HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190146 Ver 1_Bridges 46_47_48, Letter_20190201' STNTf�.:::,.���� .=5e.µ� ,��i�i�, 5 r- �� � x1; ' �y �: r �i`' ' �. n�.�.�. �' : ro v. STATE OF NORTH CAR9�,INA ��p�.�NT oF T�vspoRTA�oN ROY CQOPE�t c�av��voz� February 1, 2019 Mr. Steve Kickzefski U. S. .Arr�y Corps of Engineers Asheville Re�ulatory �ieId Offzce � 51 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 2$$01-5006 J�1MGS H. TFtOG[3dN, III SECREI'AR Y Subject: Regional General Permit #3 i Replace Bridges #46, #47 &#48 with 3-Sided Botto�nless Culverts SR 13S1, Wataiiga County, North Carolina Froject Number: l 7BP. I l.R.173 (DWR Permit Fee $570) Dear Mr, Kichefski; The North Carolina Department of Transportation is scheduled to replace Bridges #46, #47 and #4$ on SR I351 in Watauga County with 3-stcfed bottomless culverts. 7'he bridges are being �ermitted tagether since they ara im�nediately adjacent to one another and will be replaced under the same contract. All of the existin� str�zciures are srz�aIl single span timber bridges on steel 1- beams. An off-site detaur is propased for the replacement of all these structures. Strea� impacts are tabulated betow. Stream Innpacts: Station Existiag Proposed Te�aporary Riprap TotaC Impac�s at Number Struc#ur� Size BottomIess Dewatering/ Impacts t�is Station CuEvert �ize Detour 26' long timber 24'w x 5't � Brid e#46 on steel I-beams 46' �on 2p' 47> 93� Stream 12f80 Rt. Relocatron 10' 27' 37' 26' lor�g timber 24'w x 4't x Br.it�ge #47 on steel i-beams 51' long 20' 75' 124' 19' long tirnber 24'w x 3't x Brid e#48 on steel I-beams 4D' lon 2a' Sg� c�4� Bottomless Culvert im acts — 7i' Bank Stabilization � 207' D�watering — 7C}' Totat Pro�ect Im acts — 34$' Mui7ing ilddress: iY{: D �L� PA.RTNlI;NT Ok� 'TRANSPpRTATTON DNCS[(31V 11 801 STATESViLLE AOAD NC}itTFi WII.KESBORO, NC 28654 Telephoree: (3�6) 667-9111 X�ax: (336} 6�i7�5�44 Customer Service: I -877-368-4968 Wehsite: www_ncdot.gov Mr. Ste�e Kicheiski Watauga Bridges #46, #47 & #48 February 1, 2019 CuIvert slopes will range between 1.35% - 2.17%. The interior walls oithe culverts will be lined with countersunk class II riprap to create artifcial floodptains and rnaintain char►nel width gaing ihrough the structures. The short sta�eatn relocation near the downstream portion of the bridge #46 culvert has been lined with riprap for sta.bility reasons. Construction of the new culverts will require temporary dewateri�g via dikes and jump pipes. T'he details are spelled out in the constraction sequences in the pIan sheets. Once the new structures are in place, the impervious dikes and temporary pipes wili be rernoved and preconstruction streambed eleva#ions wrli be restored. Construction of this project will reqnire impacts to waters vf the United States in the New River Basin. The e�sting bridges cross Grassy Creek (Ciass: WS-N -�)_ The project fs located within a trou# waiershed_ This project does not c�-ain to desigiated critical �abitat %r the elk toe mussel. This project was reviewed for the presence of threatened and endangered species in the field ar�d I have also included � query of the NCNIIP database. Based on the project area mapped with my request, the database search indicates that there are no records of any federally Iisted threatened or endangered species, itnportant nat�ral communities, naturai areas, or conservation/managed areas within the proposed project boundary. There will be approximately 0. i 5 acres of tree cutting at the project loeation due to cut and fiiI work. The NLEB is listed as a protected species in this county but the project does not fall witF�in 025 miles ai any red HUC identified in the SL,OPES spelled out in thte Nationwide Permit Regional Conditions_ We do not aa�ticipate any impact tn any other federally ]isted species. Cultural resource compliance work �aas been comp�eted. No archaeological resources or historic properties wili be affected by t�his pro�ect (see attached). The project impacts are not significant in nature and should no# alter the best usage far this streazn. All appropriate BMPs wi11 be used during cons�ruction. Attached is a Preconshuction Notification Form, pian sheets and maps. By copy of this eiecironic letter, it is requested that the Divisian of Water Resources, 401/Wetlands Unit, issue the appropriate penmit %r canstruction of this project. It is requesied that any comments related to tl�e 401 certification be electronicaIly forrvarded directly to me with a copy sen� to the US Antny Corps o�Engineers. By copy of this Ietter, it is requested ihat Nlrs. Marla Chambers, Mountain Region Coordinatoz', witli the North Carolina Wildlife Aesources Comrtzission cotx�tnent directly ta you concerning t�e 404 Natianwic�e Permit applicatio� with a copy sent to me. We wou�d like to begin construction as soon as possible. If further information is required, please Iet me krtow. Your early review and consideration wiIl be appreciated. Sincerely, �� � Heath Slaughter Division En�ironmental OfFcer � Mr. Stev� Kichefski Watauga Bridges #46, #47 & #48 February 1, 2�19 Enclosures cc: Marla Chambers, NCWRC Amy Chapman, DivisEon of Water Quality Dave Wanucha, Division of Water QualiLy Joe Laws, PE, Division Bridge Program Manager Mark Johrison, Division Bridge Progam Technician Heath Slaughter, Division Environmental0fficer Todd Hiatt, Roadside Envir�nmernal Fielc� Opera�aons Engineer Randall Miles, Distr�ct Engineer