HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190188 Ver 1_Historic Architecture no eligibile resources_20190212/'ro/n�f 7'r�Ykin� Nn. (I�drrnal ['is) 12-�8"���7 =�t . � ", f HIS'I'OItIC ARCHIT�CTURF, AND LANDSCAP�S [+,LIGIBII,ITY EVALt1AT10N FORM `fhis form only pertains to Historic Architecture and I.andsclpes for this prnject. I� is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PRO.IF,CT INFORMATIOV Projecl No: W-5600 Car�n�y: JohrlstOn WBS No.: 50056.1.1 Docunren� CE I'e�! AidNo: � HSIP-0070(163) Federn! X Yes ❑ No Permit(s): Assumed; not specified in review reauest Frrnrli»g: Permil Type(s): ❑ State X F'ederal Not specified in review request Prn'ectDeseri rion: Improvements to US 70 From west of SR 2566 (Sadisco Road) to west of SR 1915 (Turnage Road) SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHITECTUI2G ANl) LANUSCAPFS RI�;VIEW X There are no National Register-listed or Study Listed properties within the project's area of potential efFects. X The following properties within the area of potential effects have bcen evaluated for eligibility i�i the attached documentation: SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION X Map(s) ❑Previous Survcy 1nFo. ❑Photos X Correspondence X Reporl F.VALUATION BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN 5ee attached report. Five properties are evaluated in the technical report for National Register eligibility: ]or�es Farm (JT1876, PIN: 168600-94-1187), Parrish Farnu (JT1877, PIN: 169614-33-5125), ]ones House and Bam (JT1878, PIN: 168600-63-3722), Langston House and Outbuildings (JT1879, PIN: 168600-74-2405), and the Lassiber Cemetery (JT1880, PIN: 16860D-84-3z92). Only one of the five, the circa-1890 dwelling house of the Jones Farm, is recommended as eligf6le for the National Regfster under Criterion C as a good representative of fts type incorporating archltectural elements produced by the laally prominent Wilson and Waddell mlllworks. HPO disagrees with eligibility For historic architecture, citing the existence of many simllar buildings in the county and the Wilson and Waddell connection as insuffiaently significant (see attached correspondence). For purposes of the W-5600 projeCt NCDOT agrees to proceed with non-eligibility of the resource for historic architecture (see attached correspandence). The project complies with both GS 121-12(A) and Section 106 for historic architecture. 1Gqonr .�rd�Hrr�rrr ww! l..swhpy�r� I•l.lf i/N!I l7)' l: I il! f iil7'!!)h /n�w h•r A/uu�r I mm�/ro�lil nn 1'ru�n t. u. p�ul�/in! u� dr 1rn' Yny;nonni�ibr :Igircwrnr. Page 1 of 2 W-5600, Johnston County WBS No. 50056.1.1 PA Tracking No. 12-08-0007 Page 2 REVIEW BY STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE HPO Representative � i ■ r HPO Cammenls: Date lhvuni.lr�luln�wrew/Lurl�cryx.�h'!1l�N11/1TY1:1;1I.II.I�N)NJruin/wMan�rfno�.yx�rf�xwml' ysar(l�tdy/n/arlNr YA?/'roFmwpimc.l�wrnu Page 2 of 2 NCDOT Architectural Historian Date