HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000435_Asheville MS4 Inspection App A Supporting Docs_20181218 Appendix A Supporting Documents MS4 Inspection Report Asheville, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000435 Inspection Date: September 27-28, 2018 Appendix A Supporting Document 1 Riverlink Inspection Maintenance Agreement (signed) MS4 Inspection Report Asheville, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000435 Inspection Date: September 27-28, 2018 Appendix A Supporting Document 2 IDDE Program ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION (IDDE) 1.Objectives for Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination a.Implement and enforce a program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges into the MS4; b.Maintain a storm sewer system map, showing the location of major outfalls and the names and location of waters of the United States that receive discharges from those outfalls; c.Prohibit, through ordinance, or other regulatory mechanism, non-stormwater discharges except as allowed in this permit and implement appropriate enforcement procedures and actions; d.Implement a plan to detect and address non-stormwater discharges, including illegal dumping to the MS4; e.Inform public employees, businesses, and the general public of hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste; and f.Address the following categories of non-storm water discharges or flows (i.e., illicit discharges) only if you identify them as significant contributors of pollutants to the MS4: waterline flushing, landscape irrigation, diverted stream flows, rising ground waters, uncontaminated groundwater infiltration, uncontaminated pumped groundwater, discharges from potable water sources, foundation drains, air conditioning condensation, irrigation water, springs, water from crawl space pumps, footing drains, lawn watering, individual residential car washing, flows from riparian habitats and wetlands, dechlorinated swimming pool discharges, and street wash water (discharges or flows from fire fighting activities are excluded from the effective prohibition against non-storm water and need only be addressed where they are identified as significant sources of pollutants to waters of the United States). 2.BMPs for Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination The permittee shall implement the following BMPs to meet the objectives of the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program and shall notify the Division prior to modification of any goals. BMP Measurable Goals a. Maintain an Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program Maintain a written Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program, including provisions for program assessment and evaluation and integrating program. 17-18 Accomplishment The City of Asheville currently relies on our stormwater ordinance (Section 7-12-2) which guides the illicit discharge process. The City will continue to follow this guidance from the ordinance and continue to look for ways to enhance this program. 18-19 Proposed Objectives Continue to follow ordinance and establish a written program for illicit discharge. 19 BMP Measurable Goals b. Maintain adequate legal authorities The permittee shall maintain an IDDE ordinances or other regulatory mechanisms that provides the legal authority to prohibit illicit connections and discharges. Accomplishment The City of Asheville Council approved and adopted Ordinance 3875 on June 8, 2010. Section 1 (k) regulates illicit discharge (Appendix A). The city had a previous Ordinance 3520 adopted on August 21, 2007 that addressed illicit discharge, stormwater and erosion control. 18-19 Proposed Objectives Continue to follow ordinance. BMP Measurable Goals c. Maintain a Storm Sewer System Base Map of Major Outfalls The permittee shall maintain a current map showing major outfalls and receiving streams. 17-18 Accomplishment The City maintains and updates maps of the stormwater system throughout the city in both ArcGIS and in MapAsheville, both of which are GIS based systems. The general public has access to MapAsheville through the City’s website. These maps are updated periodically to show the new storm drainage systems that have been installed. Both of these mapping systems show the locations of streams, rivers, ponds and lakes that may be affected by any stormwater that may enter them. 18-19 Proposed Objectives Continue to maintain and update maps of the Stormwater system in both ArcGIS and in MapAsheville. BMP Measurable Goals d. Implement a program to detect dry weather flows The permittee shall maintain a program for conducting dry weather flow field observations in accordance with written procedures. 17-18 Accomplishment The City of Asheville construction inspectors perform routine inspections of all grading, erosion control and stormwater projects currently under construction. These inspectors are assigned a specific area within the City in which they are familiar with the stormwater systems. Also, the stormwater maintenance and operation staff performs routine inspections and maintenance of the publicly maintained storm drain systems throughout the City. In the event that they discover a suspected illicit discharge, or a resident of the city reports a questionable discharge, City staff is notified and visit the site and take photos. In the event that the City is unable to identify the discharge, the NC Division of Water Resources is contacted for testing purposes. Assuming there is evidence of an illicit discharge, the owner is notified in person (if possible) and by certified letter about what has been found, the amount of time to cure 20 and ramifications should they choose not to comply in accordance with section 7-12-2 of the UDO which covers civil penalties. 18-19 Proposed Objectives Construction inspectors will continue to perform routine inspections. Also the maintenance and operations staff will perform routine inspections and maintenance of the storm drain systems. BMP Measurable Goals e. Investigate sources of identified illicit discharges The permittee shall maintain written procedures for conducting investigations of identified illicit discharges. 17-18 Accomplishment City of Asheville has staff that responds to illicit discharge concerns which includes identifying the source and working with the property owner to resolve the issue. This fiscal year 17 illicit discharge complaints were responded to by the City of Asheville. Provide residents with a 24/7 on call number to report illicit discharge, off-site sedimentation and other related issues. 18-19 Proposed Objectives Continue to perform these duties. BMP Measurable Goals f. Track and document investigations illicit discharges For each case the permittee shall track and document 1) the date(s) the illicit discharge was observed; 2) the results of the investigation; 3) any follow-up of the investigation; and 4) the date the investigation was closed. 17-18 Accomplishment The Stormwater Quality Specialist investigates all illicit discharge complaints. All complaints are documented with pictures and the date the investigation was closed, as well as any follow up needed. Complaints and inspections are also logged in a database. 18-19 Proposed Objectives Continue to track all illicit discharge complaints. BMP Measurable Goals g. Provide Employee Training The permittee shall implement and document a training program for appropriate municipal staff, who as part of their normal job responsibilities, may come into contact with or otherwise observe an illicit discharge or illicit connection. 17-18 Accomplishment Conducted Municipal Storm Water Pollution Prevention training to the following departments: ➢Stormwater Services ➢E-building NPDES Training ➢Streets Division 21 Staff was informed of hazards associated with illegal discharge and improper disposal of waste during the Storm Water Pollution Prevention training. 18-19 Proposed Objectives Incorporate training for new employees during the orientation process. BMP Measurable Goals h. Provide Public Education The permittee shall inform public employees, businesses, and the general public of hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste. 17-18 Accomplishment Students were informed about the hazards associated with illicit discharge and ways they can help protect our water during the water education tours, Rugby Middle School Water Education Day, Buncombe County Field Days and school career days. Brochures about illicit discharge were also handed out during the Asheville Outlets Truck Event. 18-19 Proposed Objectives Continue to educate the public on illicit discharge during our water education tours, school events and all public events. BMP Measurable Goals i. Provide a public reporting mechanism The permittee shall promote, publicize, and facilitate a reporting mechanism for the public and staff to report illicit discharges and establish and implement citizen request response procedures. Accomplishment The City has a 24 hour telephone number in which a staff member is on call to respond to issues related to illicit discharge, off-site sedimentation and other related issues. This telephone number is located on the City of Asheville's website and on educational brochures mailed annually to the public. 18-19 Proposed Objectives Continue to provide a 24 hour telephone number to report issues related to illicit discharge, off-site sedimentation and other related issues. BMP Measurable Goals j. Enforcement of the IDDE ordinance The permittee shall implement a mechanism to track the issuance of notices of violation and enforcement actions as administered by the permittee. This mechanism shall include the ability to identify chronic violators for initiation of actions to reduce noncompliance. Accomplishment 22 City of Asheville Stormwater Ordinance No. 3875 allows the enforcement of notices of violations for illicit discharge. All NOV’s are logged into our database, a hard copy of all correspondence are kept in a file located in the Stormwater Quality Specialist office. 18-19 Proposed Objectives Continue to enforce city ordinance. 23 MS4 Inspection Report Asheville, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000435 Inspection Date: September 27-28, 2018 Appendix A Supporting Document 3 IDDE Complaint Spreadsheet (excerpt) Date Complaint Received Address/Company Complaint/Investigation 7/3/2017 68 Clyde St Oil in street 7/3/17 complaint received from DOT, 7/5/17 7/11/2017 102 Choctaw Street Oil spill Complaint orginally received on 6/28/17 from 8/1/2017 132 Murdock Ave Milky Water Mr. Tom Craig lives at 132 Murdock Ave and has 8/16/17 Tim B back from vacation, went to 8/23/2017 39 Emmett Lane ID-grout dumped in strormdrain pipe 8/23/17- Tim B received complaint from DSD 8/23/2017-4:30 Robert called stating that the 8/24/17- Tim B. inspected and found the box, 8/24/17- Certified Mail Sent to owners 8/30/17-Letters Received 11/13/17 186 Vermont Ave Draining pool and running onto neighbor. 11/15/17 Nancy Watford inspected and did not 11/16/17 Keisha inspected and did not see any 11/16/17 Corner of Montford Ave & Blake Blowing leaves into road/sidewalk Keisha inspected and they are not blowing them 12/12/17 136 Sondley Parkway Placing leaves in drainage ditch Keisha inspected and leaves have been placed in 12/12/17 - Certified Letter to owners 12/16/17 - Letter received 1/8/18 - Keisha re-inspected and the leaves 1/3/18 12 Gerber Rd Silver water coming out of the ground and Robert Heinis in Sanitation inspected and could 1/3/18 - Keisha inspected creek and storm 1/31/18 - Received contact informtion and 2/1/18 - Meet on site, paper appears to be 2/2/18 - MSD said the business contaced them 2/6/18 - Keisha inspected and it was all cleaned 1/8/18 Corner of Short Coxe & Water coming up from under the ground. Keisha inspected, did not appear to be illicit 1/13/18 West Chapel & Hendersonville Fuel tanked spilled appx. 100 gallons of gasoline AFD Hazmat & DOT responded 2/4/18 288 Lyman St Fuel leak AFD Hazmat & NC Dept of Water Quality 2/21/18 215 Kimberly Ave (Country Club Paint being washed out and running onto 2/21/18 - Keisha inspected, there was paint in 2/27/18 - Sent letter to property owners. 2/25/18 32 S Lexington Ave Sludge coming out of pipe 2/28/18 - Keisha inspected, did not see anything 3/1/18 8 Richmond Ave Oil flowing off the driveway 3/1/18 - Carson with Mountain True reported. 4/30/18 21 Battery Park Ave Dumping Grease Into Grates 4/30/18 - Darlene Barnwell received Asheville 2017/2018 Illicit Discharge Complaints MS4 Inspection Report Asheville, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000435 Inspection Date: September 27-28, 2018 Appendix A Supporting Document 4 Illicit Discharge Brochure Stormwater Services: The federal government requires the City of Asheville and all similarly-sized U.S. cities to create and maintain stormwater programs in an effort to restore and maintain the integrity of our nation’s waters by sharply reducing water pollution. The city’s stormwater program is a requirement established by the federal government’s Clean Water Act (CWA), which is dedicated to implementing broad-based watershed strategies to reduce water pollution. These strategies include: maintaining and improving the public storm drain system, enforcing stormwater and erosion standards related to (re)construction activities, preventing illegal dumping in the storm drain system, and educating the public about stormwater issues. Point source water pollution is pollution from a single identifiable source such as a factor or refinery. Non point source water pollution occurs when rainfall or irrigation water runs over lands, picks up pollutants and deposits them into waterways or groundwater. Indications of Potential Illicit Discharge: o Heavy flow in storm drain system during dry weather o Strong odor o Colorful or discolored liquid o Evidence of dumping into waterway City of Asheville PO Box 7148 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone (828) 232-4567 www.ashevillenc.gov CITY OF ASHEVILLE STORMWATER SERVICES ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION & ELIMINATION Illicit discharge is defined as any discharge to the stormwater system that is not composed entirely of stormwater, except for discharge allowed by permit or waters used for fire fighting operations. Federal regulations require communities to detect and eliminate illicit discharge. We all live downstream. THINGS TO DO AROUN D YOUR HOME: There are simple steps that we can take to prevent illicit discharge. It is up to each of us, the homeowners, business owners and community to clean it up, and to help keep it clean. 1. Used oil, antifreeze and batteries can be recycled at an auto parts store or at the Buncombe County landfill located at 81 Panther Branch Road. If a spill occurs be sure to clean up immediately. Kitty litter or sawdust will absorb the spill, sweep up and dispose of properly. 2. Wash your car on the grass so that the water & detergent will be filtered by the soil. Or take your car to a commercial car wash where the dirty water is recycled. 3. Household cleaners, pesticides and weed killer should be disposed of according to label directions. 4. Cooking grease or oil should be put into a disposable container, sealed and then placed in the trash. 5. Do not put grass clippings, leaves and other yard waste into storm drain, swale or ditch. The City of Asheville collects tree limbs, bagged leaves and shrub trimmings. For more information please call (828) 259-5857. The city does not collect grass clippings (homeowners may compost or leave grass on yard to fertilize lawn) or garden waste including vines and waste from flower or vegetable gardens. One of the easiest and quickest ways to dispose of the loose leaves is to compost them. By running a mulching mower over the leaves, the leaves will compost directly into the lawn. Another way to compost them is by raking them into a compost pile. When spring arrives the leaves will have decomposed and will be a great soil additive for gardening. The Buncombe County landfill will also accept leaves. For more information call (828) 250- 5462. 6. Laundry wastewater/gray water should not be piped into the yard or ditch where soapy water can pollute waterways. Washing machines should drain into the sanitary sewer system. 7. Gasoline, paints and paint related products can be taken to the Buncombe County landfill. The county holds household hazardous waste collection days each Friday at the landfill on Panther Branch Road between the hours of 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. For detailed information about disposal guidelines for hazardous wastes, visit www.buncombecounty.org Solid Waste Department or call (828) 250-5462. ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE: In the event of an accidental discharge or an unavoidable loss to the City MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) of any pollutant, the person concerned shall inform the City as soon as possible, but not to exceed 24 hours, of the nature, quantity and time of occurrence of the discharge. The person concerned shall take immediate steps to contain the waste, treat the waste or other actions to minimize affect of the discharge on the MS4 and receiving waters. The person shall also take immediate steps to ensure no recurrence of the discharge. REPORT ILLICIT DISCHARGE & ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE: (828) 232-4567 Monday – Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm (828) 251-1122 MS4 Inspection Report Asheville, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000435 Inspection Date: September 27-28, 2018 Appendix A Supporting Document 5 Adopted Permit Fees 1 PLANNING AND ZONING FEES PREVIOUS FY18 FEE NEW FY19 FEE Single Family Residential Plan Review Accessory Structure, Deck, Carport, Garage, and Roofed Porch $25 $75 New Construction (per unit)$50 $75 Level I Projects < 500 sq ft $25 $100 500 – 1,499 sq ft $100 $250 1,500 – 34,999 sq ft $200 $500 Change of Use to Higher Impact $200 $250 Cellular Collocation $200 $400 Level II Projects Residential 20 – 50 Units $450 $1,500 Nonresidential Use in Residential District $450 $1,500 Commercial 35,000 – 100,000 sq ft $550 $1,500 Industrial < 100,000 sq ft or < 15 acres $550 $1,500 Conditional Zonings (Level III Projects) Conditional Zoning < 1 Acre or < 5000 sq ft $350 $2,000 1 - 6 Acres or 5,000 sq ft - 34,999 sq ft $450 $3,000 7 - 10 Acres or 35,000 sq ft - 100,000 sq ft $750 $4,000 10+ Acres or >100,000 sq ft or 50+ residential units $1,550 $5,000 Final TRC Review $100 $800 Subdivisions & Recombinations Minor Subdivision $50 $200 Major Subdivision (1-3 lots)$750 $1,500 4+ Lots $1,250 $2,000 Recombination Plat $50 $100 Final Plat $50 Rezonings < 1 Acre $350 $1,000 1 - 6 Acres $450 $1,500 7 - 10 Acres $550 $2,000 10+ Acres $750 $2,500 Conditional Use Permits Telecommunications Tower $4,050 $5,000 Adult Use $650 $1,500 Other Conditional Use Permit $500 $1,500 Historic Resources Commission Major Work Residential COA $75 $250 Major Work Commercial COA $100 $400 Minor Work COA (Residential & Commercial)$25 $50 Local Landmark Application $150 $500 Board of Adjustment Zoning Variance $200 $500 Additional Zoning Variances $50 $100 Sign Variance $400 $500 Additional Sign Variances $50 $100 Appeal of Staff Interpretation or Decision $500 $800 Sign Permits Freestanding $100 $250 All Others $100 $200 Sign Refacing/Replacement Panel (all sizes)$100 $100 2 PLANNING AND ZONING FEES PREVIOUS FY18 FEE NEW FY19 FEE Temporary Sign & Inflatable Balloon (per unit)$25 $25 A‐Frame Sign (annually)$25 $50 Pushcarts, Outdoor Dining, & Outdoor Merchandise Pushcarts Pushcart Relocation Fee $75 $100 Application Fee $150 $200 Renewal Fee $100 $150 Outdoor Dining & Merchandise 1 - 100 sq ft Application Fee $175 $200 Renewal Fee $50 $150 >100 sq ft Application Fee $350 $600 Renewal Fee $200 $450 Events and Temporary Use Permits Temporary Use Permit <100 attending $25 $100 100 - 1,000 attending $100 $250 >1,000 attending $350 $500 Food Truck $100 Multiple Events (within six months)$50 $50 Event Amendment $75 $50 Address Assignment Fees Address Change 10-50 $100 - $500 $250 > 50 $750 $750 Miscellaneous Permits/Applications, Fees, and Services Permits/Applications Alternative Compliance $200 $350 Flexible Development Standards $75 $100 Home Occupation $50 $50 Homestay $200 $200 Occupancy Permit $25 $25 Steep Slope & Ridgetop (applied during review as applicable)$50 $50 Wording Amendment $500 $800 Fees Amendment to Commercial Plan or Subdivision Plan - Minor (after permit issuance)$50-$150 $100 Amendment to Commercial Plan or Subdivision Plan - Major (after permit issuance)50%50% Downtown Commission or River Commission Review - Major $250 $1,500 Reinspection (after second inspection)$25 $100 Resubmittal - Residential (after third submittal)$135 $75 Resubmittal - Commercial (after third submittal)$135-$225 $200 Services Early Assistance $40 $120 Expedited Review (per hour - minimum $200)$100 $100 Verification of Existing Land Use $200 $250 Verification of Existing Lot or Structure $100 $150 Zoning Determination Letter $200-$550 $350 Zoning Compliance Letter (no research)$34 $75 All fees listed are subject to the 4% technology fee except those marked ^ 3 SITE DEVELOPMENT FEES PREVIOUS FY18 FEE NEW FY19 FEE Single Family Residential Plan Review New Construction (per unit)$50 $75 Stormwater & Flood Permits Level I Project $600 $750 Level II Project $680 $1,200 Level III Project $880 $2,000 Major Subdivision $680 $1,200 Flood Permit - Minor Work $75 $100 Floodplain Development - Major Work (each primary structure)$200 $600 Floodway Development $500 $1,000 Flood Permit Extension Request (prior to expiration)$100 Grading Permits Residential < 10,000 sq ft $175 $225 Commercial < 10,000 sq ft $270 $600 Commercial > 10,000 sq ft (per acre - minimum one acre charge)$620 $1,200 Publicly Funded Project (under an acre)50% Residential Permit Extension Request (prior to expiration)$75 $100 Commercial Permit Extension Request (per acre - prior to expiration)$75 $600 Driveway Permits (per entrance) Residential $100 $150 Commercial $200 $300 Encroachments Residential $200 $200 Commercial $200 $400 Microcell Public Right-of-Way $50 Miscellaneous Permits/Applications, Fees, and Services Fees Amendment to Commercial Plan or Subdivision Plan - Minor (after permit issuance)$75 $100 Amendment to Commercial Plan or Subdivision Plan - Major (after permit issuance)50% Reinspection (after second inspection)$100 Resubmittal - Residential (after third submittal)$135 $75 Resubmittal - Commercial (after third submittal)$135-$225 $200 Services Expedited Review (per hour - minimum $200)$100 $100 All fees listed are subject to the 4% technology fee except those marked ^ 4 BUILDING FLAT FEES PREVIOUS FY18 FEE NEW FY19 FEE Single Family Residential Plan Review New Construction $125 $125 New Construction Waiver $25 $25 Single Family Residential Permits Accessory Structure, Deck, Carport, Garage, and Roofed Porch < 500 sq ft $75 $75 > 500 sq ft $0.30 $150 plus $0.30 per sq ft over 500 Electrical Inspection $75 $75 New Construction < 1,500 sq ft $475 $475 > 1,500 sq ft $0.30 $475 plus $0.30 per sq ft over 1,500 Renovation/Remodel $325 $325 Reroof $75 $75 Manufactured Home (HUD Approved) or Modular Building (NC Seal)$150 - $300 $200 Heat Pump or A/C Installation $75 $75 Demolitions Residential Demolition $75 $75 Commercial Demolition - Interior Only $75 $100 Commercial Demolition - Entire Building $150 $150 Western North Carolina Air Quality Agency Fees Residential^$25 $25 Commercial^$50 $50 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) Application $200 $200 TCO Inspection Fee (per division, per floor) Stocking $75 $100 Stocking & Training $75 $100 Public Occupancy $75 $100 Bond Administration Fee $200 $200 Reinspection (per trade, per floor)$75 $100 Miscellaneous Permits/Applications, Fees, and Services Permits/Applications ABC Inspection (per trade)$75 $100 Annual Maintenance Permit $100 $100 Contractor Change $75 $100 Expiring Permit Renewal $75 $100 Foster Home Inspection $25 $25 Minimum Permit Fee (if not listed)$75 $100 Residential Change-out (same contractor)$75 $75 Residential Trade Permit $75 Retaining Walls (attached or adjacent to building)$75 $100 School Inspection $100 $100 5 Temporary Saw Service (Pole)$75 $75 Temporary Utilities (TU) Application (per 10 units)$200 $200 Temporary Utilities (TU) Renewal (prior to expiration)$100 $100 Fees Amendment to Commercial Building Plan - Minor (after permit issuance)$75 $100 Amendment to Commercial Building Plan - Major (after permit issuance)$75 plus fees based on cost of work increases $75 plus fees based on cost of work increases Failure to Have Approved Plans on Site $135 $150 Failure to Post Permit $75 $100 Homeowner Recovery Fund^ (per building permit)$10 $10 Reinspection (per trade - after second inspection)$100-$200 $100 Re-stamp of Additional or Lost Approved Plans $75 $100 Resubmittal - Residential (after third submittal)$135 $75 Resubmittal - Commercial (after third submittal)$135-$225 $200 Services After Hours Inspections (per hour - minimum $200 per trade)$100 $100 Electrical Homeowners Exam $75 $75 Electrical Journeyman Exam $50 $50 Electrical Journeyman Renewals (3 years)$30 $30 Electrical Special Scheduled Exam $100 $100 Expedited Review (per hour - minimum $200)$100 $100 Fire Department Access Review $50 All fees listed are subject to the 4% technology fee except those marked ^ 6 COMMERCIAL BUILDING VALUATION FEES PREVIOUS FY18 FEE NEW FY19 FEE Building Plan Review* $0 - $10,000 $100 $100 $10,001 - $15,000 $125 $125 $15,001 - $25,000 $150 $150 $25,001 - $50,000 $175 $175 $50,001 - $100,000 $200 $200 $100,001 - $1,000,000 0.002% of total cost 0.002% of total cost $1,000,001 - $5,000,000 $2,000 plus 0.001% of all costs > $1 million $2,000 plus 0.001% of all costs > $1 million > $5,000,000 $6,000 plus 0.005% of all costs > $5 million $6,000 plus 0.005% of all costs > $5 million * Plan review fees are calculated and assessed based on total construction cost of a project or the most current International Code Council (ICC) "Building Valuation Data," whichever is greater. Fire Plan Review Review Fee $75 $100 Building and Trade Permits (Per Individual Trade)* $0 - $5,000 $75 $100 $5,001 - $10,000 $100 $125 $10,001 - $15,000 $150 $150 $15,001 - $25,000 $325 $325 $25,001 - $50,000 $800 $800 $50,001 - $75,000 $1,000 $1,000 $75,001 - $100,000 $1,500 $1,500 $100,001 - $150,000 $1,800 $1,800 $150,001 - $200,000 $2,400 $2,400 $200,001 - $275,000 $3,100 $3,100 $275,001 - $350,000 $3,400 $3,400 $350,001 - $425,000 $4,000 $4,000 $425,001 - $500,000 $4,500 $4,500 $500,001 - $625,000 $5,400 $5,400 $625,001 - $750,000 $6,500 $6,500 $750,001 - $875,000 $7,500 $7,500 $875,001 - $1,000,000 $10,000 $10,000 > $1,000,000 $10,000 plus $750 for each additional $500,000 $10,000 plus $750 for each additional $500,000 Equipment**0.075% of equipment cost 0.075% of equipment cost * Permit fees are calculated and assessed per trade and per building based on total construction cost of a project or the most current International Code Council (ICC) "Building Valuation Data," whichever is greater. Total construction cost includes, but is not limited to, labor, materials, supervision, overhead, profit, design plans, and specifications. ** Equipment cost is not calculated in Building and Trade costs. All equipment that is permanently attached to the building or a component of the building's operating systems such as ventilation, heating, cooling, plumbing, fire suppression, exhaust, refrigeration, fixed appliances, etc. are subject to full permit fees based on their cost of work. Fire Permits Permit Fee $75 plus 10% of total trade fees 13% of total Trade Fees 7 REBATES, DISCOUNTS & REFUNDS PREVIOUS FY18 FEE NEW FY19 FEE Rebates* Affordable Housing 50%50% Built Home Certification Energy Star Rating > 69 $100 $100 Geothermal Installation $50 $50 Green Built North Carolina: Healthy $100 $100 Solar Panel Installation $50 $50 Stormwater/Greywater Collection Device Installation $50 $50 Wind Generator Installation $50 $50 * Rebates are offered and issued when regular fees are paid in full, the project has been completed, a CO has been issued, and with certification or rating submitted. Discounts Farmers' Market 75%75% CIty Owned, Operated, and Occupied Property 100%100% Refunds Category I: Upfront Services Nonrefundable Nonrefundable These fees should be paid in full at the time of application or time of service. - Address Assignment - Alternative Compliance - Amendments/Renewals/Resubmittals- Board of Adjustment - Bond Administratration - Conditional Zoning - Conditional Use Permits - Early Assistance - Encroachments - Expedited Review - Exams, Classes, Renewals - Flexible Development Standards - Historic Resources Commission - Home Occupation - Homestay - Homeowner Recovery - Level I, II, and III Projects - Plan Review (Res. and Comm.) - Pushcarts, Outdoor Dining & Merchandise- Rezonings - Steep Slope & Ridgetop - Subdivisions and Recombinations - Technology Fee - WNC Air Quality - Wording Amendment - Zoning Compliance/Determination - Zoning Research/Verification Category II: Permit Fees Partially Refundable: $75 minimum fee is nonrefundable. Permit processed with no inspection or plan review - 90% of permit fee (minus $75); Plan reviewed with no inspection - 75% of permit fee (minus $75) Partially Refundable: $75 minimum fee is nonrefundable. Permit processed with no inspection or plan review - 90% of permit fee (minus $75); Plan reviewed with no inspection - 75% of permit fee (minus $75) These fees shall be paid in full at the time of permit approval (issuance) and prior to beginning work. - Building - Driveway - Electrical - Fire Prevention - Gas Piping - Grading - Mechanical - Plumbing - Refrigeration - Signs - Stormwater & Flood - Temporary Use - Zoning - Miscellaneous Permit Category III: Inspection Fees Refundable only if inspection is not performed Refundable only if inspection is not performedThese fees shall be paid prior to project progression. - ABC Inspection - After Hours Inspection - Foster Home Inspection - Occupancy Inspection - Reinspection - School Inspection - TCO Inspection - Temporary Saw Service Inspection - Temporary Utility Inspection - Miscellaneous Inspection All fees listed are subject to the 4% technology fee except those marked ^ MS4 Inspection Report Asheville, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000435 Inspection Date: September 27-28, 2018 Appendix A Supporting Document 6 Spill Response Procedures Spill Response All spill response should be conducted with safety in mind first and protection of release to the environment as a secondary concern. In general, response to spills that can be handled by on site personnel and the time of the spill should be conducted as follows: ● Safety First – Do not take risk ● Keep people away from the area where the spill occurred ● Do not touch or walk in the spilled material ● Be on the guard for any gas or vapor ● Stay up wind and at a higher elevation ● Do not inhale any gases, fumes, or smoke ● Stop the spill at its source if it can be done safely. Close valves, shut down pumps, and/or rotate or upend containers leaking so that the leak is up ● Cover drains and/or protect storm sewer. Dig a ditch or use absorbent material or sand to build a temporary berm to prevent entry into water or sewer ● Use absorbent material or sand to clean up the spill ● Pump or remove access material ● Material Safety Data Sheets ● Collect and package used absorbent for disposal ● Contact Stormwater Services (828) 232-4567 to report spill ● Dispose of waste properly Response to spills that present a risk to health or safety of personnel should be conducted as follows: ● Evacuate area to ensure personnel safety ● Set up barricades to keep people away from the area ● Call 911 and tell operator you have a HAZMAT situation Complete spill Incident report Form #7 and forward to Stormwater Services Manager. Maintain records and spill information, including: ● Name and telephone number of individual who discovered and/or reported spill ● Location of spill and waters involved ● Time spill was observed ● Cause and circumstance of spill ● Source of spill ● Existing or potential hazards ● Personal injuries or casualties, if any, ● Type of material released ● Volume of spill ● Type of cleanup operation, time initiated, and approximate time table to control contain and clean up spill ● Effectiveness of the cleanup operations ● Weather conditions, and ● Persons on the scene and a contact person MS4 Inspection Report Asheville, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000435 Inspection Date: September 27-28, 2018 Appendix A Supporting Document 7 Vacuum Trucks Process VACUUM TRUCKS PROCESS The vacuum trucks are on a route based schedule. The city is broken down into 5 areas (North, South, East, West and Central). We have 2 vacuum trucks and they are assigned specific areas of the city they are responsible for. One vacuum truck has the north, east and central area and the other truck has the south and west area. The trucks start in an area by cleaning and inspect every catch basin and culvert in the street right of way. If they encounter any issues with catch basins, culverts or ditch lines they note this on their log sheet and a work order is created for the maintenance needed. If any potential illicit discharge, odor or coloration is noted, notify supervisor of location. A portion of the work for the vacuum trucks is work orders and complaints called in by citizens of Asheville and the truck assigned to the specific area will handle the complaint. The vacuum truck cleans the drains on the e-building, fleet management complex and armory wash bay weekly. MS4 Inspection Report Asheville, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000435 Inspection Date: September 27-28, 2018 Appendix A Supporting Document 8 City SCMs Site SCM Types Aston Park Swale w/ check dams Azalea Park Bioretention, Roundabout Carrier Park Wetland, Forebay Craven St Bioretention, Wetland, Level Spreader Dr. Grant Southside Ctr. Bioretention Edwin/Celia Pl.** FBR Greenway East** Wetland FBR Greenway- Hominy Creek Park Swales Fire Station #2 Rain Garden Malvern Hills Park Bioretention Cells Parks & Rec. Maintenance Bldg. Bioswale, Level Spreader Reed Creek Greenway Bioretention, Wetland Richmond Hill Park Rain Garden West Asheville Park Bioretention, Wetland, Rain Garden Fire Station 10 Wet pond MS4 Inspection Report Asheville, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000435 Inspection Date: September 27-28, 2018 Appendix A Supporting Document 9 COA SCM Monitoring Spreadsheet Swale Only Stormwater Control Measure Check for sediment & erosion Check/ clear inlet & outlet Trash removal Tree pruning/ removal Invasive species control Drop box cleanoff Soil test (yearly)Visual inspection Notes Date Completed Aston Park Swale #1 Good 8/7/18 Aston Park Swale #2 w/ Check Dams Good 8/7/18 Azalea Park Bioretention X X X X Sediment build up 8/30/18 Azalea Park Roundabout (Bioretention)X X X X 8/30/18 Carrier Park Wetland & Forebay X X X 8/8/18 Craven St Bioretention X X X X Cleared inlet 8/7/18 Craven St Wetland X X X 8/7/18 Craven St Level Spreader X X X Sediment build-up 8/7/18 Southside Ctr Bioretention X X X Thick vegetation at outlet 8/7/18 Edwin FBR Greenway E Wetland FBR Greenway @ Hominy Swale #1 Good 8/8/18 FBR Greenway @ Hominy Swale #2 Good 8/8/18 Fire Station #2 Rain Garden X X X 8/7/18 Malvern Hills Park Bioretention #1 X X X cleared inlet; Parks stopped mowing?8/8/18 Malvern Hills Park Bioretention #2 X X X cleared inlet 8/8/18 Pack Square Park Parks & Rec Mtnc Bldg Bioswale Parks & Rec Mtnc Bldg Level Spreader Reed Creek Grnwy Bioretention X X X Reed Creek Grnwy Wetland X X X 8/28/18 Richland Hill Park Rain Garden X X x 8/28/18 West Asheville Park Bioretention Construction-could not access 8/8/18 West Asheville Park Wetland Construction-could not access 8/8/18 West Asheville Park Rain Garden X X X 8/8/18 All BioretentionCity of Asheville Stormwater Control Measure Monthly Inspection & Maintenance - RiverLink Wetland/Rain Garden Level Spreader MS4 Inspection Report Asheville, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000435 Inspection Date: September 27-28, 2018 Appendix A Supporting Document 10 COA Storm Sewer System Map Screenshot: Craven Street Outfalls Note: PG Environmental added labels for Craven St. Outfall No. 1, Craven St. Outfall No. 2, and the French Broad River. Craven St. Outfall No. 1 Craven St. Outfall No. 2 MS4 Inspection Report Asheville, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000435 Inspection Date: September 27-28, 2018 Appendix A Supporting Document 11 Accela Construction Inspection Report: 55 S. Market St., 9/28/2018 MS4 Inspection Report Asheville, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000435 Inspection Date: September 27-28, 2018 Appendix A Supporting Document 12 Accela Construction Inspection Report: Skyland Exchange, 9/28/2018