HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190223 Ver 1_Draft_17BP6R90_Bladen178_MCDC_02152019_20190219MINIMUM CRITERIA DETERMINATION CHECKLIST TIP Project No.: N/A State Project No.: 17BP.6.R.90 Project Location: Bridge No. 178 over Browns Creek on SR 1145 (Martin Luther King Drive) in Bladen County. Project Description: The proposed project will replace Bridge No. 178 over Browns Creek on SR 1145 (Martin Luther King Drive) in Bladen County. See Figure 1 for project location. Right of way acquisition and construction are scheduled for state fiscal years 2018 and 2019, respectively. The replacement structure will be a bridge approximately 80 feet long providing a 30- foot 10-inch clear roadway width. The bridge will include two 11-foot lanes and four-foot five-inch shoulders on both sides of the lanes. The bridge length is based on preliminary design information and is set by hydraulic requirements. The roadway grade of the new structure will be approximately the same as the existing structure. Project construction will extend approximately 385 feet from the west end of the new bridge and 289 feet from the east end of the new bridge. The approaches will provide two 11-foot and three-foot shoulders. The roadway will be designed as a local road with a 35- mile per hour design speed. It will also be posted at 35-mile per hour. Several alternatives were evaluated; however, the current design with a three-mile off-site detour (NC 87 to SR 1150 to SR 1148) was determined the best option for the proposed project. During construction of the new bridge, traffic will be maintained via an off-site detour. Purpose and Need: The purpose of the proposed project is to replace the bridge. Bridge No. 178 was built in 1970. The bridge is 53 feet long with a 24-foot clear roadway width. NCDOT Bridge Management Unit records indicate Bridge No. 178 has a sufficiency rating of 52.68 out of a possible 100 for a new structure. Bridge No. 178 is a three-span structure that consists of a reinforced concrete deck on timber stringer with asphalt wearing surface. There are transverse and longitudinal cracks across the travel lanes. The end bents and interior bents are timber piles and caps. The end bents show signs of decay. Pile 3 at end bent 2 has been repaired with a concrete encasement. The existing bridge is considered not deficient. As of July 2, 2015, the deck condition rating was 5 out of a possible 9 points. The superstructure and substructure condition 02/15/19 1 of 4 ratings were 5 out of a possible 9 points. The bridge is approaching the end of its useful life. Replacement of the bridge will result in safer traffic operations. Bridge No. 178 is expected to carry 874 vehicles per day (2018) with 1675 vehicles per day projected for the future (2040). The substandard deck width, bridge railing and approach guardrail is becoming increasingly unacceptable and replacement of the bridge will result in safer traffic operations. The posted weight limit on this bridge is 20 tons for single vehicles and 29 tons for truck- tractor semi-trailers. Anticipated Permit or Consultation Requirements: Nationwide Permit 23 and 33 will likely be required for impacts to "Waters of the United States" resulting from this project. In addition, the 404 permit will likely be applicable. An NCDWQ Section 401 Water Quality General may be required prior to the issuance of a Section 404 Permit. Other required 401 certifications may include a GC 3366 for temporary construction access and dewatering. The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) holds the final discretion as to what permit will be required to authorize project construction. Construction activities for this project will not take place until Endangered Species Act compliance is satisfied for the Northern long-eared bat (NLEB). The NCDOT Biological Surveys Group will be responsible for the surveys for the NLEB if required. Special Project Information: Environmental Commitments: The list of project commitments is located at the end of the checklist. Estimated Costs: The estimated costs, based on 2017 prices, are as follows: Prior Costs: TBD R/W: TBD Const: TBD Total: TBD Desi _ n E�xceptions: There are no anticipated design exceptions for this project. Brid�e Demolition: Bridge No. 178 should be possible to remove with no resulting debris in the water based on standard demolition practices. No Build: The no build alternative would result in eventually closing the bridge as its condition continues to deteriorate. 02/15/19 2 of 4 Rehabilitation: The bridge was constructed in 1970 and conditions continue to deteriorate which would constitute effectively replacing the bridge. On-Site Detour: An on-site detour was not evaluated due to the presence of an acceptable off-site detour. Sta�ed Construction: Staged construction was not considered because of the availability of an acceptable off- site detour. Off-Site Detour: Bridge No. 178 will be replaced on existing alignment. Traffic will be detoured off-site (see Figure 1). The off-site detour is approximately three miles long and would use existing roads NC 87 to SR 1150 (Peanut Plant Road) to SR 1148 (Quail Street). Local EMS, Schools, and Fire Department will be adequately notified of the off-site detour and construction schedule. If all existing traf�c (874 vehicles per day) from Martin Luther King Drive is diverted along the proposed three-mile detour or another local route, traffic along this route could increase especially at peak times. The road network around the bridge project has a sufficient level of interconnectivity and the potential detours are in good condition. Other A�v Concerns: There are no agency concerns. 02/15/19 3 of 4 PART A: MINIMUM CRITERIA Item 1 to be completed by the Engineer. YES 1. Is the proposed project listed as a type and class of activity allowed � under the Minimum Criteria Rule in which environmental documentation is not required? If the answer to number 1 is "no", then the project does not qualify as a minimum criteria project. A state environmental assessment is required. If yes, under which category? Cate�ory # 9 If either category #8, #12(i) or #15 is used complete Part D of this checklist. PART B: MINIMUM CRITERIA EXCEPTIONS Items 2— 4 to be completed by the Engineer. YES 2. Could the proposed activity cause significant changes in land use ❑ concentrations that would be expected to create adverse air quality impacts? 3. Will the proposed activity have secondary impacts or cumulative impacts that may result in a significant adverse impact_to human health or the environment? 4. Is the proposed activity of such an unusual nature ar does the proposed activity have such widespread implications, that an uncommon concern far its environmental effects has been expressed to the Department? NO ❑ 1 /1 ❑ � n ►_� Item S-8 to be completed by Division Environmental Officer. 5. Does the proposed activity have a significant adverse effect on ❑ wetlands; surface waters such as rivers, streams, and estuaries; parklands; prime or unique agricultural lands; or areas of recognized scenic, recreational, archaeological, or histarical value? 6. Will the proposed activity endanger the existence of a species on the Department of Interior's threatened and endangered species list7 7. Could the proposed activity cause signiiicant changes in land use concentrations that would be eXpected to create adverse water quality or ground water impacts? �/ ❑ � ❑ � 02/15/19 4 of4 8. Is the proposed activity expected to have a significant adverse effect on long-term recreational benefits or shellfish, finfish, wildlife, or their natural habitats YES NO ❑ � If any questions 2 through 8 are answered "yes", the proposed project may not qualify as a Minimum Criteria project. A state environmental assessment (EA) may be required. For assistance, contact: Manager, Environmental Analysis Unit 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 (919) 707 — 6000 Fax: (919) 212-5785 PART C: COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS Items 9-12 to be completed by Division Environmental Officer. 9. Is a federally protected threatened or endangered species, or its habitat, likely to be impacted by the proposed action? 10. Does the action require the placement of temporary or permanent iill in waters of the United States? 11. Does the project require the placement of a significant amount of fill in high quality or relatively rare wetland ecosystems, such as mountain bogs or pine savannahs? 12. Is the proposed action located in an Area of Environmental Concern, as defined in the coastal Area Management Act? Items 13 — I S to be completed by the Engineer. 13. Does the project require stream relocation or channel changes? Cultural Resources 14. Will the project have an "effect" on a property or site listed on the National Register of Histaric Places? 15. Will the proposed action require acquisition of additional right of way from publicly owned parkland or recreational areas? YES NO � ❑ � ❑ ❑ � ❑ � ❑ � ❑ � ❑ � Question 9: The US Fish and Wildlife Service has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and NCDOT far the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) (Myotis septentrionalis) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The 02/15/19 5 of4 programmatic determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is "May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect". The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1-8, which includes Bladen County, where Bridge No. 178 is located. Prior to construction, NCDOT will coordinate with the USFWS or the USACE to satisfy Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for the NLEB. The Natural Resources Technical Report (NRTR) completed by NCDOT in October 2017 identified two Federally protected species listed for Bladen County with "Unresolved" biological conclusions: the Wood stork (Mycteria Americana) and the Rough-leaved loosestrife (Lysimachia asperulaefolia). Wood stork: Suitable habitat in the form of inedium to tall trees that occur in stands located either in swamps or on islands surrounded by relatively broad expanses of open water was present in the study area for the Wood stork. However, an August 30, 2017 survey of the project area revealed no individuals of wood stork. Additionally, an August 15, 2017 review of NCNHP database indicates no known wood stork occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Pending surveys by NCDOT personnel the biological conclusion for the wood stork remains unresolved. Rough-leaved loosestrife: Suitable habitat in the form of disturbed habitats as roadside depressions, maintained power and utility line rights-of-way, frebreaks, and trails was present in the study area. However, an August 30, 2017 survey of the study area revealed no individuals of rough-leaved loosestrife present. Additionally, an August 15, 2017 review of NCNHP database indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the study area. Pending surveys by NCDOT personnel in the appropriate survey window the biological conclusion for the rough-leaved loosestrife remains unresolved. Question 10: Temporary impacts to Browns Creek would be required to remove the existing bridge piers within the creek. In addition, permanent fill would be anticipated to accommodate new piers for the proposed two-span bridge. Reviewed by: Lead Engineer Consultant Engineer Division Environmental Officer Date: Date: Date: 02/15/19 6 of 4 H. Proiect Commitments Bladen County Bridge No. 178 on SR 1145 (Martin Luther King Drive) Over Browns Creek State Project No. 17BP.6.R.90 Division Six Construction Bladen County Schools should be contacted to determine/construct appropriate locations for bus turn-arounds on each side of the bridge closure. In order to have time to adequately reroute school buses, Bladen County Schools, Transportation Department will be contacted at (910) 862-4136 at least one month prior to bridge closure. Bladen County Manager will be contacted at (910) 862-6700 at least one month prior to road closure to provide project schedules and alternative routes to ensure the appropriate County offices are aware of the project. The County's Emergency Management department will need to make the necessary temporary reassignments to primary response units. Hydraulics Unit — FEMA Coordination The Hydraulics Unit will coordinate with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program (FMP) to determine status of the project with regard to the applicability of NCDOT's Memorandum of Agreement, or approval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent final Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). Division Construction-FEMA This project involves construction activities on or adjacent to FEMA-regulated stream(s). Therefore, the Division shall submit sealed as-built construction plans to the Hydraulics Unit upon completion of project construction, certifying that the drainage structure(s) and roadway embankment that are located within the 100-year floodplain were built as shown in the construction plans, both horizontally and vertically. Environmental Analysis Unit Construction activities for this project will not take place until Endangered Species Act compliance is satisfied for the Northern long-eared bat (NLEB). Prior to construction, NCDOT will coordinate with the USFWS or the USACE to satisfy Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for the NLEB. 178P.6.R.90 State Minimum Criteria Checklist Page 1 of 1 April 2018 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT VICINITY MAP OF TRANSPORTATION a� „oA,„—�; , � o. s I'�..�9 o v0. ��araF,aA�°/ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Replace Bridge #178 PROJECT DEVELOPMENTAND on SR 1145 (Martin Luther King Jr. Drive) ENVIRONMENTALANALYSIS UNIT Over Browns Creek in Bladen County County: BLADEN Div: 6 WBS: 17BP.6.R.90 APRIL 2018 Figure 1