HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0030998_Residual Annual Report 2018_20190301INITIAL REVIEW Reviewer Williams, Kendall Project Number* WQ0030998 SUBMITTAL DATED: 2/25/2019 Project Contact Information Rease provide inforrration on the person to be contacted by MB Staff regarding electronic submittal, confirmation of receipt, and other issues. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Name * Robert T. Branch Email Address* Phone Number* bbranch@branchrs.com 336 312-9007 Project Information Application Type* r New r Renewal r Annual Report Permit Type * r Wastewater Irrigation r Other Wastewater • Closed -Loop Recycle r Single -Family Residence Wastewater Irrigation Is a paper copy of the application being submitted?* r Yes r Nor N/A Permit Number* WQ0030998 Reviewer* Troy Doby Permittee* Triple S Farms Facility Name * Triple S Farms County* Duplin r Modification (Major or Minor) • Additional Information r Other • High -Rate Infiltration r Reclaimed Water r Residuals r Other Please provide comments/notes on your current submittal below. Please attach all information required or requested for this submittal to be review here. Triple S DEQ 2018 AR.pdf 3.92MB Application Form Engineering Aans, Specifications, Calculations, Etc.) For nein and modification permit applications, the paper copy is required to be subrrutted to the Di, vision Be advised, applications ivill not be considered complete until both the paper and electronic applications have been received_ The paper copy shall include the follo-kAmig: • Application Farm • All relevant attachments (talcs, soils report, specs, etc_) • 1 full-size engineering plan set • 2 11-17" engineenng plan sets • 1 extra set of specifications (in addition to the set of specifications provided in the attachments) • Fee (if required) This shall be mailed to the following address: By U_S_ Postal Service: Division of Water Resources- Non -Discharge Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigb_ NC 27699-1613 By CourieriSpecial Delivery: Division of Water Resources- Non -Discharge Branch Ag Nathaniel Thornburg- 9th Floor, Office #942WN 512 N_ Salisbury St_ Raleigh,NC 27604 For questions or problems contact Tessa Monday at: 919.7073660 or TessaMonday([ icdcur-goo or Sonia GraxTs at 919.747.3657 or Sonia Graves(dpc&au.gov. * I;W By checking this box I am acknowledging that I have read the above statement and agree to send these documents as required to one of the address given above. Signature Sign Submission Date 2/25/2019 2018 ANNUAL REPORT TRIPLE S FARMS & CLEANING, INC. LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM PERMIT #WQ0030998 Prepared For: Triple S Farms & Cleaning, Inc. Post Office Box 709 Beulaville, NC 28518 Prepared By: Branch Residuals & Soils, LLC 8646 West Market Street- Suite 111 Greensboro, North Carolina 27409 February 2019 BRANCH RESIDUALS & SOILS, LLC 8646 W. Market St. — Suite I II • Greensboro, NC 27409 PHONE (336) 510-0340 • Fax (336) 510-0341 February 22, 2019 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Aquifer Protection Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Reference: 2018 LAND APPLICATION ANNUAL REPORT Triple S Farms & Cleaning, Inc. Permit No. WQ0030998 Branch Residuals & Soils Project No. 2007-70 Information Processing Unit: Branch Residuals & Soils is submitting all monitoring and reporting information as required in the referenced permit on behalf of the Triple S Farms & Cleaning, Inc. This data includes: 1) Certification Forms and Facility Information, 2) Annual Residual Sampling Summary Forms, 3) Annual Metals Field Loading Summary Forms, 4) Annual land application Field Summary Forms, 5) Residual Analysis Lab Sheets, 6) TCLP Lab Sheets, 7) Pathogen & Vector Attraction Forms, 8) Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction Documentation, 9) Soils Lab Data 10) 2018 Application Summary Table, and 11) 2018 Application Condition Summaries. A total of 1,583,165 gallons (134.07 dry tons) of Class B lime -stabilized biosolids or Class B fecal and injected/incorporated biosolids were land applied to 66.95 acres in 2018. This material was divided as follows: • 334,600 gallons (19.83 dry tons) from Beulaville WWTP, • 0 gallons (0 dry tons) from Clayton Little Creek WRF, • 0 gallons (0 dry tons) from Kenansville WWTP, 36,000 gallons (4.56 dry tons) from Rose Hill WWTP, • 275,000 gallons (17.09 dry tons) from Warsaw WWTP, • 37,927 gallons (3.50 dry tons) from Southwest Plantation WWTP, and • 889,638 gallons (89.10 dry tons) from Wallace WWTP. If any further information is required regarding this land application program, please do not hesitate to contact me at (336) 312-9007. Sincerely, Robert T. Branch, L.S.S. Land Application/Residuals Operator #15676 RTB Enclosures cc: Town of Beulaville Town of Kenansville Town of Rose Hill Town of Warsaw Southwest Plantation Town of Wallace Town of Clayton TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION NO. TITLE I Certification Forms and Facility Information II Annual Residual Sampling Summary Forms III Annual Metals Field Loading Summary Forms IV Annual Land Application Field Summary Forms V Residual Analysis Lab Sheets VI Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) Analysis Report VII Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction Forms VIII Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction Documentation IX Soil Analysis Reports X 2018 Application Summary Table XI 2018 Application Condition Summaries CERTIFICATION FORMS AND FACILITY INFORMATION ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM WQ PermdtP: WQ0030998 County: It YearYear, 2018 Fa My Name (as shown am permit): 1gp1c S Farms tit Cleaning Laud Application Opemdor: Triple S Farms Fc Cleantng Phone:10) 29$-3991 band appila dun of residuals se allowed by the permit ocewivil shoring the past calendar year? El Yee L3 No - If No, skip Part A, and port B and promed do Part C. Aho, N nddwels were mated but not land alrPRed, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Part B - Annual Comniance Statement: Facility was compliant during calendar year 2019. with all conditions of the land applie tion permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Wates [meq. ® Yes p No If no please, provide a wdittom description why the focilttl► was not compliant: the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1) Only xasiduals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH wase adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Animal scuts analysis were peerformed on each site recdving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of labotutory results am attwhaL 4) Anmad MY analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory rrnults are attached, 5) All other monitoring was performed in accanlawe, with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6) IU facility did not exceed any of the Mutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(a) or the Pollutant Loading learns in 15A NCAC 02'1' .1105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilift). 7) All sural requirements in as specified in the Land Application Pwait were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated > dW=). B) All monitoring and reporting mpikepments in 15A NCAC 02T.1 I I I areae complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9) All operations acrd maintenance requiretnab in the perndt were complied with or, in the case of a devintion, prior suftw6tation was received from the DMsion of Water Quality. 10) No coritraveatkm of Ground Watur Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are allacbod to include appropriate actions and remediation. 11) Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop nionagement was performed on each site receing residuals, as speoif ed in the permit. 12) No nmoff of residuals from the application sites oho adjacent property or nearby surf = waters has oc=mJ 13) All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C - CerifBendow "I cast, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the beat of my knowledge and belied, true, sae ar*64 and complete. I am aware that there are significant penaWies for su false iaia{amtl�, including the possibility of flues and ianprhonnrt for knowing violations." J j Mr, Eric R. Smiths, Owner Permittee Name and Title (type or prim) /f See Att�hed i 1Q� 42 t Signature of Pana* Bate Signature of Land Applid Date (if diffeactit from Permittee) (if diner m %nun Permittee and Preparer) * PaVarar is defined in 40 CFR Pari 503.9 (r) and 15A NCAC 02T.1 102 (26) DENR FORM ACF (121006) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM TOWN OF BEULAVILLE Part JL- A"WfingAM §tWMMW-. Fadllty was compliant dm 1mg calendar year 2018 with all conditions of the land application paras# (including but nal wed to items 1-13 below) issued by the Divislon of Watear Qualky. ® Yes ❑ No If no please, provide it written description why the fadlity Bras not menta the dates, and aWlain eo><r;lective action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit ad lime was applied (if needed) to achiow a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the peh7arit. 3) Annual sails analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calcar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4) Animal TCU analysis (if required) was pwbrmed and three (3) copicxs of cmffW laboratory results are attached 5) All other monitoring was perfom>ed in acccmdauee with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) wpi;es of ccxtfied laboratory remits arc attsched. 6) The facility did not cwzed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T.] 105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T.1 105(b) (appliciblar to 40 CPR Part 503 rimed facilities). ') All gmemi requiraaments in as spedfied in the Land Application Permit wean cosraghlied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8) All, monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1111 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 rgplated facilities). 9) All operations and maintenance requiremse.nts in the permit wane complied with or, rn the case of a deviation, prier such was received frees the Division of Water Quality. 10) No contravention ofGmund Water Quality Standards omaTed at a m ovitoft well or explanations of violations are attac3hed to include app mpiate actions and moans. 11) Vagetadve oovrr was mdutakod and proper crop xnavagmumt was performed on each site recdmg residuals, as specified in the permit. 1.2) No runoff of residuals fimn the application sites onto adjacent p Warty or nearby mrfi crQ waters teas occurred. 13) All buffer requirements as specified on the permit wove maintained during each application of rsaiduals. "I ewft, Oader penalty of law, that the above iurfornutdon u, to the best of my Imewledge and beH4 frac, u nrsate, and a mplet& I erns aware tier# Mm are sigaiflc4 at penalties for submlttiag trine infonsatlon, indndmg the possiblity of Unites ami imprisonment for kno*ing YW& iions." S of Date (if diffenege,06m Permittee} * PrODareKs defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 .(r) and 15A NCAC 02T .1102 (26) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM TO" OF KENANSVILLE Facility was eonpltant +luring ealeadar year 2018 withal eondltions of the Land application perroft (including but not limited to fterns 1-13 below) leaned by the Dividon of Water Quality. L'1 Yes p No If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not eomqdiant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (ifum ded) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving ra dduals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4) Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was perfonned and three (3) copies of certified lsboratory'results are attached. 5) All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the pmnit and reported during the year w required and throe (3) a*= of certified laboratory results are attached. 6) The lac7rty did not exceed any of the Pollutant Coneentration limits in 15A NCAC 02T _1105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 021 .1105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated faeilities). 7) All general roquircmonts in as specified in the Land Application Permit were convIled with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). S) All monitoring and reporting mpiremenu in ISA NCAC 02T .1111 were cm*ieod with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9) All opeaatioaas and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with m, in the case of a deviation, pdor authanzatwu was received from the Division of Water Quality. 10) No ocnriave n tim of Ca9ound Water Quality Standards oetsrrod at a monituring well or explanations of viobtions are attached to include gvwp rate actions and renodmtions. 11) Vegetatives cover was maintained and p crop m mage meat was performed on each site receing residuals, as spoct£iod in the permit. 12) No runoff of residuals fican the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby sa fi= waters has occurred. 13) All buffer requbeamts as specified on the pmnit were wed during each application of residuals. Pit# C - (Kougm "I ewft, carder penalty of law, haat the above Information is, to the best of my knowledge and bdK tri k accurate, and complete. l am aware that that are suit[cant penalties for sabroidlag fain information, including the possibi ty of fines and imprisonment for knowing Violations." Signature a bate (if dit%Tent $roan P ee) 0 Pwpara is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r) and 15A NCAC Mr .1102 (26) ANNUAL LAND APMCATION CERIIKCATION FORM TOWN OF ROSE HII.J Part B - Anuusl Comryianee $tntemme., Fatdilty was cvmpilant durisrg ademdar year 2018 with, at eond[tlons of the land application permit (including but not lfmtted to Items 1-13 below) i ew d by the DivWm of Water Qu:lt#,y. ® Yea © No H no please, provide a written deser4ftion wby the facift was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective salon tawn. 1) Only residuals approved far this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as speeiiied in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit spomfied in the permit. 3) AmW soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of labontory, results are ami hed. 4) Annual TCLP analysis (if repaired) was performed and tlnu (3) copies of certified laboratory nadta are attached. 5) All oth a monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) cwpirx of cernfied laboratory results are att d 6) The facility did not exosed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(a) or the Pollutant Loa ft Rates in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facihOc s). 7) All general require nicats in as opecif ed in the Land Applieatcon Permit w= complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). S) All munitosing and sporting mpdremcats in 15A NCAC 02T .1111 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 5033 rquiated facilities). 9) All opamdons and monfenance rcquinarrueuts in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, pdor audmnzstton was received from the Div== of Water Quality. 10) No coatravmiiort of Ground Water Quality Standards ocaured at a monitoring wall or explanations of violations era atteded to include appropriate actio and rremodistions. 11) Vcptstive cover was mainUtmod and proper crop management was perforated on each site reoeing residuals, as specified in the permit. 12) No nmoff of residuals. from the application siks onto adjaeeat ptnpc ty or nearby surface waters has ownyed. 13) All buffer n quiranetts as gxx hied an the pa mit were maintained during each application of residuals. "i.e r, muter penalty of Harv, that the above information % to the beet of my knowlefto and bdK true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that tt<ere are scant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibi ft of [bug and fmprbotmat for knowing vkde lona." Idz LAMM,6/0 sigrmture Of Pr+epatrr* Date (if M%rat from Permittee) * Preparar is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 02T ,1102 (26) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM SOUTHWEST PLANTATION Fudlity was compliant during calendar year 2018 with all conditions of the land applicath a permit (111*009 but ant liarlted to hems 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Qo ty. 0 Yes D No If ma Pha e, provide a written description why the facility was not empllant, the dates, and c gda6 eo mctive action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the pmmit and limo was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or tie limit specified in the permit. 3) Amnue1 salla analysis wase performed on each site receiving residuals during the past ealamdar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4) Annual TCLP analysis Of required) was performed and theca (3) copies of certified laboratory results arc attached. 5) All other monitoring was pofon ned in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as regained and three (3) copies of certified laboratory ramlts are attached 6) Tire facility did not exceed any of the Pollutw Concentrathm Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(a) or rice Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC DZT .1105(b) (applicable to 40 CPR Part 503 regulated f dlitiea). 7) All general requirements in as specified in the Land Application Permit were compiled with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8) All rnoa twing and reporting requirernsnts in 15A NCAC MT .1111 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9) All operations and nudntenance requir=muots in the permit wo v complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received fivm the Division of Water Quality. 10) No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or eaphoations of Violations fire attached to include appropriate actions and remain ions. 11) Vogatab"oovcr was maintained and proper crap management was performed on each site receing rcaidwds, as specified in the peen it. 12) No r mffof residuatla Einar the application sites aorto adjacent property or ncarby surfiKx waters has ocmured. 13) All buffer requirements as specified an the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C - Cercatfon: "I eeMy, ander penalty of lsw, that the above inlbrm don ls, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are sigtdReant penalties for submlttiag telae information, induding the possibility of flr"d imprisonment for knowing violations." 3 r i'�- JF orhate (if di fim permittee) is defined is 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r) and 15A NCAC 02T. 1102 (26) ANNUAL LAND APPIACATKIN CIRMCATION NORM TOTM Of WALLACE lihaW rlw wAsnddr por , D S *0 aR amMm of to 1nd m"Swum pau t Oodeft bs# atom" to lftm 1-13 blow) lewd hyserm I IF of Waters QaalTtlr. ® Was p No Himpanda a a dmm%Mm wit tlW J%dVWwas nd ampAmit tine dsfW wA eWmk eme*dM aalatah m. 1) Oidy mddmb pp wmd Jbr*b pwz mit w= goiad tp so pw it d tib. $adl pH wsa a{ustad a epodilad in tfw paerdk end lime wsr app0od to sabfaV+e a aa� pH of at hast bA a tlml�df sq dbe ptsmit, 3) Ammal aollr Wdysil wane pedbmod an mach site rao ift rrddeda dodng do port aalanda year and Gm (1) a*= aflaborataty=ults aro xbchoL d) Armad 7CU emalyds (if "ROOM ww pa hnnod and thew (3) of osrtl0ed labmdwy =who ergs attaohed, 5) All odd mo&ft vu pmemod in aaaoWmm with the pacmit ad rape W dmigg the year as roWdwW and oo (3) oopl a of amtt& d laboratory rwaU are dhohed. d) The heft did not a+rosed mW of do Poil bd CafteMamtioec Lints in 15A NCAC 02T.1 105(a) or dw Pdbtw toWhrRatm to ISA MAC W. I 165(b) (q pHmbio to 90 CFRPatt 503 regaled AWIW**. 7) All IMOW roque in m RMOH d m to Land Ap$imdm Pm* wart campW WI& (Rrpliable to 40 OR Pmt 3Q3 rogulatod #hCiiidos). 8) All Mab mbg mal vVmdmg rogaim naWs In 13ANCAC 02T.1 I I I vaoro osplmdwith (appilW& to 40 CPR Ped 309 awl" ). 9) All apmdow odmnbftmmnqakmmnU in the permit wmo oamaoW wA or. in dw =w da davk*% p*w wa �necaived Room Oma 3yivision of''OI�aEar Qgafi�r, 10) No coaftvawim of ommod Walsh Quo* Mmmbxds oo=md at a nnom g wml or uq*mdkm of vioio*m ame to iasbtcls spQ mp ift aeticm sed »emMWlam t 1) VegetaHm wm washed aad poopae are mmqpmu was perammd as aab she rambg redtmals, as ape"W in #ha pGUL M M adraddnds ftm dwmpplivaadm afters ado a4eomt pmpwW army enrl m waters has oamnmed. 1� Ab bsdyer�ts m speciti�ad seal tha paemb rw+eha Oad daeing each epp�adanaf raeidreels. "I aero, aarcisepatafhjr oy taws flrat dta absms � � to deer bat o8 � lasowibdia ar<d balisi, treea, aacieieaLa�, aad eaaeplels. I � stiavagre t#uet tkss+e ups cwt 1P�a � � Rrha L�rasatlas,, flee paa�ilgr aft3aa a,act � � �" ed pnpmaa* nate (#ff i=Popmmw) +P+apeasris &&a In 40 CFRPad 3039 (r) SW 15A NCAC 02T.1102 M ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTMCATION FORM TOWN OF WARSAW s - Annum Coaruotance apart: Faulty was compliant durful a dendar year 2118 with all conditions of the land application permit (Including but Bot ]united to Racers 1-13 below) hued by the Dividen of Water Quality. ® Yes 0 No U no please, provide a written description why the &dft was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective sett bicep. 1) Chrly residuals approved for this permit wane applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pia was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in time permxt. 3) Amul soils analysis were paformed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory rests are attached. 4) Awmal TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) c*es of certified laboratory results are attached. 5) All curer monitoring was parfofmd in accordance with the peamit and reported dancing the year as required and three . (3) copies of certified laboratory ronft are attached. 6) The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Canceration Limits in 15A NCAC 0717.1 105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T.1 10*) (aMiicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated beilities). 7) All ga ml rcquiremews in as spoked in the Land Application Permit were ca*licd with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8) All monAoring and reporting requircmnts in 15A NCAC 02T.1 I i 1 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated hailitics). 9) All operatics,$ and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the can of a deviation, prier atutharizWon was received from the Division of Water Quality. 10) No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are atts&cd to include appropriate actions and remediation. 11) Vegettstive cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receeirrrg residuals, as specined in flue pexmiL 12) No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent pxapaty or nearby surface waters has oom red. 13) All buffos rcgmrcnmts as specified on the peanut were maintained drug each application of residuals. PKtC cKdARK". "I fir, ander penally of low, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and bdW, true, aeeurate, and complete. I nen aware that there are signillcant penalties for mbndtdng false information, iaeluding the ir of tines and ibPrisonn>ent for lamming violations." 11/1 — 7, - C-0 8 -O irate (ifdi&rent fin m Permittee) * Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 5039 (r) and 15A NCAC OZT .1102 (26) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORMS ANNUAL RESEIUAL SAMPLING SUNV"RY FORM Please note that your permit may contain additional parameters to he analyzal. The parameten can be reported is FORM RSSF - B WQ Permit Nmnbez. WQ0030999 Laboratory: 1) FmviromneaW Chmdsts Facility Name: Triple S Fams & Cleaning 2) Residual Source WQ # or NCO026019 3) NPDES #: d) WWTP Name: Town ofBeulmille WWI? 5) gsmifinal Alnelvwat no-i'm =[er I M 4 4 111 1FAlt: 11 { -� li Ill Leif iF�41_-1 "I eerbil?jr, under penalty of law, that this doeuumeat was prepared ander my direction or supervMm In accordance wlth s system dm*DAd to am m that gaaMed peel preiieft pthered and avoluMed the htformstion submittedf. i am aware that thM are slgniflcant peaalt[ea for subqdt&g fdse iifornlatlon, kdadiag the pomdbMy of fines and hnptisoument for knowing vlohdk na." Signature of * — Date .r "InVow is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC ZT .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF (i MM ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUNEM"Y FORM Please aoft that ymr permit may conemb adAtlond parameters to be analym& lNe parameters can be rep nft d is FORM RM - B WQ Permit Number: WQM0998 _ ` Laboratory: Faeft Name: Triple S Fams & Clssttixjg Residual Source WQ p or NMES #: NCO056863 WWTP Name: Town ofRose Hill WWTI'1 �....1--s..1%-A- 1) %-A ,. 1) Environmental Cbamists 2) 3) 4) 5) r• 13 011 IIS. �1lai.y+l 1! � ' palcanta�wae aac oaweoiea an lying F-aliP4 wnl.raar! s "Iesrft, ander penalty of law, that this dot was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that quaMed persomel properly gathered and evahtated the informtion submitted. I am aware that there are sfigpiilcant penalties for submdtdag f dw informatlon, including tate possr'bi[ity of #ince and imprisonment for knowing violadmo Signaum of Pnq mer • Date *Par is defined in 40 CFR Pett 303.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T.1 102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF (12MM) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUNWARY FORM Please vote that your permit may eoDtain addkba d paramciars to be andyaed. The parnumbn can be reported in FORM RSSF - B WQ Permit Number. WQ0030998 Facility Name: Th ' le S Farms & Oes Realdnal Source WQ # or NPDRS ft WQ0029601 WWTPName: SouthwestPlantedon. WWTA Residual Anaivsls Data Laboratory: 1) Environmental Chemists 2) 3) 4) 5) 'I certify, awder pen of law, document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system deigned to assure that N el perly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am swam that there a W Si ' Data 'P is defi=ed in 4Q C3; R Pmt So3Xr) and ISA NCAC 2T .1102 (M DENR FORM RSSF (92/2000) 1{{' r �a 'I certify, awder pen of law, document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system deigned to assure that N el perly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am swam that there a W Si ' Data 'P is defi=ed in 4Q C3; R Pmt So3Xr) and ISA NCAC 2T .1102 (M DENR FORM RSSF (92/2000) ANWAL F KK L p 6 ww . hm $Fmm& 2'! RsdftlsmnwQdar NCDD2D7Q2 3) lq� fe 4) "— 'W w mmm Tomn of Wnnnm ww Y py JhmddnM :mmT%w*m i.� �.. "I s , I m1 - � J I _��-�_-� 11..x► �...r��� wwwpmft orbw, *at MA Am mom wn pnpan d 1 aft mw ArNgkm or s%mvmm in Ka se vial a N ft ft" ft aed l�/ :�Otl 6d. I e tlese m P Air �,itds mapos of&= sed �t�er vlalstlons:' ORRMO$rloftediSIMCMI*t-%&K*WAl.# MM2TJ102M MR FOM FMF (IZZW ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM Please mote tbst yom permn msy wilt&% Idgiftloml parameters to lie aas4wL The posme gm can be nVerted to FORM MSF - B WQ Permit Number: WQ9030998 Laboratory: 1) Envirom ental Chemists Facility Name: ^ Triple S Farms & Cleaning 2) Residual Source WQ # or 3) NPDES #: Nt"U021903 4) WWTP Name: Town OfWarsaw WWTP 5) Reddual Analvais Data "I cerfY, +order penalty of law, that this document wait prepared under my direcOm or supervision In. aceordance wftk a Srtem designed to assure that qu*Hf rl personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submitted. 1 am *ware dist Then am sig KkAnt pen#des for sgb;pkfing false informatpan, ioneladiug the pumdbEty of fines and Imprbonmea'for knowing rtulatim&" Daae 4'rgww is dafhM M40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 1 SA NGAiC 2T .1102 (26) bENR FOWA RSSF (721 006) SEMI " �I • �����-��, !moi �_�� I 4 I1 IIF ��__-�� i ■ ��i ■ �L fl�i "I cerfY, +order penalty of law, that this document wait prepared under my direcOm or supervision In. aceordance wftk a Srtem designed to assure that qu*Hf rl personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submitted. 1 am *ware dist Then am sig KkAnt pen#des for sgb;pkfing false informatpan, ioneladiug the pumdbEty of fines and Imprbonmea'for knowing rtulatim&" Daae 4'rgww is dafhM M40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 1 SA NGAiC 2T .1102 (26) bENR FOWA RSSF (721 006) ANNUAL METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORMS ANNUAL METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORM Much this form to the corresponding Field Loading Summary Form to be submitted in Annual Report Faddy Name: Triple S Farms Total Dry Taus Appkd (Annul): 73.89 Permit #: WQ0030998 Cation Lkeha np Capacity (non 393 enly): 111s Operaton. Brie Smith Owner: Eric Smith Fridmubmat Solt Sepias NoA Acres Used: 34.2 Aeras Fl=uted: 34.2 Site #: 1 Fldd #: 1 ReddtW Analysis Data (Heavy Metals and Total Phosphorus an mg/ q6 % Solids use Raw Pereent #): B2018118P2018148 WR201914 Wa.2D181.B20181-18 SWP2018:WR20181-W120183. W=194 - or Com- P06ite &g4/18 12126/18 8114/18 3/21118 8/14118 1?1?a6J18 8/100 915118 10/18118 %Solids 1.38 2.21 1A9 1.67 1.38 2.21 1.49 2,78 2.53 0.01 Arsenic 39.90 25.70 32.50 30.40 39.90 25.70 32.50 18.30 20.20 0.03 0.01 CWmium 39.90 25.70 32.50 61.10 39.90 2510 32.30 18.30 20.211 0.02 0.10 0.01 Ck=iw 39.90 25.70 32.50 61.10 3990 25.70 32.50 54.00 35.20 0.01 0.27 1.32 Copper 93.50 210.00 533,00 904.00 93.50 210.00 533.00 737.00 .992.00 0.01 0.00 0.02 Lead 39,90 25.70 32.50 67.10 39.90 25.70 32.50 98.60 65.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 Memory 1.16 0.63 2.35 1.50 1.16 0.63 2.35 1.04 0.79 0.02 0.01 0.01 Molyb- 39.90 25.'70 32.50 30.40 39.90 25.70 32.50 18.30 20.20 0.00 0.02 0.03 Mdse] 39.90 25.70 3,2.50 61.10 39.90 2570 32.50 39.60 25AO 0.01 0.00 0.02 Selenium 39.90 25.70 32.30 61.10 39.94 25.70 32.50 18.30 20.20 Zinc 0.07 0.09 Zkw 258.00 1260.00 1570.00 1580.00 258.00 1260.00 1570.00 1318.00 1760.00 5.58 TOW Phos- 33.61 Totef Phos- 117,500 M200 14,200 30,5W 117,,500 18,200 14,200 22, 300 23,900 148.29 Annual Seavy Metal Field Losdinaa [lelculated is 1bd11acre): "I caft, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under sly direction or supervision in aceordanee with a system designed to more that qualified pe rsound properly gathered and evadnaated the information snub I am aware that there are adggi$caut penalties for submitting fabe laformalion, �cludin� of fines and iinprlsonment for knowing violations" Signat(w oftaud Appficr rk" Au dwr Beryl D. Mwft DENR FORM MFLSF (7=2) 0.14 0.03 0.25 0.22 0.15 0.03 0.25 0.90 0.18 A111Cn1C 0.01 000 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.11 001 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.13 0.01 0,00 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.10 0.01 0.20 0.03 0.01 0.27 0.39 0.03 0.01 0.27 1.32 0.36 2.70 Lmd 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.02 0..18 0.02 0.29 motwy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 Molyb- 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.11 Niche! 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.03 OVI 0.00 0.02 0.07 0.01 0.17 Seknium 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.13 Zinc 0.07 0.09 0.78 0.69 0.08 0.09 0.79 2.35 0.64 5.58 TOW Phos- 33.61 1.24 7.07 13.30 35.59 1.25 7.12 40.36 8.76 148.29 "I caft, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under sly direction or supervision in aceordanee with a system designed to more that qualified pe rsound properly gathered and evadnaated the information snub I am aware that there are adggi$caut penalties for submitting fabe laformalion, �cludin� of fines and iinprlsonment for knowing violations" Signat(w oftaud Appficr rk" Au dwr Beryl D. Mwft DENR FORM MFLSF (7=2) ANNUAL METALS FMD LOADING SUbOdARY FORM Attach this form to the eolresposdiag Field Loading; Summory Form to be imbu tted in Annual Report Facility Nene: Triple S Farups ToW Dry Tou Appiled (Armed): 31.98 Permit d: W00030M Callon Exclimp Capacity (um 03 only): nfa Operator: Baia s"Ift Dimer: Eric Suritb Prcdomhmd &W 8erles FbA Acm Used: SAS Amer Penal t ah 8.48 Ske 0: 1 Field p: - Z R WtW Analis Darts (Heavy Metals and Total Phosphorus use mg&& % Solids use Raw Perwit #): Nos, LWI ��-----�-- Em , Anapasl l3<vy Metati I+'teld Loadinos iCdealated bn lllslsrere): "I twft, alder penalty of law, that ft dominant was prepared ander my direction or supmThlon in accordance rrM a systesu designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and +evolustad the information submitted. I auos aware that there we eigofficast pesddes for submf tdng idle iddormadou, A W fines and imprisonment for knowing viokstlont" Signature of Land ApplW Date AuNwr Daryl D. Merritt DENR FORM MFLSF (7!2002) Em , "I twft, alder penalty of law, that ft dominant was prepared ander my direction or supmThlon in accordance rrM a systesu designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and +evolustad the information submitted. I auos aware that there we eigofficast pesddes for submf tdng idle iddormadou, A W fines and imprisonment for knowing viokstlont" Signature of Land ApplW Date AuNwr Daryl D. Merritt DENR FORM MFLSF (7!2002) ANNUAL METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORM Attach this form to the correspending Fwd Leading Summary Form to be submitted in Ananal Report Fadllty' Nal ne; Tiiple S Farm Trial Dry Teas AppSed (Amu* 4.56 Pathan #: WQD03MB Cion Exchange Capadty (non 50 o*): n!a operater; FAc smith Owner: Birk Smith Predemiaw && sane. FM Aaa Used: 4.14 Acne Pennritted: 4.14 She #: 1 Field4 R=Wual Analy & Data (Heavy Metals and Total Phosphorus an mglkg, % SoNds'use Raw Perment #). RM2011 1-18 Em. 4: f 11 1 S 1 © OEM ,.: FR 1NEENNEEN.E.Nom I,I��rl Annual Heavy MeW Field Loadlnes (Ceigulated in % daarel: "I certify, adder pen*W of law, that this document was prepared *oder my dirveden. or supervision in accordance with a ay t m designed to assure that qualiflled personnel preper(y gatMo d and evsluated the latanua11on. mhmitkd. i am aware that there are sigaScant penalties for submitting false Information, 1n, Whit thq pa#ft of" and huprismateat far MowhW vlolaam" Signature of Land Applier " Bite Author Daryl D. MarMl DENR FORM MFLSF (7=02) © OEM ,.: FR 1NEENNEEN.E.Nom "I certify, adder pen*W of law, that this document was prepared *oder my dirveden. or supervision in accordance with a ay t m designed to assure that qualiflled personnel preper(y gatMo d and evsluated the latanua11on. mhmitkd. i am aware that there are sigaScant penalties for submitting false Information, 1n, Whit thq pa#ft of" and huprismateat far MowhW vlolaam" Signature of Land Applier " Bite Author Daryl D. MarMl DENR FORM MFLSF (7=02) ANNUAL METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORM Attach tbh form to the corresponding FWd Loading Summary Form to be anbaaittad in Anand Report Fadft Name: -- - Triple S 1;ww ... _.. ToW Dry rem Applied (Annual): 1092 Permit #: WQDM0998 , Caton Exchange Capacity {mom w onlyj: n1a Operator: B& Smith Owasr. Etc Smith Pnxlawhmt Siad SeAln FoA Acres Asad: 11.2 Acro Pm1ltted: 11.2 Site #: 1 Field #: S iResidnal Anal do Delta (near Metals and Total Pbowhorus use mgll<g % Solids use Raw Percent #): SWP20121-181 otslids Annual Sesvy Metal Feld Loadinos (Cokslated in Ibdacre): s ! t 1 "17, 1 I i F MUM -1'..111®--�-�----- 1!I , Annual Sesvy Metal Feld Loadinos (Cokslated in Ibdacre): s ! t 1 i F MUM "I ew tp, under poaalty of low, that thh documest was prepared ander my dhvetlon i supervl*ioar hie laecorol nce with a system designed to assure that qus1HW personnel properly gathered and evaluated the inforomoll a submitted. I am swan that thine in signMalnt penalties for submitting false hOrmodoik inlduding the po#wijq offl#esand imprlsoo mlent ifor bwwieg viol ft=" lguattu+e of Land AppHer Data Aut w Daryl O. Merritt OENR FORM MFLSF (712002) ANNUAL METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORM Attach this form to the correaponAng Reid Loading Samnaary Form to be submitted in Anand Repoat Faddy Name: Triple 8 Farms Todd Dry To= Applied (Axossi ; 12.72 WQOM0998 Cation Enhonge Capocfty (non 503 only): nla OP111"': Eric Smith Owner: Faic Smith Predowhisat &d Scrim GoA Acres Used: 8.93 Acm Pte: 8.93 filte #: 1 Field #: 9 Ra:ddual Analyds Duca (Heavy Metals and Total Phosphorus use mg&& % Solids use Raw Paust 0): W12019 1-18 I lil 1` a II ,, _.II Ili!. I { OEM e I; 'I,> 1.1 1, OENNEEMENEEN k 41 Arcual Hewm Metal Field Loadfnes (.Calculated in ibolacre): "I earthy, under penally of law, that Ibis document was prepared under my d cation or supervfdon 11 accordance with a system dem%ned to assnra that qualified persennd propat gathered and evaluated the information subedited. f am aware that tbere are isWficant penatti s for subm#dag false h4brmatifolu, 0 in of & a and imprhonm+ent for loco+ bg vklafiom" i r 1" k- I..—. -N.� l Sisnatura of LAM Applier Dine Author Daryl D. Merritt OENR FORM MFLSF (7!2002) e I; "I earthy, under penally of law, that Ibis document was prepared under my d cation or supervfdon 11 accordance with a system dem%ned to assnra that qualified persennd propat gathered and evaluated the information subedited. f am aware that tbere are isWficant penatti s for subm#dag false h4brmatifolu, 0 in of & a and imprhonm+ent for loco+ bg vklafiom" i r 1" k- I..—. -N.� l Sisnatura of LAM Applier Dine Author Daryl D. Merritt OENR FORM MFLSF (7!2002) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORMS ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORMS LEGEND All nutrients and metals concentrations listed on the following annual land application field summary forms are on a pound per acre basis. The following is a list of symbols and abbreviations used on the field loading rate report: %TS — Percent Solids DT/ACRE — Dry Tons Applied per Acre lb/ac — Pounds per Acre Metals (lbs/ac As — Arsenic Cd — Cadmium Cr — Chromium Cu — Copper Pb — Lead Hg — Mercury Mo — Molybdenum Ni — Nickel Se — Selenium Zn — Zinc Nutrients lbs/ac PAN — Plant Available Nitrogen P — Phosphorus K — Potassium Annual Totals — lbs/ac applied during the calendar year. Cumulative Totals — lbs/ac applied during the lifetime of field use. ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PLRASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE CONMATED AND SUBM WED FOR EACH APPLICATION .FIRED. PLACE A "NIA" IIs' A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. Facfky Nance: Triple S Fwms WQ Permit #: Owner. Ed* 11mi* -anaal Dry Tons Appno& Operator. 1srlc Crop I Name: 9=10mil, WQGOM998 73.84 Milt site #: Antes UtMaed: 34.20 Acres Permitted: 34.20 Predomieat Soft Series NoA Cation age Capmdty (rt m my. NA Crop 1 Max PAN: 136.00 Crop 2 Name: 8amaemama Crop 2 Mat. PAN---.. 50.00 � iXWAA t.-r % Sands qs Dacaaml volume AppHed per Acre Residual Souam (NPDES A W�QC Fat, Animal Waste,(Dr °e') C 1. Wakf Moist) predp Pad 24 idea � � +2 � TTN x Nitnft and Nitrite PAN Applied M1rst Select �g/g } Crop l of Crap Crap1 Cmp2. Ian -18 83.00 ,485 138 014 OvAmib WWW s 250 0.30 51.800 2,906 141 4.65 x Feb -18 121M 368 2.21 0.03 scudwWrbsu m s 0.50 0.30 76,500 723 I00 IA x Mar -18 137,000 4,m 149 tk25 WUMW W WrP s 0.30 0.30 40,300 2.300 302 b.40 x MsL%18 107,100 3,132 1.67 022 Wdb=WWTP IN 1.00 0.30 64,606 2,100 1 9.09 x 18 90AN 2,632 1.38 0.13 1ladavlAe Wim s 0.30 0.30 51.800 2,900 141 493 x 18 12.127 372 221 a,03 5006me s OM 030 ZIM 723 100 1.59 x .Fun -IS 138,000 4,W5 I.49 US Wunv► w WrP 8 0.50 030 40.300 2,.300 302 6.44 X A0108 264,600 7,737 2.78 0.90 WadwWwrP IN 1.00 Q3D 47AN 337 151 26.20 x Doc -I8 59,400 1,737 2.53 0.18 wwbmv" IN 1.00 036 49,400 VW 159 6.34 x ALS: 26,W I As I Cd Cr Cn. Pb 11st Mo Ni So 7sa P PAN 1 PAN 2 Lime AmW lAnnual lbs/age 0.11 0.13 0.20 2.70 0.29 201 a l 1 0.17 0.13 5.58 .901 28,05 1 39.16 Daae l Cmmt Cumulative lbsla= Prim Yeats Cu:anlstive RWacre Pa04V C_ P. L.li. * FenMt 0.64 0.53 36 0.61 NA OA9 KA 34 NA 39.17 37.07 1,338 1% SAS 267 0.07 0.06 15 NA NA NA 137 1.21 374 0.79 0.66 89 80.18 7460 2,498 136 1 54001 1 --1 eaury, under penalty onow, that this document was prepared under my direction or mpervhbn flu *Gcordanee wftb a system dedped to assure drat quaRM parsom d property gathered end evaded the infarmation ubmitbd. I am aware ftt diem are do"Iftsat peealtfra sea g false bdbrmatbm, including the pesdbil W of Baas said baprieumnant for knowing vioiatiees." *AppH*Miau MD&Od: S - sw&Kr, IN - bject[m INC - heorpm tLm ,- **Volit�aHan Rabe: Sariace - 0.3, igjeeEbsdfgeorporartielt -1.Q Sigostame of bated Applier Date ***MimaSaatbn Bata: Compost - 0.1, Anaoer+obkally Digested - 01, Aerobically Digested - 0.3, Rai► Sledge - Q.4 ****C.PJ,JL: Cum bdiive Pnpatant Loading Raft DEMR FORM FW (1 218006) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BANK FORM TO BE COAD AND SUB1VIITl'ED FOR EACH APPLICATION MID. PLACE A"MA" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. Fae ty Name: Triple 5 Farms WQ Permlt #: WQO030998 Field #: Omer: Mo W& .nodal Dry Tons AFplted; 31.98 Sloe #: Operator: _ Edo Smith Predomintit &W Steri" FoA Crop 1 Name: Crop 1 Max PAN: 276.00 Crop 2 Nam: 1 Aeras Utllfeoed: MS 2 Acres Pend ted: SAS Cation Ffaehsp Capedo (non SM: NA Mtn Crop 2 Man. PAN MA I �� ���}� • SS 1.. il' S Ir• I r IS I ��k 4- f �1 OEM "I ftftfy, malar peaolty of lawn, tint tltts documeslt was prepared muter my Ration or supervision in acordmnea wM a system deftned to assure titin gaa*W persound propel gathered and erabwmd ft bttormadou submitted. I am swam &at thea& an siccant penalfbs fors A&o h9ormation, iadading So pommy of tines and imprisnmnent for knowlag violudevul " c�-- L eApplleatlon Ma#hod: S - Sorfaee, IN - �ecdon, INC - Incorpoeaflom paz, le JM.-Mu**Vontgbwtba Rhe: Saurbee - 0.5, bjection/"rorpoe;adon -1.0 Sigutue of Land Applier Data ***Mlaeraff atlon Rates: Compost - 0.1, AnssrobiesW - OX Aerobically Dkested - 03, Raw SWdge - OA a***C.P.L R.: Camohttve Poliatimt Loading R@W DENR FORM FSF (==) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION Ffl" GARY DORM PLEASE MAKS A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND R)BINIITTED FOR EACH APPLICATION FIELD. PLACE AMA" INA BLANK OR BOX WEMN NOT APPLICABLE. Facility Name: rE`A$,c S Pff= WQ Permit #: WQ0030M Field M. I Atm Utilized: 4. t4 Owner: Elic smii imu l Dry Toxo Aplplie d: 4-56 Site M 4 Atres Pwndtled: 4-14 Operator: k sudffi Predooduat Sad Sarin FGA CRUM Exeikange Capacity (Ron 50): NTA Crop 1 N�: awf {Double crcww - PAm Crop 1 Maar PAN: 133.00 Crop 2 Name: WA Crap 2 Naz. PAN #N/A MF 7 6 . It - R Mr -7,77f I f_ I! -' f f f i ® 1 1 ! 9 1 ! I f 7- NEER a ie1 eert[W, abler paaaW of hww, that this d6emnmt was prepared pier my directlan or supervision in accordance with a system deslg ed to anure *at gaalliled persommi properly ga&ex°ed wo evaluated the information submitted. I an aware that there are signifleaut pansltks for s false ffornudion, inebedhrg the posslbiligr of tlam and huprbmument for Imawing violatioas." h *Appiicathm Medkod: S - Surface, IN - h#ecdoo, INC - DMrpandon **Vomition Rate: Barbee - 0.8, injectionfUmgwradea -1.0 amsc of Lad Appiier Dcie #**Mineralization Rates: Compost - 0,1, Anawrobieall+ Digested -' GJ6 ftmAerobically Domed - 03, Raw Sludge - 0.4 * I **C.PJ.JL: CumWsd" Pollutant Loading Rate DENIR FORM FSF (121Z0M ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FEUD SUIVIIVIARY FORM PLEASK MAKE A COPY OF TMS K ANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH APPLICATION F=D. PLACE A "NIA" IN A BLANK OR 13OX WMW NOT APPLICABLE. Foeilt€y Nm m Triple S Farms WQ Permit #: WQM30998 Field #: 1 Acres UMmed: 11.20 Chmer: Eric Smit, Dry Tons Applied: 10.99 Ste#: 5 Acres Por d: 11.20 Oper br: Eric smbb Predominat Sohl Series FOA CaBob Exchange Capacity (non SQV: NA Crop 1 Name: sFF,a1cmim Crop 1 Max PAN: 115,00 Crap 2 Name: NWA Crop 2 bfkxa PAN #1y/A "I eer ffy, under penally of 4w, tbat iRb doemotent was prepared under my dh etion or auptarvidm in accordenee with a systm wed to assure that gaaWW perromnd p mpe* gsdwn d and ev of mftd the information submitted. I am aware that uteri an siert pen for snbai11 d g Wa informadom, ioaelufag the paidbft of fires and bmprbouumt for hsowiag vbladom.s w *AppHcatim Modmd: S - Surface, IN - Isjeet omr , INC - ftorporstlon _-, **V'oRttlmtb:a Rabe: Smftw - 0.5, N. 11 j orparatheas - Le Signature of Land Appher Date ***fin Rates: Compost - 0.1, AuaerobdeaBy D4pseed - 0,2, Aerobbalhy+ ft abed - 03, Raw Sludge - OA ****CJ'J..R.: Cumulm im PoEMsnt Loading Rate DOR FORM FSF (12PAM SIJ• ,' _ —MR,- Or i i � t� a s �1[arV�� ��■^ ail 1 ti'.r/r��� "I eer ffy, under penally of 4w, tbat iRb doemotent was prepared under my dh etion or auptarvidm in accordenee with a systm wed to assure that gaaWW perromnd p mpe* gsdwn d and ev of mftd the information submitted. I am aware that uteri an siert pen for snbai11 d g Wa informadom, ioaelufag the paidbft of fires and bmprbouumt for hsowiag vbladom.s w *AppHcatim Modmd: S - Surface, IN - Isjeet omr , INC - ftorporstlon _-, **V'oRttlmtb:a Rabe: Smftw - 0.5, N. 11 j orparatheas - Le Signature of Land Appher Date ***fin Rates: Compost - 0.1, AuaerobdeaBy D4pseed - 0,2, Aerobbalhy+ ft abed - 03, Raw Sludge - OA ****CJ'J..R.: Cumulm im PoEMsnt Loading Rate DOR FORM FSF (12PAM ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD S[}AOOUXY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND KMNff 'TED FOR EACH APPLICATION FIELD. PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR DOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. Fad ty Nsme: Triple S ftm WQ Peace #: WQfaQ OM Field #: Owner: Eric f w Lnu>amt Dry Tons Applied: 12.92 Sita #: Acres Utfllzm : Acres Permitted: Fuc Predomhmt SUR Series G*A Cation Ewe Capacity ion S03): Crop 1-Nwllne: Mfild Craps i Max PAN: 140.00 Crop 2 Name: #WA Crop 2 Marx. PAN 8.13 8.93 .PYA #NIA s0 [.-177�.S o "., .,+: fir: :. >•,\ f i' ®�.S' 7a�� 1 i1 i k' i ��� k 1! 1 7.9M, , r; Rm 3 �'�,�I 411 ewM, =&w p waW of bm, that lids docemen# wws prepared under my dir ftm or snpervlalan in wwrdance with a system defgaed to amwe that qa §%W personal properly gatbered and evaluated *a information wbmlued. I am mare that there m si�rHlcasit for g fibe hdormadan, huiadkg. the pomdd ty' of fines mud hasprLonnxW &r knowing vlmlatkrns\" p, *Appltatton Melhod: S - Surbme, IN - h dwAaas, WC-1worporatimn C2 71QQ `t _ r **Yolitihaiion Rate: Surface - 0, 5, Iniectlonlineorpaniion -1.0 S4mfftxn of Lancs Applier Daae ***Mherametion Rates: Compost - 0.1, Aemerobically Digested - 0.2, Amolak*W Digested - 0-% Raw Sludge - OA ****C.PI-JL: Ca nalative Pollutant Loading Rate DENR FORM FSF (1=W RESIDUAL ANALYSIS LAB SHEETS Dec 10 2018 01:22PM Nrnberly G. Quinn 9102984977 page 1 Environmental Chemists, Inc. • 6602 Windmin Way, Wdn*% ot%, NC 28405 • 910.392.0273 Lab • 91D MA424 Fax 710 Eoweertowft Road, Manko, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702isb/Fax 25frA Wdminginn Highway, jadmnvikle, NC 28540 • 910.3475843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL 8, CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmeoLalchwW ts.com Town of Bmdavllle Debs of Report: Oct 42, 2418 Post Office Sox 130 Custorrier PO O: Beulaville NC 28518 Customer 10; 08100015 AtIendon: Angie Miller Report Ik 2018-13369 Project ID; Sludge Lab ID � Sample 10: 18-33636 Oft. %Was Cdlect Daib mme Mau Sampled by 8/1412018 8:30 AM SolkUSludge client Teet Method Resulis Date An&Vnd Sludge Reel kwk Aluminum EPA 200.7 2420mgrq 06MUM16 Arsenic EPA2W.7 49.9mgAt 06MMOI8 Cadmium EPA X00.7 X39.9 mgft 08/762018 Calcium M2ao-7 18000moft 08/1 620 1 8 Chromium EPA 2W7 <39.9 mgft 08/182018 Copper EPA200.7 93.5 mglkg 08/16018 Lead Em2w* <39.9 mgft 08116=18 Magnesium EPAX0.7 1260 Mgft 48/15078 Molybdenum ffA2W.T <39.9 mgft 08/17/2418 Nickel EPA2W.7 '439.9 mg" 08/16201$ Potassium EPAM7 3034 mglkg 08!1512478 Selenium WA2W7 <39.9 nft 0811602018 Sodium EPA 200.7 3880 rnWIcg 0801502018 Zinc- EPA 2ao.7 268 mV -kg 08116/2018 Mercury M X&I <1.16 mgft 08117/2418 Nit t&+Nitriile-Nitrogen EPA3M 141 mgft 0824/2018 TOW Solids (96) SM 2W a 1.36% 4811812018 pH SM4W N 8 6.23 unlls 08221707$ Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4M NHS C 2900 rngAgg 49!0702018 Total KPIdahl Nitrogen (TKN) SM 4= Ora B 51800mgft 0901202018 Total Phosphorus SU4= P F 17540 Meet 4802212018 Comment. Residuals, G=W pH, reporled on a dryweight basis. Reviewed by: HQI;,r. 011�� fUW t &t: 2We-133at P"01011 00 4m N CD %J 0 0 ~, viroche"m r ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC NCDENR: OWQ CERTIFICATION 8 W NCD OM DLS CERI7FI[`ATM i 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY *W VPAWk iN W&Y Wft0k%9W% IAC 28403 OFFICE: NO FAX 019- 302-4424 in hft=M Cliod: PROJECT NAME: REPORT NO: led— 1 -3 ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO' PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: wmm: Sarealed Bv: SdIMPLE TWE: I a Mflu" E a RMumd, lW = WWI. ST a Stam, SO = So% SL = 8lud ^ 00w. Tomperature when Environmental Chemists, Inc. i 6602 Windmill Way, W hni gton, NC nQ5 . 910.392.0223 Lab . 910 392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Roar/, ll+lanteo, NC 29954 . 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 . 910.347.5843 lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info r@environmentalchemists,com Town of Kenansville EPA 335A Date of Report: Apr 30, 2018 4/16/2018 PO Box 370 SM 450D H 8 Customer PO #: 04106/2018 Kenansville NC 28349 Customer ID. 09020018 04/1612018 Attention: Garry Benson matrix interference. Report #: 2018-05250 Ignitability SW 846 method 1010 Project ID; Sludge 04/24/2018 Chlorobenzene SW846 Method 82WM030 <0.01 mg1L 04/1312018 Chloroform SW846 Method 826015030 <0.01 mg1L 0411312018 Methyl ethyl ketone SW846 Method 826015030 <0.05 mg1L 04113/2018 Tetrachloroethylene SW046 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 04/13/2018 Trichloroethylene SW846 Method 826015030 <0,01 mg/L 04/13/2018 Vinyl Chloride SW846 Method 82601503D <0.01 mg/L 04113/2018 RCI Cyanide EPA 335A <0.05 mg/kg 4/16/2018 pH SM 450D H 8 7.11 units 04106/2018 Sulfide SM 450D S 0 <0.1 mg/kg 04/1612018 Reporting limit elevated dire to matrix interference. Ignitability SW 846 method 1010 >212 °F 04/24/2018 Sludge Residuals Aluminum EPA 20D.7 4450 mg/kg 04/10/2016 Arsenic EPA 200.7 <32.8 mg/kg 04/10/2018 Cadmium EPA 200.7 <32.8 mg/kg 04/10/2018 Calcium EPA 200.7 30500 mg/kg 04/1112018 Chromium EPA 200.7 <32.8 mg/kg 04/10/2018 Copper EPA 200.7 446mglkg 04/10/2018 Lead EPA 200.7 <32.8 mg/kg 04/10/2018 Magnesium EPA 200.7 2190 mg/kg 04/11/2018 Nickel EPA 200.7 <32.8 mg/kg 04/10/2018 Potassium EPA 200.7 3270 mg/kg 04/11/2018 Selenium EPA200.7 <32.8 mg/kg 04/10/2018 Sodium EPA 200.7 6890mg1kg 04/11/2018 Zinc EPA 200.7 743 mg/kg 04110/2018 Molybdenum EPA 200.8 <32.8 mg/kg 04/17/2018 Nitrate}Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 34.3 mg/kg 04/18/2018 Total Solids N SM 2540 8 1.5210/6 04/06/2018 Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4500 NH3 C 912 mg/kg 04/1112018 Report k 2018-05260 Page 2 of 3 Environmental Chemists, Inc. • 6502 Wmdrnill Way, Wihnington, NC 28405 . 910.392.0223 Lab . 910.392.4424 Pax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 . 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 . 910.347:5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@cnvironmentatchemists.com Town of Kenansvllle Date of Report: Apr 30, 2018 PO Box 370 Customer PO #: Kenansville NC 28349 Customer ID: 09020018 Attention: Garry Benson Report #: 2018-05250 Cadmium Project ID: Sludge Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) SM 4590 Org 8 3850 mg/kg 04119201 B Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 20000 mglkg 0411612018 Mercury SWM7471B 22.4 mg/kg 04/10/2018 TCLP Metals Arsenic EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg1L 04/17/2018 Barium EPA 2-00.7 <1.0 mg/L 04/17/2018 Cadmium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 04/2012018 Chromium EPA 200,7 <1.0mg/L 0411712018 Lead EPA 200..7 <1.0 mg/L 04/17/2018 Selenium EPA 290.7 <1.0mg/L 04117/2018 Silver EPA 200.7 <1.0mg1L 04/17/2018 Mercury EPA 245.1 - <0.0020 mg1L 04/11/2018 Comment; Sludge residuals reported on a dry weight basis. Reviewed by: _ RQJlk0 Report &:: 2018.05250 Page 3 of 3 • ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC NC 29405 910431924424 Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWC CERTIFICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: Town of Kenansville PROJECT NAME: Annual Sludge REPORT NO: ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: Garry Benson PO NO: PRESERVATION REPORT TO: PHONEAFAX: COPY TO: Ismail: Sampled Bv: SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent E = Effluent. W = Well. ST = Sbwm. SO = Soil. SL = Sludge. Other: Sample Identification UMMME PRESERVATION I W I I jv IN ���Mmq Full TUP/RCUNWients/Metals 0Relinquished By. Temperature when Received: .� Accepted: "ectea: IKesample meguemea: 041 Delivered By: Received By. ,. .1/, L."---�l�te: Time; f Dec 10 2018 01:29PM Kimberly G. Quinn 9102984977 page 12 ron in c,- ntal. Chemists,ji-je. ti f="" hhi13 W iritlntiil W'-,Iy, Wifininglan, NC 2840 910,39102-23 Lab . 711i.3a)�: i i7; Fay 4 - _ Wit' 1L) fbJw'ticrtuwn Read, Moto au. NC:. -'t.5 F a 2K.473 -5702 i ih!l,,Ix 2,5—A Wilmingt,m "i9iuvap,JMbonviile.QVC. 2K.W 910.3x;. ji, f.atsf.Fax ANAi_tTCAL & t'ONSULrING G>i�ivlls 48 JIS i iHu CJ7�it ihLilii- ilia �::It'I1Tf tilCti3r-t Town of Rcse Hill Date of Report: Apr 28, 2018 P. O, Bax 8 Neu~ PO tk Rose Hifi NC 28458 Cuebarner tD: 06020035RtGention: Carl Wheeler Repart 0., 241.8,04859 prolm a Sludge L*b 10 Sample in: Collect DateMme lilainc� Sampled—by 18-12122 Site: Sludgy 3/2B/2018 9:00 AM Sd[d/Sludge Carl Wheeler Test —"" Methtyd Results Data Analyzed C snide y F4S1"4iV IM*I*VGW duM tO.1w.h C I , �itsrt wC*, <0.05 mg*g 04I041201 B pl i SM4wo �+ B 7.Oe unIs 04/tll O2Q18 SulfidesM Anaiynd outside or hulding ffne. oeao s n 2:QO rliq% 04MIMM18 Ignittawtibi Sw ass Mew ,oio Sludge Residuals X220 °F 04/2412018 Aluminum evA 2sa.r Arsenic TEPA 2%'? 8450 m9ft ONX4019 Cadmium •17,8 mak$ 43f3wO18 Calcium EPA 400.7 07-5 mg9 0313t>s12018 Chrsmktm i"cPA 200.7 1 "w mgfkg D4A0412018 Copper EPA X0.7 30.Smgilcg Q31a(MIS 1_eatlSa+ � �Q7 9 OV30=16 Magnesium EFAo S 2 011IM2018 Mdybdonum EPA=100r r 1140mglkg 04/0 nate Nickel 9'A 2sa7 •17.5 mllg 0313012018 Potassium i�A2ao.7 •17.5mg/kq 0313q►201g Sela nllin7 EPA 200,7 2230 fi¢►l�g �1.$ Sodium EPA <17;5 m13�9 03130121!18 2•rncEPA sPA 2w 7 984 m9ft 04i /2018 Nftr9WNitr4e-Nitrogen. 208.7 EPA35a2 9M. 5 03i' M018 Total Sands (%) am 260 a 3.88 mglkg 04/181201B Ammonia N �g� 5M 4500 wis C 3.04% 031281Z018 Torsi Kjeldahl Nlbogen (M) sM4aotQa 2560 mglkq 04/O�A18 Tots) Phosphorus SM 4800 P F 48700 mpg 04✓G tla 13400 mglisg 0410412018 ROpwls. PdlBW869 ^�_ Pamn i of 7 Dec 10 2018 01:30PM [Imberly G. Quinn 9102984977 page 13 nNiron me ta.i Chemists, Inc. 1O�4,A). w{ 7^ilki; 17, 0. Box Rx 8 ose Hill P. Dato of Report: Apr 25, 2018 P. 4. Customer PO N: Rase Hill NC 28458 Castomer ED: 09020035 At#entian: Can Wheeler Report 2: 2018-04658 Project ID: Sludge Mercury suva�4r�e 1..74.mglkg 04/1(112098 Comment Sludge residuals reported on a dry weight basis, Reviewed by:;. Pepe 2 of 2 9 N O r CD C C_ ALTL Dl E 2 ik O M r O 00 N O Q 0 , . ;,� .. > ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC � FAX +icy MQ COW"Uoa"I MCCWM: OLS CBMMATIM *arm 1 UlMAROUNQ* envirochem 6h� M) ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab , 910.392.4424 Pax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.4735702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@envitonmentalchen-tists.com Environmental Services Date of Report: Jan 21, 2019 PO Box 1054 Customer PO #: Jacksonville NC 28541 Customer ID: 14110017 Attention: Sonny Scozzari Report #: 2018-21339 Project ID: Bear Trail Goff Course Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 18-53717 Site: Sludge 12/26/2018 9:00 AM Solid/Sludge Sonny Scozzari Test Method Results Date Analyzed Sludge Residuals Aluminum EPA 200.7 3560mglkg 12/31/2018 Arsenic EPA 200.7 <25.7 mg/kg 1213112018 Cadmium EPA 200.7 <25.7 mg/kg 12131/2018 Calcium EPA 200.7 23300 mglkg 01/01/2019 Chromium EPA 200.7 <25.7 mg/kg 12/31/2018 Copper EPA 200.7 210 mglkg 12/31/2018 Lead EPA 2001 <25.7 mglkg 12/31/2018 Magnesium EPA 200.7 2320 mg/kg 01/01/2019 Molybdenum EPA 200.7 <25.7 mg/kg 12/31/2018 Nickel EPA 200.7 <25.7 mg/kg 1213112018 Potassium EPA 200.7 3920 mg/kg 01/01/2019 Selenium EPA 200.7 <26.7 mg/kg 01/06/2019 Sodium EPA 200.7 11800 mg/kg 01101/2019 Zinc EPA 200.7 1260 mg/kg 12/3112018 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 100 mg/kg 01/18/2019 Total Solids (96} SM 2640 8 2.21% 1 212 7120 1 8 pH SM 4600 H B 6.58 units 01/08/2019 Ammonia Nitrogen 5M 4500 NH3 c 723 mglkg 01/11/2019 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) SM 4500 are B 76500 mg/kg 01/11/2019 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 18200 mg/kg 01/08/2019 Mercury Sw84874718 X0.633 mg/kg 01/09/2019 Comment: Sludge residuals results, Except pH, reported on a dry weight basis. pH reported on an as received basis. Reviewed by 104-1e Report #.: 2018-21339 Page 1 011 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC Analytical & Ccnsuk1rS Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY 0602 Windmill way MIntingWn, INC 26405 OFFICE: 910.3924223 FAX 91092.4424 info&nvlranmwrtaWA=isWwm CLIENT: ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT NAME; Bear Trail Golf REPORT NO: 91 o-``% = CI' L( ADDRESS: 103 Troy Avenue CONTACT NAME: Sonn Sg=ari PO NO: Jacksonville NC 28540 REPORT TO; Sonny Scmari / Albeaa Y. QkjjmojQ PHONFJFAX: 910-54544991808-342-5847 COpY TO: a es. trsmc.mi email• warn 19Gt Rs : Sample Identification [ Collection SAMPLE TYPE: I I is , is a 0 ` w y I = lnfluseM; " E C Efliuen% $ � PRESERVATION m W 5 x W 9 Well, ST = Stream SO - Soil, $1. m Sludge, Other: ANALYSIS REWESTED Date Time Tem Bear Trail Golf E C P �3 444 X BOD, TSS, NO2 EFF pH: C P X NH3, NO3 G G 1 /Month sampling P X Fecal Coliform G C P G X TKN, Total Phosphorus .�..�C, i 1'4Wl 0100 13 # C P G C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G C P PTO] G G Transfer Reil ished the Received DabeTme 2. temperature when Race ed: 9 ic � Accepted Delivered By: Received By: Date: N Time. 3 L.Ya, Comments, TUftNAROUND: Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 . 910.392.0223 Lab - 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsert+own Road, Manteo, NC 27954 . 252.473.570.2 Lab/Pax 255-A Wilmington Highway Jacksonville, NC 28540 - 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@,envirot'imentaichexnists.com Branch Residuals/Bob Branch Date of Report: Apr 12, 2018 Customer PO #: Customer ID: 15060009 Attention: Report #: 2018-04464 Project ID: Wallace WWTP Chlorobenzene SW846 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 03/29/2018 Chloroform sw846 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 03/29/2018 Methyl ethyl ketone swe46 Method 82eo/sow <0.05 mg/L 03/29/2018 Tetrachloroethylene SW848 Meuvd e260/solo <0.01 mg1L 03/29/2018 Trichloroethylene Sw848 Method 8250/5030 <0.01 mglL 03/29/2018 Vinyl Chloride SW848 Method 8200/5030 <0.01 mg/L 03/29/2018 RCE Cyanide EPA 335.4 <0.05 mg/kg 03/27/2018 Sulfide SM 4500 s D <0.1 mg/kg 03/26/2018 Reporting limit eievated due to matrix interference. Ignitability SW 846 method 1010 X212 °F 03/27/2018 Sludge Residuals Aluminum EPA 200.7 10700 mg/kg 03/26/2018 Arsenic EPAZ00.7 <30.4 mg/kg 03/30/2018 Cadmium EPA 2007 <61.1 mg/kg 03/2612018 Calcium EPA 200.7 27800 mg/kg 03/29/2018 Chromium EPA 200.7 <61.1 mg/kg 03/26/2018 Copper EPA 2001 904 mg/kg 03/26/2018 Lead EPA 2007 67.1 mg/kg 03/26/2018 Magnesium EPA 200.7 4820 mg/kg 03/2912018 Molybdenum EPA 200.7 <30.4 mg/kg 03/30/2018 Nickel EPA 200.7 <61.1 mg/kg 03/26/2018 Potassium EPA 200.7 3530 mg/kg 03/29/2018 Selenium EPA 200.7 <61.1 mg/kg 03/26/2018 Sodium EPA 200.7 7490 mg/kg 03/29/2018 Zinc EPA 200.7 1580 mg/kg 03/26/2018 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 953.2 <1.20 mglkg 04/05/2016 Total Solids (°110) SM 2540 s 1.67% 03/22/2018 pH SM 4500 H e 6.96 units 04/06/2018 Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4500 NH3 C 2100 mglkg 03/27/2018 Report#:: 2018-04484 Page 2 of 4 Environmental Chemists, Inc. it 6602 Windmill Way, Wiirnington, NC 28405 . 910.392.0223 Lab . 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 . 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28,540 . 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@,,environmentalchcmists.com Branch ResidualslBob Branch Date of Report: Apr 12, 2018 Customer PO #: Customer ID: 15060009 Attention: Report #: 2018-04464 Project ID: Wallace WWTP Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) 5M 4500 Org B 64600 mg/kg 0312212018 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 30500 mg/kg 03/28/2018 Mercury Sw848 7471B 1.50 mg/kg 0312312018 TCI_P Metals Arsenic EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 03131!2018 Barium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 03/31/2018 Cadmium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 03/31/2018 Chromium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 03/31/2018 Lead EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 03/31/2018 Selenium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 03/31/2018 Silver EPA 200.7 <1,0 mg/L 03/31/2018 Mercury EPA 245.1 <0.0020 mg/L 04/03/2018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 18-11082 Site:1 3/21/2018 10:35 AM Water Bradley Vann/Brent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) Fecal Density Lab ID Sample ID: 18-11083 Site:2 ��LFfn-] SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 2.12% 03/22/2018 15567 MPN/g 03122/2018 Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 3/21/2018 10:38 AM Water Bradley Vann/Brent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 8 2.07% 03/22/2018 Fecal Density SM 92210 E MPN 24 hr 503 53141 MPNIg 03/22/2018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Daterrime Matrix Sampled by 18-11084 Site: 3 3/21/2018 10:42 AM Water Bradley VannlBrent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 2,01% 03/22/2018 Fecal Density SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 16418 MPN/g 03/22!2018 Report #:: 2018-04464 Page 3 of 4 U Z z O Co V E fim 1 UJ C3 � ..J a� z O W5 21 z 00 m g z Z z W ad •� 7 0 z IL ui Gz d O a► c Z o d I � 0 O M � 3 O 3 c � a a n M c o O �m Ul� r Z Z O ~ O hQ- G v V Q w .0 C � m O W 3 A Ic Q V s v m Him M M Ic m M -N (0 .w .N to _ C C C C C G C 4 v Z mu x x x x x x x .� QHorN m CONK WsozN -10H 0. 3NON X u3ewnN CF' CP Cf% 4D a co� a � Q tir .�� �r 'r• � � „� A, au�a�y;y �UaC'3o-C7�C'3a C9 a CD n. C7 a Cry a C7 n �(uwo) M qw9 AO UC'3U(DooUC'3UC'3UU' 0t7000(D �IYOd WOE o"I eIdwOS m CLE c 0 c R^ !^ M M fS1 M M M] 0 - a � E m co r N M iF 11] Cb d r N [e7nviro:chAem., ANALYTICAL R CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 ' 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manbeo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 lab/Fax info a@environmentalchemists-com Branch ResiduaWBob Branch Date of Report: Jun 13, 2018 Customer Pd #: Customer ID: 15060009 Attention: Report #: 2018-07366 Project ID: Wallace WWTP Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 18-18343 Site: sludge 519/2018 10:16 AM Solid/Sludge Ralph Ezelle/Bradley Vann Test Method Results Date Analyzed Sludge Residuals Aluminum EPA 200.7 10500 mg/kg 0610212018 Arsenic EPA 2M.7 <20.1 mg/kg 06102/2018 Cadmium EPA 200_7 <20.1 mglkg 06/02/2018 Calcium EPA 200.7 24300 mg/kg 05/11/2018 Chromium EPA 200.7 27.4 mg/kg 06/02/2018 Copper EPA 200.7 859 mg/kg 06/0212018 Lead EPA 200-7 62.2 mglkg 06/02/2018 Magnesium EPA 200.7 2940 mg/kg 0511 1/2018 Nickel EPA 200.7 <20.1 mg/kg 06/0212018 Potassium EPA 200.7 3900 mg/kg 05111/2018 Selenium EPA 200.7 <20.1 mglkg 06/02/2018 Sodium EPA 200.7 4820 mglkg 0511112018 Zinc EPA 200.7 1370 mg/kg 06/02/2018 Molybdenum EPA MR <20.1 mg/kg 06/05/2018 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 792 mg/kg 05/21/2018 Total Solids SM2U0 s 2.49% 05/10/2018 PH SM4500"D 7.12 units 05/21/2018 Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4500 NN3 c 3730 mg/kg 05/17/2018 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) SM 46DO 0rg B 55400 mg/kg 05/17/2018 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 1550 mg/kg 05/17/2018 Mercury SW846 74718 0.7230 mg/kg 05/31/2018 Report #:: 2018-07986 Pa x, i of a MW ay Wil w ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC OFFICE: -022323E iAX910,M-4424 406 Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWO CERTIFICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 info@environmentaichemiets.com COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY Client: Branch Residuale/Bob Branch PROJECT NAME: Sludge -Wallace WWTP REPORT NO: 0_7 ADDRESS: CC: Town of Wallace CONTACT NAME: Brent Dean, ORC PO NO: PRESERVATION REPORT TO: PHONEIFAX: 284.790 284.5073 ANALYSIS REQUESTED COPY TO: Anthony Colon, Public Works email: bdeangtownofwallace.aom Sampled By; hr4dley Vghw► & 04&k Ezr,41 SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent, E = Effluent. W = Well. ST = Stream. SO = Soil. SL = Siudoe. Other: Sample Identification Collection I � a E ; opp Gl t � O c W s 21 Z PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Temp Z Z c a 0 Sludge C P X nutrients/metals 39-1ff 10110 G G 1 C P X fecal dens' 1 %TS 5- 9. If lacy G G 2 C P X fecal density/ %TS 5-9-12' ICIDq G G 3 5-9-12 too & C P X fecal density/ %TS G G 4 C P I X fecal density/ %TS 5'- 9- 11? 1008 G G 5 C P X Itecal densi 1 %TS 5-9-!$ 1010 G I G 6 C P X fecal densi / %TS 5- 9-1Y toil. G G 7 C P X fecal dens' / %TS 55 9-11? p!y G G C I P G I G Transfer Rellnquished Pr Dataffime Rec By: Dat&Mme 1- 51241V IDxla 2. Temperature when Received: It.,3 Accepted: ejected: Resample Requested: Delivered By: Received By: L_. �-Date: 3 "" Time: ! z - TURNAROUND: Envi7rochem ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab 0 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@environrnentalchemists.com. Branch Residuals/Bob Branch Date of Report: Oct 16, 2018 Customer PO #: Customer ID: 15060009 Attention: Report #: 2018-14714 Project ID: Wallace WWTP Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 18-37286 Site: sludge 9/512018 9:32 AM Solid/Sludge client Test Method Results Date Analyzed Sludge Residuals Aluminum EPA 200.7 9640 mg/kg 09/0912018 Arsenic EPA 200.7 18.3 mg/kg 09/09/2018 'EPA -200,7 <18.3 mg/kg 09/09/2018 Calcium EPA 200.7 24600 mg/kg 09/25/2018 Chromium -EPA 200.7 54.0mglkg 09/09/2018 Copper EPA 200.7 737 mg/kg 09/09/2018 Lead EPA 200.7 98.6 mg/kg 09/09/2018 Magnesium EPA 200.7 2830 mg/kg 09/25/2018 Molybdenum EPA 200.7 <18.3 mg/kg 09/27/2018 Nickel EPA 200.7 39.6 mg/kg 09/09=18 Potassium EPA 200.7 3090 mg/kg 09/25/2018 Selenium EPA 20D.7 <18.3 mg/kg 09/0912018 Sodium EPA 200.7 3960 mg/kg 09/26/2018 Zm0 _ ...... EPA200.7 .131.0 mg*g .._. --- . -09i'081201-8 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 151 mg/kg 10/01/2018 Total Solids M SM 2540 B 2.78% 09/06/2018 pH sM 4500 H B 6.93 units 09127/2018 Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4500 NH3 c 337 mglkg 10/15/2018 Analyzed outside of holding time. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) SM 4500 Org B 47400 mg/kg 10/151/2018 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 22500 mglkg 09/26/2018 Mercury SWO467471B 1.04 mg/kg 09/09/2018 Report#:: 2018-14714 Page 1 of 3 dm"!> ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC Analytical &Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWO CERTIFICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NO 28405 OFFICE: 910+392.0223 FAX 910-X2.4424 Info@envlronmentsichernista.com Client: Branch Residuals/Bob Branch PROJECT NAME: Sludge -Wallace WWTP REPORT NO: /17 ltf ADDRESS: CC: Town of Wallace CONTACT NAME: Brent Dean, ORC i PO NO: PRESERVA REPORT t,O: `. PHONE/FAX: 284.7965 284.5073 ANALYSIS REOUESTED COPY TO: jAnthany Colon, Public Works email: bdean@townofwallace.com Salmoled By: tlor= LlAvj- d- S MPLE TYPE: I = Influent. E = Effluent. W = Welly ST o Stream. SO = Soil. SL = Siudae. Other: Sample Identification{ Collection a :° [7 o s E Q W W Z PRESERVA ION ANALYSIS REOUESTED Date Time Temp0 W _ o Sludge P i X nutrients/metals 9-5-119 09&P- G G 1 P 3 }�!� X fecal densi I %TS - S -N 0919 G 2 P X fecal density/ %TS _t ,'lo G 3) P ' X fecal density/ %TS 9 -.5-1$ G 4 P / X fecal density/ %TS -5741? o m G 5 P Lam -I X fecai density/ 0/6TS - - i$ 09A" G' G 6) P X I fecal density/ %TS G G 7) C1 I P �$U' }fit^I I I I X fecal densi / %TS 9 -S- 19 rlw GI I G ClP Gi G i Transfer Reli uiehed By: Datef ime By. Datelfime 1. 9-S .2oje 2. Temperature when Received: Accepted: jected: RO.wmple Reg ed: Delivered By: `'"! Receive4 By: Date:`v Time: 3 _ Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6502 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 91.0.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 8owsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 2,52.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL. & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info(c enviroamentalchemists corn Branch Residuals/Bob Branch Date of Report: Nov 17, 2018 Customer PO #: Customer ID: 15060009 Attention: Report #: 2018-17185 Project ID: Wallace WWTP Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DatelTime Matrix Sampled by 18.43409 Site: sludge 10/18/2018 11:17 AM Solid/Sludge Bradley Vann/Brent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Sludge Residuals Aluminum EPA 200.7 12800 mg/kg 10/25/2018 Arsenic-- - EFA -2Q0 7........._.. _ . -<20:2-nWkg 101261-2048 Cadmium EPA 200.7 <20.2mglkg 10/25/2018 Calcium EPA 200.7 29600 mg/kg 10/23/2018 Chromium EPA 200.7 35.2 mg/kg 90125/2018 Copper EPA 200.7 992 mg/kg 1 012 512 01 8 Lead EPA 200.7 65.2 mglkg 10/25/2018 Magnesium EPA 200.7 3200 mg/kg 10/23/2018 Molybdenum EPA 200.7 020.2 mg/kg 10/2512018 Nickel EPA 200,7 25.8 mg/kg 10/25/2018 Potassium EPA 200.7 3330 mg/kg 10/23/2016 Selenium EPA 200.7 <20.2mg/kg 10/25/2018 Sodium EPA 240.7 4390 mg/kg 11/1412018 Zinc EPA 200.7 1760 mgikg 10/25/2018 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 159 mg/kg 11/0812018 Total Solids (%} SM 2540 B 2.53% 1 01=01 8 pH SM 4500 H B 7.36 units 1 012 512 0 1 8 Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4500 NH3 C 3300 mg/kg 1012312018 Total Kieldahl Nitrogen (TKN) SM 4500 org B 49400 mg/kg 10/22/2018 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 23900 mg/kg 11/02/2018 Mercury SW8467471B 0.7910mg/kg 10/2312018 Report X: 2018-17185 Pane 1 of 3 W :aNnoaVNanj a :SiuewwoO ,,$$�� :area :� G peAIeaeH Is PanAllea .01,1 � aldwesaa :p RdSOOpr :paAlaaed ua4M a�n�B�adwa j - — 'Z wlaoM aflRnd `uoloo Au04WV :01 AdOO eaaLLIOieq :A9 wis".. AS oLpInbujIsH 2;4suejj CCOS'"Z 6961't9Z :XVd/3NOHd :01 4LHOd3H :ON Od Odo `ueaa Iueaa :3WVN 1 V1NOO 808118M ;0 uMoj :33 :SS3HaaV :ON IHOd3H djMM 908118M-3PnIS :3WVN 10BrOHd 40UBJ9 go8/slenpp*U Waueas quallO J J d O; Sl% I Ilsuep I8081 x d -Q! Sl% / !suap Imel x 9 d O it N FqI sl% / .suep Iwjq;X g J EY ,r t� d O L k I I Si% 1 muep leael x O v: d 1: r7 r S19'o / ipuap 19001 x 2`�, £ y+ J D f I d 0, Sl% I suep 1�l x 3 �'f� O J m Z d O' Sl% / psuap Ima; X Ot J 0 d 0atlt RI- tia slujauysquaiiinu x � �' 0 J a6pnIS d O 03iS3f1D3a 5[EA�VNV 9 x i 8 _ m r rm 7° S ra c �' ° s 11$ wa j awl j aha uQllljIjuaPl aldEueS NOIlVAHMS3kld uopootlaO :jey 'aBPnIS = -IS `IIoS = OS `wsaa;5 = J.S `IIaM M "4usnlo3 = 3 IuGnIWi = I :3dAj 31dWtl 21COF:A9 paloweg ruvo•eae1leM;ouMo3@ ueepq :Ilewe wlaoM aflRnd `uoloo Au04WV :01 AdOO CCOS'"Z 6961't9Z :XVd/3NOHd :01 4LHOd3H :ON Od Odo `ueaa Iueaa :3WVN 1 V1NOO 808118M ;0 uMoj :33 :SS3HaaV :ON IHOd3H djMM 908118M-3PnIS :3WVN 10BrOHd 40UBJ9 go8/slenpp*U Waueas quallO / VAcioisnO d0 NIVHO (INV NOU031103 wow%9IwetI*Is;uewuwlAua@olid W JI9 # NOLLWDIdUU33 910 :SHHCDN b6 # NOLLVDidUU33 DMD :WN3QDN s331�aUD BuRlnsuaJ'8 I��!1�1$U'd tz ON'uce���16:IMW" 3NI `S1SIW3H3 �VJLN3WN0UTAN3 BQbBZ DN'ua�ul�+IIM SBM II[WPulM 2099 Dec 10 2018 01,25PM Kmberly G, Quinn 9102984977 page 7 5 -Dec -21518 15:14 911037701 91BZ93MI Dec. 5.2018 10:06AM Tom Of Warsaw p`� No -5064 P. 2 _ EnvironMental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Wandm ' Way, Wgn'In8tay NC 28905 • 910.392AM isb + 910392.412` Pax 720 BuwsextOVA Road, Wnoo, NC 27954 . 752.475.5702 isb/Pax 255-A "I-ftft Higfiway, Jsc "Us, NC 280 • 910.347.5M Ubtltax ANALY11CAL a Co NSUmNe C11EMlM into(��viicoprllAh�ahEmrlls.cpno Town of 1ik saw P.Q. Box 464 date of CRMO& OC102, 2018 Warsaw NC 28300 Cnelsinsr PO 8: AllN&n: 80 tYGwmedin C im. 01070029 R*pmt#i: 2018.16371 Projeet N): Swdpe Lsb ID SarapEs ID; Wanoaw WWTP Collect 08taITime IUW Sampled by 184g all: Sludge 8/1412016 10:45 AM SoiidlSWps Client Test iMslhod � s 811udps RaNdeals Aiurninum EVA zoe r 8640 rr�AtQ 061171!019 Arsenic EPA 2aaa Cadmium �2oai <32.6""g0611812018 Caloi�m s32.6 nnpJkQ 0l�i'181201 i3 Chromium ePA 400.r 16100 m9llg 05115/2019 IEPv►2ca.r <32.5 mak 01311512018 Capper &AX0.7 Law 533m#ft06/181 IS tlrlapriesivrn lP11200.7 eAA i0C.7 `32.5 s WAS/2018 ��denum EPA =742.5 1570 n7pik9 091116/2015 Nickel liiglkp 08M 712018 Pota�oaium OR 200.7 i 5 9 0511612016 8eldrdum W zoo.: Zr00 0811612015 ��� EPA 20x.7 42.5 08118/2018 Zbe4030m9ft EPA 200.7 08/1b/2018 Mercury ePa 200.7 1Si0 ft 0611$12018 Nitrale+�Niiriis-Nilsen � ao3.2 2.36 mUft 05/17/2018 T0181 SO& ("%) sM pro B 311 m9ft06/2412018 PH 1A9 % Mlft018 SMl50p H 0 3.44 ulllte 05122/2016 Ammonia Nftg� aM4MNHsc 2300 mg(ka DR10712016 Tobi Kjeldahl NLroom (TKN) SM 4MOro a Tobal Phan p hwua sM X00 P F 40300 � 0911212018 14200 m01kp Comment Rasiduele, swept pH, reportasd on a dry weight b"jL 0812212018 I Reviewed by; � f now*, M4.1arl Dec 10 2018 01:25PM Krnberly G Quinn 9102984977 5 -Dec -2818 15:14 9192937781 5.2018_10:06AM Tnwfl Of WarSaw w page 8 9182937781 - No. 5064 p.3 m z 0 z SIM Zlz fin M y � TOXICITY CHARACTERISTICS LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) ANALYSIS REPORTS A TCLP ANALYSIS IS REQUIRED FOR THE FOLLOWING FACILITIES: TOWN OF WALLACE TCLP DATA WAS PROVIDED FOR THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL FACILITIES: TOWN OF KENANSVILLE y i ■ ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Town of Kenansville PO Box 370 Kenansville NC 28349 Attention: Garry Benson Lab ID Sample ID: 18-13011 Site: sludge Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wdmington, NC 28405 . 910.392.0223 Lab . 910.592.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 a 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 . 910.347.5843 Lab /Fax info@environmentalchemists.com Date of Report: Apr 30, 20'18 Customer PO M Customer ID: 09020018 Report #: 2018-05250 project ID: Sludge Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 414/2018 10:00 AM Solid/Sludge Client Test Method Resuitc Date Analyzed Chlordane Endrin Heptachlor Heptachlor epoxide Lindane Methoxychlor Toxaphene 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene (TCLP) 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol (TCLP) 2;4,6 -Trichlorophenol (TCLP) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (TCLP) Cresol (TCLP) Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (TCLP) Hexachlorobenzene (TCLP) Hexachloroethane (TCLP) m + p -Cresol (TCLP) Nitrobenzene (TCLP) o -Cresol (TCLP) Pentachlorophenol (TCLP) Pyridine (TCLP) 2,4,5 TP 2,4-D 1,1-Dichloroethylene 1,2-Dichloroethane Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride SW 846 Method 8081E4510 <0.03 mg1L 0411112018 SW 846 Method 8081M510 <0.0005 mg1L 04/11/2018 SW 848 Method 80811/3510 <0.0005 mg1L 0411112018 SW 846 Method 8081913510 <0.0005 mg/L 04/11/2018 SW 848 Method 1108 1 513 5 1 0 <0.0005 mg/L 04/11/2018 SW848Method808150510 <0.0006 mg/L 04/11/2018 SW 848 Method 80818/3510 <0.05 mg/L 04111/2018 SW 845 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 04/12/2018 SW 846 method 8270/5510 <0.050 mg/L 04/12/2018 sW 846 method 82 M510 <0.050 mg/l_ 0411 212 0 1 8 SW 848 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 04/12/2018 SW s48 method 827013610 <0.050 mg/L 04112/2018 SW $4s method 8279540 <0.050 mg1L 04112/2018 SW 848 method 8270/3810 <0.050 mg1L 04/12/2018 SW 848 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg1L 04/1212018 SW 848 method 827013 6 1 0 <0.050 mg/L 04/12/2018 sw a46 rmthod 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 04/12/2018 SW 848 method 527013 5 1 0 <0.050 mg/L 04/12/2018 SW 848 method 8270/9510 <0.250 mg/L 04/12/2018 SW 848 method 827013.510 <0.050 mg/L 04/12/2018 SW846 Method 8161A <0.003 mg1L 04/17/2018 swe4s Method a161A <0.003 mg/L 04/17/2018 $M40 Method 8280!6030 <0.01 mg/L 04/1312018 SW548Method UM5030 <0.01 mg1L 04/13/2018 SW848 Method 82015030 <0.01 mg/l_ 04/13/2018 SW846 Method 82$015030 <0:01 mg/L E-MAILED APR 3 0 7018 04/13/2018 Report #:; 2018-052.50 d` S 1,11 Page 1 of 3 Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 . 910.392.0223 Lab . 910392.4424 Rax 71013owsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 . 252.473.5702 Lab /lax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 . 910.347.5843 tab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Town of Kenansville EPA 336A Date of Report: Apr 30, 2018 4/1612018 PO Box 370 SM 4500 H 6 Customer PO M, 04106/2018 Kenansville NC 28349 Customer ID: 09020018 04116/2018 Attention: Garry Benson matrix Interference. Report M 2018-05250 Ignitability SW 846 method 1010 Project ID: Sludge 04/24/2018 Chlorobenzene SW846 Maud 6260/8030 <0.01 mg/L 04/1W018 Chloroform 8VM6 Method 626015030 <0.01 mg/L 04/13/2018 Methyl ethyl ketone SW046 Method 8260/5030 <0.05 mg/L 04/13/2018 Tetrachloroethylene SW646 Method 8200/5030 <0.01 mg1L 04/13/2018 Trichloroethylene SVM46 Method 826015030 <0.01 mg/L 0411312018 Vinyl Chloride SVd846 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 04113/2018 RCI Cyanide EPA 336A X0.05 mg/kg 4/1612018 pH SM 4500 H 6 7.11 units 04106/2018 Sulfide SM 4600 s o <0.1 mgfkg 04116/2018 Reporting limit elevated due to matrix Interference. Ignitability SW 846 method 1010 >212 OF 04/24/2018 Sludge Residuals Aluminum EPA 200.7 4450 mg/kg 04110/2018 Arsenic EPA 200.7 <32.8mglkg 0411012018 Cadmium EPA 2001 <32.8 mg/kg 04/1012018 Calcium EPA 200.7 30500 mg/kg 04/1112018 Chromium EPA 200.7 <32.8 mg/kg 04/10/2018 Copper EPA 200.7 446 mg/kg 041/0/2018 Lead EPA200.7 <32.8 mg/kg 04/1012018 Magnesium EPA 200.7 2190 mg/kg 0411112018 Nickel EPA 200.7 <32.8 mg/kg 04/10/2018 Potassium EPA 200.7 3270mglkg 04111/2018 Selenium EPA 200.7 <32.8 mg/kg 04/10/2018 Sodium EPA 200.7 5890 mg/kg 04/1112018 Zinc EPA200.7 743 mg/kg 0411012018 Molybdenum FPA 200.8 <32.8mglkg 04/17/2018 Nitrate+Nltrite-Nitrogen EPA 3532 34.3 mg/kg 04/1812018 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 1.52% 04/06/2018 Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4500 NHS C 912 mg/kg 04/11/2018 Report #:: 2018-05260 Page 2 of S Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910392.01223 Lab , 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 . 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 . 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@envii-onmentalchemists.com Town of Kenansvllle Date of Report: Apr 30, 2018 PO Box 370 Customer PO #: Kenansville NC 28349 Customer ID: 09020018 Attention: Gary Benson Report #: 2018-05250 Project ID: Sludge Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) SM 4500 org a 3850 mglkg 04/11/2018 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 20000 mglkg 04/16/2018 Mercury SWO4674710 22.4 mg/kg 04110/2018 TCI..P Metals Arsenic EPA 2003 <1.0 mg1L 04/17/2018 Barium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 04117/2018 Cadmium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 04/20/2018 Chromium EPA 200.7 X1.0 mg1L 04/17/2018 Lead EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 04/17/2018 Selenium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg1L 04/17/2018 Silver EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 04/17/2018 Mercury EPA 245.1 <0.0020 mg/i_ 04/11/2018 Comment: Sludge reported on a dry weight basis. Reviewed by: _�"rLo CQ WAY, Report k- 2018-05250 Page 3 of 3 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC � nll miW9 FAMn 24 Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWC CERTIFICATION 9 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: Town of Kenansviile PROJECT NAME: Annual Sludge REPORT NO: 05 2:7-0 ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: Garry Benson PO NO: REPORT TO: PHONEIFAX, CORY TO: email: Sampled Bv: SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent. E = lEiflueaL W = Well. ST = Weam. SO = Soil. SL = Sludge, Other. Temperature when Received: .j Accepted: _Rbjected:Resample Requested: Delivered By: Received By., 11,.L L�--'�Date: - Time: Full TCLP/RC11Nutdents/MeWs WIN Relinquished By. Temperature when Received: .j Accepted: _Rbjected:Resample Requested: Delivered By: Received By., 11,.L L�--'�Date: - Time: Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 . 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 770 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 . 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax " 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL& CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environinentalchernists.com Branch ResidualslBob Branch Date of Report: Apr 12, 2018 Customer PO M Customer ID: 15060009 Attention: Report M 2018-04464 Project ID: Wallace WWTP Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DatelTime Matrix Sampled by 18-11081 Site: sludge 3/21/2018 10:55 AM Solid/Sludge Bradley Vann/Brent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Chlordane SW 846 Method 8 081 813 5 1 0 <0.02 mg/L 03/28/2018 Endrin SW 846 Method 8 081 813 51 0 <0.0005 mg/L 03/28/2018 Heptachlor SW 846 Method 80818/3510 <0.0005 mg/L 03128/2018 Heptachlor epoxide SW 846 Method 80 81 813 51 0 <0.0005 mg1L 03/28/2018 Lindane SW 846 Method 6081 819 51 0 <0.0005 mg/L 03/28/2018 Methoxychlor Sw 646 Method 8081 813 61 0 <0.0005 mg/L 0312812018 Toxaphene SW 846 Method 80818/3610 <0,05 mg/L 03/28/2018 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene (TCLP) SW e46 method 827W3610 <0.050 mg1L 03/26/2018 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol (TCLP) SW 648 MEMOd 627D13510 <0.050 mg/L 0 3126/2 0 1 8 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol (TCLP) SW 846 method 6 27 019 5 1 0 <0.050 mg/L 03/26=18 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (TCLP) SW 646 method 627D13510 <0.050 mg/L 03126/2018 Cresol (TCLP) SW Me method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 03/26/2018 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (TCLP) SW 846 method 6270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 03/26/2018 Hexachlorobenzene (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270!3510 <0.050 mg/L 03/26/2018 Hexachloroethane (TCLP) SW 8" method 8270!3510 <0.050 mg/L 03/26/2018 m + p -Cresol (TGLP) SW 646 method 6270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 03/26/2018 Nitrobenzene (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 03/26/2018 o -Cresol (TCLP) SW 846 method 627019510 <0.050 mg/L 03/26/2018 Pentachlorophenol (TCLP) SW 646 method 8270/3510 <0.250 mg/L 03/26/2018 Pyridine (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3610 <0.050 mg/L 03/26/2018 2,4,5 -TP SW846 Metrod 61s1A <0.003 mg/L 03/2912018 2,4-D SW846 Method 8151A <0.003 mg/L 03/29/2018 1,1-Dichloroethylene SW646 Method 62606o3o <0.01 mg/L 03/29/2018 1,2-Dichloroethane SWa46Method 826015030 <0.01 mg/L 03/29/2018 Benzene WON Method 8280/5030 <0.01 mg/L 03/29/2018 Carbon Tetrachloride SW846 Method 8280/5030 <0.01 mg/L 03/29/2018 Report #:: 2016-D4464 Page 1 of 4 -M"ql Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 . 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wiimingtoin Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL R CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@enviromnentalchemists.com Branch Residuals/Bob Branch Date of Report: Apr 12, 2018 Customer PO #: Customer ID: 15060009 Attention: Report #: 2018-04464 Project ID: Wallace WWTP Chlorobenzene SW848 MetiW 8260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 03/29/2018 Chloroform Swsa6 Method 826015030 <0.01 mg/L 03/29/2018 Methyl ethyl ketone SW846 Method 8260/6030 <0.05 mg/L 03/29/2018 Tetrachloroethylene sW848 Method 0260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 03/29/2018 Trichloroethylene SW848 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg1L 03/29/2018 Vinyl Chloride SW848 Method 8280/5030 <0.01 mg/L 03/29/2018 RCI Cyanide EPA 335.4 <0.05 mg/kg 03/27/2018 Sulfide sM 4500 s D <0.1 mg/kg 03/26/2018 Reporting limit elevated due to matrix interference. Ignitability SW 646 method 1010 X212 OF 03127/2018 Sludge Residuals Aluminum EPA 200.7 10700 mg/kg 03/26/2018 Arsenic EPA 200.7 <30.4 mg/kg 03/30/2018 Cadmium EPA 200.7 <61.1 mg/kg 03/26/2018 Calcium EPA 200.7 27800 mg/kg 03/29/2018 Chromium EPA 200.7 <61.1 mg/kg 03/26/2018 Copper EPA 200.7 904 mg/kg 03/2612018 Lead EPA 200.7 67.1 mg/kg 03/26/2018 Magnesium EPA 200.7 4820 mg/kg 03/2912018 Molybdenum EPA 200.7 <30A mg/kg 03/30/2018 Nickel EPA200.7 <61.1 mg/kg 03/2612018 Potassium EPA 200.7 3530 mg/kg 03/29/2018 Selenium EPA 200.7 <61.1 mg/kg 03/26/2018 Sodium EPA 200.7 7490 mg/kg 03/29/2018 Zinc EPA 200.7 1580 mg/kg 03/26/2018 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 <1.20mg/kg 04/05/2018 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 1.67% 03/22/2018 pH SM 4600 H B 6.96 units 04/06/2018 Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4500 NH3 C 2100 mg/kg 03/27/2018 ReporW 2018404484 Page 2 of 4 Environmental Chemists, Inc. ■ a 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 . 910.392.0223 Lab . 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bnwsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 . 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 . 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info a@environmentaichemismcom Branch Residuals/Bob Branch Date of Report: Apr 12, 2018 Customer PO #: Customer 10: 15060009 Attention: Report #: 2018-04464 Project ID: Wallace WWTP Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) SM 4500 Org B 64600 mg/kg 03/2212018 Total Phosphorus SM 4600 P F 30500 mg/kg 03/28/2018 Mercury SW945 74718 1.50 mg/kg 03/23/2018 TCLP Metals Arsenic EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 03/31/2018 Barium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 03/31/2018 Cadmium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 03/31/2018 Chromium EPA 200.7 <1.0mg/L 03/31/2018 Lead EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 03/31/2018 Selenium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 03/3112018 Silver EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 03/31/2018 Mercury EPA 245.1 <0.0020mg1L 04103/2018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DatelTime Matrix Sampled by 18-11082 Site: 1 3/21/2018 10:35 AM Water Bradley VannlBrent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2x40 B 2.12% 03/22/2018 Fecal Density SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 15567 MPN1g 03/22/2018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Daterrime Matrix Sampled by 18-11083 Site: 2 3/21/2018 10:38 AM Water Bradley Vann/Brent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids M SM 2540 B 2.07% 03/2212018 Fecal Density SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 53141 MPN/g 03/22/2018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DateITime Matrix Sampled by 18-11084 Site: 3 3/21/2018 10:42 AM Water Bradley VannlBrent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) sM 2540 B 2.01% 03/22/2018 Fecal Density SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 16418 MPN/g 03/22/2018 Report ik: 2019-04464 Page 3 01`4 6-4 1lI ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTSgw , INC OFFICE: 910 4 2ayW�i1� Wilmington, Analytical 8 Cansufting Chemists NCDENR: DWO CERTIFICATION* 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION #1 37729 info@environmentalchemieta.com COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY Client: Branch Realduals/Bob Branch PROJECT NAME: SlugtWallace WWTP REPORT NO: q T � q ADDRESS: CC: Town of Wallace CONTACT NAME: Brent Dean, ORC PO NO: PRESERVATION REPORT TO: PHONEIFAX: 284.7969 284.5073 COPY TO: Anthony Colon, Public Works email: bdean@townofwallace.com Santnled Bv: c rr. A.. t &TKF NO% SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influeltt. E = Effluent, W = Well. ST = Stream, SO = Soil, SL = Sludge, Other: Sample Identification Collection IL a liss ° v o'► o w PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Temp yy5 Sludge C P f 0� X nutrients/metals h' ' G G 9 C P 1, 0 1 X fecal density/°/6TS -tg 1o3S G G 2 C P �163 x fecal dens' I %TS 3•Ii-tv 1039 G G 3) C P r1 � X fecal density/ °/6TS 3 z -n? lbq; G G 4 C P • �� X fecal density/ %TS "1-19 1n�S G G 5 C P X fecal density/ %TS 31- 1D+f G G 6) C P l� X fecal density/ °/6TS 3'11-1`4 105 G G 7 C P 110 X fecal density/ %TS 3-�I-Ib� to G G C P G G _H Transfer Relinquished By: Dame ved 13y: Detamme 1. 3-;1-xo�� ;3--2Z i 3:3a 2. Temperature when Received: : v Rejected: Resample RegLwm : Delivered By Received By: Date: 5_` Z Time:, g Comments: TURNAROUND: PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORMS PATHOGEN REDUCTION AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION The Town of Rose Hill, Town of Beulaville, Town of Warsaw, and Southwest Plantation meet pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements through lime stabilization. The Town of Wallace met pathogen reduction through fecal density and vector attraction reduction through injection or incorporation The forms for these facilities are marred appropriately. ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Fadiity Nane: 2ple.SFarms A Cleaning WQ Permit Number: WQOg34998 WWTP Nam: Town of $aalawille VIWT.P ��.NPDES Number: NCOMWI8 w•I�YY�wwww�w Monttorbig Period: From LIM2018 To 12/31/2018 Pathogen Reilection (13A NCAC 02T .111161- Please Indicate level schleved and alternative nerfarmel: Clnse A: Alt A ) D I Alt B Alk © C War MiQC3 Alt D n Priicr Test © Process to Fa*w Redwe PWwnmo 0 If ble alternative rlhrmeds A lite "Ptmcem >Per Rolm ©Hmt Dift El Heat Treatpt D lilac fl Bob -gay 11 Gamma D Pasteauiul6n Q Clan B: Alt. (1) Fecal De" Q Alt. Process to SignifloandReduce PBdru p H to alternadvt Clem S oaW b db*te "Proem to Linke Stabilization Elj Aerabic Di ti+o�n Anaerobic M tion © n a' :;�,• e s fza ji ,:;i� ,y • ; a $ 4. �i - ' If ble to alternative Performed(Claes A or Class B)m&ete the fo madtnrin dow Parameter A owable Leval in Sludge Padwip rr DvtSty F�coee- F�� of AWY-4$ SampleUMtW Typic 1'ecl3- idmie Geo. Mean Urtrts Fecal Coliform 2 x 1010 die bib powar per FM of total solids MPN 1000 mar: Per PM of total solid (dry wcl Salmonella (in lies of feel COMM) 3 MM per 4 S ma total solid (dry . W&wx J%ku atiuvu j"EMUM a=P& 1'MOAM. vy 1 •ilv /) - rimm ARSUMM ==mauve t.1(VS r+eduotiaar © Alt, 2 L4q-dM LowF.AIL 3 bench © t~ 4 (Spec, 0,:rptaloe) O Alt. 5 14- Aet+abic) 13 Alt 6 (Alk, Staldlimf=7 - Stable) flAtt, 8 -Unstable) OAlt, 9 (lil#ectina) fl Alt 10 (hwapo ation) Qvector at4ractioa reduction alk n dives wore v arfm=W CERTMCAT1ON STATEMENT (please cheek the appropriate statement) ® aI certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in ISA NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction reductionairemerit in 15A NCAC 02T.1107 have been meta "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathegm requirements Im ISA NCAC 02T .1106 and the 0 vector attraction reduction requirement in 1SA NCAC 02T' .1107 have not been meta' Must note if you check this statement attach an c*aaation why you have not met one or both of the under my With the system designed to erasure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information and to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction redwedon regairemenis have been met. I am aware that there are signM cant penalties for false certification incladWS fine and imprisonment." _ W. Stanle3r Miller, WWTP ORC Prieparer Now and Tide (type or print) S2,te -f "*/* Signage of + Land Applier Name and Title Cif alrglicab1gXg7e or print) —.u'!f Date ftnatury of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparw is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(x) and 15A NCAC 2T. 1 102 (26) DENR FORM PvRF 0ZT (i2=M) ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATI'ItACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Fadllfy Name: Triple 3 Farms & Claae WQ Permit Number: Wp0U MB WW rP Nwae: Town ofRoae Hill WWTF NPDES Number: NCOD56863 Monitoring Period: From 111/2018 To 1251/2018 Pathosen Reduction (15A NCAC 02T.1 1061 -Please ludteate I" achieved and Alternative nerformed: Gose A: Alt. A timeltema 13 1 Alt B(Alk Treabnuat Q Alt. C CMq Tong 0 2 (40•day bench A1t.D Prior T O Woo= to Fnrdw Radom P 0 D If affficabh to alteruative pwhnwd PONA sad a �Prvcess to F�Ietllet naa Alt. 6 (Asir. Stdift ien IAIL10 Compost C3 HQat C] Heat Trewwast fl ' 'c I, Beta Oe:ma:s Rav M © � � �� © Closs B: Alt. 1 FeaalQ Alt. (� Pfoccas to 3' t aatl R-1-06patboms Na velar attraWan rodwtkm aitarnatim U a 11eeb1v to Alts mnore Clm B indkate "Proeese to Retlome Stamlisati��t{../yam© Air Ae[�c W AA `�..�� r SMA'. If a llcable to alternative Clam A or Cies tke tnlloPwfua mo dab: Parameter Allowable Level in Su* Pokogen Density ° Fnq=My ofAnalyais Smaple Teo1r Wmumm 000.l fi= im Units Fecal COMO= 2x 1010the 6th povwpr per FM of total solids ]w61sN LTU 1040 MVnper V= of total solid (dry S dmoo Ila bacteria (in lien of focal coliform 3 baM por 4 gt�rw tocol solid (dqr +7.i�:LWjj.%if-I WRIkill D:TTI'VI- 7 Alt.1(Y3 rediutiam ©A1t. 2 (40•day bench Alt. 3 (30,! bench) (Spec. uptelca D Alt. 5 (14 -Day Aemblc p Alt. 6 (Asir. Stdift ien IAIL10 ® Alt's . - Stable Alt. S - i7mAable 3 t. 9 ectiorl © C3 Na velar attraWan rodwtkm aitarnatim were U KI'iF1UNF1U14 STATEMM T1' (please chi[ the appropriate statement) ® -I eerbily, ander penalty► of law, that the pathogen roqalremonts in ISA NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reducfim reauirenaeat in ISA NCAC 02T.1107 have been met" "I certify, Ander penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements In ISA NCAC 02T.1106 and the 13 vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T.1107 have not been met:' (Please note if YOU check this statcumt attach an c:rplaMtlon why you have not met one or both of the the designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluafe the Informadon used to determine that the pathogen and vector attra Aon reduction requirements have been met. I em aware that time are significant penalties for false certillcation Including fine and imprisonment" Mr. Carl Wheeler, WWTP ORC Prepar r Name and Title (type or print) band Applier Name &W Title (if applicable)(type or print) 3iViAM of Prepares* Dab: Signahwe of Land Applier (if applicable) W slate *Pry is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T.1 102 (26) 0ENNR FORM PVRF 02T (IMM) ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Faciiity Nenw.- T IVe S Farms a Cleaning WQ Permit Number: W 0030998 WWTP Namw Souft" Plentabon_WWTp . _ NPDES Number. W00029501 Moultwfag Period From 1/1/2018 77 12/31/2018 © --i "MIN water penally of law, that the pathogen requiremeuta in 15A NCAC 02T .I106 and the vector attraction reduction requiretneut In 15A NCAC 02T.1107 have been nat." © "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements In 15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction reduction requ remmt in ISA NCAC 92T.1107 have not been met:" (Please note if you cheek tufa statement attach an explanadoo wlty you have not met one or both of the _ ` `up'nuun au■ ueen mane under my dh*Won and supervlsioo In accordance wlih the rystem designed to cusure that qualified personnelproperly gather and cMuate the information and to deteeroine that the pathogen and vector attraction reductlen regnhMoats have been met: I am aware that there are s[gni$eant penalties for fade eertlticado n including fine and ftnprisonment." Mr. Sonny Sco ORC PremwName or tl type or print) T yrt Signature of Land Appiier Name and Title Of epplicablc)(type or print) Signature of Land Applier (ifappiicable) Date •PMPS= Wde nW In 40 CFR Fart 303.9(r) and ISA NCAC 2T. i m (26) DENR FORM PVRF 02-r (1212008) ANNUAL PATSOGIW AND VLCrOKATTRACTION MMUCTKON Ft)P W 0903 Fes) ftd&yNmm Ml a 8 Phar k Clm ft WQ Pmt �: bOLim WWW Tamar" ww p �.._.�.... XPDu x=lb ex Ncoo2 7f?3 BK w I I pPiM Wj Pm Ulal To 14LOON to AgomdAft PdbnmDonft niumm Plrigaeaol+ $Alvis mow= Puammete: ow. uwu �0°°6� afTYP AM ztiok- WN 1SX7 41MO Am idRN/ 0 OEM" Gob 9= ftpww Pend carom 0" clu WDWVM eft" a m 6W o►am+orfr w j k"Wm ATM UAMMUM (pWw sheep tbte fq�re>patate �aleet�q � "P � ��' fQlt � . that the palhogoM regdre■m�a ftp � CRR �i3.33 a>!d tba v+ecbar � 3+ed reatuiragte�th 40 C�8 S8Gi.331�a base met." � "x � ■a�ax of 1aw� that tfre p�aparr �h11a 40 CRJt aqui � vaatar m"mom be .0 cm W." m" aot wa Md." riot ft';ym cu* thla abltemaat ait & an as barns ag east aye w beth "M deter ba bm =& reeler mW dime do ud ewe ft aeeeordam wo fe Mtom dwvnd to ease me guom peraoard p "aft paw sad e' SW& as hft=Wm am b Ahem se that �e PoMesm w d vm ftr aamam raftedw regrdtaeWu lame lessee mat: Y m awm tW there an *"=a peu ift offsw "mmun" w"ft !a Md :' Mr. &a t K Dom V11WM OW Mr, Erin R font Yard Mft ORC N4a�and - Qr )Laad A"HaX (if an "o or . DW MoaftmofLad ApOw Qf � 'Iftopmfsd in4OCM%djo3"nd]SArlCr+CXr.1102C* MR mw PVRF =(I=" A1UAL PATHOMN AND 'V®C lDR ATTRACTION RBDUMON F WM (503 Ries) Fob Ramo Tapia 81 A 4nftJ n � `r n ls To A LwW ill g dp �111e1F1 2*10toeie 1 1 opm Fact Co�li�brm PW %W� C� atud ltw (IoNmedat I 4d mmd(dq ,131 1 12,d44 f fs— WQPM=*Namdw= W OLtM 1 ice: NCQ rrrur .� TMW mrAW&TiON0TATXmw eiwmk im �b ® `l M*, d(r1r,1M tide p@M - �b W # crR so= and do vector Q 'R asr�lq►, radar PNOW 0110 , that &D POO" regdrmm@Kb in 40 CORMM oord dwvmtw red�oetlea rega0r�eet he 40 COR x.33 lu�ve ssi ltieen tuet.�+ des lame iy� thle ethehpggqmdln ggym hm matmet one dw be& *room "'M men 1u baatt mmu m hx ooy door end arperv�3eat fn aeuordaaet with t1,e eAbeo dsdpW to uwm that qui e1 proparly mer cad a daab thte aced to dtM 9m aad ver attrsdit redeedm ngatraatb have bem dad, I am amm *at dwt an dvm=* pmemm far fte owift m kdafts ihte me t oaML" Mr. *0* )L. Dem. W M 4R(: Mr. Bde R jai t=d Om ORC Zw= LidApp]3ar1�ema 'xYt1e Dw S ofr@ndAppHw(lfWplW") nde *PRPM L ddlAW to 40 CFR Pet! 503.9(x) ad 1414 NCAC IT .1102 (?,6) 1W FORM PVW ma (12PJM) ANNUAL PA,TROGZNAPM VICTOR ATTBACrM REDUClMff ICBM (W artier) Fmft moue; ftk a Fkm A g!!!ft WQ p Abe *wl ali3om WWTPN=m TbwnvfW 4=WWTP ASUP&M xcm2m CXwri'ICATWN 3TATEMM (plots a &e gwrap rbte tq M *1 cer ft, ■ Wk r poft edkrw, So Me pxbegr reqdmwb k 40 CMM32 32 wed der vnW p "i cerft ander peadWatlowtthelthapoftopme rogubso hk 40 CYR MJ2 wed the vader xftodko ndodim x et in 40 CllR +M 33 Lwre =t beam m"w (P ere aeRe H yn d aek NO etaemwmt aleck a eaawtie■.tdty you bm est met One or beik acthe x+egptbrllum i ddwmdmmdn has beet MR& vader Xly d ed Apert fit ftcmdmw witthe goom decked tr man tket quluw permodpropeol POW aed evabute tie hdwns#m wed tr detarmbie Ad the pesttopee quad *Um" nkdka req*mmob berm been ea. I an aware that tie ere ftdOC tPM Mee IW Oft GKIEW010 hMhdb* AM ted. tenVr MORt# Mr. M� � � ORC W. H& Land oRV AN�� IIIIYw1 (Wx or purl) Lend Andw Nomme sand of Wk IMO)Oype cc �-- Z lkndmof pnpuwDo* ftwdmofL;@ndAppUw(lfWb") hddhea in 40 CPR Plot 503J" mod ISAW,.W 2T.1 102 (26) DEFIB FORM PVW 003 (IW M) AWWAL PATHOGEN AND VZCTOR ATTRAMOX M=CnDN Rider) FddWF Nom; WWTP Nast men (40 CFR lead WQ>bimban WQQ000998 NPDFSNawberr XOOMM �� CRRTiiRCATjON 8TA'!�' {p�E �keck the a�pra'prl�e e� "I ew1}, udar rmidt df;awil that the pulpa nqdrmo& in 46 aM M.32 o d the Yectw dkwd u ofttfin g2kgge ilk 46 CFR WX hm baso ret.„ p "1 yusaw>Pal* d bow,a"the mft in da tPt mn and the vachm Ntrse" redidim re+pd<+rssst is 40CFR 500.n hors not b*m wwL" (Please sft if yew dmw& - - ._fide obtmM mato& en uWamkdss why yea have nrt set ase or be& oiA id ih.) 'pM det Ub"as ho ban made oder my dWa dw and uWrwMtes in aeeor4mm wink So suss darted % eo o n 60 qumMftd p mmmd preery 000 and +tiv bob the i&rnwdm pwd to deknW e that t@ pdbWa ad ■ntw attr MM r*addm r*pkewmN bm hom met. Y an mmm that &m are dpaillmtpemitlr tar the ardfl,maties bdwfp Hae a" '. V, I is bk. Baw x De W WTP ORG W. Baia R Soft l and Applift O3MRC grrr�ri..r�i �� gVa ar pj N m»d (N�Y3Pe ar 2 all ftwmofhwwmv Dae SkaMm oflAW AMMw afWlio") *Pnp wb dob d 1n 90 CMPwt 50.9(c) ad 15ANCAC2T .110206) DMFt FORMA PVRF W3 (I=" ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Fsdlily N=fte: TTTTTTTO& S Fannia & Cleerrig - WQ Permit Number: X30999 lMrP Name: Taws of Wwuw STM NFDFB Nom: _ WQ0021903 Menhorian Period; From 1/1/2019 To/4131/2018 Pathown Reduction (15A NCAC 02T .11061- Pleme indicate levd addeved and alternative neriormed: Class A: Alt. A 13 1 Alt B Alk Twafto ntj p I Alt. 70* Tesfin p Alt. S 14-D4 Aeraobic D Alt 6 Alk. Siabi W ionfl AILD (No Prior LeaE3 I Preolaw W Furdu r Redneo Patomm p Alt. 9 ble to alteraatatve A 1mba:k "Proen to hunker Renee 1'11 . C t © Heat Drying p Host Twat p Themaphlic Be" 13 0.8mma Ray 13 PastwAizedon Claw B: AIL 1 Fatal Dcadly © Ala. Piss to $' Raduce PWhams appikable to al#remtiveraved CLtat H iadieatle "Frieve!! to Rete Pa '�: Stabilization El Air - © Compoefisix p jAmUop d Alia rmbic RigggM [3, v:>'�4. '; ': ,T` '4 "` ;ta+,•-' r ,,r. _ . If !nMcaMe to alternative onfonned(Clan Aar Class lets the monitarin� data: Paratnetsr Allowable Level m Sludge Pathogen Density Excex- FrequcMey of,Analym Sample Type seem [leo. Meatt UnitsdMM Fecal Coliform 2 x 14 to the 6th pouver pargMM of tow solids til] 000 n4m per trate of total amid (dry 't Salmonella becteds3 (inlieu o f w col� per4 ymns toW solid (dry I wicigbd ai yr. - ir-!�iDLII :! 19 iI;,Il$-Y VkLW VIIYI W It, I Fi�i'I T 'r Alt M � E3 Alt, 2 40 -da bench) JAL 3 bar . E3 JAIL 4 .Ox Wtske D Alt. S 14-D4 Aeraobic D Alt 6 Alk. Siabi W ionfl Alt 7 - Stable) D Alk, S - i%sishle [3 Alt. 9 Att. io all E3 INo vector a*acfim redw ion a wnaiives were pafirmed E3 CLrRTIFICATION $TATEIVIENT fpiease check the appropriate statement) "I cerdfy, nuder penalty of law, that the pathogen requhm a wts in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction Ott in 15A NCAC 02T.1107 have ban =V 0 "1 rarlify, under penally of law, that the pathogen regain #In IMA NCAC 02T .1104 and tate vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 )rave not been met." {Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the rrquiremimb.) - "This determination has been made under my dlratim and snpervidion irnaccordance with the sy staan dedgned to ew are that qualbiied persound properly Sather and evah ate the information used to determine that the cogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met, I am aware that there are sipfficawt penaltk! for fate cerlMeaGen Weluding tine and int- ire ment." Mr. 2M NAM WWI? ORC Name and Tide (type or paint) Land Appluw Name and Title (if applicableXtype or print) S'affim of Prleparrt* u _ Date S4pmd re of Land Applier (if applicable) Date O epa= is defunct in 40 CFR )tart 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T _ 1142 (26) DENR FORM PVRF 02T (1 212006) PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION DOCUMENTATION PATHOGEN REDUCTION AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION DOCUMENTATION The Town of Rose Hill, Town of Beulaville, Town of Warsaw, and Southwest Plantation meet pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements through lime stabilization. The Town of Wallace met pathogen reduction through fecal density and vector attraction reduction through injection or incorporation. Documentation of these activities are found in the following section. Fad% N n n.rR �C-— milli ebti awo.-- _ _ m w rn m CL t3PAIi p`ta13itlirr#eb a4akestdee�uR!►se+ae eohers■pitalt2orVDAMAWEbunM6=bmksOfa[ti_S$ritlh:o�Mt221aR OR "I**— now ou "b" dw has usibm uaeaaled @Umwwmm—iHwjmhmbenMEIN, naos�oepi A9 twepaaa�aeuua� Art IR Ctb>�s -�gfpaueo awwF�t4N9 «.1=�►11d - w""}� �oq�go rw.+dr�oy�q ]� wq*Y�+� lam. hr7ld ��1TL i"filo lid *>e ZMWate&_Zip nay "p413PV2@MwWmppgom" $WC»d7 lOrY�s dm S� WON ABC AM pow e Or /A'W vw NOW go omi pis udwaw AmasRou T4*SFa mu WQft W ire gbwmmr a. Dwxmmbdw ?ANN& f �tr� Va+Im—la�-ru,= ...� rEPA 40CFAPmt703ArNoVAtMM*WMP&Mhwmb*dr4=*WAmLr1aLuraaPAai12a�rolera�3er21aasadCdria1��11.5JtxdoA§m*22Loan. pH 0.00 - uauAll pH yrkret do* hm mefrs erepNhar oorneW. p1{.,.wr+piir�wl Mr1r 6� impw�ura oorreoied AilUffpdrahmumilg1m a&C*duL w, d, m m CIL n r - no 01 N O r Ol c C iJ 0 �i OD OD N O 00 O N O Fri 7i bspwmr wommm score aoq mm` Lim StsbftofhiDoia tatim � Mame 1be� * EPA 4G CFA 9.t sm foe Um rahiimd- mquoe time ai-W with wnp drdps m bora a IJ4 of l2 or VMW OM 2 ham and a lk-Wb a pH aFl1.S Sm iblbwip; R2 6ame. pt1 � ' aeerl pp1 +abs �rt haroe extern roeptreear ecnmyed pH.sem pH mbar horn bare Mpffoov a mewd, Ail kapuu==L4 aea io Cold", Tr1ptes Farms HQO1116498 Southwest Plantation/Bear Trail Lime Stabilization Docomen lotion F aciliy Nome � ... _ _ Mouth _ 018 -- Ore Tddk 'Ne.-- Appmd.re Use Gdkm Added: Prior 10UmeAddWpn >12 H 2HmusARsr>12 H 34Rom A >1I H pale(9 sTdm p . d C.ir lire e�wwl Tap p .� 7erp Curr lMe p ee.Md era aM.w+ .7emp 0 7srF rw cnr U.++iwenl ."* arrr 'Temp ]� mod Gia jus u= �A Sirs�e 1130118 1 12.600 450 10.1 7.11 -0.45 1730 5.66 12.71 12.78 -0.36 1815 12.42 moo, 12.69 12.13 -0.36 2030 13.77 12.00 13-6411131 -0.33 1830 11.58 11'.10. 5113118 1 12.600 450 16.0 7.49 -1.27 1705 7.22 17.13 12.99 -0.24 1705 12,7 C 17.77 12.781-0.211 1920 12.57 O 17.00 11,85 -0.24 1710 11.51 C C 10122!18 1 12.600 450 25.1 7.77 -0.00 1630 7.77 26-3 12.71 0.03 1700 12.74 9999 26.1 12,83 0.03 1905 12.86 O 25.4 11.77 0.00 1700 11.77 Qv 0� 00 1- 10 Rn 't. cn CS 1 opo t- %0 an N � a CJ !3 en M m m m M M M M M N N N N N N cur N N tit .d-� .M- LL za ' GPA 90fi Pan 303 for Ilmc seabdimrian ecquirrs Gsm smsed u dh sew-ap sbrdge to Isave a PH of 12 or greaer far 2 ]roues and neaadmn a ptl or I 15 for dee fallowing 22 hours. pli rres PH taleus duel hare ox been iemperamm ear mlL%l. PH mama . PH aalmm ha%e born tc wmime cmrccecd. Ag t mpemkw mals we m Ccbkus. `0 M C t- en N C% �G M O M O � Q C1 Q N f Do e --e �Y [� O M %D CS Cr7 fV � rr's d 4r tf [+i ch M M N N N .-.4 '--e -4 Q Q O C L` C O C O C C O C O C) d C C C} O O Q C O O C O C C O Q 9999 O 0� 00 1- 10 Rn 't. cn CS 1 opo t- %0 an N � a CJ !3 en M m m m M M M M M N N N N N N cur N N tit .d-� .M- M F Town of Wallace Wallace Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit # NCO020702 Mar -18 Environmental Chemists Inc Lab # 7 Date Analyzed Most Probable Number per gram Log 1 3/22/18 15,567 4.192 2 3/22/18 53,141 4.725 3 3/22/18 16,418 4.215 4 3/22/18 83,334 4.921 5 3/22/18 72,626 4.861 6 3/22/18 62,201 4.794 7 3/22/18 38,350 4.584 Total 32.292 Averagel 4.613 Most Probable Number / Gram 1 41,040 IFecal Coliform Fecal Coliform values are less than 2,000,000 and meets the Class B pathogen reduction requirement Data provided in this summary have been used for the values and geometric means reported on the Annual Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction Form for this land application event. r7 --"qql Environmental Chemists, Inc. einvirochem 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 . 910.392.0223 Lab . 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Pax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 . 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@,environmentalchcmists.cnm Branch Residuals/Bob Branch Date of Report: Apr 12, 2018 Customer PO 0: Customer ID: 15080009 Attention: Report 0: 2018-04464 Project 1D: Wallace WWTP Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) SM 4500 Org B 64600 mg/kg 03/22/2018 Total Phosphorus SM 4600 P F 30500 mglkg 03/28/2018 Mercury Sw848 7471B 1.50 mglkg 03/23/2018 TCLP Metals Arsenic EPA 200.7 0.0 mglL 03/31/2018 Barium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 03/31/2018 Cadmium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 03131/2018 Chromium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mglL 03/31/2018 Lead EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg1L 03131/2018 Selenium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg1L 03/31/2018 Silver EPA 200.7 <1.0mgI1- 03/31/2018 Mercury EPA 246.1 X0.0020 mg/L 04/03/201 B Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 18-11082 She:1 3121/2018 10:35 AM Water Bradley Vann/Brent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 2-12% 03/22/2018 Fecal Density SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 15567 MPN1g 03/22/2018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DatelTime Matrix Sampled by 18-11083 Site: 2 3/21/2018 10:38 AM Water Bradley VannlBrent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (°10) SM 2540 B 2.07% 03/22/2018 Fecal Density SM 82210 E MPN 24 hr 503 53141 MPN/g 03/2212018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DateMme Matrix Sampled by 18-11084 Site: 3 3/21/2018 10:42 AM Water Bradley Vann/Brent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) Fecal Density SM 2540 B SM 9221 C E MPN 24 hr 503 2.01% 03/22/2018 16418 MPNIg 03/22/2018 Report #:: 2018-04464 Pape 3 of 4 PP007 Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowserknvn Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL R CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentaichemists.com Branch Residuals/Bob Branch Date of Report: Apr 12, 2018 Customer PO 0: Customer ID: 15060009 Attention: Report #: 2018-04464 Project ID: Wallace WWTP Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 18-11085 Site: 4 3/21/2018 10:45 AM Water Bradley VannlBrent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 s 2.04% 03/22/2018 Fecal Density SM 92210 E MPN 24 hr 503 83334 MPN/g 03/22/2018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Datelrime Matrix Sampled by 18-11086 Site: 5 3/21/2018 10:48 AM Water Bradley Vann/Brent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2640 a 1.79% 03/22/2018 Fecal Density 5M 9221C E MPN 24 hr 508 72626 MPN/g 03/22/2018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DateMme Matrix Sampled by 18-11087 Site: 8 3121/2018 10:52 AM Water Bradley Vann/Brent Dean Test Total Solids (%) Fecal Density Lab ID Sample ID: 1811088 Site:7 Method SM 2540 9 SM 9221 C E MPN 24 hr 508 Results Date Analyzed 2.09% 03/22/2018 62201 MPN/g 03/22/2018 Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 3/2112018 10:55 AM Water Bradley Vann/Brent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) Fecal Density SM 2540 8 SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 2.06% 03/22/2018 38350 MPN/g 03/22/2018 Comment: Sludge residuals, except pH, reported on a dry weight basis. pH reported on an as received basis. Reviewed by: _ PAkL0 Qz (NQ& Report AV: 2018-04484 Page 4 of 4 Win Way NC 05 ngton ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC �CE:9mI192410311FAtX910 *244 4 Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFICATION # 94 NCDK"S: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 Info®environmentalchemists.00m CInLLFCTIDN AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY Client: Branch Residuala/Bob Branch PROJECT NAME: Sludge -Wallace WWTP REPORT NO: f ADDRESS: CC: Town of Wallace CONTACT NAME: Brent Dean, ORC PO NO: PRESERVATION REPORT TO: PHONEIFAX: 284.7969 284.5073 COPY TO: Anthony Colon, Public Works email: bdean@townofwallacecom Samnled Rw 17,21r, RZ, i- &W A." SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influerrt. E = Effluent. W = Well. ST = Stream. SO = Soil. SL = Sludae. Other: Sample Identification Collection CL c oa I o PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Temp ' C Pl�Sludge ��0 X nutrientstmetals 3 -;J -/:?loss' G G 1 X fecal dens! / %TS 3-.21-19 G G 2 C P 1��$3 X fecal densit I %TS TV -1V jolt G G 3 C P 11 1 1 X feel densay/ %TS "I -1s'? rp 3 G G 4 C P • o%� X fecal density/ %TS 3 -11 -Ig f ods G G 5 C P OIL' I X I fecal density/ %TS 3 -m- t? ImIr G G 6) C P tail X fecal densi 1 %TS (00 G G 7) C P X fecal density/ °kTS G G C P G G Transfer Relinquished By. Dateliime Recgved By: Datamme 1. -ZZ 1330 2. Temperature when Received: `'L V Accepted: V mejeema: mesampte nequenew Delivered By: Received By: Date: '_3-Z'( Time: 1,54-9 Comments: TURNAROUND: Town of Wallace Wallace Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit # NCO020702 May -18 Environmental Chemists, Inc. Lab # Date Analyzed Most Probable Number per gram Log 1 5/10/18 12,644 4.102 2 5/10/18 4,075 3.610 3 5/10/18 8,551 3.932 4 5/10/18 4,167 3.620 5 5/10/18 5,344 3.728 6 5/10/18 12,453 4.095 7 5/10/18 1,661 3.220 Total 26.307 Averagel 3.758 Most Probable Number / Gram 1 5,731 Fecal Coliform/gram Fecal Coliform values are less than 2,000,000 and meets the Class B pathogen reduction requirement Data provided in this summary have been used for the values and geometric means reported on the Annual Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction Form for this land application event. Environmental Chemists, Ince 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 ' 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Dowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 ' 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL_ & CONSULTING CHEMISTS iniaQenvironmentalchemists.com Branch ResiduaWBob Branch Date of Report: Jun 13, 2018 Customer PO #: Customer ID: 15060009 Attention: Report #: 2018-07366 Project ID: Wallace WWTP Lab ID Sample 1D: Collect Datefrime Matrix Sampled by 18-18344 Site:1 5/9/2018 10:02 AM Solid/Sludge Ralph Ezelle/Bradley Vann Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 G 2.61% 05/1012018 Fecal Density SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 12644 MP Wg 05/1012018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DateMme Matrix Sampled by 18-18345 Site: 2 5/9/2016 10:04 AM Solid/Sludge Ralph Ezelle/Bradley Vann Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 G 2.70% 05/1012018 Fecal Density SM MI C E MPN 24 ttr 503 4075 MPN/g 05/1012018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Datefl'ime Matrix Sampled by 18-18346 Site: 3 519!2018 10:06 AM Solid/Sludge Ralph Ezelle/Bradiey Vann Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2W a 2.69% 05/10/2018 Fecal Density SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 8551 MPWg 05/10/2018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 18-18347 Site: 4 5/9/2018 10:08 AM Solid/Sludge Ralph Ezelle/Bradley Vann Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 G 2,64% 05/1=018 Fecal Density SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 4167 MPN/g 05/10/2018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Dateffime Matrix Sampled by 18-18348 Site: 5 5/9/2018 10:10 AM Solid/Sludge Ralph EzellelBradley Vann Teat Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) Fecal Density SM 2640 G SM 922tC E MPN 24 hr 503 2.62% 5344 MPNIg 05/10/2018 05/10/2018 Report#:: 2018-07396 Pop$ 2 of 3 41wel ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Branch Residua"ob Branch Attention: Lab ID Sample ID. - 18 -18349 D:18-18349 Site:6 Test Total Solids (%) Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 ` 2.52-473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 ' 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax Method SM 2wa G info@environmentalchemists.com Date of Report: Jun 13, 2018 Customer PO 0: Customer ID: 15060009 Report 9: 2018-07366 Project ID: Wallace WWfP Collect DatelTime Matrix Sampled by 5/9/2018 10.12 AM Solid/Sludge Ralph Ezetle/Bradley Vann Results Date Analyzed 2.66% 0511012018 Fecal Density SM 6221 C E MPN 24 hr 503 12453 MPNIg 05/10/2018 Lab ID Sample lD: Collect Daterrime Matrix Sampled by 18-18350 Slt ., 7 5/9/2018 10:14 AM Solid/Sludge Ralph Ezelle/Bradley Vann Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 G 2.71% 05/10/2018 Fecal Density SM 6221C E MPN 24 hr 503 1661 MPN/g 05/1012018 Comment: Results, except pH, reported on a dry weight basis. pH repoftd on an as received basis. Reviewed by: dI" Report #:: 2048-07366 Pane 3 f9.1 405 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC i"� E:910�FAX910. 24 Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWO CERTIFICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION * 37729 infoeenvlronmentalchemists.com COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY Client: Branch Residuak0ob Branch PROJECT NAME: Sludge -Wallace WWTP REPORT NO: 0'7 ADDRESS: CC: Town of Wallace CONTACT NAME: Brent Dean, ORC PO NO: PRESERVATION REPORT TO: PHONEIFAX: 284.7969 284.5073 ANALYSIS REQUESTED COPY TO: Anthony Colon, Public Works remail: bdean@townofwallace.com Sampled 13v: _lem-► j, _ lA Ezzadl SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent% E = Effluent, W = Well. ST = Stream. SO = Soil. SL = Sludge. Other. Sample Identification P Collections A a 1 -01 d o � U.S� t fi E c CC 1 i PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Temp w i � S � Sludge C P X nutrients/metals 5,4--1ir IV& G G 1 C P X fecal dens' / 4/aTS 5- 9- If 1"'_% act G G 2 C P X fecal densi / °/6TS 54-!$ J004 G G 3) s- 9-I S J0040 C P X fecal density/ 0/6TS G G 4 C P X fecal densi 1 %TS 6'-9L1g' levy G G 5 C P X fecal density/ %TS 5-y-10 1 v;o G G 6 C P I X Ifecal density/ %TS 5- 9 -If 1011 G G 7 C P X fecal density/ %TS 5= 9 lb' O1'( G G C P G G Transfer Relinqul DataMme Roc ed By. Datarrime D.2ro 2. Temperature when Received: Accepted: ejected: Resample Requested: Delivered By: Received By: �-�' Date: 5 % Time: Comments: TURNAROUND: Town of Wallace Wallace Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit # NCO020702 Sep -18 Environmental Chemists, Inc. Lab # Date Analyzed Most Probable Number per gram Log 1 916118 4,468 3.650 2 9/6/18 12,456 4.095 3 916118 8,481 3.928 4 9/6/18 3,560 3.551 5 9/6/18 8,305 3.919 6 9/6118 6,116 3.786 7 9/6/18 5,924 3.773 Totall 26.704 Averagel 3.815 Most Probable Number / Gram 1 6,529 Fecal Coliform/gram Fecal Coliform values are less than 2,000,000 and meets the Class B pathogen reduction requirement Data provided in this summary have been used for the values and geometric means reported on the Annual Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction Form for this land application event. Eenviroehem]n ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.022.3 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 ` 252.473.5702 Lab / Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab /Fax infoC4qenvirottnten ialchemists.com Branch Residuals/Bob Branch Date of Report: Oct 16, 2018 Customer PO #: Customer ID: 15060009 Attention: Report M 2018-14714 Project ID: Wallace WWTP Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Daterrime Matrix Sampled by 18-37288 Site: # 1 9/5/2018 9:18 AM Solid/Sludge client Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 G 2.91% 09/06/2018 Fecal Density SM 82210 E MPN 24 hr 503 4468 MPW9 09/06/2018 Lab ID Sample ID: 18-37289 Site: #2 Collect Date/Time. _ Matrix Sarnuled by _ _.. 9/5/2018 9:20 AM Solid/Sludge client Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (010) Fecal Density Lab ID Sample 1D: 18-37290 Site: #3 $M 2540 G SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 2.81% 09/06/2018 12456 MPN/9 09/06/2018 Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 9/5/2018 9:22 AM Solid/Sludge client Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (0%) SM 2540 G 2.83% 09/06/2018 Fecal Density SM 92210 E MPN 24 hr 503 8481 MPN/g 09/06/2018 Lab 1D. _ .._ _ _ _ Sample ID-:._.._.._-- - __ __ _ Collect Dat -49 1100- -- Matrix_. - ___ __ Sampled by. --.- 18-37291 y._._- 18-37291 Site: # 4 9/5/2018 9:24 AM Solid/Sludge client Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 c 3.09% 09/06/2018 Fecal Density 5M 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 3560 MPN/g 09/06/2018 Lab ID Sample 1D: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 18-37292 Site: # 5 9/5/2018 9:26 AM Solid/Sludge client Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 G 2.89% 09/06/2018 Fecal Density SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 649 8305 MPN/g. 0910 6120 1 8 Report #:: 2oia-14714 Page 2 of 3 lV'11i'11) ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 - 910.392.0223 Lab - 910.392,4424 Pax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 - 752.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 - 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@cnvironmentalchemists.com Branch Residuals/Bob Branch Date of Report: Oct 16, 2018 Customer PO #: Customer ID: 15060009 Attention: Report #: 2018-14714 Project ID: Wallace WWTP Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 18-37293 Site: # 6 9/5/2018 9:28 AM Solid/Sludge client Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids {%) SM 2540 c 2.78% 09106!2018 Fecal Density SM 92210 E MPN 24 hr 503 6116 MPN1g 09/06/2018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DatelTime_ Matrix____ _SarWed-by- 18-37294 Site: # 7 9/5/2018 9:30 AM Solid/Sludge client Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 c 2.87% 09/06/2018 Fecal Density SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 5924 MPNIg 09/06/2018 Comment: Sludge residual results, except pH, reported on a dry weight basis. pH reported on an as received basis. Reviewed by: Report Ar:: 2018-14714 Page 3 o13 25405 dmbi� ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC OFFICE6602 : 2-=FAiXngton910.39ay Wi, 4424 Malytical &Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFIPATION # 94 NCDHHS: OLS CERTIFICATION #37729 ; InfolanvironmentalehamleMcom COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY Client: Branch ResidualsBob Branch PROJECTINAME: Sludge -Wallace WWTP REPORT NO.- O:ADDRESS: ADDRESS:CC: Town of Wallace CONTACT NAME: Brent Dean, ORC PO NO: PRESERVATION REPORT 10: PHONE/FAX, 284.7969 284.5073 ANALYSIS REOUEST•ED COPY TO: jAnthony Colon, Public Works email: bdeanOtownofwailace.com SamDled Bv: v d- WAIA Azze It S PLE TYPE: I = Influent. E = Effluent. W = Wells ST = Stream. SO = Soil. SL = Sludae. Other - Coll on ther: Sample Identificationw Collection m o Y g g In PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REOUEST•ED Date Time Tem 2 x = W c Sludge P ; �" X 1 nutrients/metals 9-5-11 'D919. (U G P 3 X fecal densi / %TS -S-tB 091.9 G 2) P j X fecal densit G 3} P L a X Ifecal densi / 96TS G 4) P X fecal densit l %TS 09.{ G P �L X fecal density[ °�T5 -5-18 o ;49 G P 3 ' X I Ifecal densit ! °kTS G Gari 7 C P SW X fecal densit /°1°TS 9- 09 G G� P CG G i Transfer Relinquished BY: Datelf ime RAceived By: DateMme 2. I emperature wnen maceiveq: Accepted: ✓" acted: Resample R ed: Delivered By: __�Recelve�d BY: Date: Time: Comments: 1 j TU AROUND: ' Town of Wallace Wallace Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit # NC0020702 Oct -18 Fnvironmental Chemists. Inc Lab # Date Analyzed Most Probable Number per gram Log 1 10/19/18 69 1.839 2 10/19/18 70 1.845 3 10/19/18 63 1.799, 4 10/19/18 66 1.820 5 10/19/18 66 1.820 6 10/19/18 65 1.813 7 10/19/18 68 1.833 Totall 12.768 Averagel 1.824 Most Probable Number / Gram 1 67 Fecal Coliform/gram Fecal Coliform values are less than 2,000,000 and meets the Class B pathogen reduction requirement Data provided in this summary have been used for the values and geometric means reported on the Annual Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction Form for this land application event. 4 0 106 ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 . 910.392.0223 Lab • 91.0.392.4424 Fax 710 Rowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 + 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 . 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info Tivironmentalchemists.com Branch Residuals/Bob Branch Date of Report: Nov 17, 2018 Customer PO #: Customer ID: 15060009 Attention: Report M 2018-17185 Project ID: Wallace WWTP Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DatefTime Matrix Sampled by 18-43410 Site: # 1 10/18/2018 11:10 AM Solid/Sludge Bradley Vann/Brent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids {%) SM 2540 G 2.61% 10/22/2018 Fecal Density SM 9221C P MPN 24 hr 509 <69 MPN/g 10/19/2018 Lab ID Sample ID Collect Datefrime Matrix Sampled by 18-43411 Site: # 2 10/18/2018 11:11 AM Solid/Sludge Bradley Vann/Brent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 c 2.59% 10/22/2018 Fecal Density SM 9221c E MPN 24 hr 5D3 <70 MPN/g 10/19/2018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 18-43412 Site: # 3 10/18/2018 11:12 AM Solid/Sludge Bradley Vann/Brent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 G 2.89% 10/2=018 Fecal Density SM 92210 E MPN V hr 5D3 <63 MPN1g 10/1912018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 18-43413 Site: # 4 10/18/2018 11:13 AM Solid/Sludge Bradley Vann/Brent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 G 2.73% 1 012212 0 1 8 Fecal Density SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 <66 MPN/g 10/19/2018 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 18-43414 Site: # 5 10/18/2018 11:14 AM Solid/Sludge Bradley Vann/Brent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 G 2.74% 10/22/2018 Fecal Density SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 603 <66 MPN/g 10/1912018 Report 11:: 201 B-17185 Page 2 of 3 Lx�v ro h ni ANALYTICAL a CONSULTING CHEMISTS Branch Residuals/Bob Branch Attention: Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Dowsertown Road, Mantec, NC 27954 • 252A73.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28544 . 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@environmentaichemists.com Date of Report: Nov 17, 2018 Customer PO #: Customer ID: 15060009 Report #: 2018-17185 Project ID: Wallace WWTP Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DatelTime Matrix Sampled by 18.43415 Site: # 6 10/18/2018 11:15 AM Solid/Sludge Bradley VannlBrent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 G 2.78% 10122/2018 Fecal Density SM 92210 E MPN 24 hr 503 <65 MPN/g 10/19/2018 Lab^iD Sample ID Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 18-43416 Site: # 7 10/18/2018 11:16 AM Solid/Sludge Bradley VannlBrent Dean Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 G 2.66% 10/22/2018 Fecal Density SM 92210 E MPN 24 hr 503 <68 MPN1g 1011912018 Comment: Sludge residuals, except pH, reported on a dry weight basis. pH reported on an as received basis. Reviewed by: ' -Ick- Report #:: 2018-17185 Page 3 013 Analytical & Consulting Chemists ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS,. INC NCDENR: DWQ CEFMFICATION # 94 NCDHHS: OLS CERTIFICATION #.37M COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY 6602 Windml11 Way Wilmington, NC 28405 OFFICE: 910-0223 FAX 910-392-4424 info®environmentaichemiats.com SSC. / -q-12r Client: Branch Residuals/Bob Branch PROJE NAME: Slud e-Walinoe WWTP REPORT NO: ADDRESS: CC: Town of Wallace CONTACT NAME: Brent Dean, ORC PO NO: PRESERVATION REPORT TO: PHONEIFAX: 284.7969 284.5073 ANALYSIS REQUESTED COPY T15: AnthonyColon, Public Works email: bdean@townofwallace.com Sameled Rv: .v .." , kAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent. E i Effluent Wim Well. ST = Stream. SO = Soil. SL = Sluclue. Other: Sample Identiflcation Collectionm E n o f os v n m$ s PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Tem g 120 Sludge C P fV X nutrients/metals 4t4r G G 7 D -i -,S 1110 C P a !0 X fecal dens! /°/6TS 44&-6 I G G 2) Jp-I JJ C P � X fecal dens' I %TS G G 3) Jl C P Z X fecal density/ %TS +��' G G 4) C P X fecal density/ 9/oTS G G 5) C X fecal densit I %TS y G G 6 16-(J,4jr 11 1r C P Z X fecal density/ %TS G G 7) 10 . C P t X fecal dens! / %TS !G G C P G G Transfer RellnquisW By. Daterrime ived By: Datemme t. 0 2. Temperature when Delivered By: Received Comments: —d9 iii kspm rr W �9h4 Fi gime StRbiflndm Daeomomo W • 8PAd0 CF$ Pmt SOS Arl�aah4ilaatEao nquiaetliue�d wit satrap � b lue a pH d IS mater rirr Z b000<�d �imssapHoEt l,5 brbe Zthom; P� �+�'amtdpH veJuea sire 4wnnol6aen Yoepmpae ate. g>;I www �l ra3tts betro boea tempeeap� Poerabtd. Ailtaopeatm aasfn is [ D o C7 G 101 enNQ %0 tOpf%N r1d4y NNOe;.7� +!•CN•*•l� NOt,o..i ,+O---C+� a+wN'-oi � .�N-i �' w�tCQ0v*i1 .4t+-1� .!MQ—y3s M�!�-+ .0!4��1 .Q�N'-tt+' :z y 2,01V 01 W ra •MATOMPMAMAWN= whambg wJAeMMMAMbsewp00%pubm" oVAa!!2sva*mzewlbm MAM60imapHofILli6r4bKM*wDg23Uw t +two aF4i PN ~roes Wlthawesis! be�>y �aq A —fa -&meloft In— twp�MRrsN. w0 aaprapa m m. m odswa SOIL ANALYSIS REPORTS SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSES The Town of Rose Hill, the Town of Beulaville, the Town of Warsaw and Southwest Plantation met pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements through lime stabilization. The soil pH will continue to be raised through the continued application of lime stabilized biosolids to these application fields. WrowgV06 By Grower: Triple S Farms Farm: Triple 5 Farm Area: 115.8 acres Sampling Overview Master Soil Book 2018 Dixie Chemical - Beulaville 1060 S. NC 41 & 111 Hwy 11/09/18 09:07 AM Beulaville, NC 28518 910-298-3660 ®r."I POWArto MY Grnwpr: Triple S Farms Farm: Triple S Farm Sample ID Map Book Farm Sample ID Map Dixie Chemical - Beulaville 1060 S. NC 41 & 111 Hwy 11/09/18 09:03 AM Beulaville, NC 28518 910-298-3660 'Location .:Grower farm .,Field Area Dixie Chemical - Beulaville Triple S Farms Triple 5 Farm Field 1 32.85 acres Master Soil Book iCentrold 34.908716, -78.012548 Min Max: Ca 591 5093 R 0.69 3.5 Fe 648 804 P1 45.0 611 10 13.0 32.0 51 27.0 71.0 Cui 68.0 1199 MnI 25.0 910 Zn1 122 3097 pH 4.5 63 bpH 7.0 7.8 CEC 4.2 14.6 %K 0,53 3.1 %Mg 4.5 9.4 %ca 351 89.3 %H 4.2 52.4 AC 0.68 4.3 HM 0.27 2.9 Avg 3271 2.1 720 371 19.9 44.5 755 61.6 1559 5.7 7.6 10.4 1.1 6.2 74.9 17.8 115 0.89 Sample Date: 2018-11-06 Soil Lab: Waters NCDA a :B 'Mn( CEC '%K Mg :%Ca %H ID )bs/ac - lbs/ac PI lbs/ac K11 ;SI ;Cul Znl pH bpH :% - :meq - -- -% 1 591 0.69 736 45.0 25.0 27.0 68.0 25.0 122 4.9 7.5 4.2 3.1 9.4 35.1 52.4 2.2 1.7 2 3233 13 724 276 17.0 43.0 757 50.0 1079 5.9 7.8 9.7 0.90 55 83.3 10.3 1.0 0.51 3 4138 2.1 695 411 16.0 49.0 1084 62.0 2502 6.0 7.8 12.2 0.69 6.3 84.8 8. 2 1.1 0.50 4 4939 3.0 709 498 15.0 71.0 1052 56.0 1596 6.2 7.7 14.6 0.53 5.3 84.6 9.6 1.3 0.46 5 1557 1.2 648 154 23.0 39.0 343 53.0 601 4.5 7.0 8.8 1.3 8.4 44.5 45.7 4.3 2.9 6 2179 1.1 786 287 17.0 33.0 558 59,0 883 5.5 7-13 6.9 1.3 5.9 78.5 14.4 1.1 0.63 7 2302 2.1 804 312 13.0 37.0 616 56.0 1001 5.5 7.6 7.8 0.84 4.5 74.1 20.6 1.6 1.0 a 3441 2.5 777 397 32.0 66.0 768 65.0 1331 5.9 7.7 10.8 1.5 5.5 80.0 13.0 1.4 0.54 9 4460 3.0 719 577 21.0 47.0 1005 81.0 2434 6.0 7.7 13.2 0.84 5.4 84.6 9.1 1.1 0.27 10 5093 3.5 665 611 20.0 44.0 1199 78.0 3097 6.3 7.8 14.3 0.71 5.8 89.3 4.2 0.68 0.39 11 4050 3,0 659 512 20.0 34.0 850 93.0 2500 6.2 7.8 12,0 0.86 6.1 84.7 8.4 1.1 0.89 Dixie Chemical - Beulaville 1060 S. NC 41 & III Hwy 11/09/18 09:07 AM Beulaville, NC 28518 910-298-3660 Powatrm Ay '� w•y Location ;Grower 'Farm Dixie Chemical - Beulaville Triple 5 Farms Triple S Farm Master Soil Book Field Area ',Centroid Field 2 9.06 acres 34.912564, -78.013934 Min Max Avg Ca 2298 3293 2777 B 1.9 2.6 2.2 Fe B49 865 858 PI 221 300 246 K1 12.0 21.0 15.4 51 37.0 58.0 43.8 Cul 563 604 583 Mnl 37.0 68.0 46.2 Znl 6B7 1083 881 pH 5.8 6.0 5.9 bpH 7.5 7.8 7.7 CEC 6.8 10.7 8.9 %K 0.59 1.2 0.91 %Mg 4.7 7,5 6.0 %Ca 76.7 B4.1 78.6 %H 8.8 16.9 14.6 AC 0.68 1.8 1.4 HM 0.35 0.68 0.51 Sample Date: 2018-11-06 Soil Lab: Waters NCDA Ifl Ea s ;fie P1 $1 :Cul °MnI Znl pH tpldl CES -4alF s 96Mg '%Ca %H AC HM d% lbs/ac -Ibslae ;lbslae :.. ,IFI ;_ . meq+meq. 12 2997 2.6 849 300 21.0 37.0 604 68.0 1083 6.0 7.7 9.7 1.1 7.5 77.0 14.4 1.4 0.46 13 2684 2.2 865 240 16.0 42.0 584 43.0 1075 5.8 7.7 8.8 0.97 6.4 76.7 16.0 1.4 0.68 14 2298 1.9 854 230 16.0 39.0 563 46.0 792 6.0 7.8 6.8 1.2 6.0 84.1 8.8 0.68 0.35 15 2611 2.1 859 221 12.0 43.0 573 37.0 687 5.9 7.7 8.4 0.73 4.7 77.8 16.7 1.5 0.44 16 3293 2.3 865 239 12.0 58.0 593 37.0 767 5.9 7.5 10.7 0.59 5.2 77.3 16.9 1.8 0.65 Dixie Chemical - Beulavilie 1060 S. NC 41 & 111 Hwy 11/09/18 09:07 AM Beulaville, NC 28518 910-298-3660 IM revel*$ B9 iocation [Grower Farm field ;Area Dixie Chemical - Beulaville Triple S Farms Triple S Farm Field 4 5.49 acres Ca B Fe PI KI SI Cul Mni Znl pH bpH CEC %K %Mg %Ca %H AC HM Master Soil Book ,Centroid 34.913876,-78.019044 Min PSa 681 1116 0.61 1.1 501 872 83.0 102 84.0 149 21.0 31.0 97.0 173 21.0 25.0 142 293 5.9 6.0 7.3 7.8 3.4 6.8 11.0 12.7 10.2 12.9 40.8 50.6 23.8 38.0 0.76 2.6 0.49 0.90 Avg 898 0.84 686 92.5 116 26.0 135 23.0 218 6.0 7.6 5.1 11.8 11.6 45.7 30.9 1.7 0.69 Sample Date: 2018-11-06 Soil Lab: Waters NCDA a a C@G %nK `%Mg' %C.a '/6H AC HM �f ,IQdbs/ac. 16slae Pbsfac-......T.. ,cul Mnl 7nl � E I>pK meq 4/p ° % t % `meq 24 1116 1.1 872 102 149 31.0 173 25.0 293 5.9 7.3 6.8 . 11.0 10.2 40.8 38.0 2.6 0.90 25 681 0.61 '501 83.0 84.0 21,0 97.0 21.0 142 6.0 7.8 3.4 12.7 12.9 SO 6 23 S U.16 0.49 Dixie Chemical - Beulaville 1060 S. NC 41 6111 Hwy 11/09/18 09:07 AM Beulaville, NC 28518 910-298-3660 4P ahAO0 POWOTCd NY lvOrafiOn ;Grower Farm Field .:Area Dixce ChernIcal - Beulaville Triple S Farms Triple S Farm Field 5 13.56 acres Ca B Fe PI Ki 51 Cul Mnl Zni pH bpH CEC %K %Mg %Ca %H AC HM Master Soil Book Centroid.�� Soil Lab: Waters NCDA 34.91382, -78.016318 Mine ["i` r Avg'. 2038 6)L 2501 1.2 2.3 1.7 749 839 802 188 282 216 21.0 48,0 36.2 40.0 50.0 44.4 300 515 396 34.0 46.0 37.0 502 1031 779 5.6 5.9 5.7 7.6 7.8 7.7 6.6 10.6 8.6 1.3 2.5 2.1 6,7 8.2 7.2 74.3 75.9 75.3 13.8 17.6 15.3 1.0 1.6 1.3 0.61 1.2 0.79 Sample Date: 2018-11-06 Soil Lab: Waters NCDA .1 'te a 'E3 t lel !.w V, nI H pH -A lC °�Mg'; °�a d I %Pf C SIM ID Jbs�acla 'bs�aeI Eli 6___.... meq. �o. 26 2622 1.2 . ;. 805 215 -.* 43.0 40.0 _ 300 37.0 848 5.7 7.7 8.7 2.5 8.2 75.5 13.8 1.2 1.2 27 2756 1.7 749 206 39.0 47.0 359 46.0 502 5.9 7.7 9.1 2.2 7.0 15,5 15.3 1.4 0.64 28 3221 2.3 794 282 48.0 45.0 515 34.0 1031 5.9 7.6 10.6 2.3 6.7 75.9 15.1 1.6 0.77 29 .2366 1.8 839 .189 21.0 50.0 409 34.0 612 5.6 7.7 8.0 1.3 6.8 74.3 17.6 1.4 0.77 30 2038 1.8 825 188 30.0 40.0 398 34.0 904 5.6 7.8 6.8 2.3 7.5 75.5 14.8 1.0 0.61 Dixie Chemical - Beulaville 10605. NC 41&111 Hwy Beulaville, NC 28518 910-298-3660 11/09/18 09:07 AM Location Grower :'Farm field Dixie Chemical - Beulaville Triple S Farms Triple S Farm Field 9 Area 12.38 acres Sample Date: 20I8-11-06 Soil Lab: Waters NCDA Ca Fe P1 KI 51 Cul Mn1 Zn1 pH bpH CEC %K %Mg %Ca %H AC HM Master Soil Book ;Centrold 34,904472,-78.010869 Nn Max 1642 2093 0.84 I'l 512 691 153 237 135 187 28.0 32.0 224 314 31.0 53.0 IB4 258 519 6.2 7.5 7.8 7.0 8.8 U 11.6 110 17.8 50.9 59.1 14.2 24.6 0.92 2.0 0.82 1.1 Alig;.'- 1796 0.96 598 184 158 29.7 262 40.3 231 6.0 7.6 B.0 10.0 15.7 56.1 18.2 1.4 0.98 Dixie Chemical - Beulaville 1060 S. NC 41 & III Hwy 11/09118 09,07 AM Beulaville, NC 28518 910-298-3660 Ca B fe P1 'KI 51 11cut Wl 2n) 0 pH CEC %K 9/,,Mg %Ca j%H jAC " OM :ID bs/abs/ac ,lbs/air J -lbs/ac -meq % eq 1% 37 2093 0.96 591 163 153 28.0 224 37.0 184 6,2 7.7 8.8 8.7 16.3 59.1 15.8 1.3 1.1 38 1642 .1.1 691 153 135 29-0 314 31.0 252 6.0 7.8 7.0 9.6 17.8 58.3 14.2 '0.92 O.B2 39 1654 0.84 512 237 187 32.0 248 53.0 258 5.9 7.5 8.1 11,6 13.0 50.9 24.6 2.0 1.1 Dixie Chemical - Beulaville 1060 S. NC 41 & III Hwy 11/09118 09,07 AM Beulaville, NC 28518 910-298-3660 2018 APPLICATION SUMMARY TABLE TRIPLE S FARMS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM PERMIT NO. WQ0030998 2018 APPLICATION SUMMARY Farmer Tract /Site Field Acres Date Spread Gallons * Dry Tons / Acre Dry Tons Crop Source 1119 PAN (lbs/ac) Eric Smith 1 1 34.2 Jan -18 85,000 0.14 4.89 Small Grain Beulaville WWTP 67.22 Feb -18 12,600 0.03 1.16 Small Grain Southwest Plantation Mar -18 137,000 0.25 8.51 Small Grain Warsaw WWTP Mar -18 107,100 0.22 7.46 Small Grain Wallace WWTP May -18 90,000 0.15 5.18 Bermudagrass Beulaville WWTP May -18 12,727 0.03 1.17 Bermudagrass Southwest Plantation Jun -18 138,000 0.25 8.57 Bermudagrass Warsaw WWTP Aug -18 264,600 0.90 30.67 Bermudagrass Wallace WWTP Dec -18 59,400 0.18 6.27 Small Grain Wallace WWTP 2 8.48 Jul -18 275,838 3.77 31.98 Bermudagrass Wallace WWTP 110.16 4 4.14 Jun -18 36,000 1.10 4.56 Soybeans (Double Croppec Rose Hill WWTP 33.35 5 11.2 Oct -18 12,600 0.10 1.16 Small Grain Southwest Plantation 33.15 Oct -18 j 169,600 0.87 9.76 Small Grain Beulaville WWTP 9 8.93 Mar -18 1 182,700 1.42 12.72 1 Millet Wallace WWTP 59.42 Fields Applied to: 5 66.95 Total Town of Beulaville Town of Clayton Little Creek WRF Town of Kenansville Town of Rose Hill Southwest Plantation Town of Wallace Town of Warsaw Gallons 1315831165 c Metric Dry Tons Tons 134.07 121.89 Permit Limit Dry Tons NA 344,600 19.83 18.03 38 0 0.00 0.00 80 0 0.00 0.00 38 36,000 4.56 4.15 38 379927 3.50 3.18 5 889,638 89.10 81.00 330 2759000 17.09 15.53 38 Branch Residuals Soils, LLC Confidential 2/12/2019 Page 1 2018 APPLICATION CONDITION SUMMARIES Triple S Farms Beulaville, North Carolina Triple S Farms WQ0030998 Annual 2018 Beulaville WWTP Farmer: Eric Smith Acres: 34.2 Site/Tract: 1 Application Method: Surface Field: 1 Percent Solids: 1.38 Residual Report No.: B2018 1-18 Crop: Small Grain Date Field No. Subfield Gallons Soil Conditions Weather Conditions Prev. 24 Hour Rainfall 1/24/18 1 42,000 Moist Cool, Cloudy 0.00 1/25/18 1 43,000 Moist Cool, Clear 0.00 Total Gallons 85,000 Triple S Farms Beulaville, North Carolina Triple S Farms WQ0030998 Annual 2018 Beulaville WWTP Farmer: Eric Smith Acres: 34.2 Site/Tract: 1 Application Method: Surface Field: 1 Percent Solids: 1.38 Residual Report No.: B2018 1-18 Crop: Bermudagrass Date Field No. Subfield Gallons Soil Weather Conditions Conditions Prev. 24 Hour Rainfall 5111118 1 90,000 Moist Hot, Clear 0.00 Total Gallons 90,000 Triple S Farms Beulaville, North Carolina Triple S Farms WQ0030998 Annual 2018 Beulaville WWTP Farmer: Eric Smith Acres: 11.2 Site/Tract: 1 Application Method: Surface Field: 5 Percent Solids: 1.38 Residual Report No.: B2018 1-18 Crop: Small Grain Date Wield No. Subfield Gallons Soil Conditions Weather Prev. 24 Hour Conditions Rainfall 10/31/18 5 75,600 Dry Warm, Clear 0.00 1111118 5 94,000 Moist Warm, Clear 0.00 Total Gallons 169,600 Triple S Farms Rose Hill, North Carolina Triple S Farms WQ0030998 Annual 2018 Rose Hill WWTP Farmer: Eric Smith Acres: 4.14 Site/Tract: 1 Application Method: Surface Field: 4 Percent Solids: 3.04 Residual Report No.: RH2O18 1-18 Crop: Soybeans (Double Cropped - Manured) Date Field No. Subfield Gallons Soil Weather Conditions Conditions Prev. 24 Hour Rainfall 6/28/18 4 36,000 Moist Hot, Clear 0.00 Total Gallons 36,000 Triple S Farms Jacksonville, North Carolina Triple S Farms WQ0030998 Annual 2018 Southwest Plantation Farmer: Eric Smith Acres: 34.2 Site/Tract: 1 Application Method: Surface Field: 1 Percent Solids: 2.21 Residual Report No.: SWP 2018 1-18 Crop: Small Grain Date Field No. Subfield Gallons Soil Conditions Weather Conditions Prev. 24 Hour Rainfall 217118 1 12,600 Moist Warm, Cloudy 0.21 Total Gallons 12,600 Triple S Farms Jacksonville, North Carolina Triple S Farms WQ0030998 Annual 2018 Southwest Plantation Farmer: Eric Smith Acres: 34.2 Site/Tract: 1 Application Method: Surface Field: 1 Percent Solids: 2.21 Residual Report No.: SWP 2018 1-18 Crop: sermudagrass Date Field No. Subfield Gallons Soil Conditions Weather Conditions Prev. 24 Hour Rainfall 5114118 1 12,727 Dry Hot, Clear 0.00 Total Gallons 12,727 Triple S Farms Jacksonville, North Carolina Triple S Farms WQ0030998 Annual 2018 Southwest Plantation Farmer: Eric Smith Acres: 11.2 Site/Tract: 1 Application Method: Surface Field: 5 Percent Solids: 2.21 Residual Report No.: SWP 2018 1-18 Crop: Small Grain Date Field No. Subfield Gallons Soil Conditions Weather Conditions Prev. 24 Hour Rainfall 10/17/18 5 12,600 Moist Warm, Cloudy 0.00 Total Gallons 12,600 Triple S Farms Wallace, North Carolina Triple S Farms WQ0030998 1st Quarter 2018 Wallace WWTP Farmer: Eric Smith Acres: 34.2 Site/Tract: 1 Application Method: injected Field: 1 Percent Solids: 1.67 Residual Report No.: W1,2018 1-18 Crop: Small Grain Date 3/5/18 Field No. 1 Subfield Gallons 75,600 Soil Conditions Dry Weather Conditions Warm, Clear Prev. 24 Hour Rainfall 0.00 3115/18 1 31,500 Moist Warm, Clear 0.00 Total Gallons 107,100 Triple S Farms Wallace, North Carolina Triple S Farms WQ0030998 1st Quarter 2018 Wallace WWTP Farmer: Eric Smith Acres: 8.93 Site/Tract: 1 Application Method: Injected Field: 9 Percent Solids: 1.67 Residual Report No.: WL2018 1-18 Crop: Millet Date Field No. Subfield Gallons Soil Conditions Weather Conditions Prev. 24 Hour Rainfall 3/28/18 9 81,900 Dry Warm, Clear 0.00 3129118 9 100,800 Dry Warm, Clear 0.00 Total Gallons 182,700 Triple S Farms Wallace, North Carolina Triple S Farms WQ0030998 3rd Quarter 2018 Wallace WWTP Farmer: Eric Smith Acres: 8.48 Site/Tract: 1 Application Method: Injected Field: 2 Percent Solids: 2.78 Residual Report No.: WL2018 3-18 Crop: Bermudagrass Date Field No. Subfield Gallons Soil Conditions Weather Conditions Prev. 24 Hour Rainfall 7/12/18 2 98,420 Moist Hot, Cloudy 0.00 7/13/18 2 92,780 Dry Hot, Clear 0.00 7/15/18 2 72,120 Dry Hot, Clear 0.00 7/16/18 2 12,518 Dry Hot, Clear 0.00 Total Gallons 275,838 Triple S Farms Wallace, North Carolina Triple S Farms WQ0030998 3rd Quarter 2018 Wallace WWTP Farmer: Eric Smith Acres: 34.2 Site/Tract: 1 Application Method: Injected Field: 1 Percent Solids: 2.78 Residual Report No.: WL2018 3-18 Crop: Bennudagmss Soil Weather Prev. 24 Hour Date Field No. Subfield Gallons Conditions Conditions Rainfall 8/29/18 1 75,600 Dry Hot, Clear 0,00 8/30/18 1 94,500 Dry Hot, Clear 0.00 8/31/18 1 94,500 Dry Hot, Clear 0.00 Total Gallons 264,600 Triple S Farms Wallace, North Carolina Triple S Farms WQ0030998 4th Quarter 2018 Wallace WWTP Farmer: Eric Smith Acres: 34.2 Site/Tract: 1 Application Method: Injected Field: 1 Percent Solids: 2.53 Residual Report No.: WL2018 4-18 Crop: Small Grain Date Field No. Subfield Gallons Soil Conditions Weather Conditions Prev. 24 Hour Rainfall 12/6/18 1 54,000 Dry Cool, Clear 0.00 1219/18 1 5,400 Dry Cool, Clear 0.00 Total Gallons 59,400 Triple S Farms Warsaw, North Carolina Triple S Farms WQ0030998 Annual 2018 Warsaw WWTP Farmer: Eric Smith Acres: 34.2 Site/Tract: 1 Application Method: Surface Field: 1 Percent Solids: 1.49 Residual Report No.: WR2018 1-18 Crop: Small Grain Date Field No. Subfield Gallons Soil Conditions Weather Conditions Prev. 24 Hour Rainfall 3/1/18 1 137,000 Moist Cool, Clear 0.00 Total Gallons 137,000 Triple S Farms Warsaw, North Carolina Triple S Farms WQ0030998 Annual 2018 Warsaw WWTP Farmer: Eric Smith Acres: 34.2 Site/Tract: 1 Application Method: Surface Field: 1 Percent Solids: 1.49 Residual Report No.: WR2018 1-18 Crop: Bmnudagrass Date Field No. Subfield Gallons Soil Weather Conditions Conditions Prev. 24 Hour Rainfall 6/13/18 1 138,000 Moist Warm, Cloudy 0.01 Total Gallons 138,000