HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0033455_WWTP_O&M_20081023Aml AQUEONICS, INC (Preliminary) Wastewater Treatment Plant (W WTP) Operation & Maintenance Manual for The Cliffs at High Carolina Asheville, NC With -Nature TABLE OF CONTENTS RtGEIVED I DENR I M pQUIFFP PROTECTION SECTO OCT 2 3 2008 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR THE CLIFFS AT HIGH CAROLINA SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT THE CLIFFS COMMUNITIES ASHEVILLE BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA INTRODUCTION This site is served by municipal water supply and on-site wastewater treatment system. The wastewater collection system consists of a gravity sanitary sewage collection system, with lift stations, leading to an Aqueonics on-site tertiary sewage treatment facility. The treatment facility proposes to discharge treated effluent to on-site disposal system, which are fed by dosing force mains designed by others from a dosing storage tank attached to the treatment system. The sewerage system will ultimately be designed, treat and discharge to service the anticipated discharge from future dwelling units and commercial development and will be constructed in two phases, of which initial construction will be for Phase I, serving Villages 1-5, 7, 9, 10, and 13. This phase will include, besides the residences, an Inn, Restaurant, Market, Banquet facility, 3 spas, and a clubhouse with an anticipated 98,410 gallons per day (gpd) total flow. Phase II will comprise villages 6, 8, 11, 12, and 14. The full descriptions and associated flows are tabulated in Figure 1. _Water Consumption Treatment and Discharge Considerations Estimates of Water discharge are based upon North Carolina Standards to be found in NCDENR DWQ 2T. Total estimated flow based on this calculation is 98,410 gpd for Phase I. Phase II is estimated to comprise 101,280 gpd. Treatment facilities have been designed to treat 100,000 gpd for Phase 1, and 200,000 gpd for Phase II. Nitrogen content of the influent wastewater is expected to be typical of a mixture of domestic sewage values of mixed residential and commercial sources. This project is subject to discharge criteria established by the NCDENR for nitrogen and Phosphorus -limited discharge. The treatment facility has therefore been designed for nitrogen and Phosphorus removal to comply with applicable standards for pretreatment. Inasmuch as nitrogen removal in the treatment process of this plant provides for an effluent with total ammonia plus nitrate nitrogen at less than 5 mg/l, it is clear that the criteria for adequate pretreatment to meet groundwater standards, which call for groundwater nitrate levels at all points to meet federal EPA drinking water standards for nitrates (less than 10 mg/1), will be satisfied at all points around the discharge. The effluent disposal delivery and distribution system will be described by others in a separate report. The Cls at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 2 of 24 The Cliffs at High Carolina Design Flow calculations PVi Phllage 2 a 1 Buildi Floors Uni�lFldor Brfillnits FIawIBr F€ Unit Notes 10 2 5 2 1 120 1 24 M0 god 50 Village 4 Phase C VIil a 44`etiness & Poa S . F7. Flow3t . fL F ow Unit N 5.000 50 2 village -6 S . Ft Fiowtf100 . ft. F ow Unit Notes Phase i Talla Wellness Roo 8,000 1 50 11, � - I -I 1 1 4,TM I g F - I I i Village & - isenglass Phase 11 Buildi Units+itld BrlUnd lo r- F ow Unit Notes 1 1 14 8 3 120 4^,320 gPd Villa 7 Phase l Clubhouse I Sq- Ft. Fiaulli€ll W. ft. Row Unit Notes 15.000 50 4 7 c 1 2D,160 god Village 8 Phase Il ##14 SF Units Br.Nnit ;!Iml&- Fow Unit Notes 42 4 1 120 1 2D,160 god Village 4 Phase II Strauss Lake SF Ung11, Sr tUnit Flow/Br- Fa w Unit Notes 1,g 3 1, S 780 Village 10 Phase ll Practice Golf SF Units Br1Unft FlowlBr. Frew Unit Notes 8 1 4 120 13,840 Igpd Village 11 Phase IIClubhouse Cottage SF Units Br./Unit Flo;tra'Br. Fow Unit Notes 24 4 1120 11,520 lood Ylia 12 Phase ll SF Rrd Ltns SF Units Br1unit FiovrlBI Fotw Unit Notes 401 41 1201 IqaL-Ojgcd Village 13 Phase I Gdf Maintenance I SC3. Ft. F =1100 . ft Flow Unit Notes 7.500 50 3,7501god Village 14 Phase 11 V€11a a lake Lnert�ok Bui`d s Units Br./Unit Flaw r. Faw knit Notes 7 4 3 1201 lu,um 9csd Figure 1 The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 3 of 24 This project is located in Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina, which is subject to discharge criteria established by the NCDENR for nitrogen limited discharge to groundwater. The soils beneath each disposal site have been determined to be suited for spray application, and approved for that purpose. The site and soils are judged to be suited to effluent disposal with the disposal system as designed. TREATMENT PLANT DESIGN GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS The selection of a treatment technology and disposal strategy at this site is governed by the recent concern for dwindling groundwater resources and desire not to increase groundwater pollution with nitrogen discharged in treated wastewater. Discharge criteria are imposed by The State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). The NCDENR limits the concentration of nitrate -nitrogen (further presuming that ammonia discharged is converted to nitrate) in a groundwater plume as it leaves the site to 5 mg/l, with additional hydraulic loading limitations on subsurface distribution beds as determined by the soils and groundwater. The available processes which are economically and operationally capable of eliminating large amounts of nitrogen from domestic -type wastewaters are limited. The selection of technology is especially limited when one compares the nature of operator skill and level of maintenance generally available to a small municipal or privately operated plant to those plants operated by industry or a large utility for the removal of nitrogen. The basic process proposed to treat domestic wastewater and remove nitrogen at this facility is a continuous sequential Carbon Oxidation - Nitrification - Denitrification system using endogenous carbon for denitrification. Sequential aerobic/anaerobic (anoxic) conditions with recycle of nitrified wastewater for BOD enrichment to accomplish denitrification using fixed -film media reactors is employed. The specific process design selected for this project is a biological process, which makes use of concepts that have generally been known for more than 25 years to the technical community interested in advanced technology for removal of nitrogen compounds. Pilot systems using this process were first installed in the mid -1970's, with full scale installations occurring in 1979. Nitrogen Loading and Unit Processes Descriptions Typical design nitrogen content of domestic wastewater recommends that a value of 40 mg/l as N be used. Organic nitrogen is both soluble and particulate with the soluble organic nitrogen mainly in the form of urea and amino acids. Primary sedimentation acts to remove a portion of the particulate organic matter. This removal generally will allow 80% or less of the total nitrogen entering the plant reaching the biological treatment process. Ordinary secondary biological treatment will remove most particulate organic nitrogen and transform some to ammonium and other inorganic forms. Soluble organic nitrogen is partially transformed to ammonium by microorganisms, but concentrations of 1 to 3 mg/l are usually found in biological The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 4 of 24 treatment effluents. Because of the cost and inconvenience of most organic carbon sources used in denitrification processes, a number of processes have been developed or are currently under development in which the carbon oxidation -nitrification -denitrification processes are combined into a coherent operational plan. The advantage of such processes for effective nitrogen removal, of which this is an example, include: (1) reduction in the volume of air applied to suspended solids (or pumping energy to a trickling filter) to achieve nitrification and BODS removal; (2) elimination of the supplemental organic carbon sources (e.g., methanol) required to complete denitrification; (3) stability of operations over long time periods. In these combined processes, either the endogenous decay of the organisms or the carbon in the wastewater is used to achieve denitrification. In addition to the Aqueonics process, other examples include oxidation ditches where rotor oxygenation levels are controlled as in the "Bardenpho" process. The reader is invited to review the 1975 USEPA Process Design Manual for Nitrogen Control, Section 5.5 where combined Carbon Oxidation - Nitrification - Denitrification System using endogenous carbon and Sequential Operations developments are reviewed and commented upon. Most of these processes, however, utilize suspended growth rather than fixed -film growth, which is a serious disadvantage to stable operation in small facilities such as this one. As early as 1975 a Danish plant of 1.5 million gallons per day (mgd) using the "alternating contact" process was able to achieve nitrate levels of 2.0 to 5,0 mg/l. The "Bardenpho" process of South African development was also able to achieve 5 to 7 mg/l of total nitrogen under long term performance at 26,000 gpd. Problems with the larger EPA Blue Plains pilot plant of the same time period point out the specific advantage of the Aqueonics process over the early work in this field which was associated with suspended growth reactors to accomplish oxidation and denitrification. Operation of suspended growth reactors in the alternating aerobic/anaerobic (anoxic) mode requires an F/M ratio sufficiently low to permit the development of a mixed culture of organisms for carbon oxidation, nitrification, and denitrification; and severe filamentous bulking conditions are also developed sometimes in the sludge as a result of this low F/M ratio. Maintenance of this proper ratio is a sophisticated operational problem. Fixed -film reactors by their inherent nature require no F/M ratio, since fixed bacteria automatically adjust their growth rate to the food source, and there is, of course, no suspended sludge to bulk. Fixed -film designs, therefore serve to avoid these problems, give greater stability to the process, and greatly reduce the risk of sludge loading of the subsurface distribution beds. The Blue Plains work did serve to establish several benchmarks with respect to criteria used in the design of alternating systems. They are as follows: (1) To evaluate nitrification limitations on a system, both nitrogen loads and nitrification rates must be taken into account, and, (2) there is general agreement that the design of the combined carbon oxidation -nitrification functions of the aerobic phase(s) can be separated from the anoxic phase(s). Therefore, the carbon oxidation The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 5 of 24 and nitrification calculations for the aerobic periods can be virtually identical to those advanced for ordinary carbon oxidation -nitrification processes (See same USEPA document Section 4.4.1). The Blue Plains work also supports a rational approach to sizing of the denitrification steps and presents measured denitrification rates in systems using wastewater as the organic carbon source. The relatively modern concept of the coupling of an anaerobic (anoxic) residence period with an aerobic residence period in these systems is based on the recognition that dissimilatory denitrification is accomplished by facultative bacteria using biochemical pathways that are almost identical to aerobic biochemical pathways. These facultative bacteria can shift readily from using nitrate to using oxygen and vice versa. In the aerobic towers, the carbon and ammonia are oxidized and nitrogen gas stripped from solution so that nitrogen gas bubbles will not form in the next packed -reactor or in the sedimentation process. Aqueonics' use of fixed -film reactors with stable operational characteristics is a considerable advancement over other aerobic/anaerobic (anoxic) processes, and provides a more easily operated, more reliable, less maintenance intensive, and less costly system to operate than denitrification processes using either methanol -based systems or suspended growth alternating systems. Systems such as air -stripping and selective ion exchange have not been considered to be appropriate for this application. In addition to alternating aerobic/anaerobic (anoxic) fixed -film reactors, this system also incorporates a primary clarifier to take advantage of its large removal rate of particulate organic nitrogen and BOD. Careful attention has been given to integrating hydraulic loadings, recycle capability, the ability of the operator to divide and redirect flow through the facility, and sludge handling and solids separation in this facility to provide a plant with proper balance and flexibility in operation. Aqueonics has conducted extensive full scale testing at Castlewood, California to verify kinetic design parameters for this process and the results of that work are incorporated in this design. Aqueonics full scale denitrifying plants utilizing the proposed process have been in operation in California since 1979, Pennsylvania since 1983, South Carolina since 1981, and in New Jersey since 1985. We therefore conclude this process to be the most appropriate technology for use at this site. For this facility, alum addition for physical/chemical removal of Phosphorus has been integrated into the process. In order to obtain the benefits of the above-described system we have selected the Aqueonics K - Series design (Figure 2). The process provides screening, maceration, fill flow equalization, primary sedimentation, and a series of three alternating aerobic and (anaerobic) anoxic reactors which are designed for carbon oxidation - nitrification and denitrification using influent sewage as a carbon source for denitrification. Sand filtration and ultraviolet disinfection to permit limit system follows tertiary treatment for further assurance of water quality. The tankage is of reinforced concrete construction, totally enclosed, and the aerobic reactors are of the fixed -film PVC media type, totally enclosed within an insulated shelter which is placed atop the tankage. A controlled forced air supply is provided for purging of gases in tanks and for air flow in the towers utilized in the process. All process air is pre -scrubbed in the trickling filters, then purified of odors, moisture, and contamination through a combination potassium permanganate / The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 6 of 24 *4-0/ activated carbon filter before being exhausted from the building. All machinery and equipment are located inside the insulated building, so that the Only sound external to the enclosure should be a minimal hum of the blowers. Clearly, sound exterior to the building is dependent upon sound containment by closed doors and windows. See Figure 3 for an example of the containment building. The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 7 of 24 Figure 3 Design Calculations and Specifications 1.0 Design Conditions The wastewater treatment plant has daily capacity of 200,000 gallons per day based upon influent from the facilities listed on page one. The plant is designed to be utilized for treatment of domestic sewage having a maximum daily average concentration of: The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 8 of 24 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (5 day) (BOD) 350 mg/l Total Suspended Solids (SS) 250 mg/l Total Nitrogen (N) 60 mg/l Total Phosphorus (P) 20 mg/l 2.0 Effluent Requirements Effluent quality from this plant is designed to have a maximum 30 day average concentration of: Biochemical Oxygen Demand (5 day) (BOD) 10.0 mg/l Total Suspended Solids (SS) 5.0 mg/l Ammonia Nitrogen + Nitrate Nitrogen <6 mg/l Dissolved Oxygen (DO) >6.0 mg/l Total Phosphorus (P) 1 mg/l pH 6.5-8.5 S.U. Fecal Coliform 14 MPN/100 ml The achievement of the specified effluent quality is contingent upon sufficient nutrient levels being present in the process waters, including sufficient alkalinity, and the exclusion of any biologically inhibitory constituents. Effluent problems most frequently reflect influent problems, so one of the first things to be done when problems are encountered is to check the influent quantity and quality. Periodic baseline samples should be taken regularly to assess the status of influent compared to design and to effluent performance. A disinfection to permit limit standard suitable for recreational use has been applied at , as it is believed that with pretreatment, including disinfection to permit limit, monitoring for disinfection at surrounding monitoring wells will show a negative result. Additionally, recontamination from natural sources, most particularly from birds, is anticipated. 3.0 General Description The wastewater treatment plant design is that of the Aqueonics Inc. Model K-200-3 as manufactured by Aqueonics Inc., 4115 East North Street, Suite 202, Greenville, SC 29615-6212. The wastewater treatment system incorporates the concept of alternating aerobic and anaerobic (anoxic) treatment. The complete system includes all necessary equipment for efficient plant operation and utilizes a process composed of an influent trash basket, an equalization basin with grinder pumps and forward flow control device, a primary sedimentation basin, three pairs of alternating aerobic and anaerobic (anoxic) fixed -film media reactors, sand filtration, ultraviolet disinfection to permit limit, an effluent dosing tank with delivery system, and sludge holding and sludge thickening The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 9 of 24 M 5.0 tanks. The wastewater treatment plant is operationally flexible and capable of handling loading variations. The equalization tank is capable of storing at least % of the average daily flow. It is possible to suspend treatment while removing process elements from service during periods of low loadings or in the event that maintenance is required, although treatment may be negatively affected by operation with process elements out of service. An emergency power system is provided to Valving has been provided to enable the a event that process units require mainten piping provide flexibility of operation and Plant Aesthetics The wastewater treatment plant will be locate and golf course. Therefore, consideration ha and odor control of the wastewater treatment and contained within or beneath a locked compatible with its surroundings. All mech, the service building to minimize noise. 1 chemically scrubbed and filtered to remove oi Description of Process The treatment process includes the process discussed below: the treatment plant. for to redirect flow within the plant in the or cleaning. This valving and auxiliary of maintenance. 1, in proximity to the dwellings, clubhouse been given to the aesthetics, noise, safety ►lant. The entire treatment plant is secured service building which is architecturally tical equipment has been contained within 11 air discharged from the plant will be as shown in the following list and • Flow Equalization • Primary Sedimentation • Alternating Aerobic/Anaerobic (Anoxic) Treatment — Three Stages • Up -Flow Sand Filtration • Redundant Ultra Violet Disinfection System • Effluent Discharge Works • Sludge Holding Tank • Sludge Thickening Tank • Odor Control and Positive Treatment of all Process Gases The process wastewater flows sequentially through the following chambers: (Figure 2) 1. Flow Equalization 2. Primary Clarification 3. Aerobic #1 4. Anaerobic # 1 5. Aerobic #2 6. Anaerobic #2 7. Aerobic #3 8. Anaerobic #3 The Cliffs at High. Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 10 of 24 9. Up -Flow Sand Filtration System 10. Redundant Ultra Violet Disinfection System 11. Effluent Pumping Station 12. Sludge Holding Tank 13. Sludge Thickening Tank 5.1 Screening All raw waste entering the plant enters through a trash basket located in the flow equalization tank and described in the information provided for this project. 5.2 Equalization and Flow Control Raw wastewater is lifted from the flow equalization tank by one of two installed grinder pumps (Manufacturer , Model hp, rpm, volt, phase, 60 cycle). Either one will be able to handle average daily flow of gpm. The alternate duty cycle of the pumps will facilitate equal wear on both pumps. In sizing the grinder pumps, the following factors were considered. Average daily flow at design capacity is gpd equalized at gpm. Total Dynamic Head ("TDH") is determined as follows: Top of plant = nominal elevation Bottom of flow eq. Top of head box ' Static Head Losses in pipes and plumbing: " - 90 deg. ell - " - 90 deg. ell pipe length = ' -ifdiameter and ' - " diameter At gpm, " pipe loss is it pipe loss is '/ ' Ell loss, " _ ' x = it _ _ x Total frictional loss: " pipe: [ ' + ] _ ' if pipe: [ + ] — Total Frictional Losses ' TDH = Static + frictional loss = + or approximately ' TDH for pump sizing Inasmuch as daily flow is fully equalized, peak flows are not a factor. Selection of the The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 11 of 24 (Figure ) with " impeller provides gpm (each) at TDH (alternating simplex operation). 5.3 Head Box to Control Constant Forward Flow Raw wastewater is pumped from the equalization basin to the head box, a tank having chambers. Flow enters chamber No. , where inlet turbulence is reduced, chamber no. contains a float switch control for sensing failure of the filling pumps when activated (but not pumping) and providing switchover and alarm. Flow from chamber no. flows under a baffle to chamber no. , a stilling chamber where forward flow is divided between chamber no. and no. . Entry to chamber no. is through a V -notch weir at the water surface. Water flowing into chamber no. is ducted from the bottom of the chamber and becomes the forward flow through the process. Water level in chamber no. and no. is controlled by a variable rectangular weir between chambers no. and no. Varying the weir level controls the rate of flow over the V -notch, and hence the rate of flow through the plant. Water flowing over the variable weir enters chamber no. and is discharged through the bottom to flow equalization. 5.4 Flow Equalization Head box overflow returns to the flow equalization tank which has a working capacity of gallons. This size provides working capacity to accept total daily flow in less than 16 hours, with capacity to continue treatment for more than 8 hours once incoming flow ceases. This tank fills so long as raw influent flow exceeds the process forward flow rate set by the head box. The grinder pumps located in the equalization tank operate in an alternating simplex mode by a 4 float control system where the bottom float serves as a pump protection kill switch and low level alarm, the second switch is the arm/off level, switch no. 3 is the turn -on lead pump level, and switch no. 4 is the switchover-to-lag pump and high level alarm switch. The flow equalization basin is aerated and mixed by air supplied by a blower located in the building. Air is supplied at a nominal rate of cfnVIin ft. to provide adequate water velocity to maintain suspension of solids, or x cfin = cfin. This amount of air is sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions which require about cfin/1000 gal. or cfin at maximum capacity for this tank. 5.5 Primary Sedimentation Screened and macerated influent is supplied at a constant rate via the head tank to a primary sedimentation tank with overall plan dimension of ' x 'and effective settling area of square feet with effective sidewater depth of Surface overflow rates of gpd per square foot at average daily capacity produce settling of solids in the gallon capacity tank. Precast 60 degree slope hoppers having a bottom area of F square are utilized to concentrate solids which are subsequently air lifted to a sludge digestion and holding chamber. The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 12 of 24 Details of the aerobic treatment computations are as follows: Primary Treatment yields: Raw influent= mg/1 BOD, mg/l N Removal in primary clarifier = % BOD, % N Influent to aerobic Tower I = . x = mg/1 BOD x = mg/l NH3-N 5.6 Aerobic Treatment Three trickling filter towers operating in series are designed to achieve removal of ammonia and carbonaceous BOD to design specifications. The first tower utilizes plastic media which has square feet of surface area per cubic foot. The second and third use ft2/ft3 media. Each tower contains cubic feet of media with a configuration of ' x ' x 'high. Solids sloughing off the media settle to the bottom of the hoppers beneath the columns and are discharged to the subsequent anaerobic reactor. Solids are collected in the bottom of the anaerobic reactor for discharge to sludge holding via air lift pumps. Each tower is provided one circulation pump, ( Model hp, gpm, volt, phase, 60 cycle) (Figure ). One stand-by pump is provided. Discharge from the pump is directed to a flow -dividing header which splits flow equally between spray nozzles. TDH has been computed as follows for the aerobic distributor for each tower: Hydraulic loading of each tower is on the basis of a nominal gpm per square foot, hence for a ' x 'tower, gpm is to be provided. Piping Losses are: Flow Friction Loss " diameter gpm Static Head Losses: Maximum Suction Head = ' to top of slab Maximum Lift = 'to top of header 'Total Static Head Dynamic Losses: " diameter @ gpm ' pipe & side entry tee & x 900 ell " (full)[ + + x ] Pressure Head loss through spray nozzle = ' Dynamic Head Loss = ' Static Head Loss = ' TDH ' The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 13 of 24 5.7 Nitrogen Loading and Unit Processes Organic nitrogen is both soluble and particulate with the soluble organic nitrogen mainly in the form of urea and amino acids. Primary sedimentation acts to remove a portion of the particulate organic matter. This generally will amount to approximately % of the total nitrogen entering the plant. Ordinary secondary biological treatment will remove more particulate organic nitrogen and transform some to ammonium and other inorganic forms. Soluble organic nitrogen is partially transformed to ammonium by microorganisms, but concentrations of - mg/1 are usually found in biological treatment effluents. Browns l reports data to indicate this soluble organic nitrogen is fixed within the crusted zone at the soil/bed interface once it reaches soil. Stage I BOD and ammonia reduction Use minimum water effluent temperature = degrees C Raw flow through plant = gpm Surface area of tower = ' x ' = square feet Therefore, raw flow = / or gpm per square foot Determination of the BOD removal fraction is performed, using B.F. Goodrich Information Bulletin VC -5.0-477-1, by application of the Schultze Equation: Ln (L./Lo) _ ' OD Where Le is the effluent BOD Lo is the influent BOD K is the treatability factor, for domestic sewage 8 is the thermal factor, at degrees C D is the height of the column in feet, feet Q is the raw flow distributed on the top surface of the filter, gpm/square foot Results of the analysis are contained in Table VC -5.0-477-1 of the BF Goodrich Information Bulletin (Figure 7). From Figure 7, % removal of BOD per stage is accomplished. BOD of effluent of Tower I = % x mg/l = mg/l. Minimal nitrification in Tower I will occur because of the presence of a large BOD concentration (loading) of the tower. Heterotrophic bacteria are a dominant species in comparison to the autotrophic nitrifiers, and their rapid growth will inhibit the nitrification process. 1 Brown, K.W. & Associates, 1980. An Assessment of the Impact of Septic Leach Fields, Home Lawn Fertilization and Agriculture Activities on Groundwater. The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&MManual, Section I Page 14 of 24 do INFORMATION General Products Division BULLETIN z� r Oxon Ohio 4434B Depa+meni 0414. WHO -3 r' VC -5.0-477-1 DESIGN CALCULATION RESULTS VINYL CORE"" TREAf'AOILITY FACTOR K20 =0.07 influent Waste Temperature — 40°C % BOO Removed Media Raw! F w E:xpre ed in GPMIft.of Tower Surface Area 0Z 0.5 0. 0,7 0.8 0.9 1 0- 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 12 , 66 } 57 54, 51 49 '47. 45 43 42 41 40 39 1472- 63 59 56 54 .. _ 52 50 _ 48 47 46 44 43 16 77 .; 67 $4,, 61 59 _ 57 55 - 53 52 „ 50 49 48 1$ 8fl 72 663 61 , 59 57 - 54 53 52 20 84 75 72 fig 67_6_, �.63 6 58 57 56 22 86 79 76 73 70 68, 66_ `65 -- 6 63 62 60 6 - 24 88 $1 79 76 74 72 , 7i? 6t3 6 6613 62 2691 84 81 79 76 74 72 71 69 68 66 65 28 62 86 83 81 79 77 75 73 72 70 69 68 30 93 88 85 83 81 79 77 76 74 73 72 70 32 94 89 87 85 83 81 80 78 77 7574 _ 73 34 95 91 89 87 85 83 81 80 79 77 7`6 75 36 95 2 9th 88 86 85 83 82 80 79 78 77 38 95 93 91 90 88 86 85 83 82 81 80 79 Ott 95 94 92 91 89 88 86 85 84 82 81 80 Influent Waste Temperature — 430C °lo BOD Removed Media. Depth Raw FlawExpressed in GPM/fCj of Tower Surface Area Feet 0.3 0.5 O6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2' 13 1.4 1. 12 0 61 57. 55 52 _50 48 47 45 44 43 42 14 75 66 --" 60 58 56 53 52 50 49 48 47 ,16 _ 80 71 68- 65 63 60 6-9—,57 55 54 52 51 18 84 75 _ 72 69 67 65 63 61 60 58 57 55 24 87 79 - 73 71 .69 67 65. 63 62 61 59 22 89 82 79 _ 76 74 72 70• 68 67 65 64 63 24 91 85 82 79 _ 77 75 73 72 . 70 69 67 65 26 93 8784 82 8th 78 76 74 73 711 70 69 28 94 89 86 84 82 80 79 77 75 74 73 72 30 95 90 88 86 84 82 81-79 78 76 75 74 32 95 92 90 88 86_ —64— 81 80 79 77 76-- 6...34 34 95 93 91 89 88 86 85 83 82 81 79 78_ 36 95 94 9292 91 89 88 _.,86 85 84 82 81 80 38 95 94 93 92 90 89 88 86 85 84 83 82 40 95 95 94 93 91 90 89 88 87 85 84 83 Figure 7 The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&MManual, Section I Page 15 of 24 To determine the degree of inhibition we must first compute the biological BOD loading. The biological loading is: g/106 g x gal/day x lbs/gal #/day There are 'x ox ' = cubic feet of media in the tower therefore the loading is / — #/day/ W. The loading per thousand cubic feet is important for computing the conversion of Ammonia -Nitrogen to Nitrate -Nitrogen in each aerobic tower, since presence of DOD interferes with the Nitrification efficiency as shown in Process Design Manual for Nitrogen Control. U.S. EPA Technology Transfer. October 1975. (Figure ). Ammonia conversion to nitrate is obtained by first using Figure (from the above reference) which applies for minimal interference from DOD. Using the curve for Midland, MI 13-19° C, we see that for ammonia -nitrogen concentrations above 2.5 mg/l, 3,800 A2 of surface area is required for conversion of one lb. of ammonia -nitrogen to one pound of nitrate -nitrogen. If we have fl of surface area per cubic foot of media, we would have: ft, X W/fi3 f2/lb converted/day #/day removed if DOD were not also present in the influent To obtain the actual conversion, we must multiply by the nitrification efficiency, using the most conservative value, in Figure , which is %. Therefore, a conservative view would credit no nitrification in Tower I, which we assume for purposes of this computation. Actual conversion of ammonia -nitrogen to nitrate - nitrogen in Stage I does occur from our experience, and as shown in Figure , when other than the most conservative data are selected, otherwise use of the first anaerobic reactor would be moot. Since Stage I influent nitrogen is X 10-6 x x = #/day Therefore, effluent from Stage I aerobic treatment will be: DOD = mg/1, #/day Ammonia -nitrogen = 1119/11 #/day Nitrate -nitrogen = Removal of nitrate -nitrogen in the subsequent anaerobic reactor is nearly complete, since concentrations of DOD and bacteria are high; but we assume conservatively that no further oxidation of DOD or ammonia -nitrogen occurs in any of the anaerobic reactors. The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 16 of 24 Stage II: Influent = mg/1 BOD, Nday mg/1 ammonia -nitrogen, Nday BOD reduction will be, using Figure % x mg/1= mg/1 effluent The presence of BOD which survives the aerobic process is essential to the final denitrification process in anaerobic reactor III, and is an essential feature of the Aqueonics process. That is a key reason in the Aqueonics process for use of fixed film, as it places a limit on polishing of BOD through surface and contact time limitations. Nitrification in Tower II The desired ammonia effluent is mg/1 or less in order to achieve the plant's goal of mg/1 of total nitrogen. Therefore from Figure ft2 of surface is required per pound nitrified per day. As in the calculation for Stage I, the BOD loading is found to be / — #/day/1,000 ft2. From Figure the efficiency will be 100%, as the loading is within the range at which the data were obtained. We find conversion of: ft' x 30 Oft' fi2/lb converted lbs/day converted Discharge from Aerobic I1 will therefore be: BOD = mg/l, Nday Ammonia -nitrogen = - = Nday Nitrate -nitrogen = Nday The nitrate is consumed in the second anaerobic reactor. Stage III: With minimal influent BOD, (the data of Figure were taken with BOD = - mg/1) there will be no inhibition of the nitrification process by presence of BOD. Tower III contains W of media which has ft IW. There is, therefore, a total of ft2 of surface area. Since lbs. remain we have available ft2 per lb. of influent ammonia. On first iteration, therefore, Figure tells us that an approximate mg/l effluent ammonia concentration could be predicted, which is less than the mg/1 goal and indicates acceptable aerobic tower capacity. Anticipated Tower III discharge of BOD and ammonia will therefore be: BOD < x % = mg/l, or Nday Ammonia -nitrogen < mg/l, . #/day The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 17 of 24 Nitrate -nitrogen = mg/l, #/day In the third anoxic reactor, the nitrate is consumed by facultative denitrifiers down to a practical limit of mg/l, at which point the solution strength of both BOD residue and nitrate are so low as to provide inefficient contact conversion. The same effect is noted in Figure for the nitrification process. Anticipated discharge from Anaerobic III will therefore be: BOD < mg/1, or #/day Ammonia Nitrogen < mg/l, #/day Nitrate Nitrogen < mg/l, #/day 5.8 Phosphorus Removal Phosphorus removal through alum addition is provided to meet an anticipated specification of mg/l. Alum is provided through a solution feed apparatus for alkalinity adjustment. The point of injection is to the suction side of the feed pump for Tower III recirculation. The pump provides for thorough mixing of the alum with forward flow. To provide flocculation, a fine -bubble diffuser is provided in the influent chamber to Anaerobic III. Nucleation of floc is provided by the biological solids exiting Tower III, and sedimentation is efficiently provided by Anaerobic III, the media of which functions as a tube settler. 5.9 Sand Filtration To meet the anticipated requirement of mg/1 Suspended Solids, sand filtration is provided in the use of a Model filter. This square foot continuous backwash upflow unit will be used at an overflow rate of less than gpm/sf, but is rated at gpm/sf. To satisfy redundancy requirements, a dual air supply unit for operation of the air lift shall be provided, with automatic switchover in the event of failure of the lead unit. The unit is to be located in a chamber provided for the purpose. Covered by the building, it is protected from the elements.. The predominating feature of this upwelling-flow rapid sand filter is its provision for continuous backwash of the filter medium which continuously recycles from bottom to top of the filter media bed. Experience has shown the filter to have rated capacity well in excess of the gpm/sgft standard applied by Ten -States standards to rapid sand filters, and we have elected an even more conservative application rate. Recycle of sand is provided by an air lift which removes sand containing entrapped filtered particles and deposits it (after light particles have been scrubbed from the sand surface by agitation in the air lift) back on the top of the filter media bed. A depth of " of filter media has been employed and is maintained continuously. The light particles which have been filtered by the media and scrubbed from the sand during airlift are returned to flow equalization. The manufacturers' specifications provide The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 18 of 24 that filter backwash is rated at 3-6% of forward flow. No additional mud wells, feed reservoirs, surge protection, return pumps, or backwash pumps are required. Discharge of the filtered effluent is directly to the ultraviolet disinfection unit, thence to the flow measuring device, and to the effluent dosing tankage. 5.10 Supplemental Air A total of three motor -blower sets shall be installed to meet supplemental air requirements of the plant for the following purposes. The third motor -blower set has been provided for stand-by purposes, and alternates with the supplemental air blower to maintain it in operating condition. Unit Process Reauired Air Suppl Flow equalization aeration: cfin/lf x if cfin @ psi Sludge holding: cfm/lf x if cfm @ psi Air lifts: cfin (max) per lift cfm @ psi (No more than 1 lift operates at one time) cfin @ psi Air provided cfin @ psi Supplemental air shall be supplied at all times via ) blowers. The blowers supply air for the purposes of sludge and equalization aeration and air lift pump operation. blowers together will be of sufficient capacity to handle total plant requirements. It is anticipated that in normal operation, blower will be dedicated to flow equalization, and the other to sludge holding and the air lift pumps. In the event that should fail; the stand-by unit(s) is available for either service. The blowers are of the rotary, positive displacement type, ( Model ) each supplying cfm of air at psi (Figure ). Open drip -proof motors, hp, volt, phase, RPM shall also be supplied with each blower. Each motorlblower assembly is mounted on a common steel base with a guarded V -belt drive and pulley arrangement. Also included with each unit will be an air intake muffler filter, an adjustable pressure relief valve, check valve, shut-off valve, and pressure gauge on the air supply line. 5.11 Anaerobic Treatments The "anaerobic" reactors are designed to achieve three functions. First, to function as a tube settler for solids removal, second, to create an anoxic environment to accomplish denitrification utilizing sewage as the organic carbon source and, thirdly, to achieve permit limit "anaerobic" digestion of biomass. Each of the "anaerobic" reactors contain plastic media having a surface area of ft2/W placed atop precast concrete hoppers on fiberglass beams within the tankage. The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&MManual, Section I Page 19 of 24 Influent enters each "anaerobic" unit beneath the media and flows in a serpentine fashion through the media (Figure ). A hydraulic retention time of 2 hours is maintained in contact with the biota growing on the media for completion of the anoxic denitrification reaction. A surface overflow rate of gpd/ft2 or less and tube settler effect of the media makes these reactors extremely efficient clarifiers in addition to their primary function in biological denitrification. Denitrification conversion efficiency has been shown to be limited only by minimal concentration of the nitrate substrate with which the colonies of facultative anaerobe denitrifiers can be maintained. An effluent consistently less than mg/1 nitrate - nitrogen has been achieved in similar facilities. The process of anoxic denitrification is confirmed by EPA design data from the above referenced handbook. Figure from that text shows that submerged hi&h-porosity media reactors remove, at ° C, approximately pounds N/ /day. The fixed media described in the EPA work where denitrification occurred was in a fluidized bed of mm sand particles on which the denitrifiers grow. The biological coating of denitrifiers caused the particles to grow to 3-4 mm in diameter, and occupy 50% of the volume of the reactor. The media Aqueonics utilizes has less surface Denitrification - Submerged Media area per unit volume, but the detention time for contact with biomass is in excess of 2 hours instead of 6-1/2 minutes as in the fluidized bed, and adjustments are made to increase the total volume thereby increasing surface area. To demonstrate the Aqueonics process removal efficiency, one first finds the surface area per cubic foot in the EPA reference system, and then compares it with that available in the plastic media used in this system. Using an average sand particle size of 3.5 mm, and assuming it to be spherical, we have, computing the volume of a single particle V = 4/3 pi (3.5 mm/2)3 = 22.44 mm3 =.02244 cm3 If the bed, by volume, is half -full of spheres, then .02244 cm3/sphere x N spheres/cm3 = .5 cm3, or N = 22.28 spheres/cm3. But 1 W = 28,317 cm3, so 1 ft3 will contain 630,949 spheres To obtain the surface area within one cubic foot of sand media, As, it is only necessary to multiply the number of spheres/ft3 by the surface area of the sphere, which is A/sphere = pi D2 = 38.46 mm2 =38 cm2 =.000409 ft2 Thus AS =.000409 x 630,949 = 258 fie/ft3 To compare this then to our fixed media which has a surface area of ft2/ft3, we have ft2/ft3 = of the specific reaction area. ft2/ft3 But since the rate of removal is proportional to biomass contact (the reaction area), and lb N/ ft3/day has been shown to be removed in the fluidized bed, we can expect a proportionate plastic media removal rate of: The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&MManual, Section I Page 20 of 24 Volume Denitrification Rate (fixed media) X lbs/N/ ft3/day lbs N per ft3 of fixed -film media/day = lbs N/ft3 media ft2/ft3 media = lbs N/ft2 media/day In the present design, each anaerobic reactor has sufficient media to provide 2 hours of detention time. Thus, we have a design capacity in each reactor of ft2 of surface per gpd, which is the nitrogen removal capacity of: lbs N/ft2/day x ft2/gpd = lbs N per gallon per day However, the influent N concentration, at mg/l, contains only lb/gallon x X 10-6 = lbs N per gallon. Therefore more than sufficient denitrification capacity exists within each reactor to complete the process: i.e., there is no process limitation anticipated as a result of available surface area. Solids which settle to the hopper bottom of the anaerobic reactors are periodically removed via air lift pumps to the sludge holding chamber. The trickling filter towers provide a release for nitrogen gas from solution so that solids are not lifted by entrained gas after settling. 5.12 Alkalinity Control Alkalinity in the form of carbonate is required by the autotrophic bacteria Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter in the aerobic conversion of ammonium to nitrate. Often, sufficient alkalinity is present in the water supply to permit completion of the reaction for domestic sewage treatment facilities. In cases where naturally acidic water sources are encountered, insufficient alkalinity may be anticipated. You, as operator, should periodically check alkalinity remaining in the effluent. This quantity should ideally exceed mg/l, or you risk an inability to complete the nitrification process. The alkalinity consumed in nitrate conversion is found experimentally to be approximately mg/1 for each mg/1 of ammonia oxidized. However, the denitrification process and respiration processes of the heterotrophic bacteria in BOD consumption replenish much of the alkalinity by CO2 discharge, which goes into solution where it is utilized by the autotrophs. In normal domestic sewage this quantity is usually sufficient to meet the nitrifier's metabolic needs when acidity is sufficiently neutralized to prevent consumption of alkalinity by the excess hydronium ion. Additionally, data has shown that optimum nitrifier kinetics occur in the pH range of 7.5, which is consistent with the optimum range for the denitrification process as well. It is therefore clearly useful to the process to maintain pH in the slightly basic range up to 7.5 as a means to prevent consumption of alkalinity, as well as a means to achieve optimum nitrifer and denitrifier kinetics. This is conventionally done through addition of hydrated The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 21 of 24 lime (Ca(OH)2), which is often added to the water supply for other reasons. If sufficient quantities are provided to achieve the proper pH for the treatment process, then further additions are not required at the sewage treatment plant. If, however, influent pH is low, equipment has been provided in the form of a solution feeder to add a hydrated lime solution to flow equalization, where it is stirred and mixed, using safety precautions as described in subsequent sections of this manual. With the assumption the influent water may have a pH as low as 6, or 1 ppm H+ ion, and we wish to go to a hydroxyl ion concentration (pH = 7.5) or .5 ppm OH, we would have to be prepared to add 1.5 ppm of OH, or .75 ppm of Ca(OH)2, which converts, roughly to .75 ppm x 8.34 lbs/gal x MGD x 74/18 (AMU Ratio) = lbs/day A solution containing lime can be provided by a Model solution feed pump, with gallon solution tank, with mixer and low solution level alarm. Since the solution could be fed as a 10% solution (solubility of Ca(OH)2 at 200 C is 160/0), approximately /.l = gallons/day might be required to properly control pH. The meeting of the needs for pH control still does not address the issue of alkalinity requirement (as CO3), except peripherally in that natural alkalinity will not be consumed in pH neutralization. Since residual alkalinity cannot be assured in a fundamentally acidic water supply, we should be prepared to make up for lack of CaCO3 by adding alkalinity. This is customarily done with the addition of soda ash (sodium carbonate, Na2CO2) because of the relative insolubility of calcium carbonate. Since soda ash and lime are complimentary, both materials can be added as required, or only soda ash need be used. If pH adjustment is not required then alkalinity adjustment alone can be accommodated by the solution feeder. Control of effluent pH and alkalinity, which should be, respectively, 7.3-7.5 and 60 mg/1 or more for optimum nutrient removal, can be confirmed through periodic analysis of effluent samples. 5.13 Effluent Pumping Chamber Two effluent dosing pumps located atop the dosing tank alternately feed the discharge drip system. Each dosing pump, Model Hp, volt, phase, gpm at TDH) (Figure ) shall be connected to one discharge piping as designed by others. The alternating simplex control system shall be operated by four float switches in the dosing tank and shall control the dose, alternate the pumps and provide for automatic switchover and alarm as in the flow equalization control system described in section . The volume available in the dosing tank, gallons, provides control over dosing volume, frequency, and duration. 5.14 Ultraviolet Disinfection Dual Units) The proposed system incorporates 4 lamps in two Model Idisinfection units which are required to provide for disinfection needs, and including the redundancy requirement as stated in . There are two intensity monitors and two power distribution centers. The UV system uses low pressure mercury vapor Slimline lamps producing 7,500 u. watts/cm2 of 254 nm UV at 100 hours and have an expected lifetime The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 22 of 24 of 8,860 hours at which time the output will be 65% of lamp output at 100 hours. Lamp power requirement is 85 watts per lamp, including power supply. A dose of 11w- sec/cm2 is provided. Units are operated alternately, and each unit is fed by sand filter with crossover connections to allow one unit to be removed from service for cleaning or repair. 5.15 Sludge Holding Chambers Sludge is pumped to the chamber, having a capacity of gallons, from the primary clarifier and anaerobic reactor units by means of timed air lift pumps. Experience has shown process biological sludge production to be at a rate of <.15 lb/lb of influent BOD, or approximately the same as extended aeration designs. With an influent loading of gpd @ mg/1 BOD, up to lbs/day of BOD is present, for a sludge production of lb/lb x lb/day = lbs/day at 4-1/2% solids. This produces lbs/day/( lb/gal x .045) = gallons/day biological sludge. In addition, influent suspended solids contribute up to lbs/day, of which 60% are removed in primary clarification as primary sludge. This contribution of .60 x lb/day = lbs/day at 2.5% solids provides for an anticipated sludge volume of lb/day/( gal/lb x .025) = gallons per day of primary sludge. Total sludge production is up to gpd from both sources. This sludge is further stabilized and concentrated. After settling and concentrating the sludge, the supernatant liquid is removed by decanting with an hp Model decanting pump suspended on a cable in the tank and raised and lowered by a winch. This process allows the plant to produce sludge which has 4-1/2 - 7-1/2% solids for disposal at a projected rate. of approximately gallons/day or less, depending particularly upon the influent suspended solids concentration. Normal sludge holding capacity objective is days. At this plant's rate of production, capacity is provided for more than days of aerated detention/digestion which provides a stabilized sludge discharge to be disposed by licensed hauler to an approved facility for disposal. Aeration of sludge holding for aerobic digestion, odor prevention, and suspension of solids is provided at cfiin/lf x If, or cfm for gallons, or cf n/ gallons of sludge ( cfiin/ cubic feet). Sludge will be periodically removed by licensed hauler for transportation to facility or other licensed recipient with which the hauler has a contractual agreement. 6.0 Air and Gases Air is required for operation of the aerobic biological processes. As the plant is totally enclosed, process air must be drawn through the system. It is first drawn through the tankage air space and then through the trickling filters sequentially to scrub the air of odors and gases produced by the process and to provide oxygen for the aerobic biological process. An exhaust fan is located above trickling filter III. In cold weather this pathway also warms the air prior to contact with biological surfaces in the trickling filters, which permits high rates to be maintained even in coldest weather. A granulated activated The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section I Page 23 of 24 carbon and potassium permanganate air filter system is used for final air polishing prior to discharge from the building. 7.0 Process Controls Flow through the plant is controlled and protected by high and low level control mercury float switches. A sensor in the head box provides protection against pump failure and activates an alarm indicator. A high level process alarm float switch in the primary clarifier indicates blockage or flooding of the process chain and activates an alarm indicator. Sensors in the lines to the aerobic reactor sprayheads indicate pump failure or line clogging and activate alarm indicators. Automatic controls all have Hand/Off/Auto override switches for testing and emergency override. In normal operation the status display shows which devices are on. If there is a malfunction in the plant, the red alarm light will come on, the alarm will be transmitted on the phone line, and the alarm signal in question will be indicated on the Panelview status display. This alarm indication will remain until proper function of that device has been re-established. The alarm light can then be reset. An important feature of the Aqueonics Plant Controller is its ability to communicate via telephone. When an alarm condition arises, the unit can automatically dial up to three telephone numbers. One of the numbers is that of the local plant operator or maintenance agency. A voice message will indicate the nature of an alarm requiring immediate attention. An ultrasonic recording and totalizing flow meter and primary V -notch flume device is installed. The device may be downloaded to the printer, or to magnetic disk media on demand. It stores data for up to days. A sampling port, , is located in the 8.0 Concrete Tankage is constructed of reinforced precast Portland Cement ASTM Type VII concrete with compression strength of 4,000 psi @ 28 days and is adequately reinforced to withstand normal soils and hydraulic forces imposed on the structures. Groundwater is, and should be maintained below the plant footings. 9.0 Emergency Power System Determination of the size of the generator unit required during emergency operations is as follows: The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&MManual, Section I Page 24 of 24 User HP No. of Operating KW Units Units Total House Circuits Simplex Grinder Pumps Recirculation Pumps Plant Air Blower Effluent Lift Pumps Control Panel & Lights Chemical Feed Total Load The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and control panel provides automatically phased start-up on timed delays when operating on the emergency generation system, thereby limiting peak starting loads. Sizing of the automatic transfer switch is determined by the larger of the above loads, or the normal load. When on normal operation the load schedule will be: Transfer Switch Design: User HP No. In Amperes Total KW Service PI Hl P2 Total Lift Station House Circuit Grinder Pumps Recirculation Pumps Bio Blower Effluent Dosing Pumps Control Panel Sludge Pum Blowers Sand Filter UV Disinfection Unit Maximum Current Leg Emergency generation equipment output has been sized to include those anticipated loads of the sewage treatment facility. The emergency generator is a KW -powered unit with integral and matching automatic transfer switch Model , with automatic exerciser. Operation and Maintenance The routine operation of the plant will consist of inspection of plant processes and equipment, solids handling when needed, replenishing of chemicals, wastewater sampling, housekeeping and maintenance, and recordkeeping. Even more important to successful operation of the plant is an understanding for and empathy with what is going on in the system of which your plant is a part, and why as licensed operator, this must be your responsibility. Crucial to you successful operation will be a continuing observation of your influent and dialogue with Clubhouse management regarding their effluent with emphasis on the impact of their changes on your plant operation. Their changes must consider impact on your operation, and you must be prepared to both convey and discuss your needs with the occupants and owners. Prepare in advance for heavy usages from special clubhouse events by being aware of what will be happening there. Entering the plant, the operator should smell and visually determine that there are no existing or potential problems. The operator's daily checklist describes items to be included in this inspection. You may wish to add others. The following describes in greater detail the items to be covered in this inspection. 1. Control Panel Display — This is the information center of the treatment plant. The display should be checked daily for alarm lights and plant status. 2. Flow Equalization Basin — The sewage level in the flow equalization basin should be between the high and low level sensors. The inlet pipe should not be flooded. Check and clean the bar screen. Observe the air diffusion for approximate uniformity of flow along the width of the tank. Check the V -notch and weir in the head box for plugging and for proper flow. Remove biological growth or solids on the orifices. Check for excessive foaming or chemical odors in the equalization basin. This could be indicative of toxicity and potential process problems. 3. Clarifiers — Remove debris from the collection weir. To remove surface scum, use hose, rake or squeegee to remove or move to skimmers while skimmer is turned on. In the anoxic reactors, skimmers are ineffective. Use instead the hose and spargers to cause sludge to settle where it can be removed by air lift. Excessive scum usually indicates that the sludge is hung up on the hoppers. To remedy, use squeegee and/or "burp" the offending sludge lift. If the The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section II Page 2 of 10 problem persists, increase the duration or frequency of sludge lift cycle. The media should serve to break up floating sludge, allowing it to resettle in the anaerobic reactors. Over time the anaerobic reactors may build up an excessive bio -film growth which may plug the fluid passages. Air spargers have been provided to dislodge this biomass periodically as required. Sparge by simultaneously "burping" the air lift and opening the sparger air valve in bursts to scour the film from the media surface. Note that a surface layer of fine reddish -brown bubbles in anoxic reactors is indicative of a healthy denitrification process and is of benefit to the process through oxygen exclusion. This film is to be nurtured and cherished. 4. Aerobic Towers Open the access doors on each tower periodically to observe the media and check the spray nozzles for clogging. Most particularly, if the pump pressure increases, the nozzles should be checked. It is important to maintain clean nozzles to assure sufficient process flow and distribution. The spray pattern should cover the entire surface with a flow of greater than or equal to gpm/ft - and less than or equal to gpmlfe. The odor should not be offensive. Psychoda fillies will inevitably be present in significant numbers and will bloom in fall. This should not present a problem outside of housekeeping. 5. Sludge Transfer and Holding Tank — Sludge collected in all clarifiers is periodically airlifted to the sludge holding tank. The frequency and duration of each lift operation is controlled by adjustment of the respective air supply valves. The tank will naturally fill with a mixture of sludge and water. A decanter is used to return the supernatant water to flow equalization and to thereby concentrate the sludge, which is also aerobically digested in the sludge holding tank. In the event the operator wishes to manually draw down the water level in the sludge holding tank the following procedure should be followed: (1) shut off air to the tank (2)' allow solids to settle (a definite interface should develop) (3) place the decanter pump to the depth you wish to decant (4) turn on the decanter only long enough to allow the supernatant to return to the equalization tank (5) return air sludge holding tank diffusers. All airlifts should be periodically checked for proper operation. This may be done by inspection of the discharge pipe flow during activation of each air lift. The sludge holding/thickening tank has been fitted with a pump on an adjustable winch to enable complete dewatering or decanting to any level. Care must be provided when using this unit so that the pump does not run dry or pump thickened sludge. Either types of misuse may severely damage this pump. The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section H Page 3 of 10 6. Mechanical Equipment — check the drive belts on the blowers for cracks, wear or slippage and repair as necessary. It is a good idea to keep an extra belt of each size on hand at all times. Make sure the relief valve is not blowing off excessively. Excess blow off probably indicates closed valves or plugged diffusers. Check the main blowers, flow equalization blower, bio -blower, and pumps for overheating and proper lubrication. Check the potassium permanganate media in the bio -blower. It turns color from purple to brown to. gray as it is used up. Every four to six weeks this media may have to be changed. To do this, take out the trays and discard their contents. Refill the trays with fresh media and return them to their appropriate slots. More frequent changing is a possible indication that anaerobiosis is occurring in the plant or that there is an influent problem. 7. Low Air Pressure — The sludge tank blower is monitored by a low pressure alarm indicator set to operate while the blower is on. Since flow equalization cannot maintain a given back pressure, a sail -type flow switch has been installed in the main header which serves a similar function, based on flow rather than pressure. The blowers are arranged such that one blower supplies flow equalization, and the other serves sludge holding and airlifts. Normally -closed valving interconnects the two systems so that fluctuations in the depth of water in flow equalization does not affect performance of airlifts. In the event blower fails, power will be shut off to the motor of this blower, and the alarm will be activated . While repairs are performed, valving is provided to connect the blower air system. A backup blower assembly is provided for replacement. To troubleshoot, try to start failed blower on manual. If motor doesn't run, it is an electrical problem; if motor runs but no air, it is a mechanical problem and the blower must be checked. Be sure to check belts for slipping, as this is most often the cause of low pressure when motor is running. Consult Blower d & M Manual supplied with this information. Power must be turned off to the blower at the kill switch before beainnin to work on it. 8. Grinder and Dosing Pumps— These pumps are automatically set so if one fails, the other one will come on. Both pumps may be operated on manual, BUT WATER LEVEL SH®ULD BE WATCHED to prevent level of water in tank to EVER be pumped lower than pump itself while on manual. Should this happen, pump will be improperly cooled, and damage to the motor any occur. If pump is allowed to run dry, the seal may be damaged. The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section II Page 4 of 10 Manual operation will bypass the normal float switch control system. However, the control relays are wired directly from the uppermost and lowermost float switches in flow equalization to the starter relays in the control panel. Thus under manual control, the lowermost low water kill switch will cause either operating pumps to stop. Similarly, the high level alarm will alternate both pumps without interaction with the control system as long as the HOA switch is on H or A and as long as the low level kill switch is not activated. Neither grinder pump will operate when in the "off' position, regardless of float position, however the lock-out/tag out disconnects should be used when working on the pumps. Manual operation will require more operator surveillance. If both grinder pumps have failed, the plant will continue to operate by gravity flow. Such operation could result in peak overloading of recirculation systems and clarifiers, resulting in possible noncompliance with discharge specification limits, since flow equalization will be inoperative. AGAIN — DO NOT LET SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS RUN WITHOUT WATER CONTACT. To do so will cause the seals to fail and/or the motors to overheat. The submersible are removed by disconnecting the union after the vertical discharge pipe and disconnecting the electrical connection near the hatch opening. Pipe and pump are removed (and replaced) together and reconnected at the unions. When reinstalling all pumps make certain that the rotation is in the proper direction. Grinder pumps will pump water in either rotation, but the cutter will not work properly with the wrong rotation, leading to jamming and possible electrical overload and burnout. If a pump fails, test the cause by the following procedure: a. Check electrical — is pump getting required current? If not, check breakers and float switch control. If theses function properly, check control relay for proper operation. Otherwise, the problem is in the wiring. b. If pump has power, attempt a momentary rotation reversal to see if impeller is jammed. If this does not release the jam, the pump must be pulled. c. Check for foreign material plugging or jamming the grinder. d. Whenever grinder pumps are pulled, check condition of cutter, replace as needed. e. If total failure is noted, replace with like piece of equipment as it can be put back into the same system. f. Consult 0 & M Manual from suppliers for further details of maintenance. The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section H Page S of 10 9. Recirculation Pumps - Pressure sensing gauges and switches are placed downstream of the recirculation pumps to monitor pressure variations. If operator notes indadequate pressure on gauge where water goes to towers, then pump has failed or inlet suction has plugged. This failure will also be indicated on the plant alarm system. Check to see if motor is running. If not, check breaker or heater in main panel. If motor is running but not pumping, the checks pump. If excessive pressure is observed, the spray nozzles have plugged. Spray nozzles should be checked and cleaned regularly. The pressure switch will send an alarm signal if the pressure is either too high or too low. Flow rate may be regulated the pinch valves in the discharge line to control surface application rate. As the pressure drop across the nozzles is very little, your alarm gauge may not be sufficiently sensitive to reductions in pump output. Therefore checking of spray pattern adequacy is your best gauge of pump performance. Check suppliers O & M Manual for maintenance procedures on pumps. 10. Bar Screen — Periodically clean bar screen with a rake. Be careful not to allow rakings to fall into the equalization tank. If rakings consistently fall into the equalization tank, matting and balling of the cellulose material will occur and lead to pump clogging or improper diffuser operation. Collection of strings and rags can be effectively performed by suspending a loop of barbed wire in the flow equalization basin to catch such items as they are circulated by aeration. Wire must be periodically cleaned or replaced to be effective. 11. Airlifts - maintenance of the airlifts is critical to the proper operation of the plant. The most common cause of sludge handling problems is due to improper airlift operation. The airlifts should be checked for clogging periodically. The frequency will be determined by the amount of solids loading. The primary clarifier should also be periodically squeegeed to prevent ratholing and septic sludge. Should you notice mats of gray or black sludge floating in a clarifier this will most likely be due to improper airlift operation or ratholing. Ratholing is a term used to describe when an airlift does not evenly remove solids from the hopper and thus allows a portion of the hopper to retain sludge. Retained sludge becomes septic and , with liberation of gas, will float to the surface or underside of the anaerobic media or plug the airlift. The remedy is to squeegee the hoppers to dislodge jammed solids and/or "burp" the hopper by closing the valve in the sludge discharge line which causes air to be forced out of the airlift intake, thereby dislodging solids. If "burping" does not clear the lift, it can be rodded out through the cap at the top of each lift which can be removed for this purpose. The use of the spargers in the anaerobic reactors to dislodge excessive sludge buildup on the submerged media has been described previously. The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section II Page 6 of 10 12. Chemical Feeds — A solution feed tank and metering pump have been provided to control alkalinity and pH. Lime and/or soda ash addition in a slurry is provided for alkalinity/pH control. Optimum discharge pH (when added to flow equalization) is 7.3-7.6 Feed rates should be adjusted to achieve this value. 13. Nitrogen Removal Methods — Unlike domestic sewage treatment systems, it is anticipated that TKN influent composition may contain significant quantities of convertible ammonia, which must be nitrified. This treatment plant has been designed to provide a variety of means for such removal. Among the arsenal of means at your disposal, aside from the process design described in the design report section of this manual are the following means which may be employed using existing facilities. Aerobic Capacily Au emg ntation a. Ammonia Stripping — Water as supplied naturally from the wellhead has a pH in the 5-7 range. This makes it feasible to perform air stripping in flow equalization facilities. Normally, alkalinity is added to flow equalization. If air stripping of ammonia is desired, the pH must also be raised to 10, but it will require lowering to the 7.5 — 8 range at the discharge from the main head box for direct distribution to Aerobic Tower No. 1. This will maintain the high pH required for stripping in flow equalization, but pH must then be artificially lowered for biological performance through acidification, as the high pH is toxic to bacteria. Phosphoric acid is a good candidate for such use, as phosphorus is not limited in the discharge. It should be remembered when operating in this mode, that alkalinity (soda ash) may still be required, as well as the neutralizing acid, which can also eat your alkalinity. b. Aerobic Digestion in Flow Equalization — Equipment has been provided to enable utilization of flow equalization as an aerobic digester for pretreatment of influent organic materials. Sufficient air has been provided to accomplish this mission, and detention times which exceed 1 day are available. To accomplish such treatment, sludge from sludge holding is returned to flow equalization through the decanting equipment provided. Biomass will increase naturally in this treatment unit, but wasting will be continuous with the forward flow. Sludge wasting cycles in primary clarification should be carefully monitored when operating in the mode to prevent overloading of this treatment unit by the increased sludge load. The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section H Page 7 of 10 All of the process considerations which are normal to conventional activated sludge plants or contact stabilization plants would be required to be observed when operating in this mode, including the maintenance of proper F/M ratios and MLSS concentrations to achieve the degree of pretreatment desired. This mode of treatment can be expected to considerably reduce BOD and ammonia into your treatment process, reducing the aerobic load on the owner treatment units concurrently. c. Redistribution of Air — When operating in the mode in which flow equalization is being used for aerobic treatment, you will have several choices of operational mode: This reduces the digestion load on the sludge facilities, and allows you to do two things: • Operate the plant in a contact stabilization mode using the sludge holding tank as the aerated storage/digestion stage. • Redistribute the blower air supply to selectively apply more air to flow equalization, and less to sludge digestion. This air supply balance would be determined by DO concentration in the various basins to maintain a concentration suitable to optimum digestion performance (greater than 2 mg/1). In this mode, it is recommended to utilize fine bubble diffusers in the place of the broadband diffusers supplied. Such diffusers provide significantly improved oxygen transfer to the liquid at the penalty of somewhat greater maintenance. Fine bubble diffusers also aid in the stripping efficiency for ammonia removal. d. Aerobic Tower Air Supvly — Your plant has been supplied with a 1,000 cfm Bio - blower discharge blower. If it is found that excessive BOD strength increases tower BOD above 400 mg/1 then augmentation of airflow in tower I may be called for to prevent zero -order limitation of BOD removal. Airflow through tower I to counteract this potential deficiency can be accommodated by enlarging the capacity of the discharge bio -blower. 14. Nutrient Requirements — A nutrient balance which maintains a BOD:N:P ratio of 100:5:1 is always a requirement in biological systems to achieve a healthy and effective biomass. Most domestic sewage sources produce a natural balance of nutrients. In commercial or industrial sources, there can be an imbalance produced in which a deficiency is encountered. You as operator should be aware of this potential problem area and be repaired to deal with it. Phosphoric acid addition is the conventional means for The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&MManual, Section II Page 8 of 10 Fey vwuel r phosphorus addition, and this might be combined with an ammonia stripping operation described in the section on nitrogen removal methods. Additionally, as described elsewhere, alkalinity is a metabolic requirement for nitrifiers, and sufficient quantities must be provided to maintain a minimal discharge of 60 mg/l. It should be noted that phosphoric acid addition will require additional alkalinity and pH adjustment, and may produce problems with its removal. Anaerobic CaLacity Augmentation a. Presentation of surface — The greatest cause of inadequate anaerobic performance is short circuiting which limits detention time and surface exposure. Periodic removal of excess biomass is required to prevent plugging or blockage of some of the parallel paths through the anaerobic media. Confirmation of dwell time and surface contact can be performed by dye test to be greater than or equal to at least 2 hours at full flow (75 gpm). Routine checking for abnormal flow patterns as described elsewhere in this manual is a good practice to forewarn you of any forming problem. b. Use of the nitrogen gas bubble layer to prevent re -aeration — The denitrification process will naturally release nitrogen gas bubbles which will form a thin foam layer in the surface interstices of the media. This foam layer has a beneficial effect of providing a pure nitrogen layer which separates the air and water interface. This prevents oxygen from diffusing into the liquid to compete with nitrate as the oxygen source for the denitrifiers. A good foam layer is an indication of good denitrification performance and a benefit to the process. Uniformity of the foam layer is a gauge to proper flow distribution. c. Addition of BOD substrate — In cases of high nitrate loading and inadequate BOD, BOD must be increased in order to achieve denitrification. The customary feed material for this purpose is methanol. However, methanol in excess may be toxic to nitrifiers, and is undesirable in the discharge. This material can be used for the purpose of gravity feeding to anoxic reactors where appropriate to alleviate this BOD deficiency. Stoichiometrically there is a least a 4:1 requirement of BOD per mg/1 of nitrate to be removed, which would be increased by the DO concentration entering the reactor. Excess BOD can be fed to Anaerobic lII because there is no limitation on discharge BOD, and because excess BOD at this point will not affect any other plant process. Addition of BOD at the first anaerobic should be unnecessary, and addition The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section H Page 9 of 10 of excess BOD at the second anaerobic could reduce the nitrification efficiency of the third aerobic. Therefore, addition of excess BOD at this point is not recommended. d. Adjustment of recirculation — Excessive nitrate loads on anaerobic reactor III can be reduced through increased back-to-front recirculation. It is advantageous to recycle greater flows to the front of the plant to thereby reduce nitrate concentration to anaerobic III as much as practicable without exceeding zero -order denitrification kinetics in either anaerobic I or II; and this practice should be applied especially under low or under loading conditions. Insufficient BOD following Aerobic III should be the norm under such conditions, making denitrification require BOD addition in anaerobic III. This need can be minimized through increasing the ratio of recycle: forward flow. The anoxic reactors have each been designed for 29 gpm flow at 2 hours detention, which will permit a recycle ratio of up to 1.2:1, and 2.29 #/day/1000fl of nitrate removal capacity. As much nitrate as practicable should be targeted for removal in the first two anaerobic units. e. Denitrification in the aerobic reactors — Under conditions in which air has been excluded, nitrification is practiced in aerobic towers of this design, and can be accomplished here as well, though connections are not presently installed through which air can be completely excluded from only tower III. Experience with such reactors has shown , however, that in towers in which DO concentration in the discharge does not exceed 0.5 mg/l, significant denitrification can be accomplished in towers in which nitrification is also achieved. It is believed that this is accomplished by layering the bio -film in which denitrifiers underlay the nitrifiers. The nitrifier layer excludes oxygen from the denitrifiers and consume oxygen while producing nitrate which is passed inward within the film where it is consumed by the denitrifiers which also consume biomass as their carbon source, together with BOD which is passed through the bio -film. Although the minimal DO must be carefully controlled through throttling of the bio - blower airflow, this operational mode may be applied under conditions in which aerobic capacity is excessive and anaerobic capacity is insufficient. Such a case might be where the flow equalization basin is being used in an extended aeration or contact stabilization mode, and tower aerobic capacity becomes surplus. Under such conditions, ammonia concentrations may reach discharge standards after the first tower, for example, leaving towers II and III free for denitrification. Another such condition might be where influent BOD concentration dropped significantly, with a The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section II Page 10 of 10 corresponding increase in nitrogen. The operator should be aware that function of these units can be converted under certain conditions to meet special requirements. Aqueonics should be contacted to assist you in such a design change. ROUTINE OPERATION CHECKLIST A. Introduction Your Aqueonics plant after start-up is designed to operate continuously and without constant attention to process. The process is self-adjusting, so long as the pumps, blowers and equipment are operating properly, and your housekeeping handles the solids produced. If radical changes in influent conditions occur, you may wish to consult the start-up instructions to keep your plant operating at maximal efficacy. B. Daily Operation Checklist The following is a daily checklist of items which you should do. It should take no more than 15 to 20 minutes a day, and will greatly reduce the need for emergency attention and repairs to the mechanicalequipment. The auto -dialer emergency alarm system will alert you between visits if an emergency condition exists to allow you to effect repairs promptly and thereby minimize the possibility of non -conforming discharge. A description of what the probable cause and remedy for each alarm co The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&MManual, Section III Page 2 of 4 DAILY OPERATOR'S INSPECTION ROUTINE CHECKLIST 1. On approach to plant, check for odors. Determine source and rectify. 2. On entering plant, did you note any unusual odors? Electrical overheat, septic, oil, rubber. If so check for source. 3. Check control panel for alarm lights and for correct green lights. Make note of all caution and alarms lights as a check list. After correction, make note of causes and response in the daily log. 4. Check PLC data log for alarm reporting and make note of any alarm reporting in the daily log. 5. Check your preventive maintenance schedule for specific equipment to be lubricated, etc. today. Perform the required operations. 6. Do quick tour of equipment to check status. Look: a. At gauges to see if operation is in correct range b. At flow meter to check continuity of operation c. For leaks d. For lube or rubber throw -off e. For discoloration, defects, or damage f. For loose, worn, or cracked blower belts g. For liquid level in solution feed tanks h. For appearance of each unit process discharge to observe proper function i. Check and record flow equalization pump hour meter reading Listen: a. For bearing or gear noise b. For air leaks or excessive blow -off c. For unusual equipment operation, such as air starvation, excessive labor, cavitation Feel: a. Motors for excessive or too little temperature. b. For adequate air draft and interior temperature 7. Periodically (once per week, or oftener if problems are encountered) check tower spray distribution for uniform and sufficient_ distribution. Clean nozzles if needed. Are bacteria on media of normal color? The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section III Page 3 of 4 8. Periodically (once per month) open the bio -blower and check potassium permanganate filter top tray to see if filter media is still active. Change when required by emptying and refilling all trays. Bottom three trays take GAC. Top tray takes KMn04 pellets. 9 Check bar screen. By inspection, is the water level in the flow equalization tank within normal limits? 10. Record daily water usage, look for trends which could affect plant operation, adjust head box as needed. Confirm with run-time total from hours meters. 11. Check flow equalization. Is water level within normal limits? Check for unusual odor or appearance indicating unusual influent composition. Is there any evidence of high level excess? Is air diffusion uniform along the length of the tank (you may need a flashlight to observe this). Liquid should look like raw wastewater, and should not have anoxic or chemical odors. If it contains much sludge you probably need to waste. Check pH and correct alkalinity if needed. Are float switches floating freely and unencumbered? 12. Check head box. Is float switch floating freely? Clean out solids and hose off weirs. Scrub down splash growth. 13. Check primary clarifier. Skim and waste sludge as needed. Do you have floating sludge? Check source: a. Is sludge hanging up in hoppers? If so, squeegee offending hopper b. If not hanging up, increase air lift time cycle or waste sludge more frequently for appropriate hopper c. Is level OK, and is high level alarm float switch moving freely? d. Is color/consistency of effluent normal? Hose weir, baffles, and sidewalls as appropriate. 14. Check anaerobic reactors. Look for abnormal flow patter (may indicate blockage of underflow channels, or channeling through media). If surface sludge is observed, check for source. Note: if effluent sample is scheduled, take it prior to cleaning weirs or disturbing flow in these reactors. Periodically (once per month) check for sludge buildup on media surfaces. You will need to The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section III Page 4 of 4 use the spargers approximately every six months to prevent blockage of pathways through the media. Do not wait until media is -completely blocked to perform this maintenance. 15. Check sludge holding tank. Check sludge blanket level. Waste if you have a truckload — don't wait till the whole tank is full. Decant supernatant. Remember, if the sludge blanket gets too high, you will have difficulty in keeping the solids in sludge holding, and little volume into which to waste sludge form your clarifier. Check proper operation of sludge lifts occasionally by observing a sludge wasting cycle. See that all lifts are operating, and that sludge discharge is complete before each wasting cycle has finished. 16. Check sand filter equipment for operation and cleanliness. 17. Check operation and cleanliness of UV disinfection equipment. 18. Check effluent dosing tank. Is liquid within normal limits? Are floats hanging freely? 19. Check alkalinity feed (if used), is it functional (if not functioning), and is material supply adequate. 20. Make note of needed supplies and place on order any with delivery times which approach the duration of the supply on hand. Order maintenance materials used for stock supply. 21. Pull necessary samples according to test schedule. Check daily punch sheet to see if sample results have been received from lab, and if all necessary reports and test required by permit have been taken, prepared, or reported, as appropriate. 22. Take data measurements and complete operator's log. Be sure to note date of your observation of abnormal conditions and any change in operation parameters or settings. Note what you observed, what you did, and when it was done. OPERATIQNAL DATA GATHERING Aside from the data required by permit, which must be reported, you as operator will require certain information which will enable you to determine the source of operation difficulties if they should arise. Simply knowing that something is wrong won't generally give you the information you need to know to fix the problem. The sample testing recommendations below will help you to pinpoint the general causes of potential non -conforming operation before, hopefully, non -conforming operation actually occurs. It will over time also give you an operational background which will allow you to predict and ward off problems so that they will not occur. In fixed film reactors, treatment capacity is fixed by the maximum surface area available. This plant has been designed for certain conservatively chosen maximal values of flow, BOD, and ammonia in the influent based on typical domestic sewage known compositions. Loadings which differ significantly from the design values can be handled by your plant only when they do not exceed design values when the proper adjustments are made. Since it is difficult to predict in advance what particular conditions you may experience, so long as loadings do not exceed design values Aqueonics can assist you in making the proper adjustments to achieve stable operation at any reasonable flow rate or composition. One key factor will be to adjust the flow rate through the plant to the average daily flow from your collection system. The bacteria work best in a constant environment, so they will adjust their types and populations for the temperature, food type, and quantity which are available to them. Under overload, however, you can expect certain things to happen: First, the activity of the aerobic heterotrophs which consume BOD is greater than that of the autotrophic nitrosomonas and nitrobacter which convert ammonia to nitrate (nitrifiers). The heterotrophs are therefore dominant, and when both populations are present (as they always are) the heterotrophs will interfere with the efficiency of the nitrifiers, as they will dominate the fixed available surface area. Thus when the plant is biologically overloaded, resulting from either too much flow, or too great a BOD or ammonia concentration (or a combination), then you will first see the effect in an increase in the ammonia discharge concentration, as the heterotrophs will displace the nitrifiers on the available surface. The ammonia discharge can also be adversely affected by a lack. of alkalinity in the water. This condition is particularly appropriate to the aquifers in the area. The alkalinity is required and is consumed in the nitrification process, so you should be aware that it is important to keep a close check on this parameter. You should keep you, levels to 60 or more mg/1 throughout the process. Optimum value of pH for both the nitrification and denitrification processes is at 7.5. You should c° attempt to keep it there. Keeping the pH at this level also conserves alkalinity. The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&MManual, Section IV Page 2 of 2 Recommended Data Acquisition: Twice a month, during startup, operational changes, or problems. Less frequently when conditions are steady and plant is operating normally. Influent (Sample obtained from flow equalization) • BOD • Suspended Solids • TKN • Alkalinity Effluent (Sample obtained from dosing well) • pH • BOD • Suspended Solids • Ammonia • Nitrate (NO3-N) • Alkalinity (as CaCO3) • Hydraulic Flow (Daily average) • Fecal Coliform/Fecal Streptococcus Interstage Data (Samples taken at effluent weirs of Primary Clarifier and Anaerobic I and 11). Interstage data should be taken frequently until stable conditions are established, and after changes in operating parameters. ■ BOD Ammonia (NH3-N) Nitrate (NO3-N) DO An occasional measurement from the dosing well of fecal coliform and strep is useful in the test of LTV efficacy, as is a handle on turbidity and UV transmissivity to assure proper LTV dosage. Daily recordings of flow equalization level, operational changes, chemical usage, sludge wasting volumes, total flow processed, and unusual observations should be maintained in your operator's daily log. Aqueonics retains an active interest in the performance of its plants and requests that you copy us with this operational data for our records so that we can be of assistance to you should questions arise. We look forward to working with you to maintain an exemplary operational record. START-UP Prior to starting up the plant, the licensed operator, who has familiarity and experience in the operation of plants of similar design, must have familiarized himself with all aspects of this O & M manual and received further specific familiarization with this facility from Aqueonics personnel. After becoming familiar with the plant operation, each operator should prepare a daily punchlist schedule of items to be performed with a check -off list for each month of operation. This will ensure that all operational items are accomplished as scheduled according to the operator's time schedule and availability, and the requirements of this manual and those of the equipment manufacturers. Aqueonics will review and comment upon this schedule after it is prepared by the operator. This procedure should be repeated each time new operating personnel are assigned to this facility. Pump flow rates, tank levels, and weir levels have been previously set by Aqueonics personnel. Prior to starting up the plant, the Flow Equalization basin (which can be partially filled), Primary Clarifier, and Anaerobic Reactors should be filled with water. Once these have been accomplished, these procedures should be followed: 1. Check to see if the potassium permanganate filter (top) tray is good (purple or brown indicates good). Turn on bio -blower. Open the compartment to make sure it is running. Make sure compartment door is sealed after closing. Be sure all section seals are intact and in place to prevent bypass of any treatment stage. 2. Check all equipment for proper lubrication. Check all process valving for correct desired routing of both air and liquid. 3. Turn on the recirculation pump #1 after Anaerobic Reactor #1 has filled. 4. Adjust the flow rate by adjusting the regulating valve in the pump discharge line. Correct flow is between .75 and 2.0 gpm/fe. Flow rate is determined according to theory explained in IILA.2 to which you are referred for the finer points of plant operation. Check for even distribution of flow on top media surface. 5. Watch the effluent weir of Anaerobic Reactor #2. When water flows over the weir, turn on recirculation pump #2. 6. If Aerobic Tower III is used, wait until forward flow goes over final weir, then turn on The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&MManual, Section V Page Z of 3 recirculation pump #3. Adjust flow and spray distribution of this and Aerobic Tower II as you did for Aerobic Tower I. 7. Turn on the Sludge Holding and Flow Equalization blowers and place on AUTO. Check diffusers for air flow. Adjust valves for maximum air flow with even distribution. At this setting, check Primary Clarifier airlifts for proper operation. If air pressure is insufficient, reduce air flow evenly to Sludge Holding diffusers until airlifts operate properly. 8. Check the head box to ensure that the V -notch and overflow are functioning properly and are set for the desired flow rate through the plant. Check alarm float switch to see that it is operating. Set the flow rate through the plant by adjusting the overflow weir. 9. Utilizing the skimmer, remove any scum on the surface of the Primary Clarifier with manual controls. 10. Inspect each clarifier collection weir for an approximately even flow on all sides. Remove any floating material from around the weir. 11. Inspect the Aerobic Towers for a satisfactory spray pattern over the entire media surface. Measure the set total flow over media. Total flow should be between and gpm. 12. Check the display for alarms and rectify any problems. 13. Select process mode desired (if other than standard) by adjusting process mode valving. 14. Adjust all airlift gate valves for proper airlift operation (discharge flow should be steady, even and no greater than gpm). 15. Fill and mix chemical feed tank and set chemical addition rate. (If needed.) 16. Start-up control unit and set timing sequence of airlift pumps for frequency and duration. Initially, only the primary clarifier will be effective. This timing sequence will need readjusted as the plant lines out and the sludge train approaches steady state. Operator experience will be the best guide to the need for change. A start-up guide would be: Frequency: Once per 2 hours Duration: Primary Clarifier - 10 seconds Anaerobic I, II, and III - 0 seconds The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&MManual, Section V Page 3 of 3 17. Set effluent dosing pump float levels for proper anticipated duty cycle as determined from current hydraulic loading (see Treatment Plant Design, dosing system appendix). 18. Fill UV channels. Run effluent dosing pumps on manual. Check rotation. NOTE: UV units come on automatically when sand filter operate, so UV channels should be filled before units are activated. 19. Start up and check UV units for proper operation. 20. Mix alkalinity source dry material and water in the mix tank. Sufficient water should be used to maintain complete solution of the lime or soda ash. Solution strengths should follow recommendations to be found in Appendix I.1 of Section V. 21. Turn on solution mixer to assure dissolution. 22. Test operation of both solution feed pumps. It is used only if biological nitrification is desired, and only if insufficient alkalinity is present in the influent water. Alkalinity should be added as needed to maintain a discharge pH of 7.5. 23. Sample and test for NH3-N and NO3-N. All should be within specification. BOD will not be within specification until a sufficient biomass has accumulated. This should take approximately 3 weeks. Nitrification requires up to 3 months to build sufficient biomass. 24. During start-up, it will be necessary to balance air flow through the Aerobic Towers, alkalinity supply and BOD availability to perform nitrification and denitrification processes. At flows lower than design flow it may be necessary to restrict Aerobic Tower spray application and/or air flow to allow Anoxic Reactors to become anoxic. It may also be necessary to add methanol or other organic substrate in extreme cases to achieve the anoxic condition. The acquisition of interstage data for BOD, DO, NH3 and NO3 is invaluable in determining which steps are necessary and at which points in the process sequence they may be required. SAFETY Accident prevention is the result of thoughtfulness, and the application of a few basic principles and knowledge of the hazards involved. It has been said that the "ABC" of accident prevention is: 'ALWAYS BE CAREFUL" The overall dangers of accidents are much the same whether in manholes, pumping stations or treatment plants. These hazards include physical injuries, infections, noxious gases and oxygen deficiency. Prevention of Physical Injuries The prevention of physical injuries begins with good housekeeping. Tools, parts and other things should not be left lying around. Hatches should be closed when not in use and protected when in use. Use the knowledge that bending the knees and lifting with muscles of the legs can save strained or injured backs. Horseplay and haste, as well as knowingly unsafe or unstable practices for the sake of expediency are common causes of injury, and should always be avoided. A safety belt and tether must be worn when entering any enclosed tanks (confined space) where access is difficult and assistance may be needed to climb out. A second person should always be "topside" and physically able to pull you out. This person should never enter the tank to remove you without calling for help and donning appropriately protective equipment when entering the tank. All normal operation and maintenance procedures may be accomplished without entry into confined spaces. Electrical shock hazards are always present where electrical equipment is being used. When maintenance is being performed on such equipment the power to the unit must be disconnected. Lock-out/tag out capability is provided on all disconnects, which are all within reach of the controlled equipment. This is for the safety of the operator. Always use these devices when working on any equipment. Prevention of Infections Workers who come in contact with sewage are exposed to all the hazards of water -borne diseases, including typhoid fever, para -typhoid fever, amoebic dysentery, infectious jaundice and other intestinal infections. Tetanus and skin infections must also be guarded against. Vaccines against these diseases are recommended. A first aid kit should be placed in the control room. No cut or scratch is too minor to receive attention. A two percent tincture of iodine or Merthiolate should be immediately applied to all cuts. Work clothes or coveralls should be worn and laundered frequently. You should be aware that you The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&MManual, Section VI Page 2 of 3 are in a bacterial environment, and you can and will carry these bacteria with you when you go elsewhere. There should be no smoking in any part of the plant. It is practically impossible to avoid contamination by sewage of the ends of pipes, cigars or cigarettes. Smoking is also a potential source of ignition for any flammable vapors present. "Keeping the hands below one's collar", while working with sewage or sludge is an excellent rule. A majority of infections reach the body by way of mouth, nose, eyes or ears. Hands should be washed before smoking or eating. Soap preparations requiring no water rinse are available for field use. Of course, the common drinking cup should be banned and paper cups used. Prevention of Injury from Noxious Gases and Uxyaen Deficiency A noxious gas is one that is directly or indirectly injurious or destructive to the health or life of humans. They may cause burns, explosions, asphyxiation or poisoning. Non-poisonous gases may asphyxiate simply by mechanically excluding oxygen. Conditions for the presence of such gases can occur in sewage treatment plants. Hydrogen Sulfide (rotten egg smell) is a poisonous gas associated with sewage. Generally it is ,., present in very small amounts, but in an enclosed tank containing sewage with no ventilation, it may accumulate to deadly concentrations. Hydrogen sulfide is particularly dangerous since the human sense of smell becomes desensitized to the odor with exposure. Methane or sewer gas may form under similar conditions. Rather than being poisonous it is flammable and potentially explosive. Like Hydrogen Sulfide, it may accumulate in non -ventilated areas. This is one reason that proper operation and maintenance of your bio -air system is highly important. Gasoline or other flammable, corrosive, toxic, or explosive liquids may be dumped into the sewer lines causing similar problems. Your plant maintains constant positive ventilation of the plant so long as the bio -blower and vent blower are operated. It is therefore important that these units be kept in operation at all times. To protect himself from the danger of noxious gases, the operator must follow a few simple rules: 1. Never enter an enclosed non -ventilated area without a safety line and always have an observer outside the area capable of pulling you out. This second person should never go down in a rescue attempt without respiration equipment lest he be overcome as well. 2. Always have the blowers on when entering a tank. 3. Never smoke within the plant. 4. In case of doubt do not enter without making precautions below. 5. If it is necessary that you enter an enclosed or non -ventilated area then you must: a) wear an air pack and mask b) have a safety line c) have someone on the outside who has the ability to remove you d) have a system of communication or signals between you and the person outside Handling of Chemicals Aside from the physical safety aspect of proper lifting and handling the containers to avoid injury from the chemicals themselves. Each chemical provided must by law be accompanied by a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). You should always familiarize yourself with this information provided, including the provision and donning of protective clothing or protective breathing or eye shielding apparatus, and the handling steps recommended to minimize your exposure to injury. EMERGENCY PLAN General Discussion / Intro to Vulnerability Analysis The NPDES permit number , page of in Part , requires a Vulnerability Analysis to estimate the degree to which the treatment system would be adversely affected by each of the following emergency situations: • Natural Disaster (eg. Floods) • Civil Disorder • Strike • Sabotage • Faulty Maintenance • Negligent Operation • Accident The analysis includes an estimate of the effects of the emergency on the power supply, communication, equipment, supplies, personnel, security and emergency procedures. Natural Disasters To address the natural disaster issue, this analysis covers flood, tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes. The does not issue permits nor approve the construction of on-site sewage treatment plants with discharge to groundwater that are'proposed for location in flood plain, nor is this facility located near one; therefore a flood situation does not need to be addressed. In addition, this area is not subject to tornadoes due to the hilly topography and therefore does not require that the issue be addressed. As for hurricanes (high winds), plants of similar design are located in May's Landing and Marmora, NJ, approximately 2 miles form the Atlantic Ocean. These plants were constructed in 1985 and 1989 and have sustained winds up to 90 miles per hour during a storm in mid-December 1992 with no damage or interruption of the operation, therefore the plant that will be constructed at The Cliffs at High Carolina in Asheville, NC should be able to sustain even greater wind loads. Such winds are not known in this area. The plant could suffer consequential damage from high winds such as damage from flying debris, tree fall, or power outage; however these consequences are similar to the respective accident or sabotage scenarios, and need not be described separately. The remaining natural disaster is earthquake. This plant has been designed to withstand a seismic Class H event, which is greater than the most probable seismic event classification in this area, so seismic damage is not anticipated as a possible occurrence. The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section VII Page 2 of 4 Faulty or Negligent Operations To address the issue of faulty or negligent operation or maintenance, neither is acceptable behavior on the part of the licensed operator, and is cause for immediate remediation and / or dismissal once discovered. As there is no fault with the facility, correction of deficiencies in operation or maintenance, once discovered, is the proper procedure to return the plant to proper operation. There would be no cause to haul or cease operation unless the improper operation resulted in imminent danger to public health or safety, such as plant overflow, in which case immediate action should be taken to abate the non- compliant condition. If such negligence should result in non-compliant discharge, the procedures specified in the permit for such a situation should be followed as appropriate to the specific defect resulting from the faulty operation. The most common negligent operation is failure to repair or replace a failed backup unit of equipment promptly, so that a spare is not available when the second unit also fails. This failure results in an emergency situation which must be dealt with as an emergency according to this plan. Accident or Deliberate Abuse All objects are susceptible to destruction through determined attack. For this event, an assessment of the resulting damage and its effect on operation would be required, after which the necessary repairs would be made prior to resumption of operation and discharge. Temporary measures, on a case-by- case basis would be taken to assure no non-compliance discharges during this period. Compliance (and , if changes are to be made) would be involved in the approval of measures taken and time schedule for completion of the work while such repairs were made. Measures have been taken in the design and materials of construction to prevent debilitating damage from casual acts of vandalism and accident. Tankage is of concrete and access is by latched aluminum doorways which have been cast in, and access is through keyed entryways. The equipment is located within a building and is accessed from inside. It is thus protected from most forms of projection events or action. The exterior has been specifically designed to withstand impact from golf balls, and so will be impervious to all but the most deliberate attack. Damage to the Aerobic Tower housings and equipment protective covering can result from projectiles. Perforations are unlikely to result in damage which would require emergency action, however, impacts from large objects at speed, such as bullets, runaway vehicles or falling trees can cause significant damage which cannot be repaired immediately. Consequently, it is recommended that the landscaping plan include barriers which would stop or deflect vehicles from reaching the plant, as a reasonably prudent prevention measure. At present, there are no trees in the area of the plant which could inflict severe damage, but future considerations should be given to maintenance of growth which could inflict damage. Specific Defects All treatment facilities and this one is no exception, are subject to failures of specific components. Therefore redundancy has been built into the design to accommodate such specific failure modes. In The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&MManual, Section VII Page 3 of 4 many cases, switchover to redundant components is done automatically. In other cases, spare equipment is maintained for immediate use or for preventive maintenance. Under emergency scenarios such as considered below, multiple or unusual failures are typically generated which should be separately considered. These are considered on a case-by-case basis, as multiple failures can result from a single event, and conversely the same defect can result from a number of different causes which would have the same effect and he same course of action. Table I has therefore been created which classifies the effects under each of the possible emergency scenarios as regards each component to be affected, describing the effect, the nature of the emergency created, and the action to be taken. As the descriptions are too length to fit appropriately within the table, they are referenced by numbers and letters to more descriptive texts in which alternatives are described. Additionally, it is recognized that the disposal system is subject to failure as evidenced by overflow of the surface impoundment, or high groundwater measurements found n the piezometers. Such events are considered emergencies, as under such circumstances a non-compliant condition exists. Until remediation of the condition, hauling of discharge wastewater to the as specified in the permit, part , page of is to occur. Immediate notification of such a situation must be made to , at and in writing via certified mail to Director , , , . In this notification, the nature of the emergency, cause of failure, and the remedial action taken must be described. Effect Text Table: No. Effect Texts Emer enc T_ype I Loss of connection to area A 2 Loss of connection to property A 3 Loss of connection to plant B 4 1 Equipment destro ed or removed D 5 Equipment damaged D 6 Equipment disconnected D 7 Loss of source E 8 Loss of reserves E Emergency Text Table: No. Emergency Texts Emergency Type I Project evacuated per public safety regulations: no inflow or outflow. No sewage emergency exists IA 2 Possible overflow of plant and / or lack of treatment 2A 3 1 None 3A The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&MManual, Section VII Page 4 of 4 4 Possible non-compliance 2A 5 Potential non-compliance 4A Action Texts: IA. No action required. 2A Assess cause. If repairable before flow equalization basin fills, do so. If not, obtain temporary replacement. If accomplished, no reportable event occurs. If not accomplished, pumping and hauling will be required to avoid a reportable event. 3A More frequent checking should be done to confirm proper operation if project is occupied. 4A Determine availability of replacements. Continue operation with reserves pending replacement as long as possible. When reserves are no longer available, discontinue discharge and continue operation to maintain biomass until material and labor resources have been restored. Note: Whenever a non-compliant discharge occurs, it must be reported as specified in the permit. These emergency procedures are all designed to prevent the occurrence of reportable events under emergency conditions. f- N N c U .5- U U U U U U U U w w w U Q�¢ ¢¢¢¢¢ 4 Q OW U M M U N o0 00 00 Z w ��� -4 El W V M M U A AQ A A A A w m u(¢ Ei o W v M N ell N 00 W �+ h vi h vi vi v� vi v" M s, o�°'n� �QU AAAAAAAww m E?w o �J, U N Nn h h h h vi t- r M v" U a� � W w t WN MM N �.o h �o Vl h �o V'I �c V1 %0 1A 00 M �h,^ y Be U A A A A A A w w W m A W z V M N N V h h h h h 00 w M O N la c 3 m 0Ha°Ha�UU = UCL O N IN EMERGENCY PROCEDURE DECISION AND ACTION TREE Objective: To prevent non-compliant discharge under emergency conditions. This procedure is for the use of any person, including owner, tenant, operator or his assistants, or public officials, including fire, police, public health, DEP, or municipal employees, who may be called upon in an emergency situation to prevent or to abate a potential public health hazard which might result from damage to or improper operation of the wastewater treatment facilities until proper management and operation can be restored. To use this manual, follow the step-by-step sequence. This will address the most serious problems first, in order, and provide you with the means and facilities to solve the most serious of problems, at least on a temporary basis. 1. Fire is observed. a. Call Fire Department immediately at 911, or - Report fire at this location , b. Attempt to extinguish. c. Call operator '(see Ste #4) 2. Accident is observed or act of sabotage is a. If release of water is observed. Turn off observed or discovered. power to plant immediately. b. Obtain information on person causing incident, and make written notes. c. Call o erator see Ste 4) 3. Incident of strike or civil disorder is Notify owner:. . observed. Security: 4. Call plant operator. Explain emergency. : (See Sten 4 5. Flow observed over -topping reservoir. Turn off discharge pumps at disconnect between front and side doors outside plant. 6. Flow observed coming from plant a. Call licensed Hauler: tankage. b. Go to Step #7 1 7. Check tanks. All tanks are flooded. I a. Find source of power outage and restore. The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section VII Page 2 of 3 Power is off, and emergency generator is b. Check emergency generator. Does it not running have fuel? Fill and restart. c. If water level does not go down, go to Ste #8. 8. Check disconnects for effluent dosing a. If off, turn on. One pump should come pumps. on and water level should drop in the dosing tank (Hatch on corner nearest front door.) b. If water level does not go down, go to Step #9 9. Obtain access to plant controls. Check a. Turn pumps on automatic. One pump effluent dosing pump indicator light on should come on and water level should panel. Green light not on indicates pumps drop. If not go to Step #10 are not running- unnin .10. 10.Lights do not come on and stay on a. Check circuit breakers and reset overload protectors. Pump should come on. If breaker trips, second pump should come on. If that breaker trips, both pumps are bad and must be repaired/replaced. A temporary replacement must be installed, or hauling must be initiated. 11. Lights come on, but level does not drop. a. Wiring disconnected, or pumps are (switchover occurs) running but not pumping. Check valves for open status. If not, open them. If open, check pumps for blockage. If pumps are operating, blockage is in the discharge line. Haul until repaired, 12. Put one pump in "Hand" position. Light a. Problem is in the float -switches or relays. comes on, level drops. Diagnosis and repair required. Plant can be operated in hand mode. 13. Li t comes on, but level does not drop a. See Solution #I I above. 14. Turn other pump on hand. Light comes a. See Solution #11 above. on, but level does not drop 15. Neither light comes on. a. See Solution #10 above. 16. Effluent dosing tank is empty, but other a. Blockage in piping internal to plant. tanks are overflowing. Unblock piping between tank and next - stage non -overflowing tank. If this can't be don readily, turn grinder pump off and pump and haul flow equalization basin. 17. Damage to plant is observed, but no a. In Step #4, you have notified plant water is discharged abnormally. operator. Do not proceed beyond this pint to make alterations in operation unless you are qualified and trained in the The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&MManual, Section VII Page 3 of 3 N operation of this plant. There is presently no danger to the public. If, before the operator arrives the status should change, then repeat Steps 1-16 above. ELECTRICAL CONTROL SPECIFICATION/OPERA.TION 1. EouALUATioN: Two hp, phase, volt submersible grinder pumps, Model , rpm operate in an alternating simplex mode. Hour meters installed on the front door of the control panel are available to record the elapsed run time on each grinder pump from the immediately preceding 24 hour period. Use this data to set your head box weir for near 24 hour continuous operations. Grinder pump activation (of either pump) also activates lime or soda ash feed pumps. Four Float Switch Control • Switch No. I kills both pumps regardless of Hand -Off -Auto (HOA) status (low water alarm (Class II). Kill switch operates independently of HOA switch. Control system returns to normal operation when switch no.3 floats, however low level light remains on until manually reset. • Switch No. 2 turns lead pump off (arms lead pump on way up). • Switch No. 3 turns on lead pump. On way down after High Level alarm, deactivates alternation function, but returns automatic float control • Switch No. 4 sets a high water level alarm, turn on lag pump, turn off lead (indicate alarm) (class II), alarm remains on until manually reset. All alteration and alarm functions, starters, breakers, and HOA switches are incorporated in control panel. Status lights are alarm lights will be on the control panel. Also, the "hand" switch position operates the respective pump, regardless of status of any other pumps. 2. Primary Clarifier High level float switch in primary clarifier to detect flood condition and activate high level alarm in Plant Controller. Class I alarm. 3. Aerobic Tower Recirculation Pumps Three hp, phase, volt recirculation pumps. Model , rpm. Pumps are to run continuously. Each pump will have a hand switch only mounted in control panel. A red valve dual -limit flow switch will be placed up stream of each pump to detect flow. The signal of no -flow status (alarm indication when out of range) and operation will be monitored by the control panel, latching in an alarm light when out of limit band. Class II alarm. 4. Air Blower System Three hp, phase, volt blowers. One blower (equalization supply) runs continuously. Starters and breakers are incorporated in control panel. Each blower has a HOA switch and status light integral to the control panel. The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&MManual, Section VIII Page 2 of 4 Remaining two blowers alternate. The timing of alternation is controlled by the control panel. Alternation interval may be changed. The alternating pair has Furnas pressure control switch in series with "on" circuit. This pressure switch works on time delay such that if after 60 seconds pressure fails to reach pre- determined value, unit is shut down. A signal is sent to the control panel and PLC and the alternating unit is started and alarm signal on non-operating unit is activated. On non - alternating unit, alarm and shut down only are activated. Alarm sensor is by flow detector, rather than pressure sensor. Both are Class II alarms. 5. Building Exhaust System One on/off circuit with capacity for one room exhaust fan with characteristics of volt, phase, hp, amps. Operation is by a thermally controlled switch and hand - operated override. Motor driven shutters require amp, volt. 6. General Plant Alarms General plant alarm activated by all alarm status indicators provides power to light bulb on control panel. A second set of relay contacts for Class I alarms only activates Sensaphone emergency dialer. Alarm Indicators: f a. Each alarm indication has a red light on panel specific to its function with label. ' b. Any alarm condition will trigger a red alarm light visible on the control panel. c. Any Class I alarm condition will trigger an alarm dialer which will call out with a general alarm condition. 7. Bio -Blower Odor Control System An on/off circuit for the bio -blower with cfm, amp. Characteristics of volt, phase. Operation is indicated by the control panel. Alarm will indicate if bio -blower ceases to operate as indicated by loss of power to fan. Class I alarm. 8. Air Lift Operations Air lift sequencing of ( ) volt solenoid valves shall be achieved in the control panel. Each lift is adjustable to run zero to five minutes in sequence. The sequence is run at any repetition rate the operator deems necessary. Dry contacts are utilized to sense "proper" or "improper" operation. "Improper" operation will mean that if, after an elapsed period the cycle does not complete and reset the alarm will be triggered (Class Il alarm). All timed solenoid banks have hand operation override switches. (Hand/Off switch not needed since timer or hand valve can be used.). See solenoid sequencing page for details. 9. Auto Dialer Sensaphone will call out (Class I alarm) when power is out. The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section VIII Page 3 of 4 10. Lighting and auxiliary outlets: Interior lighting: double w. fluorescent fixtures, entry way switches way. incandescent w. fixtures exit light. Exterior lighting: - Watt Sodium Vapor fixture Entry way switch Outlets: 11. Ultrasonic Flow Meter Flow meter and flow recorder. ,4-20 ma output. amp, volt circuits. 12. Effluent Dosing Pumps Effluent dosing pumps by others volt, amp breaker, located in control room, 13. Sludge Decant Pumps Sludge decant pump. Model with broadband float switch control, hp, phase, volt sewage pump, HOA operation only from control panel. No alarm. 14. Chemical Feed System Lime/soda ash feed system, with stirrer and low level switch. series metering PUMP amp., volt. Activated only when either grinder pump is running. Class II alarm when low level, shuts off pump and stirrer. 15. Ultraviolet Disinfection System Two ultraviolet disinfection units to be operated only when its sand filter is running. The failure indicator on the lead unit activates the other unit. Units are , Model , volt, amp. The Cliffs at High Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Manual, Section VIII Page 4 of 4 SOLENOID SEQUENCING Lights are activated on the panel to indicate which sludge lift is operating. The operator must have control over the frequency and duration of each lift cycle. 1. Timer - 24 lir. x 15 min. Turns on timer 1. Indicates alarm if reset has not occurred before lift cycle starts. Class lI alarm. Range 0-5 minutes. Preset at 1 minute. 2. Timer I — Turns off air flow to sludge holding tank by turning off alternating pair of blowers. Air flow is to stay off until end of decant cycle. Time range 0-120 minutes. Turns timer Il on at end of cycle. Preset at 30 minutes. 3. Timer II — Actuated by Timer I, turns on decanter pump and turns it off after a suitable elapsed decant time. Time range 0-60 minutes, starts timer III at end of elapsed time and turns on lead blower of alternating pair. Note that there is a float switch on the decant pump which will automatically turn it off when it reaches a mechanically set level. Preset is 15 minutes. 4. Timer III — Starts timer IV after 60 seconds; which allows air pressure to built up in air lift lines. 5. Timer IV — Turns on Anaerobic III sludge lifts by opening solenoid. Closes solenoid at end and starts timer V. Ranger 0-5 minutes. Present at 20 seconds. 6. Timer V — Turns on Anaerobic II sludge lifts by opening solenoid. Closes solenoid at end and starts timer VI. Range 0-5 minutes. Preset at 30 seconds. 7. Timer VI — Turns on Anaerobic I sludge lifts by. opening solenoid. Closes solenoid at end of cycle and starts timer VII. Range 0-5 minutes. Preset at 45 seconds. 8. Timer VII — Turns on Primary Clarifier sludge lift by opening solenoid. Closes solenoid at end and resets 24 hour timer for next cycle.