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'SCW T C SCR Catalyst Management & Regeneration Services December 2, 2010 Mr. David Caldwell Water Quality Supervisor Charlotte -Mecklenburg Storm Water Services 700 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Subject: Spill Response Report Noveiirboi 17, 2010 Spill NRC Report #960103 Dear Mr. Caldwell: 4n November 29, 2010 Mr. Andrew Martin conducted a compliance inspection of the spill site. He was satisfied with the remediation and only requested the manifests of the clean up material. shipped to the CMS landfill for disposal. Those four manifests (non-RCRA materials) were sent to him by e-mail at 10:23 a.m. today. Upon discovery of the spill at 4:50 a.m. on November 17, 2010 all loading activities were immediately discontinued. Absorbent pigs and pads were immediately put into the stormwater ditch to prevent any further spread of the spill. Monarch was contracted to supply a vacuum truck to remove all the contaminated liquids from the ditch and had removed approximately 1200 gallons of liquid from the ditch (the spill volume was calculated to be approximately 1100 gallons) by 1:300 p.m. on November 17, 2010-the same day. This material was held on site until analysis was completed and the material was deterniined not to be characteristic hazardous for Arsenic (the primary metal contaminant). The material was shipped of for final treatment at the Clariant facility on Mt. Holly road The National Spill Response Center was contacted, CMUD was contacted, NCDENR was contacted, Charlotte -Mecklenburg Storm 'Seater Services was contacted, and the Norfolk Southern Railroad was contacted. Mr. Andrew Martin from your group and Bill Ointert from CMUD both conducted a site inspection after the contact. An initial determination was made to remove the top 3"-5" of soil from all the impacted areas to minimize potential impact. The effort was completed by 5:00 p.m. Friday November 19, 2010. The impacted soil (approximately 40 tons) was held on site in four 30 yard roll off containers until analysis was completed. Samples of the impacted area prior to remediation and after the soil remediation were picked up by Pace analytical services for analysis. All sample results were finally received the following Wednesday, November 23, 2010. Steven Ball of the EPA, Gilbert Turner from the Norfolk Southern Railroad, and Andrew :Martin of Charlotte-Mecklinburg Storm Water Services were kept informed of our clean up progress either by phone conversation or messages left on the phone (due to the Holiday). The initial samples of the contaminated soil had Arsenic levels significantly less than 5mg/kg and were used to profile the soils into the CMS landfill for disposal. The soil samples taken at 10 foot intervals and composited by groups of 10 came back ,non detect for Arsenic except for one result which was 0.65 mg,/kg (see attachments). An investigation was launched to determine the root cause of the spill and identify deficiencies in the procedures. We believe the Driver failed to adequately observe and manage the loading operation and the Operator did not adequately supervise the Driver. Because the existing loading hoses did not reach the containment area, the Driver and Operator chose to load the tanker outside of containment. These actIons resulted in a spill from the tanker which flowed to the ditch because it occurred outside of the loading containment. The Operator received corrective action and will be re-trained, particularly on the loading procedures. In additon, a checklist was developed which includes specific pre -loading and post -loading instructions for both the Driver and the Operator (see attachments). A new Procedure and checklist have been developed which include additional preventative actions such as; Tankers will now only be loaded in a containment area designed for truck loading ( additonal hoses have been purchased to reach a tanker to be loaded with waste water in the containment area). The Driver will be temporarily issued a radio for communications. An operator will be assigned to stay with the load during loading at all times. The Driver will be trained on `Driver responsibilities` prior to loading every tanker. A pre -loading and posting loading inspection will be conducted for each load. A manual shut-off valve will be attached to the end of the hose when ever loading is done through the top dome. Planned preventative measures include putting a roof over the containmet area and `hard piping` the loading line to the tanker and the line from the top of the tanker to a valve and camlock connection at the rear bumper of the tanker. The pictures attached to this document show the before and after condition of the remediation efforts. They also clearly show the careful efforts made to maintain the smooth flow of the drainage ditch and the minimize impact to the area along side the ditch. We have made every effort to promptly remediate the spill area and have been done our best to communicate and share our progress. Let us know if there is anything else we need to do to be in compliance. Sincerely, Brad Cummock Manager of Projects and EHS C.'oaLogix Cc: Andrew Martin, CMSWS Lon Snider, NCDENR Gilber Turner, Norfolk Southern Railroad 10riainated bv: IBrad Cummock I Type of incident: spill, injury, etc.) Non Regulated Waste Water -Spill Date of incident: 11/17/2010 Time of incident: 4:50 a.m_ Location of incident: Tanker Loading area lBrief description of incident At 4:50 a.m. while loading the 5th and final truck with pre-treated waste water to haul to another waste water treatment fac1lity for additional treatment, the driver (Alfred ,Johnson from Monarch Trucking) ohserved spillage on the ground next to the loading area. The driver inforrned Justin Toumberlin, the Shift Supervisor, who further investigated the spill and discovered the spill had gone into the storm water drainage ditch next to the railroad tracks on the south side of the building. Absorbent socks and pads were immediately put in the ditch to stop any further spread of the spill. Managment was notified at 5:00 a.m., who then contacted CMUD, Mecklenburg Water Quality Division, the National Spill Response Center (Report #960103), NCDENR, and the Norfork Southern Railroad. The immediate containment prevented the spill reaching the local creek and which facilitated a quicker clean up and remediation. By 1:30 pm that same day all the liquids were removed from the ditch (1200 gallons). A mini excavator and a back hoe were brought on site the next day to scrape and remove the top three to five inches of soil where ever the spill had contacted the ground. The soil removal was completed by around 5:00 p.m. Friday I I/19110. All soil was put Into 30 yard roil orr boxes and Iield on site until airalytical results could be obtained ror the contaminated soil. Approximately 40 tons of soil were removed and later disposed in a subtitle C landfill under an approved profile specifically for this material once the analytical results were obtained (see attachment). Cause Approximately 1,100 gallons were spilled by apparent overfilling of the tanker by the Driver Alfred Parks. The j truck was staged outside of containment and the the driver was not paying close enough attention to the loading operation. Furthermore, the material was being loaded through the top hatch by a hose secured in place by the driver. The operator did not adequately supervise the driver and allowed infrequent monitoring of the loading process which resulted in a spill. The driver did not seethe spill or just failed to report the spill until the after' the next truck was loading. Once truck driver reported the spill, the Supervisor immediately assessed the situation, put containment in place, and notified management. Containment and clean up action began immediately (around 5:15 am). In the case of a spill pH: 7-7.3 Volume Released: 1100 gallons *estimates Contaminant Approx. cone. (ppm) Arsenic (As) 1.079 Molybdenum (Me) 0.098 Vanadium (V) 0.589 Tungsten W 0 Absorbent Use (including socks and pads Disposal Type Amount Used: Location: socks 10-3 ft units Iroll off box pads 10 pads I roll off box Corrective actions taken All liquids were picked up, analyzed, and properly sent for final treatment and disposal. All areas where the spill occurred were remediated by removing 3%5" of soil down from the surface. The cleaned up liquid and the soil were tested for Arsenic . The results for the solids were below TCLP limits for Arsenic, and the liquid was well below the RQ limits for Arsenic. T-ie materials were properly profiled for disposal afid shipped offsite to the approved disposal sites. Samples were then taken of the soil at the cleaned up site and analysis completed. Seven of the eight samples had analytical results below the detection limits for EPA method 6010, with the one remaining sample results of 0.65 mg/kg(see attachment). Preventative actions for future The fallowing changes have been made: All bulk loading/unloading operations must be conducted in containment. An operator must be in attendance and observing the operation with the driver the whole time loading/unloading is occurring. A pre-loading/unloading and post loading/unloading inspection must be conducted and signed by both the operator and driver. A manual shut off valve must be attached to the hose whenever loading is through the top dome and not directly connected to a 'hard piped' loading line connected to the tanker All operators will he trainod on the now SOP and Chocklist (soo attachmont). In addition, an enclosure is being planned to go over tho lording containment area, along with a hard piped loading system for the waste water . Follow-up Results Date: 11 /23/2010 The sample results for the soils came back non RCRA, so the soil could be sent to a subtitle C landfill. Obtained a profile for disposal at the C:MS landfill. l he sample results from the samples of the 'cleaned up area' indicated the Arsenic levels were 'non detect' in all but one sample. However, the one sample was below significantly below regulatory limits for Arsenic. EHS manager: Date: Z& a, Plant Manager: Date: ja -a j 6 NON -HAZARDOUS SPECIAL WASTE & ASBESTOS MANIFEST S;r�i't19EE'S,1AIC. if waster €s dstseStds waste,curnpleta:5ectlurts 1,11, 11l and IV if waste is NOt asbestos was#e cdmplate Sections 1,11'and ill !, GENERA -OR ,(enerat r completes 1a-r.} 3#j { a. Generators US EPA ID Nurriker 6, Manifest Dbetiment Number c Page 4 of d, Generator''s'filameand LaraUon: d e Oeneratdes Melling Addre,ss- io r f. Phones.z !3 Phone If owner,dithe generaffing fedtt .drffers: orn the generator, provit#e h,.O ners,Name' I. € oRr's Phona.,Ro.: j, Waste Profile # "k. Exp; ,Date h Waste Shipping Name and m. a detainers n. Total 0, Unit No.' I Type Description quant i yoi i Y L GENERATOR,'S GERT€FICATION` I hereby certify'that the above named material is not a hazardous waste as defineds16y-40 CM,261 or any applicable state,law, has been properly described, classified and packaged, and is in proper condiflon-tor transportation according to applicable regulations; AND, if this waste is a Ireatment'rgsidue of a:pri vioiisly rest icte i hazardous waste subject to the Land Disposal Restrictions, "I certify -and warrant That the waste has been treated in accordance with the requirements of`40 CFR.268 and is no longer a hazardous waste as defined by A 0 CFi2 261. p:.Gertsrator>Ai?thoHzeii`A eni M13arrie Print). 'I q, Signature r. faate it completes lle=e f f , T � 9 e: Date te.`complates 111d=g} Discrepancy lei€cation Space: A; r ow0 e . Xf ,,,.' d Date .te<IVg-i) a. Operator's Name.aiid Address; Responsible Agency Name and Address. T��'Phone! b.: Phone. B. Special Handling Insttuctians and A3ditional inforTnation: f. El Friable ❑ Nan -Friable 0 Both % Friable % Non -Friable OPERATOR'S CERTIPICATiON: € hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packed, marked and labeled and are in all respects in proper condition for transport by highway according to applicable international and national governmental regulations, O erator's Name and Tille Print h Signature i. Date 'Operalur refers to the company which owns, leases, operates, controls, or supervises f66 aor Bing ernolishe�a or renovated, cis the demolltion or renovation operation or both REV 10/01 GENERATOR RETAIL RS-I'll DL ff C NON -HAZARDOUS SPECIAL WASTE & ASBESTOS MANIFEST SERVICES' INC � If waste Is asbestos waste, complete Sections 1, II, 111 and IV_ > ' If waste Is NOT asbestos waste, complete Secflons 1, 11 and III 4 I t 1. GENERATOR (Generator comnlefes la-r) a Genomtor's US EPA ID Numbor b Manifest Document Number n ragn 1 of d. Generator's Name and t_ocatiom e. Generator's Mailing Address: f Phons: ,.44 g, Phone: If owner of the gerierating facility differs from the generator, provider h. Owner's Nams i., Owners Phone No, 1. Waste•Profile # k, Exp. Date 1, Waste Shipping Name and m. Gontaiheis m Total o Unit No, Type Description Quantity WtA/ol 39 �3 GENERATOR'S. CERTIFICA T ION: I hereby certify that the above named material is not a hazardous waste as defined by 40 GFR 261 or any applicable state law, has been properly described, classified and packaged, and is in proper condition for transportation according to applicable regulations; AND, if this waste is a treatment residue of a previously restricted hazardous waste subject to the Land Disposal Restrictions, I certify and warrant that the waste has been treated ih accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 268 a0d=Js no longer a hazardous waste as defined by 40 CFR 261. p, Gen6ratorwAuthorized A eni Name. Print q. Si hafure r. Date a. dperato4s name and Address: b. Phone, c, Aesponsibie Agency Name and Address: (i Phone: e. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information: f. ❑ Friable © Non -Friable El Both °!o Friable % Non -Friable OPERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: 1 hereby declare,that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and "are classified, packed, marked and labeled and are in all respects in proper condition for transport by highway according to applicable intemafi4nal and national governmental regulations. Operator's Name and Title Print h. Signature 1, Date "Operator refers to the aornpany which owns, leases, operates, controls, or supervises the facility being demolished or renovated, or he derrtciirtion or renovation operation or both REV 10101 GENERATOR RETAIN R81.F11 AYl. SIC NON-HAZARDOLIS SPECIAL. WASTE & ASBESTOS MANIFEST SC�S; tflr�. D55If waste is asbestos waste, complete Sections t, It, III and IV 55,23 if waste is NOT asbestos waste, complete Sections I, 11 and [it � t. G NFRATOR (generator win pletos la-r) 0. Ganordtor's US ZPA ID Numbor b, Manifest Docum®rit Number C. Page. 1 of d. Generator's Namee and Location; a, Generator's Mailing Address �.: r z 4211 f. Phone; g. Phon If'owner of fhe:generaw fkflity'differs from the generator, provide: b.,Qwner'sName: 1, Owners Phone. No-, j. Waste Profile # k. Exp Date 1 Waste Shipping Name and m, Container`s n. Total o, Unit No. Typ e D.escn tion Quanta WtNo1 AIt fr GENFR%\`TOR'S C1=RTIFIGA i ION- (hereby oertifythat the above �nah ed material 1's not a hazardous waste as defiftad by 41T GFR 261 or anyapplicable state law, has been properly described, classified and packaged, and is in proper condition for transportation -according to appkable•regulatrons;,AND, if this waste is a treatment residue of a previously restricted hazardous waste subtedt to the Land Disposal Restrictions, heertifj!•arid warrant €hatthe waste has been treated in accordance with be requirements of 4D GFR 266 and" is nb to ger a`hazardous.waste:ag,:defined b 4t1 GFl2 261, GenerataFftuthorized Agent:Name,. Prlt Sf` nature' r. Date 41 b, Phowa- ° _ d. Phone: e. 5pecialrRandling instructions ir6d AdditiQbal Information; f. El Friable ❑ Non4:nable ❑ Both % Friable % Non -Friable OPERATOR'S CERMFICATiON: I hereby declare that the contents of thib consignment are fully and accurately described above by propel shipping name and are classified, packed, marked and labeled and are in all respects in proper condition for transport by highway according to applicable' international and national governmental regulations, U i�rator s_Name and Iigq (Nntrt} 1, Sr nature t. Date `Operator refers to the company which owns, leases, operates, controls, or supervises the facility being demolished or renovated, or the demolition or renovation operation or both REV 1Q'01 GENERATOR RETAIN R,;-F1f DEC-01-2010 10 = 22 Ali ALLIED WASTE INC, 803 547 3197 P, 1 is tff waste `lss NO'r asbes��va�stme, co'rrrpe5e aS antis I, � n I �. i d::��,i�S?�if387-tt?.'ort�ar•dinrr'yiPri!'SiAf�S�9.i'�' � ��, ••-. O•if a.GeivratprSUS EPA M N=t*r b: Manifest D ctiment bar ' o. Page I of d, Generators.Name aril.Location: :sa," T F$ s. t3enalaiars Addr _ Ij7f d fa'Phow. if over of the gm!r8 irsg'fad* dif€em from ft.Senerator, Provide: , h, osa rases Name. 1.Ownees Phona'No,; J. Wsate ,[late i. Wasta.5hippkrg Nama and m. Contalnarn n. Total e. unit Desscri "on No. Ginan, WUVot Sag tA3tttram*4 with %004681 ' l? l t�r - J L. it'--17i. }f GENERATOR'S FICATION: I hereby certifY tigtthe above named nraiedal Is, rot a hazardsitrs waste de dsfined by 40- CFR 261 or any >ppiicab e . state laws, has been property desoibod, classified and pedcaged, and Is In proper cordtion for transpdrWen accwift to app*;aWe n;gula tors, AND, If this, waste is a treatment residue of a previously restr(Otsd hazardous waste su*ct to the Land Disposal Restrictfons. I certtfy and warrant that: the waste has bash, in acewdance with.the uirsm of 40 OFR 288 and is no Igngera hazardous waste as deftnsd t5y40 CFR 261. :f OafatAtrftxiti7sd Agent Nam' cti ..S riattrra •• ra Date H.' -TRANSPORTER Generator rxrm etes lis-b and Traits' rter comate-s.lic-e .a,'f'ranaporter's[dameBndAddtess; _ � . '.• .. r: ft Or so 1 c Dryer tdarrre d. e. Data z tit, DEsnNAW"(Gerreratol: complete N1a-D and Destiny#on S6 tofrtpWo Illd-g) I Facility and Site Address: c US EPA Numthar. A. DiscrePancy Indication 4ace; \6105 MftIhnarl Rd t� t ,i,t'rt4=ilrCi, I�Ci cBfQPT 9 t .a. "-...•,.. r.- � ax �nf ,Nary ww.enea.rn Ittei`eb Tn im lresb ns«xsp a t e, Nears of Aiifti need a9 5l rirttarra tiara w: • ASBESTOS (tier ratter completes lwt dnc# typep .. ' nfpjate I` Ug ij � a t3peratoc's Natnd arxi Address ,, ponsitle,Ager* Name and Address: b. Phone:' d. Phony a. Special Handling Instrutallo ns and Additional IntbunStion: f.0. Friabfa' 0"Nrsn Frbls .0 Scrdt % Non»Fciabla •OpERATt3jr$' t ERi'IFICATIt7bis t hereby declare brat the contents of thia consignment are fully and •a=rat.* deaodbed above by proper $*ping name' and ors classified, pscttsd, marked and Iahelsd arid are in all.rsspects in proper oondIfian for transport by highway according to applJoabls International and national vernmethtai ikxls. • is Narie and "l : •• ... i?•...!firiitfzire�.4 .. .,,..,, W ,..._... i• M ,operator ra ors' ttw t*Mpsnv Isase"w.operates, crsntrois, or sup> ryiGt+u Etta lac fl y bettX} derreoiiehed or nrsovafsd, ur the de€su3ittian ar .renovation ouerarson cr:both . '_— REV itiJ44 TMN8P0RtER• RETAIN i?S F1 Table 1- ICP Samples (liquid) Testing by CoaLogix on in house ICP Description ICP As ppm Trench start near road - before cleanup 0.0 Trench near spill location - before cleanup 1.2 Trench at inlet of 1st culvert - before cleanup 0.7 Trench at outlet of 1st culvert - before cleanup 1.0 Trench at "dam" between culverts - before cleanup 2.5 Trench at outlet of 2nd culvert - before cleanup 0.0 Small stream off beyond 2nd culvert - before cleanup 0.0 Vac Truck - after liquid cleanup 1.1 Table 2 - TCLP Samples fSolids) Prep by EPA method 3010, Analytical by EPA method 6010 (<5mg/L As for non -hazardous discharge) Sample # Description TCLP As _ - mg/L (ppm) S10-0872 Trench surface after 1-1" scrape ND 510-0813 Trench surface before Scrape @ pohil. of spill 0.13 510-0874 Trench surface near point of spill (near point of spill) ND S10-0875 Hopper sample from initial cleanup -Top ND S10-0876 Hopper sample from initial cleanup -Middle ND 510-0877 Hopper sample from initial cleanup -Bottom ND Table, 3 - Taal Ars .nl� Samples 9ft_Qr. Final Cle?nVP (5olidsj Prep by EPA method 3050, Analytical by EPA method 6010 (<5mg/kg As over background for successful remediation) Sample # Description Total (EPA 6010) - - rrig/1% (pprn) S10-0914 Background S onple. ND (I rench near road away from splll) Composite of samples 1-10 ND S10-0915 (10' to 100' from spill edge) S10-0916 Composite of samples 11-20 ND (110' to 200' from spill edge) S10-0917 Composite of samples 21-30 ND (210'to 300' from spill edge) Composite of samples 31-40 ND S10-0918 (310' to 400' from spill edge) S10-0919 Composite of samples 41-43 ND (410' to 430' from spill edge - inlet of 1st culvert) S10-0923 Composite of samples 44-53 0.65 (10' to 100' frorn ouLlet of 1SL LulverL) S10 0924 Composite of samples 54 62 ND (110' to 180' from outlet of 1st culvert - inlet of 2nd culvert) 12/1/2010 3:37 PM CoaLogix Confidential 1 of 1 QUALITY MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE Subject: Work Instructions Loading Waste Water into a Bulk Tanker at the Steele Creek Facility 1. Responsibility 1A. The Supervisor is responsible to ensure: NUMBhk: Issue Date: I Revision Level: I Revision Date: 12-01-10 1 New Approved By 1.1.1. All operators are aware of the risks and consequences of not following this procedure when loading waste water into a bulk tanker. 1 1 2. All operators are trained on how to properly and safely load tankers with waste water. 1.1.3. The operator assigned to load has been given instructions on what to load, from where to load it, how much to load, the hazards of the material and the required PPE. 1.2. All CoaLogix Operators are responsible to ensure: 1.2.1. They have received and understand training on waste water loading procedures and transfer equipment operation. 1.2.2. They understand the instructions on what to load, from where to load it, how much to load, the hazards of the material and the required PPE. 1.2.3. Wheel chocks are in place before loading a truck with waste water 1.2.4. They communicate the driver's responsibilities to the driver, including the following: The driver trust have a radio while the truck is loading The driver must continuously watch the loading operation until oomploted or stopped. 1.2.,,1.3. Tho driver must participate in the pro loading and post loading inspections and sign off on [lie completed inspection sheet. The driver must wear appropriate PPE including `fall protection' if necessary. 1.2.5. Driver has the proper paperwork signed and placards (if necessary) for each load 2. Procedure 2.1. Load Preparation 2,1.1. Have driver back into the proper position for loading in the containment bay. 2.1.2. Chock the trailer. Page 1 of 3 This document belongs to SCR Tech, Inc, It cannot be reproduced or transmitted without authorized approval, SCR Tech, Inc. QUALITY MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE NUMBER: Issue Date: Revision Level: Revision Date: 12-01-10 New Subject. Work Tnstnictionr; Approved Rv: Loading Waste Water into a Bulk Tanker at the Steele Creek Facility 2.1.3. Get loading instructions from the Supervisor. 2.1.4. Obtain a truck loading inspection sheet and conduct the pre -loading inspection with the driver (the operator and driver should sign inspection certification). 2.1.5. Determine the maximum loading capacity of the truck. Plan to load no more than 90°r0 of the truck capacity or 5,500 gallons, whichever is less. 2.1.6. Determine the tank measurement or truck fill level before beginning to prevent overfilling. 2.1.7. Plan to document on the truck loading inspection sheet the start time, the tank #, start and finish levels, the trailer #, the finish level, the finish time 2.1.8. Give the driver a radio to use during the loading operation and instruct the driver on the driver's responsibilities during the loading process. 2.1.9. Put on the proper PPE and hook up the hose from the appropriate line (as instructed by the Supervisor) to the tanker. if the hose is to be secured inside the top dome, make sure all other valves are closed, open the dome, have the driver place the hose approximately two feet inside the dome, ensure that the driver has properly secured it and attaches a manual shut off valve to the end of the hose (make sure it is in the open position). 2.1.10. Have the driver do a radio check and get positioned at the dome to watch the flow of the material into the truck. 2.2. Loading 2.2.1. Start the transfer operation as instructed by the supervisor and wait for Coll firination by the driver that a steady flow is goring into the tanker and the hose is remaining securely in place. 2.2.2. Continuously watch the loading process (approximately 1 hour) and tanker fill level every 5 minutes or sooner when close to full. 2.2.3. When the tanker is close to full, have driver continuously observe at the dome until full or flow is shut off. 2.2.4. Once the tanker is full or the loading is completed turn off the pump and shut the valve, then have the driver close the manual valve. 2.3. Load completion Page 2 of 3 This document belongs to SCR Tech. Inc. 11 cannot be reproduced or transmitted without authorized approval, SCR 'Tech, Inn. QUALITY NIANACEMENT PROCEDURE Subject: Work Instntctions Loading Waste Water into a Bulk Tanker at the Steele Creek Facility NUMBER: Issue Date: Revision Level: Revision Date: 12-01-10 1 New Approved Ry- 2.3.1. Help the driver bring the hose to ground level and drain the hose into a bucket, remove the manual valve and cap the hose. 2.3.2. Set the hose back in the containment where it cannot get run over. 2.3.3. have the driver close; and secute the tanker doine, and check the other lanket uk. cialigs to make sure they are fully closed and capped. 2.3.4. Remove the wheel chocks. 2.3.5. Complete the loading information on the inspection sheet. 2.3.6. Conduct a final area inspection with the driver and sign the completion certification. 2.3.7. Complete the Manifest and have the driver sign it. Keep the front copy and get the remaining copies to the driver. 2.3.8. Clean up the area as needed. 3. Quality Records 3.1. Inspection sheets and Manifests listed in this document will be stored and retained as specified in QMY 4.2.4. 4. Record of Revisions Page 3 of 3 This document belongs to SCR Tech. Inc. It camtot be reproduced or transmitted without authorized approval. Ste 9 �'e , E',, " er TaIiik'i' Ci n .; Manifest #: Date: Operator: Time: Driver: Tanker Capacity: From (Tank #) To (Trailer #) Start Time Start Level Finish Time Finish Level Pre -loading Inspection; Iyes INo initials Initials Trailer in containment Wheels chocked Reviewed Lei ivei's responsibililie.s w4h driver Driver has a radio All valves on trailer properly closed and capped Evidence of spill inside or outside of containment i yes, report to supervisor and clean up prior to loading tanker) Evidence of spills on tanker (if yes, report to supervisor document and take picture) The containment sump empty The hose is good shape The hose been properly and securely put in place The manual valve has been attached to the hose Tank# WW is coming from and Trailer# WW is going to recorded Wearing proper PPE Post -loading Inspection: IYes INo lnitiais 11nitials Evidence of spill inside or outside of containment (if yes, report to supervisor and clean up prior to loading tanker) Evidence of spill on tanker (if yes, report to supervisor document and take picture) Hose properly disconnected, drained, capped, and stored Dome properly closed and secured All valves properly closed and capped Chocks removed Radio returned Trailer properly placarded (if necessary) All paperwork properly completed Manifest signed and issued Containment area clean and sump empty (if not clean area and empty sump) A(�T)N SCWTECH A CouLogir», Compaep SCR Catalyst Management & Regeneration Services Before and After Pictures of 11/17/10 Spill Remediaton Before After ` SCTECH A O)aLogir- Cotnpa-t�v SCR Catalyst Management & Regeneration Services Before and After Pictures of 11/17/10 Spill Remediation Before After ' CO A ; Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# (C\jC Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2010-DV ....................................................................... Spill Date + I p Time � 'p�� / prri Reported Date I' It-) Time (;' am/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By :� /44 .� Phone Address of Spill County City Cause of Spill Total Eslimaled Galluns Est. Gal to Stiealri Stream Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes lone Mar (quad M North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Print ( Return To List EM Level: NCEM Edited: Include in Report: 4 Yes Yes Taken by: Date/Time Reported: Date/Time Occurred: R Dail 11/17/2010 14:12:01 11/17/2010 04:00:01 Reported by: Agency: Phone: NRC USCG 800-424-8802 County: City: Area: Mecklenburg Charlotte 13 SLreel.Address. Zip Code: 11707 Steel Creek Rd EVENT TYPE Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Bomb Threat Event Type: Complaint Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Event Type: HazMat Class: HazMat Mode: Homeland Security Event: Non-FNF Event: Non-FNF Event Type: Other Event Type: SAR Type: Transportation Event Type: Wastewater Event Type: Other Weather Event Type: Weather Event Name: WMD Event Type: State Resource Request Event Description: NRC reported 1500 gallons of treated wastewater released from a discharge point of a local chemical facility to a trench due to operator error. The release was secured, the soil was excavated and cleanup operations were conducted. Attachment Filename: NRC 960103.docx Deaths: Injuries: Evacuation: Radius: 0 0 0 0 Responsible Party: Responsible Party Phone: Coalogix, 11707 Steel Creek Rd, Charlotte, 980-254-6350 NC Point of Contact: Point of Contact Phone: Mike Mates 980 254 6350 Latitude: Longitude: 00.000000 00.000000 https://www.ncsparta.net/eoc7/boards/board.aspx?tableid=275 &viewid=1011 &label=EM... 11 /18/2010 NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER 1-800-424-8802 ***GOVERNMENT USE ONLY***GOVERNMENT USF ONT,Y*** Information released to a third party shall comply with any applicable federal and/or state Freedom of Information and Privacy Laws Incident Report # 960103 INCIDENT DESCRIPTION *Report taken by: CIV BRENT TALIAFERRO at 13:23 on 17-NOV-10 Incident Type: FIXED Incident Cause: OPERATOR ERROR Affected Area: lncldenL uuuuLLt:d uii 1/ NOV 10 aL 04:00 local Liiu-LdeiiL Lime. Affected Medium: LAND TRENCH REPORTING PARTY Name: MIKE MATTES Organization: COALOGIX Address: 11707 STEEL CREEK RD CHARLOTTE, NC COALOGIX reported for the responsible party. PRIMARY Phone: (980)2546350 Type of Organization: PRIVATE ENTERPRISE SUSPECTED RESPONSIBLE PARTY Name: MIKE MATTES Organization: COALOGIX Address: 11707 STEEL CREEK RD CHARLOTTE, NC Px1MARY Phone: (980)2546350 INCIDENT LOCATION 11707 STEEL CREEK RD County: MECKLENBURG City: CHARLOTTE State: NC RELEASED MATERIALS) CHR1S Code: OTH Official Material Name: OTHER OIL Also Known As: TREATED WASTE WATER Qty Released: 1500 GALLON(S) DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT CALLER REPORTED A SPILL FROM THE DISCHARGE POINT DUE TO OPERATOR ERROR. SENSITIVE INFORMATION INCIDENT DETAILS Package: N/A Building TD: Type of Fixed Object: CHEMICAL FACILITY Power Generating Facility: UNKNOWN Generating Capacity: Type of Fuel: NPDES: NPDES Compliance: UNKNOWN IMPACT Fire Involved: NO Fire Extinguished: UNKNOWN 1NJURiEs. NU huspiLaliztu: Liapl/ULUVd: L'a6ae:iiyeL; FATALITIES: NO Empl/Crew: Passenger: Occupant: EVACUATIONS:NO Who Evacuated: Radius/Area: Damages: NO Hours Direction of Closure Type Description of Closure Closed Closure N Air: N Mayor Road: Artery:N N Waterway: N Track: Environmental Impact: UNKNOWN Media Interest: NONE Community Impact due to Material: REMFDTAT, ACTIONS EXCAVATED SOIL, CLEAN UP UNDERWAY Release Secureu: YES Release Rate: Estimated Release Duration: WEATHER Weather: CLEAR, °F ADDITIONAL AGENCIES NOTIFIED Federal: NONE State/Local: NONE State/Local On Scene: NONE State Agency Number: NONE NOTIFICATIONS BY NRC USCG ICC (ICC ONI) 17 NOV 10 13:27 (301)6603363 DHS I&A STATE AND LOCAL PRGM OFFICE (RALEIGH, NC FUSION CENTER)