HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190061 Ver 1_U-4700 Catawba Burke Caldwell December 20 2018_20190114�N STA�T o , y ��O '�`�, '�y� ,� ''�_�_ p y�ti,'Wu�nm° �y2C�� `°a�,...h�'� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TR.ANSPORTATION ROY COOPER GOVERNOR December 20, 2018 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 ATTN: Mr. Steve Kichefski NCDOT Coordinator Dear Sir: JAMES H. TROGDON, III SECRETARY Subject: Application for an Individual Section 404 and Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the US 321 Widening from north of US 70 interchange to Southwest Blvd. (SR 1933) interchange in Catawba, Burke, and Caldwell Counties. Federal Aid Project No. NHF-0321(25), Division 12, 13, and 11, TIP No. U-4700. Debit $570 from WBS 35993.1.2. The North Carolina Department of Transportation NCDOT proposes to widen US 321 to a six lane median divided facility from just north of the US 70 interchange in Hickory (Catawba County) to the Southwest Boulevard (SR 1933) interchange in Lenoir (Caldwell County). The proposed improvements involve approximately 14 miles of existing US 321 with a majority of the roadway located in Catawba and Caldwell Counties and 0.3 mile in Burke County. There are five municipalities that are located along the project corridor: City of Hickory, Town of Granite Falls, Town of Sawmills, Town of Hudson, and City of Lenoir. Please see the enclosed ENG 4345, Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) mitigation acceptance letters, Effects Forms for 4( fl properties, State Historic Preservation Office (HPO) letter for archaeological sites, State Stormwater Management Plan (SMP), permit drawings, design plans, and preliminary plans for the above referenced project. Puipose and Need: Segments of US 321 between Hickory and Lenoir are currently experiencing congestion and operate at level of service (LOS) E and F. Also, a majority of intersections along the project area currently operate at LOS E and F. In 2035, 12 of 13 segments along the mainline and 16 of 18 intersections are projected to operate at LOS F. MailingAddress: Telephone: (919) 707-6000 Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF ThANSPORTATION Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 1000 BIRCH RIDGE DRNE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT SECTION RALEIGH NC 2761 O 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER Website.� www.ncdot.gov Rn[.eiGH NC 27699-1598 The purpose of this project is to reduce congestion on US 321 in order to achieve LOS of D ar better in the Design Year (2040). PROJECT SCHEDULE The project will be permitted in phases due to project size, funding and TIP schedule. Table 1 describes the proposed project sections and phasing. The impacts reported in this Individual Permit Application for Sections CA, CB and CC are based on final design. The proposed impacts far the remaining Sections A, B, and C are based on preliminary design. Preliminary design impacts have been calculated using preliminary slope stakes plus 25'. Permit modifcation requests will be submitted as the final design is completed for each of the remaining sections (A-C) according to the phasing dates provided in Table 1. Table 1— Pro'ect hasin for US 321 Widenin (U-4700) Section Approximate Section Limits Approximate Construction Length Letting U-4700CA SR 1160 (Mount Herman Road Intersection U rade N/A Jun 2019 U-4700CB SR 1809/1952 Pine Mountain Road Intersection U rade N/A Jun 2019 U-4700CC SR ll 08 Mission Road Intersection U rade N/A Jun 2019 U-4700A US 70 to US 321A 3.5 miles Au 2021 U-4700B US 321A to SR 1108 (Mission Road) 7.2 miles Jan 2030 U-4700C SR 1108 Mission Road to SR 1933 Southwest Blvd. 3.3 miles Jan 2030 TOTAL: 14 miles SUMMARY OF IMPACTS Summary of Jurisdictional Impacts: The preliminary projected impacts for the overall project will be approximately 0.7 acre of permanent wetland impacts, 5,950 linear feet of permanent stream impacts, and <0.01 acre of temporary stream impacts (see Tables 2 and 3 for a breakdown of impacts by Section). Table 2— Summar of Wetland Im acts for U-4700 Design Wetland Impact Wetland Impacts Section Stage wetland Impact Type Area (ac) Requiring Miti ation 1 U-4700A Preliminar� Permanent Fill O.l * 0.1 U-4700B Prelimina Permanent Fill 0.2* 0.2 U-4700C Prelimina Permanent Fill 0.4* 0.4 U-4700CA Final Permanent Fill -- 0 U-4700CB Final Permanent Fill -- 0 U-4700CC Fina1 Permanent Fi11 -- 0 Total 0.7 0.7 * Preliminary impacts are calculated using slope stakes +25' U-4700Individual Phased Permit Application Page 2 of 10 Table 3— Summar of Stream Im acts for U-4700 Design Impact Temporary Stream Impacts Section Stage Stream Impact Type Length (1� Impacts (ac) Requiring Miti ation 1 U-4700A Prelimina Permanent Fill 1,795 -- 1,795* U-4700B Prelimina Permanent Fill 3,055 -- 3,055* U-4700C Prelimina Permanent Fill 1,000 -- 1,000* U-4700CA Final Permanent Fill -- -- � Tem ora -- -- Permanent Fill 100 -- 100** U-4700CB Final Temporary -- <0.01 U-4700CC Final Permanent Fill -- -- � Tem ora -- -- Total 5,950 <0.01 5,950 * Preliminary impacts are calculated using slope stakes +25' (temporary impacts TBD) ** See Table 5 Summary of Utility Impacts: There will be no impacts associated with utility relocations in the CA, CB or CC Sections of this project. For Sections A, B, and C, the utility relocations will be determined at final design. Summary of Miti ag; tion: The project has been designed to avoid and minimize impacts to jurisdictional areas throughout the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and design processes. However, project impacts will necessitate compensatory mitigation for the unavoidable impacts. Mitigation for impacts resulting from Section A (preliminary design) and Section CB (final design impacts) is provided. It has been determined that onsite mitigation is not an option for this project and DMS will provide all required mitigation for these sections. See Tables 2 and 3 for a summary of impacts and Table 7 for a summary of proposed mitigation. These mitigable impacts include 0.1 acre of permanent wetland impact and 1,895 linear feet of permanent stream impact. Sections B and C are due to let post year, therefore no mitigation is proposed for these sections at this time. NEPA DOCUMENT STATUS An Environmental Assessment (EA) was completed for this project in February 2016. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was completed in Apri12018. Additional copies will be provided upon request. In compliance with the NEPA/404 Merger Process, Concurrence Points 4B and 4C will be conducted for Sections A, B and C during the appropriate design stage. INDEPENDENT UTILITY The subject project is in compliance with 23 CFR Part 771.111(� which lists the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) characteristics of independent utility of a project: (1) The project connects logical termini and is of sufficient length to address environmental matters on a broad scope, U-4700Individual Phased Permit Application Page 3 of 10 (2) The project is usable and a reasonable expenditure, even if no additional transportation improvements are made in the area; (3) The project does not restrict consideration of alternatives for other reasonably foreseeable transportation improvements. RESOURCESTATUS Waters impacted by this project area are located in the Catawba River Basin (HUC 03050101, within subbasin 03-08-32). No Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HQW), or Water Supply Waters (WS-I or WS-II) waters occur within 1.0 mile of the project area. Seven named streams as well as their unnamed tributaries are located within the impact area of this project (Table 4). Wetland and stream determinations within U-4700 were conducted using the field delineation method outlined in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and the 2012 Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Supplement. Mr. Steve Kichefski of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Mr. Dave Wanucha of the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) field verified the wetlands and surface waters on October 15, 2018. Table 4— Im acted ro'ect area streams Stream Index Best Usage Stream Name Number Classification Description Fr e Creek ll-54-1 WS-IV From source to Horseford Creek Catawba River (Lake 11-(51), From Rhodhiss Dam to US 321 Bridge, Hickor 11- 53 WS-IV,B;CA From US 321 Brid e to NC 127 Gunpowder Creek 11-55-(4) WS-IV; CA From a point 0.8m downstream of Bi11y Branch to Catawba River (Lake Hickor Billy Branch ll-55-3 WS-IV From source to Old Mill Pond, Gunpowder Creek Little Gun owder Creek 11-55-2- 2 WS-IV From US 321A to Gun owder Creek Gunpowder Creek 11-55-(1.5) ws_� From a point O.Sm downstream of SR 1127 to a oint 0.8m downstream of Bill Branch Gunpowder Creek 11-55-(0.5) C From source to a point O.Sm downstream of SR ll27 Brush Fork 11-55-1-1 C From source to An le Creek An le Creek ll-55-1 C From source to Gun owder Creek 303�) Impaired Waters: Gunpowder Creek (11-55-(1.5)) is currently listed on the North Carolina 2016 Fina1303(d) list of impaired waters for having impaired benthos. The only unnamed tributary to this portion of Gunpowder Creek impacted within the project area is stream SAA within U-4700C and U-4700CB. IMPACTS TO WATERS OF THE U.S. Table 5 summarizes the impacts to jurisdictional water resources for the fmal design of U-4700CB. There are no wetland impacts within U-4700CB. There are no jurisdictional stream or wetland impacts for the final design of either U-4700CA or U-4700CC. Site numbers correspond with the permit (hydraulic) drawings included in this application. The stream and wetland numbers correspond to NRTR mapping. A brief description of each impact site will follow the table. U-4700Individual Phased Permit Application Page 4 of 10 Table 5 — U-4700CB Stream Permanent Temporary ACOE DWR Permit Site Stream Name/ Status/ Channel Bank Channel Required Required NRTR ID Class Impacts Stabilization Impacts Mitigation Mitigation UT to Gunpowder Creek Perennial SAA WS-IV UT to Gunpowder Creek Perennial SAA WS-IV Total Stream Impacts for U-4700CB: 32 <0.01 32 <0.01 5 68 <0.01 68 <0.01 10) 100 0 <0.01 100 100 (15) Permit Site 1: The extension of the existing 36" reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) to accommodate the new roadway slopes on the west side of US 321 will result in 32 linear feet (1� of permanent stream impacts to SAA (16' from the pipe itself, and 16' from aligning the channel with the extension). Installation of this pipe extension will also result in <0.01 acre (5 1� of temporary stream impacts. Permit Site 2: The extension of the existing 36" reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) to accommodate the new roadway slopes on the east side of US 321 will result in 68 lf of permanent stream impacts to SAA. Installation of this pipe extension will also result in <0.01 acre (101� of temporary stream impacts. MORATORIUM There are no trout waters or watersheds within the project area. Therefore, no moratoria are required for this project. FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES Plants and animals with Federal classification of Endangered (E) or Threatened (T) are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. As of June 27, 2018, the USFWS lists three federally protected species for Catawba County, nine federally protected species for Burke County, and eight federally protected species for Caldwell County (Table 6). Summary of Species with Habitat: Northern long-eared bat: A memo documenting that NCDOT has satisfied the 4(d) requirements for this project with regard to this species was sent to USFWS on November 9, 2017. Dwarf-flowered heartleaf: Multiple populations of dwarf-flowered heartleaf (DFHL) are present within the project area and Formal Section 7 Consultation was necessary for this species. A Biological Assessment (BA) was distributed for comment on November 30, 2018 and was submitted on December 20, 2018. It is anticipated that the USFWS will issue a Biological Opinion (BO) concurring with the biological conclusion of "May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect" for this species. Schweinitz's sunflower: Walking visual surveys of a11 areas of potential habitat within Catawba County were conducted in September 2013, October 2015 and September 2018. No individuals of this species were identified within the project area and there are no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the project. U-4700Individual Phased Permit Application Page 5 of 10 Small wharled pogonia: Walking visual surveys of all areas of potential habitat within Burke County were conducted in June 2009, Ju1y 2013, and June 2018. No individuals of this species were identified within the project area and there are no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the project. White irisette: Walking visual surveys of all areas ofpotential habitat within Burke County were conducted in July 2013, and June 2018. No individuals of this species were identified within the proj ect area and there are no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the project. Table 6— Federall rotected s ecies listed for Catawba, Burke, and Caldwell Counties � Federal Habitat Biological Scientific Name Common Name County Status** Present Conclusion Clemmys muhlenbergii Bog turtle B, Ca T(S/A) N/A Not Re uired Glaucomys sabrinus Carolina northern Ca E No No Effect coloratus fl in s uirrel Myotis septentrionalis Northern long- Ct, B, Ca T Yes i eared bat Corynorhinus Virginia big- Ca E No No Effect townsendii vir inianus eared bat Microhexura montivaga Spruce-fir moss Ca E No No Effect s ider Hexastylis naniflora Dwarf-flowered Ct, B, Ca T Yes MALAA� heartleaf Liatris helleri Heller's blazing B, Ca T No No Effect star Hudsonia montana Mountain golden B T No No Effect heather Hedyotis purpurea var. Roan mountain Ca E No No Effect montana bluet Helianthus schweinitzii Schweinitz's Ct E Yes No Effect sunflower Isotria medeoloides Small whorled B T Yes No Effect 0 onia Geum radiatum S readin avens B E No No Effect Sisy�inchium white irisette B E Yes No Effect dichotomum Gymnoderma lineare Rock gnome B E No No Effect lichen *Ct — Catawba County, B— Burke County, Ca — Caldwell County **T(S/A) — Threatened due to similarity of appearance, T— Threatened, E— Endangered �— Narthern long-eared bat is consistent with the 4(d) rule �— May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect U-4700Individual Phased Permit Application Page 6 of 10 INDIRECT CUMULATIVE IMPACT ANALYSIS Existing rules for the 401 Water Quality Certification Program (15A NCAC 2H .0506(b)(4) require that the DWR determine that a project "does not result in cumulative impacts, based on past or reasonably anticipated future impacts, that cause or will cause a violation of downstream water quality standards." An Indirect and Cumulative Effects Assessment (ICE) was completed for this project in 2010. A Land Use Scenario Assessment LUSA was prepared in June 2017. Copies of these reports are available upon request. The LUSA concluded the following: Residential and commercial development is likely to occur with or without the project but may be accelerated and enhanced by project improvements. Project improvements are expected to result in a 45 percent reduction in travel time along the length of the corridor, which may increase the attractiveness of the corridor for highway-oriented commercial development due to improved accessibility and mobility in the corridor. Both Hickory and Lenoir also have local incentives for redevelopment of vacant buildings and brownfields. The proposed project will change access to some existing business driveways and parking lots along the corridor through the addition of superstreet intersections, right-of-way acquisition, consolidation of driveways, and closures of inedian turns. Streams and other notable natural features are protected by state and local regulations. Population is not expected to grow beyond its current rates, while some growth in jobs is expected, and existing water and sewer infrastructure has capacity to handle future planned and anticipated developments. Overall, this project is expected to result in minor indirect effects and will not result in a notable change in impervious surface. Examination of the five Probable Development Areas shows that the US 321 project could encourage growth targeted to highway users in certain areas and/or influence future growth along the existing US 321 corridor. However, development pressure along the corridor is present in the No-Build scenario as well based on the corridor's role as a primary regional truck route and availability of water and sewer service. Federal, state and local zoning ordinances and land use plans direct growth and provide protections from development for human and natural environmental features within the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA) that include historic and cultural resources, protected populations, steep slope overlays, natural systems and other important features. Indirect land use impacts to these resources should be limited by the existing regulations in place. Qualitative analyses of the probable development patterns in the FLUSA suggest that change in land use resulting from the project and subsequent private and public development actions is not likely to lead to a notable increase in impervious surface over the No-Build scenario. There are adopted ordinances and regulations to help mitigate potential water quality effects due to increased impervious surface coverage and increased water runoff. Every municipality within the FLUSA has a stormwater ordinance that establishes density and intensity standards for development. Direct natural environmental impacts by the project would be addressed by avoidance, minimization, and mitigation, consistent with programmatic agreements with environmental resource and regulatory agencies during the permitting processes. Future development would be required to follow federal, state, and local regulations for the protection of water quality. Based on the information analyzed, the analysis resulted in a minor concern for indirect effects associated with the project. Other planned transportation and infrastructure projects with the potential to influence development in the FLUSA are listed in section I.D. There are no major infrastructure projects underway or planned that would contribute to cumulative effects on resources in the FLUSA, and all of the localities in the FLUSA have zoning and stormwater ordinances to guide future development. Additional private development, in the form of commercial development along US 321 and residential development outside of the US 321 corridor, is expected to occur with or without the project. U-4700 Individual Phased Permit Application Page 7 of 10 The results of the LUSA show little divergence between the Build Scenarios and the No-Build Scenario for the project; however, the impacts from indirect and cumulative effects on the natural and cultural resources are still important considerations. Key takeaways from the analysis show that: • Residential and commercial development is likely to occur with or without the project, with highway-oriented commercial development occurring along US 321 and residential development along the edges of the FLUSA. • The rate of residential development in the FLUSA may increase in the Build scenario, which is expected to result in substantial travel time savings on US 321 between Hickory and Lenoir, particularly in PDAs 3, 4, and 5. • According to local planners, the rate of development may be impacted by implementation of the project in PDAs 3, 4, and 5. Commercial development is being delayed in PDA 4 in areas where water and sewer expansions are on hold pending a decision on implementing improvements to US 321; however, once the project is in place, commercial development would be expected to occur at an accelerated pace due to improved mobility in the corridor. • Land use resulting from the project and subsequent private and public development actions is not likely to lead to a notable increase in impervious surface over the No-Build scenario. CULTURAL RESOURCES Archaeolo�ical and Historic Architectural Resources: Representatives of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), FHWA, and NCDOT met on March 10, 2015 and reached concurrence in the assessment of effects (attached) on three resources by the preliminary design. • Houck's Chapel (CT0180 — NR) — No Adverse Effect with Commitments • G. Haywood Hartley House (CW0231 — DE) — No Effect • James Edgar Broyhill Estate (CW0251 — DE) — No Adverse Effect with Commitments Following design changes and additional investigations of an expanded study area, a second effects consultation on March 20, 2018 (attached) established the final findings for four resources: • Houck's Chapel (CT0180 — NR) — No Effect • G. Haywood Hartley House (CW0231 — DE) — No Effect • James Edgar Broyhill Estate (CW0251 — DE) — No Adverse Effect with Commitments • Julius V. Stirewalt Farm (CW0832 — DE) — No Effect The archaeological survey within the Area of Potential Effects (APE) was completed on July 24, 2015, and the results showed that none of the fifteen evaluated sites were determined to be eligible for the NRHP under any criteria and no further wark necessary (SHPO concurred via letter December 22, 2015, attached). Supplemental archaeological field investigations were completed on August 30, 2017 to capture proposed project limits outside of the original archaeological APE. No new sites were identiiied. Section 4(fl and Section 6(f1 Resources: Houck's Chapel, G. Haywood Hartley House, James Edgar Broyhill Estate, and Julius V. Stirewalt Farm are Section 4(� properties, but since the Selected Alternative will not require right-of-way from these properties, no Section 4( fl impacts are anticipated for these resources. There are no 6(� resources within the project study area. No properties acquired or developed with the assistance of the Land and Water Conservation Funds exist on the project corridor. U-4700 Individual Phased Permit Application Page 8 of 10 FEMA COMPLIANCE The project has been coordinated with appropriate state and local officials and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to assure compliance with FEMA, state, and local floodway regulations. WILD AND SCENIC RIVER SYSTEM The project will not impact any designated Wild and Scenic Rivers or any rivers included in the list of study rivers (Public Law 90-542, as amended). MITIGATION OPTIONS The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts, and to provide full compensatory mitigation of all remaining, unavoidable jurisdictional impacts. Avoidance measures were taken during the planning and NEPA compliance stages; minimization measures were incorporated as part of the project design. Avoidance and Minimization: NCDOT has avoided impacting many wetlands and streams, and reduced impacts to these resources to the greatest extent practicable. Information regarding the avoidance and minimization efforts with regard to DFHL is detailed in the December 2018 BA. Other specific examples of avoidance and minimization measures include: • Shifted a U-turn bulb within U-4700CB further south to avoid impacts to a stream and wetland. • Selected a 22 and 30-foot median rather than a 46-foot median typical section. • Added a bridge and increased slopes on the Grace Chapel Flyover ramp at Station 14+98 to minimize stream impacts. • Added several retaining walls near Falls Avenue (northbound off-ramp, southbound on-ramp, and northbound on-ramp) to minimize impacts to both streams and dwarf-flowered heartleaf. • Re-aligned the connector road from the Alex Lee Boulevard interchange to Sage Meadow Circle to avoid stream impacts and minimize property impacts. • Removed Dudley Shoals Road loop to minimize stream impacts and avoid impacts to historical resources. • Slopes at CP2A Hydraulic Sites 3, 5, 6 and 11 will be steepened to minimize stream impacts. • Steepened slopes in the vicinity of several populations of DFHL (population numbers 24, 26, 32, 36, 48, and 51) to minimize impacts to these plants. • Steepened slopes and tightened buffer to avoid impacts to a DFHL conservation area. • Expressway gutter was added in two locations to minimize impacts to property and a Duke Energy Substation. • Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be utilized during construction to attempt to reduce the stormwater impacts to receiving streams and wetlands due to erosion and runoff. Compensation: The NCDOT has avoided and minimized impacts to jurisdictional resources to the greatest extent practicable as described above. Tables 2 and 3 summarize the wetland and stream impacts for each section of this project. This project will permanently impact 0.7 acre of wetlands, 5,9501inear feet of streams, and temporarily impact <0.1 acre of streams. At this time, DMS will provide compensatory mitigation for Sections A, CA, CB, and CC impacts only as Sections B and C are not due to let within the next five years. Table 7 summarizes the total mitigation U-4700 Individual Phased Permit Application Page 9 of 10 needs at this time as 0.1 acre of wetland impacts and 1,895 linear feet of stream impacts. Compensatory mitigation for Sections B and C will be provided accordingly during the subsequent permit modifications. These modifications will occur when final design on the remaining Sections has been completed. Table 7 — Summary of Section U-4700A U-4700CA U-4700CB U-4700CC ✓Iiti ation Re uested from DMS Design Stage wetland Impacts Re uirin Miti ation Preliminaj 0.1 Final 0 Final 0 Final 0 Total 0.1 Stream Impacts Requiring Miti�ation (ac) 1,795 0 100 0 1,895 REGULATORY APPROVALS Section 404: Application is hereby made for a USACE Individual 404 Permit as required for the above- described activities. Section 401: We are hereby requesting a 401 Water Quality Certification from the N. C. Division of Water Resources. In compliance with Section 143 215.3D(e) of the NCAC, we will provide $570.00 to act as payment for processing the Section 401 permit application previously noted in this application (see Subject line). Thank you for your assistance with this project. A copy of this application and distribution list will also be posted on the NCDOT website at: http://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/EnvironmentaL If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Erin Cheely at ekcheely@ncdot.gov or (919) 707- 6108. Sin erely, � �t,l�.- .� V Philip S. Harris III, P.E., C.P.M. Environmental Analysis Unit Head cc: NCDOT Permit Application Standard Distribution List. U-47001ndividual Phased Permit Application Page 10 of 10 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) FormApproved- APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT oMe No. 0710•0003 33 CFR 325. The proponent agency is CECW-CO-R. Expires: 01-08-2018 The pubiic reporting burden for this collection of information, OMB Control Number 0710-0003, is estimated to average 11 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or burden reduction suggestions to the Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, at wh,s,_mc-.�l.ex,.e$.d :m,.q..x.:.�Id.-.�.Q,�.-infqrm.�.ti.4n-�ol.l.ecti.q..n�,@.rp.ail,,mil. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR APPLICATION TO THE ABOVE EMAIL. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, Section 103, 33 USC 1413; Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers; Final Rule 33 CFR 320-332. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies, and the public and may be made available as part of a public notice as required by Federal law. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and/or instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. System of Record Notice (SORN). The information received is entered into our permit tracking database and a SORN has been completed (SORN #A1145b) and may be accessed at the following website: http://dpcld.defense.gov/Privacy/SORNslndex/DOD-wide-SORN-Article-View/Articfe/570115/a1145b-ce.as� (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BYAPPLICANT) 5. APPLICANT'S NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE (agent is not required) First - Philip Middle -S Last - Harris III First - Middle - Last - Company - NCDOT Company - E-mail Address - E-mail Address - 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS: Address- 1548 Mail Service Center Address- City - Raleigh State - NC Zip - 27699 Country - USA Ciry - State - Zip - Country - 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOs. w/AREA CODE 10. AGENTS PHONE NOs. w/AREA CODE a. Residence b. Business c. Fax a. Residence b. Business c. Fax 919-707-6000 919-212-5785 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION 11. I hereby authorize, to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAME, LOCATION, AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see instructions) U-4700 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (if applicable) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if applicable) Catawba River, Gunpowder Creek, multiple others along US 321 Address 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Latitude: �N 35.797505 Longitude: �W -81.422050 City - State- Zip- 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN (see instructions) State Tax Parcel ID Municipality Section - Township - Range - ENG FORM 4345, MAY 2018 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. Page 3 of 1 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE Please see attached vicinity map and cover letter. 18. Nature of Activity (Description of project, include all features) The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen US 321 to a six lane median divided facility from just north of the US 70 interchange in Hickory (Catawba County) to the Southwest Boulevard (SR 1933) interchange in Lenoir (Caldwell County). The project is approximately 14 miles in length, and construction will be phased over six sections. See attached cover letter and permit drawings for more details regarding project phasing and stream and wetland impacts. 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructions) The purpose of this project is to reduce congestion on US 321 in order to achieve level of service (LOS) of D or better in the Design Year (2040). Segments of US 321 between Hickory and Lenoir are cureently experiencing congestion and operate at LOS E and F. Also, a majority of intersections along the project area currently operate at LOS E and F. In 2035, 12 of 13 segments along the mainline and 16 of 18 intersections are projected to operate at LOS F. USE BLOCKS 20-23 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge Impacts will result from widening the roadway and shoulders, and lengthening/replacing hydraulic structures as well as bridge construction. 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards: Type Type Type Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards See attached cover letter. 22. Surtace Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (see instructions) Acres or Linear Feet See attached cover letter. 23. Description of Avoidance, Minimization, and Compensation (see instructions) See attached cover letter. ENG FORM 4345, MAY 2018 Page 3 of 2 24. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? �Yes �No IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 25. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., WhOS@ PfOpBrty ACIJOI�S the W8t8fbOdy (d more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental lisl). � a. Address- See attached permit drawings. City - b. Address- City - c. Address- City - d. Address- City - e. Address- City - State - State - State - State - State - Zip - Zip - Zip - Zip - Zip - 26. List of Other Certificates or Approvals/Denials received from other Federal, State, or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL* IDENTIFICATION DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED NUMBER * Would include but is not restricted to zoning, bui�ding, and flood plain permits 27. Application is hereby made for permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certity that this information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applic nt. . � a ao I SIGN E APPLICANT DAT SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The Application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345, MAY 2018 Page 3 of 3 ROY COOPER Goverttor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary TIM BAUMGARTNER Dtrector Mr. Philip S. Harris, III, P.E. Environmental Analysis Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation 1598 Mai1 Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 Dear Mr. Harris: NORTH CAROLINA b}►vironmental Qualtty December 14, 2018 Subject: Mitigation Acceptance L,etter: U-4700CB, US 321 / SR 1809 / SR 1952 Intersection Upgrade to Superstreet Design, Caldwell County The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) will provide the compensatory stream mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information supplied by you on December 14, 2018, the impacts are located in CU 03050101 of the Catawba River basin in the and Northern Mountains (NM) Eco-Region, and are as follows: Catawba Stream Wetlands Buffer (Sq. Ft.) 03050101 Non- Caastal � Cold Cool Warm Riparian �p�� M�h Zone 1 Zone 2 Impacts (feet/acres) 0 0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 *Some ot the stream andlor wetland unpacts may be proposed to be mitigated at a 1:1 mitigation ratio. See pemut application for details. DMS commits to implementing sufficient compensatory mitigation credits to offset the impacts associated with this project as detemuned by the regulatory agencies in accordance with the In-Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28, 2010. If the above referenced impact amounts aze revised, then this mitigation acceptance letter wi11 no longer be valid and a new xnitigation acceptance letter will be required from DMS. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Beth Harmon at 919-707-8420. Sincerely, Jame - B. Stanf'�ll DMS s et Management Supervisor cc: Mr. Monte Matthews, USACE — Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Ms. Amy Chapman, NCDWR File: U-4700CB D_E Q�,� ���� North Carolina Department of EnvironmeMal Quality ! Division of Mitigation Services 217 W. Jones Street � 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-]652 919.707.8976 ROY COOPER Gavernar MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary TIM BAUMGARTNER Director Mr. Philip S. Harris, III, P.E. Environmental Analysis Unit North Carolina Department of Transporta,tion 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 Dear Mr. Harris: NORTH CAROLWA Environmenial Qualtty December 7, 2018 Subject: Mitigation Acceptance Letter: U-4700A, US 321 Improvements from US 70 in Hickory to US 321A, Cata.wba, Burke and Caldwell Counties The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) will provide the compensatory stream and wetland mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information supplied by you on December 7, 2018, the impacts are located in CU 03050101 of the Catawba River basin in the Central Piedmont (CP) and Northem Mountains (NM) Eco-Regions, and are as follows: Catawba Stream Wetlands Buffer {Sq. Ft.} 03050101 Non- Coastal cp �� Cald Cool Warm Riparian �panan Marsh �ne 1 Zone 2 Impacts (feeUacres) 0 0 1,795.0 0.100 0 0 0 0 *Some of the stream and/or wetland impacts may be proposed to be mitigated at a 1:1 mitigation ratio. See permit application for details. The impacts and assaciated mitigation needs were under projected by the NCDOT in the 2018 impact data. DMS will comrnit to implement sufficient compensatory stream and wetland mitigation credits to offset the irnpacts associated with this project as determined by the regulatory agencies using the delivery timeline listed in Section F3.c.iii of the In-Lieu Fee Insttvment dated July 28, 2010. lf the above referenced impact amounts are revised, then this mitigation acceptance letter will no longer be valid and a new mitigation acceptance letter will be required from DMS. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Beth Harmon at 919-707-842Q. Sincerely, i J� es . Stanfill DM,S�sset Management Supervisor cc: Mr. Monte Matthews, USACE — Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Ms. Amy Chapman, NCDWR File: U-4700A D_E Q�,� �Frt1jH__(,'A��4 4qwKr� �{ $ni'y�.dqK O�rilp� North Carolina Depanment of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services 217 W.)ones Street I 1652 Mail Service Center I Ra�eigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 � 919.707.8976 Federttl Aid #: NHG-321{�8) TIP#: U-47QQ Caunty: 8urk�, Caldw�il and Cafiawba Ct)NCiT�tltEi�TCE FQRM �'(}R ASSESSME1�iT O�' EFFECTS �roJ�cr �escriprion: Improvemants to US 321. frorn US 70 in Hickory to US 64/NC 18-90 in Lenoir. On Ma�ch 10, 2015 represent�tives of the X North Caro2ina Dapartment af Transparation (NCDOT} X Federal Highway Admit�istration {FHWA} X Nortll Caratina State �-Iistoric Preservation Office (HI'0) ❑ Other reviewed the subject praject and agreett an the effects findings lis#ed within the table on the reverse of this signature page. Date .r -__ �� ��`r��,�.�„�.�-�� FHWA, or the Division Admi��istrator, or otl�er Federal Agency Representative, HPO H —1t�-�15 Date � — �� � Date Federal riid #: NHG32I(18) ProperLy and Status � Alternative � Effect Finding Houck's Chapei (CT0180- N R) 22' and 30' E with oon 'ons . No E�� G. Haywood Hartley House (CW0231— DE) ]ames Edgar Broyhitl Estate (CW0251— DE) 22' and 3fl' 22' and 30' No Effect No Adverse Effect with conditions TIP#: U-4700 Counry: Burke, Caldweli and Catawba i Reasons Nearby pcoperly within " ed (Catawba Co �Pa ID: 279316748608, #90 ighway 321 NW,� to be uired within the wntrot ccess boundary fo posed Ciement Bouleva '�rterchange. -ro bn.v.e-tnd � ku.s �w.a iv� uFl.4docu fa�zo. s1�od�'s7 - �, a�yre �'oir a+uo .�.MCL a� I�+F 0 r. � nr._ ,.o� _,�� 6., bs�„ b oildr'.�rrs s Ne�' b� 1 4� . Za i Additi'ona! ROW will be aoquired along`5VY sid�of US 321 adjacent to property, but none within the proposed NR boundary. Driveway entrance to properLy wi11 be maintairted as it currentfy exists (right-in, right-out), Curb and guiter section (with 10-foot buf�er within existing ROV1� to replaoe pceviously rewmmended shoutder section with retaining wati. Median wiil transition to 22 feet before reaching � property, and existing stope adjacent to properly wiil be retained, grassed, and maintained by NCDOT. E�dsting main ettirance to property on US 321, induding flan[cing stone po.��ts, will be retained. 6ds#ing accpss to Lenoir Gotf Gub and Hilihaven Place south of properly on U5 321 will be retained and �"�v��tr,�� vo w i lt v..��t-�Y i w�.pa��k'�in�- �e Initialcd: NCDOT FHWA ��, HPO 5 Z'cca�.�l U� 1nC�Y` V 1'S VGL� L L� ---�__�1 v FHWA Intend�to us� the HPO's concurrence as a basis for a"de minimis" finding for the following properties, pursuant to Section 4(fl: ' �-s :' - " - � f : � �..,<p , '...�- c, ,�� .. ' ' ;�� _ _ . � �' k ..�._.__ � .. . ' ..; N� �.: , ,,� . 1 �,: � � � � ..':� ,. . . . ., :.' � _ .. .. ,. ___ � . i� .. +-� � ; �; -" . .. . � — * � Z . �, f . . ; � - - - ���' �` � �� > � -�� - F ,, . - � , —. � '' � , _.. . - �'� . � ��� ; —� -, ., �" �,� a . ; ,— ,� . :x , ,� — ��� , _ � � _ � , > �.� - � � � � m. �. _ ., � �'. ..� . � —. . � „ ,� � � ,�, • : — ,,:. w.r . -s � ��'.�},. -gt µ �-a..r���� � Y ' _.._.�_. . .. — ___.1i ._,� �} ` . � � -+.w.> ' `s . . 7%"` . 4 .� . .. " .. - _' ` _ _ p ,.:, �. . . , , .:. � . . �.H _ ._ . . ,. .. � . q , ,,.. � ... : - _ ,. . � � .-a e ? , # _ .� � t --. , �� � y �., � _ _. , . f - , �� _ � � ,�p, � � +�.i � -�.� .; .� , . w� �' . .� ia�+'� "ac-�:. _� ��;,-.. t{r-'.- H��.:Cik,s j . 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'.- . . � � - � � . v' — - . ..n"',[ „ .- - '� g� ... r . . -. .v+. . � .� - ��� _ �. , . . 0 200 400 ��..: � �, _`..� �k � � : .. � S� � .: -,; . c ,y .. . ... 3 �f Feet ` __. r,�..,� �' ="� ��,: ,. 7; . :. y. �,�„-,-°..e � ,� . . _ . � . , � . oF NORry � Q Property Lines -- Existing Building U 47�� - U s'. 321 Widening �� �9°�, �!;;National Register Historic District — Proposed Slopestakes �' — Proposed Concrete Structure HISTORIC EFFECTS CONSULTATION " ' �Proposed Control of Access A o — Proposed Edge of Travel , •: Figure 2: Houck s Chapel (CT180 - NR) '9�. Q �Proposed Partial Control of Access --• Proposed Retaining Wall ��NT oF rn���'�� ;� National Register Site and Local Landmark �' Railroad CATAWBA, BURKE, AND CALDWELL COUNTIES . . ���� . ,...,�...h ...,. �.,....,.... .... � 17-07-0039 .:-.�,�'� �G��t�,�� ,� �r, � ` ti� HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS FORM Supplements �ffects Form dated 10 March 2015 This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION ProjectNo: U-4700 County: Catawba, Burke, and Caldwell WBS No.: 35993.1.2 Document Type: Ferl. Airl No: NHF-321(18) Funding: State X Federal Ferleral X Yes ❑ No Permit USACE Permit s : Type(s): Proiect Descrintion: Widen and improve US 321 from US 70 in Hickory to SR 1933 (Southwest Boulevard) in Lenoir expanded study area (no off-site detour specified in review request). Project originally surveyed and evaluated 2010-11; effects consultation 2015 not under PA . SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW DESCRIPTIONOFREVIEWACTIV/TIES, RESULTS, AND CONCLUS[ONS: Most of the expanded and amended sections of the project fall within the Area of Potential Effects originally studied in 2010-11 and 2015, and findings established at that time remain valid. The newly proposed interchange improvements around 2nd Avenue SW in Hickory (Catawba County), as well as the outermost extents of the Y-line improvements on Falls Avenue, Dudley Shoals Road, and Pinewood Road in Granite Shoals (Caldwell County) define the new areas requiring investigation. HPOWeb reviewed on 5-6 September 2017 and yielded multiple SS, one SL, and no NR, LD, or DE properties in these areas. Catawba and Caldwell Counties current GIS mapping, aerial photography, and tax information indicated the presence of multiple, predominantly commercial and residential resources dating from the 1900s to the 2010s (viewed 5-6 September 2017). Almost all of the resources may be eliminated from further investigation as they are located beyond likely project impact or are unexceptional examples of their types (several also determined not NR-eligible in the original project study). Two resources required additional evaluation to determine their National Register eligibility: the First Church of God Hickory (CT1442) at #306 14th Street SW (Catawba PIN: 279208882097) and the Julius V. Stirewalt Farm (CW0832) at #102 Dudley Avenue (Caldwell PIN: 2775.08 97 3775). Bridge Numbers 13 (1969), 14 (1953), 133 (1955), 142 (1955), and 367 (1962) are not eligible for the National Register according to the NCDOT Historic Bridge Inventory as they are neither technologically nor aesthetically significant. While no comprehensive county architectural survey exists for Caldwell County, that for Catawba County (1977), as well as municipal surveys of Hickory (1979-1980 and 2014-2015) helped to identify the church noted above and other recorded properties in those sections of the expanded study area needing review. A July 27, 2017 site visit by NCDOT Historic Architecture, as well as Google Maps ��Street View" and other visuals confirmed the presence and relative placement of resources (viewed 5-6 September 2017). NCDOT Historic Architecture engaged AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina, Inc. to carry out a National Register assessment of the two properties identified above, presented in a February 2018 technical report available on Connect NCDOT (https://connect.ncdot.gov). In March 2018 the North Carolina Historic Preservation Office (HPO) concurred that the First Church of God Hickory is not eligible, but the Julius V. Stirewalt Farm is eligible for listing in the National Register (see attached Hrsta�ic Architectro•e mrd /,a��dscapes lsl�7ZC7S ASSIiSSMF.Nl'form for Mn:a• 7rnnsportn�ia� Projecls as Qimlifred in the 2007 Programmaric Agreemenr. Page 1 of 2 correspondence). HPO also agreed to the proposed National Register boundary for the latter property (see attached aerial). An effects consultation is required to address how the project may affect the eligible properly. ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS Property Name: 7ulius V. Stirewalt Farm Status: DE Survey Site No.: CW0832 PIN.' 2775.08 97 3775 Effects � No Effect ❑ No Adverse Effect ❑ Adverse Effect Exp[anation of Effects Determin�ction: p� o�� a��S,�.Yu ��-�`(�Y�. O-�i V l�i�-5 W 1 ii 'y�el �-�' S ita�( � Vt-air V i� Va�l �( � � y �J Iv� � o�G-�- p ro�e.Y-� - I List ofEnvironmental Commitments: ..... FHWA Intends to use the State Historic Preservation Office's concurrence as a basis for a"de minimis" finding for the following properties, pursuant to Section 4(�: SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION X Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. Photos ❑Correspondence Design Plans INDING BY NCDOT AND STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE Histor'c Architecture and Landscapes —ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS . n _.—T-, . /1 / NCDOT Architectural Historian �r! .►_ ,_ 11 � State Historic Preservation Offce Federal Agency Representative Date v •ZC� • Date 7� Date Hrsrorrc Architec�ure and Landscapes EFFEC7S ASSESSMENT form jor Minor Transportafion Projects as Qualified in 1he 2007 Programmalic Agreement. Page 2 of 2 �' � � � �_ �+�e- � _ � �`�CG� _� � • �� ; :� „+ � � �. �� �� �� .�� `� � �: - �° � _ .� ,� ., h .9 ,r • r,,; � - `°�' v ",�;. . ,, ,��7." 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Bartos, Administrator Govemor Pat McCrory Secretary Susan Kluttz December 22, 2015 MEMORANDUM TO: Matt Wilkerson Office of Human Environment NCDOT Division of Highways FROM: Ramona M. Bartos �°r'a �'�'� Office of Archives and History Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry SUBJECT: Intensive Archaeological Survey and Evaluation for US 321 Improvements from US 70 in Hickory to US64/NC 18 in Lenoir, U-4700, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba Counties, ER 06-0885 Thank you for your letter of November 24, 2015, transmitting the archaeological survey report by Bruce Idol and Matt Pare, TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC). The report meets our guidelines and those of the Secretary of the Interior. During the course of the survey, seven sites and eight isolated finds were located within the project area. For purposes of compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, we concur that archaeological sites 31CT259, 31CW464-31CW471, 31CW473-31CW475, and 31CW477are not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. These sites do not retain sufficient subsurface integrity or artifact density to yield information important to history or prehistory. The portions of 31CW472 and 31CW476 within the APE also lack significant cultural deposits; however, the portions of these sites outside the project area have not been evaluated. Additional survey and evaluation at these locations will be necessary if project modifications expand the APE in these locations. TRC has recommended that no further archaeological investigation be conducted in connection with this project. We concur with this recommendation since the project will not involve significant archaeological resources. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-807-6579 or environmental.review(c�ncdcr. _o�v. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax. (919) 807-6570/807-6599 Highw2iy North Carolina Department of Transportation �����`, St�rm�v�1°�r a�� ,,,,,�,�,,, � Highway Stormwater Program STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN --- (Version 2.08; Released April 2018) FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: 35993.1.1 TIP No.: U-4700-CB County(ies): Caldwell Page 1 of 1 General Project Information WBS Element: 35993.1.1 TIP Number: U-4700-CB Project Type: Roadway Widening Date: NCDOT Contact: Carla Dagnino Contractor / Designer: Vaughn & Melton Consulting Engineers Address: Environmental Analysis Unit, NC Department of Transportation Address: 1318-F Patton Ave 1598 Mail Service Center Asheville, NC 28806 Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 Phone: (919) 707-6110 Phone: (828) 253-2796 Email: cdaqnino(cD.ncdot.qov Email: bsridnour(a�vauqhnmelton.com City/Town: Hudson, NC County(ies): Caldwell River Basin(s): Catawba CAMA County? No Wetlands within Project Limits? Yes Project Description Project Length (lin. miles or feet): 0.55 Surrounding Land Use: Mixed Retail and Residential. Proposed Project Existing Site Project Built-Upon Area ac. 9.3 ac. 7.5 ac. Typical Cross Section Description: us 32�: 2@ �2' lanes each direction with 12� (�o' paved, 2' grass) outer shoulders, s' (a' paved, 2' grass) US 321: 2@ 12' lanes each driection with paved shoudlers, and variable width inner shoulders, and variable width median. SR 1809 West: 2@ 12' eastbound lanes with curb and gutter, 4' medlan. utility strip, and 5' concrete sidewalk; 1@ 12' westbound lane with 4' paved shoulder. SR 1809 East: 2@ 12' lanes each direction, each with curb and gutter, 4' utility strip, and 5' concrete SR 1809: 2@ 12' lanes each direction sidewalk Annual Avg Daily Traffic (veh/hr/day): Design/Future: 32000 Year: 2035 Existing: 20400 Year: 2015 General Project Narrative: NCDOT proposes to reconstruct the intersection of US 321 (Hickory Blvd.) and SR 1809 (Pine Mountain Road) from a traditional signalized intersection to a superstreet style (Description of Minimization of Water intersection. This will improve traffice flow and accommodate the expected increases in ADT. Impacts to water quality will be minimized by utilizing existing outfalls and by Quality Impacts) utilizing open channels where possible. Additonally, offsite drainage passing through the NCDOT system in this area will be pretreated by the property owners per state and local stormwater management ordinaces. Waterbody Information Surface Water Body (1): Gunpowder Creek NCDWR Stream Index No.: 11-55-(1.5) NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primary Classification: Water Supply IV (WS-IV) Supplemental Classification: None Other Stream Classification: None Impairments: None Aquatic T8�E Species? No Comments: NRTR Stream ID: N/A Buffer Rules in Effect: Catawba Project Includes Bridge Spanning Water Body? No Deck Drains Discharge Over Buffer? N/A Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? N/A Deck Drains Discharge Over Water Body? N/A (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) General Project Narrative) � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � z �� 0 ��� ��� ��� ��� ��w �� ��Q v��z ��� v��w ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� O O � � I ., � � ., Clearing on this prc This project is within Th is is a pa rtia l ly C< — I � � � � � � � � � N ����� � � ��� ��� ���� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ❑ Baone, NC 828�355�9933 O Tri-Citfes. TN 423�467�8401 ❑ Knoxville, TN Vaughn & MCIIOn 865 546 5800 Consulting Engineers � spartar,o�rg,SC 864�574�4775 Asheville, ❑ Chorle5ton,SC ■ North Carolina 843•974•5650 828�253�2796 ❑ Middlesboro,KY ❑ Roleigh,NC ❑ Chorlotte,NC 606�248�6600 919�977�9455 704�357�0488 ❑ Atlonto,GA 770�627-3509 Copyright � 2006 Vaughn & Mel+on,lnc. AIIRigh+s Reseryetl � LOCA TI01�: US 321 (HICKOR Y BL VD) A T SR 1809 (PI1�E MO U1�TAI1� R OAD) O�� V� �\ �� c �� ��� �� TYI'E OF WORI�: GRADII�G, DRAII�A GE, PA VI1�lG, A1�D SIDE WALI�S ET D D RF E ATE R I P T PE R IT U PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 10 GRAPHIC SCALES � � � �� ����� . , 50 0 50 100 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) l0 0 l0 20 PROFILE (VERTICAL) DESIGI� DATA ADT 2015 = 32000 ADT 2 035 = 2 0400 K = % D = % T = % * V = 60 MPH * TTST = 6% DUAL FUNC CLASS = PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL TIER PROJECT LE11tGTH LENGTH ROADWAY PROJECT U-4700CB = 0.548 MI. LENGTH STRUCTURE PROJECT U-4700CB = 0.000 MI. TOTAL LENGTH OF PROJECT U-470006 = 0.548 MI. Prepared i n the Of f i ce of o VA UGH1� � MELT01� 1318 F PATT011t AVE. ASHEVILLE 1VC, 28806 FOR T HE NORT H CAROL I NA D I V I S IOIV OF H I GHW AYS 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATI0111S RIGHT OF WAY DATE: REECE SCHULER, PE, PLS PROJECT ENGINEER LETTIIIIG DATE: JOSHUA PHILLIPS PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER / �� �Q � � o� �, u� � � �� \��� o � o c� �� G� ��� O� � � � ��\� � /, 0 � � G3 p�� See Sheet � A For I ndex of Sheets See Sheet � B For Con�entional Symbols � KtVI51VN5 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. � � U 4�ODCB 4 � R�W SHEET NO. �. �n� ERNIE CLINE DB in�� o,� , �, PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 4 OF 10 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � z � �o �� �� �� �� w� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� N � W � w � O O + O �O � � � � � �r � U � � I I �� �� �� �� �� �� �� n m �� S 46°45'52" E EIP S 45°50'02" E � 96,52' 61033' HUDSON-HWY 321, LLC DB 1465 PG 1250 PB 18 PG 221 'r< � i � N �,, �- NN _ ,� � � � ��� ��� � __�� N 45°59'Ig" W 209,94' F � � ��� F; j,INE _Y38- STA. 23 + 00 SEE SHEET 8 MATCH �� I 1I I l I I II �� �� �, �� �� �� oCB �� �� \ �� � .� X _�� ���� o —_— �'C� �7008 `� � t!� ry i cJ� — � —L— CURVE DATA Pl Sta 6/l +89094 0 = 8° 32' ll04° (RT ) D = 0° 30' 0903" L = 1q698o49' T = 850082' R = 119400000' " �' ' � iJ4 � � G` �O -- �1 --- 'rl -- - � W __ � 0 + � �o � � � N � N � � � —Y38SW — CURV E DAT A Pl Sta l2 f98e54 Pl Sta l7 �76e20 �= 82° 35' OOoO" (RT ) �= 94° 40' 1308" (LT ) D= 32° 44' 2506" D= 76° 23' 3907" L = 252024' L = 123092' T = 153070' T = 8/038' R = 175000' R = 75000' LEGEND PROPOSED PAVEMENT PROPOSED 5" MONOLITHIC ISLAND PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PROPOSED FULL DEPTH PAVED SHOULDER � KtVI51VN5 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 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SHEET NO. 6 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 6 OF 10 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED CALDWELL COUNTY �B 1567 PG 1123 � END T lP PROJECT U-4700CA �-L2 ---ST /�o l� +05a�`6 ��\� —L_R2 — ST�Il�D5o7� , / , ` ��� � � p R �P � POT Stao 623 �47007 � � �<,r� _ _,_-�,� -_. ��� � ��, _ ,_ -_, �_ '�---=----T --_`_ ,- - - - __-_=--- --- - _ � MTL GUAR�RAIL r- � _______ _-_�_--- MTL GUARDF ; - - -T - MTL GUAR�RAi� - - --� - —�---z----� z z- . : ,-.- ���,"' ,_ - � , � . r � r-, , s� �r� ; . - � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � z �� �o �� �� �� w� �� � �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ---- N 50°35'22° E 20,02' S 38°56'50" E _— !'a9.":� —L— CURVE DATA Pl Sta 6/l �89094 � = 8° 32' ll04° (RT ) D = 0° 30' 0903" L = 19698049' T = 850082' R = 119400000' —Y38SW — CURV E DAT A Pl Sta l2 �98054 � = 82° 35' OOoO" (RT ) D = 32° 44' 2506" L = 252024' T = 153070' R = 175000' ��` S 37°27'13" E �� 135a01' �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� � �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� � �� �� �� � �� � —RPA— CURVE DATA Pl Sta 7 f70o90 � = 20° 25' S2o3" (RT ) D = 4° 46' 2807" L = 42709/' T = 2/6a25' R = 1,200000' REAVESTON ENTERPRIzQ S, LLIC, � � S �2°22'36" `�',' `�� 27 0?_9' � � ,� �� �� �� �� �� __ � — � - --- --- --- �,: --- -- -- �NI I � � _ � ���' ; ,,, ---�, � �`/- � o�o �'� PROPOSED 5" MONOLITHIC ISLAND PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PROPOSED FULL DEPTH PAVED SHOULDER � T 2 - ,�TAo_/0 �QOBQC� ,--���-�� 2�=��i as� �7���, �- � _ N Z � > w � � � � � � � ff} Ef� � if� ff} ff� � rf} ff} � ff� � � Ef} ff} � Z ff} � �O �� �� �� w� �� � �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �i � � ` � � I �- � -� � a1 � = � �: n i ; - �---- - � �- I �� � - �zz5 ,�, ,Zzm � �- _ .. : � PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 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Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 596+36 90' LT 1@ 36" RCP < 0.01 16 596+35 107' LT Channel Relocation < 0.01 16 596+33 123' LT Const. Area < 0.01 5 2 597+08 84' RT Fill < 0.01 68 597+19 120' RT Const. Area < 0.01 10 TOTALS': 0.01 < 0.01 100 15 0 "Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: 2018 Feb � � � � � \ � � � � � � � � � � � Q � 0 0 � � � � o� 0 � � � � � � � � 0 � � Q � 0 0 � � � 0 � � � � � � o° � � � � 0 a � � o� �� �_ �� �� _U o� ° � cr� oa�� N L � � � o0 �Q� ��� N�� O O � � I ., � � ., Clearing on this project shall b� This project is within the bounc This is a partially Controlled A� � � � � � � � � � 0 � N ����� � � ��� �������� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ' o �o��. N� 828 355 • 9933 O Tri-CMt9g, iN �23•467•840i ❑ KnOxyde,iN V7uqM&Mellon 865•546•5800 Consultinq Enqlneers ❑ Spartorourq, SC 86�•5T�•�775 Ashevi��e, 0 LhorI83fOR5C ■ NOrth COrOITnO 843•97�•5650 8284534796 ❑ (,hdOiesDoro,Kr � Rdelqh,NC ❑ Cnario*te,NC 606•2�B•6600 919•97T•9455 704�357=0488 � Ationto,GA 770•627•3509 � CoPyriqht O 2006 YouqM A MeitoM1ine. AIIRiqhta Reaerys0 LOCA TI01�: US 321 (HICKOR Y BL T�D) A T SR 1160 (1VI0 U1�T HERMAI� R OAD) TYPE OF WORI�: GRADII�G, DRAII�AGE, PA VI1�lG, A1�D SIGI�ALS GRAPHIC SCALES � � � �� ����� ., 50 0 50 100 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) l0 0 l0 20 PROFILE (VERTICAL) DESIGI� DA TA ADT 2015 = 32500 ADT 2035 = 44100 K = 8 % D = 55 % T = 6 % * V = 60 MPH * TTST = 6% DUAL = 3% FUNC CLASS = PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL TIER PROJECT LEI�GTH LENGTH ROADWAY PROJECT U-4700CA= 0.424 MI. LENGTH STRUCTURE PROJECT U-4700CA= 0.000 MI. TOTAL LENGTH OF PROJECT U-4700CA= 0.424 MI. Prepared i n the Of f i ce of o VA UGH1� £� MELT01� 1318 F PATT011t AVE. ASHEVILLE 1VC, 28806 FOR T HE NORT H CAROL I NA D I V I S ION OF H I GHVyAYS 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS RIGHT OF WAY DATE: REECE SCHULER, PE, PLS AROJECT ENGINEER LETTIIIIG DATE: JOSHUA PHILLIPS PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRA ULICS E11tGI11tEER o� �oa�� �� �g �Q �� � �� P.E. � a SIGNATURE: � � � � ROADWAY DESIG11l �' � E11tGI11tEER ' a �a��� o o��Q �� `� G� p��'Q P.E. SIGNATURE: See Sheet � A For I ndex of Sheets See Sheet � B For Conventi onal Symbols r C � � � END —L_Ll— STAo ll�SOo00= —L— STAo 666+OOo009 29050' �T 0 0 � � � � FOR PROFILE OF LINE —L— SEE SHEET 7 FOR PROFILE OF LINE —Y— SEE SHEET 8 FOR ISLAND AND INTERSECTION DETAILS SEE SHEET 2B BEGIN TlP PROJECT U-4700CA o O —L — STAo 664�20000= � + —L_Ll � ST Ao l0 �00 ,�P � — I S � I � 1 Bsr� I � ATM ��sA�S L_Rl � ��Ao l0 �00 � � �, � � �oN�e . c' I - � BM-Ig EL EVo- 1205016' ,� � c`� �� � -B� STA- 11+17a26 IOIo03' �T I � � �/�Nc, SCRBE IN CONCo PAD AT °CASH POINTS" esr � � � I / � €� �I i� BST I�LP J � I BR � � EXISTING R/W �� � B� I — I �� L - +20,00 LL �� I � _ N _ _Q � � � � BST cuRB BEGIN PROPOSED SHOULDER _ P— — — — — — — — — P— — — — — � —T FO— \ ` — — — — — P — — — — — — —P - - - - � � o--------------rFo Pu��aox I I� � \ ��--_____N_37°58'56,8"W o- - - - - -------------- � --- �TFo-______ � - - - - - - - - - - - - �— > � ----- --- -- --7/ ��� �\ � �r�/� - -40,- -w- ---w-- --- �/ 24'�' C�&G � � � — BST ► BST °j N � �'?-O O ETAIN � _�_� To =iiga,9�/ 36° 59' 14.7" Q - � - HUDSON CITY �IMITS � � � -� � � � Q � � � Q � � � � � � � 0 L � / � � 3 � � 0 � / Q U � � � � � � � i � � � C� / C O � � � L �o Q� � m� �� aa L �� N� o� _� � �� -> o� �� �� oQ N� � o0 -> � � � � � � � � � ANITA I�ARLENE HAAS DB �699 PG 6�8 DB u95 PG 769 � � � � � � EXISTING R/W \=�� =� � - _. ��..�. � � ---- .. . � v � � � � � BST N [ONC, D� TOP=11980 2� -L- f20,00 � � TlE INTO EXISTING SHDULDER U O €� I Iz € � � ��� � � � � � � � � <O � ���- � � WOODS � � � � � �� . J I � � � � � � DETAIL ? SPECIAL CUT DITCH w/HINGE ( Not to Scale) Natural Ground � 9�9d� 1 ot Front `0 b�' et Ditch 4'I D F\a'� Slope 6.0' �— Min. D= Ft. FROM STA. TO STA. DETAIL ? CUT DITCH ( Not to Scale) Front ot Ditch Natural � p�'1 ,�et Slope Ground 2•� p F\a� Min. D= Ft. FROM STA. TO STA. �3 � � GERALD L. FULBRIGHT JR. DB �632 PG 983 EN —�_ — STAo 11�80000= —L— TAo 66 �OOo009 29050' R FAj� J. C. DB �86� PG �672 „ � �� � �� o rn� o ��A � � \ 25,00' �O � A VA \`, �A HUDSON CITY LIMITS � 36°53'06" 151052' E Iz cn � W ;-O o o� � � . � m v LEGEND PROPOSED PAVEMENT PROPOSED 5" MONOLITHIC ISLAND �°� �� o� a PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PROPOSED FULL DEPTH PAVED SHOULDER � `'�"��'iR5 �y .■f� � �L a CALD�ELL TECHNICAL INSTITUTE DB 497 PG n8 od� �� � d� � � o� o�_ � 0 0 � 0 � � �� ��� TOP=1188028' ��� � � HOMEMADE BST OPEN THROAT CB �,Q �� � � ii � ����� ' �----�----_-- --- V..� � TOP=1189,43' �%/ � W �� L P � � � / � INV.1153.95 � � --�� -_�-- _ BST CURB � � i ��— SEDIMENT BASIN W �P� l40' TAPER i i� COLLAR AND EXTEND ' W -----______ C � -�- - - - _ � \ � � � �� —� I 7� �Q ��� � i REMOVE �`� I � � �i � - TOP 1194.7b�' INV.1189.47 � � � N � i i � � / �� � � _��'��/ ��'.o _ T - Fo � - - - - 0 _______ ___�_ s___= _z___L___L__ O esr � � N p _ � — — TOP 1190.40 � I . 1187.23 MONOUTHIC ISLAND � D- 5.23 � �� � � � � - TB 2G1� <� � � • � � �� � a — � � � � � � __-_T � , ^ ---- �� v� �I� ��.�',GUI l�H � 4�� �� � �� p..-Z---- � m - _ c- - - - c- - - � ROCKs �---- - -� -t � � �---N 3 --- �IROTE URVE AS �QMP�ETE / REMOVE -- � � L 5 TOP i 40 DI J THERE APPEARS TO BE A NEW �+�V\ \ — _ _ � _ _ _ _ _ _ _� _ V � BEING CONSTRUCTED OUTSIQE __ _ _ _ � � � � � PROJ, LIMITS, � Fo � \ a D� - l015' — _ _ _ -- � � — O _ p=7 ��� I c�, � � � c°d' � � � � � �" � 0 3 5 \ �. _ _ -� - � - 3 4� �I � � jt��iN � � V..� + � � � � � c� /,� �' ^� C' 40 y� `f � � R TAIN TOP u9o. o TOP=��90,94' � s � EiP i i V. i n a.io � � RET IN I� �, � � - _- _, �. u �� �7 _ „ P o J i� D= 8.993 ' CP -- -- — � � l80' TAPER yo � RETAIN � 0' TAPE s T P=ii �, � 75' TAPER , � s 0 89,3 � // � � � � TOP=ii9ioio� � ���� �3 � � � I r✓ WOODS � �� � a�=—=— _— 15' HDP �_ � TOF�=119104 � �\ � �P=1190,94' � � �B �� -_- � � - � � � I �� � � � �' coivc.c&c � oNc.c&�'ii� 25 0 � � RETAIN � I S 36°53'06" E _ � � 25a00'� 25000' 151052' � � II� �'�' �, �� CONC. C&G � Ilm o s � �'�� � BST � ' �3 � �' I � � Q 'i i � iN�` OP=1191,19'�/St�l � � rAPER . �, ,,o o� � �� ��� � P z � � � "� �° o 0 0� � � � � r C � � � FOR PROFILE OF LINE —L— SEE SHEET 7 FOR PROFILE OF LINE —Y— SEE SHEET 8 FOR ISLAND AND INTERSECTION DETAILS SEE SHEET 2B �' ' Natural °�' ' Ground �U ' '' n � I v' � � � � � CALD�ELL TECHNICA�, INSTITUTE DB 497 PG ��8 � ,� � � ,,� 0 � W W _ N W W t/� I O O � O � �O Q � N I J � � � -� � � � Q � � � Q U � � � � � / 0 L � � � 3 � � 0 � � Q � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � O +� � � L � O Q Q � �� N � ee i �� N� O � �� o� �� �� oQ N� � o0 —> W Z J _ U � Q ` Ut IHIL � SPECIAL CUT DITCH w/HINGE ( Not to ScaleJ 9�'9p� � Ot � Front `0 y. �'�' �ce� Ditch � � �C�� Slope 6.�� I'� AA:._ 1'l— Ca 1'KVM JIH. IV JIH. �` �I ,=�'' I � �� �� � � � � � �� � � y �v � � � I �I� <li I � � �� �ii � i �' �II � �� I �� �, I I -� �� � � i / � � � II � I i� � "I _ J�� i � I i �� � � � I � r� I � �` � � � I i. � � m I� i�BO I �,%� �. ��- II� ��� I I � � II II � � II � jl� � �� 6�� p V C I � i�� r• II I II � I� A�-t�l oa� �� � d����� oti � � , GPM SOUTHEAST. LLC. DB �864 PG �226 _ � 0 � 0 z n � � �� � --� � Natural Ground < LEGEND ,oao���a � � W W _ t/� W W t/� I � O � � 00 �O . Q � t/� I J � W Z J _ U � ���- .-.--_--- �y � DB �834 PG �2u � o � N �, � ��� � 'q3�35'12" E � � 5 S q3°35'll" E 46,25" S q3°35'll" E 55a45' � � — 98,72' ARNOLD FOSTER DB �428 PG 641 n n I �� F Ay J. C. n DB �86� PG �672 N 36°53'06" W �� 216002' ��� ��v ,� � � N d I� � 0 E � � HUDSON CITY LIMITS y�i ^ � � �' �, m X � � �� � I � z � � �I � END CONST RUCT lON —Y — POT Stoe l4 +40.00 S 45°58'23° E 230,81' —Y— POT Sta. 14+55.00 S 28°32'47° E 210, 86' HUDSnn� FROM STA. TO STA. RUPERT T. SIGMON DB m7 PG 786 E-$ S= PROPOSED PAVEMENT PROPOSED 5" MONOLITHIC ISLAND I PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PROPOSED FULL DEPTH PAVED SHOULDER r C � � � LEGEND W � J � U � .1... . � .,� � ►. .+r,...L� � � W W _ N W W N I O O � � �/V V Q � N J � � � � c9 � � Q � -� � � � � � � � � / O � � , � � 3 � � 0 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � i � 0 +� � � L �o QQ � m� �� aa L m� N� o� _� � �� —> o� �� �� oQ N� � o0 —> ROM STA. TO STA. �"�,� � CUT DITCH ( Not to Scale) � � �•1 >__ � OM STA. TD STA. BEGIN —�_L2 — ST Ao l0 �OOo00= —�— STAo 684�770449 29050' RT END TlP PROJECT � —L — ST Ao 686 �57044= —�_�2— STAo 11�80002 —�_R2 — ST Ao ll �80000 od� w� � a���� � 01' O � � �- 4700CA � � � �����a PROPOSED FULL DEPTH PAVED SHOULDER PROPOSED PAVEMENT PROPOSED 5" MONOLITHIC ISLAND PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK MARLENE OUIDA HARTLEY DB 57� PG 395 � HUDSON CITY �IM — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —T FO— — — — — — — — —T F4 -T -- T-------�---�---5---1---Z---L---L----T --- - - - - - - - - - W - - - - - - - - - - - - - W ��! TOP=1203,42' DI 18'_RCP __ � �CONC, // _ p � Q — ���� O 0 � '� TOP=1205004' �o� O N N � INV�=1192064' im � — _ —�`— ���� —T F — — — _ ."� �: � — c — — — g�� P� — — — �s — — �^ — — — —� _ _ �_� ss � � y � _ _ �=rar-� ---TFo--------------TFo----- �� s o 37° 32' e/' — � � �� c? ,, �� � �a„ , � � �� - � WOODS ����� //, �� B 4 -BL S7 `` ��'�' � 10" SPIKE � � � / /� /�� N �� T -� S WOODS ;�—� ,_ . — r—, r—, : . r—� : .sZ; ;s�-.��-. rr� � BEGIN —L_R� — ST Ao l0 �OOo00= —�— STAo 684�770449 29050' RT EXISTING R/W �„J" CONC. /F�ERy �\ TOP=1209a24_, � � INV�=1195,74' � / / �� � � ANDERSON FAMILY PROPERTIES. LLC. �� DB 1127 PG 1882 DB 1127 PG �886 DB 1147 PG 476 DETAIL ? FALSE SUMP ( Not to Scale) Outside Ditch / TrafFic Flow , FOR PROFILE OF LINE —L— SEE SHEET 7 FOR ISLAND AND INTERSECTION DETAILS SEE SHEET 2 B � � � � � � � � � � � _ � � � � � m � 0 0 � � � i o� 0 � � i � 0 � � � 0 � i m � 0 O � � � � � � � � � c 0 � � � � 0 a � � �� � �� �� a� � -� � �> � oa�� N�� � � o0 �Q� ��� N>� O O � � � •� � � • � �����'lI][�][a]EE�II� ][�I[a��T� �D� N�°1C U51E 1F�1f8 lE8% �' .�C�g7I��7[°I�N DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED Prepared in the Of f i ce of a HYDRA ULICS E111GI11lEER GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGI� DATA PROJECT LEI�GTH T�A UGH1� £� MELT01� 1318 F PATT011t AVE. 50 25 0 50 100 ADT 2019 = 34100 ASHEVILLE 1�1C, 28806 �o�p ADT 2039 = 45900 FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF HIGHVyAYS �� 0� ���� K = 8 p/o 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATI0111S �`s �oQ PLANS � � 0 A.E. * � = 55 0 0 50 25 0 50 100 T= 6 0�0 * LENGTH ROADWAY PROJECT U-4700CB= 0.549 MI. RIGHT OF WAY DATE: REECE SCHULER PE PLS SIGNATURE: � � � V = 6O MP H PROJECT ENGINEER � ROADWAY DESIGI� � � * LENGTH STRUCTURE PROJECT U-4700CB = 0.000 MI. E11tGI11lEER ��� Q�Q PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) TTST = 3 DUAL 3 �' o0 > FUNC CLASS = TOTAL LENGTH OF PROJECT U-4700CB= 0.549 MI. LETTIIIIG DATE: JARED PHILPOT �� ��p��� 10 5 0 10 20 P RI N C I PAL ARTE RIAL J U N E 2 Ol 9 l'ROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER PROFILE (VERTICAL) STATEWIDE TIER P.E. SIGNATURE: � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � LOCA TI01�: US 321 (HICI��R Y BL T�D) A T � SR I809 (l'I1�E MOUI�TAI1� ROAD) � N TYPE OF WORK: GRADI1�lG, PA VI1�G A1�D SIGI�ALS ' O Boone. Nc 828=355=9933 O TrI-CltPes, TN 423•�6T�B�Oi � Knoxvne.TN Vaug��Mel/on 865•546•5800 Consuitinq Enqineers 0 Soortorourq,SC 864•574=4T75 Asheville, o cnories,on,sc ■ North Coro�ino g�3•9T4•5650 82B•2534T96 p (�Idtliesboro.KY ❑ Roieiqh,NC ❑ Lhoriotte.NC �6�248°6600 9i9•977•9�55 704357•0488 0 Arionto.GA 770�627°3509 � CODrrtqnr O 2006 Vau9�+�+ ��siror�ne. �imqnfa Renervea d� 0 ti� � �_� See Sheet � A For I ndex of Sheets See Sheet � B For Conventi onal Symbols � � � � � � � Q � 0 � m � � � � � � i 0 L � i � � 3 � � O � / m U � � � � � C� L� C'� L� � C� / C O � � � L O Q �� Q � — � �L � � —/ O � —� � �� — > O � C�I � \ � OQ N/ � o0 —> � � � � � � � � Q � 0 �, m � � � � � � / O L � / � � 3 � � 0 � i m � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 � � � � �° Q Q� � �� �i �� —� o� �, o �, �� �� oQ N� � o0 —> � �n� � RN'��Co'NE _ F� �� �� \ �� � .�v� k ISBR g�s O ���� �� a7s08 `� � t!� � � W � w � O O + O �O � � � � I � r � � � U � � oCB � .,........� ..�� . ..�.. ��... DB �465 PG �250 Ps �a Pc 22� N � � N N N � � �� H LINE _Y38— STA. 23 + 00 SEE SHEET 7 MATC Z N � � - �o u� o `T' � � � _ "•' � rJ9 —L— CURVE DATA Pl Sta 6/l +89e94 0 = 8° 32' 11.4" (RT ) D = 0° 30' 09e3" L = 1,698.49' T = 850e82' R = 119400.00' � � � LEGEND PROPOSED PAVEMENT PROPOSED 5" MONOLITHIC ISLAND PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PROPOSED FULL DEPTH PAVED SHOULDER —DRl — CURVE DAT A Pl Sto l0 +80.96 �= 89° 50' S4.8" �LT l 0 D = l90° 59' 09.4" L = 47.04' L = 19036e20' T = 29e92' T = 5/8d46' R = 30.00' R = 11,3/9°00' —Y38SW — CURVE DATA Pl Sta 12+98.54 Pl Sta 17+76.20 t l5+1 . (LT ) D = 32° 44' 25.6" _ � �� � �.7" L = 252.24' � _ ��d� -- T = 153.70' _ ' R = 175.00' R = 75.00' � � G` �O � W � W � 0 + � �o � � � N � N r c C � � �o � � � Q � O � m � � � � � � � 0 L � � � � 3 � � � � i m U � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 � � � � �Q Q� � �� �i �� -� o� _� �, o �, �� �� oQ N� � o0 -> � LEGEND R/ -�i �EiF ULCH BED / ' PINE � ----� � ------ ---- �r� - - - �, -- - -------- MTL _ _ -- _� — L ^ — — — _ �lJ � T � `�c� -�---L--T -- �-�-_= � E Fe � /�� - �- � ��� `ti'`'- � � �- -�, / / � � ` /�'%`="'�� RDa EXIT - - _ ' � �r����`v-1-ki� T$ _ _ � . „ �� � � � �� _ �� T 1- � �Q�=-w-� T L G�J A R D R � - - T- - - -T-��r - t � —� 1S8 + - - _ ��O �� �O� PROPOSED PAVEMENT PROPOSED 5" MONOLITHIC ISLAND �o � ° e° � � PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PROPOSED FULL DEPTH PAVED SHOULDER -L - ST A. 62/ +39e98 END -W ALLI - STAe l2 f07.54 i v -L - POC Stoe 6/6 f6/.08 39e0' LT e= � `� BEGIIa/ �'-L'- 2- ST A. l0 +00.00 �L COUNT Y -RPA-o POT Stoe 5+00.00 ' .�=,,��1. 2/+4/e3/ 27.00 LT CA���E � - �' - � os �56T Pc u23 , 0 4 02 47.3 --------------------- .-- �' � ALD�ELL COUNTY � ,,---''� i �567 P� ��� 354' STORAGE ---------� � END TlP PROJECT C�-4700CB S - _ l75' T APER ��- � ���� �' �`���-� - -L. - , f ,� _c- - - _ < —c---- -- --- ----- ----- — 2�_S��l�-+0 .�� j � - - 41 42 c - � EXISTING R/IN �� �— — _ �TA_ � (l^J\ / -� -�� �,�, l05' TAPER �����d7�i P RPP ��' �'� � �,� R � -r�s'�-�-r�'�-� � � ,�, � � \ - __ _ _ - -L - ST Ad 6/9 +38a50 -L - POC Sta. 620 +80e23 0 � -�-��--�-n ���-, _���-���-_�,-ti, _ "� �'` �y� � ST� ' '-� BEGIN -W ALLI - ST A. l0 +OO°00 -DRl - PO Sto. 22 +32.44 � + - N 36° 33� ��,2° w POT Sta. 623+47.07 . j � � \o � _�' � F � V� �/ I�^� o p�� � Xr � R = � � �' Q�' _ � . - �A�t�; ���,-�� � F o F � � Q � C 40, O � ��, � � - -� - -`-�'�-�.�,�;� ,�' _ _ � C O C � �n � � �� � ao.00� � � Z � I z � U � � � x � w � x II I I w _ � I /� � - 32 N 39°II'46" W I � I —���\ 261,73' ,1AI�ES SECREAST ,� BEGIN CONSTRUCTIONcoNc DB 3�0 PG 385 � -� � ST Aa l0 +30.00 nOT Sta. l0 +OOo00 � � , /0 � q/ UNITS I 3q� I /2', I I� 00°O�f �/. o � C I SBR BUS � '� I Q � �� I ~ .oz , i �� c RANo �25�04�53„ � I � ��°RCP =_ __���� R�P � SPIGOT 93,93� E rn• I� DI —�j /-,-- � I � 31 S 00`08f I I I DIR, 0 15 CMP �- ., == ��9 66 2„ E i i I�._ ONLY PuMPs I � � _a- ----- I � �-- I �� �, — — — i i coNc esr �/ �fl ' �2� � " I I N � O � Sw � v� � II �o i � 3 �' � � SBR g�s pEgRNp�2 �Pc r4T �.02 .o i i POTStaell+44d85 �� � DB ii5i PG �� ' .03 i i �I I m � PB 2 ' o I � ► I' I �� TATE OF NORTH CAROL�NA Q �� � �° .o p I �� S 421PG 13 II �� � ,,� �� , � � � oB � � BOLLARD I � � � � I � ALK � � . `/ 6 � I - � �� - � � \ � ,� ooNE� I -Y38SV�1 POC Stae 12+62.76 , � ' ` \ �� ��g � ���' ; �� � ', i, PED -RPA- PT Stao 9+82056 � � � � � � � �,� C I esr � � `� � R=16� / __. / � � � � � / � � �S � � �� � 29 •/ / _ �� ___-- ----c --- � -��,-- '��, �� � , P �� -4� \ \ � - - - - c - � I � I� �'� ` / - - �Q� \�� , — �- - � � � � t - ___� � _ - - � — ,0�� E , ~ � ~ � � � � ----- aj � N N O � O O 0 N N — _ - — RETAIN -- -- � 1 . N G� r � ° 3� �4a6�� CO C � RETAIN MT GUARDRA � � 5" . - ---- ------- ---------- _ ---- ------ ----- rn N �'� � N:�NC� CB , 15" RCP --r _ �L GUARDR� � —L o � T T— — — _— � � — — ' ^ � � �� . . - — . �'�--;_ �� — �� o� o��� o 0 0 o�i;a���/ RET RETAIN �?� L 'w �O l�l - ' ,o r� �♦ cv o � � �N o ' W � �" �� T � o� — � W � _ __ --- — � BST - - - - c - - - - - �- -o � G � J� % I Utd � � -r Fo � � MTI GLIARDR-i� � � ^I N _ - __--- _ --- __ ------ - /-_ � - � � - — _ - - P \ � - (/) --- ---- -- 7Fo-=__-" - - __- __- __- __-_ _ � �� `��� � � W ; � r Fo - c - � _ ,� � --�-Fo--w � � //% � � 5 40' ---- � ---- - � � - - RETA`YKl � - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - W _ _ _ - - � - _� RETAIN - - - _ �ry - - - -_ — - -=rv- - I - - - _ - _ �- - _ �- - _ - - - � - --- 4 I /� '\� -��„ ° � ° - _ — — — — — W — SS / ELEV o ° � � i�.—� C� W- a° cP _-- coNc � �I�, --- T BM-3 +03e00g 48' RT � I � -- --- -- --- -- � : _ ----- 8- 1 _- ss _ -� �s-- a - ,� 2' l80' TAPE � � o� - - - - - - - - - - - uTiuT esT R�p I II 32' TOP OF 38' - - I ' o -- - - � - - - �� __----- - ---F� -- F i � ,� � �' F esT �JO , � � � o ° ��_T �� - - _ _ - ____ ___ _ __���€ --�_ �-� _26_ _ - - c�- - - :� -P- �I i��� I____ _----F - � BST I \� � � o - ��- - - - - - - -���G N� -L_ 2- STA.IO+QD.Qp - - - - �,_,� � . + -----_ = �-`---- —�, 1 F - - - - - - LP- - e _ -------- _ _ ---EB�-- LP -�"�� I�P BST �i ri G Ri I I EIP CO C � I e - -�-��`�-�� _ N � esr �P _ _ — — — — — — -�i Fa � � -a- �� � co c � � EiP � � Ex s N BK w I ,I coNc � �N / - - F P — � d_--___— + EiP � \ �O _ _ - �Lp �- O� � A� � � �� \ i ' PLANTER � �ILL�A� S �T JE N� S84 PG 8 2� / � S �— � �_ o o �� esr `�� ��� I I\ �� � esr DB �ZT� P � �sgK aus �� � � , 0 150' TAPER � ��� �� � I I \ � � sBKBu � �--- � � I I w I E C �JNITY CO�TE�E' I BK �� � I I � � � � � ISBK BU - � ,�� �o a �A�R,,;�, `���H4�'�'�'�� �NST � WA�� � � ���� , � � � � N , �1ii � "' � � 'f� i� ov n`�-, `l,�' � pg i6� P� 1447 � �� � � � � � - �,i, � w PB 21 PG �4 ��� �- I SBKBUS O --- ," � Sus � a6 P�ANSoN � � z z " � 492 ��� N � � a = DB u35 PG �45T _ � � � �����, SKILL CREATIONS �N�• � o N ���° c� � s BKBus �� DB 1435 PG 698 0 0 � � 1�y m � � � � � EIP � ,�`✓ � �'�I o o Qi �3l o `� � � � � � � �� S 37°27'13" E 14,99, z � � I SBRBUS � 135,01' O '�I \ \\ v F �� �� \� EIP ,� �'S ��� REAyEST01� EN�E�SES.I.LC. �c, N 50°35'22" E �� pg �TWpC, �539 �� ` 20,02' ��� � S 38�5 920° E EIP V� � � E�P -DRI- CURVE �,�rA ��� �, o � a Pl Sta /6 �16.54 Pl Sto 2/ f64.3/ � ��s ���� � � � p= 5° l4' 42e5° IRTI 0= 90 03' 49e2° ILTJ �'6 99,., �� �� D= 0° 30' 22.3" D= l90° 59' 09.4° �°� ���� � � L = 1,036.20' L = 47.16' �' T = 5/8e46' T _ 30.03' �,/ R= 11,3/9v00' R- 30.00' Pa �� �� ��� � -L- CURVE DATA -Y38SVV - CURVE DATA -RPA- CURVE DATA �" �� s o2°z2�36" W' Pl Sta 6/1�89094 Pl Sta 12+98054 Pl Sta 7+70090 � ��� 2�e2g / �= 8° 32' 11.4° (RT ) �= 82° 35' 00.0° (RT ) �= 20° 25' S2.3° (RT ) � �� ' � . „ � . „ � . ,� ��� D= 0 30 0903 D= 32 44 2506 D= 4 46 2807 �� �� E�P L= 1,698.49' L= 252.24' L= 427.9/' � T= 850082' T= 153070' T= 2/6025' � R= 11,400.00' R= 175.00' R= 19200.00' � '�� V �� � LEGEND � � � � � � � Q � O �I m U � � � � � / O L � / � � 3 � � O � / m U � � � � � C� L� C'� L� � C� / C O � � � L O � Q Q �n C N � �L � � — / O � —� � �� — > O � C�I � \ � OQ N/ � o0 —> � l\ W � � � � w�, � N� w o W N w � - w rn � N 47°46'38" EIP 32=86" EIP ECKERp CnRP DB �g20 p �RA TIpN pe 2► P� �90 �9 w �, esr �. �� I N � II � � � � I �` _ — --�� C', TOP=1196,45' ��� � INV=1194,23' W 15" CMP �� �� U � s s -�_ 0 ---- �- --EI�--- -.�, 0 - - � . + ----- . - M - -�5" P-��� : _�__ N o � � — • � N CALQ�E TECHR�MC��NI�Y COLLEGE AN L I STITUTE DB 1603 PG 1447 PB 21 PG �34 I END CONSTRUCTION —Y38NE — ST Ae 5 + Ov00 ' �� I I I ioo� rAPER � �P � I I � � � J 8" CLAY � ,°�_�._ - _ � �� —Y38�—I ISBKBUS —L — POT Stao28 +�3082 � � I � � � � �P I � BST � i I TOP=1209a38' � S � INV=1201,08'� 18�i UTILIT4 Y ���- � U � � -T Fo- - +MARK_Fg Cb -�; _-� - - _ _ U �� - zR� z�� �� �--� #� 15"CMP- ���� -----r-I T — � — — T o - - - - � _ � / � — � N _�/ � N M I�— — / _J --r ---_/- -- M - - ----- M---�-- - --� _�- 00 � �Tv=�—��` cv� -----� ' � � �� I /e % / � // // � / / ESTATE LLC DB �680 PG �525 � D&H REAL U � � ISBKBUS �� � � �� � N � � . � im EIP �� e-�� - - ---- --i�r -- - _----- ��-4--- )Sz'2Z �R . �---------------------��------------------------ �. �,44 � \ / � � �� �� I � � 55°44'I4 E l00' TAPER � 22088' �` I � O �I I I� HUDSON-H�Y 321. LLC BST DB �465 PG �250 PB �8 PG 22� w � o� ti� o� �� �� � �- � � � f- � I� � 0 � _ D E. BUMGARNER I 1844 PG 1939 PROPOSED PAVEMENT PROPOSED 5" MONOLITHIC ISLAND PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PROPOSED FULL DEPTH PAVED SHOULDER q 79, EIP � I � � � � � \ � � ����� �� ����� O O � � � ��� ���� L OCA TI01�: US 321 (HICI��R Y BL T�D) A T MISSI01� R OAD ' o eoone. Nc � 828 355� 9933 ❑ ,�r�„�.�.,H �23•46T•840i � Knoxylne, TN VaugbY & Me1fo11 865•546�5800 Consultinq Enqineers O SpartonourQ,SC 864�574•47T5 Asheville. � �hpfl@gi0�1.$C ■ NOrth COrOlinO 843•974•5650 828•2534796 p Mrooiesooro.Kr O RaieTqhNC O Cnarioffe,NC 606•2�8•6600 9i9°977•9455 704=357•0488 0 Afionfo,GA T70•62T-3509 , Cooyrrqnt O 2006 Vou9�+� & Ueiron.�nc. Anmonta Reser�eo , TYPE OF WORK: GRADII�G, DRAII�A GE, PA VI1�G A1�D SIGI�ALS See Sheet � A For I ndex of Sheets � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � See Sheet � B For Conventi onal Symbols ., � � � � � _ � � � � � � � 0 0 � � � � o� 0 � � � � 0 � � � 0 � � � � 0 O � � � � � � � � � � 0 � � � � 0 a � � �� � �� �� a� � -� � °> � oa�� N�� � � o0 �Q� ��� N » FND CONST RUCT lON —Y36 — POT Staa 29 +OOo00 Clearing on this project shall be performed to the limits established by Method III. This project is within the boundary of the city of Hudson ., This is a partially Controlled Access Project. TO LENIOR - ���������� ����� �D� N�°1C U51E 1F�1f8 lE8% �' .�C�g7I��7[°I�N DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED HYDRA ULICS E111GI11lEER GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGI� DATA PROJECT LEI�GTH Pre,00red in the OffTce ofe ADT 2015 = 32,00o DIVISI01� OF HIGHWAYS 50 0 5� ��� 1000 Birch Ridge Dr., Raleigh 111C, 27610 �� �0��'G;� ADT 2035 = 47,300 � ��a K= 10 % LENGTH ROADWAY PROJECT U-4700CC = 0.570 MI. 2012 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS �Q� �oQ PLANS � � 0 A.E. D= 65 00 * LENGTH STRUCTURE PROJECT U-4700CC = 0.000 MI. , SIGNATURE: � � 50 0 50 100 T= 9 /o RIGHT OF WAY DATE. REECE SCHULER, PE, PLS a � V = 6O MP H PROJECT ENGINEER ROADWAY DESIGI� � � * TOTAL LENGTH OF PROJECT U-4700CC = 0.570 MI. E11tGI11lEER ��� Q�Q PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) TTST = 2 DUAL 7 �' o > FUNC CLASS = LETTIIIIG DATE: DANIEL ALMUETI, EIT °� '��p��� 10 0 10 20 �� P RI N C I PAL ARTE RIAL J U N E 2 019 l'ROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER PROFILE (VERTICAL) P.E. SIGNATURE: � � � � z � � � 0 � � � � � � � � � � � 0 � � � �, � 3 � � O � / U U � � �� Q� � �� � �,� � i ��' 0 O� � C� � �� E o� - N�z � � i � � Q N� G � �- _� � 0 Q � � � � ��� EIP C�AY DALE DB 1774 PG i646 —L — POT Stae 529 +00.00 _ , �DI q „ SL TEELJ,' — a I V_II �_5.?� �� ��� CRO�S � T 0 PINE MOUNT AlN ROAD 84" CHLK X��- — — / � � 4 , STE'� � � —I— — — 'I �� esT � ���cKER�� _ ��. � BEGIN CONST RUCT lON —L — ST Aa 529 +39002 = —L_LT l — ST Ae l0 +OOa00 —L_RT l — ST Ad l0 +OOd00 i � ��, 48" CH _�, � x \+ 5i � � , . �-I- �X ��i �� � �� IyIICHAEL �AYNE PITIyIAN �� �B 894 PG 528 /�P CALD�ELL CABINETS OF N.C.. LLC. DB �858 PG �433 , � EX�ST�N� � ��'�- 13 _,''--\_' � �� �� ^� �90 Z OS Sd'- °�'� ��, F KANSAS CITY, LLC. DB �685 PG 802 � ti � BM-2 � ELEVo-1237015' -B� STA- 18+38075 189e92' LT � 80D NAIL IN BASE OF ,�,�/ � , '� -• � .'� � 0� LENOIR. LLC. �, EiP � � _ DB �920 PG 766 - X ��� PB 21 PG 17 72� MT� cHA X�X PB i9 PG 38i ;' / W/ BARBED WIRE END —L _RT l — ST Ae ll +50�02 = + � —L — ST Ae 530 +89.02 29e50' RT �� '; � E�P UE R�DGE ELECTR�C ME BERSHIP CORPORATION DB 338 PG �6� PB 21 PG 17 � � � �o ti �' ���ti� � ��� � ,�,� ° � PETER RO�E DB �573 PG �566 N 09°58'23" E 34,15' EIP ROBERT J. HO�ELL DB �572 PG �8 PB 22 PG �99 � . � Ph o�,� ,�o ��' ,��< .� SAMUEL LEE LIPPARD DB 593 PG 240 � � � � �;� ��` �° � �� BENJAMIN D. GRIFFIN DB 873 PG 297 ERN�E �. CL�E DB n0i G i0 �i� „���N� END CONSTRUCTION —Y36 — POT Sta. 29 +OOo00 223050' N 41°58'51" W 00000, RONNY G. HARRIS DB �585 PG �53� � A � o W A �� u�lo 0 3AN D 2' FDPS � � � � �— n IS BLOCK B i � _�'��� Z MICHAEL BO�V�IAN � _� r DB 980 PG 450 �' — Z � �, , , �, , � _�- o � � , � i "� a N o �G C // �' oa � � � �� o o, � / oe o, , i � � cs� — U� � o. � a� 2q.� ,—� Fc� —+ / o �o, = � N �� '� 7� - cs� � r�, _ �o . �� N ° ��— ,, �.FL�G AND BANDON � �� ` � O , C � PER � � R y ��� � ��l T P �� N.Q �� �a ,A� o� z � � � �� r-�r �l _ � � � r r �� � 50 25 0 50 100 PLANS PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U —4700 CC 4 � R�W SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER ��������'s �s ��s��� d➢� N�°J[° gJ�E ]F�IB % S�T A���JII�II°Il'II�N DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED � � �� oP0 �� �/� � _� RONNY G. HARRIS DB ��05 PG 722 � a � � � 0 0 � 0 N � 0 � � L 0 Q u� � � Q � � 0 � 0 N � 0 N � L 0 Q u� � STIP No. U-4700 A, B, and C Preliminary Plans Proposed U.S. 321 Widening From U.S. 70 in Hickory to Southwest Boulevard in Lenoir Catawba, eurke, and Caldwell Counties The following tables summarize the anticipated impacts to jurisdictional resources on the U.S. 321 project corridor. This assumes a 6-lane superstreet from north of U.S. 70 to Southwest Boulevard. All impacts were calculated using a 25' buffer of the slope stakes of the preliminary designs, and are based on delineated jurisdictional resources. Table 1 summarizes the impacts to delineated streams. The site numbers refer to locations with proposed or existing hydraulic structures that have the potential to impact existing streams. • Table 2 summarizes the impacts to delineated wetlands. The figure numbers in the tables refer to the figures following the tables. Project U-4700 1 October 2018 Table 1: Itemized Stream Impacts Impact Section Figure Map ID Stream Name (feet) 1 Frye Creek Frye Creek 125 2 5B UTto Catawba River 45 3A SB UTto Catawba River 690 3B Catawba River Catawba River 0 A 4 SC UTto Catawba River 0 4 SC UTto Catawba River 300 5 SRR UTto Catawba River 370 6 SQQ UTto Catawba River 40 6 SRR UTto Catawba River 225 Section A Stream Impact Sub-total 1,795 7 SF UTtoGunpowderCreek 230 8 SJ UTtoGunpowderCreek 40 9 SK UTtoGunpowderCreek 120 10 SM UTtoGunpowderCreek 100 11 SN UTtoGunpowderCreek 280 13 SO UTtoGunpowderCreek 365 14 Billy Branch Billy Branch 305 14 SP UTto Billy Branch 180 15 SQ UTto Little GunpowderCreek 130 B 16 Little GunpowderCreek Little GunpowderCreek 145 16 SR UTto Little GunpowderCreek 170 16 SS UTto Little GunpowderCreek 65 17 ST UTto Little GunpowderCreek 30 17 STA UTto Little GunpowderCreek 85 18 SU UTto Little GunpowderCreek 65 19 SV UTto Little GunpowderCreek 110 20 SW UTto Little GunpowderCreek 540 20 SX UTto Little GunpowderCreek 50 20 SY UTto Little GunpowderCreek 45 Section B Stream Impact Sub-total 3,055 22 SZ UTtoGunpowderCreek 85 23 SAA UTtoGunpowderCreek 115 24 SBB UTtoGunpowderCreek 70 25 GunpowderCreek GunpowderCreek 55 � 25 GunpowderCreek GunpowderCreek 0 26 SDD UTtoGunpowderCreek 20 27 SEE UTtoGunpowderCreek 150 27 SLL UTtoGunpowderCreek 185 28 Brushy Fork Brushy Fork 120 29 Angley Creek Angley Creek 200 Section C Stream Impact Sub-total 1,000 U-4700 Project Stream Impact Total 5,850 Project U-4700 2 October 2018 Table 2: Itemized Wetlands Impacts Section Figure Map ID Impact acres A 3A WA 0.1 Section A Wetland Impact Sub-total 0.1 13 W F <0.1 B 16 WFA 0.1 20 WG <0.1 Section B Wetland Impact Sub-total 0.2 21 WP 0.1 � 24 WI 0.1 27 WKA <0.1 27 WK 0.1 Section C Wetland Impact Sub-total 0.4 U-4700 Project Wetland Impact Total 0.7 Project U-4700 3 October 2018 ^,� \ C Lq,4 EN CF 3�o S,� s� �,�ST s-r s w.�- �` B URKE \� � �' ' �'� 3 \'� COUNTY � �W AY Sq G�` 28TH ST SW \� ��\ � �\ � �O �8 E Np c,' � p = 2s7 �'� Catawba River �� � D H S T S w I 27TH ST NW \\ ' < \ � m 24 T �� I 4i h' �� ' � , ���--c � S' T S W �� � � � ti '� i 6' 23RDSTSW -y � _��,\\ � 5 Z 23RD ST NW c _ -� s w - m � z �� 3B — _..� �� 19TH ST 2N� S � � Z O � ,� 2 - Z J ��� \ `�� Z w Frye Creek � Q m �� , �� ' 3', � > 2 � \ � � JNPOW �F�O z - F � W �� \ ��� \ � � � � 17TH ST SVI/ � � �� (� 'L � w �. \\ � � 17TH ST NW J � � n � y U 12TH ST DR NW '� `� � Z 70 m �� � S� NW ���NW \�� A VALLEy � z Z , ���N 10TH STe � � F 13TH Z�� D j 1 ,'\'' < �'p � �_ ST SW o - � Q � \ I '��R � ,��,TH s r S w � -� � Z ' , i� CALDWELL N Cripple Creek � � o C O U N T Y � � � N� _ � � J 321 _. � 1- � � D `1 �,1 ��� -I � � m � - :� � �--� � ' `� �- \ � - 9TH ST NW � Z -�i 'Y� � /�T /��/�� /� _ \\`� � / \�\ ; W- - �� Cf-1 I f-1 YY Bf-1 � C � �'----�" �� �T �. Q Begin >= � a COUNTY m �� �° a���,, Z /� �, Z Z � � U-4700A z W 5 TH S T N w O = `\� � � > � ¢ Q ❑ y� 4TH ST SW �.I o � � > O j � � Z M'1' 2 � Q' � 3 R D S T s w `Y' � srT,�, �u � �� Jl�, � Z 5T�` � 1STSTSW I , W � 2 N� S T P�. S T D R N I/� � � 5� i.P � e.J N�N S CENTER ST � N CENTER ST � ��'C`Z' 2�O ti� �- t �� 0 0.25 0.5 1 � �z 'Sr sT sE Miles � U-4700 - U.S. 321 Widening Delineated Stream Q Permit Figure Extents 1-29 Town of Granite Falls Map 1 City of Hickory Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources U-4700 Project Area Catawba, Burke, and Caldwell Counties � i A C Y R� , p � I r— / S Pq RTp'� -L � BURKE i _. _ - � � 2.0 P� 9< COUNTY � Little Gunpowder Creek Q- �-� � � O P r � ---.----'-�- � / C \ � P� � 8 G�GO � �pU N TA �N � --- � o F� �� ` e- % m O B E RT NU� y�� P�N� i � �S � �-� G�,U B R� �I ( ��___ -i ALT v Z 1,� RURI�P� I � 321 CIR d 1 � � � � k� A " ,1�5_ i HickoRY o� F� BFq � c w \ il CA�-� �<< S� � � 9! A��C. DUDLEY 321 RD �1 ' D U K E�"S'T F %/ � , 1�4 � ; � � Q � � O A _ Y �y J - 1t"3 Billy Branch �'y 12 p�� a � ° �ay�o � < S CALDWELL < <� � c/ �' 2� s� F T COUNTY ``� � F�, o R ��,�- -9 y � poo�FY 11� � <<s o � �Ao End °R s� 9L ��s o U-4700A � Y Ro � 10- � o �— _ ~9� M���g RD � W �KE � I � $� � R ��� w m Z �KE STARNES RD Q\�V�l PL Z� RED OAK,Q Begin �. V � � U-4700g ��tiG W AY � w w a,- � � o 0.25 0.5 � Miles � 0� �DR7N c U-4700 - U.S. 321 Widening �r� ��Of,� Delineated Stream U-4700 Project Area " ' Town of Granite Falls Q Permit Figure Extents 1-29 Map 2 ' t Town of Hudson Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources 7�` �'�r ��,,� Town of Sawmills Burke and Caldwell Counties a 5 � � tiG m > \�R� a N = End � Q �o Q.. p FIR ST 2 v U-4700C o � � � sT ` � Q�-- c� � E L L Z '9 / � _ o } � � << <ti L � Q v c � F� �C o� H��S�SNo� gENp R� �� � �p ����-��P S _ �p �O i \ ��Tq�N J Angley Creek sF J` G�-o� �a � � � ALT � Brushy Fork 9 � 32� 2,8 ys �--_��_ — -- � , Q w�� ou�Ei� , 2 �/ _ G°88 M �y� r� �Q Begin � ���. I � �a� � � �� U-47��C Gunpowder Creek � y2 � � �°R � 2._ RO Intersection CA � _ < w Q-� ' cJ-^ P D R m = v v 24 � v � w �� Intersection CB i y�RT Y � �FY � a�- 12�3 R �o —� � -p4 � End � , A,ti ZER ��C�� � � � U-4700B 2 a �� ��� 9 g� � oEE �� °Z � �T�o CALDWELL R CRE .� COUNTY D O� 321 Z s W'� � � o� �o�.lE F Ro a'A �� ��_ �� �� � 9� � �� � / � � E�`<N ��, 0 0.25 0.5 1 Intersection CC o�N Miles flF H��'fk C U-4700 - U.S. 321 Widening �r� �gO�.� Delineated Stream U-4700 Project Area " ' Town of Hudson Q Permit Figure Extents 1-29 Map 3 ' r City of Lenoir Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources 7� ��'�r ��x� Town of Sawmills Caldwell County IVUkH i-�zYt HEIE3S \ " _-_=___---'� �NETHY t�RA ;, HEIP2S ,� _ _ BERNETh{Y NOR , FRYE H�IRS � , � � ( BENGE � --- " NNCHAEL ��;,`, _ SCi�TT ', ,�'' , _, :r_� �, - ' r---�r __- \ , .i; I - - � 'T ,� - � � 'y I •� ''' ' \,�,� n � HUFFMAN FP,t(V11LY � � PRdPERT165 LLC � $" I 1, \ � � .................................................. TSG REAL ESTATE LLC � �I'' I . _ ' l;I�;' , I,�;,� � iii��i� � { �I'��+ HICKORY � 321 LLC •----- ----------- -------•------- .......................... .. ----------•10'x10' /---------- ................• --- RCBC�( ---------�- �_ --- � -------------- ��� -----�'� `- _ - --------------------------�- -I� --------------------------------- ----------------- iviui ANAGEMENT ,�� - ��� � _ ���i�, Begin U-4700 �^ y� � ==:_==-=`-==--=--_ '� - � � - ' - - =__=______: =_= _-_ �\ �� � 1�. End U-4700 =_=_---=----=-=-==_=-===-_` - �=- � ��, - _ _ -- ��� �, `. Existing Roadway qf Hq�tH c T � Existing Property Lines " � Proposed Hydraulic Structure � � Existing Drainage Structure � `�r � ,�,� q Proposed Roadway - - - - • Proposed Slope Stakes Contour Lines (2') Delineated Stream Stream Impact ............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer MD I � MANAG�MENT �, ING �.N OQ' 0 50 100 200 Feet U-4700 - U.S. 321 Widening Figure 1 Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources Catawba County " 1 '' _' ' _ i -} �''' ' ' ` � • f4Cl� � 'J 4Lli � J _ _ � �_ _� ��� _ �� _� ".f,PI.C� - _----- � __ _-- _ _ __ ---- '`�`1 ', ` -__ �--_ --- -� __._--�-� ---- � ,'�-, -----��"� - --- -- ��`` ' -- _ �` - — ----_"___-- "- — __ - �---- --�" -----_ _ '- _;'-- --� _ - --------�-__- � -�-----__ - --; --_ ---."---- . --------- -- _ _ _- ------- __ _ �'�-,- _ - ---- -- '� -- _,__ , - " � ' " - ----------- "-'6.&=_ . --� '-----_'__�---" _-=-- :"� _--" --.-'"_- �"-- _---' M R �tSf�AL ,' -- --- --- -- =- -- _._ -_� . -=___= _ �-= �_ _� - " = :------��� - : "'__ ��"Lkc �. __ _ __ ___ ___ _ _ _ __ ___ ___ _=��==�-:==/ :/�'-- _--=__"- � / � -' = :==� , - --_�_____ ____________ "_ - ' _- - := ___ ._ : - -______.____ :_-- - �. ---- - -- - ____ � - "___ _ _ __ - _= -- . � - -- --: "=--- _ - - _ _ - , -_ -- , _= =_ - "- ,_- " �_� ---- =- -- - �!�" �" __ "� _ . -_- _-- -- -- .__- -_ -- - -�-''.-.'--'' -- . .. -- ;;;_ -- - - ------ "�_- _ - __--- -----� -- -- ---- -_ _ . - --- --------- - -- - --- ---- .. . --- - --- -- - , _ • __ ____ _ _________- :_ - " __ � �M�R� ��S ---- � � ---- __-------------�_,-_��; -- ��._ -- - �[L�----.__ •���• =_- _�__ __-;; �_„� ` _ '_ --- _ SB' ___ __ _--, ,,�� �,\ \ . . .. . , . .. . \ �� � � � 1qry qV C�� ==__= ��,;;����,:_ _���B��R..:1.-.. _�_ ,._. ; �p�R�pFR�y�s.' =nh�,F�'�rv�v-___ ,, I__= j{�F�,:'�� --- '- --� ��• , 'J_'---�-=__,�_ ;�.; __; -- ----- ��, ' �2LAN�' _ _ � ` 321 ,' �' �'tLG ;`�``-.;;;� /� . � . . �i ' � . '' � . . . : . . , , � � � � :�' - , . . .: - �. . � , � , , ;:� , , . , , I �. �� ' � , •A� - �. ,� - .'� '- . , . , - _'•- . ,_ --- - . --- �. , ,HY ER BG u � . F � . :�' � �,�•' �� _ - / � �—.,"� Begin U-4700 � � �, , — i \- ` i � 1 K. qf Kq�ty c �e '� : �a` � � ��I � �� t . .' � .'�.'� �� '---------_ - LAKE- �� � HICKORY P�EZ-�, _ ---------rNc - _ � End U-4700 " __ -- .___-- _ � ' �- '---_ _.� , -- _ - Existing Roadway — Existing Property Lines Existing Drainage Structure Proposed Roadway - - - - • Proposed Slope Stakes — — Proposed Right of Way Contour Lines (2') Delineated Stream Stream Impact Dwarf-flowered Heartleaf Population Dwarf-flowered Heartleat Impact ............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer � �. . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . ���, ,� � . � `�. � .\`�. , � �� � . \i ` � TIES; . � . � . � � ` '� � . � � �. p \ � � � � ., Q � � ` � m 1�� , , Z � � � I' � � ' � ' , T� � � � I� , z � � � � � � ' I' � � ; }'� , . � � � � � ' . `. , . • ` ... ' /�� .i I 0 50 100 / 200 � Feet U-4700 - U.S. 321 Widening Figure 2 Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources Catawba County -.� : ,, . �� � � , „ __- _ . --- __- - __ ---- -- � , - - _, _ ___ _ .' ,� . , .� ;� , --=___=_ ;= ' :��',��, � ' �====�- ' --- - --- -� _�"___.-_-- _ '' ;' _ -- -- _- _ � _ =__� ----- __ _ .' � •-- _ - _ �__ -_�;_�-=-_-___----"-==" = �, ', , '- �I��;�''�';� . �=====-----=-==-�-_-_= _- --� -__ � ' '� --__-_=- _--__=--___=�.-=-- �, I ; � � � '� ._- __ --: _- __ -= I �' ,� _�;. _ --_-_-- 'F " , -;_ _ �', ,�'�' ," `� �� ` ,� _�_=-`_,_==` ,,=_ __�` " __ �,� WA � �� I; /r . _ _ _ '��'� � , - -- ------ --- =----� - - BRITTIANI,_Ll{VU�/ • _ � , _ �_ _:� �=_ - '�' - aRiTTiaN.1R� -• � See Fig. 3B '\, � , , , � -----.__- -- �� ; � ; ,�FTli��PO��f�1'S� _ ---------- .� ' 321 - ;; � _ __,�AL-TI;�I;L�, � _ -------- • �' I • -- - ���'�,%';"s��`�'-. ` __ � Culvert _ \4' _ ___ . Sill � _ ,- _ --._. __ - � 'i��'''I = _:- . .,,,�' � ,� -- - _ ';,.%'-/,',;;�;�;�'�'' ___ _ ' `,- . � � --- " - •�i� � _� �� ._ . � �'' -_- '_ �. �I- %%,;I I,�/ - �%: .,�.�, �� _ � S�% ,,/,, __---_' I , �• � ;;��;,��, ,; ,�,,� ,` ,',,'� ,' _ _ --' ,\ �'''�� / ,.' � ' ___ ___ �.' / ,'� O ;;��-�.'� _ _ � ��,,�, ,,,�� �z __ - __ _ -" ,�FTYDF __ � .' p �,�,-"-' - ",�IiICKOR�' -- � , sB ,� ,'�' � ., '� ._ __=_ : - _"-� -- �` . . � ",'��''�;��' _-' ; - '- _ _ _ !' °' , �.,'' 's� /� ,= _ -- - : �- _ � /�, ---- ;;%�%.',' -- �--":=___ � ---_ � , , , \`� i � r �/ ', � , ,''.'','' -�__/-_---__'' --- � �,� / � � �% , ' - - _ / y . , s;Il1;';�''�'����,','�'��','��'��'� ",'�,= �-'--__'_ , . Begin U 4700 - _ ___ �, � ,,,,, , , � , . ; : , : „ . . .:• \, , � � • .: � , ;,;-;; . , � — � _ ;;�,;�,,�''� ,�',�, �� ! � 1K. End U-470O �� ER TES�'' ;;� � � � ��� �,, 0 50 100 200 �\� Feet Existing Roadway Contour Lines (2') U_47�� _ U.S. 321 Widening T pf "°�'" °� Existing Property Lines Delineated Stream " � Proposed Hydraulic Structure Stream Impact Figure 3A � � Existing Drainage Structure Wetland Impact Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources � `�r �,�,� q Proposed Roadway 0 Delineated Wetland ----• Proposed Slope Stakes ............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer Burke and Catawba County - _ -C p /�e�� ' I ' . � . , 1� , � � � , ��� +� ;%, � ,'� ,- � .'� See Fig. 5 � :� � • s� ,�:�c 1 �' ' ,' � ��_� _ ,�-��- ,�� , u � � ,� __ ; �,�. �-,�-� -�;���'„': ii�� ,%;,1,;;;"'-'�, .''� � `t,�;l � � ! 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Existing Roadway ----• Proposed Slope Stakes .............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer U-47�� _ U.S. 321 Widening T pf "°�'" °� Existing Property Lines -- Proposed Right of Way " � Proposed Hydraulic Structure Contour Lines (2') Figure 4 � � Existing Drainage Structure Delineated Stream Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources � `�r �,�,� q Proposed Roadway Stream Impact ������� Proposed Retaining W all Dwarf-flowered Heartleaf Population Caldwell County � �J LHILIVCHL/-1� d'� ,+�5. �' `--�-- � � .;/�'' CA W LL •, CF BEAVERS I LEE /_ 5� � • ;ISTQ�TIk''t` � � � �' . I, •gHERRY L' •DUCK��R�- � `��d�� ' S�� �� ' - EW - � ,_ - •� 4 B.C7�1 �I�(���`�� ,'/��� �� NORTHVI pR �—! ,���� �' EL4'.lAN � t :,; , '• -=� •' _ _ ' ` � ,�ry, :' j � . •�_�.�_��, '' � , `sFQJ `// �•/' ���• � � _ __ � . . ' �,- I;I' 4� ./ ,�� ' / r-�EI�SNEh2 ���,, __ ,/; ' , : JAC'I(A WALKER ���. HEFFN�R � I�OLMA�` ;, � �/.'�' .'� . , ',JE�1NIFER �, S1EVEN R � .. • /,,� � ' ��E� I . � . � , , ,. 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'i " _ i � � _ �_ 0 50 100 200 �� . , �� ,� Feet , , Existing Roadway Delineated Stream U_47�� _ U.S. 321 Widening �epf "°�'" °� Existing Property Lines Stream Impact " � Existing Drainage Structure :............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer Figure 7 � � Proposed Roadway Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources � `�r � ,�,� q - - - - • Proposed Slope Stakes Contour Lines (2') Caldwell County , �,�oN / � ,'Nl��`�iS I,JSA �,, '�I'NC, / � , � �, ���' �_-,� ✓' -- � , . \ �'\,� C�LA � �r � "- � �s 4625 HICKORY i BLVD LLC ��� . , � . . . ;f�L � ' ' � P PER�IES ,'� .'� ` � . . . . _� �'�� ''�,' ,'�.' NDER ,' �� _- IISE R ,' �� - �"� �' -- ,, ,. --._ - _ �, �, ,•p`s - - ,: ,. �: _._ � � �UFFMAfy�HOSIERY , ,' �, .' � M1L� 1�t�. � �. �� -----' \ :`'''�, '' . � �'',�� ,� � -- _, ','��. ', ``�/; '-----�'�� __ __' -- . , -- '�' _ . �;,,�,� , -- . . � . , . , ' . � . . , , � . .' ,�. . . . . . . . . . � '',�. Begin U-4700 � ^ � � �, � � \ / � ' ��� i� � End U-4700 ' � ': ' �;� �� I 321 '.�: � `'�' `,�'� `� ;.\--� �', 'S� _ ' ,� :` : `� ''�.� v ' _=:\ ' ; i� �� ;\, �•` , - � :`.� �� — - ,�;,, - :� ��� %�, . _ , --- --_" �.��1��2�N�,� _- � �� � /` ----� - L�f�l�,l� _ � '� -- � _ �����, ' _ '�'/� `----- ` -- ------- --��'`_ ' -'_ �,,', ', _ __ '_ '---_,_ -`-_�_ - �-_- --_'--- -- `_ -- • /. ` __ ` _ - - , - _"__--� - ,',�, / \= _ ;_ " "�� _- ._- _ �. F�NING�' - , ��','��.; � - . �,.�� �NT�1,P�. �- ,� .�, �� � � . � -- , �- � � l.��' 0 50 100 200 % � Feet �� qf %q�ty c �e '� : �a` � � ��I � �� t Existing Roadway Existing Property Lines Existing Drainage Structure Proposed Roadway - - - - • Proposed Slope Stakes — — Proposed Right of Way Contour Lines (2') Delineated Stream Stream Impact ............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer U-4700 - U.S. 321 Widening Figure 8 Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources Caldwell County , . . . , . �- `_ - �----- -��- '"-___�- -- ,�'� �,�'� _. - _ _ ,, ,, . __ --- - , �. ',STRF3NE5_ __ ��• • ---�� .EV��2ETT�S� -_ _ , �•' &;DYiFE W � --__ �=�'� '� '� - ,• �. �, _, -__ , - ' �_ `�'�'�`� , .. '��,, �/='_--�� _ -__ __ -- .. ---- � . - _-=;� _ � _ � _=__-;- �-� __�_________ ___ __ �-__--- � � .,.'' ,.'" �� �;�; _=�- - �-� =`__ -- _ __----.---� ;:- _ = " __ � � ,' BENFI �P;���l�"f �'-��. __ _ --- ----------- " '_ '�` -- _- -�. - ,�� � \ ED I�;;����� � --- -�--- - - -----�--- . - =---- �-- �"------------ -'---__-- - --___ . � \ VER I�;N��;I; , =__ _-=__=--- �= ---------_ _-� --�----- ------- __ __- ,' � _ __ --- __ --- �_--� `�-----=- ------- --------------------' �',�` \ •�' ' _� _-/, - --- "---�-_-==�--- ------------------� ---- ---� \ .� ; � _---=____�__________ ___ _�G�7RSCL�=----- ___ '� ' __ -� _ --__ -- -- _ -=_ =_ --- =�NARLI�t�T�BfR-T_--- --_ ,' ; - - __= ` _ -.i - __-- -- -= __ _ --- _-- _ - __�,_ ---_ ,�, i __�__,i=y;'�:�:'i�;_-_-,' _ -- __-�-�;: ;;� ;,_---__ �-;= SK SL "�" �` •,���� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � `,_;__ -:-�'� _-._" -- _� _--__�-` _ -- -_� - --_ -- �_-__ _ =; -_;�-��� , ----- - � --- -- ----�� � ---� _ � -- -- � �- -- - - - _-- ------� --- � � ---_ _ --- ------- -----=-<--- _ _ -___ -- ---- --- � - ... ... -------- ---- - --- --- . , . . ---- . . -- --- -- _ __ _ ... -- ---- - -------- ---- --- ------------ -� = ---- ---_ ---_ � _ -__-_ .... ..... ..... -______=== _=____=---_- ; -- -� - _ -- � . �� 321 . .. ------- ---- -- ;,\ _ , , _, _ _ ' , -"- - � =-_= - - - - =='===- = -==== =--- - - _ �� --- ----------- --`=--_�-_-- _---_- ,'� '� _----_ - = --=---= - - - �--- --_- __ '--_-`�-_`-_ - ,' .� ____ __ _______==-=- = =___==;-'_�;;:::`',:':;:;:;,';;-_�-: = ����;=- -_ '---_- .,�� .' _ _ _` =.._--_ _- -'----=------------ -�``__�=_` •'� ,'' --___ �-�--___--=�`�-_=- __�`�.:�:�;;; ;`-= '_ ---- ` - ``�\ ' .'�• ..--- - ___ ,__ -__ _ � �`= ;-` `_ ' ,�MITF . .'�,'' CH � . �� ``` -" i vn ,' .' TERR LE��. �' ,' , "_' - � ..'�,, .'�'' � � --� ` ``�` �,'� �� / _ ,__ Fdu�.FM1iN �� - H SI i� Begin U-4700 � ^ \\ /—/�, ,� , � qf Hq�ty c �e '� : �a` � ���'r or rn� q i� � - ___ � E Y, •' _ -_=_�---- �!11L;L9Nd, � ��� . � , _ _----- � • . � , ; \ ��'' ✓ ' End U-4700 � � � ' � ��� � � � - 0 50 100 200 Feet . Existing Roadway Delineated Stream U_47�� _ U.S. 321 Widening Existing Property Lines Stream Impact Existing Drainage Structure :............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer Figure 9 Proposed Roadway Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources - - - - • Proposed Slope Stakes Contour Lines (2') Caldwell County , . . , . ,,; , �. � . __ �?� ICAI�v �• ' - -- ----' � ' ', EM4 � ,'• ,�� � ,.-'�,' �,'/ '`, � � � ,� ��. , �� � � �' � � !-I�F�RI�G`� ' . �� �• �.', �. ; __ __ - �� F°IONIEF� ,�� �•' , '/, __- ':,�;�;� �" ,�ISH�y1�AL ' �. (' , , �, : ,' . JN�� 1 - � ;��;?+,;i � ` �� ,' �� AND DEMOL� ------ �,?� , . 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J ' Rl���}ARL� tYfVN' -- ' , r�,� � ��' � ti'Y�a �-� ��� l�:� r� � � _ : _ , � �7, ',� � ��{ �,�° ,�' � `4�C,,�. y°� �j� � , � �;k°+��O ,i �\ � _ ._ '.. _ ,•�a.. r '��Si�,y�^.,i7�?�� ,, .�4Z]R q`7' � � i^ � � �� '- - • p� aa�°,�r�i���d� l���d��/15��7� Begin U-4700 � i " p �' ,.•• - __ ' _ _ ---- " � �� � ., �,`�r.����c'��L,r �- � KH�LLOW �N ' .�_ _ -- _ i�'� �� .?�` .��,t�- r�• i�., � , - -- - _ . . � \\ �/ � i�. End U-4700 - --- - '- _ _. ��__ ��; � - 0 50 100 200 : �\ _ ��, Feet Existing Roadway Contour Lines (2') U_47�� _ U.S. 321 Widening T pf "°�'" °� Existing Property Lines Delineated Stream " � Proposed Hydraulic Structure Stream Impact Figure 10 � � Existing Drainage Structure Dwarf-flowered Heartleaf Population Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources � `�r �,�,� q Proposed Roadway Dwarf-flowered Heartleat Impact ----• Proposed Slope Stakes .............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer Caldwell County ��\ , ,\ � ��. _b,V�LE\D�, \�, RESCUE ' `,11\ 7QUAD IN�� J � - �'"� �— y— STREETSID ENTERPRISES �� � \��� . , : \ :\ ��,p,� . �� �O \ 1 � __\ . `'. � � . . . . . . .� . �� Begin U-4700 % ^\ \\\ %_ � � � � � � . , �; � `'',�. ' ; l�! �;(� '�,'�'�'�','�,= ',','' ', l i .' , �''��, �''�'�'��� �, �i�ia -, ',,,� , , ��,� � � �;, ����� �� � � � � ,�`; , � � �, N� . / , . , , , , , . . , . . . � f ,� . 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L! . i �� ' ' Ef�� �ff � �d� �1 {,�j�';' � - ' - �t .� � �cfiip � t � �Y � - � � 1 , � � 1 , �;r � 1 hr." . �r�,°;� . u� . , n �n � nn �nn � i i i ii i Existing Roadway Contour Lines (2') T pf "°�'" °� Existing Property Lines Delineated Stream " � Proposed Hydraulic Structure Stream Impact � � Existing Drainage Structure Dwarf-flowered Heartleaf Population � `�r �,�,� q Proposed Roadway Dwarf-flowered Heartleat Impact ----• Proposed Slope Stakes .............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer U-4700 - U.S. 321 Widening Figure 11 Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources Caldwell County `, _ , / . � . �� .' / . . ;�' , __ _�.� _ _ ,.._� �_ , • _ �� ' �,K�NT ST - - -- - "-`���� _ ` ��- .'� _ �;� . \ . • . � B�?6iGS ;JAME" ' I / \ � . �/ i � , i `` ,�i � _ - �� ♦ -_ '-� i '' ♦ i� '� . . ERi� � ' . SAM' ,' ' . : � . . .' r � r � i . : ;' i ..................� � �i� i .. i i ' 321 � __,____-- �i � �-."� Begin U-4700 �' \ �. \ � � i► � qf Kq�tH c �e '� : �a` � � ��I � �� t �� / . . '� ; ;,',,�„%%%%-;�;,%% , � � � �� � ,� , ; ��.. � '� / � i I�, ^� , SH�. ! � � ���'' �� ��'';"''`''� � '. " •�` i ��� �� ;' • � , . • {o�l/ J , +`I,{'1�'; I",���� ` ' , ' � , , f� 1 , ' �,i.. � � � 1 S�TTLEfv1YRE , _L & A RAL,PH L; SR � aN . �j�. ' , `� ; � �'��`� - - ' . � '�'� *+y�-�� ' .� ,; . � -_ � �� '�� � !� _ •�d`, '`� , � �I, o �� -; t` ` _ i. , � 'i � �' `j i I f ---- ` ~I;' '� �.� : a'��n,�r',p�ac��r�a°��d��r,p�'a�� - , _ `ti �` ' f . g �.L � u� SC c �9 �,` i ' . � ' „ �' ��J`� �� ��� - � . . _ . '� AI �� � � � �r 6 � �3 �� 4 ��$1 . � Y '��"•.l t �.�• � �:• 'Ti , 1�3-t+ �P � �r t�, � �'tio��y,� �� a�b�' , i i ' 1' • , i����Pa�"���P�"��`r'C��,u��{°�' ' � ' , � ��� ��� � p'� C���,� G,��cF�O'� G��-� }� �� . ' , h��r �rr��,cr d"r,�,�r �f, u .` .` .` . .�. .� � .� � .•` ' � i i i i� i� . i :' i . '� .� � �. ' .SHA HUFFM, i• s k�� . �� . i �r4 ' � a� � u' fi`s'� j� i•: , "�P '�Y i � Ct��� �'����`�,h . ,�}.�C�D�i� rF�A�C s+�-. l �� � tl � i ii��,�.� a � �tSa� a�tfi'�p`,��''{" � . ��'£�"�r�f °;.�d�°,�� r�?d�°�f��dd� � ti � �y �- cA�l� �C � �D�°��C�u�����[ C�`u� ,��� ,' �iF ',��c� �' ���"�r� �'��i�"�'M FF �,���ti y; \ . ,� �3. ��'o '� G7, ��Y� '�r' �� �,�,k� ` �� ��, •� � �5"k ���sY�''r ��;1�'v r ���:f1Y,�'�' �' ' , ��, y� u �p' ° � �`{^��pu-�o" � � �T�'� h ��� ' ��'� �L•���'� h p��� i � _ *--� � �"' ��'❑ , L c,�y+{ C`c� o C+ r� 4 4 / 1� q � J �1 � � ' t7.�`��^v'�`���`� �' L' t7 �'y�°�" ���; � i h �4� �r, a �,q ;� � , i . ..tv° �°� �a��' �'�'� �„ �u�� � End U-4700 � �� '�'r�7h;�� 'f��'h�°��r''_'� Existing Roadway Contour Lines (2') Existing Property Lines Delineated Stream Proposed Roadway Stream Impact 9 '� 1 � , , � 1� +� ,�, ` ,, ; ',� � '+, ' � ; :�; . , ' �. � , , - ;,, , ',� J� � 0 50 100 200 Feet U-4700 - U.S. 321 Widening Figure 12 Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources ������� Proposed Retaining Wall Dwarf-flowered Heartleaf Population ----• Proposed Slope Stakes Dwarf-flowered Heartleat Impact -- Proposed Right of Way :...........: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer Caldwell County , � � ICIRV�PA,TRICK � �� �� �, ' : �;� ; dONAL� L�E � �Ld1Y ' � ; �� '�, `'�� `�,�; - - � MI'CMqEL '�� � , ^" . ` ��e ��� 1 HARqINCi �'� � � . / `r� I' �♦ _ � 1 ;AN,DER$ON �� ' � ' ; '� '� � ��' � FRANKLIN I ���/;-`,_, � '� �' �; : , ; , , , ,, , , � ' � „' , ' / • I . , �� , �� ', , , ; !. 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Gj � , \ � �`� : ; � � `� � ���' / - � � \ . ,\ , , ' � ; �� �� KTTLEMI�RE � %� �� Begin U-4700 i^ y � .`� /•� ' RAJ;P'H L'SR;� L7�N�Y', ,��LUAMS i' �< / ',�', SH�ILA �.,�1-�H�RLES'R ��, ''I ` �\ / _ i' ' ,','�O _ / , ,, _ . , ,,I�` . ` ,_ '� .' ; , .• � % End U-4700 .�' "'• ' ' , - , , , � . ,�' , .� � ' "'� ' � .. .............. - , , , , � 0 50 100 200 qf Kq�ty c �e '� : �a` � ���'r or rn� s // Feet . � Existing Roadway -- Proposed Right of Way U_47�� _ U.S. 321 Widening Existing Property Lines Contour Lines (2') Existing Drainage Structure Delineated Stream Figure 13 Proposed Roadway Stream Impact Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources ������� Proposed Retaining W all ............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer ----• Proposed Slope Stakes Caldwell County -_ . , � , , . ' , , HE , . L A _ _� ........................... q R C R S'C ,� '` \ , � KARO tYid � �KI LI N � ,�P,HYL,49S � �' �� I -__ - .. - - • - �� - - �-' GRE�R < < __.. - ----- - • . . , , /'.LAWSON_MAE21�=- � rG/�RY W � • a ,� , -- - - - - � - :� � l� -- , . _� �r �" , ..�`,` � � . �6�.X���' \ . .,�_ _ __� - ",,�ii,= - ;� "�',,',, 'RCBC . - . , � , , , , __ _ - - ' ST��i.E• - -� . - . �. - � - - - , - --- _, _ , _ __ - _ . . _- _ . - --.Af�tGE� Q � ' - - -: -- � � �,�.' -�� �% --_ � __ •— �--_= ---- ;� , _ ;�;�-�,'�'��� � '�� ''/'/'' _-- , -- �--�--- � ' -- ---= �'!�'� -, _-- _ ---;� ; _�-';'i ,- - _ � �-- , �__- � - �,�=�� --------__-_ , - - - - _ _ I' /,' ,ABC -, - _ ;'�,'� �(GRANIT�-'� ' _ FALL,�) ,_ �s`;` --_,-�;;;' ___ _: :�: _`-_ ___'�;==='- �, �`� /� . �'�``'_ ;__' - ,'���•• ��,' , 321 �• � � _ „ ' ������� �. , ���••��, ``� ; ' •,L'��• .�•. , _ _ .•'� ` v ��''••• .: ••''� ' � � , ,. , � •." " � -. . � , ��• � i � '•^—... .....� • , ,- � III ..... _ _ . ; m ;v�, �M, ;,,?C+N1NG 1 � ����, � �,INU�,��;YV�AHNTS LP���, --- _ . � . _ � �m� � -__ � � ^.�i Begin U-4700 � � �, �� � / � �, � End U-4700 Existing Roadway qf %q�ty c T � Existing Property Lines " � Proposed Hydraulic Structure � � Existing Drainage Structure � `�r � ,�,� s Proposed Roadway � � � � � � � Proposed Retaining W all . . . —_ . f.. •a�' , , �/ i ———.—— SP _ - _ . - . . � �ST�� " r�, ` r� E i ` - , � ' I� ' � . �,�� � I ' -'- Ur GRA - -- �\ � ' ' '. . . . , - - - - • Proposed Slope Stakes — — Proposed Right of Way Contour Lines (2') Delineated Stream Stream Impact Dwarf-flowered Heartleaf Population FA�LS . -. 0 50 100 200 Feet Dwarf-flowered Heartleat Impact U_47�� _ U.S. 321 Widening .............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer Figure 14 Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources Caldwell County ��t�i�HL E I NORTH HIGHLAND AVE ! � ____ : ♦ � ____�_ : ♦ . - _ '_______ _";____ ___ �' ___�_______________________ _______________�_ •.� ��_��__������������������� .; _______-����. ,. .. �_ - '_ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' , _ _ _ _ _ - ' _ '�� � .......................................... .......................... I' �' ' ' .... . ... .. ... ... ..... _ _- 1 ♦ - _ / i . , " -'.� ` ' '- , _ .. � ��'''' �'',, , ' , '_ " ____'" ,-'__' '____ _ �� ��� � __ , ,� , � _"_�-'_'___ � ��i ''' �',,' . . . . , ' , . ,. . � : � � �. � ' -- . . � � . _- -___- ., � . , ' '____'_"__ ____- . , - ,�_ • . � •--- • . . ,' i � _ - . � . ' -__ ' __ ... . . _ �� -_ `� --- _ - � , -= � :__ _ ,� L��i r JO�EP41 S� - - ' ,"�__ � -_'- � ,' `_"- ---- �INEWOQD ROAD- " __ __ _- -- _- . �, r' ` ----� -- ;��� . 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E � ��� ` • -� , ,�� , = B,RYAi�1T KATHY _ _ - RC Arch . � -1� - - '-� --- . -- --- . ���,, ------ -- -=�� �''- : . . -----------_ - ----- �� '• _ _ I� . '' '' ._:__ ;_-. .� --- _ . ,,.. � ''�. --- _ - — _ ` Sy�9,�R -=__ �. _ ' ���� ''� T�A�� - _ _ o� - , � ' ,- � � c�Ra�,�� - _ �y ; /,�� ,� , , E�ra� --__ _ ' '- TS � , r. � �'� �-- ----$Uf���N,.',;'-,;'� . � f . ' ���' - --- VERNON GORD�JN. -__,-- '�� ' ,'� ���'-��� , _ .-__ - _ i , /�; ' , —. --- , __ _ `` ,' 321 .' \ C. _ -- _ � . -' ' _ � � � 47� GHURCH ANN1� . , � *" - - `� � i ;�� J i�''3,'.. � \ � - - ' • � i � �f'yv, �Z , . � �'•� � . . � _ I l �' ,�u� L� � ___'. . ' . I i� r���j J�.7��+1�. . �j,.. _ i � . _ _ SR . . ,' ✓��`k `�"� � ' �� . . �,," �.' �� r{�,,�r,`� �¢� co� � . '�`� �}-'>v� \ . ._ � . . � L,,�� - . _ ' ' - - . - . � i i �•1 af�� . - - . i � , . . , _ ._ . ' � � . . - �-=_ -_ '-. __f_. �-. .. .. . . �- _ _ . :' ., � i :: i � . _ . �� � �5�� . _ . . �� � i . _ ' • _ . � , - - --_ ,. i i � �- -- ------- :. _ _ _ — ''.• '�.� � _ -- -- _ ______ W�4LLACE \ � % ' � ��� ---_--------_ ��RU�E A � .' ---• -_--." - ----- � --- _\; Begin U-4700 �^ y� � '��' ----- ----- - -- _ ----- � _ _- � . • .� � \ , � -•_-----_" _ -- - • �f�. nf�..i \ � � � � I .- i � � / End U-4700 •�� . . �- --- - . -- �\ i� �. ,,-"' :: • _ _, '-- ----:-- - - 0 50 100 200 ���� '� Feet �, , , , , Existing Roadway Contour Lines (2') Dwarf-flowered Heartleat Impact U_47�� _ U.S. 321 Widening T pf "°�'" °� Existing Property Lines Delineated Stream ,,,,,,,,,,,,,; 25' Slope Stakes Buffer " � Proposed Hydraulic Structure Stream Impact Figure 16 � � Existing Drainage Structure Wetland Impact Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources � `�r �,�,� s Proposed Roadway 0 Delineated Wetland ----• Proposed Slope Stakes Dwarf-flowered Heartleaf Population Caldwell County . , j �,' �; � � / �,,',. — .'�,�' /'� � . - - ;;�,;,;;" �,�p. ,�;;,-,�;,; ��, .,,.'� H&H - ,' . " HOLDINGS OF ' � ' ' , , -_ �- - �------ ,sai�;�p�,n�ir�z�ivr' , __ , ,,�,p'u���;,,' , .' r' ' �� _�=- � _ � '���r i, '�; �. . ��� -_ _ -_ �,' � ----___ ,` , o . �,' ' .'� , ��', � �;�,�, � � . , ; � , .'� � �. , , , ��' � �,.'� � / ���'' V� � ' � � �a�i ,- 321 ����,' t`�- - �� _�� .���• - -. �.(9� � .;' ' �� � . . �.� .:�;' , „ ' ' ���'' `� ' ' . , v�i _ ; , ''., ,p'` '�` �,,, � � , ' ,• ;` ,_. BE�I�'.\ , . ,, cyNTHiAM.'�. __ , . � . - ��� �' . - ,�,� ,.' ' ':' � ST ,\ ,- -_`� , ..; 1\ ,I�; ;, - ' HIN � . � '� '. .,, � . _,, ,- -- STE�-A •' �.• ���:.:,. �` . ---._ �.. . � _ ���, CFi4CKE�ILC ��, .' -_---:�= `"�':.:' _ %; '.'' ''��. __,-� _``�`-___,-`-'`==.� ��\ � . FOX RUSS�EL _ _ � __ __ . Begin U-4700 �^ y/ � ���,, _`` --- - ---------- ---------�----- ----_ : , , : ; _ _ � . : / � '_ - - _ __ _ - ___- ��\ � — � . ,'� ' OA OD -� � — -- -- __ — � ' MO \ % � End U-4700 ,,' HQ�s i ��, , 0 50 100 200 �� � �" Feet �, • : Existing Roadway Delineated Stream U_47�� _ U.S. 321 Widening T pf "°�'" °� Existing Property Lines Stream Impact " � Existing Drainage Structure � Delineated Body of Water Figure 17 � � Proposed Roadway ............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources � `�r � ,�,� q - - - - • Proposed Slope Stakes Contour Lines (2') Caldwell County :• , . � � : , - -- - '`-'' ___ - - --_, -- _ -_ � .,�'�', .- � � , � - _ . . . - -___`- -_ ,--- - ,� --_ �- - __ �, - __ -- __- �' ___ - _ ------- -_- -- � �,� �,�' _. - ----� �- ; --_ _ � - _ _ - - = _ _SG •;_.�,.' 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Existing Roadway Stream Impact U_47�� _ U.S. 321 Widening Existing Property Lines :............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer Proposed Roadway Figure 18 ----• Proposed Slope Stakes Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources Contour Lines (2') Delineated Stream Caldwell County . . I ,, • --- - ' .' -� �_------��-- �i� ',""� � '��' ���,, , , ---- 1^�S BARR'�' C � � ' ,' ��7f�1S-�� _ - � ',�'�' ,'•',, - � .__ \\\��� N . � , , � _l€-MaE --- .s �, - G . . -,,_ I' � -- _ ..''�� ��' ,' � 'Li� �- - . �. , _ --__�' TctiA .'� RlCHARDS _ �' � � .' BARBARA' - ._ —'�J .'' ,1�AN _____ .�1__-- __ ,.- ��__ ._____ �___ ---:-`_�=_�=� . .,'" ,,� __ ---�-----�,_,___- ,�_--_ _�-----�" _ - ' ,' ,' :'`� `'�------ ----------- ' --- ___ __ _ -: .,'•,, �,'' ''�._\�` - -- -- - ------- ----- `\ - -_SUMG�F�N�R ,' ,' _ -- '��`�__, � _ ���Rv ',, 321 .•�' / _ - �% COBLE LN -----�� _ ------ .' ��� / - ------ — --- �� : : - : � - -' --- ; . �� / - --- - ` _ _ ��i� '�i � �—/ __ � __ _ � =�` ; _ = _ , , � ' - _ . „� � - - � � �-- — ---- ` ' - . � _ _ : . , __— . �- -- -- _ �OF�€Y� �/ . � � �- - - • . ' _ ----------� � ' • ' ' -- �— - � . • _ _ __ . , , • ' __ _ _ , . • -. , ' __ - DEfW$� K� '�. ,�, - _____________ _ ____ __________ _ , ------ -_ '� . ',�. _---- - "�-___ _-- --- _-- ``= --- '•' • � ,�-- , --- ���_` - __ '� _-_- __--- _-, J ' ' �, -- --- ���� ' - 4'�RiJNI�LET , , _ —� 1' _ _ _ _ _ K�vijV Begin U-4700 � ^ \\ /—/�, � � �, qf N9Ark � �e '� : �a` � ���'r or rn� q �, -� - ._--- ----- -- - -- ---- -- - --- -- � _-------� ` - • - \`'\ `� ----, --- _'---- `� � ,-- �� _--_---_ ---- ` � '�. SIN}bl"ONS '�,� IAMBY BIL -- -- \ � ' KENN�iI-i"_ - ` `' � RAND ``�`, ." _, �_ _\__"- .�t'&JOAN�..____ ��.; '.,.;�`'�-__ ;� m ��. _,/�� __ `` =� �-�� _ .� � -.. --�� _= , ��������������������� -- �ALL'IST�fV — - - \ �� �/ ' " - � �' ,VUAYdV � 1 '" BRAD6HAW � 1K, , End U-4700 �-_ - __ ;/ '"HARRI,SC 0 50 100 200 Feet Existing Roadway Contour Lines (2') U-47�� � U.S. 321 Widening Existing Property Lines Delineated Stream Existing Drainage Structure Stream Impact Figure 19 Proposed Roadway 0 Delineated Wetland Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources ----• Proposed Slope Stakes ............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer -- Proposed Right of Way Caldwell County . �. , '�� - " --- f � , , /, � , '����,• ,-�f �, . � , _ � _ _ : . , . . / ; -� � � �. _ , . ET 1 I-�' __ ., `,CR,UZ�JO`\` . ��� '�� ��CMA�2LJ€ _ � �� "- .Ab,RIR... ,� �.' --- _ ��, ' MEr. �,, ,, ,'I %� �� '�T _ --- __ - -� � ,�" ,-'� , . - _ --` , '� ' ,, ��. �; ,�';� � _ ._. _ _ _ � �,r ,, ,, ; --� -�-:� ,� ' __ - _ ,MJTCHAAh-�" y ',k� '�, .'� ���� ,�,, - ; �MAXINE ' .' _i71G�: � ;'! � - ' -- �� �� �' I� 7 `� ,-,, ;',,;,';,,,'; ,.-- - cJ�, , i��_ � %q � � � --- ,---_"� " ,_ ,- __ �' ,•'� -___�� -� , ,'� � , .'�' � .�� - -- �� ---� �.�-� �.'��� �; '"-�-;-- "- _- _ - -" ` �' _- _ � " -----;� Q� �� .��.'� ���� �:. -- , -�--� _.--- - Z .' , , . . -- � , , - � ,� ' ';�;';;,, , � .�, ' �N� �� 321 ��� , _ . ����� � / ," � --_� -{� __ � - �-- �- � .�' ,, � / J ---�'r:�.; :, � ` -- -� _ ���=_�="- .. ,-'� -'� �. � `I'�� _--_ �_ � �:��= "_____ __ , ,, Tcy \ ,;,: , .. . . , , - . : , :• , _ - ,- : . _ : , , _:. . G�� �CCJ , "- � - �/G ' ' J� Y �7� _ � �, : ' ' —,I O � ' �� "-__- / . - — � --- ---___--�-= . ,,�" ,�� - -- � � � � � , .,'" . -�'��� � . � __- ---- , ,-'� ,;�� ------- ----- , . . ��. � � �-.,"� Begin U-4700 � � �, , � —' \\� �J '[� J � t� , � qf ��tH c �e '� : �a` � � ��I � �� t .'� RIC�KiARD� � ---� ,_ � , ' ----- " .� � , � BARBARA J,EAN, _ . . ,� _ \ I � , ��,• � _ , � � , �End U-4700 � ���� �� � � � �� � � �� 0 50 100 200 Feet Existing Roadway -- Proposed Right of Way :............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer Existing Property Lines Contour Lines (2') Proposed Hydraulic Structure Delineated Stream Existing Drainage Structure Stream Impact Proposed Roadway Wetland Impact ----• Proposed Slope Stakes 0 Delineated Wetland U-4700 - U.S. 321 Widening Figure 20 Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources Caldwell County , , . , Ha����auv-ir� ��" ,�� ,, �` ,. EF�NEST , l ` ,' / '� -_, - - --' ,I, ,''� � : ''�. �'' I . � ' - --� - -- : _ . , � , > � • _-- _ ------ --- . � , . - � _ - � - - _ �� , - ----- _- . - _ _ __ . , -_ -- - � ,��� -�' i - .- . � , , _ . � ,JY'� _ - 1 � il�i � �t 1 �CF2UMP T � {' . , ,�r <! � -- '� ' - .' ;1�� � . . / , . ,•� i,� N �� , ; " � � �_, .� � , .--- . ��A '�_ . . � �—� ' --- \.� •'.��' _ 'c' =•/ .'�' . - .�' --- ,� �,� ' ,'� .,' --� � � �� � :. , „� , ., � .% 321 „ „,. . : . '. . q . : ` -. :' \ , , • .� • � � � -- - �' . . . � � -------- � _ . .- - ' .' . -- ---- � , , -- WP � � .... ��OUP LLC . .......................... • :` � � � -__,__-.. , . ..................�••• _ � � , , �' _, -__- , , s� � , , , . :' y .. / /� �'G� � � L Ccf'L � �i . L� Cx� . _ . . . _ � - � �.. i � � _ � �� �'�,�s��'.��, �,�J���e+i_ CHEMICAL ,i -- �',. � '� -- � '��`'��, ��,,���,, � COATING INC '� , h• ' .' ,�u�`�"� i��`r' --"_ -- - . � � ��:v.�'. C�' ,h,� J� -,h�`, � -- _ _ _ . �`�l � � � . . i �,v.fS?r'� �'L�� �'� � fj�'I�L 1� _ _ -__ � - -�tii _ . ., ; � �` % ,-.y; Begin U-4700 �' � —� � i . ��� % �� 1�, End U-4700 qf Hq�tH c �e '� : �a` � ��I � �� t � '�� �� ------. -- ---� - --_= - -- -__-_ ,. ; � -- , , , ----• '-• _ , - - - -- - = - --- = 0 50 100 200 Feet Existing Roadway Wetland Impact Existing Property Lines � Delineated Wetland Proposed Roadway Dwarf-flowered Heartleaf Population ----• Proposed Slope Stakes Dwarf-flowered Heartleat Impact Contour Lines (2') ............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer Delineated Stream U-4700 - U.S. 321 Widening Figure 21 Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources Caldwell County , ,- . ,_ , , - , , , ,. , ,- ,- -- - - - -- - _ . , , _ __ ,' .' __ .. ,. . __ _ __ _ �. . ;� _ _- "--� -- � � � � �� � � - - \ _ `�\� . �'FNMA�? . � _ _ � _ _ _ _ __ _! � RT ,' . . 5H �� - -\ � . CFiA1�EES- �, ' _ - - - � � , • ��--:_' � -_ _ ' . cLr� ��� � �ri������ r� . . . ' -. � ` '.- \.. 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L�� �l cA�l L r_%�t � �� � . � � � �V �: ril��C py, r ' i i ' � . ' �,� f�. � ' � ��iYTi d �' � �+� f' . - i i \ . . � 7:��� �ti : � r C� � � �._.. , � i 'i if�l"���YP° n� 3�� '• '� \ � 7 '" ° �'`� ° � � � 321 : \��\\ / - - - - - - - „� c cz� �'� ,�-, �� � � - , � / `��� �`�� ,5���� i�, ��� \� � �? ��,r�+' � �. �,k �•'' � '---_.- HQIN�LL �. .. `� WILL`lAM l41 '� , -- • - . -- �. . _��� f� , - � - - � i ' q � . .. _ I ' . � _ _j� - . _�'' 34 _�_ ..'�,'' �,. �' ' - - ' -- �_ -_ - . ,'�� � �� ,'' T ��ALDW�LL� �- --_ , . � _ _:='i_ _-_ i ' ' ,' F�OURLLC' -___ - .---------�---"_ ---- � ------- '".-�" _---- \�\ � ' - 1�\ _`_ � ' ,_--------_"-- __ _-----�-__ _----' _--:--- � , �',_-- Begin U-4700 �^ y� � , -- � � , � " � ------�-------„ ----- ________=- ___ ____ --_- �, -_�:--- -- , .. , . ,.._. , . _ -_ . ._ . . , — _ „ __ , , . , „�, � _= * __ _ - �,��,� `- • -"- ,-- ------- — : , _ __ . _ . , . . . _ _ ,- _ .... -� , , . \\ �/ �� 1�. End U-4700 ._= ii_ . __ _ ---- � ,, -- __ _: _ �; - - �- � 0 50 100 200 '� � -_, � ��, Feet Existing Roadway Delineated Stream U_47�� _ U.S. 321 Widening T pf "°�'" °� — Existing Property Lines Stream Impact " � Existing Drainage Structure Dwarf-flowered Heartleaf Population Figure 22 � � Proposed Roadway Dwarf-flowered Heartleat Impact Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources � `�r � ,�,� q - - - - • Proposed Slope Stakes ............ : 25' Slope Stakes Buffer Contour Lines (2') Caldwell County . ., . ....,�` . � i• �... '. \KVDCKI• ......... • �� \ /( ,;\ � /' ' ',' � �I � .. , -.----�� --- , KERFOOT . _ ..• , �•. . ��NEWTO,N ',� '-_- ; - _ /� , RUSSELL / � • �, � - ,Rl�l-PH DOUGI�A�; j \ .tRN}�S - �' • � ' "� j' /� _ _ . ,'�, � ��• , , -- . �" .� - \ _ y--__�R�, .' �. \ . , , ,�' ' ��� j� -R� ,' �• AD MS�,J�ASO,N I� _ ',�, � --- ___ J{ • 30 ,• ;� , �'MI�` _------ �yo . �.'�' ,,��. � �T�P EN -_,_-- �s �. �. � '� ,'���'��,..�\ - --- 0�0 .•�' •'�,, \/� / � ,` �\; ` � �'' ��,, STRIKER �',`:,' \�::: ��� ERTIES � � /� _ ' .' L C ``,/�' Ff�RTL�Y � ���'::,,, � ,' \ � �� JIJDY W � .'• � ','� `',;;�� , ' - ���� N �_` WHA ' '� _ �� y \� ,-,�� -- � -__ � ' ���' 321 ��� \ \ �� ' , �' �' HUDSON-HWY \;_ !' WH . �,'�, ,• -, 321 --- �. � ,• � � LLC .\; �, . 4 fC4J�J; �,' I `. 1� . i ��, � \ _ ,PRII�CH p ;_� R� .' � .� - _-- �NIa�,�r/ N� �,� ,- , '°o� ;\ --_ -," _ i�""��``_--- �°oa �,'� ;•' o�� _ - - - _ _ _ cT , , �, ;� , . �� ,; �'�� _ ;�,,' ' .' '' _ - ��� , `;``;``` � ' ,' ``�'''`'' -�- C \� ,� �!/ � �za�,'�' H�__ , _ � - �.`�. Begin U-4700 � _ , , \ \ , _ �\,: \ _ �.�' ' _ : �\ �/ �� 1�, End U-4700 � , �; , 0 50 100 200 `, \ �. �, ,- Feet , , . Existing Roadway Delineated Stream U_47�� _ U.S. 321 Widening T pf "°�'" °� — Existing Property Lines Stream Impact " � Existing Drainage Structure � Delineated Wetland Figure 23 � � Proposed Roadway Dwarf-flowered Heartleaf Population Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources � `�r �,�,� q ----• Proposed Slope Stakes Dwarf-flowered Heartleat Impact Contour Lines (2') ,,,,,,,,,,,,; 25' Slope Stakes Buffer Caldwell County _ :• - . -'' _ ,. _: _ __ __- ; - �, :,,���� �%. ,/ ''l9 ______'__� __ _' _ ` , •,I,,, `I � � � _'_ __- ' ` -- __ _ /,, / ' _ _ _" ---- --- ---��AL�WEI.L' � ' / �___- __ _ ----=-- `-GO1.J��-1'!'-� - � %`',---" _- ',�; ----:_ ; -__ \ _ ,_ --` --- �� �'' _ ._ ,_ :�`-::;' --- ----___ - - _ � , ,.--- ---� - _ j/ �' ` `\ ' --- ; �' � ; -- _ l� . � ��\`' . _ ., ___ �'' �� �,:------ �% --- ___--- �—�-- � � �' ,� � �1 � � �' . \ /' _ _ � W � � �,.... ..�� .................................... f . � � . .. � � �� � ' � i---------__ � �� ', .� . . � � ------ _- � STATE OF , \'� '� �'' �;��� NORTH '� � � � \ � _ ' 327 '• CAROLINA � � �, , A � �E:' i � �" :'� ; ?�� ' . � /�, � ; � � o ` � ` 2 � � >, I` � ` � �2 ` �I ` � � � � O � ' � � ',/ ., , � :� �• . ' � ^.�i Begin U-4700 \\\ %— � i � � �� 1K. \ � qf Hq�tH c �e '� : �a` � ��I � �� t . �, � . � ,, _ ,� % R�AVESTC ,' � E TEI?RRI� ,' LL�. •.' �' .' �, ' \ . . SKl;tt \ .� ,�� CRElkYIONS � ' \ � INC . / . /. � .• � t ,- ,� ,' � . . � � � \ / ,� .'�, � �,'�• � � ��� � /`' __, � � �d� , . . . � SW�'N�ON � � � a � I �� ;���?tMUE'�. N — End U-4700 � ,'��� �� . \; . \ ��. 0 50 100 200 , , ,� Feet . , . Existing Roadway Contour Lines (2') Existing Property Lines Delineated Stream Proposed Roadway Stream Impact ----• Proposed Slope Stakes Wetland Impact Proposed Roadway � Delineated Wetland -- Proposed Right of Way :...........: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer U-4700 - U.S. 321 Widening Figure 24 Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources Caldwell County . t _ _ , , - , � , , , , - - __-- - _ , , , , _ _ __ ,. , , '. _ __ ``_ _ _ _ ` � �` - - � - , "�; _ �_, ___ ` ` -_;: -_=-=__ --=__---�--____ - ---__-__ -- - - --___-_� �' ; _ �' _-----_ -----�,, __'_ -_ __ _=.�ht�lA?�LL, � � � ----= _ - - � -__ � -----� ---- __ .TECFiP�ICAL��� '� - __-- - , _�_ _- _-- _ ----- �- - , 'I{�1STf1�UT�?- ��. -��- - _ _ _ `_ -_ ��_. _ ',��. . --� �. ��. . . ; , � . � , ,�A'LD,4N�L'� �� `r� ,- - � . `� , . � `. ��.�.' :'�bARD, O�, „� �� � . ,;, � '�e , ,. � ,���.car��o�.l�'�;;�';, wJ �-- .�` �,a �.� ` �, _ � �`��, '� �'` \\' \��. ` � \� \,' \' ���;"�: �', � . -� �'�'�' ;'�'' '`,��'' ,', ��c� .� G'����� '• � BA; �- `�� � �7� __ STEVE�, ���;.��� � . - ��• _ ��� �` ,'�� -__ =-�-==' -_ �-� =�= _�� ��,� �,'�, ��''� ,' ''� � � � __====;_-___-_;==: ,� ;� -- • �� /'A '• ` ,' -1e;=•��_ '�'== ?�� �� �t-= . ` �� �' . ' '_ ` _ -�'=;=�� - _ .�\���\�, ` � '�' _--- -_. ' �, _,,'- _� __-_��.�. ---'C�`QLpVV�LI� \ �. �� _-------_ -., : ,CflUNY,"Y , \'`'� 321 „ � _ _ ' '__ _ _-:`_ ` = `` = � ` _ . • ap�e'�; �;; _ _ � , R� ����\ ....._ __= _ __ : .-` _ _ .- � � � ��,y'�; _ �- � ' /' j ,C--�-` ` _'- ` - �'_______"" -� __-'_ ' _ . I__ -, _ ___'_�_' . ,I� _ = - , - , ' .. I -- -- � , '��. _ �NAY�� _ ,' RbB�RI�, , � ' ' BARTO'N. - Begin U-4700 � ^ � � �, , - � ! � � �, qf N9Ark � �e '� : �a` � ���'r or rn� q ,� , ,_ s . ' . - � ,' � �. , i , ' i � � - � ' �� ' _ , . _ _ _ End U-4700 ' " � � " " � 1;� �., , , ,, , _- � �" ---- ----- - -- -- - , , . _ -- _ __ - _ -. '� � �- �� "� � -� � 0 50 100 200 . . - .- Feet , : Existing Roadway Contour Lines (2') U_47�� _ U.S. 321 Widening Existing Property Lines Delineated Stream Proposed Hydraulic Structure Stream Impact Figure 25 Proposed Roadway � Delineated Wetland Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources ----• Proposed Slope Stakes ............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer Proposed Roadway Caldwell County � � � ' ;,� � �:i , , . , , _ _ \� `'� ------ \ � � _ " '" -- _-' --------- �- _ '----- � � . . , 1':r;,�� ------ -- �-_''_' -_ ___ _ -__ - -' ,__ '� � , . = --_--=_-'_ __ _'_ -'_' � ' -----'- / � ' _=``���- '_ _-"' --"-- \�SDp``����-=�`��`�`�'`��-�`-` �/ � � �-------s__ ;�P� CAI�pWELL - -...�JJ '�. ----- TECHNIC - _..� -� .• �: " IN TE _ : _ � '�p°aY.. �� --- - _ : "=_ _ ,���� �,, . . _ ,,........�_ :�' , . .............lJ � i� I , ---------_ �, / � , , , , , �.. . . . . . . . . .' � • . . � �^ � ' � -�. _ _ , ', ' . ' ;:r;'• .'' _ .... �- �`� � �, ..24, �,• , - . .' ' . ` ,, _ ---� � �' , , - " . , ---�, , 327 ,���' '. _ - . , - ---- . _ ���� ,'� Cee� �,'� ,'� , ,' o�ae� G .' �' � /' ;' , Gv'�`Q , __-- ,' -__ =-- �--=_- .' �,�' _ " _ -----. =_='' ,,�. �.,�' '- , HA�AS�.KEITH /�� � " � . " " ' � .,�.'�' .'�'' _, ----� -- , \ ,, ' �,'`, ` ` ``\_ �-_, _ , ",_ � ��� ^ "�/ � � . ���� , _ � --- "- , - --" . , - . Begin U-4700 � :' RE1F3 - � ----�- __--' " - _ � \ _ �'/ ' .� BAXTE _-- - _ " � " �� j .' S�f E Id � _ _ � �� % � 1�, End U-4700 ,�� � � � - �` 0 50 100 200 qf %q�ty c �e '� : �a` � ���'r or rn� q , , ,� Feet , Existing Roadway Stream Impact U-47�� - U.S. 321 Widening - Existing Property Lines Dwarf-flowered Heartleaf Population Existing Drainage Structure Dwarf-flowered Heartleat Impact Figure 26 Proposed Roadway ............: 25' Slope Stakes Buffer Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources Contour Lines (2') Delineated Stream Caldwell County �� � � , " _ � _.. _ __ __ . , . _ . �� ., ---- - -- --- — , - � ----- - - � - - �_ -- -� - � ------- � � --- - - �. ' _ _ ____ _ ,- . . � --- _ _ _ _ __ __ , . _ __. _ _ _ ___ . . ,-''� -__ _ -_ _ , �.,, - -. . � - `�' - - --- -- -- -- - - - - - `` _ _, . . -_ ,- '--_ '�� -- --- --- - , , ___----- ----------- . _. ---- -___ . 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