HomeMy WebLinkAbout20052132 Ver 1_USACE Correspondence_20090730' LzaLLA Z) " DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: July 29, 2009 Regulatory Division Action ID No. SAW 200900425 Ms. Cyndi Karoly Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Dear Ms. Karoly: D ?s - a-1 3 2- Q??c?oeR I JUL 3 0 2009 DENR - WATER QUAUTV WETLANDS AND STORIYIWATEIt BRANCH By letter dated March 13, 2009, The Fund for Sandy Point, LLC, was notified of alleged violations of permit conditions or limitations associated with the excavation of three navigation channels and two boat basins within Department of the Army (DA) jurisdictional waters to facilitate the development of single and multifamily housing, commercial businesses and shopping centers, road crossings, marina amenities, waste water treatment facilities, and municipal emergency departments, on property located at the Sandy Point Development, off NC Highway 32, adjacent to the Albemarle Sound, near Edenton, in Chowan County, North Carolina. Our District Engineer proposes to assess a Class I Administrative Penalty under the authority of 33 U.S.C. § 1319(g) and 33 CFR Part 326.6. We are required to furnish you a copy of the Proposed Order and the information contained in the enclosed Public Notice. You may provide written comments on the Proposed Penalty Order at anytime within 30 calendar days after receipt of this notice. Your comments should be addressed to the District Engineer, care of Mr. Justin McCorcle, Office of Counsel, Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403. The violator may also provide written comments and/or request a hearing on the Proposed Penalty Order at anytime within 30 calendar days after receipt of this notice. A request for a hearing must be in writing, specifying in summary form the factual and legal issues that are in dispute and the specific factual and legal grounds for the defense. If the violator does not request a hearing, the District Engineer will withdraw, issue, or modify and issue the enclosed Proposed Order as a Final Order. The decision will be based on the administrative record, including any comments and/or evidence submitted by the violator and members of the public. All evidence will be considered, and the decision will be based on a preponderance of the evidence, that is, on the greater weight of evidence that is credible and convincing to the mind. -2- Please direct any questions regarding this matter to Mr. McCorcle at the address provided above, or by telephone at (910) 251-4699. Sincerely, S. Kenneth Jolly Chief, Regulatory Division Enclosures ,Permit: USACE Permit No. 200900425 PROPOSED ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY ORDER Under the authority granted by 33 U.S.C. § 1319(g) and 33 CFR Part 326.6, I, Colonel Jefferson M. Ryscavage, District Engineer, Wilmington District, propose to issue this order assessing a Class I Administrative Penalty for violation of the above-referenced permit. Name/Address of Permittee: The Fund for Sandy Point, LLC C/O Mr. Sam Young 1820 Sandy Point Road Edenton, North Carolina 27932 Permitted Activity: The excavation of three navigation channels and two boat basins within Department of the Army (DA) jurisdictional waters to facilitate the development of single and multifamily housing, commercial businesses and shopping centers, road crossings, marina amenities, waste water treatment facilities, and municipal emergency departments, on property located at the Sandy Point Development, off NC Highway 32, adjacent to the Albemarle Sound, near Edenton, in Chowan County, North Carolina, consistent with the application and plans for USACE Permit No. 200900425. Condition(s) or Limitation(s) of Permit Reportedly Violated: The Fund for Sandy Point, LLC, failed to comply with special condition 28. of the subject permit, which states that, "The Permittee (and any successors and assigns) shall cause to be recorded in the Register of Deeds for Chowan County the "Restrictive Covenants for Shoreline Preservation," the draft form of which is attached as Exhibit E, and the "Restrictive Covenants for Wetlands Preservation," the draft form of which is attached as Exhibit F ("Restrictive Covenants") for the purpose of preserving and protecting certain riparian areas and wetlands located on the project site in perpetuity. The Restrictive Covenants shall be recorded at least thirty (30) days before the Permittee commences dredging the first of the three proposed channels in Albemarle Sound as authorized by this Permit; provided, however, that no lot within the project shall be sold or conveyed without any restrictive covenants applicable to such lot having first been recorded. The Permittee shall enforce the terms of the restrictions set forth in the Restrictive Covenants, and, prior to conveyance of the property, shall take no action on the property described in the Restrictive Covenants inconsistent with the terms thereof. Conveyance of any portion of the property prior to the recordation of the aforementioned covenants will require written approval of the USAGE." -2- Description of the Nature of the Violation(s): The Fund for Sandy Point, LLC, commenced dredging activities without complying with the permit condition. The Fund for Sandy Point, LLC, recorded the Restrictive Covenant only after being notified that they were not in compliance with the issued permit. I propose to assess a Class I Administrative Penalty against the permittee in this case for $ 5,000; however, this proposal is subject to revision in the interest of justice after all evidence and comments have been received and reviewed. The amount that may be assessed as a Class I Administrative Penalty may not exceed $11,000 per individual violation or a maximum amount of $27,500. Issued this y of July 2009. (3• /?? (tr"b efferson M. Ryscavage Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer . . DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Action ID No. 200900425 July 29, 2009 PUBLIC NOTICE INTERESTED PARTIES: The District Engineer, Wilmington District, proposes to issue an order assessing a Class I Administrative Penalty against The Fund for Sandy Point, LLC, for a violation of permits granted under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. PERMITS INVOLVED AND ALLEGED VIOLATION: The Department of the Army issued Permit No. 200900425 to The Fund for Sandy Point, LLC, on October 18, 2007. This permit authorized the excavation of three navigation channels and two boat basins within Department of the Army (DA) jurisdictional waters to facilitate the development of single and multifamily housing, commercial businesses and shopping centers, road crossings, marina amenities, waste water treatment facilities, and municipal emergency departments, on property located at the Sandy Point Development, off NC Highway 32, adjacent to the Albemarle Sound, near Edenton, in Chowan County, North Carolina Permit No. 200900425 was violated as follows: The Fund for Sandy Point, LLC, failed to comply with special condition 28. of the subject permit, which states that, "The Permittee (and any successors and assigns) shall cause to be recorded in the Register of Deeds for Chowan County the "Restrictive Covenants for Shoreline Preservation," the draft form of which is attached as Exhibit E, and the "Restrictive Covenants for Wetlands Preservation," the draft form of which is attached as Exhibit F ("Restrictive Covenants") for the purpose of preserving and protecting certain riparian areas and wetlands located on the project site in perpetuity. The Restrictive Covenants shall be recorded at least thirty (30) days before the Permittee commences dredging the first of the three proposed channels in Albemarle Sound as authorized by this Permit; provided, however, that no lot within the project shall be sold or conveyed without any restrictive covenants applicable to such lot having first been recorded. The Permittee shall enforce the terms of the restrictions set forth in the Restrictive Covenants, and, prior to conveyance of the property, shall take no action on the property described in the Restrictive Covenants inconsistent with the terms thereof. Conveyance of any portion of the property prior to the recordation of the aforementioned covenants will require written approval of the USACE." 2 The Fund for Sandy Point, LLC, commenced dredging activities without complying with this permit condition. The Fund for Sandy Point, LLC, recorded the Restrictive Covenant only after being notified that they were not in compliance with the issued permit. AUTHORITY FOR PROCEEDING: This Administrative Penalty proceeding is initiated under the authority of 33 U.S.C. 1319(g) and 33 CFR Part 326.6. The procedure for assessing civil penalties in cases such as this is set out in the statute and the regulation. Following the discovery and investigation of a violation of a permit, notice is given to the permittee, the appropriate state agency, and the public. The permittee, the state, or any member of the public may file comments within 30 days. If requested by the permittee, a hearing will be held before a Presiding Officer who will submit a report and recommend a decision to the District Engineer. The District Engineer will issue a Final Order on the case to the permittee. Public participation in the hearing is permitted if a hearing is held. PENALTY PROPOSED: The amount of the penalty proposed in this case is $5,000. This proposal is subject to revision in the interest of justice after all evidence and comments have been received and reviewed. The amount of the penalty that the District Engineer is authorized to assess as a Class I Penalty is $11,000 per violation and not more than $27,500 total. In a case involving multiple violators, each violator is subject to a separate, not joint, penalty. REQUEST FOR HEARING: The permittee has 30 days following receipt of this formal notice of proposed penalty to request a hearing. Written request, by the permittee, for a hearing should be directed to the District Engineer within this designated comment period and must state the specific reasons for requesting a public hearing. The request should specify, in summary form, the factual and legal issues in dispute and the specific grounds for defense. The permittee has a right to present evidence at the hearing; however, he may not challenge the permit condition or limitation, which is the subject matter of this order. COMMENTS/ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD: During the 30 day comment period, any person may submit written comments on the proposed Penalty Order. These comments should be sent to the District Engineer by 4:30 p.m., August 28, 2009. Any submitted comments will be included in the administrative record relating to the Proposed Order. All information submitted by the permittee and persons commenting on the Proposed Order will be placed in the administrative record, which will be available for inspection during regular business hours at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina. (The administrative record is subject to the provisions of law restricting the disclosure of confidential information.) Comments should be directed to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ATTN: Justin McCorcle (CESAW-OC) 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 PUBLIC HEARING: The permittee and all persons who file comments will be given notice of any hearing held on this case. The permittee and all commenters will have a reasonable opportunity to be heard and to present evidence at such hearing, if a hearing is held. FINAL DECISION: If the permittee does not request a hearing, the District Engineer may issue the Final Order on this violation on or after 30 days following receipt of this formal notice by the permittee. POST DECISION HEARING/APPEAL: Any Final Order issued under these procedures shall become effective 30 calendar days following its issuance unless (1) a petition to set aside the order and to hold a hearing is filed by any person who commented on the Proposed Order and the petition is granted, or (2) an appeal to the United States District Court is taken under 33 U.S.C. 1319(g)(8).