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NCS000347_MONITORING INFO_20180713
-- -- STORMWATER-DIVISION-CODINGTSHEET-_ � PERMIT NO. NC5000V1 DOC TYPE ❑ FINAL PERMIT X`1MONITORING INFO ❑ APPLICATION ❑ COMPLIANCE ❑ OTHER DOC DATE ❑ r�i�a�]�� ___ YYYYMMDD CPI USA North Carolina LEC PO Box 1153 331 AIlie Oay Road Roxboro, NC 27573 T 336-330-4502 July 9, 2018 Capital Power Corporation RECEIVED Division of Water Quality JUL 13 2018 Surface Water Protection Section CENTRAL FILES - Attention: Central Files DWR SECTION 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 . Re: Semi-annual Summary DMR- 2018 - Permit No. NCS000347 Enclosed please find the first semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Monitoring Report as required by permit No. NCS000347 for calendar year 2018. (January 1- June 30th) Permit No. NCS000347 contains analytical monitoring requirements that apply to stormwater outfall 001 at the CPI Roxboro site. Please find copies of analytical results from Meritech, Inc. for samples collected during this reporting period. The plant continues to take a proactive approach to stormwater pollution prevention by implementing good housekeeping procedures and enforcing BMP's outlined in the site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Certification "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or the persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Date -7- 9- 19- Terry Nealy Plant Manger CPI USA North Carolina, LLC Roxboro Facility Attachment: Semi-annual Stormwater Summary DMR Form (Form 247) and Sample Results from Meritech, Inc. from samples collected January -June 2018. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NCS000347 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2018 - (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME: CPI USA North Carolina LLC -Roxboro Plant PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Wright Whitlow CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Meritech, Inc. Lab #: 165 CPI USA North Carolina LLC—Roxboro Plant Lab # 5458 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements COUNTY: Person PHONE NO. (336)3304452 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE REQUIRED ON PAGE 2. Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 Total Flow (if app.) Total Rainfall COD Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Total Aluminum Total Antimony Total Arsenic Total Beryllium molddl r MG inches m m /L u IL u u L u #001 3-20-18 NIA .75 <15 33 2360 0.74 <2 <0.5 #002 3-20-18 NIA .75 <15 36 2010 0:61 <2 <0.5 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected Total Boron Total Cadmium Total Chromium Total Copper Total Lead Total Mercury Total Nickel Total Selemium molddl r u u L n /L u IL u /L m u L u L #001 3-20-18 <50 0.16 4.93 10.6 3.93 <0.0002 3.00 <2 #002 3-20-18 <50 <0.15 5.18 9.16 3.34 <0.0002 2.25 <2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected Total Silver Total Thallium Total Zinc Sulfate Oil & Grease HEM pH Field EPA 1631 Low Level Mercur molddl r u u /L u m m /L n L #001 1 3-20-18 <0.5 <0.5 373 <5 1 <5 1 7.14 21.7 #002 1 3-20-18 <0.5 <0.5 151 <5 1 <5 1 6.86 19.5 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month?_ yes X no (if yes, complete Part B) Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page] of 2 Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Dat _Sml W, llected . 3 5005�: �Total.'.F10W; (&ap li able) € = ` To`tal'^' Rainfall R 00556'Ootal r if a L { PP .) �1:.. ' Nonpolar &GLTPH n *.� a {Metliodi1664 t i SGT='HEM)i�f iR 00530 'O�[>oal Suspended p5olids 00H400<;: dpease �Nw WA Motor V_ q OihUsage= y � aX ; „ dd/ r mole ,MC'.. pinches ;, m Il�:- �:; m'h nit' al a Imo . ; STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date: Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): NIA (only if applicable — see permit.) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable — see permit.) Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of C-Z1-1(�/ (Date) Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 2 of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NCS000347 FACILITY NAME; CPI USA North_ Carolina LLC-Roxboro Plant PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Wright Whitlow CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Meritech, Inc. Lab #. 165 CPI USA North Carolina LLC--Roxboro Plant Lab # 5458 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2015 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY: Person PHONE NO. (336)330-4452 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE REQUIRED ON PAGE 2. Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 Total Flow (if app.) Total Rainfall COD Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Total Aluminum Total Antimony Total Arsenic Total Beryllium molddl r MG inches m IL m /L u /L a /L u L u /L #001 4-24-18 NIA .6 <15 58 1180 1.15 <2 <0.5 #002 4-24-18 NIA .6 <15 66 1410 <0.5 <2 <0.5 #004 4-24-18 NIA .6 <15 20.5 538 <0.5 <2 <0.5 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected Total Boron Total Cadmium Total Chromium Total Copper Total Lead Total Mercury Total Nickel Total Selemium molddl r u u u u /L u m IL u L u L #001 4-24-18 <50 .23 4.45 12.8 5.21 <0.0002 2.41 <2 #002 4-2448 <50 <0.15 4.85 10.1 3.76 <0.0002 2.11 <2 #004 4-24-18 <50 <0.15 3.06 6.82 0.88 <0.0002 1.43 <2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected Total Silver Total Thallium Total Zinc Sulfate Oil & Grease HEM pH Field EPA 1631 Low Level Mercury molddl r u /L u /L u m IL ma n /L #001 4-24-18 <05 <0.5 95 1 10 <5 7.23 1 6.75 #002 4-24-18 <0.5 <0.5 144 <5 <5 7.25 11.2 #004 4-24-18 <0.5 <0.5 143 <5 <5 7.3 4.31 Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 1 of 2 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month?_ yes X no (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activitv Monitoring Requirements Outfall '. Date;; z'<w :50050" r '00556 - .00530 °00400`�, - - YNo: Samples_ a �Tutak Flow :" Total T OilBi�Grease `Non -polar .:,-. A Totii lam-.` pH New:Motor: • =. " Collected " if a kicable (Pp ) Rainfall " if a ` 1. C pp ) ` 'O&G/TPH Nx Suspended Oil. -:Usage t r ; (Method 1664 i Solids 44 .: SGT-HEM),.if 'j to 1. b ` ,,. n.. ;dtoldd/ r=. MGM ,. M:,.. inches ..s, ;m /I:m unit 'al%mo,, STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date: Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): NIA (only if applicable — see permit.) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable — see permit.) Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files '1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of (Date) Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 2 of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NCS000347 FACILITY NAME: CPI USA North Carolina LLC--Roxboro Plant PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Wright Whitlow CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Meritech, Inc. Lab #: 165 CPI USA North Carolina LLC--Roxboro Plant Lab # 5458 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2018 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY: Person PHONE NO. (336)3304452 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE REQUIRED ON PAGE 2. Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 Total Flow (if app.) Total Rainfall CO_ D Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Total Aluminum Total Antimony Total Arsenic Total Beryllium mo/dd/ r MG inches m IL m u IL u /L u IL, a IL #001 5-17-18 NIA 1.0 <15 142 2260 1.17 <2 <0.5 #002 5-17-18 NIA 1.0 183 181 4590 0.65 <2 <0.5 #004 5-17-18 NIA 1.0 149 18.4 486 <0.5 <2 <0.5 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected Total Boron Total Cadmium Total Chromium Total Copper Total Lead Total Mercury Total Nickel Total Selemium molddl r u u u u IL u L n IL u L u L #001 5-17-18 <50 0.23 6.85 19.6 8.61 <0.0002 3.61 <2 #002 5-17-18 <50 <0.15 15.2 23.3 5.83 <0.0002 6.97 <2 #004 5-17-18 1 <50 <0.15 3.27 9.34 0.59 <0.0002 2.27 <2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected Total Silver Total Thallium Total Zinc Sulfate Oil & Grease HEM pH ffieldl EPA 1631 Low Level Mercur molddl r u L u /L u m L m /L n 1L. #001 5-17-18 <0.5 <0.5 800 19 <5 7.2 18.0 #002 5-17-18 <0.5 <0.5 412 18 <5 7.1 16.9 #004 5-17-18 <0.5 <0.5 127 <5 <5 7.1 5.80 Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 1 of 2 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month?_ yes X no (if yes, corplete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activitv Monitoring Requirements 'Outfall: Date : t. 50850 V556 g00530= ' 00400 Sample =Total Flow ,. Total. Oil'&:Grease Non -polar Total ;: pH Newmotor Collected (if:appl cable) ` Rainfall (if appl); °O&G/TPH Suspended` Oil Us age f (Metfioil?1664 Solids, SGT=HEM); if 41 appl. ''! - Imo/ddl r kM inches. m li mg/1 ° '' `° unit alliiio STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date: Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): N/A (only if applicable— see permit.) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable -- sec permit.) Marl Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." o) . ].- (Signature of Pe ittee) (Date) Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 2 of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NCS000347 FACILITY NAME: CPI USA North Carolina LLC--Roxboro Plant PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Wright Whitlow CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Meritech, Inc. Lab #: 165 CPI USA North Carolina LLC-Roxboro Plant Lab # 5458 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2018 (This monitoring report shall he received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY: Person PHONE NO. (3361330-4452 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE REQUIRED ON PAGE 2. Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 Total Flow (if app.) Total Rainfall COD Total Suspended Solids TSS Total Aluminum Total Antimony. Total Arsenic Total Beryllium moldd/ r MG inches m /L m IL u u /L u IL u /L #001 6-22-18 NIA .9 <15 65 1800 0.80 <2 <0.5 #002 6-22-18 NIA .9 25 24.8 906 <0.5 <2 <0.5 #004 6-22-18 NIA .9 58 4.7 145 <0.5 <2 <0.5 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected Total Boron Total Cadmium Total Chromium Total Copper Total Lead Total Mercury Total Nickel Total Selemium mo/dd/ r u IL u L u L u u IL m IL u L u L #001 6-22-18 <50 0.16 4.87 12.7 2.37 <0.0002 3.88 2.65 #002 6-22-18 <50 <0.15 3.67 8.23 1.72 <0.0002 1.70 3.68 #004 6-22-18 <50 <0.15 2.75 9.79 <0.5 <0.0002 2.34 <2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected Total Silver Total Thallium Total Zinc Sulfate Oil & Grease HEM pH Field EPA 1631 Low Level Mercury molddl r u L u /L u /L m L m IL n /L #001 6-22-18 <0.5 <0.5 428 24 <5 7.2 12.9 #002 6-22-18 <0.5 <0.5 80.2 19 <5 7.1 11.3 #004 6-22-18 <0.5 <0.5 109 <5 <5 7.0 5.22 Form SW U-247, last revised 21212012 Page 1 of 2 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month?_ yes X no (if yes, complete -Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfal[ Date _ ,50050 " 'U0556 _ -06530 .00400; 6TotalYlow ' , Total Oil&,;Grease fNbn-polar Total pH New Motor No: Sample > Collected J( fappiicable) Rainfall (ifapli)�` ., . O&iG/TPH Suspended' '7OilUge�' «Solids . ' " A ,:(Method&6:64 GT�HEM), if . s.;, - _ 4 : 3molddl r - AMC. k Y ' < $inches im il� gym1 unit allmo STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date: Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): NIA (only if applicable - see permit.) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable - see permit.) Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "1 certify; under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of (Date) Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 2 of 2 NC Dept of Environmental Quality Capital Power CPf USA North Carolina LE_C Corporation PO Box 1153 FEB 2 2 2018 331 Allie Clay Road Roxboro, NC 27573 T 335-330-4502 Raleigh Regional Office February 15, 2018 Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 Re: Annual 2017 Stormwater Summary Report - Permit No. NCS000347 Enclosed please find the annual Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Monitoring Report as required by permit No. NCS000347 for calendar year 2017. The attached Form (SWU 264) provides analytical monitoring results from stormwater outfall 001 samples collected in 2017. Samples collected in 2017 indicate that there were some "benchmark" value exceedances that led to increased sampling frequency, and improved housekeeping measures and runoff control which were identified in semi-annual report submitted in December 2017. The site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) was also reviewed and updated in December. Certification "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry.of the person or persons who manage the system, or the persons' directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge -and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Date all 5118 Frank Hayward - Plant Manager CPI USA North Carolina, LLC Roxboro Facility Attachment: Annual Stormwater Summary DMR Form (SWU 264) with Sample Results from 2017 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT (DMR) Calendar Year 2017 Individual NPDES Permit No. NCS000347 or Certificate of Coverage (COC) No. NCG❑❑❑❑❑❑ n This monitoring report summary of the calendar year should be kept on File on -site with the facility SPPP. 10 CD Facility Name: CPI USA North Carolina LLC-Roxboro Plant a County: Person �. Phone Number: (336)330-4502 Total no. of SDOs monitored 1 Outfall No. 001 O p Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ® No ❑ �, Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, ,.inches Parameter, units w Parameter N/A TSS COD Total Aluminum Total AntimonyArsenic Total Total Beryllium Total Baran Total Cadmium Benchmark 100 120 750 90 360 70 N/A 1 Date.Sample mmlddlyy inches mglLMmg MUglL ugfL u9 MMCollected, 4-24-17 .9 17 64 1770 .66 <2 <0.5 <50 <0.15 9-6-17 .7 316 123 5340 .68 <2 <0.5 <50 .31 11-9-17 .7 39 29 1330 .62 <2 <0.5 <50 <0.15 SW U-264-Generic-13 Dec2012 Parameter, units Parameter Total Chromium Total Copper Total Lead Total Mercury Total Nickel Total Selenium Total Silver Total Thallium Benchmark 1000 7 30 N/A 260 56 1 N/A Date Sample ,Gollected,. ': mm/dd/yy MMMM uglL uglL uglL ugTL uglL 4-24-17 5.36 9.7 3.54 <.2 2.86 <2 <0.5 <0.5 9-6-17 11.4 21.2 9.09 5.61 <2 <0.5 <0.5 11-9-17 1 3.6 1 8.83 2.57 <.2 2.04 <2 <0.5 1 <0.5 Parameter, units _. e t e Parameter Total Zinc Sulfate HEM Oil & Grease PH (Field) Low Level Mercury Benchmark 67 500 30 6-9 `Date Sample uglL mglL mglL nglL Collected, m mlddlyy 4-24-17 467 11 <5 6.9 16.1 I 9-6-17 1 1 712 1 15.5 1 <5 1 7.2 1 66.9 1 1 1 1 1 11-9-17 1 1 465 1 31 1 <5 1 7.2 1 21.9 1 1 1 1 SW U-264-Generic-13 Dec2012 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature Date 0 DWQ Regional Office Contact Information: (Frank Hayward) For questions, contact your local Regional Office: SW U-264-Generic-1 Mec2012 ASHE:Vi1LLE REGiONAU OFFICE FAYETTEVILLt REGIONA0,O.FFI@E M_ OOItESV�II LEREGIONA_LOEFICE 2090 US Highway 70 225 Green Street 610 East Center Avenue/Suite 301 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Systel Building Suite 714 Mooresville, NC 28115 (828) 296-4500 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (704) 663-1699 910 433-3300 RAL EIGH.RECIQNAL OFFICE ;WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE �1'ILMINGTON REG10i1TAh`OFFIGE 3800 Barrett Drive 943 Washington Square Mall 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Raleigh, NC 27609 Washington, NC 27889 Wilmington, NC 28405-2845 (919) 791-4200 (252) 946-6481 (910) 796-7215 WINSTONSALEM REGIONAL OFFICE CENTRAF'QFFICE` 1617 Mail Service Center 'Toprese" prated 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 and enhance 336 771-5000 919 807-6300 NorM Cantina's water_:" SW U-264-Generic-13Dec2012 Merxtech, Inc. Environmental Laboratory Laboratory Certification No.163 Contact: Wright Whitlow Client: Capital Power RO. Sox 1153 Roxboro, NC 27573 NC Dept of Environmental Quality FEB 2 2 2018 Raleigh Regional Office Report Date: 5/4/2017 Date Sample Rcvd: 4/25/2017 Meritech Work Order # 042517139 Sample: Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) #001-Grab 4/24/17 Paramge�rs Results Analysis Date Reporfing Limit Method COD 64 mg/L 4/27/17 15 mg/L EPA 410.4 Total Suspended Solids 17 mg/L 4/27/17 2.5 mg/L SM 2540 D Aluminum, total 1,770 ug/L 5/1/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Antimony, total 0.66 ug/L 5/1/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Arsenic, total <2 ug/L 5/1/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Beryllium, total <0.5 ug/L 5/1/17 5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Boron, total <50 ug/L 5/3/17 50 ug/L EPA 200.8 Cadmium, total <0.15 ug/L 5/1/17 0.15 ug/L EPA 200.8 Chromium, total 5.36 ug/L 5/1/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Copper, total 9.70 ug/L 5/1/17- 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Lead, total 3.54 ug/L 5/1/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Mercury, total <0.0002 mg/L 5/2/17 0.0002 mg/L EPA 245.1 Nickel, total 2.86 ug/L 5/1/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Selenium, total <2 ug/L 5/1/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Silver, total <0.5 ug/L 5/1/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Sulfate, total 11 mg/L 4/27/17 5 mg/L SW 846 9038 Thallium, total <0.5 ug/L 5/1/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Zinc, total 467 ug/L 5/1/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Oil & Grease (HEM) <5 mg/L 5/2/17 5 mg/L EPA 1664A I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. .4 Az�' Laboratory Representative 642 Tamco Road, Reidsville, North Carolina 27320 tel.(336)342-4748 fax,(336)342-1522 Chain of Custody Record (COC) NPDES#: NCS000347 Client: Capital Power Phone: 336-330-4452 M E RITECH INC. 1 Address: PO Box 1153 Fax: ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES Roxboro, NC 27573-1153 Email: wwhitlow@capitalpower.com 642 Tamco Rd. Phone: 336-342-4748 Project: Reidsville NC 27320 Fax: 336-342-1522 9 P.O.#, Email: info@meritech-labs.com Attention: Wright Whitlow Turn Around Time* How would you like your report sent? *RU.- work needs prior approval. www.meritech-labs.com Circle a[ I that apply: ai pre rr Fax, ail Std 1od 3= x , Sampling Dates & Times PersonTa Sam le(51 r' /G,riy" rr vrr% Lab Use Sample Location and/or 1D # Gu�i Start End Comp? #of Test(s) Required on ice? pH OK? Date Time Date Time Grab? tort. Yes / No CI OK? Stormwater Discharge Outfall 13 Priority Pollutant Metals-A4, As, Be, Cd, Cr, z' (SOO) #001 G 1 Cu, Hg, Ni, Pli, Sb, Se, TI, in, (w/HNO3) G y AI G 1 s B G y COD G Y TSS G Sulfate G Oil & drease (w/HCI) ---� Temperature upon Method Of "' Dechlorination (<0.5 ppm) of Ammonia, Cyanide, Phenol and TKN samples must be done in the field priorto preservation. ""• Comments: 570R.1 4 �Q � � _ Compositor# Jug # Shipment: [D UPS Fed Ex Are then esults fore , atory purposes? Yes No 1 Report results in: LmB/k8 L .. H Delivery Relinquished by. Date: m .; —/ C� R by: 'Y+.z� y� r -"a 17 Other ReII is Date: time: y Received by: Time: I ritech Pickup ]inquished by Date: Time: Receive b: Tl Meritech, Inc. Environmental Laboratory Laboratory Certification No.165 Contact: Wright Whitlow Client: Capital Power P.Q. Box 1153 Roxboro, NC 27573 Meritech Work Order # 090717154 Para ems, tern Results Report Date: 9/15/2017 Date Sample Rcvd; 9/7/2017 Sample; Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) #001 Grab 9/6/17 AnalySis e Reporting Limit Method COD 123 mg/L 9/8/17 15 mg/L EPA 410.4 Total Suspended Solids 316 mg/L 9/11/17 2.5 mg/L SM Z540 D Aluminum, total 5,340 ug/L 9/14/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Antimony, total 0,68 ug/L 9/14/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Arsenic, total <2 ug/L 9/14/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Beryllium, total <0.5 ug/L 9/14/17 5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Boron, total <50 ug/L 9/15/17 50 ug/L EPA 200.8 Cadmium, total 0.31 ug/L 9/14/17 0.15 ug/L EPA 200.8 Chromium, total 11.4 ug/L 9/14/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Capper, total 21.2 ug/L 9/14/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Lead, total 9.09 ug/L 9/14/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Nickel, total 5.61 ug/L 9/14/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Selenium, total <2.0 ug/L 9/14/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Silver, total <0.5 ug/L 9/14/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Sulfate, total 15.5 mg/L 9/11/17 5 mg/L SW 846 9038 Thallium, total <0.5 ug/L 9/14/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200A Zinc, total 712 ug/L 9/14/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Oil & Grease (HEM) <5 mg/L 9/12/17 5 mg/L EPA 1664B r hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. .4, &4r Laboratory Representative 642 Tanico Road, Reidsville, North Carolina 27320 tel.(336)342-4748 fax.(336)342-1522 Chain of Custody Record (COC) NPDES#: NCS000347 Client: Oita! Power Phone: 336-330-4452 Address: PO Box 1153 Fax: - Roxboro, NC 27573-1153 Email: wwhitlow@capitalpower.corn Project: P.O.#: Attention: Wright Whitlow Turn Around Time• How would you like your report sent? *RUSH work needs prior approval. Circle all that apply: Email (preferred), Fax, Mail 5td ) 3-5 Dwe 24-49Wrs M ERITECH INC, ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES ` 642 Tamco Rd. Phone: 336-342-4748 Reidsville NC 27320 Fax: 336-342-1522 Email: info@meritech-labs.com www.meritech-labs.com Sample Location and/or ID # Sampling Dates & Times Person TakingSarn gnlPrntl: Lab Use Start End Comp? Grab? #of Cons Tests) Required °nlce? Yes / No pH OK? CI 00 Date Time Date Time Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) #001 �+ G 1 13 Priority Pollutant Metals-Ag, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, TI, Zn, (w/HNO3) G N G 1 B G CAD G TSS G Sulfate G Oil & Grease (w/HCI) -•— Temperature Upon Receipt:.:.,, Method of Shipment. "" Dechlorination <0.5 ml of Ammonia Cyanide, Phenol and TKN samples must be done in the field rior to reservation. *** Comments: 57� Compositor # Jug # Q UPS Fed Ex Are these rqsults for regulato urposes? Yes No Report results in: rng/I. :Wfk,, 0 Hand Delivery Relinquished by: Time: !/7 Rece' j_ Z Other eritech Pickup Re,In qu d Time: Received Date: Time: Relinquished -by: bate: Time: Received by lab: Tim Client: Attention NPDES # MERITECH, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES Laboratory Certification No, 165 Capital Power P.O. Box 1153 331 Allie Clay Rd, Roxboro, NC 27573 Wright Whitlow NCS000347 Date Sampled 09/06/17 Digested 09/08/17 Analysis 09/15/17 Analyst: CWL EPA 1631 Low Level Mercury Analvsis Meritech ID # Sample 1D Result Renortine Limit MBLK0728LL Method Blank < 0.5 ng/L 0.5 ng/L M09081724 Field Blank < 1.0 ng/L 1.0 ng/L M09081725 Outfall 0001 66.9 ng/L 1.0 ugA[, I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. Labonatory Representativ 642 Tamco Rd - PO Box 27 - Reidsville, NC 27320 (336) 342-4748 Ph - (336) 342-1522 Fax E-Mail: kris,pawlak@meritechlabs.com 06 samzs Clain of Custody Record COC I ! Client: Ga , T [ r NPDES#: J $ 60Q ,3 �z Phone: Sip 330 - sue M E R I T E C H INC. Address: K3 Fax: ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 53/ Zlv Email: -Owl R� � 7� 642 Tamco Rd. Phone: 336-342-4748 Project: Reidsville NC 27320 Fax: 336-342-1522 ROM: Email: info@meritechlabs.com Flow would you like your Report sent? www.meritechiabs.com Circle all that a I :Email referred Fax Mail EPA 1631 Person Taking Sample (Sign/Print): Battles TLll7liit�i Samp er T` �- F In Houses rCooler Sampfe Location 1 lD## Date Time Sampling Site Description'{ }j " i'` s, x2451 Result yEppt} {; r, y Field Blank y�xr �i3 � � � //7 �//} ✓Y /♦♦JJ.1 _ �� W � y :fill/ !cw'9 ei.: ,....nji. .i., t� �Q w�Y 4i.J>�.�..�.: 5 2-• ;.c 2x.-� r �'�-- � 'f .r3_ =:rF mow...—. ........., #� .�. { a 115f'S! _sc z+:. St�,'rus ` r' • +•v�� V ✓ / vlYit Gam. lJfiCl � � I� 1.15 '?i'� �tir,.i C� n rFr ONW 5' - t`.� rz� ti raj : E 7f cvg nW�r.j',2a7'_5 is`c#{ }tk:3Ft�p}kij$ IN-`iSY Method of Comments: Shipment: I&ev Aev-e�rz ❑ UPS ❑ Fed Ex Are these results fpr regulatory gurpq es? Yes No ❑ ❑ Relinquished by. Time: �'f Receiv �� e: ¢ Zr�7e: ' Hand DeliverL fJ Reli she by: ' ❑ Time: Received by Date: Time: Other kf Relinquis d by Date: Time: Received by Lab: Date: Time: r/W TJJ q18117- o4q RelaaW to Lab Secure Area Received from Lab Secure Area 0-/-.;?41 Meritech, Inc. Environmental Laboratory Laboratory Certification No.165 f Contact: Wright Whitlow Client; Capital Power P.O, Box 1153 Roxboro, NC 27573 Report Hate: Date Sample Rcvd: 11/17/2017 11/9/2017 Meritech Work Order # 110917124 Sample: Stormwater Discharge Outfali (SDO) #001 Grab 11/9/17 Parameters Results Analysis Date Reporting Limit Method COD 29 mg/L 11/10/17 15 mg/L EPA 410.4 Total Suspended Solids 39 mg/L 11/13/17 2.5 mg/L SM 2540 D Aluminum, total 1,330 ug/L 11/15/17 2 ug/L CPA 200M Antimony, total 0.62 ug/L 11/15/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Arsenic, total <2 ug/L 11/15/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Beryllium, total <0.5 ug/L 11/15/17 5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Boron, total <50 ug/L 11/15/17 50 ug/L EPA 200.8 Cadmium, total <0.15 ug/L 11/15/17 0.15 ug/L EPA 200.8 Chromium, total 3.60 ug/L 11/15/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Copper, total R83 ug/L 11/15/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Lead, total 2.57 ug/L 11/15/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Mercury, total <0.0002 mg/L 11/14/17 0.0002 mg/L EPA 245.1 Nickel, total 2.04 ug/L 11/15/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Selenium, total <2 ug/L 11/15/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Silver, total <0.5_ ug/L 11/15/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Sulfate, total 31 mg/L 11/16/17 5 mg/L SW 346 9038 Thallium, total <0,5 ug/L 11/15/17" 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Zinc, total 465 ug/L 11/15/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Oil & Grease (HEM) <5 mg/L 11/13/17 5 mg/L EPA 1664B I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. k- Laboratory Represenr ative 642 Tarnco Road, Reidsville, North Carolina 27320 tel.(336)342-4748 fax.(336)342-1522 C. Chain of Custody Record (COC) NPDES#i': NCS000347 Client: Capital Power Phone: 336-330-4452 Address: PO Box 1153 Fax: Roxboro, NC 27573-1153 Email: wwhitlow@capitalpower.com Project: P.O.#: Attention: Wright Whitlow Turn Around Time* How would you like your report sent? *RUSH work needs prior approval. Std ID da s) 3 s 24 48 Hrc Circle all that apply: Email (preferred), Fax, Mail MERITECH INC. 1 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 642 Tamco Rd. Phone: 336-342-4748 Reidsville NC 27320 Fax: 336-342-1522 Email: info@meritech-labs.com r WWW.merltech-labs.eom Sample Location and/or ID # Sampling Dates &Times Person Taking Sample ��� 'tab Use + Start End Comp? Grab. #of Cont. Test(s)kequired s Onlce? " Yesu �a ,•�,;,.. pH OK? '� ClCI OK. Date Time Date Time Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) #001 - /�% 3 G 1 13 Priority Pollutant Metals-Ag, As, life, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, lli, Pb, Sb, Se, TI, Zn, (w/HNO3) G Al G 1 B G COD G TSS G Sulfate G Oil & Grease (w/HCI)`'``' -.Te.Trature Upon •pe'ReiPtyc . Method of Shipment: **' Dechlorination l<0.5 ppm) of Ammonia, Cyanide, Phenol and TKN samples must be done in thefield prior to preservation. Comments: AV Compositor Jug # [ U PS Fed Ex Are these esults for geg4tory purposes? Yes No ort res mg/ g/icg ugAL ev Hand Delivery Relinquished by: - ' 4 ye: �, Time: P�Ci2� V�� Jti Recei� p1 pit=/ e2 i [ ! Eerit,��Pizcl�up Relinqu€ Da✓te: Jr l Time: C [ L J eceive y: Date: Time: Relinquished by: Date: Time: Received b b: e I T€me:� Client: Attention NPDES # MERITECH, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES Laboratory Certification No. 165 Capital Power P.O. Box 1153 331 AIlie Clay Rd. Roxboro, NC 27573 Wright Whitlow NCS000347 Date Sampled 1 I109/17 Digested 11/10/17 Analysis 11/14/17 Analyst: CWL EPA 1631 Low Level Mercury Analvsis Meritech ID # Sample ID Result Repgrting Limit MBLKI 108C Method Blank < 0.5 ng/L 0.5 ng/1. M11101707 Field Blank t 1.0 ng/L 1.0 ng/L M11101708 Storm Water 21.9 ug/L 1.0 ng/L Outfall 001 I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. Laboratory Represenia ve 642 Tamco Rd - PO Box 27 - Reidsville, NC 27320 (336) 342-4748 Ph - (336) 342-1522 Fax E-Mail: kris.pawlak@meritechlabs.com &U40+e Chain of Custody`Record COC �'� Client: CatI e NPDES#: (1 S0,J Id1 � r\i 1 � � INC. L' ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIESLGI _ 642 Tamco Rd. Phone: 336-342-4748 Reidsville NC 27320 Fax: 336-342-1522 Email: info@meritechlabs.com www.merifechlabs.com EPA 1631 Phone: - Address: Fax: � �' f //�Z4 Y � C Ema11:A1004 Ol�/�1eerr/ t0 % Project: P.D.#: Attention: How would you like your Report sent? Circle all that a l : mail referr Fax all Person Taking Sample(SignrPrint): -Sample Location I ID# Date rme Sampling Site Description Bottle Lot # Tubing Lot # amp Sler lCHIDN } 2451 'Result jppt) In House Preservatbn Cooler `# Field Blank D� 13 13 man 3 t Method ofComments: Shipment: ❑ UPS ❑ Fed Ex Are these results f t regulatory p ? Yes N. ❑ ❑ Hand Delivery Relinquished by-. L Daf ` �/ Time: d G 7Z di pa �ci_l�i d ❑ Other Relinquished by ata: `0-1 (1 (i ( 6 Received by: Date: Time: k4 UU Relinquished by Data: Time: ReveAr by Lab: D te: Time: _Ifftsed to Lab Secure A Received from Lab Secure Area rea 0-7ay CPI USA North Carolina LLC PO Box 1153 331 Ailie Clay Road Roxboro, NC 27573 T 336-330-4502 Capital Power Corporation C1 June 2, 2017 JUN 0 6 Z017 TRAL FILES Division of Water Quality DWR SECTION Surface Water Protection Section Attention: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Re: Semi-annual Summary DMR- 2017 - Permit No. NCS000347 Enclosed please find the first semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Monitoring Report as required by permit No. NCS000347 for calendar year 2017. Stormwater Sampling Results (2017) Permit No. NCS000347 contains analytical monitoring requirements that apply to stormwater outfall 001 at the CPI Roxboro site. Samples were collected on April 24, 2017 during a representative storm event. Attached to the DMR please find copies of analytical results from Meritech, Inc. According to our permit, these results are to be compared to "benchmark" values in Table 3 of the permit. The benchmark values are to be used as guidelines for monitoring the effectiveness of the BMP's that are identified in the SWPPP. Results were received on May 4, 2017, which indicated 3 of the metals were over the benchmark value. Best Management Plan (BMP) Management team discussion and plan: 1. Have our storm drains cleaned out by "Envirovac". 2. Take grab samples from several different "run-off' spots that feed into "Outfall #001 ",and have them analyzed: to identify the source of the benchmark exceedance. • May 9 & 10, 2017: Envirovac was on site and cleaned out our storm drains. • May 25, 2017: Samples collected from 7 different areas that drain into Stormwater outfall #001 and sent to Meritech, Inc. for analysis. Capital Power Corporation Cerfification "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or the persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Datey Q o a t ao t� Frank Hayward Plant Manger CPI USA North Carolina, LLC Roxboro Facility Attachment: Semi-annual Stormwater Summary DMR Form and Sample Results from April 24, 2017. Page 2 of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NCS000347 FACILITY NAME: CPI USA North Carolina LLC--Roxboro Plant PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Wright Whitlow CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Meritech Inc. Lab #: 027 CPI USA North Carolina LLC—Roxboro Plant Lab # 5458 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2017 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY: Person PHONE NO. (336)3304452 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE REQUIRED ON PAGE 2. Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 Total Flow (if app.) Total Rainfall COD Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Total Aluminum Total Antimony Total Arsenic Total Beryllium moldd/ r MG inches m L m IL u /L u /L u u L #001 04-24-17 NIA 9 64 17 1770 .66 <2 <0.5 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected Total Boron Total Cadmium Total Chromium Total Copper Total Lead Total Mercury Total Nickel Total Selemium mo/ddl r u u u /L ugZL u /L u u IL u /L #001 04-24-17 <50 <0.15 5.36 9.7 3.54 <0.0002 2.86 <2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected Total Silver Total Thallium Total Zinc Sulfate Oil & Grease HEM(Field) p13 moldd/ r u u u L m L m #001 04-24-17 <0.5 <0.5 467 11 <5 6.9 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? _ yes X no (if yes, complete Part B) Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 1 of 2 Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activitv Monitorinp_ Requirements ©utfallb 1Di te-*Al F50050 y 00556 , . �00530-.. tNo 6C 'Sample ' ` Total Flow Total ; =0ilA,Greased °Non=polar- Total pH New Motor Collected (if applicable) Rainfall (�faappl )'" ;- 08iGLTPH Suspendede E „`; a� ,, Oil Usage y (Method 1664 Solds'u ry SGT. HE if . :., . a 1. MG inches,. m A.. <�� ;:. m .unit al/,m'6. .; .m. STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable — see permit.) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable — see permit.) Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 7 (Signature (Date) Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 2 of 2 Meritech, Inc. Environmental Laboratory Laboratory Certification No.165 Contact: Wright Whitlow Client: Capital Power P.O. Box 1153 Roxboro, NC 27573 Report Date: 5/4/2017 Date Sample Rcvd: 4/25/2017 Meritech Work Order # 042517139 Sample: Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) #001-Grab 4/24/17 ParametgrN Results AUMY5is Date Repgrling hiWl Method COD 64 mg/L 4/27/17 15 mg/L EPA 410.4 Total Suspended Solids 17 mg/L 4/27/17 2.5 mg/L SM 2540 D Aluminum, total 1,770 ug/L 5/1/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Antimony, total 0.66 ug/L -5/1/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Arsenic, total <2 ug/L 5/1/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Beryllium, total <0.5 ug/L 5/1/17 5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Boron, total <50 ug/L 5/3/17 50 ug/L EPA 200.8 Cadmium, total <0.15 ug/L 5/1/17 0.15 ug/L EPA 200.9 Chromium, total 5.36 ug/L 5/1/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Copper, total 9.70 ug/L 5/1/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Lead, total 3.54 ug/L 5/1/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Mercury, total <0,0002 mg/L 5/2/17 0.0002 mg/L EPA 245.1 Nickel, total 2.86 ug/L 5/1/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Selenium, total <2 ug/L 5/1./17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Silver, total <0.5 ug/L 5/1/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Sulfate, total 11 mg/L 4/27/17 5 mg/L SW 846 9038 Thallium, total <0.5 ug/L 5/1/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Zinc, total 467 ug/L 5/1/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Oil & Grease (HEM) <5 mg/L 5/2/17 5 mg/L EPA 1664A I hereby certify that1 have reviewed and approve these data. 'r, hzj�' Laboratory Representative 642 Tameo Road, Reidsville, North Carolina 27320 tel.(336)342-4748 fax.(336)342-1522 v Chain of Custody Record (COC) NPDES#: NCS000347 Client: Capital Power Phone: 336-330-4452 M ERITECH INC. 1 Address: PO Box 1153 Fax: -.. u. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES Roxboro, NC 27573-1153 Email: wwhitlow@capitalpower.com r .s 642 Tamco Rd. Phone: 336-342-4748 Project: Reidsville NC 27320 Fax: 336-342-1522 P.O.#: Email: info@meritech-labs.com Attention: Vllri&ht V#lhitlow Turn Around Time* How would you like your report sent? `RUSH work needs prior approval. www. m e ri e c `.t s. c o m Circle all that apply: a i pre r Fax, ail s� SB d 3 S 0 z E Ta� T Sampling Dates & imes PersonTa Sam le(sI r ,, /_v y, � b Use Sample Location and/or ID # Start End Comp? Test(s) Required on Ice? pH OK? Date Time Date Time Grab? Cont. Yes / No Cl OK? Stormwater Discharge Outfall 13 Priority Pollutant Metals-Ag, As, life, did, [r, ! �' (SDO} #001 G 1 Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, TI, Zn, (w/HNO3) G AI G 1 IS G COD G TSS G Sulfate G Oil & crease (w/HCI) ---� Temperature Upon R Method Of *** Dechlorination <0.5 m) of Ammonia, granide, Phenol and TKN samples must be done In the field prior to preservation. *•* Comments: s z G� Lt�-001 _ JJUg# Compositor# Shipment: D UPS Fed Ex Are thes esults foVe&Watory purposes? Yes W No Report results in: L i�rmsft L [5H7a_Rd Delivery Relinquished by: Date: rn -Ste/ s 4 R iv by: Dat 51 4 � Other Rell is r Date: Time: F Received by: Time: lrft�e�ch 'r linquished by Bale: Time: Receive b: Ti Pickup , � It 0 Ik PotashCorr Helping Nature Provide June 2, 2017 Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Subject: Storm Water Discharge Monitoring Report Bulk Handling Facility Morehead City, N. C. Permit No. NCO00520 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. -- Aurora Division PotashCorp -Aurora Attached is the Storm Water Discharge Outfall (SDO) Monitoring Report for the Bulk Handling Facility located in Morehead City, North Carolina for May. Please do not hesitate to contact me a (252) 322-8283, if any additional information is required. D. Daniel Winstead III Senior Environmental Engineer PCS Phosphate H:1Reports120171MonthlyVf June\NF5�ghblAl A NC USA 27806 T (252) 322-4111 PotashCorp. I www.potash[orp.Com PC: 12-01-013-03-01 (w/attachments) Jason Broadwell Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 H:\Rcports12017\Monthly\flJune1NC Port Stormwater 2017.docx Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report Permit No.: N/C/S/0/0/0/5/2/0/ or Certificate of Coverage No.: N/C/G/ / / / / / / Facility Name: PCS Phosphate Bulk Handling Facility -Morehead City erminal County: Carteret Phone No. (252) 322-8283 Inspector: Jason Broadwell Date of Inspection: 5/10/2017 Time of Inspection: 6:00:00 AM Total Event Precipitation (inches): 0.14 Was this a Representative Storm Event? (See information below) �X Yes No Please check your permit to verify if Qualitative Monitoring must be performed during a representative storm event (requirements vary). --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A "Representative Storm Event is a storm event that measures greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours (3 days) in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may contain u� to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. By s sign tore, I certify that this repo is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: . ��n !tn ► o mil' �i� / w �n �ij L/T� (Signature of Permittee or Designee) 1. Outfall Description: Outfall No. 100 Structure (pipe, ditch, etc.) Pipe (Sampled at Storm Drain Inlet #103) Receiving Stream: Newport River Describe the industrial activities that occur within the outfall drainage area: Bulk handling of phosphate related products 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic color (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light, medium, dark) as descriptors: Light Brown 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (i.e., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc.): None Page 1 of 2 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: I I= 2 3 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: 1 2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 0 2 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes No g, Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes No 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? Yes No 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe: None Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NCS 000520 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME —PCS Phosphate Bulk Handling Facility -Morehead City PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Jason Broadwell CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Environment 1 Lab # 10 Lab # Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2017 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Carteret "R11111 I is FAWWWWO.M217-WO (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. --------- - --------------------- Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of NEW motor oil per month? yes X no (If yes, complete Part B) Part 13- Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements .. = . . . . . . . . . . ...... N :::::::::::: ..... ... Sam le::::::::: Tots .......... ..Tote ............ ..:ota1.......... - .otal:=:€�=-:<�::ifidtal��= � tiernica ...... i=toortda::::=:::::=:° Tem nr:::::::::>:: l9=:: �d ...:= IT F Ts TKN D nc _s:: Permit Number NCS 000582 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2017 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME Ennis -Flint (High Point facility) COUNTI' Guilford PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Nicholas Murphrey PHONE NO. ( 336 ) 475-6600 CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Environmental Science Corp. Lab # 375 Lab #� 1 V C SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE ,1(%fIJ 9 6 2017 REQUIRED ON PAGE 2. Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements T Outfall No. Date Sample Collected .50050 00530 00340 00610 00400 Total Flow if a Total Rainfall Total Susp. Solid_ s SS Biochern xy. Demand SOD Chemical Oxv. Demand COD Ammonia as Nitr en PH mo/dd/yr MG inches m m m L mg/L SU benchmark — — — 100 30 120 8.4 6.0 - 8.0 001 05/23/17 — 1.0 22.7 <10 223 1.54 8.1 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? _yes Xno (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 00556 00530 00400- Total Flow (if applicable) Total Rainfall Oil & Grease (if appl.) Non -polar O&GITPH (Method 1664 SGT-HEM), if appl. Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage molddtvr MG inches m mun unit gallmo Form SWU-247. Iasi revised 21212012 Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 5/23/17 Total Event Precipitation (inches) 1.0 Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable — see permit.) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable — see permit.) Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "1 certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the poAibility of fings)and,*prisonment for knowing violations." 0 �IIz12O�� (Signature o ermittee) (Date) Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 2 of 2 *ESC ANALYTICAL REPORT mvESC L•A•B 8•C•I•G•N.C.C•5 May 31, 2017 My Piedmont Geologic Sample Delivery Group: L911432 Samples Received: 05/24/2017 Project Number: 1616 I Description: Ennis Flint- High Point Site: HIGH POINT, NC Report To: Mr, Pete Dressel j 6003 Chapel Hill Road Suite 145 Raleigh, NC 27607 Entire Report Reviewed By: Brian Ford Technical Service Representative Results Fetale only to the items tested or cabbrated and ate reported its rounded values. Tills test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without wrltlen approval of the laboratory. Where applicable, sampling conducted by ESC is .. performed per guidance provided In laboratory standard operating procedures; 060302, 060303, and 060304. st y A. TABLE OF CONTENTS ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE, Cp: Cover Page Tc: Table of Contents Ss: Sample Summary Cn: Case Narrative Sr: Sample Results OUTFALL - 001 L911432-01 Qc: Quality Control Summary Gravimetric Analysis by Method 2540 D-2011 Wet Chemistry by Method 350.1 Wet Chemistry by Method 410.4 Wet Chemistry by Method 5210 B-2011 Gl: Glossary of Terms AL Accreditations & Locations Sc: Chain of Custody 1 2 3 2 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME; Piedmont Geologic 1616 L911432 05011710:51 PAGE: 2of14 SAMPLE SUMMARY ONE LAB, NATIONWIDE. Collected by Collected datc 1time Receiver) dateltlme OUTFALL - 001 L911432-01 WW NlchoiasMurphrcy 05123/1710:00 0512411708:45 Method Balch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst cNellime datellime Gnivimet0c Analysis by Method 2540 D-2011 WG983293 1 05/2611713:29 0512611714:24 EG Wet Chemishy by Method 350.1 WG983391 1 0513011717:34 0513D11717:34 JER Wet Chemistry by Method 410A WG992759 1 05/2411714:00 05/24/1716:36 MZ Wet Chemistry by Method 5210 B-2011 W0982733 1 OS124/1716:09 0512911710:49 CM ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG; DATE/TIME: PAGE: Piedmont Geologic 1616 L911432 05131/1710:51 3c,114 CASE NARRATIVE ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. All sample aliquots were received at the correct temperature, in the proper containers, with the appropriate preservatives, and within method specified holding times. All MDL (LOD) and RDL (LOQ) values reported for environmental samples have been corrected for the dilution factor used in the analysis. All Method and Batch Quality Control are within established criteria except where addressed in this case narrative, a non-conformance form or properly qualified within the sample results. By my digital signature below, I affirm to the best of my knowledge, all problems/anomalies observed by the laboratory as having the potential to affect the quality of the data have been identified by the laboratory, and no information or data have been knowingly withheld that would affect the quality of the data. A— - " I;; 7r W) Brian Ford Technical Service Representative ACCOUNT; PROJECT: SDG: DATEMME: PAGE: Piedmont Geologic 1616 L911432 0513111710:51 4 o114 OUTFALL - 001 SAMPLE RESULTS - 01 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected dateltlme, 05/23117 10:0D L911432 Additional Information Result Units Cp Analyte p1l(On Sile) 8.1 su FC GravimetriC Analysis by Method 2540 D-2011 rq Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte ugll ug11 dateI.time �WG983293 FCn] Suspended Solids 22700 2500 1 05/26/201714:24 _ Wet Chemistry by Method 350.1 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte ugli ugll date! lime CSC Ammonia Nitrogen 1540 100 1 05130/201717734 WG983291 7G1 Wet Chemistry by Method 410.4 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch aAl Analyte ug11 ugll dale I time COD 223000 10000 1 05124/201716:36 WG982759 BSc Wet Chemistry by Method 5210 B-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte ugll - dyll -1 date 1 time �WG982733- -_ BOD N0 10000 051291201710:49 — ACCOUNT: PROJECT: 5DG: DATEITIME: PAGE; PuAmont Geologic 1616 1.911432 06/3111710:51 5 of 14 WG983293 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Gravimetric Analysis by Method 2540 D-2011 1,911432-01 Method Blank (MB) Cp (MB) R3221664-1 05/2611714:24 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL ETC Anatyte ug11 ugh ugll Y T J Suspended Solids U 350 2500 3Ss L911430-02 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L911430-02 05/2611714:24 • (DUP) R3221664-4 05/26/17 14:24 FCn] Original Result DUP Result Dilution OUP RPD Anayte ugll ugll % DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits % E Suspended Solids 2890D0 297000 1 2.52 - w 5 L911440-01 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L911440-Dl 05/26/17 14:24 • (DUP) R3221664-5 05/26/17 14:24 FGI Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte ugll ugll % % V AI Suspended Solids 16800 21200 1 23.2 _ J3 —_ 5 rc Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3221664-2 05/26/17 14:24 • (LCSD) R3221664-3 05/26/17 14:24 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD ResuR LCS Rec. LCSD Rec. Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Anayte ugh ug11 ugll % % % % % Suspended Solids T13000 804000 808000 104 105 — 65.0-115 0.496 5 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATErnME: PAGE: Piedmont Geologic 1616 L911432 C513V1710:51 6 of 14 WG983391 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ONE LAB, NATIONWIDE. � Wet Chemistry by Method 350.1 L911432-01 Method Blank (MB) C (MB) R3221972-1 05130/1717:10 p MB Result NEB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL -TC Analyte ug11 ugll ug1l Ammonia Nitrogen U 313 100 SS F L911167-01 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L911167-01 05130117 17:15 . (DUP) R3221972-4 05/30/17 17:17 LEI Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD Analyte ugll ugh % DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits % Sr Ammonia Nitrogen- 1400 _ 1380 1 1 20 L911643-02 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L911643-02 05/3011717:55 . (DUP) P3221972-6 05/30/1717:56 FG1 Original Resuft DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte ugll ugll % % VAI Ammonia Nitrogen ND 0.000 1 — 0 20 9SC Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) . Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3221972-2 05/30/1717:12 . (LCSD) R3221977-3 05/30/17 17:14 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec, LCSD Rec. Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits AnWe ugll ugll ugll % % % % % Ammonia Nitrogen 750D 6920 6950 92 93 90-110 1 20 L911311-02 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) (OS) L911311-02 05/30/17 17:18 • (MS) R3221972-5 05l30)1717:20 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MS Rec- Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier Analyte ugll ugll ugll % % Ammonia Nitrogen 500D 125 5680 111 1 90.110 15 L911712-02 Original Sample (OS) . Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (05) L911712-02 05/30/17 18:04 • (MS) R3221972-7 05/30/1718706 . (MSD) R3221972-8 05I3011718:07 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec. MSD Rec. Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte ugll ugll ugll ugll % % % % w-- .._--_ _g---------- - _ --_ M .- __ __ -- _._ .. --- - , - -- - — - -- -- --- �. - Ammonia Nitrogen 5DDD ND 5360 538D 107 107 1 9D-1i0 D 20 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATEITIME: PAGE: Piedmont Geologic 1616 1-911432 05l31117 10:51 7 of 14 WG982759 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Wet Chemistry by Method 410-4 L911432-01 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3220685.1 05/24/17 16:33 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte Ugll ugll ugll COD U 3000 10000 L911337-01 Original Sample (OS) . Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L911337-01 0512411716733 • (DUP) R3220685-4 05/24/17 16:34 Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte ugll ugtl % % COD �— ND 0.000 1 0 20 L911463-07 Original Sample (OS) - Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L911463-07 05/2411716:37 • (DUP) R3220685-7 05/24/17 1637 Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte ugll ugll % % COD 20300 20500 1 1 20 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3220685-r2 05/24/17 1633 • (LCSD) R3220685-3 05124r1716:33 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec. LCSD Rec. Rec, Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte ugll ug11 ug11 % % % % % COD 242000 233000 237000 96 98 90-110 2 20 L911431-01 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L911431-01 05/24/17 16:35 • (MS) R3220685-5 05124/17 16:35 • (MSD) R3220685-6 05/24/1716:36 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec. MSD Rec. Analyte ugll ugrl ugA ugll COD 400000 N0 429000 422000 107 105 Dilution Rec. Limits i 80-120 _ MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits 20 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: Piedmont Geologic 1616 SDG: L911432 DATEITIME: 0513111710:51 PAGE: 8of14 WG982733 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Wet Chemistry by Method 5210 B-2011 L911432-01 Method Blank (MB) C} (MB) R3221651-1 05/29/17 11:56 NIB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte ugll ugA ugll - - - - -- -- --- - - -- -- — - — - - - - TC U� 1000 1000 BOO_ - -- - E L911337-02 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L911337-02 05l29117 09:17 • (DUP) R3221651-5 05l29117 09:18 Fn] Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD Analyte UgIl ugfl % - DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits % E BOD ND 0.000 1 0 30 L911365-02 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L911365-02 05/29/17 09:44 - (DUP) R3221651-6 05/29/17 09:45 r q, Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte ugll ugh % % `Al BOD ND 0.000 1 0 30 9Sc L911437-02 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (05) L911437-02 05/29/17 11:19 • (DUP) R3221651-7 05/29/17 11:22 Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte ugll ug1l % % BOD 3500 0.000 1 200 P1 30 L911441-01 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L911441-01 05/29/1711:28 • (DUP) R3221651-8 05/29/17 11:30 Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte ugll ugll % % B00 -� 9400 �- 11200 1 17 34-- Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3221651-2 05/29/17 09:05 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec, Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte ugfl ugll BOD 198000 225000 114 84.6-115 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Piedmont Geologic 1516 L911432 05/3V1710:51 9 of 14 WG982733 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ONE LAB, NATIONWIDE. Wet Chemistry by Method 5210 B-2011 L911432-01 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) Rp (LCS) P3221651-3 05/29/17 10:25 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec. Rec. Limits LCS Oualifier Analyte ugli ugh % % BOb 198000 215000 108 84.6-115 r qS Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) Fn (LCS) R3221651-4 05/29/1711:48 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec. Rec. Limits LCS Oualifier ugll ug11 % % FAnalyte BOD 198000 213000 109 84.6-115 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: Piedmont Geologic 1616 L911432 DATEITIME: PAGE: 0513111710:51 10 of 14 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ONE LAB, NATIONWIDE. 4V Abbreviations and Definitions SDG Sample Delivery Group. Cp ❑ MDL RDL Method Detection limit. Reported Detection Limit. �Tc ND Not detected at the Reporting Limit )or MDL where applicable). U Not detected at the Reporting Umit )or MDL where applicable). 3SS RPD Relative Percent Difference, Original Sample The non -spiked sample in the prep batch used to determine the Relative Percent DVerence (RPD) from a quality control sample. The Original Sample may not be included within the reported SDG. Cn F] Rec. Recovery, Fri Qualifier Description J3 The associated batch OC was outside the established quality control range for precision. QC J5 The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high. P1 RPD value not applicable for sample concentrations Less than 5 times the reporting limit. ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Piitdmonl GoologiC 1616 L911432 0513V1710:51 11 of 14 ACCREDITATIONS & LOCATIONS ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. ESC Lab Sciences is the only efthonmenlal laboratory accreditedlcerldied to support your wort nationwide Irom one location. One phone call, one point of contact. one laboratory. No Omer lab is as accessible or prepared to handle your needs throughout the country. Our capacity and Capability from our single location laboratory I$ comparable to the collective totals of the I nelwork laboratories in our industry. The most significant benchl to our -one location" design is the design of our laboratory campus- The rrodel is r:orICIII10 accelerated productivity, Cp decreasing turn -around time, and preventing cross contamination, thus protecting sample integrity, Our locus on premium quality and prompt service allows us to be YOUR LAB OF CHOICE. "Not all certflications held by the laboratory are applicable to the results reported in the attached repoil. 2 State Accreditations Tc Alabama 40660 Nevada TN-03-2002-34 3SS Alaska UST-080 New Hampshire 2975 Arizona AZ0612 New Jersey—NELAP TNO02 Arkansas 88-0469 New Mexico TNO0003 4 C� California 01157CA New York 11742 Colorado TNO0003 North Carolina Env375 ConllelILLlt PH-0197 North Carolina' DW21704 Florida E87487 North Carolina a 41 Georgia NELAP North Dakota R-140 e Georgia 923 Ohio—VAP C1,0069 QC Idaho TNO0003 Oklahoma 9915 Illinois 200008 Oregon TN200002 Indiana C TN-01 Pennsylvania 68.02979 FG1 Iowa 364 Rhode Island 221 Kansas E-10277 South Carolina 84004 Kentucky' 90010 South Dakota nla Kentucky' 16 Tennessee" 2006 Louisiana A130792 Texas T 104704245-07-TX Maine TNO002 Texas' LAD0152 SC Maryland 324 Utah 6157585858 Massachusetts M-TNO03 Vermont VT2006 Michigan 9958 Virginia 109 Minnesota 047-999-395 Washington C1915 Mississippi TNO0003 West Virginia 233 Missouri 340 Wisconsin 9980939910 Montana CERT0086 Wyoming A21LA Nebraska NE-OS-15-05 Third Party & FedeI ACcreditations A2LA — ISO 17025 1461.01 AIHA-LAP,LLC 100789 A2LA — ISO 17025s 1461,02 DOD 1461.01 Canada 1461.01 USDA 5-67674 EPA—Crypt0 TNO0003 'Drinking water z. Underground Slorage larks ' Aquatic Ioxibly ' Chemical/Mlcrobiologicai s. Mold i11 A[creditallon rof applicable Our Locations ESC Lab Sclences has sixty -tour client support centers thus provide sample pickup and/or the delivery of sampling supplies, If you would hku iisslstance from one of out support offices, pleas¢! contact nor main of fire. ESC lab Sciences performs all testing at our central laboratory. WA 1 l\ MIT Np NI E qR IN T ID SO 4P WI NY WY M1 T . II -wT PA NV NE T OH VT co♦ t `IL 1r1Y WV VA? w,CA KS h70 T KY T �•�'t N TAZ Nrn OK AR T GA SC T t.13 AC t TX � T AK ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Piedmont Geologic 1616 L911432 05/31/1710:51 12 of 14 L __ Ulinglnfvrmation: Ana€pslsICon•:.alrEarJPreservaihle G'sinoscastodY Rase—d— Piedmont Geologic Accounts Payable -SC 6003 Chapel Hill Rd Ste 145 *E 6003 Chapel Hill Road Suite 145 Raleigh, NC 27607 j Raleigh, NC 27607 L- a• a s r w• c• s tmas reta in # ni import to: Email To: pldremel fpkedmontgealagie.rwttmamt Mr. Pete Gressel ] ts-73€sua= n 1 FWAn l iit7tl•Ib7 Mj 1,%6100 �t 6:i-TA- -f prOIGLt CAY/State Description: Ennis flint - High Point Wlected: V t ' Ptwne.-919-854-9700 aent Project a tab Project g Fax: 919-a54-9532 isib PlEG0-16;6; o ; F i 27 ai o :Fes•- ut ct Collected by [print): Slte/"cillty ID o P.A. a j, r JE«ttlini PEEGEQ ``�� Alv HIGH POINT! NC 2 z � G vv 1"" o`qy s �"s rA; �: tsr p. n z Tbii+plair::Ti147 collected by (signatures: Rush? {tab MUST so Notified) Date Results Needed , In P5614G7 �7ro Email? No X_Yes E Immediately' Day 759i FAX? No. ppE Packed or► ke N Y �' Three Dey w:. _Na _Yes Sample ID Comp/Grab Matrk • Depth Date Time .i rlerni%OR17a'1�1AL 51f�( Ww . 1 100 t 4 y y �A A i .3 1. I Ma". SS -'.Sall GW - Groundwater W1N • WasteWater OW - Drinking Water OT • Other i { Temp efnarlts'130d has a 48 hour hold time* ; pH Fio-u/ Other 4 Relitequished by : ISignaturel Time: Received bY: (Si to Samplel returned via: ❑ uPS CPlidlif -,: (lab tisetl ) - Hate: ' D.Courier ❑ Reiingaishe Si Date. f qq�[r f T P... RC- aotrReor C©E Seai (rtt cis NA _y �ti nqu[shed by 5{gts 7 S Gate: Tlrne: R2ceeved EitbY�tl iJg cure Dawi< TOnet pli f�teclted: NCF ESC r SCIENCES Cooler Receipt Form Client: �5 0 �t'j Ef J,- C6olrr Kecciv6d/Opened C71 5 /17 Temperature, ZJ Received by :.hickey Mosley Signature: Receipt Check List NP Yes No CQC Sea! Present / Intact? ►/ COC Signed / Accurate?' Bottles arrive intact? Correct bottles used? »� Sufficient volume sent? VOA Zero heads ace? Pretervation.C,Oerect•/ Checked? • • _J1 CPI USA North Carolina LLC PO Box 1153 331 Allie Clay Road Roxboro, NC 27573 T 336-330-4502 idly Capital Power Corporation February 26, 2016 Z v Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section Attention: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Re: Annual Summary DMR- 2015 - Permit No. NCS000347 Enclosed please find the Annual Stormwater Summary DMR as required by permit 10. NCS000347 for calendar year 2015. Stormwater Sampling Results (2015) Permit No. NCS000347 contains analytical monitoring requirements that apply to stormwater outfall 001 at the CPI Roxboro site. Samples were collected on December 2, 2015 during a representative storm event. Attached to the DMR please find copies of analytical results from James R. Reed & Associates. According to our permit, these results are to be compared to "benchmark" values in Table 3 of the permit. While these benchmark values are not permit limits, they are to be used as guidelines for monitoring the effectiveness of the BMP's that are identified in the SWPPP. Best Management Plan (BMP) Summary & Evaluation Coal, wood, TDF, and ash for the boiler plant are stored outside in the coal pile drainage area and runoff is routed via a concrete "V ditch" to the waste treatment pond, where it is treated prior to discharge. An observation was made in 2015 noting that run-off was draining from the ash storage area (in the coal pile drainage area) across the plant roadway around the main building to the storm water drain system. The storage area had become elevated from the process of moving & handling of materials. A dozer was brought in, and the area was graded to prevent the "runoff' from crossing the road, thus keeping the runoff contained to the V ditch. Chemical storage and usage is limited to the wastewater basin, the demineralizer building area, the R.O. building area, and the cooling tower chemical storage area. Spill cleanup materials are located inside the warehouse and the R.O. building. There is a dedicated unloading bay at the demineralizer building. All chemicals used are stored within secondary containment, or on a chemical skid on the floor in the building. The floor is sloping towards a drain that discharges into the chemical sump from the demineralizer building. Chemicals stored in the cooling tower chemical storage area are stored in a secondary containment, which can be drained to the wastewater basin for treatment. 0 • 0 • i'. Capital Power Corporation The risk of fly ash or fly ash residue from the ash silo area entering the storm system is low due to the use of a Dustmaster. When a truck is loaded with ash, a slurry system is used to minimize fugitive ash and spillage. The risk of the petroleum products entering the storm system is low due to the use of secondary containment. Rain water in this area is collected in a sump and pumped to the waste basin. Outfall Evaluation All outfalls were evaluated for non-stormwater discharges, and no non-stormwater discharges were observed. Appendix B1 of the revised SWPPP includes a "Non -Storm Water Discharge Assessment & Certification" form that is used to document this evaluation. The SWPPP includes a procedure for conducting a Non -Storm Water Assessment for all outfalls. Certification "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or the persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. 1 am aware there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." f Date c� Frank yward Plant Manger CPI USA North Carolina, LLC Roxboro Facility Attachment. Annual Stormwater Summary DMR Form and Sample Results from December 2, 2015 Page 2 of 2 1 o • A 4 h,* AAA STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT (DMR) Calendar Year 2015 Individual NPDES Permit No. NCS 000347 or Certificate of Coverage (COC) No. NCG❑❑❑❑❑❑ This monitoring report summary of the calendar year should be kept on file on -site with the facility SPPP.r � v Facility Name: CPI USA North Carolina LLC-Roxboro Plant County: Person 3r. Phone Number: (336)330-4502 _ Total no. of SDOs monitored 1 a Outfall No. 001 » � Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No ® Co Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ , Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No -Total Rainfall;:` inches .. = Parameter; (units)_.. TSS "= = COD Total.; Aluminum" _ . -` Total = Antimony - _ = Total ' . Arsenic Total Beryllium = Tofal.Boron Tote!' = Cadmium Benchmark N/A 100 mg/l 120 mg/I 0.75 mgA 0.09 mg/I 0.36 mg/I 0.07 mg/1 NIA 0.001 mg/1 Date Sample Collected, - mm/dd/yy 12-2-15 .5 17 28 2.2 <0.005 <0.005 <0.0005 <0.05 <0.0005 0 SW U-264-Generic-13Dec2012 W. DF-Mt� K"? !�e E�'� Additional Outfall Attachment Outfall No. 001 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall,,. inches ��. Parameter, (units) =- - Tofal r Chromium. . _ Total Copper : Total Lead Tofal Mercury .. ; ,Total Nickel :. Total -Selenium Total Silver Total Thallium. :. Benchmark N/A 1 mg/1 0.007 mg/I 0.03 mgll N/A ug/1 0.26 mg/I 0.056 mg/I 0.001 mgll N/A mg/1 Date Sample Collected, mm/dd/yy 12-2-15 .5 0.003 0.011 <0.005 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.005 <0.001 <0.005 SW U-264-Generic-13Dec2012 ��-` © ! • � � 9 \ � . \V � \ « 3 \\. Additional Outfall Attachment Outfall No. 001 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No SW U-264-Generic-13Dec2012 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature�lL Date t, 1 of 4 i coo ib DWQ Regional Office Contact Information: rank Hayward) For questions, contact your local Regional Office: ASHE;VILLE REGIONAL 0FFICE FA'YETTEVILLE?REGIONAL WFICE t. _ .. MOORIiJSV�ILLErREGIONALOIi~FICE - 2090 US Highway 70 225 Green Street 610 East Center Avenue/Suite 301 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Systel Building Suite 714 Mooresville, NC 28115 (828) 296-4500 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (704) 663-1699 (910) 433-3300 RALEIGM-REGIONAL OFFIC_ E WASHINGTON`REGIONAL,'OFFICE WILMINGTONiREGIONAL�01♦FIGK, 3800 Barrett Drive 943 Washington Square Mall 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Raleigh, NC 27609 Washington, NC 27889 Wilmington, NC 28405-2845 (919) 791-4200 (252) 946-6481 (910) 796-7215 WINSTON=SALEM REGIONAL;OFFICE CENTRAL_OFFICE 585 Waughtown Street 1617 Mail Service Center 70 preserve,, protect:. _ Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 and enhance (336) 771-5000 (919) 807-6300 i Nbah Carolina's ivaler-"` • • SW U-264-Generic-13 Dec2012 CLIENT; CPI USA North Carolina LLC SAMPLE COLLECTED BY: CLIENT ATTN: Mary Whitcomb GRAB COLLECTION: ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1153 Date: 12/2/2015 Time: 1238 DD�Roxboro, NC 27573 COMPOSITE COLLECTION: �ER oc!" PHONE: (336) 330-4508 Start Date: Time: FAX: mwhitcom@capitalpower.com End Date: Time. Special Notes: PICKUP BY: FEDEX Permit # NC5000347 SAMPLE RECEIPT: Semiannual StormwaterMonitoring Date: 12/3/2015 Time: 10i0 North Carolina Certification B 289 NUMBER OF CONTAINERS: 5 SAMPLE CONDITION:O Good ❑ Other (See C-O-C) REPORT NO: 15-I8792 12:22 SAMPLE ID: 001 SAMPLE NO: 15-18792 Method JRA Parameter plumber QL Result Unit Analyst Date Time TSS *2540D 2.5 1.7 mg/L SRT 12/03/15 1345- COD HAC8000 10 28 mg/L AME 12/21/15 1515 Total Aluminum 200.7 0.050 2.20 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 I715 Total Antimony 200.7 0.005 < 0.005 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Arsenic 200.7 0.005 < 0,005 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Beryllium 200.7 0.0005 < 0.0005 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1715 Total Boron 2003 0.05 < 0.05 mg/L PEJ 12/23/15 1102 Total Cadmium 200.7 0.0005 < 0.0005 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Chromium 200.7 0.001 0.003 mg/L PEJ I2/22/15 1232 Total Copper 200.7 0.002 0,011 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Lead 200.7 0.005 < 0.005 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Mercury 245.1 0.0002 < 0.0002 mg/L TLG 12/10/15 1255 Total Nickel 200.7 0.005 < 0.005 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Selenium 200.7 0.005 < 0.005 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Silver 200.7 0.001 <0.001 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Thallium 200.7 0.005 < 0.005 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Zinc 200.7 0.005 0,314 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Sulfate *4500SO4E 10 48 mg/L AME 12/07/15 1117 Oil & Grease HEM 1664A 5.0 < 5.0 mg/L PRM 12/08/15 1600 pH (Field) **4500H+B 7.01 s.u. WW 12/02/15 1238 James R. Reed & Associates 770 Pilot House Drive, Newport News, VA 23606 (757)873-4703 0 Fax: (757) 873-1498 VELAP# 460013 EPA# VA00015 E Page 1 of 2 SAMPLE ID: 001 SAMPLE NO: 15-I8792 Method JRA Parameter Number QL Result Unit Analyst Date Time MOTES: JRA Quantification level is the concentration of the lowest calibration standard above zero with a reliable signal. Reproduction of this report is not permitted, except in full, without written approval from James R Reed & Associates. The results on this report relate only to the sample(s) provided for analysis. Results conform to NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise indicated. *SM 1997(TSS), *SM 2011 (Sulfate), COD - HACH **pH performed in the field by client. James R. Reed & Associates 770 Pilot House Drive, Newport News, VA 23606 (757)873-4703 0 Fax: (757) 873-1498 Authorized By: Elaine Claiborne, Laboratory Director Date: 23-Dec-I5 VELAP# 460013 EPA# VA00015 Page 2 of 2 � : �k � \ : ��� . �. . �` � \\ � � ƒ � : ¢ 2 � .\ d � ) . y � �¥ _ � : � ���\\ �\ � . � . \ �� 2 � \ � ` 2( . � = � . \\ \ \) . CHAIN OF CUSTODY ANALYSES REQUESTED Company Name: CPI USA North Carolina LLC (Roxboro Plant) Bottle I.D Company Contact: Mary WiftromD Telephone 336-330-4504 Preserv. Results To -.Mary Whitcomb Fax: lilt 5-600 3 `f ? Address: P,O Box 1153 Roxboro, NC 27573 -Seer Ahat.4o k Project ID: Stormwater Semiannual Sample State of Origln: VA- NC,2� JRA ID # / Sample T Sample Location Start Date Start Time End Date End I Time Date Time Total # lof cant. W- ` K W Cho t 1 /2-2--/.S /238 1 S I�C IWW= Wastewater, GW = Groundwater, DW - Drinking Water, HW -Hazardous Waste, OTHER Preservatives: Sampled By: DatefTlme: (z- Z-(1' /L38 1 = <VC B = Na,szC3+ HCI 10=AaCorbicAcid + HCI Relinquished By Mac,". Datef rime: - 2 ar C) 2 = HNO3 7 = NaOH + ZnOAc 11=HCI ' received By: P CA 1 DatelTime: 7-- c] 3 - H2SO4 8 - HZSO4 + FAS 12=Zinc Acetate + NaOH ' Relinquished By: Af d t Datef±ime: 4 = NaOH 9 = NH4CI 13=Na2S03+ HCI Received By: 202. kllzf"(41— Datefiime: ;r' Cam' 141d 5 = Na2S203 14=N2,SO,+ H,SO4 y�For Compliance CN interference Check: Positive Negative VOA Chlorine Check: POS_NEG_ 1DechlodnaW:_Yes 6y: _Not for Compliance Sulfide: Oxidizing Agent: Phenolic Interference Check: Positive Negative ±� Oxidizing Agent; Arrival Temp: °C JAMES R. REED & ASSOCIATES (757) 873-4703 a FAX (757) 873-1498 770 Pilot House Drive, Newport News, VA 23606 CPI USA North Carolina LLC PO Box 1153 331 Allie Clay Road Roxboro, NC 27573 T 336.330-4502 February 26, 2016 Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section Attention: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Capital Power Corporatior RECEIVED MAR 0 8 2016 C NTRAt_ FILES RWR SECTION Re: Annual Summary DMR- 2015 - Permit No. NCS000347 Wo Enclosed please find the Annual Stormwater Summary DMR as required by permit No� NCS000347 for calendar year 2015. Stormwater Sampling Results (2015) Permit No. NCS000347 contains analytical monitoring requirements that apply to stormwater outfall 001 at the CPI Roxboro site. Samples were collected on December 2, 2015 during a representative storm event. Attached to the DMR please find copies of analytical results from James R. Reed & Associates. According to our permit, these results are to be compared to "benchmark" values in Table 3 of the permit. While these benchmark values are not permit limits, they are to be used as guidelines for monitoring the effectiveness of the BMP's that are identified in the SWPPP. Best Management Plan (BMP) Summary & Evaluation Coal, wood, TDF, and ash for the boiler plant are stored outside in the coal pile drainage area and runoff is routed via a concrete "V ditch" to the waste treatment pond, where it is treated prior to discharge. An observation was made in 2015 noting that run-off was draining from the ash storage area (in the coal pile drainage area) across the plant roadway around the main building to the storm water drain system. The storage area had become elevated from the process of moving & handling of materials. A dozer was brought in, and the area was graded to prevent the "runoff' from crossing the road, thus keeping the runoff contained to the V ditch. Chemical storage and usage is limited to the wastewater basin, the demineralizer building area, the R.O. building area, and the cooling tower chemical storage area. Spill cleanup materials are located inside the warehouse and the R.O. building. There is a dedicated unloading bay at the demineralizer building. All chemicals used are stored within secondary containment, or on a chemical skid on the floor in the building. The floor is sloping towards a drain that discharges into the chemical sump from the demineralizer building. Chemicals stored in the cooling tower chemical storage area are stored in a secondary containment, which can be drained to the wastewater basin for treatment. Capital Power Corporation The risk of fly ash or fly ash residue from the ash silo area entering the storm system is low due to the use of a Dustmaster. When a truck is loaded with ash, a slurry system is used to minimize fugitive ash and spillage. The risk of the petroleum products entering the storm system is low due to the use of secondary containment. Rain water in this area is collected in a sump and pumped to the waste basin. Outfall Evaluation Ali outfalls were evaluated for non-stormwater discharges, and no non-stormwater discharges were observed. Appendix B1 of the revised SWPPP includes a "Non -Storm Water Discharge Assessment & Certification' form that is used to document this evaluation. The SWPPP includes a procedure for conducting a Non -Storm Water Assessment for all outfalls. Certification "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or the persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Z I-" C e- Date aaIL, Frank F4arcl Plant Manger CPI USA North Carolina, LLC Roxboro Facility Attachment: Annual Stormwater Summary DMR Form and Sample Results from December 2, 2015 Page 2 of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT (DMR) Calendar Year 2015 Individual NPDES Permit No. NCS 000347 or Certificate of Coverage (COC) No. NCG❑❑❑❑❑❑ This monitoring report summary of the calendar year should be kept on file on -site with the facility SPPP. Facility Name: CPI USA North Carolina LLC-Roxboro Plant County: Person Phone Number: (336)330-4502 Total no. of SDOs monitored 1 Outfall No. 001 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, : inches Parameter, (units) _ TSS COD Total Aluminum Total Antimony Total Arsenic, Total Beryllium Total Boron Total Cadmium Benchmark NIA 100 mg/ l 120 mg/l 0.75 mg/i 0.09 mg/l 0.36 mg/l 0.07 mg/l NIA 0.001 mgll Date Sample Collected,. mm/ddlyy E======== 12-2-15 .5 17 28 2.2 <0.005 <0.005 <0.0005 <0.05 <0.0005 SW U-264-Generic-1 Mec2012 Additional Outfall Attachment Outfall No. 001 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Total- Rainfall,. inches Parameter, (units) Total Chromium .. Total: Copper Total Lead _ Tvfal ;. Mercury Total Nickel Tatar Selenium Tot a! Silver. Total Thallium Benchmark N/A 1 mg/l 0.007 mgfl 0.03 mg/l WA l►9n 0.26 mg/l 0.056 mgfl 0.001 mg/I N/A mg/l Date Sample Collected, mm/dd/yy 12-2-15 .5 0.003 0.011 <0.005 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.005 <0.001 <0.005 SW U-264-Generic-13Dec2012 Additional Ouifall Attachment Outfall No. 001 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Total. Rainfall; inches - Parameter...(units) - - Total. Zinc - - Sulfate Oil & Grease . HEM PH (Field) - - Benchmark 1V/A1 0.067 500 30 6-9 Date Sample.` Collected, mm/dd/yy 12-2-15 .5 0.314 48 <5.0 7.01 SW U-264-Generic-13Dec2012 I f I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature �3 Date e�t Q(3 DWO Regional Office Contact Information: (Frank Hayward) For questions, contact your local Regional Office: ASHEVILLE REGIONAL�OFFICE FAVETTEVILLE REGIONAL,OFFICE MOORESVILLE REGIONAL'OFFICE 2090 US Highway 70 225 Green Street 610 East Center Avenue/Suite 301 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Systel Building Suite 714 Mooresville, NC 28115 (828) 296-4500 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (704) 663-1699 (910) 433-3300 RAEEIGHxREGIONAL OFFICE WASHINGTON�REGIONAL OFFICE WILMINGTON,:REGION_AL OFFICE 943 Washington Square Mall 127 Cardinal Drive Extension 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Washington, NC 27889 Wilmington, NC 28405-2845 (919) 791-4200 (252) 946-6481 (910) 796-7215 WMSTON=SALEM;REGIONAL ;OFFICE CENTRAL -OFFICE 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 "To preserve, protect and enhance 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 (336) 771-5000 (919) 807-6300 North Carofina's water._." SW U-264-Generic-13Dec2012 c (A —RENT ' CPI USA North Carolina LLC SAMPLE COLLECTED BY: CLIENT ATTN: Mary Whitcomb GRAB COLLECTION: ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 1153 �REED Date: 12/212015 Time: 1238 h Roxboro, NC 27573 COMPOSITE COLLECTION: Octp PHONE: (336) 330-4508 Start Date: Time: FAX: mwhitcom@capitalpower.com End Date: Time: Special Notes: PICKUP BY: FEDEX Permit # NC5000347 SAMPLE RECEIPT: Semiannual Stormwater Monitoring Date: 12/3/2015 Time: 1010 North Carol inaCertifiication H 289 NUMBER OF CONTAINERS: 5 SAMPLE CONDITION:❑ Good ❑ Other (See C-O-C) REPORT NO: 15-18792 12:22 SAMPLE ID: 001 SAMPLE NO: 15-18792 Method JRA Parameter Number QL Result Unit Analyst Date Time TSS *2540D 2.5 17 mglL SRT 12/03/15 1345 COD HAC8000 10 28 mg/L AME 12/21/15 1515 Total Aluminum 200.7 0.050 2.20 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1715 Total Antimony 200.7 0.005 < 0.005 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Arsenic 200.7 0.005 < 0.005 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Beryllium 200.7 0.0005 < 0.0005 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1715 Total Boron 200.7 0.05 < 0.05 mg/L PEJ 12/23/15 1102 Total Cadmium 200.7 0A005 < 0.0005 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 I232 Total Chromium 200.7 0.001 0.003 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232. Total Copper 200.7 0.002 0.011 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Lead 200.7 0.005 < 0.005 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Mercury 245.1 0.0002 < 0.0002 mg/L TLG 12/10/15 1255 Total Nickel 200.7 0.005 < 0.005 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Selenium 200.7 0.005 < 0.005 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Silver 200.7 0.001 < 0.001 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Thallium 200.7 0.005 < 0.005 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Total Zinc 200.7 0.005 0.314 mg/L PEJ 12/22/15 1232 Sulfate *4500SO4E 10 48 mg/L AME 12/07/15 1117 Oil & Grease HEM 1664A 5.0 < 5.0 mg/L PRM 12/08/15 1600 pH (Field) **4500H+B 7.01 5.11. WW 12/02/15 1238 James R, Reed & Associates 770 Pilot House Drive, Newport News, VA 23606 (757)873-4703 0 Fax: (757) 873-1498 VELAP# 460013 EPA# VAOOOI S `��•Jcr iv Pagel of 2 't, 4� t tAMPLE ID: 001 SAMPLE NO: 15-18792 Method JRA Parameter Number QL Result unit Analyst Date Time NOTES: JRA Quantification Level is the concentration of the lowest calibration standard above zero with a reliable signal. Reproduction of this report is not permitted, except in full, without written approval from James R Reed & Associates. The results on this report relate only to the sample(s) provided for analysis. Results conform to NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise indicated. 'SM 1997(TSS),'SM 2011 (Sulfate), COD - HACH "'pH performed in the field by client. Authorized By: U� Elaine Claiborne, Laboratory Director Date: 23-Dec-15 James R. Reed & Associates VELAP# 460013 770 Pilot House Drive, Newport News, VA 23606 EPA# VAOODIS (757) 873-4703 0 Fax: (757) 873-1498 Page 2 of 2 CHAIN OF CUSTODY Company Name: CPI USA North Carolina LLC (Roxboro Plant) Company Contact: Mary Whitcomb Telephone 336-330-4504 Perml#- Results To: Marywhitcomb Fax: YC a 660 3 %f 7 dress: P.O Box 1153 Roxboro, NC 27573 Il Sf?•+r6 &atxa k Project ID: Stormwater Semiannual Stag rn [-W er "' ".1-kr. sample State of Origin: VA____ NCA Sample ID # Bottle I.D Present. GRAB Date I Time I Date I Time I Date I Time lof cont. 2-ISI /73B REED y ANALYSES REQUESTED 'WW= Wastewater. GW = Groundwater, OW - Drinking Water, HW - Hazardous Waste, OTHER Preservatives• Sampled By: WC-1cikt k..3 W t1a%.J DateMme: I Z- 2L-f r 1431a 1 = <eC 6= Na2%03+ HCI 1C=Ascorbic Add +HC1 Relinquished By: a r -W { X kA cdw, Datelrime: 12 _ 2 S 6 2 = HNO2 7 = NaOH + ZnOAc 11=HCI Received By: r eA L, Date/Time: ' Relinquished By. Dale/Time; Received By: Dateffime: P2 -3 -/ @ / -�- 'for Compliance VOA Chlorine Check: POS_NEG____� By: _Not for Compliance IDechlorinated: Yes Phenolic Interference Check: Positive Negative Oxidizing Agent: 3 = 1-6SO4 8 = KA04+ FAS 12=Zi nc Acetate + NaOH 4 = NaOH 8 = NH4CI 13=Na2S03+ HCI 5 = Na25,03 14=N22.S03 + H2SO4 CN Interference Check: Positive Negative Sulfide: Oxidizing Agent: Arrival Temp: + °C JAMES R. REED & ASSOCIATES (757) 873-4703 * FAX (757) 873-1498 770 Pilot House Drive, Newport News, VA 23606 a , tA Capital Power CPI USA North Carolina LLC Corporation PO Sox 1153 331 Allie Clay Road Roxboro, NC 27573 T 336-330.4502 December 13, 2017 n , 4�, ll Division of Water QualitySurface py� Water CentProtection Section ��ORMA Attention:rjp�p����ss 1617 Mail Service Center. 'N�vN� Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Re: Semi-annual Summary DMR- 2017 - Permit No. NCS000347 Enclosed please find the second semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Monitoring Report as required by permit No. NCS000347 for calendar year 2017. Stormwater Sampling Results (2017) Permit No. NCS000347 contains analytical monitoring requirements for stormwater outfall 001 at the CPI Roxboro site. Samples were collected on September 6, and November 9, 2017 during representative storm events. Please find copies of analytical results from Meritech, Inc. attached to this report. According to our permit, these results are to be compared to "benchmark" values in Table 3 of' the permit. The benchmark values are to be used as guidelines for monitoring the effectiveness of the BMP's that are identified in the SWPPP. Results received on September 15, 2017, indicated that 5 of the metals analyzed were over the benchmark value. Results received on November 9, 2017 revealed significant improvements. While there were still benchmark exceedances for 3 parameters, they were significantly lower than the previous results. Best Management Plan (BMP) Samples were collected from 7 different areas that drain into Stormwater outfall #001 and sent to Meritech, Inc. for analysis in May 2017. Based on these sample results,, the source of the Benchmark exceedances appears to be the main roadway coming into the plant/main gate and the roadway between the warehouse and the main plant building (which drains into the SD near the hydrogen tanks). Both drains eventually discharge to Storm Drain Outfall 001. An evaluation made by site management team concluded that improved housekeeping measures and runoff control would help reduce impacts to stormwater quality. r� 4 Capital Power Corporation • A plan was developed to have plant personnel run the tenant sweeper to clean up the roadways more often. ■ Operations manager sent out an email to plant personnel with instructions on cleaning. • Check -off sheet developed to record date & time of the cleaning. • The Lab Tech will file the cleaning records with the Storm Water Plan. • The main entrance roadway ditch was lined with rip rap in late September to better control the runoff at the main entrance. • A work order was generated to have "Drainage Area 1" storm drains cleaned. All the existing soil & gravel was removed and replaced with new gravel. Certification "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or the persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Date Frank Ka' and Plant Manger CPI USA North Carolina, LLC Roxboro Facility Attachment: Semi-annual Stormwater Summary DMR Form and Sample Results from September -- November 2017. Page 2 of 2 1 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NCS000347 FACILITY NAME: CPI USA North Carolina LLC--Roxboro Plant PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Wright Whitlow CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Meritech, Inc. Lab #: 165 CPI USA North Carolina LLC—Roxboro Plant Lab # 5458 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2017 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY: Person PHONE NO. (336)3304452 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE REQUIRED ON PAGE 2. Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 Total Flow (if app.) Total Rainfall COD Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Total Aluminum Total Antimony Total Arsenic Total Beryllium mo/ddl r MG inches m /L m u IL a /L u /I. u L #001 09-06-17 N/A .7 123 316 5340 0.68 <2 <0.5 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected Total Boron Total Cadmium Total Chromium Total Copper Total Lead Total Mercury Total Nickel Total Selemium molddl r u L u u u /L u /L n /L u /L u #001 09-06-17 <50 0.31 11.4 21.2 9.09 66.9 5.61 <2.0 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected Total Silver Total Thallium Total Zinc Sulfate Oil & Grease HEM pH Field mo/dd/ r u u u /L m m IL #001 09-06-17 <0.5 <0.5 712 15.5 <5 7.2 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month?_ yes X no (if yes, complete Part B) Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 1 of 2 Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activitv Monitoring Requirements 'Outfall,. No. Date Sample Collected 50050 00556 00530 00400 Total Flow (if applicable)`, Total Rainfall :" Oil & Grease (if appL) - 'Non -polar .O&GITPH.5uspended (Method 1664 ; SGT-HEM), if, a 1. Total "Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage - mo/ddl ° r MG inches mg/1 m unit allmo STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date: Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): NIA (only if applicable — see permit.) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable — see permit.) Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." of (Date) Form S W U-247, last revised 21212012 Page 2 of 2 Meritech, Inc. Environmental Laboratory Laboratory Certification No.1.65 Contact: Wright Whitlow Client: Capital Power P.O. Box 1153 Roxboro, NC 27573 Report Date: 9/15/2017 Date Sample Rcvd: 9/7/2017 Meritech Work Order # 090717154 Sample: Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) #001 Grab 9/6/17 Parameters Results Analysis Date Reporting Limit Method COD 123 mg/L 9/8/17 15 mg/L EPA 410.4 Total Suspended Solids 316 mg/L 9/11/17 2.5 mg/L SM 2540 D Aluminum, total 5,340 ug/L 9/14/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Antimony, total 0.68 ug/L 9/14/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Arsenic, total <2 itg/L 9/14/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Beryllium, total <0.5 ug/L 9/14/17 5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Boron, total <50 ug/L 9/15/17 50 ug/L EPA 200.8 Cadmium, total 0.31 ug/L 9/14/17 0.15 ug/L EPA 200.8 Chromium, total 11.4 ug/L 9/14/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Copper, total 21.2 ug/L 9/14/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Lead, total 9.09 ug/L 9/14/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Nickel, total 5.61 ug/L 9/14/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Selenium, total <2.0 ug/L 9/14/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Silver, total <0.5 ug/L 9/14/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Sulfate, total 15.5 mg/L 9/11/17 5 mg/L SW 846 9038 Thallium, total <0.5 ug/L 9/14/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Zinc, total 712 ug/L 9/14/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Oil & Grease (HEM) <5 mg/L 9/12/17 5 mg/L EPA 1664E I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. 4, 441_)� Laboratory Representative 642 Tamco Road, Reidsville, North Carolina 27320 tel.(336)3424748 fax.(336)342-1522 / ) \ / ) } \ J � I \ \k �� � ¥ \4-1 ©ƒ 9 �$ � ƒ d < .�. .� NZ 3-2o-2013 Chain of Custody Record (COC) - NPDES#: NCS000347 Client: Capital Power Phone: 336-330-4452 Address: PO Box 1153 Fax: Roxboro, NC 27573-1153 Email: wwhitiow@capitalpower.com Project: P.O.#: Attention: Wright Whitlow Turn Around Time* * Haw would you like your report sent? RUSH work needs prior approval. Circle all that apply: Email (preferred), Fax, Mail 5tcl so days) 3 - 5 Da s 24 -4s Hrs M E R ITE C H INC. 1 =J' ° ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 642 Tamco Rd. Phone: 336-342-4748 r Reidsville NC 27320 Fax: 336-342-1522 Email: info@meritech-Iabs.com www . m eri t e c h-labs . c oy-� a~ I Sample Location and/or ID # Sampling Dates & Times Person Taking5ample gn/Pr'nt): ✓ r�/G.� G{/fhr� Lab Use Start End Comp? Grab? # of Cont. Tests) Required on Ice? Yes / No pH OK? CI OK? Date Time Date Time Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) #001 G 1 13 Priority Pollutant Metals-Ag, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, TI, Zn, (w/HNO3) 'fir G AI ` G 1 I B G COD G TSS G - Sulfate G Oil & Grease (w/HCI) Temperature Upon Receipt: t Method of Shipment: ""* Dechiorination <0.5 pm) of Ammonia, Cyanide, Phenol and TKN samples must be done in the field prior to preservation. *** Comments: 5���� / � ���� Compositor# Jug# Q UPS Fed Ex Are these r sults for regulato urposes? Yes No Report results in: mg/L mg/kg Nand Delivery Relinquished by: [� Time: '7 z Recei Z<— 7- Z I Other eritech Pickup Relinqu d to . Time: ] / Received Date: Time: Relinquishe by; bate: Time: Received by lab: j i. a Tim ; �J� d . \ ,� « r \ � �. �' � � <: } d: \ 7\\ : .c ° � . �\ � / / ��^ � .\ \ - � . y> � :� i - �j Client: Attention NPDES # MERITECH, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES Laboratory Certification No. 165 Capital Power P.Q. Box 1153 331 Allie Clay Rd. Roxboro, NC 27573 Wright Whitlow NCS000347 Date Sampled 09/06/17 Digested 09/08/17 Analysis 09/15/17 Analyst: CWL EPA 1631 Low Level Mercury Anal Meritech ID # Sample ID Result Reporting Limit MBLK0728LL Method Blank <0.5 ng/L 0.5 ng/L .M09081724 Field Blank < 1.0 ng/L 1.0 ng/L M09081725 Outfall #001 66.9 ng/L 1.0 ng/L I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. Laboratory Representativ 642 Tamco Rd - PO Box 27 - Reidsville, NC 27320 (336) 342-4748 Ph - (336) 342-1522 Fax E-Mail: kris.pawlak@meritechlabs.com 310-2016 Chain of Custody Record (COC) r Client: G� I T� NPDES#: ' S d®QJ 3 M E RATE C y N C ` Y ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 642 Tamco Rd. Phone: 336-342-4748 Reidsville NC 27320 Fax: 336-342-1522 Email: info@meritechlabs.com WWW. merifieehlabs.eom EPA 1631 Phone: �� �3� Address: �s3 Fax: Iz Email: Ilia,1494joe .� Project: . G. c5:2 75r7 3 P.O.#- Attention: I G�i How would you like your Report sent? Circle all that apply: Email (preferred) Fax Mail Person Taking Sample (SignlPrint): Sample Location / ID# P Date Time Sampling Site Description Bottle. Lot# Tubing Lot# Samp er CH/DH 245.1 Result (ppt) In House Preservation Cooler # Field Blank ��m W r Q Df $ �g �7- N Method of Shipment: Comments: ❑ UPS ❑ Fed Ex Are these results fpr regulatory r es? Yes Wr-- No ❑ ❑Relinquished Hand Delivery by: t Time: 7 [ Receiv t� e: y� �iie: o Other Relin shed by; Da Time: - � Received by: Date: Time: /f Relinquis ed by: Date: Time: Received by Lab: pate: -rime: IS) 7- a 91-! Released to Lab Secure Area Received from Lab Secure Area 0-7.2y T STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NCS000347 FACILITY NAME: CPI USA North Carolina LLC--Roxboro Plant PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Wright Whitlow CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Meritech, Inc. Lab #: 165 CPI USA North Carolina LLC—Roxboro Plant Lab # 5458 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2017 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY: Person PHONE NO. (336)3304452 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE REQUIRED ON PAGE 2. Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 Total Flow (if app.) Total Rainfall COD Total Suspended Solids TSS Total Aluminum Total Antimony Total Arsenic Total Beryllium molddl r MG inches m L m /L u /L u IL u u L #001 11-09-17 NIA .7 29 39 1330 0.62 1 <2 <0.5 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected Total Boron Total Cadmium Total Chromium Total Copper Total Lead Total Mercury Total Nickel Total Selemium molddl r u IL u L u L u L u IL n /L u L u L #001 11-09-17 <50 <0.15 3.60 8.83 2.57 <0.2 2.04 <2.0 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected Total Silver Total Thallium Total Zinc Sulfate Oil & Grease HEM pH Field molddl r u /L u /L u /L m /L m L #001 11-09-17 <0.5 <0.5 465 31 <5 7.2 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month?_ yes X no (if yes, complete Part B) Form S WU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 1 of 2 Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activitv Monitoring Requirements Outfall=Date" No, -a 4, Sample:, Collected 50050 00556 00400 Total Flow. ..(if applicable} Total .. Rainfall „ Oil &Grease {if,appI) Non -polar :08zG/TPH (LVlethod:I664 SGT-HEM), if appl. Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil`Usage molddl r MG inches m ll m 1 unit al/mo STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date: Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): NIA (only if applicable — see permit.) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable — see permit.) Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Sign aturejA5ermittee) (Date) Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 2 of 2 Meritech., Inc. Environmental Laboratory Laboratory Certification No. 165 Contact: Wright Whitlow Client: Capital Power P.O. Box 1153 Roxboro, NC 27573 Report Date: 11/17/2017 Date Sample Rcvd: 11/9/2017 Meritech Work Order # 110917124 Sample: Stormwater Discharge Outfall [SDO) #001 Grab 11/9/17 Parameters Results Analysis Date Reporting Limit Method COD 29 mg/L 11/10/17 15 mg/L EPA 410.4 Total Suspended Solids 39 mg/L 11/13/17 2.5 mg/L SM 2540 D Aluminum, total 1,330 ug/L 11/15/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Antimony, total 0.62 ug/L 11/15/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Arsenic, total <2 ug/L 11/15/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Beryllium, total <0.5 ug/L 11/15/17 5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Boron, total <50 ug/L 11/15/17 50 ug/L EPA 200.8 Cadmium, total <0.15 ug/L 11/15/17 0.15 ug/L EPA 200.8 Chromium, total 3.60 ug/L 11/15/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Copper, total 8.83 ug/L 11/15/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Lead, total 2.57 ug/L 11/15/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Mercury, total <0.0002 mg/L 11/14/17 0.0002 mg/L EPA 245.1 Nickel, total 2.04 ug/L 11/15/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Selenium, total <2 ug/L 11/15/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 Silver, total <0.5 ug/L 11/15/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Sulfate, total 31 mg/L 11/16/17 5 mg/L SW 846 9038 Thallium, total <0.5 ug/L 11/15/17 0.5 ug/L EPA 200.8 Zinc, total 465 ug/L 11/15/17 2 ug/L EPA 200.8 oil A rre�se [14EM1 <.5 mg,/L 1.?. /1.3/1.7 5 m6/1, EPA,1664B I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. 4 � KIJ�7 Laboratory Represen ative 642 Tamco Road, Reidsville, North Carolina 27320 tel.(336)342-4748 fax.(336)342-1522 3-20-20U .Chain of Custody Record (COC) NPDE5#: NC5000347 Client: Capital Power Phone: 336-330-4452 Address: PO Box 1153 Fax: Roxboro NC 27573-1153 Email: wwhitlow@capitalpower.com Project: P.O.#: Attention: Wright Whitlow Turn Around Time* How would you like your report sent? `RUSH work needs prior approval. Std lOda s 3-5 Da s 24-48Mrs Circle all that apply: Email{preferred), Fax, Mail ) 5 Q M ERITECH INC. 1 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES . " 642 Tamco Rd. Phone: 336-342-4748 Reidsville NC 27320 Fax: 336-342-1522 Email: info@meritech-labs.com m www.meritech-[abs.coE 1 I Sample Location and/or ID # Sampling Dates & Times PersanZXIXrkia�er(Sign/JPrint): Lab Use Start End Comp? Grab? #of Cont. Test(s)kequired bmi�l ? Yes / No' -PH:.OK? Cl 00 Date Time Date Time 5tormwater Discharge Outfall 113 Priority Pollutant Metals-Ag, As, Ife, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Ski, Se, TI, Zn, w HNO3 l Dk G AI G 1 B G COD G TSS G j Sulfate [ G Oil & Grease (w/HCI) .1 Temperature upon Re ipt � Method Of Shipment: *** Dechlorination (<0.5 ppm) of Ammonia, Cyanide, Phenol and TKN samples must be done in the field prior to preservation. *** Comments: Compositor:# [J UPS Jug`# Fed Ex Are these esults foi' peW tory purposes? Yes No ort r e s mg/ g/kg ljug/L Hand Delivery Relinquished by: D Time: �[i�J / %t-e �- Receiv f� D te•/ i [ $' Z Other erite 'c up Relinqui Date: jl I Time: eceive y: Date: Time: Relinquished by: Date: Time: Received b b: l to Time: `` � � �.— �J / 4 Client: Attention NPDES # MERITECH, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES Laboratory Certification No. 165 Capital Power P.O. Box 1153 331 Allie Clay Rd. Roxboro, NC 27573 Wright Whitlow NCS000347 Date Sampled 11/09/17 Digested 11/10/17 Analysis 11/14/17 Analyst: CWL EPA 1631 Low Level Analysis Meritech ID # Sample ID Result Reporting Limit MBLKI 108C Method Blank < 0.5 ng/L 0.5 ng/L M11101707 Field Blank < 1.0 ng/L 1.0 ng/L MI I IO1708 Storm Water 21.9 ng/L 1.0 ng/L Outfall 001 I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. Laboratory Representa the 642 Tamco Rd - PO Box 27 - Reidsville, NC 27320 (336) 342-4748 Ph - (336) 342-1522 Fax E-Mail: kris.pawlak@meritechlabs.com 3-i9-2016 Chain of Custody Record COC Client: C� t�� D 2 NPdEs#: MERITECH, WC. Phone: Address: Fax: i GL/tom (_L�F (r"' / Ernail:�clW f d d ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 642 Tamco Rd. Phone: 336.342-474$ v � . a �.� � Project: Reidsville NC 27320 Fax: 336-342-1522 IP.Off Attention 1,11Xf S&iHow Email: info@meritechlabs.com would you like your Report sent? www.meritechiabs.com Circle all that a mail preferr Fax ail EPA 1631 Person Taking Sample (Sign/Print): Sample Location 1 Ip# p Date Time Sampling Site Description 4Bottle' Tuh�ng 4 Sampler, a 245 9 Result (ppt) In House Choler i{Adt,#. '1&#.' 1CHIDH�% r . Preservatwn '`# Field Blank w ` z N. �,f �J r _S r �11".i. Rif- 4 ::;: 3- F3 T h' Method of Comments: Shi ment: �57?rrl1¢T Q� l ❑ UPS ❑ Fed Ex Are these results f t regulatory pur p ? Yes No ❑ ❑ Hand Deliver Relinquished by: c Dat' .� Time: lieZ (` Relinquished by: ate: i e: r(� 11 (�S Received by: Time: Date: me: Other §' Relinquished by: pate: I Time: te: Time: Rece by Lab: Dow-4 = �, . 0 ( , )- (q / / i feasedto Lab Secure arm Received from Lab Secure Area o-7ay �. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT (DMR) Calendar Year 1. 0 2 '-1 Individual NPDES Permit No. or M Certificate of Coverage (COC) No. NCGLJLJLJL"U C 2 This monitoring report summary of the calendar year is due to the DWQ Regional Office no later than March a of the following Y59 Facility Name: Cam. t I RQ Lee zci— C&2LA rn Rage/1 & �C County: 8ti-; •zr; L _ VED Phone Number: (2 j 4) -5 3 - `15U ' Total no. of SDOs monitored i AR 0 3 2015 Outfall No. Oo i Grid Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No 20' Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No 2r If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No 2' Total Rainfall, inches Parameter, (units) ! S 5 MqL coo �'[G .L AJ;"P4P1w K' MG%G r mf i �� Y »3e;�� c", ���-; � My'l jgo Z- Cn M&l4- Y4CV L- Benchmark N/A i 0 D l Z O D,, 7!� O, © C• o v 3 C. Q. 4 i IQ p. 001 Date Sample- mmlddl - a �, 3 _ y S W U-264-Generic-25May2010 y. � •3 4. � X r l i Jp . a wrj�•. iyF y .�� 9.1 � R TV Fr? - ., JL, Additional Outfall Attachment Outfall No. (30 i Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ - Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No [� SW U-264-Gene ric-25 M ay2010 i Additional Outfall Attachment Outfall No. QO i Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No [� Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No [� If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No LT SWU-264-Generic-25 May2010 1 Ric o `r� r3od sroRR4,4No ?p� ATERP jj q LNG iys.. 1 K wP. 6 T�, 4 f STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date 1 1 • ^ i Attn: Central Files Total Event Precipitation (inches): O- Co 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (hours): " (only if applicable — see permit.) Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable -- see permit.) "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of 021alIao (Date) Form SWU-247, last revised 21212012 Page 2 of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL {SDO} ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT {DMR} U Calendar Year 2.6 11 qQ Individual NPDES Permit No. NCS❑D O❑Fa]©OQ or Certificate of Coverage COC No. NCG❑❑❑❑❑❑ 9 ( ) C. DwR Rloih � ,�i'7Z: fijf;�p This monitoring report summary of the calendar year is due to the DWG Regional Office no later than March 1'" of the following year. Facility Name: Celt i� 1 �;h..cr-cam County: Phone Number: (336 s 7 �V 148 Total no. of SDOs monitored utfall No. 001 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 [monitored monthly]? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No 0-- If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Total lP Rainfall, inches Parameter, units I�wtin..w A►•�s.re a,.y ArSe..: e— �cwr iietm l,1 Cr 4-- gvw.,.� M L C4-�r 4,,o PICA M 1 k Benchmark N/A (s,b.. q. o G 7 p 5 p. FJ/A 06op Date Sample Collected, mmlddlyy < 6.0Gi )I- - I z © atd 0. 0'o Lo,00a; 0, o . oQe3 c9. 0 03 SW U-264-Generic-25 May2010 4 4 Additional Outfall Attachment Outfall No. 00 1 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No Eg- Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, (units) fro e j. L � 04G%L► [tit�u��,c,-:y / �[:c14�-1 5.4— art S,Iv-��, ` TA" 14"w, Zc�C. L Benchmark N/A 0�03 N O- Z G 010- aOb ! O• 06 7 Date Sample Collected, mmlddlyy . /S-o z 0.0a5 40 , 2, 4 0-205 40,go. S go,Ue 6edoS' 0. o: [r.I0-t I 7 v a[ L 0, <.o. [ o, od;" -005- 4O.W1 1-0.045 o. Z77 SW U-264-Generic-25May2010 r Additional Outfall Attachment Outfall No. O r> I Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No [�_<__/ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes El No LzJ- If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, inches Parameter, (units) C o V T.0 (., Benchmerk N/A Date Sample Collected, mmlddlyy S^ 7< G! '7 SW U-264-Generic-25May2010 r I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature --- Date Z- Z. f5-t ZL Mail Annual DMR Summary Reports to; DWQ Re-gional Office Contact Information: • 0 ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE 2090 US Highway 70 225 Green Street 610 East Center Avenue/Suite 301 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Systel Building Suite 714 Mooresville, NC 28115 (828) 296-4500 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (704) 663-1699 910 433-3300 RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE WILMINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE 943 Washington Square Mall 127 Cardinal Drive Extension 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Washington, NC 27889 Wilmington, NC 28405-2845 (919) 7914200 (252) 946-6481 (910) 796-7215 WINSTON-SALEM REGIONAL OFFICE_ CENTRAL OFFICE 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 1617 Mail.Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 To preset prNect and enhance 336 771-5000 919 807-6300 Noah Carolina's water...' SW U-264-Generic-25 May2 010 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT (DMR) Calendar Year Z e)J t Individual NPDES Permit No. NCSI Certificate of Coverage (COC) No. NCG or This monitoring report summary of the calendar year is due to the DWQ Regional Office no later than March 1" of the following year. Facility Name: —CPI USA NORTH CAROLINA-ROXBORO PLANT County: PERSON Phone Number: (_336__597-4798 Total no. of SDOs monitored _20 7if utfall No. 001 this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No as this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ElNo this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency' ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, inches Parameter, units TSS MGIL COD MGIL ALUMINUM MGIL ANTIMONY MGIL ARSENIC MGIL BERYLLIUM MGIL BORON MG1L CADMIUM MGIL- ' enchmark. N/A 100 120 0.7& 0.09 0.36 0.07 NIA 0.001 ate Simple Collected, dl m d I y R7' , �t. k •°` �� i y i( • L? . 1113/10 0.6 41 28 2.03 <0.005 <0.005 <0.0005 .026 <0.0005 SW U-264-Generic-2 5 M a y2010 ,_-_. .. A 1 A' �1 �`. . 4 f� - Additional Outfall Attachment Outfall No. 001 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No ED Total Rainfall, inches Parameter, (units) CHROMIUM MGIL COPPER MGIL LEAD MGIL MERCURY MGIL NICKEL MGIL SELENIUM MGIL SILVER MGIL THALLIUM MGIL Benchmar* N/A. 1 .0.007 0.03 N/A 0.26 0.056 0.001 N/A Date Sample. Collected; mmlddlYy a �� �., . a � � SIh€ .�•. y � do 1113I10 0.6 0.003 0.008 <0.005 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.005 <0.001 <0.005 SWU-264-Ge ne ric-2 5 May2 010 Additional Outfall Attachment Outfall No. 00 t Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No SW 11-264-Gene ric-2 5 Ma y2010 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature _ gdzz �& IZ4 - Date 3— z Y-// Mail Annual DMR Summary Reports to: DWQ Regional Office Contact Information: 0 9 AS IVEHAS IVEH LLE REGIONAL OFFICE FAYETTEVILLE REGiONAG°-OFFICE�T MOORESVILLE REGIONAL' OFFICE; 2090 US Highway 70 225 Green Street 610 East Center Avenue/Suite 301 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Systel Building Suite 714 i Mooresville, NC 28115 (828) 296-4500 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (704) 663-1699 (910� 433-3300 RALEIGH_REGIONAL:OFFICE Drive _ WASHINGTON REGIONAL'OFFICE WILMINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE Mall Cardinal Drive 0 38-0Barrett 943 Washington Square 127 Extension Raleigh, NC 27609 Washington, NC 27889 Wilmington, NC 28405-2845 (919) 791-4200^� (252) 946-6481 A (910) 796-7215 WYINSTON_SAL-EM_REGIONAL OFFICE CENTRAL_: OFFICE 585 Waughiown Street 1617 Mail Service Center .ro pieserve: Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 andenhance 336 771-5000 L . _ (_—} 919 807-6300 North Carolina's water..." SW U-264-Generic-25May2010 0 Capital Power C-11 Capital Power Corporation Corporation 331 Allie Clay Road P,0, Box 1153 Roxboro, North Carolina 27573-1153 T 336-597-4798 F 336-597-8522 www.capitaipower.com January 11, 2012 Ms. Autumn Romanski Senior Environmental Specialist NCDENR-DWQ 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699 Subject: Annual 126 Priority Pollutants January 1, 2011-December 31, 2011 Permit No. NCO065081 Capital Power Corporation Roxboro Facility Dear Ms. Romanski: DECEaVE J AN 66 2012 NC PENR Raleigh Regional Office Please find attached a copy of the 126 Priority Pollutants letter as required in Permit # NCO065801 section A.(1) in reference to outfall 003,outlining the results of the water treatment chemicals used at the Capital Power Corporation Roxboro Generation Facility. The letter supplied by GE Infrastructure Water and Process Technologies states that all water treatment chemicals used at the Capital Power Roxboro Facility meet the requirements of 40 CFR Part 423, Appendix A for "NON Detectable Amount" of the 126 Priority Pollutants. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me any time to discuss. I can be reached at 910-457-0215. Sincerely, Frank Hayward Site Manager Capital Power Corporation -North Carolina Roxboro Facility Cc; Rick Houser-EHS Coordinator CPC North Carolina • � / 1 6-Jan-12 Ed Kell Capital Power 331 Allie Clay Rd. Roxboro, NC 27573 Mr. Kell GE Infrastructure Water & Process Technologies The priority pollutants are a subset of "toxic pollutants" as defined in the Clean Water Act (US EPA) and listed under 40 CFR 423 Appendix A. Because many GE Betz products are directly discharged to surface waters, we recognize the need to obtain information on the priority pollutant content of our products. The following table contains a listing of all products reviewed by GE Betz. The analysis performed consisted of either laboratory testing or formulation review. Where indicated, analysis was conducted for all listed metals and organics except dioxin. Dioxin precursors are not present in the products listed. While most GE Betz products are not formulated with the listed priority pollutants, results of the limited pure product testing did indicate trace levels were present in some products. Under normal applications, the concentrations of these pollutants in pure product are expected to fall below detectable levels resulting in no measurable amounts in the discharge. Formulation reviews were conducted by examination of the product chemical composition and available regulatory information. If possible, a comparison was also made with similar products having priority pollutant analysis data. Product Analvsis Tvoe Result Continuum AEC3108 Tested 4/22/04 None Detected Foamtrol AF1440 Formulation Review None known to be present Inhibitor AZ8104 Tested 1/29103, 3103 and Testing at normal use levels resulted in no 6103 detectable Phenols Spectrus BD1500 Tested 4115/04 No measurable pollutants when applied at < 10000 ppm product. Cortrol OS5700 Formulation Review None known to be present Optisperse HP54414 Formulation Review None known to be present r Steamate NA0560 Formulation Review None known to be present Metclear MR2416 Formulation Review None known to be present Should you have any questions or require any additional information on our products, please contact your GE Water and Process Technologies sales representative. Sincerely, q GE W&PT Regulatory Specialist 4636 Somerton Road Trevose, PA 19053 ,� L t ' f ♦� r� , ` � V l•� r - � 11 w _-Ia. ems...