HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004979_Fish Tues Study Plan_20190125DUKE ENERGY January 23, 2019 Ms. Cyndi Karoly, Chief Water Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Subject: Duke Energy Allen Steam Station, NPDES Permit NC0004979 2019 Fish Tissue Study Plan Allen Steam Station 253 Plaut Allen Rd. Belmont, NC 28012 704 829-2587 Dear Ms. Karoly: Enclosed in this letter is the 2019 Allen Steam Station Fish Tissue Study Plan for NCDEQ review and approval, as required in Section A. (23) [Fish Tissue Monitoring Near Ash Pond Discharge] of the Alien Steam Station NPDES permit (NC0004979). The 2019 Fish Tissue Study Plan includes the sample locations, methods, and parameters to be analyzed for fish tissue in Lake Wylie. We look forward to your review and approval of this plan for sampling of fish tissue beginning in 2019, and for the next permit term. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact Matt McKinney at 980-875-5526, or via email at mati.mckinne. @duke energy.Lom. Sincerely, (, r fi� Terry Tuck, General Manager II Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Allen Steam Station Cc: Scott Fletcher Duke Energy MG03A3 Elizabeth Glenn Duke Energy EC 13K Steve Hodges Duke Energy CLIFFS Michael Gantt Duke Energy Allen Steam Station UPS Tracking: IZ X67 601 24 9129 0538 Fish Tissue Monitoring of Lake Wylie Study Plan Allen Steam Station NPDES No. NC0004979 f� DUKE ENERGY January 2019 Table of Contents Section Pane 1.0 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................2 2,0 Sampling Locations.........................................................................................................................2 3.0 Target Species for Tissue Monitoring ............................................... ...................... ...... ........... 2 4.Q Field Sarnpliq Methods...... .. ............................................................................................ 2 5.0 Tissue Analysis..................................................................................................................................3 6.D Data Analysis and Reporting............................................................................................................3 7.0 Referenres..... ..... .... .....................................................................................................................3 Attachments Attachment A - Fish Tissue Monitoring - Study Plan Summary and Map 1 1.0 Introduction Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) owns and operates the Allen Steam Station located on Lake Wylie in Gaston County, North Carolina, just southwest of Charlotte. The Allen Steam Station National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit (No. NC0004979, Section A.23.) requires DEC to conduct annual trace elements monitoring in fish muscle tissue, in accordance with a study plan approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). This study plan outlines the proposed methods for sampling, analyzing, and data reporting to fulfill these NPDES permit monitoring requirements. DEC recognizes that the specifics of this plan may need to be modified to reflect information gained during implementation. Any such modifications shall be subject to NCDEQ approval. 2.0 Sampling Areas Target fish will be collected from two locations in Lake Wylie (see attached map) for trace element analysis of muscle tissue. The UP location will serve as a reference to monitor background trace element concentrations in fish muscle tissue upstream of Allen Steam Station's ash basin discharge. All UP samples will be collected at or upstream of the UP location depicted on the attached map (approximately 4.5 kilometers upstream of the current ash basin discharge), but downstream from Interstate 85. The DI location will serve to monitor uptake of elements in fish muscle tissue downstream of Allen Steam Station's ash basin discharge. All DI fish will be collected at or downstream from the DI location depicted on the attached map (approximately 0.50 kilometers downstream of the current ash basin discharge), but no further than 1.0 kilometer downstream if possible. The sampling areas are like those previously approved for Allen Steam Station by NCDEQ (Duke Energy 2013). 3.0 Target Fish Species for Tissue Monitoring The proposed target species are based on availability, recreational importance as a game or food fish, and general trophic level. Duke Energy personnel will attempt to collect six individuals of insectivorous (e.g., sunfish) and piscivorous (e.g., black bass) species. Other similar species may be retained if the primary target species are unavailable. Specimens retained for analysis will be individuals considered of sufficient size for human consumption. As recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), an attempt will be made to ensure that the size of the smallest individual sampled will not be less than 75% of the total length of the largest fish within each species group (USEPA 2000). Conformance with this guideline will depend upon the fish/size class availability at a particular location. 4.0 Field Sampling Methods Standard fishery sampling methods, including active and passive gear types, will be employed to collect target species. Boat electrofishing (Procedure FSH -250.0, Rev. 5), trap nets (Procedure FSH -257.00, Rev. 3), or other standard fishery sampling gear types will be used as necessary to obtain the required samples. If used, nets will be checked and captured fish removed daily during the sampling period. Only fresh fish that show no signs of deterioration will be retained for analysis. Fish that have visible, open wounds that could allow contamination will not be retained. Fish retained for trace elements analysis will be identified to species, measured for total length to the nearest millimeter, weighed to the nearest gram, and placed in a labeled (sample date, sample location, facility, etc.) bag on ice. This information will be recorded on field fisheries data sheets (generally electronic). Each day the sealed bags of collected fish will be frozen in deep freezers. 5.0 Tissue Analyses All fish will be processed in the laboratory for metals analysis according to Procedure NR -00107 Rev. 4 Trace Element Monitoring Laboratory Procedure (approved SOP on file with NCDEQ). Sample custody and tracking of samples will be performed using chain -of -custody forms during transport to or from the laboratory. Quality of vendor laboratory data, if applicable, will be ensured through the use of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) tissue standards. The remaining processed sample will be archived for two years if re -analysis is needed. 6.0 Data Analysis and Reporting Arsenic, mercury, and selenium concentrations (converted to µg/g fresh weight) determined from the fish tissue analyses will be reported. A report with the sampling methods, data analysis, and conclusions will be prepared and submitted with the subsequent NPDES permit renewal application as required by NPDES Permit No. NC0004979. 7.0 References Duke Energy. 2013. Trace Elements Monitoring in Fish Tissue, Study Plan. Allen Steam Station NPDES No NC0004979, Buck Steam Station NPDES No. NC0004774, Cape Fear Steam Station NPDES No. NC0003433, Cliffside Steam Station NPDES No. NC0005088, Marshall Steam Station NPDES No. NC0004987. Duke Energy Corporation. Charlotte, NC. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2000. Guidance for assessing chemical contaminant data for use in fish advisories, vol. 1. Fish sampling and analysis, third edition. EPA 823-B-00-007. US EPA, Office of Water. Washington, DC.