HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00108_Annual Performance_201902252018 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT sVEO/ N11oWR for FEB 25 2019 Watei Ressources Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority ' ' lig servo, Wastewater Operations The Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority currently owns and operates three(3)wastewater treatment facilities and has contracted to operate the Whittier WWTP for the Whittier Sanitary District. The following report is a summary of the operation of these facilities for the 2018 calendar year. TWSA Plant # 1 Location: 1871 North River Rd. Sylva,North Carolina 28779 Operator in Responsible Charge: Stan Bryson Contact: Wastewater Operations Superintendent 1246 West Main St. Sylva NC 28779 ph: 828-586-9318 TWSA Plant# 1 is operated under the authority of the following permits, as issued by the North Carolina Dept. Of Environment and Natural Resources: NC0039578 NPDES Discharge Permit WQ0005763 Residuals Permit Air Quality Permit#08420R01 Stormwater Permit#NCG110111 TWSA Plant# 1 discharges from one outfall into the Tuckasegee River which is classified Class C-Trout waters in the Little Tennessee River Basin. The plant design process is a sequencing batch reactor(SBR)version of the activated sludge process with a design capacity of 3.5 million gallon/day. The plant consists of the following unit processes, automatic band screen,vortex grit removal, 150 hp triplex influent pump station,2 SBR basins with a capacity of 1.694 mg each, 468 mg of flow equalization, .1508 mg of chlorination contact capacity and d-chlorination and reaeration facilities. The plant upgrade completed in 2011 is currently operating well within permit limits. The expansion should help to meet the growing needs of the county well into the future. Additionally,the plant continues to treat wastes generated by septic tank pumpers in Jackson County as well as portable toilet services provided during construction of any homes or businesses in the county. These services to the total geographic area of the county significantly impact the facilities sludge management operations. Overall performance of the plant during 2018 was excellent,with no violations of permitted parameters during the year. Some pertinent information on the plant is as follows: The average daily flow at the facility during the year 2018 was 1.074 mgd.This represents 30.7% of plant permitted capacity and was a 4.6% increase from 2017. The average daily flow for the most recent five year period is 0.887 mgd.The highest monthly average in 2018 occurred in December and was recorded as 1.324 mgd. This represents 37.8% of total plant capacity and was a 6.8% increase from 2017. The highest daily flow occurred Dec 29th, 2017 and was recorded as 4.496 mgd. This represented 128% of total plant capacity and was an increase of 72.8% from 2017. This was the only day during 2018 when the recorded flow was greater than plant capacity. Total sludge production was calculated from the amount of sludge processed on the belt filter press. These residuals totaled 2,946,747 gals of sludge and were calculated at 254.3 dry tons. This represents all of the sludge generated by the Authority's facilities during 2018. When the sludge production of the other plants the Authority operates is subtracted from this total, it is estimated that the TWSA Plant#1 facility produced ??? dry tons of sludge during 2018. This is of the total amount of sludge produced by the facilities operated by the Authority during 2018. This sludge is dried to meet EPA and NCDENR regulations and is made available for distribution to the public as a soil amendment. There were approx. ???tons of dried residuals distributed to the public during 2018. There were no violations of permitted monthly,weekly or daily limits during the 2018 calendar year. On average,there was a 97.6% reduction in the amount of pollutants in the water after treatment. A renewal of this permit was requested on April 3rd,2017. The permit for this facility became effective July 1,2013 and expired at midnight on October 31, 2017. 2018 MonthlyPerformance Summary of Wastewater Plant Operations TWSA Plant#1 (NC0039578) Flow Inf Bod EFF BOD Month mgd mg/I mg/I Limit, 3.500 mgd) Limit, 30 mg/I) reduction January 0.934 238.0 4.3 98.2 February 1.055 192.0 9.8 94.9 March 1.106 226.0 7.0 96.9 April 1.147 256.0 8.8 96.6 May 1.111 284.0 13.8 95.1 June 1.043 176.0 2.5 98.6 July 0.920 179.0 2.7 98.5 August 1.002 187.0 3.7 98.0 September 1.068 236.0 11.4 95.2 October 0.990 249.0 7.0 97.2 November 1.193 206.0 11.2 94.6 December 1.324 194.0 6.6 96.6 avg. 1.074 218.6 7.4 96.7 Inf TSS EFF TSS Fecal Coliform Month mg/I mg/I per 100 ml Limit, 30 mg/I)reduction (Limit,200/100 mis) January 246.0 2.9 98.8 4 February 182.0 6.2 96.6 13 March 233.0 3.6 98.5 22 April 286.0 2.5 99.1 4 May 325.0 6.2 98.1 4 June 233.0 2.7 98.8 17 July 222.0 2.9 98.7 10 August 258.0 3.4 98.7 28 September 240.0 2.9 98.8 32 October 256.0 2.7 98.9 13 November 199.0 3.3 98.3 22 December 189.0 3.1 98.4 26 avg. 239.1 3.5 98.5 16 NPDES# NC 0039578 TWSA Plant# 1 Daily Flows Yearly Monthly Avg. 1.074 2018 Yearly Daily Avg.. 1.074 Permitted Flow-3.5mgd Yearly Daily Max 4.496 Date Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec iiii is iiiiiiii iiiii,:,,,:.....iiiiii iiiiiiiiii,.,...iiiiiiii iiiiiiii', :'' iiiiiiii iiiiiiii;:i:.;..,.,.,.iriiii,.,.., ."iiiiiiii iiiiiiii° iiiiiiii:iiiiiiii. iiiiiiii iiiiiiiili,....iiiiiiii iiiiiiii: i• .:iiiiii iiiii;:;.::08 iiiiiiii iiiiiiii;.:;..i'iiiiiiiiii i I,...i v. :: ..1 1 85.. 2 3 82.. 88. .iiiii. . , .,:.. _ .. :::.. :: :.:,,.. . :.?4....;. ....q, . .. .... ..:::::_:::::.:: .. ...::I•.:>....4..:.::::...:.:,e::..... ..:.::2:::,:::.. -.,.:o:.::::: ...•:1ac:::::::;: . ::.:24::i:::i:iiiii .. iiiii iiiii.-- iiiii iiiii" 2 0.604 0.932 2.489 0.806 1.222 1.875 0.777 1.187 1.088 1.086 1.130 1.451 4iiiiiii iiiiiiii;itiiii€i ii:: :::i0'•iiiiiii i ii0i$4•iiiiiiii: ii'1ii1iT4i€€iiiii i.iii1 11. 330•...iiii iiiii€i'i.'3. iiiii €117 iiiiii iiiii ii•" iiiiiiii i i3!.. i:1i.ii1 1' iiiii i0 y iiiii. .. 1K ::::::::: i1:, iiiii.. iiQ..T iiiiiiii i. .:..i•J..;tEifiiEfiEiEiE3E ii:.... .. .......'. iE?i 4 0.777 0.914 1.112 1.135 1.123 0.995 0.881 1.324 0.954 1.132 1.163 1.425 a s i; iiiii:::ii0:7g:i::::::: :::1.i11igiiiii:i .9iiiiiiii i ii i1: iili` 3 .i0i i:i0ig':r 2iii'i'•i:'• :i iiiiiiii ii€i i.. ... #Iiiiiiiii i1 i j:.( iiiii:. : 7iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii'' iiliil$ ' yy Oi89... ..- - --- - ...iii€iii i .I:iiiiiiii 6 0.838 1.124 0.918 1.194 0.981 1.038 0.899 0.803 1.281 1.076 1.224 1.321 yy it.i{;iiiiiiii i iiQ..iiiiiiii ii. ii 8iiiii:i.i .. ,t 4 iQ$iii'iii:i '1i•7iiiiiiii:i €i1. ii0: 3f iiiiiii€'•i..;i i$iiiiiiii ii iii."a$9'iiiiisi: iiit i ii1i;.9:.Ckiiiiiiii i ..i1:iLiiiii . iiiii ... 3aiiiiiiii''. .iifl. .3iiiiiii a. ,. .3a ii. Ii2aQis''siiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,. iiiii iiiii.. 8 0.646 1.164 0.922 1.144 1.113 0.968 0.903 0.968 0.955 0.643 1.293 1.406 i. ..i$'8:€iiiii ii €i1 iiiiiiii"'• iiilii".:: i(...:,:,:,:,:..ter.. iiiii. 2 ii0 •.g..8 iiii;ii`ii iiiiiii:i iii(3 8iiiiiii:€ ii0'iiiiiiii i ii41i.... .... iiiiiiii i ..ii#i.. iiiiiiii is iiiii iiiii , .. .iiiii€€iiiii.ii'1i 1... . . . ........iiiii€i€iiiii. iiiii ........ ..... ........ .iiiii iiiii.. ....... .:.:.... ..... ..:........ iiiii.. iiiii. . 10 0.694 0.993 0.521 1.197 1.107 0.908 0.906 0.888 1.094 0.720 1.034 1.533 i'iiiiiiiiiii;i *7i:giiiiiiii ' i1'•:€ii Ji i9ili;€iiiii' iifl iiit3i•: .,'•ii€iiiii 1'iiiii... ... iiiii. .. .iiiii€. ..7..... iiiii. . .... ii€ii€i1i..'iiiiiii'.iiiiii:i'•':($ii€iii€:'•€iiiii€i iiiiiiii iiiiiiii. i' 'iiiiiiii€iiiiiiii.•i : 'iiiii€€ iiiiiiiiyii•' iiiii:i iiiiiiii: '•' ': iiiii¢€i ii'•iiii;:ii ::ii:iiii°iiiiiiii;:i'. ' °°'°'°': iiiii.. . .. . . .. .. . ... . .. 1..... ... . ..!1.......... ...t1,...:Er,..... .....c#.t 73. . iiiii.2... . .. .#Jp:.....,..:.,...1:,[';...:.:.....:...ii:ii:i:iiiii. 12 1.031 0.862 0.847 1.237 1.081 1.007 1.000 0.861 1.137 1.059 1.086 1.467 i 1i$7. ii0 . .. 6,iiiiiii i .0... 4.i1 iii0i8 $€iiiii€ i° ..5:iiiiiii ii1.. iii$ iiiii;86 iiiiiii.. Aiiiiiiii:i .. ... iiiiiiii i• ...iiiiiii'' :ii1i,3 Qiiiiiiii`i 9iiEiEiii i :€i$iiiii:i'` iiiii. ii i ii1i8€1.. iiiiiiii ii iii'•"9iiii€iiiiiiiiiii i ii f... ... .* ....i:;ii€iiiii.. $iiii€iiiii.. .,..iiiii iiiii:. ;... ....... ........ . iiiii. ....::: ::.:., --•-•...... ........ .. 14 1.081 1.264 1.192 0.991 0.758 0.888 0.938 0.827 1.037 0.811 1.560 1.287 i9:' iii1'i iifiiiiiiii. a7liiiiiiiiii 9$iiiiiiii i 1 iiiiiiii i'. :iil iiiii i• €i4.. .... ... .y1..$'iisi:.• .1.<i 5..iiiiiii'' iiiii iiiii iiq..6 .. iii4 i$$iiiiiiii is ii1i 2..ii€ $5'•iiiiiii"` ih ii<iiiiii.isi:ifs& i'•iii:iii i a yi1ii1.i;iiiEii i ii'Q O:iiii'iiiii ,.... ... iiiii A }iiiiiii .ii iC+Fri:€iiiii 16 1.040 1.038 0.938 1.349 0.825 1.375 0.927 0.883 1.023 1.081 2.038 1.039 iiiii:1.4,......::i::. ....,.. ''.'.iiii:i'iiiii i •93€ l2 1 19 30iiiii€°' iihi°..0••6iiiiiiii i• 5iiiiiiiii:•iiiii 1:giiiiiiii:giiiiiii:iiii(!s i'•0'•9... i lii iiiii.. yy iii1ii16....iiii i ..ii+.. iiiii.. . i i iiiiiiii i iiiii . iiiii°?:'..iiiii ............. ..4liiiiiiii 18 1.045 1.004 1.054 1.226 0.956 0.987 1.348 1.003 1.064 1.253 1.173 0.967 i3:iiiiiii'.'i E4Eiiiiii:''i'•'i`CI68iiiiii°" iii1:.iiiiii:i ii:Q-.9:iiiii;..; ...¢.9'P•` 1"ti{fiiiiiiii:i iii'`iii:iiiiiiiiiiii, iii14 .iiiii"ii• i1ii:i&$$iiiii€€€'' .,1; iiil'•`•. .. .. 2iiiiiiii iiit i 7....ii iiiii;. . 1o.Oii'."`_ ,ii0$$2ii':`'.`'.'iiiiiiiiplaQ8iiiiiiii 20 1.040 1.101 1.216 1.106 1.123 0.933 0.999 0.993 1.018 0.906 1.256 1.052 i0i9..iiiiiAiiiiii€ iiiti 62iiiiiii' 7iiiiiiii€ :f r h:t ryiii2ii1:i0 ii:ai7'!.is iiiii i i'.pii€iiiii'' .> iii'1€: 1 6Diiiiiiii ii1 ............iiiiii':.i° .h.'iiiii€:i° ii{1:9'.'t iii€€:• :iiiiiiii i ., . .... 1::ifiiiiiiiiii. .. ,.. i4 EEii .iii i..;iii;iiiiii.. . ........ ...... .....,..:.:. .. 22 0.864 1.354 1.181 0.921 1.255 0.786 0.937 1.102 1.125 0.975 0.981 1.512 ii1i0 iiit'i11i:'.b`4'iiiiiiii:i i9 iii*fi.iii€iiiii i y. .iiiiii:iiiiiiiili<f 6•'iiiiiiii i i,iiii;:.Q.. iiA. 4iiiii° 2 iiiiii is iiCii yyhh ii"lisil. Ra:fiiiiiiii i;iii..7..:. iiiiiiii i iiiii. iiUi+'7.. iiiiiiii ii iii Q:iiiiiii i yy33 y; hhi' iiiffi6$ti?iiiii iiE:3:i ':+iiiii;: 24 1.005 1.154 1.031 1.317 0.994 0.844 0.964 1.065 0.925 1.021 0.837 0.982 5iiiii';;i ii 0 346iiiiiii' ii1is't 9; 48iiiiiiii i iiiiiiii`" ii i s b ii0i8:' 2iiiiiiii''7 iihi:::ii iiiii:i s 1ii0.'":iiiii iiii ..ii'1, 3.ii€iiiii 7:4. iiiii°';:i1iiiiiiii€ ....,...,iiiii iiil . . t 9fiiiiiiiii isiiiiiiiiiiiii#1s. 8..iiiii . ..7 iiiii . ,,, .ii. ...... .. ..... ...$1iiiiii 26 0.998 0.873 1.533 1.443 0.891 0.977 0.987 0.943 1.110 0.985 0.942 0.688 iiiiiiii i ii1;s. i4. fiii2iiliil;f iiiiiiii i iiiiiiii J$iiiiiiii'-ii€€€...32 iiiiiii'iiiiiiii: , 3$iiiiiiii iBiiiii '• i 4€€€iiii i€iii€ii'liil` . ;,,ii,,,,ii,,,i,i:°:. :,,.VK T i•:iiiii:i:: i9Siiiii€iiiii 145... iiQ ii 1i.$3iiiiii ii iii(,$... .. iiiii .. ,.. .. .. .. .......... . . .... iiiii .. 6.:.. . ,...>...y1::aai€:iiiiiiii iil iiiiiii '.•iiLli8 2iiiaiiiiii ., iiiii . ... ... 28 0.817 1.063 1.238 1.389 0.944 0.968 0.855 1.084 1.126 1.008 1.177 0.917 iii2"iilii002i€iiiiii?ii€€iiiiiiiiiiii€iii:iiiii iiiii. ... i;i,i,,i,i,i,i,:i:;i...i:i:i:i: i;i:i:i,.i;.:...:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:..,,.,......:.".::.:.:.:.:...:.....:.:.;..liiiiiiiii i ii:1'i1:' iiifDi I:::':... 1:102:• 1... iiiiii•i 13 0. 7....... ..iiiiliif.. 1,5iiiiiii 3..i iiiiiii'iiiiiiiii°:..iiiii;i'.;iisiiii i.., ..1....ii1ii••1 ii4°496 i:i:ii•.1:,. iiiiiiii;i€ ..:.. .... 30 1.011 0.996 0.974 1.842 0.868 0.825 v 1.053 i 1.072 1.157 1.256 1.850 iiIiiili Ciiiiiiiiiiii3:1'i€iiiii i iiiiiiiigi$:5 iiiiiii i iii2 i#iiiiiiii' iiiii. i iQi$iiii'i:i•iiiii.. 0~Ol:iiiii":i Qiiiiiii:i AVERAG 0.934 1.055 1.106 1.147 1.111 1.043 0.920 1.002 1.068 0.990 1.193 1.324 i5. ' 4iiiiiiiM'' U i ii1. iii135tiIAIV! ii2sd.89 iiiiiii€ 7".ii"fi5 8iiiiii i 6. iii€iiii'i iii2.. f iiiiii iii2i8$iiiiiiii i` iii;3. $iiiiiiii ii iiiiiiii i i1ii'iiiii ii1ii3 2. iiii ii293iisiiiiiiiiiii:i`i` i`i`` i 1iiiii... ..iii2ii•1ii38iiiiiiii ii.'•€€ii J'.6iiiiiii`iiiii iiiii: iiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii: iiiii iiiii MINIMUr 0.604 0.774 I 0.521 0.785 0.641 0.550 _ 0.569 I 0.803 0.740 0.643 0.683 0.688 TWSA Plant # 2 Location: 114 East Hometown Place Rd. Sylva,North Carolina 28779 Operator in Responsible Charge: Ben Henson, ORC 828-508-2209 or Contact:Stan Bryson Wastewater Operations Superintendent 1246 West Main St. Sylva NC 28779 ph: 828-586-9318 TWSA Plant#2 is operated under the authority of the following permit, as issued by the North Carolina Dept. Of Environment and Natural Resources: NC0020214 NPDES Discharge Permit TWSA Plant#2 discharges from one outfall into Scott Creek which is classified Class C-Trout waters in the Little Tennessee River Basin. The plant process is a conventional activated sludge process with a design capacity of 0.5 million gallon/day. The plant consists of the following unit processes,manually cleaned bar screen, aerated grit removal, activated sludge with secondary clarification and chlorination and dechlorination facilities.The addition of a surge(eq)basin is needed to maximize the treatment capacity of the plant. The major concern at this facility is the outdated and mismatched electrical facilities. The electrical facilities will have to be substantially upgraded to allow the Authority to move forward with any plant improvements. The average daily flow at the facility during the year 2018 was .160 mgd. This represents 26% of plant capacity and was a 6% decrease from the avg. daily flow during 2017. The highest monthly average in 2018 occurred in December and was recorded as 0.216 mgd. This represents 43.2% of total plant capacity and was a 0.8% increase from 2017.The highest daily recorded flow in 2018 was .510 mgd and occurred Dec 29th,2018. This represented 102% of total plant capacity. This was the only day in 2018 when the recorded flow was greater than plant capacity. This plant produced 250,000 gallons of waste sludge during 2018. These residuals totaled 20.45 dry tons and represented 8.0 % of the total residuals generated by the Authorities facilities. This sludge was hauled to via tank truck to TWSA Plant#1 for treatment. Overall performance of the TWSA#2 wastewater plant for the calendar year of 2018 was excellent. There were no violations of permitted monthly,weekly or daily limits during the 2018 calendar year. On average,there was a 97.6% reduction in the amount of pollutants in the water after treatment. This facilities permit was renewed on July 1,2018 and expires Oct 31,2022. 2018 Monthly Performance Summary of Wastewater Plant Operations TWSA Plant#2(NC0020214) Flow Inf Bod Eff BOD Month mgd mg/I mg/I Limit, 0.500 mgd) Limit, 30 mg/I) reduction January 0.092 194.0 8.3 95.7 February 0.139 177.0 4.8 97.3 March 0.129 178.0 2.8 98.4 April 0.107 159.0 4.4 97.2 May 0.120 240.0 5.1 97.9 June 0.126 156.0 4.7 97.0 July 0.123 177.0 9.8 94.5 August 0.126 196.0 3.8 98.1 September 0.110 229.0 6.2 97.3 October 0.112 251.0 4.4 98.2 November 0.156 187.0 8.6 95.4 December 0.216 148.0 3.5 97.6 avg. 0.130 191.0 5.5 97.1 Inf TSS Eff TSS Fecal Coliform Month mg/I mg/I per 100 ml Limit, 30 mg/I)reduction (Limit,200/100 mis) January 264.0 4.9 98.1 4 February 117.0 3.6 96.9 4 March 177.0 2.5 98.6 4 April 206.0 2.6 98.7 4 May 141.0 2.5 98.2 4 June 225.0 2.8 98.8 4 July 215.0 3.5 98.4 4 August 260.0 3.0 98.8 4 September 300.0 3.2 98.9 4 October 310.0 8.8 97.2 8 November 243.0 6.6 97.3 4 December 121.0 4.0 96.7 4 avg. 214.9 4.0 98.1 4 NPDES# NC 0020214 TWSA Plant#2 Daily Flows Yearly Monthly Avg. 0.130 2018 Yearly Daily Avg. 0.130 Permitted Flow-0.500 mgd Yearly Daily Max 0.510 Date Jan '18 Feb'18 Mar'18 Apr'18 May'18 Jun '18 July'18 Aug '18 Sep'18 Oct'18 Nov'18 Dec'18 iiiiiiiiIiiHiiiii i p 11i'•iiiiiii y4'•iiiiiii; ' 1i•:i€'•iiiiiii i8iiiiiiii° iiQs 1 1...iiQiQ8.. . ...iiEl.. .. .. ...iii0:'0'a$iiiiiiii' ii0' 1.. 9iiiiiiii: iit? 36 iiiiiii i O:Q fl`i19`•2:iiiiiii;iiiiiiii0i..1Jiiiiiiii i ii0i26$iiii`' 2 0.083 0.082 0.283 0.094 0.099 0.170 0,133 0.220 0.110 0.115 0.162 0.256 yirty 5iiiiiiii i iip 1,. iiWik f. ii 1. ..iiiiiii' ii`.Q< 1.iiiiiiii i 5iiiiiiii i i0ii>.. iii il. 4 0.101 0.083 0.179 0.102 0.112 0.172 0.120 0.181 0.108 0.091 0.118 0.162 1:.. ii6iii:iii,: iM:.iii ii 72€€€ ii'.Oi''1.2iiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiil7..4 4iiiiiiiii. ::Oi.:O'iiiiiii' ii:Q:07:•: iiiiiiQ..40iiiiiiii: ii#1>i123::i•i:i:: :::0'•1 3.iiiii;:' ($'•iiiiiii is 6iiiiisi:i I:..iiQ.. ... . . .i0:9!8iiiiiii=iiiiiiiii i :3 . . .iQ..G?4iiiii_ 6 0.093 0.118 0.137 0.089 0.092 0.125 0.121 0.138 0.121 0.102 0.155 0.127 rt r,. iiiiiiiiIi iiiiii iiiiiii:c'0 ii:i iiii' 10 ':iiii::_.:,:::;:.i,i'•••iiiiiiii ii;iiiii0ii 1 keiiiiiii ii.iiii: •:'9•'iiiiiii:iiiiiiii'.i.i.•.:::•:::•iiiiii•: iiiiii::.,:: ":iiiii:i ii:?iiii.•i.i iiiiiiii:i!ii!:i . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ':.:'.:iiii:ii iiiii:i:..i: .:iiiiiii:a.:..iiii ii..:.#... .:.. ....c,:1:... 1:...:.:.:.:, .:..::9..:.•.•. ..1.6••••••..,::1:?.:.::. ...1;.•...., :..:?:..;....; ..?.1 t:.....:•;..,,;:Q,1;:. ; ..:.q 51;;;;;;;; 8 0.077 0.145 0.129 0.118 0.090 0.115 0.117 0.123 0.095 0.107 0.162 0.145 i1: 1iiiiiiiii iiii9iiiiiiiii' Q°1; 1:iiiiiiiiiA$iiiiiiii`. iifl,.3 iiiii:i ... , fl..iiq`•g94iiiii€°`': ii'.0:0$liiiiiiiii' is0 i i3 1.iiQ 1 ..ii i8iiiiii::. I rrr hy ih'.iiii.Riiiiii': iiVi 1::::: Q.iiiiiii ii °i:Q'1iT:iiii'i.liii:i i iiii. iiiiiii0 22iiiiiii' .ii0i27fliiiiiii 10 0.083 0.113 0.105 0.095 0.091 0.115 0.121 0.110 0.120 0.107 0.136 0.272 ii1::1..iiii€°: •iiiiiiii`i iiiii:.::::::::0il li ii O iiiiiiii' ii0ili$iiiiii:'• ii b9i:iiiiii ii Oiiiiii i ii0i`1: 16i1 ..ii`Q.. 1.i `.qi'1 Q ilaiiiiiiii i. ii0:•ii 1 ii. iiiiiiii i €i#It QS1.. QQ 12 0.158 0.233 0.128 0.079 0.089 0.103 0.112 0.121 0.119 0.135 0.122 0.198 iii10 ih: : i1;8 1iiiiiiilli9i5iiiiiiiii..iifl: iiiiiii ° iiiQ.3.7:iiiiiiii i, iii0i:(12iiiiiiii'. ii:4:033iiiii:ii ii iiA 6iiiiiiii i iifl'i O'.iiiiiii' i1:.. . ii'i:120iiiiiii:i giiii:i 1iiiii . .iiQ..3 iiiiiiii°...ii's€iQ iiiiiii i..iii0:32 ....... .iiQ..59:ii:_ 14 0.106 0.205 0.093 0.081 0.077 0.111 0.124 0.125 0.113 0.101 0.187 0.195 ii0 0 i19 12Oiiiiiiii i ii0 0 8: 1 6siiiiii:i ii fii 1 I . 9iiiiiiii. ::'€.iiiiiii€ ..$:iiiiiiii i :ii,...iiiiiii is iii i1 iiiiiiii i iiip:Q 1.iiiii;i: • iit i;. ii0•.1. iiiiiii p, yy yy i yii.. Qiii:i iWM$.......... ...... .... ....4+iiiiii iiW f:4i'iiiii 16 0.092 0.164 0.108 0.188 0.099 0.093 0.118 0.133 `0.064 0.287 0.182 i1 7:'s:i:i: iili•'1iiii n liiiiiiii ';hi.iii17iiiiiii` iiQi4$iiiiiiii`'..ii, 6.iiii<t3$iiiiiiii i iiQ. I . ii°p i G3iiiiiiii'' i:ii i1:0.i Q2. .. Q.iiiiiii` iiQ 6.. iii0 5'•i:i:::: yyyy yy hiiiiiiii`iiiiiiii... ii{li J iiiiiiii iE 7h.. ..... iiii ii#3 6.... . ... .Q..Jtiiiiiiii '. iifi'i'S$ii'.isii: 18 0.078 0.153 0.098 0.102 0.169 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.115 0.111 0.169 0.134 9iiiiii.i 0•iiiiiiii i ..1 Oiiiiiii is :ii0i1..ii10• i: iipihi:6iiiiiii:ii . €:iii:i:i:i :iiiiiii':i*:iiii i iii i. ii 0ii1iiiii€i.i 1,. ii?1, .iiiiBiii i iii<. Q iii€i€ii ii 7iiiiii i ii fiii...iiiiiiii • iii t1 20 0.073 0.128 0.100 0.091 0.132 0.126 0.105 0.121 0.126 0.097 0.133 0.136 1'i'iiii'i y yy p 1'• i1iiii2iilJiUViiiiiiiii :ifl''1 3siiiiii` iiiQ 11iiisii€ii i °fJ64i:iii:'s: liiiiiiii:ii4 . .. iii0:f i$iiiiiiii'` iip..003iiiiii°i i ii fl'::¢ S i'li:^ 9iiQ,.1 .... iiEl's 6:'•i'•i'•ii•:is iiiQ'i.. 104iiiiiiii iiiiiiii0i1::,11iiiiiii 22 0.079 0.128 0.094 0.086 0.111 0.106 0.127 0.147 0.099 0.101 0.128 0.320 i1i'i 7iiiiiii': i c,ii0i i 1.'.0 D.. 1:1:• ii1Oiiiiiiiiii.1i0 i15iiiEiii•:'! .'.iiiiiii'i'yyy p; N iii( Q h y iii0ili.. tuai4Wiiiii ..(r7'iiiiiii'' •ii>...1 i Yii i i:4r...iiiEi:i• 4ti l. v Wiiii..4i iiiiiiii i iii# . '•iiiiii•i ii iii 24 0.085 0.102 0.090 0.071 0.109 0.048 0.122 0.099 0.108 0.093 0.166 0.217 i1••:iiiiiiii'.iiisiiii,•1 i, iiitii.iiiiiiiii0 1iii26iiiiii'' iiiiiii'' 0,1$ 228•iii:iii i ii0:.iiQ..8 .. ...Q1.. A iii4=0$6iiiiiiii': ,062iiiiiiii. .:i l:i 22'•iiiiiii ii€0 Q iil7i:i ih`3iiiiiiii i ,1t 8iiiii:•: :iifli' 8 Ctk A:f;;116iiiiiiiiii.iiia.Oiiiiiiii i'. i;Ui:i'+:7iiiiii:i 26 0.073 0.105 0.148 0.117 0.092 0.123 0.115 0.091 0.096 0.139 0.138 0.163 iiiiii:: ••' t iiii?1i.€iiiiiii i y i1`' i:iiiiii.4iiiiiii:ii ii0• i•iiiiiiii i Oiiiiii i ii0i1::ii° y .y iiiQ..•.iFiiiiiii:iiiii. .. ii'rri•F 4iiiiiiii:s AA O'•iiiiiii ii iOy':ii fi:iiii i; iiQ 4 iiiiii i ii 1> ft. iK• liiii1iiiiiiiiii 'ii>. 4i1. 28 0.098 0.092 0.113 0.118 0.120 0.159 0.088 0.110 0.148 0.121 0.123 0.479 i"Iih"' 4 sit°iii2 ii iii€:iii fl3'•iiiiiii i ii0°:i0fgs:::9iii:ii i:i]i'1 :iiiiiii i .. .. .0.. .... 1 . i:4i1 5$'•i:iiiii'' i'€:1:8iiiiiii:" iiiQ.. iiflsilp6iiiiiiii€• iii010 6iiiiiiii i iiQiQ ii'•i'•iii'• €: Giiiiiii!i. . .... .... EMQiiiiiiii ii,.ii0Al`:Q:iiiii 30 0.096 0.123 0.096 0.180 0.157 0.114 0.136 0.101 0.098 0.126 0.358 ii0i 0iiiiiiii i i:fl1• iii0i;iiii iii i iiiiiiii •iiiiii;::iiiiiii.i AVERAG 0.092 0.139 0.129 0.107 0.120 0.126 0.123 0.126 0.110 0.112 0.156 0.216 4iiiii::IV IJ i i:l`)i'li iiiii:i i ::fl 8Oiiiiiiii i iily iiiiiiii i ii0i••1Vl 2 .... .:i:i2 i'.t 31 iiiiiii ii y Q2:Oiiiiii'•i i ii i: Oiy'•1 61ii::;iii iiiRt2 yss..{ ii"iiiii::.'ii°iiiii'.i`;.1;1J/..[] .. ;] 1 MINIMUI' 0.067 _ 0.077 0.090 0.071 0.068 0.048 0.088 0.091 0.058 0.086 0.109 0.127 TWSA Plant # 3 Location: 851 Cashiers Lake Rd. Cashiers,North Carolina 28717 Operator in Responsible Charge:Ben Henson, ORC @ ph 828-743-5793 or Contact:Stan Bryson Wastewater Operations Superintendent 1246 West Main St. Sylva NC 28779 ph: 828-586-9318 TWSA Plant#3 is operated under the authority of the following permit, as issued by the North Carolina Dept. Of Environment and Natural Resources: NC0063321 NPDES Discharge Permit TWSA Plant#3 discharges from one outfall into an unnamed tributary to the Chatooga River which is classified as Class B-Trout ORW waters in the Savannah River Basin. The plant process is a conventional activated sludge process with a design capacity of 0.200 million gallon/day. The plant consists of the following unit processes,manually cleaned bar screen, extended air activated sludge with secondary clarification,tertiary filters and chlorination and dechlorination facilities. The addition of a band screen at the headworks would greatly improve operations and the quality of sludge the plant produces. The average daily flow at the facility during the year 2018 was 0.090 mgd this represents 45% of plant capacity and was a 9% increase from the avg daily flow during 2017.The highest monthly average during 2018 occurred in June and was recorded as.130 mgd. This represents 65% of total plant capacity and represents a 15.7% increase from 2017.The highest daily recorded flow in 2018 was .216 mgd and occurred May 30th,2018. This represented 108% of total plant capacity. This plant produced 75,000 gallons of waste sludge during 2018. These residuals totaled 8.87 dry tons and represented 3.5% of the total residuals generated by the Authorities facilities. This sludge was hauled to TWSA Plant#1 for treatment. Overall performance of the TWSA#3 wastewater plant for the calendar year of 2018 was excellent. There were no violations of permitted monthly,weekly or daily limits during the 2018 calendar year. On average,,there was a 96.7% reduction in the amount of pollutants in the water after treatment. The permit for this facility was renewed effective November 1,2017 and will expire on Aug 31st, 2022. 2018 Monthly Performance Summary of Wastewater Plant Operations TWSA Plant#3(NC0063321) Flow Inf Bod Eff BOD Month mgd mg/I mg/I Limit, 0.200 mgd) Limit, 15 mg/I) Reduction January 0.063 119.0 4.3 96.4 February 0.098 93.8 2.9 96.9 March 0.074 140.0 2.9 97.9 April 0.074 192.0 3.1 98.4 May 0.112 216.0 5.6 97.4 June 0.130 206.0 5.3 97.4 July 0.106 271.0 6.6 97.6 August 0.094 248.0 5.7 97.7 September 0.077 347.0 2.8 99.2 October 0.076 259.0 6.0 97.7 November 0.086 177.0 5.8 96.7 December 0.095 125.0 2.8 97.8 avg. 0.090 199.5 4.5 97.6 Inf TSS Eff TSS Fecal Coliform Month mg/I mg/I per 100 ml Limit, 30 mg/I)reduction (Limit,200/100 mis) January 135.0 7.9 94.1 4 February 194.0 3.3 98.3 4 March 169.0 7.1 95.8 4 April 106.0 3.9 96.3 5 May 138.0 7.7 94.4 4 June 138.0 5.6 95.9 4 July 174.0 6.6 96.2 5 August 143.0 9.8 93.1 4 September 258.0 5.9 97.7 5 October 185.0 8.5 95.4 5 November 151.0 10.6 93.0 4 December 151.0 3.8 97.5 5 avg. 161.8 6.7 95.7 4 NPDES# NC 0063321 TWSA Plant#3 Daily Flows Yearly Monthly Avg. 0.090 12 Month Avg Yearly Daily Avg. 0.090 Permitted Flow-0.200 mgd Yearly Daily Max 0.216 Date Jan '18 Feb '18 Mar'18 Apr'18 May'18 Jun '18 July'18 Aug '18 Sep'18 OCT'18 Nov'18 Dec'18 iiiiii 1i• i g:i:i:i::i:i:i:ii01 3`::';ii: '°0 '•€ :€: iipi:i7 tl' :: °:h'.';'iiiiiii:tii!i:ii i ifl fl:.Qiiiiiii is 9'•'.':'s`: ii0 IS..1. s l;q iiiQ 7i1iiiiiiiitsicy.... 2 0.037 0.067 0.097 0.054 0.081 0.175 0.135 0.102 0.097 0.056 0.085 0.102 7iiiii:ii s i0i0€lia i:i(309 i:i:i:i:i is isiL1°p;s .......ii°f#'O Biiiiii i' Q3:i:i:i:i i : iiiii:`' i'•lii 5 ii. 3iiiiiii": 2 .... .... , .5 's . ::`i#:i2& : '.9 iiiii i.. Y 55°€isi€is i5<c?..... .. . QQA'si€€ 4 0.043 0.057 0.076 0.059 0.078 0.117 0.104 0.179 0.084 0.060 0.067 0.062 iii$iiiiii€ 8 iiii:::;:::s::::• giiiiiiii is :Di07 iiii:i:: i's(i:`•: 3:i:i:i::: :i#li`~'ii:ii- :i i:.:..i 0 t•ii€i€€ : 13;`iiiiii `• •$''•::i:isi' i::0:€1 :::€::., .:.0 g ii::ii:p46 1.:ii?i' iic'1:Q 06 6 0.062 0.062 0.079 0.061 0.090 0.142 0.120 0.107 0.077 0.091 0.084 0.065 1:i1 iisiii::is iiil ii$ i1liQ1 3i`iiii...iii0 03 iit il 5"iiii::..ii. ' i:i0:094:iii:ii'€ ii>7);I•. ii iiii€ 'siQ iiiiiii i...i:dl, .. 7 iiiiiii:`.' iQQ : 'iiiii:i0i0$: i... ...ii>"liOn siiiii 8 0.052 0.106 0.070 0.054 0.077 0.120 0.117 0.075 0.101 0.054 0.066 0.070 ii0:0•.::i 6iii:i:ii' 0 9 ii;i:: i;0i1i3:. 06i:iiiii'S'•iiiiiii' :€1 iii::i=:iii . '.. 4 Z:iiiii : Q:• 5:i:i:: i i:0.0• iiti fhiii:::i:: i0:0..i$iiii i' • 1: i .. . 1.iiii i ..iigq..ii. i,. s14 . iiiii:i i`7iiiiiiii i 10 0.038 0.067 0.071 0.058 0.083 0.148 0.086 0.107 0.071 0.079 0.092 0.079 4 iii:ii: :i0i1 i1 Piii:E::;.i'f 1:ti:i:i i 1;i:isi:i ' :i0i0'•i:0• 9:i 6iii:i:i:ifl &3:i:i:i:i"' • 07 iiii:i:i i i€)i 15$iiiiiiii.... .OJ.... 2Tiiiiiii::. i:)> AO'.ii:i:i:: :i:0:l.....ii lil7 iiiii:i: .1 •. :i 1 .• .. .:iii:ii'' ii .1 i.. .t 5 i:0i•3$:::i:iii 12 0.159 0.194 0.072 0.064 0.085 0.113 0.115 0.110 0.081 0.147 0.061 0.055 aaaa:'.3' 9'iiiii'•i ii iiiJ'sCl E:09 16:i:i:°::: ii£1's:''•'iii:;iii:i '•:'•t#:0•il 1i'i#i€ii€i€`• 'i1 1 6tliii:iiii ii ii:d:•i`•iiiiii ii0i:'°'•i:ii °... .:iii i iir.. a:iii:i:i 14 0.076 0.115 0.085 0.056 0.055 0.122 0.111 0.085 0.089 0.080 0.078 0.075 ii i010 3i iiiii#1 . t}:i:i:i::i :i:q;I? ii5 Q 4ii€iiiii'•...iiiQ;`0 4:iii€:€`:..iiClil.Qii:i:ii.i. ::iQ`.i 0 iiii:ii•: ill#:R t:i::i::i .i:>5't 1..i1 iiiii ....5 3iiiiiii' Y. . iiiiii:i:. iiflfl7:`3iiiii:: ..:::0 ?0ii:isi:i i ii4i13 16 0.071 i 0.104 0.088 i 0.126 0.090 0.123 i 0.102 0.106 0.079 0.071 0.105 0.113 i f1, i:t;IsO'i.::i _ ii`i'i 1 l3iiiii:i i:Cfi0 i:0 fl7:i:1:?iii:i ` 5:s:iii:.i iif1i0B1i:;i::ii 1;15{ii'::i:la i€ii€:i i€1i.. G.......... ii,. i( . 5.ii'.iiiii ii 18 0.045 0.116 0.067 0.058 0.130 0.109 0.106 0.083 0.057 0.067 0.076 0.087 iiiiiiiniiiiii 4iiiii:i':: ihi 7i:iiiii•f7'.'si°iiii ii'.F#i'f? 21•:i:i:i:i i i:1 0 4ii:i::ii'•>;1iC1 8iiiiiii .. l i€:: i :ii13p6'iiiiiiiiii i...ii, iQ.. .... .... , 93'.iii:iii' .iiii<( .. iiQQ7:1:ii:i:iii i ii:fl`•l f3'.iii :ii:iq' 20 0.047 0.100 0.073 0.057 0.149 0.163 0.101 0.090 0.058 0.082 0.096 0.099 giiiii':ii i :i0 3iii':.i€ii s iig10$iiiiiii ii piiiiiiii i ii0i'•''iiiii€:: ii'•0 i#j '€`l: 0.23i€ii ` ii:0:1 72i:i:i:i: •68'•i::i:i''i:2 ii0's€1..3iiiii:: • i::0:0? 32:isi:°:ihis€€ i c aa=€aai4<c . i 1 i i 22 0.050 0.130 0.065 0.062 0.088 0.127 0.102 0.090 0.069 0.060 0.100 0.119 liii::i::::1• 1D• _ f:i:i:i:i:: '':Oiy'•0:: i:it i:I i:i5.c#5iii`ii i ii Y. 1.is ..ikid6l iiiiii:: :i0 Q 5iii iiii'' ,.. (ii`iii°' ... 1 Q.iiiiiii°' :mils#... ii'.131.[7iiiiiii:': ii 3i>72i:ii::i:• ::i 3€J5.. pi:iiiiii .. iii::::..:::Dig7:ii'.i:i:i i...iib, 6r;:si'ii 24 0.054 0.100 0.039 0.120 0.094 i 0.109 0.101 0.074 0.056 0.060 0.133 i 0.100 i iiiiiii:i'5::•ii li'$'.i`ii. .i]i38 68:i`::ii i' `i0;°$`•2iii:` i€0:1'(3 C1d`ii:iiii:i iiiQ;... ii`i i ii'•0 6iiigiiiiii:: iisiii i i:0;fl O:i::i::r:i:i:i:i• .:18:i:i::i iiiiiIiib O: 26 0.056 0.090 0.073 0.086 0.124 0.130 0.102 0.106 0.058 0.092 0.087 0.066 i0i'•1: p7' 1.iii€€:-is i:(l`':17 3:°•::is' 3i:i:i:i::i :i:(l i::i:i ;;1;.i€>;IsC(6>i:ii'iii:. ii;0'.€?s 2'siis.•. ::.R057iiii'iii is i'1'•ii'.i:i°• i'€i =:° ..2 1it19 ...6ii::isi:i i'.Q. 6:i:i:iii i i: g:i:i::"`aii2.... . . F.•::: i. Y.2 ....::€i€i €I i(5........ il..iiiii 28 0.065 0.083 0.077 0.086 0.159 0.107 0.067 0.067 0.130 0.105 0.072 0.207 i:0s0 iiiiiiii is :iS9b:;::iii•` '•i:p'18g::i:i:i:`' ..6iiiii`•i:" ii''bi iiii i 'iit i i o;s:ii:2 i0.t 7••:i:;:: 9:::: i ':i;ii:iiiiiii.Bpi€i`i: . iQ? i i 0 7:iii i 0r1pi€i:i 30 0.056 0.068 0.076 0.216 0.110 0.101 0.080 0.085 0.058 0.094 0.137 i0 6i:i:i:i:ii i19ii:€iiii i.... s:s'ss3?s:i:.: t i:3: i .. isQ iiil}. .... .........i#l...i$iii:iiii:• .:i0sQ>a0ii si: AVERAC 0.063 0.098 0.074 0.074 0.112 0.130 0.106 0.094 0.077 0.076 0.086 0.095 17s9i58iiiiiiii` ..1 i:i0 10i:ii€:ii ii0s1.k 8iii:iii: :i:s7:2:$:iii'si `is)i20f3'::isi°:i i li O iii::° ' s:0175i:iii.: '€1: i1' 7'•i'i'•ii$iiiiiii:A 1 iii:ii:: :i#l2sl;r i:i`i4:iiiii MINIMUI 0.037 0.057 0.039 0.046 0.055 0.103 _ 0.067 0.063 I 0.056 0.053 0.055 0.050 Whittier WWTP Location: 294 Clearwood Drive Whittier,North Carolina 28789 Operator in Responsible Charge: Harvey Bingham, ORC 828-506-3323 or Contact:Stan Bryson Wastewater Operations Superintendent 1246 West Main St. Sylva NC 28779 ph: 828-586-9318 The Whittier Sanitary District currently contracts operation and maintenance of the Whittier WWTP to the Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority. Whittier WWTP is operated under the authority of the following permit, as issued by the North Carolina Div. of Water Resources: NC0087602 NPDES Discharge Permit The Whittier WWTP discharges from one outfall into the Tuckaseegee River which is in the Little Tennessee River Basin. The plant process is a conventional activated sludge process with a design capacity of 0.100 million gallon/day. The plant consists of the following unit processes, influent pump station,manually cleaned bar screen, extended air activated sludge with secondary clarification,tertiary filters and ultra-violet light disinfection facilities. The average daily flow at the facility during the year 2018 was.011 mgd this represents 11% of plant capacity and is a 3% increase from 2017. The highest monthly average occurred in December and was recorded as .017 mgd. This represents 17% of total plant capacity and was a 6% increase from 2017. The highest daily recorded flow in 2018 was .089 mgd and occurred Dec 30th,2018. There were zero (0)days in 2018 when the recorded flow was greater than plant capacity. There were no violations of permitted monthly,weekly or daily limits during the 2018 calendar year except for the following: The facility was noncompliant during the month of November for the average%reduction of TSS (total suspended solids). The permit requires the facility to achieve a reduction of 85%in the amount of TSS influent to the facility. For the month of November 2018 this reduction was only 78.4%. Observation of the location of the Influent sample intake led operators to believe the solids were settling out before the sample was taken. This along with dilution of the wastewater by high rainfall totals resulted in the avg for TSS in the Influent being somewhat lowered.