HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG200335_NOV_20140327COEN North Carolina Department,of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Water Quality Programs Oaf McCrory Thomas A..Reeder John E. Skvarla, III Governor ; Director . Secretary March 27, 2014 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested 7012 0470 00013843 0822 Seymour Brown Investment Co., Inc Registered Agent: W. Harrell Everett Jr. 507E Spence Ave Goldsboro NC 27534 Certified Mail Return -Receipt Requested 7012 0470 000138431034 Raleigh Recycling NC Scrap Metal LLC 327 Hillsborough Street Raleigh NC 27603 Subject: Notice of Violation NOV•2014-PC-0047 Notice of Intent to Enforce Notice of Injunction Relief Recommendation Stream Standard Violations 2310 Garner Road Wake County Dear Sirs: The Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office (RRO) received a complaint from the City of Raleigh detailing concerns about waste/pollutants.cpursing offthe subject property and entering into surface waters. In response, on January 11, 2014, Danny Smith, Autumn Romanski, and James Graham of the RRO Water Quality Operations Section conducted a site visit and collected water samples. The subject 2310 Garner Road tract is owned by Seymour Brown.investment Go. _Inc. The ctunnt business operating at the site is Raleigh Recycling NC Scrap Metal LLC and is kng " . - Raleigh Metal Recycling. Prior to the operations of Raleigh: Metal Recycling;;the footprint of this site h00den industrial use and the site is confirmed to. be contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Water Quality Regional operaions tiection 1628 Mail .Service Confer, Weigh. North Carolina 27699-1628 i.ucaligm� 3806 barrctt Dr., i1al.4h. North Carolina 27609 11hotic: 919-79142001 FAX: 919.5714718 Internet: www.ncwatcruua1hv.om An [iqui�l,�)p�ortunityl Atlirmntive Action Intploycr '-••.sv+ttoe3e�r9b�JArt"'n.,iwa�twgNtliYiitA/kWu<. ..:....:..u.. .... ..,,.. j Raleigh Recycle -Seymour Brown Investment Co. 3/27/14 Page 2 0174 At present, 2310 Gamer Road facility is being operated as a metal recycling center. Scrap/waste metal (e.g. vehicles parts, machinery, construction debris etc.) is brought to the facility by the public and savage businesses. This material is weighed and sorted into different piles for processing, shredding, storage and eventual shipping (truck/railcar) such that the metal may be reused. The scrap metal is moved, stockpiled, and eventually shipped off site. Vehicle traffic (trucks, tow motors/forklifts, cranes etc.), capable of moving, dragging, sorting, dumping waste metal are a requisite for this type of operation. Due to this industrial traffic and land use the site is not stable. Sediment, turbidity, and pollutants that are on the site from both current and past industrial activities are easily transported from the site during storm events. The January 11, 2014, site visit revealed/identified water discharging though an under drain from the footprint of e the site. This under drain outlet is located at the retaining wall along the edge of the railroad tracks. This watr flowed along the railroad tracks and into a culvert (pipe). This water coursed through a pipe/outlerthat discharges into an unnamed tributary to Wildcat Branch a Class C, Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) a the Neuse River Basin. �RAleibh Recycle -Seymour Brown Investment Co. ` .7 3/27/14 Page 3 of 4 Water samples were collected from the following locations: 1) retaining wall outlet, 2) the unnamed tributary to Wildcat Branch, 3) the confluence ofthe unnamed tributary and Wildcat Branch, and 4) Wildcat Branch (upstream). Water discharging from the 2310 Garner Road facility'contained extremely high concentrations of lead, cadmium, mercury, polychlorinated. hiphenyls (PCBs), nickel, copper and zinc. This waste flowed into surface waters and caused stream standard violations to occur, as listed in Attachment 1. Accordingly,.the sample -results confirmed violations of North Carolina General Statutes and North Carolina Administmtive Codes which states the following: "North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1(a) states that "no person shall do any of the following things or carry out any of the following activities unless that person has received a permit from the Commission and has complied with all conditions set forth in the permit: 1) Make any outlets into the waters of the State. 6) that no person shall cause or permit any waste, directly or indirectly, to be discharged to or in any manner intermixed with the waters of the State in violation ;of the water quality standards applicable to the assigned classifications or in violation of any.effluent standards or limitations established for any point source, unless allowed as a condition of any permit, special order or other appropriate instrument issued or entered into by the Commission. under the provisions of this Article." "15A NCAC 02B .0211(3) k Turbidity: the turbidity in; the receiving water shall not exceed 50 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) in streams not designated as. trout waters and 10 NTU in streams, lakes,or reservoirs designated as trout waters; for lakes and reservoirs not designated as trout waters, the turbidity shall not exceed 25 NTU." '415 A NCAC. 02B (1) Toxic substance: numeric water quality standards (maximum permissible levels) for the protection of human health applicable to all fresh surface water. are in Rule ,0208 of , this Section. Numerical water quality standards (maximum permissible levels) to protect aquatic life applicable to all, fresh, surface waters: 15 A`NCAC 02B (I) (iii) Cadmium: 0.4ug/i for trout waters and 2.0 ug/l for non -trout waters; attainment of water quality standards in surface waters shall be based on measurement of total recoverable metals concentrations unless studies have been conducted to translate total recoverable metals to a toxic form. 15A NCAC 02B (1)(viii) lead 25uq/L 15A NCAC 02B (1)(ix) mercury 0.012 uq/L 15A NCAC 02B f l).(x) nickel 88 uq/L 15A NCAC-02B (1) (xii) polychlorinated biphenyls: (total PCB and carcinogens identified .0.001 ug/1) 15A NCAC 02B (4) Action Level Substances: (a) Copper 7ug/l (d) Zinc: 50 uq/1" O Z Raleigh Recycle -Seymour Brown Investment Co. 327/ 14 Page 4 of 4 The concentrations of mercury, PCBs, lead, silver, aluminum, iron, chromium, barium, copper, nickel, zinc, semivolatiles organics, documented discharging from this site is a significant concern. It Is a concern to not only aquatic life but to the public health. This office requests that both parties respond to this Notice of Violation in Writing within 30 days of receipt. Your response should minimally address the following items. I . Please explain how you plan to stop pollutants from discharging/moving off of your site into surface waters. 2. Please explain how you will stabilize the site such that infiltration, erosion, and pollution that are coincident to past and current land uses will be addressed to prevent ongoing and continued transport of waste to surface waters of the state. 3. Provide a clear schedule with dates detailing how this will be accomplished such that surface water standard violations do not continue to occur. This office requires that the violations, as detailed above, be abated Immediately and properly resolved. Environmental damage and violations of North Carolina Administrative Codes and Statutes have been documented for the subject site as stated above, Your efforts to undertake activities to bring the subject site back into compliance is not an admission, rather it is an action that must be taken in order to begin to resolve ongoing environmental issues. Thank you for your attention to this matter. This office requires that the violations, as described above, be properly resolved. These violations and any future violations are subject to a civil penalty assessment of up to $25,000.00 per day for ench violation. The discharge of PCBs, mercury, semi volatiles and other metals cannot continue to occur. As requested above, this office will review your written response and remediation schedule that you provide. This office will consider your response as a part of any civil penalty assessment, as appropriate. In addition, the failure to provide a clear adequate response with clear schedule to eliminate ongoing Impacts to this office will move forward an injunction relief request. This request will be forwarded to Attorney General's Office such that a court ordered compliance schedule/Injunctive relief may be secured in order to abate continuing violations, worsening downstream impacts and to protect the public health. Should you have any questions regarding these mq ers, please contact me 919) 791-4252. nee ly, nny Smit e ionai Supe isor Water Quality Operations cc: Raleigh Regional Office Division of Energy Mining and Land Resources - John Holley Division of Energy Mining and Land resources — Bradley Bennett Division of Waste Management - Hazardous Waste Section . Phil Orozco Division of Waste Management — Charlotte Jesneck City of Rilleigh — Mark Senior Attachment 1: Jotice of Violation NOV-2014-PC-0047 Parameter/Water Outlet from Confluence Wildcat Branch Quality Standard retaining wall Outlet to Raleigh Metals Waters Recycling Conductivity 972 805 103.4 Turbidity: 50 NTUs 550 170 75 Cadmium: 2.0 ug/I 65 ug/L 4.3 ug/L 2.2 ug/L Lead: 25 ug/I 4300 uq/L 250 ug/L 36 ug/L Aluminum: 100,000 ug/L 7,200 ug/L 24,000 ug/L Human Health 8000 ug/L Aquatic Life 87 ug/L Mercury 0.012 16 uq/L 0.98 ug/L Non detected polychlorinated biphenyls: (total PCB and 1.8 ug/L 0.58 uq/L Non detected congeners Identified) (PQL 1.0 uq/L) 0.001ug/I Nickel: 88 ug/1 620 ug/L 53 ug/L 9.8 ug /L Action Level Substances: Copper: 7 ug/I 5000 ug/L 340 ug/L 150 ug/L Zinc: 50 ug/I 15000 ug/L 1100 ug/L 280 ug/L Silver: 0.06 ug/L 9 ug/L Non detected Non detected