HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0028916_Pretreatment Annual Report_20190219 MAYOR r M �. SHERRI HARRIS ALLGOOD Ry �TM TOWN MANAGER �'MAYOR PRO-TEMa r _ GREG ZEPHIR ' v �, BRUCE HAMILTON z`:'� __�_4��' :;".���.r__�., TOWN CLERK.__ '- `'� COMMISSIONERS NORTH CATHY MANESS KAYREN BRANTLEY CAROLINA ATTORNEY ANGELA ELKINS RUSSELL J.HOLLERS,III WALLACE JONES DAMON PRINCE February 19, 2019 Deborah Gore PERCS Unit RECEIVED//EN�d NC DENR Division of Water Quality WR 1617 Mail Service Center MAR 0 4 2019 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: 2018 PAR 9 6ection Ms. Gore Enclosed is the Town of Troy Pretreatment Annual Report and one copy for the period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. There were no SNC issues in 2018. I certify, under penalty of law that these documents were prepared by me. The information submitted is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for known violations. Sincerely ff)) f `d'osep h Shields Director POTW i Chapter 9, PAR Guidance Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS) 1. Pretreatment Town Name: / b wKt o-( T 2 c, 2. "Primary"NPDES Number NCO() 8 t 4, This Column for office or Non Discharge Permit#if applicable=> use only EPA WENDB 3. PAR begin Date,please enter 01/01/yy or 07/01/yy 3_=>of/o 1 J f PSSD 4. PAR end Date, please enter 06/30/yy or 12/3 l/yy 4.=>IZ/,3t/(,�;� PSED 5. Total number of SIUs,includes CIUs 5.=> 2 1 slos 6. Number of CIUs 6.=> p crus 7. Enter the Higher Number,either (7a)or(7b)here=> NOIN 7a. Number of SIUs not sampled by POTW 7a.-> 7b. Number of SIUs not inspected by POTW 7b.> 8. Number of SIUs with no IUP,or with an expired IUP 8.=> p NOCM 9. Total Number of SIUs in SNC due to either IU Reporting violations or IUP Limit violations. To avoid double counting some SIUs Enter (9a+9b)-9c here> p PSNC Enter the Number of SIUs in SNC for: 9a. IU Reporting violations 9a > v MSNC 9b. IUP Limit violations 9b.=> sans 9c. Both IU Reporting&Limit violations 9c.> lo. Number of SIUs in SNC due to IU Reporting violations that were not sampled or inspected by POTW 10.> ® SNIN 11. Number of SIUs in SNC due to violation of 1 1.=> p SSNC Compliance Schedule due dates 12. Number NOVs,NNCs,AOs, or similar assesed to SIUs 12.=> 5 FENF 13. Number Civil or Criminal Penalties assessed to SIUs 13.> JUDI 14. Number of SIUs included in public notice 14.=> O SVPU 15. Number of SIUs from which penalties collected 15.=> I IUPN 16. Total Amount of Civil Penalties Collected 16.=> $ rpboo 17. Total Number of SIUs on a compliance schedule 17.=> 0 Socs Foot Notes: AO Administrative Order NOV Notice of Violation CIU Categorical Industrial User PAR Pretreatment Annual Report CO Consent Order POTW Public Operated Treatment Works IUP Industrial User Pretreatment Permit SIU Significant Industrial User NNC Notice ofNon-Compliance SNC Significant Non-Compliance,formerlyRNC Chapter name: PAR Guidance File name: PAR PP sirsivdriffifulls g dpti99J4 Section B, Page 5 Blank PPS Form,Copy and use in your PAR Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) PAR covers this calendar year=> 2 o 16 Significant Non-Compliance Report (SNCR) Control Authority=Program=Town Name => —raw,...) oP z,2„y WWTP= Wastewater Treatment Plant, use separate form for each WWTP. WWTP Name => 7 go y ?&ri,.� SIU= Significant Industrial User NPDES # _> NC we; 4.2tt i 6 SNC= Significant Non-Compliance A SNCR Form must be submitted with every PAR, please write "None" if you had No SIUs in SNC during calendar year SNC ? (Yes/No ) IUP Pipe Industry Name Parameter for each 6-month period. # # or "Reporting" Jan. -June July- Dec. /Lie- Attach a copy of the Division's "SIUs in SNC Historical Report" for your POTW's SIUs behind this page . Is the database correct ? Notify the Division of any errors ! Database indicates SNC history for previous years. EVERY SNC MUST be explained in the Narrative, How was, is, or will it be resolved? REPEAT SNCs are serious matters that MUST be explained in the Narrative. Form name: PAR,SNCR,2001 Date Revised: 1/4/2001 nBZiErkg • REPORT • Troy • 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1st half I 2nd half 1st half 12nd half 1st half J 2nd half 1st half I 2nd half 1st half I 2nd half 1st half I 2nd half 1st half 12nd half Wright Foods PreviousNames: IUP# 0003 Pipe# 0001 SIU Word Description: IUP_Status:Active Food BOD I I I Ix XI pH I I I Ix XI I I • • An'X'in a semi-annual period indicates snc for the period for the respective parameter. PRINTED ON:12/12/2018 This information is compiled from many sources,and has not been verified. PAGE 63 Contact the local pretreatment coordinator or state pretreatment staff if errors are noted. Chapter 9, PAR Guidance Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS) 1. Pretreatment Town Name: %bwr.i o4 -TThis 2. "Primary"NPDES Number NCO() Z 8 t( for office Column or Non Discharge Permit#if applicable=> use only EPA WENDB 3. PAR begin Date,please enter 01/01/yy or 07/01/yy 3.=> of/d I , PSSD 4. PAR end Date, please enter 06/30/yy or 12/3 1/yy 4.=>tz//31/i j p PSED 5. Total number of SIUs,includes CIUs 5.=> 2 / slus 6_ Number of CIUs 6.=> o CIUs 7. Enter the Higher Number,either (7a) or(7b)here=> d NOIN 7a. Number of SIUs not sampled by POTW 7a.=> e7 7b. Number of SIUs not inspected by POTW 7b.=> p 8. Number of SIUs with no IUP, or with an expired IUP 8.=> ® NOCM 9. Total Number of SIUs in SNC due to either IU Reporting violations or IUP Limit violations. To avoid double counting some SIUs Enter (9a+9b) - 9c here=> p PSNC Enter the Number of SIUs in SNC for : 9a. IU Reporting violations 9a.=> d MSNC 9b. IUP Limit violations 9b.=> sNPs 9c. Both IU Reporting&Limit violations 9c.=> 10. Number of Sills in SNC due to IU Reporting violations that were not sampled or inspected by POTW 10.=> ® SNIN 11. Number of SIUs in SNC due to violation of 11.=> 0 SSNC Compliance Schedule due dates 12. Number NOVs,NNCs,AOs, or similar assesed to SIUs 12.=> FENF 13. Number Civil or Criminal Penalties assessed to SIUs 13.=> JUDI 14. Number of SIUs included in public notice 14.=> SVPU 15. Number of SIUs from which penalties collected 15.=> J IUPN 16_ Total Amount of Civil Penalties Collected 16.=> $ 'eV o0 17. Total Number of SIUs on a compliance schedule 17.=> D socs Foot Notes: AO Administrative Order NOV Notice of Violation CIU Categorical Industrial User PAR Pretreatment Annual Report CO Consent Order POTW Public Operated Treatment Works IUP Industrial User Pretreatment Permit SIU Significant Industrial User NNC Notice ofNon-Compliance SNC Significant Non-Compliance,formerly RNC Chapter name: PAR Guidance File name: PAR PPSNImproliehmitvdatiniackgehaptE999k Section B, Page 5 Blank PPS Form,Copy and use in your PAR Pretreatment Annual Report(PAR) PAR covers this calendar year=> 2 o I Po Significant Non-Compliance Report (SNCR) Control Authority=Program=Town Name => ;ow& 00 WWTP= Wastewater Treatment Plant, use separate form for each WWTP. WWTP Name => -7-20 y SIU= Significant Industrial User NPDES # _> NC we; 2s,`C l G SNC= Significant Non-Compliance • A SNCR Form must be submitted with every PAR, please write "None" if you had No SIUs in SNC during calendar year SNC ? (Yes/No) IUP Pipe Industry Name Parameter for each 6-month period. # # ) or"Reporting" Jan. -June July-Dec. )(Lie- Attach a copy of the Division's "SIUs in SNC Historical Report" for your POTW's SIUs behind this page . Is the database correct? Notify the Division of any errors l Database indicates SNC history for previous years. EVERY SNC MUST be explained in the Narrative, How was, is, or will it be resolved? REPEAT SNCs are serious matters that MUST be explained in the Narrative. Form name: PAR,SNCR,2001 Date Revised: 1/4/2001 In osirivi REPORT Troy 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 • 2016 2017 1st half 12nd half 1st half I 2nd half 1st half 12nd half 1st half I 2nd half 1st half I 2nd half 1st half I 2nd half 1st half f 2nd half Wright Foods PreviousNames: IUP# 0003 Pipe# 0001 SIU Word Desorlptlon: IUP_Status:Active Food BOD I I I IX XI I I PH I I I IX XI I I • • • An'X'in a semi-annual period Indicates snc for the period for the respective parameter. PRINTED ON:12/12/2018 This information is compiled from many sources,and has not been verified. PAGE 63 Contact the local pretreatment coordinator or state pretreatment staff if errors are noted. 1