HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0018525_Residual Annual Report 2018_20190221INITIAL REVIEW Reviewer Williams, Kendall Project Number* WQ0018525 SUBMITTAL DATED: 2/20/2019 Project Contact Information Rease provide inforrration on the person to be contacted by MB Staff regarding electronic submittal, confirmation of receipt, and other issues. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Name * Martin Mabe Email Address* Phone Number* martin@Wllcomabesoil.com 3363121396 Project Information Application Type* r New r Renewal r Annual Report Permit Type * r Wastewater Irrigation r Other Wastewater • Closed -Loop Recycle r Single -Family Residence Wastewater Irrigation Is a paper copy of the application being submitted?* r Yes r Nor N/A Permit Number* WQ0018525 Reviewer* Troy Doby r Modification (Major or Minor) • Additional Information r Other • High -Rate Infiltration r Reclaimed Water r Residuals r Other Permittee* Steven M. Barnes Facility Name * Barnes Environmental Waste and Hauling, Inc. County* Carteret Please provide comments/notes on your current submittal below. Barnes Environmental Waste and Hauling, Inc. - 2018 Annual Report WQ0018525 Please attach all information required or requested for this submittal to be review here. Barnes Environmental Waste and Hauling 2018 7.07MB Annual Report - NCDEQ.pdf Application Form Engineering Rans, Specifications, Calculations, Etc.) For nein and modification permit applications, the paper copy is required to be subrmtted to the Division- Be advised, applications will not be considered complete until both the paper and electronic applications. have been received_ The paper copy shall include the follmtLring= • Application Farm • All rulevant attachments (talcs, soils report, specs, etc_) • 1 full-size engineering plan set • 2 11-17" engineering plan sets • 1 extra set of specifications (in addition to the set of specifications Provided in the attachments) • Fee (if required) T:di shall ae mailed to the followins aPrl-: s: By pc­lal ser- lce: Divisron o= % ater Resources- Non -Discharge Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 2.7699-1613 By Courier/Special Delivery: Division of Water Resources- Non -Discharge Branch AZ Nathaniel Thornburg- 9th Floor, Office #942WN 512 N_ Salisbury St_ Ralei NC 27604 For que€tions or problems contact Tessa Monday at 919.7073660 or Tessa_X%nday(dncdenr_gov or Sonia Graves at 919.707.3657 or Sonia.Graves(apcdenr.. * I;W By checking this box I am acknowledging that I have read the above statement and agree to send these documents as required to one of the address given above. Signature Submission Date 2/20/2019 2018 ANNUAL REPORT LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE AND HAULING, INC. PERMIT #WQ0018525 WMSS Project No. 15-02 Ph: 01 Prepared for: Barnes Environmental Waste and Hauling, Inc. Post Office Box 654 Newport, North Carolina 28570 Compiled by: Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC 7231 B Summerfield Road Summerfield, North Carolina 27358 February 2019 willcox&mate SOIL SOLUTIONS February 20, 2019 NCDEQ-DWR Non -Discharge Compliance Unit 512 North Salisbury Street 9th Floor, Office# 942WM Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Attention: Non -Discharge Compliance Unit Reference: 2018 ANNUAL REPORT FOR WQ0018525 Barnes Environmental Waste and Hauling, Inc. WMSS, Inc. Project No. 15-02 Ph: 01 Non -Discharge Compliance Unit: Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC (WMSS) is submitting all monitoring and reporting requirements as specified in the above referenced permit on behalf of Barnes Environmental Waste and Hauling, Inc. (Barnes Environmental Waste). WMSS compiled this report using data gathered during the compliance year by Barnes Environmental Waste. If there is any further information required or questions regarding this land application program please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Steve Barnes, with Barnes Environmental Waste 252-241-5014 for further assistance. Sincerely, Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC Martin Mabe NC Land Application/Residuals Operator #22753 Enclosure(s) cc Barnes Environmental Waste Shared%WMSS Projects12015115-02 Barnes Environmental12018 Annual Report12018 ANNUAL REPORT.doc Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC 17231 B Summerfield Road 1 Summerfield, NC 273581 Rob 336.339.9128 or Martin 336.312.13961 www.willcoxmabesoil.com TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION NO. TITLE Certification Form II Residuals Analyses & Pathogen and Vector Attraction III Application Summary and Field Loading Rate Reports IV Soil Analysis CERTIFICATION FORM ANNUAL. LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM WQ PC17nitU: WQ0018525 County: Carteret Year: Facility Name (as shown on permit): Barnes Gnvironmeotal Waste and Iia Land Application Operator: Phone: Land application of residuals as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calendar year? [•%1 Yes 0 No - If No, skip Part A, and Par( B and proceed to Part C. Also, If residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Part A - Residuals Annheation Sununarv: _ Total another of application fields in the erntit; 1 6 Total number of fields utilized for land application during the yearl 5 Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: 31.07 Total number of acres utilized for land application during the year: 24.7 2018 Part B - Annual Compliance Statemen(: Facility was compliant during calendar year 2018 with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality, B Yes 0 No If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pld of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4) Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5) All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6) The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T. 1 105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in I SA NCAC 02T .I 105(b) (applicable to 40 CPR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7) All general requirements in as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8) All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T. I I I I were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9) All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality, 10) No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 1 1) Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receing residuals, as Specified in the permit. 12) No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 13) All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C - Certification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I ain aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations," _ Steven M. Barnes, President , � n) u7y�nu .9-/c/ - /9 Permittee Name and Title (type Or print) Signature of Permittee [)ate Signature of Prepare]-* m Date Signature of Land Applier Date (if different from Permittee) (if different from Permittee and Preparer) * Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 5039 (r) and I SA NCAC 02T, 1 102 (26) DENR FORM ACF (12/2006) RESIDUAL ANALYSES REPORTS AND PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION 71 r a rvgYt G RIM NZ SSS 1 _._. _ n�noampjOo o � hagrvmoGoOop NO�O�ONrVImM01VN � N M SR fl fOj uol iy� ooiZ 0000 h N N d inMn ^ ^ N 0!p O ��00000000 8. SgwogG0$� OCryryi �p �'yDy (JO�H 0'N IV V110D ��{NJN N Y N ^ M N O pp o O 0 p 000 pMp f0 w Yw M 0 v'' w T Gotl oob o O 0,Sg0gWGG�,O f0 0 M.O S O w V ^ ry0 O'i Vj N ly^Ni V ONO<:O SIT g NM^0000$� poG pppppp$l+nm VM 'r 1+M grpNO Vi �j V' -^h O'U1NJN O O VI O p O o o O oboxNOo $��oaG1N NO��O��D��tii6 N4w1m 41 O vlry 1 0'0 0 o M � 0 l0n °' 0 m � o�n omoo oo 0 �w bhyjw O M1a��p q uj N O,N O O ofioryggcg O N 0 0 Vii. 6 On O wm w q Y n i ME o ouom000a oSOo 00000 off, b p Aga OO p p p O Vo OO rvwwN o'�o-'^om Ag viw"m " n mvoi�g�oo$g o'$$VqV 0 1 ------------- IIyy B z Py Jill 1 _._. _ n�noampjOo M h0$nMm�40 Y � N M SR fl fOj uol iy� ooiZ 0000 h eo N d inMn ^ ^ N 8. SgwogG0$� N O pp o O 0 p 000 pMp f0 Yw M 0 v'' w T S O O f0 0 M.O S O w y V m (NOON ry0 O'i Vj O'V� ONO<:O SIT V' -^h O'U1NJN M„CI VI oboxNOo $��oaG1N NO��O��D��tii6 N4w1m 41 3 o�n omoo oo 0 �w bhyjw O M1a��p COI O O ofioryggcg V G N O 0 0 Vii. 6 On O wm w q Y n i ME b N 11 00000 Aga Ag 1 ! t \ ■ BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: November 8, 2018 Permit No. WQ0018525 Atlantic Station 0.80 % Solids 12.1 mH (taken from lime stabilization event) Parameter % Mg/Kg Dry Weight % x 10,000) Pounds/Dry Ton (Mg/Kg (Mg/Kgx 0.002 Nitrogen (TKN) 0.723 140,600.000 281.200 Phosphorus 0.263 12,640.000 25.280 Potassium 0.449 3,290.000 6.580 PAN injected)* 0.258 2,575.540 5.151 PAN surface)* 0.231 2,312.040 4.624 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.053 235.500 0.471 Calcium 3.558 38,491.000 76.982 Calcium Carbonate Eq, --- --- --- Magnesium 2,491.000 4.982 Sodium 18,364.000 36.728 Sulfur --- --- --- Nitrate N / Nitrite N --- 37.640 0.075 Barium --- --- Chloride --- --- --- Iron --- --- --- Aluminum --- 3,288.00 6.576 Arsenic --- 2.80 0.006 Cadmium --- 0.50 0.001 Chromium --- 1 14.000 --- Copper 699.00 1.398 Lead --- 17.00 0.034 Mercury --- 0.13 0.000 Molybdenum --- 5.00 0.010 Nickel --- 11.00 0.022 Selenium --- 5.00 0.010 Zinc --- 997.00 1.994 Hnvironment I. Incorporated I OSA *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N +- Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Annnonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or a detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. u a 1 .,., mr,i i]v I.1 ii licit-_ a; Drinking Water ID: 31715 ATLANTIC STATION (FORTIN) MR. DAN FORTIN FORTIN CONTRACT SERVICES P.O. BOX 4188 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 ID#: 108 A DATE COLLECTED: 11/08/18 DATE REPORTED : 12/12/18 i -C REVIEWEIf HYIi c Uncertified data. DWR does not offer non -aqueous certification for this analytical procedure. Sludge Analysis Method PARAMETERS Sample Date Analyst Code Ahnnbnut, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 3288 11/21/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 2.8 11/26/18 MTM 3113B-04 Calcium (dry wt, basis), mg/kg 38491 11/21/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <0.5 11/21/18 MTM 31138-04 Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 699 11/21/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt, basis),mg/Icg 14 11/21/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg 17 12/03/18 MTM 3113B-04 Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 2491 Il/21/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Mercury (dry wt, basis), mg/kg 0.13 11/27/18 MTM EPA7471B Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Il 11/21/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Potassium ((try wt. basis), mg/lig 3290 11/21/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Selenium ((try wt. basis), nig/lig <5.0 11/27/18 M'1 10 3113B-04 Sodium ((try wt. basis), mg/kg 18364 12/07/18 AKS 3111B-11 Zine ((try wt. basis), mg/kg 997 11/21/18 LET EPA200.7 Total Solids, % 0.80 11/13/18 JMT 2540G-11 TKN (dry wt.), mg/kg c 140600 11/21/18 DTL 351.2 112-93 Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/Icg c 235.5 11/14/18 TLH 350.1 R2-93 Phosphorus, T, (dry wt.), tug/kg c 12640 11/13/18 DTL 365.4-74 Nitrate -Nitrite ((try wt.), mg/kg c 37.64 11/13/18 TLH 353.2 112-93 Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/kg 42265 11/28/18 SEJ Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), nig/kg <5.0 11/21/18 LFJ EPA200.7 ID#: 108 A DATE COLLECTED: 11/08/18 DATE REPORTED : 12/12/18 i -C REVIEWEIf HYIi c Uncertified data. DWR does not offer non -aqueous certification for this analytical procedure. N I C?fa P`W v S91 F. aN J 0 LL fs 63 c3 Q Z W 14 2 (L Y' O fn 00-. O = r U K m U 5 S.LS3.IISt1313WVNtld U ----- ----��.—NVd .a M a' 37!•i71Af-37u•�llN .?: ri:M i' _ 11 POJ Al uIlloulury NXI SP.110� MOIL SUINItl1N00:1071 o _ U N N NOI LOTl001tl O W w o oo'ednivu9m _ NOI1J3llO01VG.1 HO IV I/6W '3NINOlHJ 1V10 L n U Q w H � •� V ��i N j Z O � Q � I � J � , iT � C?fa P`W v S91 F. aN J 0 LL BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 12, 2018 Permit No. WQ0018525 Beacons Reach 1.09 % Solids Invironmeni I R 554A kDetcrmination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (MineralizationRate)(TKN-.AmmoniaN) i(0.5)(AmmoniaN)+NitrateN+Nitrite N=%PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or a detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. BEACON'S REACH I/POND (HYDROTECH) ATTN: DON O'MARA HYDROTECTI P.O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 Sludge Analysis Method PARMI.ETERS Sample Date Analyst Code PH (not to be used for reporting) 7.9 01/12/18 JTH 450010-11 Aluminum, (dr), wt. basis), mg/kg 2605 01/18/18 LH'J EPA200.7 Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/Icg 3.2 01/22/18 M'l i'bi 31130-04 Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 35831 01/24/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1.6 01/19/18 MTrvl 3113B-04 Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1811 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/Icg 11 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg 22 01/18/18 MTM 31138-04 Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 15935 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 0.14 01/29/18 LFJ EPA7471B Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Il 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200,7 Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 3725 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/Icg <5.0 01/17/18 MTM 3113I3-04 Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 14698 01/23/18 JMN 3111B-11 Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1032 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Total Solids, % 1.09 01/18/I8 KDS 2540631 TI(N (dry wt.), mg/kg c 79920 02/05/18 NIE 351.2 R2-93 Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),rag/kg c 433.0 02/01/18 CMI, 350.1 R2-93 Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg c 17350 02/05/18 DTL 365.4-74 Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg c 520.4 02/02/18 CLO 353.2 R2-93 Molybdenum ((try wt, basis), mg/kg 5 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 ID#: 554 A DATE COLLECTED: 01/12/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/06/18 REVIEWED BY/-'-e---- Y: . - _ c Uncertified aacz. nj,R due. not offer me aqucouo ccs 14 ficac ion fos eh 1:, end l ytical procedure. a 0 ZO F i Z }K Q L J ❑ O O U Z Q� (n Z �L1m Q F- S � � W L m � I W N z g a ¢ d o O� v s ❑ ❑ v� �z 8 V U ¢ ti Ij z c w o a �z ci LP a n cT5 SLS]JM313WV8Vd W 0 a C alrals�I-a)vallN A � — - M a ¢ 40d}L Y z a r p, .0 •o.[lrty umowiay tY�" o ❑ a 6 NL a 6 sP?los Iblol 1. t a C slVlaw din:` - — a C (91,10'03ul) Hd OR Sl33NIV1NOOdOY 9 D o O kz4' m m N0110311001V z Oo'3Hf11VN?dW31 > "' 7 N011 w Q 1/'J3110'JV.HO 6w 6w'3NItiOIHO HOI'iV101 1 w (`� r Q J N � � 3 Pi, x" z 6 U z WWWW Z S R'I co fWWF � `ted a w a 0 BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: July 17, 2018 Permit No. W00018525 Cape Royal Dolphin 0.34 % Solids 7.15 nil Parameter %` ,.Mg/Kgl?ryWeigSt 10,000 Poands(J)ryTgn .. M K `x 0:002 Nitrogen (TKN) 6.180 61,800.000 123.600 Phosphorus 0.028 282.000 0.564 Potassium 0.753 7,530.000 15.060 PAN injected)" 3.497 34,967.000 69.934 PAN surface' 3.366 33,662.000 _ 67.324 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.261 2,610.000 5.220 Calcium 1.840 18,400.000 36.800 Calcium Carbonate Eq. --- --- --- Magnesium 1,980.000 3.960 Sodium --- 47,400.000 94.800 Sulfur --- --- --- Niu ate N / Nitrite N --- 14,600.000 _ 29.200 Baritun --- --- --- Chloride --- --- --- Iron --- '-- --- _ Aluminum --- 5,280.00 10.560 Arsenic --- 67.40 0.135 Cadmium --- 67.40 0.135 Chromium --- 135.000 --- copper --- 210.00 0.420 --- 135.00 0.270 rcur _ -- 5.29 0.011 LLed l bdenum --- 67.40 0.1kel 135.00 0.270 Selenium -- 67.40 0.135 Zinc --- 1,790.00 3.580 P.nvirochem 9 2018-06923 `Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Anunonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) +(0.5)(Amntonia N) + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Note. Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. Fortin Contract Services Post Office Box 4188 Emerald Isle NC Attention: Dan Fortin Lab ID Sample ID: 18-17283 Site: Sludge Test Sludge Residuals v ' rf I -minaemtal Date of Report: Jul 17, 2018 Customer PC #: 28594 Customer ID: 08100061 Report #: 2018-06923 Project ID: Cape Royal Sludge Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 5/2/2018 7:55 AM Solid/Sludge Client Method Results Date Ana Aluminum EPA 200 7 5240 mg/kg 05/17/2018 Calciurn EPA 200 7 18400 mg/kg 05/09/2018 Chromium EPA 200 7 <1 35 mq/kq 05/17/2018 Copper EPA 200 7 210 mg/kq 05/17/2018 Lead EPA 200 7 <1 35 mg/kq 05/17/2018 Magnesium EPA 2003 1980 mg/kg 0(3/09/2018 Nickel EPA 200 7 <1 35 mg/kg 05/1712018 Potassium EPA 200 7 7530 ing/lic 05/09/2018 Sodium EPA 200 7 47400 rng/kg 05/11/2018 Zinc EPA 200 7 1790 mq/1<,q 05/17/2018 Arsenic EPA 200 8 <67.4 mg/kg 06/18/2018 Cadmium EPA 200 8 <67.4 mg/kg 06/18/2018 Molybdenum EPA 200 8 <67.4 mg/kg 06/18/2018 Selenium EPA 200 8 <67.4 mg/kg 06/18/2018 Nitrate+Niti ite-Nitrogen EPA 353 2 14600 mg/kg 05/10/2018 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 8 0.34% 05/03/2018 PH SM 4500 11 B 7.15 units 05/15/2018 Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4500 NH3 C 2610 mg/kg 05/07/2018 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) SM 4500 Org B 61800 mg/k, q 05/07/2018 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 282 mg/kg 05/10/2018 Mercury SW846 7471 B <5.29 mg/kg 05/05/2018 Comment Sludge residuals, except pH, reported on a dry weight basis. pH reported on an as received basis Reviewed by: k4ik All, Repo,! i� 2018-06921 Page I Of I WA n. LL 0 c Z a S C v, 0 _ LL C ( h u Z O Z U U U ~ h O o O p m a. O U °C O U N d V i CD U i C U c E LL w CC d Q a I. = - m W ❑ y w � N o a � Z u � n� dH3H10 ❑ it Z 0IH1 D ? Q "v> HOVH v ` w 2 CONN w H W oosznlOH ,t } 3 l 3NON X 1 H3BW(IN .i al avi r) I aupol4a i � ❑ _( I (D .o d) {'d ❑ C7 ❑. C7 d C7 0. U 0. U' 0. (7 0.. (} 0.JoU • �aulefuo� flL(D UU C7U C7 U 0 aflsodwoo adRl aldweS T CL E d O f C d N '"s f O N N ppp( U � a N C cz N C d BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: June 21, 2018 Permit No. WQ0018525 CC Sass 0.55 % Solids Envirochem N 2018-06900 *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Amnnonia N) +Nitrate N -1- Nitrite N = % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or a detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. Report #- 207808900 Page 1 of 1 b; _. bft ro�@3., WO'41%indn I l% I\, b1'i ni 5gt(n, i�C ifl,i +I�1495t1?231 ifs' 910.U' 15q P:x s � i'l l nu5��.i turn ku)il, Manno, AC 279517>3.4i, vlh Lab 71 a\ 2^Y -A W lmmmhon Iacktiom ill,,, N( 28540 ° 9 �(01i 5843 Lab�Pa� ANALYTICAL& CONSULTING CHEWFS Mfh(a;cn, i I onnwilw Ulcm is IS.cow Fortin Contract Services Date of Report: Jun 21, 2018 Post Office Box 4188 Customer PO #: Emerald Isle NC 28594 Customer ID: 08100061 Attention: Dan Fortin Report #: 2018-06900 Project ID: CCSASS Sludge Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 18-1722.4 Site: Sludge 5/2/2018 10:25 AM Solid/Sludge Client Test Method Results Date Analyzed --- Sludge Residuals' Aluminum EPA 2003 2290 mg/kg 05/16/2018 Calcium EPA 200.7 28400 mg/kg 05/09/2018 Chromium EPA 200.7 <91.5 mg/kg 05/16/2018 Copper EPA 200.7 704 mg/kg 05/16/2018 Lead EPA 200.7 <91.5 mg/kg 05/17/2018 Magnesium EPA 2001 8090 mg/kg 05/09/2018 Nickel EPA 200.7 <91.2 mg/kg 05/17/20'18 Potassium EPA 2007 14500 mg/kg 05/09/2018 Selenium EPA 200.7 <91.5 mg/kg 05/17/2018 Sodium EPA 200.7 33500 mg/kg 05/11/2018 Zinc EPA 200.7 640 mg/kg 05/17/2018 Arsenic EPA 2008 <18.4mg/kg 05/30/2018 Cadmium EPA 200 8 <18.4 mg/kg 05/30/2018 Molybdenum EPA 200.8 <18.4mg/kg 05/30/2018 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 38.5 mg/kg 05/10/2018 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 0.55% 05/03/2018 pH SM 4500 H B 6.77 units 05/15/2018 Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4500 NH3 c 8070 mg/kg 05/07/2018 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) SM 4500 org B 75300 mg/kg 05/07/2018 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 56000 mg/kg 05/10/2018 Mercury Sw8467471B <3.27 mg/kg 05/05/2018 Comment: Sludge residuals, except pH, reported on a dry weight basis. pH reported on an as received basis. 75 Reviewed by: V Report #- 207808900 Page 1 of 1 z N M z 0 > V/ U C 2 W L U J O 0 w z Z Q II S z U rn z z z z a UJ a _O W h p 0 ¢ W z w J � J O z w U z ui O j( z U. LL O O z n z O LU O x X a (L w c 0 O LL c iii zz O r- O Q cc I— O w O U cc U W N i T 9 C N G7 i � 5 � Z I � m r Cl) c � H3H10 1 Z OIHl nW •� QIIOVN / > £ONH W W40SZH �) :¢ m ,aH 3NON d9GWHN a1 evi N _E ouuo yo O ) to JO d) a C7 a a_ C'3 n. C`3 a C7foo _Ca_ (� a C7qe»io iauleluoo U C7 U C7 U C7U C7 U i3' U( U C7 U C9 ally dwo0 adAl aldweS m a N 7 o ti c j F `� o U m � r O N U �p C N N N a - N � I E ro ro � W BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 15, 2018 Permit No. W00018525 Colony By The Sea 0.62 % Solids 12.28 pH (taken from time stabilization event) Parameter % Mg/Kg Dry Weight % x 10,000) Pounds/Dry Ton (Mg/Kg (Mg/Kgx 0.002 Nitrogen (TKN) 4.693 46,930.000 93.860 Phosphorus 1.342 13,420.000 26.840 Potassium 0.541 5,411.000 10.822 PAN injected)* 1.436 14,360.450 28.721 PAN surface)* 1,417 14,166.500 28.333 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.039 38+900 0.776 Calcium 2.936 29,358.000 58.716 Calcium Carbonate Eq. --- --- --- Magnesium --- 4,802.000 9.604 Sodium --- 17,741.000 35.482 Sulfur --- --- --- Nitrate N /Nitrite N --- 9.920 0.020 Barium --- --- --- Chloride --- --- --- Iron --- --- --- Aluminum --- 2,693.00 5.386 Arsenic --- 2.50 0.005 Cadmium --- 1.00 0.002 Chromium --- 12.000 --- Copper --- 1 224.00 0.448 Lead --- 9.40 0.019 Mercury --- 0.21 0.000 Molybdenum --- 5.00 0.010 Nickel - 13.00 0.026 Selenium --- 5.00 0.010 Zinc --- 1,343.00 2.686 L.nvironment I N 616A *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N -+ Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N)+ Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. COLONY BY THE SEA (HYDROTECH) ATTN: DON O'MARA HYDROTECH P.O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 Sludge Analysis Method PARAMETERS Sample Date Analyst Code Aluminum, (dry wt, basis), mg/kg 2693 01/23/18 LEJ EPA200.7 Arsenic ((try wt. basis), nig/kg <2.5 01/25/18 MTM 31138-04 Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 29358 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1.0 01/25/18 MTM 31138-04 Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 224 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/Icg 12 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead (dry weight basis), mg/Icg 9.4 01/23/18 MTM 31138-04 Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 4802 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/lig 0.21 01/29/18 LFJ EPA7471B Mickel ((try at. basis), mg/hg 13 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Potassium (dry wt. basis), mglkg 5411 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Selmlium (dry wt. basis), 1119/lig <5,0 01/24/18 M1T1 31138-04 Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 17741 01/24/18 J1IN 31118-11 Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1343 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Total Solids, % 0.62 01/18/18 KDS 2540C-11 TKN (dry wt.), nig/kg c 46930 02/05/18 ME 351.2 112-93 Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg c 387.9 02/08/18 CML 350.1 R2-93 Phosphorus, T, (dry wt.), mg/kg c 13420 02/05/18 DTL 365.4-74 Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg c 9.92 02/13/18 NW, 353.2 R2-93 Plant Available Nitrogen, nig/kg 14166 02/14/18 SEJ Molybdenum (dry wt, basis), nig/kg <5.0 01/23/18 LEJ EPA200.7 IDi#: 616 A DATE COLLECTED: 07./15/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/14/18 REVIEWED BY: C Uncer[1. fl I dnt1. DIM aoen uo.. offer non- _ ovo cartsfleneinn for eSio anuly C!cnl [)LOC edure. J C14 O > N Z w O ol Eli _ C p Z ¢ j�mge (�� ��Og® B . ` z Y z(mJ m Z5 o- a' � a g � S1S3USH313WVHVd — o °' N � n m � N U d � N N d O E N O O � D O cd Y _p U N a V N _ � Y _d C 'WUJI � E o. E w N � Q N Em i� (7 Lu NVd"' LE � � o 1 � a. C •Dagµ ul�ronm�� � �+ g P4 NML a SH3NIM00308 v pNOIlO311001V V Z o p 0o'3H(i1VH3dW31 w � cwi � NOI10311001V/6n HO Q ¢ d Q Ow'3NIHO1HO 1V101 E i o � o t+ G c cc i G a �Ov°'i EIo w w u6J1 � rZ .�•d.r o� C z zo r J m m v m U.2 eOioFan Q4 qaq 8 BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater'freatmentPlant Date Sampled: January 2, 2018 Permit No. WO0018525 Dmrescaoe 1.44 % Solids F.nvizonmcm 1 9 556 A *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) -1. (0.5)(Ammonia N) .1. Nitrate N f Nitrite N = % PAN Notc: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits fm, calculation purposes. DUNESCAPE (HYDROTECH) ATTN: DON O'MARA HYDROTECH P.O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 PARAMETERS PH (not to be used for reporting) Aluminum, ((fry wt. basis), mg/I(g Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Calcium ((fry wt. basis), mg/kg Cadmium ((fry wt, basis), mg/kg Copper (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/1(g Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg Magnesium (dry wt. basis), nig/kg Alercury (dry wt. basis), mg/I(g Nickel (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/1(g Selcnlum (dry wt, basis), mg/1(g Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/1(g Total Solids, cry TKN ((try wt.), mg/kg Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wL),mg/1:g Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/lig Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Sludge Analysis Method Sample Date. Analyst Code 7.1 01/02/18 KMR 4500HI3-11 4470 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 3.0 01/25/18 MTM 311313-04 48033 01/24/18 LFJ EPA200.7 L2 01/19/18 MTNi 3113B-04 1023 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 16 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 30 01/18/18 MTNI 3113B-04 12259 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0,21 01/19/18 JiMN EPA7471B 13 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 2777 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 01/17/18 MTM 311333-04 9614 01/23/18 JMN 3111B-11. 1306 01/I8/18 LFJ EPA200.7 1.44 01/03/18 AKS 254OG-11 c 71200 01/19/18 CIA 351.2 R2-93 c 968.5 01/22/18 CLO 350.1 R2-93 c 17480 01/18/18 A1F 365.4.74 c 940.9 01/26/18 CML 353.2 R2-93 <5.0 01/18/I8 LFJ EPA200.7 ID#: 556 A DATE COLLECTED: 01/02/18 DATE REPORTED : 01/30/18 REVIEWED BY: /—i`(y"/— O Unen xtitild data. o'm do., .me o_iu. ., o., -uq ue,u, c. -...d fie,, Sw -oc thf. aoa yt iaal ,,..educe, I II Q{ z M , ..r ii tFt ~ LU w 3 Iz a5S W O W LL ('J IL W Y r^ O p 2 lLi z 1- O O V 'r n O Ul w s T " Z � S1S3USti317N1HNNd " °' "' O Pod S W a 6 SP!10S le{0y o% a C (•{Pi0 '03111) Hd rad SlIem 1 mdb# ^ N r � m N01103MOB (� z O.'3aravu3ma z u9 N011031100 IV y c> chi QCl 0-i Ufiw'3NIIMHOH0'1HO1V101 e w c7 M � F b �� �v d ti z ro' ti rn n, U Q{ z M , ..r ii BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: February 8, 2018 Permit No. WQ0018525 Eight 1/2 Marina 0.51 %Solids 12.2 uH (taken from time stabilization) Parameter % Mg/Kg Dry Weight % x 10,000) Pounds/Dry Ton (MgtKg z 0.002 Nitrogen(TKN) 2.438 41,100.000 82.200 Phos horns 0.244 16,330.000 32.660 Potassium 0.349 2,923.000 5.846 PAN (injected)* 0.740 7,397.776 14.796 PAN (surface)* 0.735 7,349.886 14.700 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.010 713.200 1.426 Calcium 45,084.000 90.168 Calcium Carbonate Eq. --- --- --- Ma nesiunt --- 2,655.000 5.310 Sodium --- 9,461.000 18.922 Sulfur --- --- --- Nitrate N / Nitrite N --- 17.930 0.036 Barium --- --- --- Chloride --- --- --- Iron --- --- --- Aluminum --- 4,589.00 9.178 Arsenic 4.50 0.009 Cadmium --- 1.30 0.003 Chromium --- 21.000 --- Co er --- 1,071.00 2.142 Lead --- 28.00 0.056 Mercury --- 0.17 0.000 Molybdenum --- 5.00 0.010 Nickel --- 9.00 0.018 Selenium--- 5.00 0.010 Zinc --- 2,066.00 4.132 Environment I# 196A *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. Go ill ',,/ ll��G��;l' zr _I /a E. EIGHT & ONE-HALF MARINA VILLAGE MR. DAN FORTIN FORTIN CONTRACT SERVICES P.O. BOX 4188 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 Sludge Analysis Method PARAMETERS Sample Date Analyst Code Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/Icg 4589 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Arsenic ((try wt. basis), mg/kg 4.5 02/26/18 NIT IM 3113B-04 Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 45084 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1.3 02/26/18 MTM 3113B-04 Copper (dry wt, basis), mg/kg 1071 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/Icg 21 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg 28 02/23/18 MTM 3113B-04 Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 2655 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 0.17 02/27/18 MTM EPA7471B Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/lig 9 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 2923 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Selenium (dry wt, basis), mg/kg <5.0 02/22/18 NITM 3113B-04 Sodium (dry wt, basis), mg/kg 9461 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 2066 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Total Solids, % 0.51 02/13/18 KAC 2540G-11 TKN ((try wt.), mg/Icg c 41100 02/22/18 CML 351.2 R2-93 Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/lcg c 713.2 03/06/18 MF 350.1 R2-93 Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg c 16330 02/22/18 DTI, 365.4-74 Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/lig c 17.93 03/09/18 Mr 353.2 R2-93 Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/kg 16529 03/12/18 S Molybdenum (dry wt, basis), mg/]cg <5.0 02/26/18 L17.1 EPA200.7 ID#: 196 A DATE COLLECTED: 02/08/18 DATE REPORTED : 03/13/18 REVIEWED BY: C Uncarei"-od data. DWR d000 not o_.or non-aqu e o ua Corti -lcat ion Eo- thio analytical P=ocedur.e. BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 17, 2018 Permit No. W00018525 Genesis Condos 1.36 % Solids ^'Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(J'KN-Anvnonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N Nitrite N = % PAN Note: Constitu to is N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. GENESIS CONDO ASSOCIATION(HYDROTECH DON O'MARA HYDROTECH P.O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 PARAMETERS PH (not to be used for reporting) Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), tug/kg Arsenic ((try wt. basis), mg/kg Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Cadmium (dry wt, basis), mg1kg Copper ((try wt, basis), mg/kg Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Nickel (dry «t. basis), mg/kg Potassium ((try wt. basis), mg/kg Selenium (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Total Solids, % TKN (dry wt.), mg/kg Ammonia Nitrogen ((try wt,),mg/kg Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mgikg Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Sludge Analysis Method Sample Date Analyst Code 7.3 01/17/18 JTH 4500HB-11 2625 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 3.7 02/14/18 NITNI 311313.04 34438 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.90 02/13/18 MTM 3113E.04 476 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 12 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 15 02/12/18 MTM 3113B-04 3818 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <0.02 02/12/18 LFJ EPA7471B 16 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 4183 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 02/14/18 MT\4 311311-04 15946 02/09/18 LEJ EPA200.7 1048 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 1.36 01/18/18 KDS 254OG-11 c 42940 02/05/18 MF 351,2 112-93 c 2906 02/19/18 CLO 350.1 R2-93 C 13850 02/05/18 DTL 365.4-74 c 16.73 02/13/18 MF 353.2 R2-93 <5.0 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 ID#: 68 C DATE COLLECTED: 01/17/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/20/18 REVIEWED BY: c tinwrtiFied data. OWR aoea r.o- off.r a...- - .oun crrtiflcac!o. for th!o analytical pr Occ?%Ira. 11 1r0''lf� O U W 0 Q h L hoz h C O _ Ewa W0 CD r. N app m OI z 3r' z Q> w 2z j Q O UP � V W Z LLr 44`" � a � S1S3USU313WVUVd `'' "' " U w w w ml W d •o.77rN e(aa[umy �G••; o '� o 0 p, c SPRa518AL % . a 6 SIMM z W, SU3NIV1N00A'6N N01103'i1001V O Wz O 0o'3Ufi1VU3dW31 z NOUO1/61 UO Q ^y OW'DNINO]HO]V101 ¢ `� M 0 w w w oa N z a 0 6 w O _ z z N = F6 Ea O �W'bawaQi z\ z c CD r. N app m OI z 3r' BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 12, 2018 Permit No. WQ0018525 Parameter % MglKg Hampton Suites 1.52 % Solids 7.40 pH Grvirorment I, Incorporated 551 A °Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-.Ammonia N) 'IAmmonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N .i. Nitrite N % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or <detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. Jr Wetgtrt, ' ("/o x 10,. 6) Poauds/Dry Nitrogen (TKN) 6.822 68,220.000 136.440 Phosphorus 1.364 13,640,000 27.280 Potassium 0.331 3,312.000 6.624 PANinjected)" 2.048 20,479.696 40.959 PAN surface)* 2.047 20,473.356 40.947 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.001 12.680 0.025 Calcium 4.354 43,5_36.000 87.072 Calcium Carbonate Eq. ---_ _ Ma nesium -- 2,298.000 4.596 Sodium --- 18,985.000 _ 37.970 Sulfur --- --- --- Nitiate N / Nitrite N 4.820B--- 0.010 arium - - --- _ _ -- Chloride --- --- -- Iron--- Aluminum - 1679.000 3.358 Arsenic 2.50 0.005 --- 0.50 --- 0.50 0.001 Chromium 5.000 Cot ter --____-- ---_-_- _ 902.00 _ 1.804 Lead _-- 4.20 0.008 Mercur --- 0.10 0.000 ___ Molybdenum --- _ 5.00 _ 0.010 Nickel _ --- 13.00 0.026 _ Selenium --- 5.00 0.010 Zinc --- 460.00 0.920 - --1 Grvirorment I, Incorporated 551 A °Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-.Ammonia N) 'IAmmonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N .i. Nitrite N % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or <detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. f ,Tu,;(�lu�o��)(, HAMPTON INN (HYDROTECH) ATTN: DON O'MARA HYDROTECH P.O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 PARAMETERS PIi (not to be used for reporting) Aluminum, (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Arsenic (dry wt, basis), mg/Icg Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/Icg Copper (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg Lead (dry weight basis), mg/Icg Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/lig Selenium (dry wt, basis), mg/hg Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 'Linc ((try wt. basis), mg/Icg Total Solids, % TPN (dry wt.), mg/kg Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/Icg Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg Nitrate -Nitrite ((try wt.), mg/kg Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Sludge Analysis Method Sample Date Analyst Code 7.4 01/12/18 JTII 45001IB-I1 1679 01/18/18 LEJ EPA200.7 <2.5 01/22/18 MTM 3113B-04 43536 01/24/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <0.5 01/19/18 MTh4 3113B-04 902 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 5 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 4.2 01/18/18 MTM 3113B-04 2298 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.10 01/19/18 JMN EPA7471B 13 01/I8/18 LFJ EPA200,7 3312 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200,7 <5.0 01/17/18 MTM 311313-04 18985 01/23/18 JMN 3111B-11 460 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 1.52 01118/18 KDS 2540G-11 c 68220 01/26/18 DL 351,2 R2.93 c 12.68 01/29/18 DTL 350.1 R2-93 c 13640 01/26/18 N4R 365.4.74 c 4.82 01/26/18 CMI, 353.2 R2-93 <5.0 01./18/18 LET EPA200.7 ID#: 551 A DATE COLLECTED: 01/12/18 DATE REPORTED : 01/30/18 E REVIEWED BY: uncertitto0 data. I:WR Ccee no, o-_�_ ..c., -aqueous ce rt i E is at 0n Eos Chia analytics: [race Aure. u .y n a Q W ai W FM M v 91 0 z O OQ a SIS31/S8313VMVd [`LJ Ci p, .L al}allN-a7eallN �� U. ..� W a C Pod W W n. d •oalfN enroum1y?�,:. kyr � a 6 TUGS Mol % r<� . a C slelayN l9� W C (Slao 'ojul) Hd z ry Sd3NIV1NONN dA, N0I103TIOOIV �j O Wz > O 0='3HfllVH3dW31 0 0 0 U a z ti NOI10311001V 1/n HO q 1/6w'3NIHO1H01V101 s ¢ ¢ Q �O o a o < � J g' 0o y �i [®ri Z '7' (iU(ijj L1 N J rn cn u� d m O cI W ai W FM M v 91 0 BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: August 23, 2018 Permit No. WQ0018525 Island Beach 1.06 % Solids Environment 1 9 564 A *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N � Nitrate N +Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) .1, Nitrate N 1 Nitrite N = ON. PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. tri �1( ijI�, Cz'R,ET WHIE, `r.I.C. 217258 ENVIRACON UTILITIES C/O MR. STANLEY BUCK 1745 BELLGRADE-SWANSBORO ROAD MAYSVILLE ,NC 28555 PARAMETERS PH Piot to be used for reporting) Ahimbioni, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Arsenic ((try wt. basis), nig/kg Calcium (dry wt. basis), nig/kg Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/Icg Lead ((fry weight basis), nig/hg Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Selenium ((fry wt, basis), mg/kg Sodium (dry wt, basis), ing/Icg Ziac (dry wt. basis), nig/kg Total Solids, % TION (dry wt.), mg/kg Ammonia Nitrogen (div wt.),nig/lig Phosphorus, T. ((try wt.), nig/hg Nitrate -Nitrite ((fry wt.), nrg/Icg Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Sludge Analysis Method Sample Date Analyst Code 7.4 08/23/18 HYIM 4500HB-11 4163 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <2.5 09/25/18 MTM 311313-04 56398 09/20/18 LPJ EPA200.7 0.65 09/21/18 MTM 3113B 04 1237 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 11 09/20/18 LPJ EPA200.7 9.2 09/20/18 IVITM 311313-04 3709 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.19 08/31/18 MTM EPA74716 12 09/20/18 LPJ EPA200.7 3654 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 09/27/18 Iv1TM 31L3B-04 8807 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 853 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 L06 08/23/18 JMS 2540G -II c 33370 08/28/18 DTL 351.2 R2-93 c 939.1 09/11/18 BLD 350.1 R2-93 c 22670 08/28/18 CLO 365.4-74 c 4.91 08/28/18 TLA 353.2 R2-93 <5.0 09/20/18 LFT EPA200.7 ID#: 564 A DATE COLLECTED: 08/23/18 DATE REPORTED : 10/11/18 c Jo=or;.if luaa data. U"v!R doss not oE2er nnnn _i ,,x c�n.!fira[So:: fcr Ch!s nn,.!yf!caj P=ecedure. I R IF u IF s 0 \^� J I 51 i Q }iS 3 d o w S1S3llS41313WV11Vd 4' `n a V455 — i F 1. M @ all+lFN•aFvaJ(N L — _ _ � m § , w a Q VOd i �' _ µ �.� a d •o.piN vFuounu� > - m In _ T;. nxya S Uj3 �m (SPrO 'o3t1U FIS �k SU3NININOO 3011 �n 1 4i C9 U O W r > > N0110311001V u Oo'3UN.V03dW31 n. N011'3110'J -LV U6n 00 i v Q Ufiw'3NI001H09V101 wwg , A a6 F 1 Z z IL In K N O h w o _N o 0 g °a n, 0 O >1 zp t ui Lq �y3 A IF u IF s 0 BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: August 23, 2018 Permit No. WQ0018525 Mariners Point 0.60 % Solids *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(-I'KN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (so( Detected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. ,i j,t 1 Ilii I l 0N 0HIVL 1,4 CAW MARINERS POINT C/O MR. STANLEY BUCR 1745 BELGRADE-SWANSBORO RD. MAYSVILLE ,NC 28555 PARAMETERS PH (not to be used for reporting) Alumhmm, (dry wt, basis), nig/1(g Arsenic (dry wt. basis), nig/kg Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/I(g Cadmium (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Copper ((try wt. basis), mg/kg Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),ug/kg head ((try weight basis), mg/kg Magnesium ((try wt. basis), mg/kg Mercury ((try wt. basis), mg/leg Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Potassium (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Zinc (dry wt. basis), nag/1(g Sodium Adsorption Ratio (talc) Total Solids, % TEN (dry wt.), mg/kg Anmmonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/Icg Nitrate Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/lig Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Sludge Analysis Method Sample Date Analyst Code 7.3 08/23/18 i-MNI 45001IB-11 3622 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 4.0 09/25/18 MTh! 3113B-04 62329 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.71 09/21/18 MTM 3113B-04 792 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 20 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 19 09/20/18 MTV/ 3113B-04 4892 09/20/18 LRT EPA200.7 0.15 08/31/18 hfPM EPA747113 7 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 4675 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 09/27/18 MTM 3113B-04 6641 09/20/18 LF,1 EPA200.7 3004 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.2 0.60 08/23/18 JMS 2540E -I1 c 25130 08/28/18 DTL 351.2 82-93 c 243.5 09/11/18 BLD 350.1 R2-93 c 14870 08/28/18 CLO 365.4-74 c 604.8 09/19/18 DTL 353.2 112-93 <5.0 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 ID#: 307 DATE COLLECTED: 08/23/18 DATE REPORT D t 10/11/18 REVIEWED BY: e:lrcrtif-Ad d.t.. n4'A don!i I'll. offer non-uqu Co':I3 c, _rt:ficuti7n Eor thio .1,.91`fL1Ca1 procedure. A ..t Q O G7 CO in m A d Od � b � z FS O W Z U ¢ w m Z qq g OJ Z 1 1 Z O y CJ Z U 4 m U 'N" El [71 Cl Ll a 8 � slsaUsa3ldwvavd � � s �J N p,� d ,f�rnjso.raoO �� a; d �a!nml!nai x a N �7lnpouag � a, d � --' a d at!a1!N-ate.rl!N 8 a d 'Od a d .05N Nuommv s LU W d NJXII wvV Jk a. d ( luo •aaa>� x G Sa3NXN00dO# O 0 aO z N0110311001N O O>'3anmDdW31 NOII031100 iv I/6o HO q i/hu)'3NIU01HOINOlHJ 1V101izs w P w w w � In pq 3 P.4V3) z o 11 x O d G] q N ¢_ cc O G7 CO in m A d Od � b BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 17, 2018 Permit No. W00018525 NC Aquarium at Pine 1.35 % Solids Knoll Shores 12.25 PH (taken from time stabilization event) Parameter % Mg/Kg Dry Weigbt % x 10,000 Pounds/Dry Ton (M K 0.002 Nitrogen (TKN) 3.797 37,970.000 75.940 Phosphorus 1.209 12,090.000 24.180 Potassium 0.650 6,503.000 13.006 PAN (injected)* 1.175 11,747.570 23.495 PAN (surface)* 1.150 11,497.070 22.994 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.050 501.000 1.002 Calcium 3.320 33,196.000 66.392 Calcium Carbonate Eq. --- --- --- Magnesium --- 8,531.000 17.062 Sodium --- 79,773.000 159.546 Sulfur --- --- --- Nitrate N / Nitrite N --- 5.870 0.012 Barium --- --- --- Chloride --- --- --- Iron --- -- --- Aluminum --- 1,293.00 2.586 Arsenic 2.50 0.005 Cadmium --- 17.00 0.034 Chromium --- 15.000 --- Copper --- 413.00 0.826 Lead --- 42.00 0.084 Mercury 0.25 0.001 M01 bdenum --- 5.00 0.010 Nickel --- 17.00 0.034 Selenium 5.00 0.010 Zinc --- 787.00 1.574 Environment I N 444 A *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N +Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0,5)(Antmonia N) + Nitrate N +Nitrite N = % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. ','„ , i� �,Jlil.l��1) nl).1 _p u I_ !'EENIIVILLE, N.C. 278,5-7085 NC AQUARIUM AT PINE KNOLL SHORES MR. DAN FORTIN FORTIN CONTRACT SERVICES P.O. BOX 4188 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 Sludge Analysis Method PARAMETERS Sample Date Analyst Code Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1293 02/09/18 LF.J EPA200.7 Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <2.5 02/14/18 MTM 3113B-04 Calcium (dry wt, basis), mg/kg 33196 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 17 02/13/18 MTM 3113B-04 Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 413 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),nlg/kg 15 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg 42 02/12/18 MTM 3113B-04 Magnesium (dry wt, basis), mg/kg 8531 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 0.25 02/12/18 LFJ EPA7471B Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 17 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Potassium (dry wt. basis), nig/kg 6503 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 02/14/18 MTM 3113B-04 Sodium ((try wt. basis), mg/kg 79773 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 787 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Total Solids, % 1.35 01/18/18 RDS 2540G-11 TKN (dry wt.), mg/kg c 37970 02/05/18 MP 351.2 R2-93 Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg c 501.0 02/19/18 CLO 350.1 R2-93 Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg c 12090 02/05/18 Du. 365.4-74 Nitrate -Nitrite ((try wt.), mg/kg c 5.87 02/13/18 MF 353.2 112-93 Plant Available Nitrogen, mglkg 11497 02/20/18 SEJ Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 FAX (252) 156 - ID#: 444 A DATE COLLECTED: 01/17/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/20/18 REVIEWED BY: c Uncortafiod data. C.dR dooa not offor non-agnooua Certification for ....rn analytical proocdurc. BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 24, 2018 Permit No. W00003067 Ocean Bay Villas 0.30 % Solids 7.1 pH Parameter % Mg/Kg Dry Weight % x 10,000) Pounds/Dry Ton S (Mg/kg. X'0.002) Nitrogen (TKN) 4.083 40,830.000 81.660 Phos horns 1.361 13,610.000 27.220 Potassium 0.452 4,518.000 9.036 PAN injected)* 1.228 12,281.514 24.563 PAN surface)* 1.227 12,265.304 24.531 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.003 32.420 0.065 Calcium 5.108 51,083.000 102.166 Calcium Carbonate Eq. --- --- --- _ Magnesium --- 3,849.000 7.698 Sodimn --- 13,181.000 26.362 Sulfur --- --- Nitrate N / Nitrite N --- 9.820 0.020 barium -'- -- --- Chloride --- --- Iron --- --- --- Aluminum —- --- 4,928.00 9.856 Arsenic ------ ----- — 2.80 ___-- 0.006 Cadmium --- 1.20 _ 0.002 Chromium -- --- -- —17.000 Copper --- 331.00 0.662 Lead 33.00 0.066 Mercur --- 0.30 0.001 Molybdenum --- 5.00 0.010 Nickel _ 15.00 0.030 Selenium 5.00 0.010 Zinc --- 1,264.00 2.528 fnvironmcnl I d 442 A *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) I Ammonia N i Nitrate N t Nitrite N % PAN Surface Application: (MineralizationRate)(TKN-AmmoniaN) 1(0.5)(AnnnoniaN)+Nitrate N+Nitrite N=%PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation pm -poses. i :ii ill;�lix-s!i) i' 1i,, ',;'0 (f, t 1RIEENvU-E, N.C,',27835-7085 C&P ENTERPRISES MR. DAN FORTIN FORTIN CONTRACT SERVICES P.O. BOX 4188 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 ijl PAX (252) 7E6 C633 ID#: 442 A DATE COLLECTED: 01/24/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/28/18 REVIEWED BY:�` e Vnc nr ti f.iod data. DWR dopa not o. -er non-aqu nous ecrtif 1e aion Cor thio analytical nro cc avre. Sludge Analysis Method PARAMETERS Sample Date Analyst Code PH (not to be used for reporting) 7.1 01/24/18 JTH 450OBB-11 Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 4928 02/20/18 LPJ EPA200.7 Arsenic ((try wt. basis), mg/kg 2.8 02/21/18 MTM 3113B-04 Calcium ((try wt. basis), mg/kg 51083 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200,7 Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1.2 02/20/18 MTM 3113B-04 Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 331 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg 17 02/20/18 L.PJ EPA200.7 Lead ((try weight basis), mg/kg 33 02/19/18 MTM 3113B-04 Magnesium ((try ict. basis), mg/kg 3849 02/20/18 LEJ EPA200.7 Mercury (chy wt, basis), mg/lig 0.30 02/12/18 LFJ EPA7471B Nickel ((try wt. basis), mg/kg 15 02/20/18 LPJ EPA200.7 Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 4518 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Selenium ((try wt. basis), mg/lig <5.0 02/22/18 MTM 311313-04 Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 13181 02/20/18 LPJ EPA200.7 Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1264 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Sodium Adsorption Ratio (cafe) 0.5 Total Solids, % 0.30 01/25/18 MAR 2540G-1.1 TKN (dry wt.), mg/kg c 40830 02/16/18 CLO 351.2 112-93 Ammonia Nitrogen ((try wt.),mg/lig c 32.42 02/20/18 CML 3501 R2-93 Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/lig c 13610 02/16/18 CMI, 365.4-74 Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/ki; e 9.82 02/21/18 CLO 353.2 112-93 A4olybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/lig <5.0 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 PAX (252) 7E6 C633 ID#: 442 A DATE COLLECTED: 01/24/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/28/18 REVIEWED BY:�` e Vnc nr ti f.iod data. DWR dopa not o. -er non-aqu nous ecrtif 1e aion Cor thio analytical nro cc avre. BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL. WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 17, 2018 Permit No. W00018525 Ocean Club 0.36 % Solids 12.05 nH (taken from lime stabilization event) 2.022 IlPotassium 1 0.7161 7.155.0001 14.31011 12.490 nia Nitrogen 0.025 246.100 0.492 n 4.523 45,227.000 90.454 n Carbonate Eq. --- --- --- duni -- 5,209.000 10.418 Aluminum 14,522.000 29.044 M /K _— Arsenic --- 2.50 N / Niuite N --- 6.860 0.014 13arium --- --- SAR Chloride 1.03 _ --- CeilingConcen.' Aluminum --- - —_--- 1.622.00 -- 3.244 M /K _— Arsenic --- 2.50 0.005 75 Cadmium _ --- 0.75 _ 0.002 85 Chromium --- 7.000 --- ... •-- FCOer 368.00 0.736 4,300 Lead --- 9.60 0.019 840 Mercui 0.38 0.001 _ 57 _ Mol bdenum _ 5.00 _ 0.010 75 Nickel -- 9.00 0.018 420 Selenium 5.00 0.010 100 Zinc --- 1,735.00 1 3.470 7,500 11 I I �I Environment I N 404 A *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N i- Nitrate N -+ Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (MincralizationRate)(TKN-AmmoniaN) I (0.5)(AmnnoniaN) I Nitrate N+ Nitrite NN %PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. ?.t). BOX i'085, 1140^,Ki'j!=0Nj'i OCEAN CLUB MR. DAN FORTIN FORTIN CONTRACT SERVICES P.O. BOX 4188 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 t AXI (252) 756-0633 ID#: 404 A DATE COLLECTED: 01/17/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/20/18 REVIEWED BY:� .. Oncer¢iflcb data. DWZ door not offer non-aquoonn cortifir.atlon for th}n analyt5cal procaduro. Sludge Analysis Method PARAMETERS Sample Date Analyst Code Alumumm, (dry wt, basis), mg/lig 1622 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <2.5 02/14/18 MTA1 3113B-04 Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 45227 02/09/18 Lrl EPA200.7 Cadmium ((try wt. basis), mg/kg 0.75 02/13/18 MTM 31138-04 Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 368 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg 7 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg 9.6 02/12/18 MTM 311313-04 Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/lig 5209 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/Icg 0.38 02/12/18 LFJ EPA7471B Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 9 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Potassium (dry wt, basis), mg/kg 7155 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Selenium ((try wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 02/14/18 MTM 3113B-04 Sodium ((try at. basis), mg/kg 14522 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1735 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Total Solids, % 0.36 01/18/18 IRDS 25406-11 TKN (dry wt.), mg/lig c 20220 02/05/18 MF 351.2 82-93 Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg c 246.1 02/19/18 CLO 350.1 R2-93 Phosphorus, T. ((try wt.), mg/kg c 19881 02/05/18 DTL 36.5.4-74 Nitrate -Nitrite ((try wt.), mg/kg c 6.86 02/13/18 NfF 353.2 112-93 Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/Icg 6122 02/20/18 SEJ Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 t AXI (252) 756-0633 ID#: 404 A DATE COLLECTED: 01/17/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/20/18 REVIEWED BY:� .. Oncer¢iflcb data. DWZ door not offer non-aquoonn cortifir.atlon for th}n analyt5cal procaduro. BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual'Pype: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 16, 2018 Permit No. W00018525 Oceans Condominiums 0.85 % Solids 7.6 nH Parameter 'O!o .Mg/Kg Dry height O,UQO) Poundsl,Ury Toa . (M /Kg z NiGogen (TKN) 0.330 52,120.000 104.240 Phos horns 0.266 9,932.000 19.864 Potassium 0.504 6,435.000 12.870 PANinjected)" 0.119 1,186.300 _ 2.373 PAN surface)* O. 105 1,051.800 2.104 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.027 1,598.000 _ 3.196 Calcium 5.876 21,532.000 43.064 Calcium Carbonate Eq. --- --- --- Mamiesium 0.418 3,912.000 7.824 Sodium --- 19,609.000 39.218 Sulfur --- ------ Nittate N / Nitrite N --- 8.900 0.018 _ Barium --- --- -- Chloride _ --- --- --- Iron Iron --- --- _ -- Aluminum --- 2,302.00 4.604 Arsenic _ 2.50 0.005 Cadmium --- 0.96 0.002 Chromiunn ---_-- -- -----_ 7.000 --- Co et --- 541.00 1.082 Lead --- 15.00 0.030 Mercer _ --- _ 0.26 0.001 M01 bdenum --- 6.00 0.012 _ Nickel --- 11.00 0.022 Selenium -- 5.00 0.010 Linc --- 1.044.00 2.088 Environment 1 ft 566 A *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(i'KN-Ammonia N) -t- Ammonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-AmmoniaN) i (0.5)(AmmoniaN)+Nitrate N; NitriteN=%PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or <detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. OCEANS CONDOMINIUMS (HYDROTECH) ATTN: DON O'MARA HYDROTECH P.O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 PARAMETERS PH (not to be used for reporting) Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/Icg Cadmium ((try wt_ basis), mg/Icg Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg Lead ((try weight basis), mg/k-1 Magnesium (dry wt, basis), mg/Icg Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/hg Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/Icg Polassium (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/hg Sodium ((try wt. basis), mg/kg Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Total Solids, TKN ((try wt.), tng/kg Ammonia Nitrogen ((try w0,111111/kIl Phosphorus, T. ((try wt.), mg/kg Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg Molybdenum ((try wt. basis), mg/kg Sludge Analysis Method Sample Date Analyst Code 7.6 01/16/18 JTH 4500HII-11 2302 01/23/18 LhJ EPA200.7 <2.5 01/25/18 NYPM 3113B-04 21532 01/23/18 LRJ EPA200.7 0.96 01/25/18 M'I'NI 3113B-04 541 01/23/18 LPJ EPA200.7 7 01/23/18 LPJ EPA200.7 15 01/23/18 MTNI 3113B-04 3912 01/23/18 LhJ EPA200.7 0,26 01%29/18 LPJ EPA747113 11 01/23/18 LPJ EPA200.7 6435 01/23/18 LPJ EPA200.7 <5.0 01/24/18 NITNI 3113E-04 19609 07/24/18 JMN 31111341 1044 01/23/18 LPJ EP.A200.7 0.85 01/18/18 KDS 7,540G-11 c 52120 02/05/18 MP 351.2 R2-93 c 1598 02/08/18 CML 350.1 R2-93 c 9932 02/05/18 DTL 365.4-74 c 8.90 02/13/18 MP 353.2 R2-93 6 01/23/18 LPJ EPA200.7 Ill#: 566 A DATE COLLECTED: 01/16/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/14/18 REVIEWED BY: c Onrcrc i''ietl tlaca. Dtvl ..o_n Ooc offer ron . ouo c¢ictfic st l on oChia anav Yeic+3 r=a C sdu Sc II x � crl o z ar •;i r� a a `Sw 0 z moi' 4 d S w Q 4 ptol ¢ ¢ U J Z = = C - U �- S1931JSH313AMd E m L" a _ @ a N N y N d O E m -- O > U O O N ~ Y N n U d q r 6 C N � _ � Q R 3 NJ m 0 0 c] M UV MCI' I� N 1 Q Na I10, O W qOe d rG-I�t� ti .U.,7, ^ v �z ❑ 2 zr WMCj �w U alfam-aluilll•1I ME Pod UV MCI' }N SPI Os Moil 0/0 110 1 1UP SIM Na I10, (9100 .0jul) lid 0 fV 0 a p d c7 0 BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 12, 2018 Permit No. W00018525 Ocean Terrace 1.79 % Solids 8.3 pIl Parameter °/q " Mg I{g Dry Weight, Pounds/Dry Ton , (Mg/Kg'•x 9.002) Nitrogen (TI<N) 6.037 60,370.000 120.740 Phosphorus 1.759 17,590.000 35.180 Potassium 0.271 2,707.000 5.414 PAN (injected)" 1.815 18,154.422 36.309 PAN (Surrface v 1.815 18,148.842 36.298 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.001 11.160 0.022 Calcium _ 5.214 52,144.000 104.288 Calcium Carbonate Bch_ _- --- Ma nesium -- 2,637.000 5.274 Sodium --- 13.930.000 27.860 Sulfur --- Nitrate N / Nitrite N _ --- 35.610 0.071 Barium -- ----- Chloride -- --- --- ------------- --- -- 6'011 ------ --- --- -- Aluminum --- 4703.000 9.406 Arsenic _ 4.70 0.009 Cadmium --- _ --- 1.40 ------ 0.003 Chromium -- 20.000 -- --- Coper-----__-_----_- Copper --- ---- - t ,1 17.00 ---- 2.234 Lead _ _ 37.00 _ 0.074 mercury_ --- _-----_- 0.48 - -- 0.001 Mol bdenun 5.00 0.010 Nickel --- 12.00 0.024 Selenium _ _ - 5.00 _ 0.010 zinc --- 2,392.00 4.784 [nvironment 19 557 A *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N -1 Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rale)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N + Nitrite N - % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation Purposes. OCEAN TERRACE (HYDROTECH) ATTN: DON O'MARA HYDROTECH P.O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 PARAMETERS PH (not to be used for reporting) Aluminum, ((ry wt, basis), mg/kg Arsenic (dry wt, basis), mg/itg Calcium ((try wt. basis), mg/kg Cadmium (dry wt, basis), ung/kg Copper ((try wt. basis), mg/kg Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/Itg Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg .Magnesium ((try wt, basis), mg/kg Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/hg Nickel (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Potassium (duy wt. basis), mg/kg Selenium (dry NO. basis), mg/kg Sodium (dry wt, basis), me/kg Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/lip Total solids, % TICK ((try wt.), mg/ltg Ammonia Nitrogen ((fry wt.),mg/kg Phosphorus, 'r. ((try wt.), mg/hg Nihate-Ni0ito (dry wt.), mglkg Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Sludge Analysis m0hod Sample Date Analyst Code 8.3 01/12/18 JTH 450ORB-11 4703 01/18/78 LET EPA200.7 4.7 01/22/18 MTN4 311313-04 52144 01/24/18 LFJ EPA200.7 1.4 01/19/18 NCI;M 3113E-04 1117 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 20 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 37 01/18/18 MTM 311313-04 2637 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.48 01/29/18 LFJ EPA747111 12 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 2707 01/18/13 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 01/17/18 M1'M 3113B-04 13930 01/23/18 JM`N' 3111B-11 2392 01/18/18 LFJ EPA200.7 1.79 01/18/18 KDS 2540G-11 c 60370 02/05/18 MF 351.2 R2-93 c 11.16 01/29/18 DTI. 350.1 R2-93 c 17590 02/05/18 DTL 365.4-74 c 35.61 02/13/18 MF 353.2 722.93 <5.0 01/18/IS LPJ EPA200.7 ID#: 557 A DATE COLLECTED: 01/12/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/14/18 a REVTRWED BY: C (fjc,rti, and r-'zt.a. Part dOOl ..0[ OY!er non-nyueeoc -evti. E1 ca c' -Oa EOr ^_hiu an IycI ,,I DcOeadu:.e. rt H Q `o o � z W Z L ¢ 4 q y Z 6 W O in G ¢ o z � z ¢ m cv j f� 0 Ix N l I�P S.L53llSki31.3WVliVd " "' " "' w 0 0 - w allair�l-aleallN � �' Z w 2 C @`:• 40d n,:.., • IF a 6 •o.UlN uleroumly — -- SPHOS IUIOI °6 SIVION (1'Iu0'o3uI)Hd xy;� P. 6 z, S83NIVLNOO JO V c� N0110311001V O Eu m m v } O r Oo'3kif11bd3dW31 leu w ;0110 Iv Via � Ila 1/5w'3 [HOMO100 Ol I/6w'3NILIOIHO lV101 ¢ M C� w Z � w w s 4 W O W N o w z a o O O ,7^00 (pyo `o BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 15, 2018 Permit No. W00018525 Pebble Beach 3.05 % Solids 7 pll Parameter °/q M 1Kg Dry LVeIght, (% x 10,000 -Ppttnds/Dry `<'on , (iVL K x 0.002)" Nitrogen (TKN) 7.123 71,230.000 142.460 Phos horns 1.202 12,020.000 24.040 Potassium 0.246 2,455.000 4.910 PAN (iti ected) 2.467 2,464.097 _ 4.928 PAN surface)" 2.231 2,435.542 4.871 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.470 4,704.000 9.408 Calcium 2.340 23,397.000 46.794 Calcium Carbonate E --- --- --- Ma nesium 6,936.000 13.872 Sodium --- 4,079.000 8.158 Sulfur --- --- --- Nitrate 4.940 0.010 Barium --- --- --- Chloride --- --- roll -- -- --- Aluminwn_ --- 2,688.000 — 5.376 Arsenic --- _ 2.50 _ 0.005 Cadmium - - --- 0.96 _ 0.002 Chromium --- 8.000 copper --- 503.00 1.006 — Lead ----------- — - 17.00 — — 0.034 _ Mercury --- 0.08 0.000 Ntol bdenum --- 1 5.00 ---- 0.010 __ _- Nickel 10.00 0.020 Selenium --- 5.00 0.010 _ zinc --- 1,108.00 2.216 linvironmem 1 N 287A -Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Ratc)(T KN -Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N -, Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N +- Nitrite N - % PAN Note: Corstitaents N.D. (Not Detecte(I) or <detection limits arc listed as detection iimits for calculation purposes. ii ��,liN 1 PEBBLE BEACH (HYDROTECH) ATTN: DON O'MARA HYDROTECH P.O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 PARAMETERS PH (not to be used For reporting) Ahunimmn, ((try wt. basis), mg/kg Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Cadmium (dry at. basis), mg/kg Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/Iig Chromium, 'r,(dry wt. basis),mg/lig Lead (dry weight basis), mg/hg Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg N4ercury (dry wt. basis), mg/lig Nickel (dry wt, basis), mg/lig Potassium ((fry wt. basis), mg/lig Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/lig Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/lig Total Solids, % TKN ((fry wt.), mg/kg Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/lag Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/lig Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/kg Molybdenum ((ry wt. basis), mg/kg Sludge Analysis Method Sample Date Analyst Code 7.0 01/16/18 JTII 4500HB-I1 2688 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <2.5 01/25/18 NrrM 3113B-04 23397 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.96 01/25/18 M1'M 3113B-04 503 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 8 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 17 01/23/18 MTM 311313-04 6936 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.08 01/29/18 LFJ EPA747113 10 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 2455 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 01/24/18 MTM 3113B-04 4079 01/24/18 JMN 311113-11 1108 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 3.05 01/18/18 I<DS 2540G-11 c 71230 02/05/18 MF 351.2 82-93 c 4704 02/08/18 CML 350.1 R2-93 c 12020 02/05/18 D'PL 365.4-74 c 4.94 02/13/18 MF 353.2 R2.93 22315 02/14/18 StJ <5.0 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 ID##: 287 A DATE COLLECTED: 01/15/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/14/18 REVIEWED BY: v Gncezei;aed 1u11, p'd8 deco ..ol: oetar non-aqe eo us ce<<:.f 1c[,e So:� fo= eLitl .+c ilC 0.cu1 pzo<^duce. —------- S co V L 6 ZZ FZO Z W (V? 22 H 0 zo o z a ¢ a u' s uoJ z es e 12 0 Q O N a. � a U " S1S3USli313WVF1tld - � °' " ro m G' - d) N N d O O O _ rC N ' U O O N _ N N O o r N a � v � � n co '� a � all•g7N'37�+�71N �' N w E a c 40d H a ,� roallN unwwtuy »S .14 SPHOIS Mol SPION a (dlup ,0JUD and _ o w S33NIH1NOOdOh '^ !!L o z o m m m u p N0110371001tl o Y a� qumv83dv43J- > U O 'J3110'J HIV O lV � d HO tYi w w ¢ /6w q Il6iu'3NIk10lHO1tl101 � ¢ o v uj z s w u w Q '6 a a cj� w a LDu cz) ' fn %, dJ W Ul I G z � a - W BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: ,January 19, 2018 Permit No. W00018525 Peppertree 0.67 % Solids 12.3 pli (taken from lime stabilization event) Parameter %i Mg/Kg Ary Weight " % x 70,000 Founds/Dry Ton M x 0.002 Nitrogen (TKN) 3.394 33,940.000 67.880 Phosphorus 0.964 9,635.000 19.270 Potassium 0.253 2,534.000 5.068 PAN (injected)* 1.070 10,697.560 21.395 PAN surface)* 1.033 10,330.710 20.661 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.073 733.700 1.467 Calcium 4.231 42,308.000 84.616 Calcium Carbonate Eq. --- --Ma nesium Magnesium --- 2,523.000 5.046 Sodium --- 6,862.000 13.724 Sulfur --- --- --- Nitrate N/NitriteN --- 1.970 0.004 Barium --- --- --- Chloride --- --- lion --- --- --- Aluminum --- 3,505.000 7.010 Arsenic --- 2.50 0.005 Cadmium --- 1.10 0.002 Chromium --- 13.000 --- Co er --- 482.00 0.964 Lead --- 8.00 0.016 Mercury --- 0.27 0.001 Molybdenum --- 5.00 0.010 Nickel --- 11.00 0.022 Selenium --- 5.00 0.010 Zinc --- 1,302.00 2.604 Environment 1 N 129 C *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ani nonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. P>✓ URTAVE RE80RTO ATTN: ;), A. DAN FOMIP P.O... EO.X 1Q88 ATIANTIC 81✓ACLI ,NC 28512 ID#t 129 C DATE CO'LL4CTEnt. 01/19/18, DkWE REPORTED 't 02/20/18 REVI>tip ED BYs _ c Uni,3s CP.l'iotl data: DWI? Ocoa not cutis, nam-uqutitiyp aerciTL.PnLlan [oq tl{ia ondly G}dnl psoc u:furo. Sludge Analysts Method PARAKETERS sample Date :Analyst Cade A)gmioum, (dry. ;ivi. basis), ;mgliq 3505 02/09/18 LYJ ) I?A2tIQ,7 Arso do (cloy wt. basiu)t mg/49 <2,5 02/14/18. MTM 31131.144 G,illcium (dry avt, basis), �nglkg 42366 02/04/18 LPJ MPA200,7 Cn(bmlmn,(dry rvt, bosfs),'mg/lcg. 1:7 02/13%18 MTM 3100,04 coppery (dry wt, basis), virg/Icg 482 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200,7 Clurorrliam, T.(dvy Avl, basis);nig/hg 13 02109/18; LIN I�P'A200.7 Lead (Jry weight ;basis), u10% 8,0 ,02112118 MTM 711313.04 Mngneslurn .(dry rot. ,basis), m911% 2523 620/1s Lw EPA200,7 Nlorcary (Ory w6 basis), mg/lig 0;27 02/12118. LM tPA7471T1 Nickel ((Iry wt, basis),, mg/f(g i1 02/09/-18 LFJ rRA200,7 Potussluna (dry wt, basis), mg/ttg. 2534 02/09/18 LPJ RPAMM Selenium_ (dry wt, basis), nog/lcg <.50 02/14/18 MTM 311313,-04 Sodium (dry wt. imsfs), ang/I(g G862 02/0?/l8 LITJ EPA200;7 Ziac (dry w1, basis), nigAg 1302 02(09118 LIU EPA200,7 Total S4,llds, % '0,67 01/23/18 MA18 2540G -1I TI{N (dry'wi.), nig/kg' c 33240 02105118 MF 351;2122.93 Ammonla:Nipogeu (drrd(,),mglt(g c 7.33,7 02119/18. CLD '350,1 82.93 Phosphorus, T. (ary wtJ, mglltg c X9$35 02/05/18 DTL 365.474 NitrateaNfirltc (dry wt), mg/Ug c.I,97 02/13/18 MF 353.2:'R2-93 i'laat'Mailable Nitrs gent, -lhg/lig :13651 02/20118 SPT Nfolybdcuurn (dry 1".. basis), ling/lig <5,0- 02109!18 LTJ lePA200.7 ID#t 129 C DATE CO'LL4CTEnt. 01/19/18, DkWE REPORTED 't 02/20/18 REVI>tip ED BYs _ c Uni,3s CP.l'iotl data: DWI? Ocoa not cutis, nam-uqutitiyp aerciTL.PnLlan [oq tl{ia ondly G}dnl psoc u:furo. BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALVSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 25, 2018 Permit No. WQ0018525 Pine Knoll Townes 2.15 % Solids ^Determinatimt of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N - Nitrite N =_ % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N - Nitrite N = 9'0 PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits arc listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. PINE KNOLL TOWNES (HYDROTECH) ATTN: DON O'MARA HYDROTECH P.O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 PARAMETERS PH (not to be used for reporting) Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/Icg Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Calcium (dry wt, basis), mg/I<g Cadmium (dry wt, basis), mg/Icg Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/Icg Chromium, T.(dry wt, basis),mg/Icg Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Mercury (dry wt, basis), mg/Icg Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/Icg Selenium (dr) wt. basis), mg/Icg Sodium (dry wi. basis), mgilcg Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/Icg Total Solids, % TKN (dry w(.), Ing/k-1n Anuonia Nitrogen (dry et.),mg/hg Phosphorus, T. (dry wt), mg/Icg Nitrate Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg Molybdenum (diy. wt, basis), mg/kg Sludge Analysis Method Sample Date Analyst Code 7.4 01/25/18 J'I5d 4500111M 1 4030 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 2,6 02/21/18 MTNI 311313-04 45608 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.99 02/20/18 MTM 311313-04 874 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 17 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 17 02/19/18 NITNl 311313.04 2550 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.25 02/21/18 MTM EPA747133 12 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 1896 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 02/22/18 MTNI 3113B-04 10104 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 2723 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 2.15 01/25/18 MAR 2540G-11 c 53370 02/20/18 ,14F 351.2 122-93 c 178.8 02/20/18 CML, 350,1 R2-93 c 20480 02/20/18 D'I'L 365.4-74 c 3.00 02/21/18 CLO 353.2 R2:93 <5.0 02/20/18 LFJ EI'A200.7 ID#: 558 A DATE COLLECTED: 01/25/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/28/18 c ., no o c 121 o I1,ta, moa aoe.0 not oz. eee con-agv3ouS c[- rtErlce^von for ¢hts er.aly -loa: pcocectu ra. I C Q H — ( W doz Z a O W = Q J R F ¢ W o ate'- 5 Lu z O• U yJ ¢ O o ' L U ¢�¢ Z S U Q p] U 0 171 tai t�i o w U Z _ G `g S �' S1S31/SlJ313WVkitld q `_' "' " i `" 8 rs' sN� z W 6 6Od � .a � � E w d •0.11IN aluounuy d SP!IoS MOIL °G a a 6 (Slao •oJuU Hd y SHNIVJJMJO9 �n o O Wz y K N01103T1001V ua O 0>3dN.VFi3dW31 N011031100 IV On HO w w Q cbw ,3NIH011i0'IV101 ¢ ¢ ¢ ci U Q D 3 P $d- o� 9 M m O 6 E d 13ARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual'rype: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 17, 2018 Permit No. WQ0018525 Point Emerald Villas 0.40 % Solids 8.2 pH Parameter %q Mg/Kg Dry Weight (% x 10,000) Pounds/Dry Ton ". (Mg/Kg` x 0.002) Niuogen (TKN) 5.254 44,820.000 89.640 phosphorus 1.482 12,270.000 24,540 Potassium -- 0.273 2,794.000--- 5.588 PAN in'ected)" 1.612 16,123.000 32.246 PAN surface)* 1.595 15,952.500 31.905 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.034 105.400 0.211 Calcium 4.028 23,343.000 46.686 Calcium Carbonate Et . --- --- --- Magnesium 2,057.000 4.114 Sodium --- 28,403.000 _ 56.806 sulfur --- --- --- - -Nitrate N / Nitrite N --- _ 123.200_ 0.246 Barium --- --- Chloride --- --- --- h'on --- --- --- Aluminum --- 6,748.00 13.496 _ Arsenic --- 2.50 0.005 Cadmium --- 1.20 0.002 Chromium --- 23.000 --- Copper --- --- _-- 781.00 1.562 Lead --- 92.00 92.00 0.184 Mercur _ - 0.61 0.001 Mol bdenum --- 5.00 0.010 Nickel --- 14.00 0.028 Selenium 5.00 0.010 Zinc --- 2,707.00 5.414 Fnvironrnent 1 a 348 A *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nio-ate N 1 Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N)+ Nihate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Note. Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or <detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. o I ji Willi n� L�i1I�II , l;0 ,i..J G? EEN`dlLLE NX121c35-7085 POINT EMERALD VILLAS (FORTIN) MR. DAN FORTIN FORTIN CONTRACT SERVICES P.O. BOX 4188 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 Sludge Analysis Method PARAMETERS Sample Date Analyst Code PH, Units 8.2 02/06/18 KDS 4500HB-11 Aluminum, ((try wt. basis), mg/lig 6748 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <2.5 02/14/18 MTM 311313-04 Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 23343 02/09/18 LrJ EPA200.7 Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1.2 02/13/18 MTNI 31138-04 Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 781 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/I(g 23 02/09/18 LEJ EPA200.7 Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg 92 02/12/18 MTM 311313-04 Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 2057 02/09/18 LrJ EPA200.7 Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 0.61 02/12/18 LFJ EPA7471B Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 14 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Potassium ((try wt. basis), mg/kg 2794 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 02/14/18 MTM 3113B-04 Sodium ((try wt, basis), nig/lig 28403 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/1(g 2707 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Total Solids, % 0.40 01/18/18 KDS 2540G-11 TKN (dry wt.), mglkg c 44820 02/05/18 MF 351.2 R2-93 Annuonia Nitrogen ((fry wt.),mg/kg c 105.4 02/19/18 CLO 350.1 R2-93 Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg c 12270 02/05/18 DTL 365,4-74 Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), rng/1(g c 123.2 02/13/18 MF 353.2 R2-93 Molybdenum ((fry wt. basis), mg/1(g <5.0 02/09/18 LFJ EPA200.7 1"2) ID#: 348 A DATE COLLECTED: 01/17/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/20/18 REVIEWED BY: % c 4nc er::f iad data. Dll3 doe, not offer non-aqueovo ce.rti ficatior. for thio analytical piccedu:e. BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: June 21, 2018 Permit No. WQ0018525 Queens Cour 0.24 % Solids *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)( I(N-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N a- Nitrite N — % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation proposes. Environmental Chemists, Inc. !; f (.602 Windmill Vviy, Wilmington, N( .4405 ° 9103/20)23 La I, ° 910.392.4 124 Fax 710 Bowsertomi Road, Manlco, NC 279' ;1 ° 252.173 5702 1 ab/pax 255-A Wilmington I lighway; lar r;onvill", W 2SW ° 910.347.;843 1.abj Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS inli�(<gcnviro0nunuilchemisis.com Fortin Contract Services Date of Report: Jun 21, 2018 Post Office Box 4188 Customer PO #: Emerald Isle NC 28594 Customer ID: 08100061 Attention: Dan Fortin Report #: 2018-06910 Calcium Project ID: Queens Court Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 18-17240 Site: Sludge 5/2/2018 9:22 AM Solid/Sludge Client Test Method Results Date Analyzed Sludge Residuals Aluminum EPA 200.7 3150 mg/kg 05/16/2018 Calcium EPA 200.7 24700 mg/kg 05/09/2018 Chromium EPA 200.7 <190mg/kg 05/16/2018 Copper EPA 200.7 408 mg/kg 05/16/2018 Lead EPA 200.7 <190 mg/kg 05/17/2018 Magnesium EPA 2001 7250 mg/kg 05/09/2018 Nickel EPA 200.7 <190mg/kg 05/17/2018 Potassium EPA 200.7 21100 mg/kg 05/09/2018 Sodium EPA 2001 68800 mg/kg 05/11/2018 Zinc EPA 200.7 2140 mg/kg 05/17/2018 Arsenic EPA 200E <3T9 mg/kg 05/30/2018 Cadmium EPA 200.8 <37.9 mg/kg 05/30/2018 Molybdenum EPA 2009 <37.9 mg/kg 05/30/2018 Selenium EPA 200.8 <37.9 mg/kg 05/30/2018 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 38.9 mg/kg 05/10/2018 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 8 0.24% 05/03/2018 pH SM4500H8 6.84 units 05/15/2018 Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4500 NH3 C 1230 mg/kg 05/07/2018 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) SM 4500 org o 131000 mg/kg 05/07/2018 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 30700 mg/kg 05/10/2018 Mercury Sw54674710 <7.08 mg/kg 05/05/2018 Comment: Sludge residuals, except pH, reported on a dry weight basis. pH reported on an as received basis. Reviewed by: Report #. 2018.03910 Page i of 1 a N N NC /\ d N U Z M E O aJ = b o y L d v E u E U No 32r V w Q c J N = M E cn c E b c 0 0 i§ U a U 9 O j c � 3W O LL Z V O c U. OC a O Z o 'm U. N N W O S m � a a M Q Z N O J 0 U O N Z (n F u � W U U O 'A rn = Z c 0 N � • Q z U � i Z Q w w F dz a L U O z z p O ¢ ZW w w Q cc d J 0 m O w 0 ® o ° U U Z 03 11 Z OIHI Z U w F O O d > E i N O � U N d d N U E L d d C V m J d cn c 0 i§ U a U J U. N N Q V M Q O d > E i N O � U d fv 1 01 � d cn m J N Q N O J N Z u � O rn N � E U) va3H> o N T 03 11 Z OIHI F O QHOVN U y CC fONH N LU sy W 60SLH 444 � O, IOH L 3NON i( c 83ow1N al avi iE 1/6w k oupol4a a� o I r !^c �� 1O d) ouleluo0 a (7 -(D Ta a 0 0_ C7 0_ C7 a C7 a C7 n. C7 n. C7 Y� 1 J 8eja C 'o U (D U (7 U 0 U CD U U' U 0 U (D U 0 U C7 ailsodwoa ad,(I oldweg C T m E V F- w O --TT`q E I _ 61 O H V U 4 , d Cal c � O y m >. Y m •c Q s ° m c v .oCl.m Q V% i m C W - c LIU E c 4 u CV F O d > E i N O � U 13ARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 16, 2018 Permit No. W00018525 Sands Villas 2.71 %Solids *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N 9- Nitrate N � Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)("PKN-.Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) -I Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Defected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. 11111l 1pil ����� iLt��)�.'l(j) il, lr t +PKNIUNIY UFll k1t, G N'IVI_L N.C. 27858 SANDS VILLA (HYDROTECH) DON O'MARA HYDRO'TECH P.O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 ID#: 559 DATE COLLECTED: 01/16/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/14/18 REVIEWED BY: ur:ce rt J. f iad data. DWR d.eI not a. fer mn- vqueeuu —al;l f. ca c i cr. Co- this .,aalytieal g: oc ¢dare. Sludge Analysis Method PARAME9'ERS Sample Date Analyst Code PIl (not to be used for reporting) 7.4 01/16/18 JTH 45001IB-11 Aluminum, (dry wt, basis), mg/Icg 4309 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Arsenic (dry wt, basis), mg/kg <2.5 01/25/18 MTM 311313-04 Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 44850 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Cadmium (dry wt, basis), mg/kg 0.98 01/25/18 rwrM 31138-04 Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 325 01123/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),nig/Icg 15 01/23/18 LF.I EPA200.7 Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg 11 01/23/18 M1'M 3113B-04 Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/Icg 3798 01/23/18 LFJ FPA200.7 Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 0.31 01/29/18 LFJ EPA747113 Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 12 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Potassium (dry wt, basis), mglkg 2077 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 01/24/18 M'PNf 3113B-04 Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 5048 01/24/18 AIN 3111B-11 Zinc ((try wt. basis), mg/lig 1187 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Total Solids, % 2.71 01/18/18 KDS 2540G -1I THIN (dry wt.), mg/kg c 53070 02/05/18 MF 351.2 122-93 Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),nng/Icg c 1717 02/08/18 CNLi, 350.1 R2-93 Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/Icg c 13210 02/05/18 DTL 365.4-74 Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), nig/kg e 3.90 02/13/18 MF 353.2 IU -93 Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/lig <5.0 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 ID#: 559 DATE COLLECTED: 01/16/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/14/18 REVIEWED BY: ur:ce rt J. f iad data. DWR d.eI not a. fer mn- vqueeuu —al;l f. ca c i cr. Co- this .,aalytieal g: oc ¢dare. rU•o a Ri 0 u Q U Eta 7 0 V O O tiiF 4 Z t- Y w ti Z a Q Z ? ll N J O m O x N Z V w mp Z 12 >F 0 w �yQ w2 ¢ L [7100 �° a a QmU �' 8 �' " `JJ � � `'� S1S3USki313WVkiVd a d olla;lN'o7ox;IN '��'� /V a d pod W d •oa;lN emomwy;.. a d MIZ p, d TIPS lujoS °/v L a d slu;oA d (Sluo -oJoll Ha w . z N Sa3NIVINOJdou n c 9 L Ea v m tq m 0 N m 0 N000311001V ] 0 O,'3kinmV dW31 IV IIV. HO q IXW'3 I801HO100 I�w '3NINOlH01V101 w N � _ 3 u w � a C7 U U 0 O� W G i\ h N ri Q d m o m MW a 0 qN4'] 4m1 6 W 0,0 tJ a rn w t. co 00 OD =1 olf z 0 LL BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 17, 2018 Permit No. WO0018525 Sea Isle Plantation 0.33 % Solids 12.25 pH (taken from lime stabilization event) Parameter % Mg/Kg Dry Weight '(% x 10,000) Pounds/Dry Ton (Mglkg x 0.002 Nitrogen (TKN) 1.917 36,290.000 72.580 Phosphorus 0.675 9,091.000 18.182 Potassium 0.452 6,261.000 12.522 PAN injected)* 0.581 5,810.088 11.620 PAN surface)* 0.577 5,771.268 11.543 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.008 1,552.000 3.104 Calcium 4.831 25,493.000 50.986 Calcium Carbonate Eq, --- --- --- Magnesium --- 3,300.000 6.600 Sodium - 31,191.000 62.382 Sulfur --- --- Nitrate N / Nitrite N --- 5.940 0.012 Barimn --- --- Chloride --- --- Iron --- --- Aluminum --- 1,554.00 3.108 Arsenic --- 2.50 0.005 Cadmium --- 0.82 0.002 Chromium --- 9.000 --- Copper 122.00 0.244 Lead --- 27.00 0.054 Mercury --- 0.02 0.000 Molybdenum --- 5.00 0.010 Nickel --- 11.00 0.022 Selenium 5.00 0.010 Zinc --- 667.00 1.334 Environment 1 N 96A *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Antmonia N) + Nitrate N Nitrite N = % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. , 11 C-V4�U"Q SEA ISLE PLANTATION MR. DAN FORTIN FORTIN CONTRACT SERVICES P.O. BOX 4188 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 PARAMETERS Aluminum, (dry -wt. basis), mg/kg Arsenic (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Calcium (thy wt. basis), mg/kg Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Chromium, T.(dry wt, basis),mg/lig Lead (dry weight basis), mg/lig Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/lig Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/lig Nickel (dry wt. basis), nig/kg Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/lig Selenium (dry w(, basis), mg/lig Sodium (dry wt. basis), nig/kg Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Total Solids, TKN (dry wt.), mg/lig Ammonia Nitrogen ((try wt.),mg/kg Phosphorus, 1'. (dry wt.), mg/lig Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/lig Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Sludge Analysis Method Sample Date Analyst Code 1554 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <2.5 01/25/18 MTM 3113B-04 25493 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.82 01/25/18 MINI 3113B-04 122 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 9 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 27 01/23/18 M'FNi 3113B-04 3300 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <0.02 02/12/18 LFJ EPA7471B 11 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 6261 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 01/24/18 MTM 3113B-04 31191 01/24/18 JMN 3111B-11 667 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.33 01/18/18 KDS 254OG-11 c 36290 02/05/18 MF 351.2 R2-93 c 1552 02/19/18 CLO 350.1 R2.93 C 9091 02/05/18 DTL 365.4-74 c 5.94 02/13/18 MF 353.2 82.93 11203 02/21/18 SE.1 <5.0 01/23/18 LFJ EPA200.7 ID#: 96 A DATE COLLECTED: 01/17/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/21/18 REVIEWED BY: c Uncertified data. DWR doeo not offor non-aqueouo certification for thio anal7ticul procedure. BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 29, 2018 Permit No. WO0018525 Sea Surav 2.49 % Solids 6.7 ull Parameter %Mglh g Dry �4�ight 'j%,x 0,400) Pounds/Dry Tou, (MglKg x 9 002) ;, Nitrogen (TKN) 2.885 42,550.000 85.100 Phosphorus 0.416 15,730.000 31.460 Potassium 0.100 3,575.000 7.150 PAN in'ected)` 0.889 8.887.150 17.774 _ PAN surface * 0.873 8,728.150 17.456 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.032 3,141.000 6.282 _ Calcium 3.890 48,546.000 97.092 Calcium Carbonate B --- --- --- Magnesium 3.480.000 _ 6.960 Sodium _ - 3,398.000 6.796 Sulfur --- --- Nitrate N /Nitrite N --- 8.950 0.018 Barium --- - _ Chloride --- --- --- Iron --- --- --- Aluminum---- ---- 2,942.00 5.884 Arsenic _ 2.50 Cadmium --- 0.63 _0.005 — - 0.001 _ Chromium --- 10.000 _ _ PCo . er --- 1,056.00 -�� 2.112 ____ Lead __ --- 11.00 0.022 Mercury 0.17 0,000 Molybdenum --- 5.00 0.010 Nickel 14.00 0.028 SCIen IUnt 5.00 0.010 Zinc --- 977.00 1.954 Environment I K 560 'Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rale)(TKN-Ammonia N) , Ammonia N + Nitrate N +Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) * Nitrate N + Nitrite N = %b PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. .'� ,a 1�� � 1.11 'P'1o)11'1o(6)I Ce i'e SEA SPRAY (HYDROTECH) DON O'MARA HYDROTECH P.O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 ID#: 560 DATE COLLECTED: 01/29/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/28/18 REVIEWED BY:�� .. UnC ertif.icd data. MOR eoe3 not of Fer no.. aque:oun c.Z t_f icat ion :or tSis un :ytrcul jarOCA dura. Sludge Analysis Method PARAMETERS Sample Date Analyst Code PH (not to be used for reporting) 6.7 01/30/18 JTH 450OH13-IL Aluminum, ((try wt. basis), mg/lig 2942 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Arsenic ((try wt. basis), mg/kg <2.5 02/21/18 MTM 3113B-04 Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 48546 02/20/18 LFJ CPA200.7 Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/lig 0.63 02/20/18 MTM 3113B-04 Copper ((try wt. basis), mg/kg 1056 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg 10 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 L,cad (dry weight basis-), mg/kg 11 02/19/18 MTM 3113B-04 Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 3480 02/20/18 LFJ EPA20047 Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 0.17 02/21/18 M1'M EPA7471B Nickel (dry wt. basis), 1119/Icg 14 02/20/18 LEJ EPA200.7 Potassium (dry wt4 basis), mg/kg 3575 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 02/22/18 MTM 311313-04 Sodium (dry wt, basis), mg/kg 3398 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 Zinc ((try wt. basis), mg/Icg 977 02/20/18 LFJ EI'A200.7 Total Solids, % 2.49 02/01/18 KAC 2540G1 I TKN (dry wt.), mg/lig c 42550 02/22/18 CML 351.2 R2-93 Ammonia Nitrogen ((Try wt.),mg/Icg c 3141 02/20/18 CML 350.1 R2-93 Phosphorus, T, (dry wt.), mg/kg c 15730 02/22/18 DTL 365.4-74 Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), urg/kg c 8.95 02/21/18 CLO 353.2 R2-93 Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 ID#: 560 DATE COLLECTED: 01/29/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/28/18 REVIEWED BY:�� .. UnC ertif.icd data. MOR eoe3 not of Fer no.. aque:oun c.Z t_f icat ion :or tSis un :ytrcul jarOCA dura. 0 p u I r.. C'J C7 a N b � a (QEil Z > Zw V U N a J e U 4 p z mJ o qq W Y W K Z Z 171 p= N N m � � g � � � S1S3llS1i313WVkiVd `-' N 8 W 4v w w 40d � � E 04 C 'OMNUTUO ay a C N}LL a 6 SPROS IMIL SNOW a (Sluo •opl) Rd W, SH3NIN1N0030H '� v r ti NOLL0311001V �D j O W m 8 z0,'aHn1VH3dW31 h 9.C] NOLM1100 AV I15n 80 Q 1710 I(5W'3NINOlHOlV101 ------------ OF �J w fi w w (pyJ \ C C11 r{W-l; pe}� 3� z yqa .p h �n1 z C�py gN q r.. C'J C7 a N b � BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL. WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RCSIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 31, 2018 Permit No. W00018525 Sound Of The Sea 1.66 % Solids 7.3 PH 3 ram g/1�g Qrv, 'eight Pougi#slDry TdA Nitrogen (TKN) 2.885 46,900.000 93.800 Phos horns 0.416 20,100.000 40.200 Potassium 0.100 2,885.000 5.770 PAN injected)` 0.888 _ 8,881.140 17.762 PAN surface)* 0.872 8,722.140 17.444 AmntoniaNitiogen 0.032 1,625.000 3.250 _ Calcium 3.890 _ 33,202.000 66.404 Calcium Carbonate Eq. --- --- Ma_gnesiunt --- 10,353.000 20.706 Sodium 6,150.000 12.300 Sulfur - -- - --- --- Nitrate N"/ NiUite N --- 2.940 0.006 --- [larium --- --- Chloride _ --- --- _ Cron --- - --- -- Aluminum --- _ 5,038.00 10.076 Arsenic -- 2.50 0.005 Cadmium _ --- _ 1.50 0.003 _ Chromium 16.000 Co er _ --- ------_—__ 2,825.00 —_ -- 5.650 Lead --- 96.00 0.192 Mercur --- 0.21 0.000 'Molybdenum --- _ 5.00 0.010 _ Nickel 13.00 0.026 Selenium 5.00 0.010 Zinc --- _ 2,159.00 4.318 Environmem 1 S 561 "Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Ratc)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N . Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N)+(0.5)(Ammonia N) = Nitrate N + Nitrite N % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or <delection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. SOUND OF THE SEA (HYDROTECH) ATTN: DON O'MARA HYDROTECH P.O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 PARAMETERS PH (not to be used for reporting) Aluminum, ((try wt. basis), mg/kg Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/1(g Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Cadmium (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Copper (dry wt basis), mg/kg Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg Magnesium ((try wt, basis), mg/kg Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/1(g Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Selenium (dry wt, basis), mg/1(g Sodium (dr ;y w(. basis), mg/kg Zinc ((try wt. basis), nrglkg Total Solids, % TKN ((try wt.), nig/kg Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg Phosphorus, T, (dry wt.), mg/kg Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), nig/I(g Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Sludge Analysis Method Sample Date .Analyst Code 7.3 02/01/18 JTH 45001 -11 5033 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 2.5 02/26/18 MTM 311313-04 33202 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 1.5 02/26/18 MTM 3113B-04 2825 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 16 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 96 02/23/18 MTM 311313-04 10353 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.21 02/21/18 NITi11 EPA7471B 13 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 2885 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 02/22/18 MTM 3113B-04 6150 02/26/18 LFJ EP.A200.7 2159 02/26/18 LFJ EPA200.7 1.66 02/06/18 AKS 2540G-11 c 46900 02/22/18 CML 351.2 R2-93 c 1625 03/06/18 MF 350.1 R2-93 c 20100 02/22/18 DTC, 365.4-74 c 2.94 02/23/18 MP 353.2 R2-93 5 02/26/13 LFJ EPA200.7 ID#: 561 DATE COLLECTED: 01/31/18 DATE REPORTED : 03/08/18 REVIEWED BY; c Unce rti f: cd dd-a. JWR do ...- o-.r_r -ac(aeoae cert if l cbt'i w: .or Lhid and lytiaul Frnc educe. 52 Al ti Q O po 4 LLJ ZZ u ¢ q j z 4z O F-K Ki Ld ¢ W LL C7 4 FJ 1z `Ws cry i d Li ¢ rL �z a C alcit!N-a1tf.U!N �Y3 a C hod( a @ •oa7!N s!nounud r�,. „ o tJ" o o a C N�IJ. Iia,• a @ SP!(o5latoy °G A4 d (S!u0 •ojuU Hd ``.• z SH3NI71NOOH04 o� U O� Ez } m m NOt103TI0J1V 2 &'38(llvu3dW31 a N011031100171/6n H0 I/6W'3NIH01HO 1710111 n Q ¢ f¢ ¢ M Zp o F g F W w ZE W z O N V Z N Wow Z N 4 0n O po I3ARNLS LNVIRONMLNTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 25, 2018 Permit No. WO0018525 Southwinds Condontiniams 1.64 %Solids Inrironmeni 1 i; 562 B Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N -t Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rale)(FK'N-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) + 1`iitrate N +Nitrite N = % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or <detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. SOUTHWINDS (HYDRO'PECH) DON O'MARA HYDROTECH P.O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 PARAMETERS PH (not to be used for reporting) Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), rug/kg Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Cadmium (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/Icg Chromium, T.(dry wt, basis),mg/Icg Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg Nlagnesimn (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/Icg Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/lig Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Zinc (dry wt, basis), mg/Icg Total Solids, % 'PI{N (dry wt.), mg/kg Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg, Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/lig Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/lig Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Sludge Analysis Method Sample Date Analyst Code 7.1 01/25/18 J'rH 4500HB-11. 4283 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <2.5 02/21/18 NIT N1 3113B-04 63451 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.50 02/22/18 MTM 311311-04 967 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 12 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200,7 15 02/19/18 MTM 311313-04 3188 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.23 02/12/18 LF.1 LPA747111 9 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 2809 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 02/22/18 MTM 311313-04 4058 02/20/18 LB.L EPA200.7 1593 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 1.64 01/25/18 MAR 254OG-11 c 65980 02/20/18 MF 351.2 R2-93 c 15.63 02/20/18 CML 350.1 132-93 c 17230 02/20/18 DTI, 365,4-74 c 56.64 02/21/18 CLQ 353.2 R2-93 <5.0 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 TD#: 562 B DATE COLLECTED: 01/25/18 DA'Z'E REPORTED : 02/28/18 REVIEWED BY: , UncoYti fled da a. DWR cues r0[ offer non-aque0is certi EJ c aC ion fo:: t:, .te analytical procedure. n, A zap r � U Z 2 W w Q 4 ¢. Q W LL C7q ri Z O S Z iz FZ= Q J U W .offo U w 6 et? 7fN ale• 1!N aR w w 60d � a 6 •oa7rH enwurtu�+ , , �' a 6 SP!!oS Iu1o,L °G a C slwaYV �.Mf (�1u0 'o3u11 Ad 'w�'e W C 6•��1 z w SH3NIV1NOO JO 0 7 m o wz NORO311001V m O 0,'2UMV89001 w w N01108o iIViOl U 0 /6w'9An IHOIHO109 6w'gMHOlHO 1V101 M F U O N � g v a LT, c e F a aX TW WaC7 00, 0G o. 5 0 0 Y C O J c BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual'Pype: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: January 25, 2018 Permit No. WQ0018525 Summer Winds 2.54 %Solids Environment 1 4 1 19A *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)('rKN-Ammonia N) ' Ammonia N -� Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) , Nitrate N+ Nitrite N = %PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. SUMMERWINDS HOA (HYDROTECH) ATTN: DON O'MARA HYDROTECH P.O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 PARANIFFERS PH blot to be used for reporting) Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Arsenic (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Calcium (dry wt, basis), mg/lig Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Copper (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg A4ercury (dry avt. basis), ntg/lig Nickel (dry wi. basis), mg/kg Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/lig Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/lag Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/lig Zinc (dry wt. basis), mgdkg Total Solids, % TION (dry wt.), mg/kg Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg Phosphorus, T. ((try wt.), mg/kg Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg Molybdenum (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Sludge Analysis Method Sample Date Analyst Code 7.4 01/25/18 JTH 4500HB-11 3291 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <2.5 02/21/18 MTM 3113B-04 52829 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.85 02/20/18 MTM 3113E-04 623 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 8 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 14 02/19/18 MTM 3113B-04 5249 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.13 02/12/18 LFJ EPA7471B 12 02/20/18 LPJ EPA200.7 2960 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 02/22/18 MTM 3113B-04 10635 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 3122 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 2.54 01/25/18 iYIAR 2540G-11 c 46110 02/16/18 CLO 351.2 R2-93 c 1760 02/20/18 CML 350.1 82-93 c 15750 02/16/18 CML 365.4-74 c 3.94 02/21/18 CLO 353.2 R2-93 5 02/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 ID#: 119 A DATE COLLECTED: 01/25/18 DATE REPORTED : 02/28/18 REVIEWED BY: _ Unce•_tificd Seta. Ines uoo» not nP.[er voi.-I'o eou3 ce_c if ica!; ion for r.114 analytical Proc�du:'e. H u Gs� 6 Q 0 4� U 9 E E d m a E m � C7 d tt O 6 UF z " z ar 7l u ¢ 6i z z w U U p a w 4 d D w LL (7 Z }O d � o_ Z � S1S3ll5N313W'tll1Vd " J `° ------------- ME U U a C 40d ^i a 6 '031!N mao"liv ` a a C NRY a Q sPHOS WIRL slujaw P+ (11110'03I'I) Ada��.e Zo z S83NIVINOOdOfl 01 N0110311O01V 0 z ' m (� u O 0o'3HfllVtl3dW31 > N0110311001V 1/6° 80 A I/3w'3NIF101H01V101 o w N 16 a o 0 n u a � a w N O b z ZO N z .O IZU4. N E4 aoa z DCQ_ z °c zaw r z 9 E E d m a E m � C7 d tt O BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: February 6, 2018 Permit No. WO0024756 The Grove WWTP 0.24 % Solids 7.2 uH Environment 1 N 549 A *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N i- Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) 1- (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N +Nitrite N = % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or <detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. Nitrogen (TKN) 5.800 58,000.000 116.000 Phos horns 2.067 _ 20,670.000 41.340 Potassium 1.116 11,159.000 _ 22.318 jected ^ 1.779 17,794.260 _ 35.589 urface * r 1.752 17_,519.010 _ 35.038 ia Nitrogen 0.055 550.500 I.10I 3.556_ 35,559.000 71.118 Calcium Carbonate F... --- -- _ -- Ma nesiurn --- 4,803.000 9.606 Sodium --- 44,089.000 _ 88.178 Sulfur — ------ ----'. Nitrate N / Nitrite N _ -- 8.910 0.018 Barium Chloride -- -- --- --- --- BAR IF, trop Aluminum __-- — --- --- -- 2346.000 4.692 Arsenic --- 2.50 0.005 _ 75 Cadmium___ — ---------_---"--" 0.79 _ 0.002 85 --_ Chromium- --_—__--11._000 copperr _—_ 128.00 __--- 0.256 4,300 Lead --- 7.70 _ 0.015 840 Mercm , _ 0.26 _ 0.001 57 Molybdenum _ _ 5.00 0.010 75 _ Nickel --- 11.00 0.022 420 Selenium_ --- 5.00 0.010 100 Zinc 597.00 1.194 7,500 Environment 1 N 549 A *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N i- Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) 1- (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N +Nitrite N = % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or <detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. ( mw0ff@lmHgM % hm THE GROVE WWTP (HYDROTECH) ATTNi DON O-MARA HYDROTECH P,O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 PARAMETliRS Pit (not to be used for reporting) Aluminum, (dry w(. basis), mg/hg Arsenic (dry }vl, basis), mg/Icg Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/l(g Cachnhnn (dry w(, basis), mglkg Copper (dry wt, basis), mg/hg Chromium, T.(dvy rvl, basls),ntg/kg Lead (dry weight basis), mg&g Magnesium (dry wk basis), mg/kg Mercury (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Potassium (dry wt, basis), mg/1% Selenium (dry wl, basis), mg/Icg Sodh:m (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Zh:c (dry wL basis), mg' /kg Total Solids, 0/0 TKN (dry wt.), mg/Icg Ammonia Nil rogeu Wry wt.),mg/kg Phosphorus, T. (dry NY(.), mg/Icg Nitrate-Nilthe (dry w(.), mgfltg Molybdenum (dry evi. basis), mgli(g Sludge Analysis Method Sample Date Analyst Code 7.2 02/06/18 JTH 45001-113.11 2346 02/26/18 LFJ CPA200.7 <2.5 02/26/18 MTM 311313-04 35559 02/26/18 LFJ GPA200.7 0.79 02/26/18 MTM 3113B.04 128 02/26/18 I VJ CPA200.7 11 02/26/18 LFJ BPA200.7 7.7 02/23/18 MTM 31138-04 4803 02/26/18 LPJ GPA2K7 0.26 02121/18 MTM El'A7471B 11. 02/26/18 LFJ GPA200.7 11159 02/26/18 LCJ EPA200,7 <5,0 02/22/18 MT1M 311313.04 44089 02/26/18 LPJ LPA200,7 597 02/26/18 LFJ CPA200.7 0.24 02/07/18 MAR 2,540G-11 c 58000 02/22/18 CML 351.2 R2-91 c 550.5 03/06/18 MP 350.1 122.93 c 20670 02/22/18 DTL 365.4-74 c 8.91 03/01/18 DT)., 353,2 R2-93 <5,0 02/26/18 LFJ LPA200,7 IDQ: 549 A DATE COLLECTED1 02/06/18 DATE REPORTED : 03/08/18 REVIEWED BY: c ana9aGt G I o dut.o. e, Aoeu noe of Eu: nen aquewe cor.ti Eiaotiun [ox ,;hAn unnlyo]aa1 Vruuu dvzc. BARNES ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: August 23, 2018 Permit No. WQOO18525 Whaler Inn 0.43 %Solids 7.3 pH I�ai•ameter °Xo � , ,it?gJKgDr�'�'YetgLt 1Pou�tls7Dty' !'On , y Nitrogen (TKN) 1.601 25,540.000 51.080 0.397 16,880.000 33.760 IPliosphorus potassium 0.399 4,054.000 8.108 PAN injected)* 0.502 5,015.170 10.030 PAN surface)* 0.487 4,870.170 9.740 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.029 67.730 0.135 Calcium 5.591 65,245.000 130.490 Calcium Carbonate Eq. --- --- --- Ma nesium 3,810.000 7.620 Sodium 76,392.000 152.784 Sulfur --- --- --- Nitrate N / Nitrite N --- 7.970 0.016 Barium --- --- --- Chloride --- --- --- 11011 --- --- - --- Aluminum --- 2,579.00 _ 5.158 _ Arsenic --- 2.50 _ 0.005 Cadmium --- 0.55 0.001 Chromium --- 7.000 --- Copper 530.00 1.060 Lead --- 7.30 0.015 ,.Mercury_ --- 0.15 0.000 Molybdenum --- 5.00 0.010 Nickel 6.00 0.012 Selenium 5.00 0.010 Zinc --- 829.00 1.658 Environment 1 d 70A *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Nlineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) I- (0.5)(Ammonia N) -t- Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or a detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. THE WHALER INN C/O MR. STANLEY BUCK 1745 BELGRADE-SWANSBORO RD. MAYSVILLE ,NC 28555 PARAMETERS PH (not to be used for reporting) Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/lig Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/lig Calcium ((try wt. basis), mg/Icg Cadmium (dry wt, basis), mg/lig Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/Icg Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/Icg Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg Magnesium ((try wt. basis), mg/kg N4ercury (dry wt. basis), nig/hg Nickel (dry wt, basis), mg/kg Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Selenium ((try wt, basis), mg/kg Sodium ((try wt. basis), mg/kg Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/Icg Total Solids, % TKN ((try wt.), mg/kg Ammonia Nitrogen ((try wt.),mg/Icg Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), nig/lig Nitrate-Nihite (dry wt.), nig/kg Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/kg Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), nig/lig Sludge Analysis Method Sample Date Analyst Code 7.3 08/23/18 HNIM 4500IM-11 2579 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <2.5 09/25/18 MTM 3113B-04 65245 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.55 09/21/18 MTM 3113B-04 530 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 7 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 7.3 09/20/18 MTM 311311-04 3810 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.15 08/31/18 MTM EPA7471B 6 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 4054 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 09/27/18 NfCM 3113B-04 76392 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 829 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 0.43 08/23/18 JMS 254OG-11 c 25540 08/28/18 DTL 351.2 R2-93 c 67.73 09/11/18 BLD 350.1 R2-93 c 16880 08/28/18 CLO 365.4-74 c 7.97 09/19/18 DTL 353.2 112-93 5136 09/19/18 SEJ <5.0 09/20/18 LFJ EPA200.7 ID#: 70 A DATE COLLECTED: 08/23/18 DATE REPORTED : 10/11/18 r\ r �L REVIEWER BY:t) e kj1<orCi fi ed dot I. DWR tleen :,oC offer n.n-<ogl,00uo corti f iCdl 1411 foz Cilie a:j a i y C1 C o pro e a d'J=e. SM Q LO 00 CD cr cn 9 m `c a u Q ri �j 'S Z D• W � W LL U' W O ���' a S1S3llSN313VWHVd V `z NVd p, � 07t17lNalgailN s., p, .g 60d z a ..4 •0.111N 811101RUtV ' :,& M 1V a c NSX,L , 3 a 6 SPIIOS Molt °k � a @ 51elaIN a (S'm0 •oaui) xd z SHaNIV1NOOdOR m N a N0110311001V z O,'3Hf11U uNa N N0110311001V VPS UO Ijbw'3NIHO1HO 1V101 n [9 [71 A M Z F A o r � g O v N d z (�Y Z LO 00 CD cr cn 9 m `c PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION MONITORING ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION DORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: Barnes Environmental Waste and Hauling, Inc. WQ Permit Number: W00018525 WWTP Name: SEC ATTACHED LIST NPDES Nmnber: SPEATTACHED Monitoring Period: Front I/I/2018 110 12/31/2018 Pathogen Reduction (15A NCAC 021'.1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: A (timehem >) E] I Alt B (Alk Treattzzenti) p Alt. C (Prior Testin . 0 JAIt. 2 (40 -day bench) L] Alt. 3 (30 -day bench) ❑ JAIt. 4 (Spec. 02 uptake) _Alt. Alt.D (Ano Prior Test) E7 Process to Further Reduce Patho en>s E7 Alt. 5 (14 -Day Aerobic) If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Farther Reduce Pathogens": Compost ❑ 1lcat Drying 0 ileal 1'reatmeat ❑ Thermo zlulic Cl Beta RaZ 0 Gamma Ray t Pasteurization _Class B: JAIt. (1) Pccal Density T-1 Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens O If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly e( lice Pathogens": Limo Stabilization E Air Drying U Com hosting Cd Aerobic Digestion Ll Anaerobic Digestion Ll If applicable to alternative perforined (Class A or Class B) complete the following monitorin data: Parameter Allowable Level in Sludge Pathogen Density um er o Excee- Frequency of Analysis sample Type na y ica Tech- MinimUll Geo. Mean MaXiM1,1111 Units Fecal Coliform 2 x 10 to the Gth power per gram of total solids MPN CPU 1000 mph per gram oftotalsolid (dry wei ht Salmonella bacteria (in lieu of fecal coliform 3 MPN per 4 grains total solid (dry wei hY Vector Attraction Reduction (15A NCAC 02T.1107) - Please indicate alternative performed: Alt.] (VS reduction) E] JAIt. 2 (40 -day bench) L] Alt. 3 (30 -day bench) ❑ JAIt. 4 (Spec. 02 uptake) CI Alt. 5 (14 -Day Aerobic) ❑ Alt. 6 (Alk. Stabilization Ll IAR 7 (Drying - Stable) Cl JAR. 8 (Drying - Unstable,) D AIt. 9 (Injection) 0 All. 10 (Incorporation) LJ INo vector attraction reduction alternatives were perforated LI CERTIIjICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) El "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02'1'.1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have been met." 0 "1 certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have not been met." (Please note if you clieck this statement attach an explanation why you have not met oa(. or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate tine information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Steven M. Barnes, President _ Preparer NameandTitle (type or print) Land Applier Name and Title (if appiicable)(type or print) 1 Signature of Preparer" Date Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CPR Part 503.9(x) and 15A NCAC 2T.1 102 (26) DENR FORM PVRF 02T (1212006) c„ Z N uJ co LU n. 10 100- r Mlk; 0 \^V�t� ho- �na,a� (�o�..,o• N U TE 0 E Oi� O p n .. 0 r> 0 u ^?t 1� t> c� N U I- o. : r n, '�� �„Q 'aro •<, m E i= ro n. t U O. i — O N 0 n U LL U 7' T a 0 U cl oa LO I rt N LL E J I 9 N 1( 1 l a� S) " N U � � cl; O � t-• l; �> O o mCivq v CV N U Q. 1\.. ,:wv . W 1, •.c C '� A h m ma •�. hS OI �� N E f - n e S y U E o. E_ o IJ P n�M cq ..�, 1,,. I+. Imo, !� i.•• (J U n © Mll I�1 a4 Z �U LNL J O 0. uv a � a' o a 0 (.� (�t tr •o N U b S > l it 9 z CJ LL N U ------------- S z A^ q 9 E O z U a N a � > U d h _ . Q. y q rw ; C\ S a 6 o7 6- f- rC �._ (A1 QS O ill NJ r� Q - \ � d +/ «®9z - !=k»c%\ CN {y2\t\\ _%»%2<f 4444 ) � {« � \\) ) 4424 \ { 6243\ \ £ 2\5§ 4444® , s tf::f O N El ::1 0- mm N C q h) Oi � O O a a q o 8 ry a _ O m N U 2 � �Y�. r C e t�• (� 9' QC ,» % N 10 p z c$ tl try !o t"Y tiW � ,.. n N .. a ! i•, a '; �� a v Q o J O. fG, o U a q L QO J T N O D O 0. tt z L. C•� n N jq lL U n '� F O :a ice• N Ijo co �a a I E z �U 1.1.. lip W j \ I j \ � c #/ f »fflvz?� �2 j, 9»orae \ /y\\e, _ /MIT �qt2%aa \ } )\\\«\ITT . = P,= 43 j �y y G w w W EM. v a m ryw �xx V +yam` LL, Q 0'r, LU 00 V Q 0 a "dv N E ro ro u. r - Ism � O .tee! Fw- W W O Fes. d F•. J LU^ Q vJ LO *W 00 M O I 0 a p 0 I 0 a IN V I 2 4 LO 10 co P Q �k O vc TOUE] c 4t�� h �� 1 OR N Q l A U O T c= a S U LL o o<^ N U E -_ W5-,, O U S U LL�^) S) c7 Sl J n3 N U � aEi cy /•(, n Ilj n( S (1J 0i W r• N �T N E 1= V T n. S U + N ' O o � U u _ U E t- -qlQ N E r) D 1 U n3 r o " 1 d Tu o a N n a-,,. I '�U u. �)vc •� U R ci a w Z �U IL :a •Jj d aiIITEU I o- E 1= ------------ S r� a� + o T U C E Q u H — — — — T U ITMI p" ^e E T F= n 12 S ma: r , ' x �c =� O p U N U L {� = o m E F a � U t N O U E FU- S a LLE T 0 41 C � x u U U E o v r �o `� I U p o — N U � U . O � E _ Q � N U N is Q. U S « N o U a E R Eoa�4 a 4 -- O u .G N9 llh rs� �l Q f 0 rE, 6' •• \ \ t d j } { / ■ {/ m§ 7 7�� :` `=5\ ClqUl \ t% ®\\ r \\ r \p §y%\ "I )3)w« I %/ f y3! / /) � - . aTF ) \\ \\ - \�\) { &/ 3 \\ \ \\ -- w W 0 W v W r 0 ar� U/ m 2 w�+ �U (6 LL 51 a U d CL 1 Lu ULIJ N 00 Q CQ O m to d — N U F a _ N U a R t_ 2 9 Q• ul �(: Vic. � � <'. 1, i? i= a � U + Q. `o N O U U w U E 0 0 d * , ��U �._ C pdva Rl. C)ti:• U a cT o. Cl M Z, - G LU E 2 LO 0 I N i5 I yk 0 0. I I LU L l� l� I � x 6 1( N `Z o N U E rp t m. N � C O f0 V Q4 cn a V QL _ j � y°MIS' N U M LCI)R rc, N f^ O. � t U E N x a �xa p,•ha M o yrc + rJ N m C � U U LL c ✓� U E tr o r r a a :gid°gym i O,. �l Q J E .0 LL 5 I• N to 00 N— a O N E z r !04 94'0 snuff 04 ZVO SUM 4 4 GC 0 snUM Z4 9E'0 snuff" E 4 ECO MIN }>4 OE'0 snu!W 9 4 Lz'0 snuliN 94 hz'0 snulW L 4 LZ'o snuly{ g 4 9L'0 snub 64 9L'0 snulw W ZM0 Ml." G0'0 W Z4ZZ 90'snuIW EZ UIN bZ 0 9ZeG £0'0 snid 9Z EO'o snid LZ 60'0 snid 9Z ZVO snld R 9 V'0 snid Os IIV'0 snid 4E VZ O snid ZE hZ'O snid £E LZ'O snid tis OEO snid 9E E£'0 snid 9E 06'0 snid L£ 60'0 sold 8£ ZVO snid BE 94'0 snld 0b Loaae� dwa1 uopaayoo e Ilk 94'0 snuff 04 ZVO SUM 4 4 GC 0 snUM Z4 9E'0 snuff" E 4 ECO MIN }>4 OE'0 snu!W 9 4 Lz'0 snuliN 94 hz'0 snulW L 4 LZ'o snuly{ g 4 9L'0 snub 64 9L'0 snulw W ZM0 Ml." 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TOTAL WW -DT PAN (lbs/ac) Crop 1 Crop 2 Will Turner 2018 1 6.20 66,500 3.85 15.18 0.00 Site WT 2018 2 5.00 114,000 6.12 28.44 11.30 2018 3 8.00 122,500 5.05 10.47 0.57 2018 5 2.60 94,500 5.79 48.07 34.47 2018 6 2.90 151,500 10.26 71.48 15.39 It - Totals jLjL.70_JL549,000_jj 31.0711 Total Gallons 549,000 W WTP - Metric Tons 28.18 FIELD LOADING RATE REPORTS M !� l O •- O O p 6 O p 6 O e rV OO OO O OO OO t7 O yl < J % 0• OO O o - O pp p Q V W O P M p Ij m N rn a ,n c� o� to •n IV r1 O rri O i• b N S a � c °"o N a o w v v`�i •oo =� o00 00 u c G `� o N ^' o ^i o Q rt p od •Pr 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 P 6 O'. 'j p ✓1 O O p p p o O O G O O O O O O O O G O a G O O O P O P O S u P. o 0 0 o g gi n N I S 0 0� 0 W� i M� (� F 7• o O N O Q M U O prya 6 O P C o C o 0 o O O v V r C a lS 'i3 b � � O p U g M o CO 0 W 0 W o D'l N M N W N O H J 4 N h Pi i c U h M p N1 G O f N O O S O O O C (TV 0 0 0 0 0 0 OO O O O P O C !-. O O O O t7 OO CJ 4 CG G O Q a v OR E 0. fRl OM. �D N 'M P vOv�� NO 00 M w O N OJ u O o O O O O O S O o a O O O O O OO P O J u O p O o O 0 OO 0 O O O P O O O o N N r O OO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ci O O e d .E •d E Oy G 0 0 0 0 �o . •� ^ I P o 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 O "� N V' �1 O CO P ^• � N 1 YP O R ryP M vCi O 'O 5 OO O OO OO OO OO G O ti O ti N N N O O C p N U O O O O O p O O O O O b M O O O O O C O O OO p p O t> OO O a{ U a O O G O O N- N l0 0 0 0 0 Gt N N N 0 CI 0 N 0 N n N o N 0 N o N a N o N p h x i; J a N r f M S O S S O O S S S O O S S n � .O ...o ....o ...0..._ .._(J .•O •_O � ^b O O S W rl 0. O O O O O O O O O N P O O p M b V1 ,n O N O O OO OO SOD OO OO O al N P M O O O O O O O O N n ,w, $ o w Mi � n� N n n o •O � `rX g. � ' _ o O O P o O Ci O O O o O q o O O w.5 s. (J G> O O O ti O OOO O Ci OO OO O O O' M E ti O 44 S S f3 8 N N N N O O O OO O O OO qo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o G ~ E O E u p o O 0 O o P d C 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 OO 0 O 0aZ. P O PN. a A o o S p FJ, p Q YJ, Q p O o �� g S MO GO q rV P •_W y O O O O ($, O O O O O o p pp p p S O O O p C p O O S •.• T pN P P. E �' O O O O O p oh =� e e e e e e e e Q e e e iz ass iz4�� 2 i rS p et 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 ci o 0 0 o G $ 13 w V O VJ H 13 k 48-u N N N N N I, N N N II $ H 0' 1 0� J 4 6 n 0 u ME . I p� O O' o ci ci ci 6 ci o o d d 6 6 M F' V 1 U ?< p, v`Ti r o vOi W h Oo r�i 0 •� d' N O N V 2 Pi tri O �O 1 h N N d J ,O h a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V W V) M V M nl M h m M h _•V1 _• CVC � O O O O O O O O O O tt�� O N O V O (1 O O N O V) O O �D OO •- (V 6 �O N N OO h Vl Q 1� N O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o ci o � a v N O .O O O b N O nl O pp P O O k" O O O O O O C? 9 O O O p O N q Vp 4C �y O CO h 00 rl M h ._. N M b M pppp ••• r' 4. U N M O O M O� O O O (1 n O O O pp OO OO TJ O O - O M O O O O O •- O G O O O O O 0p O N M V N e} F+ A U O O O O O O O O O O O O O M v p 0 'd 0 o ti o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ei o c o. a a 6 Vl r y P G O O O O O O O M �p pp K y d A �� � T o • � E (� N U L u d'S ow N1'« O Ii ID Vi K M N b O CU O nl O Vp w V MO M O M �O W O O TJ N N O2 W W 07 n w W W W M pN O O o O 4 O O N O I 6 O C OO OO ti O O Y O p p p O �0p � V _od rl — P �VVp o b 2 y M ry ory O� w w N //�� O O�� — h Q�}. so p� p � V O a p N p p O J O O 6 O p 8 p ri � P V Hr F i 5Cj W V O O OTh Q V p '�oeeee�gee�ooeo�eo ex xaa.�G b y R Q v c 6 O O O' O O r- O o CJ o O v O `on 0' d O o O 0 0» fPq O �n' i/li V O b M O o F' OO •- O• .-. •- .-. O OO u p w w w w w oo w w w w w eo w w O O 6 FIELD APPLICATION SUMMARIES I o V p 3 E 3 U A z O o O 0 Q G v o � 0 i ti = 0 0 a � o o O U v O � U C` 9 � E A o L C o N ou o R O N O C 0 c 0 a `n �• � O 0 0 a O L M M o ^o �1 O O � C n n O O C V U O � Y o O V O O O O K d V 6 O O V C O O G V p 3 E E � o a � o o O U v 0 c � o R O v c � o J ro o h 'a N O O p n n O a c c E 0 � Y o CV � O 6 O O U � G V S O O V O V C O � c O G at v � t o OU V Z C`��>-,Z U a i ->U ^1 0 z o H J V z o 00 o a n o o a S O o V y V O v voi o 0 a o 0 a o T O O Na o c v v v N_ O o on � 6 O O � O O o O O 0 c 0 0 0 9 O N M M ^J O C. ti 0 0 O O o H V U�- o C a 0 o O V O O � n V v M o t7 t o 0 o m o 0 0 m o O O � o � o O C V a c Z C`��>-,Z U a i ->U ^1 F 0 3 o 00 n a = o r o O o V c v voi o 0 s o 0 T O O Na o c v v v m o O o O O O O 9 C � � � Y O u o O O v a A o � a � o O t o 0 O F M M � o � o O C V a c v C V F z z 0 Q V a t� o U o 0 0 o �n d N 0 c vi � N E z � o G c ° G 5 o N 3 0 0 0 p V V' r 9 3 0 L C V O O O O � d d m C E 1 O 0 N 0 0 T N ti O O 0 n E � O >• s p o 0 p V a o V M M c o a G G G O U V M M O 7 o w 0 o 0 o 0 c 0 0 v1 0 vi 0 O 0 p o 0 0 0 0 0 c a E O N 3 9 3 0 L C p V voi 0 � � O 0 y H T N ti O O (n G � _ N O M M r 7 a o E o � Y o 0 y C 6 C O O o O O vo " C C � o a 0 O 0 o O U �n f1 •n M U N n � O O M M M p0 uM �gF r O v p E � � � o :J G � o O G o 0 U � o 0 ro � o m � � O O o L r v u �+ f•; T O L o m o E N_ on S o � ) 6 O O O O O v O O O N -- N � M M 0 0 0 0 Ln O O O O R N M M N1 f� T O O O t p p :l J �• M M M G N L A o 6U U v O u o � o O o � C U O ccr> Ua p 0 qF 3 E � � � o a E o 0 s a o 0 o O U o m � � o o L r � T s N o a m m vii c N ' o � ) eCi � O O O O N � p V M M � � o � o Ln O O O O M M U C � o n u O n y� G ^� s L A o 6U u o � o o � C U O e> > O � U ;G CCxxrZ.� C7 c F->U-� �•��¢���Eso°qF / ( ) j \ \ \ e � � \ / � � � \ \ � \ \ � � \ \ � \ \ 191 \ \ � \ \ � e � � � \ \ � \ \ � \ \ � � \ \ � zg«»{zzce[>g3 £=\t>2a7>c2K( e SOIL ANALYSIS REPORTS All residual sources land applied by Barnes Environmental Waste and Hauling, Inc. (Barnes Environmental) during the 2018 calendar year were lime stabilized to meet Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction monitoring. Therefore lime additions are continually applied to the fields throughout the year through land application. Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC Martin Mabe Agronomist to E IL A Z N N m 2 O O p O p O p p O p O U U U U U �OI M V W r N M mfD �� r m N m O W N m 0 U U N N O m O OJ <O t(J m p N of m o O v m to N an d r ro N m o N N Noo a No voi No � N No � No fit N N o o M N M N M M to to o Y(O OJ (O O NO2 fl � Q N ary m� N a M a Zt o Q. U O U M U U O U O O O O O O 3 E E E E E Z E F E E E U Z y m m z v m z d N Z z v N Z v m "o y 0 E m f7 N M V N l0 C C C G G 0 0 0 0 0 U Q a E E E E E v E F E E E d Z O�0 v v v t v ,p N p fn N p fY N fY N N O K N O fY r O U N O U �- O U a- O O U O U