HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000337_AROFileDWRCorrespondence_20190207Dexter R. Matthews, Director Division of Waste Management Michael F Easley, Go,lernor William G. Ross.Jr., Secretary June 16, 2006 MEMORANDUM TO: Landon Davidson, Regional Supervisor Asheville Regional Office North Carolina Aquifer Protection Section FROM: Mark Wilkins, Hydrogeologist MAW Facility Management Branch North Carolina Hazardous Waste Section RE: Oversight of Aeration and Biosolids Digestion Basins (SWMU 4) Dupont/AGFA — Brevard Facility Brevard, North Carolina EPA ID # NCD 003152329 Dear Mr. Davidson: The Hazardous Waste Section has reviewed the October 31, 2005 letter from the Aquifer Protection Section (APS), regarding sampling at the closed Aeration and Biosolids Digestion Basins (SWMU 4) at the Dupont facility. The Section will include your recommendations in the sampling program that will be required at SWMU 4 as part of the RCRA Corrective Action process. In addition, as you requested, the Section will copy the Asheville Regional Office of the APS on all future correspondence and analytical results generated during the RCRA Corrective Action process at SWMU 4. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Mark Wilkins at (919) 508-8571. cc: Brent Burch re: Vance Jackson Mark Wilkins 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, north Carolina 27699-1 46 Phone 919- 0 -0400 FAX 91-715-S00 \Internet htt o'1Ahrastenotnc.or An Equal Oppor Liil.ity i A`tirriiative Action 'Employer— Printed on Dial Purpose Recycled taper CA\ine1\1naw\oversight of swmu4 APS.doc April 14, 2006 Mr. Roger C Edwards_ NCDENR Ashville Regional Office Division of Water Quality 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 Rescission of NPDES General Stormwater Permit Agfa Corporation — Transylvania County Dear Mr. Edwards: Agfa Corporation P.O. Box 267 Staton Road Brevard, NC 28712-0267 RECEIVED 1 r; AF,heville Regional Office ri, ifor Protection I/ The purpose of this letter is to communicate a request that the Agfa Brevard site participation in the General Stormwater Permit NCG 030057 coverage be rescinded and removed from the list of active sites. We wish to inform you of the present status of the Agfa Corporation, Brevard Site, manufacturing operation and wastewater treatment system as part of the NPDES closure process: • The site is not currently. discharging process wastewater, and does not have any - surface water discharges. • The manufacturing areas, and wastewater treatment plants have been shutdown and demolished in accordance with the closure plan filed with the state: • The sewers have been pressure washed and the manholes filled and sealed. • The site is currently conducting demolition and grading of the site under the active permit for Erosion and Sediment Control Plan filed with the NCDENR Ashville Regional office. • At the closure of the E&SC Plan the site will have no surface water outfalls or exposure to manufacturing related materials or equipment as referenced in the NPDES (stormwater) permit defmitions. We believe this site, Agfa Brevard, is completely inactive as a manufacturing facility and no longer requires coverage under an industrial stormwater permit. We would like to thank you and your staff for your help on the closure of the stormwater permit coverage. Any discussions and/or guidance provided by the Ashville Regional staff would be extremely helpful and appreciated. C. L. Mel er -T- Facilities Manager Brevard Site Agfa Corporation 4/13/2006 CC: Charles H. Weaver Jr., NCDWQ, Surface Water Permitting, Raleigh, NC G. Landon Davidson, Ashville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Roy Davis, Asheville Regional Office, Water Quality Section Aisha Lau, Asheville Regional Office, Water Quality Section Jamie Vanbuskirk, DuPont Corporate Remediation, Charlotte, NC David Epps, DuPont Corporate Remediation, Charlotte, NC Mark Wilkins, NCDENR, Solid Waste Management Division Roger Galloway, Agfa Corporation, Brevard Site, WWT ORC Michael E. Gell, Environmental Contractor, Waxhaw, NC 2 4/13/2006 03/14,12006 14: 22 9197153605 D41 March 14, 2006 TO: Bev NCe, AShQViH0 Regional OffiCe (828)299-7043 FROM; Mark Wilkins RE: Memo for transfer Gfjwisdiction of sludge basins Bev, The memo fTom Landon transferring jurisdiction is attached. Ut me know if you need a reply. Mark Wilkins IAtjv;&&d Aa'-� 101 1 / 0 � /VV&0-Vc. PAGE 01/82 C, V'�tp(y. 03/14,12006 14:22 9197153605 D41 PAGE 02/02 rJFicttdpel F-Easley Gorernar William G, Bass, Jr., Secrelary _ North Carolina Depoetment of Envlrcnment and Natural R4sour*m Alan W. Kfirnok, P.E., Director Dlvlsion of theater quality Asheville Regional UlTlce MEMORANDUM TO: Ellzabeth Cannon., Cbief North Carolina Hazardous Waste Section FROM: Landon Davids � o October 31, 2005 I c,i �r'imus t�ll��'g - 1`'� Section Supervisor— Aquifer Protection, Section (APS) \ Y :. ' ,. RE: Oversight of Aeration and Biosolida Digestion Basins (SV'rW Brevard Facility Dupou1VAgfa Incorporated 13revard, North Carolina EPA ID 4 NCD 003152329 4) at Dupont/AGFA. On September 7, 2005, the Division of Wafter Quality (DWQ) received a closure plan and sampling results regarding the closure of the sludge basin and polishing pond at DapontrAGFA. DWQ staff ma with AGFA representatives on September 15, 2005 to discuss various aspects of the closure plan. Based upon that meeting and subsequent discussions between AGFA representatives and Mark Wilkins of'your staff', the Aquifer Protection Section has determined that the responsible party would be best served in this matter by dealing with a single agency, DWM. We feel that the environmental issues (i.e., soil sampling, potential additional sludge disposal, long-term groundwater monitoring etc.) will be adequately addressed wider the RCRA Corrective Action program, The A.PS would recommend sampling of soils that underlie the baslas as well as continued monitoring of the R87 series knells, MW-209 wells and MW-2.10 wells. Analytical parameters could remain the same as those required in the NPDES permit. We would ask that DuponVAGFA, copy the ARC? APS on all future correspondence and analytical results generated by the. closure and long-term monitoring requirements. If you bave any questions or cornffients, please contact Landon Davidson at 828-2964680. M. Mark Wilkins —HWS Roger Edwards — SWP ARC} Chet Meinzer — AGFA Jamie tVanbusskirk - Dupont >a�°ne ai na MCOO R ,,�Vrtturr�ll� Aquifer Protection Section, 2090 U_S- Highway 70, surannanoo. N.C. 2877E Teiephona; 82W98-4809 Customer 5ervim Fax: 828129$-7043 4-877-6'1 6748 RECEIVED FEB 22 2006 February 20 2006 Asheville n' uder Mr. Roger C Edwards NCDENR Ashville Regional Office Division of Water Quality 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 Rescinding of NPDES Permit NC0000337 Agfa Corporation — Transylvania County Dear Mr. Edwards: � AGFA Agfa Corporation P.O. Box 267 staton Road Brevard, NC 28712-0267 The purpose of this letter is to communicate a request that the NPDES Permit No. NC0000337 be rescinded and removed from the list of active permits. We wish to inform you of the present status of the Agfa Corporation, Brevard Site, manufacturing operation and wastewater treatment system as part of the NPDES closure process: • The site is not currently discharging process wastewater, and will not have any surface water discharges from NPDES outfall 001 in the future. • The manufacturing areas, and wastewater treatment plants have been shutdown and demolished in accordance with the closure plan filed with the state. _ • The sewers have been pressure washed and the manholes filled and sealed. • The discharge line from the clarifier was partially removed after it was flushed and the temporary clarifier discharge line was dismantled rendering the system inoperable. • The site is currently conducting the final stage of demolition and grading under the active permit for the Erosion & Sediment Control Plan filed with the NCDENR Ashville Regional office. • At the closure of the E&SC Plan the site will have no surface water outfalls. Agfa will move forward with the closure of the wastewater treatment facility in preparation for the property transfer to E. I. DuPont de Nemours Co. Inc. who will be responsible for the future management of this Solid Waste Management Unit under their RCRA corrective action plan. We would like to thank you and your staff for your help on the closure of the wastewater treatment facility. The discussions and guidance provided by the Ashville Regional staff were extremely helpful and aEpreciated. C. L. Meinzer Facilities Manager Brevard Site Agfa Corporation 1 2/20/2006 CC: Paul E. Rawls, NCDWQ, Surface Water Permitting, Raleigh, NC G. Landon Davidson, Ashville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Larry Frost, Asheville Regional Office, Water Quality Section Keith Haynes, Asheville Regional -Office, Water Quality Section Jamie Vanbusldrk, DuPont Corporate Remediation, Charlotte, NC David Epps, DuPont Corporate Remediation, Charlotte, NC Mark Wilkins, NCDENR, Solid Waste Management Division Roger Galloway, Agfa Corporation, Brevard Site, WWT ORC Michael E. Gell, Environmental Contractor, Waxhaw, NC 2 2/20/2006 ,,$) closure question Subject: AGFA sludge basin(s) closure question From: Landon Davidson <Landon.Davidson@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 11:36:15 -0400 To: rick.shiver@ncmail.net, kim.colson@ncmail.net CC: bev.price@ncmail.net, landon.davidson@ncmail.net Kim/Rick- The APS ARO is planning on transferring jurisdiction of the closure of a sludge and aeration basin at the former AGFA plant (formerly Dupont) to the RCRA/Haz. Waste program. The closure plan submitted by AGFA does not satisfy the APS's closure policy (A.M. memo of Aug. 18, 2003) for these types of treatment units. AGFA has removed a significant amount of sludge but has not sampled the material beneath the unlined ponds nor performed any modeling to determine if an impact to groundwater is probable. The SWP agreed verbally.to AGFA's closure plan about a year ago (right at the re-org. time in July) which involved sludge removal, sampling of the sludge left in place followed by applying a 503 residuals argument to allow them to incorporate the remaining sludge into new fill material. I met with AGFA to express my concerns which include: 1) The lack of soil sampling beneath the basin floor (these are unlined) and therefore the lack of any modeling to determine potential impact to groundwater. 2) The fact that the floor of the basin and the remaining sludge are probably below the existing water table. 3) The fact that impact to groundwater was observed in the past in monitoring wells adjacent to these units (ammonia)..... so we know there is a hydraulic connection between groundwater and the basin. I get the sense that AGFA feels that DWQ moved the target on them in regards to closure, even though AGFA was given our closure policy in writing over a year ago. One option I see is to transfer the closure issue over to RCRA Haz. Waste since they will be managing this site and these basins are considered SWMUs. Mark Wilkins (RCRA Haz. Waste) has agreed to take over the closure aspect (as he has taken over issues from Solid Waste at this site).His program would require sampling of soil beneath the basins as well as long-term groundwater monitoring (which we would establish). One reason I wanted to run this past you is that this site will ultimately be owned by the State of North Carolina as part of the Dupont State Forest. Just email me if you have concerns, otherwise I'll prepare a letter from me to Mark that gives them full jurisdiction on the issue of basin closure on Friday of this week. Thanks. Landon Landon Davidson - Landon.Davidson@ncmail.net .... North Carolina Dept. of Environment and. Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Aquifer Protection Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4680 Fax: 828-299-7043 Landon Davidson <Landon Davidson ancmail.net> NC DENR - Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section 3/10/2006 8:23 AM 1 of 1 R closure] Subject: [Fwd: Brevard WWTP closure] From: Landon Davidson <Landon.Davidson@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 08:32:54 -0400 To: bev.price@ncmail.net, qu.gi@ncmail.net, roger.edwards@ncmail.net fyi Landon Davidson - Landon.Davidson@ncmail.net North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality — Aquifer Protection Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4680 Fax: 828-299-7043 Subject: Brevard WWTP closure From: Jamie A Vanbuskirk <Jamie.A.Vanbuskirk@USA.dupont.com> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 17:55:35 -0400 To: Mark.wilkins@ncmail.net, landon.davidson@ncmail.net CC: chet.meinzer@agfa.com, David E Epps <David.E.Epps@USA.dupont.com> Mark/Landon: An issue has come to my attention that I am looking for assistance with. During a recent meeting (9/15) with AGFA and State representatives discussing the WWTP closure plan at the Brevard facility, differences were noted concerning the type of pre -closure sampling that was being required by the State. For several years both AGFA (responsible for the closure) and DuPont (future owner of the facility) have been working with representatives within the State to work on an acceptable closure plan. Guidance was provided that discussed sampling of underlying soils to predict the potential for adverse impact to groundwater after closure was complete. Subsequent meetings with State officials re -iterated their desire to see that what was left would not pose a threat to groundwater. For these reasons, many samples of the materials that are being left in the ponds (it is not practical to remove all of the material) have been sampled. The data has been supplied to the State and consensus has been reached that it does not appear that these materials will be a future threat to groundwater. It was pointed out to AGFA at the 9/15 meeting that despite this, insufficient sampling has occurred since samples of "underlynig soils" has not occurred and therefore approval of the closure is not possible. Notwithstanding the arguments of whether the sampling conducted thus far is adequate to meet the mutually agreed upon sampling goal, I would like to ask that this issue be addressed under the RCRA Corrective Action Program and not delay approval of the Closure. I base this request on the following: 1) It is obvious that these units are regulated under more than one regulatory program, including the RCRA HSWA Corrective Action Program (SWMU 4). The RCRA CA Program has the broad regulatory authority to address 3/10/2006 8:15 AM 1 of 2 1P closure] groundwater protection issues which will adequately ensure that the closed ponds do not pose a threat to human health and the environment (including potential future impacts of the materials already sampled and determined to meet current criteria). 2) There is already a vast network of downgradient monitoring wells that do not indicate a significant impact on groundwater from the ponds. Past groundwater impacts are trending downward after earlier corrective measures taken at the facility and further downward trending is anticipated after removal of the large amounts of sludges and removal of the surface water head during recent closure activities. 3) Continued monitoring of downgradient groundwater is anticipated to occur for many years for the WWTP area and the site as a whole. Any future remediation decisions at the site due to potential impacts to groundwater should be made based on this site -wide monitoring. In order for AGFA to proceed with the closure in a timely manner, we would like the State to recognize that it is in the best interests of all parties that the final disposition of this unit can and should be handled under the RCRA CA program. Please let me know if additional information is necessary. Your prompt response to this request is appreciated. This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this e-mail, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this e-mail from your system. Unless explicitly and conspicuously designated as "E-Contract Intended", this e-mail does not constitute a contract offer, a contract amendment, or an acceptance of a contract offer. This e-mail does not constitute a consent to the use of sender's contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties. Francais Deutsch Italiano Espanol Portugues Japanese Chinese Korean http://www..upont.com/cor /email disclaimer.html ......... _.......... ___........... Landon Davidson <Landon.Davidsonna ncmail.net> NC DENR - Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section Content -Type: message/rfc822 WWTP closure'! Content -Encoding: 7bit 2 of 2 3/10/2006 8:15 AM ,$) closure question Subject: AGFA sludge basin(s) closure question From: Landon Davidson <Landon.Davidson@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 11:36:15 -0400 To: rick.shiver@ncmail.net, kim.colson@ncmail.net CC: bev.price@ncmail.net, landon.davidson@ncmail.net Kim/Rick- The APS ARO is planning on transferring jurisdiction of the closure of a sludge and aeration basin at the former AGFA plant (formerly Dupont) to the RCRA/Haz. Waste program. The closure plan submitted by AGFA does not satisfy the APS's closure policy (A.M. memo of Aug. 18, 2003) for these types of treatment units. AGFA has removed a significant amount of sludge but has not sampled the material beneath the unlined ponds nor performed any modeling to determine if an impact to groundwater is probable. The SWP agreed verbally to AGFA's closure plan about a year ago (right at the re-org. time in July) which involved sludge removal, sampling of the sludge left in place followed by applying a 503 residuals argument to allow them to incorporate the remaining sludge into new fill material. I met with AGFA to express my concerns which include: 1) The lack of soil sampling beneath the basin floor (these are unlined) and therefore the lack of any modeling to determine potential impact to groundwater. 2) The fact that the floor of the basin and the remaining sludge are probably below the existing water table. 3) The fact that impact to groundwater was observed in the past in monitoring wells adjacent to these units (ammonia)..... so we know there is a hydraulic connection between groundwater and the basin. I get the sense that AGFA feels that DWQ moved the target on them in regards to closure, even though 'AGFA was given our closure policy in writing over a year ago. One option I see is to transfer the closure issue over to RCRA Haz. Waste since they will be managing this site and these basins are considered SWMUs. Mark Wilkins (RCRA Haz. Waste) has agreed to take over the closure aspect (as he has taken over issues from Solid Waste at this site).His program would require sampling of soil beneath the basins as well as long-term groundwater monitoring (which we would establish). One reason I wanted to run this past you is that this site will ultimately be owned by the State of North Carolina as part of the Dupont State Forest. Just email me if you have concerns, otherwise I'll prepare a letter from me to Mark that gives them full jurisdiction on the issue of basin closure on Friday of this week. Thanks. Landon Landon Davidson - Landon.Davidson@ncmail.net ..................................................................................................... North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Aquifer Protection Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4680 Fax: 828-299-7043 Landon Davidson <Landon.Davidson crncmail.net> NC DENR - Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section 12/1/2005 7:35 AM 1 of 1 .evard WWTP Closure] Subject: [Fwd: Re: AGFA Brevard WWTP Closure] From: Kerry Becker <Kerry.Becker@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 10:26:52 -0400 To: Bev Price <Bev.Price@ncmail.net> Kerry Becker - Kerry.Becker@ncmail.net North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Subject: Re: AGFA Brevard WWTP Closure From: Forrest Westall <Forrest.Westall@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 04 Oct 200414:53:49 -0400 To: Shannon Mohr Thornburg <shannon.thomburg@ncmail.net> CC: Kerry Becker <Kerry.Becker@ncmail.net> Shannon, I reviewed the plan with Kerry and Pm thinking that we sent out a letter of approval (Pve slept since then). I will copy this to Kerry and make sure. In any event, the plan was to approve an acceptable Closure plan with the understanding that long term issues would be addressed by DWM in the overall site managment plan. Thanks. Forrest Shannon Mohr Thornburg wrote: Forrest - I was just organizing some paperwork in my office and came across my AGFA Brevard WWTP Closure file. Is there anything required of me at this point in terms of follow-up, review, etc.? I was just wondering if I should go ahead and send my file to SWPS Central Files or not. Thanks for any guidance that you are able to provide! Shannon Shannon Mohr Thornburg, Environmental EngineerMailing Address: Land Application Unitl636 Mail Service Center Aquifer Protection SectionRaleigh, NC27699-1636 NCDENR-DWQ�sical Address. Telephone:(919) 715-61672728 C61672728 Capital Boulevard, Room No. 1C 130 Fax:(919) 715-0588Raleigh, NC27604 shannon thoinburg(a),ncmail nethttp•//h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu Forrest Westall - Forrest.Westall@ncmail.net North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 9/29/2005 10:47 AM 1 of 2 1 29 100'S fbiect:Fw: AGFABre nrd Site Man m: "Michael Gelt" tngeIl@eamlwatrconv To::"Shannon Mohr Thornburg'. <sh�nnon•thor°b"rSC�n llcb 1 Shannon, at \ �, •. I ending this. I got a -deliverable on th� first Mike. Original Message ---- From: .'Michael Gell'<mgell@carolina.rtnorburg@ncma'l.net> To:. 'Shannon Mohr Thornburg'. Cc: 'Rsy Dechant' <kay dechart@ncrail.net> Sent: Friday, June O4,.20D9 8:2, A.M Subject: Fw: AGFA Brevard Site Map Shone n, The tt..hed Excel spreadsheet contains the analytical results on the P sng les taken from the polishing pond and a the approximate locations. In general four samples were taken from each 9 quadrant and conposited into the sample. analyzed. The organics. reported were for duplicate composite s samples of pond .ediment. not. I le. attached a word. document that contain. the body of she original ' -) ent to Kim'and Chet .the AGFA "ant Manager. I chink I have corrected Kay Dechant's email address and _ included her or. the cc list. Best Regards, Mike Gell Environmental Contractor 8709 Kentucky Derby Dr. Waxhaw; MC 28173 704-843-5756 (home/office/fax) 8 T Mobile 704 763-6265 Original Message - ! From: -Michael Ge11• y 11@^arolin -J - To: 'Rim Cols K loon@na+arl t cc: 'Roger Gall - y el low @ g{ Ray Dech [ k.d.chant@.—il.nec-Ke--ry Beck r rv.becker@hema 1 'chet �) _ Mernzer' < er@agfe.soiN; ] anbus;.rrk@usa. Dupont. com>; - •David E Epps• <Danzd E.EppB@USA,dupont.Co - m> r Sent. Tuesday, May IS, 2004 8:54 AM Subject: AGFA Brevard Site Map Kim, Fh tos of the polishing pond and pdf site map( groundwater monitoring wells) for .the AGFA Brevard site. _ p ,Mike Dell zV 6/1 £/2004 2: -,f 3 imap://shannon.thornburg%40dwq.denr.ncmai l . net @ cros.ncmail.net: Metals &Nitrogen Loadings .,tCNAME DATESMPL P-1 1/27/200467 Those CCA4--a,e a denm oe'dudoB" at 2 feet In me uo IshLna pond C ANALYTE ACETONE RESULT 11700 MDL 1120 PQL 360 UNIT UG/KG DRY D %H20 dll 0.75 ' Pounds Total AVERAGE Total Ib.JAc. Kg/ha P_2 1/27/2004 CP-1 1/27/20047 67 ACETONE ARSENIC 1740 10.0 34 2.49 =. 97 4.98 UG/KG MG/KG D D 0.75 79.90% 61.0 CP-2 1 CP-3 1/27/20047 CP-4 1/27/2DD4 p_1 1/27/2004 /27/2DD4 7 7 ARSENIC ARSENIC 71 BENZENE 4.72 7.57 ARSENIC 5.87 16 1.98 1.95 1.21 9 3.97 3.89 2.42 89 MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG UG/KG D D D D 1 75.30% 74.30% 58.70% 0.75 1 35.4 59.0 73.5 U. 57.2 12.2 13.7 P-2 1 CP-1 1/27/2DD47 CP-2 CP-3 CP-4 /27/2004 1/27/20047 1/27/2004 1 /27/20D4 71 7 7 BENZENE 14 CADMIUM 10.4 CADMIUM 5.59 CADMIUM 8.99 CADMIUM 2 0.269 0.210 2.33 0.131 !24 ;2.49 11.98 1,95 1.21 UG/KG D MG/KG D MG/KG D MG/KG MG/KG D D 0.75 79.90% 75.30% 74:30% 58.70% 0.1 63.4 41.9 70.1 29.2 51.1 10.9 12.2 P-1 P_2 1/27/2004 1/27/2004 751 751 CARBON DISULFIDE CARBON DISULFIDE 83 18 47 189 5 24 UG/KG UG/KG D D 0.75 0.75 0.6 0.4 CP-1 1/27/20047 CHROMIUM 651 4.98 12.4 MG/KG D 79.90% 3968.8 CP-2 1/27/20047 CHROMIUM 230 0.794 1.98 MG/KG D 75.30% 1723.1 CP-3 CP-4 1/27/20047 1/27/20047 CHROMIUM CHROMIUM 508 147 3.89 9.73 0.484 1.21 MG/KG MGJKG D D 74.30% 58.70% 3959.9 1841.4 28733 611.3 687.8 CP-1 CP-2 1/27/2004 1/27/20047 7 COPPER COPPER 380 202 0,945 4.98 0.754 13.97 MG/KG MG/KG ID D 79.90% 75.30% 2316.7 1513.3 CP-3 CP-4 1/27l20047 1 /27/2004 7 COPPER COPPER 216 10.739 114 '3.89 0.460 12.42 MG/KG MG/KG D D 74.30% 58.70% 1683.7 1428.0 1735A 369.2 415.4 P-2 1 J27l2004 FLUORANTHENE 560 410 14100 UG/KG D 0.75 4.2 CP-1 1 /27/2004 74 LEAD 82.5 3.93 '9.95 MG/KG D 79.90% 503.0 ! CP-2 CP-3 CP-4 1 /27/2004 1 /27/2004 1/27/2004 7 7 74 LEAD LEAD LEAD 35.4 47.0 57.9 3.14 3.07 7.78 1.91 7.94 4.84 MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG D D D 75.30% 74.30% 58.70% 265.2 366.4 725.3 465.0 98.9 111.3 CP-1 1/27/20047 MERCURY 1.45 0.0139 0.491 MG/KG D 79.90% 8.8 CP-2 1/2712004 74 MERCURY 0.920 0,0113 10.400 MG/KG D 75.30% 6.9 CP-3 CP-4 1/27/2004 1/27/20047 74 MERCURY MERCURY 0.468 0,438 10.0065 0.0109 10.384 10.228 MG/KG MGJKG D D 74.30% 58.70% 3.6 5.5 6.2 1.3 1.5 P-1 1 /27/2D04 78 METHYL ETHYL KETO 260 71 I 180 UG/KG D 0.75 2.0 P-2 1/27/200478 METHYL ETHYLKETO 130 19 148 UG/KG D 0.75 1.0 CPA1/27/2D0474 MOLYBDENUM 12.5 0.896 4.Yt MG/KG D 79.90% 76.2 CP-2 1/27/2004 74 MOLYBDENUM 7.65 0.714 3.97 MG/KG D 75.30% 57.3 CP-3 CP-4 1 /27/2004 1/27/2004 74 7 MOLYBDENUM MOLYBDENUM 5.10 3.65 0.700 13.89 0.436 2.42 MG/KG MG/KG I D D 74.30% 58.70% 39.8 45.7 54.7 11.6 13.1 CPA 1/27/20047 NICKEL 126 0.995 4.98 MG/KG D 79.9p% 768.2 CP-2 1/27/20047 NICKEL 23.2 0.794 3:97 MG/KG D 75.30% 173.8 CP-3 CP-4 1/27/20047 1/27/20047 NICKEL NICKEL 38.3 37.3 0.778 0.484 12.42 3.89 MG/KG MG/KG D D 74.30% 58.70% 298.5 467.2 426.9 90.8 102.2 P-2 CPA 1/27/2D04 1/27/200477 1 PYRENE SELENIUM 430 3.07 410 14100 2.34 14.98 VG/KG MG/KG D D 0.75 0.75 3.3 23.3 23.3 5.0 5.6 CP-1 1/27/20047 SILVER 1290 3.73 12.4 MG/KG D 79.90% 7664.4 CP-2 1 /27/2004 7 SILVER 736 2.98 9.92 MG/KG D 75.30% 5513.9 CP-3 CP-4 1/27/20047 1/27/20047 SILVER SILVER 625 530 2.92 1.82 9.73 16.05 MG/KG MG/KG D D 74.30% 58.70% 4871.9 6639.1 6222.3 1323.9 1489.4 P-2 1/27/200410 TOLUENE 12 5 124 UG/KG D 0.75 0.1 CP-1 1/27/2004 7 ZINC 1850 4.48 149.8 MG/KG D 79.90% 11278.5 CP-2 1/27/20047 7JNC 751 3.57 '39.7 MGJKG D 75.30% 5626.2 CP-3 CP-4 1/27/20047 1/27/2D047 ZINC ZINC 1490 479 3.50 2.18 j38.9 124.2 MG/KG MG/KG D D 74.30% 58.70% 11614.5 6000.2 8629.9 1836.1 2065.7 CP1 1/27/2004 Coliform, Fecal 37500 1 I C/Gm Soil 0.00 1 CP2 1/27/2004 Conform, Fecal 3896.10 1 1 C/Gm Soil 0.00 1 CP3 1/27/2004 Coliform, Fecal 146052.63 1 C/Gm Soil 0.00 1 CP4 CPI 1/27/2004 1/27/2004 Coliform, Fecal Nitrate as N 151204.28 <64 1 641 1 IC/Gm mg/kg Soil Soil 0.00 79.90% 1 61 <390 CP2 1/27/2004 Nitrate as N <49 491 mg/kg Soil 75.30% 5 <300 CP3 CP4 1/27/2004 1127/20D4 Nitrate as N Nitrate as N 1 <29 <28 1 29I 281 mg/kg !mg/kg Soil ISoil 74.30% 58.70% 3 <175 3 <170 <234 1 CPI 1/27/2004 Nitrate-Nifrite (as N) 89 164. Img/kg (Soil 79.90% 6 542.6 CP2 1/27l2004 Nitrate -Nitrite (as N) 74 49. 1 mg/kg Soil 75.30% CP3 CP4 1/27/2D04- 1/27/2004 Ntrate-Nitrite (as M NitrateNitite (as N) 49 45 29. 28. 1 mg/kg mg/kg Soll Soil 74,30% 56.70% ff 510.7 108.E 122.2 CPl 1/27/2004 Nitrogen.total 16153 16.2 mg/kg Soil 79.90% 6 98476.2 CP2 1/27/2004 Nitrogen,total 12096 6.5 1 Imglkg Soil 75.30% 6 90634.3 CP3 CP4 1/27/2DD4 1/27/2004 Nitrogentotal Nitrogen total 6174 8673 13.3 13.0 1 mg/kg mg/kg Soil Soil 74.30% 5B.70% 3 48126.2 3 108642.9 86470 18398 I 20698 CPI 1/27/2004 Nitrogen. Ammonia 11200 56. I mg/kg Soil 79.90% 6 7315.8 CP2 1 /27/2004 Nitrogen, Ammonia 1300 55. mg/kg Soil 75.30% 5 9739.2 CP3 CP4 CPI 1/27/2D04 1/27/2004 1/27/2004 Nitrogen,Ammonia Nitrogen, Ammonia Nitrogen, Kjeldahi, 320 1200 T 16000 129. 33. 46. i 1 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Soil Soil Soil 74.30% 58.70% 79.90% 3 2494.4 3 15031.9 51 97543.4 8645 1839 2069 CP2 1/27/2004 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, T 1200D 63. mg/kg Soil 74.30% 6 CP3 CP4 1 /27/2004 1/27/2004 Nitrogen, Kle ahl, Nitrogen, Kjeldohl, T 6100 T 8600 36. 31. ! mg/kg mglkg Soil Soil 58.30% 58.70% 47549.1 4 47 728. 3 107728.5 85680 ! 16230 20509 CPI 1/27/2004 Percent Moisture 79.90% % Sotl 1 CP2 1/27/2004 Percent Moisture 75.30% % Soil 1 CP3 1/27/2004 Percent Moisture 74.30% % Soil 1 CP4 1 /27l20D4 Percent Moisture 58.70% % Sol[ 1 ((2ft'43560sgft/ac'4.7acres/27cu.ft/cu.ydJ'2DMbs./cu.Yd'(1-J5 %sofids)/10A6)'E5concentration In pounds per million pounds Assumptions are: 2 ft depth and 2000Ibs.NdA3 to get to a total pounds of material. 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Place Yes Ys Start dewatering the Sludge Lower PP•level & pump water to sewer basin and process filtrate for disposal through aeration and through the aeration basin clarifier until final grading is Let the PP dry, manage StormH20 to complete process sewer. Start addding soils and add mix as haracteriz needed to achieve Remaining fixing of the solids solids and bringing the area to final grade. Start dewatering the Aeration basin and process filtrate through the clarifier. Characterize the remaining solids. Commence -final grading empty Emergency Diversion Basin Remove sediments. j Sample and test liner Fill and grade Final Grading and Disposal of Removed Decommission the clarifier Rsiduais mailbox:///Cl/Documents%20and%20Settings/shannon_thornburg/A. Subject: AGFA Brevard WWTP Closure _ From: Shannon Mohr Thornburg <shannon.thornburg@ncmail.net> _ Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 09:25:29 -0400 To: Forrest Westall <forrest.westall@ncmail.net> Forrest - I was just organizing some paperwork in my office and came across my AGFA Brevard WWTP Closure file. Is there anything required of me at this point in terms of follow-up, review, etc.? I was just wondering if I should go ahead and send my file to SWPS Central Files or not. Thanks for any guidance that you are able to provide! Shannon Shannon Mohr ThornbUrg, EnvironrTiental Engineer Land Application Unit Aquifer Protection Section \ CDENNR-D WQ Telephone: (919) 715-6I67 13() Fax: (919) 715-0588 shannon.thomburg(),ncmail.net V. Mailins) Address 1636 Mail. Service Center Ralei.ah, NC 27699-1636 Pvsical Address: 277 '28 Capital Boulevard,1?.c+om :No. 1 C" Raleigh, NC" 2 6004 http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu 9/30/2004 9:25 A? imap://shannon. thornburg%40dwq.denr.ncmail.net@cros.ncmail.ne Subject: Re: AGFA Brevard WWTP Closure From: Forrest Westall <Forrest.Westall@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 14:53:49 -0400 To: Shannon Mohr Thornburg <shannon.thornburg@ncmail.net> CC: Kerry Becker <Kerry.Becker@ncmail.net> Shannon, I reviewed the plan with Kerry and I'm thinking that we sent out a letter of approval (I've slept since then). I will copy this to Kerry and make sure. In any event, the plan was to approve an acceptable closure plan with the understanding that long term issues would be addressed by DWM in the overall site managment plan. Thanks. Forrest Shannon Mohr Thornburg wrote: Forrest - I was just organizing some paperwork in my office and came across my AGFA Brevard WWTP Closure file. Is there anything required of me at this point in terms of follow-up, review, etc.? I was just wondering if I should go ahead and send my file to SWPS Central Files or not. Thanks for any guidance that you are able to provide! Shannon �itin�?`.rnon hct �}n;�r1Addles, Land Application Unit 1€i 6 Mail Seri, -ice Center Aquifer Protection SectionlZaaki-g.h. NC2-699-1€')6 NCDENR-Tit%QP y sical Address: I'elephone.(919) 15-6i672728 Capital Boulevard, R.00ni tio. IC 130 Fax:(919)'15_tt;1 Ralei>=h.?tii:4''004 shannon.thomburg(a).ncmail.nelhttp://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu Forrest Westall - Forrest.Westall@ncmail.net North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Forrest Westall <Forrest.Westall(qncmail.net> NC DENR - Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section 10/11/2004 9:51 of 1 irnap://shannon.thomburg%40dwq. denr.ncmail.net@cros.ncmail.ne'. Subject: Re: AGFA Brevard WWTP Closure From: Forrest Westall <Forrest.Westall@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 12:40:3 7­0400 To: Shannon Mohr Thornburg <shannon.thornburg@ncmail.net> CC: Kerry Becker <Kerry.Becker@ncmail.net> Thanks. Kerry reminded me that a letter had gone out on our approval of the plan and referenced DWM for any long term issues. Take care. Forrest Shannon Mohr Thornburg wrote: Thanks, Forrest!!! I am going to send all of my files to Surface Water Protection Section -Central Files!!! Shannon Forrest Westall wrote: Shannon, I reviewed the plan with Kerry and I'm thinking that we sent out a letter of approval (I've slept since then). I will copy this to Kerry and make sure. In any event, the plan was to approve an acceptable closure plan with the understanding that long term issues would be addressed by DWM in the overall site managment plan. Thanks. Forrest Shannon Mohr Thornburg wrote: Forrest - I was just organizing some paperwork in my office and came across my AGFA Brevard WWTP Closure file. Is there anything required of me at this point in terms of follow-up, review, etc.? I was just wondering if I should go ahead and send my file to SWPS Central Files or not. Thanks for any guidance that you are able to provide! Shannon Shannon �tol,, 7 i1c p)bur_; Environmental : rn7ineer ��lailing�dclress Land Applicatmn L r t; 6 6 Mail Se,-VicSe,-Vicee Center ----- Aquifer Protection sectionRaiei`h, N- C-27 699-163-6 NCDEN, R-MVQPhysical _'Address: Telepbone:t 9191 7 15-61672 7 28 Capital Boulevard, Root n No. 1 C 130 Fax:(919) 7. U 8SRa1ei,_xh. \C2-76`.i4 shannon thomburg(a,,ncmail nedittp•//h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu Forrest Westall - Forrest.Westall(ancmail.net North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 of 2 10/11/2004 2:101 (W &kL" TO:�� FRON( SUBJECT: Guidelines for the Closure of Treatment Ponds and Lagoons zgust 18, 2003 L11 Purpose: The purpose of these guidelines is to protect the quality of the groundwater resources of the state while accomplishing the closure of a treatment pond or lagoon. Background: Man-made treatment ponds and lagoon type structures are used to contain fluids and semi-solidsfor a variety of reasons. As these ponds and lagoons become no longer necessary, the structure needs to be abandoned in an environmentally friendly manner. The Groundwater Section's major.concern with the elimination of these structures is that groundwater remains protected both during and after abandonment. Each structure must be considered for its unique circumstances on a case -by -case basis. Regulations relevant to the abandonment of ponds and lagoons for ground waters of the state include the Classifications and Water Quality Standards found in Title 15A NCAC 2L. Other be found in the DENR Land Resources regulations pertinent standards and regulations may pertaining to Sedimentation and Erosion Control and Dam Safety, the DENR Waste Management regulations pertaining to the disposal of wastes and sludge, and the NCDOT regulations pertaining to transportation of materials on public highways. Lagoons` for animal waste are regulated under the federal NRCS Standards. Recommended Procedure: The major elements of pond and lagoon structures include the contents, the walls, the floor and the liner, if one exists. Each element must be characterized for its quantity and material properties in order to prepare a closure plan. Guidelines for the preparation of this plan are described in the following steps: 1) Collect and assemble field information by characterizing the structural elements and liquid contents, including bottom sludge in the impoundment. Sampling will be required in most situations, and the types of sampling and analyses will depend on factors such as what the lagoon was used for, its construction materials (earthen, concrete, natural or synthetic liner), and size. The samples must be representative of the medium sampled, and the rationale for the depths, locations and number of samples should be justified and documented in preparation of being legally defensible. The sampling must be performed Lagoon Closure final.doc Page 1 of 3 Upon completion of the closure, the owner should submit documentation to the DWQ regional office with the following: 1) A description of all actions taken and dates relative to the abandonment. 2) Copies of all pertinent correspondence with private, local, state and/or federal agencies. 3) Ultimate disposal sites with weigh tickets or processing verifications, as appropriate. 4) Certification by a Professional Engineer (PE) or Professional Geologist (PG) if the pond or lagoon: a) is greater than five (5) acres in total area, b) contains hazardous substances as defined by TCLP tests, or c) involves a breaching of a dam, which could impose a safety hazard to persons or property below it. Lagoon Closure final.doc Page 3 of 3 Mr. Roger C. Edwards Agf P.O.OCorporation PBox 267 NCDENR _ Brevar� 47 Division of Water Quality - i 1 Surface Water Protection 2090 U.S. Highway 70Cn m i k_ Swannanoa, NC 28778 September 6, 2005 v k 4 Re: Wastewater Treatment Closure U Dear Mr. Edwards: The purpose of this letter is to follow up on the closure plan agreement reached in our July 2004 meeting and documented in my letter to Kerry Becker, NCDENR August 26, 2004. The Agfa Brevard site, NC NPDES #NC0000337, will move forward with the closure of the wastewater treatment facility in preparation for a property transfer to E.I. DuPont de Nemours Co. Inc., who will be responsible for the future management of this solid waste management unit (SWMU) under their RCRA corrective action plan. • The site has completed the biosolids removal phase for these basins using a barge - mounted diesel dredge. The removed solids were filtered and landfilled in a Subtitle D landfill. This was the only practical removal method and achieved approximately 90% removal of the solids. • In accordance with the closure plan we have calculated the volume of solids remaining in the basins based on depth measurements for the biosolids, an estimated area and the percent solid of the biosolids samples. o Approximately 250 tons of biosolids remain in the basins; approximately 2,520 tons of solids were removed and landfilled off -site. • Samples of the residual basin material were collected at locations shown in Enclosure 1. Analytical results are provided as Enclosure 2. The purpose of the sampling effort was to characterize the post dredging materials with respect to contaminants regulated by 503 rules and other potential contaminants based on the NPDES permit limitations. • Based on the analytical results and the calculated mass we believe the remaining materials meet the 503 regulations for the environmentally sound use as a one- time amendment for the reclamation of the site. • The site will now proceed with the final grading of these basins in accordance with the E&SC plan approved by the NCDENR Division of Land Management, Land Quality Section, in October 2004. 9/6/2005 DISCUSSION: vsing Ulc analyses Ul uic coiilposited biosolids acid water sarripleS taken from the oasins we have calculated the mass and estimated loading of the pollutants of interest based on the 503 biosolids disposal regulations. The estimated mass loadings of the pollutants of interest are presented in Table i, which also lists the loading of the compounds when spread over the six (6) acres available, and the 503 limits for comparison. The table provides the following information. • Compound or element of interest • The concentration of that compound in the site biosolids samples. • The maximum biosolids concentration allowed in the 503 regulations. • The per -acre loading of the compound in pounds based on the calculated mass of the compound in the remaining biosolids and the six (6) acres available for grading the material. • The final column presents the potential loading allowed for each compound over the life of a biosolids application under the 503 regulations. The sample locations for the grab and Encore samples locations are shown on Enclosure No.1, the wastewater treatment area sketch. The samples were taken in March and May of this year after completion of dredging operations. Copies of laboratory reports for the samples in our analysis of the sludge removal process are included in Enclosure No. 2 as PDF files. Based on the sampling program initiated at the basins and subsequent analysis using appropriate guidance, AGFA believes the residuals present in the remaining biosolids represent an acceptable level for all pollutants during the closure of the wastewater treatment basins. Several constituents that have been detected in samples collected, but do not have 503 limitations. An evaluation of the potential for impact by these constituents is provided below. Metals: The NPDES permit limited the discharge of metals form the process areas and these were removed before the water was sent to the wastewater treatment system. Any trace metals that went to the WWT system were chemically bound or in an insoluble matrix. In sampling the biosolids for the 503 constituents Silver was added since it was limited in the permit. Silver - A concentration of 1900 mg/kg was detected in the composite sample collected from the residual basin material in March of 2005. Since 503 rules do not limit for Silver a risk based residential soil exposure level of 390 mg/kg was used for calculating an acceptable loading. Based on this calculation the concentration of silver present in the residual basin material would not exceed an acceptable loading as shown in Table 1. In addition, ground water samples collected during 2004 from wells located downgradient of the basins did not detect silver above laboratory practical quantitation limits (e.g., 5ug/1). We believe these results validate the calculation assumptions used for the 503 evaluations that silver concentrations present in the basin material have not impacted shallow ground water. 9/6/2005 Appendix IX Organics Samples of the biosolids were analyzed for the RCRA Appendix IX constituents and the results are attached. Two types of samples were taken from the residual biosolids: a set of standard grab samples and a set of Encore (closed tube core sampler) method samples. The samples were taken on 5/3/05 and analyzed by Pace Labs. The grab samples had one occurrence of an organic compound present, Toluene at 84 ug/l, which we have attributed to the presence of the diesel dredge in the basins, and the possible contamination of the material in the basin with the exhaust products from the dredge. We do not believe this concentration of a biodegradable organic represents a significant obstacle to the closure process. This constituent was not detected in samples collected in 2004 from down gradient monitoring wells above laboratory practical quantitation limits (e.g., 0.5 ug/1) The Encore samples were collected using SW846 Method 5035 and laboratory preserved using methanol. This type of sampling limits potential loss of highly volatile organic compounds into the headspace of conventional sampling containers. Results of the analysis are provided in Enclosure 2, a more detailed discussion of the results as they pertain to the closure of the basins is provided below. • Acetone was present in four samples at an average of 1037 ug/kg in the sludge samples. We believe the presence of a very volatile and biodegradable organic solvent in the biosolids is questionable. This compound has never been detected in the OCPSF sampling conducted by the site, but it is a common analytical artifact. In addition, the average concentration of this compound is below the NCDENR regulatory guidance for soil to ground water migration of 2,810 ug/kg. Based on this data, the detection of this constituent in the residual basin materials should not be considered significant to closure of the basins and was not detected in 2004 samples from down gradient monitoring wells above laboratory practical quantitation limits (e.g., 3 ug/1) • Naphthalene was also detected in four samples at an average concentration of 75 ug/kg, and again, an OCPSF regulated compound that has never been detected in the years of sampling under the NPDES program was found in the biosolids. We believe that, if present the naphthalene does not present a danger to the ground water or to the closure or the basins if incorporated into the basin closure grading materials. The average concentration of this compound is 9/6/2005 below the NCDENR regulatory guidance for soil to ground water t' of 285 ug/k Based on this data the detection of this migra ion g• constituent in the residual basin materials should not be considered significant to closure of the basins. in addition, iris constituent was not detected in samples collected in 2004 from down gradient monitoring wells above laboratory practical quantitation limits (e.g., 1 ug/1) • 2-Butanone (MEK) at 1,700 ug/kg was present in one sample and we find its presence in the biosolids questionable based on the operational history of the wastewater treatment system given it is a biodegradable, volatile organic and that we have no known source on site for this organic. This constituent was not detected in samples collected in 2004 from down gradient monitoring wells above laboratory practical quantitation limits (e.g., 5 ug/l) • 1,2,3 Trichlorobenzene was present in one sample at 33 ug/kg and this constituent has a high affinity for adsorption to soil (Koc of 589) therefore will not readily partition to water given its log octanol/water partitioning coefficient of 4.05. This constituent has not been detected in ground water samples collected from downgradient wells. Based on the fate and transport characteristics of this constituent and the concentration detected it is unlikely that this constituent would impact shallow ground water underlying the basins and therefore should not be considered significant to closure of the basins. In conclusion, we believe we have met the conditions agreed to in our closure agreement with the State of North Carolina and will now proceed with the completion of this phase within 30 days. We request that we meet and review this data with you within the next two weeks, so that we may immediately remedy any concerns, and then proceed with the closure within our business driven timeline. Chet Meinzer cilities M a Fa er g CC: Kerry Becker - DWQ Keith Haynes — DWQ Larry Frost - DWQ Landon Davidson — DWQ Charlene Graff — Agfa Jamie Van Buskirk — DuPont David Epps — DuPont Michael Gell WWT Consultant Roger Galloway - Agfa 9/6/2005 AGFA Letterhead from: Chet Meinzer to Roger C. Edwards, NCDENR Surface Water Group, NPDES The purpose of this letter is to follow up on the closure plan agreement reached in our July 2004 meeting and documented in my letter to Kerry Becker, NCDENR August 26, 2004. The Agfa Brevard site, NC NPDES #NC0000337, will move forward with the closure of the wastewater treatment facility in preparation for a property transfer to E.I. DuPont de Nemours Co. Inc., who will be responsible for the future management of this solid waste management unit (SWMU) under their RCRA corrective action plan. • The site has completed the biosolids removal phase for these basins using a barge - mounted diesel dredge. The removed solids were filtered and landfilled in a Subtitle D landfill. This was the only practical removal method and achieved approximately 90% removal of the solids. • In accordance with the closure plan we have calculated the volume of solids remaining in the basins based on depth measurements for the biosolids, an estimated area and the percent solid of the biosolids samples. o Approximately 250 tons of biosolids remain in the basins; approximately 2,520 tons of solids were removed and landfilled off -site. • Samples of the residual basin material were collected at locations shown in Enclosure 1. Analytical results are provided as Enclosure 2. The purpose of the sampling effort was to characterize the post dredging materials with respect to contaminants regulated by 503 rules and other potential contaminants based on the NPDES permit .limitations. • Based on the analytical results and the calculated mass we believe the remaining materials meet the 503 regulations for the environmentally sound use as a one- time amendment for the reclamation of the site. • The site will now proceed with the final grading of these basins in accordance with the E&SC plan approved by the NCDENR Division of Land Management, Land Quality Section, in October 2004. 9/6/2005 DISCUSSION: Using the analyses of the composited biosolids and water samples taken from the basins we have calculated the mass and estimated loading of the pollutants of interest based on the 503 biosolids disposal regulations. The estimated mass loadings of the pollutants of interest are presented in Table I, which also lists the loading of the compounds when spread over the six (6) acres available, and the 503 limits for comparison. The table provides the following information. • Compound or element of interest • The concentration of that compound in the site biosolids samples. • The maximum biosolids concentration allowed in the 503 regulations. • The per -acre loading of the compound in pounds based on the calculated mass of the compound in the remaining biosolids and the six (6) acres available for grading the material. • The final column presents the potential loading allowed for each compound over the life of a biosolids application under the 503 regulations. The sample locations for the grab and Encore samples locations are shown on Enclosure No.1, the wastewater treatment area sketch. The samples were taken in March and May of this year after completion of dredging operations. Copies of laboratory reports for the samples in our analysis of the sludge removal process are included in Enclosure No. 2 as PDF files. Based on the sampling program initiated at the basins and subsequent analysis using appropriate guidance, AGFA believes the residuals present in the remaining biosolids represent an acceptable level for all pollutants during the closure of the wastewater treatment basins. Several constituents that have been detected in samples collected, but do not have 503 limitations. An evaluation of the potential for impact by these constituents is provided below. Metals: The NPDES permit limited the discharge of metals form the process areas and these were removed before the water was sent to the wastewater treatment system. Any trace metals that went to the WWT system were chemically bound or in an insoluble matrix. In sampling the biosolids for the 503 constituents Silver was added since it was limited in the permit. Silver — A concentration of 1900 mg/kg was detected in the composite sample collected from the residual basin material in March of 2005. Since 503 rules do not limit for Silver a risk based residential soil exposure level of 390 mg/kg was used for calculating an acceptable loading. Based on this calculation the concentration of silver present in the residual basin material would not exceed an acceptable loading as shown in Table 1. In addition, ground water samples collected during 2004 from wells located downgradient of the basins did not detect silver above laboratory practical quantitation limits (e.g., 5ug/1). We believe these results validate the calculation assumptions used for the 503 evaluations that silver concentrations present in the basin material have not impacted shallow ground water. 9/6/2005 Appendix IX Organics Samples of the biosolids were analyzed for the RCRA Appendix IX constituents and the results are attached. Two types of samples were taken from the residual biosolids: a set of standard grab samples and a set of Encore (closed tube core sampler) method samples. The samples were taken on 5/3/05 and analyzed by Pace Labs. The grab samples had one occurrence of an organic compound present, Toluene at 84 ug/l, which we have attributed to the presence of the diesel dredge in the basins, and the possible contamination of the material in the basin with the exhaust products from the dredge. We do not believe this concentration of a biodegradable organic represents a significant obstacle to the closure process. This constituent was not detected in samples collected in 2004 from down gradient monitoring wells above laboratory practical quantitation limits (e.g., 0.5 ug/1) The Encore samples were collected using SW846 Method 5035 and laboratory preserved using methanol. This type of sampling limits potential loss of highly volatile organic compounds into the headspace of conventional sampling containers. Results of the analysis are provided in Enclosure 2, a more detailed discussion of the results as they pertain to the closure of the basins is provided below. • Acetone was present in four samples at an average of 1037 ug/kg in the sludge samples. We believe the presence of a very volatile and biodegradable organic solvent in the biosolids is questionable. This compound has never been detected in the OCPSF sampling conducted by the site, but it is a common analytical artifact. In addition, the average concentration of this compound is below the NCDENR regulatory guidance for soil to ground water migration of 2,810 ug/kg. Based on this data, the detection of this constituent in the residual basin materials should not be considered significant to closure of the basins and was not detected in 2004 samples from down gradient monitoring wells above laboratory practical quantitation limits (e.g., 3 ug/1) Naphthalene was also detected in four samples at an average concentration of 75 ug/kg, and again, an OCPSF regulated compound that has never been detected in the years of sampling under the NPDES program was found in the biosolids. We believe that, if present the naphthalene does not present a danger to the ground water or to the closure or the basins if incorporated into the basin closure grading materials. The average concentration of this compound is 9/6/2005 below the NCDENR regulatory guidance for soil to ground water / migration of 285 ug/kg. Based on this data, the detection of this constituent in the residual basin materials should not be considered significant to closure of the basins. In addition, this constituent was not detected in samples collected in 2004 from down gradient monitoring wells above laboratory practical quantitation limits (e.g., 1 ug/1) • 2-Butanone (MEK) at 1,700 ug/kg was present in one sample and we find its presence in the biosolids questionable based on the operational history of the wastewater treatment system given it is a biodegradable, volatile organic and that we have no known source on site for this organic. This constituent was not detected in samples collected in 2004 from down gradient monitoring wells above laboratory practical quantitation limits (e.g., 5 ug/1) • 1,2,3- Trichlorobenzene was present in one sample at 33 ug/kg and this constituent has a high affinity for adsorption to soil (Koc of 589) therefore will not readily partition to water given its log octanol/water partitioning coefficient of 4.05. This constituent has not been detected in ground water samples collected from downgradient wells. Based on the fate and transport characteristics of this constituent and the concentration detected it is unlikely that this constituent would impact shallow ground water underlying the basins and therefore should not be considered significant to closure of the basins. In conclusion, we believe we have met the conditions agreed to in our closure agreement with the State of North Carolina and will now proceed with the completion of this phase within 30 days. We request that we meet and review this data with you within the next two weeks, so that we may immediately remedy any concerns, and then proceed with the closure within our business driven timeline. 9/6/2005 Compound Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Lead Nickel Selenium Zinc Silver Aluminum Calcium Potassium Sodium Nitrogen, T PAN Nitrogen Fecal Coliform Table I Brevard Site WWTP Biosolids Residuals Residual Solids Biosolids t h/Ar• 5(I3,. ,hi�/ac) uoncentratiun ND-mg/Kg .7VJ l 16; .ri- 75 mg/Kg < 2@ 36.5 7.9 85 0.68 34.7 620 3000 54 2670 340 4300 29 1335 44 840 3.7 267 ND 57 <0.02 15.1 5.3 75 0.47 16 39 420 3.5 374 ND 100 < 2 89 1200 1900 7500 390*/1370** 105 165 2240 1 226**** 32000 None 2,794*** None 5700 None 497 None 2800 None 243 None 2900 None 253 None ND None None None 623 None 55 None • 11,000 3,400 None None 960 296 None None ND <1000MPN/g ND @ Based on the detection limit listed by the lab * Residential limit for ingestion by child soil concentration * * Industrial Brownfield silver limit in soil. *** Normal soil concentrations 20,000 to 50,000 mg/kg * * * * 390 mg/kg to a depth of one foot 9/6/2005 Enclosure No.1 Basin Sample Locations Sludge MGM # 1 [A] Sludge MGM #2 [B] Equal -Aeration #3 [C] Equal -Aeration #4 [D] Waste Treatment Sludge [E] Sludge MGM # 1(ENCORE) [F] Sludge MGM #2(ENCORE) [G] Equal -Aeration #3 (ENCORE) [H] Equal -Aeration #4(ENCORE) [I] 9/6/2005 Enclosure No.2 Pace Labs Report Project No.9293484 No. 9291307 No. 9290415 Demolition Samples Sludge Lagoon and Aeration Basin All as .pdf files 9/6/2005 Enclosure No.3 Groundwater Section Guidelines for the Investigation and Remediation of Soil and Groundwater Table 3 Contaminated Soil Clean-up Levels 9/6/2005 Enclosure NO. 1 Basin Sample Locations Data From Roger Galloway 8/11/2005 MEG MW-109A R87—S6 MW-109B to R87—S7 MW —209B MW-209A R87—S3 7 T� -S4 A, R87 12B &A 2C SWMU 12A R87-S5 A jp �Rn TV, W T, _j I- j 10, WIT, -ilivr 6 7 1, �,, .. . . .... U; 'q L Tz Ark; _QN!, R -,ff, ...... . . . ...... P T�l C', -211E M-21 1 C MW —21 1A mh 1M, 'alvAli"A Y, i Enclosure No.3 Excerpted from the GROUNDWATER SECTION GUIDELINES FOR THE INVESTIGATION AND REMEDIATION OF SOIL AND GROUNDWATER STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT of ENVIRONMENT and NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION of WATER QUALITY GROUNDWATER SECTION http://gw.ehnr.state.nc.us July 2000 Table 3 Contaminated Soil Clean -Up Levels Compound CAS # Soil to GW (mg/kg)* Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 11 Acetone 67-64-1 2.81 Anthracene 120-12-7 995 Barium 7440-39-3 848 71-43-2 0.0056 Benzene 56-55-3 0.34 Benzo(a)anthracene Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 1 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene 191-24-2 6720 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 12 50-32-8 0.091/0.088** Benzo(a)pyrene 65-85-0 112 Benzoic acid Bis(chloroethyl)ether(BCEE) 111-44-4 0.0002 n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 4 Sec -Butyl benzene 135-98-8 3 Tert-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 3 Carbon 75-15-0 4 Chloromethane(methyl chloride) 74-87-3 0.02 Chromium III 16065-83-1 27 Chromium VI 18540-29-9 27 Chrysene 218-01-9 38 Dibenzo(a,h)anthrace ne 53-70-8 0.17/0.088** Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 4.7 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 0.002 1,2-Dibromoethane (ethylene dibromide; EDB) 106-93-4 0.00000197 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 7 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 24 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 1 1,1-Dichloroethane (1,1-DCA) 75-34-3 4 ' 1,2-Dichloroethane (ethylenedichloride;1,2-DCA) 107-06-2 0.0018 1,2-Dichloroethene (cis)(cis-1,2-DCE) 156-59-2 0.35 1,2-Dichloroethene (trans) (trans-1,2-DCE) 156-60-5 0.38 1, 1 -Dichloroethane (1,1-DCE) 75-35-4 0.045 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 0.0029 1,3-Dichloropropene (cis and trans) 542-75-6 0.0009 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 0.9 Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 11 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 0.24 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 276 Fluorene 86-73-7 44 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.26 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 1.9 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 3 Isopropyl benzene (cumene) 98-82-8 2 Isopropyl ether (diisopropylether) 108-20-3 0.37 Lead 7439-92-1 270 Methanol 67-56-1 14 Methylethylkeytone (2-Butanone; MEK) 78-93-3 0.69 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1634-04-4 0.92 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 0.02. 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 3 Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.58 Phenanthrene 85-01-8 60 n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 2 Pyrene 129-00-0 286 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlorethane 79-34-5 0.001 Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) 127-18-4 0.0074 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 2.6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 7 Toluene 108-88-3 7 Xylenes (mixed) 1330-20-7 5 Notes * If the soil contaminant concentration is less than the method detection limit, the maximum soil concentration should be set at the level of the method detection limit. ** Residential Level July 2000 Table I Brevard Site WWTP Biosolids Residuals Residual Solids Biosolids �._•� �_ i_ e� ! 7 ,,7 ,+oa T h/An Cfl2 T,h_/ac_ l,Om ounu Arsenic t vticcuu auvn ND-mg/Kg 75 mg/Kg < 2@ 36.5 Cadmium 7.9 85 0.68 34.7 Chromium 620 3000 54 2670 Copper Lead 340 44 4300 840 29 3.7 1335 267 Mercury Molybdenum Nickel ND 5.3 39 57 75 420 <0.02 0.47 3.5 15.1 16 374 Selenium Zinc Silver ND 1200 1900 100 7500 390*/1370** < 2 105 165 89 2240 1,226**** Aluminum 32000 None 2,794*** None Calcium 5700 None 497 None Magnesium Potassium 2800 2900 None None 243 253 None None Sodium ND None None None Phos hate 623 None 55 None Nitrogen, T PAN Nitrogen 11,000 3,400 None None 960 296 None None Fecal Coliform ND <1000MPN/ ND @ Based on the detection limit listed by the lab * Residential limit for ingestion by child soil concentration ** Industrial Brownfield silver limit in soil. *** Normal soil concentrations 20,000 to.50,000 mg/kg **** 390 mg/kg to a depth of one foot ,, e L11V loi J't,�ily V.1 Basin Sample Locations Sludge MGM # 1 [A] Sludge MGM #2 [B] Equal -Aeration #3 [C] Equal -Aeration #4 [D] Waste Treatment Sludge [E] Sludge MGM # 1(ENCORE) [F] Sludge MGM #2(ENCORE) [G] Equal -Aeration #3 (ENCORE) [H] Equal -Aeration #4(ENCORE) [I] 9/6/2005 Enclosure NO.1 Basin Sample Locations Data From Roger Galloway sn liaoos MEG .. MW-109A R87-S6' MW-109B 1 R87-S7'�. r 7 4 f A o MW-2096 Ltd F, MW-209A e �q -s `�s � ` R87-$3 MaN 20 ` f w NOV �5 (� _ A y,— ppy E b4a' Hi i R87-S4 }t't a S " e C Jd MWi uNI17� 2248 f ! R87-S5 MW-224A Vie'xl r �9y V = x. YiYie _ f : � B ,MW-211C MW-211A d r gj �Anra 4%ir,�-.P ��t1L.li9/J>tE7` Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 2225 Riverside Drive Huntersville, NC 28078 Asheville, NC 28804 malXical w Phone: 704.875.9092 Phone. 828.254.7176 wwwpaceiabs,cam Fax: 704.875,9091 Fax. • 828.252.4618 May 13, 2005 Mr. Roger Galloway AGFA Corporation P.O. Box 267 Brevard,NC 28712 _ RE: Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples Dear Mr. Galloway: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on May 3, 2005. Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. If you have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, R 4d Ph Lorri Patton lorri.patton@pacelabs.com Project Manager Enclosures Asheville Certification los REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 This report shall not he reproduced, except in full, NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 NC Drinking Water 57712 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. SC 99006 SC Environmental 99030 *�� /+� FL NELAP E87627 FL NELAP E87648 ���'y�Q Solid results are reported on vBenzo(k)fluoranthene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(a)anthracene Benzoic acid Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Benzyl alcohol Benzo(a)pyrene Biphenyl (Diphenyl) 4-Bromophenylphenyl ether Butylbenzylphthalate 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Chloroaniline bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether 2-Chloronaphthalene 2-Chlorophenol 4-Chlorophenylphenyl ether Chrysene Dibenz(a,h)anthracene Dibenzofuran 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 2,4-Dichlorophenol Diethylphthalate 2,4-Dimethylphenol Dimethylphthalate Di-n-butylphthalate 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 2,4-Dinitrophenol Date: 05/13/05 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples ght basis Project Sample Number: 9293484-001 Date Collected: 05/03/U5 12:z5 Matrix: Water Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt Prep/Method: EPA 3510 / EPA 8270 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 5000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 2000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 2000 ND ug/l 2000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 2000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 1000 ND ug/l 5000 ND ug/l 5000 l 05/12/05 01:56 BET 83-32-9 05/12/05 01:56 BET 208-96-8 05/12/05 01:56 BET 62-53-3 05/12/05 01:56 BET 120-12-7 05/12/05 01:56 BET 207-08-9 05/12/05 01:56 BET 205-99-2 05/12/05 01:56 BET 56.55-3 05/12/05 01:56 BET 65-85-0 05/12/05 01:56 BET 191-24-2 05/12/05 01:56 BET 100-51-6 05/12/05 01:56 BET 50-32-8 05/12/05 01:56 BET 92-52-4 05/12/05 01:56 BET 101-55-3 05/12/05 01:56 BET 85-68-7 05/12/05 01:56 BET 59-50-7 05/12/05 01:56 BET 106-47-8 05/12/05 01:56 BET 111-,91-1 05/12/05 01:56 BET 111-44-4 05/12/05 01:56 BET 39638-32-9 05/12/05 01:56 BET 91-58-7 05/12/05 01:56 BET 95-57.8 05/12/05 01:56 BET 7005-72-3 05/12/05 01:56 BET 218-01-9 05/12/05 01:56 BET 53-70-3 05/12/05 01:56 BET 132-64-9 05/12/05 01:56 BET 95-50-1 05/12/05 01:56 BET 541-73-1 05/12/05 01:56 BET 106-46-7 05/12/05 01:56 BET 91-94-1 05/12/05 01:56 BET 120-83.2 05/12/05 01:56 BET 84-66-2 05/12/05 01:56 BET 105-67-9 05/12/05 01:56 BET 131-11-3 05/12/05 01:56 BET 84-74-2 05/12/05 01:56 BET 534-52.1 05/12/05 01:56 BET 51-28-5 Asheville Certification IN This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL_NEL AP E87648 Page: 1 of 55 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 Sc 99006 FI Nn nn F�7�n7 nTl Hr Lab Sample No: 925584591 Project Sample Number: 9293484-001 Date Collected: 05/03/05 12:25 Client Sample ID: SLUDGE MGM°1 Matrix: Water Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed ByCAS No. Qual RegLmt 2,4-Dinitrotoluene :. ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 121 14 2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene :r ND ug/1 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 606-20 2 Di-n-octylphthal�te ND ug/1 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 117-84-0 1,2-Diphenyl'hydrazine ND ug/l 2000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 122-66-7 bis(2-Ethyl iiexyl)phthalate ND ug/1 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 117-81-7 Fluoran "e ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 206-44-0 Fluorene ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 86 73 7 0exachioro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 87 68 3 Hexachlorobenzene ND ug/1 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 118 74 1 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 77-47-4 Hexachloroethane ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 67-72-1 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 193-39-5 Isophorone ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 78-59-1 2-Methylnaphthalene ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 91-57-6 2-Methylphenol (o-Cresol) ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 95-48-7 3&4-Methylphenol ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET Naphthalene ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 91-20-3 2-Nitroaniline ND ug/l 5000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 88774-4 3-Nitroaniline ND ug/l 5000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 99-09-2 4-Nitroaniline ND ug/l 5000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 100-01-6 Nitrobenzene ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 98-95-3 2-Nitrophenol ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 88-75-5 4-Nitrophenol ND ug/l 5000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 100-02-7 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 62-75-9 1,2 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 86-30-6 Pentachlorophenol ND ug/l 5000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 87-86-5 Phenanthrene ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 85-01-8 Phenol ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 108-95-2 Pyrene ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 129-00-0 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/1 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 120-82-1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND ug/l 5000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 95-95-4 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:56 BET 88-06-2 Nitrobenzene-d5 (S) 18 % 05/12/05 01:56 BET 4165-60-0 3 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) 35 % 05/12/05 01:56 BET 321-60-8 Terphenyl-d14 (S) 50 % 05/12/05 01:56 BET 1718-51-0 Phenol-d5 (S) 8 % 05/12/05 01:56 BET 4165-62-2 4 2-Fluorophenol (S) 9 % 05/12/05 01:56 BET 367-12-4 4 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (S) 51 % 05/12/05 01:56 BET Page: 2 of 55 Date: 05/13/05 REPORT OF LABOATO ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NO Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NO Wastewater 12 NO Drinking Water 37712 N A��oRo ° ' """ NO Drinking Water SC 37706 99006 SC Environmental 99030 �� "g ol;w: ct- FF"dELAp C476.27 , ELAv�u FL N P Eg7Fnn aceAnalytical www.pacelabs.com Lab Sample No: 925584591 Client Sample ID: SLUDGE MG Date Extracted 1,4-Dioxane by 8270�SIM 1,4-Dioxane (p Dioxane) Date Extracted /MS'`k'Vol ati 1 es ;G%MS VOCs by 8260, low level Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropane Date: 05/13/05 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples Project Sample Number: 9293484-001 Matrix: Water Date Collected: 05/03/05 12:25 Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt 05/09/05 05/09/05 Prep/Method: EPA 3510 / EPA 8270 ND ug/l 60. 05/11/05 15:46 BET 123-91-1 2 05/09/05 05/09/05 Method: EPA 8260 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 71-43-2 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 108-86-1 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 74-97-5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 75-27-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 75-25-2 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 74-83-9 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 104-51-8 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 135-98-8 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 98-06-6 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 56-23-5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 108-90-7 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 75-00-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 67-66-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 74.87-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 95-49-8 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 106-43-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 96-12-8 ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 124-48-1 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 106-93-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 74-95-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 95-50-1 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 541-73-1 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 106-46-7 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 75-71-8 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 75-34-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 107-06-2 ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 75-35-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 156-59-2 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 156-60-5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 78-87-5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 142-28-9 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. y ACCpgO ar`` Page: 3 of 55 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 Sc 99006 c" IIM AI 1 L IV LLn E87627 Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 594-20-7 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 563 58 6 Diisopropyl eiher,� ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 108-20-3 Ethyl benzene a- ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 100 41 4 Hexachlord--4,3-butadiene ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 87 68 3 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 98 82 8 p Isopropyltoluene ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 99 87 6 =:Methylene chloride ND ug/l 20. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 75-09-2 Methyl -test -butyl ether ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 1634-04-4 Naphthalene ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 91-20-3 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 103-65.1 Styrene ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 100-42-5 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 630-20-6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 79.34.5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 127-184 Toluene 84. ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 108-88-3 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 87-61-6 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 71-55.6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 75-69.4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/l - 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 96-18-4 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 108-67-8 Vinyl chloride ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 75-01-4 m&p-Xylene ND ug/l 20. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF o-Xylene ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 95-47-6 Toluene-d8 (S) 103 % 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 2037-26-5 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 96 % 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 460-00-4 Dibromofluoromethane (S) 90 % 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 1868-53-7 1,2-Dichloroethane.d4 (S) 89 % 05/06/05 22:07 MSF 17060-07-0 5 Page: 4 of 55 Date: 05/13/05 Asheville Certification IN This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, NO Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NO Drinking Water 37712 " " SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Charlotte Certification IDs NO Wastewater 12 NO Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 F1 INF! AP Fn7[)%7 Lab Sample No: 925584609 Client Sample ID: SLUDGE MG GUMS Semi vol ati semi vol atile Orgam Acenaphthene,, Acenaphthylenea' Aniline Benib(k)fluoranthene ,' Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(a)anthracene Benzoic acid Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Benzyl alcohol Benzo(a)pyrene Biphenyl (Diphenyl) 4-Bromophenylphenyl ether Butylbenzylphthalate 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Chloroaniline bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether 2-Chloronaphthalene 2-Chlorophenol 4-Chlorophenylphenyl ether Chrysene Dibenz(a,h)anthracene Dibenzofuran 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 2,4-Dichlorophenol Diethylphthalate 2,4-Dimethylphenol Dimethylphthalate Di-n-butylphthalate 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Date: 05/13/05 Project Sample Number: 9293484-002 Date Collected: Ub/U3/Ub iz:4b Matrix: Water Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Results. Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt Prep/Method: EPA 3510 / EPA 8270 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 83-32-9 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 208-96-8 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 62.53-3 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 120-12-7 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 207-08-9 ND - ug/1 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 205-99-2 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 56-55-3 ND ug/l 5000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 65-85-0 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 191-24-2 ND ug/l 2000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 100-51-6 ND ug/1 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 50-32-8 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 92-52-4 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 101-55-3 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 85-68-7 ND ug/l 2000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 59-50-7 ND ug/l 2000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 106-47-8 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 111-91-1 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 111-44-4 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 39638-32-9 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 91-58-7 ND ug/1 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 95-57-8 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 7005-72-3 ND ug/1 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 218-01-9 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 53-70-3 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 132-64-9 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 95-50-1 ND ug/1 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 541-73-1 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 106-46-7 ND ug/1 2000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 91-94-1 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 120-83-2 ND ug/1 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 84-66-2 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 105-67-9 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 131-11-3 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 84-74-2 ND ug/l 5000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 534-52-1 ND ug/1 5000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 51-28-5 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 121-14-2 l Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 L NELAP E87648::�!'.1C' Page: 5 of 55 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 E87627 FL N€LAP l ce Analytica www.pacelabs.com Lab Sample No: 925584609 Client Sample ID: SLUDGE MG 2,6-Dinitrotolu Di-n-octylphtha 1,2-Diphenylhyd bis(2-Ethyl hexy Fluoranthene Fluorene` Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254,7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples Project Sample Number: 9293484-002 Date Collected: 05/03/05 12:4b Matrix: Water Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt �e ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 606 20 2 ate ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 117 84 0 azne ND ug/l 2000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 122-66 7 )phthalate ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 117-81-7 He " loro-1,3-butadiene .�Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorocyclopentadien Hexachloroethane Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Isophorone 2-Methylnaphthalene 2-Methylphenol (o-Cresol 3&4-Methylphenol Naphthalene 2-Nitroaniline 3-Nitroaniline 4-Nitroaniline Nitrobenzene - 2-Nitrophenol 4-Nitrophenol N-Nitrosodimethylamine N-Nitroso-di-n-propylami N-Nitrosodiphenylamine Pentachlorophenol Phenanthrene Phenol Pyrene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol Nitrobenzene-d5 (S) 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) Terphenyl-d14 (S) Phenol-d5 (S) 2-Fluorophenol (S) 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (S) Date Extracted Date: 05/13/05 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 ND e ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 206-44-0 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 86-73.7 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 87-68-3 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 118.74-1 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 77-47-4 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 67-72-1 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 193-39-5 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 78-59-1 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 91-57-6 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 95-48-7 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 91-20-3 ND ug/l 5000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 88-74-4 ND ug/l 5000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 99-09-2 ND ug/l - 5000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 100-01-6 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 98-95-3 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 88-75-5 ND ug/l 5000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 100-02-7 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 62-75-9 1,2 ne ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 621-64-7 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 86-30-6 ND ug/l 5000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 87-86-5 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 85-01-8 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 108-95-2 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 129-00-0 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 120-82-1 ND ug/l 5000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 95-95-4 ND ug/l 1000 05/12/05 01:22 BET 88-06-2 36 % 05/12/05 01:22 BET 4165-60-0 60 % 05/12/05 01:22 BET 321-60-8 69 % 05/12/05 01:22 BET 1718-51-0 21 5.1 05/12/05 01:22 BET 4165-62-2 29 % 05/12/05 01:22 BET 367-12-4 64 % 05/12/05 01:22 BET 05/09/05 05/09/05 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inca N ACCpR Page: 6 of 55 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 Sc 99006 FL "JELAP E87627 ceAnalytical° www.pacelahs.com Lab Sample No: 925584609 Client Sample ID: SLUDGE MG 1,4-Dioxane by 8270 SIM,�' 1,4-Dioxane (p Dioxane) Date Extracted GUMS Vol at I es GC/MS,,,V by 8260, low level Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene Date: 05/13/05 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples Project Sample Number: 9293484-002 Date Collected: 05/03/05 12:45 Matrix: Water Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 _ Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt Prep/Method: EPA 3510 / EPA 8270 ND ug/l 60. 05/11/.05 14:31 BET 123-91-1 2 05/09/05 05/09/05 Method: EPA 8260 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 71-43-2 ND ug/i 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 108-86-1 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 74-97-5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 75,27-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 75-25.2 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 74-83-9 ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 104-51-8 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 135-98-8 ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 98-06-6 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 56-23.5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 108-90-7 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 75-00-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 67-66-3 ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 74-87-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 95-49-8 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 106-43-4 ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 96-12-8 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 124-48-1 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 106-93-4 ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 74-95-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 95-50-1 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 541-73-1 ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF_ 106-46-7 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 75-71-8 ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 75-34-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 107-06-2 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 75-35-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 156-59-2 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 156-60-5 ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 78-87-5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 142-28-9 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 594-20-7 ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 563-58-6 -r,EPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 9y �� FL NELAP E87648 r Page: 7 of 55 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL "JELAP E87627 aceAnalW cal° www.pacelabs.com Lab Sample No: 925584609 Client Sample ID: SLUDGE MG Parameters Diisopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3 bgtadiene Isopropylbenzene(Cumene p-Isopropy1toluene Methy166e' chloride Meths -tert-butyl ether Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride m&p-Xylene o-Xylene Toluene-d8 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Dibromofluoromethane (S) 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) Date: 05/13/05 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples Project Sample Number: 9293484-002 Date Collected: 05/03/05 12:45 Matrix: Water Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 108-20-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 100-41-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 87-68-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 98-82-8 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 99-87-6 ND ug/l 20. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 75-09-2 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 1634-04-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 91-20-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 103-65-1 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 100-42-5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 630-20-6 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 79-34-5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 127-18.4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 108-88-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 87-61-6 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 120-82-1 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 71-55-6 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 79-00-5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 79-01-6 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 75-69-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 96-18-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 95-63-6 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 108-67.8 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 75-01-4 ND ug/l 20. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 95-47-6 102 % 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 2037-26-5 96 % 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 460-00-4 94 % 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 1868-53-7 85 % 05/06/05 22:33 MSF 17060-07-0 5 Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 ' FL NELAP E87648 neon i Page: 8 of 55 Charlotte Certification IDS NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP ' U' 61, al ° ce Analytica www.Pacelahs.com Benzo(k)f1uoranthene Ben zo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(a)anthracene Benzoic acid Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Benzyl alcohol Benzo(a)pyrene Biphenyl (Diphenyl) 4-Bromophenylphenyl ether Butylbenzylphthalate 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Chloroaniline bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether 2-Chloronaphthalene, 2-Chlorophenol 4-Chlorophenylphenyl ether Chrysene Dibenz(a,h)anthracene Dibenzofuran 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 2,4-Dichlorophenol Diethylphthalate 2,4-Dimethylphenol Dimethylphthalate Di-n-butylphthalate 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Date: 05/1V05 Asheville Certification IDS NC Wastewater 40 6NVC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples Project Sample Number: 9293484-003 Date Collected: 05/03/05 12:05 #3 Matrix: Water Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt Prep/Method: EPA 3510 / EPA 8270 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 83-32-9 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 208.96-8 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 62-53-3 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 120-12-7 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 207-08-9 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 205-99-2 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 56-55-3 NO ug/l 330 05/11/05 05:26 BET 65-85-0 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 191-24-2 NO ug/l 130 05/11/05 05:26 BET 100-51-6 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 50-32-8 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 92-524 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 101-55.3 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 85-68-7 NO ug/l 130 05/11/05 05:26 BET 59-50-7 NO ug/l 130 05/11/05 05:26 BET 106-47-8 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 111-91-1 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 111-44-4 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 39638.32-9 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 91-58-7 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 95-57-8 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 7005-72,3 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 218-01-9 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 53-70-3 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 132-64-9 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 95-50-1 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 541-73-1 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 106-46-7 NO ug/l 130 05/11/05 05:26 BET 91-94.1 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 120-83-2 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 84-66.2 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 105-67-9 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 131-11.3 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 84-74-2 NO ug/l 330 05/11/05 05:26 BET 534-52-1 NO ug/l 330 05/11/05 05:26 BET 51-28-5 NO ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 121-14.2 Page: 9 of 55 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 r qy SC 99006 NFL L LH FL nice A E87627 Lab Sample No: 925584633 Client Sample ID: EQUAL-AER Project Sample Number: 9293484-003 Date Collected: 05/03/05 12:05 Matrix: Water Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 rameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Quay Re4Lmt 2,6 Dinitrotoluene F ND ug/1 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 606 20 2 Di-n-octylphthalate- ND ug/l 67. 05J11/05 05:26 BET 117 84 0 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND ug/l 130 05/11/05 05:26 BET 122-66-7 bis(2-Ethylhekyl)phthalate ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 117-81-7 Fluoranthene ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 206-44-0 ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 86-73.7 oro-1,3-butadiene 5orobenzene ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 87-68-3 ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 118-74-1 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 77-47-4 Hexachloroethane ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 67-72-1 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 193-39-5 Isophorone ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 78-59-1 2-Methylnaphthalene ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 91-57-6 2-Methylphenol (o-Cresol) ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 95-48-7 3&4-Methylphenol ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET Naphthalene ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 91-20-3 2-Nitroaniline ND ug/l 330 05/11/05 05:26 BET 88-74-4 3-Nitroaniline ND ug/l 330 05/11/05 05:26 BET 99-09.2 4-Nitroaniline ND ug/l 330 05/11/05 05:26 BET 100-01-6 Nitrobenzene ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 98-95-3 2-Nitrophenol ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 88-75-5 4-Nitrophenol ND ug/l 330 05/11/05 05:26 BET 100-02-7 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 62-75-9 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND ug/1 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 86-30-6 Pentachlorophenol ND ug/l 330 05/11/05 05:26 BET 87-86-5 Phenanthrene ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 85-01-8 Phenol ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 108.95-2 Pyrene ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 129-00-0 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 120-82-1 2 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND ug/l 330 05/11/05 05:26 BET 95-95-4 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND ug/l 67. 05/11/05 05:26 BET 88-06.2 Nitrobenzene-d5 (S) 35 % 05/11/05 05:26 BET 4165-60-0 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) 36 % 05/11/05 05:26 BET 321-60-8 Terphenyl-d14 (S) 66 % 05/11/05 05:26 BET 1718-51-0 Phenol-d5 (S) 18 % 05/11/05 05:26 BET 4165-62-2 2-Fluorophenol (S) 24 % 05/11/05 05:26 BET 367-12-4 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (S) 69 % 05/11/05 05:26 BET Date Extracted 05/05/05 05/05/05 Date: 05/13/05 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 ° FL NELAP E87648 4,!:���•' Page: 10 of 55 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FlL IFIM AD EQ7 VL n U27 aceAnalytical" www.pacelabs.com Lab Sample No: 925584633 Client Sample ID: EQUAL AERATION,'�3 1,4-Dioxane by 8270 t,),1K:' 1,4-Dioxane (p Dioxane) Date Extracted4"T"�"�,02 GUMS Vo 'at l es GC/MS 1iCs by 8260, low level Benzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene Date: 05/13/05 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples Project Sample Number: 9293484-003 Date Collected: 05/03/05 12:05 Matrix: Water Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt Prep/Method: EPA 3510 / EPA 8270 ND ug/l 60. 05/11/05 15:21 BET 123 91 1 2 05/09/05 05/09/05 Method: EPA 8260 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 71-43-2 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 108-86.1 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 74-97.5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 75-27-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 75-25-2 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 74-83-9 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 104-51-8 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 135•98-8 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 98-0& 6 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 56-23-5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 108-90-7 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 75-00-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 67-66-3 ND ug/l 10, 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 74-87-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 95-49-8 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 106-43-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 96-12.8 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 124-48.1 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 106-93-4 ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 74-95-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 95-50-1 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 541-73-1 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 106-46-7 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 75-71-8 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 75-34-3 ND ug/1 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 107-06-2 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 75-35-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 156-59-2 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 156-60-5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 78-87-5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 142-28-9 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 594-20-7 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 563-58-6 • • 1` • 1 ' ( ' 1 1 Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, NC Wastewater40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Drinking Water 37712 " ""°R SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 • • • Page: 11 of 55 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 Sc 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Lab Sample No: 925584633 Client Sample ID: EQUAL-AER Diisopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1„3 butadiene Isopropylberl.2ene (Cumene) p- Isopropyl -toluene MethylYene chloride Meth-yl-tert-butyl ether Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride m&p-Xylene o-Xylene Toluene-d8 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Dibromofluoromethane_(S) 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) Date: 05/13/05 Project Sample Number: 9293484-003 Date Collected: 05/03/05 12:05 Matrix: Water Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 108-20-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 100-41-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 87-68-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 98-82-8 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 99-87-6 ND ug/l 20. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 75-09-2 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 1634.04.4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 91-20-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 103-65-1 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 100-42-5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 630-20-6 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 79-34-5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 127-18-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 108-88-3 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 87-61-6 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 120-82.1 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 71-55-6 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 79-00-5 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 79-01-6 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 75-69-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 96-18-4 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 95-63-6 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 108-67-8 ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 75-01-4 ND ug/l 20. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF ND ug/l 10. 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 95-47-6 103 % 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 2037-26-5 96 % 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 460.00-4 92 % 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 1868-53-7 89 5.1 05/06/05 22:59 MSF 17060-07-0 5 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Page: 12 of 55 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FI IN FI Ar EO76L7 aceAnalytical ° www, pacelahs-com Lab Sample No: 925584641 Client Sample ID: EQUAL-AERAI, GUMS Semi vol at Semivolatile Organ-, t; Acenaphthene k Acenaphthylene= '�� Aniline Anthra, ne Benzo'tk)fluoranthene Ben zo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(a)anthracene Benzoic acid Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Benzyl alcohol Benzo(a)pyrene Biphenyl (Diphenyl) 4-Bromophenylphenyl ether Butylbenzylphthalate 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Chloroaniline bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether 2-Chloronaphthalene 2-Chlorophenol 4-Chlorophenylphenyl ether Chrysene Dibenz(a,h)anthracene Dibenzofuran 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 2,4-Dichlorophenol Diethylphthalate 2,4-Dimethylphenol Dimethylphthalate Di-n-butylphthalate 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Date: 05/13/05 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples Project Sample Number: 9293484-004 Date Collected: 05/03/05 11:50 Matrix: Water Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt Prep/Method: EPA 3510 / EPA 8270 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 83-32-9 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 208-96-8 ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 62-53-3 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 120-12-7 ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 207-08.9 NO ug/1 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 205-99.2 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 56-55.3 NO ug/l 250 05/11/05 06:04 BET 65-85-0 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 191-24-2 NO ug/l 100 05/11/05 06:04 BET 100-51-6 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 50-32.8 NO ug/1 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 92-52-4 ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 101-55-3 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 85-68-7 ND ug/l 100 05/11/05 06:04 BET 59-50-7 NO ug/l 100 05/11/05 06:04 BET 106-47-8 ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 111-91-1 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 111-44-4 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 39638-32-9 NO ug/1 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 91-58-7 ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 95-57-8 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 7005-72-3 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 218-01-9 NO ug/1 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET -53-70-3 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 132-64-9 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 95-50-1 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 541-73-1 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 106-46-7 NO ug/l 100 05/11/05 06:04 BET 91-94-1 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 120-83-2 ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 84-66-2 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 105-67-9- NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 131-11-3 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 84-74-2 NO ug/l 250 05/11/05 06:04 BET 534-52-1 NO ug/l 250 05/11/05 06:04 BET, 51-28-5 NO ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 121-14-2 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 t FL NELAP E87648 Page: 13 of 55 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 anQ q n�l 'n�'® liC� Hl t l� www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax:828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples Lab Sample No: 925584641 Project Sample Number: 9293484-004 Date Collected: 05/03/05 11:50 Client Sample ID: EQUAL AERAT;30N'#4 Matrix: Water Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt 2;6 Dinitrotoluene ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 606 20 2 Di-n-octylphthalate.>'3 ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 117-84-0 1,2-Diphenylhydraz ne ND ug/l 100 05/11/05 06:04 BET 122-66 7 „.., ._ bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND ug/1 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 117-81-7 Fluoranthene ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 206-44-0 P FIuor ne ND ug/1 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 86 73 7 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 87 68 3 Hexachlorobenzene ND ug/1 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 118 74 1 Hexachloro cyclopentadiene ND ug/1 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 77 47 4 Hexachloroethane ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 67 72 1 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 193-39-5 Isophorone ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 78-59-1 2-Methylnaphthalene ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 91-57-6 2-Methylphenol (o-Cresol) ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 95-48-7 3&4-Methylphenol ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET Naphthalene ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 91-20-3 2-Nitroaniline ND ug/l 250 05/11/05 06:04 BET 88-74-4 3-Nitroaniline ND ug/l 250 05/11/05 06:04 BET 99-09-2 4-Nitroaniline ND ug/l 250 05/11/05 06:04 BET 100-01-6 Nitrobenzene ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 98-95-3 2-Nitrophenol ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 88-75-5 4-Nitrophenol ND ug/1 250 05/11/05 06:04 BET 100-02.7 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 62.75-9 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 621-64.7 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 86-30-6 Pentachlorophenol ND ug/l 250 05/11/05 06:04 BET 87-86-5 Phenanthrene ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 85-01-8 Phenol ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 108-95-2 ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 129-00-0 Pyrene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 120-82-1 2 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND ug/l 250 05/11/05 06:04 BET 95-95-4 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND ug/l 50. 05/11/05 06:04 BET 88-06-2 Nitrobenzene-d5 (S) 33 % 05/11/05 06:04 BET 4165-60-0 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) 36 % 05/11/05 06:04 BET 321-60-8 Terphenyl-d14 (S) 57 % 05/11/05 06:04 BET 1718-51-0 Phenol-d5 (S) 15 % 05/11/05 06:04 BET 4165-62-2 2-Fluorophenol (S) 19 % 05/11/05 06:04 BET 367-12-4 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (S) 65 % 05/11/05 06:04 BET Date Extracted 05/05/05 05/05/05 Date: 05/13/05 ,EPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYS101; Asheville Certification IN This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NFI AP E87648 Page: 14 of 55 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 Sc 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Lab Sample No: 925584641 Client Sample ID: EQUAL-AER 1,4-Dioxane by 8270 ,STM:�"`� 1,4-Dioxane (p DOX-4fle) Date Extracted,, - GUMS Vol A l es GUMS.,-,V6Cs by 8260, low level Benzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1,2•Dibromoethane (EDB) Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene Date: 05/13/05 Project Sample Number: 9293484-004 Date Collected: 05/03/05 11:50 Matrix: Water Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Quay RegLmt Prep/Method: EPA 3510 / EPA 8270 ND ug/l 60. 05/11/05 14:56 BET 123-91-1 2 05/09/05 05/09/05 Method: EPA 8260 ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 71-43-2 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 108-86-1 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 74-97.5 ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 75-27-4 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 75-25-2 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 74-83-9 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 104-51-8 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 135-98-8 ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 98-06-6 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 56-23-5 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 108-90-7 ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 75-00-3 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 67-66-3 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 74-87-3 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 9549-8 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 106-43-4 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 96-12-8 ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK _124-48-1 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 106-93-4 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 74-95-3 ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 95-50-1 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 541-73-1 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 106-46-7 ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 75-71-8 ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 75-34-3 ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 107-06-2 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 75-35-4 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 156-59-2 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 156-60-5 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 78-87-5 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 142-28-9 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 594-20-7 ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 563-58-6 Page: 15 of 55 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 o N a oRoq NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 ry i�"'1'e1act. Sc FL NELAP 99006 E87627 FL VELAP E87648 aceAnalytical° www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples Lab Sample No: 925584641 Project Sample Number: 9293484-004 Date Collected: 05/03/05 11:50 Client Sample ID: EQUAL AERAT20N 14 Matrix: Water Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt Diisopropyl ether ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 108 20 3 Ethylbenzene ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 100-41-4 Hexachloro-1,3 butadiene ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 87-68-3 Isopropylbenzene�(Cumene) ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 98-82-8 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 99-87-6 Methy7erib chloride ND ug/l 2.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 75-09-2 dwlMettil -tert-butyl ether ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 1634-04-4 ,Na °phthalene ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 91-20-3 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 103-65-1 Styrene ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 100-42-5 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 630-20-6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 127-18-4 Toluene ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 108-88-3 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 87-61-6 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 79.01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 75-69-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 96-18-4 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 108-67-8 Vinyl chloride ND ug/1 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 75-01-4 m&p-Xylene ND ug/l 2.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK o-Xylene ND ug/l 1.0 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 95-47-6 Toluene-d8 (S) 102 % 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 2037.26-5 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 99 % 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 460-00-4 Dibromofluoromethane (S) 93 % 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 1868-53-7 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 93 % 05/07/05 13:55 BCK 17060-07-0 Date: 05/13/05 ■ ■ (i'■ 'mi ' ■ 1 ' ■ 1 1 "1 Page: 16 of 55 Asheville Certification IN This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 ��^^ `;'yF Sc 99006 L NELAP E87548 W� nct- n'�LAP I L I U E. /11 E87627 Lab Sample No: 925584674 Project Sample Number: 9293484-005 Date Collected: 05/03/05 12:5U Client Sample ID: WASTE TREATMENT"SLUDGE Matrix: Water Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt Metals Trace ICP Metals TCEIi Leach. Prep/Method: EPA 3010 / EPA 6010 Arsenic ND mg/1 0.025 05/05/05 19:53 ALV 7440-38-2 Barium 0.18 mg/l 0.025 05/05/05 19:53 ALV 7440-39-3 Cadmium - 0:016 mg/l 0.0050 05/05/05 19:53 ALV 7440-43-9 Chromium 0.016mg/l 0.010 05/05/05 19:53 ALV 7440 47 3 Leadb" ND mg/1 0.025 05/05/05 19:53 ALV 7439-92-1 Selenium ND mg/l 0.025 05/05/05 19:53 ALV 7782-49-2 Silver ND mg/1 0.010 05/05/05 19:53 ALV 7440 22 4 Date Digested 05/05/05 02:00 05/05/05 02:00 Mercury, CVAAS, TCLP Leachate Method: EPA 7470 Date Digested 05/04/05 06:15 05/04/05 06:15 Mercury, CVAAS, TCLP Leachate Method: EPA 7470 Mercury ND mg/1 0.00020 05/05/05 07:03 ALV 7439-97-6 P Date: 05/13/05 age: 17 of 55 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N a oqo NC Drinking Water 37706 qy SC Environmental -99030 r Sc 99006 1 n £ FL NELAP E89.27 FL NELP.P E87648 a:_.. iSwrw -.—.__ ��, Pace Analytical Services, Inc, 2225 Riverside Drive �nQ H n����tC�'O Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 www.pacelabs.com Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples Lab Sample No: 925584732 Project Sample Number: 9293484 006 Date Collected: 05/03/05 12:25 Client Sample ID: SLUDGE MGM#1 TENCORE) Matrix: Soil Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed ByCAS No. Quay Reg Lmt Wet Chemistry Percent Moisture Method: i Moisture Percent Moisture °` 64.6 % 05/04/05 10:49 TNS GUMS Vol Ai l es GC/MS UQCt 5035/8260 low level Method: EPA 8260 Acetone 530" ug/kg 280 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 67-64 1 Benzene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 71-43-2 Bromobenzene NO ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 108 86 1 Bromochloromethane NO ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 74 97 5 Bromodichloromethane NO ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 75-27-4 Bromoform NO ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 74-83-9 2-Butanone (MEK) NO ug/kg 280 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 78-93-3 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 104-51-8 sec-Butylbenzene NO ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 135-98-8 tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 98-06-6 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene NO ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 75-00-3 Chloroform NO ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 67-66-3 Chloromethane NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 74-87-3 2-Chlorotoluene NO ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 95-49-8 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 106-43-4 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 96-12-8 Dibromochloromethane NO ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 106-93-4 Dibromomethane ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 74.95.3 1,2-Dichlorobenzene NO ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 541.73.1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 75-71-8 5,6 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 75-34.3 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene NO ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane NO ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 78-87-5 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 142-28-9 Page: 18 of 55 Date: 05/13/05 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 a NC Drinking Water 37706 NC Drinking Water 37712 N �oRa Sc 99006 SC Environmental 99030 FI NIFI AP F87627 FL "dELAP E87648 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive ® Asheville, NC 28804 ace Ana lytical Phone: 828.254.7176 www.pacelahs.com Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Sample No: 925584732 Client Sample ID: SLUDGE MGM,#lf('ENC0RE) Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples Project Sample Number: 9293484-006 Date Collected: 05/03/05 12:25 Matrix: Soil Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt 2,2-Dichloropropane;=_ � ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 594-20-7 1,1-Dichloropropene. ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 563-58.6 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 10061-01-5 trans-1 3 DJ6hloropropene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 10061-02-6 Diisopropyh ether ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 108-20-3 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 100.41.4 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 87-68-3 Hexanone ND ug/kg 140 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 591.78.6 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ND ug/kg 14. 06/09/05 18:36 MSF 98 82 8 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36`MSF 99 87 6 Methylene chloride ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ug/kg 140 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 108-10.1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 1634-04.4 Naphthalene 130 ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 91-20-3 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 103-65.1 Styrene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 100-42-5 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 630-20-6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 79=34-5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 127-18-4 Toluene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 108-88-3 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 87-61-6 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 120.82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 75-69-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 96-18-4 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/kg 14, 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 108-67-8 Vinyl acetate ND ug/kg 140 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 108.05.4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 75-01-4 Xylene (Total) ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 1330-20-7 m&p-Xylene ND ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF o-Xylene ND ug/kg 14. 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 95-47-6 Toluene-d8 (S) 78 % 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 2037-26-5 4 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 56 % 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 460.00-4 4 Dibromofluoromethane (S) 114 % 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 1868-53.7 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 119 % 05/09/05 18:36 MSF 17060-07-0 Page: 19 of 55 Date: 05/13/05 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NO Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NO Drinking Water 37706 NO Drinking Water 37712 19"�F Sc 99006 SC Environmental .99030 r FL NELAP E87627 FL NELAP E87648�:�` Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 0 2225 Riverside Drive e'eAnalyfical Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 www. pacelabs.com Fax: 828,252.4618 Lab Sample No: 925584740 Client Sample ID: SLUDGE MGM Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples Project Sample Number: 9293484-007 Date Collected: 05/03/05 12:45 Matrix: Soil Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt Wet Chemistry Percent Moisture V Method: % Moisture Percent Moisture, � 76.0 % 05/04/0510:49 TNS GC/MS Vol a'`1 es GC/MS Cs 5035/8260 low level Method: EPA 8260 Acetone - 740 ug/kg 340 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 67-64-1 'Benzene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 71-43-2 Bromobenzene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 108 86 1 Bromochloromethane ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 74-97-5 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/kg 34. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 74-83-9 2-Butanone (MEK) ND ug/kg 340 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 78-93-3 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 104-51-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 135-98-8 tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 98-06-6 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/kg 34. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 67-66-3 Chloromethane ND ug/kg 34. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 74-87-3 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 95-49-8 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 106-43-4 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 96-12-8 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 106-93-4 Dibromomethane ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 74-95.3 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/kg 34. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 78-87-5 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 142-28-9 Date: 05/13/05 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NO Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. \N ACCpRo neiac: 5,6 Page: 20 of 55 Charlotte Certification IDs NO Wastewater 12 NO Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL 1`.1E1.AP 11:87627 Lab Sample No: 925584740 Project Sample Number: 9293484-007 Date Collected: 05/03/05 12:45 Client Sample ID: SLUDGE MGM k, (ENCORE) Matrix: Soil Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt 2,2 Dichloropropane.; `` ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 594 20 7 1,1 Dichloropropene,' ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 563 58 6 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 10061-01-5 trans-1 1 3 Dlchloropropene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 10061 02 6 Diisopropyl ether ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 108 20 3 Ethylbe zene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 100-41-4 H,exacloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 87-68.3 :`2-Hexanone ND ug/kg 170 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 591-78-6 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 98-82-8 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 99-87-6 Methylene chloride ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ug/kg 170 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 108-10-1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 1634-04-4 Naphthalene - 67. ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 91-20-3 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 103-65-1 Styrene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 100-42-5 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 NSF 630-20-6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 127-18-4 Toluene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 108-88-3 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 87-61-6 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 120;82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF _75-69-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 96-18-4 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 108-67-8 Vinyl acetate ND ug/kg 170 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 108-05.4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/kg 34. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 75-01-4 Xylene (Total) NO ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 1330-20-7 m&p-Xylene ND ug/kg 34. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF o-Xylene ND ug/kg 17. 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 95-47-6 Toluene-d8 (S) 78 % 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 2037-26-5 4 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 55 % 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 460-00-4 4 Dibromofluoromethane (S) 124 5.1 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 1868-53-7 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 133 % 05/09/05 18:53 MSF 17060-07-0 Page: 21 of 55 Date: 05/13/05 ;, • Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 QQ FL INELAP 1:8764U Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 Sc 99006 FL NELAP EQ7627 Lab Sample No: 925584757 Client Sample ID: EQUAL AERATTOOe#3 (ENCORE) Parameters Wet Chemistry Percent Moisture Percent Moistur Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples Project Sample Number: 9293484-008 Date Collected: 05/03/05 12:05 Matrix: Soil Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt Method: % Moisture 87.1 % 05/04/05 10:50 TNS GC/MS Vol,ati1es GC/MS VOCs75035/8260 low level Method: EPA 8260 AFetone 1900 ug/kg 740 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 67-64-1 -Benzene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 71 43 2 Bromobenzene ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 108-86-1 Bromochloromethane NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 74-97-5 Bromodichloromethane NO -ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 75-27-4 Bromoform NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/kg 74. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 74-83-9 2'-Butanone'(MEK) 1700 ug/kg 740 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 78-93-3 n-Butylbenzene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 104-51-8 sec-Butylbenzene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 135-98-8 tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 98-06-6 Carbon tetrachloride NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 108-90-7 Chloroethane NO ug/kg 74. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 75-00-3 Chloroform NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 67-66.3 Chloromethane NO ug/kg 74. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 74-87-3 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 95-49-8 4-Chlorotoluene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 106-43-4 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 96-12-8 Dibromochloromethane NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 106-93-4 Dibromomethane NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 74-95-3 1,2-Dichlorobenzene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/kg 74. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 75-71-8 5,6 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane _ NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 78-87-5 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 142-28-9 Date: 05/13/05 nny Page: 22 of 55 Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 b A o9p NC Drinking Water 37706 99006 SC Environmental 99030 °�' Sc FL JUL MI E87648 = ac __ FI NFI AP E87621 Cr H,1 fi�a'o ac Ana www.pacelabs.cnm Lab Project Number: Client Project ID: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax:828.252.4618 9293484 Demolition Samples Lab Sample No: 925584757 Project Sample Number: 9293484 008 Date Collected: 05/03/05 12:05 Client Sample ID: EQUAL-AERAT.ION,.`#3 (ENCORE) Matrix: Soil Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt 2,2-Dichloropropane , ° NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 594 20 7 1,1-Dichloropropenew' NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 563 58 6 cis-1,3-Dichlo.r6propene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 10061-01-5 trans-1 3 D,cfnToropropene ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 10061-02-6 Diisop ropyl ether NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 108 20 3 , Ethyl benzene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 100-41-4 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 87-68-3 2'=Hexanone NO ug/kg 370 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 591 78 6 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 98 82 8 p-Isopropyltoluene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 99-87-6 Methylene chloride ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) NO ug/kg 370 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 108-10-1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 1634-04-4 Naphthalene = 60. ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 91.20-3 n-Propylbenzene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 103-65-1 Styrene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 100-42-5 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 630-20-6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 127-18.4 Toluene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 108-88-3 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 87-61-6 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 79-00.5 Trichloroethene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 75-69-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane_ NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 96-18-4 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 108-67-8 Vinyl acetate NO ug/kg 370 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/kg 74. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 75-01-4 Xylene (Total) NO ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 1330-20-7 m&p-Xylene NO ug/kg 74. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF o-Xylene ND ug/kg 37. 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 95-47-6 Toluene-d8 (S) 83 i 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 2037-26-5 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 60 i 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 460-00-4 4 Dibromofluoromethane (S) 112 i 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 1868-53-7 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 114 05/09/05 19:11 MSF 17060-07-0 Date: 05/13/05 Asheville Certification IDS NO Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Page: 23 of 55 REPORT OF LR ATOP ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 a NC Drinking Water 37706 H oRo SC 99006 FI "IF AP FR7S:7 Lab Sample No: 925584765 Client Sample ID: EQUAL-AER Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax. 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples Project Sample Number: 9293484-009 Date Collected: 05/03/05 11:5U (ENCORE) Matrix: Soil Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt Wet Chemistry Percent Moisture Method: Method: i Moisture Percent Moist 83.2 % 05/04/05 10:50 TNS GC/MS Vol at 1 es GC/MS=UOCs 5035/8260 low level Method: EPA 8260 Acetone 980 ug/kg 570 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 67-64-1 -Benzene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 71-43-2 Bromobenzene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 108 86 1 Bromochloromethane NO ug/kg 28, 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 74 97 5 Bromodichloromethane NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 75-27-4 Bromoform NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 75-25-2 Bromomethane NO ug/kg 57. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 74-83-9 2-Butanone (MEK) NO ug/kg 570 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 78-93-3 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 104-51-8 sec-Butylbenzene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 135-98-8 tert-Butylbenzene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 98-06.6 Carbon tetrachloride NO ug/kg 28, 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 108-90-7 Chloroethane NO ug/kg 57. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 75-00-3 Chloroform NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 67-66.3 Chloromethane NO ug/kg 57. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 74-87-3 2-Chlorotoluene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 95-49-8 4-Chlorotoluene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 106-43-4 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 96-12-8 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 106-93-4 Dibromomethane NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 74-95-3 1,2-Dichlorobenzene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 541-73-1 1.4-Dichlorobenzene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane NO ug/kg 57. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 75-71-8 5,6 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 78-87-5 1,3-Dichloropropane NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 142-28-9 Date: 05/13/05 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, NO Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 7a f ' F � FL NELAP E87648 o-J•��`'= Page: 24 of 55 Charlotte Certification IDS NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Lab Sample No: 925584765 Project Sample Number: 9293484.009 Date Collected: 05/03/05 11:50 Client Sample ID: EQUAL AERATION'#4 (ENCORE) Matrix: Soil Date Received: 05/03/05 15:42 Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt 2,2-Dich1oropropane. NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 594.20-7 1,1-Dichloropropene �� NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 563 58 6 cis-1,3-Dichl&6*bpene ND ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 10061-01-5 trans-1 3 D1�6'hloropropene ND ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 10061-02-6 Diisoprop�, ether NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 108-20-3 Ethylb h2ene NO ug/kg 28, 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 100 41 4 Hexaehloro-1,3-butadiene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 87-68-3 2�Hexanone ND ug/kg 280 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 591-78-6 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 98-82-8 p-Isopropyltoluene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 99-87-6 Methylene chloride NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIRK) NO ug/kg 280 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 108-10-1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 1634-04.4 Naphthalene'" 45.` ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 91-20-3 n-Propylbenzene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 103-65-1 Styrene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 10.0-42.5 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 630-20-6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 127-18-4 Toluene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 108-88-3 1,2;3-Trichlorobenzene 33. ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 87-61-6 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF; 75-69-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 96-18-4 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 108-67-8 Vinyl acetate NO ug/kg 280 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride NO ug/kg 57. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 75-01-4 Xylene (Total) ND ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 1330-20.7 m&p-Xylene NO ug/kg 57. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF o-Xylene NO ug/kg 28. 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 95-47-6 Toluene-d8 (S) 84 % 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 2037-26-5 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 64 % 05/09/05 19:28 MSF- 460-00-4 4 Dibromofluoromethane (S) 101 % 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 1868-53-7 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 109 % 05/09/05 19:28 MSF 17060-07-0 Date: 05/13/05 Page: 25 of 55 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSES Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 f q` FL NELAP E87648 'E1en t Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 Sc 99006 F-i NFi AP F°7527 PARAMETER FOOTNOTES Inorganic We C}emistry and Metals Analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was performed at our Pace Charlotte laboratory unless otherwise footnoted. Method 071E modified to use ASE. Al.l pH, free Chlorine, Total Chlorine and Ferrous Iron analyses conducted outside of EPA recommended,immediate time. ND Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit ANC Not Calculable ,l Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit MDL Adjusted Method Detection Limit (S) Surrogate [11 The sample extract could not be concentrated to the normal final volume. This resulted in an elevated reporting limit." [21 The sample was diluted to reduce matrix interference, resulting in elevated reporting limits. [31 Base/neutral surrogate recovery outside of control limits. The data was accepted based on valid recovery of remaining two base/neutral surrogates. [41 The surrogate recovery was outside QC acceptance limits due to matrix interference. 151 Insufficient sample available for re -analysis. [61 Results for this sample may be biased high due to matrix interference. P Date: 05/13/05 age: 26 of 55 ;-,EPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIZ-0, Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NO Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NO Wastewater 12 NO Drinking Water 37712 NO Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 �� 9" ' SC 99006 FL hvELAID E87648 `/� £ el^ e' V.�Y/i FL nin n o VLL II E87627 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 aceAnalytlCal° Phone:828.254J176 www.pacelads.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Fax:828.252.4618 QC Batch: 127415 QC Batch Method: EPA 35 Associated Lab Samples;'. Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples Analysis Method: EPA 8270 Analysis Description: Semivolatile Organics 925584633 925584641 METHOD BLANK:::=925593345 Associated Lab Samples: 925584633 925584641 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Footnotes °"Acenaphthene ug/1 ND 10. Acenaphthylene ug/l NO 10. Aniline ug/l NO 10. Anthracene ug/l NO 10. Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/l NO 10. Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/l NO 10. Benzo(a)anthracene ug/l NO 10. Benzoic acid ug/1 NO 50.. Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/l NO 10. Benzyl alcohol ug/l NO 20. Benzo(a)pyrene ug/l NO 10. Biphenyl (Diphenyl) ug/l NO 10. 4-Bromophenylphenyl ether ug/l NO 10. Butylbenzylphthalate ug/l ND 10. 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/l NO 20. 4-Chloroaniline ug/l NO 20. bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ug/1 ND 10. bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether ug/l NO 10. bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether ug/1 NO 10. 2-Chloronaphthalene ug/l NO 10. 2-Chlorophenol ug/l NO 10. 4-Chlorophenylphenyl ether ug/l ND 10. Chrysene - ug/1 NO 10. Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/l NO 10. Dibenzofuran ug/l ND 10. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/l ND 10. 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/l NO 10. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/1 NO 10. 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/l NO 20. 2,4-Dichlorophenol ug/l ND 10. Diethylphthalate ug/l ND 10. Date: 05/13/05 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification 1Ds This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Drinking Water 37712 s a u. oqy SC Environmental 99030 F FL NELAP E87648 act - Page: 27 of 55 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 fL "dELAP EQ7627 METHOD BLANK: 925593345 Associated Lab Samples 925584633 925584641 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Footnotes 2,4-DimethylphOno � ug/-1 NO 10. Di methyl phthalate ug/l NO 10. Din butylphthalate ug/l NO 10. 4 6„tro-2-methylphenol ug/l ND 50. �,2.,4-Din1trophenoi ug/l NO 50. 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/l NO 10. _ 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/l NO 10. Di-n-octylphthalate ug/l NO 10. 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ug/l NO 20. bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ug/l NO 10. Fluoranthene ug/l ND 10. Fluorene ug/l NO 10. Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/l NO 10. Hexachlorobenzene ug/l ND 10. Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ug/l ND 10. Hexachloroethane ug/l NO 10. Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ug/l NO 10. Isophorone ug/l NO 10. 2-Methylnaphthalene ug/l NO 10. 2-Methylphenol (o-Cresol) ug/l NO 10. 3&4-Methylphenol ug/l NO 10. Naphthalene ug/l NO 10. 2-Nitroaniline ug/l ND 50. 3-Nitroaniline ug/l ND 50. 4-Nitroaniline ug/l NO 50. Nitrobenzene ug/l NO 10. 2-Nitrophenol ug/l ND 10. 4-Nitrophenol ug/l NO 50. N-Nitrosodipethylamine ug/l NO 10. N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine ug/l NO 10. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ug/l ND 10. Pentachlorophenol ug/l ND 50. Phenanthrene ug/l NO 10. Phenol ug/l ND 10. Pyrene ug/l NO 10. 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/l NO 10. Date: 05/13/05 Page: 28 of 55 Asheville Certification IDs . This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N.A� oRo NC Drinking Water 37706 99006 SC Environmental 99030 �`�` \.9� SC FL NELAD E87648 , �Pa� £ ■ ■ `e:-� FL NELAP E87527 aceAnalytical www.pacelabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples METHOD BLANK: 925593345 Associated Lab Samples 925584633 925584641 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Footnotes 2,4,5-Trichlq*enol ug/l ND 50. 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/1 ND 10. Nitrobenzene-6 (S) i 65 2 Fluorobiphenyl (S) % 58 Terphenyl-d14 (S) % 74 Phenol-d5 (S) i 30 2-Fluorophenol (S) i 42 2 4 6-Tribromophenol (S) i 73 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 925593352 Spike LCS LCS Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Footnotes Acenaphthene ug/l 50.00 27.06 54 Acenaphthylene ug/l 50.00 27.09 54 Aniline ug/l 50.00 24.33 49 Anthracene ug/l 50.00 30.77 62 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/l 50.00 27.31 55 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/1 50.00 29.81 60 Benzo(a)anthracene ug/l 50.00 29.71 59 Benzoic acid ug/l 50.00 12.57 25 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/l 50.00 26.35 53 Benzyl alcohol ug/1 50.00 16.00 32 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/l 50.00 28.58 57 4-Bromophenylphenyl ether ug/l 50.00 30.31 61 Butylbenzylphthalate ug/l 50.00 29.93 60 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/l 50.00 32.05 64 4-Chloroaniline ug/l 50.00 17.22 34 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ug/l 50.00 26.40 53 bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether ug/l 50.00 21.32 43 bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether ug/l 50.00 23.81 48 2-Chloronaphthalene ug/l 50.00 25.78 52 2-Chlorophenol ug/l 50.00 19.96 40 4-Chlorophenylphenyl ether ug/l 50.00 29.07 58 Chrysene ug/l 50.00 28.68 57 Date: 05/13/05 Page: 29 of 55 Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NO Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NO Drinking Water 37712 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 Sc SC 99006 FL NELAP E87648 ��� f Fi iu 'ri i+P P8707 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE 925593352 Spike LCS LCS Parameter Units Conc. Result i Rec footnotes Dibenz(a,h)anthra`cene ug/l 50.00 26.56 53 Dibenzofuran ug/l 50.00 28.43 57 1,2-Dichlorabenzene ug/l 50.00 17.35 35 1 3- DI, ehl°orobenzene ug/1 50.00 16.62 33 1 4,Dichlorobenzene ug/l 50.00 17.33 35 3 3' Di chl orobenzi di ne ug/l 100.00 15.82 16 1 2,4-Dichlorophenol ug/l 50.00 26.19 52 Diethylphthalate ug/l 50.00 30.63 61 2,4-Dimethylphenol ug/l 50.00 27.56 55 Dimethylphthalate ug/l 50.00 30.19 60 Di-n-butylphthalate ug/1 50.00 29.93 60 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol ug/l 50.00 27.37 55 2,4-Dinitrophenol ug/l 50.00 21.90 44 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/l 50.00 30.19 60 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/1 50.00 30.32 61 Di-n-octylphthalate ug/l 50.00 29.89 60 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ug/l 50.00 28.43 57 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ug/l 50.00 30.11 60 Fluoranthene ug/l 50.00 28.56 57 Fluorene ug/l 50.00 28.46 57 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/l 50.00 19.12 38 Hexachlorobenzene ug/l 50.00 30.37 61 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ug/l 50.00 15.09 30 Hexachloroethane ug/l 50.00 18.02 36 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ug/l 50.00 26.48 53 Isophorone ug/1 50.00 32.50 65 2-Methylnaphthalene ug/l 50.00 25.11 50 2-Methylphenol (o-Cresol) ug/l 50.00 22.24 44 3&4-Methylphenol ug/l 50.00 22.58 45 Naphthalene ug/l 50.00 20.69 41 2-Nitroaniline ug/l 50.00 25.68 51 3-Nitroaniline ug/l 50.00 27.18 54 4-Nitroaniline ug/1 50.00 32.04 64 Nitrobenzene ug/l 50.00 23.92 48 2-Nitrophenol ug/l 50.00 22.82 46 4-Nitrophenol ug/l 50.00 6.096 12 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ug/l 50.00 13.96 28 Date: 05/13/05 Page: 30 of 55 AEPORT OF LABORATORY I 1 ti Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N a oRo NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 a F W SC 99006 FL NELAP E87648 '£ ■ve vtt A NFL E87627 ® l��i /'l� I y lr ace /� ai tica' www.pacelabs.cnm QUALITY CONTROL DATA Lab Project Number: Client Project ID: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax. 828.252.4618 9293484 Demolition Samples LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE 92593352 Spike LCS LCS ., Parameter' Units Conc. Result iRec Footnotes N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine ug/l 50.00 29.76 60 N-Nitrosodlphe ylamine ug/l 50.00 33.21 66 Pentachlorophenol ug/l 50.00 30.05 60 Phenanthrene ug/l 50.00 29.72 59 Phenol '�ug/l 50.00 10.23 20 y' rene ug/l "1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 50.00 30.82 62 ug/l 50.00 19.78 40 2,4.5-Trichlorophenol ug/l 50.00 29.89 60 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/l 50.00 30.24 60 Nitrobenzene-d5 (S) 48 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) 55 Terphenyl-d14 (S) 68 Phenol-d5 (S) 21 2-Fluorophenol (S) 28 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (S) 74 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 925593378 925593386 925586844 Spike MS MSD MS MSD Parameter Units Result Conc. Result Result % Rec i Rec RPD Footnotes 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/l 0 100.00 62.85 62.01 63 62 1' 2-Chlorophenol ug/l 0 100.00 41.37 46.84 41 47 12 4-Nitrophenol ug/l 0 100.00 13.58 13.73 14 14 1 Pentachlorophenol ug/l 0 100.00 50.10 61.45 50 62 20 Phenol ug/l 0 100.00 21.44 24.21 21 24 12 Phenol-d5 (S) 20 24 2-Fluorophenol (S) 29 33 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (S) 58 70 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 925593360 925586828 DUP Parameter Units Result Result RPD Footnotes Pentachlorophenol ug/1 NO ND NC Phenol-d5 (S) Y. 16 16 Date: 05/13/05 Page: 31 of 55 AEPORT I LABORATORY . ) . ) . 1 5 . Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 a NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 Sc 99006 FL NEL AP E87648 a ::��C��'= FI NFI AP F87 27 Date: 05/13/05 Page: 32 of 55 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 a N A� o9a NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 '' i qy ¢ SC 99006 GL NELAP E87648 �'1i�la�°' ■olCli`__ FI P�PI AP C47�2' LUfU f Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples QC Batch: 127648 Analysis Method: EPA 8270 QC Batch Method: EPA 3510 Analysis Description: Semivolatile Organics 925584591 925584609 Associated Lab Sampled METHOD BLANK.r.`925606741 Associated -dab Samples: 925584591 925584609 Blank Reporting ..Parameter Units Result Limit Footnotes o 'Acenaphthene ug/l NO 10. Acenaphthylene ug/l NO 10. Aniline ug/l ND 10. Anthracene ug/l NO 10. Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/l NO 10. Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/l NO 10. Benzo(a)anthracene ug/l ND 10. Benzoic acid ug/l NO 50. Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/l ND 10. Benzyl alcohol ug/l NO 20. Benzo(a)pyrene ug/l ND 10. 4-Bromophenylphenyl ether ug/l ND 10. Butylbenzylphthalate ug/l ND 10. 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/l NO 20. 4-Chloroaniline ug/l ND 20. bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ug/l NO 10. bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether ug/l NO 10. bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether ug/l NO 10. 2-Chloronaphthalene ug/l NO 10. 2-Chlorophenol ug/l NO 10. 4-Chlorophenylphenyl ether ug/l ND 10. Chrysene ug/1 NO 10. Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/l ND 10. Dibenzofuran ug/l ND 10. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/l ND 10. 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/l ND 10. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/l ND 10. 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/l ND 20. 2,4-Dichlorophenol ug/l ND 10. Diethylphthalate ug/l NO 10. 2,4-Dimethylphenol ug/l NO 10. Date: 05/13/05 Page: 33 of 55 Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N A o9p NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental _99030 0 Sc 99006 FL NELAP EnV'7648 .. 0 ■ lac ;' FI "IF1 An F07G2-t7 laceAnalyfical ° www.pacelabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax., 828,252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples METHOD BLANK: 925606741 Associated Lab Sample 925584591 925584609 Blank Reporting Parameter ..0 Units Result Limit Footnotes Di methyl phthalate ug/l NO 10. Di-n-butylphthalate ug/l NO 10. 4,6-Din tro 2-methylphenol ug/l NO 50. 2 4 0-161trophenol ug/l NO 50. 2 4�-Dinitrotoluene ug/l NO 10. 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/l NO 10. Di-n-octylphthalate ug/l NO 10. 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ug/l NO 20. bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ug/l ND 10. Fluoranthene ug/l NO 10. Fluorene ug/l NO 10. Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/l NO 10. Hexachlorobenzene ug/l NO 10. Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ug/l NO 10. Hexachloroethane ug/l ND 10. Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ug/l NO 10. Isophorone ug/l ND 10. 2-Methylnaphthalene ug/l ND 10. 2-Methylphenol (o-Cresol) ug/l NO 10. 3&4-Methylphenol ug/l NO 10. Naphthalene ug/l ND 10. 2-Nitroaniline ug/l NO 50. 3-Nitroaniline ug/l NO 50. 4-Nitroaniline ug/l NO 50. Nitrobenzene ug/l NO 10. 2-Nitrophenol ug/l ND i0. 4-Nitrophenol ug/l NO 50. N-Nitrosodimethylamine ug/l ND 10. N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine ug/l ND 10. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine , ug/l NO 10. Pentachlorophenol ug/l NO 50. Phenanthrene ug/l NO 10. Phenol ug/l NO 10. Pyrene ug/l ND 10. 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/l NO 10. 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/l NO 50. Date: 05/13/05 Page: 34 of 55 Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N_A� oRo NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 '' qy Sc 99006 FI nin no L NIE1 11 [o n4 L876YV {1�F(/''� (/�� .-o! ®VV'� [ In n I L NLLM ER76L7 METHOD BLANK: 925606741 Associated Lab Samples,,: 2,4,6-Trichlor6phenol Nitrobenzene-8(S) 2-Fluorob�phenyl (S) Terphenyl-d14 (S) Ph- nol-d5 (S) 2-Fluorophenol (S) 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (S) 84591 925584609 Blank Units Result ug/l ND 29 30 50 12 18 43 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: 925606758 925606766 Reporting Limit Footnotes 10. Spike LCS LCSD LCS LCSD Parameter Units Conc. Result Result Y. Rec % Rec RPD Footnotes Acenaphthene ug/l 50.00 25.88 21.76 52 44 17 Acenaphthylene ug/l 50.00 26.29 21.45 53 43 20 Aniline ug/l 50.00 28.23 27.90 56 56 1 Anthracene ug/l 50.00 29.12 22.84 58 46 24 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/l 50.00 30.14 21.91 60 44 32 2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/l 50.00 27.71 21.50 55 43 25 Benzo(a)anthracene ug/l 50.00 29.66 22.38 59 45 28 Benzoic acid ug/l 50.00 12.28 10.61 25 21 15 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/l 50.00 22.14 17.65 44 35 23 Benzyl alcohol ug/l 50.00 24.54 22.82 49 46 7 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/l 50.00 28.50 21.56 57 43 28 4-Bromophenylphenyl. ether ug/l 50.00 28.44 22.69 57 45 22 Butylbenzylphthalate ug/l 50.00 30.67 22.72 61 45 30 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/l 50.00 32.78 27.82 66 56 16 4-Chloroaniline ug/l 50.00 26.17 23.10 52 46 12 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ug/l 50.00 25.30 21.55 51 43 16 bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether ug/l 50.00 19.26 19.27 38 38 0 bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether ug/l 50.00 22.18 22.16 44 44 0 2-Chloronaphthalene ug/l 50.00 23.72 20.03 47 40 17 2-Chlorophenol ug/l 50.00 18.55 18.68 37 37 1 4-Chlorophenylphenyl ether ug/l 50.00 28.85 23.01 58 46 23 Chrysene ug/l 50.00 28.95 21.63 58 43 29 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/l 50.00 23.78 18.78 48 38 23 Date: 05/13/05 3' ' ' J ' 1 ' ' ' 1t I I' 1 1ti Page: 35 of 55 Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 of -� Sc 99006 FL NELAP E87648 9 :�.°:��. FL NFL AP E87627 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE &sCCSD: 925606758 925606766 Spike LCS LCSD LCS LCSD Parameter Units Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec RPD Footnotes Dibenzofuran ug/l 50.00 27.48 22.65 55 45 19 1,2-Dichlor0benzene ug/l 50.00 15.20 15.71 30 31 3 1,3-Dichl_orobenzene ug/l 50.00 14.72 15.37 29 31 4 1,4-Dichl6robenzene ug/l 50.00 14.78 15.72 30 31 6 3 3�hlorobenzidine ug/l 100.00 24.22 19.96 24 20 19 2 4=Dichlorophenol ug/l 50.00 25.69 21.35 51 43 18 �`Diethylphthalate ug/l 50.00 30.76 23.37 62 47 27 2,4-Dimethylphenol ug/l 50.00 28.59 25.26 57 50 12 Dimethylphthalate ug/l 50.00 29.34 23.14 59 46 24 Di-n-butylphthalate ug/l 50.00 30.25 22.66 60 45 29 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol ug/l 50.00 24.20 19.67 48 39 21 2,4-Dinitrophenol ug/l 50.00 21.96 16.31 44 33 30 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/l 50.00 30.89 23.24 62 46 28 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/l 50.00 29.76 23.56 60 47 23 Di-n-octylphthalate ug/l 50.00 29.80 22.64 60 45 27 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ug/l 50.00 26.14 22.06 52 44 17 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ug/l 50.00 57.81 49.85 116 100 15 Fluoranthene ug/l 50.00 28.17 21.67 56 43 26 Fluorene ug/l 50.00 27.77 22.41 56 45 21 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/l 50.00 17.39 17.28 35 35 1 Hexachlorobenzene ug/l 50.00 28.87 22.52 58 45 25 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ug/l 50.00 13.71 13.69 27 27 0 Hexachloroethane ug/l 50.00 15.54 16.44 31 33 6 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ug/l 50.00 23.61 18.47 47 37 24 Isophorone ug/l 50.00 30.62 26.10 61 52 16 2-Methylnaphthalene ug/l 50.00 23.08 19.44 46 39 17 2-Methylphenol (o-Cresol) ug/l 50.00 23.16 20.71 46 41 11 3&4-Methylphenol ug/l 50.00 21.83 19.25 44 38 13 Naphthalene ug/1 50.00 18.56 16.90 37 34 9 2-Nitroaniline ug/l 50.00 24.64 20.04 49 40 21 3-Nitroaniline ug/l 50.00 30.26 23.51 60 47 25 4-Nitroaniline ug/l 50.00 39.25 27.53 78 55 35 2 Nitrobenzene ug/l 50.00 22.42 21.13 45 42 6 2-Nitrophenol ug/1 50.00 20.27 18.89 40 38 7 4-Nitrophenol ug/l 50.00 12.70 10.57 25 21 18 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ug/l 50.00 11.97 14.09 24 28 16 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine ug/l 50.00 28.01 24.36 56 49 14 Date: 05/13/05 1 ■'_ ■ '; LABORATORY 1 i-1 Page: 36 of 55 Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NO Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NO Drinking Water 37712 p q0 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 Sc 99006� cL NFLA° E87E^8 �■ act- LA FL Nei MP E87627 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Q/I e o naly cal Asheville, NC 28804 aci I lr Phone: 828.254.7176 www.pacelahs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Fax:828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE &;LCSD: 925606758 925606766 Spike LCS LCSD LCS LCSD Parameter - Units Conc. Result Result i Rec % Rec RPD Footnotes N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ug/l 50.00 31.52 25.10 63 50 23 Pentachloroplpp- ug/l 50.00 35.05 27.47 70 55 24 Phenanthrene ug/l 50.00 28.15 21.82 56 44 25 Ph:,g;= ug/l enol 50.00 9.673 9.509 19 19 2 Pyrene=�� ug/1 50.00 31.99 23.32 64 47 31 2 Trichlorobenzene ug/1 50.00 18.01 16:81 36 34 7 2,4,5 Trichlorophenol ug/l 50.00 28.78 24.70 58 49 15' _ 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/l 50.00 30.50 25.26 61 50 19 Nitrobenzene-d5 (S) 45 43 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) 50 43 Terphenyl-d14 (S) 72 53 Phenol-d5 (S) 19 19 2-Fluorophenol (S) 25 27 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (S) 72 58 Date: 05/13/05 Pager 37 of 55 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification II)s NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 sv NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 SC FL no 99006 E87627 Fl- nP NP Fa7r,48 „I'���a�"£ `y�`y_�!µ IML Lf1f UL QC Batch: 127730 Analysis Method: EPA 8270 QC Batch Method: EPA 3510 Analysis Description: 1,4-Dioxane by 8270 SIM Associated Lab Samples 925584591 925584609 925584633 925584641 METHOD BLANKr ,1'9' &8838 Associated Lab"Samples: 925584591 925584609 925584633 925584641 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Footnotes °1,4-Dioxane (p-Dioxane) ug/l NO 3.0 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 925608846 Spike LCS LCS Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Footnotes 1,4-Dioxane (p-Dioxane) ug/l 10.00 11.02 110 Date: 05/13/05 Page: 38 of 55 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IN This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services. Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N A� o9p NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030°r'"F 0 Sc 99006 G h'FLAP I L U_ ES'�4° / V U �{�� c ■-a F nIELnP I L IVL /1 UI UL/ E87 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive �ce/� naly fica' Asheville; NC 28804 lri� P'1, I tr Phone: 828.254.7176 www.pacelabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Fax., 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples QC Batch: 127564 Analysis Method: EPA 8260 QC Batch Method: EPA 8260 Analysis Description: GC/MS VOCs by 8260, low level Associated Lab Samples 925584591 925584609 925584633 925584641 METHOD B Associat 14 602997 Samples: 925584591 925584609 925584633 925584641 Blank Reporting Units Result Limit Footnotes ug/l ND 1.0 Bromobenzene ug/l ND 1.0 Bromochloromethane ug/l ND 1.0 Bromodichloromethane ug/l ND 1.0 Bromoform ug/l NO 1.0 Bromomethane ug/l NO 1.0 n-Butylbenzene ug/l ND 1.0 sec-Butylbenzene ug/l ND 1.0 tert-Butylbenzene ug/l ND 1.0 Carbon tetrachloride ug/l ND 1.0 Chlorobenzene ug/l ND 1.0 Chloroethane ug/l ND 1.0 Chloroform ug/l ND 1.0 Chloromethane ug/l ND 1.0 2-Chlorotoluene ug/l ND 1.0 4-Chlorotoluene ug/l ND 1.0 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/l ND 1.0 Dibromochloromethane ug/l ND 1.0 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/l ND 1.0 Dibromomethane ug/l NO 1.0 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/l ND 1.0 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/l NO 1.0 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/l NO 1.0 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/l NO 1.0 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/l ND 1.0 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/l NO 1.0 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/l ND 1.0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/l NO 1.0 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/l NO 1.0 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/l NO 1.0 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/l ND 1.0 Date: 05/13/05 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Drinking Water 37712 10" SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E8lu 7648 ne�aP'; Page: 39 of 55 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 Sc 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Lab Project Number: 9293484 ClientProjectID: Demolition Samples METHOD BLANK: 925602997 Associated Lab Samples<`925584591 925584609 925584633 925584641 Blank Reporting Parameter _."� Units Result Limit Footnotes 2,2 Dichloropropane ug/l NO 1.0 1 1,1-Dichl9ropropene ug/l NO 1.0 DilsoprapyTether ug/l ND 1.0 Ethy'T'benzene ug/l ND 1.0 =HeXachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/l NO 1.0 Lsopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/l NO 1.0 _ p Isopropyltoluene ug/l ND 1.0 Methylene chloride ug/l ND 2.0 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/l ND 1.0 Naphthalene ug/l NO 1.0 n-Propylbenzene ug/l NO 1.0 Styrene ug/l ND 1.0 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/l ND 1.0 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/l NO 1.0 Tetrachloroethene ug/l NO 1.0 Toluene ug/l ND 1.0 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/l ND 1.0 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/l NO 1.0 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/l ND 1.0 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/l NO 1.0 Trichloroethene ug/l NO 1.0 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/l NO 1.0 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/l NO 1.0 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/l ND 1.0 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/1 NO 1.0 Vinyl chloride ug/l NO 1.0 m&p-Xylene ug/l NO 2.0 o-Xylene ug/l ND 1.0 Toluene-d8 (S) % 101 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 97 Dibromofluoromethane (S) % 93 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 95 Date: 05/13/05 Page: 40 of 55 Asheville Certification IN This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inca NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N.a� oqo NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 ;�^� ,' F Sc 99006 FL "I€i AP €87648 ¢ ��A�� FL NFLAP LU7coo7 LV/ L LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE11',,=.925603003 Spike _ LCS LCS Parameter Units Conc. Result Y Rec Footnotes Benzene ug/l 50.00 50.52 101 Bromobenzene ,1" ug/l 50.00 50.24 100 Bromochlorombt ane ug/l 50.00 47.40 95 Bromodichloromethane ug/l 50.00 47.56 95 Bromoform ug/l 50.00 51.56 103 ,T6o omethane ug/l 50.00 32.83 66 ............ n-Butylbenzene ug/l 50.00 45.35 91 sec Butylbenzene ug/l 50.00 49.25 98 tert-Butylbenzene ug/l 50.00 49.08 98 Carbon tetrachloride ug/l 50.00 48.31 97 Chlorobenzene ug/l 50.00 46.83 94 Chloroethane ug/l 50.00 20.73 42 3 Chloroform ug/l 50.00 47.06 94 Chloromethane ug/l 50.00 37.86 76 2-Chlorotoluene ug/l 50.00 46.57 93 4-Chlorotoluene ug/l 50.00 48.95 98 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/1 50.00 61.65 123 Dibromochloromethane ug/l 50.00 48.78 98 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/l 50.00 49.94 100 Dibromomethane ug/l 50.00 48.64 97 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/l 50.00 47.64 95 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/l 50.00 45.95 92 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/l 50.00 45.28 91 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/l 50.00 34.62 69 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/l 50.00 44.09 88 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/l 50.00 48.02 96 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/l 50.00 47.64 95 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/l 50.00 46.19 92 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/l 50.00 48.36 97 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/l 50.00 48.47 97 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/l 50.00 48.24 96 2,2-Dichloropropane ug/l 50.00 50.95 102 1,1-Dichloropropene ug/l 50.00 48.33 97 Diisopropyl ether ug/l 50.00 47.35 95 Ethylbenzene ug/l 50.00 49.10 98 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/l 50.00 51.81 104 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/l 50.00 53.29 107 Date: 05/13/05 ' ' ' ' 11171:111 ' f; V Page: 41 of 55 Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N_.^ oqa NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 0 ';r' \„9lF SC 99006 FL AI EI AP IV LM C47648 LV _ �E"�� I 'f ■AiYU.�r '--` CI KIF AP I L IV Ll1 r87a07 L l uLl I �]r+�A��]II /fI�'+al� G;i l� C� y t l� www.pacelabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 DATA Fax:828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE 92 6b3003 Spike LCS LCS Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Footnotes p-Isopropyltoluene =' ug/l 50.00 46.07 92 Methylene chlora'de ug/l 50.00 48.31 97 _ Methyl- tert butyl ether ug/l 50.00 46.40 93 Naphthal"-ne ug/l 50.00 47.05 94 n Propyl benzene ug/l 50,00 49.27 98 Styrene ug/l 50.00 50.10 100 `1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/l 50.00 48.78 98 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/l 50.00 50.87 102 Tetrachloroethene ug/l 50.00 49.02 98 Toluene ug/l 50.00 49.29 99 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/l 50.00 53.48 107 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/l 50.00 51.93 104 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/l 50.00 47.54 95 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/l 50.00 50.13 100 Trichloroethene ug/l 50.00 45.49 91 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/l 50.00 33.31 67 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/l 50.00 48.42 97 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/l 50.00 45.27 90 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/l 50.00 44.97 90 Vinyl chloride ug/l 50.00 42.90 86 m&p-Xylene ug/l 100.00 97.43 97 o-Xylene ug/l 50.00 48.12 96 Toluene-d8 (S) 102 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 97 Dibromofluoromethane (S) 96 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 95 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 925603011 925603029 Parameter Units Benzene ug/l Chlorobenzene ug/l 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/l Toluene ug/l Trichloroethene ug/l Date: 05/13/05 925559452 Spike MS MSD MS MSD Result Conc. Result Result % Rec Y. Rec RPD Footnotes 152.6 50.00 201.4 202.7 98 100 1 0 50.00 47.84 47.59 - 96 95 1 0.5443 50.00 48.83 50.12 97 99 3 13.20 50.00 59.47 59.86 92 93 1 175.9 50.00 218.6 221.7 85 92 1 ' ' ' � ` 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 f r Page: 42 of 55 Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N a �oRo NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 A F Sc SC 99006 [I n i n I L NFLHP C87CZAO LUI U18 �tl if--�ii! 4 ■ ■a "■O. ct- i ni[i no FL IVLLMF [527�97 LV( VL! MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE°:QUPLICATE: 925603011 925603029 925559452 Spike MS MSD MS MSD Parameter Units Result Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec RPD Footnotes Toluene d8 (S) 96 96 4-13romofluorobdii ne (S) 98 96 Dibromofluoromethane (S) 98 101 1,2-Dichh&oethane-d4(S) 99 101 Date: 05/13/05 Page: 43 of 55 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 �_a� oRo NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 0 '` \,4c SC 99006 GI .NCI AD L IJ,ml p7R 4 E81 V4V `1 F�� (( ■ ■�i��`'= 11 RICA no 1 L IVLLM E87627 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive ace Analytical Asheville, NC 28804 y '' Phone: 828.254, 7176 www.pacelabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Fax.,828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples QC Batch: 127600 Analysis Method: EPA 8260 QC Batch Method: EPA 8260 Analysis Description: GC/MS VOCs 5035/8260 low level Associated Lab Samples 925584732 925584740 925584757 925584765 METHOD BLANK i-;9256056 Associated L:a1S Samples Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane 2-Butanone (MEK) n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropan Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Date: 05/13/05 925584732 e 925584740 925584757 925584765 Blank Reporting Units Result Limit Footnotes ug/kg ND 100 ug/kg NO 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 ug/kg NO 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 ug/kg NO 10. ug/kg ND 100 ug/kg NO 5.0 ug/kg NO 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 ug/kg NO 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 ug/kg NO 10. ug/kg ND' 5.0 ug/kg NO 10. ug/kg NO 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 ug/kg NO 5.0 ug/kg NO 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 ug/kg NO 5.0 ug/kg NO 5.0 ug/kg NO 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 ug/kg NO 10. ug/kg NO 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 ug/kg NO 5.0 ug/kg NO 5.0 ug/kg NO 5.0 REPORT OF LABORATORY J Page: 44 of 55 Asheville Certification IN This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inca NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N,.A� oqo NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental FL niGi no 99030 �% \,qc �� �' SC Gi nin AD 99006 IYL L(ll E87648 ■ I L IVLLIII E87627 aceAnalytical ° www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone. 828.254.7176 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Fax.,828.252.4618 1 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples METHOD BLANK: 925605693 Associated Lab Samples 925584732 925584740 925584757 925584765 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Footnotes 1,2-Dichloropapane ug/kg ND 5.0 1,3-Dichloropr'opane ug/kg ND 5.0 212-Dichlor`opropane ug/kg ND 5.0 1 1 Difeh1oropropene ug/kg NO 5.0 cis''1,3 Dichloropropene ug/kg ND 5.0 'trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/kg ND 5.0 Diisopropyl ether ug/kg NO 5.0 Ethylbenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/kg ND 5.0 2-Hexanone ug/kg ND 50. Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/kg ND " 5.0 p-Isopropyltoluene ug/kg ND 5.0 Methylene chloride ug/kg_ NO 5.0 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ug/kg ND 50. Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/kg ND 5.0 Naphthalene ug/kg NO 5.0 n-Propylbenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 Styrene ug/kg ND 5.0 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/kg NO 5.0 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/kg ND 5.0 Tetrachloroethene ug/kg ND 5.0 Toluene. ug/kg ND 5.0 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/kg NO 5.0 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/kg ND 5.0 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/kg NO 5.0 Trichloroethene ug/kg ND 5.0 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/kg NO 5.0 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/kg ND 5.0 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 Vinyl acetate ug/kg ND 50. Vinyl chloride ug/kg ND 10. Xylene (Total) ug/kg ND 5.0 m&p-Xylene ug/kg NO 10.' o-Xylene ug/kg ND 5.0 Date: 05/13/05 NEPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSM Page: 45 of 55 Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater, 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N a oR NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 F Sc 99006 FLINF AP IU _L `f E876A8 �rir��ar'� -.: • ,V/ Gl`a`= �i niri AD I L IULL/�I G87�2? L V ace Analytical www.paceiabs.com METHOD BLANK: 925605693 Associated Lab Samples:., Parameter_" Toluene-d8 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Dibrompflluo`'romethane(S) ., 1 2 D,rcmloroethane-d4 (S) QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples ,84732 925584740 925584757 925584765 Blank Reporting Units Result Limit Footnotes 98 i 96 i 99 i 100 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 925605701 Spike LCS LCS Parameter Units Conc. Result Y. Rec Footnotes Acetone ug/kg 100.00 105.5 106 Benzene ug/kg 50.00 50.73 101 Bromobenzene ug/kg 50.00 50.25 100 Bromochloromethane ug/kg 50.00 49.10 98 Bromodichloromethane ug/kg 50.00 50.81 102 Bromoform ug/kg 50.00 51.12 102 Bromomethane ug/kg 50.00 48.65 97 2-Butanone (MEK) ug/kg 100.00 99.00 99 n-Butylbenzene ug/kg 50.00 44.10 88 sec-Butylbenzene ug/kg 50.00 48.07 96 tert-Butylbenzene ug/kg 50.00 48.18 96 Carbon tetrachloride ug/kg 50.00 50.54 101 Chlorobenzene ug/kg 50.00 48.46 97 Chloroethane ug/kg 50.00 58.54 117 Chloroform ug/kg 50.00 49.84 100 Chloromethane ug/kg 50.00 45.35 91 2-Chlorotoluene ug/kg 50.00 48.79 98 4-Chlorotoluene ug/kg 50.00 47.26 94 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/kg 50.00 55.79 112 Dibromochloromethane ug/kg 50.00 49.77 100 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/kg 50.00 50.43 101 Dibromomethane ug/kg 50.00 51.28 103 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg 50.00 50.04 100 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg 50.00 48.39 97 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg 50.00 48.74 98 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/kg 50.00 47.70 95 Date: 05/13/05 Page: 46 of 55 Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 ,N A� " NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 9"� SC 99006 FL NELAP E87648'1P� 1� FL NELAP E87627 aceAna,,Iyt cal www.pacelabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA s' Lab Project Number: Client Project ID: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax, 828,252.4618 9293484 Demolition Samples LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE,,',",',',',,5605701 Spike LCS LCS Parameter: Units Conc. Result Y. Rec Footnotes 1,1-Dichloroethe6e:: ug/kg 50.00 48.53 97 1,2-Dichloroet ug/kg 50.00 47.35 95 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/kg 50.00 52.19 104 cis-1,,2DTthloroethene ug/kg 50.00 48.26 96 trans=l;2-Dichloroethene ug/kg 50.00 49.12 98 =.1 2-Dichloropropane ug/kg 50.00 48.22 96 `1,3-Dichloropropane ug/kg 50.00 48.58 97 2,2-Dichloropropane ug/kg 50.00 47.56 95 1,1-Dichloropropene ug/kg 50.00 45.80 92 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/kg 50.00 48.03 96 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/kg 50.00 47.60 95 Diisopropyl ether ug/kg 50.00 50.27 101 Ethylbenzene ug/kg 50.00 48.67 97 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/kg 50.00 54.61 109 2-Hexanone ug/kg 100.00 109.9 110 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/kg 50.00 50.94 102 p-Isopropyltoluene ug/kg 50.00 44.38 89 Methylene chloride ug/kg 50.00 47.34 95 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ug/kg 100.00 107.2 107 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/kg 50.00 50.88 102 Naphthalene ug/kg 50.00 55.76 112 n-Propylbenzene ug/kg 50.00 47.77 96 Styrene, ug/kg 50.00 48.99 98 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/kg 50.00 50.13 100 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/kg 50.00 50.12 100 Tetrachloroethene ug/kg 50.00 46.83 94 Toluene ug/kg 50.00 49.17 98 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/kg 50.00 66.18 132 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/kg 50.00 54.94 110 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/kg 50.00 48.47 97 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/kg 50.00 49.86 100 Trichloroethene ug/kg 50.00 48.64 97 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/kg 50.00 53.20 106 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/kg 50.00 46.57 93 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/kg 50.00 44.51 89 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/kg 50.00 44.68 89 Vinyl acetate ug/kg 100.00 95.49 96 Date: 05/13/05 Page: 47 of 55 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 H A� oRo NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 �` a% SC 99006 FL ni Gi no EQ7v4Q ILLLnI /�� �,�Jmb,y`y'!� n n��i n CQ7r97 I L IU L L„ P LVI VLI LABORATORY CONTROL SAMP Vinyl chloride, Xyl ene (Total-1, m&p-Xylene " o-Xylepe Toluene`='d8 (S) 4 B mofluorobenzene (S) Dibromofluoromethane (S) 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) MATRIX SPIKE: 925611576 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Fax. 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples 5701 Spike LCS LCS Units Conc. Result % Rec Footnotes ug/kg 50.00 51.10 102 ug/kg 150.00 143.6 96 ug/kg 100.00 95.44 95 ug/kg 50.00 48.17 96 101 100 98 98 Parameter Units Benzene ug/kg Chlorobenzene ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/kg Toluene ug/kg Trichloroethene ug/kg Toluene-d8 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Dibromofluoromethane (S) 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 925563983 Spike MS MS Result Conc. Result % Rec Footnotes 0 67.45 66.70 99 0 67.45 62.95 93 0 67.45 76.51 113 0 67.45 65.27 97 0 67.45 62.50 93 98 98 99 99 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 925611584 925584831 DUP Parameter Units Result Result RPD Footnotes Acetone ug/kg ND NO NC Benzene ug/kg NO NO NC Bromobenzene ug/kg NO NO NC Bromochloromethane ug/kg NO NO NC Bromodichloromethane ug/kg NO NO NC Bromoform ug/kg NO NO NC Bromomethane ug/kg NO NO NC 2-Butanone (MEK) ug/kg NO NO NC Date: 05/13/05 Page: 48 of 55 Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 9p^9cF NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 ��/1 SC 99006 F tiF� nn i Hr F07Cno 01 awn �C—e�a■ s ; ■ avea.a a��^ n nisi nP i L Nl E �M ���ao� E 62 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 925611584'' Parameter Units n-Butylbenzene ug/kg sec -But ylbenzene ug/kg ,,a tert-Butylbenzene ug/kg Carbon,,aetrachloride ug/kg Chlorobenzene ug/kg ',Chloroethane ug/kg Chloroform ug/kg Chloromethane ug/kg 2-Chlorotoluene ug/kg 4-Chlorotoluene ug/kg 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/kg Dibromochloromethane ug/kg 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) — ug/kg Dibromomethane ug/kg 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/kg 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/kg cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/kg trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/kg 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/kg 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/kg 2,2-Dichloropropane ug/kg 1,1-Dichloropropene ug/kg cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/kg trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/kg Diisopropyl ether ug/kg Ethylbenzene ug/kg Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/kg 2-Hexanone ug/kg Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/kg p-Isopropyltoluene ug/kg Methylene chloride ug/kg 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ug/kg Date: 05/13/05 Asheville Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NM AP E87648 925584831 DUP Result Result RPD ND ND NC ND NO NC ND ND NC NO ND NC ND NO NC NO NO NC ND ND NC NO NO NC ND ND NC ND ND NC NO ND NC ND ND NC ND ND NC NO NO NC ND ND NC NO ND NC ND ND NC ND ND NC ND ND NC ND ND NC NO NO NC ND ND NC ND ND NC ND NO NC NO ND NC ND ND NC NO NO NC ND ND NC NO ND NC ND ND NC NO ND NC ND ND NC ' NO NO NC ND ND NC NO ND NC ND ND NC ND NO NC Footnotes Page: 49 of 55 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 N a oqa NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 Q®� FL ni Ei no Ea7907 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Fax, 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 92561158 925584831 DUP Parameter Units Result Result RPD Footnotes Methyl-tert-butyl ,ether ug/kg ND ND NC Naphthalene ug/kg ND ND NC n-Propylberrzene ug/kg ND ND NC Styrene ` ug/kg ND ND NC 1 1 Tetrachloroethane ug/kg ND ND NC 1„1;2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/kg ND ND NC �Tetrachloroethene ug/kg ND ND NC Toluene ug/kg ND ND NC 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/kg ND ND NC 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/kg ND ND NC 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/kg ND ND NC 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/kg ND ND NC Trichloroethene ug/kg ND ND NC Trichlorofluoromethane ug/kg ND ND NC 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/kg ND ND NC 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/kg ND ND NC 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/kg ND ND NC Vinyl acetate ug/kg ND ND NC Vinyl chloride ug/kg ND ND NC Xylene (Total) ug/kg ND ND NC m&p-Xylene ug/kg ND ND NC o-Xylene ug/kg ND ND NC Toluene7d8 (S) % 102 99 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 94 96 Dibromofluoromethane (S) % 92 96 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 85 108 Date: 05/13/05 Page: 50 of 55 Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NO Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NO Drinking Water 37712 N .a oRo NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 0 %' "� Sc 99006 Fi nisi no L NLLPII ra aAQ LV7V�V (/� e� �e act Ci MM AD I L IVL - ER76 7 2. QC Batch: 127366 Analysis Method: EPA 7470 QC Batch Method: EPA 7470 Analysis Description: Mercury, CVAAS, TCLP Leachate Associated Lab Sample's 925584674 METHOD BLANK `925591844 Associated Lab Samples: 925584674 Blank Reporting 'Parameter Units Result Limit Footnotes 'Mercury mg/1 ND 0.0002 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 925591851 Spike LCS LCS Parameter Units Conc. Result i Rec Footnotes Mercury mg/l 0.0025 0.0027 107 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 925591869 925591877 925584674 Spike MS MSD MS MSD Parameter Units Result Conc. Result Result o Rec i Rec RPD Footnotes Mercury mg/l 0 0.0025 0.0024 0.0021 95 82 14 Date: 05/13/05 Page: 51 of 55 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 H A oqa NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 0;�; 9yF Sc 99006 FL NELAP E87648 FL NELAP E87627 METHOD BLANK .-`'925592024 Associated Lab` Samples: 925584674 Blank Reporting =Parameter Units Result Limit Footnotes Arsenic mg/l NO 0.025 Barium mg/l NO 0.025 Cadmium mg/l NO 0.0050 Chromium mg/l NO 0.010 Lead mg/l NO 0.025 Selenium mg/l ND 0.025 Silver mg/l NO 0.010 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 925592032 Spike LCS LCS Parameter Units Conc. Result Y. Rec Footnotes Arsenic mg/l 2.500 2.215 89 Barium mg/l 2.500 2.230 89 Cadmium mg/l 2.500 2.150 86 Chromium mg/l 2.500 2.180 87 Lead mg/l 2.500 2.170 87 Selenium mg/l 2.500 2.165 87 Silver mg/l 2.500 2.235 89 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 925592040 925592057 925573495 Spike MS MSD MS MSD Parameter Units Result Conc. Result Result % Rec 5.1 Rec RPD Footnotes Arsenic mg/l 0.01935 2.500 2.205 2.315 87 92 5 Barium mg/l 0.7550 2.500 2.940 3.025 87 91 3 Cadmium mg/l 0.00710 2.500 2.045 2.155 82 86 . 5 Chromium mg/l 0.00326 2.500 2.060 2.170 82 87 5 Lead mg/l 0.1325 2.500 2.170 2.295 82 86 6 Date: 05/13/05 Page: 52 of 55 _jEPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSUP Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N a o,o NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 Sc 99006 I ni FL E8764$ £ 6 :����� ± FL NEI _ P E87627 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. aceA nianIX cal ° 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 www.pacelabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA r Phone: Fax828,252,4618 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9293484 Client Project ID: Demolition Samples MATRIX SPIKE& MATRIX SPIKE";DUPLICATE: 925592040 925592057 925573495 Spike MS MSD MS MSD ParameterUnits Result Conc. Result Result i Rec Rec RPD Footnotes Selenium mg/l 0.00026 2.500 —2.170 2.310 87 92 6 Silver mg/l 0 2.500 2.125 2.230 85 89 5 Date: 05/13/05 Page: 53 of 55 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N A oA NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 `"" o���- Sc 99006 FI NELAP E87648 IFi INIE n E8p76 7 I LIULLHP LUI V21 QC, Batch: 127319 Analysis Method: i Moisture QC Batch Method: Analysis Description: Percent Moisture Associated tab Samples 925584732 925584740 925584757 925584765 SAMPLE DUPLICATfE:""925586968 925585580 DUP Parameter Units Result Result RPD Footnotes •P.ercent Moisture % 19.90 20.80 4 Date: 05/13/05 Page: 54 of 55 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs " This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N A oR NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 ai �9F SC 99006 FL NEI_AP E87648�l"'�i�. ��:£. ■ !/m■.L�r !_ rri niri n n 1 IVr1 Fir rro7en� (1/!]// QUALITY CONTROL DATA PARAMETER FOOTNOTES Consistent with EPA guidel1,nes,"'unrounded concentrations are displayed and have been used to calculate i Rec and RPD values. LCS(D) Laboratory 'ontrol Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP Samphe`Duplicate ND Not. -detected at or above adjusted reporting limit NC Not Calculable J„r3. Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit MDIL Adjusted Method Detection Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference (S) Surrogate [1] The surrogate and/or spike recovery was outside acceptance limits. [21 RPD value was outside control limits, however both percent recoveries were acceptable. Sample results for the QC batch were accepted based on percent recoveries and completeness of QC data. [31 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for this compound, however, the spike recovery was within acceptance limits in the MS/MSD. Date: 05/13/05 ."I'EPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSM Page: 55 of 55 Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N a oqo NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030%`' 0 r ,F Sc 99006 FL NELAP E87648 v 51—r\ a ■...■!�■6iiea':r n nisi AP I L IVLLPI E87co7 f uL' Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 ,e�Wvm, �#acetabs coin HuntersvrNe, NC28078 Phone, 704.875.909 P Fax- 704.875.9091 April 07, 2005 Mr. Roger Galloway AGFA Corporation P.O. Box 267 Brevard, NC 28712 RE: Lab Project Number: 9291307 Client Project ID: Sludge Lagoon & Aeration Dear Mr. Galloway: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on March 21, 2005. Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. If you have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, 4 ( � Lorri Patton lorri.patton@pacelabs.com Project Manager Enclosures Asheville Certification IDs REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 Sc 99006 FL NELAP E87648 FL NELAP E87627 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. laneAnalyticalAshe Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 www.pacelabs.com Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9291307 Client Project ID: Sludge Lagoon & Aeration Solid results are reported on a dry weight basis Lab Sample No: 925465528,' Project Sample Number: 9291307-001 Date Collected: 03/21/05 11:45 Client Sample ID: SLUDGE LatatON"& AERATION BASIN Matrix: Soil Date Received: 03/21/05 13:58 Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt Metals Metals, Trace ICP T Prep/Method: EPA 3050 / EPA 6010 Chromium 620 mg/kg 1.3 04/07/05 03:06 ALV 7440-47-3 Silver 1900 mg/kg 1.3 04/07/05 03:06 ALV 7440-22-4 Date ted 04/05/05 05:30 04/05/0505:30 WeteChemistry Percent Moisture Method:i Moisture Percent Moisture 84.4 Y. 04/06/05 08:55 TNS Date: 04/07/05 Page: 1 of 5 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NO Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NO Drinking Water 37712 0 ,N A oRo NO Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 5` �� Sc 99006 FL NELAP E87648 _ r:enc P1 KIFI GP PPQ7A97 Date: 04/07/05 Page: 2 of 5 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NO Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NO Wastewater 12 NO Drinking Water 37712 a �oqo NO Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 `:\F SC 99006 FL NELAP E8764$ FI NIFI AP FR1927 ace Anal t cal ° J www,pacelabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9291307 Client Project ID: Sludge Lagoon & Aeration QC Batch: 125007 Analysis Method: EPA 6010 QC Batch Method: EPA 305u Analysis Description: Metals, Trace ICP Associated Lab Samples 925465528 METHOD BLANK;?925467862 Associated Lit' Samples: 925465528 Blank Reporting .Parameter Units Result Limit Footnotes Chromium mg/kg ND 0.20 Silver mg/kg NO 0.20 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 925467870 Spike LCS LCS Parameter Units Conc. Result Y Rec Footnotes Chromium mg/kg 50.00 44.00 88 Silver mg/kg 50.00 46.40 93 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 925467888 925467896 925371957 Spike MS MSD MS MSD Parameter Units Result Conc. Result Result Y. Rec Y Rec RPD Footnotes Chromium mg/kg 85.10 75.99 157.6 127.4 95 58 21 1,2 Silver mg/kg 0 75.99 68.11 64.59 90 88 5 Date: 04/07/05 Page: 3 of 5 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N a o NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 F1 KIPI AP FR7A97 Percent Moisture Analysis Method: % Moisture Analysis Description: Percent Moisture 925465528 925465528 DUP Units Result Result RPD Footnotes 84.40 83.30 1 Uate: 04/0//Ub Page: 4 of 5 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IN This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 so 99006 FL NELAP 11:87648 F1 NFI AP F97627 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. r 1 2225 Riverside Drive aceAl lal �/tica'� Asheville, NC 28804 J ` Phone: 828.254.7176 www, pacelabs, com Fax 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9291307 Client Project ID: Sludge Lagoon & Aeration QUALITY CONTROL DATA PARAMETER FOOTNOTES Consistent with EPA guideliaunrounded concentrations are displayed and have been used to calculate i Rec and RPD values. LCS(D) Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) Matrix"",, le (Duplicate) DUP Sample Duplicate ND Not°detected at or above adjusted reporting limit NC Not Calculable J Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit MDLAdjusted Method Detection Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference Ill The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and /or MSD due to matrix interference. The LCS and/or LCSD were within acceptance limits showing that the laboratory is in control and the data is acceptable. [21 The calculated RPD was outside QC acceptance limits. Date: 04/07/05 Pager 5 of 5 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IN This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 0 ,y A� oqa NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 % l 9y Sc 99006 FL NELAP E87648 � �� P1 NIP] AP GR7907 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 KinceyAvenue, Suite 100 *lx Hunteisville, NC 28078 l Phone; 704.8759092 u t:9lcpsctabsetim Fax- 704.875.9091 March 29, 2005 Mr. Roger Galloway AGFA Corporation P.O. Box 267 Brevard, NC 28712 RE: Lab Project Number: 9290415 Client Project ID: Sludge Lagoon & Aeration Dear Mr. Galloway: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on March 21, 2005. Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. If you have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, P 4') Lorri Patton lorri.patton@pacelabs.com Project Manager Enclosures Asheville certification IN REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 This report shall not he reproduced, except in full, SC Environmental 99030 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. FL NELAP E87648 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 Sc 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Lab Sample No: 9254149 Client Sample ID: SLUDGE. 'arameters Client Services Nitrogen, Total :Soil Nitrogen Microbiology Fecal `Coliform MPN Solid ,Col iform, Fecal Metals Metals, Trace ICP Aluminum Arsenic Cadmium Calcium Copper Lead Magnesium Molybdenum Nickel Potassium Selenium Sodium Zinc Date Digested Mercury, CVAAS, in Soil Mercury Wet Chemistry Percent Moisture Percent Moisture Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax., 828.252,4618 Lab Project Number: 9290415 Client Project ID: Sludge Lagoon & Aeration Project Sample Number: 9290415-001 Date Collected: 03/21/05 11:45 & AERATION Matrix: Soil Date Received: 03/21/05 13:58 Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt Method: SM 4500-CO2 D 11000 mg/kg 7.1 03/29/05 LJP 7727-37-9 Method: SM 9221E ND Prep/Method: EPA 3050 / EPA 6010 32000 mg/kg 64. ND mg/kg 3.2 7.9 mg/kg 0.64 5700 mg/kg 64. 340 mg/kg 1.3 44. mg/kg 3.2 2800 mg/kg 64. 5.3 mg/kg 3.2 39. mg/kg 3.2 2900 mg/kg 640 NO mg/kg 3.2 ND mg/kg 640 1200 mg/kg 6.4 03/22/05 04:00 Method: EPA 7471 NO mg/kg Method: o Moisture 85.9 Y. 03/22/05 09:25 MMG 03/29/05 00:50 ALV 7429-90-5 03/29/05 00:50 ALV 7440-38-2 03/29/05 00:50 ALV 7440-43-9 03/29/05 00:50 ALV 7440-70-2 03/29/05 00:50 ALV 7440-50-8 03/29/05 00:50 ALV 7439-92-1 03/29/05 00:50 ALV 7439-95-4 03/29/05 00:50 ALV 7439-98-7 03/29/05 00:50 ALV 7440-02-0 03/29/05 00:50 ALV 7440-09-7 03/29/05 00:50 ALV 7782-49-2 03/29/05 00:50 ALV 7440-23-5 03/29/05 00:50 ALV 7440-66-6 03/22/05 04:00 0.035 03/29/05 ALV 7439-97-6 Nitrogen, Ammonia Method: EPA 350.1 Modified Nitrogen, Ammonia 370 mg/kg 70 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Soil Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total 11000 mg/kg 710 Date: 03/29/05 03/23/05 10:00 TNS 03/29/05 12:51 TMR 7727-37-9 03/25/05 22:00 ARH Page: 1 of 15 E pon HT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water SC Environmental 37712 99030 N a oqa 9y NC Drinking Water 37706 FL NELAP E87648 YY : C > l Sc 99006 FI NFI AP E87627 rax: tSLfi.LDZ.4b I tS Lab Project Number: 9290415 Client Project ID: Sludge Lagoon & Aeration Lab Sample No: 925414971 Project Sample Number: 9290415-001 Date Collected: 03/21/05 11:45 Client Sample ID: SLUDGE LAGOON:& AERATION Matrix: Soil Date Received: 03/21/05 13:58 Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt Nitrogen, Nitrate plus Nitrite Method: EPA 353.2 Modified Nitrate as N NO mg/kg 71. 03/28/05 22:15 JDA1 Nitrate -Nitrite (as N) NO mg/kg 71. 03/28/05 22:15 JDAI 7727-37-9 Nitrite as N. NO mg/kg 71. 03/28/05 22:15 JDA1 Phosphorus, Total, Soil Method: EPA 365.2 ,Phosphorus 623. mg/kg 68.2 03/24/05 08:00 TMR 7723-14-0 pH Method: EPA 9045 pH 7.00 units 03/25/05 10:30 TMR 1 Plant Available Nitrogen Method: Nitrogen 3400 mg/kg 1.0 03/29/05 14:55 EWS 7727.37-9 Date: 03/29/05 Page: 2 of 15 Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NO Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analvtical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NO Drinking Water 37712 �.a oRa NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87648 , act FI 1IFI AP E87627 ti. VLV.LJT./ I / V www, pace a s. cnm Fax: 828,252.4618 I' Lab Project Number: 9290415 Client Project ID: Sludge Lagoon & Aeration PARAMETER FOOTNOTES Inorganic Wet Chemistry and Metals Analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was,.performed at our Pace Charlotte laboratory unless otherwise footnoted. Method,9071B modified to use ASE. Ala'pH, Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine and Ferrous Iron analyses conducted outside of EPA recommended immediate hold time. Nb� Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit NC Not Calculable J Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit MDL Adjusted Method Detection Limit Ell Analysis conducted in excess of EPA recommended holding time. Date: 03/29/05 Page: 3 of 15 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANAL Y. S IS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N a oRo NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87648�,r f FI NIFI AP F87627 Lab Project Niwmher• 9290415 Client Project ID: Sludge Lagoon & Aeration QC Batch: 124282 Analysis Method: EPA 7471 QC Batch Method: EPA 7471 Analysis Description: Mercury, CVAAS, in Soil Associated Lab Samples, 925414971 METHOD BLANK:`•: 925433781 Associated'°;Lab Samples: 925414971 Mercury Blank Reporting Units Result Limit Footnotes mg/kg ND 0.0050 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 925433799 Spike LCS LCS Parameter Units Conc. Result i Rec Footnotes Mercury mg/kg 0.0667 0.0691 104 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 925434060 925434078 925414971 Spike MS MSD MS MSD Parameter Units Result Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec RPD Footnotes Mercury mg/kg 0 0.4728 0.5050 0.4842 107 102 4 Date: 03/29/05 Page: 4 of 15 Asheville Certification IN This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 without the written.consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N _a. oq NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 �` ` F SC 99006 FL NIF1 AP FR7fi4n l�� � FI AIFI AP F87627 QC Batch: 123978 QC Batch Method: EPA 30! Associated Lab Samples: 925414971 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax., 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9290415 Client Project ID: Sludge Lagoon & Aeration Analysis Method: EPA 6010 Analysis Description: Metals, Trace ICP METHOD BLANK.::_925415598 Associated Lab Samples: 925414971 Blank Reporting °Parameter Units Result Limit Footnotes Aluminum mg/kg ND 10. Arsenic mg/kg ND 0.50 Cadmium mg/kg ND 0.10 Calcium mg/kg NO 10. Copper mg/kg ND 0.20 Lead mg/kg NO 0.50 Magnesium mg/kg ND 10. Molybdenum mg/kg ND 0.50 Nickel mg/kg ND 0.50 Potassium mg/kg NO 100 Selenium mg/kg NO 0.50 Sodium mg/kg ND 100 Zinc mg/kg ND 1.0 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 925415606 Spike LCS LCS Parameter Units Conc. Result Y. Rec Footnotes Aluminum mg/kg 2000.00 1890 94 Arsenic mg/kg 50.00 47.50 95 Cadmium mg/kg 50.00 46.10 92 Calcium mg/kg 2000.00 1820 91 Copper mg/kg 50.00 45.10 90 Lead mg/kg 50.00 42.50 85 Magnesium mg/kg 2000.00 1820 91 Molybdenum mg/kg 50.00 49.60 99 Nickel mg/kg 50.00 45.50 91 Potassium mg/kg 1000.00 897.0 90 Selenium mg/kg 50.00 45.40 91 Sodium mg/kg 1000.00 936.0 94 Date: 03/29/05 Page: 5 of 15 REPORT OF LABORATORY NALY IS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NO Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NO Wastewater 12 NO Drinking Water 37712 N a oRo NO Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 F SC 99006 FL NELAP E87648 ¢1� 'ne a� FL NFLAP E87627 LABORATORY CONTROL Zinc Spike LCS LCS Units Conc. Result % Rec Footnotes mg/kg 50.00 48.10 96 MATRIX,SPI`KE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 925415614 925415622 925410748 Spike MS MSD MS MSD Parameter Units Result Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec RPD Footnotes Aluminum mg/kg 1492 2869.00 4213 4213 95 104 0 Arsenic mg/kg 2.333 71.74 62.87 554.2 84 846 159 1,2 Cadmium mg/kg 0.01530 71.74 60.00 48.78 84 75 21 2 Calcium mg/kg 471.6 2869.00 2804 2322 81 71 19 1 Copper mg/kg 0.1605 71.74 59.87 64.69 83 99 8 Lead mg/kg 1.718 71.74 57.52 54.00 78 80 6 Magnesium mg/kg 222.0 2869.00 2569 2426 82 84 6 Molybdenum mg/kg 0.00928 71.74 63.39 50.87 88 78 22 Nickel mg/kg 0.5844 71.74 60.13 52.04 83 79 14 Potassium mg/kg 73.62 1435.00 1317 1487 87 108 12 Selenium mg/kg 0 71.74 58.56 54.52 82 84 7 Sodium mg/kg 0 1435.00 1262 1295 88 99 3 Zinc mg/kg 4.828 71.74 65.48 56.87 84 80 14 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 925415986 925410755 DUP Parameter Units Result Result RPD Footnotes Aluminum mg/kg 2100 1700 20 Arsenic mg/kg 2.100 1.500 34 Cadmium mg/kg ND ND NC Calcium mg/kg 740.0 830.0 11 Copper mg/kg NO NO NC Lead mg/kg 1.500 2.200 41 Magnesium mg/kg 210.0 170.0 24 2 Molybdenum mg/kg NO ND NC Nickel mg/kg 0.6200 ND NC Potassium mg/kg ND NO NC Selenium mg/kg NO NO NC Date: 03/29/05 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSHE Page: 6 of 15 Asheville Certification iDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NO Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NO Drinking Water 37712 N A oRo NO Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87648 �:�lac,- FL NELAP E87627 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. laceAnalytical Asheville, Riverside Drive NC 28804 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: Sodium Zinc Lab Project Number: 9290415 Client Project ID: Sludge Lagoon & Aeration 925410755 DUP Units Result Result RPD Footnotes mg/kg ND ND NC mg/kg 5.100 3.500 37 Date: 03/29/05 Page: 7 of 15 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N a o NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87648 :���� Fi nIFi AP P87F;7 QC Batch: 124422 Analysis Method: SM 9221E QC Batch Method: SM 9221F�.s Analysis Description: Fecal Coliform MPN Solid Associated Lab Samples. ' 925414971 METHOD BLANKs:._,925440653 Associated Cab Samples: 925414971 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Footnotes Coliform, Fecal NO Date: 03/29/05 Page: 8 of 15 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 N a� oRo NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87648 act- FL NELAP E87627 QC Batch: 124124 Analysis Method: % Moisture QC Batch Method: Analysis Description: Percent Moisture Associated Lab Samples: 925414971 SAMPLE DUPLICATE:" 925421620 925419533 DUP Paramet"er Units Result Result RPD Footnotes Percent Moisture % 24.20 22.60 7 Date: 03/29/05 Page: 9 of 15 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 H A o NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 � �£ SC 99006 FL NELAP E87648 ac= � FL NELAP E87627 Date: 03/29/05 Page: 10 of 15 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 a N a ogo NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 a %' aF SC 99006 FL NELAP E87648!��C� FL NELAP E87627 ace Analytical ° www.pacelabs.com I QC Batch: 124201 QC Batch Method: EPA 36 Associated Lab Samples' METHOD Associa QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax- 828,252,4618 Lab Project Number: 9290415 Client Project ID: Sludge Lagoon & Aeration Analysis Method: EPA 365.2 Analysis Description: Phosphorus, Total, Soil 925414971 Samples: 925414971 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Footnotes Phosphorus mg/kg ND 10.0 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 925427452 Spike LCS LCS Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Footnotes Phosphorus mg/kg 20.00 22.96 115 MATRIX SPIKE: 925427460 925419947 Spike MS MS Parameter Units Result Conc. Result Y. Rec Footnotes Phosphorus mg/kg 2235 1352.00 3740 ill SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 925427478 925414971 DUP Parameter Units Result Result RPD Footnotes Phosphorus mg/kg 623.0 873.0 33 2 Date: 03/29/05 Page: 11 of 15 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IN This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water SC Environmental 37712 99030 N n �oRo 9 NC Drinking Water 37706 FL NELAP E87648 �. ® �\ Sc 99006 FL NELAP E87627 ce Analytical www.pacelabs.com QC Batch: 124321 QC Batch Method: EPA 35 Associated Lab Samples":t METHOD BLANK:;, 9254354Z Associated Lab Samples: 925414971 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Footnotes Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg/kg ND 10. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254,7176 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Fax:828.252:4618 Lab Project Number: 9290415 Client Project ID: Sludge Lagoon & Aeration Analysis Method: EPA 351.2 Analysis Description: Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Soil 925414971 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 925435430 Spike LCS LCS Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Footnotes Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg/kg 400.00 381.6 — 95 MATRIX SPIKE: 925435448 925414971 Spike MS MS Parameter Units Result Conc. Result Y. Rec Footnotes Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg/kg _11320 2837.00 13050 61 1 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 925435455 925419947 DUP Parameter Units Result Result RPD Footnotes Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg/kg 270000 300000 9 Date: 03/29/05 Page: 12 of 15 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IN This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water SC Environmental 37712 99030 N a� oRo NC Drinking Water 37706 FL NELAP E87648 N SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 QC Batch: 124480 QC Batch Method: EPA 35 Associated Lab Samplzes:" Lab Project Number: 9290415 Client Project ID: Sludge Lagoon & Aeration Analysis Method: EPA 353.2 Modified ified Analysis Description: Nitrogen, Nitrate plus Nitrite 925414971 METHOD BLANKf-t.925442790 Associated L Samples: 925414971 Nitrate as N Nitrate -Nitrite (as N) Nitrite as N Blank Reporting Units Result Limit Footnotes mg/kg NO 10. mg/kg NO 10. mg/kg NO 10. LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 925442808 Spike LCS LCS Parameter Units Conc. Result Y. Rec Footnotes Nitrate -Nitrite (as N) mg/kg 500.00 480.0 96 MATRIX SPIKE: 925442816 925414971 Spike MS MS Parameter Units Result Conc. Result Y. Rec Footnotes Nitrate -Nitrite (as N) mg/kg 0 3546.00 3617 102 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 925442824 925419947 DUP Parameter Units Result Result RPD Footnotes Nitrate as N mg/kg ND NO NC Nitrate -Nitrite (as N) mg/kg NO ND NC Nitrite as N mg/kg NO ND NC Date: 03/29/05 Page: 13 of 15 REPORT F LA AT ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37712 a oR NC Drinking Water 37706 SC Environmental 99030 Sc 99006 FL NELAP E87648 .� act- FL NELAID E87627 Lab Project Number: 9290415 Client Project ID: Sludge Lagoon & Aeration QC Batch: 124500 Analysis Method: EPA 350.1 Modified QC Batch Method: EPA 350 1`'Modified Analysis Description: Nitrogen, Ammonia Associated Lab Sam , �`' pies 925414971 METHOD BLANK`r„925443442 Associated Laab Samples: 925414971 Blank Reporting P.ar'ameter Units Result Limit Footnotes Nitrogen, Ammonia mg/kg NO 10. LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 925443459 Spike LCS LCS Parameter - Units Conc. Result i Rec Footnotes Nitrogen, Ammonia mg/kg 100.00 106.2 100 925414971 Spike MS MS Parameter Units Result Conc. Result % Rec Footnotes Nitrogen, Ammonia mg/kg 366.4 695.30 1120 161 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 925443475 925419947 DUP Parameter Units Result Result RPD Footnotes Nitrogen, Ammonia mg/kg 2500 2700 6 Date: 03/29/05 Page: 14 of 15 SPORT F LA AT Y ANALYSIS Asheville Certification IDs This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water SC Environmental 37712 99030 N a o ". NC Drinking Water 37706 FL NELAP E87648 :° _ SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 laneAnalytical www.pacelabs.com ; Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax., 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 9290415 Client Project ID: Sludge Lagoon & Aeration QUALITY CONTROL DATA PARAMETER FOOTNOTES Consistent with EPA guldeliPnes`'unrounded concentrations are displayed and have been used to calculate i Rec and RPD values. LCS(D) Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) Matrix Spr`ke (Duplicate) DOPSample buplicate ND Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit NC iJot Calculable J Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit <DL Adjusted Method Detection Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference [1] The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and /or MSD due to matrix interference. The LCS and/or LCSD were within acceptance limits showing that the laboratory is in control and the data is acceptable. [2] The calculated RPD was outside QC acceptance limits, [31 Analysis conducted in excess of EPA recommended holding time. Date: 03/29/05 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Page: 15 of 15 REPORT OAF LABORATORY AALYSI This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Charlotte Certification IDs without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inca NC Wastewater 12 N " NC Drinking Water 37706 ? \F SC 99006 c EL NELAP E87627 Enclosure No.3 Groundwater Section Guidelines for the Investigation and Remediation of Soil and Groundwater Table 3 Contaminated Soil Clean-up Levels Enclosure No.3 Excerpted from the GROUNDWATER SECTION GUIDELINES FOR THE INVESTIGATION AND REMEDIATION OF SOIL AND GROUNDWATER STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT of ENVIRONMENT and NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION of WATER QUALITY GROUNDWATER SECTION http://gw.ehnr.state.nc.us July 2000 Table 3 Contaminated Soil Clean -Up Levels Compound CAS # Soil to GW (mg/kg)* Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 11 Acetone 67-64-1 2.81 Anthracene 120-12-7 995 Barium 7440-39-3 848 Benzene 71-43-2 0.0056 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.34 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 1 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene 191-24-2 6720 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 12 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.091/0.088** Benzoic acid 65-85-0 112 Bis(chloroethyl)ether(BCEE) 111-44-4 0.0002 n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 4 Sec -Butyl benzene 135-98-8 3 Tert-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 3 Carbon 75-15-0 4 Chlorom ethane(m ethyl chloride) 74-87-3 0.02 Chromium III 16065-83-1 27 Chromium VI 18540-29-9 27 Chrysene 218-01-9 38 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-8 0.17/0.088** Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 4.7 Dibromochlorom ethane 124-48-1 0.002 1,2-Dibromoethane (ethylene dibromide; EDB) 106-93-4 0.00000197 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 7 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 24 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 1 1,1-Dichloroethane (1,1-DCA) 75-34-3 4 1,2-Dichloroethane (ethylenedichloride;1,2-DCA) 1,2-Dichloroethene (cis)(cis-1,2-DCE) 1,2-Dichloroethene (trans) (trans-1,2-DCE) 1,1-Dichloroethane (1,1-DCE) 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropene (cis and trans) 2,4-Dimethylphenol Ethyl acetate Ethylbenzene Fluoranthene Fluorene Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Hexanone Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Isopropyl benzene (cumene) Isopropyl ether (d i isopropyl ether) Lead Methanol Methylethylkeytone (2-Butanone; MEK) Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Methylene Chloride 2-Methyl naphthalene Naphthalene Phenanthrene n-Propylbenzene Pyrene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlorethane Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Toluene Xylenes (mixed) 107-06-2 156-59-2 156-60-5 75-35-4 78-87-5 542-75-6 105-67-9 141-78-6 100-41-4 206-44-0 86-73-7 87-68-3 591-78-6 193-39-5 98-82-8 108-20-3 7439-92-1 67-56-1 78-93-3 1634-04-4 75-09-2 91-57-6 91-20-3 85-01-8 103-65-1 129-00-0 79-34-5 127-18-4 120-82-1 95-63-6 108-67-8 108-88-3 1330-20-7 0.0018 0.35 0.38 0.045 0.0029 0.0009 0.9 11 0.24 276 44 0.26 1.9 3 2 0.37 270 14 0.69 0.92 0.02 3 0.58 60 2 286 0.001 0.0074 2.6 8 7 7 5 Notes * If the soil contaminant concentration is less than the method detection limit, the maximum soil concentration should be at the level of the method detection limit. ** Residential Level July 2000 NOV _ 5 2004 � � Agfa Corporation P.O. Box 267 Staton Road WATER QUALITY SECTION Brevard, NC 28712-0267 SHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE To: Bradley Bennett, State of North Carolina, DENR, NPDES Stormwater From: Chet Meinzer, AGFA Corporation, Brevard Site, Facilities Manager CC: Charlene Graff, Roger Galloway, Jamie Vanbuskirk, Kerry Becker, Michael E. Gel], David Epps Date: 11/4/2004 Re: WWTP Closure: Redirection of Stormwater to a new outfall Stormwater Redirect to New Outfall The AGFA Corporation Brevard Site, in Transylvania County, at Staton Road, Brevard, NC 28712, is in the process of closing the manufacturing site and the industrial wastewater treatment plant. • All production facilities are currently shutdown and being dismantled. No further process wastewater will be discharged to the existing wastewater treatment plant. o The site produced medical X-ray film with a SIC code of 3861 until the manufacturing area was shut down. • The closure of the wastewater treatment facility requires that several stormwater drains be rerouted from the current NPDES outfall to a new stormwater outfall. • We request that the new outfall (Stormwater outfall 008) be covered by the site's existing stormwater permit. (General permit # NCG 030057) o The new stormwater outfall will be located at Latitude N 35011'15"and Longitude W 82036'51". The outfall is identified on the attached drawing. (Drawing # D&Z 1000452 Rev. 1) o The redirecting of stormwater flows will include construction of a wet detention basin that will contain the 10-year 24=hour rainfall event for the area. o The new outfall will discharge to the same unnamed tributary of the Little River; a Class C Trout Stream, which has received the NPDES surface water discharge flow from Outfall 001. (NPDES Permit 0000337) o The drainage area of the new outfall is approximately 9.4 acres and is shown by the shaded area on the attached drawing. The area drained is 70% impervious. (See drawing D&Z A1000438 Rev 0.) 1 • An Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan has been prepared for the site demolition activities. Under the closure plan for the wastewater treatment system, in agreement with the Ashville Region NPDES group, the basins will be re -graded after they have been emptied. o The final grade of the wastewater treatment ponds after closure is shown on the attached drawings D&Z 1000452 Rev. 1 and D&Z Al 000455 Rev. 1. • The site contact person for this project will be Roger Galloway the ORC for the wastewater treatment facility. He can be reached at 828-862-8379 ext. 200 If you have any questions about our request for coverage please call Roger Galloway or me at 828- 862-8379 ext. 100. Sincerely, Chet Meinzer Facilities Manager • Page 2 P Closure ..bject: Re: AGFA Brevard WWTP Closure From: Forrest Westall <Forrest.Westall@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 14:53:49 -0400 To: Shannon Mohr Thornburg <shannon.thornburg@ncmail.net> CC: Kerry Becker <Kerry.Becker@ncmail.net> Shannon, I reviewed the plan with Kerry and I'm thinking that we sent out a letter of approval (I've slept since then). I will copy this to Kerry and make sure. In any event, the plan was to approve an acceptable closure plan with the understanding that long term issues would be addressed by DWM in the overall site managment plan. Thanks. Forrest Shannon Mohr Thornburg wrote: Forrest - I was just organizing some paperwork in my office and came across my AGFA Brevard WWTP Closure file. Is there anything required of me at this point in terms of follow-up, review, etc.? I was just wondering if I should go ahead and send my file to SWPS Central Files or not. Thanks for any guidance that you are able to provide! Shannon Shannon Mohr Thornburg, Environmental EngineerMailing Address: Land Application Unitl636 Mail Service Center Aquifer Protection SectionRaleigh, NC27699-1636 NCDENR-DWQPhysical Address: Telephone:(919) 715-61672728 Capital Boulevard, Room No. 1C 130 Fax:(919) 715-0588Raleigh, NC27604 shannon. thomburg(cb,ncmail.nethttp://h2o. enr. state.nc.us/ndpu Forrest Westall - Forrest.Westall@ncmail.net North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Forrest Westall <Forrest.Westal.1pncmail.net> Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section NC DENR - Asheville Regional Office 1 of 1 4/13/2006 1:14 PM Agfa Corporation P.O. Box 267 Staton Road Brevard, NC 28712-0267 To: Kerry Becker, State of North Carolina, NCDENR Ashville Region NPDES From: Chet Meinzer, AGFA Brevard Site Manager CC: Roger Galloway, Jamie Vanbuskirk, Michael Gell, David Epps Date: 8/26/2004 Re: WWTP Closure NPDES Permit # NC0000337 Wastewater treatment plant closure We have attached an engineering drawing of the temporary piping changes required as a first step to begin dewatering our wastewater treatment facility. We request that you issue a letter approving the temporary piping modifications so that we may proceed with the closure. During the closure of the AGFA Brevard Plant wastewater treatment system the site is proceeding with the following steps to ensure the quality of the surface water discharges to Little River. • The site has stopped all sanitary flows to the WWTP and is providing portable (Porta - john) sanitary units for construction crews. In addition, the guardhouse and CTC office building are connected to a septic system with drain fields. • All production facilities are currently shutdown and being dismantled. No further process wastewater will be discharged to the existing wastewater treatment plant. o All flushing water used to rinse underground sewer lines will be treated and discharged at outfall 001. • We have attached an engineering drawing for the piping changes needed to complete the closure of the wastwater treatment plant. (D&Z Temporary Pump & Piping For Process Wastewater Pond Closing; drawing # Al000449 Rev.A.) o The redirecting of flows within the system will provide a mechanism for discharging the treated water at outfall 001. All of the water discharged during the closure will meet the current NPDES permit limits. • The site currently monitors the groundwater down gradient of the WWTP basins. The site will continue the current monitoring and schedule until the NPDES permit is i terminated or transferred. The monitoring will then be conducted under the site corrective action plan and schedule being developed in conjunction with the state groundwater and corrective action groups. o The down -gradient monitoring wells (R87 series, MW-108, 109,207, 208,209,210) are shown on the attached DuPont CRG - SWMU 4 pdf file. • The biosolids dewatering process will be closed loop within the treatment plant area and all water discharged from the system will meet the NPDES permit limits. o The removed solids will be landfilled in a Sub -title D facility. • The solids remaining in the aeration and biosolids digestion basins after the dredging is complete will be sampled for the 503 and appropriate RCRA Appendix IX constituents. o An estimate of the mass of biosolids remaining will be made for calculation of constituent loadings being applied to the area during final grading. The water in the polishing pond will be discharged at outfall 001 and any water that cannot be directly discharged will be pumped to the emergency basin and processed through the clarifier for direct discharge to outfall 001. • The sediments remaining in the polishing pond will be capped with a textile mat and a two -foot cover of soil. Responsibility and management of this SWMU (solid waste management unit) will pass to the RCRA corrective action plan. • The final grade will be low maintenance cover that will support light vehicular traffic and have a meadow like appearance. The stormwater currently passing through the wastwater treatment facility will be managed under the plant Sediment and Erosion Plans as part of the final grading contract. The Emergency Diversion basin sediments will be removed after all the water in the system has been successfully treated and discharged. • After the sediments are removed and sent to an appropriate landfill the area will be sampled for the RCRA Appendix IX constituents of interest in that area. As the closure progresses the site will provide timely and informative updates to the State agencies involved in the process. The updates will list milestone activities. Sincerely, i Chet Meinzer 0 Page 2 $ M-131 / To: Kerry Becker, State of North Carolina, NCDENR Ashville NPDES Agfa Corporation From: Chet Meinzer, AGFA Brevard Site Manager P.O. Box 267 Staton Road CC: Roger Galloway, Jamie Vanbuskirk, Michael Gell Brevard, NC 28712-0267 Date: 5/6/2004 Re: Modifications to NPDES Permit # NC0000337 Proposed Permit Modifications NC 0000337 During the closure of the AGFA Brevard Plant wastewater treatment system the site requests the following modifications be permitted under the current permit for the management of dewatering filtrates and stormwater influents to the basins. • Installation of a temporary effluent line from the clarifier overflow to the outfall flume. The water discharged will be sampled under the conditions and limitations of the existing permit. This process will include sealing the clarifier discharge to the polishing pond and sealing the overflow from the polishing pond to outfall 001. • Install a temporary pump and line from the existing emergency spill basin to the existing clarifier to manage filtrates and stormwater for discharge to outfall 001. After all process water has been treated the line from the emergency spill basin pump station to the equalization -settling section of the aeration basin will be sealed. • Install a temporary pump and line from the polishing pond to the existing sewer line for management of the decanted water from the polishing pond and stormwater collected in the polishing pond. We have attached a sketch of the temporary piping changes requested and ask that you approve the temporary modifications so that we may proceed with the closure plan. As part of the plan we will be removing the majority of the solids from the aeration and sludge digestion basins. Sediments will also be removed from the emergency spill basin and transported to an appropriate Subtitle - D landfill. The sediments in the polishing pond are currently being evaluated and an appropriate disposal pathway will be developed in concert with the NCDER divisions. 1 Sincerely, Chet Mein er n E :04 LSLJ WACTION ASHEL OFFICE Brevard Plant Closure Piping modifications Green for temporary new lines & pumps Red for temporary valves & plugs Emergency Spill Basin Clarifier �M-= polymer addition Sludge Return Sanitary Wastewater Aeration EQ Sludge Digestion Emergency Spill Basin Pump 1200 GPM Eq & Settling / Lime Phosphoric addition I Process Sewers Clarifier overflow to Polishing pond Polishing Pond 4.5 MG