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Energy, Mineral &
Land Resources
Martin Lamberg
Jowat Corporation
6058 Lois Lane
Archdale, NC 27263
May 11, 2017
Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection
Individual Permit No. NCS 000133
Jowat Corporation - Archdale
Randolph County
Dear Mr. Lamberg:
On May 10, 2017 Glen White of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality;
Department of Minerals and Land Resources met with you, Jack McMorrow (Production
Manager) and Mary Peeler (Safety Manager), at the facility located at 5608 Uwharrie Rd,
Archdale, to conduct a compliance inspection as one of the requirements of your Individual
Industrial Stormwater Permit and to review the facility for possible No Exposure Exclusion to
Industrial Stormwater Permitting. Inspection consist of review of the Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan, training and monitoring records and observation of the general condition of the
site and outfalls. Your assistance with the inspection was greatly appreciated.
This facility currently holds Individual Stormwater Permit NCS000133 to discharge stormwater
from industrial activity associated with the production of adhesives and glues under the National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The permit became effective August 1, 2007
and expired on July 31, 2012. The facility applied for renewal prior to expiration as required and
has been operating under the existing guidelines while waiting for new permit coverage. A copy
of the permit is required to be maintained with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP)
documents. It was available for review.
This facility was required to develop and maintain a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
(SPPP) in accordance with Part II, Section A of the permit. The SPPP along with monitoring
and training records need to be updated annually. The SPPP was updated in October 2015 by
Aeris Environmental based in Charlotte, NC and is updated in-house annually. Qualitative and
Analytical Monitoring has been performed bi-annually as required. Stormwater and Spills
Training conducted annually.
State, of tiorth Carolina I Environmental Quality Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Winston-Salern Regional Office 14SO Hares Mill Road. Suitt 300 1 Winston-Salem NC 27103
336 7 r6 9800
Facility Site Review:
Jowat is a German owned company that produces Industrial Adhesives and Glues for use in
industrial applications. Products produced by Jowat are used in production of furniture and in
the automobile industry. There many other industrial applications for the products. The plant
has thrived and has expanded several times throughout the years while others businesses
surrounded them have failed. They are constantly growing.
The facility has two wastewater tank that store process water until it is picked up by a contracted
environmental contractor. Used oil is stored in a small building. This facility does not use more
than 55 gallons of oil per month.
Construction is nearing completion on the new Distribution Center located on the Jowat campus.
The facility appears very clean and well maintained. At inspection in May of 2016, there was
one obvious stormwater exposure. That was the storage of used pallets outside and not under
cover. Jowat now stores only new pallets outside. Used pallets are loaded directly onto a trailer
backed up to one of the loading docks. Those pallets never see any exposure. They are
constantly under roof. The entire production process for this facilityis conducted under roof.
There are now no stormwater exposures from industrial activities.
Effluent Receiviniz Waters:
Stormwater from this facility empties into an unnamed tributary of the Uwharrie River, Class
WS-III waters of the Yadkin Pee -Dee River Basin.
Self -Monitoring Program:
The facility had four (4) outfalls until development of the new distribution center and concrete
truck turn -around pad. That construction eliminated one of the outfalls. Two (2) are located at
the right-of-way of Uwharrie Road. These outfalls don't appear to catch any industrial
stormwater. Only a small portion of roofs, lawn and parking go into them. Any contamination
at those outfalls comes from Uwharrie Road traffic. The other outfall is along the rear of the
property. It catches the majority of stormwater coming from the building, asphalt and concrete
areas of the site. Again, there is no exposure from industrial activities.
The facility conducts both Qualitative and Analytical Monitoring twice annually. Current
analytical monitoring only requires that pH and TSS (Total Suspended Solids) be tested.
State of North Carolina ! Environmental Quality i Energy. Mineral and Land Resources
VVins toil -Salem Region a[ Office 450 Hanes W Road. Suite 300 I Winston-5alem. NC 27[03
336 776 9800
This inspection was conducted as part of the renewal process for Individual Stormwater Permit
coverage at this facility. The remaining time expected to complete the permitting process will be
approximately 45 days which includes a 30 day Public Notice period and your opportunity to
review the draft permit before the final is issued. If you have questions or need additional
information, please contact Glen White at (336) 776-9660.
Inspection Report
Matthew E. Gantt, P.E.
Regional Engineer
Land Quality Section
Winston-Salem Regional Office
cc: WSRO File Copy
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (WSRO)
State of \orth Carolina I Environmental Quality EnergyAilnerai and Land RCsources
Winston-Salem Regional (Mice 1450 Hanes INIHI Roast. SLAte 300 1 Winston-Saiem, NC 27103
336 776 98QO
Compliance Inspection Report
Permit: NCS000133 Effective: 08/01/07 Expiration: 07/31/12 Owner: Jowat Corporation
SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Jowat Corporation
County: Randolph 6058 Lois Ln
Region: Winston-Salem
Archdale NC 27263
Contact Person: Gerhard Haas Title: Phone: 336-434-9050
Directions to Facility:
System Classifications:
Primary ORC:
Secondary ORC(s):
On -Site Representative(s):
Related Permits:
inspection Date: 05/10/2017
Primary Inspector: Glen White
Secondary Inspector(s):
Entry Time 10:OOAM
Reason for Inspection: Routine
Permit Inspection Type: Stormwater Discharge, Individual
Facility Status: ■ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant
Question Areas:
Storm Water
(See attachment summary)
Exit Time: 11:30AM
Phone: 336-776-9800
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Page: 1
Permit: NCS000133 Owner - Facility: Jowat Corporation
Inspection Date: 05/10/2017 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine
Inspection Summary:
Inspection conducted on 5/10/2017 by Glen White of NCDEQ-DEMLR with Martin Lamberg (VP of MFG), Mary Peeler
(Materials Mngmt) and Jack McMorrow (Property Mngmt). At the inspection conducted in May of 2016, one (1) issue
remained that would prevent the facility from aquiring a No Exposure Exclusion to the Industrial Stormwater Permit. That
issue was used pallets stored outside and exposed to stormwater runoff. That issue has been addressed and eliminated.
Only new pallets are stored outside of the facility. Used pallets never have exposure to stormwater. They go into a trailer at
the loading dock. The trailer is loaded by staff specifically assigned the task.
This facility now qualifies for No Exposure Exclusion to Industrial Stormwater. Jowat will be submitting application for No
Exposure shortly.
Glen White
Page: 2
Permit: NCS000133 Owner - Facility:Jowat Corporation
Inspection Date: 05/10/2017 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan?
# Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map?
# Does the Plan include a "Narrative Description of Practices"?
# Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas?
# Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years?
# Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices?
# Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment?
# Does the Plan include a BMP summary?
# Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)?
# Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan?
# Does the facility provide and document Employee Training?
# Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)?
# Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually?
# Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program?
Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented?
Yes No NA NE
E ❑ ❑ ❑
E ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ ❑ ❑
Comment: SPPP Prepared by Aeris Environmental of Charlotte. Well maintained by Mary Peeler, Materials
Management. No deficiency identified.
Qualitative Monitorin
Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring semi-annually?
Yes No NA NE
■ ❑ ❑❑
Comment: Monitoring performed by Mary Peeler. Monitoring documents are well organized and attention tt
detail is paid. No deficiency.
Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE
Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
# Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? ❑ ❑ N ❑
Comment: Research Analvtical has been the lab or choice for Jowat. TSS has always been within
parameters and pH is below parameters on several occasions. Likely due to testing by the lab
since it cannot take pH within the first 30 minutes of collection. Ms. Peeler said that the next
sample will be tested by the outside lab and tested in Jowats lab at the same time to see the
variation of result. No deficiency identified.
Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE
# Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
# Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
# If the facility has representative outfail status, is it properly documented by the Division? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑
# Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges? ❑ ❑ E ❑
Page: 3
Permit: NCS000133 Owner - Facility: Jowat Corporation
Inspection Date: 05/10/2017 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine
Comment: All outfalls were visited during this inspection. Construction of the new distribution center and a
large -concrete pad for tractor-traior access and turn -around have caused the elimination of
outfall 4. There were 4 outfalls. Now there are 3. Outfall 4 on the existinq plan no longer exist.
Page: 4
May 16, 2016
Martin Lamberg
Jowat Adhesives Corporation
P.O. Box 1368
High Point, Nc 27261
Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection
Individual Permit No. NCS 0001.33
Jowat Corporation
Randolph County
Dear Mr. Lamberg:
On May 12, 2016 Glen White of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality;
Department of Minerals and Land Resources met with you, Jack McMorrow (Production..
Manager) and Mary Peeler (Safety Manager), at the facility located at 5608 Uwharrie Rd,
Archdale, to conduct a compliance inspection as one of the requirements of your Individual
Industrial Stormwater Permit renewal process. Inspection consist of review of the Stormwatei
Pollution Prevention Plan, training and monitoring records and observation of the general
condition of the site and outfalls. Your assistance with the inspection was greatly appreciated.
This facility holds Individual Stormwater Permit NCS000133 to discharge stormwater from
industrial activity associated with the production of adhesives and glues under the National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The permit became effective August 1, 2007
and expired on July 31, 2012. The facility applied for renewal prior to expiration as required and
has been operating under the existing guidelines while waiting for new permit coverage. A copy
of the permit is required to be maintained with the Stormwater. Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP)
documents. It was available for review.
This facility was required to develop and maintain a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
(SPPP) in accordance with Part If, Section A of the permit. The SPPP along with monitoring
and training records need to be updated annually. The SPPP was updated on October 2015 by
Aeris Environmental based in Charlotte, NC and is updated in house annually. Qualitative and
Analytical Monitoring has been performed bi-annually as required. Stormwater and Spills
Training conducted annually.
Nothing Compares.
State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality
217 West Jones Street 1 1601 Mail Service Center I Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1601
919 707 8600
Facilit Site Review:
Jowat is a German owned company that produces Industrial Adhesives and Glues for use in
industrial applications. Products produced by Jowat are used in production of furniture and in
the automobile industry. There many other industrial applications for the products. The plant
has thrived and has expanded several times throughout the years while others businesses
surrounded them have failed. They are constantly growing.
The facility has one wastewater tank. They have one larger double -walled replacement tank
onsite that is about to replace the existing tank. Used oil is stored in a small building near the
wastewater tank. This facility does not use more than 55 gallons of oil per month.
As soon as they have permits for construction approved they will break ground on a new
Distribution Center located on the Jowat campus on Lois Lane. The facility appears very clean
and well maintained. The only obvious exposure noticed was the storage of new and used pallets
outdoors_ The pallets were stored on asphalt, neatly stacked and it appeared that most were new
and unused. There is also a maintenance shop where equipment receives maintenance or repair.
All production is conducted under roof. No other possible exposures noted.
Effluent Receiving Waters:
Stormwater from this facility empties into an unnamed tributary of the Uwharrie River, Class
WS-Ili waters of the Yadkin Pee -Dee River Basin,
Self -Monitoring Pro ram:
The facility has four (4) outfalls. Two (2) are located at the right-of-way of Uwharrie Road.
These outfalls don't appear to catch any industrial stormwater. Only a small portion of roofs,
lawn and parking go into them. The majority of contamination at those outfalls comes from
Uwharrie Road traffic. The other two (2) outfalls are along the rear of the property and they
catch the majority of the site and any industrial stormwater although there really appears to be no
exposures except the pallets stored outdoors.
The facility conducts both Qualitative and Analytical Monitoring twice annually. Current
analytical monitoring only requires that pH and TSS (Total Suspended Solids) be tested. Since
the facility only test for those parameters and has its own lab that can conduct monitoring they
are to be allowed to conduct testing in-house at their laboratory.
The current expired permit did not contain a Tiered Response for exceeding parameters on a
consecutive basis. New Individual and General Permits require a tiered response that will be
included when the new permit is finalized. Additional testing parameters may be required.
5�Nothing Compares--,-,
State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality
217 West Jones Street 1 1601 Mall Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601
919 707 8600
This inspection was conducted as part of the renewal process for Individual Stormwater Permit
coverage at this facility. The remaining time'expected to complete the permitting process will be
approximately 45 days which includes a 30 day Public Notice period and your opportunity to
review the draft permit before the final is issued. If you have questions or need additional
information, please contact Glen White at (336) 776-9660.
Inspection Report
Matthew E. Gantt, F.E.
Regional Engineer
Land Quality Section
Winston-Salem Regional Office
cc: WSRO File Copy
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (WSRO)
�iVothing Compares_
State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality
217 West Jones Street 11601 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601
9 t9 707 8600
Compliance Inspection Reoort
Permit: NCS000133 Effective: 08/01/07 Expiration: 07/31/12 Owner : Jowat Corporation
SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Jowat Corporation
County: Randolph 5058 Lois Ln
Region: Winston-Salem
Archdale NC 27263
Contact Person: Gerhard Haas Title: Phone: 336-434-9050
Directions to Facility:
System Classifications:
Primary ORC: Certification: Phone:
Secondary ORC{s►:
On -Site Representative(s):
Related Permits:
Inspection Date: 05/1212016 Entry Time: 08:30AM Exit Time: 10:30AM
Primary Inspector: Glen White Phone: 336-776-9800
Secondary Inspector(s):
Reason for Inspection: Routine
Permit Inspection Type: Stormwater Discharge, Individual
Facility Status: Compliant Not Compliant
Question Areas:
M Storm Water
(See attachment summary)
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Page: 1
Permit: NCS000133 Owner - Facility: Jowat Corporation
Inspection Date: 05l1212016 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine
Inspection Summary:
(See Compliance Letter)
Page: 2
Permit: NCS000133 Owner - Facility:lowat Corporation
Inspection Date: 0511212016 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine
Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE
Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? E ❑ ❑ ❑
# Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑
Comment: pH has read low on several occasions. Possible contamination from environment or rain itself. _
TSS has been consistently within parameters. No other parameters required at this time.
Facility may test pH and TSS at it's inhouse laboratory rather than hiring outside testing firm if
Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE
# Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
# Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
# If the facility has representative outfall status, is it property documented by the Division? ❑ E ❑ ❑
# Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges? ❑ ❑ S ❑
Comment: Current permit expired. Jowat made renewal request prior to expiration. New permit will be
issued within approximately 45 day following putblic notice period and owner review of draft copy.
Qualitative Monitoring
Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring semi-annually?
Comment: No deficiencies noted.
Yes No NA NE
❑ ❑ ❑
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Yes No NA NE
Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan?
E ❑ ❑ ❑
# Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map?
N ❑ ❑ ❑
# Does the Plan include a "Narrative Description of Practices"?
■ ❑ ❑ ❑
# Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas?
N ❑ ❑ ❑
# Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years?
0 ❑ ❑ ❑
# Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices?
❑ ❑ ❑
# floes the facility provide all necessary secondary containment?
.■ ❑ ❑ ❑
# Does the Plan include a BMP summary?
i ❑ ❑ ❑
# Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)?
■ ❑ ❑ ❑
# Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan?
E ❑ ❑ ❑
# Does the facility provide and document Employee Training?
® ❑ ❑ ❑
# Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)?
® ❑ ❑ ❑
# Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually?
® ❑ ❑ ❑
Page: 3
Permit: NCS000133 Owner - Facility: Jowat Corporation
Inspection Date: 05/1212016 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
# Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility inspection Program?
Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented?
Comment: SPPP is current and well maintained. Prepared by Aeris Environmental of Charlotte.
Yes No NA NE
® ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ ❑ ❑
Page. 4
o�o \NArE9Q�
> -i
December 4, 2008
Mr. Gerhard Haas
Jowat Corporation
Randolph Industrial Park
P.O. Box 1368
High Point, NC 27261
Subject: NPDES Stormwater Permit Inspection
Jowat Corporation
Permit No. NCS000133
Randolph County
Dear Mr. Haas:
Michael F. Easley, Governor
William G. Ross Jr., Secretary
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Coleen H. Sullins, Director
Division of Water Quality
On December 3, 2008, Mike Mickey of this office met with you to perform a NPDES
Stormwater Permit Inspection at the Jowat Corporation facility. The inspection found that
Jowat Corporation was in compliance with the stormwater permit. This inspection evaluated
the five (5) areas as designated on the attached inspection form. Observations from each
area are addressed below:
1. Permit
Jowat Corporation holds NPDES Stormwater Permit No. NCS000133 for the discharge of
stormwater from the facility. The permit was reissued on August 1, 2007 and expires next on
July 31, 2012,
2. RecordslRe orts
Part II, Section A of the permit requires the development of a Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan (SPPP). A copy of the SPPP prepared for Jowat Corporation by Providence
Environmental Partners was reviewed during the inspection. The plan was found to be
thorough and complete and was updated last on 7/7/06.
3. Facility Site Review
A tour of the property found the property to be clean and well managed. Observations did
not reveal any concerns. The only items stored outside were pallets and 300 gallon tote
4. Effluent/Receiving Waters
Stormwater from the site is monitored at four outfalls. The stormwater eventually reaches an
unnamed tributary to Uwharrie River, Class "WS-Ill" Waters in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River
NNo"` h caroli na
North Carolina Division of Water Quality 585 Waughtown Street Winston Salem, NC 27107 Phone (336) 771-5000 Customer Service
Intemetwww.ncwaterquality.org FAX (336) 771-4630 1-877-623-6748
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper
Mr. Gerhard Haas
Page #2
December 4, 2008
5. Monitoring Program
Part II, Section B of the permit requires the collection of semi-annual analytical samples of
the stormwater discharges during a representative storm event (>0.1"). A review of the
facility files found that Jowat Corporation performed this sampling as required. Please note
that any analytical sampling results should be submitted to the Division no later than 30 days
from the date that you receive the sampling results from your laboratory.
Part 11, Section C of the permit requires that qualitative (visual) monitoring be performed and
documented semi-annually. Jowat Corporation also performed this monitoring as required.
Please note that the qualitative records do not need to be submitted to the Division, however,
they must be kept on file at the facility for a period of five years.
Your efforts to comply with the stormwater permit are appreciated. If you have any
questions concerning this letter, please contact Mike Mickey or me at (336) 771-5000.
Steve W. Tedder
Water Quality Regional Supervisor
cc: NPS Assistance and Compliance Oversight Unit
Central Files — SWP
Form Approved
0141E No.2040-0057
Approval Expires
United States Environmental Protection AQencv. Washineton. D.C._ 20460
Section A. National Data S stem Coding
Transaction Code NPDES No.
YrIlMo/Day Inspection Type Inspector FacilityType
N 5 NCS000133
08-12-03 C
S 2
Facility Evaluation Rating
Section B: Facility Data
Name and Location of Facility Inspected:
Entry Time:
Permit Effective
1300 hrs.
Date: Aug 1, 2007
Jowat Corporation
6058 Lois Lane
Archdale, NC 27263
Exit Time:
Permit Expiration
1400 hrs.
Date: July 31, 2012
Name(s) of On -Site Representative(s):
Phone No(s):
Gerhard Haas
V.P.; Manufacturing -Research & Dev.
(336) 434-9050
Name, Address of Responsible Official:
Title: V.P., Manufacturing
-Research & Dev.
Mr. Gerhard Haas
Phone No. (336) 434-9050
Contacted' Yes
Randolph Industrial Park
P.O. Box 1368
High Point, NC 27261
Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection (check only those areas evaluated)
Yes Permit NA
Flow Measurement NA Operations/Maintenance
NA Sewer Overflow
Yes Records/Reports Yes
Self -Monitoring Program NA Sludge Handling/Disposal NA Pollution Prevention
Yes Facility Site Review IOTA
Compliance Schedules NA Pretreatment
Yes Effluent/Receiving Waters NA
Laboratory NA Stormwater
Section D: Summary of Findings/Comments
See cover letter and attached inspection form for specific comments.
Name(s) and Signature(s) of Inspectors:
DWQ I WSRO I (336) 771-5000
i - y - o�
Signature of Reviewer.
WQ / `'SRO I (336) 771-5000
EPA Form 3560-3 (Rev 9-94)
Permit: NCS000133 Owner - Facility: Jowat Corporation
Inspection Date: 12/03/2008 Inspection Type: Stormwater Reason for Visit: Routine
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE
Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan?
# Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map?
# Does the Plan include a "Narrative Description of Practices'?
# Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas?
# Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years?
# Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices?
# Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment?
# Does the Plan include a SMP summary?
# Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)?
# Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan?
# Does the facility provide and document Employee Training?
# Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)?
# Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually?
# Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program?
Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented?
Comment: A copy of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) was reviewed
during the inspection. The SPPP, prepared by Providence Environmental Partners, was
thorough and complete. The plan was last updated on 7/7106.
Qualitative Monitoring
Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring semi-annually?
Comment: The semi-annual qualitative monitoring is being performed per Part II,
Section C of the permit. The last three monitoring events occurred on 12/23/07, 4/27108
and 9/26/08.
Analytical Monitoring
Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring?
# Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas?
Comment: The semi-annual analytical monitoring is being performed per Part II,
Section B of the permit. Samples for oil & grease and pH were also collected on
12/23/07, 4127/08 and 9126108 and sent to R&A Labs for analysis. Recordkeeping at
the facility was excellent.
The on -site vechicle monitoring specified in Part II, Section D of the permit is not
required since Jowat uses less than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month when
averaged over the calendar year.
■ n n n
■ n n n
■ n n n
Vu nln MA uC
Yes No NA NE
Page.: 3
Permit: NCS000133 Owner - Facility: Jowat Corporation
Inspection Date: 12/03/2008 Inspection Type: Stormwater Reason for Visit: Roubne
oa. i+ —A Yes No NA NE
# Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site?
# Were all outfalls observed during the inspection?
# if the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the Division?
# Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges?
Comment: The facility has four outfalls. All were observed and found to be clean. No
concerns were noted.
0 D E 0
e n n n
Page: 4