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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0029033_Annual Report_20180301li�,Iy (9_1" -adv, NORTH CAROLINA March 1, 2018 Mr. Monti Hassan NC DWR Pretreatment Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1617 Re: 2017 Pretreatment Annual Report City of Raleigh, NPDES Permit# NC0029033, Neuse River RRF City of Raleigh, NPDES Permit# NC0079316, Little Creek WWTP Dear Mr. Hassan: A copy of the City of Raleigh 2017 Pretreatment Annual Report for compliance review required by 1SA NCAC 2H.0908 and NPDES Permit# NCO029033 and NCO079316 has been attached to this cover letter as prepared by the City's Industrial Pretreatment Program. The 2017 PAR consists of a Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS), a Significant Non - Compliance Report (SNCR), Pretreatment Program Info Database, a copy of the Neuse River and Little Creels IU allocation tables current as of March 1, 2018, narrative summarizing IU and POTW activities during 2017, and Industrial Data Summary Forms for the January -June and July -December, 2017 compliance periods. If there is additional information required for your review, not included in this report, or if you have questions, please contact Ryan Faw, Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator, at 919- 996-3679 or via email at . Sincerely, Ryan Faw Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator cc: file City of Raleigh 2017 Pretreatment Annual Report 2017 CITY OF RALEIGH INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT PROGRAM NARRATIVE January 1 2017— December 31, 2017 The City of Raleigh Industrial Pretreatment Program participated in the following activities during the 2017 calendar year: On September 26, 2017, Deborah Gore of the Pretreatment, Emergency Response, and Collection System (PERCS) Unit conducted a Pretreatment Compliance Inspection of the City of Raleigh's pretreatment program. The inspection included an in-depth review of the files, including industrial monitoring data, appropriate data management, and adherence to the Enforcement Response Plan. The inspection was considered satisfactory and in compliance. An updated design Headworks Analysis (HWA) forthe Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility (NRRRF), NC0029033, was submitted to the PERCS Unit on December 15, 2017, with additional information received on January 22, 2018. Approval was received on February 12, 2018, and this information will also be included on the 2018 PAR. The next HWA for the NRRRF is due by December 31, 2019. This design HWA was submitted due to on-going expansion from 60 MGD to 75 MGD permitted flow, with construction expected to be completed by May 31, 2018. A large number of permit updates were submitted to the PERCS Branch on May 15, 2017, which included three new permittees, three permit modifications, and four SIU permits dropped. A review letter was received by the City of Raleigh on June 19, 2017 indicating from PERCS that the IUP drop requests were adequate and met federal and State requirements. In summary, the May 15, 2017 permit update submittal accomplished the following: New permits 1) Accu -Fab, Inc. IUP #AFAR — New permit issuance due to EPA zirconization memo In 2016 2) Mid -Atlantic Fabrication & Finishing IUP #MFAB— New permit issuance due to EPA zirconization memo in 2016 3) Precision Machine Fabrication, Inc. IUP #PFAB— New permit issuance due to EPA zirconization memo Modifications 1) Libel-Flarsheim Company IUP #MED1— Name change and compliance point moved to a new sampling location. 2) SMT, Inc. IUP #SMT1— Permit modification due to EPA zirconization memo 3) Triangle Coatings, Inc. IUP #TRIC— Permit modification due to EPA zirconization memo Delistings 1) Apex Water Reclamation Facility IUP #APEX — Delisting of Apex WRF and removal of Apex's SIU's from the NRRRF allocation table due to Intermunicipal Agreement expiration in 2015. 2) Cargill, Inc. IUP #CARG — Delisting due to facility no longer discharging process wastewater 3) 1020 Precision Alloys, Inc. IUP #PREC— Delisting due to facility closure 4) 1040-T Precision Alloys, Inc. IUP #PALL— Delisting due to facility closure Mercury Minimization Plans are in place for both the NRRRF and LCW WTP. A summary of activities for the Little Creek W WTP was submitted on November 16, 2017 as part of their NPDES permit renewal. Any future permit renewals will also include MMP activity summaries, as required by the NPDES permit. 2017 CITY OF RALEIGH INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT PROGRAM NARRATIVE The City of Raleigh Industrial Pretreatment Program is in the initial stages of implementing the Dental Amalgam Rule — 40 CFR 441, which was promulgated on June 14, 2017. All existing dental dischargers will be required to install an amalgam separator by October 12, 2020, with new users required to be compliant upon initial discharge. Initial outreach and survey efforts were conducted in 2015 and 2016, with additional outreach being developed. A database has been created and we are receiving and documenting One -Time Compliance Reports. The City of Raleigh continues to hold its annual Industry Day outreach event. This year's event was held at the NRRRF on Thursday, December 7, 2017. Updates were provided by various City of Raleigh staff on our wastewater master plan, construction projects, emergency preparedness, flume and flowmeter maintenance, and the day concluded with a tour of our DE Benton Water Treatment Plant. In addition to Industry Day, this program provides additional customer outreach through a bi-annual Pretreatment Newsletter delivered in January and July each year, as well as maintaining info on the City of Raleigh website. Mr. Kevin Heavner (Industrial Pretreatment Technician) attended the 2017 North Carolina Pretreatment Consortium Certification School and obtained his Grade II Pretreatment Program Specialist Certificate. New and existing employees will continue to be encouraged to obtain their NC -PC voluntary certifications and any additional training as applicable. Upon review of the annual Pretreatment Program Info Database received in the End of 2017 Mailing from the PERCS Branch, one change is requested. Please remove Mr. Brian Gay from all contacts, he has retired as of December 2017. NC0029033 — Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility As of December 31, 2017, the City permits 14 SIU's under NPDES #NC0029033.Of the 14, 12 are categorical users (i.e., metal finishers, OCPSF, pharmaceutical) with the remaining two consisting of one beverage manufacturer and one industrial laundry. All significant industrial users were sampled and inspected during the 2017 calendar year and compliance period. There were no industrial users in Significant Non -Compliance (SNC) for the entire 2017 calendar year. January—June 2017 There were four significant industrial users that received Notices of Non -Compliance (NNC) during the January—June compliance period. There were no inhibitory effects, pass-through, or NPDES violations from these discharges, and all proper enforcement actions were executed. East Carolina Metal Treatment, Inc. was issued a Notice of Non -Compliance for late reporting. The report was not grossly over the due date and this is not a recurring issue for ECMT. Surtronics was issued a Notice of Non -Compliance for one silver exceedance, one pH exceedance, and two cyanide exceedances. These exceedances were minor and corrected immediately upon discovery. All appropriate re -sampling occurred and showed compliance. 2017 CITY OF RALEIGH INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT PROGRAM NARRATIVE 1040-T Precision Alloys was, issued a Notice of Non -Compliance for one pH violation. The situation was resolved immediately and follow-up sampling showed compliance. July— December 2017 There were six Notices of Non -Compliance issued during the July — December 2017 compliance period. There were no inhibitory effects, pass-through, or NPDES violations from these discharges, and all proper enforcement actions were executed. One additional Notice of Violation is described later in this section. East Carolina Metal Treatment was issued a Notice of Non -Compliance for one pH violation. It was indicated that a probe was out of compliance, and a stricter PM schedule was put in place to prevent this from occurring in the future. Precision Machine Fabrication was issued a Notice of Non -Compliance for late reporting. The report was not grossly over the due date and this is not a recurring issue for PMF. Surtronics was issued a Notice of Non -Compliance for one cyanide violation and a missed sample for sulfate. All issues were resolved immediately upon detection, make-up samples were collected, and results showed compliance. Triangle Coatings 01 was issued a Notice of Non -Compliance for one Total Phosphorus violation. All make-up sampling was conducted and showed compliance with the limit. Vishay was issued a Notice of Non -Compliance for one copper violation. All make-up sampling was conducted and showed compliance with the limit. Mid -Atlantic Fabrication was issued a Notice of Non -Compliance for not reporting a flow reading with sample results. This was an isolated event and future reports are being monitored for completion. There was one Notice of Violation issued to Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals which also carried a $1,000 civil penalty. This violation was noted in the State Pretreatment Compliance Inspection, as it was a cause of interference with our UV disinfection system. Mallinckrodt normally discharges wastewater with a light -tea color, however Mallinckrodt's on-site biological treatment system began to experience treatment issues in July 2017 which resulted in a darker effluent discharge. This dark effluent was enough to drop UV transmittance, resulting in interference and some pass-through of tinted effluent at the Neuse River plant. There were no water quality violations experienced from this discharge, but a NOV and civil penalty were issued due to the interference in operations, pass-through of color, and a failure to immediately notify the POTW of the non -routine discharge. Additional colored wastewater began to be discharged from Mallinckrodt in November 2017 due to loss of treatment capabilities at the facility. The Pretreatment Coordinator was notified immediately upon discovery of this discharge, and Mallinckrodt has taken appropriate steps to regain treatment. A root 2017 CITY OF RALEIGH INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT PROGRAM NARRATIVE cause investigation has recently been completed as March 1, 2018, and appropriate enforcement for this November discharge is currently being determined. NCO079316 — Little Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant As of December 31, 2017, the City permits 1 significant industrial user under NPDES #NC0079316. This Ione CIU is GlaxoSmithKline (GSI) permitted under the 439 Pharmaceutical Rules and Regs. This categorical industrial user was inspected and sampled by the Control Authority during the 2016 calendar year compliance period. All required sampling was completed by GSK during the annual period. GSK was not in SNC for the 2016 calendar year. January —June 2017 No enforcement was taken in the January — June compliance period, July — December 2016 One Notice of Non -Compliance for flow issues was issued to GSK. Ongoing flow issues are documented at GSK, with back-ups at a wet -well being the root cause for many, There are instances of actual flow being discharged above the permitted limit and GSK has taken all appropriate measures. The City is also investigating a raise in the permitted flow, to allow for growth at the site. There were also three minor pH violations included in this NNC. Continuous pH monitoring and subsequent sampling showed compliance with the limit. There were no inhibitory effects, pass-through, or NPDES violations from these discharges, and all proper enforcement actions were executed. Industrial Waste Survey The Control Authority continues to periodically survey industrial and commercial sources throughout the multiple jurisdictions that define the service area to include: Raleigh, Garner, Knightdale, Wendell, Wake Forest, Rolesville, Zebulon, and Middlesex to identify new significant industrial users. As of December 31, 2016, no new industrial users have been identified through the ongoing industrial waste survey. The City submitted an updated Industrial Waste Survey to the Approval Authority which was received on January 27, 2018 and approved on February 12, 2018. Chapter 9, PAR Guidance Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS) i. Pretreatment Town Name: City of Raleigh Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility 2. 'Primary" NPDES Number NC00 29033 or Non -Discharge Permit # if applicable => 3. PAR begin Date, please enter 01/01/yy 4. PAR end Date, please enter 12/31/yy 5. Total number of SIUs, includes CIUs 6. Number of CIUs 7. Number of SIUs with no IUP, or with an expired IUP 8. Number of SIUs not inspected by POTW 9. Number of SIUs not sampled by POTW lo. Number of SIUs in SNC due to IUP Limit violations 11. Number of SIUs in SNC due to Reporting violations 12. Number of SIUs in SNC due to violation of a compliance schedule, CO, AO or similar 13. Number of CIUs in SNC 14. Number of SIUs included in public notice 15 Total number of SIUs on a compliance schedule, CO, AO or similar 16. Number ofNOVs, NNCs or similar assesed to SIUs 17. Number of Civil Penalties assessed to SIUs 18. Number of Criminal Penalties assessed to SIUs 19. Total Amount of Civil Penalties Collected 19. => 20. Number of IUs from which penalties collected AO Administrative Order CIU Categorical Industrial User Co Consent Order ]U Industrial User revised 1/2018: PAR PPS_2018 IUP Industrial User Pretreatment Permit NNC Notice ofNon-Compliance NOV Notice of Violation PAR Pretreatment Annual Report 3.=> 01/01/17 4.=> 12/31/17 5. => 14 6. => 12 7. => 0 s. => 0 9. => 0 lo. => 0 11.=> 0 12.=> 0 13.=> 0 14.=> 0 15.=> 0 16.=> 11 17.=> 1 18.=> 0 $ 1000 20. => 1 POTW Publicly Ovened Treatment Worts SIU Significant Industrial User SNC Significant Non -Compliance Chapter 9, PAR Guidance Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS) 1. Pretreatment Town Name: City of Raleigh Little Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant 2. "Primary" NPDES Number NC00 79316 or Non -Discharge Permit # if applicable => 3. PAR begin Date, please enter 01/01/yy 3. => 4. PAR end Date, please enter 12/31/yy 4. => 5. Total number of SIUs, includes CIUs 5. => 6. Number of CIUs 6. => 7. Number of SIUs with no IUP, or with an expired IUP 7. => 8. Number of S1Us not inspected by POTW S. => 9. Number of SIUs not sampled by POTW 9. => 10. Number of SIUs in SNC due to IUP Limit violations 10. => 11. Number of SIUs in SNC due to Reporting violations 11. => 12. Number of SIUs in SNC due to violation of a compliance schedule, CO, AO or similar 12. y 13. Number of CIUs in SNC 13. => 14. Number of SIUs included in public notice 14. => is Total number of SIUs on a compliance schedule, CO, AO or similar 15. => 16. Number ofNOVs, NNCs or similar assesed to SfUs 16. _> 17. Number of Civil Penalties assessed to SIUs 17. 18. Number of Criminal Penalties assessed to SIUs 18. => 19. Total Amount of Civil Penalties Collected 19. => $ 20. Number of TUs from which penalties collected 20. _> FOOt NOteS: AO Administrative Order IUP Industrial User Pretreatment Pemrit CIU Categorical Industrial User NNC Notice of•Non-Compliance CO Consent Order NOV Notice of Violation IU Industrial User PAR Pretreatment Annual Report revised 1/2018: PAR -PPS -2018 01/01/17 IW111n7 U ^0^ u n 4 J (J 0 0 M, I POTW Publicly Owned Treatment Works SID Significant Industrial User SNC Significant Non -Compliance r O N ell t ------------ o .� 2�1 T a N F U UJ Lo � z w d d O 0 � z z 7 a Q z r, o. u a r 0 N F,i I A o ' d ' z z T Nwti v E c• a � V ` w z u. m 0 0.i 0 � U z °z r� v 4 � a I mi City of Raleigh IDMR January —June 2.017 I^M^ \l n; f \\\\ § � I^M^ \l n; f Ajinomoto AminoScience LLC Pharmaceutical Limits Compliance Spreadsheet Monitoring Frequency January -December, 2017 Receiving POTW name=> cararnnaleh Ajinomoto AminoScience Receiving POTW NPDES 11 => 0029033 AJIN Effective date for these Limits=> 1/1/2014 Expiration date for these Limits => 12/31/2018 40 CFR 439 mgA mgA Concentration Limits Monitoring Frequency Monitoring Remits Daily Max Units Indus( ry POTW 9/21/2017 self 12/4/2017 city DailyMax Daily Max Aumna 8.2 m 1 1/12 months 1/12 months 0-047 N.D. +atmn+-ay<oeaoaa 8.2 m 1/12monlhs 1/12 months N.D. N.U. IsabW rd41� a B. MLA 1/12 months 1/12 months N.D. N.D. n -Am I acetate 8.2 mp/I 1112 months 1112 months N.D. N.D. n -Bu loeemw 82 mffi 1/12 months 1/12 months N.D. N.D. Ethyl acetate 8.2 mg/1 1112 months I/12 months N.D. N.D, Isopropyl acetate 8.2 mg1l 1/12 months 1/12 months N.D. N.D. Methyl formate 8.2 ragA 1112 months 1/12 months N.D. N.D. mtaa"I Canaroke 54.7 mg/I 1/12 months 1/12months N.D. N.D. Isopropyl ether 8.2 m 1/12 months 1/12 months N.D. N.D. Tetrah drofiiran 3A m 1 1112 months 1/12 months N.D. N.D, Bemene 0.7 mp/I 1/12monlhs 1/12months N.D. N.D. Toluene 0.1 m I/12 months 1/12momhs N.D. N.D. Xylenes 0.7 -9/1 1/12 months 1/12 months N.D. N.D. n -Hexane 0.7 m I 1/12momin; 1/12 months N.D. N.D. n-Heptane 0.7 m 1/12 months 1112 months N.D.. N.D. Methylene Chloride 0.7 mp/t 1112 months 1/12 months N.D. N.D. Chloroform 0.03 m 1/12 months 1/12 months N.D. N.D. 12-Dichloroethane 8.2 raw[ 1/12 months 1/12 months N.D. N.D. Chlorobenzene 0.7 mg/1 1/12monihs 1/l2months N.D. N.D. o -Dichlorobenzene 8.2 m I 1/12 months 1/12 months N.D. N.D. o��ny1 amine 100.0 m 1/12 months 1112 months N.D. N.D. 'ro<a,r� ammo 100.0 m I 1/12 months 1/12 months N.D. N.D. yn m< 0.13 MCA 1/12 months N.D. I ND. mgA mgA Mi O O N p p iJ p O IJ 0 o N w rn m m N r smasms eoe 000.- 0 0 \lololol`I,; M"MMO c o0 ow w •- 0 0 0 0 t -tor -i ono 0 rnININ I �° ffl;"e- z J O n smasms eoe 000.- 0 0 \lololol`I,; M"MMO c o0 ow w •- 0 0 0 0 t -tor -i ono 0 rnININ ffl;"e- smasms eoe 000.- 0 0 \lololol`I,; M"MMO c o0 ow w •- 0 0 0 0 t -tor -i ono 0 rnININ d n z n r a A ro w / 2: n \% f p d K �ƒ 2 y/ � (� \ [\_� ( � $ ( � �� , (� \ & 2 f ` � { 2 \°. E ƒ\ k \ / . � January through December, 2017 Liebel-Flarsheim-Raleigh Imaging Plant Pharmaceutical Limits Compliance Spreadsheet Permit# MED1 Monitoring Results self city Dally 11/9/2017 1215/2017 Maximum Daily Max Daily Max Acetone 8.2 0.26 0.0154 n -Amyl acetate 8.2 N.D. N.D. Ethyl acetate 8.2 N.D. N.D. Isopropyl acetate 8.2 N.D. N.D. Methylene Chloride 0.7 N.D. N.D. mg/I mg/I mg/I 2 I a 3 a a 6 y n 7 a o o a s n --------------- U0 �l � J IJ to A N N �1 N IJ IJ iJ N N IJ IJ F O o IJ G V> J J J wR assa assssaa Q assaaaaasa Ile ;r p P G7 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N C asassasaasasaaaassaasas a M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N P 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 N o ao O a O O O O O O O O O O O o D J' W W W W W W W W W W WWW W W W W W W W W W W d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d 00 b b d U (7 0 O O �. WWW W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W O .. W dadddd�J ouputm dod'"061, C5 W W p 0. N W dddddr�000ddoedodddodov� W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W trW e. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrJ 0 ° G2 e e - P a 3 a a 6 y n 7 a o o a s $s" sRB �d y¢¢y}s ryrytt foo 000ey�e!e oeoo y e0000000e o00 mmmmWm�WoWmmmmmm ov o, Wwmmmmmmmm d:dPorO,��vv�vovovodoPPORdod�o, WmmmmWmmmmmmemmm m a e 'R,�OWrpvOv�vvv P -RPJ-s mroWerommrmRmWmmrmm Pmrmvomrrmo mom000 gWOmo gmv p 'PRIOR rmoWorWormrr rmvrmvmO?m ar rrr J' bPrmPrmvmo emOr.vo.mvr OrWorWdrWRrmor.�e�WorOrW ->vmrm mdmmPOP omrmmmmm g mmor S rrr 'Pro �°rurrrrrrwrr,�r rrrrrrrrrrr ow 00 r$rrBrrPl'os ggoggr=x www N rrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 2 mWmm PPPPOOgPORdddddRPPPOOOOOOo rrrrerrrrr emmmmWWWmmmmmmm rrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr�'� mmmmmmmW 0000OddPPPddod Wmmmmmmmm m OPO mmmrN OOP p. F mmm 0 0 mm. 00 �' m �vao mm WWmmmmmmmmm oodoPPOPOaOaOooaoOOOoo mmmmPm -mmmmmWWmWPOOR Pooddddm POOR mme Sz rvr rrrr�u rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrr mmmmWmo?emmmmWmm Or O vrOrar ��>=orororororororWrrrmrrmrr mromm OOm Ormr mOm mmmvm mmdm 6 MEMO Y U H b it J \ -3 y�\ .. .�. ...: . -3 ^<4 \®)(}wy» 22 [ yy ■ \ _®�\ (\\ § � ) . � \ D . \ �� -FF \ e I \¥ \g. \ e I } =50 \ I z r) J - r� J v m m c� 0 M m r �� z .� v rt W M A „1 H m m rt '� A C M ro p rn January through December, 2017 Fresenius-Kabi-US Pharmaceutical Limits Compliance Spreadsheet Permit# CARD Monitoring Results 12/7/2017 12/5/2017 *12/7/17 sample from Xellia was analyzed using EPA Method 624. Xellia resampled using correct methods in January, 2018 upon discovery. Proper enforcement is to be taken. Daily self city Maximum Daily Max Daily Max Acetone 8.2 N.D. 0.00371 n -Amyl acetate 8.2 N.D. N.D. Ethyl acetate 8.2 N.D. N.D. Isopropyl acetate 8.2 N.D. N.D. Methylene Chloride 0.7 N.D. 0.00188 mg/I mg/I * mg/I *12/7/17 sample from Xellia was analyzed using EPA Method 624. Xellia resampled using correct methods in January, 2018 upon discovery. Proper enforcement is to be taken. City of Raleigh 1 AT I Ipkj July —December 2017 D c l o N 6 J M� N J �sAl WI� r r WI� r r m v ry C fD n fJ � y c: ym P G �roj P P N W t� tJi ry C m n v �' v v v d t� N �; m H ;.:; y _u, o y..: m o = �" 3 �;i k>3"d �+ a 0 tr' z �A e '�'1 m m Q W rt A "S H K m rt m p .' ro .. a iw �r- u .i p Z '10 n J d m T_ I Y n! i �-' ti y % 0 "P � J F N F 3F �.' 3 a ro @<. ac �.� o'. b � ,- n �y y � .� p O 7 � � ,�- � G W �< w H N Y �--` N N N N O O O O J U J J n 0 ro "A m A Q z G m e fD K m w W M N �1 H ti A m m b M b b .. B 3 �, IV J V d m ro= a z *1 �._ k w N f. .� C at �°c a z n .�. a¢a,', z =� y �. H Y N A p *d C fD 7L � wi lz fD 7L � wi ro- J z m e1 rt w City of Raleigh Allocation Tables NCO029033 NCO079316 I st � �• i M N m $ — RE o� 8 a6 i6m 5 l 5' N l ftfta�"��N N S �.5' ` M- S �a a eai ^ gill O�m e a oaaaaaaaa�aaas�a�a aaoaaooaa5aaa?aoa.�Y ro agx �3g�, %S 0 go g '" 000 S8S8E8 8088 a = og 0 0 >gQ o Fg o w,rn� u o g w w woo pp zzp o 8S jgi8 o8 $ 88S8�o88'S q-Qo qgq SES �!i gig --------------------------- 3nro ^ --------------------------- H p ny l* �EExxw�;zz an��ogr; n arx<<�y yw� rr ka. a,� z2 n € $ a €og �g 3 o w 3 P ro P 6 S ogooSB or�k9 g ss popep 8 8ij ,o�gn n �C^ B �'B8"I3$ S Wks R.B e q��GR ess $ o p e e e o° g� y n p ss� C ° gva.n _ l* N Po J m u A W N� o m J P u P w W� I s� o�m EEA.rog4 Z2 SLI OtlnAn �'. <<H :c� •�[.'ML .� aro om N� l.s 3m� 4 5 tim bo_11P. $ s$ oanro _ ra o a -e -a 3 � 3y Ca a r e B 8 gq 8 _wg a� �G g I s� " V u J P u A u N O w J P v. 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REGAN secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Interim Director As we draw to the close of another great pretreatment year, I wanted to provide you an update on some . issues, inform you on this year's upcoming workshops and distribute the Pretreatment Program Info Database sheets. 1) NC Pretreatment Professionals Honor Roll: In case you missed the Annual Pretreatment Conference held October 161h — 181h in Asheville, this year's addition to the Honor Roil is Lisa Osthues with the City of Clinton. 2) Dental Amalgam Rule: The rule became effective July 14, 2017. Existing sources have until July 14, 2020 to Install the required separator and until October 12, 2020 to submit the one-time compliance report. New sources must be compliant immediately and submittheir one-time compliance report within 90 days of commencing discharge. Additional information is available on the Pretreatment web page: its/peres/pretreatment- permits 3) Rules Review: The Pretreatment rules in 2H .0900 are scheduled to go the EMC In early 2018. Public hearings will be held and you will have an opportunity to provide comments. 4) NPDES Permit Renewals: if your NPDES permit has been renewed since April 2016 then the reasonable potential analysis was evaluated for the hardness based, site specific water quality standards. Even if you did not receive new effluent limits for metals your headworks analysis will need to be updated to ensure it is protective of those site specific water quality standards. An updated HWA must be submitted within 180 days of receipt of a NPDES renewal. Please contact PERCS for assistance. 5) Division Review of IUPs: The Division continues implementation of the streamlined permit review process. After attending the IUP workshop and a thorough Division review of three program. IUPs, a permit writer may be approved to participate in this process. Permits submitted under this process are not subject to a full Division review. Benefits to the POTW include less paperwork to submit and immediate approval of your permits. This workshop is presented on an "as requested" basis. Please contact PERCS if interested in attending. 6) Staff Assignments: PERCS welcomed a new staff member on December 1. Vivien Zhong comes to us from Michigan where she worked for Michigan State University and the MI DEQ. Our goals for project review are 30 days for IUPs and SIU drops and 90 days for ERP, HWA, IWS, LTMP and SLID. Due to staff vacancies, we were only able to meet the goals 92.7% of the time. Former PERCS staff and Pretreatment Guru, Dana Foley has come back on a part-time, temporary basis to assist the Pretreatment Program. State of North CarolhN I Eavironmental Quality I WaterResouroes 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919 7079000 Assignments have changed. Monti Hassan, 919-807-6314 []: Chowan, Hiwassee, Little Tennessee, Neuse, Roanoke, Yadkin Vivien Zhong, 919-807-6310 []: Broad, Cape Fear, Catawba, French Broad, Lumber, New, Tar -Pamlico. 7) Workshops: The following workshops are planned for 2018. The invitations and directions for these workshops are posted on the Training page: resources-training/training/pretreatment-program-training. Contact PERCS to register and please register.early, as space is limited at each site. Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) —January 1811 (Raleigh) and January 22 (Salisbury) Headworks Analysis (NWA) —January 23 (Salisbury) and January 31st (Raleigh). [HWA workshops may be re -scheduled if not enough students sign up). 8) Pretreatment Pro"ram Info Database Sheets: Please review your attached program info sheet(s) and historical SNC sheet(s), if applicable, and make necessary updates to any of the information presented. Send the corrected sheets back with your PAR, due March 1, 2018. If all the information was correct, please indicate that in your PAR. Especially note the due dates as this maybe the only reminder you get. Please note: a. All pretreatment programs (full and modified) must submit a PPS form with their PAR per an EPA requirement of the State. Please note this form has changed slightly to reflect how the State must submit information to EPA. b. Historical SNC sheets only list currently Active SIUs that had SNCs from 2009-2015. c. Forms are available for download on our website: resources/water-resources-petmit-guidance%pretreatment-guide/annual-report-guidance 9) Email Addresses: PERCS often uses email to send out mass mailings. To make this an effective and cost saving tool, we ask that you keep PERCS updated on your current email address as well as which staff member is the "primary" contact for your POTW - see "prim" field next to staff names on Program Info sheet, and email field below, names. For programs with more staff than the printed sheet is able to show, a separate contacts page has been included. Please make any staff changes on that sheet and return to PERCS with the PAR. As always, please contact your pretreatment staff member (as listed above) or me at 919-807-6383 email: Deborah.Goreoncdenr govl with any questions or comments. Sincerely, Deborah Gore, PERCS Unit Supervisor dg/2017 mass mailing Enclosures: Program Info Sheet(s) Historical SNC Sheet(s), if applicable Cc: PERCS Pretreatment Staff (electronic copy) Regional Office Pretreatment Staff (electronic copy) Pretreatment Consultants (electronic copy) Prtr�m�n Progxam Inf�.;Datase for Program Name Raleigh WWTP Name Neuse River Program Approval Date 06/10/1983 Pretreatment Status Full Region RRO County Wake PDE b printed on: 12/18/2017 amlllfornl-'- -�V IWC OX at 7Q1 0 48.48 7i0 Flow cfs /mgd 98.7 / 63.76 1Q10 Flow cfs / mgd 80.57 / 52.07 Stream Classification C -NSW Basin Number NEU02 Receiving Stream Name NEUSE RIVER N S Num er NCO029033 Last PAR Rec 02/28/2017 PAR Due Date 03/01/2018 mercury NPDES Effective Date 02/01/2016 :) I Superintendent -Little Creek WWTP 11419Highway39 IP7597 1631 Mr. Ryan Faw Current Fiscal 09/26/2017 required NPDES Expire Date 02/29/2020 Year PCI Done es POTW is Primary WWTP TRUE Last Audit on 08/16/2016 Audit Year Next 20/21 Design Flow mgd 60.0000 % Design mgd is SIU permitted F 4.43 Permitted SIU flow (mgd) [Pt SIU) .66 WWTPSIU's WWTPCIU's 14 Program SlUs 15'" 12 ProgramClUs 13'x HWA' r LTMP IWS�t SUO date Inactive Date Next Due 11/30/2017 1 j 02/01/2018 r Date Received by DWR 04/01/2016 i 04/01/2016 ! 02/25/2013 1 1 01/02/2013-I 02/19/2009 Date Approved 0 01/03/2013 0310/2009 _ Adopt Date Required I II919-996-3734 _ _ __i I 11 Date Adopted 12/06/2012 Info In this Box from Pt Contacts Date Date Date PT Pro Attended Attended Attended Formal Name ., Prima Phonel ext Fax HWA Wkso It1P Wksn PAR Wkso 1Af Brum Aap1 11(919) 369-3344 1 1(919) 269-2113 11 4/16/1999 1/23/2007 :) I Superintendent -Little Creek WWTP 11419Highway39 IP7597 Mr. Ryan Faw 1prim; (919) 996-3679 1 1(919) 662-5707 11 2/9/2016 6/22/2011 2/2!2016 Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator PO Box 590 7602 Darrell Crews 1 11919-996-3671 1 11 3/5/2013 Jarrell.crews@ralelgl) Laboratory Supervisor 1130Box 590 7602 v1s. Sarah Gornick 1 11919-996-3715 919-996-1858 11 3/4/2015 1/27/2015 Industrial Pretreatment Tech 1P.0. Box 590 7502 Kevin Heavner I II919-996-3734 I 11 1 1 2/2/2016 , Industrial Pretreatment Tech jP0 Box 590 ;.1127602 'retreatment Related NOVs from DWQ 11 DWR Central Office Contact IMonti Hassan /2/1990 IUPs, SARs ' 1 DWR Regional Contact Jheng Zhang no snc Prmtrm ,!Mwnt; Program W91P004se for Program Name Raleigh WWTP Name Smith Creek (Wake Forest WWTP) Program Approval Date 06/10/1983 Pretreatment Status Full Region RRO County Wake NPDES Number NCO030759 printed on: 12/18/2017 !a11T(,Of01'/YJai`iDi•7--.� IWC %at7Q100.40 7Q fi5 F(ow cfs / mgd 1149 / 742.25 1Q10 Flow cfs / mgd 921.99 / 595.88 Stream Classification C -NSW Basin Number NEU02 Receiving Stream Name NEUSE RIVER NPDES Effective Date 06/01/2013 Mr. B.i-,, Bay-- Last PAR Rec 02/28/2017 PAR Due Date 03/01/2018 mercury NPDES Expire Date 02/28/2018 Current Fiscal 09/26/2017 Superintendent Little Creek WWTP 1419 Highway 39 7597 1631 required FALSE Year PCI Done (919);996-3679 (919) 662-5707 2/0/2016 6/22/2011 2/2/2016 POTW is Primary WWTP Last Audit on 08/16/2016 Audit Year Next 20/21 Darrell Crews Design Flow mgd 3.0000 % Design mgd is SIU permitted 0 00 Permitted SIU flow (mgd) [Pt SIU) WWTPSIU's WWTPCIU's 0 Program SIUs 15 0 13 HWA � LIMP _ '' US Sw[, 919-996-1858 Program CIUs SUO Industrial Pretreatment Tech P.O. Box 590 7602 , Kevin Heavner 11919-996-3734 1 1 11 2/2/2016 date Inactive Date Next Due 01/01/2999 i _... 02/01/2018 Date Received by DWR 03/20/2000 10/28/2001 02/25/2013 01/02/2013 02/19/2009 i Date Approved/16/2000 12/28/2001 0803/1 I 03/19/2013 01/03/2013 1 0/2009] Adopt Date Required Date Adopted 12/06/2012 Info in this Box from Pt Contacts Date Date Date PT_Pro Attended Attended Attended Formal Name p;Prime Phonel ext Fax Nwn Wkc. If 10 gni,- DAD %A/6 -- nD.A/6-- may`- (919) 369-3344 1 1(919)269-2113'11 4/16/1999 1 1/23/2007 Superintendent Little Creek WWTP 1419 Highway 39 7597 Mr, Ryan Faw Prim (919);996-3679 (919) 662-5707 2/0/2016 6/22/2011 2/2/2016 Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator PO Box 590 7602 Darrell Crews 919-996-3671 3/5/2013 Laboratory Supervisor PO Box 590 7602 Ms. Sarah Gornick 919-996-3715 919-996-1858 3/4/2015 1/27/2015 Industrial Pretreatment Tech P.O. Box 590 7602 , Kevin Heavner 11919-996-3734 1 1 11 2/2/2016 Industrial Pretreatment Tech ]PO Box 590 7602 'retreatment Related NoVs'from DWQ DWR Central Office Contact IMonti Hassan N2/1990 IUPs, SARs..: DWR Regional Contact ChengZhang n Pro ra, Inf , Da, "ba a printed on: 12/18/2017 for Program Name Raleigh Stream Information IWC%at 7010100.00 WWTP Name Little Creek (Zebulon WWTP) �.� Superintendent -Little Creek WWTP 11419Highway39 7597 _ cfs / mgd 0 0.00 � Program Approval Date- 06/10/1983 Prim 0.00 / 0.00 11 2/9/2016 1 6/22/2011 1 2/2/2016 Q10�10 Flow cfs I 0mgd Pretreatment Status Full Darrell Crews Stream Classification C -NSW Region RRO 1 Basin Number NEU07 County Wake I Laboratory Supervisor Receiving Stream Name LITTLE CREEK NPDES Number NCO079316 Last PAR Rec 02/28/2017 PAR Due Date 03/01/2018 mercury NPDES Effective Date 05/01!2014 1631 NPDES Expire Date 05/31/2018 Current Fiscal 09126/2017 required sarah.gornick@raleighnc gov I industrial Pretreatment Tech 113.0. Box 590 IP7602 Year PCI Done es POTW is Primary WWTP FALSE Last Audit on 08/16/2016 Audit Year Next20/21 Design Flow mgd 1.8500 % Design mgd is SIU permitted F9.46 Permitted SIU flow (mgd) [Pt SIU) .175 MTP SI U's WWTPCIU's 1 Program SIUs15WH 13 HWA LTMP IWS SUO3��RP ProgramClUs date Inactive Date Next Due 04/01/2018 li 1 102/01/2018 Date Received by DWR 04/01/2013 j 04/01/2016 1 02/25/2013 01/02/2013_ 02/19/2009 Date Approved 106/18/2013 06/21/2016 03/19/2013 j, 01/03/2013. 03/10/2009 Adopt Date Required Date Adopted 12/06/2012 Info in this Box from Pt Contacts 'Date Date Date PT Pro Attended Attended Attended Formal Name p.Prime Phohe1 ext Fax HWA Wksp IUP Wkso PAR Wkso Mc urian 6sy — ' (919) 369-3344 1(919) 269-2113 4/16/1999 1 11/23/2007 Superintendent -Little Creek WWTP 11419Highway39 7597 Mr. Ryan Faw Prim (919), 996-3679 (919) 662-5707 11 2/9/2016 1 6/22/2011 1 2/2/2016 Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator` PO Box 590 7602 Darrell Crews 1 919-996-3671 1 1 11 3/5/2013 I Laboratory Supervisor 1130 Box 590 7602 Ms. Sarah Gornick 1 11919-996-3715 1 1919-996-1858 11 3/4/2015 1 1 1/27/2015 sarah.gornick@raleighnc gov I industrial Pretreatment Tech 113.0. Box 590 IP7602 Kevin Heavner 1 919-996-3734 1 1 11 1 1 2/2/2016 ;, Industrial Pretreatment Tech -- PO Box 590 7602 W2/1990 1UPs,SARs DWR Central Office Contact Imonti Hassan DWR Regional Contact Cheng Zhang Pretreatment; Pro -grain Info,Data'uase for Program Name Raleigh WWTP Name City of Raleigh Spray Irrigation Facility St Program Approval Date 06/1011983 PAR Due Date 03/01/2018 Pretreatment Status Full 1419 Highway 39 7597 Region RRO NPDES Expire Date p 04/30/2015 County Wake required NPDES Number W00002708 printed on: 12/18/2017 I WC % at 7Q 10 100.00 7010 Flow cfs / mgd 1Q10 Flow cfs / mgd Stream Classification Basin Number NEU02 Receiving Stream Name NPDES Effective DateLast PAR Rec 02/28/2017 PAR Due Date 03/01/2018 mercury 11/07/2012 1419 Highway 39 7597 1631 NPDES Expire Date p 04/30/2015 Current Fiscal 09/26/2017 11 2/9/2016 1 6/22/2011 required YearPClDone r� POTW is Primary WWTP FALSE Last Audit on 08/16/2016 Audit Year Next20/21 L-1 Design Flow mgd 0.7000 % Design mgd is SIU permitted 0.00 Permitted SIU flow (mgd) [Pt SIU) L� WWTP SIU's 0 Program SIUs 15 11 3/4/2015 1 1 1/27/2015 VN WW CIU's 0 Program CIUs 13 HWA LTMP tWS SUO ESP 2/2/2016 kevm :' Industrial Pretreatment Tech PO Box 590 :, �.� date Inactive Date Next Due j 01/01/299902/01/2018 -_ — Date Received by DWR 02/12/1996 06/18/1998 j _- 02/25/2013 01/02/2013 02/19/2009 i Date Approved 02/12/1996 07/15/1998 103119/2013 01/03/2013 I 03!10/20091 Adopt Date Required Date Adopted 12/06/2012 Info in this Box from Pt Contacts Date - 'Date Date PT Pro Attended Attended Attended Formal Name.. nPrima Phnne9 ext Fax NWAW4cn III0\AI4— PAP%AIVen tvlrriarr6ay— (919) 369-3344 1 1(919) 269-2113 4/16/1999 1 11/23/2007' W ; Superintendent -Little Creek WTP 1419 Highway 39 7597 Mr. Ryan Few 1Prim (919) 996,-3679 1 1(919) 662-5707 11 2/9/2016 1 6/22/2011 1 2/2/2016 ryan.faw@ci.raleigh, I Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator IPOBOX590 7602 Darrell Crews 1 11919-996-3671 1 1 11 3/5/2013 Laboratory Supervisor 1PO Box 590 7602 Ms. Sarah Gornick 1 11919-996-3715 919-996-1858 11 3/4/2015 1 1 1/27/2015 Industrial Pretreatment Tech JP.0. Box 590 7602 Kevin Heavner 1 11919-996-3734 2/2/2016 kevm :' Industrial Pretreatment Tech PO Box 590 7602 NOVs from DWQ DWR Central Office Contact JMonti Hassan SARs DWR Regional Contact ICheng Zhang �.