HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0001492_2018 Annual GW Monitoring Rpt_20190227hart hickman SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Via FedEx and Email February 27, 2019 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Program 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Attn: Dr. Morella Sanchez -King, PhD, PE Re: 2018 Annual Quarry Natural Attenuation Ground Water Monitoring Report Former Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility Castle Hayne, North Carolina Permit No. WQ0001492 H&H Job No. OXY -003 Dear Morella: On behalf of Glenn Springs Holdings/Occidental Chemical Corporation, Hart & Hickman, PC is submitting this report of ground water monitoring completed during 2018 in accordance with the natural attenuation Corrective Action Plan ("1 -CAP") for the Quarry at the former Occidental Chemical Corporation facility (currently operated by Elementis Chromium) located in Castle Hayne, North Carolina. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact me or Ms. Teresa Jordan with Glenn Springs Holdings. Very truly yours, Hart & Hickman, PC Scott Drury, PE Sr. Project Engineer Enclosure Steve Hart, PG Principal cc: Ms. Teresa Jordan — Glenn Springs Holdings (via email) 2923 South Tryon Street, Suite 100 3921 Sunset Ridge Rd, Suite 301 Charlotte, NC 28203 Raleigh, NC 27607 704.586.0007 main 919.847.4241 main w ww. ha rt h i c k ma n.corn 2018 Annual Quarry Natural Attenuation Ground Water Monitoring Report Former Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility Castle Hayne, North Carolina Permit No. WQ0001492 H&H Job No. OXY -003 February 27, 2019 CAR 0 S�o'��2 c� SEAL _ 039718 .cc�z/z��i9� ••• NE A OT7 D hart hickman SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS #C-1269 Engineering #C-245 Geology 2923 South Tryon Street, Suite 100 3921 Sunset Ridge Rd, Suite 301 Charlotte, NC 28203 Raleigh, NC 27607 www.harthickman.com 704.586.0007 main 919.847.4241 main 2018 Annual Quarry Natural Attenuation Ground Water Monitoring Report Former Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility Castle Hayne, North Carolina H&H Job No. OXY -003 Table of Contents Section Page No. 1.0 Introduction.............................................................................................................................1 2.0 Background Information.......................................................................................................2 2.1 Facility Description...............................................................................................................2 2.2 Regulatory Framework..........................................................................................................2 2.3 Geology and Hydrogeology..................................................................................................5 3.0 Ground Water Monitoring Results.......................................................................................7 3.1 Ground Water Elevations......................................................................................................7 3.3.1 Upper Aquifer.................................................................................................................7 3.3.2 Lower Aquifer.................................................................................................................7 3.2 Sampling Methods.................................................................................................................9 3.3 Sample Results......................................................................................................................9 3.3.1 Upper Aquifer Results................................................................................................... 11 3.3.2 Lower Aquifer Results..................................................................................................12 4.0 Conclusions............................................................................................................................15 5.0 References..............................................................................................................................17 44 hart hickman i SMARTER EWPONmENTA; SOLLMONS s:\aaa-masterprojects\oxychem\quany\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annual gwmr.doc List of Tables Table 1 Well Construction and 2018 Ground Water Elevation Data Table 2 Summary of 2014-2018 Ground Water Analytical Data List of Figures Figure 1 Facility Location Map Figure 2 Facility Map Figure 3A Upper Aquifer — July 2018 Ground Water Elevation Contour Map (Quarry) Figure 3B Upper Aquifer — November 2018 Ground Water Elevation Contour Map (Quarry) Figure 3C Lower Aquifer — July 2018 Ground Water Elevation Contour Map (Quarry) Figure 3D Lower Aquifer — November 2018 Ground Water Elevation Contour Map (Quarry) Figure 4A Upper Aquifer — 2018 Compounds of Concern Map (Quarry) Figure 4B Lower Aquifer — 2018 Compounds of Concern Map (Quarry) List of Appendices Appendix A Summary of Historical Ground Water Analytical Data Appendix B Laboratory Analytical Reports Appendix C Concentration vs. Time Graphs 44 hart � hickman 11 SMARTER ENVIROHMEPOM 5OLU11OF1S sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\zu nual report - 2018\annual gw .doc 2018 Annual Quarry Natural Attenuation Ground Water Monitoring Report Former Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility Castle Hayne, North Carolina H&H Job No. OXY -003 1.0 Introduction On behalf of Occidental Chemical Corporation (Occidental), Hart & Hickman, P.C. (H&H) has prepared this report of ground water monitoring completed during 2018 in accordance with the natural attenuation Corrective Action Plan (identified as the "1 -CAP") for the Quarry at the former Occidental Castle Hayne Facility (the Facility) located at 5408 Holly Shelter Road in Castle Hayne, New Hanover County, North Carolina. A Facility location map is included as Figure 1. The following sections include Facility and Quarry background information (including regulatory framework and hydrogeologic setting), the methods and results of ground water monitoring conducted in 2018 to satisfy 1 -CAP monitoring, and conclusions concerning the 2018 monitoring activities. 44 SMARTERENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUPOUS 1 sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc 2.0 Background Information 2.1 Facility Description The Facility includes an active chromium processing plant which was owned and operated by Diamond Shamrock Corporation from 1971 to 1986. Occidental acquired Diamond Shamrock Corporation in 1986 and owned and operated the plant until December 6, 2002, at which time the plant and business were purchased by Elementis Chromium, LP (Elementis). Since then, Elementis has operated the plant for production of chromium chemicals. The Facility land parcels and responsibility for historical environmental impacts were retained by Occidental. Occidental assigned responsibility for management of the historical impacts to Glenn Springs Holdings, Inc. (GSHI). The Facility includes four parcels of land which total approximately 440 acres. The Facility is bounded to the north by the Northeast Cape Fear River, to the east by an industrial parcel owned by Castle Hayne Development, Inc., and to the south and west by industrial parcels owned by Martin Marietta. The Plant Process Area (PPA) of the Facility is located on an approximately 150 -acre parcel and includes an approximately 17 -acre closed lagoon. This parcel is separated by an approximately 10 -acre parcel from two adjoining parcels to the west where a former limestone quarry (the Quarry) is located. The Quarry is divided into two sections, identified as Quarry Section 1 and Quarry Section 2. Quarry Section 1 (approximately 97 acres) is located to the west of the PPA on an approximately 130 -acre parcel, and Quarry Section 2 (approximately 70 acres) is located to the west of Quarry Section 1 on an approximately 150 -acre parcel. The Facility land parcels, Quarry sections, PPA, and closed lagoon are shown in Figure 2. 2.2 Regulatory Framework Treated residual solids (semi-solid material) from the chromium processing plant at the Facility were originally discharged to a permitted lagoon located north of the PPA (Figure 2). The lagoon received residual solids from 1971 to 1977, then served as an emergency backup from hart � hickman SMARTERENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUPOUS 2 sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc 1977 to 1991. In 1994, the lagoon was capped and closed under a closure plan approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Since 1977, residual solids from the plant have been placed into the Quarry and are currently disposed under a Surface Disposal of Industrial Byproducts Residuals (SDIBR) permit (Permit No. WQ0001492) issued by the DEQ Division of Water Resources (DWR). The current SDIBR permit became effective on September 1, 2016 and expires on August 31, 2021. Residual solids are currently placed into Quarry Section 2, although Quarry Section 1 may be used as a backup if needed. Under the terms of the SDIBR permit, ground water within an established Compliance Boundary (generally surrounding the Quarry as depicted in Figure 2) is monitored for compliance with the 15A NCAC 02L .0202 ground water standards (2L standards) on a semi-annual basis (in July and November). Ground water samples are analyzed for chloride, total chromium, total iron, total nickel, pH, and total dissolved solids (TDS) and results of each compliance monitoring event are submitted to DWR on Form GW -59 and GW -59a in accordance with the requirements of the SDIBR permit. Note that the previous Surface Disposal of Residual Solids (SDRS) permit (which was replaced by the SDIBR permit) did not include analysis of ground water samples for nickel. Monitoring of ground water historically conducted in accordance with a non -discharge permit indicated the presence of compounds in ground water above 2L standards. As such, an 1 -CAP for remediation of compounds of concern (COCs) above standards by processes of natural attenuation pursuant to 15A NCAC 2L .0106(1) was submitted on May 28, 1999 and approved by DWR on July 28, 1999 (CRA 1999). The COCs addressed by the 1 -CAP include chlorides, iron, pH, and TDS. The COCs were determined to be from disposal of residual solids into the closed lagoon and Quarry Section 1 prior to 1984 under non -discharge permits. The sources of these impacts were controlled by capping of the former lagoon in 1994 and by making modifications to the treatment process generating the residual solids disposed in the Quarry. The approved 1 - CAP indicates that sampling conducted in accordance with the non -discharge permit (i.e., the SDRS permit and now the SDIBR permit) will be used to satisfy the 1 -CAP monitoring. 44 hart � hickman SMARTERENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUPOUS 3 sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc The objective of the 1 -CAP is to reduce COC concentrations which exceed ground water standards at or outside of the compliance boundary established in the SDRS permit (now the SDIBR permit) by natural attenuation. The target cleanup concentrations for the COCs except total iron are the 2L standards. For total iron, the target cleanup concentrations are background levels established under a now -expired Special Order by Consent (SOC) agreement. The SOC background concentrations (hereafter referred to as the SOC levels) for iron are 10.5, 7.3, and 3.3 milligrams per liter (mg/L) for the Upper Aquifer — Fluvial Deposits horizon, Upper Aquifer — non -Fluvial Deposits horizon, and the Lower Aquifer, respectively. Site hydrogeology is discussed in Section 2.3. The 1 -CAP included submittal of monitoring reports on a semi-annual basis. However, in response to Occidental's request, in a letter dated August 23, 2013, DWR approved submittal of an annual report instead of semi-annual reports to satisfy the 1 -CAP monitoring reporting requirements. Only a limited number of wells monitored under the SDIBR permit are included in the 1 -CAP monitoring program. The wells included in the 1 -CAP monitoring program are identified in Tables 1 and 2 and include CPW-7S/D through CPW-IOS/D and CPW-12S/D through CPW-15 S/D for sample collection and water level measurements, and LCW-1 S/D for water level measurements only. Note that Table 2 includes sample data for 1 -CAP wells only. A summary of historical data for all of the wells monitored during the SDRS/SDIBR permit monitoring events, including the wells not included in the 1 -CAP monitoring program (CPW- IS, CPW-2D, CPW-3D, CPW-4D, CPW-5S, CPW-5D, CPW-6S, and CPW-6D), is included as Appendix A. Because of the substantial amount of data for some wells, the historical data in Appendix A is not comprehensive for all of the wells which are not part of the 1 -CAP monitoring program. Note that ground water impacts are also associated with the PPA of the Facility. In November 2008, GSHI entered into an Administrative Agreement (AA) for Voluntary Assessment and Remedial Action under the DEQ Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Registered Environmental Consultant (REQ Program. The AA only addresses impacted media associated with the PPA of the Facility (Figure 2). H&H submitted a Ground Water Remedial 44 hart hickman SMARTERENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUPOUS 2 sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc Action Plan (GW -RAP) for the PPA dated October 30, 2013 (H&H 2013) in accordance with the requirements of Section IILC of the AA. Ground water impacts associated with the PPA are currently being addressed in accordance with the GW -RAP. H&H submitted a proposed RAP for remediation of the PPA in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes (N.C.G.S) Chapter 130A, Article 9, Part 8 "Risk -Based Environmental Remediation of Sites" (RB Statutes) to DEQ on November 1, 2016. The proposed risk-based RAP includes Site-specific remediation standards developed in accordance with the RB Statutes, and is intended to replace the GW - RAP. H&H is in the process of addressing DEQ comments on the proposed risk-based RAP. 2.3 Geology and Hydrogeology The Facility is located within the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The Coastal Plain province consists of stair -step-like planar features that dip gently toward the ocean and flat, poorly drained areas. The Facility is underlain by unconsolidated sand (surficial sand) to depths ranging from approximately 16 to 25 ft below ground surface (bgs), by the Castle Hayne Formation beneath the surficial sand, and by the Pee Dee Formation beneath the Castle Hayne Formation. The Castle Hayne Formation is predominately marine limestone and is subdivided into three distinct layers that include the Upper Castle Hayne (UCH), the Middle Castle Hayne (MCH), and the Lower Castle Hayne (LCH). The UCH ranges from approximately 15 to 20 ft in thickness beneath the Facility and is generally highly weathered at shallow depths and becomes more competent with increasing depth. The MCH is approximately 3 to 5 ft thick beneath the Facility and acts as an aquitard that hydraulically separates the UCH and the LCH; however, the MCH was removed during excavation of the Quarry. The LCH is approximately 10 to 15 ft thick beneath the Facility. The Pee Dee Formation generally consists of fine to medium -grained sand interbedded with gray to black marine clay and silt. The surficial sand and the UCH beneath the Facility are referred to as the Upper Aquifer, and the LCH and Pee Dee Formation beneath the Facility are referred to as the Lower Aquifer. 44 hart hickman SMARTERENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUPOUS 5 sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc Ground water flow in the Upper Aquifer in the vicinity of the Quarry is typically generally to the north and northwest toward the Northeast Cape Fear River. Lower Aquifer ground water in the vicinity of the Quarry typically appears to flow radially outward from the area of the Quarry. Beneath the PPA of the Facility (northeast of the Quarry), ground water flow in the Lower Aquifer is typically generally to the northeast. 44 hart hickman SMARTER ENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUTIONS IN sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc 3.0 Ground Water Monitoring Results Ground water monitoring events were completed by GSHI-contracted personnel in accordance with the requirements of the SDIBR permit during July and November 2018. The methods and results of the monitoring events are presented in the following sections. 3.1 Ground Water Elevations Depth -to -water levels relative to well top -of -casing (TOC) elevations were measured in monitor wells during each monitoring event using an electronic water level meter. Ground water elevation data from the July and November 2018 events are summarized in Table 1. Upper Aquifer ground water elevation contour maps for the July and November 2018 events are included as Figures 3A and 313, respectively. Lower Aquifer ground water elevation contour maps for the July and November 2018 events are included as Figures 3C and 3D, respectively. 3.3.1 Upper Aquifer The Upper Aquifer ground water elevation data are generally consistent for July and November 2018 and indicate ground water flow in the vicinity of the Quarry to be northwest to north toward the river. Average hydraulic gradients of approximately 1% south of the Quarry and approximately 0.25% across the Quarry are indicated by the data. It appears that Upper Aquifer ground water flow in the area of the Quarry is affected by the Quarry (as a result of significant recharge from Quarry surface water and variable resistance to water flow inside the Quarry due to variable residual solids levels throughout the Quarry). 3.3.2 Lower Aquifer Groundwater elevation data for monitoring events completed prior to July 2018 have typically indicated ground water flow in the Lower Aquifer in the vicinity of the Quarry to generally be radially outward, and apparently affected by the presence of the Quarry. The July 2018 data hart � hickman SMARTERENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUPOUS 7 sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc indicate Lower Aquifer ground water flow to generally be radially outward from an area located to the east of Quarry Section 1, with southwest, west, and northwest components to Lower Aquifer groundwater flow indicated within the Quarry perimeter. Beneath the PPA of the Facility (northeast of the Quarry), the July 2018 data indicate ground water flow in the Lower Aquifer generally to the north and northeast. Hydraulic gradients of approximately 0.1% to 0.3% across the Quarry are indicated by the July 2018 Lower Aquifer data. The November 2018 data indicate Lower Aquifer ground water flow to generally be radially outward from an area located to the southeast of the PPA. The November 2018 data indicate groundwater flow primarily to the southwest, west, and northwest across the Quarry. Beneath the PPA, the November 2018 data indicate ground water flow to the north and northwest in the Lower Aquifer. Hydraulic gradients of approximately 0.1% to 0.3% across the Quarry are indicated by the November 2018 Lower Aquifer data. The November 2018 monitoring event was commenced approximately two months after Hurricane Florence made landfall near Wilmington, NC (on September 14, 2018). The hurricane produced historic high precipitation totals in the Wilmington area (with over 26 inches of precipitation attributed to the storm measured at Wilmington International Airport, approximately seven miles southwest of the Site. In addition, the 2018 annual rainfall total in Wilmington is the highest annual total in recorded history (over 100 inches). The widespread regional precipitation attributable to Hurricane Florence resulted in historic high Northeast Cape Fear River levels near the Site (with levels reaching approximately 15 ft above mean sea level — AMSL), and the river remained above its flood stage near the Site for approximately two weeks. Note that the Quarry perimeter dike elevation is approximately 12 ft AMSL, and the river flooded the Quarry for several days. Based upon estimated river channel depth near the Site, the Northeast Cape Fear River is hydraulically connected to the Lower Aquifer. As a result of this hydraulic connection, and because aquifer recharge in the Quarry area is largely from surface water within the Quarry perimeter dikes, the historic precipitation events in 2018 and river flooding are expected to have hart � hickman SMARTERENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUPOUS N. sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc impacted groundwater conditions in the Quarry area, and likely resulted in the inconsistency of the 2018 Lower Aquifer flow directions with typical pre -2018 flow directions. 3.2 Sampling Methods Ground water samples were collected during the 2018 sampling events using standard low- flow/low-stress sampling techniques. Ground water parameters that included conductivity, dissolved oxygen, oxidation-reduction potential, pH, temperature, TDS, and turbidity were measured in the field during the low -flow purging and prior to sample collection. After ground water parameters stabilized during purging, ground water from each well was poured directly into laboratory -supplied containers, which were then sealed, labeled, placed into laboratory - supplied sample coolers, and covered with ice. The coolers were delivered under standard chain - of -custody protocols to ALS Environmental of Niagara Falls, NY for analysis of total chromium, iron, and nickel by EPA Method 200.7, chloride by EPA Method 300.0, and TDS by Standard Method 2540. In addition, sample pH was measured in the field by sampling personnel using a calibrated pH meter. 3.3 Sample Results Analytical results for the 1 -CAP wells sampled during the 2018 sampling events are summarized along with data from 2014 through 2017 in Table 2. A summary of historical ground water analytical data for wells included in SDIBR permit compliance sampling events is included in Appendix A. Concentration data for total chromium and the I -CAP COCs (chloride, total iron, PH, and TDS) for the sampling events are depicted for the Upper and Lower Aquifers in Figures 4A and 4B, respectively. The Quarry 1 -CAP COC results for the 2018 sampling events are discussed for the Upper Aquifer and Lower Aquifer in the following sections. The laboratory analytical reports for the ground water sample analyses are included in Appendix B. Concentration versus time graphs for COCs which have historically exceeded 2L standards (and in the case of iron the Site-specific SOC levels) in 1 -CAP wells are included in Appendix C. Note that graphs depicting pH versus time are not included for CPW-9S, CPW-IOS, CPW-125, hart T hickman SMARTERENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUPOUS X sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc CPW-155, and CPW-15D because pH levels outside the 2L standard range have only been measured in a limited number of historical samples collected from these wells. Total nickel is not a Quarry 1 -CAP COC, has only been detected in one sample collected as part of the SDIBR permit compliance sampling events (November 2016 through November 2018), and is not included in the tables or figures referenced above. Nickel was detected below the 2L standard (0.1 mg/L) during November 2018 in Upper Aquifer well CPW-15S (0.081 mg/L). Total chromium results are included in the tables because chromium analysis is required as part of the SDIBR permit (although chromium is not a Quarry 1 -CAP COC). Total chromium was detected slightly above the 2L standard of 0.01 mg/L during November 2018 in three 1 -CAP wells (CPW-13S at 0.011 mg/L, CPW-9D at 0.019 mg/L, and CPW-IOD at 0.018 mg/L). Upper Aquifer well CPW-13S is located along the southeastern perimeter of Quarry Section 2, and Lower Aquifer wells CPW-9D and CPW-IOD are located along the western perimeter of Quarry Section 1. Based upon our review of historical analytical data, detections of total chromium above the 2L standard in 1 -CAP wells are rare, and detections of total chromium above the 2L standard in three wells during a single monitoring event is an anomalous occurrence. A non- compliance notification dated December 4, 2018 was provided to DWR after receipt of the analytical data in accordance with requirements of the SDIBR Permit. In accordance with the December 4, 2018 non-compliance notification, on December 20, 2018, CPW-135, CPW-9D, and CPW-IOD were resampled to further evaluate the anomalous total chromium detections. The analytical results of the December 2018 samples indicate that total chromium was not detected above the laboratory minimum reporting limit (0.01 mg/1) in CPW- 135. Total chromium was detected above the 2L standard in the December 2018 samples collected from CPW-9D (0.016 mg/1) and CPW-IOD (0.031 mg/1). Following submittal of a non-compliance resampling report dated January 4, 2019, DWR requested that CPW-9D and CPW-IOD be resampled at the end of January 2019. In accordance with this request, CPW-9D and CPW-IOD were sampled on January 28, 2019 to further evaluate total chromium concentrations in the wells. The analytical results of the January 2019 sample results indicate hart T hickman SMARTERENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUPOUS 10 sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc total chromium was detected slightly above the 2L standard in CPW-9D (0.015 mg/1) and CPW- lOD (0.018 mg/1). A non-compliance resampling report dated February 14, 2019 documenting the January 2019 sampling results and recommending resampling of CPW-9D and CPW-IOD during late March 2019 was submitted to DWR. As previously discussed, the November 2018 samples were collected approximately two months after Hurricane Florence made landfall near Wilmington, NC and within a time of historically high rainfall in the area (over 100 inches of precipitation reported in 2018 in the Wilmington area versus the average of 57 inches). It is likely that the anomalous total chromium concentrations detected in CPW-13S, CPW-9D, and CPW-IOD during November 2018, and in CPW-9D and CPW-IOD during December 2018 and January 2019, are associated with the historic flooding and rainfall. 3.3.1 Upper Aquifer Results Chloride Chloride concentrations were detected below the 2L standard (250 mg/L) in each of the Upper Aquifer 1 -CAP wells sampled during the 2018 events. Chloride concentrations in the Upper Aquifer 1 -CAP wells during the 2018 events were generally consistent with historical concentration fluctuations and trends. Chloride has not been detected above the 2L standard in any Upper Aquifer 1 -CAP wells since 1999. Total Iron Total iron concentrations were detected in CPW-12S and CPW-13S (south of the Quarry) above the site-specific SOC level (10.5 mg/L for Upper Aquifer — Fluvial Deposits Wells) during both of the 2018 sampling events (ranging from 18.8 mg/L to 25.9 mg/L). Total iron was not detected above site-specific SOC levels in the other Upper Aquifer 1 -CAP well samples during the 2018 sampling events. Total iron detections in the Upper Aquifer 1 -CAP wells during 2018 were generally consistent with historical concentration fluctuations and trends. 44 hart � hickman SMARTERENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUPOUS 11 sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc pH Ground water pH was within the 2L standard range (6.5 to 8.5 s.u.) in each of the Upper Aquifer 1 -CAP wells during the 2018 sampling events, with the exception of CPW-135. pH values were slightly outside of the 2L standard range in CPW-13 S during both of the 2018 sampling events (6.31 s.u. and 6.40 s.u. in July and November 2018, respectively). Measurements of pH in the Upper Aquifer 1 -CAP wells during the 2018 sampling events were generally consistent with historical concentration fluctuations and trends. TDS TDS concentrations were detected above the 2L standard (500 mg/L) in the July and November 2018 samples collected from Upper Aquifer 1 -CAP wells CPW-7S (656 and 668 mg/L, respectively), CPW-12S (1,590 and 1,580 mg/L, respectively), CPW-13S (935 and 948 mg/L, respectively), and CPW-14S (656 and 644 mg/L, respectively). The 2018 TDS concentrations in each of these wells were lower than 2017 TDS concentrations in the wells. TDS concentrations were detected below the 2L standard in each 2018 sample collected from the other Upper Aquifer 1 -CAP wells (CPW-8S, CPW-9S, and CPW-10S, and CPW-15S). The TDS detections discussed above were generally consistent with historical concentration fluctuations and trends, and the concentrations were lower than historical high TDS concentrations detected in the wells. The July and November 2017 TDS detections in CPW-12S (2,090 and 1,920 mg/L, respectively) were the highest TDS concentrations detected in the well since July 2000 (2,147 mg/L); however, TDS concentrations detected in CPW-12S during 2018 (1,590 and 1,580 mg/L) were significantly lower than the 2017 TDS detections in the well. CPW-12S is located along the southeastern perimeter of Quarry Section 1 (which is not currently used for residual solids disposal). 3.3.2 Lower Aquifer Results Chloride Chloride concentrations were detected below the 2L standard (250 mg/L) in each of the Lower 44 SMARTERENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUPOUS 12 sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc Aquifer 1 -CAP samples collected during the 2018 sampling events. Chloride concentrations in the Lower Aquifer 1 -CAP wells during the 2018 sampling events were generally consistent with historical concentration fluctuations and trends. Please note that H&H has reviewed regional hydrogeologic literature associated with possible saltwater intrusion in the Lower Aquifer. Winner and Coble (1996) indicate that there is saltwater intrusion with chloride concentrations above the 2L standard of 250 mg/L in the Pee Dee aquifer in the Castle Hayne area. Therefore, it is possible that saltwater intrusion into the aquifer contributes to chloride concentrations detected in the Lower Aquifer wells. Tntnl Trnn Total iron concentrations were detected slightly above the site-specific SOC level (3.3 mg/L for the Lower Aquifer) in the July 2018 samples only collected from Lower Aquifer 1 -CAP wells CPW-7D (4.35 mg/L) and CPW-14D (3.46 mg/L). However, total iron concentrations were detected below the site-specific SOC level during November 2018 in CPW-7D (1.96 mg/L) and CPW-14D (1.11 mg/L). In addition, total iron concentrations were detected in Lower Aquifer 1 - CAP well CPW-12D above the site-specific SOC level during the July 2018 (10.1 mg/L) and November 2018 (8.16 mg/L) sampling events. CPW-12D is located along the southeastern perimeter of Quarry Section 1 (which is not currently used for residual solids disposal). Total iron was not detected above the SOC level in the other Lower Aquifer 1 -CAP wells during the 2018 sampling events, and the 2018 iron results were generally consistent with historical concentration fluctuations and trends in each of the Lower Aquifer 1 -CAP wells. pH Ground water pH was within the 2L standard range (6.5 to 8.5 s.u.) in each of the Lower Aquifer 1 -CAP wells during the 2018 sampling events, with the exception of CPW-IOD. pH levels of 10.26 and 10.71 s.u. were measured in CPW-IOD during July and November 2018, respectively. CPW-IOD is located along the western perimeter of Quarry Section 1 (which is not currently used for residual solids disposal). Note that pH levels measured in CPW-IOD during 2014 through 2018 have averaged approximately 9.7 s.u. In the absence of a known source of alkaline hart � hickman SMARTERENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUPOUS 13 sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc conditions in an aquifer, high pH measurements in monitor wells may be indicative of the presence of cement grout or bentonite in the well's sand filter pack which may be due to well construction. Measurements of pH in the other Lower Aquifer 1 -CAP wells during the 2017 sampling events were generally consistent with historical concentration fluctuations and trends. TDS TDS concentrations ranging from 664 to 1,870 mg/L were detected above the 2L standard (500 mg/L) in each of the Lower Aquifer 1 -CAP wells during the 2018 sampling events, except TDS was detected below the 2L standard during November 2018 in CPW-14D (176 mg/L) and CPW-15D (364 mg/L). TDS detections in the Lower Aquifer 1 -CAP wells were generally consistent with historical concentration fluctuations and trends, except as discussed below. During July and November 2017, TDS concentrations of 1,070 and 1,120 mg/L, respectively were detected in CPW-14D. TDS was detected at 1,250 mg/L in CPW-14D during July 2018. These are the maximum TDS concentrations which have historically been detected in the well. However, as mentioned above, TDS was detected at a low concentration below the 2L standard in CPW-14D (176 mg/L) during November 2018. Furthermore, the 2017 and July 2018 TDS detections in CPW-14D are less than TDS concentrations detected in several other Lower Aquifer 1 -CAP wells. CPW-14D is located along the southwestern perimeter of Quarry Section 2. 44 hart hickman SMARTERENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUPOUS 14 sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc 4.0 Conclusions The 2018 ground water analytical data indicate COC concentrations in the 1 -CAP wells were generally consistent with historical concentration fluctuations and trends with the limited exceptions discussed in Section 3.3. There were no detections of chloride above the 2L standard in the 2018 1 -CAP well samples. Detections of total iron exceeded site-specific SOC levels in two Upper Aquifer wells and one Lower Aquifer 1 -CAP well during both 2018 monitoring events, and in two additional Lower Aquifer 1 -CAP wells during July 2018 only. These iron concentrations are generally consistent with historical concentration fluctuations and trends, and the concentrations were lower than historic high iron concentrations detected in the wells. Ground water pH was slightly lower than the 2L standard range in one Upper Aquifer 1 -CAP well and higher than the 2L standard range in one Lower Aquifer 1 -CAP well during the 2018 sampling events; however, we do not believe the data indicate adverse pH trends in ground water. Concentrations of TDS above the 2L standard were detected in each 1 -CAP well during 2018, except Upper Aquifer wells CPW-8S, CPW-9S, CPW-IOS, and CPW-155. TDS detections in the 1 -CAP wells were generally consistent with historical concentration fluctuations and trends, with the exception of Lower Aquifer 1 -CAP well CPW-14D. The July 2018 TDS detection in CPW-14D was the maximum historical concentration of TDS detected in the well; however, TDS was detected below the 2L standard in CPW-14D during November 2018. Total chromium (which is not a Quarry 1 -CAP COC) was detected slightly above the 2L standard during November 2018 in three 1 -CAP wells (CPW-135, CPW-9D, and CPW-1OD). Based upon our review of historical analytical data, detections of total chromium above the 2L standard in 1 - CAP wells are rare, and detections of total chromium above the 2L standard in three wells during a single monitoring event is an anomalous occurrence. During December 2018, CPW-135, CPW-9D, and CPW-IOD were resampled to further evaluate the anomalous total chromium detections. The analytical results of the December 2018 samples indicate that total chromium was not detected in CPW-135, and that total chromium was detected above the 2L standard in 44 hart � hickman SMARTERENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUPOUS 15 sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc CPW-9D and CPW-IOD. Lower Aquifer wells CPW-9D and CPW-IOD were sampled again during late January 2019 to further evaluate total chromium concentrations in the wells. The results of the January 2019 sample results will be documented in a report submitted to DWR. The report will also include recommendations for additional sampling and/or alternative actions, if warranted based on the results of the samples. Based upon the results of the sampling which indicate overall stable to decreasing concentrations of COCs in ground water, natural attenuation continues to be an acceptable remedial approach for COCs in ground water. As noted in Section 2.2, future 1 -CAP monitoring will be conducted during the SDIBR permit monitoring on a semi-annual basis in July and November, and an annual 1 -CAP monitoring report will be submitted to DEQ by February 28, 2020. 44 hart hickman SMARTERENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUPOUS 16 sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc 5.0 References CRA, 1999. Corrective Action Plan, OxyChem Castle Hayne Plant, Castle Hayne, North Carolina. Conestoga -Rovers & Associates. May 28, 1999. H&H, 2013. Ground Water Remedial Action Plan, Former Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility, Castle Hayne, North Carolina, DEQ ID NCD057454670. October 30, 2013. Winner, M.D. and R.W. Coble, 1996. Hydrogeologic Framework of the North Carolina Coastal Plain. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1404-I. US Govt Printing Office, Washington, DC. hart � hickman SMARTER ENVIRONMEKFAx SOLUTIONS 17 sAaaa-master projects\oxychem\quarry\quarry 1 -cap sampling\2018\annual report - 2018\annwl gw r.doc Table 1 (Page 1 of 1) Well Construction and 2018 Ground Water Elevation Data Former Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility Castle Hayne, NC H&H Job No. OXY -003 Notes * Well not included in the I -CAP monitoring program TOC = top of casing ft AMSL = ft above mean sea level Table 1 (Page 1 of 1) SAAAA-Master Projects\Oxychern Quarry\Quarry L -Cap Sampling\2018\Annual Report - 2018\Table 1 GW Elevations 2,6,2019 Hart & Hickman, PC 07/02/18 11/05/18 Well ID TOC Elevation (ft AMSL) Total Depth (ft below TOC) Depth to Water (ft below TOC) Ground Water Elevation (ft AMSL) Depth to Water (ft below TOC) Ground Water Elevation (ft AMSL) LCW-1 S* 21.92 29.5 4.15 17.77 4.44 17.48 LCW-1 D* 22.33 91.5 14.35 7.98 13.39 8.94 CPW-1 S* 26.40 32.0 3.59 22.81 3.12 23.28 CPW-2D* 25.36 75.0 15.51 9.85 10.11 15.25 CPW-3D* 27.42 105.0 20.50 6.92 15.61 11.81 CPW-4D* 26.99 75.0 22.88 4.11 17.10 9.89 CPW-5S* 9.88 37.0 7.18 2.70 7.01 2.87 CPW-5D* 10.01 112.0 6.30 3.71 4.52 5.49 CPW-6S* 15.79 47.0 12.93 2.86 12.20 3.59 CPW-6D* 15.77 115.0 12.35 3.42 11.69 4.08 CPW-7S 15.14 27.0 5.81 9.33 6.03 9.11 CPW-7D 14.59 105.0 6.13 8.46 5.72 8.87 CPW-8S 7.95 34.0 3.47 4.48 3.60 4.35 CPW-8DR 8.35 83.7 3.93 4.42 4.21 4.14 CPW-9S 8.28 38.0 3.45 4.83 3.00 5.28 CPW-9D 8.37 108.0 3.90 4.47 3.82 4.55 CPW-10S 10.33 35.0 5.30 5.03 5.13 5.20 CPW-10D 10.38 100.0 6.25 4.13 5.63 4.75 CPW-12S 14.11 38.0 3.71 10.40 4.11 10.00 CPW-12D 13.30 92.0 4.08 9.22 4.41 8.89 CPW-13S 14.95 30.0 6.03 8.92 6.91 8.04 CPW-13D 15.13 80.0 8.03 7.10 7.90 7.23 CPW-14S 12.53 30.0 7.05 5.48 6.72 5.81 CPW-14D 12.94 80.0 7.51 5.43 7.21 5.73 CPW-15S 13.76 30.0 8.32 5.44 7.84 5.92 CPW-15D 13.64 80.0 8.22 5.42 8.15 5.49 Notes * Well not included in the I -CAP monitoring program TOC = top of casing ft AMSL = ft above mean sea level Table 1 (Page 1 of 1) SAAAA-Master Projects\Oxychern Quarry\Quarry L -Cap Sampling\2018\Annual Report - 2018\Table 1 GW Elevations 2,6,2019 Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2 (Page 1 of 3) Summary of 2014-2018 Ground Water Analytical Data Former Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility Castle Hayne, NC H&H Job No. OXY -003 Well ID Sample Date Chloride (mg/L) Iron (mg/L) pH (s.u.) TDS (mg/L) Chromium (mg/L) Ground Water Standard' 250 3.317.3 / 10.5 6.5-8.5 500 0.01 CPW-7S Upper Aquifer I -CAP Wells 3/7/2014 3.1 3.5 7.56 820 0.0051 7/10/2014 5.5 5.0 6.69 760 0.0050 U 11/17/2014 2.8 6.0 7.02 880 0.0050 U 3/12/2015 lou 4.0 7.12 1,400 0.0050 U 7/14/2015 5.0 U 9.5 6.86 2,000 0.0050 U 11/10/2015 5.0 U 7.9 7.14 1,400 0.0050 U 3/16/2016 3.7 0.10 U 7.36 1,460 0.010 U 7/13/2016 2.9 3.75 6.61 1,720 0.010 U 11/1/2016 4.6 6.87 6.86 1,620 0.010 U 7/11/2017 4.0 1.67 6.98 826 0.010 U 11/7/2017 3.2 4.67 7.08 694 0.010 U 7/3/2018 3.8 0.62 7.11 656 0.010 U 11/8/2018 4.1 0.54 7.57 668 0.010 U CPW-8S 3/7/2014 120 1.5 7.73 630 0.0067 7/10/2014 100 1.1 7.76 530 0.0050 U 11/18/2014 82 0.71 8.01 550 0.0050 U 3/13/2015 230 0.15 7.61 710 0.0050 U 7/15/2015 88 0.17 7.62 410 0.0050 U 11/11/2015 99 0.13 7.63 430 0.0050 U 3/16/2016 93 0.12 7.48 446 0.010 U 7/14/2016 95 0.10 U 7.00 429 0.010 U 11/4/2016 109 0.10 U 7.30 407 0.010 U 7/13/2017 84.4 0.10 U 7.39 413 0.010 U 11/8/2017 93.2 0.10 U 7.70 388 0.010 U 07/04/18 74.4 0.10 U 7.69 319 0.010 U 11/07/18 88.0 0.10 U 7.62 351 0.010 U CPW-9S 3/6/2014 49 0.45 8.34 640 0.0050 U 7/10/2014 43 0.65 7.17 540 0.0050 U 11/18/2014 94 0.10 U 8.54 590 0.0050 U 3/13/2015 91 0.10 U 8.06 530 0.0050 U 7/15/2015 91 0.15 7.50 480 0.0050 U 11/11/2015 89 0.10 U 7.95 440 0.0050 U 3/16/2016 91 0.10 U 8.05 21420 0.010 U 7/14/2016 95 0.18 7.13 495 0.010 U 11/4/2016 100 0.10 U 7.97 463 0.010 U 7/13/2017 61.4 0.33 7.17 472 0.010 U 11/8/2017 87.5 0.10 U 8.15 415 0.010 U 7/4/2018 87.5 0.10 U 8.20 402 0.010 U 11/7/2018 84.2 0.21 7.81 414 0.010 U CPW-10S 3/6/2014 36 0.18 7.10 660 0.0052 7/10/2014 80 0.10 U 6.64 640 0.0050 U 11/18/2014 72 0.14 7.33 590 0.0050 U 3/13/2015 85 0.45 6.98 580 0.0050 U 7/15/2015 88 0.10 U 7.34 450 0.0050 U 11/11/2015 89 0.35 7.26 460 0.0050 U 3/15/2016 91 0.41 7.13 557 0.010 U 7/14/2016 87 0.13 6.63 519 0.010 U 11/2/2016 93 0.10 U 6.91 498 0.010 U 7/12/2017 91.9 1.23 6.86 476 0.010 U 11/8/2017 85.2 1.10 7.83 460 0.010 U 7/4/2018 81.4 0.73 7.21 461 0.010 U 11/7/2018 78.9 0.98 6.86 427 0.010 U CPW-12S 3/7/2014 4.0 29 7.07 1,500 0.0050 U 7/9/2014 5.6 31 6.79 1,400 0.0050 U 11/18/2014 4.0 22 7.39 1,400 0.0050 U 3/12/2015 12 16 7.06 1 000 0.0050 U 7/14/2015 6.2 21 6.94 980 0.0050 U 11/9/2015 7.2 20 7.24 950 0.0050 U 3/14/2016 8.8 19.9 7.14 1,200 0.010 U 7/13/2016 5.7 27.6 6.55 13300 0.010 U 11/1/2016 7.1 29.2 6.85 13690 0.010 U 7/11/2017 3.5 25.9 6.83 2,090 0.010 U 11/7/2017 3.2 24.1 7.13 13920 0.010 U 7/3/2018 6.1 18.8 7.05 13590 0.010 U 11/5/2018 5.8 25.9 7.26 1,580 0.010 U CPW-13S 3/7/2014 11 26 6.73 970 0.0050 U 7/9/2014 9.4 23 6.86 970 0.0050 U 11/17/2014 9.0 26 6.13 960 0.0050 U 3/11/2015 10 25 6.44 950 0.0050 U 7/16/2015 9.7 21 6.28 1,000 0.0050 U 11/12/2015 8.7 19 6.59 900 0.0050 U 3/14/2016 8.3 24.4 6.09 1 010 0.010 U 7/12/2016 8.2 19.3 6.01 928 0.020 8/9/2016 -- -- 6.37 -- 0.010 U 11/3/2016 8.4 19.3 6.31 940 0.010 U 7/10/2017 7.3 22.1 5.92 1,050 0.010 U 11/6/2017 14.6 20.1 6.21 948 0.010 U 7/2/2018 8.3 21.3 6.31 935 0.010 U 11/5/2018 7.1 20.0 6.40 948 0.011 12/20/2018 -- -- -- -- 0.010 U 3/6/2014 92 6.5 7.37 660 0.0050 U 7/9/2014 89 3.6 6.95 620 0.0050 U 11/18/2014 95 3.9 6.97 670 0.0050 U 3/12/2015 97 3.2 7.04 630 0.0050 U 7/14/2015 110 3.6 7.02 640 0.0050 U 11/10/2015 110 4.1 7.21 650 0.0050 U CPW-14S 3/15/2016 127 3.82 7.13 704 0.010 U 7/13/2016 120 3.29 6.60 723 0.010 U 11/1/2016 147 3.76 6.90 700 0.010 U 7/12/2017 141 3.39 7.11 747 0.010 U 11/9/2017 129 3.66 7.38 668 0.010 U 7/3/2018 147 3.70 7.18 656 0.010 U 11/6/2018 1 141 1 3.56 1 7.00 644 0.010 U Table 2 (Page 1 of 3) S 3 A gaster Projects\Oxychern Quarry\Quarry L -Cap Sampling\2018\Annual Report -2018\Tablet Hart &Hickman, PC Table 2 (Page 2 of 3) Summary of 2014-2018 Ground Water Analytical Data Former Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility Castle Hayne, NC H&H Job No. OXY -003 Well ID Sample Date Chloride (mg/L) Iron (mg/L) pH (s.u.) TDS (mg/L) Chromium (mg/L) Ground Water Standard' 250 3.3 / 7.3 / 10.5 6.5-8.5 500 0.01 3/6/2014 200 0.26 8.20 680 0.0050 U 7/9/2014 190 0.21 7.89 560 0.0050 U 3/13/2015 170 0.10 U 8.04 540 0.0050 U 7/15/2015 180 0.10 U 7.95 550 0.0050 U 11/10/2015 190 0.10 U 8.18 590 0.0050 U 11/18/2014 180 0.14 8.33 590 0.0050 U CPW-15S 3/15/2016 192 0.28 9.11 389 0.010 U 7/13/2016 191 0.10 U 7.53 647 0.010 U 11/2/2016 194 0.10 U 7.77 546 0.010 U 7/12/2017 219 0.10 U 7.73 751 0.010 U 11/9/2017 187 0.10 U 7.72 504 0.010 U 7/4/2018 196 0.10 U 7.88 471 0.010 U 11/6/2018 21.2 1.66 7.31 132 0.010 U Lower Aquifer I -CAP Wells 3/7/2014 65 3.9 7.71 720 0.0050 U 7/10/2014 62 3.2 7.11 800 0.0050 U 11/17/2014 63 2.9 7.37 820 0.0050 U 3/11/2015 57 2.2 7.46 740 0.0050 U 7/14/2015 18 3.2 7.20 700 0.0050 U 11/10/2015 55 3.1 7.58 770 0.0050 U CPW-7D 3/14/2016 51 2.3 7.37 5,270 0.010 U 7/13/2016 30.1 0.10 U 7.54 661 0.011 8/10/2016 -- -- 7.18 -- 0.010 U 11/1/2016 33.7 3.19 7.14 704 0.010 U 7/11/2017 49.9 2.04 7.22 733 0.010 U 11/9/2017 17.0 4.02 7.22 764 0.010 U 7/3/2018 24.8 4.35 7.12 832 0.010 U 11/8/2018 8.4 1.96 7.46 1,180 0.010 U 3/7/2014 220 2.8 7.82 670 0.0050 U 7/10/2014 210 1.6 7.64 670 0.0050 U 11/18/2014 240 2.5 7.70 700 0.0050 U 3/13/2015 110 2.1 7.54 460 0.0050 U 7/15/2015 230 1.4 7.52 730 0.0050 U 11/11/2015 220 1.3 7.53 710 0.0050 U CPW-8DR 3/16/2016 198 0.10 U 8.21 634 0.010 U 7/14/2016 202 0.10 U 7.59 656 0.010 U 11/4/2016 257 0.72 7.18 688 0.010 U 7/13/2017 230 0.59 7.20 740 0.010 U 11/8/2017 223 0.57 7.39 708 0.010 U 7/4/2018 223 0.56 7.42 755 0.010 U 11/7/2018 184 0.90 7.54 782 0.010 U 3/6/2014 170 0.11 7.54 2,300 0.0050 U 7/10/2014 170 0.10 U 7.64 2,300 0.0050 U 3/13/2015 170 0.10 U 7.24 2,200 0.0050 U 7/15/2015 170 0.17 7.26 2,000 0.0050 U 11/11/2015 180 0.23 7.41 2,000 0.0050 U 11/18/2014 170 0.10 U 7.71 2,300 0.0050 U 3/16/2016 198 0.38 7.38 1,930 0.010 U CPW-9D 7/14/2016 178 0.10 U 7.17 1,830 0.010 U 11/2/2016 200 0.10 U 7.36 1,810 0.010 U 7/13/2017 211 0.35 7.10 1,870 0.010 U 11/8/2017 198 0.10 U 7.68 1,770 0.010 U 7/4/2018 206 0.10 U 7.54 1,800 0.010 U 11/7/2018 202 0.38 7.88 1,890 0.019 12/20/2018 -- -- -- -- 0.016 1/28/2019 -- 0.10 U -- -- 0.015 3/6/2014 180 0.10 U 9.86 1,500 0.0053 7/10/2014 210 0.10 U 7.84 1,600 0.0050 U 11/18/2014 160 0.10 U 10.30 1,500 0.0050 U 3/13/2015 130 0.10 U 9.91 1,400 0.0050 U 7/15/2015 140 0.10 U 9.68 1,400 0.0050 U 11/12/2015 130 0.11 9.92 1,300 0.0050 U 3/15/2016 162 0.10 U 9.29 1,310 0.010 U CPW-10D 7/14/2016 158 0.10 U 7.83 1,170 0.010 U 11/2/2016 120 0.10 U 9.57 1,230 0.010 U 7/12/2017 120 0.10 U 9.72 1,280 0.010 U 11/8/2017 113 0.10 U 10.75 1,220 0.010 U 7/4/2018 116 0.10 U 10.26 1,200 0.010 U 11/7/2018 111 0.10 10.71 1,180 0.018 12/20/2018 -- -- -- -- 0.031 1/28/2019 -- 0.10 U -- -- 0.018 3/7/2014 9.6 11 7.27 980 0.0050 U 7/9/2014 8.1 13 6.87 1,000 0.0050 U 11/18/2014 7.7 13 6.58 1,100 0.0050 U 3/12/2015 10 U 13 7.04 1,000 0.0050 U 7/14/2015 7.0 13 6.88 1,100 0.0050 U 11/9/2015 6.8 12 7.21 1,000 0.0050 U CPW-12D 3/14/2016 6.2 13.2 7.09 1,060 0.010 U 7/13/2016 6.1 10.4 6.55 1,030 0.010 U 11/1/2016 6.2 12.3 6.25 1,000 0.010 U 7/11/2017 5.1 6.5 6.85 992 0.010 U 11/7/2017 4.9 11.4 7.22 920 0.010 U 7/3/2018 6.2 10.1 7.12 913 0.010 U 11/5/2018 5.9 8.16 7.36 899 0.010 U Table 2 (Page 2 of 3) SAAAA-Master Projects\Oxychern Quarry\Quarry L -Cap Sampling\2018\Annual Report - 2018\Table 2 2/13/2019 Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2 (Page 3 of 3) Summary of 2014-2018 Ground Water Analytical Data Former Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility Castle Hayne, NC H&H Job No. OXY -003 Well ID Sample Date Chloride (mg/L) Iron (mg/L) pH (s.u.) TDS (mg/L) Chromium (mg/L) Ground Water Standard' 250 3.317.3 / 10.5 6.5-8.5 500 0.01 CPW-13D 3/7/2014 130 3.8 7.13 1,300 0.0050 U 7/9/2014 130 2.2 7.34 1,300 0.0050 U 11/17/2014 130 1.9 7.43 1,300 0.0050 U 3/11/2015 140 2.0 6.88 1,100 0.0050 U 7/16/2015 140 1.9 6.87 1,200 0.0050 U 11/12/2015 100 0.13 7.75 840 0.0050 U 3/14/2016 150 1.2 7.03 1,130 0.010 U 7/12/2016 101 0.10 U 7.47 822 0.152 8/9/2016 - - 6.92 - 0.010 U 11/3/2016 166 1.54 6.61 1,060 0.010 U 7/10/2017 171 1.17 6.74 1,040 0.010 U 11/6/2017 157 1.11 6.85 1,050 0.010 U 7/2/2018 167 1.22 6.78 1,060 0.010 U 11/5/2018 155 1.09 6.91 1,070 0.010 U CPW-14D 3/6/2014 56 4.1 7.22 780 0.0050 U 7/9/2014 120 3.6 6.79 780 0.0050 U 11/18/2014 120 3.5 7.43 790 0.0050 U 3/12/2015 120 3.4 6.96 730 0.0050 U 7/14/2015 140 3.6 6.92 730 0.0050 U 11/10/2015 140 3.6 7.10 790 0.0050 U 3/15/2016 128 3.15 7.08 762 0.010 U 7/13/2016 83 0.10 U 7.37 566 0.010 U 11/1/2016 160 3.25 6.66 888 0.010 U 7/12/2017 159 3.27 7.00 1,070 0.010 U 11/8/2017 152 3.54 7.35 1,120 0.010 U 7/3/2018 160 3.46 6.91 1,250 0.010 U 11/6/2018 10.2 1.11 8.10 176 0.010 U 3/6/2014 58 1.8 7.21 890 0.0050 U 7/9/2014 160 0.75 7.43 720 0.0050 U 11/18/2014 140 0.19 7.84 790 0.0050 U 3/13/2015 170 0.18 7.44 690 0.0050 U CPW-15D 7/15/2015 170 0.39 7.57 700 0.0050 U 11/9/2015 170 1.3 7.59 680 0.0050 U 3/15/2016 185 0.22 7.52 668 0.010 U 7/13/2016 181 0.50 7.00 648 0.010 U 11/2/2016 146 0.98 7.06 604 0.010 U 7/12/2017 152 0.51 7.43 664 0.010 U 11/9/2017 137 0.10 U 7.46 706 0.010 U 7/4/2018 128 0.10 U 7.33 745 0.010 U 11/6/2018 56.8 0.55 7.98 364 0.010 U Notes: *Well not included in the I -CAP monitoring program Lower Aquifer wells include a "Y in Well ID. Upper Aquifer wells include an "S" in Well ID ' 15A NCAC 02L.0202 Ground Water Quality Standards, except for iron which is subject to site-specific SOC -established levels (3.3 mg/L for Lower Aquifer Wells, 7.3 mg/L for Upper Aquifer non -Fluvial Deposits Wells, and 10.4 mg/L for Upper Aquifer Fluvial Deposits Wells). CPW-1 S, CPW-7S, and CPW-12S wells are classified as Upper Aquifer non -Fluvial Deposits Wells. The remaining Upper Aquifer wells are classified as Upper Aquifer Fluvial Deposits Wells. Bold value exceeds applicable standard U - Not detected at the associated reporting limit "" indicates not analyzed Table 2 (Page 3 of 3) S 3 A gaster Projects\Oxychenn Quarry\Quarry L -Cap Sampling\2018\Annual Report -2018\Tablet Hart &Hickman, PC AW c •erre: l -._ __ f ..•-. ,. � -'Y .tee. -e.. - .-��_�. . `}`'`�� � 1, � - �� C nil Shoulder BrCn I o :1002- • `,. 5 APPROXIMATE N 0 2000 4000 qz� SCALE IN FEET U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE MAP SCOTTS HILL, CASTLE HAYNE, MOORETOWN, AND ROCY POINT, NC 1997 QUADRANGLE 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) TITLE FACILITY LOCATION MAP PROJECT FORMER OCCIDENTAL CHEMICAL CORPORATION FACILITY CASTLE HAYNE, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC hart h i c k m a n 2923 South Tryon Street -Suite 10C Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007 (p) 704-586-0373 (� SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS DATE: 01-04-18 REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. OXY -003 FIGURE NO. 1 10101:4go, 1:01mIts7G1 WIN 9�9:a:7D1AV \\ STURGEON / CREEK CPW-1l CPW-10D / EpGE \ QFRNE W I .I CPW-15S MARTIN-MCPW-15D.- ARIETTA I � �.� AGGREGATES I / �. PROPERTY CPW-14D / 0 � CPW-14S Lu QUARRY SECTION #2 QUARRY SECTION #1 APPROXIMATELY 97 ACRES CPW-8DR o / I /` i - APPROXIMATELY 70 ACRES RE-ROUTED \ \ \ �� !/ / CPW�I2SI l/ STURGEON CREEK _ \ CPW-12D CP -13 \ %� \-- ----- CANAL — / 1 CPW-13S P MARTIN- IETTA � MARTIN -MARIETTA -v'i C ' R R. AGGREGATES PROPERTY A �� m LCW-1 S 0:/ LCW-1 D \ Zj: 0 �i LEGEND — - — PROPERTY LINE SURFACE WATER FEATURE - - - - - - - QUARRY LIMITS (RESIDUALS SURFACE DISPOSAL UNITS) — — — — COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY — — — REVIEW BOUNDARY RAILROAD TRACKS $ UPPER AQUIFER (SHALLOW) MONITOR WELL 0 LOWER AQUIFER (DEEP) MONITOR WELL APPROXIMATE 600 1,200 SCALE IN FEET 'CPW-6S / CPW-6D RIVER SW AMP i / % RIVER Swg �.. CLOSED FORMER CPW-5D JtAGOON CPW-5S CP 7D - _ _ - CPW-7S f PROPERTY / cPw-1s —JJ l /i 0 / CPW-4D v -CPW-2D - - —CPW-3D - / NORTHEAST CAPE _ - R \\ STURGEON /' \ C_-- CREEK CPW-9S ERgwgMP•CPW-10S • ��\ \ (5.03) OF \ R/VER W.I \ CPW-15S (5.44) —..� MARTIN -MARIETTA AGGREGATES / Xrl: > a / � 1 • CPW14$ (5.48)1 _� QUARRY SECTION #2 w RE-ROUTED / STURGEON CREEK fi MARTIN -MARIETTA\ AGGREGATES - „a. • CPW-13S CANAL N-MARIETTA AG EGATES Ili IE CEMENT CO. R. R. lyy �6 LCW-1 S • om) (17.77) Nb 2 Ai LEGEND - — FACILITY PROPERTY LINES SURFACE WATER FEATURE QUARRY AND LAGOON LIMIT • MONITOR WELL (17.77) 07/02/18 GROUND WATER ELEVATION GROUND WATER ELEVATION CONTOUR (FT AMSL) - INFERRED GROUND WATER FLOW DIRECTION • CPW 2S (10.40) QUARRY SECTION #1 APPROXIMATE 0 600 1,200 SCALE IN FEET \ FR \ CPW-8S i \ (4.48) \ .. /CPW-6S (2.86) CLOSED FORMER / LAGOON I � CPW-5S / / I (2.70) _ / CPW-7S • (9.33) g F—h — — 6 `I 10� \ J MARTIN-MARIETT 18 / l 20 CPW-1S • (22.81) — — — — — — o /rye�o 57 PROCESS 0 NORTHEAST CAPE � — \ i R \\ C�STURGEON CREEK 9S _ \ CPW- RIVERSwq ? \ • CPW-10S • ��\ (5.20) (5.28) \ \ EpGFOFR/VAR 5S w S q \ CPW-1 (5.92) _... RTIN-MARIETTA AGGREGATES QUARRY SECTION #1 1 •CPW-148 / ( QUARRY SECTION #2 CANAL I FC;FNn FACILITY PROPERTY LINES SURFACE WATER FEATURE QUARRY AND LAGOON LIMIT • MONITOR WELL (17.48) 11/05/18 GROUND WATER ELEVATION 10 GROUND WATER ELEVATION CONTOUR (FT AMSL) - INFERRED GROUND WATER FLOW DIRECTION APPROXIMATE 0 600 1,200 SCALE IN FEET eg CPW-6S (3.59) yrs NORTHEAST CAPE R \\ STURGEON C_ --CREEK IN �1 / RSWgMP �. \ •CPW-10D •CPW-9D / �...—...�..._..._. \\\. (4.13) (4.47) \ \ ppR/VFR F.\� SWq ^.� CPW-15D ""— ' l _ �\ CPW-8DR' MARTIN -MARIETTA( 542 I \ (4.42) AGGREGATES 1 QUARRY SECTION #1 �• CPW-14D /I > (5.43) i � \ j � -6� 'Al \ \ QUARRY SECTION#2 Ir w RE-ROUTED + / STURGEONCREEK MARTIN -MARIETTA\ AGGREGATES CANAL n \ • CPW-13D,- �'— �J.� (7.10) 1 / 1 \ • CPW-12D MARTIN -MARIETTA \ (9 22) _ GRE ATES \ 1 IV�:r\ / r ,MARTIN-MARIETTA �co TES DIXIE CEMEN LEGEND FACILITY PROPERTY LINES SURFACE WATER FEATURE QUARRY AND LAGOON LIMIT • MONITOR WELL (7.98) 07/02/18 GROUND WATER ELEVATION INFERRED GROUND WATER ELEVATION CONTOUR (FT AMSL) INFERRED GROUND WATER FLOW DIRECTION r LCW-1 D (7s8) \ 47 APPROXIMATE 0 600 1,200 mommommmol SCALE IN FEET Y � _ l CPW-6D \ (3.42) CLOSED FORMER I CPW-5D \ LAGOON \ (3.71) l.\ PLANT PROCESS AREA L—p \ / l \ ; �CPW-41D A Y CPW-3D ? •6.92 CPW-2D — � — (6.92) (9.85) f co V / I 0 NORTHEAST CAPE R \\ STURGEON C_ --CREEK IN RSVV4MP A \ • (P 5)10D • (4 -9D 55) _.. OpR/VER W F.\�` �. �.�� 7... r.. SA �. i CPW-15D_..._...1 _ CPW-8DR. MARTIN -MARIETTA / i / x_(5.49) I �� (4.14) AGGREGATES I "�.,.`�� � 1\_ — �. CPW-14D �/ / I QUARRY SECTION #1 \ (/� j• (5.73) �A1 \ i / \ /,.. : QUARRY SECTION // w RE-ROUTED 9 STURGEON CREEK 11 MARTIN -MARIETTA `.. AGGREGATES CANAL • �`�i.✓' II �� CPW-13D _..._...<-...-..._ �..; x.:.(7.23) LEGEND CPW-12D MAR MARIETTA /(8.89) E ATES / IMARTIN -MARIETTA \� / � AGGRO 1 / FACILITY PROPERTY LINES SURFACE WATER FEATURE QUARRY AND LAGOON LIMIT • MONITOR WELL (6.88) 11/05/18 GROUND WATER ELEVATION 6— — INFERRED GROUND WATER ELEVATION CONTOUR (FT AMSL) - INFERRED GROUND WATER FLOW DIRECTION LCW-1 D - - (8.94) \o ^�cv ,07 APPROXIMATE 0 600 1,200 SCALE IN FEET / CPW-6D / (4.08) CLOSES -FORMER I CPW-5D LAGOON\ (5.49) / CPW-7D • (8.87) \/ \8 \.../..�1.,. M� PLANT PROCESS AREA CPW-4D \(9.89) !/ �O y CPW-3D ? (1525x • (11.81) 0 JULY -18 NOV-18 Cr <0.01 <0.01 CI- 196 21.2 Fe <0.10 1.66 PH 7.88 7.31 TDS 471 132 \\ STURGEON _--CREEK / v\ MARTIN -MARIETTA AGGREGATESI / L 71 JULY -18 NOV-18 Cr <0.01 <0.01 CI- 81.4 78.9 Fe 0.73 0.98 PH 7.21 6.86 TDS 461 427 NORTHEAST JULY -18 NOV-18 Cr <0.01 <0.01 CI- 87.5 84.2 Fe 0.13 <0.10 PH 8.20 7.81 TDS 402 414 CAPE \o / IIPA \\ SWAMP DGE OF RIVER SWA \ I CPW-15S `-� QUARRY SECTION #1 CPW-14S JULY -18 NOV-18 / I I // .­ (..� _�. Cr <0.01 <0.0 CI- 147 141 / Fe 3.7 3.5E pH 7.18 7.0f TDS 656 644 w RE-ROUTED 9 �� STURGEON CREEK r. \ / � MARTIN -MARIETTA\ AGGREGATES CPW-13S CANAL l / / JULY -18 NOV-18 Cr <0.01 <0.01 CI- 3.8 4.1 Fe 0.62 0.54 pH 7.11 7.57 TDS 656 668 JULY -18 NOV-18 DEC -18 Cr <0.01 0.011 <0.01 CI- 8.3 7.1 NA \ / Fe 21.3 20.0 NA I CPW-12S PH 6.31 6.40 NA MARTIN -MARIETTA TDS 935 948 NA �� / _ GRE ATES MARTIN -MARIETTA AGGREGATES DIXIE CEMENT CO. R. R. )yy LCW-1 S • LEGEND FACILITY PROPERTY LINES TOTAL CHROMIUM (mg/L) J <0.018 Nov -1a Cr <0.01 <0.01 SURFACE WATER FEATURE CHLORIDE (mg/L) cl- 6.1 5.8 - - - - - - QUARRY AND LAGOON LIMIT TOTAL IRON (mg/L) Fe 18.9 25.9 • MONITOR WELL pH (S.U.) pH 7.50 7.26 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS (mg/L) TDS 1190 1190 /ti� �o 47 NOTES 1. BOLD VALUE EXCEEDS 2L STANDARD (Cr = 10 mg/L; Cl- = 250; TDS = 500 mg/L), IS OUTSIDE pH 2L STANDARD RANGE (6.5 TO 8.5 s.u.), OR EXCEEDS SOC -ESTABLISHED UPPER AQUIFER BACKGROUND LEVELS FOR IRON (7.3 mg/L FOR CPW-1S, CPW-7S, and CPW-12S; 10.5 mg/L FOR REMAINING UPPER AQUIFER WELLS). 2. mg/L = MILLIGRAMS PER LITER; NA = NOT ANALYZED JULY -18 NOV-18 Cr <0.01 <0.01 CI- 74.4 88.0 Fe <0.10 <0.10 PH 7.69 7.62 TDS 319 351 APPROXIMATE 0 600 1,200 SCALE IN FEET \ FR 'W -8S as - - /CPW-6S CLOSED FORMER I �/ / LAGOON CPW-5S CPW-7S /j / \ Q D D PLANT PROCESS AREA ) l /i Y o ? JULY -18 NOV-18 Cr <0.01 <0.01 CI- 128 56.8 Fe <0.10 0.55 pH 7.33 7.98 TDS 745 364 NORTHEAST JULY -18 NOV-18 DEC -18 JAN -19 Cr <0.01 0.018 0.031 0.018 CI- 116 111 NA NA Fe <0.10 0.10 NA <0.10 pH 10.26 10.71 NA NA TDS 1200 11180 NA NA _--STURGEON CREEK '�.�CREEK / C JULY -18 NOV-18 DEC -18 JAN -19 Cr <0.01 0.019 0.016 0.015 CI- 206 202 NA NA Fe <0.10 0.38 NA <0.10 pH 7.54 7.88 NA NA TDS 1800 11890 NA NA CAPE o �tP�i \ �1 RSVVAMP \.. \_.. \ CPW-10D EDGFOFRIVFRSKA \) MARTIN -MARIETTA AGGREGATES I X 3 CPW-14D L JULY -18 NOV- /j` Cr <0.01 <0.0 CI- 160 10.: o / / Fe 3.46 1.11 / - � 1 j pH 6.91 8.1( TDS 11250 176 w RE-ROUTED STURGEON CREEK II \ f MARTIN -MARIETTA\ AGGREGATES _ CANAL \ CPW-13D LEGEND �.� CPW-15D'' _ �\ 1 l / JULY -18 NOV-18 / r <0.01 <0.01 FFgR CPW-9D QUARRY SECTION #1 C JULY -18 NOV-18 Cr <0.01 <0.01 Ck Fe 167 1.22 155 1.09 PH- 6.78 6.91 T 7.12 7.46 FFgR CPW-9D QUARRY SECTION #1 C JULY -18 NOV-18 Cr <0.01 <0.01 CI- 24.8 8.4 Fe 4.35 1.96 pH 7.12 7.46 TDS 832 1180 APPROXIMATE 0 600 1,200 SCALE IN FEET F _ R CPW-8DIR i \ .- ( 1 DS 1060 1070 / CPW-12D MARTIN -MARIETTA GRE ATES / MARTIN -MARIETTA / AGGREGATES / DIXIE CEMENT CO. R. R. (yy LCW-1`D� - - - FACILITY PROPERTY LINES TOTAL CHROMIUM (mg/L) JULV-18 Nov -1a Cr <0.01 <0.01 SURFACE WATER FEATURE CHLORIDE (mg/L) CI- 6.2 5.9 - - - - - - QUARRY AND LAGOON LIMIT TOTAL IRON (mg/L) Fe 10.1 8.16 • MONITOR WELL pH (s.u.) pH 7.12 7.36 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS (mg/L) TDS 913 899 JULY -18 NOV-18 JULY -18 NOV-18 Cr <0.01 <0.01 CI- 223 184 Fe 0.56 0.90 pH 7.42 7.54 TDS 755 782 APPROXIMATE 0 600 1,200 SCALE IN FEET F _ R CPW-8DIR i \ .- ( 1 DS 1060 1070 / CPW-12D MARTIN -MARIETTA GRE ATES / MARTIN -MARIETTA / AGGREGATES / DIXIE CEMENT CO. R. R. (yy LCW-1`D� - - - FACILITY PROPERTY LINES TOTAL CHROMIUM (mg/L) JULV-18 Nov -1a Cr <0.01 <0.01 SURFACE WATER FEATURE CHLORIDE (mg/L) CI- 6.2 5.9 - - - - - - QUARRY AND LAGOON LIMIT TOTAL IRON (mg/L) Fe 10.1 8.16 • MONITOR WELL pH (s.u.) pH 7.12 7.36 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS (mg/L) TDS 913 899 JULY -18 NOV-18 Cr <0.01 <0.01 CI -6.2 5.9 Fe 10.1 8.16 pH 7.12 7.36 TDS 913 899 NOTES 1. BOLD VALUE EXCEEDS 2L STANDARD (Cr = 10 mg/L; CI- = 250; TDS = 500 mg/L), IS OUTSIDE pH 2L STANDARD RANGE (6.5 TO 8.5 s.u.), OR EXCEEDS SOC -ESTABLISHED LOWER AQUIFER BACKGROUND LEVEL FOR IRON (3.3 mg/L). 2. mg/L = MILLIGRAMS PER LITER; NA = NOT ANALYZED CPW-6D CLOSED FORMER I CPW-5D / LAGOON / CPW-7D PLANT PROCESS AREA ) l /i CPW-4D Y � CPW-3D ? CPW-2D Appendix A Summary of Historical Ground Water Analytical Data Appendix A (Page 1 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Wate, Analytical Data Forme, Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility Caz[le Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -003 ®=MMMM® ��a�aaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa Appendix A (Page 1 of 20) Hart & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 2 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Wate, Analytical Data Forme, Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility Caz[le Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -003 ®=MMMM® ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��m®ate ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa Appendix A (Page 2 of 20) Hart & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 3 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Wate, Analytical Data Forme, Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility Caz[le Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -003 ®=MMMM® ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa� ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa� ��aa�aa ��aa�aa Appendix A (Page 3 of 20) Hart & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 4 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Wate, Analytical Data Forme, Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility Caz[le Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -003 ®=MMMM® ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��0�a©tea ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa Appendix A (Page 4 of 20) Hart & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 5 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Wate, Analytical Data Forme, Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility Caz[le Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -003 ®=MMMM® ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa Appendix A (Page 5 of 20) Hart & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 6 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Wate, Analytical Data Forme, Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility Caz[le Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -003 ®=MMMM® ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa� ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa Appendix A (Page 6 of 20) Hart & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 7 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Wate, Analytical Data Forme, Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility Caz[le Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -003 ®=MMMM® ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��m®ate ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��m®ate ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��o®gym ��a�aaa Appendix A (Page 7 of 20) Hart & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 8 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Wa Analytical Data Forme, Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility -l. Hayne, Nc H&H Jab No. OXY -003 ®=Mmmm® ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa Appendix A (Page 8 of 20) Hart & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 9 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Wate, Analytical Data Forme, Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility Caz[le Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -003 ®=MMMM® ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa Appendix A (Page 9 of 20) Hart & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 10 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Water Analytical Data Former Ottidental Chemical Corporation Facility C." Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -003 ®=MMMM® ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��0®ate ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa Appendix A (Page 10 M 20) Har! & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 11 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Water Analytical Data Former Ottidental Chemical Corporation Facility C." Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -0 3 ®=MMMM® ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa Appendix A (Page 11 of 20) Har! & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 12 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Water Analytical Data Former Ottidental Chemical Corporation Facility C." Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -0 3 ®=MMMM® ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa� Appendix A (Page 12 of 20) Har! & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 13 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Water Analytical Data Former Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility C." Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -0 3 ®=Mmmm® ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa Appendix A (Page 13 of 20) Hart & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 14 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Water Analytical Data Former Ottidental Chemical Corporation Facility C." Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -0 3 ®=MMMM® ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa Appendix A (Page 14 of 20) Har! & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 15 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Water Analytical Data Former Ottidental Chemical Corporation Facility C." Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -0 3 ®=MMMM® ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��m®ate ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��o®ami ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��m®ate ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa Appendix A (Page 15 of 20) Har! & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 16 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Water Analytical Data Former Ottidental Chemical Corporation Facility C." Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -0 3 ®=MMMM® ��aa�aa ��m�ama ��aaaa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��a®ate ��aaa�a ��aaa®a ��aaa�a ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa Appendix A (Page 16 of 20) Har! & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 17 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Water Analytical Data Former Ottidental Chemical Corporation Facility C." Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -0 3 ®=MMMM® ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��m®ate ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa Appendix A (Page 17 of 20) Har! & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 18 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Water Analytical Data Former Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility C." Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -0 3 ®=Mmmm® ��a®ate ��aaa�a ��maa�a ��maa�a ��aaa�a ��aaa�a ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��m®ate ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��m®ate ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��m®gym ��m®gym ��m®gym ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��m®ate ��aa�aa Appendix A (Page 18 of 20) Hart & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 19 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Water Analytical Data Former Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility C." Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -0 3 ®=Mmmm® ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��m®ate ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aaa�a ��maa�a ��aaa�a ��aaa®a ��aaa�a ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��o®ate ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa Appendix A (Page 19 of 20) Hart & Hickman, PC Appendix A (Page 20 of 20) Summary of Historical Ground Water Analytical Data Former Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility C." Hayne, NC H&H Jab No. OXY -003 ®=MMMM® ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aaaa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa®aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ��aa�aa ®�aa�aa ®�aa�aa ®�aa�aa Notes: Lower Aquifer wells include a"D"in Well ID. Upper Aquifer wells include an'V in Well ID r 15A NCAC 02L.0202 Ground Water Quality Standards, except for iron which is subject to site-specfic SOC -established levels (3.3 mg/L for Lower Aquifer Wells, 7.3 mg/L for Upper Aquifer non -Fluvial Deposits Wells, and 10.4 mg/L for Upper Aquifer Fluvial Deposits Wells). CPW-1 S, CPW-7S, and CPW-12S wells are classified as Upper Aquifer non -Fluvial Deposits Wells. The remaining Upper Aquifer wells are classified as Upper Aquifer Fluvial Deposits Wells. *Well not included in the I -CAP monitoring program Bold value exceeds applicable standard U - Not detected at the associated reporting limit -indicates not analyzed / indicates sample/duplicate result Appendix A (Page 20 of 20) Hart & Hickman, PC Appendix B Laboratory Analytical Reports A July 20, 2018 Ms. Sheri Finn GHD Services Inc. 2055 Niagara Falls Blvd., Suite 3 Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Laboratory Results for: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100 Dear Ms.Finn, Service Request No: R1806329 Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory July 06, 2018 For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number R1806329. All analyses were performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the NELAP standards except as noted in the case narrative report. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and ALS Environmental is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. The measurement uncertainty of the results included in this report is within that expected when using the prescribed method(s) for analysis of these samples, and represented by Laboratory Control Sample control limits. Any events, such as QC failures, which may add to the uncertainty are explained in the report narrative. Respectfully submitted, ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Joni Janson for Brady Kalkman Project Manager ADDRESS 1565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 PHONE +1 585 288 5380 FAX +1 585 288 8475 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Page 1 of 93 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER Page 2 of 93 AlEnuironmentall 1565 Jefferson Rd, Building 300, Rochester, NY 14623 1585-288-5380 I www.alsglobal.com Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Service Request: R1806329 Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100 Date Received: 07/06/2018 Sample Matrix: Water CASE NARRATIVE All analyses were performed consistent with the quality assurance program of ALS Environmental. This report contains analytical results for samples designated for Tier II data deliverables, including results of QC samples analyzed from this delivery group. Analytical procedures performed by the lab are validated in accordance with NELAC standards. Any parameters that are not included in the lab's NELAC accreditation are identified on a "Non -Certified Analytes" report in the Miscellaneous Forms Section of this report. Individual analytical results requiring further explanation are flagged with qualifiers and/or discussed below. The flags are explained in the Report Qualifiers and Definitions page in the Miscellaneous Forms section of this report. Sample Receipt: Twenty four water samples were received for analysis at ALS Environmental on 07/06/2018. Any discrepancies noted upon initial sample inspection are noted on the cooler receipt and preservation form included in this data package. The samples were received in good condition and consistent with the accompanying chain of custody form. Samples are refrigerated at 6°C upon receipt at the lab except for aqueous samples designated for metals analyses, which are stored at room temperature. Metals: Method 200.7, 07/10/2018: The control limits for matrix spike recovery of one or more of the spiked analytes are not applicable and have been flagged with a "#". The concentration of the analyte(s) in the parent sample is more than 4x the spike concentration. No further corrective action was required. General Chemistry: No significant anomalies were noted with this analysis. rte_ Approved by Date 07/18/2018 Page 3 of 93 AALSEnuironmental SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY LIENT ID: MW -1 (CPW-13S) Lab ID: R1806329-001 ----A-n-----alyte -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 8.3 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 935 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 21.3 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -13 (CPW-13D) Lab ID: R1806329-002 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chloride 167 0.5 8.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 1060 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 1.22 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -2 (CPW-14S) Lab ID: R1806329-003 Analyte ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 147 0.5 8.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 656 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 3.70 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -14 (CPW-14D) Lab ID: R1806329-004 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 160 0.5 8.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 1250 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 3.46 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -3 (CPW-15S) Lab ID: R1806329-005 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 196 0.5 8.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 471 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) CLIENT ID: MW -15 (CPW-15D) Lab ID: R1806329-006 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 128 0.5 8.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 745 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) LIENT ID: MW -8 (CPW-8DR) Lab ID: R1806329-007 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chloride 223 0.5 8.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 755 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 0.56 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -18 (CPW-8S) Lab ID: R1806329-008 Analyte ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 74.4 0.3 4.0 mg/L 300.0 Page 4 of 93 AALSEnuirimmental SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY LIENT ID: MW -18 (CPW-8S) Lab ID: R1806329-008 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 319 -------------- 4 10 ----------------------------------- mg/L -------------- SM 2540 C-1997 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 1950 8 20 mg/L (2011) LIENT ID: MW -9 (CPW-9D) Lab ID: R1806329-009 (2011) Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 206 0.5 8.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 1800 8 20 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) LIENT ID: MW -19 (CPW-9S) Lab ID: R1806329-010 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 87.5 0.3 4.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 402 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) LIENT ID: MW -10 (CPW-10D) Lab ID: R1806329-011 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 116 0.5 8.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 1200 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) LIENT ID: MW -20 (CPW-10S) Lab ID: R1806329-012 Analyte ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 81.4 0.3 4.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 461 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 0.73 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -12 (CPW-12D) Lab ID: R1806329-013 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chloride 6.2 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 913 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 10.1 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -28 (CPW-12S) Lab ID: R1806329-014 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 6.1 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 1590 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 18.8 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -16 (CPW-6S) Lab ID: R1806329-015 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 485 2 20 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 1950 8 20 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 4.95 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 Page 5 of 93 AALSEnuironmental SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY LIENT ID: MW -26 (CPW-6D) Lab ID: R1806329-016 Analyte --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 185 0.5 8.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 615 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) LIENT ID: MW -17 (CPW-7S) Lab ID: R1806329-017 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 3.8 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 656 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 0.62 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -27 (CPW-7D) Lab ID: R1806329-018 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 24.8 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 832 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 4.35 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -21 (CPW-5S) Lab ID: R1806329-019 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chloride 915 3 40 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 2500 8 20 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 10.4 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -25 (CPW-5D) Lab ID: R1806329-020 1h I Analyte ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 908 3 40 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 2240 8 20 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 0.70 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -11 (CPW-1 S) Lab ID: R1806329-021 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 41.4 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 333 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 9.04 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -22 (CPW-2D) Lab ID: R1806329-022 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 10.5 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 414 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 4.86 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 Page 6 of 93 AALSEnuirlonmental SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY LIENT ID: MW -23 (CPW-3D) Lab ID: R1806329-023 Analyte ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results Flag MDL MRL Units ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method Chloride 29.3 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 603 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 0.82 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -24 (CPW-4D) Lab ID: R1806329-024 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 19.5 0.2 2.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 408 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Chromium, Total 4.32 0.002 0.010 mg/L 200.7 Page 7 of 93 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER Page 8 of 93 Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Service Request:R1806329 Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring SAMPLE CROSS-REFERENCE SAMPLE # CLIENT SAMPLE ID DATE TIME R1806329-001 MW -1 (CPW-13S) 7/2/2018 1135 R1806329-002 MW -13 (CPW-13D) 7/2/2018 1035 R1806329-003 MW -2 (CPW-14S) 7/3/2018 1340 R1806329-004 MW -14 (CPW-14D) 7/3/2018 1225 R1806329-005 MW -3 (CPW-15S) 7/4/2018 1630 R1806329-006 MW -15 (CPW-15D) 7/4/2018 1530 R1806329-007 MW -8 (CPW-8DR) 7/4/2018 0805 R1806329-008 MW -18 (CPW-8S) 7/4/2018 0900 R1806329-009 MW -9 (CPW-9D) 7/4/2018 1035 R1806329-010 MW -19 (CPW-9S) 7/4/2018 1130 R1806329-011 MW -10 (CPW-1 OD) 7/4/2018 1255 R1806329-012 MW -20 (CPW-10S) 7/4/2018 1355 R1806329-013 MW -12 (CPW-12D) 7/3/2018 0815 R1806329-014 MW -28 (CPW-12S) 7/3/2018 0920 R1806329-015 MW -16 (CPW-6S) 7/3/2018 1820 R1806329-016 MW -26 (CPW-6D) 7/3/2018 1705 R1806329-017 MW -17 (CPW-7S) 7/3/2018 1110 R1806329-018 MW -27 (CPW-7D) 7/3/2018 1000 R1806329-019 MW -21 (CPW-5S) 7/3/2018 1600 R1806329-020 MW -25 (CPW-5D) 7/3/2018 1515 R1806329-021 MW -11 (CPW-1 S) 7/2/2018 1240 R1806329-022 MW -22 (CPW-2D) 7/2/2018 1350 R1806329-023 MW -23 (CPW-3D) 7/2/2018 1705 R1806329-024 MW -24 (CPW-4D) 7/2/2018 1540 Page 9 of 93 Printed 7/20/2018 5:32:58 PM Sample Summary A' S SR# .565 Jefferson Rd Bldg 300, Suite 360 Rochester, NY 14623 585-288-5380 FAX 585-288-8475 PAGE 1 OF -2'_o �-1�F ¢ca .7i ov Project Nnme: Castle Haynb - Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring, Project Number: 6448DM L•• j¢ Project Manager: Sheri Finn Company: GED w a y<y1P"' i ::'- *? 'ai'>'+ i';ti�'I i�l!'lll jl' l?:iEijj;,il trli +;; r',isii �i[`. Is!''.`•f o = I z w o [� ry �ompany/Address: 2055 Niagara Falls Blvd, Phone. 716-297-6150 E a REMt1I2I{S --ity, Statc, Zip: Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Email: sheri.finn@ghd.com _ LAB ID Matrix "Also report to Scott Drury (Hart & Hickman) via email: sdury@harthickman.com**- U W E; o o c 2 o X c Sampler's Signature: MW-13.(CPW-13D) F`"` ! 35 E n s. X Page 10 of 93 = I z w o [� ry o, V A REMt1I2I{S Sample T.D. Date LAB ID Matrix MW -I (CPW-13S) 7"�' pTime I t' f GW 2 X X x MW-13.(CPW-13D) F`"` ! 35 GW 2 X X X MW -2 (CPW-14S) 7•, j f GW 2 X X X MW -14 (CPW-14D) 16 12,2 GW 2 X X ?C MW -3 (CPW-15S) 74-i GW 2 X X X MW -'15 (CPW-15D) GW 2 X X X MW -8 (CPW-SDR) A :05- GW 2 X X X MW -18 (CPW-SS) 7- • GW 2-1. X X X NIW-9 (CPW-9D) 74-16 , f l351 GW 2- X X }� MW -I9 (CPV4'-9S) -7'`%'-i(.) I •' , ' GW 2 X X TRNAROUND REQUIREMENTS REPORT REQUIREMENTS Comments/Special Instructions: _ 24 hr 48 hr _5BD X 1. Routine Report: Results and Method Blank X Standard (15 BD) 'FAX (Surrogate, as required) C L _ ProvideAX Preliminary Results II. Resultsw/ QC (Du.p., MS,MSD as req)P j✓Z' �� .equestcd Report Date: III. Results (with QC and Calibration Summaries) R1806329 5 n•oice Information .O. # 4502201560 IV. ASP -B 1 GHD 8ervlces Inc. Cenle Hayne 25e��a10o to'. t�G8111 - V. CLP IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllRlllllllllllll EDD?: ELINQUISHED BY: II% RECEIVED BY: RELINQUISHED BY. RECEIVED BY igmaturc:� 4C45�Lc2� Signature: Signature: Si ature: Tinted Name: Mike Edmonds Printed Name: Printed Name: Printed Narne: irm: Mundy Firm: �� Firm: Firm: L� DateMrne: �' '� /12 ateairnc: `S� f j �` 7 _l Date/Time: Datc/Time: Page 10 of 93 ALS 1565 Jefferson Rd Bldg 300, Suite 360 Rochester, NY 14623 585-288-5380 FAX 585-288-8475 SR# PAGE _2 OF _� 7 1 Name: Castle Iauyne Annual SD12S Monitoring, Project Ilumhcr: G448bM �'-G'.'41 r ojecl -Tri Project Manager: Sheri Finn Company: GHD � a Company/Address: 2055 Niagara Fails Blvd I'hone: 716-297-6150 City, State, Zip: Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Email: sheri.t`inn a@ghd.com cca "Also report to Scott Drury (Bart & Iliclunan}via email: sdury a@harthickman.com** o ^ U Sampler's v � pSignature: s V o D Z Sample I.U. Date Time LAB ID Matrix N F REMARKS MW -10 (CPPV-1OD) 7-4-1 s GW 2 X X X MW -20 (CPW-'1US) 74"1 i GW 2 X X X 1IflV-12 (C.PW-12D) ,' S I GW 2 X X X 11IW-28 (CPW-12SD) _ : zC GW 2 X X X MW -16 (C)'W-6S) " j"J ,; GW 2 X X X MW-26(CPW-6D) T-31617 GW 2 X X X iUIW-17 (CI'W-7S) ,+ 0 GW 2 X X X MW -27 (CPW-7.D) 0w GW 2 X X X MW -21 (CPW-5S) O . (6 GW 2 X X X NINV-25 (CPW-5D) 7-3-1 i 5 q GW 2 X X X 'URNAROUND REQUIREMENTS REPORT REQUIREMENTS Comments/Special Instructions: 24 hr 48 lir 5 BD X I. Routine Rcport: Results and Method Blank X Standard (15 BD) (Surrogate, as required) /� 5 C L Provide.FAX.Preliminary Results 11. Results w/ QC (Dup., MS, MSD as req) Requested Report Date: 17I. Results (with QC and CalibrationL+�l29 rj � QO 0 R Invoice Information Summaries) ger Inc68 . c..t{,1111111IW P.O.4 4502201500 ��. ASP -B 1111�11111�1111111�11�11�11111111�11 Bill to: GSIII V. CLP - EDD?: RELINQUISHED BY:(� Signature: ��.�.��C'�'( RECEIVED BY: Signature: RE, LINQUISHE BY: Signature: RECEIVED BY: Signature:s Printed Name: V Prinsed Name: Nlikc l-dmonds Printed Name: Printed Name: � — bi Firm: Mundy I-irni: Firm: Firm: Date/Time: 1 {' Z14 3 Date[Time: Date/Time: �% J� Date/Time: '`� ~` I LZ-- Z ' 3 J • Page 11 of 93 AC-nulhrc3nmentai CHAIN OF CUSTO®Y&ARORATORY ANALYSIS REQUEST .FORIM 38044. DfJeffeso Road, Building 300, Suite 360 • Rochester, NY 14623 ( +1 585 288 5380 +1 585 288 8475 (fax) PAGE OF Project Name C1 �..i A tiy� L"' . ,> 6v Project Number ; ^^ ] L, ,6 0t' �' S "-CA ANALYSIS REQUESTED (Include Method Number and Container Preservative) . Protect MnnagnrReport S ri�� CG 6S,'71 Pau '- - H PRESERVATIVE , Company/Address P Ove Ke N v z { 2, HN ♦ `� 25O4 o o j 4- NaOH 0 a �`�� V 1 S- Zn. Acetate p c ,c 1r` 6- McOH W D N �OTry �a o �� O G ,(� T NaHSO.i ro y v, h$ v o ro F pE �' N 8. Other UJ o 6J o D� o V o' a y (� J [��` O .� O �'-- y N 4,C 4,C V � to N h � ro Z aU op y ' r J REMARKS/ o o C C ALTERNATE DESCRIPTION I. i� ltjy Phone 8 L L /} 7 6 ^ ~ `� Emall ie-�' (! �7 / (� (,r. rvl C F r ' _l U\/ r CGS Sampler's Signature �` 9 r, - 1 o L • L3/11�s�t,[.:�c•'J Sampler's Printed Name %� Q.'f'_ ! C�l� 4r FOR OFFICE USE SAMPLING CLIENT SAMPLE ID ONLY LAB ID DATE TIME MATRIX M wj L:PU 1 5 7.7 --if, l 1,41.0 'SIV Z SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS/COMMENTS Metals 1 �^ 7 �� � � r See QAPP ❑ TURNAROUND REQUIREMENTS RUSH (SURCHARGES APPLY) t day �2 day � day 4 day -5 day REQUESTED REPORT DATE REPORT REQUIREMENTS _ I. Results Only - II. Results + OC Summaries (LCS, DUP, MS/MSD as required) -III, Results + QC and Calibration Summaries -IV, Data Validation Report with Raw Data Edata _Yes _No INVOICE INFORMATION PG Yf• %` � / L.� 2 � � 5[ s G7 RILL TO: �^ STATE WHERE SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED RELINQUISHED BY RECEIVED BY i RELINQUISHED BY RECEIVED BY RELINQUISHED BY RFCEIVED 13Y Signature /!. Signature Signat A Q^ c Q Signature R 1 v O V �7 Printed Name GHD Barvlcaa Inc. Castile Mayne M-4024)02-3100 Fi m Dater""", Pr'nt Namer. 4 Printed Name I ( •`�t i� G / Printed Name Print ame Fir U.j �w17 j ` .,tom, Firm Fi m Firm r •l Datefrime "7 „ L.,�� h ; 316'1 DeleIrmer „• S 4 !Z G) Dateme R Dat iY /t�% Distribution: White - Lab Copy; Yellow - Return to Originator J r aye0 20121byAi.S Group ACooler Receipt and Preservation Check Form Castle r -HD 8--lcs■ Inc. _ Folder Number ail -3100 Project/Client - r7/i� Cooler received on 716,11C by: COURIER: ALS UPS EDE VELOCITY CLIENT 1 Were Custody seals on outside of cooler? N 2 Custody papers properly completed (ink, signed)? ® N 3 Did all bottles arrive in good condition (unbroken)? N 4 Circle:etc Dry Ice Gel packs present? N 8. Temperature Readings 5a Perchlorate samples have required headspace? Y N 5b Did VOA vials, Alk,or Sulfide have sig* bubbles? Y N (29 6 Where did the bottles originate? SIR CLIENT 7 Soil VOA received as: Bulk Encore 5035set Date: 2/U? Time: ID: Q!) IR#9 From: emp an Sample Bottle Observed Temp (°C) Correction Factor (°C) r 1 Corrected Temp (°C) S— 120-160 Temp from:Type of bottle Within 0-6°C? N Y Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N If <01C, were samples frozen? Y N Y Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N If out of Temperature, note packinglice condition: melted oorly Pack�l (described below) ----�_ - &Client Approval to Run Samples: Standing Approval Client aware at drop-off Client notified by: All samples held in storage location: 1? [rIZ by ' on "9G 1Y at 5035 samples placed in storage location: by on at Same Day Rule PIR j, Cooler Breakdown/Preservation Check**: Date: l(0/1$ Time: lis by: E 9. Were all bottle labels complete (i.e. analysis, preservation, etc.)? NO 10. Did all bottle labels and tags agree with custody papers? q0 NO 11. Were correct containers used for the tests indicated? dn NO 12, Were 5035 vials acceptable (no extra labels, not leaking)? YES NO cri 112 A,, co,.,.,I-- / T„hae ]mart with Mo,? C nnictp.m Prpccnrri7.eri TedlarnR Rags inflated pH Lot of test paper Reagent Preserved? Lot Received Yes No Exp Sample ID Adjusted Vol. Added Lot Added Final pH >12 LL3541 NaOH SUB S03 MARRS t ALS REV <2 -l& -15-1g HNO3 .. 4SGIG 1771 <�2 H2SO4 <4 NaHSO4 5-9 For 608pest No=Notify for 3day Residual Chlorine For CN, If+, contact PM to add Phenol, 625, Na2S203 (625, 608, ' 608 est, 522 CN), ascorbic (phenol). Na2S203 ZnAcetate I - I - Bottle lot numbers:j'�6- ZhM7 Explain all Discrepancies/ Other Comments: -- vvras dna 100-f i401 is on instt;U uctu11- auttiysis. Otherwise, all bottles of all samples with chemical preservatives are checked (not iust renresentatives). Labels secondary reviewed by: PC Secondary Review: P'1INTRANETIQAQCIPorms ControlledlCooler Receipt rl6.doc *significant air bubbles: VOA > 5-6 mm : WC >I in. diameter 3/12/18 Page 13 of 93 CLRES BULK DO FLOT HPROD HGFB . HTR LL3541 PH SUB S03 MARRS t ALS REV *significant air bubbles: VOA > 5-6 mm : WC >I in. diameter 3/12/18 Page 13 of 93 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER Page 14 of 93 ALS nuironmental REPORT QUALIFIERS AND DEFINITIONS U Analyte was analyzed for but not detected. The sample quantitation limit has been corrected for dilution and for percent moisture, unless otherwise noted in the case narrative. Estimated value due to either being a Tentatively Identified Compound (TIC) or that the concentration is between the MRL and the MDL. Concentrations are not verified within the linear range of the calibration. For Dol): concentration >40% difference between two GC columns (pesticides/Arclors). B Analyte was also detected in the associated method blank at a concentration that may have contributed to the sample result. E Inorganics- Concentration is estimated due to the serial dilution was outside control limits. E Organics- Concentration has exceeded the calibration range for that specific analysis. D Concentration is a result of a dilution, typically a secondary analysis of the sample due to exceeding the calibration range or that a surrogate has been diluted out of the sample and cannot be assessed. * Indicates that a quality control parameter has exceeded laboratory limits. Under the "Notes" column of the Form I, this qualifier denotes analysis was performed out of Holding Time. + Correlation coefficient for MSA is <0.995. N Inorganics- Matrix spike recovery was outside laboratory limits. N Organics- Presumptive evidence of a compound (reported as a TIC) based on the MS library search. S Concentration has been determined using Method of Standard Additions (MSA). W Post -Digestion Spike recovery is outside control limits and the sample absorbance is <50% of the spike absorbance. P Concentration >40% difference between the two GC columns. C Confirmed by GC/MS Q DoD reports: indicates a pesticide/Aroclor is not confirmed (>100% Difference between two GC columns). X See Case Narrative for discussion. MRL Method Reporting Limit. Also known as: LOQ Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) The lowest concentration at which the method analyte may be reliably quantified under the method conditions. MDL Method Detection Limit. A statistical value derived from a study designed to provide the lowest concentration that will be detected 99% of the time. Values between the MDL and MRL are estimated (see J qualifier). H Analysis was performed out of hold time for LOD Limit of Detection. A value at or above the MDL tests that have an "immediate" hold time which has been verified to be detectable. criteria. ND Non -Detect. Analyte was not detected at the # Spike was diluted out. concentration listed. Same as U qualifier. �N ACC09 U U � Q �2 Rochester Lab ID # for State Certifications' Connecticut ID # PHO556 Delaware Approved Maine ID #NY0032 New Jersey ID # NY004 New Hampshire ID # 294100 A/B DoD ELAP #65817 New York ID # 10145 Pennsylvania ID# 68-786 Florida ID # E87674 North Carolina #676 Rhode Island ID # 158 Virginia #460167 ' Analyses were performed according to our laboratory's NELAP-approved quality assurance program and any applicable state or agency requirements. The test results meet requirements of the current NELAP/TNI standards or state or agency requirements, where applicable, except as noted in the case narrative. Since not all analyte/method/matrix combinations are offered for state/NELAC accreditation, this report may contain results which are not accredited. For a specific list of accredited analytes, contact the laboratory or go to httt)s://www.alsglobal.com/locations/americas/north-america/usa/new-vork/rochester-environmental Page 15 of 93 P.\INIRANEI\QAQC\Fonns Controlled\QUALIF_ routine rev 4.doc 12/21/17 ALS Laboratory Group Acronyms ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials A2LA American Association for Laboratory Accreditation CARB California Air Resources Board CAS Number Chemical Abstract Service registry Number CFC Chlorofluorocarbon CFU Colony -Forming Unit DEC Department of Environmental Conservation DEQ Department of Environmental Quality DHS Department of Health Services DOE Department of Ecology DOH Department of Health EPA U. S. Environmental Protection Agency ELAP Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program GC Gas Chromatography GC/MS Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry LUFT Leaking Underground Fuel Tank M Modified MCL Maximum Contaminant Level is the highest permissible concentration of a substance allowed in drinking water as established by the USEPA. MDL Method Detection Limit MPN Most Probable Number MRL Method Reporting Limit NA Not Applicable NC Not Calculated NCASI National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement ND Not Detected NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health PQL Practical Quantitation Limit RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act SIM Selected Ion Monitoring TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons tr Trace level is the concentration of an analyte that is less than the PQL but greater than or equal to the MDL. Page 16 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analyst Summary report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Service Request: R1806329 Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Name: MW -1 (CPW-13S) Date Collected: 07/2/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-001 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -13 (CPW-13D) Date Collected: 07/2/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-002 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -2 (CPW-14S) Date Collected: 07/3/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-003 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -14 (CPW-14D) Date Collected: 07/3/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-004 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:02 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 17 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analyst Summary report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Service Request: R1806329 Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Name: MW -3 (CPW-15S) Date Collected: 07/4/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-005 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -15 (CPW-15D) Date Collected: 07/4/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-006 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -8 (CPW-8DR) Date Collected: 07/4/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-007 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -18 (CPW-8S) Date Collected: 07/4/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-008 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:02 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 18 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analyst Summary report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Service Request: R1806329 Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Name: MW -9 (CPW-9D) Date Collected: 07/4/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-009 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -19 (CPW-9S) Date Collected: 07/4/18 Lab Code: R1806329-010 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -10 (CPW-1OD) Date Collected: 07/4/18 Lab Code: R1806329-011 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -20 (CPW-10S) Date Collected: 07/4/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-012 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:02 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 19 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analyst Summary report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Service Request: R1806329 Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Name: MW -12 (CPW-12D) Date Collected: 07/3/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-013 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -28 (CPW-12S) Date Collected: 07/3/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-014 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -16 (CPW-6S) Date Collected: 07/3/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-015 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -26 (CPW-6D) Date Collected: 07/3/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-016 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:02 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 20 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analyst Summary report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Service Request: R1806329 Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Name: MW -17 (CPW-7S) Date Collected: 07/3/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-017 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -27 (CPW-7D) Date Collected: 07/3/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-018 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -21 (CPW-5S) Date Collected: 07/3/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-019 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -25 (CPW-5D) Date Collected: 07/3/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-020 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:03 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 21 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analyst Summary report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Service Request: R1806329 Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Name: MW -11 (CPW-1S) Date Collected: 07/2/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-021 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -22 (CPW-2D) Date Collected: 07/2/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-022 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -23 (CPW-3D) Date Collected: 07/2/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-023 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Sample Name: MW -24 (CPW-4D) Date Collected: 07/2/18 Lab Code: RI 806329-024 Date Received: 07/6/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AMOSES SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KWONG Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:03 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 22 of 93 INORGANIC PREPARATION METHODS AL5 The preparation methods associated with this report are found in these tables unless discussed in the case narrative. Water/Liquid Matrix Analytical Method Preparation Method 200.7 200.2 200.8 200.2 6010C 3005A/3010A 6020A ILM05.3 9014 Cyanide Reactivity SW846 Ch7, 9034 Sulfide Reactivity SW846 CV, 9034 Sulfide Acid Soluble 9030B 9056A Bomb (Halogens) 5050A 9066 Manual Distillation 9065 SM 4500 -CN -E Residual Cyanide SM 4500 -CN -G SM 4500 -CN -E WAD Cyanide SM 4500 -CN -I Solid/Soil/Non-Aqueous Matrix Analytical Method Preparation Method 6010C 3050B 6020A 3050B 6010C TCLP (1 31 1) extract 3005A/3010A 6010 SPLP (1 31 2) extract 3005A/3010A 7196A 3060A 7199 3060A 9056A Halogens/Halides 5050 300.0 Anions/ 350.1/ 353.2/ SM 2320B/ SM 5210B/ 9056A Anions DI extraction For analytical methods not listed, the preparation method is the same as the analytical method reference. P:\INTRANET\QAQC\Forms Controlled\Prep Methods Inorganic rev l.doc 1/19/1 5 Page 23 of 93 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER Page 24 of 93 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER Page 25 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 11:35 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -1 (CPW-13S) Lab Code: R1806329-001 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 11:35 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 26 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/10/18 23:39 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 21.3 mg/L 0.10 1 07/10/18 23:39 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/10/18 23:39 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 26 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 10:35 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -13 (CPW-131)) Lab Code: R1806329-002 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 10:35 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 27 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/10/18 23:57 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 1.22 mg/L 0.10 1 07/10/18 23:57 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/10/18 23:57 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 27 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 13:40 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -2 (CPW-14S) Lab Code: R1806329-003 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 13:40 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 28 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 00:22 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 3.70 mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 00:22 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 00:22 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 28 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 12:25 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -14 (CPW-14D) Lab Code: R1806329-004 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 12:25 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 29 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 00:26 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 3.46 mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 00:26 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 00:26 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 29 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 16:30 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -3 (CPW-15S) Lab Code: R1806329-005 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 16:30 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 30 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 00:29 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.10 U mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 00:29 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 00:29 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 30 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 15:30 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -15 (CPW-151)) Lab Code: R1806329-006 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 15:30 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 31 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 00:33 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.10 U mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 00:33 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 00:33 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 31 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 08:05 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -8 (CPW-8DR) Lab Code: R1806329-007 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 08:05 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 32 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 00:37 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.56 mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 00:37 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 00:37 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 32 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 09:00 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -18 (CPW-8S) Lab Code: R1806329-008 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 09:00 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 33 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 00:40 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.10 U mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 00:40 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 00:40 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 33 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 10:35 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -9 (CPW-9D) Lab Code: R1806329-009 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 10:35 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 34 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 00:44 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.10 U mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 00:44 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 00:44 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 34 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 11:30 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -19 (CPW-9S) Lab Code: R1806329-010 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 11:30 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 35 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 00:47 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.10 U mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 00:47 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 00:47 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 35 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 12:55 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-DO2-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -10 (CPW-IOD) Lab Code: R1806329-011 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 12:55 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 36 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 00:58 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.10 U mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 00:58 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 00:58 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 36 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 13:55 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-DO2-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -20 (CPW-IOS) Lab Code: R1806329-012 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 13:55 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 37 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 01:02 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.73 mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 01:02 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 01:02 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 37 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 08:15 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -12 (CPW-121)) Lab Code: R1806329-013 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 08:15 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 38 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 01:05 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 10.1 mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 01:05 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 01:05 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 38 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 09:20 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -28 (CPW-12S) Lab Code: R1806329-014 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 09:20 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 39 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 01:09 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 18.8 mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 01:09 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 01:09 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 39 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 18:20 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -16 (CPW-6S) Lab Code: R1806329-015 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 18:20 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 40 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 01:13 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 4.95 mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 01:13 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 01:13 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 40 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 17:05 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -26 (CPW-6D) Lab Code: R1806329-016 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 17:05 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 41 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 01:16 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.10 U mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 01:16 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 01:16 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 41 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 11:10 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -17 (CPW-7S) Lab Code: R1806329-017 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 11:10 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 42 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 01:20 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.62 mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 01:20 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 01:20 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 42 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 10:00 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -27 (CPW-7D) Lab Code: R1806329-018 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 10:00 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 43 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 01:23 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 4.35 mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 01:23 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 01:23 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 43 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 16:00 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -21 (CPW-5S) Lab Code: R1806329-019 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 16:00 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 44 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 01:27 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 10.4 mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 01:27 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 01:27 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 44 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 15:15 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -25 (CPW-5D) Lab Code: R1806329-020 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 15:15 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 45 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/11/18 01:31 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.70 mg/L 0.10 1 07/11/18 01:31 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/11/18 01:31 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 45 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 12:40 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -11 (CPW-1S) Lab Code: R1806329-021 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 12:40 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 46 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/10/18 22:52 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 9.04 mg/L 0.10 1 07/10/18 22:52 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/10/18 22:52 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 46 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 13:50 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -22 (CPW-2D) Lab Code: R1806329-022 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 13:50 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 47 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/10/18 22:56 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 4.86 mg/L 0.10 1 07/10/18 22:56 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/10/18 22:56 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 47 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 17:05 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -23 (CPW-3D) Lab Code: R1806329-023 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 17:05 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 48 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/10/18 23:00 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.82 mg/L 0.10 1 07/10/18 23:00 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/10/18 23:00 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 48 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 15:40 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -24 (CPW-4D) Lab Code: R1806329-024 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 15:40 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 49 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 4.32 mg/L 0.010 1 07/10/18 23:03 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.10 U mg/L 0.10 1 07/10/18 23:03 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/10/18 23:03 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:05 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 49 of 93 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER Page 50 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 11:35 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 8.3 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1810:25 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 935 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:07 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 51 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -1 (CPW-13S) Lab Code: R1806329-001 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 11:35 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 8.3 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1810:25 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 935 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:07 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 51 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 10:35 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 167 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1810:54 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1060 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:07 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 52 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -13 (CPW-13D) Lab Code: R1806329-002 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 10:35 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 167 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1810:54 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1060 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:07 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 52 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 13:40 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 147 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1811:00 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 656 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:07 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 53 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -2 (CPW-14S) Lab Code: R1806329-003 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 13:40 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 147 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1811:00 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 656 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:07 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 53 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 12:25 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 160 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1811:06 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1250 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:07 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 54 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -14 (CPW-14D) Lab Code: R1806329-004 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 12:25 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 160 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1811:06 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1250 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:07 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 54 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 16:30 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 196 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1811:12 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 471 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:07 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 55 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -3 (CPW-15S) Lab Code: R1806329-005 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 16:30 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 196 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1811:12 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 471 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:07 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 55 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 15:30 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 128 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1811:18 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 745 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:07 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 56 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -15 (CPW-15D) Lab Code: R1806329-006 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 15:30 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 128 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1811:18 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 745 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:07 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 56 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 08:05 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 223 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1811:24 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 755 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 57 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -8 (CPW-8DR) Lab Code: R1806329-007 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 08:05 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 223 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1811:24 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 755 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 57 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 09:00 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 74.4 mg/L 4.0 20 07/13/1811:30 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 319 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 58 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -18 (CPW-8S) Lab Code: R1806329-008 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 09:00 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 74.4 mg/L 4.0 20 07/13/1811:30 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 319 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 58 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 10:35 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 206 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1811:35 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1800 mg/L 20 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 59 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -9 (CPW-9D) Lab Code: R1806329-009 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 10:35 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 206 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1811:35 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1800 mg/L 20 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 59 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 11:30 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 87.5 mg/L 4.0 20 07/13/1812:10 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 402 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 60 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -19 (CPW-9S) Lab Code: R1806329-010 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 11:30 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 87.5 mg/L 4.0 20 07/13/1812:10 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 402 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 60 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 12:55 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 116 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1812:16 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1200 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 61 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-DO2-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -10 (CPW-IOD) Lab Code: R1806329-011 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 12:55 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 116 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1812:16 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1200 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 61 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 13:55 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 81.4 mg/L 4.0 20 07/13/1812:22 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 461 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 62 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-DO2-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -20 (CPW-IOS) Lab Code: R1806329-012 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 13:55 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 81.4 mg/L 4.0 20 07/13/1812:22 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 461 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 62 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 08:15 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 6.2 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1812:28 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 913 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 63 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -12 (CPW-12D) Lab Code: R1806329-013 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 08:15 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 6.2 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1812:28 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 913 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 63 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 09:20 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 6.1 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1812:34 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1590 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 64 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -28 (CPW-12S) Lab Code: R1806329-014 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 09:20 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 6.1 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1812:34 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1590 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 64 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 18:20 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 485 mg/L 20 100 07/13/1812:51 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1950 mg/L 20 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 65 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -16 (CPW-6S) Lab Code: R1806329-015 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 18:20 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 485 mg/L 20 100 07/13/1812:51 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1950 mg/L 20 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 65 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 17:05 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 185 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1812:57 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 615 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 66 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -26 (CPW-6D) Lab Code: R1806329-016 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 17:05 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 185 mg/L 8.0 40 07/13/1812:57 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 615 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 66 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 11:10 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 3.8 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1813:15 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 656 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 67 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -17 (CPW-7S) Lab Code: R1806329-017 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 11:10 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 3.8 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1813:15 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 656 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 67 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 10:00 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 24.8 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1813:21 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 832 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 68 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -27 (CPW-7D) Lab Code: R1806329-018 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 10:00 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 24.8 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1813:21 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 832 mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 68 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 16:00 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 915 mg/L 40 200 07/13/1813:27 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 2500 mg/L 20 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 69 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -21 (CPW-5S) Lab Code: R1806329-019 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 16:00 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 915 mg/L 40 200 07/13/1813:27 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 2500 mg/L 20 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 69 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 15:15 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 908 mg/L 40 200 07/13/1813:32 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 2240 mg/L 20 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 70 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -25 (CPW-5D) Lab Code: R1806329-020 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 15:15 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 908 mg/L 40 200 07/13/1813:32 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 2240 mg/L 20 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 70 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 12:40 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 41.4 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1813:38 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 333 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 71 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -11 (CPW-1S) Lab Code: R1806329-021 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 12:40 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 41.4 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1813:38 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 333 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 71 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 13:50 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 10.5 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1813:44 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 414 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 72 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -22 (CPW-2D) Lab Code: R1806329-022 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 13:50 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 10.5 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1813:44 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 414 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 72 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 17:05 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 29.3 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1814:02 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 603 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 73 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -23 (CPW-3D) Lab Code: R1806329-023 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 17:05 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 29.3 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1814:02 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 603 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 73 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 15:40 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 19.5 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1814:08 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 408 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 74 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -24 (CPW-4D) Lab Code: R1806329-024 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 15:40 Date Received: 07/06/18 09:35 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 19.5 mg/L 2.0 10 07/13/1814:08 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 408 mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 74 of 93 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER Page 75 of 93 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER Page 76 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: Method Blank Lab Code: R1806329-MB1 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:06 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 77 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/10/18 23:32 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.10 U mg/L 0.10 1 07/10/18 23:32 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/10/18 23:32 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:06 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 77 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Basis: NA ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Units Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: Method Blank Lab Code: R1806329-MB2 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Basis: NA Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:06 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 78 of 93 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 07/10/18 21:04 07/09/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.10 U mg/L 0.10 1 07/10/18 21:04 07/09/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 07/10/18 21:04 07/09/18 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:06 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 78 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-DO2-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Duplicate Matrix Spike Summary Inorganic Parameters Sample Name: MW -1 (CPW-13S) Lab Code: R1806329-001 Service Request:R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 Date Received: 07/06/18 Date Analyzed: 7/10/18 Units:mg/L Basis:NA Matrix Spike Duplicate Matrix Spike R1806329-OOIMS R1806329-OOIDMS Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 79 of 93 Sample Spike Spike % Rec RPD Analyte Name Method Result Result Amount % Rec Result Amount % Rec Limits RPD Limit Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U 0.207 0.200 103 0.206 0.200 103 70-130 <1 20 Iron, Total 200.7 21.3 21.9 1.00 54 # 21.8 1.00 45 # 70-130 <1 20 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U 0.499 0.500 100 0.499 0.500 100 70-130 <1 20 Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 79 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Duplicate Matrix Spike Summary Inorganic Parameters Sample Name: MW -13 (CPW-13D) Lab Code: R1806329-002 Service Request:R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 Date Received: 07/06/18 Date Analyzed: 7/11/18 Units:mg/L Basis:NA Matrix Spike Duplicate Matrix Spike R1806329-002MS R1806329-002DMS Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 80 of 93 Sample Spike Spike % Rec RPD Analyte Name Method Result Result Amount % Rec Result Amount % Rec Limits RPD Limit Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U 0.209 0.200 104 0.209 0.200 104 70-130 <1 20 Iron, Total 200.7 1.22 2.17 1.00 95 2.17 1.00 94 70-130 <1 20 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U 0.491 0.500 98 0.492 0.500 98 70-130 <1 20 Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:04 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 80 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Lab Control Sample Summary Inorganic Parameters Lab Control Sample R1806329-LCS 1 Service Request: R1806329 Date Analyzed: 07/10/18 Units:mg/L Basis:NA Analyte Name Analytical Method Result Spike Amount % Rec % Rec Limits Chromium, Total 200.7 0.211 0.200 106 85-115 Iron, Total 200.7 0.99 1.00 99 85-115 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.523 0.500 105 85-115 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:06 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 81 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Lab Control Sample Summary Inorganic Parameters Lab Control Sample R1806329-LCS2 Service Request: R1806329 Date Analyzed: 07/10/18 Units:mg/L Basis:NA Analyte Name Analytical Method Result Spike Amount % Rec % Rec Limits Chromium, Total 200.7 0.209 0.200 104 85-115 Iron, Total 200.7 0.987 1.00 99 85-115 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.519 0.500 104 85-115 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:06 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 82 of 93 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER Page 83 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 0.20 U mg/L 0.20 1 07/13/18 09:38 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 10 U mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 84 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: Method Blank Lab Code: R1806329-MB1 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 0.20 U mg/L 0.20 1 07/13/18 09:38 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 10 U mg/L 10 1 07/09/18 16:40 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 84 of 93 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 0.20 U mg/L 0.20 1 07/13/18 11:59 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 10 U mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 85 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: Method Blank Lab Code: R1806329-MB2 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 0.20 U mg/L 0.20 1 07/13/18 11:59 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 10 U mg/L 10 1 07/10/18 15:00 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 85 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Duplicate Matrix Spike Summary Chloride Sample Name: MW -1 (CPW-13S) Lab Code: R1806329-001 Analysis Method: 300.0 Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 Date Received: 07/06/18 Date Analyzed: 07/13/18 Units: mg/L Basis: NA Matrix Spike Duplicate Matrix Spike R 1806329-001 MS R1806329-001 DMS Sample Spike Spike % Rec RPD Analyte Name Result Result Amount % Rec Result Amount % Rec Limits RPD Limit Chloride 8.3 28.2 20.0 100 28.6 20.0 102 90-110 1 20 Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:07 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 86 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Duplicate Matrix Spike Summary Chloride Sample Name: MW -9 (CPW-9D) Lab Code: R1806329-009 Analysis Method: 300.0 Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 Date Received: 07/06/18 Date Analyzed: 07/13/18 Units: mg/L Basis: NA Matrix Spike Duplicate Matrix Spike R1806329-009MS R1806329-009DMS Sample Spike Spike % Rec RPD Analyte Name Result Result Amount % Rec Result Amount % Rec Limits RPD Limit Chloride 206 283 80.0 97 283 80.0 97 90-110 <1 20 Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 87 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Duplicate Matrix Spike Summary Chloride Sample Name: MW -28 (CPW-12S) Lab Code: R1806329-014 Analysis Method: 300.0 Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 Date Received: 07/06/18 Date Analyzed: 07/13/18 Units: mg/L Basis: NA Matrix Spike Duplicate Matrix Spike R1806329-014MS R1806329-014DMS Sample Spike Spike % Rec RPD Analyte Name Result Result Amount % Rec Result Amount % Rec Limits RPD Limit Chloride 6.1 25.8 20.0 98 25.9 20.0 99 90-110 <1 20 Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:08 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 88 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Duplicate Matrix Spike Summary Chloride Sample Name: MW -22 (CPW-2D) Lab Code: R1806329-022 Analysis Method: 300.0 Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/02/18 Date Received: 07/06/18 Date Analyzed: 07/13/18 Units: mg/L Basis: NA Matrix Spike Duplicate Matrix Spike R1806329-022MS R1806329-022DMS Sample Spike Spike % Rec RPD Analyte Name Result Result Amount % Rec Result Amount % Rec Limits RPD Limit Chloride 10.5 30.8 20.0 101 31.0 20.0 102 90-110 <1 20 Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 89 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Replicate Sample Summary General Chemistry Parameters Sample Name: MW -9 (CPW-9D) Lab Code: R1806329-009 Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/04/18 Date Received: 07/06/18 Date Analyzed: 07/10/18 Units: mg/L Basis: NA Duplicate Sample R1806329 - Sample 009DUP Analyte Name Analysis Method MRL Result Result Average RPD RPD Limit Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 20 1800 1760 1780 2 10 Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 90 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Replicate Sample Summary General Chemistry Parameters Sample Name: MW -25 (CPW-5D) Lab Code: R1806329-020 Service Request: R1806329 Date Collected: 07/03/18 Date Received: 07/06/18 Date Analyzed: 07/10/18 Units: mg/L Basis: NA Duplicate Sample R1806329 - Sample 020DUP Analyte Name Analysis Method MRL Result Result Average RPD RPD Limit Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 20 2240 2240 2240 <1 10 Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 91 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Lab Control Sample Summary General Chemistry Parameters Lab Control Sample R1806329-LCS 1 Service Request: R1806329 Date Analyzed: 07/09/18 - 07/13/18 Units:mg/L Basis:NA Analyte Name Analytical Method Result Spike Amount % Rec % Rec Limits Chloride 300.0 2.08 2.00 104 90-110 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 914 914 100 90-110 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 92 of 93 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Tri -Annual SDRS Monitoring Sample Matrix: Water Lab Control Sample Summary General Chemistry Parameters Lab Control Sample R1806329-LCS2 Service Request: R1806329 Date Analyzed: 07/10/18 - 07/13/18 Units:mg/L Basis:NA Analyte Name Analytical Method Result Spike Amount % Rec % Rec Limits Chloride 300.0 2.03 2.00 102 90-110 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 904 914 99 90-110 Printed 7/20/2018 5:33:09 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000472290 rev 00 Page 93 of 93 A November 28, 2018 Ms. Sheri Finn GHD Services Inc. 2055 Niagara Falls Blvd., Suite 3 Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Laboratory Results for: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100 Dear Ms.Finn, Service Request No:R1810935 Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory November 09, 2018 For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number R1810935. All analyses were performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the NELAP standards except as noted in the case narrative report. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and ALS Environmental is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. The measurement uncertainty of the results included in this report is within that expected when using the prescribed method(s) for analysis of these samples, and represented by Laboratory Control Sample control limits. Any events, such as QC failures, which may add to the uncertainty are explained in the report narrative. Please contact me if you have any questions. My extension is 7471. You may also contact me via email at Brady.Kalkman@alsglobal.com. Respectfully submitted, ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Brady Kalkman Project Manager ADDRESS 1 of 95 1565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 PHONE +1 585 288 5380 FAX +1 585 288 8475 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER 2 of 95 AlEnuironmentall 1565 Jefferson Rd, Building 300, Rochester, NY 14623 1585-288-5380 I www.alsglobal.com Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Service Request: R1810935 Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100 Date Received: 11/09/2018 Sample Matrix: Water CASE NARRATIVE All analyses were performed consistent with the quality assurance program of ALS Environmental. This report contains analytical results for samples designated for Tier II data deliverables, including results of QC samples analyzed from this delivery group. Analytical procedures performed by the lab are validated in accordance with NELAC standards. Any parameters that are not included in the lab's NELAC accreditation are identified on a "Non -Certified Analytes" report in the Miscellaneous Forms Section of this report. Individual analytical results requiring further explanation are flagged with qualifiers and/or discussed below. The flags are explained in the Report Qualifiers and Definitions page in the Miscellaneous Forms section of this report. Sample Receipt: Twenty four water samples were received for analysis at ALS Environmental on 11/09/2018. Any discrepancies noted upon initial sample inspection are noted on the cooler receipt and preservation form included in this data package. The samples were received in good condition and consistent with the accompanying chain of custody form. Samples are refrigerated at 0 to 6°C upon receipt at the lab except for aqueous samples designated for metals analyses, which are stored at room temperature. If any samples were received for the analysis of pH, chlorine residual, sulfite, dissolved oxygen, or ferrous iron, the samples were analyzed past their holding time expiration since these analyses are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Metals: Method 200.7, 11/19/2018: The control limits for matrix spike recovery of one or more of the spiked analytes are not applicable and have been flagged with a V". The concentration of the analyte(s) in the parent sample is more than 4x the spike concentration. No further corrective action was required. General Chemistrv: No significant anomalies were noted with this analysis. Approved by Date 11/28/2018 3 of 95 AALSEnuironmental SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY LIENT ID: MW -1 (CPW-13S) Lab ID: R1810935-001 Analyte ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 7.1 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 948 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Chromium, Total 0.011 0.002 0.010 mg/L 200.7 Iron, Total 20.0 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -13 (CPW-13D) Lab ID: R1810935-002 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 155 0.3 4.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 1070 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 1.09 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -2 (CPW-14S) Lab ID: R1810935-003 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 141 0.3 4.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 644 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 3.56 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -14 (CPW-14D) Lab ID: R1810935-004 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 10.2 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 176 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 1.11 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -3 (CPW-15S) Lab ID: R1810935-005 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 21.2 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 132 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 1.66 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 Nickel, Total 0.081 0.003 0.040 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -15 (CPW-15D) Lab ID: R1810935-006 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chloride 56.8 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 364 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 0.55 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -8 (CPW-8DR) Lab ID: R1810935-007 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chloride 184 0.5 8.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 782 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) 4 of 95 AALSEnuironmental SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY LIENT ID: MW -8 (CPW-8DR) Lab ID: R1810935-007 Analyte ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results Flag MDL MRL MRL Units nits Method -------------------------- Iron, Total 0.90 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -18 (CPW-8S) Lab ID: R1810935-008 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chloride 88.0 0.3 4.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 351 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) CLIENT ID: MW -9 (CPW-9D) Lab ID: R1810935-009 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 202 0.4 6.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 1890 8 20 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Chromium, Total 0.019 0.002 0.010 mg/L 200.7 Iron, Total 0.38 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -19 (CPW-9S) Lab ID: R1810935-010 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chloride 84.2 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 414 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 0.21 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -10 (CPW-10D) Lab ID: R1810935-011 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 111 0.3 4.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 1180 4 11 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Chromium, Total 0.018 0.002 0.010 mg/L 200.7 Iron, Total 0.10 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -20 (CPW-10S) Lab ID: R1810935-012 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 78.9 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 427 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 0.98 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -12 (CPW-12D) Lab ID: R1810935-013 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 5.9 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 899 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 8.16 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 5 of 95 AALSEnuironmental SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY LIENT ID: MW -28 (CPW-12SD) Lab ID: R1810935-014 Analyte -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results Flag MDL MRL Units --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method Chloride 5.8 0.3 4.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 1580 4 11 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 25.9 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -16 (CPW-6S) Lab ID: R1810935-015 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chloride 422 2 20 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 1790 8 20 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 4.27 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -26 (CPW-6D) Lab ID: R1810935-016 Analyte ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 189 0.5 8.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 648 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) LIENT ID: MW -17 (CPW-7S) Lab ID: R1810935-017 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chloride 4.1 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 668 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 0.54 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -27 (CPW-7D) Lab ID: R1810935-018 Analyte ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 8.4 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 1180 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 1.96 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -21 (CPW-5S) Lab ID: R1810935-019 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 1380 3 40 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 3430 18 50 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 16.8 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -25 (CPW-5D) Lab ID: R1810935-020 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 532 2 20 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 1440 8 20 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 0.69 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 ..= AALSEnuironmental SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY LIENT ID: MW -11 (CPW-1S) Lab ID: R1810935-021 Analyte ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 4.3 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 362 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 7.78 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -22 (CPW-2D) Lab ID: R1810935-022 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chloride 13.5 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 767 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 5.12 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -23 (CPW-3D) Lab ID: R1810935-023 Analyte ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 26.3 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 595 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Iron, Total 2.48 0.02 0.10 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -24 (CPW-4D) Lab ID: R1810935-024 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chloride 20.0 0.2 2.0 mg/L 300.0 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 408 4 10 mg/L SM 2540 C-1997 (2011) Chromium, Total 3.88 0.002 0.010 mg/L 200.7 7of95 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER 8 of 95 Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Service Request: R1810935 Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap SAMPLE CROSS-REFERENCE SAMPLE # CLIENT SAMPLE ID DATE TIME R1810935-001 MW -1 (CPW-13S) 11/5/2018 0920 R1810935-002 MW -13 (CPW-13D) 11/5/2018 1015 R1810935-003 MW -2 (CPW-14S) 11/6/2018 0820 R1810935-004 MW -14 (CPW-14D) 11/6/2018 0955 R1810935-005 MW -3 (CPW- 15S) 11/6/2018 1155 R1810935-006 MW -15 (CPW-15D) 11/6/2018 1100 R1810935-007 MW -8 (CPW-8DR) 11/7/2018 0920 R1810935-008 MW -18 (CPW-8S) 11/7/2018 0820 R1810935-009 MW -9 (CPW-9D) 11/7/2018 1210 R1810935-010 MW -19 (CPW-9S) 11/7/2018 1045 R1810935-011 MW -10 (CPW-1 OD) 11/7/2018 1335 R1810935-012 MW -20 (CPW-10S) 11/7/2018 1440 R1810935-013 MW -12 (CPW-12D) 11/5/2018 1630 R1810935-014 MW -28 (CPW-12SD) 11/5/2018 1520 R1810935-015 MW -16 (CPW-6S) 11/8/2018 1205 R1810935-016 MW -26 (CPW-6D) 11/8/2018 1045 R1810935-017 MW -17 (CPW-7S) 11/8/2018 1445 R1810935-018 MW -27 (CPW-7D) 11/8/2018 1610 R1810935-019 MW -21 (CPW-5S) 11/8/2018 0930 R1810935-020 MW -25 (CPW-5D) 11/8/2018 0835 R1810935-021 MW -11 (CPW-1 S) 11/5/2018 1140 R1810935-022 MW -22 (CPW-2D) 11/6/2018 1425 R1810935-023 MW -23 (CPW-3D) 11/5/2018 1420 R1810935-024 MW -24 (CPW-4D) 11/5/2018 1245 9of95 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:38 PM Sample Summary ALS 1565 Jefferson Rd Bldg 300, Suite 360 Rochester, NY 14623 585-288-5380 FAX 585-288-8475 �0 6 PAGE 1 OF 3 A R18iO935 5 GHD Services Inc. Castle Hayns 2158-402-1002-31100 10 of 95 I 65IV.§i!§ Re' Project Name: Castle Hayne - SDIBR I -CAP Monitoring, Project Number: 6448DM J. .1 'Vi: '0:15'H�'!"A Y V % "k! SSOW Ref Code: 258-402-D02-3100 Project Manager: Slicri Finn Company:GHD Company/Address: 2055 Niagara Falls Blvd Phone: 716-297-6150 City State, Zip: Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Email: sheri.finn@ghd.com Also report to Scott. Drury (Hart & Hickman) via email: scluzz,@harthickman.com" 4V CD Sam natllr'e: pier's Sio .2 Z -0 M REMARKS Sample-I.D. Date Time LAB 10 Matrix MW -1 (CPW-13S) 11/5/18 el -,'24) GW 2 X X X MW -13 (C PWA 3D) 11/ 5-118 GW 2 X X X MW -2 (CPW-145) 1116118 GW 2 X X X MW44 (CPW-140) 1111,P 118 GW 2 X X X MW -3 (CPW-15s) 5r GW 2 X X X MW -15 (CPW-15D) 410 GW' 2 X X X MW -8 (CPW-80R) 1111/18 Cf43 f-) GW 2 X X X MW -18 (C PW -8S) 11/7 /18 t p;Lp GW 2 X X X MW -9 (CPW-90) 11 8 1 11 1 I '_'' It GW 2 X X X MW -19 (CpW-9s) 1111-7/18 j0'-'q5I GW 2 X X X TURNAROUND REQUIREMENTS REPORT REQUIREMENTS Comments/Special Instructions: 24 hr 48 hr SBD X 1. Routine Report; Results and Method Blank X Standard (15 BD) (Surrogate, as required) Provide FAX Preliminary Results Requested Report Date: 11. Results w/ QC (Dup., MS, MSD as 111. Results (with QC and Calibration req) lnvo:ice Information Summaries) P.O. # 4502201560 IV. ASP -B Bill to: GSHI V. CLP EDD?: RELINQUISHED BY: RECEIVED BY: RELINQUISHED BY: RECEIVED BY: Signature: Signature: Signature: Signature: Printed Name: Mike Edmonds Printed Name: Printed Name: Printed Name: 0, ,Yfo Firm: Mundy Firm: RED Ey Firm: P Firm: Date/Time: IL LIZ- Date/Time: %Date/Time: Date/Time: R18iO935 5 GHD Services Inc. Castle Hayns 2158-402-1002-31100 10 of 95 I ALS 1555 Jefferson Rd Bldg 300, Suite 360 Rochester, NY 14623 585-288-5380 FAX 585-288-8475 SR# PAGE 2 OF 3 R1810935 5 GHD Services Inc. Castle Hayne 26602-D02J100 11 of 95 , l IIIIli1l 11111111 VIII IIIII 1iI11 lllll lllll Illi Illi , Iar�Ahalysls`Requ�sted�l'i� x-lf.. i.! <- ' Project Name: Castle Hayne - SDIBRI-CAP Monitoring, ProjectNumber: 6448DM y.f�'il.il';`I„.'„':;�I;I,.il.:,;a,.}1'r•,16i,1f SSOW Ref Code: 258-402-1302-3100 Project Manager: Sheri Finn Company: GHD 'R 0 Company/Address- 2055 Niagara Falls Blvd Phone: 716-297-6150 -- City, State, Zip: Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Email: sheri.finnfyghd.com U c **iUso report to Scott Drury (Hart & Hickman) viaail: sduryC3a�}hart hickman.com•* 7 o Y c Sampler's Signature: A"z` �` E U Z � F° m o U Or REMARKS Sample I.D. Date Time LAB ID Matrix MW -10 CPW-1013 111-7118 (3 : '� GW 2 X X X MW -20 (CPWA OS) 111'7118 GW 2 X X X MW -12 (CPW-1213) 111 `, 30 1 GW 2 X X X MW -28 (CPW-12SD) 111 r' 118 Z0 GW 2 X X X MW -16 (CPW-6S) 111 118 j `. CS- GW 2 X X X MW -26 (CPW-613) 1118 118 4;!S GW 2 X X X MWA7 (C PW -7S) 1119118 $- GW 2 X X X MW -27 (CPW-70) 1118118 f �' • rQ GW 2 X X X MW -21 (CPW-5S) 111 118 C �. 6 GW 2 X X X MW -25 (CPW-SD) 111y 118 6:4s”GW 2 X X X TURNAROUND REQUIREMENTS REPORT REQUIREMENTS Comments/Special Instructions: 24 hr 48 hr 5 BD X I. Routine Report: Results and Method Blank X Standard (15 BD) (Surrogate, as required) Provide FAX Preliminary Results II. Results wl QC (Dup., MS, MSD as req) Requested Report Date: III. Results (with QC and Calibration Summaries) I YL�d J 7705 C, Invoice Information P.O. # 4502201560 IV. ASP -13 Bill to: GSHI V. CLP EDD?: RELINQUISHED BY: s RECEIVED BY: RELINQUISHED BY: RECEIVED BY: Signature: Signature: Signature: Signature: Printed Name: Mike Edmonds Printed Name: Printed Name: yt Printed Name: Firm: Mundy Firm: Firm: Firm: 5 Ci Date/Time: O �� t� DatelTime: i ` L7 Date/Time: {�j DatelTime: 1 ' N 0171130 R1810935 5 GHD Services Inc. Castle Hayne 26602-D02J100 11 of 95 , l IIIIli1l 11111111 VIII IIIII 1iI11 lllll lllll Illi Illi , ALS SR# 1565 Jefferson Rd Bldg 300, Suite 360 Rochester, NY 14623 585-288-5380 FAX 585-288-8475 PAGE 3 OF 3 R1 810935 5 ICastle Hayne 268-402-=2-3100 GIHID services Inc.IIII1f I III ` ll I IIII 12 of 95 � I llfll��� 1{k II��� �llll II��� I�IV{ IIID �II�1 {11l III r'' I s!`'" Analysts Rec}uesterd x ' 0 P' ! z Project Name: Castle Hayne - SDIBRI-CAP Monitoring, Project Number: 6448DM m f.:x ,::... a..- : . "",lY-;" y-•fr.,, "', ¢m. 5•....ss ..:!;! ....3', ? :w! .!y: ,»; SSOW Ref Code: 258-402-D02-3100 Project Manager: Sheri Finn Companv: GHD Company/Address: 2055 Niagara Falls Blvd Phone: 716-297-6150 = City, State, Zip: Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Email: sheri.finn@ghd.com ea? o tj **Also report to Scott ru (Hart &Hickman} via email: sdpry�harthickman.com** o C 2 �`+ o v .n a v a Ln Sampler's Signature: —X � "� -- — E z y z F cc o v REMARKS Sample I.D. Date Time LAB ID Matrix MW -11 (CPW-1S i11 5118 j e GW 2 X X X MW -22 (CPW-20) 11! Lp118 9 : ZS GW 2 X X X MW -23 (CPW-3D 111 -Ii8 L� ;ZD GW 2 X X X MW -24 (CPW-4D) 1116/18 1Z: J.5 GW 2 X X X 111 118 111 !18 111 118 111 118 111 118 111 118 URNAROUND REQUIREMENTS REPORT REQUIREMENTS Comments/Special Instructions: 24 hr 48 hr 5 BD X I. Routine Report: Results and Method Blank X Standard (15 BD) (Surrogate, as required) Provide FAX Preliminary Results 11. Results wl QC (Dup., MS, MSD as req) T Requested Report Date: III. Results (with QC and Calibration Summaries) Invoice Information P.O. # 4502201560 IV, ASP -B Bill to: GSH1 V. CLP EDD?: RELINQUISHED BY: RECEIVED BY: RELINQUISHED BY: RECEJName:-1 ti l� � Signature: Signat Signature: c• Signature: 11 avJFirm: Printed Name: Mike.Edmonds Printed Name: Printed Name: Printe Mundy i�L'd Firm: Firm:DatelTime: rlFirm: (' "i d DatelTime: r f = d' Date/Time: DatelT-u R1 810935 5 ICastle Hayne 268-402-=2-3100 GIHID services Inc.IIII1f I III ` ll I IIII 12 of 95 � I llfll��� 1{k II��� �llll II��� I�IV{ IIID �II�1 {11l III -81-0935 5 GHb Serrlces Inc. C�atls Hahne Z69�02-0023TOD Cooler Receipt and Preservation Check Form_1�!![�11���[�[!![1!I!1[1111!!1[!1 Project/Client__6 � Folder Number !1!!111!1![11[!![ Cooler received on `I U by: COURIER: ALS UPS FEDEX ELOCITY CLIENT 1 Were Custody seals on outside of cooler? N 2 Custody papers properly completed (ink, signed)? Y N 3 Did all bottles arrive in good condition (unbroken)? N 4 Circle: Wet l Dry Ice Gel packs present? Y N 8. Temperature Readings Date: Cl'9-1 f Time: Oq' r 5a Perchlorate samples have required headspace? Y A 5b Did VOA vials, Alk,or Sulfide have sig* bubbles? Y N NA 6 Where did the bottles originate? ALS/ROC CL 7 Soil VOA received as: Bulk Encore 5035set 1D:. IR#7 IR#10 From: emp Blan Sample Bottle Observed Temp (°C) ;),5 Correction Factor ('C) Corrected Temp (°C) 4 Temp from:Type of bottle CP N Within 0-6°C? N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N If <0°C, were samples frozen? Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N If out of Temperature, note packinglice condition: Ice melted Poorly Packed (described below) Same Day Rule &Client Approval to Run Samples: Standing Approval Client aware at drop-off Client notified by: All samples held in storage location: - by on { ��j�j at 5035 samples placed in storage location: by on at Lot Added Cooler Breakdown/Preservation Check**: Date: Time: 0165 by: 9. Were all bottle labels complete (i.e. analysis, preservation, etc.)? 10. Did all bottle labels and tags agree with custody papers? Y IL Were correct containers used for the tests indicated? nTS/ NO 12. Were 5035 vials acceptable (no extra labels, not leaking)? lr1a11I NO N 13. Air Samples: Cassettes 1 Tubes Intact with MS? Canisters Pressurized Ted a 0 Bags Inflated pH Lot of test paper Reagent Preserved? I Lot Received Exp Sample ID Adjusted Vol. Added Lot Added Final pH Yes I No 2:12 NaOH <2 990617 HNOi <2 H2SO4 <4 NaHSO4 5-9 For 608pest No=Notify for 3day Residual Chlorine - For CN, Phenol, 625, 608 est, 522 If+, contact PM to add Na2S203 {625, 608, CN), ascorbic (phenol). Na2S203 ZnAcetate Bottle lot numbers: Explain all Discrepancies/ Other Comments: L'X' ()07'. (,PI'L-'o { - Ik W'k is h i la¢ l-e.cl Qw lb L"o1K ow-1a5.D-- Tk 64,16 i5 1,4bew 4W -12S Labels secondary reviewed by: IUB PC Secondary Review: **VOAs and 1664 Not to be tested before analysis. Otherwise, all bottles of all samples with chemical preservatives are checked (not iust reoresentatives). CLRES 7 BULK DO FLDT HPROD HGFB HTR LL3541 PH SUB 503 MARRS _;T S REV *significant air bubbles: VOA > 5-6 mm . WC >I in. diameter 13 of 95 P:IINTRANETIQAQCkForms Controlled\Cooler Receipt rl6.doc 3/12118 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER 14 of 95 ALS nuironmental REPORT QUALIFIERS AND DEFINITIONS U Analyte was analyzed for but not detected. The sample quantitation limit has been corrected for dilution and for percent moisture, unless otherwise noted in the case narrative. Estimated value due to either being a Tentatively Identified Compound (TIC) or that the concentration is between the MRL and the MDL. Concentrations are not verified within the linear range of the calibration. For Dol): concentration >40% difference between two GC columns (pesticides/Arclors). B Analyte was also detected in the associated method blank at a concentration that may have contributed to the sample result. E Inorganics- Concentration is estimated due to the serial dilution was outside control limits. E Organics- Concentration has exceeded the calibration range for that specific analysis. D Concentration is a result of a dilution, typically a secondary analysis of the sample due to exceeding the calibration range or that a surrogate has been diluted out of the sample and cannot be assessed. * Indicates that a quality control parameter has exceeded laboratory limits. Under the "Notes" column of the Form I, this qualifier denotes analysis was performed out of Holding Time. + Correlation coefficient for MSA is <0.995. N Inorganics- Matrix spike recovery was outside laboratory limits. N Organics- Presumptive evidence of a compound (reported as a TIC) based on the MS library search. S Concentration has been determined using Method of Standard Additions (MSA). W Post -Digestion Spike recovery is outside control limits and the sample absorbance is <50% of the spike absorbance. P Concentration >40% difference between the two GC columns. C Confirmed by GC/MS Q DoD reports: indicates a pesticide/Aroclor is not confirmed (>100% Difference between two GC columns). X See Case Narrative for discussion. MRL Method Reporting Limit. Also known as: LOQ Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) The lowest concentration at which the method analyte may be reliably quantified under the method conditions. MDL Method Detection Limit. A statistical value derived from a study designed to provide the lowest concentration that will be detected 99% of the time. Values between the MDL and MRL are estimated (see J qualifier). H Analysis was performed out of hold time for LOD Limit of Detection. A value at or above the MDL tests that have an "immediate" hold time which has been verified to be detectable. criteria. ND Non -Detect. Analyte was not detected at the # Spike was diluted out. concentration listed. Same as U qualifier. �N ACC09 U U � Q �2 Rochester Lab ID # for State Certifications' Connecticut ID # PHO556 Maine ID #NY0032 Pennsylvania ID# 68-786 Delaware Approved New Hampshire ID # 2941 Rhode Island ID # 158 DoD ELAP #65817 New York ID # 10145 Virginia #460167 Florida ID # E87674 North Carolina #676 ' Analyses were performed according to our laboratory's NELAP-approved quality assurance program and any applicable state or agency requirements. The test results meet requirements of the current NELAP/TNI standards or state or agency requirements, where applicable, except as noted in the case narrative. Since not all analyte/method/matrix combinations are offered for state/NELAC accreditation, this report may contain results which are not accredited. For a specific list of accredited analytes, contact the laboratory or go to httt)s://www.alsglobal.com/locations/americas/north-america/usa/new-vork/rochester-environmental 15 of 95 P.\INIRANEI\QAQC\Fonns Controlled\QUALIF_routine rev 5.doc 9/28/18 ALS Laboratory Group Acronyms ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials A2LA American Association for Laboratory Accreditation CARB California Air Resources Board CAS Number Chemical Abstract Service registry Number CFC Chlorofluorocarbon CFU Colony -Forming Unit DEC Department of Environmental Conservation DEQ Department of Environmental Quality DHS Department of Health Services DOE Department of Ecology DOH Department of Health EPA U. S. Environmental Protection Agency ELAP Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program GC Gas Chromatography GC/MS Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry LUFT Leaking Underground Fuel Tank M Modified MCL Maximum Contaminant Level is the highest permissible concentration of a substance allowed in drinking water as established by the USEPA. MDL Method Detection Limit MPN Most Probable Number MRL Method Reporting Limit NA Not Applicable NC Not Calculated NCASI National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement ND Not Detected NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health PQL Practical Quantitation Limit RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act SIM Selected Ion Monitoring TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons tr Trace level is the concentration of an analyte that is less than the PQL but greater than or equal to the MDL. 16 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analyst Summary report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Service Request: R1810935 Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Name: MW -1 (CPW-13S) Date Collected: 11/5/18 Lab Code: R1810935-001 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -13 (CPW-13D) Date Collected: 11/5/18 Lab Code: R1810935-002 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -2 (CPW-14S) Date Collected: 11/6/18 Lab Code: R1810935-003 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -14 (CPW-14D) Date Collected: 11/6/18 Lab Code: R1810935-004 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:45 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 17 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analyst Summary report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Service Request: R1810935 Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Name: MW -3 (CPW-15S) Date Collected: 11/6/18 Lab Code: R1810935-005 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -15 (CPW-15D) Date Collected: 11/6/18 Lab Code: R1810935-006 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -8 (CPW-8DR) Date Collected: 11/7/18 Lab Code: R1810935-007 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -18 (CPW-8S) Date Collected: 11/7/18 Lab Code: R1810935-008 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:45 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 18 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analyst Summary report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Service Request: R1810935 Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Name: MW -9 (CPW-9D) Date Collected: 11/7/18 Lab Code: R1810935-009 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -19 (CPW-9S) Date Collected: 11/7/18 Lab Code: R1810935-010 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -10 (CPW-1OD) Date Collected: 11/7/18 Lab Code: R1810935-011 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -20 (CPW-10S) Date Collected: 11/7/18 Lab Code: R1810935-012 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:45 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 19 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analyst Summary report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Service Request: R1810935 Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Name: MW -12 (CPW-12D) Date Collected: 11/5/18 Lab Code: R1810935-013 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -28 (CPW-12SD) Date Collected: 11/5/18 Lab Code: R1810935-014 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -16 (CPW-6S) Date Collected: 11/8/18 Lab Code: R1810935-015 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -26 (CPW-6D) Date Collected: 11/8/18 Lab Code: R1810935-016 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:45 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 20 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analyst Summary report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Service Request: R1810935 Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Name: MW -17 (CPW-7S) Date Collected: 11/8/18 Lab Code: R1810935-017 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -27 (CPW-7D) Date Collected: 11/8/18 Lab Code: R1810935-018 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -21 (CPW-5S) Date Collected: 11/8/18 Lab Code: R1810935-019 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -25 (CPW-5D) Date Collected: 11/8/18 Lab Code: R1810935-020 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:45 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 21 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analyst Summary report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Service Request: R1810935 Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Name: MW -11 (CPW-1S) Date Collected: 11/5/18 Lab Code: R1810935-021 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -22 (CPW-2D) Date Collected: 11/6/18 Lab Code: R1810935-022 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -23 (CPW-3D) Date Collected: 11/5/18 Lab Code: R1810935-023 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Sample Name: MW -24 (CPW-4D) Date Collected: 11/5/18 Lab Code: R1810935-024 Date Received: 11/9/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN 300.0 AINGHAM SM 2540 C-1997(2011) KAWONG Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:45 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 22 of 95 INORGANIC PREPARATION METHODS AL5 The preparation methods associated with this report are found in these tables unless discussed in the case narrative. Water/Liquid Matrix Analytical Method Preparation Method 200.7 200.2 200.8 200.2 6010C 3005A/3010A 6020A ILM05.3 9014 Cyanide Reactivity SW846 Ch7, 9034 Sulfide Reactivity SW846 CV, 9034 Sulfide Acid Soluble 9030B 9056A Bomb (Halogens) 5050A 9066 Manual Distillation 9065 SM 4500 -CN -E Residual Cyanide SM 4500 -CN -G SM 4500 -CN -E WAD Cyanide SM 4500 -CN -I Solid/Soil/Non-Aqueous Matrix Analytical Method Preparation Method 6010C 3050B 6020A 3050B 6010C TCLP (1 31 1) extract 3005A/3010A 6010 SPLP (1 31 2) extract 3005A/3010A 7196A 3060A 7199 3060A 9056A Halogens/Halides 5050 300.0 Anions/ 350.1/ 353.2/ SM 2320B/ SM 5210B/ 9056A Anions DI extraction For analytical methods not listed, the preparation method is the same as the analytical method reference. P:\INTRANET\QAQC\Forms Controlled\Prep Methods Inorganic rev l.doc 1/19/1 5 23 of 95 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER 24 of 95 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER 25 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -1 (CPW-13S) Lab Code: R1810935-001 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/05/18 09:20 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:46 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 26 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.011 mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 18:15 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 20.0 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 18:15 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 18:15 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:46 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 26 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -13 (CPW-131)) Lab Code: R1810935-002 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/05/18 10:15 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:46 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 27 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 18:30 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 1.09 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 18:30 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 18:30 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:46 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 27 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -2 (CPW-14S) Lab Code: R1810935-003 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/06/18 08:20 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:46 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 28 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 18:52 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 3.56 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 18:52 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 18:52 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:46 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 28 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -14 (CPW-14D) Lab Code: R1810935-004 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/06/18 09:55 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:46 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 29 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 18:55 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 1.11 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 18:55 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 18:55 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:46 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 29 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -3 (CPW-15S) Lab Code: R1810935-005 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/06/18 11:55 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:46 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 30 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 18:58 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 1.66 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 18:58 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.081 mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 18:58 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:46 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 30 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -15 (CPW-151)) Lab Code: R1810935-006 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/06/18 11:00 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:46 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 31 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 19:01 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.55 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 19:01 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 19:01 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:46 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 31 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -8 (CPW-8DR) Lab Code: R1810935-007 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/07/18 09:20 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 32 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 19:04 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.90 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 19:04 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 19:04 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 32 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -18 (CPW-8S) Lab Code: R1810935-008 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/07/18 08:20 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 33 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 19:07 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.10 U mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 19:07 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 19:07 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 33 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -9 (CPW-9D) Lab Code: R1810935-009 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/07/18 12:10 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 34 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.019 mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 19:10 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.38 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 19:10 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 19:10 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 34 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -19 (CPW-9S) Lab Code: R1810935-010 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/07/18 10:45 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 35 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 19:13 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.21 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 19:13 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 19:13 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 35 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-DO2-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -10 (CPW-IOD) Lab Code: R1810935-011 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/07/18 13:35 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 36 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.018 mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 19:22 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.10 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 19:22 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 19:22 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 36 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-DO2-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -20 (CPW-IOS) Lab Code: R1810935-012 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/07/18 14:40 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 37 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 19:25 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.98 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 19:25 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 19:25 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 37 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -12 (CPW-121)) Lab Code: R1810935-013 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/05/18 16:30 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 38 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 19:29 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 8.16 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 19:29 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 19:29 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 38 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -28 (CPW-12SD) Lab Code: R1810935-014 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/05/18 15:20 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 39 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 19:32 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 25.9 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 19:32 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 19:32 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 39 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -16 (CPW-6S) Lab Code: R1810935-015 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/08/18 12:05 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 40 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 19:35 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 4.27 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 19:35 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 19:35 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 40 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -26 (CPW-6D) Lab Code: R1810935-016 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/08/18 10:45 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 41 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 19:38 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.10 U mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 19:38 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 19:38 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 41 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -17 (CPW-7S) Lab Code: R1810935-017 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/08/18 14:45 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 42 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 19:41 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.54 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 19:41 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 19:41 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 42 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -27 (CPW-7D) Lab Code: R1810935-018 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/08/18 16:10 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 43 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 19:44 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 1.96 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 19:44 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 19:44 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 43 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -21 (CPW-5S) Lab Code: R1810935-019 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/08/18 09:30 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 44 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 19:47 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 16.8 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 19:47 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 19:47 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 44 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -25 (CPW-5D) Lab Code: R1810935-020 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/08/18 08:35 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 45 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 19:50 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.69 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 19:50 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 19:50 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 45 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -11 (CPW-1S) Lab Code: R1810935-021 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/05/18 11:40 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 46 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 20:30 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 7.78 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 20:30 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 20:30 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 46 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -22 (CPW-2D) Lab Code: R1810935-022 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/06/18 14:25 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 47 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 20:33 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 5.12 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 20:33 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 20:33 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:47 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 47 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -23 (CPW-3D) Lab Code: R1810935-023 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/05/18 14:20 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:48 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 48 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 20:36 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 2.48 mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 20:36 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 20:36 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:48 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 48 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -24 (CPW-4D) Lab Code: R1810935-024 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/05/18 12:45 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:48 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 49 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 3.88 mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 20:39 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.10 U mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 20:39 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 20:39 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:48 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 49 of 95 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER 50 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -1 (CPW-13S) Lab Code: R1810935-001 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/05/18 09:20 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 7.1 mg/L 2.0 10 11/21/1817:37 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 948 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:49 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 51 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -13 (CPW-13D) Lab Code: R1810935-002 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/05/18 10:15 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 155 mg/L 4.0 20 11/26/1812:22 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1070 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:49 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 52 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -2 (CPW-14S) Lab Code: R1810935-003 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/06/18 08:20 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 141 mg/L 4.0 20 11/26/1812:03 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 644 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:49 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 53 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -14 (CPW-14D) Lab Code: R1810935-004 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/06/18 09:55 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 10.2 mg/L 2.0 10 11/21/1818:21 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 176 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:49 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 54 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -3 (CPW-15S) Lab Code: R1810935-005 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/06/18 11:55 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 21.2 mg/L 2.0 10 11/21/1818:28 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 132 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:49 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 55 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -15 (CPW-15D) Lab Code: R1810935-006 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/06/18 11:00 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 56.8 mg/L 2.0 10 11/21/1818:34 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 364 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:49 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 56 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -8 (CPW-8DR) Lab Code: R1810935-007 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/07/18 09:20 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 184 mg/L 8.0 40 11/26/1812:10 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 782 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:49 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 57 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -18 (CPW-8S) Lab Code: R1810935-008 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/07/18 08:20 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 88.0 mg/L 4.0 20 11/26/1812:16 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 351 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:49 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 58 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -9 (CPW-9D) Lab Code: R1810935-009 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/07/18 12:10 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 202 mg/L 6.0 30 11/21/1819:05 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1890 mg/L 20 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:49 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 59 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -19 (CPW-9S) Lab Code: R1810935-010 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/07/18 10:45 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 84.2 mg/L 2.0 10 11/21/1819:24 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 414 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:49 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 60 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-DO2-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -10 (CPW-IOD) Lab Code: R1810935-011 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/07/18 13:35 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 111 mg/L 4.0 20 11/21/1819:30 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1180 mg/L 11 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:50 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 61 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-DO2-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -20 (CPW-IOS) Lab Code: R1810935-012 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/07/18 14:40 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 78.9 mg/L 2.0 10 11/21/1819:37 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 427 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:50 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 62 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -12 (CPW-12D) Lab Code: R1810935-013 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/05/18 16:30 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 5.9 mg/L 2.0 10 11/21/1819:43 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 899 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:50 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 63 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -28 (CPW-12SD) Lab Code: R1810935-014 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/05/18 15:20 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 5.8 mg/L 4.0 20 11/21/1819:49 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1580 mg/L 11 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:50 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 64 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -16 (CPW-6S) Lab Code: R1810935-015 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/08/18 12:05 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 422 mg/L 20 100 11/26/1813:06 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1790 mg/L 20 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:50 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 65 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -26 (CPW-6D) Lab Code: R1810935-016 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/08/18 10:45 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 189 mg/L 8.0 40 11/26/1813:12 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 648 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:50 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 66 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -17 (CPW-7S) Lab Code: R1810935-017 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/08/18 14:45 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 4.1 mg/L 2.0 10 11/21/18 20:21 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 668 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:50 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 67 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -27 (CPW-7D) Lab Code: R1810935-018 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/08/18 16:10 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 8.4 mg/L 2.0 10 11/21/18 20:46 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1180 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:50 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 68 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -21 (CPW-5S) Lab Code: R1810935-019 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/08/18 09:30 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 1380 mg/L 40 200 11/26/1813:18 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 3430 mg/L 50 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:50 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 69 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -25 (CPW-5D) Lab Code: R1810935-020 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/08/18 08:35 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 532 mg/L 20 100 11/26/1813:25 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 1440 mg/L 20 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:50 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 70 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -11 (CPW-1S) Lab Code: R1810935-021 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/05/18 11:40 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 4.3 mg/L 2.0 10 11/21/18 21:04 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 362 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:50 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 71 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -22 (CPW-2D) Lab Code: R1810935-022 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/06/18 14:25 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 13.5 mg/L 2.0 10 11/21/18 21:11 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 767 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:50 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 72 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -23 (CPW-3D) Lab Code: R1810935-023 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/05/18 14:20 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 26.3 mg/L 2.0 10 11/21/18 21:17 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 595 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:50 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 73 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -24 (CPW-4D) Lab Code: R1810935-024 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/05/18 12:45 Date Received: 11/09/18 09:30 Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 20.0 mg/L 2.0 10 11/21/18 21:23 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 408 mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:50 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 74 of 95 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER 75 of 95 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER 76 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: Method Blank Lab Code: R1810935 -MBI Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:48 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 77 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 18:09 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.10 U mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 18:09 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 18:09 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:48 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 77 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: Method Blank Lab Code: R1810935-MB2 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Basis: NA Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:48 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 78 of 95 Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 11/19/18 20:24 11/16/18 Iron, Total 200.7 0.10 U mg/L 0.10 1 11/19/18 20:24 11/16/18 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U mg/L 0.040 1 11/19/18 20:24 11/16/18 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:48 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 78 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-DO2-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Duplicate Matrix Spike Summary Inorganic Parameters Sample Name: MW -1 (CPW-13S) Lab Code: R1810935-001 Matrix Spike R 1810935-001 MS Service Request:R1810935 Date Collected: 1 1/05/18 Date Received: 1 1/09/18 Date Analyzed:I l/19/18 Units:mg/L Basis:NA Duplicate Matrix Spike R1810935-OOIDMS Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:46 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 79 of 95 Sample Spike Spike % Rec RPD Analyte Name Method Result Result Amount % Rec Result Amount % Rec Limits RPD Limit Chromium, Total 200.7 0.011 0.206 0.200 98 0.206 0.200 98 70-130 <1 20 Iron, Total 200.7 20.0 20.4 1.00 34 # 20.4 1.00 34 # 70-130 <1 20 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U 0.469 0.500 94 0.472 0.500 94 70-130 <1 20 Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:46 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 79 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Duplicate Matrix Spike Summary Inorganic Parameters Sample Name: MW -13 (CPW-13D) Lab Code: R1810935-002 Matrix Spike R1810935-002MS Service Request:R1810935 Date Collected: 1 1/05/18 Date Received: 1 1/09/18 Date Analyzed:I l/19/18 Units:mg/L Basis:NA Duplicate Matrix Spike R1810935-002DMS Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:46 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 80 of 95 Sample Spike Spike % Rec RPD Analyte Name Method Result Result Amount % Rec Result Amount % Rec Limits RPD Limit Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U 0.205 0.200 103 0.204 0.200 102 70-130 <1 20 Iron, Total 200.7 1.09 2.01 1.00 92 2.00 1.00 91 70-130 <1 20 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.040 U 0.467 0.500 93 0.468 0.500 94 70-130 <1 20 Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:46 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 80 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Lab Control Sample Summary Inorganic Parameters Lab Control Sample R1810935-LCS 1 Service Request: R1810935 Date Analyzed: 11/19/18 Units:mg/L Basis:NA Analyte Name Analytical Method Result Spike Amount % Rec % Rec Limits Chromium, Total 200.7 0.200 0.200 100 85-115 Iron, Total 200.7 0.93 1.00 93 85-115 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.493 0.500 99 85-115 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:48 PM 81 of 95 Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Lab Control Sample Summary Inorganic Parameters Lab Control Sample R1810935-LCS2 Service Request: R1810935 Date Analyzed: 11/19/18 Units:mg/L Basis:NA Analyte Name Analytical Method Result Spike Amount % Rec % Rec Limits Chromium, Total 200.7 0.203 0.200 102 85-115 Iron, Total 200.7 0.953 1.00 95 85-115 Nickel, Total 200.7 0.502 0.500 100 85-115 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:48 PM 82 of 95 Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER 83 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: Method Blank Lab Code: R1810935 -MBI Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 0.20 U mg/L 0.20 1 11/21/18 12:04 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 10 U mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:51 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 84 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: Method Blank Lab Code: R1810935-MB2 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Basis: NA Analyte Name Analysis Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 0.20 U mg/L 0.20 1 11/21/18 18:03 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 10 U mg/L 10 1 11/12/18 11:20 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:51 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 85 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: Method Blank Lab Code: R1810935-MB3 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Basis: NA Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 0.20 U mg/L 0.20 1 11/21/18 20:33 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:51 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 86 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: Method Blank Lab Code: R1810935-MB4 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Basis: NA Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Q Chloride 300.0 0.20 U mg/L 0.20 1 11/26/18 11:44 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:51 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 87 of 95 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Duplicate Matrix Spike Summary Chloride Sample Name: MW -15 (CPW-15D) Lab Code: R1810935-006 Analysis Method: 300.0 Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/06/18 Date Received: 11/09/18 Date Analyzed: 11/21/18 Units: mg/L Basis: NA Matrix Spike Duplicate Matrix Spike R1810935-006MS R1810935-006DMS Sample Spike Spike % Rec RPD Analyte Name Result Result Amount % Rec Result Amount % Rec Limits RPD Limit Chloride 56.8 75.0 20.0 91 73.9 20.0 86 * 90-110 1 20 Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:49 PM 88 of 95 Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Duplicate Matrix Spike Summary Chloride Sample Name: MW -24 (CPW-4D) Lab Code: R1810935-024 Analysis Method: 300.0 Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/05/18 Date Received: 11/09/18 Date Analyzed: 11/21/18 Units: mg/L Basis: NA Matrix Spike Duplicate Matrix Spike R1810935-024MS R1810935-024DMS Sample Spike Spike % Rec RPD Analyte Name Result Result Amount % Rec Result Amount % Rec Limits RPD Limit Chloride 20.0 40.0 20.0 100 39.8 20.0 99 90-110 <1 20 Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:50 PM 89 of 95 Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Replicate Sample Summary General Chemistry Parameters Sample Name: MW -16 (CPW-6S) Lab Code: R1810935-015 Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/08/18 Date Received: 11/09/18 Date Analyzed: 11/12/18 Units: mg/L Basis: NA Duplicate Sample R1810935 - Sample 015DUP Analyte Name Analysis Method MRL Result Result Average RPD RPD Limit Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 20 1790 1770 1780 1 10 Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:51 PM 90 of 95 Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Replicate Sample Summary General Chemistry Parameters Sample Name: MW -21 (CPW-5S) Lab Code: R1810935-019 Service Request: R1810935 Date Collected: 11/08/18 Date Received: 11/09/18 Date Analyzed: 11/12/18 Units: mg/L Basis: NA Duplicate Sample R1810935 - Sample 019DUP Analyte Name Analysis Method MRL Result Result Average RPD RPD Limit Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 50 3430 3400 3420 1 10 Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria. Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable. Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:51 PM 91 of 95 Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Lab Control Sample Summary General Chemistry Parameters Lab Control Sample R1810935-LCS 1 Service Request: R1810935 Date Analyzed: 11/12/18 - 11/21/18 Units:mg/L Basis:NA Analyte Name Analytical Method Result Spike Amount % Rec % Rec Limits Chloride 300.0 1.85 2.00 93 90-110 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 904 914 99 90-110 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:51 PM 92 of 95 Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Lab Control Sample Summary General Chemistry Parameters Lab Control Sample R1810935-LCS2 Service Request: R1810935 Date Analyzed: 11/12/18 - 11/21/18 Units:mg/L Basis:NA Analyte Name Analytical Method Result Spike Amount % Rec % Rec Limits Chloride 300.0 1.87 2.00 93 90-110 Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540 C-1997(2011) 900 914 98 90-110 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:51 PM 93 of 95 Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Lab Control Sample Summary General Chemistry Parameters Lab Control Sample R1810935-LCS3 Service Request: R1810935 Date Analyzed: 11/21/18 Units:mg/L Basis:NA Analyte Name Analytical Method Result Spike Amount % Rec % Rec Limits Chloride 300.0 1.87 2.00 93 90-110 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:51 PM 94 of 95 Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 - L -Cap Sample Matrix: Water Lab Control Sample Summary General Chemistry Parameters Lab Control Sample R1810935-LCS4 Service Request: R1810935 Date Analyzed: 11/26/18 Units:mg/L Basis:NA Analyte Name Analytical Method Result Spike Amount % Rec % Rec Limits Chloride 300.0 1.88 2.00 94 90-110 Printed 11/28/2018 1:24:51 PM 95 of 95 Superset Reference: 18-0000488251 rev 00 A December 28, 2018 Ms. Sheri Finn GHD Services Inc. 2055 Niagara Falls Blvd., Suite 3 Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Laboratory Results for: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100 Dear Ms.Finn, Service Request No:R1812385 Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory December 21, 2018 For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number R1812385. All analyses were performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the NELAP standards except as noted in the case narrative report. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and ALS Environmental is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. The measurement uncertainty of the results included in this report is within that expected when using the prescribed method(s) for analysis of these samples, and represented by Laboratory Control Sample control limits. Any events, such as QC failures, which may add to the uncertainty are explained in the report narrative. Please contact me if you have any questions. My extension is 7471. You may also contact me via email at Brady.Kalkman@alsglobal.com. Respectfully submitted, ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Brady Kalkman Project Manager ADDRESS 1 of 23 1565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 PHONE +1 585 288 5380 FAX +1 585 288 8475 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER 2 of 23 AlEnuironmentall 1565 Jefferson Rd, Building 300, Rochester, NY 14623 1585-288-5380 I www.alsglobal.com Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Service Request: R1812385 Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100 Date Received: 12/21/2018 Sample Matrix: Water CASE NARRATIVE All analyses were performed consistent with the quality assurance program of ALS Environmental. This report contains analytical results for samples designated for Tier II data deliverables, including results of QC samples analyzed from this delivery group. Analytical procedures performed by the lab are validated in accordance with NELAC standards. Any parameters that are not included in the lab's NELAC accreditation are identified on a "Non -Certified Analytes" report in the Miscellaneous Forms Section of this report. Individual analytical results requiring further explanation are flagged with qualifiers and/or discussed below. The flags are explained in the Report Qualifiers and Definitions page in the Miscellaneous Forms section of this report. Sample Receipt: Four water samples were received for analysis at ALS Environmental on 12/21/2018. Any discrepancies noted upon initial sample inspection are noted on the cooler receipt and preservation form included in this data package. The samples were received in good condition and consistent with the accompanying chain of custody form. Samples are refrigerated at 0 to 6°C upon receipt at the lab except for aqueous samples designated for metals analyses, which are stored at room temperature. If any samples were received for the analysis of pH, chlorine residual, sulfite, dissolved oxygen, or ferrous iron, the samples were analyzed past their holding time expiration since these analyses are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Metals: No significant anomalies were noted with this analysis. Approved by Date 12/28/2018 3of23 AALSEnuironmental SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY LIENT ID: MW -9 (CPW-9D) Lab ID: R1812385-002 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chromium, Total 0.016 0.002 0.010 mg/L 200.7 LIENT ID: MW -10 (CPW-10D) Lab ID: R1812385-003 Analyte Results Flag MDL MRL Units Method Chromium, Total 0.031 0.002 0.010 mg/L 200.7 4 of 23 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER 5 of 23 Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Service Request:R1812385 Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Monthly Recovery Well - Cr SAMPLE CROSS-REFERENCE SAMPLE # CLIENT SAMPLE ID DATE TIME R1812385-001 MW -1 (CPW-13S) 12/20/2018 1715 R1812385-002 MW -9 (CPW-9D) 12/20/2018 1515 R1812385-003 MW -10 (CPW-10D) 12/20/2018 1605 R1812385-004 MW -1 (CPW-13S) FF 12/20/2018 1715 6of23 Printed 12/28/2018 12:58:56 PM Sample Summary ArEnuircinmentall CHAIN OF CUSTODY&ABORATORY ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM`` 9143 Philips Highway, Ste 200 • Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 739-2277 •800-695-7222 x06 • FAX (904) 739-2011 PAGE OF 1 SR# CAS Contract Project Name Cl !fes Project Number 64H rfp/y] ANALYSIS REQUESTED {Include Method Number and Container Preservative} Project Manager : Theo ! 131 h 5Ot Dr t.rr Emelt Addresssires t f : t7 i�. (e+YYI Sc1rH� � '�5 o r+ ia.� �i,, L PRESERVATIVE Company/Address ,� cS ; ti g C. r t1 f f i Preservative Key to 0. NONE Lu 2. HNO3 z `l 3. H2604 o V 4. NaOH LL q� B. McOHetate 0 J 7. NaHSO4 N, � 8. Other Z REMARKS/ r� ALTERNATE DESCRIPTION r f C' r. i, N� r�30� / lT re N Y? S�f; 11 oj5 r'fJ) r h� s� �n G Phones PAX 5emplar' i;nature Sam�plerr'5 PPrriinted Name Jt f e 6r�'"�t1 SAMPLING CLIENT SAMPLE ID LAB ID DATE TIME MATRIX tA,— GPw- 40 )5)5 -lot aw -100) 1405 -139) FF WZ0116 V715 k SPECIAL 1 NSTRUCTIONS/COMMENTS See QAPP ❑ TURNAROUND REQUIREMENTS RUSH (SURCHARGES APPLY) STANDARD REQUESTED FAX DATE REQUESTED REPORT DATE REPORT REQUIREMENTS I. Results Only II. Results + OC Summaries (LCS, DUP, MS/MSD as required) _ III. Results + QC and Calibration Summaries _ IV. Data Validabon Report with Raw Data V. Specialized Forms/ Custom Report Edata Yes —No INVOICE INFORMATION PC u Lv _rc 2 2 014 BILL TO: SAMPLE RECEIPT: CONDITION/COOLER TEMP: CUSTODY SEALS: Y N RELINQUISHED BY RECEIVED BY RELINQUISHED BY RECEIVED BY RELINQUISHED BY RECEIVED BY Signature Si Signature Signature Signature Signature Print me 0J1 '7 �l Printed Name Printed Name Printed Name Printed Name Firm Finn Firm Firm Firm Datemme R1812385 8rrrvlcorr Inc. Cootie Hayne 268-402.009-3100 DatelTime t 2/7&/rg ��j Datelrme , 1;9GHD DateRme DateRme Distribution: White - Return to Originator; Yellow - Retained by Client / OT ZS ALS Cooler R1812385 5 Receipt and Preservation Check Form a GFIrt1pHe268. 111111111 III IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII 1111 IIII s Project/Client Folder Number Cooler received on^'d—a►h ! by: COURIER: ALS UPS FEDEX ELOCITY CLIENT 1 Were Custody seals on outside of cooler? N 2 Custody papers properly completed (ink, signed)? N 3 Did all bottles arrive in good condition (unbroken)? N 4 Circle: et I Dry Iee Gel packs present? Y N 8. Temperature Readings Date: -31-N Time: 1514 5a Perchlorate samples have required ea. space, Y N A 5b Did VOA vials, Alk,or Sulfide have sig* bubbles? Y N N 6 Where did the bottles originate?ALS/ OC CLIENT 7 Soil VOA received as: Bulk Encore 5035set NA 1D: 1R#7 IR#10 From: Temp Blank Sample Bott Observed Temp (°C) 'b Correction Factor (°C) Sample ID Adjusted Corrected Temp (°C) of Added Temp from:Type of bottle >12 Within 0-6°C? N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N If<O°C, were samples frozen? Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N If out of Temperature, note packing/ice condition: Ice melted Poorly Packed (described below) &Client Approval to Run Samples: Standing Approval Client aware at drop-off' Client notified by: All samples held in storage location: by ` on R�J_J at 5_ 5035 samples placed in storage location: by on at Same Day Rule Cooler Breakdown/Preservation Check**: Date: i VZOV Time: 1105- by: w 9. Were all bottle labels complete (i.e. analysis, preservation, etc.)? � NO 10. Did all bottle labels and tags agree with custody papers? � NO IL Were correct containers used for the tests indicated? `90 NO 12. Were 5035 vials acceptable (no extra labels, not leaking)? YES NO �ZA 13. Air Samples: Cassettes/ Tubes Intact with MS? Canisters Pressurized Tedlar® Ba s InflatedJ�/A pH Lot of test paper Reagent Preserved? Lot Received Exp Yes I No Sample ID Adjusted Vol. Added of Added Final pH >12 PH NaOH S03 MARRS ALS REV <2 Zwul HNOs ✓ 10 TO <2 H2SO4 <4 NaHSO4 5-9 For 608pest No=Notify for 3day Residual Chlorine - For CN, if+, contact PM to add Phenol, 625, Na2S203 (625, 608, 608 est, 522 CN), ascorbic (phenol). Na2S203 ZnAcetate Bottle lot numbers: CltC"� 11'� Explain all Discrepancies/ Other Comments: Labels secondary reviewed by: PC Secondary Review: **VOAs and 1664 Not to be tested before analysis. Otherwise, all bottles of all samples with chemical preservatives are checked (not just representatives). CLRES BULK DO FLDT HPROD HGFB HTR LL3541 PH SUB S03 MARRS ALS REV *significant air bubbles: VOA > 5-6 mm : WC >1 in. diameter P:VNTRAN ETIQAQC1Forms ControlledNCo0ler Receipt rl 6.doc 8 of 23 3112118 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER 9 of 23 ALS nuironmental REPORT QUALIFIERS AND DEFINITIONS U Analyte was analyzed for but not detected. The sample quantitation limit has been corrected for dilution and for percent moisture, unless otherwise noted in the case narrative. Estimated value due to either being a Tentatively Identified Compound (TIC) or that the concentration is between the MRL and the MDL. Concentrations are not verified within the linear range of the calibration. For Dol): concentration >40% difference between two GC columns (pesticides/Arclors). B Analyte was also detected in the associated method blank at a concentration that may have contributed to the sample result. E Inorganics- Concentration is estimated due to the serial dilution was outside control limits. E Organics- Concentration has exceeded the calibration range for that specific analysis. D Concentration is a result of a dilution, typically a secondary analysis of the sample due to exceeding the calibration range or that a surrogate has been diluted out of the sample and cannot be assessed. * Indicates that a quality control parameter has exceeded laboratory limits. Under the "Notes" column of the Form I, this qualifier denotes analysis was performed out of Holding Time. + Correlation coefficient for MSA is <0.995. N Inorganics- Matrix spike recovery was outside laboratory limits. N Organics- Presumptive evidence of a compound (reported as a TIC) based on the MS library search. S Concentration has been determined using Method of Standard Additions (MSA). W Post -Digestion Spike recovery is outside control limits and the sample absorbance is <50% of the spike absorbance. P Concentration >40% difference between the two GC columns. C Confirmed by GC/MS Q DoD reports: indicates a pesticide/Aroclor is not confirmed (>100% Difference between two GC columns). X See Case Narrative for discussion. MRL Method Reporting Limit. Also known as: LOQ Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) The lowest concentration at which the method analyte may be reliably quantified under the method conditions. MDL Method Detection Limit. A statistical value derived from a study designed to provide the lowest concentration that will be detected 99% of the time. Values between the MDL and MRL are estimated (see J qualifier). H Analysis was performed out of hold time for LOD Limit of Detection. A value at or above the MDL tests that have an "immediate" hold time which has been verified to be detectable. criteria. ND Non -Detect. Analyte was not detected at the # Spike was diluted out. concentration listed. Same as U qualifier. �N ACC09 U U � Q �2 Rochester Lab ID # for State Certifications' Connecticut ID # PHO556 Maine ID #NY0032 Pennsylvania ID# 68-786 Delaware Approved New Hampshire ID # 2941 Rhode Island ID # 158 DoD ELAP #65817 New York ID # 10145 Virginia #460167 Florida ID # E87674 North Carolina #676 ' Analyses were performed according to our laboratory's NELAP-approved quality assurance program and any applicable state or agency requirements. The test results meet requirements of the current NELAP/TNI standards or state or agency requirements, where applicable, except as noted in the case narrative. Since not all analyte/method/matrix combinations are offered for state/NELAC accreditation, this report may contain results which are not accredited. For a specific list of accredited analytes, contact the laboratory or go to httt)s://www.alsglobal.com/locations/americas/north-america/usa/new-vork/rochester-environmental 10 of 23 P.\INIRANEI\QAQC\Fonns Controlled\QUALIF_routine rev 5.doc 9/28/18 ALS Laboratory Group Acronyms ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials A2LA American Association for Laboratory Accreditation CARB California Air Resources Board CAS Number Chemical Abstract Service registry Number CFC Chlorofluorocarbon CFU Colony -Forming Unit DEC Department of Environmental Conservation DEQ Department of Environmental Quality DHS Department of Health Services DOE Department of Ecology DOH Department of Health EPA U. S. Environmental Protection Agency ELAP Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program GC Gas Chromatography GC/MS Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry LUFT Leaking Underground Fuel Tank M Modified MCL Maximum Contaminant Level is the highest permissible concentration of a substance allowed in drinking water as established by the USEPA. MDL Method Detection Limit MPN Most Probable Number MRL Method Reporting Limit NA Not Applicable NC Not Calculated NCASI National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement ND Not Detected NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health PQL Practical Quantitation Limit RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act SIM Selected Ion Monitoring TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons tr Trace level is the concentration of an analyte that is less than the PQL but greater than or equal to the MDL. 11 of 23 Printed 12/28/2018 12:58:59 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000493024 rev 00 12 of 23 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analyst Summary report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Service Request: R1812385 Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-DO2-3100/6448 Monthly Recovery Well - Cr Sample Name: MW -1 (CPW-13S) Date Collected: 12/20/18 Lab Code: R1812385-001 Date Received: 12/21/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN Sample Name: MW -9 (CPW-9D) Date Collected: 12/20/18 Lab Code: R1812385-002 Date Received: 12/21/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN Sample Name: MW -10 (CPW-1OD) Date Collected: 12/20/18 Lab Code: R1812385-003 Date Received: 12/21/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN Sample Name: MW -1 (CPW-13S) FF Date Collected: 12/20/18 Lab Code: R1812385-004 Date Received: 12/21/18 Sample Matrix: Water Analysis Method Extracted/Digested By Analyzed By 200.7 KMCLAEN NMANSEN Printed 12/28/2018 12:58:59 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000493024 rev 00 12 of 23 INORGANIC PREPARATION METHODS AL5 The preparation methods associated with this report are found in these tables unless discussed in the case narrative. Water/Liquid Matrix Analytical Method Preparation Method 200.7 200.2 200.8 200.2 6010C 3005A/3010A 6020A ILM05.3 9014 Cyanide Reactivity SW846 Ch7, 9034 Sulfide Reactivity SW846 CV, 9034 Sulfide Acid Soluble 9030B 9056A Bomb (Halogens) 5050A 9066 Manual Distillation 9065 SM 4500 -CN -E Residual Cyanide SM 4500 -CN -G SM 4500 -CN -E WAD Cyanide SM 4500 -CN -I Solid/Soil/Non-Aqueous Matrix Analytical Method Preparation Method 6010C 3050B 6020A 3050B 6010C TCLP (1 31 1) extract 3005A/3010A 6010 SPLP (1 31 2) extract 3005A/3010A 7196A 3060A 7199 3060A 9056A Halogens/Halides 5050 300.0 Anions/ 350.1/ 353.2/ SM 2320B/ SM 5210B/ 9056A Anions DI extraction For analytical methods not listed, the preparation method is the same as the analytical method reference. P:\INTRANET\QAQC\Forms Controlled\Prep Methods Inorganic rev l.doc 1/19/1 5 13 of 23 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER 14 of 23 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER 15 of 23 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Monthly Recovery Well - Cr Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -1 (CPW-13S) Lab Code: R1812385-001 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1812385 Date Collected: 12/20/18 17:15 Date Received: 12/21/18 10:50 Basis: NA Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 12/27/18 00:18 12/26/18 Printed 12/28/2018 12:59:00 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000493024 rev 00 16 of 23 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1812385 Date Collected: 12/20/18 15:15 Date Received: 12/21/18 10:50 Basis: NA Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.016 mg/L 0.010 1 12/27/18 00:21 12/26/18 Printed 12/28/2018 12:59:00 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000493024 rev 00 17 of 23 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Monthly Recovery Well - Cr Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -9 (CPW-9D) Lab Code: R1812385-002 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1812385 Date Collected: 12/20/18 15:15 Date Received: 12/21/18 10:50 Basis: NA Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.016 mg/L 0.010 1 12/27/18 00:21 12/26/18 Printed 12/28/2018 12:59:00 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000493024 rev 00 17 of 23 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-DO2-3100/6448 Monthly Recovery Well - Cr Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -10 (CPW-IOD) Lab Code: R1812385-003 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1812385 Date Collected: 12/20/18 16:05 Date Received: 12/21/18 10:50 Basis: NA Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Total 200.7 0.031 mg/L 0.010 1 12/27/18 00:24 12/26/18 Printed 12/28/2018 12:59:00 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000493024 rev 00 18 of 23 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Monthly Recovery Well - Cr Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: MW -1 (CPW-13S) FF Lab Code: R1812385-004 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1812385 Date Collected: 12/20/18 17:15 Date Received: 12/21/18 10:50 Basis: NA Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Dissolved 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 12/27/18 00:27 12/26/18 Printed 12/28/2018 12:58:59 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000493024 rev 00 19 of 23 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS i PICHT PARTNER 20 of 23 ALS Environmental ALS Environmental—Rochester Laboratory 1 565 Jefferson Road, Building 300, Suite 360, Rochester, NY 14623 Phone (585) 288-5380 Fax (585) 288-8475 www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIONS I RIGHT PARTNER 21 of 23 Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1812385 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Basis: NA Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Dissolved 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 12/26/18 22:48 12/26/18 Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 12/26/18 22:48 12/26/18 Printed 12/28/2018 12:59:00 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000493024 rev 00 22 of 23 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental Analytical Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Monthly Recovery Well - Cr Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: Method Blank Lab Code: R1812385 -MB Inorganic Parameters Service Request: R1812385 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Basis: NA Analysis Analyte Name Method Result Units MRL Dil. Date Analyzed Date Extracted Q Chromium, Dissolved 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 12/26/18 22:48 12/26/18 Chromium, Total 200.7 0.010 U mg/L 0.010 1 12/26/18 22:48 12/26/18 Printed 12/28/2018 12:59:00 PM Superset Reference: 18-0000493024 rev 00 22 of 23 ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental QA/QC Report Client: GHD Services Inc. (Formerly Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc.) Project: Castle Hayne 258-402-D02-3100/6448 Monthly Recovery Well - Cr Sample Matrix: Water Lab Control Sample Summary Inorganic Parameters Lab Control Sample R1812385-LCS Service Request: R1812385 Date Analyzed: 12/26/18 Units:mg/L Basis:NA Analyte Name Analytical Method Result Spike Amount % Rec % Rec Limits Chromium, Dissolved 200.7 0.206 0.200 103 85-115 Chromium, Total 200.7 0.206 0.200 103 85-115 Printed 12/28/2018 12:58:59 PM 23 of 23 Superset Reference: 18-0000493 024 rev 00 Appendix C Concentration vs. Time Graphs 50 45 40 35 30 J E 25 U- 20 15 10 5 CPW-7S Iron and TDS Concentrations vs. Time 0 1 - M O — M � LO r— M M — N 't U-) CO M M O N M M (0 f— M CO C� 1� 1� 1� C� C� 1� 1� O O O O O O O n n UW n U U M M C U n L z 2 Q o Q� o z a Q -)� o LL Date 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 CDE U) 15,000 0 10,000 5,000 0 — Fe TD 6 5 4 J a' 3 E 0 U- 2 1 CPW-7D Iron and TDS Concentrations vs. Time 0 M O — M � LO ti M M — N 't U-) CO M M O N M LO CO f- M 00 07 67 07 07 07 1� C� O O O O O O O L z Q 0 Q O � � z Q M Q CO - O LL Date 6,000 5,000 4,000 J 3,000 E Cn 0 2,000 1,000 0 — Fe TD 500 450 400 350 300 E 250 0 200 t U 150 100 50 CPW-8S Chloride and TDS Concentrations vs. Time 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 J 1,000 800 p 600 400 200 0 1— 0 O) O - M � LO r- 00 0') - N 't LO CO 00 0) O N M LO C0 07 00 (7) 1� O) O) (7) 9) 1� (7) O O O O O O O C (B >, CO Q-0 0= > 0 0) U 0 Q Q N C r- (B �' U (0 > 0 L 0) C 0- (B >, ' (B U L z Q o Q o z a Q o� CI Date TDS 300 250 200 J �f E 150 •L 0 t L) 100 50 CPW-8DR Chloride and TDS Concentrations vs. Time T 1,200 1,000 800 J 600 E Cn 0 400 200 0 1— M O - M � LO r- 00 M - N 't U-) (0 00 M O N M LO C0 I- M 00 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� (77 1� O O O O O O O > 0) UQ > (B M (1)0 (0 (1) Q N (B U (0 0 �- (B (B U L z 2 Q o Q� o z a Q -):E o LL Date C TDS 3,000 2,500 2,000 J 1,500 0 H 1,000 500 CPW-9S TDS Concentration vs. Time 0 1— M O - M � LO r- 00 M - N 't U-) CO 00 M O N M LO C0 I- M 00 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� (77 1� O O O O O O O > 0) UQ > L �, "- (B M (1)0 (0 (1) Q N (B U (0 0 �- (B (B U L z 2 Q o Q� o z a Q -)� o LL Date TDS 3,000 2,500 2,000 J 1,500 0 H 1,000 500 0 CPW-9D TDS Concentration vs. Time M O M � LO r- M O N 't U-) CO M O O N M M CO I� O 00 O� 67 07 07 07 O7 67 07 O O O O Cl O O (B (B O O M O O N (B U O Q M M (B U O cn U z Q Q O z Q Q� g O U- Date TDS 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 a� E 800 0 H lit CPW-10S TDS Concentration vs. Time 0 1— M O - M � LO r- 00 M - N 't U-) CO 00 M O N M LO C0 I- M 00 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� (77 1� O O O O O O O > 0) UQ > L �, "- (B M (1)0 (0 (1) Q N (B U (0 0 �- (B (B U L z 2 Q o Q� o z a Q -)� o LL Date TDS 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 a� E 0 1,500 H 1,000 500 CPW-10D TDS Concentration and pH vs. Time 0 ' I I I I I --I O O M qt U') ti M O � N 't lf) O M O O N M M CD I- O 00 O 07 O O O O 07 O O O O O O O O i iL 10 iL i^ i 11 10i (B `i (B (ANL ce N I— c� D `1 O Z CO TViS Q N 0 Q- Q �i M � �i � 1i1 VM i1 O Z Q1L — Q Q Cl c%B1 Vi O y110 U- Date 12 10 8 6 vi a 4 2 0 — TDS pH 60 50 40 J a� E m 30 U- 20 10 CPW-12S Iron and TDS Concentrations vs. Time 2,500 2,000 1,500 E Cn 0 1,000 500 0 0 1— d) O — M � LO r— 00 0') — N 't LO CO 00 0) O N M LO C0 M 00 (7) 1� (7) O) (7) 9) 1� (7) O O O O O O O C Q -0 0= > O) U Q C r- �' U > L Q O) C �, ' U — Fe (B (B O O O O Q N (B o O a M (B (B o O L z Q o z Q 2 LL TDS Date 70 60 50 J 40 m 30 20 10 CPW-12D Iron and TDS Concentrations vs. Time 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 J 2,000 E Cn 0 1,500 1,000 500 0 ' ' 0 I I i i I --I O O M 't LO ti M O � N 't LO O M O O N M M CD I- O 00 O 07 O O O O 07 O O O O O O O O i ii1 i i 1 1"'a- i i 1 1 1 l 1 i (B `i (B N (A /ice N I- `1 O Z M TiS D Q N 0 Q- Q /^i1 N w�� Cl MV Cl M O z Q- Q s'M Q� M MV 2 O /�� U- Date — Fe — TDS 80 70 60 J 50 a� E a 40 U- 30 20 10 CPW-13S Iron Concentration and pH vs. Time 0 1— M O — M � LO r— 00 M — N 't U-) CO 00 M O N M LO C0 I- M 00 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1�1 1� 1� O O O O O O O M M 0S 0 M 0 M 0 Q N (B U (0 0 �- (B (B U L z Q o Q o z a Q o LL Date 8 7 6 5 4 vi CL 3 2 1 0 Fe pH 4,500 MI 3,500 11f J E 2,500 0 2,000 1,500 1,000 61YII11 CPW-13S TDS Concentration and pH vs. Time 0 1— M O - M � LO r- 00 M - N 't U-) CO 00 M O N M LO C0 I- M 00 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� (77 1� O O O O O O O > 0) UQ > L �, "- (B M (1)0 (0 (1) Q N (B U (0 0 �- (B (B U L z 2 Q o Q� o z a Q -)� o LL Date 8 7 6 5 4 vi CL 3 2 1 0 -TDS pH 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 a� E m 2.0 U- 1.5 1.0 0.5 CPW-13D Iron and TDS Concentrations vs. Time 0.0 ' 1,200 1,000 ' ' I I I I I I I O O M 00 O 07 O qt U') O O ti M O � N't O 07 O O O O lf) O M O O O O O N M M (0 f- M O L - 6 (B (B N N i D O L y! U L Q � N Q- N (B � 111 V M i L Vi r i1 1 11 O Q- M (B V O (n LL Z Q in Q (/) -3Z Fe — TDS Q Q -) :E LL Date 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 E 600 0 400 200 0 Fe — TDS 1,200 1,000 800 J E 600 CO 0 H 400 200 CPW-14S TDS Concentration vs. Time 0 1— M O - M � LO r- 00 M - N 't U-) CO 00 M O N M LO C0 I- M 00 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� (77 1� O O O O O O O > 0) UQ > L �, "- (B M (1)0 (0 (1) Q N (B U (0 0 �- (B (B U L z 2 Q o Q� o z a Q -)� o LL Date TDS 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 J 3.0 a� E 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 M O M � LO ti M O N 't U-) CO M O O N M U') CO f� O 00 07 67 07 07 07 O O 07 O O O O Cl O O (B (B O O M O O N (B O Q- M M (B U O (n I- Z Q Q z Q Q � 2 O U- CPW-14D Iron and TDS Concentrations vs. Time Date 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 E 600 0 400 200 0 Fe TDS 1,200 1,000 800 J E 600 CO 0 H 400 200 0 CPW-15S TDS Concentration vs. Time M O M � LO r- M O N 't U-) CO M O O N M M CO I� O 00 O� 67 07 07 07 O7 67 07 O O O O Cl O O (B (B O O M O O N (B U O Q M M (B U O cn U z Q Q O z Q Q� g O U- Date TDS 1,200 1,000 800 J E 600 CO 0 H 400 200 0 CPW-15D TDS Concentration vs. Time M O M � LO r- M O N 't U-) CO M O O N M M CO I� O 00 O� 67 07 07 07 O7 67 07 O O O O Cl O O (B (B O O M O O N (B U O Q M M (B U O cn U z Q Q O z Q Q� g O U- Date TDS