HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024112_Annual Report_20180305&—j City of Thomasville — Hamby Creek WWTP ® , PAR 2017 b Pretreatment Narrative 1. General Information A. General Program Information The Allocation Table was updated in 2017 in conjunction with the new permit revision for McIntyre Manufacturing. All permits are currently up to date. Custom Drum's permit will be reviewed in 2017 for possible further modification. No changes to the SUO have been done since it was updated and passed into law by the City Council on October 15, 2012 and approved by PERCS. Restaurant inspections have increased as a part of the FOG program. No changes to the IWS were done in 2017 The LTMP for the City of Thomasville was not changed in 2017. Four industries were published in the local newspaper for SNC violations. Three were for reporting violations (AMC, Custom Drum and Finch), and two was for limits violations (Custom Drum and McIntyre). The limit violations occurred by the same company in both six month periods, but for different parameters. A copy of the newspaper article will be forwarded next week. B. General Permit Information No permits expired without renewal during 2017. Advanced Materials Coatings, Brasscraft Thomasville, Finch Industries, and McIntrye Manufacturing all had permits renewed in 2017. No industries were dropped from the program in 2017. No new industries were added to the pretreatment program in 2017. 2. SIU Information AMC Advance Materials Coatings) — IUP # 0028. Metal Plater Page 1 of 5 City of Thomasville — Hamby Creek WWTP PAR 2017 Pretreatment Narrative A. AMC was in SNC for the 2017 PAR year for late reporting. AMC did receive NOV's for Copper (1 chronic, 1 TRC) in the first half and again in the second half (1 chronic only) but neither of the Copper violations resulted in SNC. AMC had a Zinc violation in the first half as well (1 chronic, 1 TRC). AMC also had pH violations in the first and second half of the year. They were not in SNC for these violations. AMC has continued to have problems with their pH meter and have replaced it again as well as adjusting control mechanisms. AMC also missed their Oil & Grease sampling and was fined for the missed sample and instructed to complete sampling for the missed sample in addition to their 2018 required sampling. The City did sample Oil & Grease in both the first and second half of the year thus the actual number of required samples for the year were taken. AMC was also late in reporting flows and third quarter sampling. Flow data from the first half of the year is missing due to management change overs and the data being lost. AMC was fined $700 for their violations in the first half and $5750 for their violations in the second half in order to enforce and improve their reporting priorities as well as pH and metals compliance. The missing sample data from second half was promptly received upon notification of the $5750 fine, and the fine for the missed data was reduced to $200 per day of missed sampling for a total of $600 plus the $150 for the pH violations. B. AMC did not have any type of special orders or schedules. C. AMC did not receive any Authorization to Constructs during 2017. D. AMC has missing flow data for the 2017 PAR year as noted. They have had management changes again, andthere always seems to be a communication loss on requirements when they get new management. Any other blank parameters on the IDSF, are either not required by the permit, or are only required to be monitored once a year. Brass Craft — Thomasville — IUP ## 0008, Metal Plater A. Brass Craft was not in SNC for 2017. Brasscraft did have one Nickel violation (1 chronic, 1 TRC) in the second half but did not result in SNC. Brasscraft was fined $200 for the violation. B. Brass Craft did not have any type of special orders or schedules. C. Brass Craft did not receive a pretreatment AtoC for 2017. Page 2 of 5 City of Thomasville — Hamby Creek WWTP PAR 2017 Pretreatment Narrative D. Brass Craft did not have any missing data during the 2017 PAR year. Any blank parameters on the IDSF are either not required by the permit, or are only required to be monitored once a year. Custom Drum Services Inc. — IUP # 0029 Drum Washin A. Custom Drum was in SNC for 2017 for Nickel (2 chronic, 2 TRC) and TSS (1 chronic, 1 TRC) in the first half and for reporting. They also had one Copper violation (1 chronic, 0 TRC) in the first half and one pH violation in the second half. Fines for a total of $600 were issued for the metals and TSS violations. No fine was issued for the pH violation. The reporting violation was due to lost flow data from the first half of the year. A NNC was issued for this. Custom Drum has made significant effort to improve their compliance with reporting and permits limits. They have had significant issues with maintaining pH control of their process since it is all being done manually, all automatic control systems have failed and repair efforts have only had limited success. This is the source of their metals violations. Their permit was modified January 2016 to address limits issues with BOD and TSS and has shown to be helpful in meeting their compliance. Their permit will be reviewed in 2018 to see if additional modifications can be done. B. Custom Drum did not have any type of special orders or schedules for 2017. C. Custom Drum did not receive a pretreatment AtoC or perform other construction during this PAR period. D. Custom Drum did not have any missing data for the 2017 PAR period other than the noted loss of first half flow data. Any blank parameters on the IDSF are either not required by the permit, or are only required to be monitored once a year Finch Industries Inc. — IUP # 0018 Mirror Mfg, Metal Plater A. Finch Industries was in SNC in 2017 for missing flow data due to a portion of the data getting deleted during certification of the meter. Finch is also in SNC for a missed Oil & Grease sample. The missed sample is scheduled for sampling by mid March 2018 which will be in addition to the 2018 sample. The City did sample Oil & Grease in both the first and second half of the year thus the actual number of required samples for the year were taken. Finch also had one Lead violation (1 chronic, 0 TRC) in the second half but did not result in SNC. Finch Industries was fined $300 for the violations. Page 3 of 5 City of Thomasville — Hamby Creek WWTP PAR 2017 Pretreatment Narrative B. Finch Industries did not have any type of special orders or schedules for 2017. C. Finch Industries did not receive a pretreatment AtoC or other construction orders during 2017. D. Finch Industries has missing flow data in 2017 and the missing Oil and Grease as noted. Any other blank parameters on the IDSF are either not required by the permit, or are only required to be monitored once a year. McIntyre Manufacturing, Inc. — IUP # 0031, Metal Plater — Powder Coating A. McIntyre Manufacturing was in SNC in 2017 for high TSS value (1 chronic, 1 TRC). This was an extremely rare violation for McIntyre, possibly due to the need for their annual tank cleanout. A Notice of Violation was issued, but no fine was given as this was the first violation and it was a compatible waste violation that did not impact the plant. B. McIntyre Manufacturing did not have any type of special orders or schedules. C. McIntyre Manufacturing did not receive a pretreatment AtoC for the 2017 PAR year. D. McIntyre Metals had no missing data for 2017. 3. Waste Reduction A. There have been no changes in the City of Thomasville's waste reduction activities since the 2017 PAR submission. B. Advanced Materials Coatings has had no changes in waste reduction since the 2017 PAR submission. They are in the process of disposing of unused chemicals however. C. Brass Craft — has had no changes in waste reduction since the 2017 PAR submission. Page 4 of 5 City of Thomasville — Hamby Creek WWTP PAR 2017 Pretreatment Narrative D. Custom Drum Services has had no changes in waste reduction since the 2017 PAR submission other than efforts to reduce water consumption in their process. E. Finch Industries has had no changes in waste reduction since the 2017 PAR submission. F. McIntyre Manufacturing has had no changes in waste reduction since the 2017 PAR submission. Page 5 of 5 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/I) => or Maximum (I b/d) => or 6 month Ca71/2BDL Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (Ib/d) => or 6 month ( 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => " Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (I b/d) => or 6 month as 1/2611 Average (mg/I) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Control Authority, I ndustry Town Name=> City of Thomasville Name Adv. Materials Coatings _ WWTPName => Hamby Creek WWTP IUP#0028 N PDES # => NCO024112 Pipe # 001 1st 6 months, dates => Jan -17 to Jun -17 2nd 6 months, dates => Jul -17 to Dec -17 Flow, mgd BOD TSS Ammonia s mon is -Indmon s s nMon s 211 mon s s mon s _n a mon is s mon s -'n mon 3s 73 1 1 1 1 1. 1 0.024 6.02 9.29 4.77 13.5 0.448 0.654 6.02 9.29 4.77 13.5 0.448 0.654 0.008 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Arsenic Cadmium Chromium COD st months -n months st mont �s _n months st monis n months st mont s n mont s 1 2 12 12 12 12 <0.002 0.004 <0.001 <0.001 0.157 0.577 0.001 0.004 0.0006 0.0004 0.0604 0.1087 N/A N/A 1 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 Copper Cyanide Lead cu �er`07t st months n months st mont is 2n mont s st mont is . n mont i is n months 12 12 9 9 12 12 1 2.05 1.1 0.011 <0.005 0.0057 0.0093 <0.0002 <0.0002 0.5765 0.4752 0.004 0.0025 0.0041 0.0043 0.0001 0.0001 16.7 8.3 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 N/A N/A 9- 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 N/A N/A BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter POTW must enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, F1 indicatehow averages were cal cul ated SNC => Significant Nor -Compliance mgd => million gallonsper day Av_ 1'e iod could be month Qtr, or 6 -month & if BDL 1/213DL, or zero valuesused. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP=> wastewater treatment plan IUP#0007, Rpe#001 Stroupe PAR_IDSF.xIs Renison date February 5, 2007 Page 1 of 10 0 Iz E � m x z n o 6' a' a+ a' a• a' Z g q q q q D o c- M 0 0 0 C? Z �°n ►ah b d O +� CD V)C n [ r °� CD 00 a C, Mme. CL 0 o IV CD �! o I' N A�co"O 43 O CD �. n ¢. p C7 CD Cn O CD rte+ .+. ,CD ID oo c o' o Cal p� CA O -. n n p - 0 W w Q'+ CD O 'C �. O r+, CD CD cn 0 R-. vOi v' f' O CL o a ¢. c O C!� a' O cn 0-4 O 0 a� v Ib4 • O � C m V v v 11 P VV O 1— V V V O O O -P Ln rA cn Lon z z n Z �o 00 -1 Orn cn � w Iv — C m O > b �d a+ d dCD O q d 10 °, °� °� [ °SD � cn -a C d d o oco Do cn Z • �, �' CD W CD CD uq OO0 0 n O CD Z CD ¢ o¢ p � a x CD 0 0 • OCI,cD NC3. CDw0 O� Ot X O O al CD r CCD CD W CD -h >y RQ. + a Uc1 m C. CD 0 O. cr O � CD CD CCD oo m N p-, LA � w 11 N V v v v v v v V v w O O O O O VI ` J � (ron p z n cn cn rA mKrn ° y n rz On O d dymo <C E • O � C m V v v v v O I(= 1— �t"-) w Ln rA cn Lon z z n Z �o 00 -1 Orn cn � w Iv — C m O > b �d a+ d dCD O q d 10 °, °� °� [ °SD � cn -a C d d o oco Do cn Z • �, �' CD W CD CD uq OO0 0 n O CD Z CD ¢ o¢ p � a x CD 0 0 • OCI,cD NC3. CDw0 O� Ot X O O al CD r CCD CD W CD -h >y RQ. + a Uc1 m C. CD 0 O. cr O � CD CD CCD oo m N p-, LA � w 11 N V v v v v v v V v w O O O O O VI ` J � (ron p z n cn cn rA mKrn ° y n rz On O d dymo <C E Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (Ib/d) => or 6 month @ 1/213DL Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => %violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Toted # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (Ib/d) => or 6 month L& 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => %violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => M axi mum (mg/1) => or M axi mum (I b/d) => or 6 month td, 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => I ndustry Name M cl ntyre M etal,s I nc IUP# 0031 Pipe # 001 Nickel Selenium Silver Zinc st h mon is _'nd 0 months s t� mon hs _'nd 0 mon s 1 st 0 months 2nd 6 mon s s mon .. s n mon is 12 12 3 5 12 12 12 12 0.018 0.0093 <0.002 <0.002 <0.0005 <0.005 0.046 0.024 0.007 0.0047 0.001 0.001 0.0003 0.0004 0.046 0.0118 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Molybdenum Aluminum Antimony Phosphorus months 2nd 6 mon( i, st 6 months In mons is st months -In months st mont s �n mont is 0 0.0065 0.0015 8.27 4.93 0.205 0.0065 0.0015 8.27 4.93 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TKN st mont s 2nd6months NO2 + NO3 st months _:nd 6 mont s Total Nitrogen st mont s _'nd 6 months Oil & Grease st mont s Und 6 months 1 I 1 1 0 0 2 2 1.22 0.42 <0.1 <0.1 1.22 0.42 <5 <5 1.22 0.42 0.05 0.05 1.27 0.47 2.5 2.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0 BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter PDTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => p6undsper day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg p!nj iod could be month. Qtr. or 6 -month & if BDL , 1/213DL. or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP=> wastewater treatment ;.dant IUP #0008, Pipe #001 Brasscraft PAR_IDSF.xIs Renison date February 5, 2007 Page 10 of 10 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples=> M axi mum (mg/I) _> or Maximum (Ib/d) _> or 6�m nth -P 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (I b/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> or M axi mum (I b/d) _> or 6 month @ 1/2RDI Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (I b/d) _> %violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Total # of samples=> Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (Ib/d) _> or 6 month _ 1/213 DL Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (I b/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> POTW must enter at least one of these mgn => mnagramsper liter four r IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day ows, Reaseindicatehowaverageswerecalculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd=>million gallonsperday Av . iod could be month Qtr or 6 -month & if BDL . 1/2BDL. or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria _ WWTP=> wastewater treatment plant Industry Name Adv. M otorsports Coatings I UP # 0028 Pipe # 001 StroupePAR_IDSF.xisRevision date:February 5,2007 IUP#0007, Rpe#001 Page 2 of 10 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples=> Maximum (mg/I) => or M axi mum (I b/d) => or 6 month @ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/l) => or Maximum (I b/d) => or 6 month{;_1/2BDL Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => %violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (Ib/d) => or 6 month @ 1/2B DL Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => %violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Control Authority, Town Name=> City of Thomasville WWTP Name => Hamby Creek WWTP NPDES#=> NCO024112 1st 6 months, dates => Jan -17 to Jun -17 2nd 6 months, dates => Jul -17 to Dec -17 I ndustry Name BrassCraft- Thomasville IUP # 0008 Pipe # 001 Flow, mgd mon s ..nc ) mons is I BOD st 1mons ;s .,n mon is TSS s Tmons is . n m❑n sInt 7AmmFonias 6 mon s 130 128 1 1 1 1 1 0.04 0.055 54.7 30.7 16 8.67 19 40.8 54.7 30.7 16 8.67 19 40.8 0.021 0.023 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Arsenic Cadmium um COD st mont s 2n mont s st mont is n months s 2n R months st mont s mons s 2 2 12 12 l2 1.2n 0.01 0.006 <0.002 <0.002. 0.834 0.0063 0.0043 0.007 0.0007 0.2772 0.2708 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Copper Cyanide Lead Mercury st mont s _rt mont isst mnnt s 2nd 6 months st mont s 2nd 6 months I st 6 months '2nd 6 months 12 12 5 5 12 12 1 1 1.32 0.655 <0.005 <0.005 0.025 0.033 <0.0002 <0.0002 0.7863 0.3342 0.0025 0.0025 0.0139 0.01 0.0001 0.0001 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 N/A N/A 0 O—L 0 0 1 0 0 N/A N/A BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/l => milligramsper liter POTW must enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Pleaseindicatehaw averages were calcul ated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallonsper day Avg iod could bemonth. Qtr. or 6 -month & if BDL. 1/213DL. or aero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP=> wasteroater treatment plant 1 UP #0008, Pipe #001 Brassoraft PAR _IDSF.xIsRevision date February 5, 2007 Page 3 of 10 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) enum Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (I b/d) _> or 6mont 01/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (Ib/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> N/A N/A %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> N/A N/A st o momns -,na o mon Total # of samples => 12 12 Maximum (mg/0 _> 0.755 1.460 or Maximum (Ib/d) _> 1 1 1.29 4.24 Pipe # 001 or 6 month -P 1/213DL Average (mg/1) _> 0.5307 0.6532 or Average Loading (I b/d) _> Silver Zinc %violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> 0 7T- .7%TRC % TRCviolations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> 0 7.7 enum Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (I b/d) _> or 6mont 01/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (Ib/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> N/A N/A %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> N/A N/A Total #of samples=> SL s) momns 1 Industry Name Brass Craft - Thomasville l st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st h months ..n[ 6 mont 1s Mtn 'MontIs _n[ IUP # 0008 Maximum (mg/1) _> 63.4 31.2 1 1 1.29 4.24 Pipe # 001 2 2 35.44 <5 1 lenium Silver Zinc mon s _n 11 mon ns I s I Months �'nu o mon ns 1 s r months _n mon 2 2 12 12 12 12 0.04 0.02 <0.005 <0.005 0.066 0.14 0.0213 0.0113 0.0018 0.0018 0.0365 0.0343 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 iminum Antimony Phosphorus .5 months 'Ind 6 mons s Ist. 6 morn ns 2nd 6 months I st . mont is n mon! BDL => Below Detection Limit 1 2 l 1 0.0024 <.005 0.15 0.428 Avgnod could be month. Qtr, a 6 -month & if BDL 1/2BDL or zero values used. 0.0024 0.002 0.15 0.428 N/A N/A 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0 1 N/A N/A 12 + NO3 Total Nitrogen Oil & Grease Total #of samples=> SL s) momns 1 .:no n months 1 l st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st h months ..n[ 6 mont 1s Mtn 'MontIs _n[ t months Maximum (mg/1) _> 63.4 31.2 1 1 1.29 4.24 1 64.69 2 2 35.44 <5 1 or Maxi mum (I b/d) _> <5 or 6 mon 1/213DL Average (mg/1) _> 63.4 31.2 1.29 4.24 64.69 35.44 <2.5 or Average Loading (I b/d) _> 2.5 % violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A POTW must meter at least one of these BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter four rows, Please indicatehow averages were calculated I UP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per daySNC Avgnod could be month. Qtr, a 6 -month & if BDL 1/2BDL or zero values used. => Significant Non -Compliance g TRC => Technical Review Criteria mgd => million gallons per day WWTP=> wastewater treatment plant Brasscraft PAR_IDSF.xIsRevision date February 5, 2007 IUP#0008, Pipe#001 Page 4 of 10 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (Ib/d) _> or 6 month ;_j., 1/213DL Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (I b/d) _> %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Total #of samples=> Maximum (mg/1) _> or M axi rnum (I b/d) _> or 6nr on" 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (I b/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/I) _> or Maximum (Ib/d) _> " or 6 month �BDL Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (I b/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Control Authority, Town Name => City of Thomasville WWTP Name => Hamby Creek WWTP NPDES#=> NCO024112 1 st 6 months, dates => Jan -17 to Jun -17 2nd 6 months, dates=> Jul -17 to Dec -17 I ndustry Name Custom Drum IUP # 0029 Pipe # 001 I:JUL => below Detection Limit mgll => milligrams per liter " POTW must enter at Ieast one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, R ease i ndi cate how averages were cal cul a ted SNC => Sgnificant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallonsper day Avg iodcould bemonthQtr, or6-month&if BDL 1/2BDL. or zero valuesused. TRC =>Techni cal ReviewCriteria WWTP =>wastenrater treatment plant IUP #0029, Pipe #001 Cust Drum PAR_IDSF.xIsRevisiai date February 5, 2007 Page 5 of 10 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Industry Name Custom Drum I UP # 0029 Pipe # 001 CUst Drum PAR_IDSFAsReaision date. February 5, 2007 IUP#0029, Pipe#001 Page 6 of 10 lel icKe ll Selenium Silver Zinc s i mons _71 6 mon is I 11, mon is 7no 0 {njon is s 1 mon rs .:n mon s s ) months, -In mon ?s Total # of samples => 3 3 3 3 1 Maximum (mg/1) _> 5.17 0.419 0.007 <0.01 0.0011 1 < 0.001 3 1.35 3 0.919 or Maximum Ob/d)=> or 6 months7a 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> 2.2783 0.419 0.005 0.0027 0.0011 0.0005 0.7233 0.6917 or Average Loading (I b/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> 66.7 0 0 0 % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> 607 0 0 N/A N/A 0 0 0 N/A N/A 0 0 Molybdenum Aluminum Antimony Phosphorus Total # of samples => st 6 months 2nd 6 mont is 6 st months 2nd 6 mont s st months -Ind 6 mont s Isl 6 months ,'a months Maximum (mg/1) _> 1 1 1 1 or Maximum (I b/d) _> 0.0I <0.I 4.19 6.I 82 or month _ 1J2BD1 Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (I b/d) _> 0.0017 0.0005 4.190 6.820 %violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TKN NO2 + NO3 Total Nitrogen Oil & Grease Total # of samples => st 0 mont is .,n d I 6 mont 7s I I st 6 rnont is 2nd 6 months I sI 6 months 2nd 6 Monts st mont is _n months Maximum (mg/1) _> 65.1 32.9 1 0.6 1 0.12 3 65.7 3 34 3 7,0 3 or Maximum (Ib/d) _> <5 or 6 month @ 1/213 D L Average (mg/1) _> 65.1 32.9 0.6 0.12 65.7 33.0 4 or Average Loading (I b/d) _> 2.5 % violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _>N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PDTW must enter at I one of these BDL => Below Detection Limit /l = mg> mi IIigrams per liter four rows, Pleaseindiptehow averageswerecalculated IUP => Industrial User Permit SNC => Significant Non -Compliance g Ib/d => pounds per day Avgiod could be month. Qtr. or 6 month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC=>TechnicalRevieNcriteria mgd => million gallons per day WWTP=>wasteNatertreatment last CUst Drum PAR_IDSFAsReaision date. February 5, 2007 IUP#0029, Pipe#001 Page 6 of 10 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples => M axi mum (mg/1) => or Maximum (I b/d) => or 66 month..@-_1/2BDL Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples=> Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (1 b/d) => or 6 month ( 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (I b/d) => or 6 month 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) => " or Average Loading (I b/d) => %violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Control Authority, Town Name=> City of Thomasville WWTP Name=> Hamby Creek WWTP NPDES # => NCO024112 1 st 6 months, dates => Jan -17 to Jun -17 2nd 6 months, dates=> Jul -17 to Dec -17 I ndustry Name Finch Industries IUP# 0018 Pipe # 001 Flow, mgd BOD TSS Ammonia I St > mrnt is —ns Mons st ,mon s :.n ) mon s s Anon tis -'nd , months s mon s -In mon _is 129 138 1 1 5 5 1 1 0.082 0.068 11 >30.2 129 153 7.52 6.44 Il >30.2 64.2 89.4 7.52 6.44 0.032 0.045 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0 N/A N/A Arsenic Cadmium 'months Chromium COD st 6 months '2nd 6 months 7st 7 -Ind 6 months Tstrmonths 122nd 6 montcis st mont s i2nd 6 mont s 1 1 5 5 5 5 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.005 0.007 0.001 0.001 0.0008 0.0008 0.0028 0.0054 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 Copper Cyanide Lead Mercury kt 6 monis 2n mont s �t monis _n mont s t mont s _n moat is -In months 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 0.409 0.338 0.028 0.035 0.085 0.237 7mons <0.002 0.3324 0.2722 0.0072 0.0177 0.0526 0.0788 0.0001 0.0010 0 0 0 0 0 20 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => mi I I i grams per liter PDTW must enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, R ease i ndi cate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallonsper day Avg iod could be month Qtr, or 6 -month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or aero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant IUP#0018, Pipe#001 FinchPAR_IDSF.xIsRevision date February5, 2007 Page 7 of 10 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (I b/d) => or 6 m th1/ BDL Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => %violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (Ib/d) => or 6 m nth 2BDL Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => %violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => Total # of samples=> Maximum (mg/1) => or Maximum (Ib/d) => or 6month 91/ DL Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (I b/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) => POTW must enter at least oneof these ...I y a„�� „La IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averageswere calculated SNC => Significant Non -Com ianoe Avg , iod could be month Qtr. or 6 -month & if BDL 1/2BDL or zero values used. g mgd => million gallons per day TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP=> wastewater treekment last Industry Name Finch I ndustries IUP# 0018 Pipe # 001 FinchPAR_IDSF.xIsRevision date February 5,2007 IUP#0018, Pipe#001 Page 8 of 10 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (Ib/d) _> or 6 month �]a 1/2BDL Average (mg/l) _> or Average Loading (I b/d) _> % A ol ati ons, (chroni c SNC is>= 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Toted # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (Ib/d) _> or 6 month @ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (I b/d) _> %violations, (chronic SNC is>= 661/6) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (I b/d) _> or 6 month a 1/2BDL Average (mg/l) _> or Average Loading (I b/d) _> %violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Control Authority, Town Name=> City of Thomasville WWTP Name => Hamby Creek WWTP NPDES#=> NCO024112 1 st 6 months, dates => Jan -17 to Jun -17 2nd 6 months, dates=> Jul -17 to Dec -17 I ndustry Name M cl ntyre Metals, Inc IUP # 0031 Pipe # 001 Copper Cyanide Lead Mercury st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 0 months i2nd 0 months I st 6 months .2nd h months 12 12 5 5 12 12 1 1 0.157 0.079 <0.005 0.005 0.0007 <0.005 <0.0002 <0.0002 0.0607 0.039 0.0025 0.003 0.0003 0.0004 0.0001 0.0001 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A BDL _> Beiow Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Reese i ndi cate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Av. ., iod could be month Qtr, or 6 -month & if BDL 1/2BDL. or zero values used. TRC => Technical RevieN Criteria WWTP=> wastewater treatment plant IUP #0008, R pe #001 Brasscraft PAR _IDSF.xIsRevision date February 5, 2007 Page 9 of 10 t t Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) WWTP= Wastewater Treatment Plant, useseparateform for each WWTP. SIU = Significant Industrial User SNC = Significant Non -Compliance PA R covers thi s cal endar year => 2017 Control Authority=Program=Town Name => City of Thomasville WWTP Name => Hamby Creek WWTP N PD ES # _> NCO024112 A SNCR Form must be submitted with every PAR, please write" None" if you had No SIUsin SNC during calendar year IUP # Pipe # I ndustry Name Parameter or "Reporting" SNC ? ( Yes/ No) for each 6 -month period. Jan. - June July - Dec. 0028 001 AMC Reporting (Flow, Oil & Grease) Yes Yes 0029 001 Custom Drum TSS Yes No 0029 001 Custom Drum Nickel Yes No 0029 001 Custom Drum Reporting Yes No 0018 001 Finch Industries Reporting (Flow, Oil & Grease) Yes No 0031 001 McIntyre Manufacturing TSS Yes No Attach a copy of the Division's "SI Us in SNC Historical Report" for your POTW's SIUs behind this page. Is the database correct? Notify the Division of any errors! Database indicates SNC history for previous years. EVERY SNC MUST beexplained in the Narrative, How was, is, or will it be resolved? REPEAT SNCs are serious matters that MUST be explained in the Narrative PAR SNCR 2005 February 28, 2005 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type AMC Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell 85. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.025 0.030 Ren TRC 2/14/2017 Self 0.0000 2/15/2017 2/16/2017 Self 0.0192 Self 0.0208 2/17/201 Self 0.0190 5/16/2017 Self 5/17/2017 Self 0.0026 5/18/2017 Self 0.0187 5/19/2017 r Self I L 0.0159 /20/2017 6/21/2017 POT W 0.0113 POTW 0.0170 6/22/2017 POTW 0.0178 6/23/2017 POTW 0.0017 C� Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM E 0.01311 11 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Daily Violation < Concentration Type O�ij Rea TRC Daily 7oncentration Violation Type 0� Rea TRC 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Oil <DailType y Viol Dation Concentration or Ran TRf` 0 1 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? AMMONIA Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0� Ron TQ(` 1L 0.4481 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily < Concentration Violation Type oma- Ran TRC. N -�__ -�__ - . =�__ __ -0__ 1L 0.4481 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily < Concentration Violation Type oma- Ran TRC. Page 2 N N -�__ - Page 2 N Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting', Period:, Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement T Daily Violation < Concentration molL Type �_] , 0.002 0.0024 Ren TR(- 0.00031 RC :T• Daily Violation < Concentration Type 1.2 Rea TRC 0M� 0.12 M � � __ M MM M �__ 0 0.77 mm L r— 0.24 Q 0.49 0.657 Q 0.473 0.295 0 2.052.05 1 1 0� �0 .0� 0� s� 0.5765 0000 :T• Daily Violation < Concentration Type 1.2 Rea TRC 0M� 0.12 M � � __ M MM M �__ 0 0.77 mm L r— 0.24 Q 0.49 0.657 Q 0.473 0.295 0 2.052.05 1 1 0� �0 .0� 0� s� 0.5765 •' Daily Violation < Concentration ii Type / 1.2 Ren TRC: 0 0.12 0 OF 0.31 , 0.198 0.115 1.2 1 0 0.77 L r— 0.24 Q 0.49 0.657 Q 0.473 0.295 0 2.052.05 1 1 0� �0 .0� 0� s� 0.5765 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 2 1 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 16.7% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% TRC Violations 8.3% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe B 10028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered ' Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/14/2017 Self 2/15/2017 Self 2/16/2017 Self 2/17/201 Self 5/16/2017 Self 5/17/2017 Self 5/18/2017 Self 5/19/2017 Self 6/20/201 Al POTW 6/21/2017 POTW 6/22/2017 POTW 6/23/2017 POTW 0 Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily < Concentration Violation Type ® 0.35 0.42 Ron TGr �1 0.00401 0 9 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Daily < Concentration Violation Type ® 0.4 0.48 Ron TDr` 0 0 0 12 0 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO Page 4 MERCURY uaily Violation < Concentration Type 0�Al Reg TRC 0� EDI 0.0001 L� 0� 0� 0� 0.00010 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe " 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type 2/14/2017 Self 2/15/2017 Self 2/16/2017 Self 2/17/2017 Self 5/16/2017 Self 5/17/2017 Self 5/18/2017 Self 5/19/2017 Self 6/20/2017 POTW 6/21/2017 POTW 6/22/2017 POTW 6/23/2017 POTW 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement nI_YRr Daily Violation < Concentration Type mollL Ran TRC: Daily Violation < Concentration Type mnil 1.08 Ren TRC w So M 1. MM C �C _ m 1 1:: MM - 1 1: __ Daily Violation < Concentration Type mnil 1.08 Ren TRC w So M 1. MM 1 1 _ m 1 1:: MM - 1 1: __ 0 0 0 0 0 12 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Page 5 0 0.0% 0.0% NO W PHOSPHORUS Daily Violation Concentration Type < e Ren TRC I I 0.70201 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 1 1 _ I I 0.70201 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name:AMC IUP #/Pipe # 10028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level 7 enteredd X =711 Sample Date Sample Type Pe --*pit Lirr-" TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily < Concentration Violation ma L Type Rc., Tor 0 1 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? SILVER Daily < Concentration Violation Type —ma/L t 0 O.Q3 0.036 Qnn Tor MW7ViToyla < Concentrationtionm pe 0 1.2 Rea TRC; M�__ - 1 1111 •. 1 111 �� 1 • 1111 __ 1 • _� 1 111 �•d`IL�7 - 1 111 MW7ViToyla < Concentrationtionm pe 0 1.2 Rea TRC; 11 0.36991 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 1 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 8.3% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 8.3% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 6 1 M�__ 1 • . 1 • _� �•d`IL�7 -��� M��_ 11 0.36991 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 1 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 8.3% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 8.3% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 6 1 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 410028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/14/2017 Self 2/15/201 Self 2/16/2017 Self 2/17/2017 Self 5/16/2017 Self 5/17/2017 Self 5/18/2017 Self 5/19/2017 Self 6/20/2017 POTW 6/21/201 7' POTW 6/22/2017' POTW 6/23/2017 POTW 0 0 Q Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement ANTIMONYALUMINUM Daily Violation Daily Violation Daily Violation < Concentration Type < Concentratio Type < Concentratio Type m YP ❑=3 ❑❑� 0 8 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 4 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type PF, -it Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement • • Daily < Concentration Violation Type ®� Ron TRr' 1 1 14.10001 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily , < Concentration Violation Type F-11 10 12 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 8 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 00-1= Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered I X Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type AMC Compliance Judgement nstructions - I) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific :hanges, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at )r below limit) Daily Flow Violation MGD Type v.vLS 0.030 Rpn TP(- : 0 9 Rt 7/18/2017 Self 0.01631 1 7/19/201 Self 0.0159 7/20/2017 Self 0.0159 7/21/201 Self 0.0017 11/14/20171 11/15/2017 F­S`e-1F1 Self 1 0.0072 0.0070 11/16/2017 Self 0.0070 1 111 7/201 7 Self 0.0000 12/12/2017 12/13/2017 12/14/2017 POTW 0.0103 POTW 0.0030 POTW 0.0072 12/15/2017 POTW 0.0070 L_. D Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM 0.00821 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO :09 Dally Violation < ConcentrMOILation Type Rea TRC I =M C �C E c �c Daily Violation < Concentration Type malL OCA Rpn TRC'. 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 9 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 9 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level r entered ` ZSam:pl:e:Da]teSample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease Daily Violation < Concentration Type Ran TR(` 2.5 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMMONIA Daily < Concentration71TYpe tion mo/L �0 Ran TRC'. M-__ M�__ 0 0 1 0 0 Page 10 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration m Type Ran TR(` M-__ MM wmmm wmmm 2.5 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMMONIA Daily < Concentration71TYpe tion mo/L �0 Ran TRC'. M-__ M�__ 0 0 1 0 0 Page 10 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration m Type Ran TR(` M-__ MM 0 0 1 0 0 Page 10 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration m Type Ran TR(` M-__ MM �1 0.00401 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe #`0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered 4 Level (DL) h entered x Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement _T. Daily < Concentration Violation Type MQIL 0.002 0.0024 Ron TRr` 1 111 _ 1 111 _ 1 111 _ 1 111 =MEN1 111 . 1 111 __i 1 1111 __ 1111 �_ 1 1111 __ 1 1111 R IMENNUM _T• lady < I Concentration Violation Type 00 1.2 Rea TR(- M�__ - 1 . 11 1 - - COPPER Violation < ConmalL centration ff Type 0�I 1.2 Ran TRr. 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 8.3% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 11 - 1 —_ 1 won1 1� 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 8.3% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 11 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe ;v' 0028 / 001-1 Reporting Period:.Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered L- X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/201 7/19/2017 7/20/2017 7/21/2017 Self Self Self Self 11/14/2017 Self 11/15/2017 11(16/2017 Self Self 11/17/2017 Self 12/12/2017 12/13/2017 POTW POTW 12/14/201 POTW 12/15/2017 POTW 1 111 0 Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily Violation < Concentration Type MOIL �Q 0.35 0.42 Ran TRC: 0 9 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Ran TR('. its MEEE1 11 __ 1 111 0.00251 - - 1 11 __ Gomm - 1 111 1 -__ 0 9 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Ran TR('. 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 12 MERCURY LLCDaily oncentration Violation Type Rpn TRC: 1 111 - - 1 11 __ Gomm - 1 111 1 MM Mm - 111 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 12 MERCURY LLCDaily oncentration Violation Type Rpn TRC: 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 1 111 M - 1 111 1 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe'0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered L X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement 7LYBC Daily Violation < Concentration Type Rea TRC MWEEM C m�__ - MILM�C M—__ __ __ MMM M—__ M—__ 0 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Page 13 NICKEL Daily Violation < Concentration Type LA 0.9 1.08 Ran TRC: 1 0.17611 0 8 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS Daily Violation 71Con centration m . t ! Type Rpn TRC: m�__ - M M—__ __ __ MMM M—__ M—__ IM 1 0.17611 0 8 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS Daily Violation 71Con centration m . t ! Type Rpn TRC: 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO M 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe #10028 /001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0� Ron TDr` 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 14 SILVER I Daily Violation EConc.in tration Type L_JL 0.03 0.036 Ron TDP' 1 111 __ MMM M��_ =� 0.68 M 0.12 00.19 Q M�_� 0 M�_� [� 0.13 0.338 0 M� 1 111 0 0.558 M� _ _ off 1 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 14 SILVER I Daily Violation EConc.in tration Type L_JL 0.03 0.036 Ron TDP' 1 111 __ =� 0.68 =F— 0.12 00.19 Q .23 0 1 111 [� 0.13 0.338 0 0.467 1 111 0 0.558 ME01== 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO =Concenitration Violation r Type L� 1.2 Don TDP' Q 0.54' [�0.68 =� 0.68 =F— 0.12 00.19 Q .23 0 0.13 [� 0.13 0.338 0 0.467 0 0.558 1 1 0.3725 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 10028 / 001 Reporting - Period: Jul - Dec 2017 i Detection Level (DL) entered l Level (DL) � `, entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement i Daily Daily Daily < Violation Violation YP Violation Concentration Type < Concentration Type < Concentration Type ma/ I� Irr LJ1 Rea TRC Ren TRC Ran TR(: 0 8 0 1 0.00101 0 0 1 0.0% % Violations .0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO 0 8 0 1 0.00101 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO l off 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 15 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe N 10028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/2017 Self 7/19/2017 Self 7/20/201 Self 7/21/2017 Self 11/14/2017 Self 11 /1 R/201711 Self 11/16/2017 Self 11/17/2017 Self 12/12/2017 POTW 12/13/201 POTW 12/14/2017 POTW 12/15/2017 POTW 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement • • Daily Violation Daily < Concentration Type < Concentratio ViTypen YP 12 RPn TP(' 0-- rot, 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 12 3 Vml,i?ions 25.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 16 C M��_ - M�__ M�_� M�__ :am MMM M�M_ mm w��M_ M-�_ M-_- ��� M 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 12 3 Vml,i?ions 25.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 16 C Industry Name: 1AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2017 Sample Date 701— V dationTOM73D ailViolation T Ty e Permit Limit I_ 0.0251_ =1 0.0251 TRC Limit 0.030 0.030 Av Max AMC Compliance Judgement ■ • Daily Flow Vloia:io" MGD Type 0.030 • Daily Flow �!mlalirH[ MGD TvPa L 0.025 i 0.030 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM 0 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Page 17 0 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe t,'10028 / 001 Keporting r Period: IJan -Dec 20171 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit AMC Compliance Judgement Average Flow 1st half #DIV/01 Total # Samples Max Flow 1 st half 0.000 0 •1110 Daily Firm Vialatlnn � Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow VIolaEio�t 0 MG0.025j Tv []MG0.025 T e MG0.025� T e 0.03000301 Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM 0 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 8 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 18 i Daily l=iuw Vinimhon MGb Type 10! 0.025 0.030 D— F= n nTD u.uui5 0.0081 0 16 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO 0 1 0.00741! 0.0078;; 0E— 0.00741, I 0.007411 0.0080 0 0.0081 0� 0� Q 1 0.0073 0.0071 Q 0.0075 Q 0.0075 [� 0.0071 =F 0.0074 0.0072 =1 0.0076 0 0.0071 11 0.00741 u.uui5 0.0081 0 16 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO 0 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 4 0028/001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2017 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit 1'I 2i 3:j 410 ---:5:]0 610 7� 8 9 _ 10u „o 1A 13. 14 160 170 19 _ — —20]d 21 01 22 l._ 23 01 24 0' 25 0 26 0� 27 0 28 0 - 2910 L 36 0 F 31 0 Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2017 half detect.xls, Flows 3/612018. 8:37 AM i Daily Flow Violation MGD Tvt,e lu! - D.030 AMC Compliance Judgement N' jly I low Violation MGD T:Ue O.IR I 0.030 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 13 D 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Average Flow 2nd half 0.008 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.024 73 Daily Flow Violat on MGD T e r L 0.03D oe., Tor 0.0071 0.0072 0 11 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Page 19 Daily Flaw7Tyyappi!7 MGD 0.030 Ron TRr` 0.0073 0.0160 0 13 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO El 0 I 0.0071 0.007011 Q 0.0071 0 0.0070 El a 171 0 0.01 D3 0.0030 F-1-0.0072: 0.0070 �L F--I�9.0020 QII0.0160 QF --0.0070 00.0072 0 D.007 0.0073 0.0160 0 13 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 410028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level ' entered [Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AMC Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.025 0.030 Don TDr` 2/14/2017 Self 0.0000 M�__ 2/15/2017 Self 0.0192 2/16/2017 2/17/2017 5/16/2017 Self Self 0.0208 0.0190 Self Q 5/17/201-,j[Self 5/18/2017 0.0026 Self 0.0187 5/19/2017 6/20/201711 6/21/2017 6/22/201711POTW Self POTW POTW 0.0159 1 1 0.0113 0.0170 0.0178 6/23/2017 POTW 0.0017 M�__ Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM L U.U1311 11 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Daily Violation < Concentration Type MW 0� Ran TRr` 6.02 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO 7ConceEin lly Violation 7<tration Type 0� Don TDr` Page 1 M�__ M-__ M�__ M a�__ M�__ Page 1 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 410028 / 001 Reporting II Period: Jan -Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) j entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0� Ren TRC` AMMONIA Daily Violation icon centration Type 0� Rea TRC MM W-__ WMEMOMM M-__ -__ - __ MOMMOM _ 0.448 T Daily Violation < Concentration �— Type ILJ= Rea TRC 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 2 OEM M _ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 10028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement _T. Daily Violation < Concentration Type E:1 0.002 0.0024 Ran TRC: • T• Daily Violation < Concentration Type DO 1.2 Ran TRC' 1 111. mom T• Daily Violation < Concentration Type DO 1.2 Ran TRC' •- Daily < Concentration Violation Type 1.2 Ran TRC: 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 2 1 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 16.7% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 8.3% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 3 1 1.1� •- Daily < Concentration Violation Type 1.2 Ran TRC: 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 2 1 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 16.7% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 8.3% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 3 11 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe %028/001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered x Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/14/2017 Self 2/15/2017 Self 2/16/20171FSelf 2/17/2017 Self 5/16/2017 Self 5/17/2017 Self 5/18/2017 Self F 5/19/2017 Self 6/20/2017 POTW 6/21/2017 POTW 6/22/201 POTW 6/23/2017 POTW Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily < Concentration Violation Type .[mall - 0.35 0.42 Ran TRC'. 0 9 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Daily Violation < Concentrationmn_n Mg/ Type !u 0.41 0.48 Ran TRC: ="Mmm U I k M M M-_____ __ 0 9 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Daily Violation < Concentrationmn_n Mg/ Type !u 0.41 0.48 Ran TRC: MERCURY Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0� Rea TRC M ="Mmm k M M M-_____ __ MERCURY Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0� Rea TRC M ="Mmm M mommontAtilLIN L 1 0.000201 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe #10028/001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered L x Level (DL) entered Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type 1 2/14/20171 Self 2/15/2017 Self 2/16/2017 Self 2/17/2017 Self 5/16/2017 Self 5/17/2017 Self 5/18/2017 Self 5/19/2017 Self 6/20/2017 POTW 6/21/2017 POTW 6/22/2017 POTW 6/23/2017 POTW -11 Average of Column Total Samples %T AMC CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 31612018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement DLYRr LLCODaily ncentration Violation Type NICKEL Daily < Concentration71T9 ation m 0 0.9 1.08 Ron TRf 0 0 0 0 0 12 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Page 5 0 0.0% 0.0% NO w PHOSPHORUS Daily < Concentration Violation Type Mail E:11 Ron TR(' 1 J -0.70201 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO M-�_ M-__ M MM �rMM MMM M M�__ -__M IMM 1 J -0.70201 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 10028 / 0:0--17:1 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily Vtlation < Concentration rna /L ype �0 Rea TRC N 0.211 - Q 0.32 Q 0.297 oil 0.197 j0 0.38 0 0.55 0 0 0.23 0.31 Q 0.374 I- 1 11 1 0 1 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? Daily < Concentration Violation Type Q 0.03 0.036 Ran TR7t 1 11 1 11 1 1111 •. _ / 1111 1111 __ 1 111 Daily Violation < Concentration maiL Type 1.2 Ran TRI: 0.211 - Q 0.32 Q 0.297 0.197 j0 0.38 0 0.55 0 0 0.23 0.31 Q 0.374 - 0.151 Daily Violation < Concentration maiL Type 1.2 Ran TRI: 0.36991 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 1 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 8.3% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 8.3% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 6 1 0.211 - Q 0.32 Q 0.297 0.197 j0 0.38 0 0.55 0 0 0.23 0.31 Q 0.374 0 0.151 Cj 1.23 1 1 �0 0.36991 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 1 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 8.3% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 8.3% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 6 1 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028/001 j[ Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AMC Compliance Judgement ALUMINUM ANTIMONY Dail y Violation Daily Oaily < Concentration < Concentratio Violation Concentratio Violation Typen T)InType Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM 0 8 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 1 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Page 7 0 0.0% 0.0% NO U 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 010028/001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement • • Daily Violation < Concentration Type mall - 00 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation 7<Concentration Type ®10 12 0 12 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Page 8 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO 8.14 0 7.86 7.78 0 0 Q 8.7 4.82 8.74 9.19 8.29 8.8 8.6 0� 0� 0� �0 7.7275 0 12 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Page 8 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 410028 / 001 Reporting Period:.Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type AMC Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type u.u25 0.030 Rpn TPr.. 7/18/201711 Self 1 0.0163 M�__ 7/19/20171 Self 1 0.0159 7/20/2017 Self0.0159' 7/21/2017 Self 0.00171 11/14/2017 Self 0.0072 11/15/201711 --Self 0.0070 11/16/2017 Self 0.0070 11/17/2017 12/12/2017 12/13/2017 Self 0.0000 POTW POTW 0.0103 0.0030 12/14/2017 POTW 0.0072 0.0070 12/15/2017 POTW 0 0 0 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM 0.0082 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation Type 7-71 Ran TR(' Dally Violation < Concentration Type 00 Ran TR(' M M % Violations M�__ % TRC Violations M % TRC Violations M SNC ? NO SNC ? NO M WIM Dally Violation < Concentration Type 00 Ran TR(' M M % Violations M�__ % TRC Violations M % TRC Violations M SNC ? NO SNC ? NO M 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 9 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 4 0028/ 00� Reporting` Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/2017 Self 7/19/2017 Self 7/20/2017 Self 7/21MV11 Self 11/14/2017 Self 11/15/2017 Self 11/16/2017 Self 11 11/17/2017 Self 12/12/2017 POTW 12/13/2017 POTW 12/14/2017 POTW 12/15/2017 POTW Q Q Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0 - Rea TRC; 0 1 - 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMMONIA Daily Violation < Concentration Type j Ran TRf: 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 10 ARSENIC Violation < Concentration Type mnll 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO e • 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 10 ARSENIC Violation < Concentration Type mnll 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 11 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 91 0028 / 001 Reporting' Period: Jul - Dec2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered 11 Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/612018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement _T. Daily Violation < Concentration Type Ll0.002 0.0024 Ran TRC` _T• Daily Violation < Concentration Type ®0 1.2 Ran TRC` i e MM M�__ �. _ ' MM _T• Daily Violation < Concentration Type ®0 1.2 Ran TRC` .- Daily Violation < Concentration Type EJ] 11 1.2 Rea TRC W �__ W �:. __ M�__ �. _ ' MM .- Daily Violation < Concentration Type EJ] 11 1.2 Rea TRC 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 8.3% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 11 W �__ W �:. M�__ �. _ ' MM 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 8.3% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 11 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered x Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/2017 Self 7/19/2017 Self 7/20/2017 Self 7/21 /2017 Self 11/14/2017 Self 11/15/2017 Self 11/16/20171 Self 1.1 11/17/2017 Self 12/12/2017 POTW 12/13/2017 POTW 12/14/2017 POTW 12/15/2017 POTW 0 0 I Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0 0.35 0.42 Ren TRC 0.005 0.0% 0.005] 0.0% % Violations 0.0% %T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% a g e 0.0% I of _. e of NO SNC ? NO I� .0 Daily Violation < Concentration Type mall Q 0.4 0.48 Rea TRC Daily MERCURY viokalian :�Concentration Type 0� Rea TRC 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% __ 0.0% % Violations 0.0% %T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% %T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 12 ill Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe.1 028/001 Reporting' Period:,Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/2017 Self 7/1 9/201 7/20/2017 Self Self 7/21/2017 Self 11/14/2017 Self 11/15/2017 Self 11/16/2017 Self 11/17/2017 Self 12 /1212 017 POTW 12/13/201 POTW 12/14/201 POTW 12/15/2017 POTW 0 0 0 r0 I� Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement 71_YR r Daily Violation < Concentration mType a/L Rea TRC Daily Violation < Concentration Type 1=1 0.9 1.08 Raa TR(: =�__ 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 PHOSPHORUS Daily < Concentration Violation Type M0 0 1 0 0 % Violations % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? SNC ? NO M NO -m!__ Daily Violation < Concentration Type 1=1 0.9 1.08 Raa TR(: =�__ 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 PHOSPHORUS Daily < Concentration Violation Type M0 0 1 0 0 % Violations % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? SNC ? NO SNC ? NO 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 PHOSPHORUS Daily < Concentration Violation Type M0 0 1 0 0 % Violations % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 13 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 10028 / 001 Reporting Period:, Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered x Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily Violation < Concentration Type ma/L L0 Ren TRC'. 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 14 SILVER Daily Violation < Concentration Type mall - 0.036 Ron TR(` 0.68 M _ MM�W-___ 0� / 11 0.467 IMENSIMM M-__ M M 00 E:1=== - 111 1 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 14 SILVER Daily Violation < Concentration Type mall - 0.036 Ron TR(` n n 1 i1 0.0008 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation Type moll - 1.2 Ren TRC 0.54 0.68 =L 0.68 0.12 0.19 =� 0.23 �j 0.13 / 11 0.467 _ 0.558 0.407 00 E:1=== 1 111 _ 1 111 _ M-�� �M n n 1 i1 0.0008 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation Type moll - 1.2 Ren TRC 0.54 0.68 =L 0.68 0.12 0.19 =� 0.23 �j 0.13 0.467 _ 0.558 0.407 00 E:1=== 1 I 0.37251 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 0028 / 001 Reporting Period:. Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement i Daily Violation Daily Violation Daily Violation < Concentration Type < Concentration Type < Concentration Type ma/Lme /L yp Rea TRC Rea TRC Rea TRC 0 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 15 W�� 7i 0 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 15 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered x Level (DL) j enteredL— Il Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit i 7/18/2017 Self 7/19/2017 Self 7/20/2017 Self 7/21/2017 Self 11/14/2017 Self 11/15/2017 Self 11/16/2017 Self 11/17/2017 Self 12/12/2017 POTW 12/13/2017 POTW 12/14/2017 POTW 12/15/2017 POTW Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement • • Daily Violation Daily Violation < Concentration Type < Concentratio T e YP 0� 0 10 12 Rpn TRC'. 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 12 3 Violations 25.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 16 A M M�__ M M MEEKSM 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 12 3 Violations 25.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 16 A Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe . 0028/001 Keporting Period: Jan - Dec 2017 • Sample Date Daily Flow Violation MGD Type Permit Limit 0.025 TRC Limit 0.03D Ron TRf` A% Ma: L =2 -41 100 1210 1 130 140 150 � j6J0 L 170 � 180 190 If [` 2010 210 22 0 j 23 0 24 0 I 250 260 270 28 0 29 0 30 0 F _ _ C 31 erage of Column imum in Column l otal 5ampies u u u % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? AMC CJ 2017.xis, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM i "dation 0.025 0.030 AMC Compliance Judgement i Daily Flow I Violation MGD Tvne . 0.025 0.030 i Daily Flow I Violatl4n MGD Tvoe 0 0.025 0.030 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Page 17 0 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe h 00281001 [reporting Period: Jan - Dec 2017 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Avi Maximum in Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2017.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Average Flow 1st half #DIV/0! Total # Samples Max Flow 1st half 0.000 0 i Daily Flow Violation MGD Tyne E: 0.025 0.030 I Daily Row Violation MGD Type 0.030 i Daily Flow VIOI "" MGD Type 7 0.030 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 8 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 18 Daily F1ow Violation _ MGD Tyne UI 0.0301 Q., T.1 0.0075 0.0081 0 16 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 0.0074 0 0.0078 Q 0.00741, Cl�J 0 Q 0.00741i Q 0.00801 �I 0.0081- 0 � D D 0 0731: � 0.0071 i 0 0.00751 F-1 F-� Q 0 0 70 511 Q 0.00716 0.00741 Q 0.00721! F-11 JI �0 ff7=0.0=0761:� 0.0071 I F0.0074 0.0075 0.0081 0 16 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 40028/001 rtepor[ln Period: Jan -Dec 2017 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples %T AMC CJ 2017.xis, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:37 AM • Daffy Flaw VIol311pn MGD T e 0.025 0.030 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMC Compliance Judgement • Daily Flow Violation MGD T e 0 0.025 0.030 t__--1 EJ 0.00711 0.0075. 0.0071 0 _ 0 Q 0.00811 1. 0.0074 0.0070! =F-- 0� 71 t M 0✓ 0.0070 Q 0.0072; 0 0.0072 0.00-- 0.0070 0t••s • - a o� Q 0.0070 L_jl 0.0071 o0.0070 o� a CO r ® 0.0071 0.00721 0.0081 0 13 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Average Flow 2nd half 0.008 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.024 73 Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow Violation MGD T MGD T 0.030 0.030 oo.. Tor % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 19 V.UU73 0.0160 0 13 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 M _ t tM__ M 0.00-- 0.0070 0t••s • - r V.UU73 0.0160 0 13 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Compliance Judgement Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC detennination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Motorsports Coatings IUP Number: 0028 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Co ? 3er Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/17 — 6/30/17 See next page for definitions Daily Max. and IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply Ave. Limits Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits from IUP TRC compliance judgement not required for H: Daily Maximum Limit: 1.0 * El r 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 1.2 mL/1 or lbs/day Average Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/l or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW A - Average Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other?) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as another CJP. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is (mgd * mg/l * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 7: Use only if IUP has (monthly?) average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum or average value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily and average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily and average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample or CJP Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Cone. mg/1 Avg Cone. mg/l Daily Load lbs/day Avg. Load lbs/day CJP Count Regular Violation ? TRC Violation ? 1 2/14/2017 0.0000 0.12 1 0 0 1 2/15/2017 0.0192 0.31 1 0 0 1 2/16/2017 0.0208 0.198 1 0 0 1 2/17/2017 0.0190 0.115 1 0 0 1 5/16/2017 1.2 1 1 01 1 5/17/2017 0.0026 0.77 1 0 0 1 5/18/2017 0.0187 0.24 1 0 0 1 5/19/2017 0.0159 0.49 1 0 0 P 6/20/2017 0.0113 0.657 1 0 0 P 6/21/2017 0.0170 0.473 1 0 0 P 6/22/2017 0.0178 0.295 1 0 0 P 6/23/2017 0.0017 2.05 1 1 1 * NA means not available List these Totals on next page => A = 12 1 B-2 C=1 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgement Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgement Worksheet For SNC With Limits Uses arate sheets for each Indust ry SNC detennination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use se carate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Motorsports Parameter: C IUP Number: 0028 Number: 001 Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/17 — 6/30/17 SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Calculate the % of Regular violations: B/A = 16.7% 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? Chronic violator? Yes / No 3) Calculate the % of TRC Violations: C/A = 8.3 4) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? TRC Violator? Yes No 5) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass-through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes / No 6) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes / No ❑ 7) If the answer to any of these questions is •yes, the SIU is in Significant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Repori (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YESNO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAM METER in the previous six mon compliance ep riod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: CJP Compliance Judgement Point, The number of daily sample data values plus the number of average of sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judge ment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance (formerly called Reportable Non -Compliance or RNC) Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgement Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgement Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Motorsports Coatings IUP Number: 0028 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Copper Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/17 — 12/31/17 See next page for definitions Daily Max. and IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply Ave. Limits Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits from IUP TRC com pliance 'ud ement not required for H: Daily Maximum Limit: 1.0 * Mr 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 1.2 LM-L/d LM—L/1or lbs/day Average Limit: _ * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW A - Average Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other?) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as another CJP. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 7: Use only if IUP has (monthly?) average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum or average value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily and average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily and average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1 " if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample or CJP Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Cone. mg/1 Avg Cone. mg/1 Daily Load lbs/day Avg. Load lbs/day CJP Count Regular Violation ? TRC Violation ? 1 7/18/2017 0.0163 1.1 1 1 0 1 7/19/2017 0.0159 0.86 1 0 0 1 7/20/2017 0.0159 0.86 1 0 0 1 7/21/2017 0.0017 0.22 1 0 0 1 11/14/2017 0.0072 0.24 1 0 01 1 11/15/2017 0.0070 0.23 1 0 0 1 11/16/2017 0.0070 0.15 1 0 0 1 11/17/2017 0.0000 0.14 1 0 0 P 12/12/2017 0.0103 0.434 1 0 0 P 12/13/2017 0.0030 0.544 1 0 0 P 12/14/2017 0.0072 0.577 1 0 0 P 12/15/2017 0.0070 0.347 1 0 0 * NA means not available Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgemert Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 List these Totals on next page => A= 12 B = 1 C=0 Compliance Judgement Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use sc arate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Motorsports Coatings IUP Number: 0028 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Co er Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/17 — 12/31/17 SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Calculate the % of Regular violations: B/A = 8.3° a 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? Chronic violator:' Yes / No 3) Calculate the % of TRC Violations: C/A = 0% 4) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? TRC Violator? Yes No 5) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass-through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes / No 6) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes / No ❑ 7) If the answer to any of these questions isles, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YESNO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAM METER in the previous six mon compliance ep riod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: CJP Compliance Judgement Point, The number of daily sample data values plus the number of average of sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judge ment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance (formerly called Reportable Non -Compliance or RNC) Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgement Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgement Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use sgtarate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Motorsports Coatings IUP Number: 0028 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Zinc Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/ 1/17 — 6/30/17 See next page for definitions Daily Max. and IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply Ave. Limits Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits from IUP TRC compliance iudzement not reouired for pH: Daily Maximum Limit: 1.0 _ * 1.2 r 1.4 _ = TRC Daily Limit: 1.2 LMg/U LM/Uor lbs/day Average Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/l or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW A - Average Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other?) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in colurrnn 5. Treat this average as another CJP. Compare this average to the appropriate average ]UP limit or TRC limit. Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( rngd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 7: Use only if IUP has (monthly?) average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum or average value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily and average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1 " if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily and average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample or CJP Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Conc. mg/l Avg Cone. mg/l Daily Load lbs/day Avg. Load lbs/day CJP Count Regular Violation ? TRC Violation ? I 2/14/2017 0.0000 0.2 1 0 0 I 2/15/2017 0.0192 0.32 1 0 0 l 2/16/2017 0.0208 0.297 1 0 0 I 2/17/2017 0.0190 0.197 1 0 0 I 5/16/2017 0.38 1 0 01 I 5/17/2017 0.0026 0.55 1 0 0 I 5/18/2017 0.0187 0.23 1 0 0 I 5/19/2017 0.0159 0.31 1 0 0 P 6/20/2017 0.0113 0.374 1 0 0 P 6/21/2017 0.0170 0.2 1 0 0 P 6/22/2017 0.0178 0.151 1 0 0 P 6/23/2017 0.0017 1 1.23 1 1 1 * NA means not available List these Totals on next page => I A = 12 1 B = 1 I C=1 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgement Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgement Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Motorsports Coatings IUP Number: 0028 1 Pipe Number: 001 I Parameter: Ziac I Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/17 — 6/30/17 I SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Calculate the % of Regular violations: B/A = 8.3% 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? Chronic violator? Yes / No 3) Calculate the % of TRC Violations: C/A = 8.3°,u 4) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? TRC Violator? Yes No 5) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass-through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes i No 6) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes / No ❑ 7) If the answer to a_y of these questions isles, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month Period? CIRCLE ONE: YES []NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAMMETER in the previous six mon : compliance ep riod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: CJP Compliance Judgement Point, The number of daily sample data values plus the number of average of sampling.events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judge ment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance (formerly called Reportable Non -Compliance or RNC) Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgement Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgement Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Indusin SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use soarate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Brasscraft - Thomasville IUP Number: 0008 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Nickel Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/17 — 12/31/17 Col 6: Col 7: See next page for definitions Daily Max. and IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply Ave. Limits Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits from IUP TRC compliance Judgement not required for 1l: Daily Maximum Limit: 0.9 * El 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 1.08 m /1 or lbs/day Average Limit: * 1.2 r 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: _ mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW A - Average Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other?) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as another CJP. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * tng/l * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 7: Use only if IUP has (monthly?) average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum or average value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily and average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily and average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From From From Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: IDMRs IDMRs IDMRs I Sample or Sample Daily Daily Avg Conc. Daily Avg. Load CJP Regular TRC CJP Type Date Flow, mgd Conc. mg/l mg/1 Load lbs/day Count Violation Violation lbs/day ? ? 1 8/22/2017 0.0160 0.768 1 0 0 1 8/23/2017 0.0230 0.507 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 8/24/2017 0.0194 1.46 1 1 0 0 8/25/2017 0.0234 0.26 1 1 0 0 9/22/2017 0.0245 0.622 1 1 0 0 11/17/2017 0.0214 0.571 1 1 0 0 11/20/2017 0.0182 0.641 1 1 0 0 11/21/2017 0.0221 0.73 1 1 0 0 11/22/2017 0.0237 0.658 POTW 1 0 0 12/5/2017 0.0190 0.748 POTW 1 0 0 12/6/2017 0.0183 0.506 POTW 1 0 0 12/7/2017 0.0214 0.427 POTW 1 0 0 12/8/2017 0.0266 0.594 List these Totals on next page => I A = 13 I B = 1 I C= 1 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgement Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgement Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industn SNC determination for Flow ortional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Brasscraft - Thomasville IUP Number: 0008 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Nieke! Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/17 — 12/31/17 SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Calculate the % of Regular violations: B/A = 7.7% 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? Chronic violator? Yes /FNJ 3) Calculate the % of TRC Violations: C/A = 7.7% 4) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? TRC Violator? Yes / No 5) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass-through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes / No 6) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes / No ❑ 7) If the answer to M of these questions is yes, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAM METER in the previous six month com liance eriod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: CJP Compliance Judgement Point, The number of daily sample data values plus the number of average of sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judge ment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance (formerly called Reportable Non -Compliance or RNC) Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgement Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 41.10008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered x( Level (DL) LL- - entered x( 11 Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice ;n cell 135. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type LL - 0.03:6] Rea TRC 2/201201 11 2/211/20171 2/22/2017 2/23/2017 Self 1 Self Self 0.0225 __ F-0,020]4 0.0218 0.0194 _5/23/2017 5/24/2017 POTW POTW 0.0144 0.02351 m 5/25/2017 POTW 0.0267 M 5/26/2017 5/30/2017 5/31 /2017 POTW Self Self 0.0234 0.0179 0.0234 M=1 6/1/2017 Self1 0.0183 6/2/2017 Self j 0.0193 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM 0.0209 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% : lei Ir riaily Violation < Concentration mr /L Type Rea TRC % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 1 Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L CIF -- Rea TRC F __ M M=0 m M M MM M=1 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 1 Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L CIF -- Rea TRC F __ ___ m mei MM M=1 MM 16 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 0008/001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered X Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type 2/2012017 Self x/2112017Self 212 212 0 1 7 Self ?12312017 Self 5/2312017 PCTW 5/24/2017 PQTW 5/25/2017 P -OT W 5/26/2017 PDTW 5/30/2017 Self 5/31/201711 Self 6/1/20171 Self 6/2/2017 Self 0 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/612018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease Daily Violation < Concentration Type m 100 140 Ran TRC: 1 2.5! 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 3 AMMONIA Daily Violation <1 Concentration /L Type 0 Rea TRC -_HE_ i 1 2.5! 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 3 AMMONIA Daily Violation <1 Concentration /L Type 0 Rea TRC 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% IXI ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration Type m 0.06 0.072 Ran TRC' 1 0.00631 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% -_HE_ 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% IXI ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration Type m 0.06 0.072 Ran TRC' 1 0.00631 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: 113rasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 10008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered X Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type 2/20/2017 Self 2/21 /2017F Self 2/22/2017 Self 2/23/2017 Self 5/23/2017 POTW 5/24/2017FP-O--TW--1 5/25/2017 POTW 5/26/2017 POTW 5/30/2017 Self 5/31/2017Self 6/1/2017 Self 6/2/2017 Self 0 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement T Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L 0.24 Ran TRC'. 1 0.00071 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 5 -T• Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 1.51 1.8 Rea TRC [] 5-.-32-31 1 E:][ 1 1111 _ 0.509 0.28 1 1111 __ 1 1111 0 0 1 11 Q ==0.131'L M lot _ 0.074 0` =[_ 0.055 0.161 - 0 0 0.102+ 1 0.00071 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 5 -T• Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 1.51 1.8 Rea TRC [] 5-.-32-31 1 E:][ -1.26j _ 0.509 0.28 0.35511 0.241 0 0 0.149 Q ==0.131'L L 0.631 0.921 0.074 0` =[_ 0.055 0.161 - 0 0 0.102+ 0.419 0.131 0 — 0 0�. I� O 0.7863 0.2772 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% •- Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L 1.5 1.8 Ran TRC` E 1.32. ==--0.29511 - _ 0.509 0.35511 0 1.31 Q 1.11 Q �]�0.557' 0� 0.631 0.921 IQ 0 0.82 0.886 0.722 0 — 0 DI 0.7863 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 6 I, Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m ;/L Type 0.18 Rea TRC 3�1 1 1 1 __ 11Mm MENNEMM_ 1 1 Wwlwuwm_ 1 00 M 1 1 -__ - 1 111 1 i I 0.00251 0 5 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 7 Daily Violation < Concentration Type malL �0 0.4 0.48 Rea TRC OF 11 OF --o.00611 1 i - 1 1 - 1 11'• 1 1 1 00 M 1 1 -__ 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% MERCURY Daily Violation <Concentration m / Type Rea TRC 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% 1 00 M -__ - 1 111 1 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 8 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 10008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 1[ 2122/201711 Self II II 5125/2017] POTW 5/26/2017 POTW 5130!2017 Self 513 1 12 0 1 7 Self 6/1!2017 Self 6/2/2017 F5el-Fl Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement RPn TRC Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type lu� 0.9 1.08 Ran TRr: MM - __ __ mm, M��� - 1 Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type lu� 0.9 1.08 Ran TRr: Ran TRC MM - 1 Ran TRC I I_ I I I 0.53071 L] 0.1500 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 % Violations % Violations 0.0% % Violations % TRC Violations % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations Page 9 0 0 0.0% 0.0% - 1 I I_ I I I 0.53071 L] 0.1500 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 % Violations % Violations 0.0% % Violations % TRC Violations % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations Page 9 0 0 0.0% 0.0% Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SNC ? SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 10 Industry Name: 113rasscraft IUP #/Pipe #10008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/20/2017 Self 2/21/2017 Self 2/22/2017 Self 2/23/2017 Self 5/23/2017 POTW 5/24/2017 POTW -11 5/25/2017 POTW 5/26/2017 POTW 5/30/2017 Self 5/31/2017 Self 6/1/2017 Self 6/2/2017 Self 0 r-0 u Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L �L-JL 0.21 0.24 Ran TP('. 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 11 DailyViolation < Concentration m /L Type 0.036 Reg TRC IR 0.0025 Q 0.)025 1 1 0.0025 j 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% I.)aily < Concentration Violation Type A 1.2 Rea TR[; =1 0.058 0 0.045 0 0.066- 0.052; 1=7 42i 0.028,. =L 0.014 0 0.012 0.024 0.014 Q 0.051 Q 0.032 0 r� I� 0 0.0365 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 12 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 10008 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered x Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY ually < Concentration Violation m Type /L 0.36 Rea TRC Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type E: IL Ren TRC •—__ .—__ M—__ . 1 11 M MI M—__i M M— • __ MM __I mm' M_ - Mlm 'll Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type E: IL Ren TRC •—__ .—__ M—__ M MI M—__i M M— • __ __I __ __ - Mlm • • 'a 7-- < Concentration Violation me /L Type Ran TR(. •Fm- M MI M—__i M M— • __ __I __ __ - Mlm 'll 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 13 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 14 Industry Name: [Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 10008 / 00171 Reporting Period: Lan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered x Level (DL) entered X Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type 2/20/20171 Self 2/21/2017 Self 2/22/2017 Self 2/23/2017 Self 5/2'1/9n' -71 POT W-� 5/24/2017 POTW 5/25/2017 POTW 5/26/2017 POTW 5/30/2017 Self 5/31/2017 Self 6/1/2017 Self 6/2/2017 Self I� 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement ALUMINUM Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L 0 Ran TRC: I I I 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations Daily Violation Concentration Type 01 1011 12 Ran TRC: 1 1 9.64171 0 0 12 0 0 Page 15 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% M�__ • mm 1 1 9.64171 0 0 12 0 0 Page 15 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SNC ? SNC ? NO Page 16 (` Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe K 0008 Reporting Period: iJul -Dec 2017 Brass Craft Compliance Judgement nstructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific :hanges, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell 85. (Note use second option only when detection level al Dr below limit) Detection Level � Self (DL) entered X Level (DL) Self entered L x t- Sample Date Sample7Dily Type • Violation Type Permit Limit 0.030 TRC Limit 0.036 0.02341 Ran TRr` Av 8/22/20171F Self 0.0160 8/23/2017 Self 0.0230 t- 8/24/2017 Self 0.0194 8/25/2017 Self 0.02341 9/22/2017 Self 0.0245' 0.0214 11/17/20171 Self 1 11 /20/2017 Self 0.01821) 11/21/2017 Self 0.0221 11 /22/2017 12/5/2017 Self POTW 0.0237 0.0190 12/6/2017 POTW 0.0183 12/7/2017 POTW 0.0214 12/8/2017 POTW 0.0266�� 0.0213 'rage of Column I otal Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM 13 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 17 Daily Violation < Concentration mall Type OC 0 1 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0.0% 0.0% NO 110M 0 Industry Name:t-Dec 600i�� ]2017 IUP #/Pipe # Reporting Period: Detection Level I`— (DL) entered �( Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AVE Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement • daily Grease < Concentration Violation Type Q 100` 140 Ren TRC I 1 2.51 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMMONIA Daily Violation < Concentration Type nueL % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 18 ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration MM Type 0.072 RPn TRr 12 OEM M M= M W�__ - __ _ __ - _M I 1 2.51 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMMONIA Daily Violation < Concentration Type nueL % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 18 ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration MM Type 0.072 RPn TRr (1.0043 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 12 M M= M (1.0043 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe #0_008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level j (DL) entered L_ x )(� Level entered )( Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples %T Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement _T. Daily I Violation < Concentration Type L 0.24 Q— Tor El 0.001 0 0.001 EJ 0.001 0 0 0.001. 0 _ 0.001 0 00 01 Q 0.001_ Ol 0.001 _ 0.000075.. `� 0.000075 Ir 0.000075:— F-11 0.000075 00 0� l 1 0.00071 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO :e Daily Violation < Concentration _ mWL Type 1.5 1.8 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 19 ❑wily Violation < Concentration Type mail - 1.8 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Levet (DL) entered)( Level enteredd X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AVE Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0.15 0.18 0 5 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type mWL 0.48 rye„ ror Q 0.007 Q 0.008 Q 0.033 << 0.0025 =1 =L- 0.009 F-11 0.018 0 0.012 Q 0.0075 Q 0.005 0.0066 =1 0.0041 0� o� o� I— 1 0.01001 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 20 MERCURY Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement DLYRC Da11y Violation < Concentration Type nialL [�hil I M- Daily < Concentration Violation Type 1.08 , PHOSPHORUS Daily Violation < Concentration Type IL 0 0 0 0 0 13 1 1 0 1 0 0 % Violations % Violations 7.7% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations % TRC Violations 7.7% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 21 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered X Sample DateSample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily < Concentration Violation Type Of o.2 0.24 U 2 0 % Violations 0.0% %T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO IKU 0 Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0.03 0.036 Daily Violation < Concentration Type 1.2 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 22 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 10008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X 11 Level entered X L I Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Self VA Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY Daily Violation < ConcentramulL tion Type 0 0.3 0.36 Q- TO(` I ! 0.0020f 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type �L I� • • Oaiiy Violation < Concentration Type ALUMINUM Daily Violation < Concentration Type mail - % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 23 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? M FEll _ M oo MM I ! 0.0020f 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type �L I� • • Oaiiy Violation < Concentration Type ALUMINUM Daily Violation < Concentration Type mail - % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 23 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008/001 Reporting Period: [Jul- Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level FF enteredd X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Daily < Concentration Violation Type I ]� 10 12 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:42 AM 13 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 24 Industry Name: Brasscraft Brass Craft Compliance Judgement 1 IUP #/Pipe # 0008/001 Reporting Period: Jan - Dec 201 Sample Date Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow Violation MGD Type MGD Type MGD T e MGD T e Permit Limit 0.030 �I 0.03( Q 0 030]; TRC Limit 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 Reg TRC Reg TRC Reg TRC . 1 �. 0 0.0163 Q 0.0230; 2 0.00000_ o.oz7sli. Q 0.0280; 3 0.0184 [] 0.0214! 0 0.02441 #�11 4 0.0125 n��l ill 1 0.0081 0.0120 16' 17 18 19 _ 20 21 24 L_ 36';1 F 0.0287 31 0.0199 Average of Column 0.0195 Maximum in Column 0.0287 Total Samples 22 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xis, Flows 31612018, 8:42 AM 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 23 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 25 0 20 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe P0008/001 Reporting Period: Jan - Dec 20171 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Average Flow 1st half 0.021 Total # Samples Max Flow 1st half 0.040 130 • � Daily Flow Violation 7MGDD Ty e 0.036 Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples %T 0 23 4 1 % Violadons 17.4% % TRC Violations 4.3% SNC ? NO Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, Flows 3/612018, 8:42 AM • Daily Flow Violatn MGD Te f7 0.036 Ran TRr. U.ULI is 0.0292 0 22 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type = 0.03011 0036 Qnn TrIl 0.018 Q 0.0193 Q 0.0216 0- 0.0248 Q 0.0238 I Q 0.0236 Q 0.0270 0� 0 Q 0.0257 =1 0.0246 0.0272 Q 0.0263,1 0.0251 0.0185 Q 0.0253 0.0191 [� 0.0228 710 0.0190 �0 0.017 Q 0.029 Q 0.025 0.0254 C 0.023 0 0 0.01,8 00 0.0251 Q 0.0231 , 00214 =i 0.0214? 0.03480.0348 1 0.0266 0.01027 F7:- 0 0.0285 U.ULI is 0.0292 0 22 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type = 0.03011 0036 Qnn TrIl U.U14U 0.0348 0 0 19 1 % Violations 5.3% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 26 • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type �._0.030 0.036 Q 0.026 Q 0.0213 0.0193 Q 0.0216 0� 0.0248 Q 0.0184 I Q0.0222 0.0194) 0� 0 00 =1 0.0246 Q 0.0263,1 0.0251 00 Q1 0.00.020 207 0.013 0 0 0235 710 0.02131 �0 0.0160 Q 0.0230 Q 0.0254 0 0.0194 Q 0.0251 Q 00290 �L-JL 0.03480.0348 1 Q 0.0241 I 0032 0.0285 Q 0.0254 Q 0.0220` Q 0.0242 1 Q 0.0294 U.U14U 0.0348 0 0 19 1 % Violations 5.3% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 26 • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type �._0.030 0.036 Q 0.026 Q 0.0213 0.0193 Q 0.0216 1=1 0.0248 Q 0.0204 I =1 Q00227] 0.0194) 0� 0 =1 0.0246 Q 0.0263,1 0.0251 Q1 0.0274 0.0206[-- 710 Q1 0.0160 Q 0.0230 Q 0.0194 Q 0.023 H7710".0181 0.0181 0032 0 0.0263 0.0239 U.U'U 5 0.0325 0 0 23 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe l 10008 / 001 Reporting{ Period::Jan -Dec 20171 Sample Date Permit Lir TRC Limit 1 2. • Daily Flow Vi7pe7 MGD 0.036 24 25 26 27 _ 28 [ 29 [ 30 L 31.x; Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples % T % Violations 38.1 % % TRC Violations 4.8% SNC ? NO Brasscraft CJ 2017 half detect.xls, Flows 3/612018. 8:42 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Average Flow 2nd half 0.023 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.055 128 Daily Flow VioEnon Daily Flow vinlaa0n Daily Flow Vldalinn MGD Type MGD i MGD Type nznjl ,I ----- 0.036 0.036 � 0.036 Rea TRC Ren TRC: U.UZ6U 0.0550 0 22 2 % Violations 9.1% % TRC Violations 4.5% SNC ? NO 0.0190. F-11-0-0168: QI 0.0206 0.0260. 0 0.0322 1 [� 0.0258 [� 0, 0.0216 0 8� - F-1� Q 0.0294 0.0254 Q 00292 0I DI -0. 225 E] 286 ��- 0.0244 0� 550 1 1 OF -0.0 95 QCO213 Ej 0.0198 Qj 0.0234 E::]I 0 Q 0.0257 0.0235- 0.0182 0 0.0246 0.0221 0 0.0287 0.0203 Li 0 0.0000 F-10 [� 0.0244 "F-0.0197 0.0222 Cj U.UZ6U 0.0550 0 22 2 % Violations 9.1% % TRC Violations 4.5% SNC ? NO 0.0196 0.0334 1 0 22 1 To Violations 4.5% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 27 0 0 21 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0.0190. F-11-0-0168: 0.0260. QI::, �[�� [� 0.0164 0[0.a 0 0.01921 oil 0 0.03341. 0.0212 1 0I 00 0.0244 Q 0.0174 0 0.0199 0.0209 0.0214 Q 0.0182 0 0.0221 =,'0.023711 0 0.0000 F-10 "F-0.0197 Cj 0.0206 0 0.0181 0.0294 0� 0.0196 0.0334 1 0 22 1 To Violations 4.5% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 27 0 0 21 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name:Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 -/001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Brass Craft Compliance Judgement 11 bU UtAjU[ 5 - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell 135. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) Daily Flow=Type I I MGD j�_ 0.030 0.036 2/20/2017F 2/21 /2017 2/22/9n1711 2/23/2017 5/23/2017 5/24/2017POTW 5/25/2017 5/26/9Q1 711 5/30/2017 5/31 /20171 6/1/2017 Self Self Self Self POTW POTW POTWI Self Self I Self 0.0225 0.0204 0.0218 0.0194 0.0144 0.0235 0.0267 0.0234 0.0179 i 0.0234 0.0183 6/2/2017 Self 0.0193 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM u.uluu 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% 1 54.70 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 1 Daily < Concentration Violation Type m 0 RPn TRC'. 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% M7 M M 1 54.70 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 1 Daily < Concentration Violation Type m 0 RPn TRC'. 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 410008 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/20/2011 Self 2/21/2017 Self 2/22/2017 Self 2/2 312 0 1 7 Self 5/23/2017 POTW POTW Self Self 1711 Self Average of Column Total Samples %T Brasscraft CJ 2017.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease Daily < Concentration Violation m Type IQ 100 140 Rea TRC 5 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 3 AMMONIA L7aily < Concentration Violation m Type 1 I 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% U{y Daily <7 Concentration Violation m / TYpe 101 0.06 0.072 Ron TDt- 0 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% M�__ M��_ a�__ M�__ M�__ M�__ 0 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: 113rasscraft IUP #/Pipe #10008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017.xls, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement _T. Daily < Concentration Violation Type ® 0.2 0.24 Ran TR(` �1 0.00141 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% %T % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 5 -T• Daily < Concentration Violation Type M(1/1 1.5 1.8 Ran TR(' -mmim__ -�__ EDI 0.002 Mr Ell 0.0021.m_ �IX#10111 mm 1 111 __ - / 1 _ 1 1 1 __ M 1 1 1 __ 0.0021MM 1 1 1 _M 2EJMM r MM �1 0.00141 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% %T % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 5 -T• Daily < Concentration Violation Type M(1/1 1.5 1.8 Ran TR(' -mmim__ -�__ 1 1• _ - / 1 _ 2EJMM �__ 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% COPPER Caaily 17 Concentration Violation m /L TYPe 0 1.5 1.8 Ran TRr` L 1 0.78631 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% 1 1• _ - / 1 _ L 1 0.78631 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Brasscraft CJ 2017.x1s, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 4 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0 0.15 0.18 Ron TD(' 0 5 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 7 Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0.48 Don TDr' mON 1 111 ON IN 1 11 NO 111•.__ ON ON NO IN ON 1111 __ ON ON NO .�= NO NO 0 5 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 7 Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0.48 Don TDr' 1 1 0.01411 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% MERCURY Daily < Concentration Violation m Type /L Ron TDf' 1 111 IN NO 111•.__ 1 1 -__ ON 1111 __ -_ .�= 1 1 0.01411 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% MERCURY Daily < Concentration Violation m Type /L Ron TDf' J 0.00020 1 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% 1 111 NO J 0.00020 1 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Brassciaft CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3!5!2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 8 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe M10008 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered x Level (DL) entered FSa�mple:Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement DLYBC Daily < Concentration Violation '' 11 Type LJ Ron TQr 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations Page 9 NICKEL Daily Violation 7< ncentration L TYPe 7< [C-0 0 0.9 MG 1.08 Ron TPI - 10�M_ MM M�__ M MM M�__. W�M_ M�__ W M WENEMIMM M�_— M�__ W�M_ M�__ M 11MM __ __ M��� M 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations Page 9 NICKEL Daily Violation 7< ncentration L TYPe 7< [C-0 0 0.9 MG 1.08 Ron TPI - 10�M_ MM MM M ' __ W�M_ W �__ WENEMIMM M�__ W�M_ 11MM __ __ M�__ LM 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% PHOSPHORUS Daily < Concentration Violation m / Type Rea TRC: 0.1500 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% M�__ W�M_ 11MM __ __ 0.1500 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SNC ? SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 10 Industry Name: I!Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe# 0008 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) -71 entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017.As, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement < Concentration Violation —/1 1 Type Rea TRC IN IN IN MENEM IN IN a NO �__ IN IN 1 11 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 11 SILVER Daily < Concentration Violation /L Type [� 0.03 0.036 Ran TR(` 1 1 0.0035 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily < Concentration Violation Type m I® 1 1.2 Ran TD(' . IN IN MENEM IN 1 11 IN 1 1 0.0035 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily < Concentration Violation Type m I® 1 1.2 Ran TD(' . 1 1 I I U.U3651 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 12 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement - Rcn TD('` 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 13 11 Daily < Concentration Violation m Type /L �E Rcn TDf` 0.0024 _ -�__ M���� i��� X111 iiM 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 13 11 Daily < Concentration Violation m Type /L �E Rcn TDf` 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO2 + NO3 Daily < Concentration Violation m Type /L 0 f Ran TD(` M���� i��� X111 iiM 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO2 + NO3 Daily < Concentration Violation m Type /L 0 f Ran TD(` 1.2900 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% W M���� 1.2900 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% W Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 14 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 10008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017.x1s, 1st half 3/612018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement ALUMINUM Daily < Concentration Violation Type /L L I Ran TRr I I 1 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations 7Conce'ntration y < Violation mciL Type i0 101 12 Ron TR(` 9' __ E3 =9. 5 __ = �_ .■ __ • mm M 0 � __ W � __ MMM MMMOOM__ MN M M��__ __ I I 1 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations 7Conce'ntration y < Violation mciL Type i0 101 12 Ron TR(` 1 1 9.64171 0 0 12 0 0 Page 15 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% 9' __ E3 =9. 5 __ = �_ .■ __ • mm M 0 � __ W � __ MMM MMMOOM__ 1 1 9.64171 0 0 12 0 0 Page 15 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement SNC ? SNC ? NO Page 16 Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Instructions - Reporting 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific Period: Jul -Dec 2017 changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell 85. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) Detection Level (DL) entered II )( Level enteredd �1 Sample Date Sample7Dailylow Violation TypeD i Type Permit Limit [L TRC Limit 0.036_, o.... Ton Avi 8/22/2017 Self0.0160 8/23/2017 8/24/20171 Self 0.0230 0.0194 _ 8/25/2017F—Se-IT-110.0234 9/22/2017 Self 0.0245 11/17/2017 Self 0.0214 11/20/2017 11/21/2017F 11/22/2017 12/5/2017 Self - -S- e-1 f 0.0182 002211 Self 1 POTW 0.0237 0.0190 12/6/2017 POTW 0.0183 12/7/2017 POTW 0-0214 1�POl� tt-�— I _ L �0 !rage of Column 0.0213 I otal aamples Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM 13 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Daily < Co7 ncentration Violation malL Type 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO Page 17 Daily < Concentration Violation Type EJE-- 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe #0008 / 001 Reporting �I Period: EJulDec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 1 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Self Brass Craft Compliance Judgement 7C.nentation Violation Type 140 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO I Ytl, • Daily Violation < Concentration Type I 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 18 Zhu 0 Daily Violation < Concentration Type rnaiL _ 0.06 0.072 D- TDr 1 1 0.00551 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO EIF 0.q051. M 1 1 0.00551 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level {` , (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples %T Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement CADMIUM Daily Violation < Concentration mulL Type 0 0.2 0.24 CHROMIUM Daily < Concentration Violation Type Q 1.5 1.8 COPPER Daly Violation < Concentration Type 1.5 1.8 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 19 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered )( Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2017.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0.15 0.18 Flan TRC'. l ! 0.0041 0 5 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type Q 0.4 0.48 Ran TRC' Q 0.007 0.0081' 0.033' FJL El 0.005 01 0.009 F7. 0.0181 Q 0.0121 �j 0.007 F__1j 0.00751 Q 0.005) 0.0066 Lj l 1 0.0102J. 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 20 77rF1Violation ation Type 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO I Kl 0 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 10008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered j( Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement MOLYBDENUM Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0� U 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? IKU 0 0 Daily Violation < Concentration Type 1.08 Ran TRr: Q 0.768. 0 0.507. ==1.4 1 1 Q =1 0.26 0.622. Q 0.571 Q 0.641 0 0.73 [] 0.658 =L 0.748'i Q 0.506- Q�`0.427 0� 0.594 0� 0� 0.6532 0 13 1 1 % Violations 7.7% % T r .. Violations 7.7% SNC ? NO Page 21 PHOSPHORUS daily < Concentration Violation Type 0� 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe #0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered x Level (DL) j entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0.24 Pan TR(' 0.0125 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Dally Violation < Concentration Type IEJF-b.03 l 0.036 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 22 Daily Violation < Concentration Type 1.2 Rcn TR(' 0.034 0.02 Q 0.028 Q 00. Q 0.032 0 0.026 0.014 0.022 M M-__ � M Q Q 0.015 0.032 M 0.02 0.0125 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Dally Violation < Concentration Type IEJF-b.03 l 0.036 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 22 Daily Violation < Concentration Type 1.2 Rcn TR(' L- 1 0.03431 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0.034 0.02 Q 0.028 Q 00. Q 0.032 0 0.026 0.014 0.022 � 0.028 Q Q 0.015 0.032 0.02 �0 0� L- 1 0.03431 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered E�il Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY •NO3 ALUMINUM Daily Violation Daily Daily Dail < Concentration < Concentration Violation Violation y Violation n •t Type r ,I Type Concentration Type < Concentration Type MOIL Yp LL _ 0.36 Reg TRC I D— Torr, % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 23 I— I 4.24001 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 :� C I— I 4.24001 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 0008 / 001 ; Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Permit Limit TRC Limit AVE Sample Date Sample Type Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Daly < Concentration Violation Type 10- 10 12 13 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 24 +� Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 4 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Dec 2017' I.= � Sample Date 7D.,w ViolationDaily Flow VType MGD Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 0.036 Re 0.036 TRC li Ott � -'�� 1�Reg 2 300.01841 0 0.00001. 40 0.0125 i 0 0.0081.1 5 60 71 0.0120il 0. 910 100 11 120 0.0218 0.0188 0 0.02441. 0.0205 130 0.0232 14 00 15 160 170 0.0243 0.02451 0.0236.1 180 190 0.0263 200 0.0198 210 IF - 22[ 7-� 2300.014911 0 0.0228. 24 25 26 0 0.02051 0 0.0244 27 (_ 280 0 0.0201 290 �] 30 0 I 0.02871 31J 0.0199 Average of Column 0.0195 Maximum in Column 0.0287 Total Samples 22 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Brasscraft CJ 2017.x1s, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM 0 0.0% 0.0% NO < Daily Flow Vulat,nn MGD Type n_ o.o- 0.036 .. Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 1�0.030j 0.036 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 23 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 25 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: -Jan - Dec 2017 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit 1 Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2017.xis, Flows 316!2018, 8:43 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Avvrage Flow list half 0.021 Total # Samples Max Flow 1st half 0.040 130 • BM.V Fl- VVDIEI MGL? Type f[� 0.030 0.036 Ron TDr` 0 0.0301! 1 Q 0.0305 0.0398. 1 1 1 0 0.0280 0.03001 0� 0� Q 0.0308 1 0.0295 0 0.0274 Q 0.0236 Q 0.0174: 0.0225 Q 0.028911 0.016611 0 0.0214 Q 0.0228. =0 0.0154 �! 0.0144 Q 0.0235 U 0.0267 0 0.0234 F-1 I oma- 0.00oti Q 0.0179 0.0234 . 0.0237 0.0398 0 23 4 % Violations 17.4% % TRC Violations 4-3% SNC ? NO • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type L=2- • e Dao Fiow Violation MCr_ T e fL � 0.036 �Emvl 7. 7E)ailyFlow I Vipl0- MGD Type �L,1 0.030 0.036 1 1 0 22 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 5.3% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 26 0 23 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 4F 10008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 201 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Ave Maximum in Column Total Samples %T Brasscraft CJ 2017.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:43 AM • Daily 9mv Vicd,finn MGD Type _�0.030_� 0.036 Rpn Tar 0 Ey 0.0234'1 0.0196 0 0.0000. 0.0550 0 Q 0.0285 1 0.0164f 0.0175 0 0 21 Q 0.0305 1 Q 0.0205 I Q 0.0294 SNC ? NO �0 0.0254 SNC ? 0 0.022 Q Q 0.0328 1 Q 0.0238 0 0.0307 1 0 0.0308 1 0 0.0195 0� Q 0.0213 Q 0.0228 [ 0 0.0217 0 Q 0.01941[ ED QF �l Q 0.0264 �E 0� 0.0245 0� Q 0.019711 QE 0.0206.- 0 [� 0.02401. 0.0212 0.02141 F-11 0.04051 1 1 0 0.0314. 1 0.0332.! 1 0.0335 1 Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Daily Flow Violation MGD Type IL-, ---i 0.036 Average Flow 2nd half 0.023 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.055 128 • • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 Ren TRC' [� 0.0190j; 0.0196 0 0.0206 0.0550 0 Q 0.0322 0.0258 0.0216- 1 0.0164f 0 02831: 0 0 21 0.0242. 0.0214 % Violations 4.5% 0.0192 0.0266 I Q 0.0294 SNC ? NO E1 0.0254 SNC ? D 0.0292 Q 0 0.02251 Q 0.0286 0 0.0233 Q Q 0.0550 1 1 0 0.0195 0� Q 0.0213 Q 0.0198 [ =1� 0.0234 0 0.0237; -. 0.0257'11 0.023511 0.0246 ED QF �l Q 0.0287 �E 0� 0.0203 0� Q 0.019711 QE 0.0206.- 0 Q 0.0244 0.0212 0.02141 Q� 0.0222 Average Flow 2nd half 0.023 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.055 128 • • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 Ren TRC' [� 0.0190j; 0.0196 0.0168 0.0260 0.0405 0.0550 Q0.0190 0.0282 0 0.0164f 0.0183 0 0 21 0.0242. 0.0214 % Violations 4.5% 0.0192 0.0266 % TRC Violations 4, 5y, 0.0334 1 SNC ? NO 0.0212 SNC ? NO SNC ? 0, 0.02030 Q 0.0244 002 0.017 0.02621 0.0199 0.0233 Q 0.0209 0.0229 0 0.0214 0� 0.0182 0.0267 Q 0.0221- 0.0276 0 0.0237; 0.0228 ==-00A01- �] 0.0217 �E 0� 0.0175. Q 0.019711 QE 0.0206.- 0 0.01811.. = 0.0212 0.02141 MGD 7Daily Flow Violation < Type Fr---� II 0.036 Rpn TR(' I�0.0282, 1 0.02601 0.0196 0.0195 0.0405 0.0550 Q0.0190 0.0282 0 21 8 =E 0.0183 0 0 21 Q 0.0214 % Violations 4.5% Q 0.0266 % TRC Violations 4, 5y, % TRC Violations 0.0% 0.0000 SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? 0, 0.02030 Q 002 [� 0.02621 Q 0.0233 0.0229 0 0.0267 Q 0.0276 0.0228 �] 0.0217 �E 0 0.0175. F-11. L -JL 0.000011 0.000011 1 0.0220!1 = 0.0212 0.02141 1. u.u25Ei 1 0.02601 0.0196 0.0195 0.0405 0.0550 0.0334 0.0282 0 21 8 1 0 22 2 1 0 22 1 0 0 21 % Violations 38.1% % Violations 9.1% % Violations 4.5% % Violations % TRC Violations 4.8% % TRC Violations 4, 5y, % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? Page 27 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO r n y Z � m � r o Lf CD r n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 o, cn >Ky� 0 0 C (' w 'O w o o pzti w o A CD =y K Kp7 CD CD N arQcioaa w oK v'� o '� o m w c � � • cRo � � � ,� n N 9 0 w R R 0 Cb 0 o w o ° O ti N� v (� � as • `< � � � �; • y � CD � r� O �' � m w -foi w '� '-' ❑' �. y CD ID Doco w s CD o =C^ c > CJ 'i R it O Ch � a 0 ° (WD CCD_ o fl•, .� w' CD a" n tJ w w II CD a w O O O � O CC G.y G �0�Q G < wCD wo t� C K Q. m (!� CD O n O O CD O fes) 21O� (D w � K g CD aw r� f=% CD 0 R �o N ON .' wwNJ `y ��O• O O CD J v v ° 0 0�C o uj a t7 w o In O� J O ao o n mrd CL w c� o _ w a� a�° o C) R. `d Oa OCDO O ,wy C o o y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 o, cn >Ky� 0 0 C (' w 'O w o o pzti w o A CD =y K Kp7 CD CD N arQcioaa w oK v'� o '� o m w c � � • cRo � � � ,� n N 9 0 w R R 0 Cb 0 o w o ° O ti N� v (� � as • `< � � � �; • y � CD � r� O �' � m w -foi w '� '-' ❑' �. y CD ID Doco w s CD o =C^ c > CJ 'i R it O Ch � a 0 ° (WD CCD_ o fl•, .� w' CD a" n tJ w w II CD a w O O O � O CC G.y G �0�Q G < wCD wo t� C K Q. m (!� CD O n O O CD O fes) 21O� (D w � K g CD aw r� f=% A zz CD Ln b w m n 0 oCD CD (D o �o� Oro cyo ��cc%o �- m CD 0 o n Z Z O o .n n�� o r C m 0— M -t CL CL o CLO CD C CD c0, "�� "�� •. CD • UQ o. n CD O CD h U, 0 o a C CD p' n -t m Z o . m CD P. CD °' 0 c,• R gni pd o A..°,CD Ow S. H CD o CD C] * �* 0 0 co tC G w n CD O �C n 0 r 9"0 ID .�� CD p n p ° p n On 1 �-1 N �? � Cp z O o. 0 0 d 0 00 rL n ° CD. o cn � � 0 a. o `� o o' "-,5 a+CD (D yp CD � � Zco m '+ n o '�"'" QQ w CD CL * b 0 m `CD 0 CD w w N n o o . y arwc c ,a. o• o a CD w O .'3�" CD zw w E- rn A. w � •° O � o �. CD H o CD W .0 C0 ° C) m CD CD c a�,z m' C °, w C] C o CD CD CD w Er CD CD CD o M w P ° 0 a CD C P ^' CD ° CD CD L L E' fD Vv W N `-- 00d 0, OCD w cCD o�C '' p �w Y� qq '�S CD C CD < c° CCDCp ° ~] M n O pj n w n CD CD CD CD v� ° w o w11) o CD b o ° o CD c¢D ss o uc cD p H ID .-. v n G o W . C D O O ,00 CD CD f's n �0CD . �* p a o rn �� Hw CD � ., 0 w co CD g n CD CD O- r G v : w CMDo p. cCo o CCD ° c� tTl pb5; as ry On CD 0 CD N "C3 CDCD W °�s u u rb r° o w 0� rwn C n . O CCD O w C Fcn w o w t3 o Z O CD 0 ti r L 7y C� -. CSD a bQs O C o .� CD CD �C CD �. � m 0 W w o \ W CD o o O o K ,l w CD a ("J CD C rn R 0 n a T 0 F CD rrl C CD Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe #I 0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered x Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date j Sample j. Type Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.015 0.018 Ran TRr Average of Column L 0.0004 Total Samples 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM =Concentrattion Violation < Type Q 3000 4200.000 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 1 SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type MOIL Q 500 700 Rea TRC / 111 _ • 1 '• '• C Average of Column L 0.0004 Total Samples 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM =Concentrattion Violation < Type Q 3000 4200.000 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 1 SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type MOIL Q 500 700 Rea TRC j 289.333333 j 0 3 1 1 % Violations 33.3% % TRC Violations 33.3% SNC ? YES C '• C j 289.333333 j 0 3 1 1 % Violations 33.3% % TRC Violations 33.3% SNC ? YES Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe . 0029/001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered A= - Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Custom Drum Compliance Judgement • Daily ' < Concentration Violation Type Mall (SUO) 140 Ran TRrr 0 3 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM AMMONIA Daily < Concentration Violation Type mal Ron Tpr -�__ -�=_ � __ MM - ARSENIC Daily < Concentrationmo/L Violation Type 0L Dn' Tor, J U.UU4Uj 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 2 X Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe #� 0029 / 001 Reporting l Period: IJan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered x Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/16/2017 Self 6/22/2017 Self 6/29/2017 POTW 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0 0.003 0.0036 Ren TRC 0 3 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM :T• Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0.3 0.36 Ran TRf: I I FS=��Mm ____ in M - __l M M M-__ - M M _ 0 3 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM :T• Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0.3 0.36 Ran TRf: .- Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0 0.4 0.48 Ran TRC - 1 1. __ I I FS=��Mm ____ M - __l M M 0 0 1: 1 - M M _ .- Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0 0.4 0.48 Ran TRC - 1 1. __ FS=��Mm ____ M 0 0 1: 1 - 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 33.3% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 3 11 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe 4 [0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample DateSample Type Perr~ Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Custom Drum Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0L Ron TDD' 0 1 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM Daily < Concentration Violation Type Mull 0� Ran TRf: MMM_ M��_ -�__ • __ i MMM m_ M��� rm�Mm MMM 0 1 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM Daily < Concentration Violation Type Mull 0� Ran TRf: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO gaily < ConcentrmalLation Violation Type 0�mo Ran TR( -�__ MMM_ WE 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO gaily < ConcentrmalLation Violation Type 0�mo Ran TR( -�__ WE i~�� Page 4 N Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe #: 002.9 / 001 Reporting Period: ,Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Self 11 6/29/201711 POTW II Average of Column Custom Drum Compliance Judgement DLYBC Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0� Ran TRC'. Total Samples 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM NICKEL Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0� 1.2 - 1.44 Ren TRC 00 � 00 .0 IM �C M=E M !MM� �= M1 M M M ! Total Samples 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM NICKEL Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0� 1.2 - 1.44 Ren TRC l 2.2783 0 0 3 2 % Violations 66.7% % TRC Violations 66.7% SNC ? YES Page 5 PHOSPHORUS Daily Violation F.Lco ncentrationType Rea TRC E 4.19001 2 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 00 � 00 M l 2.2783 0 0 3 2 % Violations 66.7% % TRC Violations 66.7% SNC ? YES Page 5 PHOSPHORUS Daily Violation F.Lco ncentrationType Rea TRC E 4.19001 2 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe 410029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/16/2017 6/22/2017 6/29/2017M. Average of Column Total Samples %T Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily < Concentrationmnli Violation Type 0.04 0.048 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Daily < Concentration Violation ma Type M IL Ron TRI u.uui i 0 1 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0j El 2.4 Ran TRI M��_ M M��_ M��_ -��_ M M�__ u.uui i 0 1 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0j El 2.4 Ran TRI 0 0 0 3 0 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO �M� 0 0 0 3 0 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 10029 / 001 Reporting Period:1,Jan -Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/16/2017 Seff 6/22/201711 Self 6/29/2017 POTW C� Q ,0 0 r_ 0 0 .0 Average of Column Total Samples %T Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY• • Daily Violation Dally Violation Daily ViolationTypeType < Concentration 1 mall- < Concentration mail Type - Rea TRC Rea TRC Ren TRC 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 7 % 7 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe 4 0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Custom Drum Compliance Judgement ALUMINUM Daily Concentration Violation ni IL Type �I D-- -rot - • M_ �-IgmlliI gel Average ot Column Total Samples � 1 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM �E Daily , < Concentratio Violation Type 0 10 12 Ran TRC: Page 8 % Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • Page 8 % Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe #10029 / 001 Reporting' Period: Jun - Dec 2017„ Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered x Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Custom Drum Compliance Judgement nstructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific ,hanges, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at x below limit) Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.015 0.018 RPn TRC. 9/20/2017 Self FL____0_.0_003]j _ 12/19/2017 Self 0.00091 1 12/27/2017 POTW 0.0008 M M 0 0 0 0 0 I Average of Column ] 0.0007 Total Samples 3 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM Dally Violation Conc <entration nType 0E--, 4200.000 Ren TRC N M M � 1 1556.001 0 0 3 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 9 Daily Violation < Concentration Type I=L---_—_500 700 RPn TRC: 196.666667 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe W0029 / 001 Reporting ' Period: Jun - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Perm`* Limit TRC Limit AVE Total Samples Custom Drum Compliance Judgement •Grease hailyt' < Concentraion Violation Type Mal (SUO) 140 Ran TRr` I 1 2.51 0 3 0 AMMONIA Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0L� Ran TDr` 6.67 0 0 1 0 ARSENIC Daily < Concentration Violation Type IKU a 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% 7M =M NO SNC ? NO SNC ? M-__ 6.67 0 0 1 0 ARSENIC Daily < Concentration Violation Type IKU a 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM Page 10 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe 0029 Reporting Period:' Jun - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered )( Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Av( _ Total Samples %T Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/612018, 8:44 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement No Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0.003 0.0036 Rea TRC _T• Daily Violation [ I < Concentration Type 0malL 0.3 0.36 RPn TRC: off 1 1111 __ __ - 1 1 1#14 M=_= __ MM _ Mm M—__ Fm- Fw- __: _T• Daily Violation [ I < Concentration Type 0malL 0.3 0.36 RPn TRC: Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0 0.4 0.48 Rea TRC —__ Im 1 1-- __ - 1 1 m_ M=_= MM __ --__ Fm- Fw- 1 1: 1 Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0 0.4 0.48 Rea TRC —__ Im 1 1-- __ - 1 1 m_ M=_= MM __ --__ _ - I 0.19471 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 11 n Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe0029 / 001 Reporting: Ju Periodn - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Ave Total Samples Custom Drum Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0� Ran TR(` C Daily < Concentration Violation Type MOIL r?an Tor 0.0% % Violations 1 111 % Violations =I %T % TRC Violations 111 •�_ % TRC Violations -7_m % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO C Daily < Concentration Violation Type MOIL r?an Tor 1 0 0 0 1 0 MERCURY Daily Violation < Concentration Type mull - Pon 0� TWI 0.0% % Violations 1 111 % Violations =I %T % TRC Violations 111 •�_ % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO 1 0 0 0 1 0 MERCURY Daily Violation < Concentration Type mull - Pon 0� TWI I 1 u.uuulu� 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 1 111 % Violations =I %T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO I 1 u.uuulu� 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% %T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM Page 12 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe #[07d2-9—/ 00T= Reporting'- Period: eporting'-Period: Jun - Dec 2017 Detection Level - (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Custom Drum Compliance Judgement 7LYRr, Daily Violation < Concentration Type Ran TRC: NICKEL Daily Violation < Concentration Type m 1.2 1.44 Ran TRC PHOSPHORUS Daily Violation < Concentration TYPe Rea TRC —M Mm - �__ -ism___ —__ W—__ =—__ � -MM - • 11 _i - 1 • PHOSPHORUS Daily Violation < Concentration TYPe Rea TRC —M Mm - �__ —__ W—__ =—__ � -MM - • 11 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM Page 13 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jun -Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X :7- Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples % T Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily < Concentration Violation Type ® 0.04J 0.048 Dn' Ton SILVER Daily < ConcentramalL tion Violation Type 0� Ron Tyr l I u.uu[ i t L 1 0.0005 0 3 0 0 0� 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 14 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO r dytration Violation Type 2.4 Rcn TQr` 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO mm Ell 0.- M l I u.uu[ i t L 1 0.0005 0 3 0 0 0� 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 14 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO r dytration Violation Type 2.4 Rcn TQr` 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe 0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jun -Dec 2017 Detection Level F -- (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/20/2017 Self 12/19/2017 Self 12/27/2017 POTW 0 0 0 0 � OI Average of Column Total Samples Custom Drum Compliance Judgement M 0.0% M-__ • M ANTIMONY• %T % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily Violation < Concentration Daily < Concentration Violation Daily < Concentration Violation < malL Type NO Type NO Type 0� i� 00 QO Y M Rea TRC RPn TRC`. Ran TR(` MM M 0.0% M-__ 0.0% M 0.0% %T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% M a7 m 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO 1 0.00051 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 % Violations 0.0% __ 0.0% % Violations 0.0% %T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO M MM - •111 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% %T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM Page 15 % 1 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe 4 0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jun - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered 1=7 Level (DL) entered I X Sample Date I Sample Type Perr " Limit TRC Limit Avi Custom Drum Compliance Judgement ALUMINUM Daily Concentration Violation Type 9/20/2017 12/19/2017 Self Self 12/27/2017 'rage of Column i otal Samples 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM 0 0 Daily ' < Concentratio Violation Type —� 10 12 Page 16 0 3 1 0 ... ,,, % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe #0029/001 DD Reporting 0� Period: iJan - Jun 2017 aE ==L 0� •FLOW D Sample Date Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow Violation oil100 MGD Type MGD Type Permit Limit 0.015 0 O.0 TRC Limit 0.018 0.021 Ron TDr` 0-- Tor L 110 D DD OC1 0� ftp F- aE ==L 0� OD D oil100 �0 110 12 13� �j 14 0 1510 0 16Q 180 190 200 210 22 Q 2310 24 0 25 26 Q 0 27 oil 28 29 p Q 0 310 Q Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM 0 0 • Daily Flow Violation MGD I Type 0_ 0.015 0.021 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Page 17 0 • •• < Daily Flow Violation MGD I Type �Q 0.015 0.021 Ran TRr' 0 0 0 0 0 % Violations % Violations % TRC Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? SNC ? 0 0 DD OC1 0� aE ==L 0� �0 �0 Ion 0 0 0 0 0 % Violations % Violations % TRC Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? SNC ? 0 0 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 0029 / 001 Reporting Period:=Jun Ltttl Permit Limit TRC Limit Av( Maximum in Column Total Samples Custom Drum Compliance Judgement %T Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 18 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 14 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Average Flow 1st half 0.000 Total # Samples Max Flow 1st half 0.001 12 •FLOW -JUN AUG Daily Flow MGD Violation Daily Flow T Violation Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow Violation ` e MGD Type MGD Type MGD Type 711 0.015 F-1 0.015 0.018 0.018 —7-01-81 1 0.018 %T Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 18 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 14 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO f�Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe #�10029/001 Reporting l Period:Ilf Jan - Jun 2017 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples % T • Daily Flow I Violation MGD Type 7.815 0.018 Ran TRC'. =E= �i - o� Q 0.0006 0.0003 Com. 0� 0� 0 0.0008 0.0004 [—]1 0 0.0005 0.000211 00 0� 0.00061 OF 0 0.0006 0.00031 Q 0.0004 0� 0� 00.00041 0.0001 Q 0.0003 00 0.0004 0.0008 0 13 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Cust Drum CJ 2017 - half detect.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:44 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement • • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type OA18 Average Flow 2nd half 0.001 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.001 54 •NOV Daily Flow Violation MGD T pe 0.015 0.018 • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type Q 0.015 0.018 0 0 8 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 19 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 4 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 10029 / 001 Reporting Period: E - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered 1 Sample Date I Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.015 0.018 D-- -rot- 3/16/2017Self J 0.0004; 0.0003 6/22/2017 Self 6/2 9/2017_j POTW L-� Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM 0.0004 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Concentration Violation ll - <m 7Type 3000 4200.000 lQAmn TD(` 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Daily < Concentration Violation Type Q 500 700 Ran TR(' i :MM M�__ M�__ M 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Daily < Concentration Violation Type Q 500 700 Ran TR(' 0 3 1 1 % Violations 33.3% % TRC Violations 33.3% SNC ? YES i :MM 289.3333331 0 3 1 1 % Violations 33.3% % TRC Violations 33.3% SNC ? YES Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe 10029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level - (DL) entered x Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 11 3/16/2017 Self 1 11 6/29/201711 POTW I Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease Daily Violation < Concentration Type a 100 (SUO) 140 Ren TRC'. 0 3 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? AMMONIA Daily Violation < Concentration � Type E:1L� Rea TRC W-__ M- _ �C .D M M - 0 3 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? AMMONIA Daily Violation < Concentration � Type E:1L� Rea TRC W-__ M- _ M M - ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration Type CIE .1 Rea TRC 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe 0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement _T. Daily Concentration Violation Type < e Q 0.003 0.0036 Ron TR(` 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 _e Daily Violation Concentration Type < e E 0.3 0.36 Ron TR(` 1 11 MM - I11 •__ - .�__ iii __, - I. -- 1 11 • 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 _e Daily Violation Concentration Type < e E 0.3 0.36 Ron TR(` 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO •- Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0 0.4 0.48 Ron TR(` 0.2480 0 3 1 0 % Violations 33.3% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO - - 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO •- Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0 0.4 0.48 Ron TR(` 0.2480 0 3 1 0 % Violations 33.3% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe 410029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered x Level (DL) entered Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type 11 3/16/2017 Self 1 II 6/29/201711 POTW II Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily < Concentration Violation �m il- Type Os� Rea TRC 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Daily Violation < Concentration Type mall 0� Ran TRC -__ W-__ _I mom - 0.0050 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Daily Violation < Concentration Type mall 0� Ran TRC 0.0035 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO MERCURY Daily Violation < Concentration mall- Type Rea TRC 1 1 0.000201 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO _I 0.0035 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO MERCURY Daily Violation < Concentration mall- Type Rea TRC 1 1 0.000201 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe #' 0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Perm" Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement DLYRr Daily < Concentration Violation Type mall- 0� Rcn TQ!' 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? [Daily < ConcentrationMOIL Vivlalian Type 0 1.2 1.44 Rcn TDr' 1 1 1.1/831 0 0 3 FA % Violations 66.7% % TRC Violations 66.7% SNC ? YES Page 5 PHOSPHORUS Daily < Concentration Violation Type Ell - Ll Ron TQ!' -�__ • _. .�__ -�__ --�_ -�__ --__ -�__ - -�__ IM Ms 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? [Daily < ConcentrationMOIL Vivlalian Type 0 1.2 1.44 Rcn TDr' 1 1 1.1/831 0 0 3 FA % Violations 66.7% % TRC Violations 66.7% SNC ? YES Page 5 PHOSPHORUS Daily < Concentration Violation Type Ell - Ll Ron TQ!' 2 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • _. -�__ --�_ -�__ --__ -�__ - IM Ms 2 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: jCustom Drum IUP #/Pipe 4 10029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered x Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/16/2017 Self 6/22/2017 Self 6/29/2017POTW 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily < Concentration Violation Type mcitL 0 0.04 0.048 Rea TRC: 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 [ I Daily Violation < Concentration Type Mall - 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation MOIL Type 2�1 2.4 RPn TRC: 0.7233 0 0 3 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO __ 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 [ I Daily Violation < Concentration Type Mall - 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation MOIL Type 2�1 2.4 RPn TRC: 0.7233 0 0 3 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe #10029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement �1 0.00171 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 65.10001 0 0 1 Page 7 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO 1 1 %1 • • ANTIMONY Daily Violation < Concentration Type Daly olation < Concentration VimUlL Daily < Concentration Violation ` MG/1 YP T YPe E--1 --3 =�M__ 1 - 00mo __ Rea TRC D— Tor �1 0.00171 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 65.10001 0 0 1 Page 7 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO 1 1 %1 0 �__ =�M__ - 00mo __ WOMMO_M ft�__ __ �1 0.00171 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 65.10001 0 0 1 Page 7 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO 1 1 %1 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe 4 10029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered x Level (DL) entered Ll Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Custom Drum Compliance Judgement ALUMINUM Daily Concentration Violation Type moll Ren TRC'. Ave—ra—g—e—of umn Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM L ! 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Daily Violation < Concentratio Type 0 10 12 Ren TR(- Page 8 % Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO EM �_ 1/ Page 8 % Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe 4 '0029/001 Reporting Period: Jun - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Avg Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) Daily Flow Violation MGD Type l5� 0.018 D-- Ton 9/20/2017 12/19/2017 Self Self 0.0003 0.0009 M�__ 12/27/201 PP-O�T�W � __ -__ MMM M -M_ M�__ �rMM M�=_ L� 'rage of Column 0.0007 I otal Samples Cust Drum CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0 3000 4200.000 Ran TR(` 3 0 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO DD y 7ViToYIatio7n1 < Concentration 0 mull 500 700 Ron TR!' MM M�__ W � __ -__ MMM M -M_ M�__ �rMM M�=_ mm W�__ 3 0 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO DD y 7ViToYIatio7n1 < Concentration 0 mull 500 700 Ron TR!' MM =OM M-__ �rMM M�=_ mm W�__ 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 9 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe 0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jun - Dec 201 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/20/2017 Self 12/19/2017 Self 12/27/2017 POTW 0 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement • Daily < Concentration Violation Type (SUO) 140 RPn TRC 0 3 0 AMMONIA Daily Violation < Concentration Type matL Rea TRC 1 1 6.671 0 0 1 ARSENIC Daily Violation <Concentr11 ationn Type IF -11 RPn TRC 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% M-�= I �_ .. 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% M NO SNC ? NO SNC ? M M M _ -__ 1 1 6.671 0 0 1 ARSENIC Daily Violation <Concentr11 ationn Type IF -11 RPn TRC 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 10 Industry Name! Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe 0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jun - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered x X Level L = enteredd Permit Limit TRC Limit Average OT uoiumn Total Samples Sample -Date Sample Type Cust Drum CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement a� Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0.003 0.0036 Ran TR(` u.uuu6 0 3 0 % Violations 0:0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO :T. Daily Violation Concentration Type < e 00.3 0.36 Ron TL?(` w tool 1 • 111•__ u.uuu6 0 3 0 % Violations 0:0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO :T. Daily Violation Concentration Type < e 00.3 0.36 Ron TL?(` w Jilin Me • 111•__ 1 1 • I 0 0 3 0 0 Page 11 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO COPPER < Concentration Violation Type 0 0.4 0.48 Ran TR( �L U.1 y4 i 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • 111•__ �L U.1 y4 i 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe10029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jun - Dec 201 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/20/2017 Self 12/19/2017 Self 12/27/2017 POTW Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily Violation < Concentration Type moll - ®0 Rea TRC -__ 0 1 0 Daily Violation < Concentration Type 1u� Rpn TRC: I j 0.00191 0 0 1 MER URY Daily < Violation Concentration Type Rea TRC 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 000 _ 0.0% % T % TRC Violations __ % TRC Violations MM % TRC Violations 0.0% mm NO SNC ? MM SNC ? __ M 0-__ 0 1 0 Daily Violation < Concentration Type 1u� Rpn TRC: I j 0.00191 0 0 1 MER URY Daily < Violation Concentration Type Rea TRC 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 000 _ 0.0% % T % TRC Violations __ % TRC Violations MM % TRC Violations 0.0% mm NO SNC ? MM SNC ? __ M 0-__ wI 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 12 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 0029 / 001 Reporting Period:[Jun - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Perr(" Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples %T Cust Drum CJ 2017.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement DLYRC Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0� Ran TRP` NICKEL all Violation < Concentration � Type ® 1.211 1.44 Qnn TDP` 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? SNC ? NO SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS Dai • - Daily < Concentration Violation Type MCM Page 13 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe 1110029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jun - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Self 12/19/2017JI Self 12/27/2017 POTW Average of Column Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2017.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily < Concentration Violation Type mad Q� 0.04 0.048 Ran TRC'. M __ �__ =�Mmm M - -__ Mm N M lM1��m�� WNEWIN Daily Violation < Concentration m Type ! Ran TRC: Daily Violation < Concentration Type Cl 2.4 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% %T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 14 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jun -Dec 201 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Ave Total Samples Cust Drum CJ 2017.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement 0 1 0 62.y000 0 0 1 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations NO2• % T % TRC Violations 0.0% ANTIMONY 0.0% % TRC Violations L Dail y < Concentration Violation Type SNC ? Daily —] < Concentration Violation Daiiy < Concentration Violation < Type Type M F 0 0–j Re_ TRC Rea TRC Roti TD(' 0 1 0 62.y000 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO M M 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 15 % T I Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe #''0029 / 001 Reporting Period:. Jun - Dec 2017,; Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Daily Violation Concentration Type Ran TR(: 9/20/2017 Self 12/19/2017 Self 12/27/2017 FPOTWI 0 I� _� F--- - L I� Average of Column L Total Samples 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Cust Drum CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM �E Baily , Violation < Concentratio n Type L J .v 12 Page 16 0 3 1 0 % TRC Violations -0.0% SNC ? NO Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Industry Name: ICustom Drum J IUP #/Pipe # 0029 / 001 2d` Reporting �4 Period: Jan - Jun 2017 610 7 • • - Sample Date Daily Flow Violation I Daily Flow Violation ` D FEi MGD Type MGD Type Permit Limit 0.015 Of C � 5 TRC Limit 'I0 E== J ___ _ 2d` __ �4 610 7 8 D FEi 110 12 14 140 � �_ j- 150116 17�0 18 190 200 210 22 0 23 0 24 25 0 27 280�� 29 0 0 Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples 0 0 0 • . Daily Flow Violation MGD Type �]0115 0.021 0 0 0 0 0 % Violations % Violations % TRC Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? SNC ? Cust Drum CJ 2017.xis, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM Page 17 • •• Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 00115 0.021 0 0 0 0 0 % Violations % Violations % TRC Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? SNC ? 0 0 MM ___ _ __ 0 0 0 0 0 % Violations % Violations % TRC Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? SNC ? 0 0 Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe #0029 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2017 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples % T Cust Drum CJ 2017.xis, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Average Flow 1st half 0.000 Total # Samples Max Flow 1st half 0.001 12 • Daily Flow I Violation MGD Type `1.01 0.018 0 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type Q 0.015�. 0.0181 Rea TRC Ell Q� Ell Q 0.0003 Q� 0.0005 Q� Q 0.0008 Q 0.0004 Q 0.0003 Q� Q�l Ell QO Q� QO Q 0.0006 Q� 0.0004 Q 0.0003 Q� O 0.0003 QO QO Q� Q� Q -j Q�• 0.0007 Q� QO Q� Q 0.0004 Q 0.0004 0.0002 Q� Q 0.0005 QO Qom_ Q� �0 Q 0.0002 Q 0.00 Q� Q�Q Q 0.0001 0.0004 0.0008 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 18 • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type E1._ _ 0.015 0.018 P- TRr Q� Q� Q� Q 0.0004 Q 0.0004 QO QO QO Q� 0.0004 Q� O 0.0003 QO Q� Q� Q� 0.0002 Q 0.0005 Qom_ �0 Q� Q 0.0003 Q 0.0001 �� 0.0007 Q� Q� Q� Q 0.00036 0.0004 0.0007 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type Qf o.u�.l 0.018 0 14 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Custom Drum IUP #/Pipe # 0029 1001 Reporting Period: : Period: Jan -Jun 2017 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples %T Cust Drum CJ 2017.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:45 AM • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type � n,o 0.018 0 13 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Custom Drum Compliance Judgement Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 0.01511 0.018 Ren TRC - - 1 111 . -�__ -�__ - -� M�__ 0.0008 0.0014 0 8 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 19 Average Flow 2nd half 0.001 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.001 54 •NOV Daily Flow Violation MGD Type D_ 0.0151 0.018 • 17 Daily Flow Violation MGD I Type Q 0.015 0.018 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Compliance Judgement Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC detennination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use sc larate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Custom Drum IUP Number: 0029 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Copper Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/17 — 6/30/17 See next page for definitions Daily Max. and IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply Ave. Limits Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits from IUP TRC compliance iudaement not reouired for pH: Daily Maximum Limit: 0.4 Average Limit: = TRC Daily Limit: 0.48 LM—Z—/Ii or lbs/day = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/l or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW A - Average Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other?) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (tier example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as another CJP. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 7: Use only if IUP has (monthly?) average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum or average value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily and average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily and average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1 " if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col_ 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample or CJP Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Cone. mg/1 Avg Cone. mg/1 Daily Load lbs/day Avg. Load lbs/dav CJP Count Regular Violation ? TRC Violation ? 1 3/16/2017 0.041 1 0 0 1 6/22/2017 0.0004 0.477 1 1 0 POTW 6/29/2017 0.0003 0.226 1 0 0 List these Totals on next page => I A = 3 I B = 1 I C=O Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgement Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgement Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each hidustry SNC detennination for Flow o itional, see Section 7-E Use sc . arate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Custom Drum ! IUP Number: 0029 1 Pipe Number: 001 1 Parameter: Cop r Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/17 — 6/30/17 SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Calculate the % of Regular violations: B/A = 33.3% 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? Chronic violator? Yes /NJ 3) Calculate the % of TRC Violations: C/A = 0% 4) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %)' ? TRC Violator? Yes /E] No 5) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass-through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes / M 6) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes / No ❑ 7) If the answer to Any of these questions is yes, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YE NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance eriod? CIRCLE ONE: YES I NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: CJP Compliance Judgement Point, The number of daily sample data values plus the number of average of sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judge ment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance (formerly called Reportable Non -Compliance or RNC) Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgement Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgement Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Custom Drum IUP Number: 0029 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Nickel Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/17 — 6/30/17 See next page for definitions Daily Max. and IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply Ave. Limits Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits from 'UP TRC compliance judgement not required for H: Daily Maximum Limit: 1.2 * Mr 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: ` 1_.44 me/1 or lbs/day Average Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW A - Average Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other?) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as another CJP. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 7: Use only if IUP has (monthly?) average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/l * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum or average value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily and average values to JUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily and average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1 " if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample or CJP Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Conc. mg/1 Avg Conc. mg/l Daily Load lbs/day Avg. Load lbs/day CJP Count Regular Violation ? TRC Violation ? 1 3/16/2017 0.015 1 0 0 1 6/22/2017 0.0004 5.17 1 1 1 POTW 6/29/2017 0.0003 1.65 1 1 1 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgement Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 List these Totals on next page => A = 3 B = 2 ]E2 Compliance Judgement Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Custom Drum IUP Number: 0029 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Nickel I Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/17 — 6/30/17 SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Calculate the % of Regular violations: B/A = 66.7% 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? Chronic violator? es / No 3) Calculate the % of TRC Violations; C/A = 66.7% 4) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? TRC Violator? es / No 5) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass-through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes No 6) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes / No ❑ 7) If the answer to aM of these questions is yes, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance period? CIRCLE ONE: FES] NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: CJP Compliance Judgement Point, The number of daily sample data values plus the number of average of sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judge ment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance (formerly called Reportable Non -Compliance or RNC) Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgement Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgement Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC detennination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Finch Industries I IUP Number: 0018 1 Piie Number: 001 Parameter: Lead Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/17 — 12/31/17 See next page for definitions Daily Max. and IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply Ave. Limits Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollulants to Limits from IUP TRC compliance i udp-ement not required for vH: Daily Maximum Limit: 0.2 * 1.2 br 1.4 =TRC Daily Limit: 0.24 _ m ,'l j or lbs/day Average Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW A - Average Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other?) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as another CJP. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 7: Use only if IUP has (monthly?) average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1 " for each daily maximum or average value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily and average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily and average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample or CJP Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Conc. mg/1 Avg Cone. mg/I Daily Load lbs/day Avg. Load lbs/day CJP Count Regular Violation TRC Violation 1 9/6/2017 0.0505 0.035 1 0 0 I1 9/7/2017 0.0576 0.058 1 0 0 POTW 11/10/2017 0.0257 0.237 1 1 0 1 11/28/2017 0.0590 0.041 1 0 0 I 11/29/2017 0.0457 0.023 1 0 0 List these Totals on next page => A=5 B = 1 C= 0 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgement Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgement Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use serarate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Finch Industries I IUP Number: 0018 + Pipe Number: 001 I Parameter: Lead I Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/17 — 12/31/17 1 SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Calculate the % of Regular violations: B/A = 20% 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? Chronic violator? Yes /No 3) Calculate the % of TRC Violations: C/A = 0% 4) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? TRC Violator? Yes / No 5) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass-through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes ri 6) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes / No ❑ 7) If the answer to any of these questions is ides, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six monthperiod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAMMETER in the previous six month compliance Period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: CJP Compliance Judgement Point, The number of daily sample data values plus the number of average of sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria — 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judge ment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance (formerly called Reportable Non -Compliance or RNC) Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgement Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe #10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample DateSample Type Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.036 0.043 Ran TRr 3/1/2017 Self 0.0241 3/2/2017 Self 0.0248 5/19/2017 POTW 0.0278 6/16/2017 Self 0.0407 1 6/19/2017 Self 0.04471 1 1 � gra IL 0 0 0 �- Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xis, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM 0.0324 5 2 0.0446556 % Violations 40.0% % TRC Violations 20.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type 00 Ran TRr_ 0 1 0 11 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 1 SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation m IL Type Q 300 420 Ran TRC'. 0 0 5 0 0 420 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO � gra 0 1 0 11 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 1 SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation m IL Type Q 300 420 Ran TRC'. 0 0 5 0 0 420 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: EFFinch7l7nd7u7stries IUP #/Pipe 10018/001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease Daily EC -0 ncentration iolation Type log D-- Tor L I 2.51 0 1 2.5 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? AMMONIA 17aily < Concentration Violation m Type Ell Ran TD(` 7.52 0 0 0 1 0 7.52 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO Page 2 ARSENIC Daily < Concentration Violation Type Q� Ran TR(' 0 0 1 0 0 0.001 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO �C 7.52 0 0 0 1 0 7.52 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO Page 2 ARSENIC Daily < Concentration Violation Type Q� Ran TR(' 0 0 1 0 0 0.001 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe 0018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/1/2017] Self 3/21201711 Self 5/19/2017 POTW 6/16/2017 Self 6/19/2017 Self 0 0 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1 st half 3/612018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement CADMIUM Daily Violation < Concentration Type ##1 0.0024 Ran TR(: 0 5 0 0 0.0024 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 CHROMIUM Violation 7�� n Type mnli 0.15 IEJ 0.18 Ran TRC'. L— 1 0.00281 0 5 0.18 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? COPPER Daily < Concentration Violation m Type Q 1.5 1.8 RPn TRC oil M� 0 5 0 0 0.0024 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 CHROMIUM Violation 7�� n Type mnli 0.15 IEJ 0.18 Ran TRC'. L— 1 0.00281 0 5 0.18 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? COPPER Daily < Concentration Violation m Type Q 1.5 1.8 RPn TRC 0 0 0 5 1.8 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations NO SNC ? 0.0% 0.0% NO oil 0 0 0 5 1.8 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations NO SNC ? 0.0% 0.0% NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe # 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement CYANIDE ❑aily Violation < ConmulL centration Type E:11 0.1 0.12 D-- r�r I 0.00721 0 5 0 0.12 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0 0.2 0.24 Ran TRf 0.05261 0 0 5 0 0.24 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 MERCURY Daily Violation CDoncentration Type < Ran TPr` M�__ m7mm M MIM= 0.05261 0 0 5 0 0.24 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 MERCURY Daily Violation CDoncentration Type < Ran TPr` 0 0 1 0 0 0.0001 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO m7mm LM 1 111 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.0001 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe 0 0018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/1/2017 Self 3/2/2017 Self 5/19/2017 POTW 6/16/2017 Self 6/19/2017 Self 0 0 r0r� I� u 0 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement MOLYBDENUM Daily Violation < Concentration Type Rea TRC 11 1 0 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? NICKEL Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0.2 0.24 RPS TRC'. 1 _ 1 11 i -____ - 1 1 11 1 0 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? NICKEL Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0.2 0.24 RPS TRC'. 0 0 5 0 0.24 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 5 SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS Daily < Concentration Violation Type Ran TRC' - 1 _ 1 11 i - 1 1 0 0 5 0 0.24 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 5 SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS Daily < Concentration Violation Type Ran TRC' - 1 _ i - 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.351 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe 0018/001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily Violation < Concentration Type L-i� Dnn TD!' 0 1 0.001 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? SILVER Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0 0.43 0.516 Rcn TD!' 0 0 0 5 0.516 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations NO SNC ? Page 6 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0� 1.2 N IN El I KC: 0 5 0 0 1.2 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO -�__ MM 0 1 11 1 0 1 0.001 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? SILVER Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0 0.43 0.516 Rcn TD!' 0 0 0 5 0.516 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations NO SNC ? Page 6 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0� 1.2 N IN El I KC: 0 5 0 0 1.2 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe 0018 / 001 Reporting Period: Lan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/1/20171 Self 3/2/2017 Self 5/19/2017 POTW 6/16/2017 Self 6/19/901711 Self Finch Industries Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY Daily Violation < ConmWL centration Type 0E:::� RPn TRC �}aily < Concentration Violation Type Ren TRC Average of Column 1 0.00031 U_ 6.08001 Total Samples 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Maximum in Column 0.00025 6.08 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Page 7 • • Daily < Concentration Violation Type RPn TRC'. IM =C Average of Column 1 0.00031 U_ 6.08001 Total Samples 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Maximum in Column 0.00025 6.08 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Page 7 • • Daily < Concentration Violation Type RPn TRC'. 0 0 1 0 0 2.42 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO IM 0 0 1 0 0 2.42 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe #10018 / 001 Reporting Period: [Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered L7 X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Aluminum Daily Violation Daily , < Concentration < Concentration Violation mall TypeType 12 Reg TRC 3/1/2017 3/2/2017 Self Self 0� 5/19/2017 6/16/2017 POTW Self Q 0� 0.264 6/19/2017 Self I 0=1� 0i ® I C� 0� Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM 0.2640 0 1 0 0.264 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 9.1400 0 0 5 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 8 Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe =; 0018 / 001 Reporting-, - Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.036 0.043 Ran TP( - 9/6/ RC 9/6/2017 Self 0.0505' 1 v 1 9/7/2017 Self 0.05761 1 1 11/10/2017 11/28 120 1 7 POTW Self 0.0257 0.0590 1 1 11/29/2017 Self0.0457 1 1 0 Average of Column 0.04771 Total Samples 5 4 Maximum in Column 0.05896484 Violations 80.0% % TRC Violations 80.0% SNC ? YES Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM : • ■ Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0� Ran TRC` 4 0 1 0 30.2 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 9 SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0 300 420 0 0 5 0 0 420 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe # 0018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease Daily < Concentration Violation Type L—ji 100 140 r�o., Tom 0 1 0 0 140 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 10 AMMONIA Daily Violation < Concentration Tmall- ype Ran TWI MM -NONE�� m��� mommamm ��WWM m a MM mmmommr U�=r 0rWIr WOUNOMM �- 1 -1 1 0 1 0 0 140 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 10 AMMONIA Daily Violation < Concentration Tmall- ype Ran TWI 0 1 0 6.44 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration Type ma/L Ll Ran Tor MM -NONE�� a 0 1 0 6.44 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily Violation < Concentration Type ma/L Ll Ran Tor 0 1 0 0 0.002 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO MM �- 1 -1 1 0 1 0 0 0.002 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name:Fincl h Industries IUP #/Pipe 0018/001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement CADMIUM Daily Violation < Concentration rn Type EE 0.002 ## 0.0024 Ran TRC E 0.00161 0 5 0 0.0024 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO CHROMIUM Daily Violation < Concentration Type mulL Q 0.15, 0.18 Rea TRC M 1 11 1 11 __ 0.0021' _ 0.00015 1 11 1 11 __ —__ M—__ M E 0.00161 0 5 0 0.0024 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO CHROMIUM Daily Violation < Concentration Type mulL Q 0.15, 0.18 Rea TRC M 1 11 __ 1 11 _ M 0 0 5 0 0.18 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 11 SNC ? NO `1 fly Violation < Concentration Type 1.8 Ren TRC 0 0 5 0 0 1.8 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO - 1 _ 0 0 5 0 0 1.8 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe #� 0.018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily Concentration Violation Type Hl e [::] 0.1 0.12 mum ENNUI w1m, - �_ _ mrMm W �� Mm i�� M M -Mm M�Mm M�Wmm 11 0 5 0 0 0.12 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 12 Daily Violation < Concentration mail- Type 0 0.2 0.24 Ron TDP' u.0 inti 0 5 1 0.24 Violations 20.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO MERCURY Daily < Concentration Violation Type mUlL 0� Ron TD(' FIN IL no,=�Mm 1 1 __ Mm M�=� Mrmm u.0 inti 0 5 1 0.24 Violations 20.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO MERCURY Daily < Concentration Violation Type mUlL 0� Ron TD(' �� u.uuozu� 0 0 1 0 0 0.0002 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO IL no,=�Mm M �� Mm M�=� Mrmm �� u.uuozu� 0 0 1 0 0 0.0002 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe P 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit { 9/6/2017 Self 9/7/2017 Self 11/10/2017 POTW 11/28/2017 Self ( 11/29/2017 Self -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement MOLYBDENUM Daily Violation < Concentration Type malL 0� I Rea TRC 0 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? NICKEL Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0 0.2 0.24 Ran TRC �__ MEEMMEMM M �__ ac 1 1 __ MM M of. 0 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? NICKEL Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0 0.2 0.24 Ran TRC 0 0 5 0 0.24 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 13 SNC ? NO If PHOSPHORUS Qaily < Concentration Violation m /L Type Rea TRC �__ MEEMMEMM M �__ 1 0 1 __ 1 1 __ MM M of. 0 0 5 0 0.24 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 13 SNC ? NO If PHOSPHORUS Qaily < Concentration Violation m /L Type Rea TRC 1 0.86501 0 1 0 0 0.865 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO M 1 0.86501 0 1 0 0 0.865 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name:. Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe10018/001 Reporting Period: Jul -De Detection Level (DL) entered IFE Level (DL) entered I X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily < Concentration Violation Type Ran TRf 0 1 0 0.002 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO I Page 14 Daily Concentration Violation Type < e F. 0.43 0.516 Ron TC-jr 0.1248 0 5 0 0.516 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily llation < Concentration MnIf ype 1.2 D— TOr' U.UL31 0 0 5 0 0 1.2 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO �~ter 0 1 0 0.002 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO I Page 14 Daily Concentration Violation Type < e F. 0.43 0.516 Ron TC-jr 0.1248 0 5 0 0.516 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily llation < Concentration MnIf ype 1.2 D— TOr' U.UL31 0 0 5 0 0 1.2 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe #10018/001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY Daily FIT,, ation < Concentration pe 0� Rea TRC 0 1 0 0 0.0005 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 15 Daily Violation < Concentration Type al(Il Rea TRC U_ 10.7000) 0 1 0 10.7 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • • Daily Violation < Concentration IL Type DC �1 RPa TRC 0 0 1 0 0 2.61 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO - 1 111 0 1 0 0 0.0005 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 15 Daily Violation < Concentration Type al(Il Rea TRC U_ 10.7000) 0 1 0 10.7 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • • Daily Violation < Concentration IL Type DC �1 RPa TRC 0 0 1 0 0 2.61 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe # 0018/001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X SampleDate Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Avg Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Aluminum Liaily Violation Dail , < Concentration < Concentration Violation _ Type rr Type 0F� E 10 12 9/6/2017 Self 9/7/2017 Self 11/1 1 0/2017 POTW 11/291201 7 Self �� Q� 0� Vy 0� F-11 --,v wage of Column i otai Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? I 0 0 5 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 16 Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe 0018 / 001 Reporting �I Period: n - Average of Column 0.0248 Maximum in Column 0.0413 Total Samples 25 % Violations 4.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement • 7D7ail,Flow Violation D Type 0;:: 0.036 0.043 Rcn TD(` 0 0.0298 0 0.0253 �Q Ja Dec 201711 T • 1 Sample Date Daily Flow Violation 0.0335 ] 0.0229 MGD T pe Permit Limit L_0.036 TRC Limit 1 0.043 Rea TRC Average of Column 0.0248 Maximum in Column 0.0413 Total Samples 25 % Violations 4.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement • 7D7ail,Flow Violation D Type 0;:: 0.036 0.043 Rcn TD(` 0 0.0298 0 0.0253 �Q E:]j 0.0247 j ®� 0.0413 0.0355 1 00 0.0335 ] 0.0229 ©] 0.0325 0.0264 0 0.0235 0 0.0034 0.0108 0.0000 0 990.0323 0 0.0243 Q 0.0225 Q 0.0232 10 1 0.0302 ] 0.0255 11 � 0.0069 EL 0.02911 El ED 139 0.0215 145 1 0.0052 0 0.0289 1510 161 0.0005 [� 0.04481 0.0261 ] 0.0307 17 0.0209 1 18 0.02221. L9J j 0.0287 2010 21 0.0322 0.0085 22 0.0059 23111 0.0304 24 25 0.0281 P0.0315 26 � 0.0313 27 Q 0.0264 29 DQ D 30 0.0295 31 �] 0.0256 Average of Column 0.0248 Maximum in Column 0.0413 Total Samples 25 % Violations 4.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement • 7D7ail,Flow Violation D Type 0;:: 0.036 0.043 Rcn TD(` 0 0.0298 0 0.0253 E:]j 0.0247 ED -i ] 0.0217 ] 0.0229 0 0.0237 0.0264 0 0.0235 0 0.0034 0.0108 0.0000 0 0 0.0243 Q 0.0225 Q 0.0232 L -:]l 0.0248 ] 0.0255 0 0.0131 EL 0.02911 El ED 0 0.0261 0 0.0285 0 0.0269 0.0174 0 0.0289 Q 0.0000. 0.0000.1 [� 0.04481 1 1 ] 0.0307 DD 1 0.0206 �' 0.0240 0.0298 0 0 20 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 17 • Daily Flow j Violation ` MGD Type ]� 0.036 0.043 Rcn TRr^ 0.0241 F71 0.024-8111 0.0265 0.0276 0.02831' 0.0264 0.0108 0.0000 Q 0.0000 0, 0.0257' Q 0.0225 Q 0.0232 0.0189 00 0� =F 0.0116 ]I 3000 0 �I 0.0107: 0.0174 0 0.0173_ Q 0.0000. 0.0000.1 [� 0.04481 1 1 ] 0.0307 ] 0.0397 1 0.0206 �' 0.0194 0.0448 0 27 3 % Violations 11.1% % TRC Violations 3.7% SNC ? NO • Darty Flow i Violation MGD Type =j 0.036 0.043 LJi II 0.0368 0.0427 0 5 4 0 '/-• Violations 80.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? YES Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe #i 001.8 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2017 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Average Flow 1st half 0.032 Total # Samples Max Flow 1st half 0.082 129 • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type CIL 0.043 • < Dally Flow Violation MGD T pe 0 0.036 0.043 • Daily Flow I Violation MGD Type 0=-00 .36 0.043 Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples %T Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM % ftiations 84.0% % TRC Violations 68.0% SNC ? YES 0 27 21 19 % Violations 77.8% % TRC Violations 70.4% SNC ? YES Page 18 0 26 19 19 % Violations 73.1% % TRC Violations 73.1% • 7 Daily Flow Violation MGD Type Q 0.036 0.043 �.... Ton Q 0.0660. 1 J 1 Q 0.06141 1 [::IF--O-.O-6-0--81P1 1 Q0.0589 1 1 0 Q E] 0.0003 0.0544 1 1 0.0417 1 F 0.0533 1 1 Q 0.0510 -1E111 0.0413 0 0.0475f' 1 1 0 0.0579 1 1 Q 0.0648 1 1 0 0.06831 1 1 =j 0.0196 [� 0.0512 1, 1 Q 0.0617 Q0.0592 1 1 1 1 [� 0.05811 1 1 0.0574 1 1 Q 0.0005 Q 0.0001 0 0.0547 1 1 [� 0.0539 1 1 Q0.0604 1 1 U1 0.0671[l 1 1 0.0489 0.0683 0 26 22 20 % Violations 84.6% % TRC Violations 76.9% SNC ? YES Industry Name: rFinch Industries IUP #/Pipe #0018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2017 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Av Maximum in Column Total Samples % T Finch CJ 2017 half detect.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM • Daily Flow I Violation MGD Type 0 (] C36 0.043 Q- TR(` 0 F-1 0.0511 1 1 1 EJ 0.0607 1 1 505. 1 1 X576 1 1 0.0528 1 1 [] 0.0092 El 0.0528 1 1 F-1-0.05981 1 1 0 0.0612; 1 1 F- 0.0632': 1 1 0 —0.0576.1 1 1 0.00891 F-1� 0.0565 1 1 [-11-0.06411 1 1 0 0 0.0609! 1 1 0.06551 1 1 �0.0510. 1 1 0 0.0042.. 0.0566 1 1 Q 0.0615: 1 1 1 Q Q 0.0558 0.0507 1 1 1 1 0 0� 0.0541 1 1 0.0507 0.0655 0 23 20 20 % Violations 87.0% % TRC Violations 87.0% SNC ? YES Finch Industries Compliance Judgement • OCT Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 0.036 0.043 Average Flow 2nd half 0.045 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.068 138 •NOV /Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 0.036 0.043 • Daily Flow Violation MGD I Type Eli 0.036 0.043 0 25 22 21 % Violations 88.0% TRC Violations 84.0% SNC ? YES Page 19 0 21 18 15 % Violations 85.7% % TR(' Violations 71.4% SNC ? YES 0 17 11 7 Violations 64.7% % TRC Violations 41.2% SNC ? YES Industry Name: _Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe0018 / 001 Reporting Period: [Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered :j Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AV Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Instructions 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • M Violation Type 0.043 3/1/2017 3/2/2017 Self E Self 0.0241 0.0248 5/19/2017 POTW 6/16/20171 Self 0.0278 0.0407 1 6/19/2017 � � 0.0447 1 1 1 D� M�__ u o� M��_ M�__ 0.0324 ,rage of Column I oral samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017.xis, list half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM 5 2 0.0446556 % Violations 40.0% "6 TRC Violations 20.0% SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation TMa/Lype Ran TR(` 1 0 1 0 11 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 1 SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation Type 420 Ron TD1- MM M�__ M�__ M��_ M�__ M�__ M�__ •��r :��� .���� �0 1 0 1 0 11 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 1 SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation Type 420 Ron TD1- 0 0 5 0 0 420 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO MM 0 0 5 0 0 420 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO I Industry Name:IFinch Industries IUP #/Pipe 010018 / 001 Reportingli Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered �{ Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % T Finch CJ 2017.x1s, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease Daily Violation Concentration < n Type RPn TRC: �L 51 0 1 0 0 5 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 AMMONIA Daily Violation < Concentration �� L E: Type 0 1 0 0 7.52 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily < Concentration Violation Type MUIL 00 Ran TRC' 0 1 0 0 0.002 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe 10018/001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Av 3/1/2017 Self 3/2/2017 Self 5/19/2017 POTW 6/16/2017 Self 6/19/201711Self 0 0 eraae of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % T Finch CJ 2017.x1s, 1 st half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement ire Daily Violation < Concentration Type L Q _ 0.002 ## 0.0024 Ran TR(` 0.0016 0 5 0.0024 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Ire Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0 0.15 0.18 Ran TR(` 0 0 0 5 0.18 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations NO SNC ? Page 3 COPPER < Concentration Violation Type 1.8 Ran TR(` •' mm, N 0.0016 0 5 0.0024 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Ire Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0 0.15 0.18 Ran TR(` 0 0 0 5 0.18 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations NO SNC ? Page 3 COPPER < Concentration Violation Type 1.8 Ran TR(` 0 0 0 5 0 0 1.8 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO •' mm, 0 0 0 5 0 0 1.8 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe #1100 18 / 001 Reporting l Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/1/2017 Self 3/2/2017 Self 5/19/2_017 POTW 6/16_/2017 Self 6/19/2017 rSelf� u r-0 D f 0 0 0 �0 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % T Finch CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily Violation < I Concentration Type 0.111 0.12 0 5 0 0 0.12 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Daily Violation < Concentration ma/L Type 0 0.2 0.24 Ran TRr 1 0.05261 0 5 0.24 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? MERCURY Daily Violation < Concentration Type m Ran TR(; 0 0 0 1 0.0002 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations NO SNC ? �K 0.0% 0.0% NO Moon= 0 0 0 1 0.0002 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations NO SNC ? �K 0.0% 0.0% NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe 0018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement DLYRC Daily < Concentration Violation Type D— Tor' Il_ 1 0 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? NICKEL ❑ally < Concentration Violation Type Q F0.2 0.24 Rnn TLi!` 0 0 5 0.24 % Violations % TRC Violations Page 5 SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO PHOSPHORUS ai •- aily < Concentration Violation Type 0� Ron TDr' M__ — __ N�__ -�__ .��_ Il_ 1 0 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? NICKEL ❑ally < Concentration Violation Type Q F0.2 0.24 Rnn TLi!` 0 0 5 0.24 % Violations % TRC Violations Page 5 SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO PHOSPHORUS ai •- aily < Concentration Violation Type 0� Ron TDr' I I U-3,51UI 0 1 0.351 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0.0% 0.0% NO M__ — __ FM I I U-3,51UI 0 1 0.351 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0.0% 0.0% NO Industry Name: LFinch Industries IUP #/Pipe # 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/1/2017 Self 3/2/2017 Self 5/19/2017 POTW 6/16/2017 Self 6/19/2017 Self—I Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily Violation < Concentration Type IEIF-- 11 RPn TRC Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0 0.43 l 0.516 Ran TP(-- M RC: 11 M M 1 1 •1 ___ M -_� - 1 11 1-__ •/ Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0 0.43 l 0.516 Ran TP(-- M RC: Daily Violation < Concentration } �ry Type 1.2 Ran TRC: 11 M M 1 1 •1 ___ iI •/ Daily Violation < Concentration } �ry Type 1.2 Ran TRC: 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0.002 0.516 1.2 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 6 11 M 1 1 •1 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0.002 0.516 1.2 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe #10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Ave Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY Daily < Concentration Vi7olatio:n 0� Q 0 1 0.0005 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? IHC 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Page 7 Daily Violation < Concentration Type m 0E 0 1 6.08 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? I KU �R 0.0% 0.0% NO • • :a/L aily Violation nntration Type 0� Ron TR(' 2.4200 0 1 0 0 2.42 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name:{ Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe F-? 0018 / 001 Reporting ' Period: Jan - Jun 2017 11 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DQ entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Av Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Aluminum Daily Violation Daily , Violation Concentration Type < Concentration Type ma/L mulL Ell 12� Ran TRr_ 3/1/2017 Self 00 3/2/2017 Self F 5/19/2017 POTW Fj 0.264 6/16/2017 Self F-10 6/19/2017 Self [-Q 0� 0� �0 0 �0 a a� 0.2640 )rage of Column Total Samples 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 Maximum in Column 0.264 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Finch CJ 2017.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM SNC? NO SNC ? NO Page 8 Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe # 0018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Permit Limit TRC Limit AVE Sample Date Sample Type Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type jL 0.036 0.043 Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM 5 4 0.05896484 Violations 80.0% o TRC Violations 80.0% SNC ? YES Daily < Concentration Violation Type moil 01 Ran TDP' 4 0 1 0 30.2 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 9 SNC ? NO 0 Daily < Concentration Violation moll I Type IF71 300 420 Ran TR(' -��_ -�_M -�__ M M��� M��� M��� M��� M��� I= 4 0 1 0 30.2 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 9 SNC ? NO 0 Daily < Concentration Violation moll I Type IF71 300 420 Ran TR(' 0 5 0 0 420 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO -��_ -�_M -�__ 0 5 0 0 420 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe #10018 /001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease Daily Violation < Concentration Type Q 100 140 Ren TRC: 0 1 0 140 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMMONIA daily < Concentration Violation Type 0 - Ran TRC' 10 __ -__ M _ M 0 0 1 0 6.44 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 10 SNC ? NO ARSENIC Daily Violation < I Concentration Type 0L Rea TRC 0 0 1 0 0 0.002 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO M _ M 0 0 1 0 0 0.002 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe #10018 /001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017.x1s, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Ni Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0 0.002 ## I0.0024 Ran TD(' 0 5 0 0.0024 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO :T. Daily Violation < ConMWL centration Type Q 0.15 0.18 D— TDP` 1 11 1 11 mm 111 i7mm ~MM 0 5 0 0.0024 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO :T. Daily Violation < ConMWL centration Type Q 0.15 0.18 D— TDP` 0 0 5 0 0.18 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 11 SNC ? NO 0 COPPER Violation < Concentrmah ation Type [� 1.5 1.8 Ran TDP` 0 5 0 0 1.8 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 1 11 mm 111 i7mm ~MM 0 0 5 0 0.18 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 11 SNC ? NO 0 COPPER Violation < Concentrmah ation Type [� 1.5 1.8 Ran TDP` 0 5 0 0 1.8 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO II Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe :r 0018/001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/6/2017 Self 9/7/2017 Self 11/10/2017 POTW 11/28/2017 Self 11/29/2017 pelf Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily Violation < Concentration Type MOIL 0.12 Ran TP(-- off RC: 0 5 0 0.12 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO .D Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0.24 Ran TRC: . 11 . 11 :__ - 111 - - 1 1 __ OMMUMM_ M M-__ MM W-__ M-__ W-__ __ MW - 1 1 0 5 0 0.12 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO .D Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0.24 Ran TRC: . 11 . 11 :__ - 1 M_ - 1 1' __ OMMUMM_ W-__ - 11 0 0 5 1 0.24 % Violations 20.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 12 SNC ? NO IJ MERCURY Daily Violation < Concentration Type Ran TRC: L1 0.000201 0 1 0 0 0.0002 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 1 111 L1 0.000201 0 1 0 0 0.0002 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: _Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe r' 0018 / 001 Reporting Period: =Dec Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered F— SampleLDate]Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AVE Total Samples Maximum in Column %T Finch CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement MOLYBDENUM Daily < Concentration Violation Type NICKEL Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0.2 0.24 0 0 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Page 13 0 5 0 0 0.24 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO PHOSPHORUS Daily Violation < Concentration Type Ran TRC_ -�__ M 0 1 0 0 0.865 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe 9 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample M �__ Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/6/2017 Self 9/7/2017 Self 11/10/2017 POTW 11/28/2017 Self 11 /29/2017 Self 0 0 0 0 0 � 0 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0E�= Ren TRC im I I 0.00201 0 1- 0 0.002 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type m 1 0.43 0.516 RPn TRC 0.12481 0 0 5 0 0.516 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 14 Daily Violation < Concentration Type 1.2 Rea TRC §� '__ M �__ M �__ I I 0.00201 0 1- 0 0.002 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type m 1 0.43 0.516 RPn TRC 0.12481 0 0 5 0 0.516 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 14 Daily Violation < Concentration Type 1.2 Rea TRC §� '__ M �__ M �__ 1 0.02321 0 0 5 0 0 1.2 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe #1 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered 1==1 Sample Da]teSample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0� Ran Tr]r 0 1 0 0.0005 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO [] Page 15 Daily < Concentration Violation m Type 01 D -n Tyr 0.7000 0 1 0 10.7 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • • Daily < Concentration Violation Type Ran TDrI -�__ _m - __ 0 1 0 0.0005 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO [] Page 15 Daily < Concentration Violation m Type 01 D -n Tyr 0.7000 0 1 0 10.7 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • • Daily < Concentration Violation Type Ran TDrI -�__ - __ 0 0 1 0 0 2.61 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO I Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe 0018 / 001 Reporting Period: Lul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Aluminum Daily Violation Daily , Violation < Concentration Type < Concentration Type Q=� 12 Ran TR(' 9/6/2017 Self 0l 9/7)2017 Self F --]F-- F--11/10/2017 11/10 POTW 0� 11/28/2017 Self Q�lJ 11/29/2017 Self 0� 0 00 0 00 0� Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM L-1 E 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0 5 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 16 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries 2]0 IUP #/Pipe # 0018 / 001 3]Q Reporting �QLAC 5 Period: Jan - Dec 2017 0.0325: 80. 91Q0.0323 10 11 12 130 0.0302 Q0069 0 [_0.0283 0.02751 14 15 • Q 0.0005 • - Sample Date I aily Flow Violation Daily Flow Violation 18 MGD Type ` MGD I T pe Permit Limit .. :sr, 0.036 TRC Limit 0.043 Q. 23 Ran TR(` 110 2]0 3]Q �QLAC 5 M 601L 71 0.0325: 80. 91Q0.0323 10 11 12 130 0.0302 Q0069 0 [_0.0283 0.02751 14 15 Q 0.0052 Q 0.0005 16 Q 0.0261 17 Q 0.02091 18 Q 0.0222 19 Q 0.0287, 20 21 22 Q 0.0322 0 0.0085 Q 0.0059 23 0 0.0304 M�__ 24 251 Q 0.0281 0.0315: 260 0.031311 27 28 Q 0.0264 0 29 30 0 -0.0295- 31 Q 0.0256 L Average of Column0.0248 Maximum in Column 0.0413 Total Samples 25 1 % Violations 4.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Finch CJ 2017.xis, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM 0 • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.043 0 20 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 17 0 27 3 1 % Violations 11.1% % TRC Violations 3.7% SNC ? NO • •• Daily Flow Vlolation MGD Type [� 0.036 0.043 0.0368 0.0427 0 5 4 % Violations 80.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? YES M M�__ M M�__ M�__ M M��M MM m�M_ aMM M��_ 0.0368 0.0427 0 5 4 % Violations 80.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? YES Industry Name:Ffln,�--hInrustrust ies IUP #/Pipe #8/ 001 Reporting! �� Period:'IJan - Dec 20171 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples % T Finch CJ 2017.xis, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Average Flow 1 st half 0.032 Total # Samples Max Flow 1st half 0.082 129 • Daily Flow I Violation MGD Type Q b. 611 0.043 0 25 21 17 % Violations 84.0% % TRC Violations 68.0% SNC ? YES • Daily Flow Violation MGD I Type EIF- 0.043 Q- Ter 0 0.0477.1 1 _ 1 Q Q 0.0401 0.0001 1 1 Di 0.0476 1 1 lE:jl 0 0.0545 1 1 0.0491 1 1 0 0.053511 1 1 [] 0.04361 1 1 Q 0.0282 ED 11 Q 0.0639 1 1 F-11 0.0823 1 1 0.0497 1 1 E:jl 0.05471 1 1 Q 0.0407 1 0.0206 00 Q 0.0447 1 1 Q 0.0519 1 1 Q 0.0539 1 1 0.0522 1 1 0 0.0436 1 1 717 0.0025 0 0.0008 0 0.04651 �Q 0.0517 0.0547 1 1 1 1 1 1 F-11 0.0381 1 0.01381. 0.0422 0.0823 0 27 21 % Violations 77.8% % TRC Violations 70.4% SNC ? YES Page 18 • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.036 0.043 19 0 26 19 19 % Violations 73.1% % TRC Violations 73.1% SNC ? YES • Daily Flow Violation MGD I Type n 0.036 0.043 0 26 22 20 % Violations 84.6% % TRC Violations 76.9% SNC ? YES Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe #.'00 18 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2017 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Av( Maximum in Column Total Samples %T Finch CJ 2017.x1s, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:48 AM • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.043 Rea TRC Q 0.0507 0.0655 0 23 20 % Violations 87.0% % TRC Violations 87.0% SNC ? YES Finch Industries Compliance Judgement • OCT Daily Flow Violation MGD T pe 00.036 0.043 20 0 25 22 21 % Violations 88.0% % TRC Violations 84.0% SNC ? YES Page 19 Average Flow 2nd half 0.045 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.068 138 •NOV Daily Flow I Violation MGD Type 0.036 0.043 DF- 0.051111 1 1 Q Q 0.0620 0.0486 1 1 0��-� E::]--- -0.0 1 1 Q 0.05051 1 1 F-1 0.0576 1 1 0 0.05281 1 1 1 1 E�� 11-1 0.0528 1 1 00.0598 1 1 �] 0.0612 1 1 0 0.06321 1 1 Q 0.0576 1 1 0.0445 1 1 E� 0.0469 0.0396 0 0.05651 1 0 0.0641., 1 1 Q 0.0609 1 1 Q 0.0655. 1 1 0 0.0510. 1 1 2 0.045_5 0� �] 0.0566 1 1 0.0615 1 1 Q 0.0558 1 1 0.0507 1 1 F-1 0.0541.' 1 1 E:1� 0.0507 0.0655 0 23 20 % Violations 87.0% % TRC Violations 87.0% SNC ? YES Finch Industries Compliance Judgement • OCT Daily Flow Violation MGD T pe 00.036 0.043 20 0 25 22 21 % Violations 88.0% % TRC Violations 84.0% SNC ? YES Page 19 Average Flow 2nd half 0.045 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.068 138 •NOV Daily Flow I Violation MGD Type 0.036 0.043 DF- 0.0485 11 v Q Q 0.0620 0.0486 1 1 1 1 [� 0.0638 1 1 Q 0.0512 1 1 Q 0.0419 1 0.0475 1 1 0.0257 00 0.0541 1 1 Q 0.0427 1 Q 0.0445 1 1 [� Q 0.0469 0.0396 1 1 1 0� 0 0.0590. 1 1 Q 0.045_5 1 1 �] 0.0320 E:1� Q 0.0475 1 1 =L 0.0590. 1 1 Q 0.0457 1 1 Q 0.0524 1 1 Ot�l 0.0457 0.0638 0 21 18 % Violations 85.7% % TRC Violations 71.4% SNC ? YES • Daily FlowViolation MGD Type Q0.036 0.043 15 0 17 11 7 % Violations 64.7% % TRC Violations 41.2% SNC ? YES Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered x Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type LL� 0.0401 0.048 Ran TR(' 3/20/201 Self 0.0031 3/21/201 Self 0.0031 3/22/2017 Self 0.0034 3/23/201AI Self 1 0.0035 5/2/2017 POTW 0.0013 5/3/2017 POTW 0.0015 l 5/4/2017 POTW 0.0012 5/5/2017 POTW 0.0017 6/20/2017 Self 0.0001 0� 6/21/2017 Self 0.0006 91.50 6/22/2017 Self 0.0058 6/23/2017 Self 0.0024 0 -0 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM L 0.00231 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily Violation < Concentration Type � 200 280.000 Ran TRC'. Daily Violation < Concentration Type LQ Toil 140 RPn TRC'. Q 272 1 1 M E:17 1.25 =F El —J 1.25 n�_ l Daily Violation < Concentration Type LQ Toil 140 RPn TRC'. Q 272 1 1 E:17 1.25 =F El —J 1.25 n�_ l 0� 91.50 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 1 % Violations 33.3% % TRC Violations 33.3% McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? YES Page 2 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe # 10031 / 001 Reporting Period:.Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered !I X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/20/2017 Self 3/21/2017 Self 3/22/2017 Self 3/23/2017 Self 5/2=1 POTW 5/3/2017 POTW 5/4/2017 POTW 5/5/2017 POTW 6/20/2017 Self 6/21/2017 Self 6/22/2017 Self 6/23/2017 Self IF— �— Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease Daily Violation Concentration Type F-1 e ma/L 0- 1001 140 Rea TRC 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% AMMONIA Uady < Concentration Violation m Type ! ori Ran TRC'. M-__ -__ __ M M 100_ SEEN __ nn-__ -__ M ME __ __ IN 100 1111M MINE i10000001 M _INNER 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% AMMONIA Uady < Concentration Violation m Type ! ori Ran TRC'. M-__ M __ M M 100_ SEEN __ nn-__ __ M ME __ __ IN 100 1111M i10000001 M __ 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 3 ARSENIC Violation < Concentration Type Ran TRC'. 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% M __ M M 100_ SEEN __ M ME __ IN 100 M 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe 0031 / 001 Reporting'' Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered x Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples %T McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement CADMIUM 1�aiiy Violation < Concentration maiL Type U.VVJ� 0.006 Ran TRC: 0.000075 0.000075 = I� 0 0.0000751 Q 0.000075 Q 0.000075 Q 0.000075 0.065 Q 0.000075 F<--Jl 0.000075 0.096 Q 0.000075 0.000075 0 01 0.013 0.014 Q 0.000075 ED 0.000075 00 0.014 0� Or— 0� 0.0001 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 5 CHROMIUM Daily Violation < Concentration m Type L 0.2 0.24 Rea TRC; 1 l 0.00381 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% DailyViolation < Concentration Type 0.211 0.24 Rea TRC 0.157 0.115 = I� 0.055 0.051 0.077 0.065 0.096 0 01 0.013 0.014 0.014 0� _ 0.01 00 L— 0.06071 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name McIntyre Metal UP #/Pipe #0031 / 001 Reporting Period: ,Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered x Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily Violation < Concentration Type mp/L 0.05 0.06 Req TRC L 1 0.00251 0 5 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily Violation < Concentration Tmoll ype 0 0.05 0.06 RPn TR(- Li RC: Q E:] �L Fj 0.00025 mom 0.00025 __ m� MONIMMME M 0.00025 0.00025 El 0.00025 0 0.00025 L 1 0.00251 0 5 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily Violation < Concentration Tmoll ype 0 0.05 0.06 RPn TR(- Li RC: Q E:] �L 0.0007 0.00025 0.00025 __ 0 0.00025 0 0.00025 0.00025 El 0.00025 0 0.00025 Q o 0 0.00025 `0 0.00025 0 0.00025 E:11� 0� 0� 0� 00 0.0003 0 0 12 0 0 Page 7 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily Violation < Concentration ����--- Type II_J� Rea TRC 1 0.000100.00010 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% E-M=� a- Zm�=M __ 1 0.000100.00010 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe # 10031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement MOLYBDENUM Daily Violation < Concentration Type mall - 4.44 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 9 Daily Violation Icon centration Type Till 0.12 Rea TRC E 1 P.00701 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% PHOSPHORUS Deily Violation < Concentration Type RPn TRC: mom■ - - 1 11: - M �___ # 11� __ a- E 1 P.00701 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% PHOSPHORUS Deily Violation < Concentration Type RPn TRC: 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% mom■ - M �___ 11 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 10 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe # 10031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) ` entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/20/201 Self 3/21/201 Self 3/22/2017, Self 3/23/201 Self 5/2/2017 POTW 5/3/2017 POTW 5/4/2017 POTW 5/5/2017 POTW F 6/20/2017I Self 6/21 /2017 Self 6/22/2017 Self 6/23/20171 Self �I 0 0.0003 M M Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily Violation < Concentration L Type mall - 0.024 1 0.024 Rea TRC I I LTA:4 :�� Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0.02 0.024 Ran TRC Q 0.00025 MORY I I M KI 0.00025 0 0.00025 F -� 0.00025 F<--JF--0.00025 0.00025 0 0.00025 0.00025 0.00025 0.00025 �0 ���i MM I0� M 0.0003 M M I I LTA:4 :�� Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0.02 0.024 Ran TRC Q 0.00025 Q 0.00025 0 0.00025 KI 0.00025 0 0.00025 F -� 0.00025 F<--JF--0.00025 0.00025 0 0.00025 0.00025 0.00025 0.00025 �0 ���i MM I0� 0.0003 0 3 0 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 11 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily Violation < Concentration Type ma/L OL 1.2 Rea TRC M M-__ •____ ���i MM 1 1 0.02181 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO NO Page 12 Industry Name:11Mclntyre Metal UP #/Pipe = 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/20/2017 Self 3/21/2017 Self 3/22/2017 Self 3/23/2017 Self 5/2/2017 POTW i 5/3/2017 POTW I 5/4/2017 POTW 5/5/201711 POTW 6/20/2017 Self 6/21/2017 Self 6/22/2017 Self 6/23/2017 Self �0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY Daily Violation [.wily Violation < Concentration Type < Concentration Type Rea TRC Rea TRC 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 13 • • Daily Violation < Concentration �WLmWL ` Type Penn TRC'. 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% i NMI M 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 13 • • Daily Violation < Concentration �WLmWL ` Type Penn TRC'. 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 14 Industry Name:J.Mclntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe's 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample _, Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Av McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement ALUMINUM 0 Daily Violation Daily • Violation < Concentration Type < Concentration Type 1L yp 0�� OC 10 12 Rea TRC RPn TRC 3/20/2017 3/21/201 3/2212017F 3/2 3120 1 7 5/2/2017 Self Self Self Self PQTW 0 0.137 % Violations 00 00 0� % Violations 0.0% M M -m _ m 00.06 5/3/2017 PQTW 0E--�_J 5141201 PCiTW E:1 5/5/20171 11MIM I Imm 1 6/20/21117 6/21/2017 Self Self �0 El fi/22/201 Self 0� /23/2017 Self Eli 0� 0 ®� Drage of Column �0 0.0985 Total Samples 0 2 0 0 0 8 M M % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% M M -m _ m 0.0% 11MIM I Imm Total Samples 0 2 0 0 0 8 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM Page 15 R McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 16 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP 9/Pipe 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.040 0.048 Ran TRC 9/26/2017 9/2 712q2T-s`e-jf--1. Self1 0.00751 0.0063 1 9128!2017 Self 0.0021 9129!20 S—OF1 0.0004 0.0064 10124!2017 PQTW 10/25/2017 POTW 0.0056 10/26/2017 POT1NL 0.0036 10/27J201 7 PUTW 0.0052 12/12!2017 Self 0.0027 12113/2017 211 4120 1 7 Self Self 0.0005 { 0.0061 12J1 5120171 0.0061 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM 0.00441 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily Violation < Concentration Type 280.000 Ran TRC'. 7❑aily Violation < Concentration Type mail 17 =L� 100 140 Rea TRC 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 17 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 18 11 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe #110031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement • Daily Violation < Concentration Type 140 Ren TRC 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 19 AMMONIA Daly Violation < Concentration Type 01 Rea TRC - 1 �C C 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 19 AMMONIA Daly Violation < Concentration Type 01 Rea TRC 0.232! 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% ARSENIC Daily < Concentration Violation Type mall- RPn TRC - 1 0.232! 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% ARSENIC Daily < Concentration Violation Type mall- RPn TRC 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% 1 11 1 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 20 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe M10031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/26/2017 Self 9/27/2027 Self 9/28/2017 Self 9/29/2017 Self 10/24/2017 POTW 10/25/2017 POTW 10/26/2017 POTW 10/27/2017 POTW 12/12/2017F Self 12/13/2017 Self 12/14/2017 Self 112/15/2017 Self Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement _T. Daily Violation m /Ln < Concentration Type 101 0.005 0.006 �Q 0.000075 Q 0.000075 LJ 0.000075 Q 0.000075 0 0.000075 Q 0.000075 Ej 0.000075 KI 0.000075 :1 0.000075 El 0.000075 0 0.000075 Q 0.000075 F-1 E:10 E:1� __ 11 MM E� 0E-- 0.0001 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 21 CHROMIUM Daily Violation < Concentration Type 0.2 0.24 Rea TRC 1 11 - 1 11 _ M 1 11 __ .MENEM=_ M 11 __ MMMMIMMM 11 __ 11 MM 1 1 -M_ M �1 0.00231 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Gaily < Concentration Violation Type ll� U.1 0.24 Ran TRr' I E:1 I I 0.0390 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% .MENEM=_ M 11 __ MMMMIMMM 11 __ 11 MM 1 1 -M_ M I E:1 I I 0.0390 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 22 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipet 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered I X Sample Date I Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily Violation < Concentration Type ® 0.05 I 0.06 Ran TRC`. Daily Violation < Concentration Type mall - Q 0.05 0.06 Ran TRC'. Q 0.00025 -__ 0.00025 E:][- 0.00025 0.00025 <� 0.0025 0.00025 -j 0.00025 0.00025 M M-__ 0.00025 0.00025 0 0.00025 M-__ 0.00025 I wmmmu__ 00 it 0� 0�� 0.0004 �■ mom Daily Violation < Concentration Type mall - Q 0.05 0.06 Ran TRC'. Q 0.00025 0.00025 E:][- 0.00025 0.00025 <� 0.0025 0.00025 -j 0.00025 0.00025 `0G u 0.00025 0.00025 0 0.00025 Q 0.00025 I 00 it 0� 0�� 0.0004 MERCURY Daily Violation TConcentration TYpe Rea TRC 0 5 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 23 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 24 Industry Name: !McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe 110031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement MOLYBDENUM Daily < Concentration Violation Type Ron TR(` -�M__ 0 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations Page 25 NICKEL ❑aily Violation Concentration Type < e mall - 0.12 Rea TRC 1 /I• MEMEMOMM WONNOMMM __ -7�w LM 111•, __ - 1 11 __ 111_•__ M. 111 •__ - � • 11 - M _ 0 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations Page 25 NICKEL ❑aily Violation Concentration Type < e mall - 0.12 Rea TRC 1 /I• MEMEMOMM WONNOMMM __ -7�w LM 111•, __ - 1 11 __ 111_•__ M. 111 •__ - � • 11 - M _ 1 0.0047 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% PHOSPHORUS Daily Violation < Concentration Type Lu� Ran TR(` 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% -7�w —__ � • 11 - 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 316/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 26 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe 410031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered x Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type 3125/2017 Self 9/27/202 Self 9/28/201 L Self 912 2=017 Seif 1 0124120 1 7 PQTW 10/25/2017 PtJTW 10/26/201 PaTW 1 0/2 7120 1 P©TW 12/12J/201 7 Self L 12/13/201711 Self 12/1412017 5e1f 12/15/2017 Self :] <� 0 �0 __ 0� 0 0 0 i 0 Average of Column Total Samples %T McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily < Concentration Violation Type !L Q0.02 0.024 RPn TRC 0 5 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 27 Daily Violation < Concentration Type mall - 0.024 Ren TRC `0 0.00025 0 0.00025 El 0.00025 <� 0.00025 Q 0.00025 MEN e e . F-11 `0 0.00025 :1 0.00025 0 0.00025 0.00025 :] <� 0.00025 0.00025 __ 0� 0� 0� 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0�?i i 1.2 RPn TR(` j 0.0118! 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% :Mi MENNIMM W M MEN e e . __ __ __ M M M �� ' M __ __ j 0.0118! 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 28 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe # 10031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) j entered IL� x Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/26/2017 Self 9/27/2027 Self 9/28/2017 Self 9/29/2017 Self 10/24/201 POTW 10/25/2017 POTW 10/26/2017 POTW 10/27/2017 POTW 12/12/2017 Self 12/13/2017 Self 12/14/2017 Self 12/1 5/20171 Self 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY• • Daily Violation Daly Violation Daly Violation < Concentration Type < Concentration Type < Concentration Type Rea TRC Rea TRC Rea TRC 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% W-__ W�wm_ __ MM M=z M 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 29 MMMMMIMM MM M=z M 0 0 .1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO `SNC ? NO Page 30 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe 0031 / 001 Reporting Period:i Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered x Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement ALUMINUM Daily Violation Daily , Violation < Concentration < Concentration /L Type I Type !L_ -E-011 12 Rea TRC RPn TRC: ,_ 9/26/2017 9/27/2027 Self F7F- Self ®Q 9/28/2017 Self El 9/29/2017 10/24/2017 POTW Q� 10/25/20171 POTW 00 10/26/2017 10/27/2017 12/12/20171 Self 00 12/13/2017 Self E0 12/14/2017 Self ®Q 0� 12/15/2017 IO Self F_ 0 00 ��- L�_ Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM I I I 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations 0 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 31 McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? SNC ? NO Page 32 McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Industry Name: McIntyre Metal L IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 ®Q OQ 0.0045 0.0064, Reporting 0� Period: Jan - Dec 2017 [� 0_0034 �0 0.0066.. •FLOW Q 0.0018 0.0055 0 Sample Date Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow Violation 15� MGD Type MGD Type Permit Limit0.030 0 0.030 TRC Limit 0.036 0.036 0.0053.. 0.0077 Ron TRf' D- Tor A\i Mal Total Samples 15 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM 0 15 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 33 • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.036 Ron TRf` 0 0 0.0036 L -�Q1 0.0037 ®Q OQ 0.0045 0.0064, 0 0� [� 0_0034 �0 0.0066.. 100 11 Q 12 Q 130 Q 0.0018 0.0055 0 0.0068 � 14Q 0 15� 16 Q 0.0102 17 0 0.0063 18 Q 19 0 0.0053.. 0.0077 20 0 0 0.0005 0.0024` - F =F 0�. >_ 22 Q Q =F 0 -0.003 0 0031 _ 0.0031 23 Q 0 Q 0.0035 0.0063_ 24 Q 0.0044 .Q.00501r= 25 Q 0.0000 [] 0.0032' 0� 27 �0 28 Q 0 291D 31 0 arage of Column imum in Column 0.00351 0.002811 0.0049 0.0102 Total Samples 15 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM 0 15 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 33 • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.036 Ron TRf` 0 0 0.0036 0.0024 00 0 0� [� 0_0034 0.0043 Q 0.0018 0 0.0016 0 0.0027 0 0.0040 0.0025 0 0.0005 0.0024` - F =F 0�. Q =F 0 -0.003 0 0031 _ 0.0031 0 0.0034[ Q 0.0035 0.0063_ .Q.00501r= Q 0.0006` [] 0.0032' 0� U.UO3U 0.0063 0 20 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • •. Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 0.030 0.036 0 0 19 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO N Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting J� Period: jJan -Dec 20172017 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Av( Maximum in Column Total Samples McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Average Flow 1st half 0.003 Total # Samples Max Flow 1st half 0.010 105 • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.036 • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type Q 0.030 0.036 % T 0 18 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xis, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM 0 18 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 34 • Daily Flow I Violation MGD Type Q 0.030 0.036 D-- ron 0.0020 0.0077 0 18 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • < Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 0.036 0 0.0012 0.0025 0� Q L 0.0001 Q 0.0053 0 0.0023 [� 0.0011 0� Q 0.0077 0.0031 Q 0.0014 Q0.0015 -- =F 0.0030 0.00261 0� 0.0013 [] 0.0018 0 0.0013 0� o� Q 0.0009 Q 0.0007 0.0008 Q 0.0009 Q 0.0017 Q 0.0013 -0-00100 Q 0.0012 0.0020 0.0077 0 18 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • < Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 0.036 0 0.0012 0.0025 o� 0 0.0008 [� 0.0011 0 0.0031 o. -00281 .0028i= -- 0.0025 =F -0.0025 [-1 0.00101 Q 0.0009 Q 0.0007 a 0 0.0000 [] 0.0012 Q 0.0012 0.00 =E o.0005 Q 0.0009 =L- 0.0015 0.0013 0.0031 0 0 18 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe10031/001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2017 Sample Date Permit L TRC Limit 11 17'" 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 . 28 29 30 Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples % T • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type n nen i 0.036 0 14 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO McIntyre CJ 2017 half detect.xls, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 Aon TD!"' E:11 Q 0.0037 00 Q 0.0035 F Q 0.0026 �L�] 0.0025 0� 0.00191; 01 Q Q 0.0016 E:1-0.0015 0.0019 [] 0.0006. Q 0.0017 0.0063 Q 0.0067 0 I�� I E 0.0019 0.0032 0.0031 F-7 0.0037j `C] =1 0.0027 0.0005 0.006jjp-- n 0.0025 10 =0 0.0064 0� 0.0056 =F---- 9,0036 0.0052 00.00561 0.0022 Q 0.0057 0.0057 0E-- 0.0027 El0.0041 0.0023 Average Flow 2nd half 0.003 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.008 104 •NOV Daily Flow I Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 Rcn TD(^ 0 0.0034 =F--0.0-0281 00 -i F F -�0 �L�] 0.0025 0 0.0029 0.00191; 0.0083 Q 0.0011 LJ 0.0019 0� Q. 0.0073 0.0063 Q 0.0067 �0 a 0.0032 `C] =1 0.0027 0.0005 0.006jjp-- n 0.0025 10 �r-0.0029 . 0� 00.00561 0.0022 Q 0.0057 0.0057 0 0.0027 • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 01 0.030 0.036 Rcn TDf 00.0066 Fl. -i F F -�0 �L�] 0.0013 Q 0.00191; Q 0.0011 LJ 0.0019 0.0012 �0 Q 0.0032 `C] =1 0.0027 0.0005 0.006jjp-- n 10 L 00.00561 0 0.0027 El0.0041 0.0014 IR 0.0012 0.0019 0.0052 0.0029 0.0043 0.0031 0.0064 0.0083 0.0066 0 18 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 19 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 35 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe N 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: LJan- Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level 1E7� enteredd Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.040 0.048 Qe., Tom 3/20/2017 Self 0.0031 3121 !2017J1 Self 0.0031 3/22/201 Self .0034 0.0034- 3/23120171 312 312 0 1 7 Self 1 0.00351-- .00355/212017F 5/ 2017FF QTW 0.0013 1-5020171 0.0015 5/4/2017 PQTW 0.0012 5/5/2017 PDTW 0.0017 6/20/2017 Self 0.0001 6/21/2017 Self 0.0006 612212017 Self 0.0058 6/23/2017 Self �i0.0024 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM 0.0023j 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% :0 Dafly < Concentration Violation Type Q 200 280.000 Ron TQr 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 1 Daily < Concentration Violation Type _ 100 140 Rpn TRr` 0 3 % Violations 33.3% % TRC Violations 33.3% N. M�__ 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 1 Daily < Concentration Violation Type _ 100 140 Rpn TRr` 0 3 % Violations 33.3% % TRC Violations 33.3% McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? YES Page 2 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe 40031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Oil& Grease Daily < Concentration Violation moll - Type Q 100 140 Dc Tor, 5 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% AMMONIA Daily < Concentration Violation Type Rcn -1 01- 0 0 1 0 0 Page 3 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% ARSENIC Daily < ConcentrationViolation Type 0�. 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% .��_ -��_ .�__ -�_� 0 0 1 0 0 Page 3 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% ARSENIC Daily < ConcentrationViolation Type 0�. 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement T Daily Violation < Concentration Type Q 0.005 0.006 Ran TD(` �1 0.00021 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% -T• Daily Violation < Concentration Type mak 0.24 Ran TR( 1 111 __ © 1111 __ 1 111 __27� 1111 __ 1 11 1 __ M 1 111 __j M 1 111 Mmil m 1 111 __j 1 111 __' MEEMMOMM 1111 __ M��� M-�� �r�� M off ■��MM �1 0.00021 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% -T• Daily Violation < Concentration Type mak 0.24 Ran TR( 0 0 12 0 0 Page 5 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% COPPER Daily < Concentration Violation Type _mu! Q 0.2 0.24 Ron TD(' -WN 1 11 - - 1 I I __ M M��� M-�� �r�� M off 0 0 12 0 0 Page 5 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% COPPER Daily < Concentration Violation Type _mu! Q 0.2 0.24 Ron TD(' L 1 0.06071 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% 10,0141== 11 __ 0.0141=M L 1 0.06071 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered x Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/20/201 3/21/2017 3/22/2017 Self Self F Self 3/23/2017 Self 9 (2/_2 0 '171 j POTW 5/3/2017l POTW 5/4/2017I POTW 5/5/2017 POTW 6/20/2017 Self 6/21/2017 Self 6/22/2017 Self 6/23/2017 Self a 0 1111 __ 1111 _ Average of Column Total Samples %T McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily Violation < Concentration Type Mnjl 0.05 0.06 Ran TR(` 11 0.0050) 0 5 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily Violation < Concentration mall Type 0.06 RPn TRf'. 1 11 __ off ��__ 1 111 M a 1111 __ 1111 _ 1111 M ____ M 11 0.0050) 0 5 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily Violation < Concentration mall Type 0.06 RPn TRf'. MERCURY Daily Violation < ConcentramatL tion Type Ran TRf' 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 Page 7 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% 1 111 _ 1111 __ 1111 _ 1111 __ 1 111 M 1111 MERCURY Daily Violation < ConcentramatL tion Type Ran TRf' 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 Page 7 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 8 Industry Name: Mclnt re Metal IUP #/Pipe 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 11 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement DLYRr Daily Violation < Concentration Type / 0 3.7 4.44 Ren TR(` - 1 1 __ - 1 I M_ MMM - 1 11 __ 11 __ -m�=_ - M��� M��� 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 9 NICKEL Daily < Concentration Violation Type mall - U 0.1 0.12 Ran TRr NEENE1110MM . 1 I __ = 1/1.__ - 1 11 __ 11 __ 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% PHOSPHORUS Daily < Concentration Violation �--� Type mull 0� Ran TR(` 1—J �.�iuul 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 10 Industry Name:McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/20/2017 Self 3/21/2017 Self 3/22/201 Self 3/23/201 Self 5/2/2017 POTW 5/3/2017 POTW 5/4/201 A POTW 5/5/201 POTW 6/20/201 Self 6/21/2017 Self 6/22/2017 Self 6/23/2017 Self L �. 0 C� IE Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily a<Concentration Violation Type [] 0—.0-211 0.024 Ran TR(-- SILVER Daily < Concentration Violation m t Type 0.024 Ran TR(' ENE 1 # 8 §E e off mOEEENW_�_ M MlMENINE IE __ —M_ MMMME__ W—__ W��_� -0.000511 I� __ SILVER Daily < Concentration Violation m t Type 0.024 Ran TR(' 0 3 0 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 11 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily < Concentration Violation Type or_ 1.2 Ran TR(' MENEM §E e off mOEEENW_�_ M MlMENINE IE __ —M_ MMMME__ W—__ W��_� -0.000511 0 3 0 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 11 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily < Concentration Violation Type or_ 1.2 Ran TR(' MENEM mOEEENW_�_ M MM IE __ —M_ MMMME__ MWN�__ 0 MENNNM�Mm� __ �1 0.0.2181 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017.xls, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 12 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe # 10031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered x Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 3/20/2017 Self 3/21/2017 Self '1/? /201711 Self 3/23/2017 Self 5/2/2017 POTW 5/3/2017 POTW 5/4/2017 POTW 5/5/2017 POTW 6/20/2017 Self 6/21/2017 Self 6/22/2017 Self 6/23/2017 Self 0 0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY Daily < Concentration Violation Type =I Ran TRC: 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% IC Page 13 Ron TRr' 1.2200 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% • • Daily < Concentration Violation TMa/Lype 0 Ran TRf' 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % T ��M__ 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% IC Page 13 Ron TRr' 1.2200 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% • • Daily < Concentration Violation TMa/Lype 0 Ran TRf' 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % T McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 14 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe 410031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement ALUMINUM Daily ma/LViolation Daily Concentration Type < Concentration Violationp /L YP l0 11 12 Reg TRC Rori TQr' 3/20/201 Self 0.137 M�__' M��_ 3/21/2017 Self 3/22/2017 Self 3/23/2017 Self 5/2/2017 POTW 5/3/2017 POTW M 0.06 5/4/2017 5/5/201 POTW 6/20/201 6/21/2017 Self Q 6/23/2017 Self - rO �_ F Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM 0.09851 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% 0 0 8 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 15 M�__' M��_ M 0 0 8 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 15 McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 1st half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 16 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe 0031 / 001 Reporting r Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered C Level (DL) entered Permit Limit TRC Limit Avi Sample Date Sample Type McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.040 0.048 Ron TD!-` 9/26/2017 Self 9/27/2027 Self 9/28/201 Self 0.007511 0.0063 0.0021 9/29/2017 Self 0.00041 10/24/2017 POTW 0.0064 10/25/2017POTW 10/26/201711 10/27/2017 POTW POTW 0.0056 1 0.0036 0.0052 12/12 201 7 12/13/2017 Self SelfF 0.0027 0.0005 __ 12/15/201 Self C� 0.0061 M IF 0.0044 wage of Column I otal Samples McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily < Concentration Violation Type ® 200 280.000 Ran TRr. 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 17 Daily Violation < Concentration MWI Type 0 100 140 Rcn TDr` MR -�__ 00�� __ M M—__ Wmm_ 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 17 Daily Violation < Concentration MWI Type 0 100 140 Rcn TDr` 1 1 2.501 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% MR 1 1 2.501 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 18 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Oil & Grease Daily Violation < Concentration Type Q 100 140 Don TD(' 1 1 51 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% 4MMr Daily ['r Concentration Violation L Type 0� Ron TD(' -�__ .��_ -�__ -�__ 1 1 51 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% 4MMr Daily ['r Concentration Violation L Type 0� Ron TD(' 0 0 Page 19 ARSENIC Daily Violation Concentration Type < e 0� Ron TDr' --__ -�__ .��_ .�_ _ ��M -�__ - .=__ __ 0 0 Page 19 ARSENIC Daily Violation Concentration Type < e 0� Ron TDr' --__ -�__ .��_ -�__ - .=__ __ 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 20 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe # 0031 —/001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Self Self Self 10/24/201 1 10/26/2017 POTW 10/27/2017 POTW 12/12/2017 Self 12/13/2017 Self 12/14/2021 Self 12/15/2017 Self Average of Column Total Samples %T McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement _T. Daily 1co Violation ncentration Type IO 0.005 0.006 Ron TRC` <� 0.00015 F-11 0 0.00015 0 I 0.000151 -6665151,; <] `0 0.00015 0.00015 of `0 0.00015 0.00015 0 0.00015 0 0.00015 0 0.00015 0� 0� 0� 0� -0—.00281 0L— , ., I 1 0.00021 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% :T. [ I Daily Violation < Concentration Type MOIL IQ 0.2 0.24 Ron TRC' 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 21 COPPER <7 <Concentration Violation MCM Type [� 0.2 0.24 Ran TRC' aloe I of MMMMMM -0—.00281 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 21 COPPER <7 <Concentration Violation MCM Type [� 0.2 0.24 Ran TRC' 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% , ., 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 22 Industry Name: iMcIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Self 9/28/20171Self 9/29/201 Self 10/24/201 POTW 10/25/2017 P� OTW1 1 10/27/20171POTW 12/12/2017 Self 12/13/2017 Self 12/14/2017, Self f 12/15/2017 Self Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2017.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement CYANIDE Daily < Concentration Violation Type 1 LO 0.05 0.06 Ran TR(r' 0 5 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0.05 0.06 Ran TRC: 1 111 _ _ NE 1 111 0.00 _ off M 1111 __ =_ fell fell M��_ M MEMO 111• 0 5 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily < Concentration Violation Type 0.05 0.06 Ran TRC: 1 111 _ NE 1 111 M off M 1111 __ =_ fell fell M��_ M MEMO 111• 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 23 r MERCURY Daily Violation < Concentration Type / 0� Ron Tar I I U.000201 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% M M 1 111 - =_ M��_ M M I I U.000201 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 31$!2918, 850 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 24 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe 4 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 1 Detection Level (DL) entered x Level (DL) entered J Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement DLYRr. Daily < Concentration Violation m Type kk L0E---= Ron TR(` .-m_ 111• __ -�__ 1 11. __ M—__ -�__ M_M_ - M�_� - 111 •__ M�__ -�___ 4.93 11 Daily < Concentration Violation Type L EX.0.1 0.12 Ran TRr' - 111• __ - 1 11. __ -�__ - M�_� - 111 •__ M�__ -�___ 0 0 0 0 0 % Violations % T % TRC Violations Page 25 PHOSPHORUS Daily < ConcentraMOIL tion Violation Type EJQ Ran TR(' 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% -�__ - M�_� M�__ -�___ 4.93 11 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 26 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe0.031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul - Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered x Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/26/2017 Self 9/27/2027 Self 9/28/2017 Self 9/29/2017 Self 10/24/2017 POTW 10/25/2017 POTW 10/26/2017 POTW 10/27/2017 POTW 12/12/2017 Self 12/13/2017 Self 12/14/2017 Self 12/15/2017 Self Average of Column Total Samples %T McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SELENIUM Daily Violation < 1 Concentration Type 0 -1 0.02 0.024 Ran TRC' Lam_ U.0132UI 0 5 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SILVER Daily ncentration Violation < Co Type 0 0.02 0.024 Ran TR(: 0 0 12 Page 27 % Violations % TRC Violations 0 0.0% 0.0% Dail Cony Violation < centration Type 00 1.2 Ron TR(' I I U.U1181 0 0 12 % Violations % TRC Violations 0 0 0.0% 0.0% M 1 . M MENNUMMM 0 M W-__ MM M�__ M�__ I�__ MM I I U.U1181 0 0 12 % Violations % TRC Violations 0 0 0.0% 0.0% McIntyre CJ 2017.x1s, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 28 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017.xls, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement ANTIMONY Daily manViolation Daily < Concentration Type < Concentration Violation n ma/LYP 0� 0� Rea TRC Ran TRC: . U.UU15 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% ��__ W-__ W�__ W�__ • a �_m MM off . M__ �__ M__ BE M U.UU15 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% ��__ W-__ W�__ W�__ • a �_m MM M-__ . M__ �__ M__ BE M 0 0 1 0 Page 29 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% • • Daily < Concentration Violation < Type E0 _ 0 1 0.1 IKG 0 0 1 0 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % T McIntyre CJ 20'17.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 30 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe 4 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2017 Detection Level 7 (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement • Dail y Concentrmo/Iation Violation Daily Violation Type Concentration T e m.Yp 0 10 MO/I 12 Reg TRC Ron Tar 9/26/2017 Self 9/27/2027 Self 9/28/2017 Self 9/29/2017 Self d 1---; 10/24/2017 10/25/2017 POTW POTW 1-- 10/26/2017 10/27/2017 POTW POTW 12/12/2017 Self 12/13/2017 Self 12/14/2017 Self 12/15/2017 Self 0 JL Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM L— I 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations 7.5083 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 31 McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, 2nd half 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement SNC ? SNC ? NO Page 32 McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Mclnt re Metal - 210 IUP #/Pipe 0031 / 001 0 0 0 0.0037 Reporting 0.0018°, 0.0034 55 Period: IJan - Dec 2017 0 0 20 0 Q 00.00101 Q 0.0000 �0 •FEB 0.0041 5ample Date Daily Flow Violation Daily Flow I Violation 10 � EJ MGD Type MGD TXpe Permit Limit 0.030 LJ 0.030 TRC Limit 0.036 0.036 0.0024 Ran TRC oe Tor 11 E- - 210 0.00361-4-� Maximum in Column 0 0 0 0.0037 0 0.0018°, 0.0034 55 Q 0.0064 0 0 20 0 Q 00.00101 Q 0.0000 �0 0 0.0041 0 TRC Violations 0.0% 0.0004 0 10 � EJ 0.0040 11 Q 0.0055 0.0025 L 1210 0.0068 0.0005 13 0.0023 0.0024 F=49,QL_ 0.0025 F- 16JU 0.00471 0.0102 17 Q0.0063 1810 19 0.0053 QL 0.0077 0.0004 20 Q Q 0.0013 21 22 0 Q 23Q 00 24 Q 0.0044 25 Q 0.0000 0.0051 -2-610 0.0001 270 F=�2a 0.0036 0� 0.0056 29 30 0 Q 0.0035. 31 Q 0.00281 Q 0.0040 0.0025 0 0.00361-4-� Maximum in Column 0 0 0.0034' 0.0043 0 0.0018°, 0.0034 Q 0.0016 0 0 20 0 Q 00.00101 Q 0.0000 �0 0 0.0041 0 TRC Violations 0.0% 0.0004 0 0.0022 0.0040 SNC ? NO Q 0.0025 0.0012 0.0005 [� 0.0023 0.0024 Q, 0.0025 0.00471 =E== 0.0031 Q 00 0.0034 0.0004 0 0.0011 0.0035 Q 0.0013 Q 0 0.0035 00 0� L_j 0.0025i 0.0050 0.0051 Q L Ej 0.0036 0� FLOW - MAR Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 P- TQ(` FLOW - ._ Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 0.030 0.036 Rea TRC 0.003611 0.0024] 0.0025 0.0030 Q� Maximum in Column 0 0 0.0034' 0.0043 0 0.0018°, 0.0034 Q 0.0016 0 0 20 0 Q 0.0027 % Violations 0.0% �0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0 TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% 0 0.0022 0.0040 SNC ? NO Q 0.0025 Q 0.0005 0.0024 0.0031 Q 0.0031 0.0034 0.0004 0 0.0035 0.0004 Q 0.0063 0� 0 0.0050 Q 0.0006 0 0.0036 0.0056 0.0006 FLOW - ._ Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 0.030 0.036 Rea TRC Average of Column 0.0049 0.0025 0.0030 0.0022 Maximum in Column Q 0.0040 0.0063 0 0 0.0034 15 0 0.0003 0 0 20 0 Q 0.0001 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0 TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Q 0.0034 Q 0. 1018 0.00181 0 0.0009 Q 0.0004 0 �] 0.0004 0.0059 FIE0.00111 Q� 0• 6 0 0.0036 0.0056 0.0006 [� 0.00411 _0.000019 Average of Column 0.0049 0.0025 0.0030 0.0022 Maximum in Column 0.0102 0.0051 0.0063 Total Samples 15 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 20 0 0.0059 0 0 19 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM Page 33 0 0.0% 0.0% NO 0 Industry Name: Mclnt re Metal IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting r Period: Jan - Dec 2017 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Average Flow 1st half 0.003 Total # Samples Max Flow 1st half 0.010 105 • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 0.?]30 0.036 • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 1EQE=A 0.036 • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 0 18 0 A % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 18 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 34 0 18 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type LD 0.030 0.036 D- TOr 00.001 0 2_ E � 1 =1 0.0025 �0 0 0.0008 LJI 0.0011 Q 0.0031 0 0.002811 Q 0.0025' p-- _ 0.0010 I[� H 0.0009 n 0.0005 IQ I[] 0.0000 0.0012 [� 0.0012 00 lip 0.0009 IO i=mss 0.0005 - 0.0009 0.0013 0.0031 0 18 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Industry Name: McIntyre Metal IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: =Dec Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Average of Column Maximum in Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2017.xis, Flows 3/6/2018, 8:50 AM • < Daily Flow Violation MGD Type Q 0.030 0.036 0 14 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement • OCT Daily Flow Violation MGD j Type 0.030 0.036 Qe., Tor• Average Flow 2nd half 0.003 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.008 104 •NOV Daily Flow Violation MGD Type [] 0.030 0.036 fie., Tor+ 0 0 0 0.0037 00� 0 0.0035 Q 0.0026 Q 0.0030 Ia0 00 Q Q E:11 Q 0.0016 Q 0 0.0015 0.0025 0 0.0006 �] E--11 6.66171- 711 0.0083 FTF 0� Q 0.0013 0 0.0019 0.0031 Q 0.0073. Q 0.0063 �0 0 0.0067 0.0061'. 00 0 0 0.0064 Q. 0.0056 Q 0.0036 Li Q 0.0052 ED Q 0.0056 F�� Q 0.0007. 0.0025 Q 0.0023 0.0034 Average Flow 2nd half 0.003 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.008 104 •NOV Daily Flow Violation MGD Type [] 0.030 0.036 fie., Tor+ 0 0 0.0034! 0.0028 00� Q Ia0 Q Q 0.0023 Q QF 0.0025 0.0019 �] 0.0029 0.0083 0� 0 Q 0.0073. Q 0.0063 0.000511 0 0.0067 0.0061'. 0 0.0061' Li ED Q 0.0056 Q 0 0.0025 0.0041 0.0034 01 0 0.0029 Q �� 0 0 0.0028 0 0.0022 Q 0.0057 Q 0.0012 0.0057 0 0.0019 C Q 0.00290.0043 0.0031 0.0064 0.0083 0.0066 0 18 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 19 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type Q 0.030 0.036 P- TOr` 00 0.006611 Q 0.0013 Q 0.0019, Q 0.0011 . 0.0019 0� 0 0.0027 [� 0.000511 1 0 0.0061'. 0 0.0061' Li Q 0.0056 0.0041 01 0.0027 Q 0.0014 0 0 Q 0.0012 0 0.0019 Q 0.0052' 001 Page 35 0 0.0% 0.0% NO 0 Compliance Judgement Worksheet For SNC With Limits I Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: McIntyre Metal IUP Number: 0031 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: TSS Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/17 — 6/30/17 See next page for definitions Daily Max. and IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply Ave. Limits Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits from IUP TRC compliance judgement not required for ,H: Daily Maximum Limit: 0.2 * 1.2 r 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 0.24 r/l or lbs/day Average Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: 1- Industry self P-POTW A - Average Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other?) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected w-tihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as another CJP. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP Iii -nit or TRC limit. Column E: Use only if IUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 7: Use only if IUP has (monthly?) average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/1 * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1 " for each daily maximum or average value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily and average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily and average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col.. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample or CJP Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Conc. mg/1 Avg Cone. mg/1 Daily Load lbs/day Avg. Load lbs/day CJP Count Regular Violation 1? TRC Violation I 3/20/2017 0.0031 272 1 I 1 P 5/4/2017 0.0012 <2.5 1 0 0 1 6/23/2017 0.0024 <2.5 1 0 0 * NA means not available Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgement Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 List these Totals on next page => I A= 3 I B= 1 I C=1 Compliance Judgement Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SILT Name: McIntyre Metal IUP Number: 0031 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: TSS Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/17 — 6/30/17 SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers 1) Calculate the % of Regular violations: B/A = 33.3% 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? Chronic violator? Yes / No 3) Calculate the % of TRC Violations: C/A = 33.3% 4) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? TRC Violator? es / No 5) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass-through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes / No 6) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes / No ❑ 7) If the answer to aM of these questions is yes, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAETERintheREEyjous six mon compliance ep riod? CIRCLE ONE: YES Rim If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: CJP Compliance Judgement Point, The number of daily sample data values plus the number of average of sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria= 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judge ment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance (formerly called Reportable Non -Compliance or RNC) Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgement Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 City of Thomasville Legal Notice The City of Thomasville in accordance with Federal and State Regulations is hereby giving public notice. Listed below are Significant Industrial Users that were in significant non- compliance (SNC) with national pretreatment regulations, 40 CFR Part 403, and State regulations, 15 NCAC 2H.0900 and local regulations during the period of January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. Advanced Materials Coatings was in SNC for late reporting and one missed sample in 2017. Enforcement actions were taken to improve reporting compliance and the missed sample has been scheduled for completion. Custom Drum Inc. is in SNC for TSS and Nickel permit limit violations,ill the first half of the 2017 reporting period. They also had some lost flow data for 2017. These violations did not impact operations of the Waste Treatment plant. Custom Drum continues to show improvement during 2017. Finch Industries is in SNC for a reporting violation in the first half of 2017 due to missing flow data. Finch also missed sampling for one parameter that was new to their permit and has since scheduled this sampling. This violation did not impact operations of the Waste Treatment plant. McIntyre Manufacturing Group was in SNC for a single TSS sampling in the first half of 2107. This is considered an isolated event, and subsequent sampling showed McIntyre to be in full compliance. A continuing effort is being made by all significant industrial users permitted by the City to achieve and maintain compliance. Notices of Violations were sent and industries fined for their non compliance. City of Thomasville Utilities Department Wastewater Section Misty Conder Laboratory Supervisor Pretreatment Coordinator