HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190325 Ver 1_Historical Structure and Archaeology findings_20190307�ocu5ign �nvelape Ip: D3493a37-2D4D-475B-AFC8-2BC4F5204DC1 Projecd Tracking No.:15-02-0017 �.5-02-0017 NU NATIONAL REG�STER OF HYSTORIC PLACES 4���- »t, ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES •� ����� . � ; �.�.�'; PRESENT OR AFFECTED FORM �,� `� � � �•'- �'.� �, '� �� ��`'>' This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not ., �,.• � ••�'' 4:=K� valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult sepa�rately with the �+'`! .�:�:`:`�!, Historic Architecture and Landscapas Group. PROJECT INFORMAT�ON Projec� No: WBS No; P.A. No: B-5512 55012.1.FD1 County: Documeni.' Funding. D�rham PCE or CE Federad I'erniit Aequared? BRZ-1902{3) ❑ 5tate � Fedexal � Yes ❑ No Permit Type: ProjettDeacsrpiran: NCDOT intends to replace Bridge No. 89 on SR 1902, Kemp Road, ove.r Lick Creek. The pYoposed pxoject is 1400 feet (42G.72 meters) long. Existing �ight-of-way (ROV� in the pzojecY area is 60 feet (nearl�T 18.29 meters) wide; pxoposed ROW is estimated at 200 feet (60.96 meters) wide}. For the purposes oE the current axchaeolog�ical review, the area of potential effects (APE) is estimate� to encompass roughly 6.43 acres (slightiy more than 2.G hectares). 5i1MMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS The North Car�lrna Depattmeat ofTrabspot�atron (NCD07� Archaeolagp �+oup rev�iewed the subjectprojectand detetmlaed � There are �o National Register listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES within the project's area of potential effects. � Na subsu�t£ace archaeological investiga#ions are required for this pzaject. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any arck�aeological resoutces. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not xeveal the presence of any azck�,aeological resources considered eligible For the National Register. � Aif identefed archaeologiical sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological Yesouxces with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12{a) has been completed for this project. ❑ There ate no National Register Eligible or Listed ARCHAEOLOGIC�II. SITES pxese�nt or affected by this proj ect. (Attach atzy notes or docr�ment.r as needec� "NO NATION,4L REGISTER &LIGIHLEOR LISTED ARCH.4�'OLOGIC.4L SITES PRESENT OR .4FF�'GTE(} form for Minor Transpartatron Projecte• us Qualif ed in the 2007 Pragrammatic .4greement. 1 of 6 DoauSign Envefope ID: 03093437-2DOD�.75B-AFC$-2BC4�F5204DC9 Project Tracking No.:15-02-0017 Briefdescriptio.� ofteviewactrvrties, results ofteview, and conclusions: ��s noted on the Sur�ey Required Form dated March 9, 2015, while no previously idenrified archaeological sites are recorded within the proposed APE, a hand£ul of archaeological sites have heen located along toe- ridges within neaxby Falls Lake State Park. These IandfoYrns ate similar to those seen along the zxzargins of the current study area. An archaeological reconna.issance to determine t�e necessity and scope for more intensive archaeoiogicaZ investigation was reconnxnended. On March 23, 2015, NCDOT archaeologists Shane Petersen and Brian Ovexton conducted a full-coverage pedestrian wall�ovex examination of the proposed APE. As indicated on the so�l maps for Duxham County, the floodplains suzrounding Lick Cteek and Martin Cxeek are dominated by £�requently flooded Chewacla and Wehadkee soils (Ch). Such areas are very genexaIly un]ikely to possess arclaaeoZogical deposits, but in the c�rent project area, these areas have the additional complicatio� of the proximity of the highway facility to the course o£Maxtin Creek, which is at the edge of the highway easezxxent. At both ends o£the project APE, steep slopes, as welI as landscape modifications for a residential developmene on the northeen end, it�dicate that the pzoposed project is not likely to inopact sigmificant arc�aeological deposits withit� the current 1'�PE. No fuxthex archaeological in� esrigations are recommended for the replacerraent of Bridge No. 89 as proposed. Should the p�oject expand beyond the proposed footprint, fixrthex investigation may be necessary. The pxoject as described should be considexed to be compliant with Section 106 and NCGS121-12a. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: � l�iap(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info ❑ Other: g.,,.,aa. � • ��� NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST II � Photas ❑Corxespondence 1l�Iay 7, 2015 Date "NO N,4TIDN.4G REGISTEIt ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRES&NT OR AFFECTED form for �finor 7Yrmsportation Prajects ar Qualifred in the 2007 Prngrmnmatic .4g�em�t. 2of6 �ocuSign En�elape ID: 03093437-2DOD-475B-AFCB-2BC4F5204DC1 -:� ��.�- � �������'�! �. .� ••y:�'� .�.�,'*4,,.� r► !�T�fTI Pvnject TrackingNo. (Cnterna! Use) � s-a2-oa � � HISTORTC ARCHICTECTURE AND LAND5CAPE� NO SURVEY REQUIRED FORM Tl�is farrn only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes fc�r this project. It is not �alid for Archaealogical Resources. You tnust consult separately with the ,Archaeo�ogy �raup. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: B-5512 County: Durham WBSNo.: 55012.1.�'D1 Document PCE T e.� Ferl. Aid No: BRZ-1902 (3} Funding: State Federal Federal � Yes No Permit w�known Permit s: T e s: P�oiect Descrintion: Replace Bridge No. 89 on SR 1357 (North Mulberry Rc� NV� aver �ranch af Shallo�te River. SUMMARY OF HISTOR�C ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW Descri dion a review activities results and canclusions.� On February 11, 2015 a s�arch of NC HPOWEB GIS'Service map revea�s na id.entified historic sites in the Area of 1'atential Effects (APE). Dtirham County ConnectGIS website reveals that one property in the APE contains a structure which was canstritcted in 1977 and is no� eligible for Natianal Register listing. No survey is z�equired. Whv the avnila6Ce_information_provides a�elia6le 6asis for reasanahlv nredictine that there are no unidentified si,er�i�crtnt histo�ic ar�chitectu�ad ar landxcn�e resources in the,�,prniec� area: Using HPO GIS website and the Durham County GIS website provides reliable informatian regarding the struchires in the APE. These utilities are considered valid for the purposes oi detern;ining the Irkeiihaod of historic resources being present, SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION �Map(s) �Previnus Survey Info. �Photos ❑Correspondence �Design Pians FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTQRIAN Histaric Architecture and Landscapes -- NO SURVEY REQUIRED �� 1 � � 7�i � f►[y�l�yll Date HLrloric Archirccrure and l.mrd.ecapes NO S�lRY�YR��UIRIsI7 farm forMiizor 7i•nnspw•lnfiar� Projects as Quu/�er! in 1he 2007 Programinnric Agrremenl. Page 1 of 3