HomeMy WebLinkAboutDOC110618-11062018150400.pdf�.SARe a? e� S^ ��� ���'w; `��� .���. State of North Carolina Depamnent of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James C. Martin, Governor Bob Jamieson Wi(liam W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary June 23, 1992 Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL Mr. vallas Harris, Owner East Port Subdivision Post Office Box 531 Nrightsville Beach, North Carolina 28480 Dear Mr. Harris: Subject: Certification of Compliance with Stosmwater Requlations Stormwater Project No.920515 Eastport Subdivision New Hanover County This Certification is pursuant to the revised Stormwater °; Submittal for Eastport Subdiqision received on May 21, 1992. `:� Baseci on our review of the project plans and specifications, we '"' have determined that the;Eastport Subdivision stormwater control s�stem complies with the Stormwater Regulations set fdrth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1003(i). The runoff will be treated in two detention ponds sized to achieve 908 reduction in Total Suspended Solids. This Certification shall be effec�ive f�om the date of issuance until rescinded and accordingly r�scinds DEM.groject No. 920206 issued to you on March 20, 1992. Ttie project shall be canstructed and maintained in accordance with the plans and specifications received May 21, 1992, and approved by the 6iilmir.gtan R2qional Offic2. A professional engineer must certify that the stormwater system has been installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications upon completion of construction. The attached certification should be received by this Offi�� within 30 days of completion of construction. -continued- 127 Cartlinai Drive Fxtenson, Wilmington, N.0 284053845 � Telephone 913345d900 � F� 9133542004 M Equal Opportuniry AHiimaNve Action Employtt Mr. Harris June 23, 1992 Stormwater No.920515 --------------------- If you have any questions concerning this matter, please ca11 Ms. Alexis Finn or me at (919) 395-3900. ncerely, / — Y ave Adkins Water Quality Supervisor DA/aif: 920515.JUN cc: Phillip G. Tsipp, P.E, Sky.Conklin, New Hanover County Ynspections Alexis-Finn Wi:lmington Regional Office Central F.iles E DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Evaluation of Stormwater Treatment and Disposal System Draining to Waters Other Than Class SA PROJECT DATA Project Name: Project Number: Location: Eastport Subdivision 920206 New Hanoves Cauntg Applicant: Mr. Dallas Harris, Ownes Mailing Address; East Port Subdivision Post O£fice Box 531 Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina 28480 Submittal Date: May 21, 1992 Water Body Aeceiving Stormwater Runoff: Bradley Creek Classification of Water Body: "SC HQW #" WET DETENTION POND EVALUATION 1. Yes No The design storage is for the runoff from all impervious sur�aces resuiting from i-inch of rainfall and is located above the permanent pool. 2 3. Yes No The permanent pool is designed for 90� total suspended solid (TSS) removal. fiherefore, no vegetative filter is reqni�ed. Yes No The runaff completely draws down to the permanent pool in 5 days, but not less than 2 days. 4. Yes No 5. Yes No 6. Yes No The mean depth of the permanent pool is a minimum of 3 feet. The inlet structure is designed to minimize turbulence and short circuiting. An appropriate operation ar�d maintenance plan has been provided for the system. -continued- 3 WET DETENTION POND EVALUATION CONTINUED 7. Yes No THIS PROJECT MEETS THE STORMWATER CONTROL REQUIREMENTS OF 15A NCAC 2H.1003 (g), (i), (k), and (1) (For Yes, 1 through 7 must all be circled Yes.) Brief Explanation: This detention pond is designed to remove 90� total suspended solids without the side of a vegetative filter. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 5IGN-OFF Wilmington Regional Office fo/a31�- _ �--'' Ii ta e � Inciividual Evaluating FormJPlans i , ' � �i�qti o Date `�-�egie al W.ater Quality Supervisor cc: Applicant/WiRO/AIF/CF 4 Enaineez's Certification I, , as a duly registered Professional Enqineer in the State of North Carolina, having been suthorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full time) the construction of the project, e (Project) for the hereby state that, to (Project Owner) the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction . such that the cons�ruc�ion was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. Signa�ure Reqistration Number Date Fast Port 5ubdivision Stonnwater Project No. 920515 Engineer's Ce:�ti£ication I, I HiWP ��it�c.,���PP , as a duly registered Professionai Engii�eer in the State of Nortli Carolina, having been aut.harized t.o observe (periodically!v�eelc�y/�»ej lhe constrvcuon of the project, ectj for �J.kYu�s �p.,C�S 1.f.AL k-�hti �cx.�sT _(Pro,jecl Owner) I�ereby state that, ro the best of rny abilities, clue care and diligence was used in tl�e observation of the project constiiiction suci� tli�l Ihe coi�stiuctiou �vns observed to Uc built within suUstant.ial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specificaiions. Signature ___V�ii—� Registration Number �7��� llate S• 3• q3 � � -�' r r T ; �°. `�.. �, , x 4 p'. p�r � tc� ry� x �;': y �y,' a �B: 1 [� '¢ �� a � 0 SID� �4 ",}������`�I, u � AUG 0 5 1993 -;01 � ° osis Jim Quinn From: Lynn Coleman Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 20114:55 PM io: Dave Mayes; Jim Quinn Subject: Eastport S/D stormwater permits Dave, As we discussed today on the telephone, Heather's research of the applicable state statutes and code provisions is inconclusive as to the City's responsibility to disclose to the State our current arrangement with the HOA that we maintain the starrrwater ponds even though tha property remains owned by the HOA. Considering that tha permit that was issued to R. Harris was not modified to reflect the cnange of ownership to the HOF� wher� the development was subjected to restrictive covenants, and that the City does not both "own" AND maintain the stormwater ponds, it is rriy opinion that the City has no legal res�onsibility to advise the State of our maintenance agreement. You and I discussed a couple of concerns with this solution: First, if the state inspects the ponds and finds problems, they will likely notify the permit holder who wilf be unlikely to notify either the HOA as the property owner or the City as the eniity responsible for maintenance. Second, the HOA should �robably modify the permit at their own cost to reflect their ownership of the ponds or convey the ponds to the City so thaY we can modify the permit showing City ownership. One difficulty with the conveyance to the City is that the parcel containing one of the stormwater ponds also contains a club house that the City would neither want nor accept and a division may run afoul of City subdivision and lot requirements. While there is not clear and clean perfect answer, if appears that the best interests of the City might be served by taking no action on the permit at this time. R. Lynn Coleman Assistant City Attorney City of Wilmington 305 Chestnut Street PO Box 1810 Wilmington, NC 28402-1810 (910) 341-7820 Ivnn.coleman@wilmin�tonnc.�ov