HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190210 Ver 1_Site 5_Stream Relocation Monitoring Plan_20190214A-0011C Stream Relocation Monitoring Plan Hyatt Mill Creek Clay County Version 1.0 January 25, 2019 NCDOT Division 14 This plan addresses requirements for the relocation of a portion of Hyatt Mill Creek impacted for the widening of NC-69 from the Georgia Line to US 64, Clay County, NC (TIP A-0011 C). The purpose of the project is to improve traffic service for motorists in the project area. Hyatt Mill Creek is closely confined between an existing business and NC- 69 southbound. The property on the northbound side of NC-69 is deemed an historical property and through agency coordination could not be impacted. Therefor this portion of Hyatt Mill Creek would be impacted to complete the project. Specifically, the impact is a result of fill that is needed to for the two additional southbound lanes. The widening configuration was chosen in an effort to eliminate impacts to the historical property on the northbound side on NC-69. The portion of Hyatt Mill Creek being relocated is approximately 600 linear feet. Existing Hyatt Mill Creek is a small stream (�0.35 mi2 watershed) with an approximately 8-foot wide sand/gravel bed. The channel has a few areas of instability and is slightly entrenched. From Rogen Classification, this channel seems to be a straightened C channel. The designed (proposed low to moderate width-to-depth ratio C Type) channel is approximately 633 feet in length with a bankfull channel width of 10 feet. Average buffer width (measured from the bankfull channel limit) that will be replanted along the stream is 40 feet with widths ranging from 20 to 65 feet. There is an area on the left bank at approximate station 10+10 that has a buffer width of approximately 25 feet due to an existing pond that the R/W and buffer zone were brought in to avoid. In addition, two areas located at approximate stations 10+70 and 12+62 along the right bank have a buffer width ranging from 22 to 24 feet due to the stream alignment being generated to have an appropriate belt width based on the locations of the upstream pipe and the proposed driveway pipe arch. Floodplain access is expected to meet the success criteria based on design parameters. Hydrologic functions should be comparable to existing, but water quality and stream habitat functions should be lifted by improving bank stability, riffle habitat structures (habitat complexity), and reducing sediment inputs. NCDOT will be responsible for implementing the monitoring plan. A consulting firm will be secured to complete the data collection and report writing. Page 1 of 6 GENERAL MONITORING PLAN Monitoring requirements and success criteria outlined in the latest guidance by USACE (Wilmington District) in October 2016 (Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update) (Guidelines) will be followed and are briefly outlined below. Monitoring data collected at the Site will include reference photos, plant survival analysis, and channel stability analysis and will be reported in the format specified by RGL 08-03. Riparian vegetation and stream morphology is proposed to be monitored for a period of seven years with measurements completed in years 1-3, year 5, and year 7. Visual monitoring results will be reported in all monitoring reports. Photo documentation of stream stability will be included in monitoring reports for years 4 and 6. If monitoring demonstrates the Site is successful by year 5 and no concerns have been identified, NCDOT may propose, in writing, to terminate monitoring at the Site and forego monitoring requirements for years 6 and 7. If USACE determines that terminating the site monitoring is acceptable, USACE will notify NCDOT in writing. Early closure will only be provided through written approval from USACE. Monitoring will be conducted by NCDOT or its duly authorized representatives. Monitoring reports must be provided to USACE for review no later than April 1 for all seven years of monitoring. Monitoring and success criteria for the Site will relate to project goals and objectives determined by NC SAM functional assessment method. Goals and objectives will be considered successful upon achieving stream and/or vegetation success criteria. Table 1 provides a monitoring schedule for the Site. Table 1. Monitoring Schedule Resource Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Stream Vegetation Visual Assessment Report Submittal VEGETATION Vegetation planting should be conducted between November 15 and March 15. After planting has been completed, an initial evaluation will be performed to verify planting methods and to determine initial species composition and density. Supplemental planting and additional Site modifications will be implemented, if necessary. Plants will be selected from the attached species list. Page2of6 Two sample plots (0.02 ac in size, >2% of planted portion) will be installed within the Site (see Attachment A) due to small size of the project. Vegetation monitoring for each sample plot will be conducted between July 1 St and leaf drop to account for an effects of climatic or other conditions that may affect vegetation survival. Visual observations of the percent cover of shrub and herbaceous species will also be documented by photograph. Vegetation Performance Criteria Within planted portions of the site, a minimum of 320 planted stems per acre must be surviving in the first three monitoring years. Subsequently, a minimum of 260 stems per acre must be present at year 5 and 210 stems per acre at year 7. Since this Site is located in the mountain region, trees in each plot must average 6 feet in height at year 5 and 8 feet in height at year 7. Volunteer stems of native plants will be considered in determining overall vegetation success; however, (1) volunteer stems will be counted separately from planted stems and (2) volunteer streams must be species from the approved planting list included in this plan. STREAM CHANNEL STABILITY Permanent, monumented cross-sections will be installed at an approximate frequency of one per 20 bankfull-widths, measured along the centerline of the channel (thalwag). In general, cross-section locations should be selected to represent 50% of pools and 50°/a of riffle areas. Locations of the cross sections will include areas predisposed to instability. Cross-section locations shall be detailed in the Site as-built survey. Monitoring cross section locations for the Site are depicted on the monitoring plan sheet (Attachment A). Longitudinal profiles of the thalweg, water surface, bankfull, and top-of-bank shall be provided in the Site as-built survey from comparison with future geomorphological data. Unless there is evidence of channel bank or bed instability observed during monitoring efforts, additional profile surveys will not be required during the Stream Monitoring Period (years 1 through 7). In these cases where bed/bank instability is observed, USACE will determine if remedial measures are necessary. If remedial measures are necessary, additional longitudinal profiles may be required in these areas of concern to track changes in the channel and demonstrate stability Determinations regarding the occurrence of bankfull events shall be based on the observation of overbank events utilizing physical evidence of overbank flooding. The need for crest gages to be installed to document the occurrence of bankfull events should not be necessary due to the length of stream restoration. Physical indicators, which are easily observable, include floodplain scour, vegetation flattening, sediment deposition on floodplains and wrack lines consisting of deposited debris associated with stream discharges. The presence of physical indicators supporting bankfull event determinations shall be photo-documented. Page 3 of 6 Stream Success Criteria Criteria are included below in Table 2. During annual monitoring, if visual monitoring shows stream instability and/or causing more than a 15% increase in cross-sectional area, bank pins will be installed to assess the stability over time. During any given monitoring interval, bank height ratio (BHR) and entrenchment ratio (ER) will not change more than 10% from the baseline condition. Remedial actions in coordination with USACE may be needed if this criteria is not met. Table 2. Functional Goal/Objectives and Performance Standards Project Goal/Objective Stream Success Criteria (1) Hydrology (2) Flood Flow (Floodplain Access) Four overbank events in separate monitoring years (3) Streamside Area Attenuation will be documented during the monitoring period. (4) Wooded Riparian Buffer Attaining vegetation success criteria including an average density of 320 planted stems per acre must be surviving in the first three monitoring years. Subsequently, 260 planted stems per acre must be surviving in year 5, and 210 planted stems per acre in year 7. Cross-sections, monitored annually, will be compared to as-built measurements to determine (3) Stream Stability channel stability and maintenance of channel (4) Channel Stability geomorphology. Bank Height Ratios and Entrenchment Ratios target is 10% max. increase between monitoring years and bank erosion will be minimized. (4) Stream Geomorphology Maintain a stable C-type channel. (1) Water Quality (2) Streamside Area Vegetation Attaining vegetation success criteria (Restore (3) Upland Pollution Filtration Wooded Riparian Buffer) (1) Restore Habitat (2) In-stream Habitat (3) Stream Stability (3) In-stream Habitat (2) In-stream Habitat (3) Streamside Habitat (3) Thermoregulation Attaining vegetation performance criteria (Restore Wooded Riparian Buffer) and stabilization of grade control/habitat structures. Attaining vegetation success criteria (Restore Wooded Riparian Buffer). Page 4 of 6 VISUAL MONITORING The Site will be visually monitored each year to identify areas of concern (poor plant vigor, invasive plants, streambank instability, etc.). Results will be provided in the monitoring report in a plan view format and recommended courses of action will be identified for approval by USACE. STREAM BUFFERS Minimum stream buffer widths will be approximately 30 feet. Some areas of the stream buffer will exceed 30 feet, including widths in excess of 50 feet. Note that, average buffer width (measured from the bankfull channel limit) that will be replanted along the stream is 40 feet with widths ranging from 20 to 65 feet. There is an area on the left bank at approximate station 10+10 that has a buffer width of approximately 25 feet due to an existing pond that the R/W and buffer zone were brought in to avoid. In addition, two areas located at approximate stations 10+70 and 12+62 along the right bank have a buffer width ranging from 22 to 24 feet due to the stream alignment being generated to have an appropriate belt width based on the locations of the upstream pipe and the proposed driveway pipe arch. REMEDIAL ACTIONS Monitoring reports will include a remedial action plan to address the portions of the site that fail to meet one or more of the required functional goals/perFormance standards. USACE will be notified as soon as possible once a need is identified that will require remedial action. If portions of the site are not meeting required criteria, replanting of all or part of the site will be required. If supplemental plantings exceed 20% of the total planted area, additional vegetation monitoring may be required by USACE. If concerns regarding stream stability are identified from visual monitoring and/or >15% increase in cross-sectional area, bank pins may be used to help track bank stability. A reach that has >10% increase in bank height ratio may be a candidate for repair. In this case, coordination with USACE will be conducted to determine if remediation may be needed. The site will be monitored for the presence of invasive species and adaptive management aimed at controlling the species will be conducted. Treatments with herbicides, in coordination with USACE, will be used as needed where invasive species are identified in areas of planted and/or desirable species. Beaver control will be implemented under NCDOT's statewide contract with USDA should beaver damage occur during the monitoring period. These activities will be documented in annual reports. The stream relocation and buffers will remain under state ownership in perpetuity. No mow signs and white stakes will be erected along the stream buffers to protect against maintenance activities. Page 5 of 6 Planting and Volunteer Plant List Stream Banks (TYPE I) Cornus amomum Silky dogwood Salix sericea Silky willow Salix nigra Black willow Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush Alnus serrulata Tag alder Populus deltoides Cottonwood Riparian-Upland Buffer (TYPE II) Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Prunus serotine Black Cherry Robinia psedoaccaia Black Locust Acer rubrum Red Maple Ulmus americana American elm Fraxinus americana White ash Cornus amomum silky dogwood Carpinus caroliniana Ironwood Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush Lindera benzoin Spicebush Liquidambar styraciflua Sweetgum Alnus serrulata Tag alder Plantanus occidentalis Sycamore Betula nigra River birch Populus deltoides Cottonwood Corylus americana American hazelnut Quercus michauxii Swamp chestnut oak Sambucus canadensis elderberry Pinus strobus Eastern white pine Pinus echinata Shortleaf pine Pinus virginiana Virginia Pine Quercus alba White oak Quercus falcata Southern red oak Quercus stellata Post oak Juniperus virginiana Eastern red cedar Diospyros virginiana Common persimmon Juglans nigra Black walnut Carya tomentosa Mockernut hickory Carya glabra Pignut hickory llex opaca American holly Cornus florida Flowering dogwood Juglans nigra Black walnut Fagus grandifolia American beech Cornus racemosa Gray dogwood Hamamelis virginiana American witchhazel Viburnum dentatum Southern arrowwood Sambucus racemosa Red elderberry Page 6 of 6 ATTACHMENT A � 0 � � 6 � � C ro � NAD 83 NA 2011 SOUTHERDBC99�RpGE95ATERIALS 4 N, 30' 15' 0' 30' 60' DB 201 P O BATCH PLANT BATCH PLANT G �40 �`�' ;n o B �B 307GR�UP LLC � � � i!� PBqp � 2 z � � � � I • G 1 14 � � �. f � ' � �� ��' / i EIP f S �r-. / .r --� � _i--- �- � � � � VA� - � �/���'_ ��� /�� � � � ', E� �� � i � � � i i � � � � � � � �� � / / / �f � �: / ( � � ��.� � / J � / / � / w �, � ' � `i , �� � ' �.' ;, � � � ,� � i, PROPosEo 95• x sr � �� � � �� � � � � PIPE ARCH CULVERT � i � ,? �'� CONC,. 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F,�,�� �-_.� _..- � ,n �, ����0 \ ���� � �'� ��' \67 STRUCTURE LOCATIONS ` � i _- � - ti� - � _ _, _�� � � ��� _ , � A � �, � � � � '� � � STRUCTURE TYPE STATION FROM STATION TO START ELEVATION END ELEVATION _-- , �'""-""" ' �`"` sy /'��__��� � "�T �\ � � �� _ � \\ � a \ ". � �� \ ' �1�� � RiffleGradeControl 10+00 10+p5 1934.4' 1933.7' - - ) �{�_-_ - � -- �� �- -�/� � . � - � �' �._ � V \ ���� ��V � � c +60 10+55 _ , � � � � � � � RoakToe Prote tion 10 � 7'� : -- _ - _� - OG6i � � _ - � � � �\ � �' �� �� � � �� � � � V �. � � V �,r� �, �.. �� Stream Plug 10+82 11+06 __ _ _ _ ti � _ � / , � __ _ � �� �. A _ � � ood Dro Riffle 10+g5 11+13 1933.2' 1932.3' _ _.. - _ -. `„ i j �� V ��. S96 � A ' 11+33 11+52 � � __ _ _ -_ . __. _-- __ _\. � �,�� �'_� � a � . 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