HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171100 Ver 1_180823 Progress Meeting Minutes Revised 083118_20180831� � • ` _ ����� E�IGIN�ERS & ASSOCIATES, 1NC. - � PL�NN�f�S SURVEYOf�S LAh�SCAPf_ARC911TE(,1� "Celebrating Itl(1 Years of Service" 1918-2018 MEM{]RANDUI'VI "I'Q: All Attendees F RO M DATE S[J6JCCT: J. Ranclal l Jones, .lr., P.E., Project Cnbineei� � . August 28, 2018 Revised Augrrs! 31� 2(118 Montl�ly Progress Meeting — Meetiu� #�i Tyrr•ell Ca�Eilty - SR I 249 Draiilabe I�r�proveil�c��ts Rei�rsrnrrslclurifccr�inrls rs�urlt� iia t�esp��7se fn srtggc�sli�its of flte Cairlruclor ure indicnled irz bold, ilalic fo►rf. I'l�t(�(sR1:SS ME�TII�� MINUT�S R�VISION NO, 1—CONTRACT 1 M�LT[NG f�ATC LOCA°1'ION ATTENUEF_,S ADDITIONAL DISTRII3U`['ION: Th��rsd��y, Aug�ist 23, 201 R cJ 2:00 i'M Tyrrell Caunly Go�crnn�ent Ofrce 10� Water Street, Columbia, NC Or��niz�ttion Tyr�'ell Co��nty R.P.C. Coi�tracting, inc. "1'own �f Col�nz�bi�� Rivers & Associatcs, Inc Namc; David Clegg, County Managcr .lohnny Spencer, WaterlSewer 5upervisor Jay Hawelcottc, Project Mana�ea- Ecic�ic Valdivieso, P.E., Project Enginee�• Glenn Willoughby, Superintcndent Rl�ett White, Town Manager James Calloo�l, Mayor Gre� Churehill, P.E., Si'. Project Manager l�at�dal] Joiles, P.E., Project C�lgiileer Dale Aiiderson, Co�lstruction lnspec#or Tim Oli�ei•, Colutnbia Wate��/Waste Watet' Supervisor Paul Williams, NCDOT Divisic�n 1 Guy White, NCDO`I' Divisiail l Bricl�e Marsh�tkl Gill, NCDOT Tyrrell County RiveG's f i le 20 l � 1$0 .f l.2 107 East 5econd 5freet Greenville, NC; 27858 ■ Post Office Box 929, Greenville, NC 27835 ■ Phone: 252-752-4135 ■ Fax: 252-752-3974 NCaELS Lic, Na. F-0334 www.riversandassociates.com NC�30� Lic. No. C-312 "l'y�-rell Co�i��t.y - SR1209 laz-ainag� lznp�•ovea��c��ts Au.gust 23, 2018 P��o�ress M��*ting Mi��utes i"I��:MS DI� llI�ClJ5S1QN: I. SUI3MITTALS: A. Coalst►•uctio�� ScE�ed��le: I'age 2 Cc�nstr��ction Scl-►edtile Revisiot� #3 IZ�s been appt•oved wit{� tEie ful€ t'oad closu�'e to acct►r na ea���ier tl�a�l T«esday, 9�4-18 �c�7, 9:00 AM, tlle da}r afte►• Labo►• Day. 7'lze timefiame for full �°oad closu�•e ��vas set for iive weeks. Ca��t�acta�� to keep Owt�er and �ngineer i�llormed as soon as p►-actical if c6�a►iges a��e eequi��ed. "1'yr►•ell Cou��ty 11as issued �ioti�cation 3-eg�jrdi�-►b the �-oad closir►g to tEic publ'tc far six. weeks. 2. Jay nated that at this ju►ictu�•e, adllea•ence to the pz•oposed schedule hinged p��itnarily o►i Do�ninion Power's ability to relocate the eEectric setvice pol� i�1 short order. Ri'C a��d Rivers agreed to folfow up with Lucian Gregory wit11 Do�ri�lion in ordei� to dete�-�ri��e the i��te�lded date for relocatia�� of the pole. B. Sl-►op Drawi�lgs: 1. Fngineer i�as retur��cd Shap Drawings 1 tl�rougli 14 a��d all related ►•evisio�is. At tt�is tiine all s11op drawings ha�e been review�d and approved i�� same f'ashion. 2. Remi�7de�• or� Shop Drawing No. 3— RPC is checking with their utility subconh�acto�', Enviz•o-Teck�, to detez�miale wl1et17er tlle fou�° (4) sanitary sewer manhole rings and cove�•s can be switched o�t to water-tight in lieLt oftllat which ��vas sub�nitied. 3. If a portion af AC watec linc must be �•cplaccd with D1P due to a stor►n drain co�lllict, Rivers requested t11at a cui shect for ihe proposed transition coupli�lg be sLtbanitted #or ��cvaew a��d appz•or�a[. IT, 11T[LITIES: A. New Installatian: 1. Cont�'actor's and L��ginecr's foctts I�as bcet� on idcntifying poteniial «ndergi•o�nd utility conflicts and ide��tifyi��g expcdient aE�d cost-ciFecti�c �reasu�-es to �ni�iimize thc impact of tl�c d��ai�iage i�npror�e�ne��ts o�1 tk�e existi��g watcr a�id sewer systems. B. Cxisting Co��t�iicts: l. So�ne minor horizoaltal aaid vcrtical �djust�ncnts l�ave b�e�� �nade to tl�e 18" RCP and assaciated d��ai��age stEvctures iil order to �void i�-►-►pacts to tl�e utility systcans. 2. I�i otller a�-cas, thcre is i10 choice but to adjust o�° �nodify tlle existi��g ��tilities to �tvoid the co��flict. U��it priccs }�a�e been established w�ih a��pro��t[ by TyrrelE Y:Il.,andl)cv17)�rrell Cnunl�� - 5R 1209 Drainsibe fmpvts - 2O] 51801A]J�vl]N11-Cunstructinn11.2-CoritrTcto�� Cor�11808?3„_ I'robress Meetin� I�fo. lli ROR23 Pro�ress Mcetine Mimues f2evised [1R3] tl3.doc 1'y►-reli Coui�ty - SR1209 L��-ai��abe Imp�-avements Elugust 23, 2018 �'z•ogress Meetii�g IVliriutes I'�ge 3 �ou�lty to adj�►st several existi��� water a��d sanitaty sewe[� serv[ces that cot�flict with tlle p�•oposed 18" RCI'. 3. Additional i�1te►�fe��ence marlholes may be required i�l certain a►�eas. Unit prices aa•e estal�lished i�� thc coaatract to add��ess tllese additions. 4. A uilit price €nay be ►•equired to accoL�t�t toa• ►nodificatians or ad.just��le►�is to t11e existing 6" AC water inai��. 5. 1'ipin� �»aterials foi� t(�e w�ter a��d sewer serv�ce �•eplace�nents were delivered o» the day of the probress �neeting. 6. Jay noled ti�at otller tl�an o►�e sl�ort sticic of AC water pipe that may I�ave to be ►°eplaced witl� DiP, !�e bclieves aEl othei• potential contlicts J1ave bee�� addressed tl�us far. III. Sl]RVEYING: A. Const��Lictio►� Stalceout: 1. "l,he Contt•actoi•'s surveyo�• h��s est�tblished i�a►'izonta[ contral fo�� �•aadway a��d stor�n drainage latcrals. At ihe app��opriate time, the L,ngineer will �rovide modifred finished grades far the lops af cu�-b and tops af catch Uasi��s to account I:o�• field adjustments tl�at may be required of sa�ne catch basins. 2. The p��oject 6encl��nark �nust be t'elocatcd as ti�e tz•ee ti�ai i��cludes the original 6enchmark w�ll be t•emoved to �ccomrn��date tE�e utility �•eiocatioE� wot'k. 13oth the Co►�t��actoi° and l7ale will independently establisf� a re�ocated be��ch�ra►•k. �, R�Cp1'd Uk'�W111�5: 1, l�ur�uar�t tn NCDOT SPeci�ccrtio�� Sectior� .l 500-7, Prnvide us-Gc�ilt plaras r�f the instaJled utilify. Tlze pJa��,� si�u�c,n�cu�r� ►��rurl�,z.s of tlze size und type muteriu! irtstullecl, cvar�dir�rrtes r�f utilrtJ� cnratrnl4 ur�d hor�izontul ur�d verticrr! locations of the piping. 2. 'T'11e L:��gineer also expressed the i►nportance of �-ecordii�b elevations and locatians far n�adifrcatrons ra�ade to existii�g «tilities. IV. SAFTTY: A. Coa�st�•uctian Procedu�-es: RPC i��dicated tl�at tl�ey co►�ti����e ta faflaw il�eir co►��pany safety p(a��, at�d condttct daily praject meetin�s to ensure a safe worlcing envirantnent, l. Injuries No��e ��ated. 2. Cooa•dinatio�� P:1LandC7e�1`l�yrrell C'ounty - S12 1209 t7r�i�a�gc Impvfs - 20151 ROIAllMIN�I-Co��s[ructionit 2-Co��lraclor Corrll $0323_Pro�ress 1��eeting No, I11$i1823 Pragress Meetinn MinoLes iZevised 083118.�ac Tyrrell Caunry - SIZ1209 D�•ai�iage I�npr•ove►ner�ts l�ugust 23, 201 S Pragress Meeting Minutes I'age 4� Rllett White raised ihe rssue of scl�ool c{�ildz'e�� tliat ��vi11. be escorted by �eachers/char�erones across tE�e pedest��ian 6►•idge ta a bus wa.itit�g on tl�e ather side o�� il�e sireet. A fe��cc or so�»e so►•t of tempora�•y 6ai•��ie�• was suggested. Mr. Clegg noted that tEie teinpo��ary pedest►•ian bridge does not I�ave E�a��d rai[s, 6ut is fai�•ly wide, t�o�igi�ly 7 feet, a��d tllat a railir�g cauld be added. �'Ite per%Siri�r�� b�•rcdgc� is ►xvi a�art of �Ite work coves•ed ��� slzowsa on dlte Coratt�uct Doctrment5. Aa sucla, fhe �°esponsrbrliPy _�or !he prnvis°iort, sitis�g, ifa4lrrllrrtron, naarnferrance und �•enzoval vf tlte pedebtria�� brirlge plu.� llze rrssnciated �r°ovisro�� of a11 srefegurerds, safety devices rer�d pratective equip�stent thaP nzay be needed to protec! tlze sr{f'ety of!lae�u6lic when using �he 6ridge shall rest wifJt the County. V. 7'EIVIPORARY FACiLITI 11. l{acilities: l . Paria lohns O►ic po��a johr► has been eeected o��-site. 2, Pedestrian Foot Bridgc —"The locatio�� for tlie foat bE•idge has beea� discussed and esta61isl1ed by Tyrreli Cot�nty and RPC. It will be located on the east side of SR 1209 just outside of the p�•oject [i�nits. Wcs l�apk�ns with Tyrt•ell County Eme�•gency Managemet�t will deliver the b�id�e to the site. The Cantractor and Tyrrell County will coordiilate the sci�edule such tl�at the slleet pile subcontraclor can set the bridge whiEe his crane is onsate. The existialg Dominion electric service pole, project venchmar]<, and existi��g teees i�i tEie vici��ity must be addeessed �cioz• to setting the bridge. �'he proJ�osed Iacation o�111e pede,slrian foot 6rirl�;e wus estul�liahed by Tyrrel! Cnunly nfficicals. Wi1h r•espect tn the liming o f delivery nf llre bridge 6y Tyr•re11 Cou�tfy to tlrei�� .selected 6rid�;e locutiorr .site, RPC .51Lj�'�LS1clI II?Cll l,f IITL I11i7117g coirrcided wilh I�PC's sl�eet pile in.strrllatio►� sar6cont��actor 6ein� on the job witlz a crane tlre tlzat subcorrtractr�r may be willing tn set tlte pe�Iestrian bridge ir� place for the Courrty af fern�s (if any) se�ut•utely u�;��eed uporz betweer� �he Courzty ulzd tl�e su6corrtruc�tvr. I3. Mate�-ials Storage: 1. Soine materia[s have been stored onsite an the Tawn's ��'ape��ty. 'Tl�e Contractor sl�ould a'eview tl�e lacatior►s and quantities of stored materials with Dale if Rl'C desires conside��ation far payme��t as stared matcrials. 1':1C._and17ev1'�I'yrrell Coiinry - SR �209 Draina�e ]mp�[s - 20151 Rt11AD1�41MJ-Conslructin�i11.2-C'onlractor Cnrr1150323_1'rngress Mecting No. L1180823 Pro�ress i9ee[in� Minules ftcviscd D831 18.duc Tyrrell Cou►�ty T SFt1209 i���aia�age lar�prove�r�e��ts August 23; 20l S Prog�-�ss Meeti��g Minutes VL CROSION CONTROI.: A. IVliscella��eous: Pag� S [. Silt bag is i�� �lace, a��d beirlg uiilized as required for dewateri��g. �ilt fence and silt fe��ce outlets are in plaee in t'�quit°ed loeat[ot�s. 2. No oti�e�� issues we►•e reported relati�c to e��asion coa�t�•oE n�easut•es. V1I. CONSTItUCT10N PROGR�SS: 1�. Co�n��leted: l. �ome curb and gutter and sidewal� have been removed to accom��lodate storm drainage instaliatio��. 2. Tlie Cantractor repo►-Eed that raugl�ly 30% of tl�e RCP stoi•m drain piping has been i�lsialled. 3. Catcl� Basiz�s and associatcd sto�•m dc•ain pi�ing have been instailed as follaws ai� the nortli end of the pt•oject: Pipc is laid out of tl�e locatio�� of C13-1 ihrou�h CB-2, C13-3, CI3-4 to ti�e locatioi� of CB-5. CB-i and CB-5 are »ot i��stal�ed. Thc frames and g►-ates are installed an each box with fulal ad,justme��t sti[] to be i��ade. 4. 0�� the soutl� e��d of t11e pcoject, t11e followi��g I�as been accompfished: I'ia3e has been instalIed from C13-6 throu�l� tl�e I��Eea•fe�•ealce �lanl�ole to CB-7. CB�t has the frame and gi•ate installed ta accom�nodate fiaial adjust�nent. TIZe masonry baxes have been installcd at the Inferfei�ence Mani�ole and CB-7. 5tee1 �fates are eove�'ing the boxes for safety pu�-poses. I3. One Mant�l� Outloak: 1. As noted }�rcviously, much af the co��struction forecast depends upo�� w(���� the Don�inio» electric service pole is relocated. 2. D�•op Ialkets i�]-i. aR�d DI-2 expected to be co�n��leted by Monday of ��ext wee�, August 27th. 3. RI'C will be i3�stalling storm drain pi��ing sauthward towards CB-&, CI3-9, at�d CBW 10. CB�9, at the southern praject boundaE-y wili iikely be reached witE�i�1 oa1� week ���iless utility coa�filicts de[ay installatio��. 4. WateE� and Sewe�• Relocatio��: Jay repo►'tcd ti�at Fnva�'o-Tech is q«ile l�usy o�l othec projecis at present, a��d he was u�icertain exactly wiiat day utility i°elocatio�l will begin. Tfle wate�- and sewer ►-elocation can�lat be iizitiated tmtil tl�e electz•ic service pole is t•elocaled, tE�e bencl��narfc is ►-elocated, a�1d tile trees at•e clea►'ed, Tlae Liti[ity rcloeation ��nigf�t be delayed u��til Septe�nbet• 4��' following tl�e t•aad closu►•e. P:Il..tu�d[Jevl`I�}�rrcll Counly - SR 12D9 Draina�e Imp�[s - 2U15181)IAl)MIN11-C:onstructinri11.2-Can[ractor Corrll SSi323_Proaress fvl�etin� No. 11� BO&23 f'rogress Meelitt� Mi�tuies Rc�rised �831 ] S.cioc "I�yrrell Couz�ty - �1�1209 l��•ai�aage Im��•ovcanc�ats nugust 23, 20 �� Progress Meeti�lg Mi�lut�s 1'age b 5. S�aeet Pili��g, Dewat�ering: Sheet piling and dewatering will co�n��e��ce fallowing cle�tE�ing of tl�e trees. The pedest�,ian foai bridge will be i��stalled during tllat same time�i�ame. 6. Road Closti���e, I'a�e�nent Cut: Road closure at�d associa�cd pa�einent ci�t is antieipated to acettr on �epte�nber 4`�' after 9:00 AM. 7. Arcl�ed Culvert InstalEatio��: AE'cl�ed c��lvert i�-►stallation �nay �e delayed until the ls` or 2"`� week of Sep�embe►� fi�oan �l�e curren! scl7edule, a►1d anigl�i be ��►�oceeding ia1 pa�•a11e1 witl� tlae utility eelocatiot� wo�•k. C. Installatio�l C'i�ob�ems or [ssues: 1. No installatian ��roblems or co�lst►-uction issties we�-e reported at tl-►is time. V111. TCSTING: A. Coi7tractor s11ou(d cooz�dinate specific tesii��g req��ii•eme�lis witl� NCDOT, especially in �•ega�•d to NCDOT's E'equi��ements for the subg�•ad� soils beneatia tlie pz�oposed a�•clied cuEve�K, IX. CHANGE ORD�RS: A. Chaiige Order Na. 1: Owner E�as given ver�al approval to proceed with worlc cif CI-►a�-►ge Ordei• No. 1. T17is wo�•1< is i►�te�.7ded to relocate existing water a�1d sa�litary sewer services to a�oid coR�flict ��vitll the proposed sto�•�n d�•ai►iage lateE•als. Tl�e u�ait costs a�•e $G6Q.25/�A for water service ad,justmeE�ts, a�ld $785.90/�� for sanitaiy sewer service adjustments. X. I'AYMENT & COMPLETION: l. 1Vlonthly pay reqti�est c��t off is the 25`h of each i�ionill. 2. Tl�e Cont►•aeior is ►•eqtrested to review all ii�sta[led a�1d stored c�ua►itities witl� Dale A��de�•so�� pz•io� to sub�nittal to ti�c Fiagia�ce�• i:or �•eco►na�lendaiio�� of pay�ne►�t. Ti�e a�cxt Pt�ogress Meetii�g is sclleduled for Thursda��Septe«�ber 27`�`, 20�$ (u� �0:00 ,�]V�. {�1;�' Thw•sday af each montE�) ]':l1_a��dl]evl'iyrrell Cou�rty - SR I�t)9 Drainage f�npvis - 20151801AI�A91N11-Consfructicmll .2-Co3itrlcic�r Corrll ii0823._Pragress \�ceti�r5 No. 1/180523 1'rogress Mccting Ytinu[�s Rcviscd 083 ] 1 S.doc