HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190177 Ver 1_B-4828 Vance No NRHP Archaeological Sites Present Form_20190209Project Tracking No.: 13-08-0047 NO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES o��� ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES ��Y`��c�,�. Q _$ � � ' � �` PRESENT FORM � ��.� ���p _ ...:; �.� ��:: �. " o��°_,� �,�' This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not �;�•�... `...-�.;,�'�� ��;.� valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the �.�� Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: WBS No. B-4828 (RESUBMIT) 38598.1.2 F.A. No: Not Listed Federal Permit Required? County.• Document Vance Federal CE Funding.• ❑ State � Federal � Yes ❑ No Permit Type: USACE (not specified) Project Description: NCDOT's Division 5 proposes to replace Bridge No. 56 on Weldon's Mill Road (SR 1526) over Sandy Creek in Vance County. Bridge No. 56 was built in 1949 and has been selected to be replaced. A Study Area, measuring about 1,600 feet long by 260 feet wide (ranging out to 370 feet on the east side of the existing bridge location), has been submitted for review. However, Preliminary Design Plans have been developed; therefore, an Area of Potential Effects (APE) has been generated in order to facilitate environmental planning purposes at this stage. The APE will be centered on the proposed bridge location and encompasses any property beyond the NCDOT's existing ROW that will be impacted by the proposed project. Overall, the APE encompassed about 191 acres, inclusive of any modern development. This proiect has been resubmitted because of a design chan�e to avoid impacts to an NRHP-eligible property (Weldon's Mill); this form will serve as an addendum to the PA form completed in January 2014. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Archaeology Group reviewed the subject project and determined: � There are no National Register listed or eligible ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES present within the project's area of potential effects. (Attach any notes or documents as needed) ❑ No subsurface archaeological investigations were required for this proj ect. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. � Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. � All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: The resubmittal for this project was accepted on Friday, December 14, 2018. Based on the previous map review and site file search at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA), additional background research was deemed not necessary. An archaeological survey has never been conducted at this particular bridge location and no archaeological sites have been recorded within one (1) mile of the proposed project. Digital copies of HPO's maps (Vicksboro Quadrangle) as well as the HPOWEB GIS Service "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programm¢tic Agreement. 1 of 11 Project Tracking No.: 13-08-0047 (http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/) were last reviewed on Friday, December 21, 2018. There is one (1) known historic architectural resource (Weldon's Mill [VN0035]) located within the Study Area [west side of the road] for which intact archaeological deposits may be anticipated. However, such deposits should not be located within the footprint of the proposed project (i.e. APE [east side of the road]). In addition, topographic maps, historic maps (NCMaps website), USDA soil survey maps, and aerial photographs were utilized and inspected to gauge environmental factors that may have contributed to historic or prehistoric settlement within the project limits, and to assess the level of modern, slope, agricultural, hydrological, and other erosive-type disturbances within the archaeological APE. As stated in the Survey Required Form, "This is a federally funded project for which a Federal permit may be required. Permanent/temporary easements will now be necessary as well as additional ROW for the new location corridor. The size and shape of the APE have been drawn in a way to capture any possible ground-disturbing activities associated with this project. At this time, we are in compliance with NC GS 121-12a, since there are no eligible (i.e. National Register-listed) archaeological resources located within the project's APE that would require our attention. From an environmental perspective, the APE consists of the rolling terrain typical of the north-central Piedmont physiographic region of North Carolina. The APE also consists of four (4) soil types (Louisburg [Wateree] loamy coarse sand, 8-15% slopes [LoD], Louisburg [Wateree] loamy coarse sand, 15-40% slopes [LoE], Wehadkee silt loam 0-2%, frequently flooded [Wh], and Appling sandy loam, 2-8% slopes [ApB]). Although most of the Study Area is made up of poorly drained and sloped topography (i.e. Wh [the floodplain] and LoE [north bank of creek]), the remainder of the APE appears to consist of pockets of undisturbed soils that have not been subjected to previous archaeological survey/review work. Based on a lack of archaeological site data for the overall region, such areas are considered to have a medium to high potential for archaeological deposits to be present and will require formal archaeological investigations. The Office of State Archaeology (OSA) has reviewed only one (1) project within the vicinity of the APE for environmental compliance, that being a secondary road project just north of the APE (ER 04-0304), which did not require an archaeological survey based on the limited nature of the project (i.e. within existing ROW). Within iive (5) miles of the APE, NCDOT's Archaeology Group has reviewed at least two (2) transportation-related projects (PAs 12-06-0024 and 17-09-0035) for environmental compliance under the Progammatic Agreement (PA) with the State Historic Preservation Office (NC-HPO), none of which is located within one (1) mile of the proposed project. An archaeological survey was not recommended for either project, based on the limited and disturbed nature of both projects (i.e. within existing ROW). Nevertheless, a visual inspection of the entire APE should be conducted, followed then by systematic archaeological excavations within areas of moderate to high archaeological probability, focusing on areas of moderately well-drained to well-drained soils that have not been impacted by development and on known historic resources (if present) to determine if an archaeological component is also present. All cemeteries (if any) should also be properly recorded and delineated if any occur within or adjacent to the APE. None of the property within the Study Area that requires further investigation is owned by the State of North Carolina so a State Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) permit should not be necessary. Should the description of this project change or design plans be made available prior to construction, additional consultation regarding archaeology will be required." Field investigations for the proposed project occurred on Wednesday, January 16th and Tuesday, January 22"d, 2019, and were comprised of a pedestrian survey to locate and assess potentially significant archaeological resources that could be damaged or destroyed by the proposed project as described above. The entire extent of the project's APE was visually inspected in order to determine the need for excavations. Based on topography, the excavation of shovel tests occurred solely within the southern half of the APE on the east side of Weldon's Mill Road (SR 1526) within a gently sloping wooded area and cleared field. The northern half of the APE consisted of steeply sloping and dissected topography, which would not be considered favorable conditions for intact archaeological materials to be present. The southwest corner of the intersection of Weldon's Mill Road (SR 1526) and Faulkner Town Road (SR 1541) was also inspected; however, much of this corner has been altered by the property owner (i.e. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 2of11 Project Tracking No.: 13-08-0047 gaded and timbered). Initially, four (4) shovel tests were excavated along a transect running parallel to Weldon's Mill Road (SR 1526), with one (STP 4) positive for historic material. In order to delineate the extent of the historic material within the floodplain of Sandy Creek, fourteen (14) radial shovel tests were excavated, with six of those 14 positive for historic material. Overall, eighteen (18) STPs were excavated as part of this project. Shovel Test Pit Profiles: STP 1: 0-19cmbs, SYR 4/6, sandy clay loam; 19-26cmbs, 2.SYR 5/8, clay; no cultural material STP 2: 0-30cmbs, 7.SYR 4/6, coarse sandy loam; 30-40cmbs, lOYR 6/6, wet sand; no cultural material STP 3: 0-25cmbs, lOYR 6/6, sandy loam; 25-33cmbs, SYR 5/6, clay; no cultural material STP 4: 0-9cmbs, lOYR 2/2, silty loam; 9-2lcmbs, lOYR 3/6, sandy loam; 21-32cmbs, lOYR 5/4, sandy clay loam; 2 glass fragments (window and bottle) STP 5: 0-33cmbs, lOYR 3/3, sandy loam; 33-45cmbs, lOYR 4/4, sandy loam; 45-60cmbs, lOYR 4/4, sandy clay loam; 1 glass fragment (bottle) STP 6: 0-36cmbs, lOYR 3/3, sandy loam; 36-48cmbs, lOYR 4/4, sandy loam; 48-53cmbs, lOYR 4/4, sandy clay loam, clay; no cultural material STP 7: 0-30cmbs, lOYR 3/3, sandy loam; 30-46cmbs, lOYR 4/4, sandy loam; 46-SScmbs, lOYR 4/4, sandy clay loam; 1 glass fragment (lightbulb?) STP 8: 0-20cmbs, lOYR 3/3, sandy loam; 20-39cmbs, lOYR 4/4, sandy loam; 39-54cmbs, lOYR 4/4, sandy clay loam; no cultural material STP 9: 0-28cmbs, lOYR 3/3, sandy loam; 28-40cmbs, lOYR 5/4 sandy clay loam; 1 glass fragment (bottle base) STP 10: 0-30cmbs, lOYR 6/6, sandy loam-plowzone; 30-37cmbs, SYR 5/6, clay; iron nail (used) STP 11: 0-23cmbs, lOYR 3/3, sandy loam-plowzone; 23-SOcmbs, flood-banding loose sand layers; no cultural material STP 12: 0-63cmbs, flood deposited sand layers about 20 feet from edge of the creek; no cultural material STP 13: NO DIG (TOO CLOSE TO WATER'S EDGE) STP 14: 0-15cmbs, lOYR 3/4, silty loam; 15-18cmbs, lOYR 5/6, sand; 18-45cmbs, lOYR 3/4, silty loam; 45-53cmbs, lOYR 6/8, sand; 53-76cmbs, lOYR 4/4, sandy loam; apparent flood zones throughout; nail fragments STP 15: 0-16cmbs, lOYR 4/4, silty loam; 16-35cmbs, lOYR 5/4, sandy clay loam; 35-46cmbs, lOYR 5/6, wet sandy clay; no cultural material STP 16: 0-15cmbs, lOYR 3/4, silty loam; 15-20cmbs, lOYR 5/6, sand; 20-30cmbs, lOYR 3/4, silty loam; 30-34cmbs, lOYR 6/8, sand; 34-56cmbs, lOYR 5/6, sandy loam; 56-70cmbs, lOYR 4/4, sandy loam; apparent flood zones throughout; no cultural material STP 17: 0-19cmbs, lOYR 4/4, sandy loam; 19-27cmbs, lOYR 5/4, sandy clay loam; 27-3lcmbs, lOYR 6/8, sand; 31-42cmbs, lOYR 5/6, sandy clay; one shard of green bottle glass STP 18: 0-54cmbs, mottled lOYR 5/4 with lOYR 4/4 and lOYR 6/8, silty loam; no cultural material Site 31VN351 Shovel testing in a field east of Weldon's Mill Road (SR 1526) recovered two shards of glass (1 bottle and 1 window) from STP 4(see map). Additional inspection and shovel testing at 15-meter intervals recovered additional historic artifacts from STPs 5, 7, 9, 10, 14, and 17. No artifacts were noted on the surface at any of the shovel test locations. Soils in the shovel tests from STPs 1-3 differed greatly from the rest of the shovel tests, which were all located within the floodplain/T1-terrace on the south side of Sandy Creek. STPs 1-3, however, were located on a small wooded toe overlooking Sandy Creek and consisted of up to 30 cm of yellowish-red sandy clay loam overlying yellowish-clay subsoil. Shovel tests along the floodplain/T1-terrace showed evident signs of sandy flood deposits mixed with developed A-horizons in between flood episodes. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 3of11 Project Tracking No.: 13-08-0047 Although positive for historic material, these shovel tests clearly show signs of a dynamic, often disturbed, landscape along the banks of Sandy Creek. A total of eleven (11) historic artifacts was recovered from the site and included seven (7) glass shards (one window fragment, 2lightbulb fragments, and 4 bottle fragments [clear-3 and green-1]), and four (4) nail fragments. No structures are depicted in this location on any topographic maps, soil maps, historic road maps, or historic aerials, which further suggests that the materials recovered are not from any structure that once stood at this location but rather are flood debris or refuse. Site 31VN351 most likely represents mid-20t'` century debris either deposited by flood activities along Sandy Creek or as trash on the side of the field access road. The site essentially parallels this access road with negative shovel tests located to either side. The artifacts recovered from the site cannot be clearly associated with events (Criterion A) or persons (Criterion B) significant to local or regional history. No above-ground structural remains were recorded, and the artifacts recovered fo not reflect any particular ethnic, social, cultural, or economic association (Criterion C). The site does not contain evidence of intact cultural deposits. Additional investigations at the site are unlikely to provide unique or significant data and will not contribute to our knowledge of the historic occupation of the area (Criterion D). This site does not retain integrity and is therefore recommended NOT ELIGIBLE for the NRHP per Criteria A-D. No additional archaeological work is recommended for this location. SUMMARY Additional fieldwork within the APE is unlikely to provide any significant or substantial amounts of archaeological data. Therefore, it is recommended that additional archaeological work should not be required. Based on the recommendations put forth (see above), a finding of "No NRHP-Eligible or - Listed Archaeological Sites Present" within the APE is considered appropriate for the proposed project. However, should the description of this project or design plans change prior to construction, then additional consultation regarding archaeology may be required. If archaeological materials are uncovered during project activities, then such resources will be dealt with according to the procedures set forth for "unanticipated discoveries," to include notification of NCDOT's Archaeology Group. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: � Map(s) Signed: �i � I NCDOT ARCHAEO Q ❑ Previous Survey Info � Photos ❑Correspondence January 29, 2019 IST Date "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 4of11 Project Tracking No.: 13-08-0047 "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" forna for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualifeed in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Sofll Figure 1: Vicksboro, NC (USGS 1970). Project Tracking No.: 13-08-0047 � .� . �� ,� . • , � 7 � 3 � � 1 � J'S3�; 157h ° '1533 • ' � • � ��',� �.�•,�► I • � • °' ;�, ♦ S 1 524 • _ _. . . \ , � � � - �J, � sr�„ � , .a. � • .� , -. 9�y 9 o S `- - � . •153 f � � �s, !�� .` �: �'�i a7 F�'` � � . 15?5� • � � l�r � Z � 6 � 5 \J� t :; 2 �,'� �. , �`, , � . � , -, � 154d ��� 'p.•' • • • � ,, �. 1523 � '.., � � : r., `. . � � � \ r -- — �,'�_ ��- � �h 1 ��� : � � �� � ����f-� �, � 578 p�' � • 1519 � �` �,n/ Idons Mill �_1� , ' � � � � , I • • � . • � ! � 0 ■ O ■ � • � l � i l ; ` . � � ' .Y ' f � � �i � � ■ � �. S :� • � .S 4 � • � ` T' • y.� • � ' �• . -7 � • � � � • • �' f ,S � � "i • ii . " + O * , • ;_' ♦ • • - . .: •� GiFlbyrg � . ' Q �a' ., v. , -. �. � . . .� � 4� �'` , 1 Sa2 r� • 1 529 • C ' 9� V �7r � � ♦ � . . . `! • • 3 r► + � ; ] • � • rr ] ♦ � t a �j � i �. • � q� •. , . •� 39 . , � 3 b s. . . � . •-':• r q , ••. -�1 -'�I • `� . , � . w �l . . _ . • � � � a . . � {� ' �1 'l; p� � s • �\� � ��r Figure 2: Vance County, North Carolina (Highway culture map) (1968; available online: https://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/sin�leitem/collection/ncmaps/id/1627/rec/23, last accessed 25 Jan 2019). , � � --\ .�J ` � , ' 1 +, �. ! - : r �. , . _� - t a � �� �� • �� �. < '� �. r. � • a '� � � . • � ,f ,. _ __ - - _ _ .= _ ^�._ � r � . � �;�. � , . -��' -- �� � .� :�_, - ,� . �" ,� �� .�_ �. , -_ T.,� � _�- d� _ f � e ��. � . •• �• �� r�� • � � � '^------� • • =.�� -�_� - r • . � f�` , r �,, •�,�. ' j � Y l� �� • � Figure 3: Vance County, North Carolina (1938, available online: https://dclib.unc.edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/ncmaps/id/1696/rec/13, last accessed 25 Jan 2019). "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" forna for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualifeed in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 6of11 Project Tracking No.: 13-08-0047 "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for Minor Transportation Projects ccs Qualifeed in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 7of11 Figure 4: Map of Vance County, North Carolina (Buck 1925; available online: https://dclib.unc.edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/ncmaps/id/3572/rec/9, last accessed 25 Jan 2019). Figure 5: Soil Map, North Carolina, Vance County sheet (Hearn et al. 1918; available online: https://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/sin�leitem/collection/ncmaps/id/328/rec/8, last accessed 25 Jan 2019). Project Tracking No.: 13-08-0047 "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" forna for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualifeed in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 8of11 Figure 6: Aerial Imagery, dated 22 Oct 2012 (Google Earth Pro, last acccsscd 25 Jan 2019). Figure 7: Aerial Imagery, dated 22 Feb 1993 (Google Earth Pro, lasi accessed 25 Jan 2019). Project Tracking No.: 13-08-0047 3 � o � �.,� j� � �c:yr�:a�-'rs �9dfi� � • x !r. �,�'a�ir# ""►��;"� :�,. � � ��v � :� ' '� � � � C�RYRIGHTED MATERIAL � I �� �# � IYIATEI�IA�L C'� '_ � , •� r � _ � u � t�• � � �� � � w��rVa� '� . �i � . � g �� f �' � 4 .-1� � { �1�. . R R 4 +s � N h� ��' � � • - � '` '�r ., t.. . `�4 . ..� .� . u� r _ � '� � i� .. ..-� �� . � 4 'R� � �. � � y �' � � � � . � �i�A � �� F b � . � ��� � � �� -� . � �. �� . . Figure 9: Aerial Imagery, dated 1955 (available online: https://www.historicaerials.com/viewer, last accessed 25 Jan 2019). "NO NATIONAI, RF.GISTER F,I.IGIBI.F OR I,ISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAI, SITES PRESENT" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 9of11 Figure 8: Aerial Imagery, dated 1970 (available online: https://www.historicaerials.com/viewer, last accessed 25 Jan 2019). Project Tracking No.: 13-08-0047 Photo 1: View of Site 31 VN???, looking East from EOP along Weldon's Mill Road (SR 1526). ' � �" `�� `•` -� . � �`" r � . ,� V s � � 1��� " � �� s� � _ �i,: ��a � � n: � ^ � �te��, �� ; �'� ` � ' k ; e "�.' � +� k� s , .� 3 � . b �.§t,�� r .: � � � 1d �'^� -;6R`s �e �.` �"s �.r^" i�' ir Nc i� � �'' � y; � � �.�'' , -. � '"�«C � y �.Ji�- �� y= ..�,, �i � ,� �h,. � x . 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'ti� y :. :�. _ .. ,m',�.. : ., f , �� �� ��' . � �� * �� �.; '�.� � ... � .�r�:� � ,�:� �¢y "'` �.'�� l Y�" 4Y�' � ��`._.. � sY . � �-..� �„P ?. �b. �,F[� �+'.�` � _ ye� ,� � . ��3'� . ,,- t �: sy t ' _. ` _- s"�," t -t�,y�e �' - �au . �Y ��, � ,y � �., 3 � ' ry i p� ��' w,+�, � v "� a � a'� R t , n Y A�dr �'� � � r-- � ��,5 ��� ...�'n � ��:e �r ����.�a y. . - - ��' g a��n. . .y��`n ��i �ix " ' ,� m> �fi,.. Photo 2: Vicw of Site 3l VN???, looking West from STP 18. "NO NATIONAI REGISTER ELIGIBI,F, OR L]STED ARCHAEOLOGICAI, SITF.S PRFSENT" forna for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmadic Agreenzent. l0of 11 Project Tracking No.: 13-08-0047 Photo 4: View of Northern Section of the APE, loolcing North (NB: deeply incised drainage ditch and large exposed rocks). "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for Minor Transportation Projects ccs Qualifeed in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 11 of 11 Photo 3: View of Northern Section of the APE, looking Northeast. � �� f , . � • . �n` �,� ti � ' If. i � .. � .Ah � •'� RESUBMITTAL �' � �. �* '�` ' � • � � � TIP# B-4828 (PA 13-08-0047) .' t ��.'�1��.,Sy7 r +� + � i � � : . 'a Replacement of Bridge No. 56 on • � .�. �•!�! � �q� 1,� , .' � t . �! , � � Weldon's Mill Road (SR 1526) ° '�` �y . v ��g : �.,, � � _ � 'ryi. , f � . 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