HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190104 Ver 1_Geotech Recommendation for B-4916_20190304Carpenter,Kristi From: Ward, Garcy Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 11:56 AM To: Carpenter,Kristi Subject: FW: [External] RE: RE: Geotech Recommendation for B-4916 Attachments: Revised 2 Wetland Impact Summary Sheet.pdf Kristi Lynn, This is for 20190104. Thanks. �c�r�y "�4lc�rc� Envirc�nrrir�n��l Sr�nic�r Spr�ci�lis� �Jc�r�h G�'�rc�lin� C�ivisic�n c�� W��r�r Rr�sc�aar�r�s ��3 W�shin�;�c�n Sqaa�rr� Mi�ll W�shin�;�c�n, f�JG�'??�SSS� ph: ?�?...�4E�...E�4��. From: Rivenbark, Chris Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 8:19 AM To: Ward, Garcy <garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov>; Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil> Cc: Cashin, Gordon E <gcashin@ncdot.gov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: RE: Geotech Recommendation for B-4916 Garcy, The revised impact summary sheet is attached. Geotech has clarified that they do not feel that undercut will be needed for the temporary detour. Therefore the excavation in wetlands previously shown for the temporary detour will be changed to temporary fill with geotextile fabric placed under the temporary fill. After the temporary detour is removed, those areas will be regraded and replanted. We will provide revised permit drawings as soon as possible. Kyle, Will you need to reissue or can this be handled via email? We'll contact DMS to ask them to void the acceptance letter they issued for the previously needed impacts. Please let us know if you have any questions. Chris �ivenbark NC�C7T� Environrnental Analysis Unit (919) 707�6152 From: Rivenbark, Chris Sent: Friday, March 1, 2019 10:39 AM To: Ward, Garcy <�arcy.._wa_rd_(�_n�d_e_n_r.�crv> .. Cc: Cashin, Gordon E <��a_s_h.%n(c�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v> Subject: FW: [External] RE: RE: Geotech Recommendation for B-4916 Garcy, Can you call me to discuss? Mainly #1 Chris �ivenbark NC�C7T� Environrnental Analysis Unit (919) 707�6152 From: Leah Young <ILeah.._Ycr_u_n�(�_kc.%.._�ca.rn�> Sent: Friday, March 1, 2019 8:12 AM To: Bryan Hough <I�_r.�an.:ll:.�_ca.u�h_..C,�_kci..�ca.m�> Cc: Peterson, Tierre R<tr.peterscr_n_..C,�_n_�d_crt:.�crv>; Rivenbark, Chris <crivenk�arkC�_n�dca.t...�ca.v>; Fischer, Kevin <wkfischerC�_n�dca.t...�ca.v>; Cashin, Gordon E ....................................................� _ . ...............................................,,,�. _ . <��a_s_h.%n(c�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Bowles, Jacquelyn K <jkk�crwles(c�ncdcrt.�crv> Subject: [External] RE: RE: Geotech Recommendation for B-4916 . (1) Will the riprap under the detour be removed when the detour is removed, and then backfilled with soil? T�h�r� i5 c� per55il�ility thc�t th� c�r�c� �rill ncrt I�� �unc��r��ut, thcr�u�h �r� c�r� �c��untin� it c�5 c� p�rrrr�c�n�nt irrr�pc��t c�nc� in�l�uc��c� rrr�iti�c�ticrno If �unc��r��ut i5 ncrt n��c��c�, th� riprc�p �rill I�� r�rrr�crv�c� c�nc� th� c�r�c� r�.�rc�c��c� tcr ��ci5tin� �c�ntcr�ur5 c�nc� r�plc�nt�r�/rn�crnitcrr�r�o If thi5 i5 th� �c�5� �r� �rcr�ulr� r�r��u�5t c� p�rrn�it rn�crr�ifi�c�ticrn tcr �Ic�irrr� th� it c�5 t�rrr�perrc�ry irrr�pc��t, c�nc� �r�c�it th� rrr�iti�c�ticrn I�c��k tcr C��IISo (2) He is having trouble lining up the Details with where they are on the plan sheet. The station #s are not clearly indicated on the plans, and there isn't an arrow to indicate what they refer too. I see his point. I am unclear myself on what detail 1 and 2 are referring to on Sheet 3. Th� ditch d�tails shovv th� station rang�s und�r th� d�tail and th� ditch lin� vvork is shovvn in th� plan vi�vv. Th� major roadvvay tick marks ar� lab�l�d on th� plans abov� th� plan vi�vv. Ditch D�tail 3 is shovvn on both th� d�tour and mainlin� plan sh��ts as it is a p�rman�nt impact that vvill r�main in plac� aft�r th� vvork is compl�t�d. W� can add th� ditch lab�ls back onto th� plans if th� D�partm�nt wants. (3) He also wanted to know if the channel change (detail 3) can stop short of the wetland boundary. This would eliminate a bit of excavation in wetlands and allow sheet flow across the wetland to the stream channel. D�tail 3 is r�placing an �xisting drainag� f�atur� that curr�ntly flows und�r th� �xisting bridg�, but vvill b� fill�d by both th� d�tour and th� p�rman�nt fill slop�s. It vvas pr�viously d�t�rmin�d that this is not a Jurisdictional Str�am (th�r�for� not count�d in th� str�am impacts) but it is an activ�ly flovving chann�l. To r�duc� th� amount of impacts, it was d�t�rmin�d that th� chann�l should b� p�rman�ntly r�locat�d during th� d�tour phas�. Th� chann�l chang� must go through th� vv�tlands to drain out to Ci.uioccosin Svvamp. I rr�7all �:urrc,��u � � � � � � � � y I�c rli��;lu�e,rl �u �C�h•ih�rl I i� ci��;e, Cu ai� rur°r7 �mii;, ;;e,i� cr i;, ;;u� ��;� �u Cmie, ,..,u� i�; ta�:ur�: ;, ..,aw ai� ir7a, I�arti��,