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NCS000022_MONITORING INFO_20181126
STORIVIWATER-DIofSfON"CODTNG-SHEET PERMIT NO. DOC TYPE ❑FINAL PERMIT 'MONITORING INFO 0 APPLICATION ❑ COMPLIANCE ❑ OTHER DOC DATE O a 01$ 5"w YYYYMMDD (A1 GNr Global Nuclear Fuel November 16, 2018 Division of Energy Mineral and Land Resources Global Nuclear Fuel Karen Williams EHS Specialist 3901 Castle Hayne Road P.O. Box 780 Wilmington, NC 28402 USA C: 910-547-2758 Karen.v,nlliams@ge.com RECEIVE Attn: Central Files NOV 2 6 2018 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CENTRAL FILES 0ON"'00 DWR SECTION] Subject: Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Monitoring Form GE —Wilmington, NC Permit Number: NCS000022 Attached is the semi-annual Stormwater Monitoring Report for the GE / GNF-A Facility in Wilmington, NC for the first half of 2018. The sampling was performed during a measurable rain event on 10/26/2018 and the data was received from the lab on 11 /06/2018. There were two minor spills since the last report which were related to weather from Hurricane Florence. On September 15, during Hurricane Florence, there was a release of oily water/coolant from the Aviation evaporator containment area. Water from the large quantities of rain which accumulated in the containment pad overflowed and carried some residual oil water and coolant onto a non -permeable surface. The event was quickly identified, and operators placed the spill mat over a nearby storm drain near Outfall 003 and used a sump cleaner vacuum to clean up the spill and rain water. None of the oily water and coolant flowed through a storm water conveyance nor did it reach waters of the state. The overflow was believed to be less than 25 gallons and due to the lack of volume or environmental risk, no formal notifications were required at the time. During the heavy rains from Hurricane Florence on Saturday, September 15, the Sanitary plant levels reached near the top of the basins and dilute sanitary material splashed out. The ORC made berms around the tanks with the marl in the area and captured most of the material that got out of the tanks. There was a slight brown tint to the rainwater that went to stormwater ditch and it is believed ;1500 gals of diluted sanitary waste was release. A notification to the state was made an Monday, September 17th. Additionally, both incidents were reported to Jenne Walker with the Hazardous Waste Section of NC DEQ during a call she placed to the site as a follow-up to the hurricane on Monday, September 17th. GwOW Nudem Fuel Date Page 2 If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 910-547-2758. Sincerely, Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas Karen Williams Environmental Specialist Attachments: Original plus one copy GE-FRwh Nucsow Energy STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date—10/2612018 Total Event Precipitation (inches): —1.96" Event Duration (hours): _ 1 R (only if applicable —see permit.) (it' more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable — see permit.) Mail Original and one copy to; Central Files Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "1 certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the hest of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." A"Iy try( (C.s 2a ZS (Signature of Permittee) (Date) Form SWU-247, last revised 2122012 Page 2 of 2 ff T* . Global Nuclear Fuel —Americas, LLe Castle Hayne Road, Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 547.2758 (mobile) karen. W [[iams 0 ge.com June 4, 2018 Central Files Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Monitoring Form GE —Wilmington, NC Permit Number: NCS000022 Attached is the semi-annual Stormwater Monitoring Report for the GE / GNF-A Facility in Wilmington, NC for the first half of 2018. The sampling was performed during a measurable rain event on 4/23/2018 and the data was received from the lab on 5/9/2018. Note that we had several leaks, primarily from the CaF2 discharge line, this reporting period. . None of the leaks involved hazardous materials or immediately reportable quantities. These leaks are summarized on the attached Appendix 1. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 910-547-2758. Sincerely, Glob I Nuclear Fuel - Americas ren Williams nvironmental Specialist V Attachments: Original plus one copy N 4 201� au G�N-�t� CZ14N p�R SE i Appendix 1: 1 $: Half 2018 Leak Summary During this stormwater reporting period, we've experienced several releases that are reportable per our permit NCS000022. These leaks were primarily from the CaF2 discharge pipe. Most of the releases described occurred over permeable surfaces and did not result in flow through stormwater systems. Investigations revealed that the CaF2 discharge pipe was significantly damaged by freezing water during the extreme cold experienced in early January, 2018. Water was not drained from the pipe prior to the cold weather and sections of the heat tracing were found to be inoperative. The liquid that flows through this line is primarily filtered water from an HF neutralization system and water from area stormwater containments. Potential parameters of concern in this area include pH, Uranium, fluorides and possibly nitrogen containing compounds such as nitrate, nitrite and ammonia. Listed below is a summary of the events related to this pipe. Date Event 1/17/2018 A flange gasket blew out near the CaF2 discharge pump when the pump was started at 10:20 am. The pump was turned off immediately, but the system continued to leak at 10-15 gpm for 60 minutes before a downstream containment valve was shut. Liquid continued to leak through the containment valve at about 3 gpm for 30 minutes until a drain plug was installed. Liquid then collected on an impermeable surface and was pumped back to the source lagoon. Total quantity lost: - 800-990 gallons. A sample collected (#6318049) at 11:40 and the sample results were: pH: 6.2 s.0 U <0.02 mg/L Ammonia 1.06 mg/L Fluoride 10 mg/L Nitrate <0.2 mg/L Nitrite <0.1 mg/L The flange gasket was repaired on 1/18/18. 1/19/2018 CaF2 pump was started at 11:00. At 11:20, a leak was discovered in the pipe several hundred yards downstream and the pump was immediately stopped. Inspection of the area showed the pipe had a large crack. This material is the same as was sampled on 1/17. A walkdown inspection of the pipe was performed and two more, much smaller cracks were found. Estimated volume from all 3 leaks was <500 gallons. All leaked to permeable surfaces. Water accumulation was noted in the ditch near the first leak but not at the other 2 leaks. The pipe was shut down for repair and further inspection. 2/1/2018 CaF2 pipe repairs completed. Pipe was pressurized with potable water and inspected and no leaks were found. Started CaF2 pump at 11:00 am. 30 minutes later, a spritzing leak was reported from an inaccessible high line portion of the pipe. The pump was shut off immediately. The leak sprayed onto an impermeable surface. No ponding or runoff was noted. Estimated spill << 25 gallons. Results from sample taken (#6337422) were: pH: 6.7 s.0 U <0.02 mg/L Ammonia <0.51 mg/L Fluoride 9.1 mg/L Nitrate <0.2 mg/L W 4/23/2018 CaF2 pump started at 7:30am. At 7:40, guards notified operations of a leak. Pump shut off immediately. Results from sample taken (6402961) were: pH: 8.9 s.0 U <0.02 mg/L, NH3 <0.51 mg/L Fluoride 9.5 mg/L Nitrate <0.2 mg/L Nitrite <0.1 mg/L Investigation revealed a failure of the repair performed after the 2/1/2018 event. Line was repaired and put back in service. There have been no further issues with the CaF2 discharge pipe since this repair was completed. There was one other leak during this reporting period - also believed related to the extreme cold weather. On 1/24/2018, a dripping leak was found on the cooling loop feeding the ATC1 west chiller. This was a small, dripping leak at a cracked nipple in the pipe. An estimated 50 gallons of closed loop cooling water dripped to a grassy area. No ponding or water accumulation was noted. The leak was discovered at 3:15 pm and was repaired within 30 minutes. STORMWATER [DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number NCS000022 FACILITY NAME, Global Nuclear Fuel — Americas LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) CERTIFIED LAHORATORY(S) _SGS Accutest Southeast Lab #_573 — - - Lah # Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 201H (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY New Hanover PHONE. NO. (910) 547-2758 SIGNATURE OF PERMI'1TTEE OR DESIGNEE REQUIRED ON PACE 2. Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 01051 00530 00552 00400 Total Flow (if a .) Total Rainfall Lead, Total Recoverable Total Susp. Solids Non -Polar Oil & Grease pH moldd/ r MG inches m m man s:u. 9 04/23/18 2.67 <5.0 *<25 <5.4 7.2 9 Duplicate I14123/18 2.67 <5.0 *<25 <5.4 7.2 13i 04/23/18 2.67 <5.0 *<25 <4.9 7.2 15i 114/23/18 2.67 <5.0 *<25 <5.4 7.2 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance ACII'VitieS axing nu}r'e thtrn 55 gallons of new motor oil per inunth'' ,w yew X tuo (iI' yes, complete Part B) Part If: Vehicle Maintenance Acti ity Monitoring Re uirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 00556 00530 00400 Total Flow (if applicable) Total Rainfall Oil & Grease (if appl.) Non -polar O&G/TPH (Method 1664 SGT-HEM), if appl. Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage mo/dd/ r MG inches m m unit al/mo Farm SWU-247, last rei,ised 2212012 Page 1 of 2 April 17, 2018 Wastewater Branch Water Quality Permitting Section Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RECEIVED JUN 2 0 2018 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Subject: Delegation of Signature Authority GLOBAL NUCLEAR FUEL - AMERICAS NPDES Permit Number 1228 NPDES Permit Num er NCS000022 NC DEQ Permit Number 0030317 To Whom It May Concern: of % 30 ?0 sTQIQ44A, 1� ���RP RME�Tr WING By notice of this letter, I hereby delegate signatory authority to each of the following individuals for all permit applications, discharge monitoring reports, and other information relating to the operations at the subject facility for the permits listed above as required by all applicable federal, state, and local environmental agencies specifically with the requirements for signatory authority as specified in 15A NCAC 2B.0506. Individual #1 Name: Raymond Crott Manager — Environment, Health and Title: Safety PO Box 780, M/C A55 Mailing Address: Wilmington, NC 28402 Physical Address: 3901 Castle Hayne Road (if different) Wilmington, NC 28401 Email Address: raymond.crott@ge.com Office Phone:, 910 - 200 - 971 1 Mobile Phone: 910 - 200 - 9711 (See additional individuals on next page) Individual #2 Shawn O'Connor EHS Specialist PO Box 780, M/C A55 Wilmington, NC 28402 3901 Castle Hayne Road Wilmington, NC 28401 Shawn.oconnor@gnf.com 910 - 547 - 1008 910 - 547 - 1008 Individual #3 Individual #4 Name " David Anderson Karen Williams Title ¢ - ;° '° Manager— Facilities, Wilmington EHS Projects Leader Site. � Mailtng'Address '; PO Box 780, M/C G26 PO Box 780, WC A55 Wilmington, NC 28402 Wilmington, NC 28402 Pliystcal Vd`dress.'° 3901 Castle Hayne Road 3901 Castle Hayne Road (if diff rent} - Wilmington, NC 28401 Wilmington, NC 28401 Email Addiess_ dave.andersonI @ge.com karen.williams@ge.com Office Phone: ' 843 - 735 - 9086 910 - 547 - 2758 Mobile Phorie``m 843 - 735 - 9086 910 - 547 - 2758 If you have any questions regarding this letter, please feel free to contact me at am_ i_nvexler@ee.com or by phone at 910-819-1964 (office) or 910-232-6445 (cell). Sincer ly, Aznir Vexler Executive — Business Operations PO Box 780 Wilmington, NC 28402-2819 am_invexler@gc.corn 910-819-1964 910-232-6445 cc: Wilmington Regional Office, Water Quality Permitting Section �s GNIF Global Nuclear Fuel a,o;m Vviou• et sE raxhibx a Hitachi Global Nuclear Fuel — Americas WC A55, 3901 Castle Hayne Road Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 547-1008 (cell) Shawn.oconnor@gnf.com November 16, 2017 Central Files RECEIVED Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Nov 7 201 { Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CENTRAL FILE-S Subject: Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Monitoring Form DWR SECTION Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas Permit Number: NCS00002-2 Attached is an addendum to semi-annual Stormwater Monitoring Report for the GE / GNF-A Facility in Wilmington, NC for the second half of 2017. The original sampling was performed during a measurable rain event on 8/28/2017 but the TSS for that event was measured outside of the required 7-day hold time. To obtain valid TSS data, a second round of sampling was conducted on 10/10/2017. These samples were analyzed only for TSS and the results are shown on the attached SDO form. These results were obtained from the lab on 10/23/2017. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 910-547-1008 or shawn.oconnor @ gnf.com- Sincerely, Shawn O'Connor Environmental Specialist Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas Attachments: Original plus one copy STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number NCS000022 FACILITY NAME Global Nuclear Fuel — Americas LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) SGS Accutest Southeast Lab # 573 Lab # Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2017 (This monitoring report shall he received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY New Hanover PHONE NO. (910) 547-1008 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE REQUIRED ON PAGE 2. Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 01051 00530 00552 00400 Total Flow if a Total Rainfall Lead, Total Recoverable Total Susp. Solids Non-Polar.Oil & Grease pH mo/dd/ r MG inches m m m s.u. 9 10/10/17 0.07 *<25 9 Duplicate 10/10/17 0.07 *<25 IX 10/10/17 0.07 *<25 l5i 10/10/17 0.07 *<25 * Due to fah error, TSS values reported From 8/28/17 sampling event were analyzed out of hold time. These results are additional samples taken to provide properly analyzed TSS results. Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? _ yes X no (if yes, complete fart B) Part II: Vehicle Maintenance Activitv Monitorine Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 00556 00530 00400 Total Flow (if applicable) Total Rainfall Oil & Grease (if appl.) Non -polar O&G/TPH (Method 1664 SGT-HEM); if a h Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage mo/dd/ r MG inches MR11, m unit al/mo Form SWU-247, last revised 2/1/10/2 Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 10/10/2017 Total Event Precipitation (inches): 0.07" Event Duration (hours): 3 (only if applicable — see permit.) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours); (only if applicable — see permit) Mail Original and one copy to: Central Files Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) (Date) Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 2 of 2 rop GNIF Global Nuclear Fuel A Joia Wa ftm of GE Toshihq 8 HibmW Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas, L.LC Castle Hayne Road, Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 819-.5869. Fax (910) 362-5869 Shawn. ocorm o r @ gnf.com September 29, 2017 Central Files Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: Stormwater Discharge Qutfall (SDO) Monitoring Form GE —Wilmington, NC Permit Number: NCS000022 Attached is the semi-annual Stormwater Monitoring Report for the GE / GNF-A Facility in Wilmington, NC for the second half of 2017. The sampling was performed during a measurable rain event on 8/28/2017 and the data was received from the lab on 9/20/2017. Note that the lab did not analyze the TSS within the required 7 day hold time. The qualified values reported have been included on the report but we plan to pull and report subsequent samples for TSS at the earliest opportunity. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 910-819-5869. Sincerely, Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas 41z-4 11 7 Shawn O'Connor Environmental Specialist Attachments: Original plus one copy STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number NCS00022 FACILITY NAME —Global uc e r Fuel — Americas, l LC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) SGS cc st S2u[hggst Lab # 573 Lab # Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2017 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY New Hanover PHONE NO.( 910 ) 819-5869 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE REQUIRED ON PAGE 2. Outfall'' .No. �:. Date, -` ' Sample-- , ... Collected .50050", 01051 . 00530 00552 .00400 ;, s,,«�� ►,,' a,r„ >Total Flow if a Total Rainfall " . LcAd,;Total Recoverable ' Total Susp. Soltds" 'Non —Polar Oil &.Giiaie' pH '. mo/dd/ r MG inches m m "ruo s.u. 9 8/28/2017 0.65 <0.005 **40.8 <5.6 6.8 9 Duplicate 8/28/2017 0.65 <0.005 **40.8 <5.4 6.8 IN 8/28/2017 0.65 4.005 **<25 <5.6 7.0 15i 8/28/2017 0.65 <0.005 **<25 <6.0 6.9 ** Note that, due to lab error, all of the TSS samples were analyzed out of hold time. We will attempt to resample and report results for TSS prior to the end of the sampling period. Dcws this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month'? —yes ono (if yes, complete Part B) Part It: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall' No. Date Sample Collected '50050 00556 00530 00400. ;. Total Flow.. (if sppheable) Total Rainfall Oil & Grease "(if appl.) ' .' Nan -polar - O&G/TPH (Method 1664 appl. Total. Suspended Solids pH I E New_ Motor Oil Usage 3' ` `' , ° •„ mo/d r MG. inches MO- m unit ' al/mo Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page I of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 8/28/2017 Total Event Precipitation (inches): 0.65" Event Duration (hours): 15 (only if applicable — see permit.) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable — see permit.) Mail Original and one copy to: Central Files Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." C� G ��Q (Signature of Permittee) '?/2� t (Date) Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 2 of 2 i+ GNIF April 26, 2016 Global Nuclear Fuel A Joiw Vemm of GE. Toshiba, 5 HiMeW Global Nuclear Foul - Americas, LLC Castle Hayne Road, Wilmington, NC 2B401 (;�� ., FF 362-5U9 MAY 01 2017 CENTRAL FILES Central Files DWR SECTION Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: Stormwater Discharge Outfail (SDO) Monitoring Form GE —Wilmington, NC Permit Number: NCS000022 Attached is the semi-annual Stormwater Monitoring Report for the GE / GNF-A Facility in Wilmington, NC for the first half of 2017. The sampling was performed during a measurable rain event on 3/31/2017 and the data was received from the lab on 4/14/2017. There was one minor spill since the last report. On 3/26/2017, the FGE lift station level sensing system malfunctioned allowing the water to rise to the top of the manhole. A very small weep of water exited the manhole and moistened the ground around the manhole. The water involved was primarily reject water from the deionized water system. Total quantity was estimated at less than 20 gallons. None of the lost water flowed through a storm water conveyance nor reached waters of the state. Due to the lack of volume or environmental risk, no notifications were required at the time. To prevent recurrence, a separate high level switch and alarm will be installed to augment the existing level control system. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 910-819-5869. Sincerely, Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas jx&_� y/ 2--) t Shawn O'Connor Environmental Specialist Attachments: Original plus one copy STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number NCS00022 FACILITY NAME Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) CERTIFIED LAIIORATORY(S) SGS Accutest Southeast Lah # 573 Lah # Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2017 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 311 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY New Hanover PHONE NO.( 910) 819-5869 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE REQUIRED ON PAGE 2. Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 511050 01051 (10530 00552 00400 Total Flow (if a .) Total Rainfall Lead, Total Recoverable Total Susp. Solids Non -Polar Oil & Grease pH mo/dd/ r MG inches mgA mgA M10 s.u. 9 3/31/2017 0.57 <11.005 <25 7.4 7.4 9 Duplicate 3/31/2017 0.57 <0.005 <25 <5.6 7.4 13i 3/31/2017 0.57 <0.005 <25 <5.4 6.9 15i 3/31/2017 41.57 <0.005 <25 <5.X 7.0 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities casing more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per inonth'? _ yes X no (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 00556 00530 00400 Total Flow (if applicable) Total Rainfall Oil & Grease (if appl.) Non -polar O&G/TPH (Method 1664 SGT-HEM), if appl. Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage mo/dd/ r MG inches mgA m unit al/mo porno SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 3/31/2017 Total Event Precipitation (inches): 0.57" Event Duration (hours): 2 (only il' applicable — see permit.) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches); Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable — see permit.) Mail Original and one copy to: Central Files Division of Water Resources - 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." --- (Signature of Permittee) 4/'z 1 k+- (Date) Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 2 of 2 Global Nuclear Fuel A.a, Ye. - m sF. Taxn1e&,a w Global Nuclear Fuel — Americas, LLC CasUe Hayne Road, Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 819-.5869, Fax (910) 362-5869 Shawn.ocannor * gnl.com June 21, 2016 Central Files Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Monitoring Form GE —Wilmington, NC Permit Number: NCS000022 R CeIVED JUN 2 3 2016 CENr�L F1 DER ES SECTlpN Attached is the semi-annual Stormwater Monitoring Report for the GE / GNF-A Facility in Wilmington, NC for the second half of 2015. The sampling was performed during a measurable rain event on 5/12/16 and the data was received from the lab on 5/27/2016. There have been no spills since the last report was filed. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 910-819-5869. Sincerely, Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas 612 Shawn O'Connor ' Environmental Specialist Attachments: Original plus one copy Ax0f,40-0 F o7w, STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number NCS00022 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2016 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than all days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME Global Nucle r Fuel — Americ s LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) CERTIFIED LAIiORATORY(S) SGS Lab # 491 Lai) # Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements RECEIVED It IN 2 s Z015 COUNTY New Hanover PHONE NO. (_ 910_) 819-5869 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE REQUIRED ON PACE 2. Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 l!1 1 00530 00552 00401) Total Flow (if a .) Total Rainfall Leal$Mi RecoOMls Susp. "1.1 lids Non -Polar Oil & Grease pH mo/dd/ r MG inches MRA m m SAL 9 5/12/16 1.43 < 0.006 < 7.2 < 1.78 7.8 9 Duplicate 5/12/16 1.43 < 0.006 < 7.2 <1.89 7.8 13i 5/12/16 1.43 <0.006 24 <1.94 7.0 15i 5/12/16 1.43 < 0.006 10 < 2.09 7.0 Does this lacility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities Using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil Per month? _ yes X no (if yes, complete Part B) Part Il: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 00556 00530 00400 Total Flow (if applicable) Total Rainfall Oil & Grease (if appl.) Non -polar O&G/TPH (Method,1664 SGT-HEM), if a 1. Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage mo/dd/ r MG inches m m unit al/mo . Form SWU-247, last ret4sed 212120/2 Page I of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 5/12116 Total Event Precipitation (inches): 1.43" Event Duration (hours): 5 (only it'applicable — see permit.) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable — see permit.) Mail Original and one copy to: Central Files Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) (Date) Form SWU-247, last revised 2122012 Page 2 of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permft44u` mber NCS 400 FACILITY NAME rl—jr PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) -9— CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Lab #2� FAC.!E-Lab # 4a _ Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: a C_ 16' (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory_) COUNTY Me.. left hurt. PHONE; NO. UMLI l ft 21— ] (A Q (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate complete to the best of my knowledge. Date Samp C61lectedmum sip i • ' , Mpikl Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? —yes ✓no (if yes, complete Part B) T Fart B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements OutfAI No. Date 'SaanOe : Colleeted 150050 ' 00556 00530 00400' 'Total Flow ; (if applicable)_ < Mowl .Rainfall OiI & Grease (if appi.) Non -polar O&Gn!PH (Method 1664 a I. Total ;Suspended Solids. pH New Motoi' Oil Usage -mb/dd/ r .MG .inches mgA unit l/mv writC Form S W U-247-062310 Page 1 of 2 STORMWATER DISCIIARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Z,.. Permit Number NCS00022 FACILITY NAME Global Nuclear Fuel — Americas LLC PERSON COLLECTING SANIPLE(S) CL'RTIF1ED LAHORATORY(S) SGS Lab # 481 Lab # Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2015 ('Phis monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days Vrra the date the facility receives the sampling results fro>ni the laboratory.) i"" COUNTY New Hanover C,7 PI4ONE NO. ( 910) 819-5869_ _ SIGNATURE OF PERNIITTEE OR DESIGNEE REQUIRED ON PAGE 2. Outfall No. Dale Sample Collected 500541 01051 00530 00552 00401) 'Total Flow (if app.) Total Rainfall Lead, Total Recoverable Total Susp. Solids Non -Polar Oil tic Grease pH mo/ddl r NIG inches m l m m 8.11. 9 5/8/15 NIA 41.0152 < 25 < 5.6 6.9 9 Duplicate 518/15 NIA < 0.01 < 25 < 5.3 --- IN 518/ 15 NIA < 0.01 < 25 < 5.3 7.0 15i 5/8/15 NIA < 0.01 < 25 < 5.8 6.9 Does this filicilily perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more. than 55 gailons of new motor oil per month? ` yes X no (il' yes, complete Part 13) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Aclivitv Monitoring Requirements Outfull No. Date Sample Collected 50050 00556 00530 00400 Total Flow (if applicable) Total Rainfall Oil & Grease (if'uppl.) Non -polar O&GPTPH (Method 1664 SGT-HENI), if appl. Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage nto/dd/ r N1G inches m MgA unit al/mo Form SWU-247, last reviser! 21212012 Page I of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 5/8/2015 Total Event Precipitation (inches): 0.58" Event Duration (hours): - (only if applicable — see permit.) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable — see permit.) Mail Original and one copy to: Central Files Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) -7 e— /0 (Date) r Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012, Page 2 of 2 June 17, 2015 Central Files Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 GNIF Global Nuclear Fuel A Jose @caws of 6i, Toshiba. & f ipcAi Global Nuclear Fuel — Americas, LLC Q Castle Wayne Road, Wilmington, NC 284D1 W Z (916) 819-.5869. Fax (910) 362-5869 Wa lt- U Q Shawn.oconnorOgni.com c-,[ 1L H �.. UJ Ui cn w0 Subject: Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Monitoring Form GE —Wilmington, NC Permit Number: NCS000022 Attached is the semi-annual Stormwater Monitoring Report for the GE / GNF-A Facility in Wilmington, NC for the first half of 2015. The sampling was performed during a measurable rain event on 5/8/2015 and the data was received from the lab on 5/21 /2015. There has been one spill since the last report. On 2/27/15 at 11:53, the process wastewater lift station overflowed due to abnormally high flow a deionized water unit back flush. it is estimated that 500-700 gallons of clear water overflowed to the storm system. Subsequent investigation indicated the lift station pumps were operating properly but that the line downstream may be partially plugged and limiting transfer during very high flow periods. The site facilities team is investigating options to improve flow through this section of forced main on a short term (increasing pump speed) and long term (replace sewer section) basis. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 910-819-5869. Sincerely, Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas Shawn O'Connor Environmental Specialist Attachments: Original plus one copy STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING. REPORT Permit Number NCS00022 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2015 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME Global Nuclear Fuel — Americas LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) _SG ' Lab # 481 Lab # Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements COUNTY New Hanover PHONE NO. ( 910 ) 819-5869 E NATURE OF PERA� ITTEE OR DESIGNEE QUIRED ON PAGE 2. Outfaii No. Date Sample Collected 50050 01051 00530 00552 00400 Total Flow if a Total Rainfall Lead, Total Recoverable Total Susp. Solids Non -Polar Oil & Grease pH mo/dd/ r MG inches m9A m m S.U. 9 11/19/15 2.06 <0.01 <25 <5.74 7.4 9 Duplicate 11/19/15 2.06 < 0.01 < 25 <5.09 7.4 13i l 1119/ 15 2.06 < 0.01 42 < 6.04 7.4 15i 11/19/15 2.06 < 0.01 46 < 5.32 6.8 Dues this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? — yes X no (i f yes, complete Part B ) Part IS: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 00556 00530 00400 'Total Flow (if applicable) Total Rainfall Oil & Grease (if appl.) Non -polar O&G/TPH (Method 1664 SGT-HEM), if appl. Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage mo/ddl r MG inches mg1I m unit al/mo Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 11/19/15 Total Event Precipitation (inches): 2.06" Event Duration (hours): 7 (only if applicable — see permit.) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable — see permit.) Mail Original and one copy to: Central Files Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "1 certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) L (t 4- ( %.f— (Date) Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 2 of 2 GNIF Global Nuclear Fuel A daiW veakam of GE, Tusbilu. a Hindu Global Nuclear Fue! — Americas, LLC Castle Hayne Road, Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 819-.5869, Fax (910) 362-5669 Shawn,oconnor@gnt.com December 14, 2015 Central Files Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Monitoring Form GE —Wilmington, NC Permit Number: NCS000022 RECEIVED DEC 18 2015 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Attached is the semi-annual Stormwater Monitoring Report for the GE / GNF-A Facility in Wilmington, NC for the second half of 2015. The sampling was performed during a measurable rain event on 11/19/2015 and the data was received from the lab on 12/1/2015. There have been no spills in the previous 6 months. In the past, however, there had been small overflows from the process lift station during times of abnormally high flow. In the last report, we noted that the site maintenance team was investigating options to improve capacity of the lift station. That work has been completed. Pump speed was increased and bigger motors and new controls were installed. The updated system can now pump 25-30% faster which should alleviate future overflow potentials. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 910-819-5869. Sincerely, Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas � Shawn O'Connor Environmental Specialist Attachments: Original plus one copy 3 Permit Number: NC S000022 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG STORMWA"TER DISCHARGE OUITALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2014 ('phis monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAM),'. General Electric Co - Wilmington COUNTY New I lamover PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) S. Fillmore (AMEC), F. Strochmcr (AMEC) PHONE NO. (910) 675-5869 C13R'TIFIED LABOKATORY(S) SGS North America Inc. Lab N 481 AMEC - Field Lah N Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements (SIGNATURE OF PERMV17EE OR DESIGNEE:) By this signature. I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Uutlall No. Date Sample Collected 5U050 01051 00556 00530 00400 Total I, low Lead, "Total Recoverable Oil & Grease Total cusp. Solids pf l mo/dd/yr MG mg/1 mg/I mg/I Std Units SDO N 13 4/8/2014 0.34 NA <5.15 <25 7 SDO N 14 4/8/2014 0.03 NA <5.21 <25 7.6 SDO N9 4/8/2014 0.24 <0.01 <5.09 <25 7.1 SDO 09,dupl 4/8/2014 NA <0.0) I <5.17 <25 7.1 Does this facility perl'orm Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more thun 55 gallons of new motor oil per month'/ yes X no (if ycs, complete part 13) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outf'all No. Date sample Collected 50050 00556 0053U 00400 Total Flow Oil and Grease "Total Suspended Solids pl l New Motor Oil Usage mo/dd/yr MG mg/I mg/I unit unit RECEIVED MAY 14 2014 CENTRAL FILES DWQIBQG Form S W U-246-051100 Page 1 of 2 GNIF A Joir VM406 s CE. TudlftL a 8ibmw Global Nuclear Fuel — Americas, LLC Castle Hayne Road, Wilmington, NC 2U01 (910) 819•.5869, Fax (910) 362-5869 Shawrn.oconnorQgnl. com May 12, 2014 NC Dept of Environmental Resources Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section ATTENTION: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Monitoring Form GE —Wilmington, NC Permit Number: NCS000022 Attached is the semi-annual Stormwater Monitoring Report for the GE 1 GNF-A Facility in Wilmington, NC for the first half of 2014. The sampling was performed on 4/8/2014 and the data was received from the lab on 4/1412014. In the last 6 months, we have had one spill to the stormwater system. On March 21, 2014 at approximately 7:55, the process wastewater lift station overflowed. The overflow continued intermittently for approximately 50 minutes. Investigation revealed excess flow was coming from the process water filter building. A butterfly valve in the filter system had broken at the stem and had opened, diverting a large flow of process water to the wastewater lift station. This flow of process water overwhelmed the lift station pumps, resulting in the overflow. It is estimated that approximately 1000 gallons of process water were discharged to the storm sewer. A sample taken of the overflow water showed a pH of 7.73 and none of the sampled parameters (metals, fluoride, nitrates, nitrites) were above our NPDES discharge limits. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 910-819-5869. Sincerely, Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas Shawn O'Connor Environmental Specialist Attachments: Original plus one copy Ventaloro, Julie From: Willis, Linda Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 8:04 AM To: Ventaloro, Julie Cc: Sams, Dan tics 0000'-t a14 ,�/,� Subject: NCS000022 Julie, The permit draft for GNF has benchmarks at 50 mg/L for a discharge to PNA waters. According to 15A NCAC 02B .0224 HQW (1)(b)(ii).. TSS shall be limited to effluent concentrations of 10 mg/I for trout waters and PNA's and to 20 mg/I for all other HQWs. 50 mg/I isn't protective enough. _ uM CA vt � sopckxAjj�L Thanks for the opportunity to comment. Linda L. Willis, EE I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 - Phone number: 910-796-7235 Fax number: 910-350-2004 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina public records law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. Changes and Notes —June 19, 2014 Changed Lead benchmark from .03 to 0.075 (cite internal guidance document for rationale) Added footnote to pH that allows for lower benchmark on account of ambient precipitation pH (see _ 7 NCG06). Removed, Ammonia, Nitrogen/TKN, BOD, and COD because sludge processing area is cleaned. Tiered response added for exceedances of benchmarks (see explanation from 2012) — Is non -polar oil and grease/tph a change for them from "oil & grease"? I think so. Note that benchmark is 15, not 30. In 2007 permit, their pH range was modified from 6-9 to 4.3-9 because water was classified as Sw. But In 2012 draft, it looks like the range went back to 6-9. Which Is it? Looking at 2012 staff report, Jen Jones explains that benchmark will be revised to the standard stormwater benchmark .... Also, the uranium benchmark was removed at that time, so don't need to bring it up in this permit letter. Question: Do I indicate pH less than 6 as exceedances even though their old permit went to 4.3? 1 don't think we can call these exceedances. That's correct — they wouldn't technically be exceedances. In RIMS, it looks like representative outfalls should be 9, 13, and 1 instead of 9,13, and 14. 1 made the change In the draft permit. Need to state this in the letter to permittee. Need to note that permit is being renewed for 4 years instead of 5 to help with distribution of future workloads. Tss benchmark for HQW receiving waters is 50 instead of 100. 74u -h, —� No-kc� Ventaloro, Julie From: O'Connor, Shawn W. (GNF) [Shawn. Ocon nor@g nf. co m] Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 12:45 PM To: Ventaloro, Julie Subject: RE: Photos of Old Processing Area - Stormwater Permit NCS000022 We do have a current NRC license. It is SNM-1097 and it expires 5/19/2049. From: Ventaloro, Julie fmailto:iUlie.ventaloroCancdgnr.govl Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 12:35 PM To: O'Connor, Shawn W. (GNF) Subject: RE: Photos of Old Processing Area - Stormwater Permit NCS000022 Hi Shawn, We're making progress on the draft permit. One thing I need to confirm is that the Global Nuclear Fuels facility has a current NRC license. Would you please verify that and also provide me with the license number? Thank you, Julie Ventaloro Stormwater Permitting Program NC Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources t61z Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-z6i2 Phone: (gig) 807-637o Fax: (9t9) 807-6494 Website: http://watersupvl)wt- rmsbcd.nc.gg_v E-mail correspondence to and f rom this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Luw and may be disclosed to third Parties. From: O'Connor, Shawn W. (GNF) fmailto:Shawn.Qc_onnor@gnf.corn Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 2:35 PM To: Ventaloro, Julie Cc: Leik, Mark (GE Power & Water) Subject: Phobos of Old Processing Area - Stormwater Permit NCS000022 Julie, Attached, please find the photos you requested of the old sludge processing area. I've placed them in a powerpoint presentation for clarity and convenience. As I mentioned in our earlier discussion, I had found the original 2012 draft permit online. When I reviewed it, I realized that we had made significant changes to the sludge processing area called out in Table 1 since the on -site visit conducted by DENR. Given the changes that have been made, I wonder if it's still required to have the additional Ammonia, TKN, BOD and COD sampling requirements. At the time of the site visit, the area had a significant inventory of old metal and wood shipping containers. More importantly, the area had on -site contractors performing sanitary sludge dewatering and sludge drying activities. The filter press and liquid processing tanks were in containment, but did not have a roof to protect the area from precipitation. In addition, one of the two sludge drying beds had removable roof Panels that did not completely protect the sludge bed from precipitation. The area also had -10 large "supersacks" of dried sludge stored on graveled areas. Since that time we have removed all of the old shipping containers. We have also shipped off all of the accumulated supersacks. The partially covered drying bed has had the roof removed and can no longer be used for sludge drying. Instead, the contained surface is used to store sludge supersacks pending shipment. All liquid processing in the area has been discontinued. The filter press has been moved into the sanitary waste treatment building in another part of the site. The sludge processing tanks have been drained, cleaned and left open — top and bottom — to prevent any accumulation of rainwater. Drums of chemicals previously used in the area (flocculent) have been removed. The one, fully covered, drying bed is still in use. Filter press sludge is transferred from the sanitary plant to the drying bed in a covered container. Sludge is dried and treated (lime addition) only inside the building. When the sludge is dry, it is picked up with a small tractor and loaded into supersacks under another roofed enclosure. Supersacks of dried sludge are tarped and placed on impervious containment until they can be shipped offsite. (Please see the attached powerpoint for current photos of the areas described.) The sludge dried in this area comes from the aerobic digesters at the sanitary plant. The sludge is aerobically digested at least 30 days prior to filtering which should eliminate BOD concerns. In addition, the sanitary plant generating the sludge usually has non -detectable ammonia in the effluent (< 0.2 mg/L). With aerobic digestion, the sludge should maintain this very low ammonia level. Of further note, the drainage area around the old sludge process is heavily forested. Most of the runoff to the sludge processing area outfall will be from the forested areas and is expected to contain naturally occurring BOD and ammonia. Given the removal of liquid processing in the area, the significant reduction in exposure to dried sludge, the lack of BOD / COD and ammonia in the sludge, and the probability of collecting naturally occurring ammonia, BOD and COD during any sampling event, I would like to request that the new analytical monitoring requirements for the Sludge Processing Area Outfall(s) be reconsidered and, if appropriate, not added to the new permit. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns on this topic. Thank you for your time and consideration, .Shawn O'Connor EHS Specialist GE — Hitachi Nuclear Energy 910-819-SB69 � v�r�.�car�nac�snf. coma October 23, 2014 NC Dept of Environmental Resources Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section ATTENTION: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Global Nuclear Fuel A Jaim Veemn of"Toshiba. & Hitmhe Global Nuclear Fuel — Americas, LLC Castle Hayne Road, Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 819-.5869. Fax (910) 362-5869 shawn.oconnor Q gnf. corn RECEIVED OCT 27 2014 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Subject: Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Monitoring Form GE —Wilmington, NC Permit Number: NCS000029 Attached is the semi-annual Stormwater Monitoring Report for the GE / GNF-A Facility in Wilmington, NC for the second half of 2014. The sampling was performed on 9/12/2014 and the data was received from the lab on 9/2512014. There have been no significant spills since the last report. Note that the Outfall 13 TSS result of 126 mg/L exceeds the benchmark value of 100 mg/L. This event is still being investigated and the results of the investigation and any actions taken will be documented in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan as required by our permit. We also plan to resample at the next appropriate rain event to determine if this was a transient or ongoing issue - If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 910-819-5869. Sincerely, Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas /JyL 10 f2-3/1-f Shawn O'Connor Environmental Specialist Attachments: Original plus one copy STORMWATER DISCI IARGI-'UU'I'I-ALL (SDO) NIONrrolUNC REPORT Permit Number: NC S000022 or SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2014 ` Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG (This monitoring report shall he received by the Division no later than 30 days trom the date the facility receives the sampling, results Ii•om the lahoratrny.) FACILITY NAME General Electric Co- Wilmington PERSON COLLECI'INO SAMPLES) S. FiI[more (AMEC), F. Siroehmur (AMEC) C:1:lL'11E11 O LABC)ItA'I'{-)KY(S) SGS North America Inc. Lab # 481 GNF-A (p1l) 166 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements COUNTY New I lanover PHONE, NO. (910) 675-5869 (SIGNATIJRF OF PERMI'l-ITE OR DESIGNEl") By this signature, I certify that this report iS accurate and complete to the hest ofmy knowledge. Otntali No. Date Sample C:ollectcd 50050 01051 00556 00530 00400 Total Flow Lead, Total Recoverable (.)it & Grease 'Total Susp. Solids PH mo/dJ/yr MG mg/I mg/I nig/l Sid Units tip)() # 13 9/ 12/2014 2A 1 NA <5.95 126 5.9 SDO it 14 9/12/2014 0.54 NA <5.6 <25 0.2 S1)O #9 9/12/2014 2.53 0,01 <5.6 <25 6A S[0 09,dupl 9/12/2014 NA <0.01 <5.7 <25 6.4 I)oes this facility perform Vehicle 4laintenance ActlVitieS using more than 55 gallons of new motor oiI per month" yes X no (if ycs, complete part It) Purt it: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring; Requirements Outtall No, Lute Sample Collected 50050 00556 00530 00400 'Total Flow Oil and Grease Tool Suspended Solids pl l New Motor Oil Usage ino/dd/yr MG nig/I rng/l unit unit Form SWt J-246-051 100 Puge 1 of2 STORRI EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 9/12/2014 Total Event Precipitation (inches): 3,,6 Event Duration (hours): 1'.i-(? (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of taw, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is. to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are'significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 4IN-- /O r (Signature of Pemittee) (pate) Form SWU-246-051100 Page 2 of 2 Detailed Facility Report I Enforcement and Compliance History Online I US EPA http://echo.epa.gov/detailed—facility_report?ftd=l 10000745230 Menu ECH4 Enforcement and Compliance History Online Detailed Facility Report Facility Summary GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 3901 CASTLE HAYNE RD, WILMINGTON, NC 28401 Facility Information (FRS) FRS ID: 110000745230 EPA Region: 04 Latitude: 34.32184 Longitude:-77.92815 Industry: Indian Country: N Regulatory Interests Clean Air Act: Operating Synthetic Minor (3712900070) Clean Water Act: Major, Permit Effective (NC0001228) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act: Active LQG (NCD050409150) Safe Drinking Water Act: No Information Also Reports I of 6/24/2014 12:34 PM wed Facility Report I Enforcement and Cornplim= History Otdine 1,US EPA h ttp://edm.cpa.goY1det0ed—fa+ciiity_report?#id=1 10oOO74523O Air Emissions Inventory (EIS): 13442911 Greenhouse Gas Emissions (eGGRT): No Wormation Toxic Releases (TRI): 28402GCMPNCASTL Enforcement and Compliance Summary Facility/System Characteristics Facility/System Characteristics �JL'IfIt�C:, �II.'MI}1LS I.li11YtlRC --_ -- �ZatLLt —.._- — � AR$9 � •-� TI �VdhOQ �$i! I[idfIIR �Olnlliy�LdSfh7dC i.0ll�idl�C - -- - 11000074523112311 - '- N •34a21 &1 � 77.92915 CAR •371290DO70 Sjmtlrctic Minor Opasth3g Sff;NSPS. MAC1' (SECMN 63 NF.SHAA3) _ _ I3442411 '-� —� - - -- -_- Openbno bw Srste� GWA. 'NC000i226 Major. NPDES fodivi&W Permit Effective - Not Repormm Euassiws - - N 0113MAP N 34.32R84-77.42613 - &P3T 2g402GChSPNCASTL -- '- -- - - �34.32184-77.92815 RCRA NCDO50409150!LQG Achy ----- ---- `N --- ----1----- Facility. Contact Information r S r�steTn identifia Facility t!!M —�- _ _ Facilify A �- - M 1100=45230_ _ GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 2221 CAS LE RAYNE RID; WHINNGTOK NC 2WI 'F5 r 12900070- GI UI3Af Nf1CLFUE L EL - AMEWCAS LLC '-3901 CASTLE HAYNE ROAD, f�V1R,MMGTONi, HC 25402 _ EIS 2011 13442911 -- --- 'GIO Nuclear Furl - AmVicas, LLC _ of _ ---µ 903� I,Cm ltr Hs}me Rand, Wtlmm000, NC n4M — ICP Nam- WILMrNGTON-CASTLE HAYNE W WTP 3901 CASTLE HAYNE RM WUAIINGTOK NC 2M G - _ *MGCMPNCASTL ;RCR NCD050409150 GE CO- _ _ _- �Cd BAL NUCLEAR FUEL - AMERICAS 3WI CASI . E HAYNE RD NC HWY 1336 WILMINGTON, NC 2UO1 3901 CASTLE HAYNE ROAR WMMD4 ,TON, NFL 2WI Facility SIC Codes System Id -titer — _ S1C,CD& �— SIC D= FM i28402C&WNCASTL - Y- - -- - Bi4 - LT 3358_ - —. --_ - — -------------IWIMGCM"WASTL '2$400O MPNCASTI Tttl 2&WCsCMPNCASTL �4• � -- 2 of 6' � 6124/2014 1234 PM Detailed r,3cility Report I Enforcement And Compliance History Online I US EPA http://echo.epa.gov/detailed—facility_rcport?fid=1 10000745230 _ System Identifier S1CCodc SIC"Uesc AFS 3712900070 2819 AFS _-_------- -..- 3712 900070 - - 3712 - - - 3 59 5 - --- - - W -.. _ -_�-- - - 3 -- - - - --- -- ICY NCO01228- Facility NAICS Codes �Sysicm Identifier NAICS Codc _ —� NAICS Dcsc -- fIS 2011 13442911 •333249 TRI 28402GCMPNCASTL •325188 _ 'All Other Basic Inorganic Chcmicak M_a_nu_facturing __ TRI 28402GCMPNCASTL- _ 325998 _ 'All Other Miscellaneous Chemical Product And Prclwtation Manufacturing uTRI 294020CMPNCASTI.' •331491 Nonferrous Metal (Except Copper And Aluminum) Rolling, Drawing And Extruding TRI 2840ZGCMPNCASTL 332410 Power Boiler and Hcat Exchanger Manufacturing TRI - - -�133299 'All Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing _ TRI _284020CMPNCASTI, '28402GCMFNCASTL - 3333 l9 - - Other Commercial And Scrvia Industry Machinery Manufacturing TRI 28402GCMPNCASTL W6412 lAircrafl Engine And Engine Parts Manufacturing TRI 28402GCMPNCASTL 811310 Commercial & Industrial Machinery & uipmrnt (except Automotive & Electronic) Repair & Malntenanre AFS J712900070 �333298 'All Other Industrial Machinery RCR RCR NCDO50409150 325198 -- All Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing RCR NCDO50409150 '-331491 Nonferrous Metal (Excco Copper And Aluminum) Rolling, Drawing, And Extruding � _... RCR _. 04091 NCD050409150 - . ___.._ 336412 _ w _ - _ _ _ - - - --- - - Aircran Engine And Engine Par, Manufacturing Enforcement and Compliance Compliance Monitoring History (5 years) Statute I - Source 1 / §313 11800097493 NCO001228 _ Lalc/Non Reporter; Evaluation EPA Evaluation - - -- ---____- State RCRA NCDU504_09150 RCR COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON -SITE - State CWA -- NC0001228 - 1CP Evaluation State CWA NC-0001228 ICP Aiomonitori_ng--_---�- - State CWA NC0001228 _ ICP Evaluation - ----_ - _,—_ State NCDO50409130 RCR COMPLIANCE. EVALUATION INSPECTION ON -SITE - State _RCR- RCRA NCDOSO409150 RCR COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE _- State CAA .3712900070 AF5 STATE 'CONDUCTED FCFJON-SITE - ~State CAA 371 g0007o LAFS STATE CONDUCTED FCEION-SITE _ State CAA - 3712900070 - AF5 STATE CONDUCTED FCE/ON-S1TF _ -- Slatc RCRA NCDO50409150 RCR _ _ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON_ -SITE CAA- - _ _ 3712900070 - AFS _-_ STATE CONDUCTED FCFJON-SITE - _-_ _State State CAA •37129T AFS STATE CONDUCTED FCFJON•SI'TE _ State Entries in italics are not considered inspections in official counts. Compliance Summary Data Date J Finding 412912010 5/13/2009 - _�_.- 1811 N2009 No Violations Or Compliance Issues Were Found -- _-_ 19/1612013- - -- ief20f101 I 19/29/2011 i - 9/2 I2010 _ No Violations Or Compliance Issues Wetc Found - -5102/2012 No Violations Or Compliance Issues Were Found 9/30r2010 t` --- - -- -- - - 6/21/2011 �_------- ------ _ 17/07r2011 No Violations Or Compliance Issues Were Found 9r2712012- -r- _ - . — 3 of 6 6/24/2014 12:34 PM Dm&d FaLiMy Repart I EnfwxeFr=t and Cangliti me ffista" Wine I. US EPA http:f/echoxMgmfdctaikd_#'arility_rcpmt?fid^ 110000745230 Three Year Compliance, Status by Quarter I RvwamlPolhmWlYro}stioa (M I QM 2 QTA 3 QTR 4 Q'T R 5 Q7R 6 qM .7 QTR a Qnt 9 QTR 10 QU 11 QTR 12 Type -- CAA (Source m:3712900070) 07101AWO 01-12131 01/01-Mi 04101.-OWO 07-09130 /O1104N-12111 01/01 Q9/31- 04101-0&30 071tt?I-09/30 kWL-1213t, n1�1 03/31 aarol-0C�30 {0 2011 201.1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 1 2013 20t3 Z013 2014 2014 _ iarafity-Leml Sutra Vwk _ Mo Yral No Vro1 No Viol No Vw3 bz Yinl M %r(w Ka -Mal No %$A No Vro}HPV ! Ito Vat 1la Vk! -!No L-��- w 'Prowzn1peftaftat ia.Cturern.y-•-••-•— — VroEssann SIP MAC7 (SECTION 67 tar/kA NMFIAPS) i Staff Pto�nmlPo}lLu�t/1riolatioa7ype QT$t 1 QTR 2 Q!rR 3 QTR 4 Q'FR 5 Q 1R 6 i QTk 7 QTR S. QTR 9 QTtt 10 QTR 11 QTR 12 QTR 13• MA(SaunerAkllIC000121>1) 0110E-0N30 071b1U9/38 IO1OI-12131 OTMI-0381 O410t-OCJ30 07/0109/30 FOfO}-12131 Ol!(110313I D1/p}-06130 0t7MI-091" 101Oi-1701 0110103IS1 04rt1106130 (� �'"�`' 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 Fscsfity-Lend Status No Vroi —. _ _2013 No Yml No viol_ No Viol NOYtol hTa Ym1 SNClCa1 I $N 1Cat 1. 1n Vial _ No moo! Fn 1{iol o Viol No Viol - --- - —+— — - ¢ — --r 1 3hC1RNC iliaTry _ r-- - -- — - �D(DMXNR) IDMMR NR) jV(N—RNCV)- �afto�a! [Dbe.Poin� 11 i - (- - ! --- - - - - --- ----�- - (- - - r--- f-- - - 1 *Quarter 13 is draft/unofficial and has not hew fully quality assured. Read more reo�mtllPatrnlattilViolalion ,ram RCRA (Source M WD050409150) QTR i 07101-09/30 2011 QTR 2 10MI-Ini 2011 QTR 3 01/01-Mi 2012 QTR 4 04/01-06M 2012 QTR S 07ro1-09 30 2012 QTR 6 i0101-12131 2W QTR 7 01101.03/31 2013 QTR S 04101. WO 2013 QTR 9 07101-09130 1(it3 QTR IO lfl/Dl-I2131 2013 QTR 11 01I►1I 031;1 2014 QTR 12 - 04101406/!0 2014 11CRA'Faeifity-Frve1Stnma f - i s .—__--.. J Informal Enforcement Actions (5 Years) statute r— Sea= FA - � ----- - Ike of Aaioo �� _ Lzad Ag=y _ I 7 to data recot$s Ienandi ' Formal Enforcement Actions (5. Years) smuft Type arAetiao LAM' _ .� �� _ �-- P-Afty DmcriOon —� No dua neoids retuned _- 4 of 6 6/24/2014 12:34 PM Detailed Facility Report I Enforcement and Compliance History Online 4 U5 EPA http://ccho.epa.gov/detailed—facil4_rcport?fid= I I0OW745230 ICIS Case History (5 years) I Primary LaW/Scction i Case No. 1 Case Typc I cad A&sacy Cole Name Israrcd/Fileti Date setilcrrtedl bate l ederaf Penalty Stotr/t ocal penalty SUP Caaf-� Action Cost L......_. �, No data recants tetttrttcd Environmental Conditions Water Quality Pcrrnit li? Wntrashcd (HUC 8) - Watmhod Name (HUC 8) Waterslred (HUC 12) Watmhed Name (HUC 12) Receiving Wattxa_ Itr�aimd Watch 1 Combirx! Scwcr Systcm7 NCOW1228 03030007 NORTHEAST CAPE FEAR 030300070807 Prince George Crcek-No thcasl Capc Fcar River Northcast Cape Fear Ewer No Air Quality Non -Attainment Arm?palktriant(s) ------ -•_--- ozovc Na - - - - -- — - — -- - - -- - _ - - - _ No I.eod Na particulate Mattet Pollutants TRI History of Reported Chemicals Released in Pounds per Year at Site TRI Pollution Prevention Report Year Totrtl Air Emission Setr£scc Water Uiscltarges Of-SSite Transfrta to POWs L Uttdergvtutd In}ecti>atts Releases w Land Total On site R TWuI Off -site Rclt�ses - - 2004 236 41351 0 - '-- 41,587 2b 2.427.673 2005 444 26.149 0 - 593 2,555,163 2006 '544 i19,247 0 119,793 2,451,112 2007 005 If 66 ^ 0 --� _ - 47 i _ t436.748_- 2o08 206 20,550 0 Y 20,75(i2 050,425 `1.104,303 2009 210 22.034 0 ----- 0 2a44 — 2010 210 28 0 0 238 11,139,679 2011 Z0B_it1.030 0 .�140 — 1 78 �1.1111093 -- - 2012 211 7.430 x , JO - 0 8,141 921,023 TRI Total Releases and Transfers by Chemical and Year Chcmiad Name 2004 2005 2006 1 2007 2008 2009 =2610 =2011 2012 i ACETONE r ._._._.._-.MONIA AM _t_. "" ----- ---1--•--._ � � 771 454 207 5 af6 6/24/2014 12:34 PM Datflikd Facility RepW 4 Enfefccraentand CbnVfiw= History Oftline i US EPA bftvj/echo.qm.gov/detailed-facility_Tcport?fid= 11 ONW45230 t7uamai ► me OAlltr"!! COBALT __,- ------ = ^= -- 2004 2S& _ _y608 M 273t861 _ 20% 330094 13,417 _ 2W 27 056 t3,§32 _ — 1(108 279r9}7 6S)M E 2009 169.3 86 927E 20 i 0 153,E_90 I2R367_— .2011 149.962 — F5�398 2412, � t26,530 [3,935� E RSOCYANATFS. _ LYnRQCH :olRIC ACID (1995 AND AFM ACID AEROSU1SONLY) — _ _ 14Q _ - — 150 If1f — — — - _IIYVRDUFN FLUORWE-_----- �._ _ - _- ASW _ 5612!�O 43 _. _ 2-,1675T 33,t71 28,039 - 30,037 28 93, 6 24,039 b97�422 i5A,268 703y= 73f.976 437,723 - 433,b17 426,948 356,586 x[1<ERA7ECOk4POEJNAS _ 5f6i157 _.?74,970 493,ItSb _ 440_r2fi2 22,DD2 _ 11,002 7,902 NMIC ACM --- - POLYCHLORINATED BB"Ei9 qZ 95f;- 1 - lift %444- f 415r 16 363a060 460322 51 176 490175 4 Iqp 72 POLYCYCLICAROMATICCOMPOSJNDS _ _ 563DIUM IIYDROXIDS (f,IDI.UTION} - -_ - _ 140 SODIUM SULFATE (S4LMON) S!}LF[SIIIC AC@ (191A ANDAFr ER ACID AEROSOLS T LYj-- Demographic Profile Demographic Profile of Surrounding Area (3 Mites) This section provides demographic information regarding the community surrounding the facility. ECHO compliance data alone are not sufficient to determine whether violations at a particular facility had negative impacts on public health or the environment. Statistics are based upon the 2010 US Census and American Community data, and are accurate to the extent that the facility latitude and longitude listed below are correct. The latitude and longitude are obtained from the EPA Locational Reference Table (LRT) when available. - Radius of Area: - ----- land Area —r96% -- us Hoeholds inAaea� -----,612__._ _1 Center bttinxir_- .32184 Water Arcs % Homing Units in Area 1,979 CO*N Langiuede: 77.92815 PoEulation Density. 57&q--. _ Households ao Publie.Assistance: Total Persons: - - 9,623 j Pt=oeat Mi 34:t Pasoats:Below Level 2 329 Race Bred:down Ptysons (X} ApeIIkftkd.. Pmons ('A) Whig .6,M (68.52%) Clod 5 yemaasd yomtge=. _ - - Af f=rP-Ataaritm: 74 {,2A 679L)_ - -_ t3'aspasic-0rigig: fi36 (6 61%) Miss 17 xeus and youngw. Adu#e 18 yeas and okkcr.. j2,081 (21.63%4) ,542 (7837%) Asitm/Pa6fat Islander: 6U (.62%) senioa M yeas said olio.I,150 _ (11.9556) —� 1 0dzry /W inwiak 99 (5.19%) F.ducatim Lcve1(Pasoos 25 A oldv) Per3ons M bmww Breakdown Households M Less than 9lh Ga*dc 338 (5-319f.) _-_ I _ Lesa th.m &15,000: 1,214 9th thmugh 121h Gu& 621 (9-76'b} j 3f3,000- 3251100t 186 (5.22%) j High Sc ooi D _ _ 11,983 (31.16%) 325.000 - SS0,000: I,F79 (30.27%.) Soon CoiIcrrJ2-yr _ 350.OW - $75,000, (27.41 %) r B.SM A, or Mare: - 11,214 (19.08%) � 1 � Grestu than S75,W& _-1856 (24.01%) 6 of 6• 6/24/201412:34 FM Lower Cape Fear River Program Monitor Data LCFRP Station Station iD Number HUC Upstream NCF117 B958000 3030W7 Downstream NCF6 B967D00 3030007 Upstream - NCF117 Downstream - NCF6 Date Sampled pH(su) Date Sampled 911711996 5.9 212W19% 71WI997 7 318/1996 8/5/1997 6.8 4MI1996 9/3/1997 6.9 5W1996 10/111997 6.9 6/4/1996 11111/1997 6.6 6//411996 117/1998 6.2 6/1711996 2/1111998 5.6 W7119% 311111996 6.3 7/411996 41WI996 6.1 7l91t998 5/6/1998 6.5 7/1511996 &1011998 6.3 7/25119% 7/8/1998 6.9 819/1996 8/5/1998 6.9 8/14119W 9r211998 5.6 812311996 10f711998 6.4 807119% 11/411998 6.9 9113/19M 12/211998 6.8 9117119% 1/6/1999 6.5 9127119W 2/3/1999 5.2 101411996 301999 6.1 1 W 1211996 4114/1999 6.1 1011511996 619/1999 6.5 11/12/1996 7113/1999 6.7 12/10/1996 8/11/1999 6.3 1211011996 W1999 6.3 11711997 10/611999 6.1 3/11/1997 Si13/1999 6.2 41811997 121WI999 6.6 5/6/1997 1/5/2000 6.7 516r1997 219r1000 6.1 2/411997 318/2600 6 W10/1997 4/5/2000 6.2 6110/1997 5/812000 6.2 7W997 6114R000 5.9 7115r1997 7112r2000 5.8 7/15/1997 819r2000 5.9 7/2511997 9/6/2000 6.5 7/2511997 10/11=0 5.4 7/25/1997 11/9/2000 6.5 8/511997 12/612000 6.3 8/19/1997 1/1a12001 5.8 a11911997 217r2001 6.1 9/3/1997 3I712Wl 6.3 911611997 414r2001 5.7 9/1611997 W912001 6.6 10/111997 Data Pulled From LCFRP Website: httji-//uncw-edu/cros/aelab/t_CFRMtndea.htm Latitude Longitude Location County Comment 34.36368-77.89651 Northeast Cape Fear River at US 117 at Castle Hayne New Hanover DWO ambient stn; dns Elementis Chromium wwtp; sample at dock 34,3171-77.9538 Northeast Cape Fear River Nr Wrightsbom New Hanover Below GNF and Arteva WWTPs pHIsuj 6.6 6,4 5,6 6.1 6.7 6.5 6.1 6 6.2 6.5 5.3 5.7 5.6 5.6 5.5 6.2 5.1 5.7 5.6 5.9 6 5.9 6.6 7 6.9 6.8 7 6,4 7A 6.9 7 6.9 6.9 7 6.9 6.9 7.1 7 6.8 7.3 7.2 7 Tt 7 6.6 nata Summ m Min pH Max PH Medlan PH U m 5.2 7.6 6.4 Downstream 5.0 7.8 6.7 Average Standard Deviation Upstream 6.37 0.40 Downstream 6.64 0.43 Ws can't be 'averaged" since they are log values Jse the numbers in the analysis above. They are more representative. Stream Class Sub Basin B SW CPF23 C SW CPF23 9/9/2010 T.1 MUM 0 7.4 10/62010 5.5 111182010 6.5 12WO10 7.3 12012011 7.1 2/8J2011 6.5 31182011 6.7 41&W11 6.8 51512011 6.9 5/1612011 7.1 6d82011 7 62112011 7.2 7/612011 7.1 72B12011 7.1 8132011 7.1 SJ232011 6.9 911412011 6.5 9282011 6.9 1015/2011 6.6 11PJ2011 6.9 121112011 7 1112/2012 7.5 212M12 T 3113=12 6.6 4242012 7 522012 6.5 5117/2012 6.8 6/6/2012 6.7 612112012 &8 7/112012 6.8 7262012 6.6 8114J2012 6.5 =32012 6.7 91WO12 5.8 9119/2012 6.8 10/102012 6.7 11J82012 6.7 121W012 6.8 1J1012013 6.5 2162013 6.8 3202013 6.6 M29M13 7 5/9/2013 6.8 5/29=13 6.9 6/5M13 6.8 62612013 6.5 7110M13 5.9 7222013 6.5 W2013 6.6 8292013 6.4 9/412013 6.5 9MM13 6.9 10212013 &9 1115/2013 7 12J1212013 6.6 jy rn JI ! 7 1 6 n ,�, E. � S �,� �r • , 1 1 1�1t �.F. l�, ��' •.r t •�r !3 :. 1. 1 ., 1 '1 ,I j r?''1kQt=Q 1, ,raYrj v ��• r', '�� � 4-F1 1 l�•tr, 1j !Jr.-'�� k'�� ' f r ' •1 "il I �1iygq' r C'f \ ,pil l� •�..`t ii`44, t i .' lift �i j�i�jf �'S � i ! +. �,`, �T''' r:'�llfyk�.i.� � �'...,� _ � ,,� r ; ,+�l�t _+lG� 11� 1 �,,► 1 � ,/ • 1,.W -,;-. .'.l+ �z } r �-� ` , t ;'�. o t► 4 ��r 1+ ! I r tr �'N �!e i r 5 �, . 9�,f r � 1.. �1i • � (• i � wYr, r `� � , . � ���J � � '. �, '�'���tyiy � l _, r � � 4� }�.sLre� ;' ^ - �i �.! �.. ,.�• # t' � -f4 a �,.y r�,li { i •- ,_ f Y /�' - J ��• ` 'fy��� • 'P ,fS; �.� I 1� _ ��r- � �'p �' r.fi�'3.°,3'j ,r ` �i�,.. '�,/ • �y.f `. 1- •i k�- ti ,^-'Sr1. G., I to rt}r • 17,"� ''� V ,r r, , ,1 ,. ,/ , T ,.�, , {' j.l+ , O. ' h 1-r ' �luk" rt' ! ! l.� � ` �f rtt y,. y � , - S 1'��• � •i !C�'4 }` L r , ',) +� '�:; r r�,fr J.Jy._', Ij ; , �- ., ,...l - ; '`, `1ti.,,C.'+r 1,`� " 1•, ., i..,. 11 x ' 1'�5�j'!, -��/��.rp�.��t`�'�.o^' •� i ' � I ' I �+t '° f ;% � �-�?� � � �F �•i} � ,�f��lr���t r � � � f ' �F'! { � J 1 f , 1 tip . ,� t � + �• , ,y { r iL�� � ` , -! " a:''i ' , . b• f � y� � f�, . 0.��.,h, , • ' � � �i... k , .L� �' • , 1J �' {h'•,� f r 'I' `3 trc� >< t. SECTION NO.6 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN CERTIFICATION • STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND IlVIPLEMENTATION CERTIFICATION North Carolina Division of Water Quality - Stormwater Permitting Unit Facility Name: Wilmington -Castle Hayne Site Permit Number: NCS000022 Location Address: Thomas Edison St Wilmington, NC 28401 County: New Hanover "I certify, under penalty of law, that the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) document and all attachments were developed and implemented under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel property gather and evaluate the information required by the SPPP. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information gathered is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete." And "I certify that the SPPP has been , develo edsigned and retained at the named facility location, and the SPPP P g has been filly implemented at this facility location in accordance with the terms and conditions of the stormwater discharge permit." And "I am aware that there are significant penalties for falsifying information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Sign (according to permit signatory requirements) and return this Certification. DO NOT SEND STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN WITH THIS CERTIFICATION. Signature ft- f`t Print or type name of pe signing above Date �r Title SPPP Certification 5/09 0 SECTION NO.5 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION � SIGNIFICANT FACILITY CHANGES .7 • SECTION NO.5 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION CJ • SIGNIFICANT FACILITY CHANGES There have been many changes to the facility since the last application was submitted in 2004. Table 5 (below) summarizes these changes by Outfall Area. Orrtfall Change Sunumry 1 Added ATC 1 and ATC 2 buildings and large parking area (2007, 2008) • Added stormwater retention pond (2007). Outfall relocated. • Si -cant increase in a area 0.1 to 39.8 acres 2 • Much of drainage area moved to Outfall 1 retention pond. 2007 3 • Much of drainage area moved to Outfall 4 retention pond (2007) • NUMAC lab building expansion 2011) 4 • Aircraft parking expansion and east stormwater retention pond added (2007) • Outfall relocated. • NUMAC Lab parkLng expansion directed to retention p2nd 2011} 9 • Nu Cafe constructed. New sources but no change in area or impervious surfaces. 11 . Redefined to include old O itfall 17 area and sources. 2011 13 • Fluoride and Nitrate lagoons cleaned and removed from service.(2006) • Old CAF2 warehouses cleaned out and convened to offices and tooling shops. (2007) • Added WSFC office, panting and stormwater retention pond. (2007) • 17 old industrial / chemical sources removed 2008-2010 14 • 1-140 put into service (2005) • Most of the on -site drainage area redirected to stormwater pond at Outfall 1 2007 16 . Added south road and west parking area. (2011) • Added west stormwater retention pond (2011). • Outfall created 9/2011 17 . Outfall removed — area drains though Outfall 11 (9/2011 18 . Outfall created for temporary sludge treatment area 9/2011) GE zldmingwn—NMES Scorry wrPern3k Renewal Suppler a zal Info —SW PermitAppl 09262011_doac Section 5 Page 5-1 • SECTION NO.4 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION BEST MANAGEMENT PRAC1710ES GE Wilmington is committed to preventing pollution at the source, and as such, has implemented numerous best management practices (BMPs) and at -source stormwater pollution prevention controls to reduce the quantity of pollutants in the stormwater runoff. The structural controls (e.g., containment, dike, curb, and/or roof) and management practices employed at the individual significant materials at GE Wilmington are listed in Table 2 in the Supplemental Information Section No. 1. The site -wide BMPs that are utilized by GE Wilmington are described in this section and include: => Good Housekeeping, => Inspections/Preventative Maintenance Program, => Outside Material Storage/Tanks/Secondary Containment, => Material Handling, => Spill Prevention and Response, =:> Sewer and Qutfall Identification, and => Employee Training. Good Housekeeping GE Wilmington maintains a clean and orderly facility through implementation of a variety of programs, practices, and procedures, including: ■ Regular pickup and disposal of garbage and debris ■ Routine inspection for leaks ■ Proper material container storage practices ■ Identification and labeling of all chemical substances ■ Disposal of old equipment and used chemicals These housekeeping practices help to reduce waste and pollutant generation as well as the potential for spills and leaks. Inspections/Preventative Maintenance Program The preventive maintenance program at GE Wilmington ensures that the stormwater control facilities are clean and operating effectively. The program consists of visual inspection, cleaning, and repair activities. Inspections are conducted at the stormwater . controls and the significant materials identified on the Site Map and Table 2 in the Supplemental Infomnation Section No. 1. At a muumum, these inspections are conducted GE Varnington—:FOES Swrznwatcr Perznt Reac%-al Section 4 supplemental Info_SW Perma Appt_Q926201 ].float Page 4-1 semiannually. Upon completion of the inspection, any cleaning and repair activities, if needed, are documented. Completion of the inspections, cleaning, and repairs are tracked electronically. Specific inspection areas include: ■ Material handling and storage areas ■ Secondary containment areas • Stormwater outfalls • Catch basins and trench drains ■ Roofs and covers ■ Potential spills and areas of possible contamination Outside Material Storage/Tanks/Secondary Containment GE Wilmington's practices and activities related to outside material storage areas and aboveground tanks are in place to prevent or minimize contact of significant materials with stormwater. Many material storage areas are covered and/or have containment curbing or grading. Aboveground tanks are in compliance with federal and state laws for conrain�rent, integrity testing, overflow protection, and protective guards. Stormwater retained by the curbing or dikes is visually inspected for contaminants prior to release. . BMPs currently in use include: • Provide secondary containment for liquid storage ■ Provide containment curbing, dikes, and/or grading • Cover materials to eliminate exposure to stormwater ■ Store materials on pallets or racy ■ Visually inspect stormwater retained by curbing/dikes/containment prior to release ■ Move storage areas inside if possible Material Handling Material loading and unloading is typically conducted in areas designed to reduce potential contact with stormwater. Loading areas for bulk chemical transfers are either. (1) contained to allow visual inspection of stormwater prior to release, or (2) are graded to direct stormwater to the process drain system for treatment prior to discharge. The stormwater is contained during transfer operations by secondary containment, curbing, grading, trays, and/or drain covers. Further, manual valves in the closed position have been installed in select storm drains. Direct pipeline transfers are in place for several materials and waste streams. This method of material transfer greatly reduces the potential of stormwater contamination. • There are detailed written guidelines on loading and unloading procedures in the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan. GE'X-2a ngun -\?DES Srormwzmr Perri¢ Rmcw; f Section 4 suppfcmmtat Info -SW Prr=� AppLO926201 Ldo" page 4-1 . Spill Prevention and Respgnse GE Wilmington has written procedures on spill prevention and response_ These procedures describe the protocol of responding to a spill and the individuals at the site who should be contacted. The procedures are included in the facility Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Platt and in the Radiological Contingency and Emergency Plan. Site staff are trained on spill prevention and response. Employee Training The Employee Education and Training Program is designed to familiarize key employees with the intent and components of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Training is provided for employees involved in operations with the potential to affect stormwater. Topics included in the training session include: ■ General stormwater awareness ■ How to use the Stonnwater Pollution Prevention Plan ■ C.heniical spill response procedures ■ Preventative maintenance ■ Inspection procedures ■ Materials management practices ■ Good housekeeping measures • Sewer and Outfall Identification 0 There are three separate drainage collection systems at the facility. process wastewater, sanitary wastewater, and stormwater. Sewer manhole covers and catch basins have been color -coded to distinguish between these systems. Also, as described previously, placards have been posted at most stormwater outfalls. This ensures consistent location evaluation during visual monitoring, outfall inspections, and non- stormwater discharge assessments. GE Wilmington— N?DES Stormwarer Permit &newal Section 4 supPlenatalInfo-SW Pem2iApPl_o9z62o1L&" Page 4-3 • r O 0 w 9 • SECTION NO.3 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION VISUAL MONITORING Qualitative visual monitoring occurs at all stormwater outfalls each year on a semiannual basis, once in the Spring between April and June, and again in the Fall between September and November. Visual observation is conducted of the following characteristics: color, odor, clarity, solids, foam, oil sheen, and any other indicator of stormwater pollution. To facilitate the visual monitoring inspections, placards have been posted at most stormwater outfalls. This ensures consistent location evaluation during visual monitoring, outfall inspections, and non-stormwater discharge assessments. Semi-annual outfall visual monitoring events are tracked in the Compliance Calendar. This program alerts the GE owner of the task that the visual monitoring must occur, and the task remains "open" until completed and closed in the system. The completed visual monitoring results are maintained in that year's SWPPP binder. The subsequent pages summarize the semi annual visual monitoring results by outfall from • Spring 2007 through Spring 2011. The information has been summarized in the table based on inspection reports and work order documentation. Values greater than 3 are investigated and documented in the SWPPP for that year. • Note: Outfails 16 and 18 were added after the Spring 2011 monitoring and do not yet have data to included in Table 4. Likewise, Outfal! 17 was removed after the Spring 2011 monitoring and is listed throughout Table 4. G£ Wilmingcno- \PDES Stormw=r Permit Renews! Section 3 Supplemenm! Info SwPerms App1_0926201 I.dncx Page 3- 1 Table Asual Monitoring Results • 0 OUT#ALL pA7� INSPECTOR SWAN° STAININQ OTHER 1 4-Apr-07 Michael Phipps NA None NA NA No No None 2 4-Apr-07 Michael Phipps NA None NA NA No No None 3 4-Apr-07 Michael Phipps Tan None 5 1 No No None 4 4-Apr-07 Michael Phipps NA None NA NA No No None 5 4-Apr-07 Michael Phipps NA None NA NA No No None 6 4-Apr-07 Michael Phipps Brown None 1 5 No No None 7 4-Apr-07 I Michael Phipps Brown None 1 5 No No None 8 4-Apr-07 Michael Phipps Brown None 1 5 No No None 9 4-Apr-07 Michael Phipps Radish Brown Clear None 1 1 No No None 10 4-Apr-07 Michael Phipps NA None NA NA No No None 11 4-A r-07 Michael Phipps NA None NA NA No No None 12 4-Apr-07 Michael Phipps Clear None 1 1 No No None 13 4-Apr-07 Michael Phipps Brown None 1 2 No No None 14 4-Apr-07 Michael Phipps Red None 10 10 No No None 15 4-Apr-07 Michael Phipps Brown None 7 5 No No None 17 4-Apr-07 Michael Phipps None None NA NA No No None 1 26-Oct-07 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish None None NA NA No No None 2 26-0ct-07 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Tan None 9 8 No No None 3 26-Oct-07 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Greyish Tan None 6 6 Yes Yes Yes Outfall staining with Ire Oxidation 4 26-Oct-07 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Greyish Tan None 7 5 No No None 5 26-Oct-07 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish None None NA NA No No None 6 26-0ct-07 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish NA None NA NA No No None 7 26-Oct-07 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Clear None 2 1 Yes No None 8 26-Oct-07 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Clear None 2 2 Yes No Yes Outfall staining with Fe Oxidation 9 26-Oct-07 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Greyish Tan None 5 4 Yes No Yes Oulfall staining with Fe Oxidation GF Wilmington— NPDI:S Stonnwater Permit Renewal Page 1 of 9 September 26, 2011 Supplemental Iriformation Section No. 3, Table 4 Table 4: visual Monitorina Results 41111111111110 • OUTFACE #' DATE INSPECTOR COLOR ODOR' CLARITY' SOLIDS' FOAM+ OIL 8MEENI STAINING OTHER 10 26-0ct-07 Carolyn Keith, NA None NA NA No No None Sheryl Parrish 11 26-Oct-07 Carolyn Keith, NA None NA NA No No None Sheryl Parrish 12 26-Oct-07 Carolyn Keith, Light Green None 5 3 No No Yes Outfall staining with Fe Sheryl Parrish Oxidation 13 26-Oct-07 Carolyn Keith, Clear None 1 6 No No Yes Outfall staining with Fe Sheryl Parrish Oxidation 14 26-00-07 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Tan None 2 4 No No Yes Algae Staining in Culvert 15 26-Oct-07 Carolyn Keith, Clear None 2 1 No No None Sheryl Parrish 17 26-Oct-07 Carolyn Keith, Clear None 2 2 Yes No None Sheryl Parrish Carolyn Keith, Culvert dry even during 1 15-Jun-08 Sheryl Parrish Clear None 5 5 No No Slight Fe gusher -Water flows from swells into Rip Rap. 2 15-Jun-08 Carolyn Keith, Clear None 3 2 Yes No Fe Sheryl Parrish 3 15-Jun-08 Carolyn Keith, Tan None 8 5 No Yes Fe Sheryl Parrish 4 15-Jun-08 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Clear None 2 4 No No Mildew 5 15-Jun-08 Carolyn Keith, pry None NA NA NA NA NA Sheryl Parrish 6 15-Jun-08 Carolyn Keith, She I Parrish Clear None 1 1 No No No No gate 7 15-Jun-08 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Clear None 2 1 No No No No gate 8 15-Jun-08 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish ran None 5 3 No No Fe No gate 8i 15-Jun-08 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Clear None 2 2 Yes No Fe 9 15-Jun-08 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Clear None 3 5 Yes No Fe Garbage in channel Cif: Wiiltnington---M'1)ES Stonnwater1'ennit Renewal Page 2 of 9 September 26, 2011 Supplemental Information Section No. 3, Table 4 Table 440sual Monitoring Results 0 • IFOUTFALL=DTINSP�GTOR ':_ ,. COLOR =� - 0DCR' CLARITY' SOLIpS' FOAM I- OIL a STAININQ10 =OTHEFM 0' . .._ 8HEEN 11 25-Sep-08 Carolyn Keith, No Flow 1 Sheryl Parrish Channel needs cleaning out 12 25-Sep-08 Carolyn Keith, Clear 1 1 4 5 1 Fe down stream from spillway Sheryl Parrish and grass needs mowing on channel side. 13 25-Sep-08 Carolyn Keith, Light Tan 1 2 3 1 1 Fe Organic debris needs Sheryl Parrish cleaning out of channel. 14 25-Sep-08 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Light Tan 1 5 8 1 1 Fe 15 25-Sep-08 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Light Tan 1 2 3 1 1 1 Culvert overgrown. 17 25-Sep-08 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Clear 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16-Jun-09 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Tan 1 8 6 1 1 Mud 2 16-Jun-09 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish tight Gray 1 3 1 2 1 Fe 3 16 Jun-b9 Carolyn Keith, Grey 1 8 3 1 4 Fe Sheryl Parrish 4 16-Jun-09 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Light Grey 1 4 5 2 1 1 5 16-Jun-09 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish No Flow 6 16-Jun-09 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Grey 1 4 2 3 1 Fe 7 16-Jun-09 Carolyn Keith, Clear 1 2 2 1 1 1 Sheryl Parrish Carolyn Keith, 8 16-Jun-09 Sheryl Parrish Grey/Tan 1 3 4 1 1 1 8i 16-Jun-09 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Clear 1 3 2 2 1 Fe Culvert overgrown. 9 16-Jun-09 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Tan 1 6 3 1 1 Fe 10 16-Jun-09 Carolyn Keith, No Flow Sheryl Parrish GE? Wilmington— WDRS Stonnwater Pemba Renewal Page 4 of 9 September 26, 2011 Supplemental Information Section No. 3, Table 4 Table Asual Monitorina Results W—F-A-LL QAT� INSPECTOR COLOR ODOR CLARITY $DLiDBa FOAM BTAININo OTM�R sH'EN6 11 16-Jun-09 Carolyn Keith, No Flow Sheryl Parrish Debris cleaning needed 12 16-Jun-09 Carolyn Keith, Clear 1 1 3 4 1 Fe down stream from spillway Sheryl Parrish and channel sides need mowing. 13 16-.tun-09 Carolyn Keith, Grey 1 6 5 1 3 Fe Channel needs debris Sheryl Parrish cleaning. 14 16-Jun-09 Carolyn Keith, Light Tan 1 3 4 1 1 Fe Sheryl Parrish 15 16-Jun-09 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Light Brown 1 4 4 2 1 Fe Culvert overgrown. 17 16-Jun-09 Carolyn Keith, Grey/Tan 1 5 2 1 1 Chalky Sheryl Parrish 1 11-Nov-09 Carolyn Keith, Clear 1 3 1 1 1 No Sheryl Parrish 2 11-Nov-09 Carolyn Keith, Fe 1 2 2 1 1 Fe Sheryl Parrish 3 11-Nov-09 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Tannic 1 4 2 1 1 Fe/Mold Needs Cleaning. 4 11-Nov-09 Carolyn Keith, Clear 1 1 3 1 1 No Sheryl Parrish 5 11-Nov-09 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish No Flow NA NA NA NA NA NA 6 11-Nov-09 Carolyn Keith, No Flow NA NA NA NA NA No Needs Cleaning. Sheryl Parrish 7 11-Nov-09 Carolyn Keith, Clear 1 1 1 2 1 No Needs Cleaning. Sheryl Parrish 8 11-Nov-09 Carolyn Keith, Sheryl Parrish Clear 1 1 2 1 1 Fe Needs Cleaning. Si Carolyn Keith, Clear 1 1 1 1 1 No Sheryl Parrish L11-Nov-09 Carolyn Keith,Iran Algae 1 4 3 2 1 Fe Sheryl ParrishCarolyn Keith, No Flow NA NA NA NA NA NA Sheryl Parrish Stnnnuater 3'ennit Rrnewal Page 5 of 9 Supplemental Information Section No. 3, Table 4 September 26, 2011 Table Asual Monitorinq Results OUTFAL: 0 DATE INSPECTOR COLOR ODOR' CLARITy2 SOLIDS' FOAM OIL a SHEEN STAINING OTHER 11 11-Nov-09 Carolyn Keith, Slight Tan 1 4 4 1 1 No Sheryl Parrish Carolyn Keith, 12 11-Nov-09 Clear 1 1 2 3 1 Fe Sheryl Parrish 13 11-Nov-09 Carolyn Keith, Slight Tannic 1 3 1 1 1 Fe Sheryl Parrish 14 11-Nov-09 Carolyn Keith, Dark Tan 1 4 1 2 1 Fe Sheryl Parrish 15 11-Nov-09 Carolyn Keith, Tannic 1 2 4 2 1 Not visible Needs Cleaning. Sheryl Parrish 17 11-Nov-09 Carolyn Keith, Clear 1 1 2 1 1 No Sheryl Parrish 1 30-Jun-10 A. Brown Tanic 1 6 4 1 1 Mud F. Stroehmer 2 30-Jun-10 A' Brown Light Grey 1 3 2 1 1 Mud F. Stroehmer 3 30-Jun-10 A. Brown Dark Grey 1 4 4 1 1 Mud F. Stroehmer 4 30-Jun-10 A. Brown Clear 1 1 1 1 1 None F. Stroehmer 5 30-Jun-10 A. Brown F. Stroehmer No Flow No Drainage. 6 30-Jun-1Q A. Brown Slightly Cloudy 1 3 3 3 1 Fe No direct access; difficult to F Stroehmer do qualitative monitoring. 7 30-Jun-10 A. Brown Cloudy 1 4 3 1 1 None No direct access; difficult to F. Stroehmer do qualitative monitoring. 8 30 Jun-10 A. Brown Slightly Cloudy 1 2 2 3 1 None No direct access; difficult to F. Stroehmer do qualitative monitoring. 8i 30-Jun-10 A. Brown Clear 1 1 1 1 1 None F. Stroehmer 9 30-Jun-10 A. Brown Clear 1 1 2 1 1 None F. Stroehmer 10 30-Jun-10 A' Brown No Flow F. Stroehmer 11 30-Jun-10 A. Brown Cloudy 1 4 4 1 1 None F. Stroehmer GE Wilmington —NUDES Stonnwater Pennk Renewal Page 6 of 9 September 26, 2011 Supplemental Informration Section No. 3, Table 4 Table Asual Monitoring Results 0 • OUTFALL DATE INSPECTOR COLOR ODOR' CLARITY' SOLIDS' FOAM'S OIL a STAINING OTHER # SHEEN 12 30-Jun-10 A. Brown Clear 1 1 2 2 1 Fe F. Stroehmer 13 30-Jun-10 A. Brown Clear 1 3 4 1 1 None F. Stroehmer 14 30-Jun-10 A. Brown F. Stroehmer Cloudy 1 9 5 1 1 None 15 30-Jun-10 A. Brown Tannic 1 3 4 2 1 Fe F. Stroehmer 17 30-Jun-10 A. Brown Clear 1 1 2 1 1 None F. Stroehmer 1 27-Sep-10 A. Brown tight Orange 1 3 2 1 1 Slightly F. Stroehmer Muddy 2 27 Sep 10 A. Brown Slightly Cloudy 1 2 2 1 1 No F. Stroehmer 3 27-Se -10 p A. Brown Clear 1 2 3 1 1 No F. Stroehmer 4 27-Sep 10 A. Brown Clear 1 2 2 1 1 No F. Stroehmer 5 27-Sep-10 A. Brown F. Stroehmer Slightly Cloudy 1 2 4 1 1 No 6 27-Se 10 p A. Brown Clear 1 1 1 1 1 No F. Stroehmer 7 27-Se -10 p A. Brown Clear 1 1 1 2 1 No F. Stroehmer 8 27-Sep-10 A. Brown Clear 1 1 3 1 1 No F. Stroehmer 8i 27-Se -10 p A. Brown Clear 1 2 2 1 1 No F. Stroehmer 9 27-Sep-10 A. Brown Clear 1 2 2 1 1 No F. Stroehmer 10 27-Sep 10 A. Brown Clear 1 1 3 1 1 No F. Stroehmer 11 27-Se 10 p A. Brown F. Stroehmer Clear 1 1 2 1 1 No 12 27-Se 10 p A. Brown Clear 1 1 2 1 1 No F. Stroehmer CE Wilrningtnn—NI'DE's StonnwaterlIcant Renewal Page 7 of 9 September 26. 2011 Supplemental ]nfonmation Section No. 3, Table 4 Table 4:41sual Monitorina Results • 40 OIJTFALL DATE INSPECTOR COLOR ODOR' CLARITY; SOLIDS; FOAM'r OIL a STAINING OTHER # SHEEN: 13 27-Se -10 p A. Brown Clear 1 2 3 1 1 No F. Stroehmer 14 27-Se 10 p A. Brown Clear 1 2 2 1 1 No F. Stroehmer 15 27-Se 10 p A. Brown Clear 1 1 1 1 1 No F. Stroehmer 17 27-Se 10 p A. Brown Clear 1 1 1 1 1 No F. Stroehmer 1 5-Apr-11 A. Brown F. Stroehmer Clear 1 3 2 2 1 None 2 5-A r-11 P A. Brown Clear 1 2 2 3 1 None F. Stroehmer Very high presence of 3 5-Apr-11 A. Brown Slight Yellow 1 3 5 2 1 Muddy pollen, which is why the F. Stroehmer color and staining are slight or light yellow. 4 5-Apr-11 A. Brown Slight Yellow 1 3 8 3 1 Light F. Stroehmer Yellow 5 5-Apr-11 A. Brown No Flow NA NA NA NA NA NA F. Stroehmer 6 5-Apr-11 A. Brown Clear 1 2 4 3 1 None F. Stroehmer 7 5-Apr-11 A. Brown Clear 1 2 4 3 1 None F. Stroehmer 8 5-Apr-11 A. Brown Clear 1 2 4 3 1 None F. Stroehmer 81 5-Apr-11 A. Brown Clear 1 2 4 3 1 None F. Stroehmer 9 5-Apr-11 A. Brown F. Stroehmer Clear 1 2 5 2 1 None A lot of trash in this ditch. 10 5-Apr-11 A. Brown F. Stroehmer No Flow NA NA NA NA NA NA 11 5-Apr-11 A. Brown No Flow NA NA NA NA NA NA F. Stroehmer 12 5-Apr-11 A. Brown Clear 1 2 4 2 1 None F. Stroehmer 13 5-Apr-11 A. Brown Clear 1 2 4 3 1 None F. Stroehmer GG Wilmington— N11DES S[onn"terPermh Rrnemd Page 8 of 9 September 26, 2011 Supplemental Infomiation Section No. 3, Table 4 Table 4:9sual Monitoring Results • 0 toUTFALL OATS 1 8PEC- 0 COLOR Op AV CLARITY =ME OIL a STAINING OTHER #: SHEEN �; . Not much water in this outfall. Above observations were made before attempt to 14 5-Apr-11 A. Brown Clear 1 2 5 2 1 None collect sample. Channel F. Stroehmer sediment was disturbed by the sampling process causing extreme sample turbidity. 15 5-Apr-11 A. Brawn F. Stroehmer Clear 1 2 2 3 1 None 17 5-Apr-11 A. Brown F. Stroehmer No Flow NA NA NA NA NA NA 'Odor. Inspectors used a variety of designations for No Odor including "None"," 1" 2 Clarity, Rated 1-10 with 1 —Gear and 10 = Cloudy. ' Solids. Rated 1-10 with 1 = no solids and 10 — high solids. a Foam: Inspectors used a variety of designations including "Yes", "No" and ratings of 1-10 with 1 = no foam and 10 = complete foam coverage. s Oil Sheen: Inspectors used a variety of designations including "Yes", "No" and ratings of 1-10 with I = no detectable sheen and 10 = heavy sheen across complete water surface. "NA" or blank cells indicate there was no water present to rate. GF Wilmington—N19FS 5tannwatert'enna Renewal Page 9 of 9 September 26, 2011 Supplemental Information Section No. 3, Table 4 SECTION NO.2 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ANALYTICAL MONITORING L� • Table 3: Stormwater Discharge Analytical Data Outfall No. Date Sample Collected Total Flow, MG Lead, mg/L Oil & Grease mg/L Total Susp Solids mg/L PH SDO #9 06/20/07 0.8 0.004 <6.0 5.0 6.1 SDO #13 06/20/07 0.76 NA <6.0 16.0 5.7 SDO #14 06/20/07 0.38 NA <6.0 10.0 5.8 SDO #9 10/26/07 0.31 0.007 ND 5 22 7.7 SDO #9 Duplicate 10/26/07 0.31 0.008 10 28 7.7 SDO # 13 10/26/07 0.29 NA ND 5 ND 3 7.8 SDO #14 10/26/07 0.15 NA ND 5 338 7.9 SDO # 9 06/15/08 0.27 0.014 11.8 3.1 6.87 SDO #13 06/15/08 0.26 NA 9.4 60.7 5.54 SDO #14 06/15/08 0.06 NA 8.8 53.7 6.98 SDO #9 Duplicate 06/15/08 0.27 0.013 9.4 3.1 6.87 SDO # 9 09/25/08 2.62 0.007 <5 4 7.42 SDO #13 09/25/08 2.50 NA <5 9 6.53 SDO #14 09/25/08 0.56 NA <5 9 7.56 SDO #9 Duplicate 09/25/08 NA 0.006 <5 4 7.42 SDO # 9 06/16/09 0.29 0.007 <5 17 7.45 SDO #13 06/16/09 0.27 NA <5 43 6.30 SDO #14 06/16/09 0.06 NA <5 12 7.00 SDO#9 Duplicate 06/16/09 NA 0.008 <5 17 7.45 SDO # 9 11/10/09 0.26 <0.010 <5 23 7.42 SDO #13 11/10/09 0.25 NA <5 10 4.84 SDO #14 11/10/09 0.06 NA <5 14 7.05 SDO #9 Duplicate 11/10/09 0.26 <0.010 <5 22 7.42 SDO # 9 06/30/10 0.93 <0.010 <5 <2.5 6.67 SDO #13 06/30/10 1.45 NA <5 <8.3 5.93 SDO #14 06/30/10 0.26 NA <5 46 6.53 SDO #9 Duplicate 06/30/10 0.93 <0.010 <5 <2.5 6.67 SDO # 9 09/27/10 13.77 <0.010 <5 4.2 5.52 SDO #13 09/27/10 13.12 NA <5 5.3 5.31 SDO #14 09/27/10 2.96 NA <5 3.0 5.56 SDO #9 ❑uplicate 09//27/10 13.77 <0.010 <5 4.6 5.52 SDO # 9 04/05/11 0.15 0.0103 <5 <2.5 6.79 SDO #13 04/05/11 0.15 NA <5 11.4 6.04 SDO #14 06/20/11 0.05 NA <5 8.9 7.08 SDO # 9 Duplicate 1 04/05/11 1 0.15 1 NA 1 <5 <2.5 1 6.79 GE WInu r - \TIDE$ Sto=wwr Pc=r Rene -mod Section 2 Page 2-2 • Table 2: Signient Materials r 1 Structural ConlrolAi!oasure Employed Management Pntctice Destin. of SW Runoff Method of. SW Release RESPONSIBILITY Source Significant physical icpl' Load or Process WW i•lolil/Visual' I Manager/Leader Number' Male doll Building Potm, Store Grntalner i Access Dike I Curti Roof Storm Dmin Drain Direct Inspection p � Inspector Refnte1clease (ass ofSeptemher2011), Site Stotmwateri.eader OUTFAI.I. I C.ONDUCr VISUAL. INSPECTION OFSTORMWAITH, DURING RAIN EVENT / DOCUMENT CI-IARACrE.RIS ICq (Semi -Annual) Shawn O'Connor **RTI / AMEC Site Stormwater Leader OUI'FAI.I. 2 CONDUCI' VISUAL. INSITCTION OI', STORMWAITR DURING RAIN PW-N"T / DOCUMENT CTIARACI'ERISTIC S (Semi -Annual) Shawn O'Connor' **RTI / AMHC SCO building Manager 2-A SCJO - Chemical Storage (cast nf hkig) liquid X Drums X X X (Valved) X Jim Ohemessor "Dave Heger OD S(X) Building Manager 2.11 SOO Duntpstets { -4} (eas5off b1dgl Solid X Durnpsters X X X (Valved) X ]eanne Thnntc "Dave Reger oU'rmm. 3 CONDUCT VISUAL 1NSP. FcrioN OF S7'ORMWATI? R DURING; RAIN EVENT / DOCUMENT C FIARAcTPRISTICS (Semi. Site Stormwater header Shawn D'Cnnnor Annual) *"RTI / AMPC AF - 5,000-gal Used Oil AE "Tank AE Maintenance leader 3 A 'Tank (east of hldg) Liquid X X X X X (Valved) X Fddie Gurganiotts ww AndtOny Stnith AE Maintenance I.rader 3 ]i AF- 6,000-gal Used Oil Dnuhle-Walled "Tank AG (east of hldg) liquid X Double -.walled 'Tank X Double -wailed tank , X (Valved) X (double -walled tint') Eddie Gurganiotts ww Anthony Smith AE Maintenance leader 3•C AE - 10,000-gal Used Oil Double -Walled Tank At: (east of hldg) Liquid h Double-walled lank X I] nuble-wailed tank X (Valved) X (double walledtxnk} Eddie Gurganious rw Anthony Smith AE Maintenance leader 3-1) AF- 300 al Used Oil AL' liquid 'I ank X X X (Valved) X Eddie Gurganious Evapnnttnr (east of hldg) ww Anthony Smith AE Maintenance leader 3-F AF DUrnp5ters (9) AE, (cast of hldg) Solid X Dunipster X X X (Valved) X Eddie Gurganious Anthony Smith 3 ! Site - 2200 al Diesel Fttel 'Tank- All, 1-rquid X Double -walled X X (Valved) X (double -walled tank) Site Maintenance Manager Steve Riemersnta Generator (east of hldg) Tank "Mike Phipps/David Allen OUTFALL A CONDUCT VISUAL INSI'ECI'ION OP STORMWATI;R DURING RAIN 1-WH 'T / DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS (Semi. Site StormwalerLeader Shan O'Connor Annual) **RTI / AMEC GE Wilmington—NIrDES Stormwater Permit Renewai Page 1 of 11 September 26, 2011 Supplemental Information Section No. 1, Table 2 0 Table 2: S(gnilant Materials • Structural Gontmlftasum Pmployrd Management Practice Destin, of SW Runoff Method'of SW Release RESPONSIBILITY Source Signiflcant Physical load or 1Io1d/Visual Mann cr/l.cader I II Number,Building 1Vlaterials Farm Store Container Access Dfke Curb Roof Storm Dmin 'Process WW Drain, Direct lospection **Inspector Beforte Release i (as of Septemberx0ll) Site StornwaterLea der OUTFALL S CONDUCT VISUAL INSPFCrION ON STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/ DOCUMENT Cl-IARAC FRISTICS (Semi•Annital) Shawn O'Connor *own / AMEC Al; Maintenance Ixader 5 A AE - al Storage Building A1? (North of Bldg) Liquid X Drums in bwiding X X X X X X Eddie Gurganious ** Anthony Smith Al.,' Maintenance leader 5-h Al, Duut stets O 5 AE (north of hldg) Solid X Dwn rsters I X X X X Eddie Gurganinus "*Anthony Srnith AE Maintenance Leader 5•C AE North Conlin !Tower g AL (north of bldg) Liquid Coglin Cower X X X Eddie Gutganinus ** Anthony Smith 011117ALL 6 CONDUCT' VISUAL INSPfiCI'ION OF STORMWXI'EIL DURING RAIN EVENT / DOCUMENT GIARACITRISTICS (Semi. Site Stormwaterl,eadcr Annual) Shawn O'Connnr **Wl'l / AMEC Site Maintenance Manager 6-A AE Mundy Duntpscers AL (West of hldo Solid X Dumpsters X X X X Steve Riemersma "*Mike Phipps/David Allot OUI'PALL 7 CONUUCI' VISUAL INSI'WrION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT / DOCUMENT ©HARACI'LRISTICS (Semi,Annual) Site StorrnwaterLeader Shawn O'Connor **RTI / AMrC AE Maintenance Leader TAATanks AE- (2) Ethylene Glycol AE Liquid X ranks (2) X X X X Eddie Gurganiotts (nonh of bldg) ** Anthony Smith AE Maintenance Ixader 7-B Ali - Gnling Tower AE (north of bldg) Liquid X Cooling `Lower X Eddie Gurganious Anthony Smith 7-C.EmergencyGeneratnr Gtmputer Room Al' t'tgUid X Tank -� double X X X X Site Maintenance Manager Steve Rientersma Double Wall Tank (north of hkig) wall "*Mike Phipps/David Allen OU'1'ITALT. CONDUCE VISUAL. INSPI?CI'ION OF 5i'ORMWA'11R DURING RAIN EVENT / DOCUMI-'N'I' CI-IA)tACI'I,'RISTICS (Semi. Site Stnnnwater Leader 8/8I Annual) Shawn O'Connor 't*RTI / AMI?C: GE Wilmington— NPDES Stomtwater Permit Renewal Page 2 of 11 September 26, 2011 Supplememil Information Section No. 1, Table 2 0 Table 2: Signitnt Materials 0 W. i 'Source = ;�Nunther.4 1 SlgniBcant Materials = Iluilding ., I'h `ical amt Slane Ctsntainer a Groad ar 1 Access Structurnl Control Measu I?mplayed IE,11n- af,SW 11gno I4fanagjment Amctice Mcthad of SW Rcicnse IIald/Visual RI?SI'QNSIlsI1 I t Y ' , 4 t ' ; Gtr4t Roaf , I rocCas WW d Manager/1-oo , ? Stamt Drnin 1)Min I]lmet inspection I "Tuspcctar t clef Rcicasc (aa olSeptemherr2Rt1} 8-A Metal (lips in Dumpster AE Spud X Donipster X X X Retum to process X AF Maintenance leader Eddie Gurganiowi (under roof] (NW of bldg) "" Anthony Stttith AE - Waste Macro Etc AF `rank (Out of N A ' Al: Maintenance leader 8• It Tank (west of Bldg) Liquid q Service) rank out aE X X X X (since not in service ) Eddie Gurganious Pa 3 service ** AnthonySri ith SCX) - 20,000-gal Waste 5CD Tank {Out of N/A SM Building Manager 8•C Coolant/lied Dye Tank (west of bldg) l-iquid Service} Tank out of X X X X (:;ace not in:ervcel lim Ohemessor (C1u 9`S � service "Pave (Seger AE Maintenance leader 8-I] SC O Chfc Dumpsters (3) (west of b1dg) Solid X Dumpster X X (2) Closed) X X Eddie Gurgartior[s " Anthony Smith 8-L SW Cafeteria Grease SOD Liquid X I Metal Bin X X X X Site Maintenance Manager Steve Riemersrna Accumulation Bin (west of bldg) ""Mike Phipps/David Allen O1->'CFAU.9 CONDUCI' VISUAI. INSPECI-ION OF STORMWUHR DURING RAIN EVENT/ DOCUMENT :G IARACHU11STICS mi. Sc ( - Site StnnnwatcrI ender Annual); CANI]UCl' QUAN fI'FATIVf? SAMI'L[NG 1'1:R Np[]i?S PI:Rl41I i' (Semi -Annual).,, Shiwn O,Cannor ri*RTI",Z AMPC X containment FCD Building Manager A FC7D- 2,000•gal Sodium 'Tank FOOD Liquid X 'Tank X X X x X (to pumped hack to Brad Ream Hydroxide Solution (north of bldg) process) process or Waste Brad Boyette NaOH tan ""Phil Dou hntart FCD- (2) 4,800•gal &(2) FCO X (to X (containment FCO Building Manager Brad Beard 9•B 8,400-gal Waste Etch Acid 'ranks (north of bldg) Liquid X 'ranks (4) X X X X X process) pumped hack to Brad Boye[te (4 total} Waste Acid tank} "Vhil1)a hman FC0- 14,000-gal Waste FC0 (to X (contaitnncn[ FOO Bui d ing Manager Brad Beard C Ci)olant `lank (north of bldg) ]squid X Tank X X X X X ocX press) puntped back to tank} Brad Bo)ette ""Phil Dou hman X (containment FCO Building Manager l) F(D- 5,004gal Nitric Acid FCO Liquid X 'rank X X X X X X (tO puntped back to Brad Beard Tank (north of bldg) process) Waste Acid tank) 11rad lioyette ""phil Pou ltrnan F00. 5,000-gal FCO 'rank - double X X X X (to X (containment FOOD Building Manager Brad Beard 9-1i I lydrufluoric Acid Tank (nosh of Bldg) Liquid X wall X X process)) paroled hack to Brad Boyette Double Wall Tank Waste Acid tank) *'Phil Doughman I-C•4- 5,000•gal Waste FUO FCO Building Manager Brad Beard 9-1' Sodium Hdmxide Solution (north of bldg) Liquid X I Tank I X X I X I X I X X (to process) I Brad Boyette Tank **Phi11)ott hman GE Wilmington-- NPDES Smnnwater Permit Renewal Page 3 of 11 September 26, 2011 Supplemental Ilifomiation Section No.1, Table 2 • Table 2: Signifint Materials • Structural Controt Measurre Employed Management Practice Destin. of SW Runoff Method of SW Release Rust,oNsion.rry Source Significant . Ph steal y Load or r i Hold/Visual Manager/Leader Numbers Materials. Building Form Store Container Access pike Curb Roof Storm -Drain lPmces; WW Drain Direct Inspection **lnspeclor Before Release (as of September 2011). X (containment FCO Building Manager 9.Cr FOO- 2,000-gal Alkaline 'rank FCO Liquid X Tank X X X X X (to pumped hack to Brad Iieanl Cleaner (15%) (north of hldg) process) process or Waste Brad Boyene Na0I.1 tan **Phil Dau hnian 9-I.I FCO- 400 al Nitric Acid g 'Tank FCO Liquid X `rank X X X X X X to X (comainment pumped back to FCC) Building Manager Brad licard (north of Milo process) Waste Acid tank) Brad Boyette **Phil Dou hnian X (containment FCO Building Manager I PC)O 50 gal I [ytirofktoric p00 Liquid X rank X X x X X X (to pumped back to Brad Beard Acid Tank (nonh of M14 process) Waste Acid tank) Brad Boyette "Phil Dou hnian FCO Building Manager 9-_1 FC:O- Alka6e Cleaner IYb Solid x Druids on X X X X (to process) Brad Bean{ (NaOI-I) Drums (-12) (north of hldg) Pallets Brad Boyene *'Phil Dou hnian FCO Building Manager K FCO - Scrip Metal FCO Solid X Dumpster X X X (to Brad Beard Dumpster(s) (north of bldg) process) Brad Boyette "Phil Dou hniais FGO Building Manager 9 I FOO - '/-ircaloy Chips in FQO Solid x Drums with lids X X X X Brad liearl Drunis (2) (not in service) (north of bldo an pallet Brad 11o)ette **Phil Dou hnian 9-M Source removed Site - 500-gal Diesel Fuel Site "Tank Site Maintenance Manager 9-N Taiik- Generator (east of FMO Liquid X X X X X Steve Kiernennia Bldg) -Mike 11hipps/David Allen Site - Flammable Site Site Maintenance Manager 9-0 Liquid/Paint Storage (west of Site Liquid X Cans in Building X Now contained in above ground building - no storrnwater rxposure Steve Rientersnta Building Mains.) **Mike Phipps/David Allen 9-I1 Site - 119-gal Diesel Fuel 'Tank- Site (at Water Liquid X -double X X X X (drain Site Maintenance Marta er Site $ Steve Riemersma Douhle Wall Tank Generator Tower) wall open) **Mike Phipps/David Allen 9-Q Site - 210-gal Diesel Fuel Site (at Water Liquid X 'Tank - double X X X X Site Maintenance Manager Steve Riemersma Double Wall "Tank Tank •Generator Tower wa11 **Mike Phipps David Allen Site Maintenance Manager 9-R NU Cafe Dumpster New Cafeteria Solid X Dumpster X X X X Steve Riemersina '*Mike Phipps/David Allen GB Wilmington— NPDES Stnnnwater Perrnit Renewal Page 4 of 11 September 26, 2011 Supplemental Information Section No. 1r Table 2 • Table 2: SigniOnt Materials 0 Soumc` (� Numbcrr , � �Signllicant� t� .� s,�MAlcrlals `� � Eluiiding Phrroical Form Sta>x z�'�....:...� ` � �;ontalner, a, Access ��� - �« FDtka Sti►tcturn) Control ' Measutem}�loyed Dcstin�nf�SWiR'unoff� MtrnaRcment I'.rnetico Meihod;of,SWiRclense + Hoid/Visual RE,",NONSI11II11 MRnagcr/l Bader '` t 1� M l' r A Chitls Rnaf rilarm Dntin _ A11pceso �:.�efam =0110C, Rcicnre � (no afiSeptct� n�ltcr2�011); FCO Building Manager 9-S FCC) West Dumpsters (3) FCxO (West of building) Solid X Rnll•off X X X Brad Beard Brad Boyette "Phil Dou hman Mundy Nuclear Site Maintenance Manager 9-T NI: Mundy Durpster a� Solid X Dumpster X X X Steve Riernersnta 40'Mike Phipps/ avid Allen FMO Building Manager 9.0 FMO East Dumpsters (2) Near east fence Solid X Dwnpster X X X X Michael Short Jinn Smith 44 FMO Building Manager 9-V FMO South Dumpsters (Z) South central wall of 1'MO Solid X Dumpster X X X Michael Short Jim Smith 44 91W 1,COIIVACCoolingTower North side of Liquid X Cholin tower X X X X Site Maintenance Manager SteveRiemersma F� Stu» p *"Mille Phipps/David Allen FCC Building Manager 9•X I'M PnKess Coolin Power g North Gnaml Liquid uid q X Coo6g Tower X X X farad Beard side of FOD Sump ('I'o Process) Brad Boyette *"1'hil Dou hman Fast side of Cooling Tower Site Maintenance Manager 9-Y FMO Gast Cobng Tower FMO Liquid X Sump, Plastic X X X X X Steve Riemersma Tanks **Mika Phi s/David Allen South of new Metal Bin, w/ Site Maintenance Manager 9.7. NU Cafe Crease ]fin Cafeteria Liquid Liquid X lid contautntent X X X X X Steve Riemersnta ""Mike Phi s/David Allen South of HF; Cooling Tower Site Maintenance Manager 9-AA DCV Cooling Tower BuildingLiquid X Sump, Plunk X X X X X Steve FGemersrna Tanks *"Mike Phi s/David Allen FMO Building Manager 9•BB FMO IT Dumpster South of FMO Solid X Dwnpster X X X Michael Shan ,jut Smith 44 OUI'hAL1. ]fl CONDUCi'vISUAI. INSPECTION OF STORMWA'I'FR DURING RAIN EVENT / DOCUMENT CHARACURISTICS (Semi Sile ShaStorwn Shawn O'Connor r Annual) Site Site Maintenance Manager 10-A Site - Sulfuric Acid Tank (east of aeration Liquid X 'rank X X X X (diked area) X (diked area) Steve Riemersnta basin **Mike Phipps/David Allen 10-fi Site - Sulfuric Acid Totes (up Site (east of aeration liquid X "totes X X X X (to Site Maintenance Manager Steve Riemersnta to A) basin process) **Mike Phi s/David Allen GE Wilmington—NI'DFS Stormwater Permit Renewal Page 5 of 11 September 26, 2011 Supplemental lnfomiation Section No. 1, Table 2 • Table 2: Signient Materials • Sttuctuml Control Measure Employed Management Practice i Destin; of SW Runoff Method of SW Reioaie RESPONSIBILITY Source Significant Physical Load or 1°initl/Visual Manngcr/Leader Number,Building Materials }roan Stare Container Access [)lice Curti :Roof f Storm Drain Vtocess WW Drain Direct Inspection +minipcctar i Before Release (as of Seplemher2011) OWFALL 11 CONDUCT VISUAL. INSPECTION Olr S'1'ORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT / DOCUMENT CFIARACI'I?R1517ICS (Serni- Site StornwaterLeader Shawn O'Cnannr Annual) ""RTI / AMFC 11A Site -Scrap Recycle Site (south of Solid X Du , x X X Site Maintenance Manager Steve wernersma (-10)Metal Dumpsters (-10} rec lc liciff roliaff "Mike Phi s/David Allen Site Maintenance Manager 11-11 Seavan Area lhuttpster Seavan Area Solid X Rolloff X x X Steve Riemersma "Mike Phipps/David Allen Site - A,OZgal Gasoline & Site Site Maintenance Manager 11-C 5Mgal Diesel Fuel Tanks (nonh of 1-iquid x Tanks (2) X X X X X Steve Rientersnta ""Mike wareiuruse) Phipps/David Allen Site - (1emical Receiving- Site No ntnnfF frofrontX Only runoff is from Site Maintenance Manager 11-I? Stored Inside Building (West of Various X Various X storage; Inside X hull(img3CCe54 X Steve Riemersma Warehouse) Buildin "" Mike 1 hi s/David Allen 11-f: Sourcing - Chemicals stored West of Sourcing Liquid or x Various x X X Sourcing Manager Scott Rasmussen OUISAe w.trehnuse Warehouse Solid "*Rich Lamhett West of Site Maintenance Manager 11-1' Sourcing Dumpster Sourcing Bldg Solid X Dumpster x X X Steve Rienoersma "Mike 1 hipps/David Allen QUTFALL 12 CONDUCT VISUAL. INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT / DOCUMENT CI-IARACrFRISTICS (semi. Site StnnnwaterLeader Shawn UCnnnor Annual) ""R'TI / AMC Site - RC7tA Elaz Waste Site No runoff fmm X (Only runoff is fmin Logistic Manager 12-A Storage (Inside Cnmrolied (West of Liquid X Drums X storage; inside X loading / unloading) x Bt)ce MacDonald Access Building)warehse Building*"Choose GaeKle Site - C]ternkal and Oil Site Liquid & Drvnss/ No runoff from X (Only runoff is from Sourcing Manager 12-H Storage (I aside Controlled (West of Granular x Hags/Clins x storage; Inside X loading / unloading) X Scott RasmLLS5e11 Access Building) warehse) Building FMO (Soutar- FMO Building Manager 12-C FMO - (3) Nitric Acid Tanks West of I'MO None - 'ranks (3) X X X (to process) Michael Short (nnt in use) hidg) I,- lam Stnith FMO (south- FMO Building Manager 12-D FMO - Salt Brine Tank west of FMO Resin X Tank X Double -walled tank X X (to process) Michael Short Jim Smith hldg) "r FMO - Ammonium Fluoric e FMO (South- FMO Building Manager 12 1, Sol'n Tank West of FMO None Tank (Out of N/A X X X (to press) Michael ShShort(V106) hidg) Service) Tank out of service Jim Smithoc (a s S "" GE Wilmington—M'DF".S Stonnwaterpenna Renewal Page 6 of 11 September 26, 2011 Supplemental Information Section No. I, Table 2 • Table 2: Signilent Materials • t Spucturul Gontml€Meacute I?ml►lnycd ManaSement_l;rnclice � - pike `Curb pcstin*af,SV['`� aRunaff� Method S,W1llcicase ldeld/Visual 11FRONSIi1fLi CY� Manager/Leader Source Numhcr' 1v, Si mficaritq, g.� € Materials. Auilding Ph Ica) Pnnn Stone C:nnlainer Lead ar Access r Roof Process 1VW ,. r Sloan I�ttin Drain plrect Inspection "glnspccutr y i ( Ilefn� Release (>1s�ofSc}ttcmbcr4011) FMO • Ammonium Nitrate 'Tank FMO (snuth- FMO Building Manager 12•I^ SoN west of FMO Liquid Tank (Out of N/A X X X {to process) Michael Shan V103 ( ) 1,kig) Service ) Tank out of service Jim Smith parr r�seniceJ ,rt FMO - Aqua Ammonia 'Tank FMO (south- Tank (Out of N/A FMO Building Manager Michael Short 12-G west of FMO Liquid Service) rank out of X X X (to process) Jim Smith (CW (fse-ce) hldg) service FMO- (2) F-lorofluoric FMO (south- N/A FMO Building Manager 12-1-1 looks west of FMO liquid Tanks (Ott of Service) rank out of X X X (In process) Michael Short ,]Ill Smith Pa rfs--) bldg) service wrt FMO - Temporary Storage FMO (south- FMO Building Manager Michael Short 12.1 of Uranium Compounds in west of FMO Granular X Cans X X X )imISmith Cans utujyulinfcutirlug hldg) rtrt E'MO Building Manager 12 J FMO - 600-Gal Used Oil FMO (west of liquid X 'ranks X X X X X Michael Short IncineratorTank FMO hldg) Jim Smith 4* 17MO Ruilding Manager 12 K Wa(2) Diesel Generators FMO (west of Liquid X Reservoir X X X Draitts to C'nntainment for X Michael Shortt (55•gal nil reservoir/each) FMO hldg) Source 12-0 Jim Smith MM FMO Building Manager 12 F FMO - Uranium TWO (west of Solid X Steel cylinder X X X Michael Short Compounds in cylinders. FMO bldg) Jim Smith .r FMO. 500-gal Fuel "I FMO Building Manager ]2-M Drnlirlc Walled "Eaak-"1'n FMO (west of FMO hldg) E.iquid X Double -walled 'rank X Dnuhle-waked tank X X (double-walltdtank) Michael Short Jim Smith Generator (elevated) .r FMO Building Manager 12-N FMO. O1Vluhrocant Drum FMO {west of Liquid X Drums X X X X X Michael Short Storage FMO hlclg) Jim Smith rtr FMO Building Manager 12 0 FMO- 20,000-Cal Fuel Oil •Tanks FMO (west of liquid X Tanks (2) X X X x X Michael Short 8c 565-gal Kerosene FMO hldg) Jim Smith w» FMO - Used FMO Building Manager 12-1' Snlvent/C7temical Storage FMO (west of' FMO hklg) Liquid X Drums X X X X X X Michael Shan Jim Smith Building CE Wilmington—NPDFS Stormwater Pennit Renewal Page 7 of 11 September 26, 2011 Supplemental Information Section No. 1, Table 2 • Table 2: Signilent Materials is ` Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Desdn. of SWRunoff Method of SW Release RESPONSIBILITY, Source Si nificant &. Physical' � ' Load or WW 1'Iolil/Visual manager/Leader Nutnherx Materials Building Farm Store Container Access Dike Curia, Roof iStorm Drain : Process Drain. Direct E inspection "*inspector Before Release (as of September 2011) FMO Building Manager 12-Jt FMO West Durnpstrrs I MO (West of hidg) Solid X Dumpsur X X X Michael Short Jim Smith rr 12.5 FIi'r laumpster West of FRT Bldg Solid X Dumpster X X X X l'l,"I' llutkling Manager 'Iliad I eister West side of Cooling Tower Site Maintenance Manager 12-T FMO West Cooling 'Tower I'MO Liquid X Sump, plastic X X X X X Steve Wentersnta Tanks "`Mike phi s/David Allen OUTFALL 13 CONDUCT VISUAL. INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT / DUMENT Q-IARAC FRISTICS (Semi- OC:em Site StnnnwaterLea&r Shawn O'Connor Annual) ;CONDUCT QIJAN'�ITATIVE SAMPLING I'IiR NI'D1:S PERMIT (Semi -Annual) '>kR'1'1 / AMEC WI' -Treated I-Iytirofluoric "1'real/ TWO Building Manager 13•A01 !'ark Waste . Liquid X Tank X X X X X (to ptncess) Michael Short Jim Smith(WI' V-9D0) rw FMO Building Manager Wl'- H)draud I -irate Tank Waste Treat/ Powder& X Tank X X X X (to process} Michael Short13•A02 (WC V-118) URLS Slurry f im Smith MM W I'- 'Treated Plating & Ftch FMO Building Manager 13-A03 5ludgc Tanks Waste Treat/ Sludge Tanks (Out of N/A X X X X ([o pmccss} Michael Shon (WT V.115 / V-113) URI-S Service} Tanks out of service iirn Smith (Girt r}r$--) »rt 13-A04 Source Removed WI'- Calcium Fluoride FMO Building Manager 13-A05 Fif j - {Waded Inside Waste "!'real/ URIS hilurCake I'mck"I'raiier X No runoff• Inside Building X X X (to process) Michael Short Jim Smith Building luilding w* WT- Ammonium Nitrate Waste Treat/ X (return to MO Building Manager Michael Short 13-A06 S0111L611 in Sump URM Liquid Trask Sump X X nitrate basins) X (to hasins) Jim Smith (nut of service) r♦ 13•A07 Source Removed Wr- Calcium Fluoride FMO Building Manager 13•A08 Sludge in Basins Waste Treat/ URIS Sludge X Basins (2} X X:L X X (to process) Michael Shon Michael Smith (empty, out of service) ,,,, GE Wilmington— MIDES Stormwater Permit Renewal Page B of 11 September 26, 2011 Supplemental Infom-cation Section No. 1, Table 2 0 Table 2: Signient Materials • StntetutmiControUMeasui�MAcces, .NumhCr' . a HIqg�" P��31 Plen Bonn Store �w •' CnRq�lu r :. fkstin. ofiSW�Run"off�NSTRfLI'I+ignificnnt Ra GIiI1R{ „I�NCeSS Wcr 3daid/Visual kFM eI)1ut >.• S ,? E,R �1+1"C4° i?„d 7 P'4+.i4a ., IJlilrn '�1• nM' ,,iStomtiUmin Dlret [ Tss ection k ;"[ '`ember1031 eclar.'h I...:rY1 h T R": r., 13-A07 Source Removed WI'- Antrnonitnn Nitrate Waste -Treat/ FMO Building Manager Michael Shon 13-Al0 Solution in Basins MS Liquid X Basins (2) X X X X (to process) Jim Smith (out of service) ww 13-A13 Source removed 13-A14 Sokswe Removed Wl'- I lydrofluoric 10% "Treat/ FMO Building Manager 13-A26 Solution Tank Waste URt S Liquid X "Tank X X X X X (to process) Michael Short Smith (WI' V-800) ,lint ww WT-Ammonium Nitrate FMO Building Manager O-A27 Solution -Tank Waste Treat/ Ligttttl 'Tank (Out of N/A X X X X (to process) Michael Short WI' V-104) MS Service) Tank out of service jim Smith C]u Serri ** FMO Building Manager 13-A28 Waste'I'reatmentl)umpstcr Waste Treatment Solid X Dumpster X X X X Michael Short Dint Smith ww WI'/URIS - 2na "Treat/ PMO Building Manager FmergencyCrnuml Valve Waste NIA N/A N/A N/A X X X {Can X Michael Short33-ES1 (Nor a Sang 7hit is a Corm% URIS he Closed) .lint Smith ** WI'/URI5 - Ww 'I'rcarl FMO Building Manager 13-ES: fimcrgcrscyCnntml Valve waste N/A N/A N/A N/A X X X (Can X Michael Shon (Nrr a Snrn 7%is is a Coo) UR1S be Closcc� ,Jim Smith ww WI'/UKIS I:att FMO Bui ing Manager 13-10 TsmergencyControl Valve Waste Treat/ N/A N/A N/A N/A X X X (an X Michael Short (Nor a Scsrrm Ibis is «G.rmfJ UR1S he Closed) lien Smith ww Metal Boxes FMO Building Manager 13 C W l'- Uranium Glmpotmd I South/ SOtrthrast Solid X Wood Boxes X X X Michael Short Waste ISnx Storage of Wattr'I'rrat Metal Cans •iint Smith w* Site - 285-Gal Diesel Fuel Site (east offire 'Tank Site Maintenance Manager 13•1) Taaka Fire Pond pond) Liquid X X X X X Steve Rientersrtta *"Mike Phi + s/David Allen 13•G WSf'C Durnpsurs (-4} WShC Solid X Dumpster X X X WSFCBuilding Manager Thad Ixtster GE Wilmington--NPI)ES Stonriwater Permit Renewal Page 9 of 11 September 26, 2011 Supplemental Information Section No. I Talale 2 • Table 2: Signifent Materials 0 Structural Ctintwl mewim Employed Management I'racdce Destini of SW Runoff Method of SW Release RESPONSIBILITY Souteo Si niEicant g. Physical Load or Hold/'Visual Manager/Leader Numbert Materials Building Form Store Gimtalner Access Dike Curb Rnnf Storm Drain Process WW 1 Drain, , Direct. Inspection: o*Inspcetnr Before RcleRse (as of Sep tetnhcr2011) t OCPI'F AI.1.14 CONDUCI' VISUAL. INSPECTION of S'rORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT / DOCUMENT CI•IARACI'l?RIS'1'ICS (Semi•Annual) ; CONDUCr Site Stormtaater Lender Shawn O'Ccmnor QUANTITNI'IVE SAMPI.TNG PER NPDVS 11ERMIT (Semi•Annual) "*It'I'i / AM pc �CONDUCI' Site StatmwatcrLeader OWFA1.1.15 VISUAL. INSPECI'10N Of STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT / DOC'UMENT a-IARACTFRISTICS (Semi -Annual) Shawn O'Connor *"RT1 / AMEC Site StorlmwaterLcider OUTFALI.16 CONDUCT VISUAL. INSPP.C110N OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN ItVF?NI' / DOCUMENT Cl-IARACTFRISTICS (Semi -Annual) Shawn O'Cennnr "W1'1 / AMEC OVI'VAI.I. 18 CONDUCr VISUAL. INSPF.CI'ION OF STORMWA'ITR DURING RAIN EVENT / DOCUMENT ©•IARACTERISTICS (Semi -Annual) 'Treated I'mcess Lagoon Closed supersack with Site Maintenance Mana it g 18•A ])tied / Sludge Basin Site Solid X internal ,lactic X X Steve Riemersnta liner -Mike Phipps/David Allen Process lagoon Site Maintenance Manager 18-11 Basin Site Dwnpster [win Site Solid X Durnpster X X X X Steve Riemenma **Mike Phipps/David Allen 18-C SanitarySiucige Process Lagoon Solid / , Filter I rrss X X To Sanitary Pun,lxd back to tanks and then to Site Maintenance Manager Steve Riemenma Basin Site Liquid q Waste Sanitary Plant "Mike Phi , s/David Alien 18-I) SanitarySiudge Filtrate Process Lagoon Liquid X —1000G Filtrate X X X Site Maintenance Manager Steve Riemetsnta Etasin Site Tank **Mike Phi o is/David Allen Process lagoon Site Maintenance Manager 18•E Sanitary Sludge ISasiri Site Liquid X 4000 G Tank X X X Steve Riemenma **Mike Phipps/David Allen Process lagoon To Sanitary Site Maintenance Manager 18-F Wastewater Basin Site liquid X 2000G Tank X X Waste Steve Iticniersma "Mike Phipps/ avid Allen Process lagoon To Sanitary Site Maintenance Manager 18-C; SanitarySluclge 1Sasin Site Liquid X --6000 G'Tank X X X Waste X Steve Riemersnia **Mike Phipps/David Allen Process lagoon Site Maintenance Manager 18.1-1 Diesel Fite] - 2100 Gallons liasin Site Liquid X 2X Wall'Tank X X X Steve Riemenma **Mike 11hi s/[)avid Allen Prtxess Lagoon 'I'D Sanitary Diked pumped to Site Maintenance Manager 18.1 I olytnerflnccularit Basin Site Liquid X 5.5 gallon drurn X X Waste tank then to Steve Riemerma Sanitary Wastc "Mike Phi , is/Davicl Allen Process lagoon Covered Site Maintenance Manager 18.1 Filter Cake Drying Beds Basin Site Solid X buildin s g X X X X Steve Riemenma *"Mike Phipps/David Allen GE Wilmington— NPDES 5tnnnwater Permit Renewal Page 10 of 11 September 26, 2011 Supplemental Idom-ation Section No. 1, Table 2 • Table 2: Signilant Materials • s i Strut tura) ControtMeasure Fmployed Management 1'rncdce ' Destim of SW Runoff Method of SW Release RYSPONSIRILITY Source Significant Physical, Load orNunber 1lnld/Visrral Manager/header i Building Store Container Act"" pike Curb, Roof Storm Drain > l rOCpss Drain Direct Inspection "*Impector Before Release (as of September2o11) Process Lagoon liquid / Site Maintenance Manager 18•K Raw Sanitary Sewage 1Sasin Site Slurry X Plastic Tank X x X x Steve Nemersma rt* Mike Phipps/David Allen ' "Current Key Number" is denoted by a number (which corresponds to the outfall in which the material is located) and a letter (which corresponds to the individual material), Material location is depicted on drawing 0800217s99 Note; No significant materials are present in outfalls I, 4, 14, 15 or 16, WWI 17 removed. Note: All significant materials in the vicinity of the Waste'1'reatment Facility (Outiall 13) are denoted as "13A" due to the number ormoterials in this nma. GE. Wilmington—NPDES Stonnwater Penni Renewal Page 11 of 11 September 26, 2011 Supplemental Inforn-Lltion Section No. 1, Table 2 .1 HITACHI January 7, 2008 Attention: Central Files NC Dept of Environmental Resources Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Mark Leik Manager Nuclear Energy Environmental C.O.E. P.O. Box 780 M/C G50 3901 Castle Hayne Road Wilmington, NC 28402 T 910 675 5721 F 910 341 2747 Mark. Leik@ge.com C EIVED IAN I v 2008 SUBJECT: Stormwater Discharge Outfoll ISDO) Monitoring Report GE - Wilmington. NC Permit Number: NCS000022 The 2007 semi-annual Stormwater Monitoring Report for the General Electric Company Facility in Wilmington, NC is attached. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me the undersigned at (910) 675-5721. T. Mark Leik Attachment cc: TM L-08-001 Ed Beck Wilmington Regional Office t Genera[ Electric Co. - Wilmington, NC 2nd-Half 2007 Stormwater Sampling NPDES Stormwater Permit NCS000022 �e.� p je- Note attached datalogging rain gauge records Date/Time Storm Event Begs 10/261201)7 13:47 PM Daterrime Storm Event Ended: 10/26/2007 22:17 PM Event Duration hrs;min : 9.30 Total Rainfall inches : 0.44 Sample Collection Dale: 10/26/2007 Samples Collected By: Carolyn Keith (RTI International) She I Parrish RTI Intemational 10103 / S !ve) —4 Load, total: ail and Grea#e otal pH = Total Flow ample ' Analyte: recoverable {mglL� 5depended (standard units) ; {iN6). Coilectlor4 m !L ..::......::. ::.... : :> ::: Sotlda m It: : •>:• .....<: Time Laboratory: Tn-Test Laboratories, Inc., Wilmington, NC Field Analyses, RTI International Analysis subcontracts Carolyn Keith Laboratory Technician(s): to Pace Analytical by Matt Loftis Adam Poore RTI Internationale ( ) ` Tritest Sheryl Parrish (RT International) Analytical Method(s) EPA Method 200.7 EPA Method 1664A Standard Method Standard Method 2540D 4500-H +B Analysis Date: 11/20/2007 11/6t2007 10/31/2007 10/26/2007 Laboratory Report Receipt Data: 12/27/2007 NA POL: 0,005 5 3 NA Outfall #9 Let: 34° 19'30" Long: 77056' 0,007 ND 5 UJ 22 7.7 22:19 Receiving Water: 0.31 NE Cape Fear River butfatl 09 0.008 10.1 28 7.7 22:32 n Du licate Sam le tY Outfall #13 u Lat:34°19'45" Long; 7r56'30" NA ND 5 ND 3 7,8 0.29 22:46 c Receiving water: Q NE Cape Fear River Outfall 014 Lat: 34°19' Long; 7r55'30" NA ND 5 338 7.9 0.15 23:00 Receiving Water: Prince George Creek MG = Million gatlons POL = Practical quantitation limit NA = Not applicable ND = Not detected Total Flow (MG) = Total rainfall (inches) ` 0.0833 ftlinch' 7.48 gallff ' 1xle MG/gal ' [(Paved Area ((?[' 0,90 Runoff Coeff.) + (Unpaved Area [fO ' t: Stormwater Outfall 99: Total Flow (MG) = total rainfall (in) ` 6.23x10'' [(860,000 ft' ' 0.90) + (706.000 ft' ' 0.50)) = 0.31 Stormwater Outfall #11 Total Flow (MG) = total I rainfall fin) ' 6.23x10' ' [(437,000 ft' • 0.90) + (1,340.000 ft'0.50)) = 0.29 Stormwater Outfall #14: Total Flow (MG) = total rainfall (in)' 6.23x10' ' [(96,000 ft' ' 0.90) + (892,000 ft' ' 0.50)) = 0.15 1� October 14, 2008 NC Dept of Environmental Resources Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section ATTENTION: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 E11erq j T. Mark Leik Manager, Environmental C.O.E. EHS P.O. Box 780 - MIC G-50 Wilmington, NC 28401 USA T 910-675-5721 C 910-398-2825 F 910-341-2747 E mark.leik@ge.com SUBJECT: Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Monitoring Report GE - Wilmington, NC Permit Number: NCS000022 The second 2008 semi-annual Stormwater Monitoring Report for the General Electric Company Facility in Wilmington, NC is attached. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at (910) 675-5721. T. Mark Leik cc: T M L-08-022 RP' C navED Ed Beck Wilmington Regional Office OCT 2-7 2008 B�: t GE Energy Manager, Environmental C.O.E. EH5 P. 0. Box 7B0 - `91C G-50 Wilmington. wC 28401 USA T 910-675-5721 C 910-398-2825 F 910-341-2747 E mark.leik@ge.com Julyy 9, 2008 Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section ATTENTION: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SUBJECT: Stormwater Discharge Outfall ISDOM Monitoring Report GE - Wilmington, NC Permit Number: NCS000022 The 2008 semi-annual Stormwater Monitoring Report for the General Electric Company Facility in Wilmington, NC is attached. If you hove any questions or need additional information, please call me, the undersigned, at (910) 675-5721. �7^/ V. / T. Mark Leik cc: TML-08-019 Ed Beck Wilmington Regional Office RECEIVED JUL 14 2008 References GLE Environmental Report http://pbadupws.nrc.gov/docs/ML0909/ML090910573.html NRC Draft Environmental Impact Statement http://www nrc-gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/nurE- s�/st_aff/srl938/ General Information about GLE Licensing http://www.nrc.gov/materials/fuel-cycle-fac/laser.html E-Q November 2011 G L 67