HomeMy WebLinkAbout_External_ RE_ NEPA Scoping Letter for U-6001_ NC 59_ Hope Mills_ Cumberland County_ NC (2)Carpenter,Kristi From: Starling, Jane <jstarling@townofhopemills.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 1:25 PM To: Freda Porter; Maycock, Robin; Gledhill-earley, Renee; Steenhuis, Joanne; gary�jordan@fws.gov; tlloyd@co.cumberland.nc.us; sarah.e.hair@usace.army.mil; Wilson, Travis W.; millitscher.chris@epa.gov; fritz.rohde@noaa.gov; State Clearinghouse; Weychert, Curtis R; Warner, Jackie; hm.pat.edwards@gmail.com; jdlegge@nc.rr.com; Mitchell, Mike; Bellflowers, Jessie; Larson, Meg; Adams, Melissa P; Holland, Deborah O.; Hunt, Grady L; Hutchens, Hilton T; McLaughlin, Chancer Cc: Matuszewski, Sean P; Rerko, James J; Pridgen, Glendel S; Kendall, Steve D; Odell, Raymond; Hatfield, Dean; Parker, Douglas; Lane, Leigh; Robinson Jr., Roland; Anolik, Allison; Heller, Adrienne Subject: [External] RE: NEPA Scoping Letter for U-6001, NC 59, Hope Mills, Cumberland County, NC . Pl�as� b� avvar� that D�borah Holland is no long�r vvith th� Tovvn of Hop� Mills. Pl�as� r�plac� h�r contact information with min�. T�eny ��e,speeifully, .dane G. Sta��ling, CMC; NCCMC 7'own Cle��k . . . jstarlin�a towno/Tiopemills. com Please nate that email sent ta and fram this address is subject ta the Narth Caralina Public Recards Law and may be disclased ta third parties, P&ease cons�der the env�ronmen� before pr�n��ng th�s ema�l. ;'���� � � ������� �.��� � � l:� �a""� � � �, "`�. ��w�l.&1�4VV�YY.`,�"wOYo,'p9,V°°w,n, "__ i �._ � r r^<. �,a u„ ,, i t�� �.. From: Freda Porter [mailto:fporter@lumbeetribe.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 12:52 PM To: Maycock, Robin; renee.gledhill-earley@ncdcr.gov; joanne.steenhuis@ncdenr.gov; gary_jordan@fws.gov; tlloyd@co.cumberland.nc.us; sarah.e.hair@usace.army.mil; travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org; millitscher.chris@epa.gov; fritz.rohde@noaa.gov; state.clearinghouse@doa.nc.gov; curt.weychert@ncdenr.gov; Warner, Jackie; hm.pat.edwards@gmail.com; jdlegge@nc.rr.com; Mitchell, Mike; Bellflowers, Jessie; Larson, Meg; Adams, Melissa P; Holland, Deborah 0.; glhunt@ncdot.gov; hthutchens@ncdot.gov; McLaughlin, Chancer Cc: Matuszewski, Sean P; Rerko, James J; Pridgen, Glendel S; Kendall, Steve D; Odell, Raymond; Hatfield, Dean; Parker, Douglas; Lane, Leigh; Robinson Jr., Roland; Anolik, Allison; Heller, Adrienne Subject: RE: NEPA Scoping Letter for U-6001, NC 59, Hope Mills, Cumberland County, NC � �� � �� �;�.�� . ; .���� �* : .�. �- ��« . Our Trib�l recc�rds indic�te there �re nc� knc�wn �rch�ec�lc�gic�l sites c�r cultur�l prc�perties �neithin the bc�und�ries c�f Prc�ject 11-6001. C�uring the cc�nstructic�n ph�se, if cultur�l �rtif�cts �re encc�untered, �neh�t �neill be the prc�cess fc�r h�ndling these iter�s? �, .,�, ,, , �,, ��� , � , ,,, ,,, MI M • ,, ;; . ;; , From: Maycock, Robin [mailto:RMaycock@louisberger.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 2:33 PM To: renee.gledhill-earley@ncdcr.gov; joanne.steenhuis@ncdenr.gov; garyJordan@fws.gov; tlloyd@co.cumberland.nc.us; sarah.e.hair@usace.army.mil; travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org; millitscher.chris@epa.gov; fritz.rohde@noaa.gov; state.clearinghouse@doa.nc.gov; curt.weychert@ncdenr.gov; JWarner@townofhopemills.com; hm.pat.edwards@gmail.com; jdlegge@nc.rr.com; mmitchell@townofhopemills.com; jbellflowers@townofhopemills.com; mlarson@townofhopemills.com; mpadams@townofhopemills.com; dholland@townofhopemills.com; glhunt@ncdot.gov; hthutchens@ncdot.gov; cmclaughlin@townofhopemills.com; Freda Porter <fporter@lumbeetribe.com> Cc: Matuszewski, Sean P<spmatuszewski@ncdot.gov>; Rerko, James J <jjrerko@ncdot.gov>; Pridgen, Glendel S<gspridgen@ncdot.gov>; Kendall, Steve D <sdkendall@ncdot.gov>; Odell, Raymond <rodell@louisberger.com>; Hatfield, Dean <dhatfield@louisberger.com>; Parker, Douglas <doparker@louisberger.com>; Lane, Leigh <LLane@louisberger.com>; Robinson Jr., Roland <RRobinsonJr@louisberger.com>; Anolik, Allison <aanolik@louisberger.com>; Heller, Adrienne <AHeller@louisberger.com> Subject: U-6001 Scoping Comments Request Dear Recipients: Please review the attached revised start of study package for U-6001, for a new scope of work for a widening project on NC 59 in Cumberland County, near Hope Mills. A previous scoping package was sent to you in April 2018, but the project scope has since been revised, therefore we are sending you a revised scoping package. We would appreciate your comments and feedback by December 31, 2018. If you have any questions or concerns please direct them to me and the CC list above. We thank you for your time and attention. Best Regards, Robin L. Maycock This message, including any attachments hereto, may contain privileged and/or confidential information and is intended solely for the attention and use of the intended addressee(s). If you are not the intended addressee, you may neither use, copy, nor deliver to anyone this message or any of its attachments. In such case, you should immediately destroy this message and its attachments and kindly notify the sender by reply mail. Unless made by a person with actual authority conferred by Louis Berger, the information and statements herein do not constitute a binding commitment or warranty by Louis Berger. Louis Berger assumes no responsibility for any misperceptions, errors or misunderstandings. You are urged to verify any information that is confusing and report any errors/concerns to us in writing.