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STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET PERMIT NO. I DOC TYPE El FINAL PERMIT 0 MONITORING INFO 0 APPLICATION 'COMPLIANCE ❑ OTHER DOC DATE ❑ O� YYYYMMDD CHEM-BAC 19 P.U. BOX 1 9 1 90 C.H A13 LOT T E, N C. 2 13 2 i 9 TEL; 704.394.6391 • FAX: 704-394-6362 Client; JoriesChemicalsInc, Client Number; 9999 1501) Tar Heel Road Work Order: 1720-12 Charlotte, NC 28208 Sample Date: 05-30-12 Attn: Debbie Cerino Report ]late; 05-03- I Analysis of Sample PO# 10138-30 Sample ID Storm Water Sample Sample Taken: 05/29/t2- 4; l5 p.m. Parameter Results Total Suspended Solids (mg/l.) 14.6 mgll Nitrates (mg/L) <.05 mg/l Nitrites (mg/L) <.05 mg/1 Total Phosphorus (mg/1) <.05 Mg/1 Oil and Crease (mgll) <I.0 mg/l Chlorine, Total Residual (mg1L) <.D5 mgll PH - 6.30 Respectfully Submitted, Chem-Bac Laboratories, j c Lames T. iVard Supervising Chemist This report shall not be reproduced, except in f eU, svithout the wr iPen c..onsertt of Chem-Bac Laboratories, Inc. INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES - CHEMISTS • BACTERIOLOGISTS - CONSULTANTS TESTING - INSPECTION - DEVELOPMENT - QU'ALITY CONTROL )m-Ba(,, Laboratories 704-3!)4-6332. C H E M - B 'A C x9 hY' �! P,O, BOX 19198 CHARLOTTE, N.G. 28219 TEL: 104-394-6381 - FAX: 704-394-6382 ceirdfic ate, of Allalysb Client: Jomes Chemicals Inc. Uieol i`lunnber: 9999 1500 Tar Heel Road Work Order_ 2688-12. Charlotte, NC 28203 Sample Date: 12-21-12 Attn: Debbie Cerino Report Date: 01-03-B Analysis of Sample PO4 10371-30 Sample 1D Starm Water Sample Sample Taken: 12/20/12 Parameter Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) Nitrates (mg(L) Nitrites (mg/L) Total Phosphorus (mgll) Oil and Grease (mg/1) Chlorine, Total Residual (mg/L) p14 Results 17.5 mg/l <.05 mg/I <.05 mgll <.05 mg/l <1.0 Mg/I <05 mg/I 6.87 Respectfully Submitted; Chem-Bac Laboratories, Inc James T. Ward Supervising Chemist � r � n,'I } This report shall not be reprodArced, except in full, without the written consent of Chem-Bac Laboratories, Inc. INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES - CHEMISTS - BACTERIOLOGISTS - CONSULTANTS TESTING - INSPECTION - DEVELOPMENT QUALITY CONTROL SP ,,hem -Sac Laboratories 704-394-6382 H E M - B A C Y.O. BOX 19198 CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28219 TEL: 744-394-6381 - PAX: 744-394-6382 Cei-tilf cau of Analysis Chant: Jones Chemicals Inc, Client Number: 9999 1500 Tar H eel Road Work Order: 1695-13 Charlotte„ NC 28208 Sample Date: 06-06-13 Attn: Debbie Cerino Report Date: 06-19-1'j Analysis of Sample MY 10564-30 Sample L D Storm Water Sample Sample Taken. 11: LO am 06/06113 Parameter Results Total Suspended Solids (m;/Q 105 mg/I Nitrates (mg/L) 0.51 m"gil Nitrites (mgQ <.05 mwl Total Phosphorus (mgA) U2 me/1 Oil and Grease (me)l) <1.0 Mp I Chlorine, Total Residual (mgll-) <.05 mgll PH 6.78 s ectf idly Submitted, Jem-Bac Laboratorie , Inc en T. Wardervising Chemist M TUX repori shall not be rapmducad' eveopt in full, wi[hput the K rinen ennsent of Chem-Bac Lahnraiaries, Irrc. INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES - CHEMISTS • BACTERIOLOGISTS - CONSULTANTS TESTING - INSPECTION' • DEVELOPMENT - QUALITY CONTROL Chem -Bar, Laboratories 70,1.-394-6382 p.'I CHEM = t$ A =4ae 4 PLO. BOX 19198 CHARLOTTE, WC. 28219 T E L: 7 fl 4• 3 9 4- 6 3& I - SAX-. 7 0 4- 3 9 9. 6 3 8 2 j Ceriifal aU of Analysis Client: .caries Chemicals lnc. 1500 Tar Heel Road Charlotte, NC 2,3208 Attri; Debbie Cerino AttAy;is of Sample PO# E 0866-30 Sample ID Storm Water Sample Sample Taken: 01/02114 Parameter Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) Nittures (mg/L) Nitrites (mg/L) Total Phosphorus (mg/1) Oil and Crease (tn*gJl) Chlorine, Total. Residual (mg/L) PH Client Number: 9999 Work Cider: L009-N- Sample Elate: 01-03-111 Report Date. 01-13- t4 Results 95 mg/1 0.40 mg/I <.05 Mg/1 0-20 mg/1 < 1.0 mg/1 <.05 ring/I 6.46 Respectfully Submitted, ji 1 = hem-Bac LaboratoriesInc I 7.Z��' James T. Ward Supervising Chemist rAb remrlshall na be repradaced, evicep/ irifiell, withow the wrillen consent gj'Chmw-BacLaboratorles. Inc. INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES - CHEMISTS - 9ACTERIOL6GISTS - CONSULTANTS TESTING - INSPECTION - DEVELOPMENT • QUALITY CONTROL t1 AV IrI-Bau Lalx)ratories 7011-39�1-•6 382 P.1 I Aptc- P.O. ROX 19198 CHARLOTTE, N.C. 2821 9 TEL. 704-394-63111 • FAX; 704-394.6162 Cep-tifieate of Analysis Client: Junes Chernicals Inc, 1500 Tar Heel Road Charlotte, NC 28208 Attn: Debbie Cerino Ana lysis of Sample POO 11032-30 Sample ID Storm Water Sample Sample Taken: 04/30/14 8:00 ant Parameter Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) Nitrates (mg/L) Nitrites (trig/L) Total Phosphorus (mg4) Oil and Grease (mg/i) Chlorine, Total Residual (mgtL) PH client '1411 tber: 9999 Work Order: 1515-14 Sample Date: 04--30-14 Report Date: 05-05-14 Results 18 ing/l <.05 mg/l <.05 mg/l 0.38 mg/l <1,0 mg/l <.05 mg/1 7.60 Respectfully Submitted, Chem-Bac Laboratories, Inc p lames is Ward Supervising Chemist Tlris reporl she dl not be reproduced, except in full, without the wrirten consent of Chem-Bac Laboratories, Inc, INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES • CHEMISTS - BACTERIOLOGISTS • CONSULTANTS TESTING • INSPFCTION • DEVELOPMENT • QUALITY CONTROL 1 :02« CI';r�rri-� �c Lahraratc�riPs 70�1-394-6382 PA E M®Ims A'ke P.O. SOX 19198 CHARLOTTE, N,C. 2821 9 TEL: 704.394.6381 - FAX: 704.394-6382 Cerhficaft a#' Aetalysis Client: Jones Chemicals ine. Client tlurnber: 3650 1500 Tar Heal road Worl: Order: 2601-H Charlotte, NC 28208 Sample Date: 12-16-14 Attn: Debbie Cerino Report Date: 01-05-15 Analysis of Sample PON 11352-30 Sample fD Storm Water Sample PH, 6.81 Sample Taken; 121161M Parameter Results Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) 85 rng/l Nitrates (mtg/L) .30 mgll Nitrites (mg/L) COS mg/l Total Phosphorus (mg/1) .1.5 m9/1 Oil and Grease (mgfl) <1.0 mg/1 Chlorine, Total Residual (mg/L.) C05 mall PH 6.44 Respectfully Submitted, Chem-Bac laboratories, Inc _ n F w James T. Ward Supervising Chemist This report shall not he tvptnduced. except in full, wilhout the w Htten consent of Chem-Bac Laborntorles, lac. INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES - CHEMISTS - BACTERIOLOGISTS - CONSULTANTS TESTING - I N S P E C Y I O N - DEVELOPMENT - QUALITY CONTROL C H E M �I B A Cf%�([� .y ? J Y �(�,� %e,, P.O. BOX 19198 CHARLOTTE, N.C. 7821 9 TEL: 704-394-6381 • FAX: 704-394.6382 Certificate of Analysis Client: .lodes Chemicals Inc. 1500 Tar Heel Road Charlotte, NC 28209 Athi: Debbie Cerro Analysis of Water Sample PO# 11552-30 Sample 110: Stonn Water Sample Sample Taken; 6-2-15 Parameter Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) Nitrates (mg/L) Nitrites (mg/L) Total Phosphorus (me) Oil and Grease (me) Chlorine, Total Residual (mg/L) pH UeW Ntmibet: 3650 Work Order: 1686-15 Sample Date, 06-02-15 Report Date: 06-09-15 Results 12 mg/1 .05 mg/1 <.05 mg/l <.05 mgll <1.0 mg/1 <.05 mgll 6.53 Respectfully Submitted, em-Bac Laboratories, Inc mes T. Ward unervisine Chemist This report shall trot be reproduced, e-rcept in, full, withant the written consent of Chew-Bac Laboratories, Inc, INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES • CHEMISTS - BACTERIOLOGISTS • CONSULTANTS TESTING • INSPECTION • DEVELOPMENT • QUALITY CONTROL C H E M - B A C , & t �w, i ae, & pz, :, I � t, �, P.0, A 0 X 191')8 C1-1ARLATT1" , N.C. 'L8219 TEL: 704.394-5381 • FAX: 704.394-6302 Certificate of Analysis Client: Jones Chemicals 111c. Client Number: 3650 1500 Tar Heel (toad Work Order: 2452-15 Charlotte, NC 28208 Sample Date: 1 1-19-15 Attn: Teresa Smith Report Date: 12-02-15 Analysis of Water Sample PO N 11771-30 Sample ID: Storm Water Sample Sample Taken: I 1-19-15 rQ 12:00 pm Temperature: 70' Parameter Results Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) 32 mg/l f Nitrates (mg/L) .05 mg/l Nitrites (mg1L) <.05 me Total Phosphorus (Mg/1) .80 mg/I Oil and Grease (mg/1) <1.0 mg/l Chlorine, Total Residual (mg/L) <,05 mg/l pH 6.92 Respectfully Submitted, Chem-Bae Laboratories, Alf James T. Ward Supervising Chemist 8 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, wfihout the written consent of Chem-I3ac Laboratories, Inc. INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES • CHEMISTS • BACTERIOLOGISTS • CONSULTANTS TESTING • INSPECTION • DEVELOPMENT - QUALITY CONTROL B A C TEL: 704-394.6381 • FAX: 704-394.6302 Certificate of Analysis Client: Jones cbenicals lac. C,'Jerit-Number, 3,15,50 1300 Tar Heel Road. ',7/ork Order: 1845-16 Charlotte, NC 26208 _2aMple DatF: 06-200-16 A.thi: oresa. smith l ,pori Date: 06-30-16 Analysis ofVlater Sampie' PO 4,120412-30 Sample ID: Storm Water Sample Sample Taken: 6/27/16 @ 7:45 pm Pararneter results Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) 212 mg/1 Nitrates (mg/L) 1.0 mg/1 Nitrites (mg/L) .23 rng/l { Total Phosphorus (mg/l) 3.8 mg/1 Oil and Grease (mg11) 3.0 mg/1 Chlorine, Total Residual (mg/L) <,05 mg/1 PH 6.04 Respectfully Submitted, Chem-Bac Laboratories`, Inc pyy�- James T. Ward Supervising Chemist St This report shall not be reproduced, except infill, rll, without the written consent of Chem-Bac Laboratories, Inc. INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES • CHEMISTS • BACTERIOLOGISTS • CONSULTANTS TESTING • INSPECTION • DEVELOPMENT • QUALITY CONTROL A � K K`53� 12 174. W - F" P.O. nOX 191 92 CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28219 TEL; 704-394-6381 • FAX; 709-394-6382 Certificate of Analysis Client.: Jones Chemical& laic. I M Tar Heel Road Charlotte, AiC 23208 Attn: Teresa Smith Analysis of Water Sample PO # 12254-30 Sample ID: Storm Water Runoff Sample Taken: 11/30/16 Parameter Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) Nitrates (NO3-N) (mglL) Nitrites (NOS-N) (mg/L) Total Phosphorus (mg/L) Oil and Grease (mg/L) Chlorine, Total Residual (mg/L) PH Client Ntlinber: 3630 Work ordcr 2557-16 Sample Date; 11-30-.1.6 Report Date: 12.45-16 Results 37 mg/L 1.1 mg/L < .05 mg/L 1.9 mg/L < 1.0 mg/L, < .05 mg/L, 7A0 ctfully Submitted, P-$ac Laboratories,STnc aA,N V VV ies T. ward )ervisinp Chemist This report shall not be r,eprnduced, except rn full, withoid the written consent of Chem-BacLaboratories, Inc, INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES • CHEMISTS • BACTERIOLOGISTS CONSULTANTS TESTING • INSPECTION • DEVELOPMENT • QUALITY CONTROL P.0, BOX 19193 1: t-IARLOTTE, 111.C. 23219 TEL: 704-394-6301 o FAX704-394-6332 Certificate of Analysis Client: ,tones Chemicals IuC. Client 3650 1500 Tar He(-] Road Work Order: 1333-17 Charlotte, NC 28202 Sample Date: 06-22-17 Atria: Teresa Smith Report Date: 06-23-1 7 Analysis of Storm Water Saniple RE, Q. NO. 12491-30 Sample lm: Storm Water Runoff, 6/21/17 rQ 6:00 am, pH 6.76 r@ 71.8 Parameter Results Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) 56 mg/L Nitrates (NO3-N) (mg/L) 0.30 mg/L Nitrites (NOZ-N) (mg/L) < .05 mg/l, Total Phosphorus (mg/L) 0.I9 mg/L Oil and Grease (mg/L) < 1.0 mg/I, Chlorine, Total Residual (mg/L) <,05 mg/L pH 6.93 Respectfully Submitted, C ern-Bac Laboratories, /w 7- es T. Ward upervising Chemist This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, withour the written consent of Chem-Bac Laboratories, btc. INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES • CHEMISTS • BACTERIOLOGISTS • CONSULTANTS TESTING • INSPECTION • DEVELOPMENT • QUALITY CONTROL a CerfifiCate of Analysis client; JomQs Chemicals Inc. Cll'enat 1,haL'�Pr: 30513 1500 T :z Neel Road } 0j-k Grder: 2.549-I i ChaaloCe, ldC 210>203 samn-,32e L2 e: Alt-n: rFresa .S'Dmit/Stev-- D!IYis ?,:port Ditto: i 2-1;�.17 A,3alyssS of Storrm Watev 5ampl,: PO 91:039-30 Sample 10D. 1) Storm Water (Parameter lResults Total Suspended Solids (mg/L.) 84 mg/L Nitrates (NO3-N) (mg/L) 0.35 mg/L Nitrites (NO,-N) (mg/L) < .05 nag/(. Total Phosphorus (mg(I..) 0. I8 mg/L Oil and Grease (mg/L) < 1.0 mg/L Chlorine, Total Residual (mg/L) < ,05 mg/la pH 6.87 Respectfully Submitted, %ern-Bac Laboratories, Inc cn LA /C,, /SuLr)ervisine wes T. Ward Chemist a This report shall not be reproduced, except infull, without the written consent of Chem-Bac Laboratories, Inc. INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES.• CHEMISTS •'BACT-ERIOLOGISTS • CONSULTANTS TESTING • INSPECTION • DEVELOPMENT • QUALITY CONTROL JCI JONES CHEMICALS, INC. - CHARLOTTE, NC PERMIT NUMBER: NCS-000334 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ITEM 2: SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL MONITORING RESULTS OUTFALL 001 x x x Date Total Chlorine Sample Total Suspended Total Total Collected Rainfall Oil & Grease Solids Phosphorus pH Nitrates Nitrites Residual (mo/dd/yr) (inches) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (SU) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) 07/09/09 0.15 1.00 73 0.66 6.23 0.22 <0.05 <0.05 06/01/10 0.25 3.00 26 0.08 6.67 <0.05 <0.05 0.07 01/26/11 0.50 <1.0 202 0.08 5.81 0.09 <0.05 <0.05 03/04/11 0.85 <1.0 9.3 <0.05 5.48 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 09/21/11 1.00 <1.0 11.7 <0.05 7.89 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 05/29/12 0.25 <1.0 14.6 <0.05 6.30 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 12/21/12 0.50 <1.0 17.5 <0.05 6.87 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 06/06/13 0.75 1 <1.0 1105 0.22 6.78 10.51 1 <0.05 <0.05 ? 411 aba►c ? loin e NowJ�1, _ �� 1f •'•� _i t.^' y a.i :,r ti,r.� y Y _'�i• d �!� ys. tiy. ;. w r+l ...Ft,1� ` Ca+ • �«4� wl YKJc- CIOJL• 0704) 342- g701 C SC S -4 141A� �v h. ��.Rov, Eu t �.' � 1•�; w S � �'41j 1�. ew.4�1 4a *'Ro,.m E-bavitis - ftec� �. I��f I ti & dW Rev\ — a�o ewt&H W [e 1 a2 j NS�Orf I $ 4L k,..,y 44-.; r &4..•, S —1y0 � � ►'Ssw � s un FD B y Ply CL r iw S IL 11 Ud L r �' + oy+ ►S t r crag rc�%►��� �v=+� � �r� � ac�.r.�'r� s . r Iw1� 1-• n I� y� �� �.J� � Q� f -"' x � (3 I'� i SI V S. 1-k Coo �d.i ►�` lm,s Oee ii v c e f r. 4 �tk v4 f& 17j �a YJ eek yr t�. JulE, •�,�wt-.,e T y, Wad 6 6twkv,&t - rciy l YhPy e4\ • pOAOJ CrtCk - t ssws . Si mar Wwo�ts pfi pa.� Crcc �'. Lo j des L"L id y 1 i e � Q04 � s� le�� i��;.+.�7I. hat -91 otaud alI W—"J4)A ow ; *fpiar.' Nw, -rwv S4 4asw parr.«c - Nis. �-� E -- �Ju4•: Nrr: �, � �•�� sl�.ws A r�� �Pti CG►�t}�. 1wlspi }}�rl b � 5 �r or Wjrr+rr . Me 6%OZIL '41 VL cAl A .xl At, -V 2 4,1-.'jg 'ju Lvov In ki -4, 1 ;Ilk N C S by v 3 3 Lt vw#A,A 64 G 3o ) � T IZC frpdW ") ec. O 5 my AL - c.ovq it &,tv Jeve b tj 6� 11 ` ter, rr PC o ,G C r1r �; � � ZU Q �-{�.L�►1.s C,r� 4� d� r c�' 1�' �' d � �� c `f 17S sky Kj paveAa rrs. �U (g bW a jtcu 101 quidm& - �rr —� •z 1ex)- Atj)Z • .. ass r Ch d sI451 4* Sa;'• uA;6 . r'33 - 3f©g x "6;z I • e 1 �. S S }rl I t .i Understandffigthe , .. 2014 NC Walter, Qu lity-Assessme.nt for thte `I n t'e''g rate ' Report'j-305(b) The Integra ed Report/305(b) _ Cope Fear RiMr Bashi 2011 AU Nu tier; JjAll lcinsjficatkn, JAPbestrlptlon: 1. Assessment Unit (AU) W77 BtPtIon: llRNa 743.7 %Acm SC description information F sourcetaCapeFearRiver Al ry: All Parameter Of Interest: Collection Year: 303(d)yr: 1 MC Water Temperature (32l AL, tF&CP) 2012 2. AU water quality 5 EC Dissolved Ox""(5m//I,AL.SM 2012 21M parameter assessment 1 MC PH(0.Atu.AL. SW) 2012 1 MC PM (8-S, AL, SW( 2012 information 3s1 Dt Feoltoitform (GM 200/400,NEC. FW)AsmntPeriod 2022 It EC Rsh ? wa Mercury (Nor, K, NC► 2012 2= • The 305(b) is a ist of all streams in NC that are identified by a assessment unit number (AU) • Each AU has t o types of information 1. Stream seg ent (AU) description information 2. Water qual ty parameter assessment information Bennett, Bradley From: Mike Croke <mcroke@jcichem.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 3:12 PM To: Bennett, Bradley Cc: Tim Gaffney Subject: [External] Storm Water Information Requested Attachments: 20180425150434055.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Hi Bradley, I am writing in regards to the renewal of Permit NC5000334. Attached please find the information you requested. Our Latitude and Longitude is as follows: Latitude: 35.267067 • Longitude:-$0.909992 38 go 44 gG„ We have had no changes to our processes since the last permit renewal. The attachments contain the changes to our'Contact Summary' ,which is basically an updated area code on the phone number, and the five years' worth of lab analysis you requested. Please let me know if you need anything else. Please note I will be out of town all next week. Thanks Mike Croke JCI Jones Chemicals Charlotte NC mcroke@jcichem.com 704 392 9767 -----Original Message ----- From: Scanner@jcichem.com <Scanner@jcichem.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 3:05 PM To: Mike Croke <mcroke@jcichem.com> Subject: Message from "RNP002673A698C6" This E-mail was sent from "RNP002673A698C6" (MP 3554). Scan Date: 04.25.2018 15:04:33 (-0400) 35,'G 73s3 ge . T o(TSSa U 350 go05w 1 3',G 1 NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources NPDES Storm water Permit Contacts Summary IBC DEN11,11 has the following contact informalion in Onr Permit Database for Vour nermil as of 4/1612018. Permit Number: NMD0334 Permit Type: 5 "OMMter Dfschargg, lndi Facility Name: ]d-ZQffhs Chemicals lncomor�ted Facillty Addressl: 15Qa Tarheei Rd Facility Addressl: City, State & Zlp: f.h"tte. NC 282118 9>(11} eamformation petalls: Owner Name: Ll -]ones Chemlcals Owner Type: NQA--G=rnment Owner Type Group: QrqanIzation Owner Affiliation: Timothy Gaffney Title: may} VO A,.,A 'IL0. 7 Addressl: 500 reel Rd T/r- t` -RSS f Addressl: 06 N1 y City, Starte & Zip: o 7/ Work Phone: 71 5 8- Fax: Email Address: � � � -z'3 •;;.: �., a ,r y - : +�a „� . � � r a n er, abas , t Billing Month: March InvoiceNljmje Invoice Date Invoice Due Date Invoice Amoun In1(nice-Status 1 CmAact Name ILUg Addres� Contacl Name MILg Add:esg C� phones EPA EUMU 404 3a2-917( ') Phone Pis Email Contact Name Ida Addregg Phone EM Email `"""" r PermikBllling ContaCt� `__ .�, Contact Name lug Address Phone _�\ a1 &OR 'nmoihy Gaffney 150D Tariteel Rd, Chadotte, NC 28206 716 2314 - - '538 Al I Bennett, Bradley From: Mike Croke <mcroke@jcichem.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 4:24 PM To: Bennett, Bradley Cc: Tim Gaffney Subject: [External] FW: Permit Renewal - NCS000334 Attachments: NCS000334 Permit Contact Report.pdf Hi Bradley, I would be glad to speak with you on Thursday (4/18). 1 will be in the office all day except lunch if that works for you. My Phone number is 704 392 9767. Call me at your convivence or 91 can call you ... your choice. Best Regards Mike Croke JCI Jones Chemicals mcr_o_keCab jcichem.com From: Bennett, Bradley <bradl.ey.bennett@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 4:13 PM To: Mike Croke <mcroke@jcichem.com> Subject: Permit Renewal - NCS000334 Hello, and first let me apologize for how long it has taken us to get going on your permit renewal. A number of issues over the last few years have led to a backlog on renewal of our Individual permits. I would like to set up a time where I can call and talk with you about the renewal. I will be working on this process. Since the previous renewal application came in back in 2013 I'm guessing there may be some changes that we should discuss and possibly have documented for the renewal. In addition, here are a few additional items that would be helpful if you can provide updates: • 1 have attached a printout of contacts we have in our database for the facility. Can you please review this and let me know if there are changes to contacts and if the owner/facility information is still accurate? * Federal regulations changed in the last few years to require electronic reporting of data. We are not yet at the stage of being able to collect stormwater data this way, but we will have to work to get accurate outfall location information in our system in order to meet federal requirements for electronic reporting when our systems can handle the data. If you could provide the lat/long coordinates for your facility's outfall points that would be helpful. If you can provide a summary of monitoring information since your application submittal in October 2013 that would be help as well. • Let me know about any changes that have occurred in your facility or processes since your application submittal that could affect pollutants discharged in stormwater runoff. I work part time and for this week I will be in the office Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Next week I plan to be in Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Please let me know when we may be able to set up a time for a conference call. Thanks Bradley Bennett Stormwater Program Phone: (919) 807-6392 NC Division of Energy, Mineral & Land Resources Fax: (919) 807-6494 1612 Mail Service Center Email: brad ley. ben nett(a)ncdenr.4ov Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to public records laws NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director Mr. Michael Croke, Branch Manager Jones Chemicals Inc. 1500 Tarheel Road Charlotte, NC 28208 Subject Dear Mr. Croke: June 29, 2009 Compliance Evaluation Inspection Jones Chemicals Inc. Stormwater Permit Number COC NCS000334 Mecklenburg County, NC Dee Freeman Secretary Enclosed is a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) report for the inspection conducted at the subject facility on March 26, 2009 by Ron Eubanks and Craig Miller of Charlotte -Mecklenburg Storm Water Services (CMSWS). This inspection was conducted as part of a cooperative working agreement between Mecklenburg County and the Division of Water Quality. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation during the inspection. Overall, the permittee's Stormwater program was well developed and implemented and this Office commends the permittee's efforts to ensure compliance with your NPDES permit. The enclosed report should be self-explanatory; however should you have any questions concerning this report or have any questions regarding your permit, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Marcia Allocco of this Office at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, for Robert B. Krebs, Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office Enclosure cc: NPS-ACO Unit Rusty Rozzelle, Mecklenburg County Craig Miller, City of Charlotte Mooresville Regional Office Locadow. 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 One Phone, (704) 663-16991 Fax: (704) 663.6040 4 Customer Service: 1-877.623-6748 NorthCarolina Internet www.ncwaterquality.org �����N���- . An Equal Opportunily.l Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer paper Naturally Compliance Inspection Report Permit: NCS000334 Effective: 05/01/02 Expiration: 04/30/07 Owner: JCI -Jones Chemicals SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Jci Jones Chemicals Incorporated County: Mecklenburg 1500 Tarheel Rd Region: Mcores0le Charlotte NC 28208 Contact Person: Timothy Gaffney Title: Phone: 716-538-2314 Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representalive(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 03126/2009 Entry Time: 10:00 AM Exit Time: 11:45 AM Primary Inspector: Water Quality Program Meckenburg County Phone: 704-336-5449 Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Permit Inspection Type: Stormwater Discharge, Individual Facility Status: ■ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant ' 4 Question Areas: 0 Storm Water (See attachment summary) Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Page: 1 Permit: NC3000334 Owner - Facility: JCI • Jones Chemicals Inspection Date: 03/2612009 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Facility Description: Jones Chemicals Inc. (JCI) is one of the oldest and largest distributors of chlorine gas in the United States. The eleven (11) facilities across the country are fully equipped with state-of-the-art delivery systems to safely and meticulously handle large quantities of chlorine gas. JCI provides an extensive line of products that are available for the purification and treatment of Water and Wastewater Systems, Paper and Textile Manufacturing, Food Production, Pharmaceuticals, and Industrial Manufacturing. Compliance History: The permitteelfacility does not have any prior compliance issues with the NC Division of Water Quality or with Charlotte -Mecklenburg Storm Water Services (CMSWS). Industrial Operations/City of Charlotte Stormwater Ordinance Review: JCI should implement pollutant source reduction measures to minimize the impacts of stormwater pollution at the site. Examples of source reduction measures include routine parking lot cleaning and removal of excess sediment and debris from the storm drains at the site. In addition, CMSWS recommends inlet protection (i.e., silt sack or gravel) for the storm drain inlet near the loading dock area. Page: 2 Permit: NCS000334 Owner - Facility: JCI - Jones Chemicals Inspection Date: 03/26/2009 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a" Narrative Description of Practices"? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? ■ n Cl n # Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? ■ n n n # Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a BMP summary? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? ■ n n n # Dees the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? ■ n n n # Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? ■ n n n # Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? ■ Cl n ❑ Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? ■ n n In Comment. - Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring semi-annually? ■ ❑ Cl n Comment: Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? ■ o n n # Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? n n ■ n Comment: No vehicle maintenance activities are conducted at the site. Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE # Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? ■ n n n # Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? ■ n n In # If the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the Division? n n ■ n # Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges? ■ n n n Comment: Page: 3