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❑ aobq 01 ).)- �
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Iacment OCCUrrencc(s)
Element Occurrence(s)
Found 9 Element Occurrence(s) within 2 miles of selected point
Date Last
Scientific Name
Habitat Comments
Most river systems in
Piedmont and Coastal
Basic oak --hickory
oak --hickory forest
A number of river
Lampsiiis cariosa
systems; mainly near
the Fall Line
Cape Fear
Cape. Fear drainage
(endemic to North
plain acidic cliff
Rocky bar and
Blackwater creeks
Tar, Neuse, Cape
Fear, Pee Dee, and
French Broad
systems, perhaps
other systems in
. 1 of 1 1/22/2009 3:00 PM
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by Theresa Coleman
In 2004, after dominating the market for more
than 70 vears, wood treated with CCA (chro-
mated copper arsenate) was withdrawn From resi-
dential use due to concerns about health risks
from arsenic exposure. 'Phis created a vacuum
that a wide variety of new wood preservatives have
since attempted to fill. Some of chese treatments
Confused by the alphabet soup
of wood -treatment chemicals
flooding the industry? Read on.
have properties that are similar to CCA, but oth-
ers are more corrosive and require differenr, pricier
hardware and fasteners. Some aren't very corrosive,
but aren't rated for ground contact. And For some,
whether the lumber is rated for ground contact
depends on the size of the material.
"it used to be so simple for builders in the United
States. All you had was CCA," says Richard Kleiner,
direcuo:' oftreared markers for the Southern Forest
Produrrs Association. "It was just easier to treat
everything with the same amount of preservative,
too. You didn't have to worry about aboveground
or underground [most created wood ryas rated For
ground contact]. Now you have to really look at
the rags."
First -Generation Replacements
Once the decision was made to take CCA off the
residential market, wood treaters had just a year to
figure our what to do (see "Why CCA \ as Taken
Off the Market," a 110131Veb Exclusive ar deckmag-
azine.com). They turned first to water -Lased alka-
line copper quaternary (ACQ) and copper azole
(CA), both oFwhich had been used for many }ears
to treat wood in Europe and Asia. Like CCA, these
warer-based preservatives leave a dry, painrable
surface. Both come with the same type of IiFerime
warranties as did CCA, and the treatment process
is essentially the same — air is pulled out of the
wood and liquid preservative is forced in under
pressure — just wirh a different formula.
To protect the wood, both ACQ and CA — like
CCA — depend on copper and a co -biocide, which
is a chemical added to the Forrnu]a to kill OrganiSmS
(such as fungi and insects) that the copper doesn'r.
In the case oFACQ, the co -biocide is the quaternary
compound; in CA, the co -biocide is azole. As wirh
CCA, the copper in both ofthese preservatives needs
some help co dissolve in warer co create the aque-
ous solution that's used to treat the wood. That's
Professional Deck Builder • Se.preniber/Ocrober 2008
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.accomplished by first dissolving the copper in an
organic solvent, which is. acknowledged as the A
(alkaline) in ACQ. CA and CCA use a similar solvent E t N
but it's just not used as part of the product name.LZ
The main downside of these first -generation re-
placements is they accelerate the corrosion of steel
and alumintm fasteners, flashing, and hardware
(Figure 1). The culprit is the copper in the preser- Figure 1. The corrosiveness of the first generation of
vatives, which reacts galvanically with the other preservatives to replace CCA took many deck build-
merals, resulting in failed connections. ers by surprise. Lightly galvanized connectors and
Nor only do ACQ and CA have rwo to three rimer fasteners, as well as aluminum flashing, often failed
1 • , -h CC 1 the fo • "f . th - in contact with ACQ and CA preservatives.
s n ue copper as r, t m t coppel ey
contain is more chemically active. According ro
Dr. Jun Zhang, director of Osmose's (800/585-
S161, osmosewood.corn) Buffalo Technical Center, more corrosion -resistant hardware and fasteners.
the copper in CCA binds with the wood, providing The other significant issue with ACQ and CA
relatively few copper ions (the reactive form of cop- has to do with ground contact. Most CCA lumber
per). The formulation of ACQ and CA, on the other Was treated to a high enough preservative retention
hand, allows for more free copper ions. And unlike level ro allow ground contact, bur that's nor the
CCA, ACQ and CA don't contain clirotn it€ ut, which case with all of the new preservatives. Because ACQ
inhibits corrosion. and CA contain more copper (an expensive cotn-
The corrosion problem wasn't common knowl- modity) than does CCA, one way for iurnber rreat-
edge among contractors (or DlYers) nt the rime of cars to hold down costs is to treat lumber only to a
the transition away from CCA, and as a result, a level appropriare for its likely use. So, post -size —
lor of ACQ and CA decks were built with the same 4s4, 4x6, and 6x6 — lumber is generally created for
G-90 galvanized hardware that had worked with ground contact, but most lumber dimensions used
CCA. This led to awell-publicized rash ofharclware for joists, beams, and decking are rtor. The rag on
and fastener corrosion, which in turn prompred the end of each board notes the level of preservative
manufacturers to produce a new generation of retention and states whether that board is allowed
2 1 Professional Deck Builder • Se-prember/Ocrober 2008
The New Preservatives
to contact the ground (see sidebar
" whar Should You Look for on a
Treared-Lurnber Sticker?" below),
Additionally, ACQ and CA have 'a
greater tendency than CCA to ]each
copper into soil, because they don't
bind with The wood in the same .vay.
Whe.ther that has a negative environ-
mental impact is unclear, though the
EPA, which regulates pesticides and
fungicides, certainly allows the resi-
denrial use oFACQ and CA.
Next Generation: Micronized Formulas
There's little dispute about the effectiveness of
ACQ and CA. Bur, spurred in part by the corrosion
issues, preservatives manufacturers have sought a
better formula. The new micronized copper -based
preservatives are similar to ACQ and CA in that
they rely on copper a nd the same co -biocides, richer
the quaternary compound or azole. They're also
What Should You Look for on a
Treated -Lumber Sticker?
The tags at the end of each piece of lumber provide a lot of
information. To begin with, the tag should indicate confor-
mance with an AWPA, ICC, or other code -accepted standard
for treated lumber. Next should be the use category, which can
be UC3B for aboveground use or UC4A for ground -contact
use. The name of the preservative is also included; the reten-
tion — the amount of preservative injected into the wood -
- may be noted as well. But
Pr(DLUOOd^ unlike the days of CCA
o�nM r7'u0_ Y
\00 O when most of us knew
that a retention level
of .40 ib. per cubic
t`\�` \ foot meant ground
contact was allowed, today
you will find a range of retention
levels. Rather than memorizing the levels
required for each preservative and use, it's easier to
simply look for the AWPA use category or the words "ground
contact" or "above ground use."
If you want to dive into the technical aspects of lumber stick-
ers, the description of the AWPA Use Categories, as well as a
preservative listing, can be found at awpa.com, — T.C.
Figure 2. The second
.generation of pre-
servatives, MCO and
MCA, are less cor-
rosive than ACQ and
CA and leave the
wood looking closer
to its natural color.
made by some oFrhe same manufacturers. 11hibro-
Wood (800/737-9663, phibrowood.corn) makes
Sustain, a micronized CA (MCA), and Osmose
makes a micronized ACQ (,MCQ) called MicroPro.
The difference between the micronized Formu-
las and ACQ and CA is The size of the copper par-
ticles. The copper in MCA and NICQ is ground into
particles thar measure one -millionth of meter (a
micron — thus the name "micronized"). Because
the copper particles are so tiny, no organic solvent is
needed to dissolve the copper into the water -based
rreanncnt solution.
These manufacturers claim that the smaller par-
ticles retake the formulas more effective and less
likely to leach out oFrhe wood. (Manufacturers add
that less leaching means less bioaccumulation and
less chance of toxicity to organisms. And sonic say
char micronized -preserved products look more
like untreated wood (Figure 2).
Ofgreacest interest to deck builders, perhaps, is
char these micronized formulas are said to be less
corrosive. The niamrfaeturers claim that alumi-
num and standard G-90 galvanized hardware can
be used in direct contact with micronized copper -
treated lumber. The reason is that the copper car-
bonace used in MCQ and MCA produces relatively
few copper ions — about the same as CCA, accord-
ing to 'hang. This is not the case with ACQ and
CA, kvirh which aluminum contact is forbidden,
and hardware has to be either the thicker, more
expensive G-18S galvanized or stainless steel.
That said, while Simpson Strong -Tic (800/
999-5099, strongtie.com), a major manufacturer of
framing hardware, acknowledges that NICQ is less
corrosive than ACQ or CA, it continues to recom-
mend the use of G-185 or stainless steel hardware
with MCQ.
Not everyone thinks that IMCQ is effective. In
May of th is year, MicroPro came under attack from
3 1 Professional Deck Builder • Seprenrber/Ouaber 2008
The New Preservatives
Viance (800/421-8661, treatedwood.com). Viance
makes Ecolife, a nonmetallic, carbon -based pre-
servative (Figure 3), as well as ACQ, but it does not
manufacture MCQ. Based on findings from a field
test done by Viance (and verified by a third party),
rhac company has claimed the MCQ formula does
not provide adequate protection against prema-
ture decay, particularly in ground-conracr wood,
Osmose responds that Viance's test didn't fol-
low the American Wood Protection Association
(AWPA) standardized protocols. Gary Converse,
senior vice presidenr ar Osmose, adds, "Wood
treated wirh the Osmose MicroPro technology, has
been field tested For over five years for fungal decay
and termite attack in accordance wirh A\t'PA,
ASTM, or other internationally recognized wood
testing standards. Furthermore, all field testing
has been either conducted or evaluated by accred-
ited independent universities, research organiza-
tions, or treated -wood inspection companies. In
addition, since the introduction of treated wood
incorporating our i 1icropro technology in early
2006, more than 3 billion board feet of NficroPro-
treared wood has been sold in over 3,000 home
centers and lumberyards in the U.S., and there
have been no reports or claims of premature fun-
gal decay or termite attack."
Chris Shadday, commercial vice president at
Viance, admirs that their tests did not follow
AWPA protocols but explained the variation: "The
AWPA stake test is intended ro show how much of
a new preservative is needed to resist decay by com-
paring its performance to a known preservative.
Three sets of stakes, one created with the known
preservative, one created with the new preservative,
and one set of untreated stakes to act as a coricrol,
are placed in the ground. After a period of months,
the stakes are examined for decay.
"To con Form to AWIIA protocols, the stakes being
tested are supposed to be treated ar the testing lab
with that company's preservatives. Because Viance
doesn't make MCQ, we couldn't do that. Instead,
we purchased both ACQ- and MCQ-rreared 4x4s
For testing ac local Horne Depot and Lowe's stores
and ripped them into 0/4-inch-square stakes, The
use of commercially purchased lumber is lox%, our
test deviated from AWPA protocols."
Shadday continues, "The lumber we tested was
what a contractor might purchase, so we feel the
test is valid. Wle verified that the samples were full%
treated on all sides to the claimed level of preserva-
tive retention. There would be no point in testing
improperly treated wood.
"The decay eve found was due to brown and white
rot fungi, two common decay-[vpc microbes. Ir's
our theory chat the solid, essentially insoluble cop-
per in MCQ is chemically bound and not available
in nn ionic form, as the soluble copper in ACQ is.
13ecause of this, we don't think that IMCQ is as
effective at preventing these organisms. We're also
concerned that the copper in MCQ doesn't enter -
the cell %walls during treatment, and so won't be
as effective at controlling what's called soft rot.
However, this rot cakes two to three years to develop
and our rest only ran for about 10 months."
Zhang responds that Osmose has done "a lot of
resting in aggressive testing sites. MicroPro per-
formed at least as well ws ACQ in independent tests,
some Lilac ran for as long as five years." Zhang
continues, "IMicroPro produces free copper ions at
about the same level as CCA, which is above the
threshold required to control brown and white rot
fungi. And independent labs have observed copper
in the cell walls of MCQ-treated lumber using
scanning electron microscopes."
There doesn't seem to be a clear answer to this
debare. MCQ does offer the con tractor one solution
to a real problern, hardware and fastener corrosion.
And it looks more like untreated wood, which may
Please your clients. The crux is whether there's sub-
stance to Viance's Findings of premature decay in
MCQ-rreared wood. The comperitive stakes are
41 Professional Deck Builder, Seprember/Ocrubcr 200E
i 4
The New Preservatives
high for both companies, and both Viance and
Osmose defend their positions well. What is certain
is chat time will tell.
Beyond Copper
While some manufacturers worked to improve
ACQ and CA, others were looking beyond nieral-
lic preservatives, asking what else could preserve
wood. "There have been all kinds ofdevelopments,"
says Kleiner, from the Southern Forest products
Association. "There were four new ones added in
just the last two years. And I believe you are going
to keep seeing even more preservatives."
The trend in this group of up-and-comers is to
preserve wood with little or no metal in the for-
mula, "1 can tell ,you that there are a lot of prod-
ucts out there; most are AVIPA standardized, but
some are not," says Colin McCown of the AWPA.
Figure 4. EnviroSafe Plus
is a borate -based above-
ground preservative l
treatment approved by the
International Code Council.
,o-A rt
and accepted by the EPA. r= �.•..� ` r-:-. •:-,-
Lumber is pressure treated
with DOT (disodium octab-
orate tetrahydrate) and a water-repellent polymer. Fire
retardant and virtually noncorrosive, the product comes
with a 40-year transferable limited warranty.
Figure 5. TimberSil's heat treatment
process infuses microscopic silicone -
based glass crystals into wood to
protect it from decay and infestation.
Because the USDA has deemed that
TimberSil does not fall into its treated
category, TimberSil is not approved
by the International Code Council.
But it has been approved by the EPA
as a nontoxic exempt barrier product.
The company claims it can be used in
both ground -contact and aboveground
applications. It carries a 40-year trans-
ferable warranty.
"A buyer would need to look for the AW11A mark on
the created wood to ensure that they're using prod-
ucts standardized by experts in the field of wood
protection in an open, consensus -based process."
This means that if your local municipality
allows, [here may be treated wood available to you
that hasn't vet been approved by the national regu-
lacors. Additionally, some approved new formulas
are nor intended For ground -contact use.
Borates, for example, have long been used to pre-
serve regular framing lumber in particularly ter-
mite -prone areas such as the deep South, and as an
indoor pesticide (borates are nonmxic to humans),
As a supplemental architectural preservation
method, borate pellets are often placed in holes
drilled in existing, exterior n-im. Borate treatment
generally increases the fire resistance of wood and
isn't corrosive. Bor-ates arc +rarer SOI[rble, however,
and tend to leach from wood that's used ourside.
Until recent]y, no major application using boraces
had been approved for exterior use. That changed
with the advent of EnviroSafe Pius (Figure 4),
made by Wood Treatment products (800/345-
8102, [CC approved tear
aboveground use, the boraces are locked into
EnviroSafe lumber with a combination of poly-
mers and stabilizers that are Forced into the niate-
rial during pressure treatment. jack Rombough,
president of the company, says that EnviroSafe
Plus is currently distributed in some Southeast,
Middle Atlantic, Midwest, and Southwest stares.
TimberSil (888/346-9200, tirnbersihvood.com),
which uses sodium silicate essentially glass to
preserve the wood, claims its preservative can be
used both in ground contact and above ground,
and that it strengthens the wood (Figure 5), The
company also claims its product is noncorrosive
and a Class A fire retardant, which could be a grear
benefit in areas prone to wildfire.
While it currenrlylacks ICC approval,TimberSil's
resistance to rennites has been confirmed by the
New Orleans Mosquito and Termite Control Board.
Lew Combs, marketing director for TimberSil,
says chat he expects to have ICC approval within
six months, and that building inspectors through-
out the COLIntry have been allowing the use of
TimberSil based on current documentation.
Initial problems xirh Third -party treatment
plants slowed TimberSil's introduction to the rnar-
ket, and distribution has been spotty. However,
5 1 Professional Deck Builder • Seprember/October2008
The New Preservatives
Figure 6. To create PureWood,
heat is used to convert sugars
in wood to a form that's unpal-
atable to fungi and termites,
thereby protecting it from rot.
It is a nontoxic process and the
wood is free of added chemi-
cals. Approvals are pending.
Figure 7. Intended for aboveground use, the non-
metallic Wolmanized L3 wood has been evaluated
by the International Code Council and is listed in
the AWPA Book of Standards. The company adds a
pigment to its formula to distinguish its light brown
treated lumber from other types of treated lumber. It
is backed by a lifetime limited warranty.
Figure 8. ProWood Micro is a -
micronized copper quaternary
t' f O 16,
TimberSiI recently signed up with American Inter-
national Forest Products and is now available
nation-wide. Production at TirnberSd s West Coast
plant has gone from one shift to three, and an Easr
Coast plant is in the -works for 2009.
Fungi and termites attack -woad because the
sugars it COntarnS are their food source, liay Tree
Technologies' PureWood (888/573-4180, pureu-ood
products.corn) preserves -wood by taking the sug-
ars out (Figure 6). No chemicals are added — the
-wood is heated using a process developed by the
Finnish company Srellac Oy (srellac.fi/English/
stellac.htm). Woods treated in this manner are
noncorrosive and rake on a toasty brown color,
but they do lose. sonic strength i n the process.
According to Ron Long, president of 13ay Tree,
Pure%Vood is currently available in 13 southern
and mid -western states. Long says thar agree-
ments should be in place by the time this article
is published chat will improve distribution in
the South and '{jest. He predicts similar distri-
bution increases in northern markets for 2009.
PureWood does nor yet have full code acceptance,
but Long expects co have reports from ]CC -
accredited labs -within four months. He adds. "In
actual application, we haven't encountered any
resistance from local inspectors,"
Arch Treatment Technologies (770/801-6600,
archchemicals.com) has moved away from met-
al -based preservatives -with its Wolmanized L3
treating solution (Figure 7). Accepted by the
ICC for aboveground use, Wolnianized L3 is a
carbon -based preservative that's said to
— .. be noncorrosive to metals. According to
company spokesman Huck DeVenzio, L3
preserva ive tom smose. s w is currently available mainly on the East
available with the company's "'"'"" -' Coast and in the upper Midwest.
integral pigment system, called _ — In addition to developing new Formu-
MiGrOShades, which adds - las for rLeservin -wood sonic manu-
wood-tone colors. ProWood
Micro has earned Environmen-
tally Preferable Product (EPP)
certification from Scientific
Certification Systems. To earn
EPP certification, a product Tx
must demonstrate. reduced impact on human health and
the environment when compared with other products
that serve the same purpose, as measured by guidelines
published by the U.S. EPA.
} .. p , �
facturers are trying our a new look by
using built-in Brains. Pro\ ood Alicro
-with iMicroShades from universal Forest
Products (800/598-9663, rtfpi.com), for
instance, combines an IMCQ-based pre-
servative with integral pigments to add
natural wood -tone colors to its decking and fence
products (Figure 8). sr
Theresa Coleman writes on construction topicsfrom her
home in Ambler, Penn.
6 1 Professional Deck Builder • Seprember/October 2008
Copper Azole FAQ Sheet
Cox Industries, Inc.
What is copper azole preservative?
In the early 1990s, as questions began to be asked about CCA preservative, Arch
scientists started work on alternative products. The most promising, and the one
eventually brought to market, was copper azole. It has two active ingredients: copper and
azole, as a co -biocide to prevent damage from copper -tolerant fungi, an organic azole.
It was introduced in Europe in 1992, and in the United States in 2001. The original
formulation included borate, but that was unnecessary for typical outdoor applications in
the United States and was eliminated. Now there are more than 60 North American
companies treating wood with copper azole, plus others in Europe. This wood has been
used in thousands of residential, commercial, agricultural, and industrial applications.
Is it safe to people and the environment?
Copper azole and copper azole-treated wood have been studied carefully by toxicologists
and biologists as well as by wood preservation experts. Results of a human health risk
assessment and other tests have shown it to be harmless when used as recommended.
1 am familiar with ACQ-treated wood but not with wood treated with copper azole.
Are they similar?
They are very similar. Both were developed as alternatives to CCA, and both are heavily
dependent on copper as their primary preservative. Both contain a small amount of
organic fungicide — azole in the case of copper azole and quaternary in the case of ACQ.
Where there are differences, we think that slight advantage lies with copper azole.
However, many U. S. retailers have used them interchangeably. They look and perform
very similarly when produced correctly.
Regarding corrosion of metal hardware, the newer types of ACQ are very similar to
copper azole — both are in the "excellent range" as defined in the Corrosion Engineering
How do Copper Azole and ACQ differ?
As mentioned above, the similarities are greater than the differences. However, there are
some differences, most of which affect producers rather than retailers or users.
Any direct comparison must take into account the type of ACQ. The developers of ACQ
have tried to upgrade their formulations several times. Over the past 10 years they have
offered ACQ type A, ACQ-B, ACQ-C, ACQ-D, ACQ-D carbo-quat, and ACQ-D with
micronized copper. The two most common in the United States are ACQ-D carbo-quat
and ACQ-D with micronized copper.
Copper azole is probably most like ACQ type D carbo-quat. Copper azole does not
contain chlorides as did the earlier versions of ACQ, and the amount of copper azole
needed to protect wood is less the amount of ACQ needed.
The main differences in the preservatives are in how they are produced and how they are
shipped to treating companies. There is little difference in the end products, when they
are properly produced.
Why should a purchaser choose copper azole-treated wood over ACQ-treated
Unless the producer is still using an early type of ACQ (i.e., A, B, C, or D), the purchaser
should consider more than the chemical. Copper azole and the later types of ACQ are
similar and do not provide a good basis for a decision. Purchasers should consider other
factors that are more important:
• the expertise and reliability of the treating company
• the quality control program assuring proper production
• the brand name on the wood
• the support available.
Has CA-B been around longer than ACQ?
Wood products treated with Copper Azole have been used effectively around the world
since 1992. ACQ treated wood was first introduced in the US in 1992, but has been
successfully used in Europe, Japan, New Zealand, Asia and Australia since 1987.
Why should I by copper azole treated wood from Cox or a building supply store?
In choosing copper azole treated wood from Cox, a purchaser gets a dependable product
and a helpful partner.
Cox Industries has been treating wood since 1954, and has a reputation as one of the
finest, most respected producers in the United States. It has always been at the forefront
of developments in wood preservation.
The quality of Cox material is checked internally by on -site laboratory analysis; double-
checked by the preservative manufacturer, Arch Wood Protection (an international leader
with global operations); and also monitored by an independent inspection agency
accredited by the American Lumber Standard Committee. Purchasers can be certain they
receive wood that has been properly treated.
The treated wood from Cox bears the (Wolmanized / DuraPine) name. They put this
name on the wood because they are proud to stand behind the brand. Cox does not look
upon their products as generic treated wood; their output is special wood in which they
have full confidence. This brand name provides marketing opportunities for retailers.
They can promote a particular brand that their customers can trust. (Wohnanized wood is
the most widely used brand in the United States. / DuraPine is the most popular brand of
treated wood in Cox's marketing area.)
And from Cox you get not only a product, but the expertise and assistance to help you
sell it.
Cell Penetration Study
Study Shows Uniform Cell Wall
Penetration using µCA-C with C9
A study conducted by researchers at
Oregon State University has confirmed
"...uniform copper distribution across
the cell walls..." for southern pine
pressure -treated with a solution
consisting of both dispersed copper
azole (µCA-C) and dissolved copper (C9).
A report on the study, submitted
August 7, 2008, was authored by Scott
Leavengood, Oregon Wood Innovation
Center, and J. 1. Morrell, Department
of Wood Science & Engineering. It is
titled, "Distribution of elemental copper
in southern pine sapwood blocks as
visualized using SEM/EDXA"
The authors investigated claims that
finely ground copper preservatives do
not adequately penetrate cell walls.
Using scanning electron microscopy
On the left, a scanning
electron micrograph of
a sample cross section
shows the honey-
combed network of
cell walls. Green spots
in the adjacent EDXA
map reveal copper
distribution throughout the cell walls, not just along their edges. This
wood sample was pressure -treated with production grind copper plus
10% dissolved copper along with the appropriate levels of propiconazole
and tebuconazole.
(SEM) coupled with energy dispersive
x-ray analysis (EDXA), chips of treated
blocks were examined for copper
distribution. The investigation found
that penetration was not problematic
for dispersed/dissolved copper azole.
Dispersed copper azole type C
(µCA-C) consists of finely ground
copper combined with a synergistic,
carbon -based co -biocide composed of
propiconazole and tebuconazole. C9,
which is registered with EPA as a wood
preservative, is a solution of dissolved
copper that can be added to µCA-C.
SEM allows for imaging of wood at
higher magnification than is possible
with traditional light microscopy, while
the EDXA permits assessment of metal
September 2008