HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190147 Ver 1_Surry #12_Letter_20190201srwrry�;� ����+s O�S . � � �', :F�F.I!}3� K.W _, 1� •��� �1 _ �+•. `- � r . ; i,-" ��ls ���`� � t�.%, ��:.-�nN, STATE OF 1`I�RTH CAROLJNA DEPARTTMEENT OF TRANSPQRTATION RdY COOPER Govr.RNOR February 1, 20I9 Mr. Steve Kichefski U. S. Ar�ny Cc�rps af Engineers Ashevrlle Regulatory Fieid Office 151 Patton Avenue, Rooxn 208 As�evi�l�, NC 28801-5006 .TAMES H_ TRO[;DON, IIi SECRE'I ARY Subject: 1`�ationwide Permit #3 Replaee Bridge #12 on SR 1122 with New Bridge Surry Cnunty, Norkh Carolina Project Number: 17BP.11.R.183 (Na DWR Pernuit Fee Reyuired) Dear Mr. Kichefski: The North Carolina D�partment of TranspQrtaiion is scheduied ta rep�ace Bridge # 12 with a new bridge at the same location. The existin� 3-span timber and steel bridge is has a total length of 121' and is 24' wide out to out. The propose� 2-span bridge is a 130' Iong by 30' wide. Axz affsite detour is proposed. Stream Impacts: Statian E�isting Proposed Temporaary Riprap Total �mpac�s Nu7mber Str�cture Size Structure Dewatering Irn�acts at this Station Size (feet) (feet) (feet} 121' long x 24' 130' iong x 30' Bridge #I2 wide bridge wide 6ridge �3 ist 5$ Per�. FilllRiparap Impacts = Total Pro�ect Impacts = 58 �5 feet �'eet 1 The riprap total herE includes ail bank stabilization and bank hardening associated with the new structure and riprap that is beyond the footprint of the existing structure and wing �valls. T�e replace�nent of the existing bridge with the propased naw �ridge will require temporaty dewa�ering during interior bent re�noval and riprap ins�al�ation. An Matfing Address: NC DEPf�RTMEN'1" OF TRpNSPOATATION 1�IVi510%] d] 80I STA'1'ESVCLLE RQAD NORTH WILKF,SBORO, NC 28659 Telephorre: (336) 6b7-91 l ] �'ax: (336) 667-4549 Customer Service: 1-$77-368-A96�i G['ehsite: wtivw.ncdotgov Mr. Steve Kichefski Surty Bridge #12 Febr�ary 1, 20I9 impervious dike will be constructed adjacent to the proposed impact aa-ea to isolate the work area. Any dirly water located inside the construction area wiil be pumped into a silt bag if necessary. Once xhe work is complete, the impervious dikes wilI be removed and preconstruction streambed elevations wiu be restored. Construction of this project will require impacts to waters of tlxe United States in the Yadkin River Basin. The existing bridge crosses Snow Creek (Class: C) and is not lacated in a trout watershed. This praject does not c�ain to designated critical habitat. This project was reviewed far the presence of threatened ar�d endangered species in the iield and I have a1so. included a query of the NCNHP database. Based on the project area mapped with my request, the datahase search indicates that there are no records fc�r threatened or endangered species, important natural communities, natural areas, or conservation/managed areas withi� the proposed project boundaxy. No tree clearing zs necessary. The NLEB is listed as a protected species in this courrty but the project does not fall within 0.25 miles of any red HUC identified in the SLOPES spelled out in the Nationwide Permit Regianal Conditians. We do not anticipate any impact to any other federally listed species. Cultural resaurce complianc� work has been comp]eted. Dobbins Mill is adjacent to th� project and is eligible for lxsting on the National Registez� of Historic Places. NCDOT has obtained a no aclverse effect call from SHPO provided that we instali a 2-bar metaI rail on the bridge. This issue triggered the official notification to you. Na archaeological resources will be affected by this praject (see attached). The project impacts are not significant in nature and should not remove or degrade existing water qualiry uses. Stormwater will be routed through grass or rock lined ditches, depend'zng on the ditch line slope. Pipe sizes used will be the minunum necessary to create a safe roadway. By utiiizing the erosion control �easures outlined in ih� attachments to this appiication, downstream water quality standards wiil be protected. All appropriate BMPs will be used dwring construction. We wauld like to begin construction as soan as possible. If further information is req�xired, please Iet me know. Your early review and consideration wili be appreciated. Sinc�rely, � � Heath Slaughter Di�ision Envirozunen#al Qfficer Enclosures cc: Joe Laws, PE, Division Sridge Pragrarn Managez Mark Johnson, Division Bxidge Progzazx� Technician Tadd Hiatt, Roadside Environmental Field Qperations Engineer