HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190337 Ver 1_Ashe #177_Letter_20190315STATEo, =5�f ��+y"�('�% �,�q y� 1 -1. �_�n�� �•"���_'.,,�- ih'i; .,�` --` , j=.'' �� STATE OF NORTI3 CAROLINA DEPARTN�NT OF rTRANSPORTAT`�ON ROY CC)OPER iiOVER]VOR Marc?n 15, 2019 Mr. Steve Kichefski U, S. Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regu]atary Field Office 151 Patio� Avenue, RoQm 2D8 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 3AN1ES H. TRC)GD01�, lII SECRETARY Subject: hlationwid� Pertxa�it #3 Replace Bridge #177 on SR 1�S 1 with New Bridge Ashe County, Narth Carolina Frvject Numt�er: l7BP.1X.R183 (DWR Permit Fee: �57�) Dear Mr. Kichefski: The Narth Caralina Deparnnent of Transpartation is sch�duied to replace Bridge # 177 with a new bridge �t the same location. The e�isting tianber and steel bridge is 51' Iong by 20' wide and is structurally deficient. The proposed bridge is a 6a' lor�g by 30' wide vvith a 24" cored siab dec�C. A shart retaining wall will also be constx�ucted alang the South �'ark New River adjacent to the southern approach ta pratect the new structure. An affsite detour is proposed. Stream Impacts: Stativn E�isting Paroposed Temparary 12.i�ra� TotalImpacts Num�er Structure Si�e Structure Dewatering Im�ac�s at this Station Size (ieet) (feet) (fee�) S1' long x 20' 60' long x 3�' 70 (beyond Bridge #177 wide bridge wide bridge RR limits) S0� 1�� Perm. Fil}JRi�rap Im�a.cts = Total Project Impacts = SO feet 150 fee� ' The xiprap totai here includes all bank stabilization and k�ank hardening associaied r�ith the new structure and riprap that is beyond tlie footiprint of the existing struciiu'e and wing walls. Mailrng �lddress: NC DEYARTMENT OF 7 RAN51'ORTAl�ION DN[S[ON l L 80[ STAi'6SVILLE ROAD NORTH W1Ll{ES130A0, NC 2f�659 T'elephone� (336) b67-411 l Fax: (336) 667-�544 Customer Service: l -877-36$-4968 Website: www.ncdot.�ov Mr. Steve Kichefski Ashe Bridge #177 Marcla 15, 2019 The replacement of the existing bridge with the proposed new bridge will require temporary dewatering during riprap i�stallation and retaining wa11 canstruction. Impervious dikes will be const�ucted adja.cent ta the proposed impact areas to isolate them. Any ciirty water located inside the construction areas will be pumped into a silt bag ii necessary. Once the wark is complete, the impexvious dikes will be rem�oved and preconstruction streambed elevations will be restored. Cons�ruction of this project will require impacts ta waters of the United States in the New Rivez Basin. The existing bridge crosses Beaver Creek (Class: C; Trout +} and is located in a trout wat�rshed. Some af the project impacts will also occur along the South Fork New River (class: WS-V; HQW}. This project does not drain to designated critical habitat. This project was reviewed for the presence of threaiened a�d endangered species in thE field and I have also included a qt�ery of tl�e NCNHP database. Based on the project area mapped rvith m:y request, the database search indicates that there are no records for threatened or endangered species, important natural communities, natural areas, or conservationlmanaged areas within the proposed praject boundary. There are four clusters of Virginia spiraea within one mile of the project but none a.re close enough to be impacted hy this praject. There will be approximately 0.02 acxes of tree cutting at the project location due to cut and fill wark. T`he NLEB is listed as a protected species in #his county but the praject does not fall within 0.25 miles of any red HUC identified in the SLOPES spelled out in the Natiflnwide Permit Regional Conditions. We do not anticipate an.y impact to any ather federal species currentiy listed. Cultural resource cor�apliance wor1� has tae�n compieted. No archaeological resources or historic properties will be affected by this project {see aitached). The project impacts are not significant in nature and should not remove or degrade existing water quality uses. Stormwa�er will be routed through grass or rock lined ditches, depending on the ditch line slope_ Pipe sizes used will be the minimum necessary to create a safe roadway. By utilizing the erosion control measures outlined in the attachnnents to this application, downstream water quality standards wili be protected. All appropriate BMPs will be used during construction. By copy of this electronic ietter, it is requested thai Mrs. Marla Chambers with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission comment direetly to you concerning the 404 Nationwide Permit a�plication with a copy sent ta me. By copy of this electroz�ic letter, it is requested that the Division of Water Resourc�s, 401/Wetlands Unit, issue the apprapriate permit far construction of this projec#. It is requested that any comments related to the 401 certification b� electronically forwarded directly to xne with a copy sent to the US Army Corps of Engineers. We would like to begin canstruction as soon as possible. If further info�nation is requixed, please let me know. Your early re�view az�d consideration will be appreciated. Mr. Steve Kichef�ki Ashe Bridge #1�'1 March 1 S, 2019 Since�eiy, �G�� Heath Slaughter Praj ect Manager Enclasures cc: Marla Chambers, NCWRC .Amy Chapman, Division of Water Resources Dave Wanucha, Division of Water Resources Joe Laws, PE, Divis�on Bridge Program Manager Todd Hiatt, Roadside Environmenta.i Field Operations Engineer