HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190209 Ver 1_PCN Form Submission_20190215DWR - -.,, l bion of Water tXefearces Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form September 29, 2018 Ver 3 Initial Review Has this project met the requirements for acceptance into the review process?* k5 Yes C No Is this project a public transportation project?* C Yes O No Change only if reeled. BIMS # Assigned* 20190209 Is a payment required for this project? O No payment required C Fee received C Fee needed - send electronic notification Select Project Reviewer* Robb Mairs:eads\rlmairs2 Information for Initial Review Ia. Name of project: Hampstead Retail 1a. Who is the Primary Contact?* Kim Williams 1 b. Primary Contact Email:* kWIliams@lmgroup.net Date Submitted 2/15/2019 Nearest Body of Water UT of Old Topsail Creek Basin White Oak Water Classification SA; HOW Site Coordinates Latitude: 34.374125 Longitude: -77.704444 Version# * 1 Reviewing Office* Wilmington Regional Office - (910) 796-7215 1c. Primary Contact Phone:* (910)452-0001 A. Processing Information W County (or Counties) where the project is located: Pender Is this project a public transportation project?* C Yes M, No 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: V Section 404 Permit (wetlands, streams and waters, Clean Water Act) r Section 10 Permit (navigable waters, tidal waters, Rivers and Harbors Act) 1 b. What type(s) of permit(s) do you wish to seek authorization? V Nationwide Permit (MNP) r Regional General Permit (RGP) r Standard (IP) 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? O Yes r No Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: 39 - Commercial/Institutional Developments NWP Numbers (for multiple NWPS): 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: P 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular r7 401 Water Quality Certification - F)press ❑ Non -404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization Individual Permit 1e. Is this notification solelyfor the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR 401 Certification: r Yes r No For the record onlyfor Corps Permit: r Yes r No 1f. Is this an after -the -fact permit application?* C Yes r No 1g. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? O Yes r No 19. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? C Yes r No Acceptance Letter Attachment 1 h. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties? r Yes O No 1i. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? O Yes r No r Unknown 1j. Is the project located in a designated trout watershed? O Yes d No B. Applicant Information 1d. Who is applying for the permit? P Owner n Applicant (other than owner) 1e. Is there an Agent/Consultant for this project? C Yes c No 2. Owner Information 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: Hampstead Investment Company LLC 2b. Deed book and page no.: 2c. Responsible party: Mr. Jason D. Swain 2d. Address Street Address 1131-B Military Cutoff Road Address Lire 2 Cfty State / Province / Ragbn Wilmington NC Postal / Zip @de GmWy 28405 USA 2e. Telephone Number: 2f. Fax Number: (910)239-5590 2g. Email Address:* jason@swainassociates.com C. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Project Information 1b. Subdivision name: (if appropriate) 1c. Nearest municipality/ town: Hampstead 2. Project Identification 2a. Property Identification Number: 3292-09-9638-0000 2c. Project Address Street Address US Highway 17 South Address Lim 2 City Hampstead Fbstal / Zip Code 28443 3. Surface Waters 3a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:* Ur of Old Topsail Creek 3b. Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water:* SA; HQW 3c. What river basin(s) is your project located in?* White Oak 3d. Please provide the 12 -digit HUC in which the project is located. 030203020403 4. Project Description and History 2b. Property size: 1.7 State / Rwinoe / fbgion NC Cbuntry USA 4a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application:* Uplands are mostly cleared of vegetation and wetlands are vegetated with a canopy of red maple and black gum and a moderate shrub layer of red maple, red bay, titi, and wax myrtle. A Bell South easement runs through the western part of the site. Adjacent land use is mostly commercial development right off of Highway 17 with undeveloped and forested land to the north. 4b. Have Corps permits or DWR certifications been obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* d Yes O No O Unknown 4d. Attach an 8 1/2X11 excerpt from the most recent version of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the project site. (for DWR) Topo_map.pdf 1.28MB 4e. Attach an 81/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey map depicting the project site. (for DWR) Soils_map.pdf 1.35MB 4f. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: - 0.3 ac 4g. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: NIA 4h. Explain the purpose of the proposed project:* The purpose of the project is to construct a retail/restaurant development to serve the community of Hampstead that is conveniently located off of Highway 17 and adjacent to epsting shops. Wetland Impacts are needed to construct a portion of the parking lot around the proposed buildings. 41. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect impacts and the type of equipment to be used:* The project includes the construction of one retail building with four tenants, access way around the building, parking, stormwater, and utilities. Pender County -required vegetated buffers will also be incorporated into the project. Stormwater treatment will be accomplished through an infiltration basin. Track hoe, loader, dump truck, bob cat, and other standard construction equipment will be used. 4j. Please upload project drawings for the proposed project. Hampstead Retail Site Plan.pdf 207.41 KB SEGMENTAL WALL DETAIL.pdf 169.26KB 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the property or proposed impact areas? O Yes O No b Unknown Comments: LMG submitted a PJD request package to the USACE on 12/6/18. 5b. If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made? O Preliminary t3 Approved O Not Verified O Unknown 4 WA Corps AID Number: 5c. If 5a is yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Rob Moul Agency/Consultant Company: LMG Other: 5d1. Jurisdictional determination upload 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project?* O Yes d No Are any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permits(s) used, or intended to be used, to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity? No D. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary Ia. Where are the impacts associated with your project? (check all that apply): m Wetlands ❑ Streams -tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts 2a. Site #* (?) 2a1 Reason(?) 2b. Impact type * M 2c. Type of W. 2d. W. name * 2e. Forested* 2f. Type of 2g. Impact Jurisdicition*(?) area* 1 FillP Hardwood Flat WA Yes Both 0.032 (acres) 2g. Total Temporary Wetland Impact 0.000 2g. Total Wetland Impact 0.032 2h. Comments: 2g. Total Permanent Wetland Impact 0.032 E. Impact Justification and Mitigation 6 1. Avoidance and Minimization Ia. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project: The applicant attempted to minimize impacts as much as possible in the site design. However, because of the shape of the site, amount of wetlands, and the Bellsouth easement, impacts could not be avoided. The applicant proposes to use a retaining wall along a section of the parking lot to reduce wetland impacts. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques: The applicant proposes to use a retaining wall along the access way to reduce wetland impacts. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? 4 Yes O No 2b. If this project DOES NOT require Compensatory Mitigation, explain why: Impacts are less than 0.1 acre. F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? C' Yes C No If no, explain why: Project is located within the White Oak River Basin. 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS000250? r Yes r No 2b. Does this project meet the requirements for low density projects as defined in 15A NCAC 02H.1003(2)? C Yes r No 2c. Does this project have a stormwater management plan (SMP) reviewed and approved under a state stormwater program or state -approved local government stormwater program? r Yes r No 3. Stormwater Requirements 3a. Select whether a completed stormwater management plan (SMP) is included for review and approval or if calculations are provided to document the project will not cause degradation of downstream surface waters.* C, Stormwater Management r Antidegradation Plan Calculations 3b. Stormwater Management Plan 3c. Antide gradation Calculations: Comments: Project engineer is in the process of preparing a stormwater permit application. G. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land?* C' Yes r No 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certification Rules (15A NCAC 2H.0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H.1300), or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B.0200)?* r Yes r No 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will this project result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality?* r Yes r No 3b. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. Project will not provide access or utilities to adjacent tracts. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project?* rYesr Nor tYA 4b. Describe, in detail, the treatment methods and dispositions (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project. If the wastewater will be treated at a treatment plant, list the capacity available at that plant. Project will tie into local wastewater system. 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat?* r Yes G No 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts?* C Yes r No 5d. Is another Federal agency involved?* O Yes d No O Unknown 5e. Is this a DOT project located within Division's 1-87 O Yes O No 5f. Will you cut any trees in order to conduct the work in waters of the U.S.? O Yes O No 5g. Does this project involve bridge maintenance or removal? O Yes O No 5h. Does this project involve the construction/installation of a wind turbine(s)?* O Yes O No 51. Does this project involve (1) blasting, and/or (2) other percussive activities that will be conducted by machines, such as jackhammers, mechanized pile drivers, etc.? O Yes O No If yes, please provide details to include type of percussive activity, purpose, duration, and specific location of this activity on the property. 5j. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? The NC Natural Heritage Program website was used to determine the presence of federally -listed species. No federally listed species are known to occur on or within a one mile radius of the site. The site is mostly a cleared field. Some forested areas exist in the southwestern portion of the site, mostly in wetlands. The forested areas support mainly red maple and black gum. This would not provide suitable habitat for the red -cockaded woodpecker. It is also too dense to provide appropriate habitat for the federally -listed plants known to occur in Pander County. The forested area could provide suitable roosting habitat for the northern long-eared bat. Some trees will be removed at the wetland impact area. However, no maternity roosting habitat or hibernacula are known to occur near the site. Therefore, the tree clearing is exempt under the 4(d) rule. No impacts to federally - listed species are anticipated to occur from this project. Consultation Documentation Upload 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?* O Yes O No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact an Essential Fish Habitat?* NOAA EFH Mapper 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status?* O Yes O No 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?* The NC State Historic Preservation Office HPOWEB GIS mapping resource was used to determine the presence of cultural or historic resources. No cultural or historical resources were noted within the site. Topsail School (Study List: PD0301) is located south of the site, on the other side of Hwy 17. Several other surveyed structures are located northwest of the site. 7c. Historic or Prehistoric Information Upload 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA -designated 100 -year floodplain?* O Yes O No 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? The Flood Risk Information System website Miscellaneous Comments Miscellaneous attachments not previously requested. Signature V m By checking the box and signing below, I certify that: • I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; • I agree that submission of this PCN form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND • I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name: Kmberlee C Williams Signature Date 2/15/2019 VICINITY MAP SCALE. 1"= 1,000' SITE INFORMATION .,-T�pI. YIdfiCAi$b1MATKN! HAMPSIEPD OEVaOPMENT CO -INC 1131 B MILITARY CUTOFF ROAD mLrq,CM NC11100 PIN ACEE5(DEEM BOOK I PAGE)/ZIXJE 3292L9..R36 -1TV AC 13439iMI CURRENT LAND USE VACANT LAND EXISTING ZONING GENERAL WSINEIN DISTRICT (GO) TOTAL SNE AREA _ ACT5es55F) LAND AREA q33 AcS TOTAL DP/ELOPED AREA _ I,2r AC 154159 RET TOV.NSIIP TOPSAIL PROPOREDURE RETAIL/RE—RANT ADJACENT PROPERTY OhNERS ARERfuePMrLNrfarwl wI u}BYIA""YP W` r- Zs .IN REAN t --O Iry IX Id MA% HEIGHT 40 M m •MRd�1Mn4PI.s NOI 1pR�cW p N1V>•+Tr BUILDING INFORMATION PARKING CALCULATIONS FiS,INW.VI RETAIL 3e SPACES p 1 9 12SPACES 1271 SH IMc fAuOrED PIOKEO M SSPACE L M%OFMINIMUM)- tO SPACE rrR1,vMErEawED HANDICAPPED PAN KINGRPEWIREO 3RPACESS }SPACES HANDICAPPED PANNING —1— FLOODPLAJN NOTES 25PACES MOOD Z EX THEREMENO SP='LOOD HAZARD AREAS LOCAT. ON THE KIRRCI PARCELS ACCORGNG TO FEMA ROOD INSUNANCE RATE MAP IPA -3292 NUMBER SIGNS All PRI FOR BE .GT— PHASING UTILITIES S ni vRotsm,; wWPRrNTWYA,HILUq tlN DlNPII MNAIEGIl1rlE YWrCYMRA p11'/NYx6YLTCRVF[LIIf GYbIWCOUHff f MgRYnf IR:1l THR1rCdMT WI'FK6DM'T rNauElvlr Rr�ERR+IDIT11 GENERALNOTES I ALL MENT RHALL BE IN ACC SHALL COMPLY AIM ALL F 3 PRJORTO ANYCLENtING GRADING, PLLED AROUND PROTECTED TRI WORKERS. TOOLS MATERIALS, OR V TREE REMOVAL I TRE ESTOBERENOVEDARESHO—ONMAJORSTEPLANIG2.0I REFERTOC20FOR TREE REM—AND MITIGATION CHANT f 1 JIFER CANDICE ETAL ' 1605 PG 1 BB2 i '-ONED RP Ir l HAMPSTEAD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PB35PG9 ZONED 081 PRO POSED LANDSCAPE BUFFER SEE SHEET C-20 FOR DETAILS r' �` ••- ... -�-.! � IY?5'11-Of•F ,01 1� . \ nT � PRAO INFILTRATION RN 'A . PROPOSED- .; - �- _ -- - • J, INFILTRATION BASIN t '0 10 PROPOSED LANDSCAPE BUFFER SEE SHEET C-20 � I ryR ,FOR DETAILS ,B CONCRErE BUMP):R $l4CIS 6 P-09 WIDE PARKING LOT !J CONLFI£H C9HLFL£TE ❑2 1CI4T TY A5PNVILT PAVING StRIPI DA SITH?^YA.f SHOWN USE ANCHOR AN CH OR TO PANNG WITH t211'S O PA R FER TOOI:TNI GSv PAIR)•MMRE LO IS EBAR HEAVY DUTY MLA T PA1AR(1 RE TO DETAIL 650 ` REFER DETAIL REFER TO DETNL 65.0 19 ® PERIALTUAS40NLRETE' R oRa RErE Tao T,�Ls 5a t•RR�DETN f dry'•;. 1+ I I I 'VL 656 M F"POMO I vs0posED I PRDpOTEQ I PROPOSED TEWNT 10.1 :TU&M tW RIW7 W1 TENANT 1 O \. WW" j4k ❑8TANWROW11C9Oi CURSAOUTIER- 6 ft 9ErWL 691 15 kA11T1Gp PN&WG SYA�yL• sf,8765F x3.'1115 11195E T.255 5-F 5D REFFf: TO pgrNL GSD REFER ip DETAIL 650 ,6 YM4IDIT1L1+AiCBS.SO OKHNNo ZONE �ElYA1Y"'O" ❑B CQ��DpR�� COMPLIANT) AND STRIPE AS SHOWN. POSE➢ i,.=GGAUL ;1 N DESIDN TMACCESSNRE ROIIT✓< 1JSTMPNGANO �g 7NW SIGN Ci1m A ' TAJ REDESING WALL SEE = SEE DESIGN BY OTHERS k I MAXIMUM IN DIRECTION OF TRAVEL L _ t . l • )SIP 15 16 BOB JERABECKDEVELOPMENT, LLC ZONED GB 11 Wetland Impact #1: 0.032 acre (1,400 sfl �` A T , y PROPOSED tOk]flSIGLE TRIANGLE N. PROPOSED LANDSCAPE ~- BUFFER SEE SHEET C-20 FOR DETAILS US HIGHWAY 17 (100' PUBLIC RAN- 45 MPH) KEY NOTES: � �j pp o ,B CONCRErE BUMP):R $l4CIS R SO DEI 450 , P-09 WIDE PARKING LOT !J CONLFI£H C9HLFL£TE ❑2 1CI4T TY A5PNVILT PAVING StRIPI DA SITH?^YA.f SHOWN USE ANCHOR AN CH OR TO PANNG WITH t211'S O PA R FER TOOI:TNI GSv PAIR)•MMRE LO IS EBAR HEAVY DUTY MLA T PA1AR(1 RE TO DETAIL 650 (2 COAAYAWi10N0 12 COATS) 12 PAVEMEHN AIARKWGS. REFER DETAIL REFER TO DETNL 65.0 19 ® PERIALTUAS40NLRETE' R oRa RErE Tao T,�Ls 5a t•RR�DETN 13 CAP'PAR31wO51vK �� O KANOAR➢ 2y G1FN8d GUT1E0.' 'VL 656 RFF FRO D�TNL G , 4 SRyT�[ WAR1iN[y Jyi_ CFS ❑8TANWROW11C9Oi CURSAOUTIER- 6 ft 9ErWL 691 15 kA11T1Gp PN&WG SYA�yL• ❑ CREME S1DEOY�tl.1[ REFFf: TO pgrNL GSD REFER ip DETAIL 650 ,6 YM4IDIT1L1+AiCBS.SO OKHNNo ZONE �ElYA1Y"'O" ❑B CQ��DpR�� COMPLIANT) AND STRIPE AS SHOWN. UBRWP NI M,_• V TAIL 650 DESIDN TMACCESSNRE ROIIT✓< 1JSTMPNGANO �g 7NW SIGN Ci1m A SLO 5% 'rNL C5 p MAXIMUM IN DIRECTION OF TRAVEL 10 cTxICRETE DpOR LAHDIW3' SEE ARf]IT Ci WITH 2%M )MUM CROSS SLOPE PROPOSEDDUMPSTER WIENCLOSURE -i [ ' to 1 APPROVEDDTPBgDMCOLWH7MFIEDiEVELaMMOTUN LEADMWISTRAT01 SIGNATURE: DATE SITE PUN VALID FOR TWO YEARS FROMAPPROVAL DATE PRO POSEDLANDSCAPE BUFFER SEE SHEET C-20 FOR DETAILS PENDER COUNTY FARM BUREAU _ PB35PGM :.\ ZONED GB 1l 1 t PROPOSED 10kAY SIGHT TRIANGLE � PROPOSED HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT SECTION T PROPOSED BUILDING � PROPOSEDCONCRETE ASPHALT PAVEMENT WITHIN EXISTING WETLAND AREA • NCDOT SHALL MEET THE 1 EXISTING TREE LINE TYPICAL NCOOT PAVEMENT �> SECTION ON SHEET 650 1 v 1 APPROVEDDTPBgDMCOLWH7MFIEDiEVELaMMOTUN LEADMWISTRAT01 SIGNATURE: DATE SITE PUN VALID FOR TWO YEARS FROMAPPROVAL DATE PRO POSEDLANDSCAPE BUFFER SEE SHEET C-20 FOR DETAILS PENDER COUNTY FARM BUREAU _ PB35PGM :.\ ZONED GB 1l 1 t PROPOSED 10kAY SIGHT TRIANGLE LEGEND: PROPOSED HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT SECTION ® PROPOSED BUILDING PROPOSEDCONCRETE ASPHALT PAVEMENT WITHIN EXISTING WETLAND AREA • NCDOT SHALL MEET THE EXISTING TREE LINE TYPICAL NCOOT PAVEMENT -' SECTION ON SHEET 650 LEGEND: PROPOSED HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT SECTION ® PROPOSED BUILDING PROPOSEDCONCRETE EXISTING WETLAND AREA PROPOSED WETLAND FILL AREA EXISTING TREE LINE PROPOSED LIGHT POLE PROPOSED TREE PROTECTION FENCE SO PARKING SPACE COUNT GRAPHIC SCALE Callbol[my,ouft 40 SCALE: 1" = 501 E AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I/we, the undersigned, hereby authorize Land Management Group to act as our agent in the preparation and representation of information related to the Section 404/401 permit application for Hampstead Retail Project; Pender County, NC project. All questions in regards to this project should be directed to Land Management Group. Sincerely, I�a,� 5 �dud �.r►v�s �wie� �w��uw�, �C ,ems Date PRECAST CAPSTONE ADHERED TO TOP UNIT AS PER MANUF. 12" 150x300mm (6"x12") PRECAST CONC. d UNITS an III—III IIII -III-III — III —III—III—III—III—III-I I I - III -III - III - III. -III -III - III -III n SII dd a ; 12" AGG. BACKFILL d IIN� d II II SOIL BACKFILL Q DOWEL UNITS AS a li O PER MANUF. AND PIN Q FABRIC TO UNITS ° vx O FABRIC REINFORCEMENT O PLACED EVERY 4 UNITS FOR ° Qa li d WALLS LESS THAN 3 000 (10'). TALLER N! WALLS. TYPICALLY EXTEND 1 500-1 800 (5'-6') BEYOND BACK IIS OF WALL n; a 4 �� -III III III °U 3Of ISI-ISI-ISI-ISI- t� p _�-ISI-ISI-III —IIIIII—III a ;; d FABRIC SEPARATOR, IF '60 REQ. 0 4"0 DRAIN PIPE PLACED ENTIRE _ L ---_--- — —_III—_III—_III—_III_ LENGTH OF WALL III IIIIII-III I I III I IIIIIIII I I I I I II I I -III I El I III IIIIIIIII-III III -III I II I II I I- I IIIII PREPARED 2'-0" SUBGRADE 6" AGG. BASE CONCRETE UNIT RETAINING WALL NOT TO SCALE Date: 02/14/19 SEGMENTAL RETAINING pARAMOUNTE Scale NOT TO SCALE Drawn: RPB 122 Cinema Drive, Wilmington, NC, 28403 (910)-791-6707 WALL DETAIL Chk: RPB NC License #: C-2846 Proj. No: 18290.PE `w Sam �4 W, . � wit 16 4 SALI ITE.'',}, y , r' Legend N AnB: Alpin fine sand, 1-6% slopes Hampstead Retail�:-�LMG Figure 1 inch - 50 feet Mu: Murville muck Pender County, NC LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP gure 4 L:\WETLANDS\2018 WETLANDS FILES\LMG18.389 --- Soils Ma Morris Tract, Claude Arnold\MAPS February2019 a DAVEYI company P 0 20 40 80 Boundaries are approximate and not meant to be absolute. LMG 18.389 3805 Wrightsville Avenue Feet Wilmington, NC 28403 Map Source: GIS Soils Data 1 1 (910) 452-0001 1 1Scale applies to 11X17" print. A • SITE ILt i ft;000 • i • • • SITE r L:\WETLANDS\2018 WETLANDS FILES\LMG18.389 --- Morris Tract, Claude Arnold\MAPS Boundaries are approximate and not meant to be absolute. Map Source: USGS Hampstead Quad • io� to '-" • a Ir ;Ow ... • Esri, HERE, Garmin�t, O OpenStreetMap contributors, Copyrigf • 14 3 National G r is Society, N 1 inch = 300 feet 0 150 300 600 Feet Scale applies to 11X17" print. ILt r L:\WETLANDS\2018 WETLANDS FILES\LMG18.389 --- Morris Tract, Claude Arnold\MAPS Boundaries are approximate and not meant to be absolute. Map Source: USGS Hampstead Quad • io� to '-" • a Ir ;Ow ... • Esri, HERE, Garmin�t, O OpenStreetMap contributors, Copyrigf • 14 3 National G r is Society, N 1 inch = 300 feet 0 150 300 600 Feet Scale applies to 11X17" print.