run v o s�o raq 2 Office, Vehicle, and Truck Parking Areas V Above ground storage tanks and �v j2aS containment Boiler and other condensate producing and/or blow -down / equipment Maintenance and Equipment spa[ 5� -s a { un aav&w.�e;f 1 Areas i re j Ktc;Q cLmp s+er- Other Inspector (sign) (print) 35 FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET Date: Potential Source and Location ✓ OK Comments Raw Materials Loading/Unloading Areas . �l%4�Cr � 4 �r y Igo l/ � A , Raw Materials and/or Manufacturing Area As Tao .l&54n t�oin �� 1 S/arr� da Office, Vehicle, and Truck Parking Areas �,mbS Above ground storage tanks and containment Boiler and other condensate producing and/or }glow -down equipment Maintenance and Equipment Areas S C t� C�1 51ft) "lk fk �• Cdtr fje Other G-0P/ed4'on O ,QQC�C WiA%! ro she.d�c�v! w she • �^oalC Inspector (sign) (print) `JQme,S 35 S 'IMS FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET Date: Potential Source and Location ✓ OK Comments Raw Materials Loading/Unloading Areas � � Oh � h we- C_ lea h � k`j G repoltie t- 5 1'�% Raw Materials and/or Manufacturing Area�Z7 Kee?,' CL{O-c V run o Office, Vehicle, and Truck Parking Areas Cj ood Above ground storage tanks and containment Boiler and other condensate producing and/or blow -down equipment Maintenance and Equipment Areas X S s C kih �e' C kO n f RnDI O�l Sp�Se 1 ST�c� o�Dt.Ji? Other QGGL-S1de CNrr� i' ke C) Play �- wQ �t qc- -rra+ n ✓ Ul4 r"dl a, area %• ��rnS%r�• Inspector (sign) _I (print) 35 ij FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET Dates Potential Source and Location ✓ OK Comments Raw Materials Loading/Unloading Areas s��%i4 /� s�• �� airC � �� bl"IF area uj4"A G ati, �- Swe�i Raw Materials and/or Manufacturing Area V CorrQ7hu� Arnmo- Office, Vehicle, and Truck Parking Areas G o h7 k SW-ev► - Above ground storage tanks and containment Boiler and other condensate producing and/or blow -down equipment Maintenance and Equipment LL so►�� AGCu+�s� f6t /�QI! o Areas K- Sc,- SAbe 1. R4404, ¢ OtherrC�Oai� I lZr CJcc W 4I1 ¢ I 'a►' So hS � �DN SIOIc!" 9 � wa 11 lac.er�c-r'` <on a, �/L cree /,Z Inspector (sign) U (print) p.y►'!�� Yt A" (An�+a e 35 FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET j Date: ��r�' �Z_ �! ' �ne, �a 1 Potential Source and Location v 1r, OK Comments Raw Materials l.oadinglUnloading Areas Some. S �• f J G re �Aoe_ �r^dUH _J / � �5 f� fah C�� s w �, Raw Materials and/or Manufacturing Area C, ovi � h Aeij ,S►tr GW0t0 • Cpv - Office, Vehicle, and Truck GOOD Parking Areas Above ground storage tanks and ✓ �1e4 O l- di ke - containment � [a4l�r� /t�h%ee,y�4 Boiler and other condensate blow ,ry s 1l—' AV, - producing and/or -down equipment L� conaeosak- back � Maintenance and Equipment Areas t� Other 0104 SC4 Je s Re►,�ove. Q/ SCA/eS 4-. CM 5�dl-.# , c,.. krX bn coi ► 6 4I Pl le Cal sealI` s ¢.$,,,, Go/lamc S_G wo le_ a ui-.,r,� 3 � �'. �.s`e��� rs.� 6 N �i�a. IJ 3 ►N� a i' wgkrs h M a A Inspector (sign) f (print) L� +f�_e._`' _- Yid s results k 35 ba.ci{�,.a►- v4�ue -eXcc ceS . FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET Date: Potential Source and Location ✓ OK Comments Raw Materials Loading/Unloading Areas some 510+,1/45C ctro4n Alen d n 1� AreA . CdA G G%,8'n5 V- Raw Materials and/or Manufacturing Area �r y` L �e4�J�} �'�'� �� ' SN 1��C.. area 44tiw r�e cover- , I e . Office, Vehicle, and Truck 07 O f Parking Areas ✓ Above ground storage tanks and containment A 1 V 0 1 Sf NGf U l S1 f�%� C Sa.n e_ ai Boiler and other condensate producing and/or blow -down '1.S �►+ �lO � 112e, equipmentU rp�p� GahGl h Sw� !� ^�/ e Maintenance and Equipment Areas Gore% �QV� GIeGt�•1� 4!Z!e� Old P��d��r �5 x Need /o re-m ve- Cold @ 6 knw i�%/- c e eo14 Inspector (sign) (print) V U MC_ Q W'I 1+ 35 FACILITY INSPECTION OBSERVATION LOG SHEET Date: Potential Source and Location ✓ OK Comments Raw Materials Loading/Unloading Areas Raw Materials and/or Manufacturing Area Office, Vehicle, and Truck Parking Areas Above ground storage tanks and containment Boiler and other condensate producing and/or blow -down equipment Maintenance and Equipment Areas Other Inspector (sign) (print) 35 16�-31-13 COMPREHENSIVE FACILITY INSPECTION SHEETS Facility Name: Winston Weaver Company, Inc. Facilty Address: 4440 N. Cherry Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Facility Contact and Phone No: James Ownley, 336-661-1495 Provide a brief description of the Municipal Operations (and/or Industrial Activity): Manufacturing of Fertilizer Jr/Yes ❑ No Are any activities conducted outside where chemicals could be exposed to stormwater runoff? Describe the activities: Components of fertilizer are unloaded and outside or under a three sided shed prior to being moved inside to the "raw materials" process area(s). Industrial Activities: 121 Yes ❑ No ❑ NA Is the current stormwater notification or permit on file? Permit No.:NCS000555 2 Yes ❑ No ❑ NA Is the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan available and current? Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC Code): 2875 ❑ Yes TI No Has the facility been inspected by the State? Date Ll Yes ❑ No Were there any deficiencies noted by the State? Briefly describe any deficiencies noted by the state: Vs ❑ No Are there any stormwater monitoring requirements? s ❑ No Has the facility reported any exceedance? Briefly describe any exceedance reported to the /statee.- Sa pp) Site Plan U Yes ❑ No Does the facilities site plan show drainage areas, stormwater and sanitary piping, manholes, cleanouts, drains, inlets, outfalls, oil water separators, and stormwater control devices? 36 1 '2-31 3 Training l es ❑ No Has the facility developed training program? es Vy ❑ No Does the facility maintain copies of the materials used in the training? es ❑ No Has the facility identified who needs to be trained, what they need to be trained �/ on, and when they need to be trained? IN Yes ❑ No Has the facility conducted staff training specific for pollution prevention and good housekeeping procedures? Does ❑/ Yes ❑ No the facility conduct spill response training? Ves ❑ No Does the facility maintain spill response training records? es ❑ No Do training records identify, i.e., who was trained, what they were trained on, and ��// when they were trained? WYes ❑ No Is the training program, including the training material used, designed to minimize stormwater pollution runoff? Spill Response ❑ Yes �No In the past 12 months has the facility reported any spills or releases? :,yes es El No Does the facility maintain a written spill response procedure? ❑ No Does the facility's written spill response procedure identify what do you do if there is a minor and/or major spill? In general, a minor spill or releases can be controlled at the time of the release by employees in the immediate work area. Major spills require specialized training. I Yes ❑ No Are releases reported and documented, i.e., when, what and how much was spilled or released, action taken, and who the spill or release was reported to? N/yes ❑ No Is the emergency point of contact list current? Inspection Records !� s ❑ No Has the facility developed an inspection program to minimize/prevent exposure? �d'Yes 0 No Does the facility have an inspection checklist? If, not, what do inspectors look for? lids ❑ No Are copies of inspections and follow-up records maintained? L� Yes ❑ No Does the facility keep records of any deficiencies observed? ❑ Yes (Er/No Does the facility take photos to use in training? Stormwater Control Practices Id/yes ❑ No In addition to training, spill response procedures, and inspections, has the facility developed and implemented practices designed to prevent or minimize exposure, i.e., loading and unloading procedures, material handling procedures, activities that are prohibited, vehicle washing and/or maintenance procedures, etc.? Describe the practices: I/b Lc) L I � No o n s d e� W46'n Ct CO/4/M&,n -0 t. t_l, ;Vo Can /7f n d t i 51 � . 3�/1�lGtyCl`I C!/S CCJ U Aril` yi 1� J i , 5�11�Gce- !S GL�'}C•_'�!/ ; /. /'� /f �%/✓�tlw�l Cl 1 � C r V '-� e` I S� e ' IJ !) `'...'��� „:J JrL ,r .!' L! .' i J�.� /Y !� f r� L�f' I" d{Y VJ+. dwr eo! J /,!�-31-13 Stormwater Control Devices a'Yes ❑ No Other than secondary containment and oil water separators (OWS), does the facility have any structural stormwater control devices, i.e., BMPs? Briefly describe structural stormwatejr control devices (exclude secondary contain ent & OWS): cJ dy,I r11� C-c� I%f'.G �10►'1 % b�/C�is' I ej,Ci� P /C",-Greo Cues Cl No Are storm water management devices maintained and functioning properly? Tank and Container Management dr es ❑ No Are any materials or products stored outside in tanks and/or containers? Cy Yes ❑ No Are any waste material stored outside? Gar 6ergi�- 1 'r,,k, knk Cf es ©No Are any empty containers stored outside? 41c.1 c�z & p j w4r�se_ W_es ❑ No Is secondary containment provided for tanks and containers? at/Yes ❑ No Is secondary containment free of accumulated water? �s ❑ No Is secondary containment free of any debris, cracks, holes, or evidence of leaks? f3Yes ❑ No Are secondary containment drain valves maintained in the closed position unless the facility is draining the secondary containment? ❑ Yes Q'No Are drain logs being maintained? 2'�es ❑ No Are tanks in good condition and properly marked? @'�es ❑ No Are tanks and piping free of rust, pits or deterioration or evidence of leaks? s ❑ No Are tank supports free of rust, damage, or deterioration? ZY ' es ❑ No Are all containers in good condition and properly stored, labeled, and closed? 0 Yes ❑ No Are the tank and container storage areas in good condition? OillWat�e�rr Separator (OWS) El Yes Et No Does the facility have any oil water separators? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is the OWS accessible? ❑ Yes U No Is the area free of signs of overflow? ❑ Yes ❑ No Are all drains in the oil/water separator free flowing with no water back-up? ❑ Yes ❑ No Are all drains free from obstruction? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is the discharge free of visible signs of oil or debris? ❑ Yes ❑ No Has the facility posted appropriate warnings about the proper use of the oil water separator(s)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Has the facility developed and implemented an oillwater separator inspection, maintenance, and operation program? Date of last OWS inspection and/or maintenance: 38 ,1-a F-13 COMPREHENSIVE FACILITY INSPECTION SHEETS Facility Name: Winston Weaver Company, Inc. Facilty Address: 4440 N. Cherry Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Facility Contact and Phone No: James Ownley, 336-661-1495 Provide a brief description of the Municipal Operations (and/or Industrial Activity): Manufacturing of Fertilizer Lyres ❑ No Are any activities conducted outside where chemicals could be exposed to stormwater runoff? Describe the activities: Components of fertilizer are unloaded and outside or under a three sided shed prior to being moved inside to the "raw materials" process area(s). Industrial Activities: ffYes ❑ No ❑ NA Is the current stormwater notification or permit on file? Permit No.:NCS000555 a es ❑ No ❑ NA Is the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan available and current? Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC Code): 2875 ❑ Yes CKlo Has the facility been inspected by the State? Date ❑ Yes ❑ No Were there any deficiencies noted by the State? Briefly describe any deficiencies noted by the state: •� f ;Y ❑ No Are there any stormwater monitoring requirements? Gres ❑ No Has the facility reported any exceedance? Briefly describe any exceedance reported to the st te: dO f tj»nua f SjWm mark wv S rc 0VV-&9 Ar C4 le-004r tw f ,rac,Ci e r k we.rr_ ex ceeWicd f -'or crane. col ,PL 9- De c • old sa,��o� Site Plan 67Yes ❑ No Does the facilities site plan show drainage areas, stormwater and sanitary piping, manholes, cleanouts, drains, inlets, outfalls, oil water separators, and stormwater control devices? 36 Training �7 "Y`e5 © No Has the facility developed training program? Yes ❑ No Does the facility maintain copies of the materials used in the training? 11�'Yes ❑ No Has the facility identified who needs to be trained, what they need to be trained on, and when they need to be trained? des ❑ No Has the facility conducted staff training specific for pollution prevention and good / housekeeping procedures? C�Y ❑ No Does the facility conduct spill response training? WYElNo Does the facility maintain spill response training records? ❑ No Do training records identify, i.e., who was trained, what they were trained on, and when they were trained? W'' es ❑ No is the training program, including the training material used, designed to minimize stormwater pollution runoff? Spill Response ❑ Yes I�No In the past 12 months has the facility reported any spills or releases? f9�Ye ❑ No Does the facility maintain a written spill response procedure? e'Yes ❑ No Does the facility's written spill response procedure identify what do you do if there is a minor and/or major spill? In general, a minor spill or releases can be controlled at the time of the release by employees in the immediate work area. � Major spills require specialized training. 'Yes ❑ No Are releases reported and documented, i.e., when, what and how much was spilled or released, action taken, and who the spill or release was reported to? es ❑ No Is the emergency point of contact list current? Inspection Records Y� CI No Has the facility developed an inspection program to minimize/prevent exposure? 13Y ❑ No Does the facility have an inspection checklist? If, not, what do inspectors look for? ❑ No Are copies of inspections and follow-up records maintained? F�i'es ❑ " Does the facility keep records of any deficiencies observed? ❑ Yes 5 No Does the facility take photos to use in training? Stormwater Control Practices WKs ❑ No In addition to training, spill response procedures, and inspections, has the facility developed and implemented practices designed to prevent or minimize exposure, i.e_, loading and unloading procedures, material handling procedures, activities that are prohibited, vehicle washing and/or maintenance procedures, etc.? Describe the practices: 1 1 No on Si F, r„daS kt'Ito "ul' me►tpL or ve- AIGA 110 . A)An e fue1or Qmotinl of al or e, R1 � // �s � 6� �'Mma� 16W, d a�deptre-•' n 01)1 �&s s Raw Aial�"/A , are_ k 6e "'wqjt�V OnI 1 � desiJnakdCov4, d areas . rpl'11c e, /'s ?tVIhO5 G 'roweol Stormwater Control Devices ErYes ❑ No Other than secondary containment and oil water separators (OWS), does the facility have any structural stormwater control devices, i.e., BMPs? Briefly describe structural stormwater control devices (exclude secondary containment & OWS): .Seal16M.&" f Gv 1 &CA' n ?► *� bektir 6lemof ?14"f4ireAj 'Yes ❑ No Are storm water management devices maintained and functioning properly? Tank and Container Management �e ❑ No Are any materials or products stored outside in tanks end/or containers? � ❑ No Are any waste material stored outside? C��►+"bt�a-- 07"v S ~ ETYes ❑ No Are any empty containers stored outside? ON f w,l f Ak x- n+trsG bolik �es ❑ No Is secondary containment provided for tanks and containers? des ❑ No Is secondary containment free of accumulated water? l3"�s ❑ No Is secondary containment free of any debris, cracks, holes, or evidence of leaks? Yes ❑ No Are secondary containment drain valves maintained in the closed position unless __ _No the facility is draining the secondary containment? ❑ Yes L7 Are drain logs being maintained? ff"Yes ❑ No Are tanks in good condition and properly marked? V❑ No Are tanks and piping free of rust, pits or deterioration or evidence of leaks? ❑ No Are tank supports free of rust, damage, or deterioration? ❑ No Are all -containers in good condition and properly stored, labeled, and closed? &<es ❑ No Are the tank and container storage areas in good condition? Oil/Water Separator (OWS) ❑ Yes L'INo Does the facility have any oil water separators? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is the OWS accessible? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is the area free of signs of overflow? ❑ Yes ❑ No Are all drains in the oil/water separator free flowing with no water back-up? ❑ Yes ❑ No Are all drains free from obstruction? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is the discharge free of visible signs of oil or debris? ❑ Yes ❑ No Has the facility posted appropriate warnings about the proper use of the oil water separator(s)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Has the facility developed and implemented an oil/water separator inspection, maintenance, and operation program? Date of last OWS inspection and/or maintenance: 38 General Site Conditions E r`Y`es ❑ No Are any activities conducted outside where -Fer¢i A&,, -Could be exposed to � stormwater runoff? ff' es ❑ No Are any material handling equipment, industrial machinery and/or equipment and vehicles stored outside? f9' e ❑ No Are loadinglunloading areas designed to minimize storm water run-on? C�3'Ye� ❑ No Are materials protected from rainfall, run-on and run-off? @'Ye ❑ No Do employees know where the drains discharge? i , ❑ No Are stormwater inlets and outlets clearly identified and accessible? WElNo Are catch basins and inlets in good condition? Cy'ires ❑ No Are catch basins and inlets free of trash and debris, floatables, pollutants, oil and -'- grease? ❑ Yes &'No Are there catch basins and inlets clogged? ';es ❑ No Are the solid waste containers free of recyclable materials, hazardous materials, tires, and liquids? [ 'Yes ❑ NN Are solid waste collection containers of sufficient size to contain all materials? ❑ Yee � o Do solid waste collection containers have lids and free of any leak? CTYes ❑ No Are solid waste containers in good condition? ❑ Yes 3'0 Are solid waste containers labeled "Prohibited - No Hazardous Waste, No Recyclable Materials, No Liquids?" (31es ❑ No Is there any particulate matter or visible deposits of residuals from roof stacks � and/or vents? B es ❑ No Check vehicle and equipment maintenance and storage areas, material storage and handling areas, fueling areas, roof stacks, areas in and around storm drains, areas where activities may have been conducted outside, and any outfalls. Are there any signs of residual, past spills or leaks? Comments -> f Inspector's Inspector's Date and ti 39 ,DeG • 131626 to COMPREHENSIVE FACILITY INSPECTION SHEETS Facility Name: Winston Weaver Company, Inc. Facilty Address: 4440 N. Cherry Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Facility Contact and Phone No: James Ownley, 336-661-1495 Provide a brief description of the Municipal Operations (and/or Industrial Activity): Manufacturing of Fertilizer fB'Yes U No Are any activities conducted outside where chemicals could be exposed to stormwater runoff? Describe the activities: Components of fertilizer are unloaded and outside or under a three sided shed prior to being moved inside to the "raw materials" process area(s) Industrial Activities: ®'Yes ❑ No ❑ NA Is the current stormwater notification or permit on file? Permit �� No.:NCS000555 lfd'Yes ❑ No ❑ NA Is the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan available and current? Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC Code): 2875 ❑ Yes 3-No Has the facility been inspected by the State? Date ❑ Yes ❑ No Were there any deficiencies noted by the State? Briefly describe any deficiencies noted by the state: 'Yes ❑ NN Are there any stormwater monitoring requirements? ❑ Yes L `No Has the facility reported any exceedance? Briefly describe any exceedance reported to the state: Site Plan Yes ❑ No Does the facilities site plan show drainage areas, stormwater and sanitary piping, manholes, cleanouts, drains, inlets, outfalls, oil water separators, and stormwater control devices? 36 Training s ❑ No Has the facility developed training program? ;EK l�'Yes ❑ No Does the facility maintain copies of the materials used in the training? a' es Cl No Has the facility identified who needs to be trained, what they need to be trained on, and when they need to be trained? EKes ❑ No Has the facility conducted staff training specific for pollution prevention and good housekeeping procedures? ❑ No Does the facility conduct spill response training? h�a ❑ No Does the facility maintain spill response training records? Zes ❑ No Do training records identify, i.e., who was trained, what they were trained on, and when they were trained? M es ❑ No Is the training program, including the training material used, designed to minimize stormwater pollution runoff? Spill Response ❑ Yes M No In the past 12 months has the facility reported any spills or releases? E�r�YYes ❑ No Does the facility maintain a written spill response procedure? Ef es ❑ No Does the facility's written spill response procedure identify what do you do if there is a minor and/or major spill? In general, a minor spill or releases can be controlled at the time of the release by employees in the immediate work area. Major spills require specialized training. I -Yes ❑ No Are releases reported and documented, i.e., when, what and how much was spilled or released, action taken, and who the spill or release was reported to? CM'Yes ❑ No Is the emergency point of contact list current? Inspection Records t7 Yes ❑ No Has the facility developed an inspection program to minimize/prevent exposure? ©_,�' es ❑ No Does the facility have an inspection checklist? If, not, what do inspectors look for? 2 Yes ❑ No Are copies of inspections and follow-up records maintained? CH Yes ❑ No Does the facility keep records of any deficiencies observed? ❑ Yes 9 No Does the facility take photos to use in training? Stormwater Control Practices Sa"Yes ❑ No In addition to training, spill response procedures, and inspections, has the facility developed and implemented practices designed to prevent or minimize exposure, i.e., loading and unloading procedures, material handling procedures, activities that are prohibited, vehicle washing and/or maintenance procedures, etc.? Describe the practices: veA10e5 or mob, f e- e�,u rnen o� 01'1 Or D � L I G rea � ah l � h ales, cvv a re-aS • 6e P 37 f�2 %3 -l:)- Stormwater Control Devices 43Yes ❑ No Other than secondary containment and oil water separators (OWS), does the facility have any structural stormwater control devices, i.e., BMPs? Briefly describe structural stormwater control devices (exclude secondary containment & OWS): sedi`mev, f colle-c-do belowe ,blewof Phs - col! ❑ Yes Er"NNo Are storm water management devi es marntai ed and functioning properly? hL4shro! Ake A4S 6 aft C40)" iY, /�;� � � COA AD/ w, Tank and Container Management coos spl .� - s ❑ No Are any materials or products stored outside in tanks and/or container ? �4 S' �7Yes ❑ No Are any waste material stored outside?t�C?�' c- "+ ru 1 ;C51C 1- Nr44-se 74"k M<es ❑ No Are any empty containers stored outside? 0 la� e UKie ❑ No Is secondary containment provided for tanks and containers? U Te5 ❑ No Is secondary containment free of accumulated water? 1240Yes ❑ No Is secondary containment free of any debris, cracks, holes, or evidence of leaks? SK s ❑ No Are secondary containment drain valves maintained in the closed position unless the facility is draining the secondary containment? ❑ Yes M"No Are drain fogs being maintained? L'TYes ❑ No Are tanks in good condition and properly marked? Imes ❑ No Are tanks and piping free of rust, pits or deterioration or evidence of leaks? a'?es ❑ No Are tank supports free of rust, damage, or deterioration? U9 ves ❑ No Are all containers in good condition and properly stored, labeled, and closed? Wo�'es ❑ No Are lie tank and container storage areas in ood condition? 0101brereI -rc"k fka, oml- e� S-er-v,ce- . OilfWater Separator (OWS) © Yes Ul"No Does the facility have any oil water separators? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is the OWS accessible? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is the area free of signs of overflow? CI Yes ❑ No Are all drains in the oil/water separator free flowing with no water back-up? ❑ Yes ❑ No Are all drains free from obstruction? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is the discharge free of visible signs of oil or debris? ❑ Yes ❑ No Has the facility posted appropriate warnings about the proper use of the oil water separator(s)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Has the facility developed and implemented an oil/water separator inspection, maintenance, and operation program? Date of last OWS inspection and/or maintenance: 38 General Site Conditions AeAli �� � l� Yes ❑ No Are any activities conducted outside where could be exposed to �� stormwater runoff? L044dl 9G (/ln k l-rwc-ks _� Ur Yes ❑ No Are any material handling equ ent, industrial maeKinery and/or equipment and vehicles stored outside? I111�e__s ❑ No Are loading/unloading areas designed to minimize storm water run-on? M<eee ❑ No Are materials protected from rainfall, run-on and run-off? C�3'Yes ❑ No Do employees know where the drains discharge? 2�1 es ❑ No Are stormwater inlets and outlets clearly identified and accessible? S<es ❑ No Are catch basins and inlets in good condition? 3 es ❑ No Are catch basins and inlets free of trash and debris, floatables, pollutants, oil and *� grease? ❑ Yew 21 o Are there catch basins and inlets clogged? Q'ires ❑ No Are the solid waste containers free of recyclable materials, hazardous materials, �./ tires, and liquids? M Yes ❑ No Are solid waste collection containers of sufficient size to contain all materials? ❑ Yes 3Ko Do solid waste collection containers have lids and free of any leak? B'�es ❑ No Are solid waste containers in good condition? ❑ Yes Flo Are solid waste containers labeled "Prohibited - No Hazardous Waste, No � Recyclable Materials, No Liquids?" 2 es ❑ No Is there any particulate matter or visible deposits of residuals from roof stacks �� and/or vents? L`SYes ❑ No Check vehicle and equipment maintenance and storage areas, material storage and handling areas, fueling areas, roof stacks, areas in and around storm drains, areas where activities may have been conducted outside, and any outfalls. Are there any signs of residual, past spills or leaks? Comments Inspector's Na Inspector's Si( Date and time: 39 COMPREHENSIVE FACILITY INSPECTION SHEETS Facility Name: Winston Weaver Company, Inc. Facilty Address: 4440 N. Cherry Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Facility Contact and Phone No: James Ownley, 336-661-1495 Provide a brief description of the Municipal Operations (and/or Industrial Activity): Manufacturing of Fertilizer E'Yes ❑ No Are any activities conducted outside where chemicals could be exposed to stormwater runoff? Describe the activities: Components of fertilizer are unloaded and outside or under a three sided shed prior to being moved inside to the "raw materials" process area(s). Industrial Activities: IgYes ❑ No ❑ NA Is the current stormwater notification or permit on file? Permit I--,' No.:NCS000555 a'Yes ❑ No ❑ NA Is the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan available and current? Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC Code): 2875 El Yes IfNo Has the facility been inspected by the State? Date _ ❑ Yes ❑ No Were there any deficiencies noted by the State? Briefly describe any deficiencies noted by the state: 140fes ❑ Nam° Are there any stormwater monitoring requirements? ❑ Yes Ei'fvo Has the facility reported any exceedance? Briefly describe any exceedance reported to the state: Site Plan ff es ❑ No Does the facilities site plan show drainage areas, stormwater and sanitary piping, manholes, cleanouts, drains, inlets, outfalls, oil water separators, and stormwater control devices? 36 Training at) ye es W<( ' ❑ No Has the facility developeOtrainin rogram? fs7�Yes ❑ No Does the facility maintainof the materials use n the training? ❑ Yes ❑ No Has the fa t %Ae eeds to be trained, hat hey need to be trained on,and hen e n erained? ❑ Yes M'�lo Has the i 1ty conducted staff training specific for pollution prevention and good �� � housekeeping procedures? 1121 eess ❑ No Does the facility conduct spill response training? lf�ee. ❑ No Does the facility maintain spill response training records? sees ❑ Na Do training records identify, i.e., who was trained, what they were trained on, and when they were trained? V es ❑ No Is the training program, including the training material used, designed to minimize stormwater pollution runoff? Spill Response ❑ Ye L7No In the past 12 months has the facility reported any spills or releases? s ❑ No Does the facility maintain a written spill response procedure? W-1es ❑ No Does the facility's written spill response procedure identify what do you do if there is a minor and/or major spill? In general, a minor spill or releases can be controlled at the time of the release by employees in the immediate work area. —/ Major spills require specialized training. U es ❑ No Are releases reported and documented, i.e., when, what and how much was spilled or released, action taken, and who the spill or release was reported to? ®'Yes ❑ No Is the emergency point of contact list current? Inspection Records [ems ❑ No Has the facility developed an inspection program to minimize/prevent exposure? Y s ❑ No Does the facility have an inspection checklist? If, not, what do inspectors look for? s ❑ No Are copies of inspections and follow-up records maintained? es ❑ No Does the facility keep records of any deficiencies observed? ❑ Yes 53"No Does the facility take photos to use in training? A/pi ' q� &'S bj rn e Storrnwater Control Practices OYes ❑ No In addition to training, spill response procedures, and inspections, has the facility developed and implemented practices designed to prevent or minimize exposure, i.e., loading and unloading procedures, material handling procedures, activities that are prohibited, vehicle washing and/or maintenance procedures, etc.? Describe the practices: 1) Alp %was 4 � • o i ve- r c� e S Or e U OUV SIdc Opc A!�, �P h» 4pe o / of l er /W-,/ SPA . S 3) RA Vjc,..Are 37 de3,i Aa6l areA S qh a 44n G1 e0w `f . S�,Y r.�as�j�►oR /o de ell' � Q9e- Ie_ tW104 Stormwater Control Devices Q'Yes ❑ No Other than secondary containment and oil water separators (OWS), does the facility have any structural stormwater control devices, i.e., BMPs? Briefly describe structural stor__mwaater control devices (exclude secondary containment & OWS): .SerOl4vft v� 4�za ❑ Yes 2<0 Are storm water management devices maintained and functioning properly? 4014shrvl p,%e_ wa 11 needs Tank and Container Management W❑ No Are any materials or products stored outside in tanks and/or containers? ❑ No Are any waste material stored outside? ( GarkAge- Qt* des ❑ No Are any empty containers stored outside? Ole) ;4$ T"Jc r dlwsw "(".' ►B'�'es info Is secondary containment provided for tanks and containers? ❑ Yes 11<0 Is secondary containment free of accumulated water? Im��es ❑ No Is secondary containment free of any debris, cracks, holes, or evidence of leaks? i1d'Yes ❑ No Are secondary containment drain valves maintained in the closed position unless the facility is draining the secondary containment? ❑ Yes 0 No Are drain logs being maintained? IKes ❑ No Are tanks in good condition and properly marked? i<s ❑ No Are tanks and piping free of rust, pits or deterioration or evidence of leaks? 11es ❑ No Are tank supports free of rust, damage, or deterioration? f�es ❑ No Are all co tainers in good c and properly stored, labeled, and closed? ❑ Yes N!o Are th #ank nd container torage areas n good condition? Neegls Oil/Water Separator (OWS) ❑ Yes T! No Does the facility have any oil water separators? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is the OWS accessible? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is the area free of signs of overflow? ❑ Yes ❑ No Are all drains in the oil/water separator free flowing with no water back-up? ❑ Yes ❑ No Are all drains free from obstruction? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is the discharge free of visible signs of oil or debris? ❑ Yes ❑ No Has the facility posted appropriate warnings about the proper use of the oil water separator(s)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Has the facility developed and implemented an oil/water separator inspection, maintenance, and operation program? Date of last OWS inspection and/or maintenance: 38 General Site Conditions B es ❑ No McYes ❑ No :�e7s ❑ No�Y�s ❑ No FY ❑ No ❑ No y ❑ No t`SYes ❑ No © YY LY No Yes ❑ No a -Yes ❑� NN ❑.., Yeses ;, W"fes ❑ No ❑ Yes EKNo &, es Cl No ffYes ❑ No Comments Are any activities conducted outside where the icals could be exposed to stormwater runoff? Lo,*&h'm' a- Uh )paOt, hgg. Are any material handling equipment, industrial mainery and/or equipment and vehicles stored outside? Are loading/unloading areas designed to minimize storm water run-on? Are materials protected from rainfall, run-on and run-off? Do employees know where the drains discharge? ( COVV'e&-A t o ULoHe- Are stormwater inlets and outlets clearly identified and accessible? Are catch basins and inlets in good condition? Are catch basins and inlets free of trash and debris, floatables, pollutants, oil and grease? Are there catch basins and inlets clogged? Are the solid waste containers free of recyclable materials, hazardous materials, tires, and liquids? Are solid waste collection containers of sufficient size to contain all materials? Do solid waste collection containers have lids and free of any leak? No Lid, u 6�^G Are solid waste containers in good condition? teak$ Are solid waste containers labeled "Pfrohibited- No Hazardous Waste, No ` Recyclable Materials, No Liquids?" owy%44 b ��LJ&s� L))SffA-q) Is there any particulate matter or visible deposits of residuals from roof stacks and/or vents? Check vehicle and equipment maintenance and storage areas, material storage and handling areas, fueling areas, roof stacks, areas in and around storm drains, areas where activities may have been conducted outside, and any outfalls. Are there any signs of residual, past spills or leaks? Inspector's Name Inspector's Signature: Date and time: 39 0 A--� BEESOR EHGMEERIR6 ine. TRANSMITTTAL AAV—ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS 503 High Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Phone 336.748.0071 Fax 336.748.0470 www.beesonengineering.com Rec�ivEs 1V.C. TO: Ken Pickle L!R.9 Pp))NC Division Of Water Quality P'.!alemianal Office 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: Individual Stormwater Permit - Winston Weaver Co., Inc. We are sending you: Attached COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION ACTION 2 9/7/2011 E P A Form 1 For Approval 2 9/7/2011 Site And Drainage Plan For your use 1 U S G S Quad Map With Site Located For your use Remarks: Mr. Pickle - Please find EPA Form 1 and site plans attached in reponse to a letter from Mr. Basinger dated June 27, 2011. 1 have a message on your voicemail to discuss EPA Form 2F. Once additional guidance is provided, I will forward form 2F under separate cover. Also, now that we have a site plan to work from it would helpful to set up a meeting to begin discussions on next steps as it relates to testing and future site modifications. CC TO: LW Corey -Basinger =Winston-Salem-DWQ-Office Vernon Carlton Jr. - Winston Weaver Co., Inc. Siened: Alex T. Carter, El 1" Please print or type in the unshaped areas only Form Approved. OMB No. 2040-0086. (fill --in areas are spaced for elite Type, i.e., 12 charactenlnchl_ FORM U.S• ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY I. EPA I.D. NUMBER t1 GENERAL INFORMATION ` .r: `®��� Consolidated Permits Program .. F GENERAL (Read the "Genera! Instructions" before rrartin(l.) AB L E GENERAL,IN STRUCTIONS if a preprinted label. -has. been proUided,'.affix* ►, EPA 1,0. NUMBER \ \, Ili. FACICITY NAME \l •\ `\\ it in the designated space. Review the inform;;; anon carefully; if any of it is incorrect, crow through it and enter the correct data in the: _ \ appropriate fill-in area below, Also, if any of, the preprinted data is absent (the area to tbe.: \� FACILITY V MAILING ADDRESS PLEASE PLACE -LABEL IN THIS SPACE left of the label space .lists the information that should appear),- please provide it in --the' proper fill—in area(sl. below. if the label is' Complete and correct, you need not complete Items I, 111; V, Vi (except VI-8 \ ,and. ,which; must be cornp/ered Complete. all V1 FACILITY\ I .regardfesi items if no label,has,been provided. Refer to instructions -detailed item. LOCATION the 'for,' . descrip,.' :bons acid .for -the legal, authorizations under', which this datais collected.- , 11. POLLUTANT CHARACTERISTICS' INSTRUCTIONS: Complete A through J to determine whether you need to submit any permit application forms to the EPA--. If you answer "yes" to any questions, you must submit this form and the supplemental form listed in the parenthesis following the question: Mark "X"-inAhe box in the third column it -the supplemental form is attached. If you answer "no' .to each question, you need not submit any ofthese forms. Yogi may answer`na"'if your activity is excluded from permit requirements; see Section C of the instructions. See also, Section D'of the instructions for definitions'of bold-faced terms. SPECIFIC QUtcSNONF, re• r.e Fwc.. n ., SPECIFIC' QUESTIONS YEf MAR Na 'X• 04M - 4 A. 'Is this facility a'publicly owned '.treatment works B. Does or.will:this facility (either existing or proptised)-; which results in a discharge to waters of the U.S.? X 'include'a'concentrated animal feeding operttion_,or_'`. >/ J� IFORM 2A) .,aquatic animal production facility which results.in_e . discharge to waters of the U.S.? (FORM 2BI' Is this a lacilay which currently results in. Ise arges D. Is this a proposed fact icy other then those described { to waters of the'U.S. other than' those described in X "in :A or B'.abovel which will result in'a.discharpe',to . A or B above? FORM 2Cl , waters of the U.S.? (FORM 2Dl :. 1. ], V F, Do.yau oi.-v ill you inject'af this facility'Industrial'-or E. Does or will this facility treat, store, or dispose of j(' municipal ,effluent below the lowermost strarum't on• .' hazardous wastes? (FORM 3) !� taining, within, one quarter. mile ell of the .w.bore;,, underground,sources:bf drinking water? t.FORM 4f o you or wifl you inject at this tacl rty any produced. H. Do you or wd1 you inject at this facitity tluI s for spe water or other fluids which are brought to the surface ir, _ vial processes such as mining of sulfur bV the Frisch connection with conventional oiE or natural gas pro- duction, inject, fluids used for enhanced recovery: of. .. - - - :. -process solut+on mintng.oi mineraEs; in situ combos ..oil or natural gas; or inject fluids for storage of ilquld tion of foss)) fuel or recovery o mo f geothermal energy?- '?':(FORM-4}v,xr +., h drocarbohs? IFORI4141 �: :_ xr, "+{_,s . 1. s this JaCJlJtV aproposed statlonary.source which .Is J..-:Is;t iS.- acijjty'_e propose„'Stattoneryaource'whit is ' .one of the' 28 industrial categories, ilsted iri the gin- ttOT bne of the 28 ndustrial categories listed +n the -.structiorts and which .will potentially emit ;t00rt4n; Y `pt}any `air regulated- under the' n tnsiruCttons and whtchwtEl;potentially emrt 254 tons- �/ ?... +t per of?anyair`p01lu tan t-regulated unde1. Clean per :year -_pollutant :Clean"Air Act-and'mayaflecit 'be located Isiah year n 441rAct'aridma effectbrbelocatedtnanattainment 'cttainrnont erii (FORM-51" t s s'� i �^ k �: t � .,: ., ; Sa"-werea�. iF.ORlN.5fy,`:`� r ° .. i+`> ill, NAME OF FACILITY tiSKIP Iiiit j IiSTd ►3 WJs.4t.! CZ IV. FACILITY CONTACT ' A,�NAME '& TITLE ll¢St, (Ira l: &"li2jCJ '' �'=�,j "`B. PHONE (a rt'v zCA L 0 V. FACILITY MAILING ADDRESS ' A, -STREET OR P.O. 6pXr S. CITY OR TOWN C:STATE 0. ZIPCODE '- VI. FACILITY LOCATION A. STREET, ROUTE NO. OR OTHER SPECIFIC IDENTIFIER - B. COUNTY NAME ,. C. CITY OR TOWN j'` , "; D, STAiE -E.SZ t P. COD E. F. COUNTY COO _ - c s i 145 �d N 5 od 1, M 5 EPA Form 3510-1 (8-90) CONTINUE ON REVERSE t'n NTINI IPM rnnM THE FRCINT V11. SIC CODES (4-digit,7n order of priority) -- A. FIRST -. .. .. B. SECOND 7 V� specify) 7 (specify) FOURT!"1Nwir;: (specif)') C (specify) 7 7 Vill, OPERATOR INFORMATION - A. NAME - . 'isthe naRl6 11stld In — Item VIII-A also,as / , I J y �% /� B W S T� tV W G Q Y �rC 1. / awner7 o M PA , N G YES 0 NdF C. STOATUS OF OPERATOR.(Enter the appropriaze letterizzro the amwerbox: if "0they", specify.1 O. PHONE (area code L. no.) F -FEDERAL M = PUBLIC (order than federal or state) S= STATE D F OTHER (apecify) {specifrJ C A 3 3 6 6 1 y P = PRIVATE .. ,. - ,� u , z, rr za` E. STREET OR P,O. BOX ' F_'CITY OR TOWN G.STAT H.zIP"cooE' IX,3NDIANLAND Ihe'facility'located an:lnd;a�,lands? OYES •. � fVD r y c B. S A/S�p Af _A i- lM C / Z7 � � b X. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS A. NPDES'(DisChar eS to Surface Water) - . D. PSO Air Endssions from Proposed Sources C T i I 8.-V IC (Underground Injection of Fluids) -E. OTHER.(speeify'J ... T C T . 1 // r Q (specify) 9 U 9 f . - C. RCRA (Na747rdous Wasfe3j .: E. OTHER (4pecifl') .. `�..• . ...;,.4- '. - 4W C T I 1A C T I . 9 1 pq 9 "(specifj XI. MAP Attach to:tliis application.a:topographic map of the area extending to.yat least ane +iiile beyond property,boundenes:.The map must show the outiine.of the faclh#y theaocation ofreacH. of its existing and.pioptised,lntake and discharge structures; each of Its hazardous#v++aste '' a Treatment, Storage,^or dispasaE faciiitresx and each:weil when A injects fluids un er'ground:;;lnclude_al! spnngs� avers and nthehsurfac@ ; ? ter oodles ih the map area: See InstruCtloris for precise req'uiremerits ,",,',, K ' ' t".„ water "t XII;:NATURE OF. BUSINESS 1provrde.a brief descriptipi T e0,1k1 AA(Y . �.�v�Ac->'! 3 �u� v.If-X 6111-9 4&40 6d6&4) cQAIVJ I VWt5s MEL CERTIFICATION'(see instructions) bill 1 certify under penalty of law that I have personally:examined and am familiar`with the information submitted in this application and all`r4 attachments and that; "based on my inquiry of those persons immediately responsible:for obtaining the information contained'in application, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. i am aware that there are significant penaltiesfor false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment r` A. NAME 6 OFFICIAL TITLE (type orprint) B. SIG ♦TUBE C. DATE SIGNED Pc,r 4-o,, - Pr e S COMMENTS FOR-Or-PICIAL USE ONLY. EPA Farm 3510-1 (8-90) Please print or type in the unshacled areas only rfitl—in areas are spaced for elite mae, i.e., 12Characrer1lnch). Form Approved. OMB No. 2040-0066, FORM U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY I. EPA I.D. NUMBER 1 %�' GENERAL INFORMATION .-BEPA Consolidate d Permits Program F GENERAL' (Read the "General Instructions" before starting.; ' , z 3 „ AATEMS GENERAL, INSTRUCTIONS If a preprinted-labef`has,been provided, affix 1, EPA LD. NUMBER III, FACILITY NAME it in the designated space. Ffe4iew the inform-: attars carefully; if any .of, it is incorrect, cross through it'and enter the correct data in the: \ appropriate fill—in area below. Also, if any cif; - \ FACILITY \` �' -„ the preprinted data is absent fthe area to the.! V. MAILING ADDRESS PLEASE PLACE -LABEL 1N THIS SPACE left of the label space lifts are information that Should appear),, please provide it in th'e' \ \ proper fill--4n-arealsi, below, tf the label -is' \ <\ \� \ complete and correct, you need not complete.: Items 1, LI(i V, and. -VI (except V!-a.which., must be completed Complete VI FACILITY\ �i ,regardless). .,all items if no label, has been provided. Refer to '-detailed LOCATION the instructions for . item. descrip;.' :tions and .for •the legal', authorizations under'. which this data is collected.:::.. 11. POLLUTANT CHARACTERISTICS' INSTRUCTIONS: Complete A through J to determine whether .you need to submit any permit application forms to the EPA. -If you'ariswer "yes" to any questions, you must submit this form and the supplemental form listed in the parenthesis'follawing the question: Mark "x.". inthe b,ox in Life third column if the supplemental form is attached.'If you answer "no',to'each,' uestion, you need not submit `any of these forms_ You,may answer ''no" if your activity ',. is excluded from permit requirements; see Section C. of the instructions. See also, Section U of the instructions for definitions of bald 48ced terms, 'M^RK SPECIFIC GUCSTIONL '•SPECIFICQUESTIONS res M ARK NO wTT �CM[O A, Is this facility a publicly awned '.treatment works 8. Does or will :this facility (either existing or proposed), ; `which results in a discharge to avatars of the U.S.? X 'include 'a'toncentrated Animal feeding oparatioa;;or:: t/ (FORM'2A) aquatic animal production facility which .results 16 17 r "discharge to waters of the U.S.? IFORM 221 C. Is. this a facility which currently results in discharges D. Is this a proposed facility forher than those described I to waters of the'U.S. other than' those described in in:A or B.abovelwhich will result in'a-discharge'.to,.- A or B above? (FORM 2C) water& of the U.S.? (FORM 2D) F. Do you or.wil[ you injecte! this facility industr, ial,:or E. Does or will this facility treat, store, or dispose of V municipal .effluent below the lowermost stiatum'con. \' hazardous wastes? (FORM 3} (� taining, withi6`6ne _quarter. mile of.the':viell,bore,`,. JY` r n+ 10 underground sources. drinking water? {_FORM 4!' .`=;.. ..--. 31 if „ := o you or willyou inject at this facility any pro uce i - ... .. ........ acilfluids for spa H Do you or wtlJ you ihleci at this foci. water or other fluids which are brought to the surface in connection with conventional oil.or natural gas pro- for : eial processes such ' mining of sulfur by the Frasch process;'solution mining of minerals ;in situ combus Y ductian, inject, fluids -used enhanced recovery.of. fuel or recovery of geothermal energy? : l^ oil or natural gasor inject #iuids fpr.starage of liquad action ,of:,fossd ?'`(FORM 41 r' '1 r' A.• l hydrocarbons? (FORh1 4} na sae -. ai '•:,,a :.p . & : a� i. .-•.v, :.,,,: s this tocility a.proposed stationary: source w le ..ts. J,maIs this. facility.'.B propose statlone ry-SOUrce'which;is'z .One of the'28 industrial categories -fisted in —the —In- _ iti;NOT�arte of the 28 Indirstrial categories llsted'Inthe structions and whicin_ will potentially emit :100 tons `..,per regulated X )initruttion8 end which wrtl'potentla[ly emit 250 tons - per under Clean .year' of:' y"'air pollutant -under the' =Clear; Air Act -and may'`affect orbe locatedn en, ! x year of,any atr;poiluta'nt,regulated the :.FAir.Act and m_ ay affect or be.Jocated rn an attainment' n 'attainrrtent areaMFORM'5} a.: k s h s .rti .'6 ae * - ., __. t'rs.arei?. Ill.°NAME OF FACILITY " t SKIP f fJ 5 T� ,3 W l�a��r ,z o' A N IV. FACILITY CONTACT - _ - A:'NAME'& TtT LE (J¢S f._hrJ r;'ift'fi [ICJ, _Y - ��l B. PHONE (arCa ; _,_:::-I;�, :,:]C- IA rr-ra r� E� N o yes t E��3 6 (� 6 j• 9' S 't V. FACILITY MAILING ADDRESS ' - A. STREET OR P.O. BOX 3P.a. BoX 17366 { 9• CITY OR TOWN C;STATE D. ZIP CODE 4W(',�s'fa� sA ��M >�c Z rid „ , VI, FACILITY LOCATION A. STREET, ROUTE NO, OR OTHER SPECIFIC IDENTIFIER ' 5 D B. COUNTY NAME7. . x F COUNTY C D C. CITY OR TOWN. .-" - - .,! D.ST A7E ....Z IP. CODE- f F•ne.i yr w � •�s ff� N- s,a L �� u� Z7 i o S : x r^ s EPA Form 3510-1 (6-90) CONTINUE ON REVERSE PnNTIMI 1Fn ttxnnn THE FRONT V I I• SIC CODES N-digir, in order of priority] .. A. FIRST - - .. .. ... - B. SECOND_ - .. ... .. r..' r 7 specify) -�r�-� �►.Z� �1 ti s 7 fspecifFJ !. ,. d� . - C, THIetO - .. :D. FOURTH (specifs'J r [specify] 7 7 VII1'OPERATOR INFORMATION A. NAME B,-Is the name Ilstad-In Rem V II I -A also.the wt nlSTQ>J lrAVLIL CDJIt�A�yf -rq owner?' .'. '-`., J�c B AYES C•rN0 5� C, STRATUS OF OPERATOR.fEnrer the aPpropriarr letier inro the aijjwer box: if "a71WrSpeCif1'.). O. PHONE (area Cude & Itex).'Z. F.- M -.PUBLIC (other than federal or state) S a STATE : ,'O r OTHER fepecily) P (specify) ` A P - PRIVATE .. , ,• - ,s 1, - x, as xs ` _ .. E. STREET OR P.O. BOX '- - - T .rF - _ - rr 55 ' - - F. CITY OR TOWN G-STAY H.�ZJP'CODE' IX.-INDIAN'LAND ` O 1 A � ( AlS N S l�M Z7 Is 4he facility tocated onandiantlands? .:x"^?' B. t'O .YES X. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS A. NPDuV (Discharges to Surface water) .O. PSO (Air E'nzissions truin Proposed Sources) 9 P s Nv 6A '-B. -UIC (Underground Injection o Fluids) r s ; I J _ ' -E, OTHER S PCr - •. •t.�.`°''..•- _ - - - - - ''"�• .f F 7)) :.. e r ! tA I I I 1 C T -, Q. (specify) s u s . ,6 - tj I U .30 . C. RCRA (NQGQrdopS kuStPS] - E. OTHER (SPeCif:'I . / (specth') 9 R 9 /� XI. MAP Attach to #his application a,tojiographlc map of 4he'area extending to.}at feast one mile beyond propertybounderles.'The map must S' t :the outline of the faculty, ihe_Nocation of'each of its existing and.proposed-Intake and dlscitarge structures; each;of Its hazardous wasxe sv �' , treatment, storage aor disposal iaciiitles, and each well where ii injects fluids underground �lnciude aNl springs rivets antE otf�er surface" water N�odtes in the map area: See�trtstrut Lions for precise requirements ?� ` M �i« . - --'-tom-f _ <rC'Yc.• SiSL-` i't �rt�. .M `tn• XII: NATURE OF BUSINESS fprovide.a brief deseripti6i t T� COr'uJOAA(y r�-r��/vG.scTl� �.�� D���FS1TE5 •4GaJc�n.�� F��r �� z.�s . ,.J a� 1111LK 'd t✓tU S d G6,5P L'6r✓T f �✓ s XIII. CERTIFICATION (seeinstructions) 1 certify under penalty of law, that 1 have persarially:examined and am familiar 'ivith the information submitted in -this application and all; attachments and that,''based on my inquiry of those persons immediately responsible for obtairiirig"the information contained application, !'believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. l am aware that there are significant penalties for submiririy,� false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. A, NAME & OF F IC t A L TIT L E. (type or pr!n t) 0. 5tG PTURE C, DATE SIGNED Pre? ot✓ 1 u &MI �IJvY>-�yN COMMENTS FOR-or-PtCIAL USE ONLY, EPA Forin 3510-1 (8-90) BEESnn EnINEER1118 Inc. ENGWEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS 503 High Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Phone 336.748.0071 Fax 336.748.0470 www. beesonengineering.com TO: NC DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STORMWATER PERMITTING UNIT, ATTN: KEN PICKLE 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 RE: Winston Weaver Co., Inc. Stormwater Permit We are sending you: Attached TRANSMITTAL 72oll F!!jj COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION ACTION 1 9/15/2011 Cover Letter And Site Narrative As requested 1 9/15/2011 Check To Ncdenr For Permit Fee As requested 2 9/15/2011 E P A Form 2 F For Approval Remarks: Please find the outstanding items from the initial submission enclosed in this package. Those items include the $860 permit fee and EPA Form 2F along with a site narrative to provide some color and background. This should now complete the items needed for the review and processing of the individual industrial stormwater permit. If not, please call to let me know what items are still needed. 'Thank you, Alex Carter, El CC TO: Corey Basinger - WS office Vernon Carlton, Jr. - Winston Weaver Co., Inc. Signed: Alex T. Carter, El 6 < .1 OEE5011 EnGlnEERInG Inc. ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS September 15, 2011 NC Division of Water Quality Stormwater Permitting Unit; Attn: Ken Pickle 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Mr. Pickle: Thank you for your time on the phone earlier this week to provide additional guidance on EPA Form 2F. You will find the Form 2F enclosed in this package along with the $860 permit fee. The Form does not provide much space to fully describe all conditions or features for each section so I am providing the following narrative to assist and provide additional background for the permit review. Site History and Conditions The Winston Weaver fertilizer manufacturing and distribution facility was opened in 1940. At that time it was essentially on the outskirts of the City of Winston-Salem and provided fertilizer for the agricultural base around the geography. The site has a rail line immediately to the south and two rail spurs which run along a covered loading dock on the south side of the building. For many years the rail was used quite frequently for raw material unloading and finished goods loading, but today it has an infrequent usage with most materials arriving and departing by way on truck from the NE corner of the site. The boundary for the site around the south side is very tight to the building by way of railroad right -of way. While visiting the site you might think the fence line against the rail is the property line but it is not. The property line is closer to the buildings. The drainage areas around the site are broken into 4 areas. Area #1 as shown on the mapping is primarily against Cherry Street. This drainage area receives some roof and pavement runoff from the site that passes through a 100' grass strip before entering the catch basin at the street. The majority of activity in this drainage area is loading of trucks with finished goods. The loading process creates some dropping of finished fertilizer product which is swept up on a regular basis. An open throat catch basin in the SE corner of the property captures run off from the street (off site) and from the site. We are anticipating future testing the runoff from the site only by capturing samples from the site (west) side of the basin and avoiding samples that contain runoff from the street. 503 High Street Winston Salem, NC 27101 Ph. 336,748.0071 Fax 336.748.0470 r nEE50n RIMEER= Inc. ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS Page 2 of 3 Area #2 is the largest drainage area. This drainage area receives roof and pavement runoff from areas where: 1) raw materials are delivered, stored and then transported into the manufacturing facility, 2) finished goods are transported on site and stored, and 3) heavy equipment used for transporting raw and finished materials is maintained. This drainage area primarily flows to a depression where an existing catch basin has been blocked to provide a settling basin for reclamation of lime. The runoffs flow over a weir and into a ditch line with a catch basin just off site on the west side of the site. The open throat catch basin in the ditch line is connected to a series of catch basins upstream in a parking lot for an adjacent commercial business park (off site). The outfall for this drainage system has not been located due to heavy kudzu cover in the area where the outfall is expected to exist near the rail line. It is anticipated that it will be easier to find this winter once the kudzu goes dormant. We are anticipating future testing of the runoff from the site only by capturing samples from the site (cast) side of the basin and avoiding samples that contain runoff from the commercial park above (off site). Area #4 is a small drainage area that contains roof flows from a small portion of the west side of the manufacturing building. This outfall would contain the small runoff as found in Area #3 so no sampling outfalI is indicated on the mapping for this drainage area. Area #3 is the drainage area on the south side of the site. This drainage area receives roof and pavement runoff from areas where: 1) raw materials are delivered and transported into the manufacturing facility, 2) finished goods are loaded via an overhead chute or covered loading dock. The runoffs from this area exist to the SW comer of the property into the ditch line that runs alongside the rail line. We are anticipating future testing of the runoff from the site only by capturing samples from the site in the SW corner of the fence line and avoiding samples in the rail ditch line that contain runoff from the rail (off site). Current Site Management of Runoffs The main manufacturing site is a covered building that houses raw materials, manufacturing equipment and processed or finished goods. Over time, buildings have been added to the site to provide cover for unloading of bulk raw materials and storage of finished goods. Some raw and finished materials are transported from one building into another building and pollutant materials (N,P,K, trace metals, etc.) can be dropped in the process. All areas of the site are subject to the standard practices of regular sweeping and cleaning to maintain the work areas around the site and reduce the opportunity for pollutants to leave the site in the storm runoffs. 503 High Street Winston Salem, NC 27101 Ph. 336.748.0071 Fax 336.748.0470 REESO.n EnGInEERMU MC. ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS Page 3 of 3 As noted above, Drainage area #1 has a 100' grassed buffer prior to flows exiting the site via a storm drain/catch basin in the SE corner of the property. Drainage area #.2 has the greatest potential to have the largest variety of pollutants in its runoff. This area contains raw materials, finished goods and maintenance activities. This drainage area also has a very limited opportunity at the low point to address any pollutants due to proximity to the property line. Drainage areas #3 and 4 also have potential exposure to pollutants with little room at address them at the low point of the drainage area due to proximity to the property line. i hope you find these additional details helpful in providing a reminder of your experiences while visiting the site as well as background for the development of the permit for the site. Best Regards, Alex Carter, El CC: Corey Basinger — WS Office NCDENR Vernon Carlton, Jr. — Winston Weaver Co., Inc. 503 High Street Winston Salem, NC 27101 Ph. 336,748.0071 Fax 336.748.0470 + EPA ID Number (copy from Main 1 of Form 1) ru Form Approved. OMB No 2040-W86. Please print or type in the unshaded areas only I Approval expires 8-31-98. Form 2F t�PaEs United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, DC 204W Application for Permit To Discharge Stormwater �� Discharges Associated with Industrial Activi Paperwork Reduction Act Notice Public reporting burden for this application is estimated to average 28.6 hours per application, including time for reviewing instructions. searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate, any other aspect of this collection of information, or suggestions for improving this form, including suggestions which may increase or reduce this burden to: Chief, Information Policy. Branch, PM-223, U:S. Environmental Protection Agency. 401 M St.. SW, Washington, DC 20460, or Director, Office of Information and regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget. Washington. DC 20503. i. outfall t_ocstion l=or each outfall list the latitude and Eon itude of its location to the nearest 15 seconds and the name of the raCeivinp water. A. Outfall Number flisIL S. Latitude C. Lon itude D. Receiving Water name] -41;Cherry St. N36. 487 W80. 649 Monarcas Crk to Mill Crk 42;West Side N36. 506 W80. 658 Morarcas Crk to Mill Crk Catch Basiia #3•SW Corner N36. 501 W80. 666 Monarcas Crk to Mill Crk II.Improve ments A. Are you now required by any Federal, State. or local authority to meet any implementation schedule for the construction, upgrading or operation of wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs which may affect the discharges descrited in this application'? This includes, but is not limited to, permit conditions. administrative or enforcement orders, enforcement compiiance schedule letters, stipulations. Court orders. and grant or loan conditions. 1. Identification of Conditions. A reemenis. Etc, 2. Affected outfalls 3. Brief Description of Project 4. Final Compliance Date number source of discharge a. req. b. pro-. NPDES Industrial Permit 3 Site and some Applying for Individual Indust. 9/9/2 11 offsite drainage Stormwater Permit (N01 and site plana submitted by 9/6/11; Form 2F sLzDmittet on 9/15/2011 afte consultation with DENR.) No other known at this ti e B. You may attach additional sheets describing any additional water pollution (or other environmental projects which may affect you discharges) you now have under way or which you plan. Indicate whether each program is now under way or planned, and indicate your actual or planned schedules for construction. Ill. Site Drains a Ma Anach a site map showing topography (or Indicating the outline of drainage areas served by the mrtfall(s) covered in the application if a topographic map is unavailable) depicting the facility including: each of its intake and discharge structures; the drainage area of each storm water outfall; paved areas and buildings within the drainage area of each storm water outfall, each known past or present areas used for outdoor storage or disposal of significant materials, each existing structural control measure to reduce pollutants in Storm water runoff, materials -loading -and -access areas -areas where pesticides, herbicides, soil conditioners and fertilizers are applied; each of its hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal units (including each area not required to have a RCRA permit which is used for accumulating hazardous waste under 40 CFR 262.34); each well where fluids from the facility are injected underground; springs, and other surface. water bodies which receive storm water dischar es from the facility, EPA Faun 3510-2F (11-90) Page t of 3 Continue on Papa 2 )11 Continued from the Front A. For each outfatl, provide an estimate of the area (include units) of impervious surfaces (including paved areas and building roots) drained to the outfall, and an estimate of the total surface area drained by the outfall. Outtall Area of Impervious Surface Total Area Drained Outfall Area of Impervious Surface Total Area Drained t1iiii-plir r i #1 67,800SF / 1.56Acf135,6B1SF / 3.11 Ac #2 129,900SF / 2.98Ac 187,021SF / 4.29Ac Isignificant #3 85,000SF / 1.95Ac 88,944SF / 2.04Ac S. Provide a narrative description of materials that are currently or in the past three years have been treated, stored or disposed in a manner to allow exposure to storm water; method of treatment, storage, or disposal; past and present materials management practices employed. in the last three years. to minimize contact by these materials with storm water runoff; materials loading and access areas; and the loca::on. manner. and frequency in which pesticides. herbicides, soil conditioners, and fertilizers are applied. -0F#1 is subject to the minimal exposure to finished fertilizer products that may drop to the ground during the loading process. The area is cleaned regularly to reduce any exposures. -OF42 is subject to exposure from unloading and moving of fertilizer ingredients (raw materials), finished product droppings during moving or loading and maintenance shed activities. All areas are cleaned on a regular basis to reduce exposures. -OF#3 is subject to exposure from unloading and moving of fertilizer ingredients (raw materials), finished product droppings during moving or loading. All areas are cleaned on a regular basis to reduce exposures. C for each cu:iai; Arcvioe ille Jacalicn and a description of existing structural and nonstructural control measures to reduce pollutants in sl=rm.vater runoff: and a oescriptlan of the treatment the storm water receives, inGudrng the Schedule and type of maintenance for Control ntreatmenth fluid- Outfali list Codes from N�jrriber Treatment Table #1 There is an .existing 100' vegetated buffer prior to flows reaching the catch basin 42 There is a settling basin to reclaim lime that may runoff from the site. #3 There are no control measures in place. V. Nonstormwater Dischar es A. I certify unaer penal:y of law trial the outfall(s) covered by this application have been tested or valuatrd for the presence of noestormwater discharges. and that all nonstormwater discharges from these outfall(s) are identified in a her an accompanying Form 2C r � rm li •i to, h / / Name ana Official Title !type or print! Si Date Signed Vernon C. Carlton, Jr President 7�; 9-15-2011 S. Provide a oescr:pnon of the method used. the date of any testing. and the onsite drainage points thairwere directly observed during a test. N/A - No testing completed prior to application VI. Significant 1,eiks or S Ills Provide existing information regarding the history of significant leaks or spills of toxic or hazardous pollutants at the facility in the last three years, including the approximate date and location of the spill or leak, and the" and amount of material released. N/A - No spills have occurred at this site. EPA Form 3S10-2F (11-90) Page 2 of 3 Continue on Page 3 EPA lD Number (copy from Kem t of Form 1J Continued from Pa+cie A.S.C. & D: See instructions before prooWinp. Complete one set of tables for each ouffall. Annotate the outfall number in the space provided. Tables MI -A, Wl-9, and VI1 C are included on separate sheets numbered W.I and V11.2. E. Poter;:al discharges not covered by analysis • Is any poliutant listed in Table 2F-2 a substance or a component of a substance which you currently use or manufacture as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? ElYes rs' a!! such pollutants befaw) No (o to Section I/N/) The anticipated materials to be found in future testing are the common materials used in the production of fertilizer including Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), trace amounts of Zinc, Magnesium, Boron, Iron, Manganese and Fluoride. Also from the heavy equipment maintenance the bulk materials used on site are ethylene glycol, hydraulic fluid and oil/grease. Vill, Biological Toxicity Tenting Data ElYes !Iisf resr7s bfICA) X No (o to Sev,on !X) N/A r 4 GYes Lej No (go so Section X) A. Name B. Address C. Area Code& Phone No. ! D Pollutants Ana' ed N/A X. Cerfifica ion A Name & offic-al ?;tie (ype or print) S. Area Code and Phone No Vernon C. Carlton, Jr. - Presi nt 336,661.1495 C. �gn tore D. Date 53gned nl Qr'�� 9/15/2011 � EPA Form 3510-2F [1 i=oo) I . Page 3 of 3 EPA ID Number (copy from item r of Form t) � - -- .. - F e Nap2088. I Approval e�lrea (Y3t�88. - VI1. Discharge Information Continued from page 3 of Form 2F Part A- You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table. Complete one table for each outtall. See instructions for additional details. Pollutant and CAS Number tit availat3rel Maximum Values !include units) Average Values (include units) Number of Storm Events Sampled'i Sources of Pollutants Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -weighted Composite Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Row -weighted Composite Oil and Grease N/A - No testing_ completed rior to a Biological Oxygen Demand (BOM Cnemicaf Oxygen Demand (CODI total Suspended Solids ITSS) Total Kjetdahl Nitro en Nitrate parrs .Nitrite Nitrogen Q:a• '! f.',^�jm ttax,r-,j , Minimum Maximum Pert B - _Is: eacr: per.wtart ;r.at rs ,Irrrtec rn an ef:luent guideline which the facrhty IS subjec :C or any dolt a^t Is;ea rr. the tacrlrty s NPD permit for its process wastewa:et {it the facility is operating under an existing NPDES permit;. Complete one table for each outtalk. See the in-Iruc!mOns for acjpiionai ceizils andrecuirements Maximum Values I Average Values Number (include units; (include units) of a-:! Graz Sample III Grab Sample Storm ?axer. DJu v i t Taken During ,, Flaw -weighted I Flow-weightedr' Events , Firs; _, First 30 r' a.a :ac e, f: notes- Ccinoosite Minutes Composite Sampled Sources of Pcl,'u:ants I N/A - No testing com : I f I I I I I i { I € I I I EPA Form 3510-2F (11-90) Page VII-t uonunue on Reveras Contlnued from the Frnnt Part C - List each pollutant shown in Tables 2F-2. 2F-3, and 2F-4 that you know or have reason to believe is present. See the instructions for additional details and requirements. Complete one table for each outfall. Pollutant and CAS Number (if available) Maximum Values (1ncludO unit) Average Values I (include crofts) Number of Storm Events Sampled! 1 Sources of Pollutants Grab Sample Taken During Minutes Flow -weighted Composite Grab Sample Ta Frntunrrng rst 30 Minutes Flow -weighted Composite I i N/A - No testing Cpmpleted prior Zo ap ica ion � I I f I I i I I I j l i I I I i I i I I t Part D - Provide data for the storm events which resulted in the maximum values for the flow weighted com osite Sample. 1. bate of Storm Event 2. Duration of Storm (in minuees) 3. Total rainfall during storm event (in inches 4. Number of hours between beginning of storm meas- ured and and of previous measurable rain event Maximum floe rate during rain event (gallons/minute or specify units Total flow from rain event (gallons or SPOCOY units Season sample was taken Form of Precipitation (rainfall, snowmoit N/A - No to ting compl ted prior to application 9. Provide a description of the method of flow measurement or estimate, N/A - No testing completed prior to application EPA Form 3510-2F (11-90) Page VII.2 C z Z J C a. rn us W0 _C w C � W C � O UJ LU W Z w0 mW O U U Z rCoCY) Li DQ l''L Z LJ U p N E2 Cr- z C6 ( � W _ Z C7 I M w _ Ln L� M O Z V) o M Z w m OQ� XJ0 MV)Ld LL- o Z L'J m N � o This mapping is provided in conjunction with an application for NPDES Individual industrial Stormwater Permit. It is intended to provide an overall view of the site in relation to drainage features and site layout. Please reference the notes for additional details on the level of accuracy within the map. PROJECT: 3 U _o W � ct N N Un CLIENT: WINSTON WEAVER CO., INC. CIO Vernon Carlton P.O. Box 17366 Winston Salem, NC 27116 Phone: 336-661-1495 Fax: 336-661-9216 Email: weaver@triad.rr.com DRAWN BY: ATC DATE: 09.02.201 1 JOB NO: 1 1.100.023 REVISIONS: SHEET TITLE: DRAINAGE FLOWS AND OUTFALLS SCALE: 1. 40' [' Ir. SHEET NO: SWP-2 A4 TOBACCO STREET �G F SITE LODGE o �TRe� od 9g L.J BOULEVARD / O� ep�p crs LOCATION MAP (NOT TO SCALE) y -J N0 TES. 1.The purpose for this submittal is in conjunction with documents for N DESIndividual 1 t St P t anIndustrial ra.a ormwa er Permit. jj 6 i 2. Field data and Outfalls noted on sheet SWP-2 have been field located { and tied to NCGS monument W09 "Gateway"; PID DG9478 (N: 874928.16', E: 1626355.95') using a Topcon GRS-1 on the NC RTK network. 3. This map is a compilation of information from deeds, county tax information, structures and topographic information furnished by the Ili g o6�J Forsyth County GIS and field collected data on existing conditions. 4, NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. The boundary shown is from Forsyth County !1i o Deed Book 1792, Page 2540. Existing irons have been located and all 9' field data is tied to NC Grid - NAD83, NAVD88. f ` 5. All water and sewer shown are provided from Forsyth County GIS and 0 Utilities Administration files. , �2• / 6. Field data has been collected on the following existing conditions: o �} [� topography at approx. 20 intervals, locations of buildines. draina_ae [f. 1. LL �, yavc cold gravel arzves and parking areas, fence lines, gates, and utility poles. 7. This site is approximately 1500' up slope of Monarc s Creek which flows to Mill Creek and is located in the Muddy Creek River Basin. 8 The site is NOT currently located in a FEMA designated flood area. BUILDING LIST Parcel # Description l Main Office 2 Finished Goods Storage. 3 Raw Mate rials,Manufcluring and Finished Goods 4 Bulk Unloading 5 Bulk Loading 6 Maintenance 7 Maintenance 8 Finished Goods Storage 9 Night Watchmen Residence — MATEMAL., LIST BY BUILDING BLDG. No. Primary Materi als/Chein ical s Located in Building None; offico Buildinl. I Bulk packaged anti B:+gged finished products: 10/10/10, 18/9/9, 5/10/30, 14/14/14, 2 6/6/18, 10/20/20, 6/t2/18, 8/16/24, 8/8/24 Veg, 1.7/17/17, 19/19/19, 3/9/9 Dialninonium Phosphite, Triple Superphosphate, Urea, Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer, 3 Ammonium. Sulfate, F otush, Potassium Magnesium Sulfate, Limestone Diammonium Phosph�;te, Triple Superphosphate, Urea, Ammonium Nitrate. Fertilizer, 4 Arntnoniu1111 Sulfate, Potash, Potassium Magnesium Sulf,'lte, Limestone Bulk loading of finished products: 10/10/10, 18/9/9, 5/10/30, 14/14/14, 6/6/18, 5 10/20/20, 6/12/18, 8/1,Y24, 8/8/24 Veg, 17/17/17, 1.9/19/19, 3/9/9 6 Ethylene Glycol, Hyd-aulic Fluid 7 Ethylene Glycol, Hy&. uric Fluid Bulk packaged and Bz�oged finished products: 10/10/10, 18/9/9, 5/10/30, 14/14/14, 8 6/6/18, 10/20/20, 6/12/18, 8/16/24, 8/8/24 Veg, 17/17/3 r, '1%341'911`>, 3J9/9 9 None; Watchmen resi, icnce 346,149 'IF or 7.95 t AC (100.0%) 106,499 ;;F or 2.444 ±AC (30.8%) 112,665 SF or 2.586 ±AC (32.5%) 126,985 �,F or 2,915 ±AC (36.7%) c z a CG J c a w cr wo cW c� w U) c U) O W LU w Z wZ W V- E p ^ o F— N � O 0 WU-'0N w [Y Z � Q w 4.� z 2 W M w 2 U7 W M O Z p Z to 1 MZO ai rn w Q 0 X -0 L0�WL m C] Z W [n o � o This mappinb is provided in conjunction with an application for NPDES Individual indLtstrial Stormwater Permit. LU PIUV1UG all uVCran View OT the site in relation to drainage features and site layout. Please reference the notes for additional details on the level of accuracy within the map. PROJECT: U w ri U � U > 00 .> . . U'un ©4 CLIENT: WINSTON WEAVER CO., INC. CIO Vernon Carlton P.O. Box 17366 Winston Salem, NC 27116 Phone: 336-661-1495 Fax: 336-661-9216 Email: weaver@triad.rr.com DRAWN BY: ATC DATE: 09.02.201 1 JOB NO: .1.1100.023 REVISIONS: p11 ^ic•� �D TOBACCO STREET 9L Fy GF, �oe� SITE J ��& // i1///, X ��/ �o�rti 6p " -_ J BOULEVARD 04s- ti � s �p-4p LOCATION MAP (NOT TO SCALE) OTES: The purpose for this submittal is in conjunction with documents for an NPDES Individual Indus .rial Stormwater Permit. Field data and Outfalls noted on sheet SWP-2 have been field located and tied to NCGS monumEnt W09 "Gateway"; PID DG9478 (N: 874928.16', E: 1626355.95') using a Topcon GRS-1 on the NC RTK network. This map is a compilation of information from deeds, county tax information, structures and topographic information furnished by the Forsyth County GIS and field collected data on existing conditions. NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. The boundary shown is from Forsyth County Deed Book 1792, Page 2540. Existing irons have been located and all field data is tied to NC G;dd — NAD83, NAVD88. All water and sewer shover are provided from Forsyth County GIS and Utilities Administration ME s. Field data has been collected on the following existing conditions: topography at approx. 20' intervals, locations of buildings, drainage structures, pave and gravel drives and parking areas, fence lines, gates, and utility poles. This site is approximately 1500' up slope of Monarcas Creek which flows to Mill Creek and is located in the Muddy Creek River Basin. The site is NOT currently ocated in a FEMA designated flood area. BUILDING LIST Parcel # Description 1 Main Office 2 Finished Goods Storage 3 Raw Materials,Mamifrturing and Finished Goods q Bulk Unloading 3 I 5 Bulk Loading i 6 Maintenance 7 Maintenance 8 Finished Goods Storage g Night Watchmen Residence MATEP.IAL LIST BY BLJH.,DING BLDG. No. Primary Materials/Chemicals Located in Building l None; Office Building Bulk packaged and Ba;�«ed finished product's: 10/10/10, 18/9/9, 5/10/30, 14/14/14, 2 6/6/1.8, 10/20/20, 6/12,18, 8/16/24, 8/8/24 Veg, 17/17/17, 19/19/19, 3/9/9 Diarumonium Phosphate, Triple Superphosphate, Urea, Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer-, 3 Ammonium Sulfate, Poi ash, Potassium Magnesium Sulfate, Limestone Diammonium Phosphate, Triple Superphosphate, Urea, Amnwiiium Nitrate Fertilizer, 4 Ammonium Sulfate, Potash, Potassium Magnesium Sulfate, Limestone Bulk loading of finish:�d products: 10/10/10, t 8/9/9, 5/10/30, 14/1.4/14, 6/6/18, 5 10/20/20, 6/12/18, 8/16/24, 8/8/24 Veg, 17/17/17, 19/19/19, 3/9/9 6 Ethylene Glycol, Hydraulic Fluid 7 Ethylene Glycol, IIydnauiic Fluid 8 Bulk packaged and Ba;ged finished products: 10/10/1.0, 18/9/9, 5/10/30, 14/14/14, 6/6/18, 10/20/20, 6/12/18, 8/16/24, 8/8/24 Veg, 17/17/17, 19/19/19, 3/9/9 9 None; Watchmen residence SITE COVERAGES: a N TOTAL SITE AREA: OPEN AREA: GD BUILDINGS AREA: IMPERVIOUS AREA: o' l8" RCP 1IP ty Ex 346,149 SF or 7.95 t AC (100.0%) 106,499 SF or 2.444 ±AC (30.8%) 112,665 S><+ or 2.586 ±AC (32.5%) 126,985 S:l± or 2.915 ±AC (36.7%) Hatch Legend Pavemp ent As halt r:IP 6°1S12"W 104.03 imbgl Legend -- Concrete top, o Pt. Point (As Shown) open throat CB St Gravel one / 0 LP.S. Iron Pin Set (3/4" conduit) ;Y4....... O E.I.P. Existing Iron Pin (As Shown) Stone (Found) (n UJ Q J C CL i (1) W o W } _CW Ca CC wcn W LU W z W3 � W E ;-- O H N O 0 _E W 00 �'E LO 0 0 Z W Z a6 W Q) W M r Z C7 Q M r` Z = U7 LLJ M 0 Z rn O MZM .. a) En w O a- x-0 ��w � m a Z W m O 04 � o This mapping is provided in conjunction with an application for NPDES Individual industrial Stormwater Permit. It is intended to provide an overall view of the site in relation to drainage features and site layout. Please reference the notes for additional details on the level of accuracy within the map. PROJECT: U � z .� n U � W • oQ �, �i 'G 000 �'. 44 CLIENT: WINSTON WEAVER CO., INC. CIO Vernon Carlton P.O. Box 17366 Winston Salem, NC 27116 Phone: 336-661 - 1495 Fax: 336-661-9216 Email: weaver@triad.rr.com DRAWN BY: ATC DATE' 09.02.2011 JOB NO: 11100.023 REVISIONS: . _...`�. Line Lep-end _ { NCDOT Monument/Disc SOUTHERN RAILROAD - co--, Utility Pole SHEET TITLE: 0 00' Right -of -Way) .. ` WHydrantOVERALL SITE PLAN Public Water Line Fire i� ss Public Sanitary Sewer Line "� Water Valve 6. F Underground Electric Line CC Control Corner GAS Underground Gas Line FG FG Flush with ground SCALE: 1 " = 40' PH Underground Phone Line AG AG x.xx' Above ground(Distance in ft.) u i-� ��� Fence UG UG x.xx' Underground(Distance in ft.) >�- Ditchline 0 Sanitary Sewer Manhole WL Wetlands Boundary © Electrical Pedestal SHEET NO: riwt,, Stream or Creek Buffer _4W_ Wetlands rc.,u-FEMA 1% Annual Chance Flood (100 Yr) Specimen Tree (symbols vary) s00 FEMA 0.2% Annual Chance Flood (500 Yr) © Telephone Pedestal >~w FEMA Floodway ® Electrical Transformer Box SWP_1 M, Utility Pole a yJ LLI Z CD J C � W0 CW IiI � C U) W ED W Z W 0 w I �— o n U z 1— © z w 00 �t 'i Li 0 Q) w �Z�� z .- 2 M z w z _ V7 W M O O Z V) M Z O ai V) w P OUj—� m �Ld J late Z Ld Od �~ N � O This mapping is provided in conjunction with an application for NPDES Individual industrial Stormwater Permit. It is intended to provide an overall view of the site in relation to drainage features and site layout. Please reference the notes for additional details on the level of accuracy within the map. PROJECT: U a ct U o W � � :> U0 w o � CLIENT: WINSTON WEAVER CO., INC. C/O Vernon Carlton P.O. Box 17366 Winston Salem, NC 27416 Phone. 336-661-1495 Fax: 336-661-9216 Email weaver( triad.rr.com DRAWN BY: ATC DATE: 09.02.2011 JOB NO: 11100.023 REVISIONS: SHEET TITLE: DRAINAGE FLOWS AND OUTFALLS SCALE: I" = 40' SHEET NO: SWP-2 -M,- EPARTMENT OF THE U S G U.S. Dift U, S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RIOR science fora changing world Produced by the United States Geological Survey North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84). Projection and MN .• 1 000-meter grid: Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 178 7. d9_ i 10 000-foot ticks: North Carolina Coordinate System of 1983 _ 139 hOLS ON o, 24 7 M] LS Imagery ..................... ............ NAiP, July 2008 - August 2008 I ITEM GRID .AND 2010 MAGNETIC NORCH DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET Roads............................................©2006-2010 Tele Atlas Names. .............................................................. GNIS, 2005 Hydro raPhY................. National H dro raphy Dataset, 2008 U.S. National grid Contours............................National Elevation Dataset, 2008 r�o•Joa,:, xuar IG NA r] W grid Zons �signatlon 17S The National Map USTopo SCALE 1:24 000 l :i.5 G KLOME7ERS 1 2 10�0 500 0 MUERS 1000 2000 1 0.5 G l MILES loan a 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 1G00C CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF; 1988 This map was produced to conform with version 0.5.10 of the draft USGS Standards for 7.5-Minute Quadrangle Maps. A metadata file associated with this product is draft version 0.5.11 RTH C.AROLINA QUADFANGLE LOCATION Pinnace King cove Love Rural Vienna Hail Walkertcwn Winston- Wtnston- Clernmons Ivilem West Salem East ADJOINING 7.5' Qt3ADR4,NGLES RURAL HALL QUADRANGLE NORTH CAROLINA 7.5-MINUTE SERIES ROAD CLASSIFICATION Interstate Route — --- — State Route US Route Local Road Ramp 4WD — — — — — — — lrterstate Route lJs Route �' State Route RURAL HALL, NC 2010