HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004944_Other Correspondence_20190212 tt Dewberr Dewberry Engineers Inc. 919.881.9939 y 2610 Wycliff Road,Suite 410 919.881.9923 fax Raleigh,NC 27607 www.dewberry.com February 12,2019 RECEIVED/DENR/DWR NC Department of Environmental Quality—NPDES Complex Permitting Unit FER 15 2019 Attn:Sergei Chernikov,Engineer Archdale Building Water Resources 512 N.Salisbury Street Permitting Section Raleigh,NC 27699 RE:Edge Water Treating,LLC—NPDES Permit NC0004944-Total Nitrogen Limit Dear Mr.Chernikov: On behalf of our client,Edge Water Treating,Dewberry respectfully submits this letter to propose a total nitrogen limit for the Edge Water Treating wastewater treatment plant located in Salisbury,NC(Salisbury Facility). The Salisbury Facility discharges wastewater into the High Rock Lake watershed under NPDES Permit NC0004944 and has recently submitted a NPDES permit modification request to modify the permit from an Organic Chemical,Plastics and Synthetic Fiber(OCPSF)category 414 to Centralized Waste Treatment category 437.Based on subsequent conversations with NC DEQ,it is our understanding that NC DEQ intends to implement an effluent numerical total nitrogen(TN)limit within the modified permit. NC DEQ indicated that a TN limit is required to freeze TN discharges at 2004 discharge levels during the interim period prior to finalization of a formal nutrient strategy for High Rock Lake.We understand High Rock Lake was added to the NC 3o3d list in 2004 for chlorophyll a and turbidity. • NC DEQ preliminarily suggested an effluent TN limit of 33.51b/d.NC DEQ indicated this limit is not based on historical data from the Salisbury Facility but on the total nitrogen discharge of a similar OCPSF facility. The similar facility has not been identified.As previously indicated,Edge Water Treating is very concerned with the proposed limit as its basis is not well defined,and as the limit will have significant implications on redevelopment of the site and its financial viability.Total nitrogen discharges from OCPSF facilities can vary significantly depending on specific operations within the facility,the wastewater treatment infrastructure utilized,and the operational strategy of the wastewater treatment plant.As the proposed limit is not based on historical data from the Salisbury Facility,it is not representative of the 2004 discharges from the Salisbury facility and could be overly restrictive and inconsistent with the intent to freeze discharges at 2004 levels. At the time of our January 23,2019 meeting with NC DEQ,historical total nitrogen data from the Salisbury Facility had not been identified.NC DEQ indicated that in the absence of site specific historical data,NC DEQ would consider an alternate proposed limit to be based on effluent data from multiple other OCPSF facilities,estimation/modeling of 2004 total nitrogen discharges from the Salisbury Facility,or a combination of both. To develop a proposed total nitrogen limit,Dewberry reviewed the following: • Historical NC0004944 files retrieved from NC DEQ Central File archives • Discharge data from four other OCPSF polyester fiber dischargers. The files retrieved from archive contained limited historical total nitrogen data for the Salisbury Facility which included the following: • August 1992—July 1992:Once per month sample analyzed for total nitrogen • January 2009—December 2009: Once per month sample analyzed for total nitrogen Page 1 of 3 Copies of the files referenced above are provided in Attachment A.The 2009 samples were collected immediately after the Salisbury Facility was sold from Invista to Performance Fibers;it is our understanding that by 2009 Performance Fibers had significantly reduced staff and production operations at the Salisbury Facility. As such,the 2009 data is not representative of 2004 discharge conditions and is not used for this evaluation.The 1992/1993 data represents a time when the Salisbury Facility was operating at full production capacity and is deemed the most representative to use in the evaluation to estimate 2004 discharges. An anaerobic treatment system(Celrobic®)for contaminated groundwater was operated at the Salisbury Facility from approximately 1994—2004.The effluent from the Celrobic®system was discharged to the Salisbury Facility's wastewater treatment plant(WWTP). The Operation Manual for this system was obtained from the Salisbury Facility control room and excerpts are provided in Attachment B. The Operation Manual indicated the system included an ammonia addition system to provide nutrients for the anaerobic organisms. The Operation Manual instructed that ammonia be dosed to achieve an excess of • 3o mg/l in the anaerobic system effluent which was designed to operate at ioo,80o gallons per day. The Operation Manual also indicated that biomass was wasted from the Celrobic®system to the WWTP. Therefore the Celrobic®effluent would be expected to contain two primary forms of total nitrogen: excess ammonia at 3o mg/land insoluble organic nitrogen from the wasted biomass. As the Celrobic®system was not operational until 1994,the 1992/1993 data presented above would not capture the total nitrogen discharges from the Celrobic®system. The Celrobic®system was operated until 2004 and thus it is assumed to have been operated during the period the impairment was identified in High Rock Lake.As such,it is valid to include nitrogen contributed from this system in this evaluation if the intent is to freeze nitrogen dischargers at the time the impairment was identified. In addition,the Consent Order(date October 4,2000)is still active and the Celrobic®system may be operated again in the future if groundwater monitoring indicates additional remediation is required.Excerpts from the 2017 Annual Groundwater Report by CAN Holdings LLC are provided in Attachment D. To estimate the total nitrogen effluent discharges attributable from the Celrobic®system,Dewberry assumed the residual effluent ammonia would pass through the WWTP and the nitrogen present in the waste sludge would be hydrolyzed in the WWTP and both would be discharged in the WWTP effluent.The additional chemical oxygen demand load from the anaerobic effluent would result in additional sludge generation at the WWTP and a portion of the nitrogen would be used by the WWTP to support that cell growth.The calculations presented in Attachment B include an estimate of the sludge generated as a result of the anaerobic system and subtracts the nitrogen that would report to that biomass.The model calculations and supporting documentation are presented in Attachment B.The net total nitrogen impact from operation of the Celrobic®system is calculated to be 117 Ib/d total nitrogen. To estimate non-Celrobic®effluent total nitrogen discharges,the 1992/1993 data was utilized.The average and maximum effluent total nitrogen from the 1992/1993 data was calculated to be 3.3 mg/I and 4.7 mg/1,respectively.As the peaking factor of 1.4 is relatively low and 50%of the data is above the average,we propose to use the maximum value of 4.7 mg/I as representative of historical total nitrogen discharges prior to operation of the Celrobic®anaerobic system.A concentration of 4.7 mg/1 at the permitted flow rate of 2.305 MGD is an equivalent mass discharge of 90.4 lb/d. The sum of the 9o.4 lb/d of historical total nitrogen and the 117 lb/d total nitrogen contributed by the Celrobic®system result in an estimated 2004 effluent total nitrogen load of 207.4 lb/d. Therefore,we propose a numerical total nitrogen permit limit of 207.41b/d.We propose once weekly monitoring with an annual average limit,which is consistent with your email on December 14,2018.The proposed 207.4 lb/d total nitrogen limit for the Salisbury Facility is the equivalent of 10.7 mg/l total nitrogen at the maximum permitted flow rate of 2.305 MGD. Dewberry Page 2 of 3 To support this evaluation,Dewberry researched the effluent total nitrogen discharge from similar OCPSF facilities in order to evaluate if the proposed limit of 207.4 lb/d is reasonable for discharges from a polyester fiber manufacturer.Our search focused on polyester fiber manufacturers with current or historical direct discharge permits.Table 1 below summarizes the data obtained for four manufacturers in NC.Excerpts from the supporting documentation is provided in Attachment C.This information was obtained from NC DEQ's Laserfiche Document Management System but full copies can be provided upon request. Table 1.Total Nitro:en Dischar:e Data from Other Pol ester Manufacturers Facility Name NPDES Description Source Total Nitrogen Data DuraFibers NC0001899 Manufacturer of polyester 2016 NPDES Permit >6.9 mg/I* (Moncure,NC) resin and fibers Renewal Application (*only ammonia data was available) DAK Americas NC0003719 Manufacturer of polyester 2016 NPDES Permit 8.9—27.4 mg/I (Fayetteville,NC) chip Renewal Application Celanese NC0004952 Manufacturer of polyester 2018 NPDES Permit 0.62 mg/I (Shelby,NC) resins Renewal Application Invista NC0001112 Manufacturer of polyester 2014 NPDES Permit 39.5 mg/I (Wilmington,NC) polyols Renewal Application The effluent total nitrogen data from other polyester manufacturers ranges from o.62—39.5 mg/1.The wide range is likely due to difference in production operations and/or wastewater treatment operations at the facilities.For example,the finishing chemistries for polyester varies by manufacturer.Finish • chemistries,including those used at the Salisbury Facility,use urea as a carrier during the finishing process.The average effluent flow rate from September 1992-August 1993 at the Salisbury Facility was 1.029 MGD(Attachment A).At this flow rate,the 2o7.4 lb/d translates to 24.1 mg/L.This concentration is within the range of effluent TN concentrations observed at similar OCPSF facilities.Flow data from 1992- 1993 is used for this comparison as this time period is the closest to 2004 for which data was obtained from NCDEQ electronic and archived files and was during a period when the facility was operating at a production capacity similar to 2004.Diane Rodman with Central Files indicated that some historical discharge monitoring reports including records from 2004 have been destroyed. We appreciate your consideration.Please feel free to contact me at 919-424-3764 with any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, (VJ Leigh-Ann Dudley,PE Project Manager Cc: Julie Grzyb,NC DEQ MariJon Owens,Edge Water Treating Greg Coleman,Edge Water Treating Ryan Ford,PE,Edge Water Treating Tom McKittrick,Edge Water Treating Katie Jones,PE,Dewberry Dewberry Page 3 of 3 AttachmentA 0 9/15/9 3 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE 1 PERMIT--NC0004944 PIPE--001 REPORT PERIOD: 9208-9307 LOC---E FACILITY--HOECHST CELANESE - SALISBURY DESIGN FLOW-- 1.2000 CLASS--4 LOCATION--SALISBURY REGION/COUNTY--03 ROWAN 50050 00310 00530 31616 00010 00400 00600 00665 MONTH Q/MGD BOD RES/TSS FEC COLI TEMP PH TOTAL N PHOS-TOT LIMIT F 1.2000 F 323.0 F 1000.0 NOL 9.0 6.0 NOL NOL 92/08 1.0933 110.06 123.6 75.2 27.45 8.5-7.1 2.590 2.9000 92/09 1.0486 90.23 9.8.2 56.8 25.30 8.1-7.2 4.670 3.1000 92/10 1.0581 60.74 105.9 35.9 17.93 9.2-7.3F 3.890 2.4000 92/11 1.0617 64.33 87.9 45.2 13.75 9.0-7.3F 2.350 2.0000 92/12 .9740 91.80 38.2 32.8 8.16 7.7-6.9 3.530 1.9000 93/01 1.0632 189.90 159.1 44.5 8.48 7.8-7.1 3.130 2.3000 93/02 .9484 219.60 214.4 96.7 8.17 7.7-7.0 2.510 2.5000 93/03 1.0225 265.32 219.2 56.7 10.80 7.6-6.9 2.980 2.0000 93/04 1.1914 211.13 255.9 44.0 17.50 7.6-7.0 3.420 2.0000 93/05 .9205 117.48 160.1 44.9 24.25 8.2-7.0 1.430 .6600 93/06 .9334 104.03 123.1 34.0 28.03 8.9-7.4 4.570 3.7000 93/07 1.0337 89.96 167.1 76.3 30.41 8.4-7.4 4.700 3.0000 :j AVERAGE 1.0290 134.54 146.0 53.5 18.35 3.314 2.3716._; MAXIMUM 1.5680 505.00 447.0 232.0 32.00 9.200 4.700 37000 ,' MINIMUM .3650 24.00 15.0 23.0 6.00 6.900 1.430 .6600 UNIT MGD LBS/DAY LBS/DIY #/100ML DEG.0 SU MG/L ':JIG/L.= -1 0 Attachment A l EFFLUENT page 1 of 2 :MIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH JANUARY YEAR 2009 ri.C1LITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CLASS III COUNTY ROWAN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) DAVID L.CASNER GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY (2)DAVIS&FLOYD, INC. CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED I PERSONS COLLECTING SAMPLES WST TRT OPRS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: �2 / DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY X �N , vo - v2-. /U� " ATTENTION: CENTRAL FILES ( NATURE OF ORC DATE P.O.BOX 29535 BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 50050 00310 00040 00530 00610 31616 00300 1042 01045 01055 D Opr. Opr. Fecal D A Arrive Time ORC Flow GODS T Coliform Dissolvd Total A T Time on on (41 pH S AMMONIA Oxygen Copper Iron Manganese T E 2400 Site Site [ ]Inf 20C S NITROGEN Geometric (DO) E clock [X]Eff Mean # HRS HRS YIN MGD LBS/D UNITS LBS/D LBS/D #/100m1 Mg/1 Mg/I Mg/I Mg/1 # .7. i`31i#iEi?'i^iii' ''=::i:i�i ::^'-l:: E`::: [ iiii i := lilil! i , `... 2 0700 24 B 0.303 7.2 12.0 2 i i � i'i ..•..: ;_i4 �' 2 �i�f'i'� il i5�'ii��'�i5i 5i�i1:`ii:i i�iiiii T`i ii�ii�i i 5 E:� :: .:„f : i ' ;i i:i:M'i'Si:Mifi`;Tf:`•,'lii iiiiii ii iiii` : i ;i :;::;>.; iii ::i:is:', 4 0700 24 B 0.301 18 88 4 &!: 7DD'. .2q.: . 4.i, i.0"#I"bi.. ?i..i. .i.ii.ii.ii: .j. ' ik . ' i: . :4•Z . ` .• .: 0700 24 0 477 28 131 <0 40 0.038 0.34 0.091 ::07il0:'.: . 24;:: i€i 0653€`: [`€.°i :€;€�:4 :.. :.....: < ::::rAat .:. .:.::: . :: ..: 0700 24 0.671 34 157 MI El:.0760 :.iq? !:: . i09 10 0700 24 B 0.492 --_-- 10 Q700:�: 0k19'::i`E:21'::i: i'' 12 0700 24 Y 0.380 7.2 12 112 1 12 1 .''13 0700::1 24 . Y.".;:0.355 i '1'24 ' 13[ 14 0700 24 Y 0.330 7.0 112 14 BE .0706s WNW: 0 714:€i Ei']:6"'.i` .p`ii6(ii:iiy ...,.i:OM .. 16 0700 24 © 0.306 7.8 _-- 10.7 -__- 16 �g� 0700 24 m 0.286 12 33 -_ 1 1 _ g700::: 24:.:: i:0:21:4:.:.'.:;:.::ipii 21. 10.2 20 0700 24 0.232 0.35 20 '27 E'r:Q9:00". is 24:.:: `'0`igi . ;ii i`i :q:`i;s . is ® 0700 24 © 0.160 5 16 -_- ® MN 0700 24 . 0.223 __---_ i 24 j i` °I070iiii:'.W.:p:E:.0:r: .°0 2 ii - z 26... .. 2.......$.....q.2fiS'`E :::E�9'.E � EcE aE:Ei'.E: EEcB$E'.`Eli E:E:Er.:�`E E::::::::i:::.i'.::E..: `:; ;'; ''. -�.. 26 0700 24 Y 0.325 8.0 20 11.3 26 27.. ..:. • ...{130 24. T.. .,.0.377 ...16 `: 541''.:: E:.'r403)1:: li'i `i;si i`:E' ' '. 27? 28 0700 24 Y 0.402' 7.6 11.4 28 29 .0740 .i OX611 21 ": • 34' `• _ :2.9 30 0700 24 111/11 0.284 7.6 _-_ 11 2 30 AVERAGE 0.346 17 67 0.80 17 11.1 0.038 0.34 0.091 AVG MAXIMUM P.:i ::q.67i: :.'::3k':i: . R:Ei'•: : :!#S`r....: .1>74 •s1 . 12-8 .:: 0038 0.54 ::0.091.'. MAST MINIMUM 0.160 5 '.0 16 <0.31 12 9.5 0.038 0.34 0.091 i MIN C6M2IGRAB:t: :Gt714T'::l : .COXE': r`:CO4-.i .'GRAB GRAB'.::: ::COMIPi COMP .:COMP. :. i' DAILY LIMIT NA 518 6-9 1043 46.00 400 5.0 DY 1401 1)t(V..Ii4if . '::` ::7a0S :.:201 ., 3$0 i3 .:::ii:]20q - 5 0....;::. . .3i4f3 DEM Form MR-1(12/931 Attachment A EFFLUENT page 2 of 2 NPDES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH JANUARY YEAR 2009 FACILITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CLASS III COUNTY ROWAN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) . DAVID L.CASNER GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY (2)DAVIS&FLOYD, INC. CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED I I PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES WST TRT OPRS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY X G Rai'+-✓L-i ATTENTION: CENTRAL FILES IGNATURE OF ORC) DATE P.O.BOX 29535 BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 00076 00630 00600 00625 00665 _ 0062o D a Turbidity Nitrate+ Total Total Total A T Nitrite Organic Kjeldahl Phosphorus T Nitrogen Nitrogen Nitrogen (as P) E (as N) (as N) (as N) # NI'U mg/1 mg/1 me `, mg/1 # i.: — 2 •• 4 •: 4 6 14.8 0.043 1.6 1.6 0.22 .... ..... ............. .. .......... ....... 6 t..- 8 8 i iIEIii 14 9.4 14 :1 18 18 • 20 20 22 22 24 2 4 26 :2•�i:'�'`'°i:::;SiEi yi :6 :'i i_i?`yEi_i;; ;.;.;:;.?5:` : .. 4:: •..." 26 28 8.3 28 30 ........-... 30 AVG 9.8 0.043 1.6 1.6 0.22 AVG MAX: ..14.$ ::;'-._::;::< :'::.•::::.,: ....!);OS3:'. � .::�.fs:;.;:•: •s:I.6-:...�..1).22.::.;.:-. .........:.;_p...:i:i:i.p:;::�::��::-�:�.: :::.. :. P1i3AXi MIN 6.7 0.043 _ 1.6 1.6 0.22 MIN DY NA NA NA NA NA DY OEM Form MR-t(12/93) Attachment A EFFLUENT page 1 of 2 NPDES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH FEBRUARY YEAR 2009 FACILITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CLASS III COUNTY ROWAN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) DAVID L.CASNER GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY (2)DAVIS&FLOYD, INC. CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED J I PERS.() OLLECTING SAMPLES WST TRT OPRS • Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: C� DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY "/7•- 0 / ATTENTION: CENTRAL FILES • - (SIGNATURE OF ORC) DATE P.O.BOX 29535 BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 50050 00310 00040 00530 00610 31616 00300 1042 01045 01055 TGP38 D Opr. Opr. Fecal D A Arrive Time ORC Flow GODS T Coliform Dissolvd Total - A T Time on on ® pH S AMMONIA Oxygen Copper Iron Manganese CHRONIC T E 2400 Site Site [ )Inf 20C S NITROGEN Geometric (DO) TOXICITY E clock [X)Eff Mean 1/ HRS HRS YIN MGD LBS/D UNITS LBS/D LBS,'D 4/100m1 Mg/1 Mg/1 Mg/1 Mg/1 PA'34% # :...........,.,.E.....O.i.6S .:.:.Y1.•. ,...: .- .< ,2i:. ....:::;.;:•`•E.E:E::::::°�::'s°- :::: .�: ' rrr.::::::::::::::E::a?: 2 0700 24 Y 0.178 7.7 11 9.9 PASS 2 3:....... ,.24......`ty.......0.2113:::::::1'�:::::::::::: :::�:::�::26:::::::[::::a3D:::::::::::::�:�::: :::::::::::;:::;::;:::: : ' :�: �::_'�' ::�:::::: : :.:•::.::.:::::.:::::-:-:::.:..•. .• 4 0700 24 Y 0.281 16 7.7 11.4 4 6 0700 24 Y 0.312 7.6 11.2 6 .-...U7flD.....,24... ..13......0.32a. 8 0700 24 B 0.328 38 8 10 0700 24 Y 0.303 13 33 0.30 10 ....., .bfibD. ..2&.. ..�".....D.3�..;.•.,I3..-.�.....7,:&.............:.:.:.:.:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.::.::[D.S:-:.:.::.:::.::::.:::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::;:::::::::;:::::::::::::::: ::t::::::::::l:t:': 12 0700 24 Y 0.346 14 38 12 _ 14 0700 24 B 0.398 14 .... ..... 16 0700 24 Y 0.445 7.7 23 9.9 16 ..:2?F=:::;::;•Y:;::::;O:ddYr._s::::3a':g;;:;::;:::`:-E,">�p`:SCi::: Odd: `. ,. 18 0700 24 Y 0.534 27 7.7 10.3 18 3'9 E 3 p 0?.0....24.......X`.•...�.0.S6d_......38.............•.•.•:.�:.:•71.:..,.:.,.:.:.:.;.:.;.:..:.:::.:.::::::�:::-:::::.:: ::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::�::'.a:["s[::: :;:;:;:p:::;::E1�E 20 0700 24 Y 0.523 7.6 10.4 20 >�I i 22 0700 24 N 0.411 51 22 5i'�i: i!: i:ii�i;iiiii=Pi ....... ...>5.:..,, .:...,..... .......• .;:22;:::::.�::::.70�7::..:..:::::-::::- ::•. .,.:: <: :: :33:: 24 0700 24 B 0.361 24 42 0.39 24 26 0700 24 B 0.398 23 43 26 :...... 28 0700 24 B 0.509 28 AVERAGE 03'3 21 41 0.37 18 10.4 0.025 022 0.061 PASS AVG �` . ,..;.,,. .ft,566: 3R. 7� :�:?.�:�:�1:`:: :•`:'tt.48 .•2�:::;:: .;::r:ll4 '.�:AQ35., 02Z :: Oi163111 ,..P.ASS .. ..:-':`::NI�� MINIMUM 0.165 11 7.5 21 0.30 11 9.4 0.025 0.22 0.061 PASS MPV COMP .:GR :iO W :•Gf3hlfi i :::: R: B .-:GR4B:- .'COMP.:` cl MP: (OMI>:. .::. DAILY LIMIT NA 518 6-9 1043 46.00 400 5.0 DY _......Iv10 DEM Form MR-I(12/93) ' 9 Attachment A f- L� EFFLUENT page 2 of 2 NPDES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH FEBRUARY YEAR 2009 FACILITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CLASS III COUNTY ROWAN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) DAVID L.CASNER GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY (2)DAVIS&FLOYD, INC. CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED I I PERSON CTING SAMPLE WST TRT OPRS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: p� ATTN:CENTRAL FILES �� , — / D 9 DIV.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEME'T (SIGNATURE OF ORC) DATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O.BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 00076 00630 I 00600 00625 00665 D 00620 A Turbidity Nitrate+ Total Total Total A T Nitrite Organic Iijeldahl Phosphorus 7' Nitrogen Nitrogen Nitrogen (as P) E _ (as N) (as N) (as N) # NTU mgA mg,/1 mgA mg/1 2 2 4 ' 8.5 4 6 8 • 10 10 `I E 12 12 14 - .. 14 16 16 18 8.7 18 20 20 22 22 24 24 26 26 28 28 AVG 8.7 <0.020 0.76 0.91 0.19 AVG MIN 8.2 <0.020 0.76 0.91 0.19 MIN CIQi :`�iR..... .•:£(�2+4PE E: :: k UfNPE ,'`tCDtdiP: :'COMP .: E .t .... '. £'CrE. DY NA NA NA• NA NA DY :-: DEM Fenn MR-I(12/93) Attachment A EFFLUENT PDES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 page 1 o1 FACILITY E PERFORMAN�R DISCH.-ARGE GE ORY 001 MONTH MARCH OPERATOR Iti RESPONSIBLE CHARGE ORC CLASS IIi , YEAR 2009 OPERATOR LABORATORIES ( DAVID L.CASNER PHONE ( R-- PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY GRADE IV PHONE(70 -6000 CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANCED PERSONS COLLECTING SAMPLESAVIS&FLOYD, INC.. Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: WST TRT OPTS DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY ? 2 Al I ENTION: CENTRAL FILES /� y P.O.BOX 29535 (SIGNATURE OF OR "/••U J RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS DATE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. -_�— 50050 00310 00040 00530 00610 31616 00300 . Opr. Opr. III 1042 0104) 01055 —� Arrive Time ORC Flow SODS Fecal Time on on @ AMMONIA Coliform Dissolvd 2400 Site pH Tom! clock Site [ ]In 20C NITROGEN Geometric Oxygen Copper Iron Manganese © HRS (X)Eff (DO) HRS ® MGD LBS/D Mean LBS/D :E:�'7AOt: .: ® LBS/D #/looml � ®®07E 24 � 1.048 �-�0 a 07 �� 0.:6i iiEi6E3 i:E1:;: iRiD` ' :f i0:'g`/:.-.:i a:14.: `070 " ___ 6 0700 MOM 0.620 111111111117111111111111111111111111111111 ®__ 11.0 —_ 111111111111111111111111111111 ariU70MEM 0 639 :MNISM 11.0 _ ® 0700WE 044t3` -__-_ ?S 0?DO`i • 69 0700 O'447'::: ..MEW 0.498 -__-_ 0 0700 M © .0,6 40 _--___ * © 0.586 • 0700 ..0.482 1M1 ._ _-_m ® 0700 © 0,395 .__®_ ® __-_® avcte ?I70T1: 0. :;: 0700 _© 0.349:. ` '•"SFE'` _�___- NI ti9llp; ®_ 105 _® E 0700 0.349 : ®_-_ 0.418 IIII 0700 ..0. .. __-_� 0.605�v.. __ �"Otfj:: :07Oti . ___-___ .0700: ;:El 0700 MOM iE t(1 !AVERAGE .00575 _ ¢3 k. �___—_® ltAVERAGE 94 ® r G 1.048 ' �� 0.020 0.27 4 ] _ 0.349 _� ,1 32 :< _Atjv COMI'/GR :: <0 58 ® 0114 co P 0.020 0.27 0.14 _a DAILY LIMITVIIIMMINIMIME 104 COMP f.? DAILY Y`L[�I1 1043 46.00 400' CO11111 GOMP .:C 0�:..: :20).. s o El"d DEM Form MR-1(12/93) Attachment A EFFLUENT page 2 of 2 NPDES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH MARCH YEAR 2009 FACILITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS.INC.-SALISBURY CLASS III COUNTY ROWAN OPER:4TOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) DAVID L.CASNER GRADE 1V PHONE(704)636-6000 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY (2)DAVIS&FLOYD, INC. CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED I PERSONS_ OLLECTING SA P S WST TRT OPRS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN:CENTRAL FILES X ! Z_ ,/ )f- �C �n _ - /7- - 7 DIV.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SIGNATURE OF ORC) BATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O.BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 00076 00630 00600 00625 00665 D 00620 D n Turbidity Nitrate+ Total Total Total A r Nitrite Organic Kjeldahl Phosphorus T E Nitrogen Nitrogen Nitrogen (as P) E (as N) (as N) (as N) # NTU mg/1 mg/I mg/I m # 2 2 4 12.5 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 11.7 18 20 20 22 22 �: 3i?'i:;�i::;:`;`.:;:':';�:�`>::::,p:?:_•::;:;:;:;:!:i:;:i.;...;!;.;.i.i.i:......_...,i::;:?::::::::>6:;:.:;:;:::`":'::`ia:i:iEE[i.;i.i.;:;;.l;s=.i[;.;:;p;:;:i�;::i::;>.:53;:;�5:�:f;`;:::;;i;SE:�:i;i:::::::.:.:::.::.:::::.:::.::i:::[.'..:_. 24 24 26 _ 26 :27.:�:..•—:i'i:i.:.i?;.;:i:-- ::;i.5:.;.i�i;:f:Gi i::�Si:;-..:'::E:9:i:i:.:i:i::E:i::i:ias�:[ 5i:i:i:i:i:: ":.:: i:.:ii::i:E:;f;:i:;ii:i:iii i':;:i;;?-i::.:.:.::::::::.:.::::::......::.:.:::.:....... i.5.S;i;:is?''i:; 28 28:. AVG 123 0085 13 1.7 0.26 AVG 'MAX` MIN 11-:, 0.085 1.3 1.7 0.26 MIN CIG' GRA3?:_ COMP :;:;:COMP;:;;;::;CJMF COMP • CI0.1 DY NA NA NA I NA II N4 DY OEM Form MR-1 I12193) Attachment A t j EFFLUENT page 1 of l PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 ITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS OPERATIONS INC.-SALISBURY CL ASSH II APRIL COUNTYYEAR 2009 Ur.,-ATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) DAVID L.CASNER ROWAN CERTIFIED LABORATORIES GRADE I PHONE(704�36-6000 (1)PERFORMANCE FIBERS OPERATIONS INC (2)DAVIS& OLF YD, INC. CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON ELECTING SAM WST TRT OPRS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: / DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY ( ! 1 n G �_�/C- ATTENTION: CENTRAL FILES U C� P.O.BOX 29535 (SIGNATURE OF ORC) DATE BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. -_10111— 50050 00310 00040 00530 00610 31616 00300 Opr. Opr. 1042 01045 01055 __ 1 Arrive Time ORC Flow Fecal HODS Colifonn Dissolvd D Time on on Total AMMONIAA 2400 Site Site [ ]Inf 20C Oxygen Copper Iron Manganese IIIIclock [Xj EffNITR�' Geometric (DO) T Mean in HRS HRS ® MOD LBS/D UNITS LBS/D LBS/D q/10D� Mg/1 E 6.4 .:i ` 0,50Mill Me MgQ __0 © 0700 m© 0.518 9 - 35 III Irl 0700 24 © 0.472 _ a II 112 __ 0700 24 © 0.407 7.7 23 -_- RI 0700 24 0 iE4R..Ib:: :_:.i;'':[ips:;:':........ � 322 11 7.8 ? 0�R:.. : :Q.1 : ffn EN o74>aMEM __- 9.2 .11 10 0700 24 1112 0.400 _ EU°?tli� 0 562:. 8.z Wall -__-_m . 211 Ill 0700 24 Q 0.559 _ 65 - Ell m 0700 24 © 0.536 36 El 16 0700 24 © 28 0.417 17 � ER p 0700 :RF340 :; 16 al 0700 24 Ell 0.305 ___ lel 0700 24 © 0.349 _ 07410 E .3S8 6.9 30 !�-_ ® 0700 24 EMI0.333 22 7.6 MIn:::: 13 ":: _-� 20 Ell•`off ` ?'414' 8.8 -_ ©El 0700 24 ma :: 0'::': 0.346 8 0 EllsD700;;. .. .. 8.8 ___� 26 0700 24 IIII 0.441 _ MIN uOU'STEM Efvy3 ° 92 --_ __ In 0700 24 NM 400 37 v ti , 26 .:0i .:R,383E' 7 7 67 0 67 _ m El 0700 24 El0 368 25 61 yam° AVERAGE _IMMI 0.41 N. 20 _-_111111E___ 30 IMY11Irtf =';= A 56a . 143 8 <0 0.10 n zp 0.12 ®MINIMUM 0.298 • 6.8 '3 0 96 22 7.6 <0 R10.i; 0 3e;.: 0 12`f;:: „'?: ,6i0:!GB i : 1.6 <0 010 0.30 0 12 -_® — COh'j'� �1[r{}I4 ,:;;ass :COME CAMP;.`:.: :(') .. DAILY LIMIT -® $ GRAB :lY(3rp C = 300 6-9 1043 46.00 400 ;0 (Q FI3[?lLtM17 _::2:30 :::E �fJ:. 20D v -_ DY 33Q .` a ilb. DEM Form MR-I(12/93) �'iop Attachment A • EFFLUENT page 2 of 2 NPDES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH APRIL YEAR 2009 FACILITY NAME: - PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CLASS III COUNTY ROWAN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) DAVID L.CASNER GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY (2)DAVIS&FLOYD, INC. CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED I I PERSONS COLLECTING SAM ES WST TRT OPRS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN:CENTRAL FILES DIV.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT G� DEHNR (SIGNATURE OF ORC) DATE P.O.BOX 29535 BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, 00076 00630 00600 00625 00665 D 00620 A Turbidity Nitrate+ Total Total Total A T Nitrite Organic Kjeldahl Phosphorus A E Nitrogen Nitrogen Nitrogen (as P) T (as N) (as N) (as N) 6 NTU tokil m .. .. 8^ mg/1 mgQ 3 ' 4 ....,. 3E: 6 `;i'7;'i'''ssE';:?;`E�: E;37ES3E;:� :!;�`;;;:r:E!::i:a�E�::`'�E�;:;;d;`E':;:':6:d:i:: ::: :::.:•:•:•:•:::•::..;:....•.,..,.. ,. 10 12 12 14 14 15 16 16 18 IS 20 • 19:;' 20 22 6.8 22 24 24 26 6 28 28 30 AVG 7.8 0.53 1.3 23 0.39 ,,..: :kl LJF: 16 J !Eb;S i:[e: .;.;....5 .;.....::i'`•�3 0,39 AVG MIN 4.4 0.53 1.3 2.3 0.39 3MN CMP'E `POMP:: MIN DY NA 1A NA NA NA • `C1Cs +. DY DEM Form MR-1(12/931 Attachment A EFFLUENT page 1 of 6 •e� 001 MONTH MAY YEAR 2009 NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: CLASS III COUNTY ROWAN NPDES PERMIT NO: N'-"�FI RS,INC -SALI D L.C GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 i FACILITY NAME: PERFORMA DAVID L.CASNER i OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) WST TRT OPRS LABORATORIES PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY (2)DAVIS&FLOYD, { INC.CHECKIED LA PERSONS COLLECTING SAMPLES • CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED �7 7-C, Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: X i �' DATE ATTN:CENTRAL FILES {SIGNATURE OF ORC) DIV.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS DEHNR ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. P.O.BOX 29535 RALEIGH,NC 27626 0535 50050 00310 00040 00530 00610 31616 00300 01042 01045 01055 TGP38 D A Arrive Time Fecal A D Opr. Time ORC Flow BO• T Colitorm Dissolvd Total A AMMONIA Oxygen Copper Iron Manganese CHRONIC Time O° on ��DS pH S 20C S NITROGEN Geometric (DO) TOXICITY E clockT Site Site [ J In[XI Elf f Mean Mel q # HRS HRS YIN MGD LBS/D UNITS LBO) LBS/D #/100ml Mg/1 MO 0700 24 .:: ,Y :D 3S9 . 2 0700 24.. . B.,. •,0.343 • ....:.: :.:....,.;..•..,....•'$tEEi ESOE3iT2:.di ifi` i .iE.... .. 64 - , 4 :`3EiE:E 0700 24 i:'.: 22 7.4 PASS Y 0.283 .....:.:.:::::.:.::..:••:•:::.: •:':::•:•::::•:-:•::::: .:::•::::: :4O:D1Di Ili ildgi: 8Ii43:::: :::•:: ::. 4 0700 . ... ... .......... --1.111111.111111. 6 :870U '.EE2+}ii: E:[lf': ff1296::isl' : :::::i:::::;:E :E:;:y�::;::::;::::0:37:::�E::::E�:�f�E��:� :�'i'`�•••••7.3••. E;3. ... • 0 24 Y 0.347 14 7.0 - ;:4::.:':'•'• 21 Y , ii•Mgi •:i Zfl:: :::::::::::::::::::::6 :: ,, ::•:...:.:............. .. .. T.7 --_ :.7.... 700 .72 2 :•.9: MIIIIra 8 0700 24 Y 0.411. [;:.:..: I0 a9i`i'.9700ii"i::24E::i:E;B : E`i0i409`i i::: 54 :::::10 0700 24 B 0.403 12 E71i: .fl700:i i •2'�i::;::::i�::E::;Eb;>�6g::;:::�. '19'.i ::: 12 0700 24 B 0.461 19....,,.. :•:.....:...:.: MNIIIII..•......... ...:.... 14 ii i`iiii iiOi4'ti'ti_ E�14.'.' E :'1SA:iiE::::::E::::::�i ;053.;'.'.�'` � 14 0700 24 B 0.386 13 INTEINIIII 16 4 ' 704i:'ss24`.i::::::B:p: 6:.0 500 . : ;::a'4.01i111•: 1;:i-1 li:i': ;•iMM)Wm .i'ili•: ; ': ] iii; MEE 16 0700 24 B 0.500 ¢8 : i1: = 18 17 :$7C)t1`. Ei24Eiii i'iE$ :ii 0,509.: 116 8.6 .-- 18 0700 24 Y 0.466 7.4 `20.'€0700 4 I.Y:.; : 0.381.:::; 1a:::: -_ 8.5 � ...,..•.•.• . 20 0700 ..24....�Y., 0.388• 13 7.5 `i'.4 1i ::::i:::i;:;:;:;::' 22 i.23�.:8700i:2+}E:;::iE'.1`•:.:if0i35' ;:i'.iiL'Y: [':i':; 2i`is 11111111111111111 7.9 •-•.�._ 7.1 22 0700 24 Y 0.334 24 II 24HHil iiialiiii: . 24 0700 24 B 0.379 - 1:4:: 26 26:.;:8704':<•a:24E t::[ Y .. . a&gig 47 1.09 --...... ......:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. 26 0700 24 Y . •0.437 1 i �i E:i:i7` i:ii:'. iiiliE;ii i;i ii iii��ii"ii% MIN V aQD s ?2 €iYi €0.574 10 .. ...>k. -- 28 0700 24 Y 0.574 .. 10 . ® :::i:ifD i 111111171 i24:'[at700:,:'€:E�4 .:Y.: :::1):61� =: iiH: .• ..,.,.,•. 30 0700 24 N 0.549 30 41 ' ' 7 <0 O10 0.044 0.092 PASS AVG iiiMffn i l.i Ei}YI!V1 ::'�4pi;i ;:9N;:i i:Q41 air 54 0.50 74 7.6 ;i AVG AVERAGE O 30 14 ...-. :::rs001i3:: ' 0-044:::i6 Q092 P:4; ............. II.f�O ii:�i:e`.;`�i,�i:i `i:i:668 E:iE:;1:99E: :� MIN M NIMUMi:i: 22 <0.010 0.044 0.092 PASS MINIMUM10 i'' tkiP .i:: COMP G • - isCi1P/�:: 'C>71?i: CtSt�Pi: QfPc$ i.CDxEP.- ' ' 400 SA �Y 46 0D NA 300 6-9 1043 ... .. .. ...T�fO: DAILY LIMIT •' • i 334.., 2a4E?::::::aa DD:: 5>D . '2 i:i cfvtL11i7}iL,YlI)v11T `�305:'i• ;� `.` S-4 i DEM Form MR-I(12/93) Attachment A EFFLUENT Ma. ..--- page 6 of 6 /DES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH APRIi YEAR 2009 /AGILITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CLASS L.CASNER C GRADE IV PHONE(704)636 6000 ROWAN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) CERTIFIED LABORATORIES PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY (2)DAVIS&FLOYD, INC. CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED I I PERSONS nr r cCTING SAMPLES WST TRT OPRS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: X �4-2 � / Q2 D :CENTRAL FILES SIGNATURE OF ORC) DATE DIV.V.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.OO..DEHNR BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 00076 00630 00600 00625 00665 D D 00620 A A Turbidity Nitrate+• Total Total Total T T Nitrite Organic Kjeldahl Phosphorus E I o Nitrogen Nitrogen Nitrogen (as P) (aa N) (u N) (as N) r! hiNTU mgA mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 ::::i :.: iiii ': m 2 2 :2;i:i 4 4 4 iii:iSii ..................... ., .•...•.:..:.;. .-0•:•:• :;,;:::;:; ::::::::::�:::i;i::i:::ii iiiiiiiii: : iiiii:ii;;;;i:iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii:iii=::ii;::ii i:iii i�#E$i'i:i is E9iEt$ipi�i;�'i`i Dib9iii:E ::::p::;::a:!:���. ....+,. ..� .,... .... .. .: .... .... ........ ... ... 5'i .. . ....i it,64F i >i_ii. .. .. �. _�. f. 6 6 9.2 iEEi7•.iii 8 .. 8 :::i:::::::::::::i i:::: :;:ii:: i iii::ii::i:;i: 10 .,,.....- .:.:.:.:..:. 0 . 12 12 ::::;:; . y•.;.•.:, :::i' :- ; :: Ei:i: :i::::i:i:`i 5ii'5]ii?:i;.:.;••;. ;;.: • .� ... .. .. 14 14 { : 1i;i .,. . }i:is iii ii::::is :,'. .. . 16 16 : :' i:lrti i. i. �i ii [ii•:i:i Sii;:;ii'�::ii :i ;::i;::ii `ii i`:iiiiiiii;?ii;5iiEi 'r: i:iiii;i:ii5`:;,;i�!:i:il`%... ... . .... .. ... • .... 18... . . ....,,.j...............: .:.:.:•:•:.;.;.;.. i;ii :;:::;:;:;:;:i:; ;; :i:i:i i: :iii:l9i:i 20 20 15.3 :.:.:.:•: : i :i:::i:::::::::::: :::: i:ii:::i:ii:i iS':i:::::: ':::iE:iii:i:i iiitiii iiE2 •:`Si5ii:E: .. 22 i]l -:;:<:::: i ::::iisi:::::i:f`iEii;i:i iiii !ii iii!i' ii #iiiii iii`iiii:-. ... .... ... ..., _ .. . 23':i, 24 24 26 26 • ."iE iiiEiii::i;iii iiiEiiy; ::::iiii:.... , . ; .. 27:i 23 28 30 .....ii:i:.. .... ... .. � .... �AVG 13.4 0.041 1.7 1.8 0.69 AVG .-..... .8i ii . ,0,;. • -:- .:.-.•..,.,..,...,:•.,.,;.., .,. ... ;MAY 0:04Efii°•EdiE;IE'f.ilii<i:i' 18 . :M$X;iiESs :'. MIN 9.2 0.041 1.7 1.8 0.69 MIN .....• . ... ...•..•.-.�...•..<�� •••:--:•:<:•:-:�:�:-: :::::: :::::i:::::: :: :::�:�:ii i:i:iii�i::: :i::::::::.:': ::: '::i�i i�i�i::;:i'�:::::::: ::::i:: i: :': �t�ieiii ii:ii�cs:rEe::::.::: ez#xar::i:::cote::x:::�Mr.:i:.i::::asi :::::::::: : :::::::::.:.:..:. ..:.:.::...:.::.:..:.:.... :.:.... ......... ... ....:...... .......... DY DY NA NA NA NA NA I i-'i. .;:;i .::;.. MO ,,..... .....:.:...:.:.::. :.... ......:;::::A. :•:.-:-::-:.:o-:,::.; ::.-.;.:. i:TV1b � r:�1�Eli:�::::•:NXE E-:: DCM Fnrm MF-1 n--') Attachment A EFFLUENT page l of 2 4PDES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH JUNE YEAR 2009 FACILITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CLASS HI COUNTY ROWAN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) DAVID L.CASNER GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1)PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED I I PERSON OLLECTING SAMPLES WST TRT OPRS /7 /77( 7 lY��r_,�— �f e'2 .. DIV.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SIGNATURE OF ORC) DATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O.BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 50050 00310 00040 00530 00610 31616 00300 01042 01045 01055 D Opr. Opr. Fecal D A Arrive Time ORC Flow BOOS T Coliform Dissolvd Total A T Time on on @ pH S AMMONIA Oxygen Copper Iron Manganese T E 2400 Site Site j j Inf 20C S NITROGEN Geometric (DO) E clock IX]Eff Mean # HRS HRS Y/N MGD LBS/D UNITS LBS/D LBS/D #/100m1 Mg/I Mg/1 MO Mg/1 `:?•!i i�i''i is :: :'_ `:i'ii[iii siiiii iiii`i ii'i"r E[`i'`i .. 2 0700 24 _ Y 0.351 15 35 1.79 _ <0.010 0.64 0.11 2 4 0700 24 Y 0.276 12 39 4 :ES A700: 24..E::Y.. .:p:837, '7;2: .,,.,i'i.::�;-;•E.. ;I :;'p:,6 �. •.• :�.. .............. ..... ... ... ....... .. 6 0700 24 B 0.955 6 ::?,[:�:II700;:..::2A:E:E::::iI3:::::;:0,93;5::...;.:.::�:,i,...�E:E:.::E,.:.,::. 1.... ::�:•....:�:� :�....�:.� �-�:::;:`'i::i:;:,:•::;:;:,:;: 8 0700 24 Y 0.857 7.8 32 7.2 8 10 0700 24 Y 0.581 24 7.6 6.7 10 12 0700 24 Y 0.850 8.5 5.8 12 '13 4700', .,29. .[N D:843' ';� t ? •, ..::..::.::::a:p:;:::'E E:::;:: .. , 13' 14 0700 24 N 0.679 198 - 14 `. 5. 4700:: :;xq... ....Y .:0;647.. .�?. �. 1:6: .. ...: ...::.E: :. ;'::;:E 6'1:� `r ...,...... 16 0700 24 Y 0.738 37 197 2.28 16 18 0700 24 Y 0.798 47 246 18 79: 20 0700 24 N 0.622 20 2:1: ::A70U:E:;:24:;:;.:;i;8::;:::,:O:SQ7.;...::;:- ;:: ..:92..:.:..::.........:.:. .,.. _.... ,. 22 0700 24 Y 0.454 7.2 34 6.5 22 :i�:a'::iiiiii E[E:i;::i;is•:: `i`i i i i i?:i:E;fiiiE:i;iii. ;i:i;i;i;i'i;i:i`i i`i i.;`i ;iiii,t::[;[i.:::i.: . 5 ::24 :f3704E o E E24's iYEEE�Eii0;399iE iiPSD:Eii.,.,...0.�3.............. ... ..... ........ ......... ......... ..... ........... 24 0700 24 Y 0.341 14 7.0 6.7 24 .::;•::;:; 26 0700 24 Y 0.298 6.9 6.3 26 ':'-'1: 9700:; .... .... - ..... .. :a7�: 28 0700 24 N 0.370 46 28 29 ;Q70D' ;:40 . `; 61 30 0700 24 Y 0.326 14 65 0.76 AVERAGE 1 0.522 24 108 1.16 40 6.6 0.000 0.64 0.11 AVG Y,AXI3�2t M •. G.953 A7 8.5. 24d 228 61 .. .; 72 .. 4010 ;;;,.().4;;;;;L .,02f 14Ak MINIMUM 0.000 12 6.9 35 <0. 3 32 5 8 0 010 0 64 0 I 1 MN c.OMPl ::: CG?�T :Cf3MP lt?B COa11P QMP GRA$ GILSB`: c 00IP. COMP ... _:COMP C G: DAILY LIMIT NA 300 6-9 1043 46.00 400 5.0 I DY :``'.h4f5N:2iL3f#1MIT: 2.3a5 154 6;9__ ...330, 25;00 206 SQ ... .i MO[ DEM Form MR-I(12/93) Attachment A EFFLUENT page 2 of 2 . PDES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH JUNE YEAR 2008 FACILITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CLASS III COUNTY ROWAN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) DAVID L.CASNER GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1)PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED I PERS . ELECTING S.A ES WST TRT OPRS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: d/J ATTN:CENTRAL FILES .�� j/�j} - DIV.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SIGNA RE OF ORC) DATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O.BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 00076 00630 00600 00625 00665 D - 00620 D A Turbidity Nitrate+ Total Total Total A T Nitrite Organic Kjeldahl Phosphorus T E Nitrogen Nitrogen Nitrogen (as P) g (as N) (as N) (as NJ 8 NTU mg/1 mg/I mg41 mg/I q 1 +1'Eii E::: .•9?E i�ii:..: :i3 i.::i:.!: :`:pi:::i+i:i:"E'`';:i:':i ii:ii:i;i:i:.::�i i:i i:i:•: .:..: :: !i.i:i:i.i i.!i.i:i:i;H i.i:.•::•............::.:`;i,;:p i;i;i;:i;i;i;::�;i:i5:. i;i;iii;ij-: iS;:':;i; 2•.... 4 4 :i:SS's:iii:::iii: ?[;��l:i[P:: i�i�3 i' 55ii'S;i55ii::i;i:iE` i:i`iiii'`:i;i:ii::i i::::i:(iy:i[ci Eii:iE`iiE:i;i i;ipi;i;ipi!i`;??:i:;[i(ii ii:i':::::!i•i::; i;;;i;::;i.::!,:;:;i;i i;iE[iii:i;i!;.E;:;i;i;i�i;i;i;i i`:.:::.:::.::.`:.`:. ...., ... 10 14.2 • 10 12 12 14 14 . 16 16 IB 18 20 20 22 22 24 11.7 T.T , 24.. 26 26 27i 28 28 30 30 AVG 13.6 0.097 1.3 2.0 0.90 T., AVG M.A3 14,9. 0!09? 1�a 20: 0 90 MAX MIN 11.7 0.097 1.3 T 2.0 0.90 MIN COMP .::COMP `.;664 _::_ .. DY NA NA t NA NA NA DY OEM Form MR-](121931 • Attachment A EFFLUENT page 1 of 2 NPDES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH JULY YEAR 2009 FACILITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CLASS III COUNTY ROWAN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) DAVID L.CASNER GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1)PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED ( I PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES WST TRT OPRS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN:CENTRAL FILES Q / -Z) DIV.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CA IGNATURE OP ORC) DATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O.BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 50050 00310 00040 00530 00610 31616 00300 01042 01045 01055 D Opr. Opr. Fecal A Arrive Time ORC Flow GODS A T Coliform Dissolvd Total A T Time on on @ pH S AMMONIA Oxygen Copper Iron Manganese T E 2400 Site Site ( J Inf 20C S NITROGEN Geometric (DO) clock I XI Eff Mean # HRS HRS Y/N MGD LBS/D UNITS LBS/D LBS/D #/100m1 Mg/1 Mg/1 Mg/1 Mg/1 # .. :`:� ;::�:`i;:Q3:;:�'::;Y•;:p:::.::'s!s..:,..E.::::::,:::'::-:�:;`'�:'''i`i':p``i�'�i :E: E:::`j�� 2 0700 24 Y 0.304 13 35 . 3 ;;8700 .s[2IiE ' > ; ;;ii; :s:;7i ;;i;; `:.:.:..:.:.:.:.. 2 63 .... .................:.::.:.:.:.:.:....:::: :: :; ;:4 4 0700 24 B 0.278 ' 4 6 0700 24 Y 0 7.7 - 248 23 6.6 :::?;E:'- 70Z1�`'s:[2 ::;a:E;i,'..:..O`�3�:':;;;;:8;;;;.:i;i::%i:i:i:: :i;. .i,::: ::: isi'i "[ ::.:.::: .:':.:.:.-. 6 Y . 9;;;;; .....: ,.,.2b ..:::::.6 62 ;;;:41010. : .B. .64 p U;14.: : 8'8 0700 24 Y 0.266 11 7.9 67 8 10 0700 24 Y 0:328 7.9 6.8 E,4'., - .I:Y::t1706 24::: _:EG 3bG. l0 12 0700 24 B 0.388 ;;:13:E ii0704 :;::'24i:s.::t:Y:;;;;, ... ;;;:;;;:;;;:;E;i.H;[; 1.: ; ;i:i 12 74 14 0700 24 Y 0.501 25 142 <0.42 14 15 ;:o70D' r`2d:;E'::.y':;'.':0467 .:::27.. ' .::a 4 ::::r::': '•' �::::.:::...:: : 5.q:.'::: :': :�:::::'::` � `::: ::;.:`'i�:'Ei:;i?`::[i :;::'. �` :.: :" 16 0700 24 Y 0.419 21 105 16 IT .;n'lAD.` � .Y ,�''0385':.'.:?: :`?.2`:-' . :•: , 18 0700 24 B 0.330 ?:17 l9iE'E:Q74DE i:i:24 : i f 'i:i ;i:ip[isE': i;?;i:i:i:i::;i.......";:;:;i`:E:::::::. :::::::: . :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.. 18 I3 L;;;64i . .,...,... 5i 20 0700 24 B 0.287 7.5 .30 ;;2d:;,.�700;::�34�`:: ;3 ::O Z75 . .s1A, •� ;:AB ,.;::A 81 22 0700 24 B 0.293 12 7.2 �'' .,.:: ........ ...:.:........:: .. ... 6.5 [:;1):;i i:0 52;;;;; q i;;;E;i:::::::::::::i::: :::.- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;; .. ..;;;;;;..-.......-......... _ 22 24 0700 24 B 0.336 7.3 - ..-: ...- :.:.24 6.3 ........ 26 0700 24 N 0.303 61 27 07DOi:;'.t2{:`E 'f¢EY::E '4:�02:: :: 1:E 26 28 0700 24 Y 0.318 8 ; 45 0.66 29 a74Q': 24 r.. Y . 0:338 i:& 7:2 ; z 8 30 0700 24 Y 0.337 8 51 9 31 &T40` 2# " $ O'S25 T.I i 30 £l ' AVERAGE 0331 13 1111111 E2 0.52 32 6.4 0000 0.69 014 f ' MAJCi>fE1M fr501 i 8:3 42 (1.81.... 10. 6$ .:. I .<O AVG :0 1D 0:69 414 MAX'MINIMUM 0.239 6 7.0 26 <0.42 22 5.9 <0.010 0.69 0.14 CO'vip..1GR B:: CQN1' CG!tE GRAB. ':: Dh#': MIN .�C3ti4p ,.:. GR,aB GRtiB..= Colv(p � DAILY LIMIT NA 300 6-9 1043 46.00 400 5 0 COA F P DY )`: -MONTFILY E:1MIT 730fi: i50 6:9 3a0 23;00 �A0 .:: SA I'1 DENT Form MR-1(12/53) Attachment A EFFLUENT page 2 of 2 NPDES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH JULY YEAR 2009 FACILITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CLASS III COUNTY ROWAN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) DAVID L.CASNER GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1)PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED I PERSONS COLLECTING SAMPLES WST TRT OPRS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN:CENTRAL FILES DIV.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ( NA RE OF ORC) DATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O.BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 r 00076 00630 00600 00625 00665 00620 D A Turbidity Nitrate+ Total Total Total A Nitrite Organic Kjeldahl Phosphorus T E Nitrogen Nitrogen Nitrogen (as P) E (as N) (as N) (as N) # NTU m .. m R mgfl m fl 2 4 4. 6;[5`.: "i i'-�i`ii'i'i'ii;iiii`iiiEiE?iiii.i�ii[`i.'.i ii i i 5t'Si.55f i:.:::..:.::......::::.::::::......::::::....:.[?::.:!:.:.:.:;:.:.:.;5 is�:i:i i'S5i 5i'.:.:a:!::: ?: ::::::P •;:;:;:.,.:.::.;.;.;.;. 6 6 8 8.3 0.12 1.7 2.0 0.81 8 "i`5� 10 10 12 12 3. 14 ... ' ..... 14.. 16 c •.. 16 7•^ 20 20 22 14.0 22 24 26 26 28 28 30 2q. 30 .AVG. 107 0.12 17 1 20 081 AVG •MrlX' •i• • .:ice 12 7?::;•'' ::'::•• •S- ;. MIN 8.3 0.12 1.7 2.0 0.81 CMG;; :GFA18' C(3 .... COMP .... Cf1lvA. C(TMp MIN DY NA NA NA NA NA ` DY .M0 i N•A, ... ..NA,;: :.1~i4- .�.,:,.:AtA. ;..:.:i NA..... ....: ...-.I ii I I t ,JI DEM Form MR-)(12/03) Attachment A EFFLUENT page 1 of 2 NPDES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH AUGUST YEAR 2009 FACILITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CLASS III COUNTY ROWAN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) DAVID L.CASNER GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1)PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED I I P LLECTING SAMP S WST TRT OPRS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN:CENTRAL FILES X DIV.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT • (SIGNATURE OF ORC) DATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O.BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 50050 00310 00040 00530 00610 l 31616 00300 01042 01045 01055 TGP3B D Opr. Opr. Fecal D A Arrive Time ORC Flow GODS T Coliform Dissolvd Total A T Time on on ® pH S AMMONIA Oxygen Copper Iron Manganese CHRONIC T E 2400 Site Site [ 1 Inf 20C S NITROGEN Geometric (DO) TOXICITY E clock [XI Eff Mean # HRS HRS Y/N MGD LBS/D UNITS LBS/D LBS/D #/100m1 Mg/1 Me Mg/I Mg/I P/F34% # .:.:;E3:::''�306- �;:?E;i::i::i:: �:::::i s '::EE;::::;i;:;:;ibi;'•;:;i6E E�i;:;:EE:iEEi:iiii;�::::::::::: ::::i:::'•::i::::::;:•::;::::::�::::2:i:i:i::;�::;::::;:;::i;:;:;i:;i';:; :�:::;:o�oo::�::;zd::�;::a:.:;•:.o:gas.;.:.;_:.:�;�:.:.:.:.:::.:.:..:.:.:.:.:::.:..:.:::�;.:�::;:.::.:;:;:;:.:.:;:::�.:.:.:::,:;:;:.:::.:.;:.:_:::::::::.:::;;:•:::;:.:;.:..:::;:.......�.....;..:.;.;...;.;:.::::::;:.:;:::.:.::•:1::; 2 0700 24 B 0.336 50 2 s€3•:•.�144.�....¢d......:::'Y:':�E�E�$$FsE t� .. :?:t ;: 22 :. ...4x�...'.. ......•:.......:�:�:�r•:�::�::::::�:�:::�:�::�. Fn1i..i:'. :8�: 4 0700 24 Y 0.314 10 81 <0.26 <0.010 0.53 0.13 4 6 0700 24 Y 0.334 14 92 6 8 0700 24 N 0.278 8 giAria : s; 0 0700 24 Y 0.259 7.1 28 6.4 10 12 0700 24 Y 0.297 10 7.1 6.0 12 ::98::::�7DD.::...24:•:•::.:..Y:.;..:.:D.31�a......:::5.... ............:.:a7..........:.:........ ....:::::::::::::�:�::::::;:::::'::::::;::;:::::::::::s:::::::::::::::;......,.,.•...:...... ..:..:. ....... 13: 14 0700 24 Y 0.342 7.1 6.4 14 16 0700 24 B 0.419 • 77 16 .:::::.::::.:.:..:::::::;:::::.:::._.::........:......:.........;...17:; 18 0700 24 Y 0.337 11 70 <0.28 18 ....................................... ...... .T.. 20 0700 24 Y 0.354 15 62 20 E;$3:�;:�70Q;: ;3?4::E;E E;[:Y,:;E;#:;EUi36�SE::::;i;i;iEi:..;.�i7.3:i;:.:;E;E;¢�6?:;i i;ipi;ipi;:;:�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�•:•�:•:pp:;..6�...�,.,..,...,.,.,.......;....,.,.,.,..,.,...,.,.,.,.•...,...•.•.•...............,3. 22 0700 24 N 0.405 22 :W ; 24 0700 I 24 Y 0.608 7.3 116 6.4 24 • i .87 :::�:�• :::�::::�:�:• :0:412::::::::?6:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::t28:::::::::::�0;37::::: ;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:::;::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:::�:�:::�:�::::::::::�:�::::33:: 26 0700 24 Y 4 0.574 24 7.4 6.6 26 28 0700 24 B 0.448 7.1 6.5 28 39E�:f{700�E:::2A::S i::�$E'+`:0:385 S;t E;2;S;EEE:E; ::EE:pi�Es:E E�i E;f;E;E;i;i::�s:�:;::E�2E6,i;ip:;::::.:�.,�_.�...._.....�....... .......:.:............:.............................•...,.;�.......•.24. I 30 0700 24 B 0.364 49 30 `31:;::b7D4;:E 24 E B Q;SQ'?•r.:r•:rrr':�:7:2:::<.::�:�:�:�:�:�::�:::�:::�• :. 5� b6 '>' E?:�: AVERAGE 0.377 14 JIM 73 0.00 41 6.4 6.000 0.53 ( 0.13 FAIL AVG MAX MINIMUM 0.243 5 7.1 45 <0.22 22 6.0 <0.010 0.53 0.13 FAIL MIN P.:::::;.•.... ::.:GEL E:::€:•COIgiP1.h3�.f,8': �a�lstl: `•COh3P. � �1t�'s>i.s::£t�t+I ...>wc�(I'::;:::4RSa8�� 13... . �iP<....�Q.�: .CY?h�tE-' :.:.: ::.:::...emu DAILY LIMIT NA 300 6-9 1043 46.00 400 5.0 DY i `,;.1 `•<`htY7!iTHLY�;1toIIT �:�2305':':::LSYi:. 5-9'a::':`330.. ;23:03'i�Ei?�i:_.3 0.... :....4.,...., � ....... ..............�., ... ,.,:...: ..:::: 1�. DEM Form MR-I(12/93) Attachment A EFFLUEN T page 2 of 2 NPDES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH AUGUST YEAR 2009 FACILITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CLASS III COUNTY ROWAN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) DAVID L.CASNER GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1)PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED 1 PERS LLLEE)CLING SAMP VVST TRT OPRS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN:CENTRAL FILES X DIV.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SI ATURE OF ORC) DATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O.BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 00076 00630 00600 00625 00665 D 00620 D A Turbidity Nitrate+ Total Total Total A 7 Nitrite Organic Kjeldahl Phosphorus T E Nitrogen Nitrogen Nitrogen (as 1') E (as N) (as N) (as N) _ # NTU m ll mg/I me. m6/1 2 2 4 4 ::��...........:....::::.:.:.:.......!i�i`i'•i�i�i�"•i�';`;i;��i�i�ii��0`i�5i;i5itii7Q:ii?i:i:i:[�i�i ',iiii[i;iii i`i`Jtti'i�i iii i?i=i"iSii:i iiiE:i�::.:i::;�ii;;?ii�> i�i�[�i[t�3 i��.�:;i;ii�i:i�"':. 6 6 ' iii7�iii t`` i��5 i''i�5i�i�iii�i's��i Sii i;:, iE� ii i?"ipiiiii�;ii`5i�i'iiiia;i i!i i(iii�iji;�iii ii[i'iii i E:;:;pf;i;�[i;i;;i;ii S.:;iiii;Ei:E;;,pp;,p:[;;;;;;;;;;;,;,E;!?;i::;i:;:j:::j:`;:;:F::::pas{:;•;:;:;:;:;:E�::::::...�. 8 9 : 10 i:iE11:��i 5i�i�i�S55c�i�i;i:i;i;i;i;yi;iii i;�i:i:;5:p:j:i:5i<i�i�:�i�i�E�'�i �i�:�i�E�:;.;.,.;i;:E:;:;:6:::::::::.::::E;:.:.._.:.:�:�:�E�:;�:.....�.�.:-.�.•...��:-:.... ...::;.�.�..:;-.��� 12 12.8 12 14 16 16 �i:i:i:':'i:: ::IRE 20 20 22 22 23 1..-��'iSaippii5ii�i;ip'i:;(,;.y i,i!i; yiy i ii;i;Ei; iiipipi E:iE:�:i:i:i:i::iiiiiii:i;;i;:;:;:.:::i:!:;:;:i::i:isisi:i 24 24 �.. 26 26 13.8"s.e comment ... ..................:::.:::..:...:. .....:...:.•.�.;.:...:.:.:.:.:.•..,. 716: 28 28 30 30 AVG 13.8 • 0079 2.0 2.0 070 AVG :MAX: MIN 12 0.079 2.0 2.0 0.70 MIN c�G• "GRAi•2:' :i.E.CC3h4P :: •: . ::CaG'� DY NA NA NA NA NA I DY :140 A. bq N-4 N.A :: � ? fy[p:i DEM Form MR-1(12M3) 1 M���... FIBERS,li•.. ViD L CA�,� • � w a`� PERFOR ANCE DA INC. SpI i eE�11T`Q4 GE(OR� FIBERS, lNG SAMPLES LITY vAp1EESPONSIBLE CHAR (t)FERFORh1ANCE PERSONS COLLECT .-A U ERATOR IN BORATORIES CHANGED r DATE , FIEp La C HAS CHA :. ERTt FOR �' H1S REPORT iS ,LEDGE• t Ow HECK IGI d ONE COPY to: l►GNA URE OF ORE,I CERTIFY THAT OF MY KN Mal ORIGINALF1LEg G1 MENT gY THIS TESIG ND COMPLETE TO TH _- ATTN:CENTRA wIMENTAL MpNA ACCURATE A moss DIV.OFRA EI ENVIRO 01042 Ot045 00300 DEHNR 35 oobt0 CHRONIC P.O.BOX 2NC 21626 0535 00040 00530 Fall Total Manganese p;30lvd ToxlctTY RpLE 01111110, . 50050 0o3t0 Colitorm Copper -© Oxl gen �OW • a ORC Flow B5 pH NITROGEN Ge M c (DO) ean Arrive on 20C 0n 1 1 lnf LBSlD #Il00ml -v NWEG Time Site Site LBSlD _ 2400 (XI ED GD LBSIDSOO �� �� miss clock ®SMS1�>�'•� © : 1 .:46.0 0 335 -�000.wii,,irs,,,In _ �_ 0 53 0.10 700 �rara 0.232•. 010110:r4:.. 111111110.00.11.0001S 1 �� I::00°. :.90 ism......agot •A,:i .v,..:.rispeonsousigawas'iiiii,,,--7,, „,1.....issisepos., got in 0100 ''1,1, St•.• SID(1.• 0.271 -52:: Savga.0,1"......aatalsWigiaiNewaWolo.......:11111111111www--- 111miliirostamouromllga � 'l2 ges.lbolt1 11%011111.°03.4.8531 rIMB_..agtrWnlli..sssifigia' ''*taiMrlla.rMIIIIIfill1.110'11.111H.'"'.. °1111:iiii 7----...-11111111:'1 1 l:::":. rigi.grin gliawf::-'--.:.WOOS. O.so4 1001111010111,001111. fifiggiiC::::W: 05::411 Of7S 0100 �,�s 00100 .iiiillarrill 4° 1.111111176.11.W ___..ma___...mmiSSuimirs OrSE :;:¢.WOWS. 43x.' • .SII. .' ..." _....01':,'7--- ' Wiraill111111.1111...WAYA Sto'' 0 461wit �©iEQiS�i i ®� �eral • 0.10 >100 AVG �14k: ossl $0 '' I??3 "xhoa i"' _____ '.:,t.s i 6 __ .. : ..--:'Y':':::.fiegrara ivtiT irl 0700 WOOOO :D:fiO& � 0.000 :53 i��6 >l00 ON 0 0100 i © p 440 0.90 :1 <0.010 0.53 0, .0 millial D. 11."7111111.11-6 - 0.377 10117.7- WO 40.19 :___.......t6i ......65ti `AP'.-. 1.0 1P nom `:a11'AY+1N1371"f" 0.232 ,COS( 46.00 400 5A d , 300 336 ' DAILY LIMIT � TSB`' i' LIMIT� DEM Form MR-t(12193) Attachment A ggpTEMBEK an^" 001 MONTH ROWAN DISCHARGE NO: —CLASS III COUNTY LANCE FIBERS,44 SALISBURY GRADE IV PHONE(704)636 6000 SIT NO: DAYID I CASNER /OPERA PER: PERFORMANCE INC. • OPERAT'Y NAME: WST TRT OPRS CEERATOR L BORATO IES CHAR I)PERFORMANCER PERSONS COLLECTING SAMPLES (I) FIBERS,INC.-SAI,ISBUR �� CERTIFIED LABORATORIES � 0/ CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED , J� DATE f Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: (SIGNA CRE OF ORC) DEDIVAN CENTRAL FILES BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O BOFX ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DEHNR �illi II _- P.O.EOX ,2 NC ______ RMI , 27626 30 _ 00600 00625 00665 _ 00016 00630 c0620 Turbidity Nitrate+ Total Total Total Nitrite Organic Kjeldabl $•hosphorus Nitrogen Nitrogen (as P) __ Nitrogen _ __- :...,:::. as N (e�� m -_ ___© worniumwommumumimmumummousomm MI_ 0.15 _________11111111111111111111111111 SYM _ In :. _______ ® 111 WiE , MA' " Wil __ 14 �� _____11111111111111111111111111111111101 MIN _Irll IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lrIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInl 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIEDI IISIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEII ,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111113 SOIM �_�"""'r�°1 E 10.3 0.15 .... OSIMMEN O60 : _______ GLG- W�5 �;':�:Q:1 :::: : IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMISS IIY EMMIMMIMMENNSMy �ies°..Bi DEM Form MR-1(12A3) Attachment A EFFLUENT page 1 of 2 NPDES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH OCTOBER YEAR 2009 FACILITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CLASS III COUNTY ROWAN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) DAVID L.CASNER GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1)PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED I I PERSONS COLLECTING SAMPLES WST TRT OPRS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN:CENTRAL FILES 7 �� ��� /7 d DIV.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SIGNA RE OF ORC) DATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O.BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH.NC 27626-0535 50050 00310 00040 00530 00610 31616 00300 01042 01045 01055 TIIP3B D Opr. Opr. Fecal D A Arrive Time ORC Flow BODS T Coliform Dissolvd Total A T Time on on (a) pH S AMMONIA Oxygen Copper Iron Manganese CHRONIC T E 2400 Site Site I I Inf 20C S NITROGEN Geometric (DO) TOXJCITY E clock I XI Eff Mean N FIRS HRS V/N MGD LBS/D UNITS LBS/D LBS/D N/100mI Mg/I Mg/I Mg/I Mg/I CI)Value% N I 01(0 .:..:.1#.. .:.Y. : 0.36S: . :: ....:i: 5 .: 2 0700 24 Y 0.330 7.3 87 2 3:::� U?OD :: 24 •...N ..:0 320 .;: : :. - 4 0700 24 B 0.327 55 4 c 6 0700 24 1 0.373 6 47:.. 1.75 <0.010 6 0 U 03G9 0.0775 7aa ,O70E).: 29 -:: .':Y U:;}$7 a 8 .74.<: ., .:.,:.i i 8 0700 24 Y 0.334 6 42 :> i179 24 ;Y 10 0700 24 B 0.307 10 ":I:I :;049Fk'.:;:24 . :..I3 ...a':31;p, :::: 3?1..: .. 12 0700 24 Y 0.329 7.3 44 8.5 12 :1:3.`i%;A7017...• i:24:...$..iV..: 9.3,14 . ?:: ...:: : 25:> : 491: 14 0700 24 Y 0.379 3 7.3 8.6 _ 14 16 0700 24 B 0.426 7.3 9.0 16 :11';>?.4I713tf: . .. : ig:4 :1i:.i. ::':::.:;y;: :i;:::;>i*i i,: `#:'.i;::` •i:=:i:r::<:'';i'.W.: /'.. ..: ,- ...... , :. ..:.:.. 17. 18 0700 24 N 0.334 17 18 I9 41700 .. :24. .,;.;IS 0.290 ;:, :73::<. . .. . ...: . ..; .:24.... . -..JOt : ,: 20 0700 24 Y 0.258 4 11 <0 22 31.::.1)700 ::.::24.. x.. a; :' 2 . 22 0700 24 Y 0.206 2 5 22 5.2. 070fl. ,;:4 :Y 0 2Q7. .':,,... .; 7II.:.i 2 24 0700 24 B 0.253 0:.:i:.OTS)ty.-..:. 24 - 0 373!. ... ....... 26 0700 24 Y 0.289 7.9 22 9.2 20 27 `: 4)700 . ;:24 Y: it3N0 3.-. 19. -.o.3 28 0700 24 Y 0.557 5 8.0 9.0 28 ?9" `074f0 . .:;2$ ::Y 41.5B8 ' 5 v; 5... 34: ,: �. . : _ . 2r 30 0700 24 Y 0.54 I 8 2 9 2 fii;�::1:0 . '24 . ;Q.:IiE: SSS 30 AVERAGE 0354 5 111111, 30 067 32 91 0000 0.369 1 00775 68 AVG 1ti3AX`If‘40lv3.;' 0 i$3 fl :' 8,.2 :il M8 1 75 : 44- k10 9 `:' 0 0100,>: MINIMUM 0.206 2 0 5 <0 22 22 8.2 0 01n0 0.369 0 O.75 >C 8 MIN` :COv1PORAB .; CY31�T: L'OMk GRAB.;; COMP; COMIy: GRAB ' ._ � ,'CrRA33 COA3z' ;' t"'lltvli?; CO*:1B Cf){v1P :.:;;. £1G DAILY LIMIT NA 300 6-9 1043 I 46.00 400 5.0 DY : 1(>NITIuLY.1,1MIT 2 365: 154 : 4....: ME1...;I -.: 3R :<._ . :.34;t -8 DEM Form MR-I(12/93) Attachment A EFFLUENT page 2 of 2 NPDES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH OCTOBER YEAR 2009 FACILITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY DAVID L.CASNER CLASS III ARADE IV COUUNT(704)636-6 ROWAN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (I)PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-S" LISBURY PERSONS COLLECTING SAMPLES WST TRT OPRS CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED i Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: X nv c/�_ r� /C /'/ () DI ,-;- 7 V. O CENTRAL.FILES SIGNATURE OF ORC) DATE DIV.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P OBR ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. P.O.BOX 29535 RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 00076 00630 00600 00625 00665 p I) I alem A A Turbidity Nitrate+ Total Total Total T T Nitrite Organic Kjeldahl 'hosphorus E Nitrogen Nitrogen Nitrogen (as P) (as N) (as N) (as N)II NTU mg/I mg./1g m fl mg/1 ..........._............:. :. ::::::.::.::::;o:c:......::;:; i::F E::::;;::::;;;;9;?::;;:;;>:SiGi:<i;�:::2Y::iS:i:r c::<a • ........................2 -•::::.: : : : .;:;:;:;:::r: i'iiE:is :•i ''•:...i:< `.:i • • • • • • • • • 4 ...::. ... ... 1111_ <002W 0330 0695 0617 --___-_-- .., "._ .. • • 6?A _. a 14 15.. 16 16 18 .._..................::...:::::,:::.:.: .:::;:;:»:::.::::::o:i5::: > ::%':;i;'?3i:<?;i.'$;its:> irr#i::i'%;!i:33;:(i y:ii i%iYi<;ji?18 ' 18 ....... .. • • ... .. ........ 20 20 . ..:i.... • 1. 23,. • 390 22 • 22 ,.:....:. :.:...::.::....:. .. .. .,......... 24 Z3:::::L:Yi:::?s;::i:�� i;i%;:ii^,:<:r;:i::':::Y.:2::;;::;>:;:::::.>::>::c:::•xo:�:�:�;:�:�r:r.::;:r..;:.:::::::::::.�:.:........ ..................,.:::.�:::::::.:::::::.: r;:.;:;.>.:::.::;:;;:L;:;:;x;5;52:?S:'ct F.'s i 5;'i::% i i'.i[[ii.i i::i•'ii iii;i+'4...... % =`<'4: 24 .. .. ._.._. .. .:::::;:.;>::>::::>::• :::::;:;;:i::SS: `i:i `:i: i•:i2':iiii:ii;::ii:i:::ivi'r3E: i>iSii'i;;`'ii:i;R:>::i;::;:::;;::;::::i:%::::.':::.:;.;.:::•;>;.:. .:. .::..............:. • • 26 26 : 30 30 0 AVG AVG 5.75 0 0330 0895 0617 :0 i..1/ .:6: .-: 1 ® 3,90 <0.0200 . 0.330 0.895 0.617 .. .. . ( L}::. GP.AI3 L'OMl c-oiw • CDLdP COA4P DY 1 NA NA NA NA NA h33 N4:':F ItiA h4 .. ::: o L11 rnrm MR•1 112.93) Attachment A EFFLUENT page 1 of 2 , PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH NOVEMBER YEAR 2009 -ILITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CLASS III COUNTY ROWAN PERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) DAVID L.CASNER GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1)PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED 1 PERSONS COLLECTING SAMPLES WST TRT OPRS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: �2�� '' ATTN:CENTRAL FILES X �ir �ti J, qo.�--- ��-�D 'C J DIV.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SIGNA RE OF CRC) DATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O.BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 50050 J 00310 00040 00530 _ 00610 31616 00300 01042 01045 01055 TGP3B D Opr. Opr. Fecal D A Arrive Time ORC Flow BOD5 T Coliform Dissolvd Total A T Time on on @ PH S AMMONIA Oxygen Copper Iron Manganese CHRONIC T E 2400 Site Site I I Inf 20C S NITROGEN Geometric (DO) TOXICITY E clock I XI Eff Mean _ 8 HRS HRS Y/N MGD LBS/D UNITS LBS/D LBS/D a/100ml Mg/1 Mg/I Mg/1 Mg/1 P/F34% 8 1 0700 : 24 N 0.851 43:: I. 2 0700 24 Y 0.860 7.6 50 9.3 PASS 2 3 0700 24' . 'Y' 0.744 6 68 <0.62 _ <0:MOO 0.214 0.0409 3 4 0700 24 Y 0.604 5 7.7 9.7 4 5 0700 24 ' Y 0.503 ' 4 25 5 6 0700 24 Y 0.431 7.5 9.4 6 7 0700 . 24 B 0.377 7 8 0700 24 B 0.346 23 8 9' 0700 . 24 B 0.325 7.3 23 10.1 9 10 0700 24 Y 0.391 3 23 <0.33 10 11 0700 24 Y 0.846 7 7.3 10.0 11 12 0700 24 Y 1.156 10 67 12 13 0700 -24 Y 1.174 7.5 9.8 13 14 0700 24 N 1.003 14 15 0700 24 N . . 0.796 40 15 16 0700 24 Y 0.640 7.5 54 9.8 _ 16 17 0700 24 Y 0.540 9 32 '<0.45 17 18 0700 24 Y 0.492 8 7.5 9.8 18 19 0700 24 Y 0.457. 8 . 27 19 ' 20 0700 24 Y 0.422 7.1 9.6 20 21 0700 24 B 0.386 _ 21 22 0700 24 B 0.385 19 <0.32 22 , 23 0700. 24 B 0.477 7.3 22 10.5 23 24 0700 24 B 0507 8 30 24 25 0700 24 B 0.487 8 7.5 9.8 1 25 26 0700 24 B 0.451 8 23 _ 26 27 0700 24 B 0.408 7.5 - 10.0 _ 27 28 0700 24 N 0.349 _ _ 28 29 0700 24 N 0.306 IS 29 30 0700 24 Y 0.288 7.4 21 10.1 30 AVERAGE 0.567 7 "MIN 33 0.00 31 9.8 _ 0.000 0214 0.0409 PASS 1 4VG MAXIMUM 1.174 10 7.7 63 <0.62 50 10.5 <0.0100 0.214 0.0409 PASS MAX MINIMUM 0.288 3 7.1 15 <0.32 21 9.3 <0.0100 1 0.214 0.0409 PASS MIN COMP!GRAB CONT. COMP GRAB COMP COMP. GRAB GRAB COMP. COMP. COMP. COMP. C/G DAILY LIMIT ( NA 518 6-9 1043 46.00 400 5.0 DY MONTHLY LIMIT I 2.305 201 6-9 330 23.00 200 ' 5.0 MO DEM Form MR-1(12/93) ✓ . �,; s Attachment A , EFFLUENT page 2 of 2 DES PERM"i'NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH NOVEMBER YEAR 2009 �1ANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALiSBIJRY CLASS III COUNTY ROWAN ACILITY NAME: PERFOR. E ORC) DAVID L.CASNER GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 .OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARG i CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (I)PERFORM1IANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY t` ('HECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSONS C LECTING SAMPLES W'ST TRT OPRS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN:CENTRAL FILES �I ' a i-. DATE�4 ' D1V.OF ENVIRONENTAL ,aNAGEtiiENT SIGNA RE OF ORC) DEIINR BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O.BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 00076 00630 00600 00625 00665 U I 00620 A Turbidity Nitrate+ Total Total Total D T Nitrite Organic Kjeldahl Phosphorus A E Nitrogen Nitrogen Nitrogen (as P) T (as N) (as N) (as N) E # NTU mg/I mg/i mg/I mg/I 2 I 2 3 0.0741 1.09 1.09 0.330 4 4.90 3 5 4 6 7 6 8 8 10 9 I1 3.80 .. 10 12 _ ij 13. - 12 ' !4 14 14 — . 16 15 17 - 16 18 5.30 17 19 18 20 19 T _ 21 20 22 21. 23 4.10' 22 24 25 23 24 26 25 27 - _ — _ 26 28 27 29 — 28 30 29 30 AVG 4.53 0.0741 1.09 1.09 0.330 _ MAX 5.30 0.0741' 1.09 1.09 0.330 AVG t MAX MIN 3.80 0.0741 1-09 1 1.09 0.330 _ C/G GRAB COMP COMP ' COMP COMP — 1 . MIN DY NA NA NA . NA NA CO MO NA NA NA NA NA I DY MO + DEM Form MR-I(12/93) Attachment A EFFLUENT page 1 of 2 NPDES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH DECEMBER YEAR 2009 FACILITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CLASS III COUNTY ROWAN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) DAVID L.CASNER GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1)PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED I ' PERSONS OLLECTING SAMPLES WST TRT OPRS MailORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATT / /�/ ATTN:CENTRAL FILES �/ I/ //?—"/0 DIV.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SIGNATURE OF ORC) DATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O.BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 50050 00310 00040 00530 00610 31616 00300 01042 01045 01055 D Opr. Opr. Fecal A Arrive Time ORC Flow BODS D T Coliform Dissolvd Total A T Time on on @ pH S AMMONIA Oxygen Copper Iron Manganese T E 2400 Site Site [ ]Inf 20C S NITROGEN Geometric (DO) clock 1 Xi Eff E Meao # FIRS FIRS YIN MGD LBS/D UNITS LBS/D LBS/D #/100ml Mg/I Mg/I Mg/I Mg/I # i` ':':n70bs `i' :i ii'i•`..`>:_:'[:'"i[i:i i:i( i:i[i[i:iii: i; ,;::5•:•.:: :::::: ...::::::;:::::•: -:.;.;.:.;._:... •.-......_.,,....,.• .. . ... d..... .......:..... c;.;.:.;.;.;.,:.::::::: :;:;:;::::�: ::::;::;`;:::[::?:::MiX 5i Si;::iiii'S '`•:.EE'i ff:f 2 0700 24 Y 0.410 10 7.7 ::: i;::€0011: ::24€:;:;: is Vi641:€::::ia::::::i: i:::: . :: :i :;:::.::.:.:::::::;:;:,:::.:.:.::.;.;.,..:.;.,.................................:.,.;. .:;;.._......_................ 2 4 0700 24 Y 0.621 7.3 " "' :::;::•:-•.:.:.;.: ... In s i3:S i:4700iE('''24':`':.'B;:i E:E0811ir E i:: :i:i:``i':?.;,: ,,?,!:;c: :: ::: :: : :.:•.:.:: 4 6 0700 24 B 0.483 24 i i .. 5.i.E...E : 6r............... :: : i E;i'7 i /0 `ii s 4 :B": 0'#li i. ?:.iai ...:. :i ..:::: d :iiE.(:i:::; :,: ` :i ;1-'i?: i: i ii i : >8 0700 24 Y 0 401 7 20 <0.33 <0.0100 0.110 0.0476 8. :::9 ::0001:i:'•i2di i:::i:Y:c ::0 56Ti :::'::::::::::::::::: ::: .;.:.; 10 0700 24 Y 0.602 10 30 i':F°I:I!::'ky0ii 'sE24::ii :: i: •':c' :'? ' •', ..:;.:.:::[iii:i:; "' i `i'i 555i ' :.::: .-. 10 12 0700 24 N 0.475 ::1H1::iA700 i'`:'I:2d: ::::;l l::i : i,.463iT:iiEi:!E:::::i;::E_:E:::i::::i:;::: ;.•..............:.:.:.:....•.•.-.........,..:,:. ...:..:. ::10:.....,.;:;:;: :.:.:.;.-:.;.;.;......:'i,F i......-.-.........,..... 12 14 0700 ::r.:..: :::14:: 24 B 0 472 7.7 �� 14 :1ii :t ......::i.'I:;:E ;1 :;:::E0:451�f•i: 'i:[: ::E:E:lif::�S:::1:i E::i:i::::::•':• .....::::::::::::::::':.:::::::::.:;:.:.::.:-:.:.:...:.:.:. ...............- . . .... .. l 16 0700 24 Y 0.419 7 • 7.8 .:.:...:::: ::::76:: :'1'l;E.07AO a::24 r ..t`E 0 3$4:: =i•iiiii i r;; i 20. 6;E:::: ::.:E::. :.:............ .. : :;::::.:-..:i":::::::;,9.8 16 !7 ...�..�v ....:...:.:..:.:.:..... ......�;;;�;�;•;�;:;:;.;;:: �f:i:i�:�i:i;: ::;ii?iLj iii:!;i;i::::i[i: :ii:ii i?i ii-:,i:18 0700 24 Y 0.459 _..i8.0 ':19' si#700`:';' ; .'• ^::Iii:: ::?::::::: : :::::: ::::: ::::: :':: :::.::•.: ::• : :.:.:. 104.....:.............. .-........ ... IS ::::20iP 20 0700 24 B 0.537 27 <0.45 E;21E `$7l)0`%!14.Ci:;EE'-YPEi E;:0 i.'!:i:i :`';i ,: 79..[: 0 22 0700 24 Y 0.468 12 EEii:i: : iE ::t17b11i'c:Ei i1i'i'.i:i1i'':::0:402::::::::i:iii: : :::: ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:; ;:•:.:::::•: 22 24 0700 24 B 0.366 6 24-.. •:::::.::::::::::::: . :; 18 24 26 0700 24 N 0.689 `'``; .. O.k6.:f::2a:€: :::1its:: is€U:¢ :i: ::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::: .::: : :::::::::::,:;:;:;:,:;;:: :::.;.;.:.;..;,.,.;.:.; ::::;:. :::;:::.,..;.:.::.;.;.:.;.:.:....................... -...... 26 28 0700 24 B 0.533 7.9 ::29:::E0700`z`:24 B: 0,431,E! b.':. is::: i :r::: ::25.;.;..E i.0 8 ii :::':`i 1iEiEi:ii .:':E::Ei:f.. :... . .........•:..:...:::.:?:;.,:i.!I •: .:: :;: ...::.:.,.:....... 28 19: 30 0700 24 B 0.372 6 7.4 9.3 91' {I?0Q # il;' ::E$: �353.......................................................... - 30 AVERAGE 0.485 8 '3G 24 0�� '3 �1C 0.000 0.110 0.0476 AVG i:iv[A0GJM 4689k 14 ;g_3 is' 37 6 85 24: s 2 1- D 01tN1 O IiI f20iti 6 :::`:MiO.C: MINIMUM 0.286 4 ^ 7.3 14 <0 24 21 9.3 <0 0100 0.110 0.0476 • . O1�1P.7Glt II3`:. COtv'I� CO'vtP: •::;i : Ri4 42 .':::L'•di3.4: :: • •hll? GR tB .•; P:.Ali eifii P :COMI'i..: Cif,O .:.;. MIN 64 DAILY LIMIT NA 518 6-9 1043 45.00 400 5.0 DY ::$40ii*il:'1IIvi1:T E 4: 'E..`.201:'',.'•�;:: 6-9;i i a3p c E:`29;66.:: :: : i a00"::.'' i;::::3:A DEM Form MR-1(12/93) Attachment A EFFLUENT page 2 of 2 NPDES PERMIT NO: NC0004944 DISCHARGE NO: 001 MONTH DECEMBER YEAR 2009 FACILITY NAME: PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CLASS HI COUNTY ROWAN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE(ORC) DAVID L.CASNER GRADE IV PHONE(704)636-6000 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1)PERFORMANCE FIBERS,INC.-SALISBURY CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED I I PERSONS LLECTING SAMPLES WST TRT OPRS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN:CENTRAL FILES X �—/ �D DIV.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT . (SIGNATURE OF ORC) DATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O.BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH,NC 27626-0535 00076 00630 00600 00625 00665 00620 D A Turbidity Nitrate+ Total Total Total A T Nitrite Organic Kjeldahl Phosphorus T E Nitrogen Nitrogen Nitrogen (as P) E (as N) (as N) (as N) # NTU roA nag/1 m /I ro 2 3.48 2 4 :. ..:. 4 5::::::: ::::::::::::::::::•:•:E:::'::::::;:::: :::::: ::: • ............::: :.;.:.;.;....;.;.;.;.;.;...................... ...-.... ........ 6 6 NM 0.0516 1.02 1.02 0.265 miinmalm 10 IE i;M====M : • • EMEMEMM• 012 14 .;..1................................. 14 16 2.90 16 18 :;:; ... ... 18 19:`:i...•................ ['i 5i:::`i:i:i`i i:;:i:':!:i::5i:iii;..: (:,i `i::;:[:;: 20 20 •. _1.:..,...Z<SQ:.:.::.:.:.:.:���:.:�: :.:.;.:..,.�.;.;i;i;iir:�:':::�::�E�:`•i:;:;: 22 2 23: :: ..... 2 24 ::�3 25 :.;.;.: • 24 �..�.�.. .............�.�::.:::;:.:-:�;•;;•; :[:.:: �:�:�:•:�:�:...�...�.�.�....:=:�[�ri gQ:>i�5?::i::is<:::::asi:i i::7 26 5 26 28 .. ... 27 ,.,.,... 2A;:; i:i:i i::;:;::i ii3i?:" :'.:. :::::::::::::i'::_`!!;i[ p:p:;:.::E'i sG: :..........[:i f`.........::::::':::::.:::::::::.:.:.;,.:.: 28 • ; 30 3.00 - 24;: 31 30 3i • ® 2 96 0.0516 1.02 02 0.265 _-_EEO MAC 48. 00515 ti02 102 0 2G3 • MIN 2.50 0.0516 1.02 • 1.02 0.265 ME ?MIN DY NA NA NA NA NA DY DRM l orm MR-I 112/93) Attachment B Calculation of Total Nitrogen Contributed by Anaerobic Pretreatment System Edgewater Treating NC0004944 Parameter Value Units I Notes/Source Anaerobic Treatment System COD Loading to Anaerobic Influent 25,000 J Ib/d Per 1994 Operating Manual this is design and normal loading rate(page 1-9,Table 1-2) Flow through Anaerobic System 0.10 'MGD Per 1994 Operating Manual this is design and normal flow rate(page 1-9,Table 1-2) Estimate Yield 0.04 lb VSS/lb COD/d Per Metcalf&Eddy page 634 and typical of anaerobic systems Sludge Yield 1000 lb VSS/d Calculated(Yield x COD Loading) Nitrogen Composition of Sludge 12.2% Metcalf&Eddy Section 7-3 p.565,Nutrients Required for Cell Growth Dewberry assumes anaerobic thermophilic sludge would not thrive in downstream aerobic process and TN Load from Anaerobic Sludge 122 Ib/d would be hydrolyzed to soluble organic nitrogen.Hydrolysis is expected to occur because the aeration basin was operating at approximately 25 day SRT. Residual Ammonia in Anaerobic Effluent 30 mg/I Per 1994 Operating Manual page 11-10 ammonia was dosed to achieve this residual TN Load from Residual Ammonia 25 Ib/d Calculated TN Load to WWTP Total from Anaerobic 147 lb/d Calculated,Sum of anaerobic sludge load and residual ammonia load Impact of WWTP TN From Celrobic WWTP Additional Influent COD from Anaerobic 2500 Ib/d Authorization to Construct documentation in Archive File indicates 90%COD removal in Anaerobic. Yield 0.1 lb VSS/lb COD/d Assumed based on professional experience with aerations basins operating at higher SRTs. Nitrogen Composition of Sludge 12.2% Metcalf&Eddy Section 7-3 p.565,Nutrients Required for Cell Growth Additional Nitrogen to Sludge from Celrobic 31 Ib/d Sludge wasting is the only mechanism for removing nitrogen from the system. Net Nitrogen Gain from Anaerobic 117 Ib/d Calculated(Nitrogen Contributed-Nitrogen to Sludge' Acronyms COD:chemical oxygen demand lb/d:pounds per day MGD:million gallons per day • mg/I:milligrams per liter SRT:solids retention time TN:total nitrogen VSS:volatile suspended solids References Metcalf&Eddy,Inc.(2003).Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse(4th ed.).New York,NY:McGraw-Hill Celrobic Wastewater Treatment Operating Manual developed by Raytheon Engineers and Constructors.February 1994. 2/7/2019 9??• Dewberry Excerpt of pages from 1994 Operating Manual for Anaerobic Treatment System. Entire document can be provided upon request. Raytheon Attachment B Celrobic' Wastewater Treatment Operating Manual Engineers 8.Oonstn�cio�s Hoechst Celanese Corporation A Ccrioaidadon d Badger and UFBC Salisbury, NC 1. Type, Location, and Purpose of Facility The facility will Celrobic high rate anaerobicgroundwater a ty ilbea g g treatment plant, located at the Hoechst Celanese facility at Salisbury, NC. The unit is designed to treat groundwater containing ethylene glycol from the plant site. Two trains of treatment (two 50% capacity filters) are incorporated into the system to allow for future use of one train in the treatment of plant effluent. The unit is designed to treat 25,000 lb/day of soluble biodegradable COD. Pilot testing carried out on the plant site (Badger Project No. BD-7241) indicated that the water is highly treatable. 2. Filter Feed The initial substrate (feed) for this system will be groundwater containing ethylene glycol from the Salisbury site. The average COD concentration of the water is expected to be 29,750 mg/I. The water has been identified by Hoechst Celanese as non-toxic and non- hazardous. Two operating cases have been defined. The normal case of 100,800 gal/day (35 gpm per filter) which is the initial planned pumping rate for wells in the plant groundwater field. At the design COD concentration of 29,750 mg/I, this stream contains 25,000 lb/day of COD. The hydraulic design case has been fixed at the flowrate at which the heat required to heat the feed is equal to the heat generated by burning the off gas generated at the design organic load. This feedrate is 85 gpm per filter (122,400 gal/day). Hoechst Celanese Corporation February 1994 Page 1-8 Attachment B Celrobice" Wastewater Treatment Operating Manual Hoechst Celanese Corporation A Ccnso&dsticn d Badger and UEBC Salisbury, NC Table I-2 Summary of Design Cases Total Flow Normal Case Normal Case Hydraulic (both filters (per filter) Design Case combined) (both filters) Total Flow (gal/day) 100,800 50,400 244,800 Total Flow (gpm) 70 35 170 COD Concentration (mg/I) 29,750 29,750 14,700 COD Load (lb/day) 25,000 12,500 30,000 Specific Gravity 1.0 1.0 1.0 Temperature 58 °F 58 °F 58 °F 3. Filter (MT-102 A/B) The filter sizes are based on the normal organic (COD) load rate at an applied specific organic load based on the results of the pilot test results. The required packed volume for the total organic load has been divided in half to create two 50% capacity filters. Hoechst Celanese Corporation February 1994 Page 1-9 Attachment B Rapboom Ce!rabic' Wastewater Treatment Operating Manual �h�eer=g pia Hoechst Celanese Corporation A CansoIdakti fialgef and MAC Salisbury, NC Table 1-3 Filter Design Criteria Specific Organic Load 0.7 lb COD/ft3/day Required Packed Volume 35,715 ft(total) 17,858 ft3 (per filter) Filter Size 27.5 ft diameter (each filter) 40 ft high Operating pH range 6.8 to 7.5 Recycle ratio 5:1 minimum (20:1 at initial conditions) Upflow Velocity 9.6 - 17.7 ft/hr Temperature 98 °F Pressure 8" WC Normal 2" WC Minimum 14" WC Maximum Materials Carbon Steel with internal epoxy coating The filters are insulated for heat conservation. Hoechst Celanese Corporation February 1994 Page 1-16 Raytheon . . . . Celrobie Wastewater Treatment Operating Manual g Hoechst Celanese Corporation A Consoldation of Badger and UE&C Salisbury, NC Figure II-1 Equalization Flow Control GA-102A 1iEo 1 i o TO // ' FILTER j j %, : %%jam/ 7 AMMONIA % %/%,w.:, MT 102A MT1Q1 ' FT v v v -+ MICRO- FI 110 FY NUTRIENTS t12 i 1108 PHOSPHOR! Fl s Q I' FY n ACID 113 11 1� 110A 9' 1 ' ed A 3 61\ FI (F-7Y.. AMMONIA 11 17 1 17A I MICRO- FI IIll FY NUTRIENTS 1 15 , FT 1176 117 PHOSPHOR! FI GA-102B ACID t 16 Jr- /�':� ` FILTER ,y, ` MT 102B PP 101 S PP-101 A FE ' 1;;� 117 � Hoechst Celanese Corporation January 103 Page 11-5 Attachment B Raytheon Celrobic" Wastewater Treatment t Operating Manual Engineers&Consbuctors Hoechst Celanese Corporation A coasodidatio►►a Badger and UE&C Salisbury, NC and TT-102B ("A" and "B" trains respectively). Both heat exchangers are plate and frame type. The design temperature of the groundwater feed is 58°F. Under the design conditions (85 gpm per train at 58°F) the amount of heat exchanged is 1.70 x 10' BTU/hr per exchanger. The temperature indicators and pressure indicators on the inlets and outlets of both streams indicate the performance of the exchanger. At the design hydraulic flow rate (85 gpm), the pressure drop on the hot water side is 9.3 psi and the pressure drop is 3.0 psi on the wastewater side. Higher pressure drops and/or lower temperature differences indicate plate fouling and that the exchanger should be flushed or cleaned. Filter feed from MT-101 is heated from 57 °F to at least 98 °F by Feed Heat Exchangers TT-102A and TT-102B. The heating medium is hot water at 200 °F which is supplied to the filter feed heater by the Hot Water Heaters GZ-111A/B. The hot water supply flow rate into the filter feed heat exchanger is controlled by the two temperature control valves TV-712 and TV-715 (for trains A and B respectively) which are three way valves, directing hot water to the filter feed heater or recycling it back to the hot water furnace depending on heat input required. The temperatures of the mixed feed streams are controlled by temperature controllers TIC-720 and TIC-731 which reset TIC-712 and TIC-715 respectively. PID controller TIC-720 and TIC-731 controls mixed feed temperature The normal set point for TIC- 720 and TIC-731 is 98°F. TIC-720 and TIC-731 are reverse acting controllers that manipulate the set point of TIC-712 and TIC-715, the filter feed temperature controllers. TIC-712 and TIC-715 are reverse acting controllers which manipulate TV-712 and TV-715 for feed temperature control. TV- 712 is a three way valve directing hot water through or around Hoechst Celanese Corporation February 1994 Page 11-8 Attachment B Raytheon Celrobic" Wastewater Treatment Operating Manual Hoechst Celanese Corporation A Consolidation d Badger and UE&C Salisbury, NC feed heater TT-102A and TT-ion. The valve failure position is to bypass the heater. TIC-720 and TIC-731 reset TIC-712 and TIC-715 (cascade). When in automatic (i.e. with TIC-720 and 731 resetting TIC-712 and 715) the output signal of TIC-720 and 713 have high output limits so the upper set point of TIC-712 and 715 is limited to 120°F' ' High temperature alarms TAH-712 and TAH-715'are set at 120°F and high/low temperature alarm TAHL-720 and 731 are set at 102°F and 95°F respectively. iv. Nutrient Control Nutrients are added to the wastewater stream in order to supply the biomass with the essential chemical building blocks for reproduction and digestion of the organic waste. Three sources of nutrients are included in the Celrobic system: ammonia (anhydrous) for nitrogen supply, phosphoric acid (35 wt%) for phosphorus supply,and micronutrient solution(an aqueous solution of dissolved metals salts) for supply of minerals essential to enzyme formation. Ammonia Ammonia for both filters is supplied by truck and stored in MS- 112 at a pressure of approximately 100 psig. Ammonia vapor is released to the process system via a backpressure control valve at the tank. This valve is set to maintain the operating pressure in the vessel. The flow rate of the ammonia is set by the operator using the indicating flow controllers FIC-111 and FIC-114 (for the A and B trains respectively). The flow rate of the ammonia is set by the operator through the PLC, based on the expected COD load to the Hoechst Celanese Corporation February 1994 Page 11-9 Attachment B Raytheon Celrobic" Wastewater Treatment Operating Manual Engineers&Constructors Hoechst Celanese Corporation A Ccossdidation of Badger and UE&C Salisbury, NC filter and corrected by ammonia concentration in the effluent liquid stream. The target for the ammonia addition system is to maintain an excess ammonia concentration in the liquid stream of between 20 and 30 mg/1. This excess ammonia will be consumed in the downstream aerobic treatment system and will serve to reduce the ammonia addition requirements for that system. Phosphoric Acid Phosphoric Acid for both filters is supplied by truck and stored in MS-106 at a concentration of 35 wt%. A level indicator (LI-200) is provided with both local and PLC readouts to indicate the available quantity of phosphoric acid. In addition, a high level alarm (LAH-200A) is provided at the truck loading point to prevent overfilling of the tank. The flow rate of the phosphoric acid is set by the operator by adjustment of the stroke controllers on the phosphoric acid feed metering pumps PD-105A and PD-105B (for the A and B trains respectively). The flow rate of the phosphoric acid is selected by the operator based on the expected COD load to the filter and corrected based on the measured phosphate concentration in the effluent liquid stream. The target for the phosphorus addition system is to maintain an excess phosphate concentration in the liquid stream of between 10 and 20 mg/l. This excess phosphate will be consumed in the downstream aerobic treatment system and will serve to reduce the nutrient addition requirements for that system. Micronutrient Solution The micronutrients (Fe, Ni, Co, Mg) are supplied in dry powder form and mixed up in the Micronutrient Addition System (GZ- 112). A new batch of micronutrients will have to be mixed up approximately every two to three days depending on the feed rate to the filters. Hoechst Celanese Corporation February 1994 Page 11-16 Attachment B Excerpt from documentation retrieved from archived files for NC0004944. Documentation was submitted to NC DEQ to support 1993 permit modification and Authorization to Construct for Anaerobic Treatment System. WWTP Evaluation Based on the anticipated wasteloads presented in Figure 1, each unit process was evaluated to determine the current operating conditions of the existing WWTP and define the anticipated impact of the pretreated anaerobic stream. Current and future conditions were compared with typical unit process design criteria (see Table 2). Equalization One 800,000 gallon basin, with three 2 hp surface mixers, is currently used to equalize the COD load from Salisbury's process wastewaters. The anaerobic facilities will include a separate equalization tank for recovered groundwater. The effluent from the anaerobic unit will be routed downstream of Salisbury's existing equalization basin. Therefore, operation of the anaerobic system will not impact the performance of Salisbury's existing equalization basin. Anaerobic Pretreatment The anaerobic pretreatment facilities will include an equalization tank with a holding capacity of 12 hours and two Celrobic high rate anaerobic reactors designed to remove 80 to 95 percent of the influent COD. Plans and specifications for these facilities have previously been submitted to DEM. Aeration The aeration basins have a combined working volume of 3.8 million gallons (MG) and are aerated using low speed surface aerators (700 horsepower total). At a maximum historical operating temperature at 32°C and maintaining a minimum dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in the aeration basins of 1.5 mg/L, the maximum oxygen available is 25,300 lb/d. Because the oxygen available exceeds the demand for monthly average and monthly maximum conditions, the system has adequate COD and BOD removal capacity for both existing and future (with anaerobic pretreatment) operating conditions. -r, Under peak loading conditions the DO concentrations may temporarily drop to zero. In the future, under extreme maximum conditions (maximum process wasteload and maximum anaerobic effluent wasteload), approximately 33,700 lb 02/d will be required to sustain biological activity. Because only 29,400 lb 02/d will be available under these conditions, it will be necessary to monitor the anaerobic unit to avoid discharging high organic loads from the pretreatment unit and upsetting the WWTP. To minimize adverse impacts on the WWTP, equipment (monitoring instruments and an equalizati,on tank) will be installed to control excursions in effluent quality from the anaerobic facilities. ATLR1401039 51 3 Attachment C tiithersRavenet February 2,2016 Mr.Tom Belnick Supervisor Division of Water Resources WQ Permitting Section-NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 RECEIVEDINCDEQIDWR FEB 0 4 2016 Subject: NPDES Permit Renewal Application Moncure Holdings West,LLC WWTP Water duality New Hill,Chatham County,North Carolina Permitting Section Permit#NC 0001899 Owner: Moncure Holdings West,LLC 282 Century Place,Suite 2000 Louisville,CO 80027 Dear Mr.Belnick Moncure Holdings West LLC. has recently acquired ownership of site facilities previously owned by DFTDuraFiber Technologies, Inc.(formerly known as Performance Fibers). DFTDuraFiber is in the process of demolishing the old polyester manufacturing facility in New Hill, North Carolina. Following transfer of ownership of the WWTP; Moncure Holdings West LLC.Is requesting renewal of the NPDES Permit(NPDES Permit No. NC0001899) per Federal Regulations 40 CFR 122.41, and North Carolina Regulations (15A NCAC 2H.0105(e)). The permit,which expires July 31, 2016,would allow Moncure Holdings West LLC to continue to operate the waste water treatment facility on this location while the demolition of the existing facilities are finalized throughout FY 2016. While none of the previously permitted OCPSF industrial activities are currently ongoing,the stormwater from the site demolition of these facilities has the potential to continue to discharge OCPSF residuals to the WWTP through the process drains. As areas are completely demolished these drains will be plugged to prevent further discharge. Until such time the NPDES permit needs to continue to monitor for and treat any of the OCPSF pollutants in the stormwater and maintain the existing nutrient limits for the sanitary wastes from the approximately 20 employees retained on the site by DFTDuraFiber and the demolition contractor. Moncure Holdings West LLC. is separately negotiating with offsite industrial sources to enter treatment contracts. At such time as these are finalized Moncure Holdings West LLC. will submit a request to modify the NPDES permit from OCPSF to a Combined Waste Treatment Facility and will submit the data necessary for DENR to draft revised NPDES permit limits. Until such time as these offsite waste streams are permitted and WWTP facilities upgraded accordingly Moncure Holdings West LLC.requests that the NPDES permit be renewed with the current limits. The existing NPDES Permit allows for discharge of 0.244 mgd of industrial waste into the Haw River(001) and stormwater into Shaddox Creek(002). Each are in the Cape Fear River Basin. CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT Attachment C VII.SIC CODES(4-digit in order of priority) A.FIRST B.SECOND C 2824 (specify) 7 2821 (specify) s ,s 17Manmade Organic Fibers, except s 16 19 Plastics, Materials, Synthetic Resins and Cellusoic Nonvulcanizable Elastomers C.THIRD D.FOURTH c (specify) 7 (specify) 15 16 17 t5 16 19 VIII.OPERATOR INFORMATION A.NAME B.Is the name listed in Item c Moncure Holdings West, LLC formerly DFTDuralFiber Technologies, Inc. VIII-A also the owner? 8 ®YES ❑NO 18 19 55 C.STATUS OF OPERATOR(Enter the appropriate letter into the answer box;if'Other,"specify.) D.PHONE area code&no.) F=FEDERAL M=PUBLIC(other than federal or state) p (specify) A 303 516 3478 S=STATE 0=OTHER(specify) P=PRIVATE 56 15 16 18 19 21 22 25 E.STREET OR PO BOX 338 Pea Ridge Road 26 55 F.CITY OR TOWN G.STATE H.ZIP CODE IX.INDIAN LAND c New Hill NC 27562 Is the facility located on Indian lands? B ❑YES ®NO 15 16 40 42 42 47 51 X.EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS A.NPDES(Discharges to Surface Water) D.PSD(Air Emissions from Proposed Sources) 9 N I ' NC0001899 9 PI 16 17 18 30 15 16 17 18 30 B.UIC(Underground Injection of Fluids E.OTHER(specify) (Specify) C T I C T 8 WQ0023197 WTP Alum Residuals 9 Land Application 15 16 17 18 30 15 18 17 18 30 Program Permit C.RCRA(Hazardous Wastes) E.OTHER(specify) (Specify) C TR I NC0053488409 c T 8 NCS000100 NPDES Stormwater 15 16 17 18 9 30 ,5 ,6 17 1B 30 Permit 9XI. MAP Attach to this application a topographic map of the area extending to at least one mile beyond property boundaries. The map must show the outline of the facility, the location of each of its existing and proposed intake and discharge structures, each of its hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities, and each well where it injects fluids underground. Include all springs, rivers and other surface water bodies in the ma• area. See instructions for •recise re.uirements. XII.NATURE OF BUSINESS •rovide a brief descri.tion A chemical plant engaged in the manufacture of industrial of synthetic polyester fiber and organic polyester resin previously owned and operated on the site. This process facility is now being demolished. The administration building, cafeteria, locker room, rest rooms and general storage warehouses will remain but currently are unoccupied except for demolition crew and security staff. The site will be re-purposed following demolition and a permit modification requested once knowledge of future waste components is available. XIII.CERTIFICATION (see instructions) I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this application and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those persons immediately responsible for obtaining the information contained in the application, 1 believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibilit of fine and imprisonment. A.NAME&OFFICIAL TITLE(type or print) B.SIG URE i C.DATE SIGNED Jason Kaplan, Manager '/ `� C�- COMMENTS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY c C 15 16 55 EPA FORM 3510-1(8-90) From NC0001899 (DuraFibers Moncure, NC) February 2, 2016 Attachment C NPDES Permit Renewal Application. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE IN THE UNSHADED AREAS ONLY You may report some or all of this information EPA I D.NUMBER(tom/rnrnfhvrr 1 ofhhrni I) on separate sheets(use the same format)instead of completing these pages NCDO c 34 884 09 SEE INSTRUCTIONS OUTFALL NO ✓ INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS(continued from page 3 of Form 2-C) PART A-You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table.Complete one table for each outfall See Instructions for additional detaiis 3 UNITS 4 INTAKE 2 EFFLUENT (y><arfi'i/ht.(I (.yvnuiul) __ b MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c LONG TERM AVRG VALUE a LONG TERM a MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (I4,110rluhlr) (i/inudirhle) AVERAGE VALUE (1) (1) d NO OF a CONCEN- 1 b NO OF 1 POLLUTANT CONCENTRATION (21 MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS I11 CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b MASS CONCENTRATION 121 MASS ANALYSES a Biochemical Oxygen 7 8 1 0 4.9 0.5 m 2.51 0.5 40 /1 lb/day Demand Oft a i) 9 y b Chemical Oxygen _ T Demand(r(.h) c Total Organic Carbon (fur-) d Total Suspended Solids(/tti) 14.6 7.2 9.4 2.3 5.55 1.01 40 mg/1 lb/day e Ammonia(in t) 6.9 3.5 6.9 2.3 VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE f Flow 0.118 MGD 0.066 MOD 135 g Temperature VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE (ii rr.r) 19.5 17.2 73 'C h Temperature VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE (.r,„r+,,..} 28.8 25.4 62 C MINIMUM_ MAXIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM ;, tir is ,- ' +< -_ s .r -'r - - PH 6. /8 8.8 6.78 B.8 �_ ". r• `A' " ' 135 STANDARD UNITS I, PART B- Mark"X-in column 2-a for each pollutant you know or have reason to believe is present Mark X in column 2-b for each pollutant you believe to be absent If you mark column 2a for any pollutant which is limited either directly or indirectly but expressly, in an effluent limitations guideline you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant For other pollutants for which you mark column 2a you must provide quantitative data or an explanation of their presence in your discharge Complete one table for each outfall See the instructions for additional details and requirements 2 MARK'X' 3 EFFLUENT 4 UNITS 5 INTAKE(upa..iarl) 1 POLLUTANT b MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c LONG TERM AVRG VALUE a LONG TERM AVERAGE AND a o a MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (Uuiuilrrh/i) (rl(Ir. Mute) VALUE CAS NO BELIEVED BELIEVED ;11 (1) (1) d NO OF a CONCEN- (11 b NO OF plat,idah/c) PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRAT ION 121 MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION i2r MASS ANALYSES TRATION b MASS_CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES a Bromide (24959 62-91 +b Chicane,Total Residual c Color d I ecal Coliform r e rtuoude (16984-48-8) t Nitrate Nitrite (as N) EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V-1 CONTINUE ON REVERSE 1 1 Irrom NL,uuu189a tuuraFioers IJloncure, NC) reuruary c, cU16 Attachment C NPDES Permit Renewal Application. ITEM V-B CONTINUED FROM FRONT 2.MARK"X" 3.EFFLUENT 4.UNITS 5 INTAKE(uppoul) 1 POLLUTANT b.MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c.LONG TERM AVRG.VALUE a.LONG TERM AND a b a MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (,/uwduhle) (r/uvudublr) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NO BELIEVED BELIEVED (1) (1) 1) d NO OF a.CONCEN- (1) b NO OF warm/able) PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES g Nitrogen, Total Organic(u, A7 h Oil and Grease i.Phosphorus (as P).Total (7723-14-0) ).Radioactivity (1)Alpha.Total (2)Beta,Total (3)Radium, Total (4)Radium 226, Total k Sulfate (u,T),) (14808-79-8) I Sulfide (m.$) m Sulfite (a%.S0.) (14265-45-3) n.Surfactants o Aluminum. Total (7429-90-5) p Barium,Total (7440-39-3) q.Boron,Total (7440-42-8) r Cobalt,Total (7440-48.4) s.Iron,Total (7439-89-6) 1.Magnesium, Total (7439-95-4) u.Molybdenum, Total (7439-98-7) ✓ Manganese. Total (7439-96-5) w.Tin,Total (7440-31.5) x Titanium, Total (7440-32-6) EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V-2 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-3 Attachment C DAK Americas FIBERS,MONOMERS&RESINS DAK Americas LLC Cedar Creek Site 3468 Cedar Creek Road Fayetteville,NC 28312 NPDES Permit No. NC0003719 Renewal Application RECEIVED/NCDEGYDWR MAY 11 2016 May 3,2016 Water Quality Permitting Section Prepared by: Elizabeth Wike,Donald Allbright,and Gary Slater DAK Americas LLC 3468 Cedar Creek Road Fayetteville,North Carolina 28312 Attachment C Continued From The Front VII. SIC Codes (4 t,in order of priority A.First B.Second 2821 Plastics Materials,Synthethic Resins,and 8182 Plastics materials and basic forms and shapes Norwuicarraable Elastomers C.Third D.Fourth I ViII. Operator Information A Marne B. Is the name listed in item VW-A also OAK Americas LLC the owner? El Yes NO C.Status of Operator(flew the appcpdale tatter lab the ensue(box;if TOW,Wpec+y'.) D.Phone(cods d no) ❑ � F=Federal M rr Public(other than federal or slate) S=State O=(apeciJy) P (specify) (910)433-8338 P=Private _ E.Street or P.O.Box P.O.Sox 1590 F.City or Town G.Stale H.Zip Code IX. Indian Laud Fayetteville NC 28302 Is the facility located on Indian lands? _D Yee ®No X. Existing Environmental Permits A NPOES Oedemas to Surface WON) D.PSD(Air Emissions from Proposed Sources) NC0003719 WA B.UIC(thrde pti nd Injection of Ph s) E.Other(specify) (eps4ilY) WA 04319122 Air Quality Title V C.RCRA(Hazardous Wastes) E Other(specify) (ate) WA NCS0003119 &ammeter Discharge 211SRF Permit to Discharge Wastewater Under the Public Works Commission's Industrial Pretreatment Program XL Map Attach to this application a topographic map of the area extending to at least one mile beyond property boundaries. The map must show the outline of the facility,the location of each of its existing and proposed intake and discharge structures,each of its hazardous waste treatment storage, or disposal facilities,and each well where it Injects fluids underground. Include all springs,rivers and other surface water bodies in the map area. See instructions for precise requirements. XII. Nature of Business (provide a brief aescriaition) DAK is engaged in the manufacture of polyester chip used to produce various plastic items for industrial and consumer use. The Cedar Creek site consists of four maim areas: 1 The Resins Plana,located in the southwest portion of the property, is comprised of the continuous polymerization(CP)aces and the solid state polymerization(SSP)plant. Railroad trod('are located on the southeastern portion of the property for the loading of product and the unloading of raw materials. 2. The Batch Plant,located north of the Resins plan and fomttrty the Dupont Teilln Film plant,producers specialty plastics. 3. Clear Path Recycling,located on the east side of the site,recycles post-consumer plastic beds*with operations to separate,wash,and Aske bottles. 4. The Services Complex,located in the center of the site,supplies utilities for all areas. Utilities include steam,cooling water,chilled water, dsmineralized wafer,and wastewater treatment XI I i. Certification (see instructions) i certify under penalty of law that 1 have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this application and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those persons immediately responsible for obtaining the information contained in the application, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that ff._._ are signifcant penalties for submitting false information, including possibility of fine and imprisonment Name 4 Official Title(type orprfat) B.Signature C.Date Signed Matthew Hendrickson Cedar Creek Site Mana er 3/ 16 EPA Form 3510-1(Rev, 10-80) Reverse 382I3A321 NO 3f1NIUN03 i-A seed (06-8'moll) OZ-0I9£ w1:1OI Yd3 g U Z a m o 0 VN VN AVO/91 Wdd P VN VN VN VN LO'f £E'l 0 ❑X woo soot 1.2 -�riiN 1I a 0 VN VN AVa181 Wdd I VN VN VNOOI VN £08'0 £6I'0 0 OX ( orgies 0 VN VN VN Iw 00I/# Z9 VN OS< VN £8l< VN 000'9< ❑a) coX0 Mel a c 0 VN VN VN nod l VN VN VN VN VN 9 0 Pr Jop0'a o .Y 0 VN VN AVO191 Veil Z9 L0'0 L'9Z fl'0 P'9P OZ'O 81► 0 ❑X 1 jUla01140 A. °' a 0 VN VN AVQ/81 Wdd 1. VN VN VN VN 919'0 PZ I 0 0 1] fa is a%10 0 a S3S.i. L a.'" rmrrr1aro . 1 - • ts'411 ouaq o INN" 44 1 a m ''W cha�aw° OM ,a r ("IV". z z 40"ON.4 �i1Vn 3nva3Av t,. 40 4W •AsNs t (wow. in11M *ro a /d'ON sVa E (U Mal ONO,4 ( uefq/1'WNW') _ i)n1VA'OrAV MMalON01'4 3n1VA AVO OC WnWOfVW C Alba NnNIXr a 11 . !ram .ae.. ONV 1NV 2 o (iuORdo)3WV.NI'9 8iINf'f iN3l1dd3 'B .x.uoy I -tf1110d•I LJ_ 'sluewannbeJ pUe seep it/unfunny Jo;suoporulsu!sty►ees Aegno pee ion afgei euo eia d w wo •ef3ieyoelp xwA ui eouesaxl.seep 10 uopeueidxe ue mo Rep GApelpuenb epMoJd Isnw not 'az uwntoo 14ieW nog( &p t sfuelnlpd Jew mod 'Wesmod pnp Jot sl$Aleue auo **eel 4e)o silnsal NI eplAwd Isnw note 'eugepin0 uopepwll save ue u! 'Aisseidxe Inn Anaenpw Jo 'gyp Jwple pellwn s! 40l14M lualnlpd/(ue Jo; BZ uwnloo wow nog()I tuasge aq of aneyeq not luelnllod goes Xi q-Z uwnloo ul,.)(„then luesaid Si anageq of uossau emq to 1410u01 Aoii mod ipee tol e-Z uwnpo u!,X.Van -812n/d — SLt 1 Oi1yON1! Z9 Z"9 6'9 Z'9 6"9 Hd 1 Y wnwpcen wnwlulyy wnw$Xen wmwlwtw E VN 00 Z9 l Z 9Z OE s VN amen amen �IeA QIBA (lauwns)arnlsJadwel.0 VN VN enleA Da Z9 9/ enlen et. enleA ZZ enlen (.egipm)san)auodwel'6 VNMuM110Ds 09f:.0 61.1,'0 869'0 ' VN °MBA ODD wprwpuoO amen enleA enien ,1 VN VN VN heP/gl wdd Z9 99'0 9"0 9'£ 9'P 1'91 0'61 (N se)aluouxuy•e VN VN VN ABP/g1 wdd Z9 9'69 £'6Z 9'6E1 Z'EL 9'Z6£ O'6LI (8513' *PPS pepuedsnS 1E01"P VN VN VN AeP►gl wdd I VN VN VN VN 0 I Z 9'09 10013 uogn0 31us0J01)01•o VN VN VN MBPNgI wdd I VN VN VN VN 911r Z"90l w (000)puee0. • VN VN VN +4ep/gi wdd T Z9 9'0ti Z-LZ LO4 typo Z'90Z 9211 (oo 9)wsd 0l O PUSWueuas0 c + ueilAxo Iplwspola.s No Not fasAwNr , 1114111111 imam aNI&JI O goo wow LWIU Noe � NW1Id u 1'^�+� u YaMlC4 •tM a WJ11rlN iu (st E)Ya3A /0'ON'O asp/ Avav sal in1rA io'ON a �i 1.pv (imam/1 ANC) anlrA 01011 Mtn DN41-4 3n1VA AVO 0£nnwncvw a AlIVO PenNMXVW it 1N1/lflT1Od'I r (leuopdo)3)IVLNI'1� slum 'E iN3f11dd3 I 'stow suopapps mol suopxulsul Des liajno pee/01 spa euo eleldwo0 'apq w4) -weln kens JOO sl$Aleue nun pool 45 O swim 5'4)woad)snw no),-V am all jjo g NW wo peaunuoa)>p_LL91213iar1111VII is3n1a3 QNr 3)IViN!A Z1•Z£998800ON 'SNO11Dfl)1SNI 33S weed 41 tSulteldwoo W meow!Ovum"ewes A41 eon)wogs elwedes uo uollewwo{ul e1141 Wile ZOO IIe1n0 (L utiodp t•um,woi/Ate)a39MVf1N 0 1 Vd3 Jo swot uodw Aew noA 'A1NO SV32IV 030VHSNf1 3H1 NI 3dA1 a01NIad 3SV31d ITt ix v* a111c2Fr,1r-ayaoir:,-rp ilio 3 - v-iw-1-q; - r^-to ci _> .,12 . .2,., i ,I., ,,, m r f E. r r � ` li r - .i o c IIm o no ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ o ID ❑ ❑ aa ❑ aaan 000 li 33 o A 0 0 O 0 A O O 0 0 A S O A A A ; O 8 W 1 O N Qf kJ O Oo O '� i N v j W ' W 1 s Z 8 0' CN (T f C S� -1 0 A O O N O A :cr.' O O 1 1 A 1 C _ zz D > > D D > D D D D > D D D D D il v z� a a D D D A D D D D D D D D D D D D D D ,: D f f i0 r Z ZZ Z ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ Z Z ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ rQ, D D D D A D D A D f D D D D D D D D D D D 4 i Z r Z Z Z Z z j Z Z N f D f D A D D f D D D D D D D D D r' ° D D D a g. ig.I _a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 a A i 1 4. 1 PT M 3 3 2 3 2 2 -2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 S S S S F ` m c c it lx. c ir § § § § § § § § § a6-3 § § § ,3 > g > < > > > > > > > > > < N114 < < < .:�, AZZZZZ ZZZ ZZ A ZDzzZZZZZZDZD ' ZZD . .O 4 lit ZZ z ZZ I mDzzZZZ ff. D DDZZZZZZZZD - ZZ Q o CO rn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 w g* o N AMA n 4u3luyu,,,A, uowogaay ien•,auea llLuJad SdadN 910Z '£Am(ON'alllna;leI(ed seouawy)ida)61-L£OOOON Woad Attachment C NPDES PERMIT RENEWAL APPLICATION CNA Holdings LLC > Shelby Facility Prepared By: Kim Teofilak-Senior Consultant-Trinity Consultants,Inc. Jose Orsini-Principal Consultant-Trinity Consultants,Inc. TRINITY CONSULTANTS 325 Arlington Ave. Suite 500 Charlotte,NC 28203 (704)553-7747 February 2018 Project 183402.0012 Trinity/A Gnsu1tants Environmental solutions delivered uncommonly well Attachment C CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT VII SIC CODES 4-di.it,in order of.nont A FIRST B SECOND ---tI I I I (spe'cll'))Establishments primarily engaged in manu:acturing 7' 2182111 I$2I1I spfye tEosc tarebsinsm enptlsa spc mrailtye rensg,eda nd nomannwulaccantubg e 712824 mamae organic fibers, except cellulosoc elastomers 15 16 - 19 16 16 19 C THIRD D FOURTH I I I (1p„,fi,) c I I I (specify) 15 16 19 _ 5 16 - 19 VIII OPERATOR INFORMATION A NAME B Is the name listed in Item c I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I VIII-A also the Owner'? g]CNA HOLDINGS LLC - CELANESE SHELBY FACILITY p YES ❑NO 15 16 55 66 C STATUS OF OPERATOR(Enter the appropriate leller into the answer hos if"Other "specify) D PHONE(area axle&no) F=FEDERAL (specify) S=STATE M=PUBLIC(other than federal or state) p A (704) 480-5726 P=PRIVATE 0=OTHER(specify) 58 15 6 • 18 119 21 I22 • 26 ff II II ll II E STREET OR P O BOX $L 2125 ACKSBURG 1209DI I I ' ' l i ( I I I I I I l ) 28 55 F CITY OR TOWN G STATE H ZIP CODE IX INDIAN LAND c I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I Is the facility located on Indian lands'? B GROVER NC 28073 ❑YES 121 NO 52 15 16 40 41 82 47 - 51 X EXISTING ENVIROMAENTAL11.1111111111111111111 PERMITS A NPDES(Disc%a es to Surface Fate2) D PSD(Air Emissions from Proposed Sources) CT I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I CT , I I I I I I I I I I I 9 N NC0004952 9 P 16 16 17 18 30 16 16 17 18 30 B UIC(Under vaund Infection of Fluids) E OTHER(specly) c r i I ( I I I I 1 1 1 1 I c T l 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I (speCif))LAND APPLICATION OF SLUDGE 9 U 9 wt}Oalio3$ 15 18 17 18 30 15 16 17 18 30 C RCRA(Hazardous Wastes) E OTHER(speck') C T I I I 11 I I 11 III I c r I T 1 1 1 1 I I I 11 I l (spec )NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT IIIi9 R NCD003446721 g NCS000064 15 16 17 18 30 15 16 17 18 30 XI MAP Attach to this application a topographic map of the area extending to at least one mile beyond property boundaries The map must show the outline of the facility,the location of each of its existing and proposed intake and discharge structures,each of its hazardous waste treatment,storage,or disposal facilities,and each well where it injects fluids underground Include all springs,rivers,and other surface water bodies in the map area See instructions for precise requirements XII NATURE OF BUSINESS .rovide a bnef descn.tion MANUFACTURER OF THERMOPLASTIC AND ELASTOMER POLYESTER RESINS INCLUDING COMPOUNDING OPERATIONS XIII CERTIFICATION(see instructions) I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this application and all attachments and that,based on my inquiry of those persons immediately responsible for obtaining the information contained in the application,I believe that the information is true,accurate,and complete / am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment A NAME&OFFICIAL TITLE(type in print) B ATURE C DATE SIGNED NICOLE B COFFEE - DIRECTOR OF PRODUCTION V-1 0 .-- COMMENTS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY C IS 16 ss EPA Form 3510-1(8-90) From NC0004952 (Celanese Shelby NC) February 2018 NPDES Permit Renewal Application. ,, Laboratory Report PRISM Full-Service Analytical a Environmental Solutions 02/19/2018 iwaon.To*IFS INC Celanese Project 2018 Permit Renewal Client Sample ID 001 EFF(Comp) Attn Michael Sparks Prism Sample ID 8010261-01 2525 Blacksburg Road Prism Work Order 8010261 Grover, NC 28073 Sample Matrix Water Time Collected 01/18/18 14 40 Time Submitted 01/18/18 16 45 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Anions by Ion Chromatography Fluoride 0 43 mg/L 0 10 0.013 1 '300 0 2/13/18 17 34 EGC P880275 Sulfate 12 mg/L 1.0 0 20 1 '300 0 2/13/18 17 34 EGC P8B0275 General Chemistry Parameters Total Nitrogen 0.62 mg/L 0 60 0 17 1 'Total Nitrogen 2/1/18 9 42 CLB jCALC] Nitrate/Nitrite as N BRL mg/L 0 10 0 0024 1 'SM4500-NO3 F 2/1/18 9 42 CLB P8B0002 Phosphorus-Total 0 050 mg/L 0 050 0 011 1 'SM4500-P F 1/26/18 11 12 CLB P8A0352 Total Dissolved Solids 230 mg/L 60 1 4 1 'SM2540 C 1/23/18 14 58 SLS P8A0332 Total Hardness 21 mg/L 0 66 0 052 1 *200 8 1/22/18 19 53 EGC [CALC] Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0 62 mg/L 0 50 0 17 1 *351 2 1/24/18 12 26 CLB P8A0316 Ammonia as N BRL mg/L 0 10 0 0046 1 'SM4500-NH3 G 1/29/18 10 32 CLB P8A0360 Total Metals 1 Aluminum 0 062 mg/L 0 050 0 0086 1 '200 8 1/22/18 19 53 EGC P8A0294 Antimony 0 0053 mg/L 0.0010 0 000030 1 *200 8 1/22/18 19 63 EGC P8A0294 Arsenic BRL mg/L 0 0010 0 000052 1 '200 8 1/22/18 19 53 EGC P8A0294 Beryllium BRL mg/L 0 0010 0 000095 1 '200 8 1/22/18 19 53 EGC P8A0294 Boron BRL mg/L 0 20 0 038 1 '200 8 1/22/18 19 53 EGO P8A0294 Cadmium BRL mg/L 0 0010 0 00015 1 '200 8 1/22/18 19 53 EGC P8A0294 Calcium 5 6 mg/L 0 10 0 010 1 "200 8 1/22/18 19 53 EGC P8A0294 Chromium BRL mg/L 0 0010 0 00017 1 '200 8 1/22118 19 53 EGC P8A0294 Copper BRL mg/L 0 0050 0 00012 1 '200 8 1/22/18 19 53 EGO P8A0294 Iron BRL mg/L 0 10 0 0070 1 '200 8 1/22/18 19 53 EGC P8A0294 Lead BRL mg/L 0 0010 0 00013 1 '200 8 1/22/18 19 53 EGC P8A0294 Magnesium 1 7 mg/L 0 10 0 0066 1 '200 8 1/22/18 19 53 EGC P8A0294 Nickel BRL mg/L 0 0020 0 00012 1 '200 8 1/22/18 19 53 EGC P8A0294 Selenium BRL mg/L 0 0010 0 00029 1 '200 8 1/22/18 19 53 EGC P8A0294 Silver BRL mg/L 0 0010 0 000012 1 *200 8 1/22/18 19 53 EGC P8A0294 Thallium BRL mg/L 0 0010 0 000024 1 '200 8 1/22/18 19 53 EGC P8A0294 Zinc 0 017 mg/L 0 015 0 0012 1 '200 8 1/22/18 19 63 EGC P8A0294 This reportshould not be reproduced,except in its entirety,without the written consent of Prism Laboratories,Inc P � P 449 Springbrook Road-P 0 Box 240543-Charlotte,NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364-Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364-Fax 704/525-0409 Page 4 of 45 Attachment C INVISTA NPDES PERMIT No. NC0001112 RENEWAL APPLICATION INVISTA S.A R.L. • WILMINGTON, NC PLANT October 2014 Prepared by: COURY - SCIENCE 8 ENGINEERING PIIC NC FIRM#P-1120 FOR INVISTA S.a r.I. 4600 Hwy 421 North Wilmington, NC 28401 Attachment C CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT VII.SIC CODES (4-digit, in order of priority) A.FIRST • 8.SECOND 2821 (specfi`) UM (specify) 7 1e ITPlastic materials, synthetic resins , 15 1e Industrial Organic Chemicals not and non vulcanized elastomers elsewhere classified C.THIRD D.FOURTH c 4959 (specify) Z (specify) s ,e 17 Sanitary Services 7 1 1. VIII.OPERATOR INFORMATION A.NAME B,Is the name listed In Rem c INVISTA S.ar.l VIII-A also the owner? 8 0 YES 0 NO to 19 58 C.STATUS OF OPERATOR(Entangazimmgralkajaljgalhe answer box,'if"Other,"specify.) 0.PHONE jarea code&no.) F=FEDERAL M=PUBLIC(other than federal orstate) p (specify) C 910 341 5500 S=STATE O=OTHER(specify) P=PRIVATE Se 15 i 16 18 19 21 22 25 E.STRZIF?R PO BOX 4600 Highway 421 North F.CITY OR TOWN G.STATE H.ZIP CODE IX.INDIAN LAND c Wilmington NC 28401 Is the facility located on Indian lands? B ❑YES Ile NO 15 16 - -----...._ i0 42 3 47 et X.EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS A.NPDES(Discharges to Surface Water) D.PSD(Air Emissions from Proposed Sources) C T ' . NC0001112 c 1 • 9 N 9 P 15 16 17 1e � �- --� 30 15 16 17 to 30 B.UIC(Underground Injection of Fluids E.OTHER(specify) (Specify) C T ' c , 7 * NCS000118 NPDES, Stormwater 9 to 17 18 30 916 17 iQ 30 1 C.RCRA(Hazardous Wastes) E.OTHER(specify) (Specify) 9 R ' NCD990734055 9 1 ' 00164T51 Title V Air Quality 15 16 17 to 30 ti 16 17 to 30 Xi. MAP Attach to this application a topographic map of the area extending to at least one mite beyond property boundaries. The map must show the outline of the facility, the location of each of its existing and proposed intake and discharge structures, each of its hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities, and each well where it injects fluids underground. Include all springs, rivets and other surface water bodies in the ma. area. See instructions for precise 6uirements. XII.NATURE OF BUSINESS(provide a brief descri p ion Principal Products of INVISTA S.ar.!Wilmington The INVISTA, Wilmington facility manufactures a number of polyester polyols products which are chemical intermediates used in the production of polyurethane foams used for commercial and residential insulation. XIiI.CERTIFICATION(see instructions I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this application and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those persons immediately responsible for obtaining the information contained in the application, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibil' of fine a imprisonment. A.NAME&OFFICIAL TITLE(type or print) B : • 1'- 1 C DATE SIGNED Richard Bayless, Site Manager 4 R to/A, 14 COMMENTS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY c 15 16 551 ____ - EPA FORM 3510-1(8-90) • From NC0001112 (Invista Wilmington, NC) October 12014 NPDES Permit Renewal Application. 1 0 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE IN THE UNSHADED AREAS ONLY.You may report some or all of this information EPA I.D.NUMBER(copy/nee Item I of Form 1) on separate sheets(use the same format)instead of completing these pages. NCD 9 9 0 7 3 4 0 S 5 SEE INSTRUCTIONS. OUTFALL NO V.INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS(continued from page 3 of Form 2-C) PART A-You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table.Complete one table for each outfall See instructions for additional details. 3.UNITS 4.INTAKE 2.EFFLUENT (.rpee -if blank) Corinna) b.MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c.LONG TERM AVRG.VALUE a.LONG TERM a.MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (riarmlahlr) (rJas'ailahlr) AVERAGE VALUE (1) II) d,NO.OF a.CONCEN- (1) b.NO.OF 1.POLLUTANT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS (1)CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b,MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES a,Biochemical Oxygen 39 85.9 6.6 14.5 1.94 4.5 249 mg/L lb/day Demand(HOI1) 6.Chemical Oxygen 20.1 1 35.2 m 2 1 /L lb/day(Mori) g c Total Organic Carbon 4.02 7.04 1 mg/L lb/day x) g d.Total Suspended Solids(MS) 34.9 101.3 9.8 29.0 7.0 16.4 248 mg/L lb/day e.Ammonia(asM 0.13 0.314 1 mg/L lb/day VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE t.Flow 0.619 0.404 0.294 365 MGD g.Temperature VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE (winter) 35 30.9 25.5 129 'C h.Temperature VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE (summer) 35.6 32.7 30.8 135 'C MINIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM i.pH 7.7 8.9 8.2 8.5 264 STANDARD UNITS PART 8- Mark*X'in column 2-a for each pollutant you know or have reason to believe is present Mark'X`in column 2-b for each pollutant you believe to be absent If you mark column 2a for any pollutant which is limited either directly. Co indirectly but expressly, in an effluent limitations guideline,you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant. For other pollutants for which you mark column 2a.you must provide quantitative data or an explanation of their presence in your discharge.Complete one table for each outfall.See the instructions for additional details and requirements. 2.MARK'X' 3.EFFLUENT 4.UNITS 5.INTAKE(opnonal) 1.POLLUTANT b.MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c.LONG TERM AVRG,VALUE a.LONG TERM AVERAGE AND a b a.MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE ({farYulohlr) (if available) VALUE CAS NO. BELIEVED BELIEVED (1) (1) (1) d.NO.OF a.CONCEN- Ill b.NO.OF (r/available) PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b.MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES a.Bromide / (24959-67.9) /� _ _ b.Chlorine.Tote! X 6.75 0.016 1 ug/L lb/d Residual c.Color X 15 N/A 1 PCU N/A d.Fecal Cdiform 1.78 N/A 1 cl/100mLy N/A _ -e.Fluoride v (16984-48-8) ^ 0.0965 0.17 1 mg/L lb/d t tVitratrNtrta 38.7 103.28 13.0 31.9 10 mg/L lb/d (as M EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V-1 CONTINUE ON REVERSE I I From NC0001112 (Invista Wilmington, NC) October Attac C 2014 NPDES Permit Renewal Application. ITEM V-B CONTINUED FROM FRONT 2.MARK'X' 3.EFFLUENT 4.UNITS 5.INTAKE(optional) 1.POLLUTANT b.MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c.LONG TERM AVRG.VALUE a.LONG TERM AND a b. a.MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (ifavailable) (ifava+lahle) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NO. BELIEVED BELIEVED (1) (1) (1) d.NO.OF a.CONCEN- (i) b.NO.OF (I/available) PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION - (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b.MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES g.Nitrogen. Total Organic(as X 0.673 1.62 1 mg/L lb/d M Gram s Oil e d X 1.61 1.34 1 mg/L lb/d I.Phosphorus (as P),Total X 7.61 19.6 3.12 8.08 12 mg/L lb/d (7723-14-0) J.Radioactivity \ / (1)Alpha,Total X (2)Beta,Total X (3)Radium. \/ Total �\ (4)Radium 228, Total k.Sulfate (a.SO,) X (14808-798) I.Sulfide X(a*SI m.Sulfite (m S0} X ND 1 (14285 45 3) n.Surfactants X ND 1 o.AfurNnun. TOE X 65.2 0.11 1 ug/L lb/d (7429-90-5) p.Barium,Total (7440-39-3) X 4.41 0.007 1 ug/L lb/d q.(7440-Boro n, Total) X 31.5 0.055 1 ug/L lb/d (7440- r. (2C 4)) X 229 0.401 1 ug/L lb/d a.Iron,Total X (7439-89-8) ND 1 L Magnesium. , To ) X 1130 1.98 1 ug/L lb/d u.Molybdenum. - . TOE X 23.7 0.04 1 ug/L lb/d (7439-98-7) v.Manganese, Total (7439965) X 33.6 0.06 1 ug/L lb/d w.Tin,Total X (7440-31-5) ND 1 x.Titanium, Total X ND 1 (7440-32-6) �\ EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V-2 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-3 Excerpt from 2017 Annual Groundwater Report Attachment D 2017 ANNUAL GROUNDWATER REPORT FOR DURAFIBER TECHNOLOGIES SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA CNA HOLDINGS LLC Prepared for: CNA Holdings LLC 222 W. Las Colinas Blvd. Suite 900 North Irving, Texas 75039 Prepared by: AECOM 1360 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 500 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 February 13, 2018 Project No. 60313948 Attachment D 2017 Annual Groundwater Report DuraFiber Technologies—Salisbury, NC CNA Holdings LLC Project No. 60313948 1.0 INTRODUCTION On October 4, 2000, CNA Holdings LLC (CNA, formerly Hoechst Celanese Corporation) entered into a Final Administrative Order on Consent (Consent Order) with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region IV office in Atlanta, Georgia, for the DuraFiber Technologies* (formerly known as KoSa/Hoechst Celanese/FII) in Salisbury, North Carolina. This Consent Order directed that CNA submit annual groundwater reports summarizing the data collected during the previous year's site monitoring activities. This report summarizes data collected during 2017. This corresponds to the period since the last annual status report was issued in February 2017. Two groundwater extraction systems were active at the site through late 2004. The source-area groundwater collection systems included twelve groundwater extraction wells near the former glycol recovery unit bottoms (GRUB) landfill, two groundwater extraction wells at the former chromate reduction unit (CRU) basins, and three groundwater extraction wells in the DowTherm Heaters Area. The perimeter containment system was comprised of 43 extraction wells along the eastern and northern property boundaries. On September 27, 2004, the EPA approved recommendations to cease extraction activities from the GRUB, CRU, and perimeter extraction systems. The approved systems were shut down between October 27 and November 2, 2004. In 2007, the EPA approved a transition to an annual monitoring program for the facility. Annual sampling events have been completed in October of each year. During this reporting period, potentiometric and groundwater quality data were collected in October 2017. Figure 1 presents the wells and other sample points that comprise the 2017 monitoring scheme for the site. Sampling and analytical results are presented in further detail in Section 3. *ln the fall of 2017, DuraFiber Technologies closed the facility and filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy. 1 Attachment D 2017 Annual Groundwater Report DuraFiber Technologies—Salisbury, NC CNA Holdings LLC Project No. 60313948 2.0 GROUNDWATER EXTRACTION SYSTEM SUMMARY A DowTherm ATM extraction system was historically operated at the facility. The system was not operational during an inspection completed in January 2011. The system had not produced any measureable quantity of separable phase material during the operational period. In addition, the DowTherm ATM concentrations in samples from this location were below detection limits in the samples collected from 2008 through 2010. The results of<0.010 milligrams per liter (mg/L), compared to a high concentration of 1,080 mg/L (diphenyl ether, July 2002) demonstrate the decline in DowTherm ATM presence at this former extraction location. Therefore, the system was not returned to service. The downgradient DowTherm ATM plume has remained stable to declining. Therefore, the extraction system remains inactive, and the plume will continue to be monitored. Additional activity will be recommended if future data suggests changes are needed. 2