HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190188 Ver 1_Historic Structures Survey Report Renee_20190212i •I' A;rF � '�F� . �..��: J: North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources Statc I-Iismric Ptescrvation Office Rarrnru \I Iiart�M,.lJ�rnn�s�ra��K (;urtra�K I'ni Ald nw� lcucia�rtivaai� ��WI. October 23, 201�1 1�LEMOR�NDUM `f0: Va�cssn Patrick f luman Environmcnt Uni[ NC; Dc�artmait ofTranspottation r. i FROhi: Rcncc GJcdhill-�adcy � (-� -•�..¢v ��� +�`-C� - r'�" '� � Environmcntal Rcvic�v Coc�tdinator Ulficr nf An h�rcx �nA I IMnn� 1lcpuy Src�elan' I.coo (.lun�� SUBJT'.CT: F�istoric Structures Sun•ey Report for thr US 70 improvcmcnts from �1,'est of SR 25fi6 To �`�1cst of SR 1915, VV-5600,]ohnston County, ER ld-?332 Tbank you Cor }out memorandum of Octobcr 7, 2014, transmitting the above referenced repott, CDs, and E f isroric Propert}� f idd Data f orms. We have rcvic�vcd thc submittcd matcrills and offcr the following commcnts. Wc concur diat thc Pactiah Farms (JT1877), Jone6 Housc aad Bara (JT1878), Langston House nnd Outbuildings QT18'79), and Lassitcc Cemetety Q'T188d) ate not eligtble fot listing in the National Rcgistcr of I-Iistonc Placcs. Furthex•, we do not concur that the Jones House QT1876) is eGgible tor listing in the National Register. �'(�hile it is true that �he onc-stury (i�ut one-and-one-half-stoLy) house a�xars to rctain most of its historic fabric on the exteuc�r, d�e house is in only fair conclidon nnd there is no infoxmation about the itiCeriot. If the only potenual area of signi6cance is architectuxe, �ve must I:now that thc rciterior retains good integrity Eor the house ro be eligible. There is nothing uchitecturally outstanding about the building. While one-stoiy, one- room-decp Eramc houses �vith tnplc-A rooflincs are slowly diaappcaring from thc landscape, there are sull many left in ]ohnslon Counly. ThC Cact thal ehis one retains decorAtive fntures oF standard Istte 19'n-cenmry• millwork that might havc comc from the VJilson & Wadddl lumber campany docs not raisc it tn the level of signific�nce necessary for National Rcgstcr eligibiliry. �`(�cre tlie housc eligiblc, an apptopnatc boundary �vould not be resrricted co the building footpcint. The abo��e camments �re rn;�de punuAnt lu Sec�iun 10G ol d�e I�Tational Fliscuric Presen•ation .�ci and the Advisory Council on Fliswric Prescrvatio�i's ltegulaunns Foc Complianccwith ticction ]06 codificd at 3G Cf�lt Par[ 80Q. Location. I�IJ I��a I�.�cs Vnrt RolnFli N1:2;l��I MailinK Arktren �bl � rlal tiu�rc ( cmcr, H�k�h K( '7(.M.{(,17 Tekphooe/FrY-;917) pi; 657� ,'sl;-(,i71 T7iank you For your cooperauon and considerauon. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental teview coordinator, a� 919-8d7-G579 ox �p�lmnmants�.rtwic�netkr•�t�. 1n all future communication concerning this project, please cite the abovc reFcrcnccd tracking numlxr. cc: Mary Pope Furr, NCDOT/PDEA/FiFS mfi�r� a,ncdnt•g��