HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020492 Ver 1_Mitigation Plan Review_20090727Kulz, Eric From: Kulz, Eric Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 1:37 PM To: Dorney, John; Eaton, Larry Subject: FW: Homestead Attachments: image003.gif; image002.gif; image001.gif Eric Alsmeyer is pressuring me to give an opinion on the Homestead site (intermittent vs perennial). Larry and I are to discuss Wednesday afternoon. John, any time to join us?? From: O'Rourke, Michael [mailto:morourke@louisberger.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 12:31 PM To: Alsmeyer, Eric C SAW; Eric Kulz; Matthews.Kathy@epamail.epa.gov; John Dorney; Larry Eaton; marella_buncick@fws.gov; Chambers, Marla J. Cc: Samanns, Edward; Bode, Raymond; Sekula, Tina Subject: FW: Homestead Eric, Ed asked me to send you the cumulative data for Homestead Creek which, Berger feels, makes the case for the stream credits being labeled perennial as opposed to intermittent. The first graphic shows that the only time the stream at homestead approached running dry was in the extremely severe drought of 2007, but it recovered as soon as the rains returned in the Spring of 2008. On the second graphic, the precipitation graph shows that 2007 never exceeded the 30th percentile for precipitation. The third graphic included provides five years of longitudinal profile data for the reach closest to the gauge to illustrate the conditions found each year - note that only 2007 shows low flow conditions. Inferring that the three data sets provided show proof that flow consistently existed throughout the five years (with the exception of a couple of months during the drought of 2007), it is Berger's position that the stream ought to be considered perennial and not intermittent. Please feel free to contact Ed or me if you have any questions. Homestead Creek Stream Gauge July 2004 - Nov 2008 (Only Growing Season Shown) 677.0 676.5 q 676.0 675.5 0 .p w 675.0 674.5 674.0 Chaim el Bed Ele -,ition (ft: NGNT) --2004 Water Surface Elevat on (ft. NG?T)} 2006 Rater Suuface Elevation (ft. NGITf) ?008 Wtiter Suuface Elegy ition (f t. NG'.T}) - - - Bankfull Elevation (ft. 2005 Water Surf ace El 100' Water Surface El 2 N W J [ 7 hJ ll1 N t J ?D • N W `1 NJ t*J .A --? --? N) ? M.+ t J .a oo N c ?, w o 44 , W - M l11 Vr N Li 'Li Lq z tece P .. i-. P.-. U4 04 f1Q 00 `C ?C C Homestead Creek 2004-2006 676.5 676.0 675.5 0 r- 1 675.0 W 674.6 674.0 673.5 L ongitudinal Station Longtidunal Profile °*-2004 WSE -$-2005 WSE x`2006 WSE --0-2007 WSE X200 Michael Michael O'Rourke Senior Environmental Scientist The Louis Berger Group, Inc. 1001 Wade Ave. Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27605 (919) 866-4421 Direct (919) 866-4400 Main (919) 755-3502 Fax (919) 368-5603 Cell moro urkekl oui sberger. com www.berger-nc.com www.berger.com 600 660 600 660 700 760 800 Yadlm?30-70 Bprca?7e Graph kh&uW, Nw& Cara hm Mom3l& Rah&R Ac nmuk6uw 2004-2008 60 50 ., 10 q .Fh 30 w 20 10 Ramf REach Month ? 2004 Rainfall D 2005 Rah&R D 2006 Rah&R ? 2007 Rak&R ? 2000 Rah&R - -30th Per Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep c t Louis Berger Stream and Wetland A9itigation Bank - DRAFT Year 5 Monitoring Report diversity at both sites as last year experienced severe drought conditions. No Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Plecoptera (stoneflies), or Trichoptera (caddisflies) were identified at any of the six sample sites in 2008. Sample results at Homestead indicate the macrobenthic invertebrates in greatest abundance were isopods (Isopoda) and chironomidae (Diptera). Sample results at both Second Creek indicate the macrobenthic invertebrates in greatest abundance were isopods, amphipods (Amphipoda), and Oligochaetes (Oligochaeta). The following table reports sampling results from October 6, 8, and 15, 2008. TABLE 14: HOMESTEAD AND SECOND CREEK BENTHIC SURVEY RESULTS Homestead Creek Second Creek SPECIES T.V. F.F.G. Upper Middle Lower Upper Middle Lower MOLLUSCA Bivalvia Veneroida S haeriidae *8 FC Pisidium s p. 6.5 FC 14 S haerium s p. 7.6 FC 4 24 Gastro oda Basommato hora L mnaeidae SC Pseudosuccinea columella 7.7 SC 5 2 Ph sidae Ph sella s p. 8.8 CG 1 2 Planorbidae *6 SC Planorbella s p. 6.8 1 ANNELIDA Oli ochaeta *10 CG Tubificida Tubificidae w.h.c. 7.1 CG 1 Tubificidae w.o.h.c. 7.1 CG 1 51 2 Hirudinea P Arh nchobdellida Er obdellidae P 1 ARTHROPODA Arachnoidea Acariformes 5.5 Arrenuridae 5.5 Arrenurus s p. 5.5 1 Crustacea Ostracoda 12 5 C clo oida 5 Cladocera Da hnidae Ceriodaphnia sp. 7 Iso oda Asellidae SH Caecidotea s p. 9.1 CG 22 10 1 6 169 195 Am hipoda CG Cran on ctidae Crangonyx sp. 7.9 CG 1 31 3 48 3 Page 38 Louis Berger Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank - DRAFT Year 5 Monitoring Report Table 14 Continued SPECIES T V F F G Hom estead C reek Se cond Cr eek Decapoda Cambaridae Procambarus s p, . . 7.5 7 . . . SH Upper Middle Lower Upper 2 Middle Lower Insecta _ Collembola 6 Odonata Aeshnidae P E iaeschna heros 1 2 Coena rionidae P 2 2 Arias. 8.2 P 1 Libellulidae P E themis Sp. 3 1 Pach di lax lon i ennis 9.9 4 Coleoptera D tiscidae P 1 Co elatus s p, 10 2 H daticus s p. P 1 Neo orus s p. 8.6 1 H dro hilidae P 1 Sta h linidae P 1 Di tera Cerato 0 onidae P 3 1 Atrichopo on s p. 6.5 P 1 Chironomidae Chironomus s p. 9.6 CG 2 2 1 Clinotan us s p. p 8 Goeldichironomus s p. 2 80 Poly edilum illinoense 9 SH 3 1 2 Procladius s p. 9.1 P 1 Tan us s p. 9.2 P 1 Tribelos 'ucundum 6.3 5 Dixidae CG 1 Culicidae FC 2 Tabanidae PI Ch so s s p. 6.7 PI 2 Ti ulidae SH Ormosia sp. 6.3 CG 1 SPECIES Homestead Creek Second Creek Upper Middle Lower Upper Middle Lower TOTAL NO. OF ORGANISMS 67 69 76 50 221 295 TOTAL NO. OF TAXA 17 6 10 15 5 11 EPTINDEX 0 0 0 0 0 0 NC BIOTIC INDEX 8.65 8.21 7.38 7.30 8.59 8.76 Page 39 Louis Berger Stream and N•'etland Mitigation Bank - DRAFT }'ear 5 Monitoring Report Table 14 Notes: Identification analysis provided by Pennington & Associates, Inc. 1: T.V. - Tolerance Value: Tolerance values for individual species have a range of 0-10, with higher numbers indicating more tolerant species or more polluted conditions. 2: F.F.G. - Functional Feeding Group CG - Collector/Gatherer FC - Filtering/Collectors SC - Scrapers SH - Shredders P - Predators PI - Piercer TABLE 15: HOMESTEAD AND SECOND CREEK BENTHIC SURVEY SUMMARY FROM 2004 TO 2008 Monitoring Year 1 Homestead Creek Second Creek 2004 Upper Middle Lower Upper Middle Lower TOTAL NUMBER OF TAXA 32 34 24 42 30 23 TOTAL NUMBER OF EPT TAXA 4 6 1 10 6 3 EPT NUMBER 24 17 1 50 28 16 NC BIOTIC INDEX Monitoring Year 2 7.57 7.55 7.55 Homestead Creek 6.66 7.85 7.68 Second Creek 2005 Upper Middle Lower Upper Middle Lower TOTAL NUMBER OF ORGANISMS 44 34 39 257 161 327 TOTAL NUMBER OF TAXA 20 17 18 17 19 20 EPT TAXA 0 0 0 2 1 2 NC BIOTIC INDEX 8.14 7.86 7.41 _j 8.49 I 6.49 7.32 Monitoring Year 3 Homestead Creek Second Creek 2006 LUpper Middle Lower Upper Middle Lower TOTAL NUMBER OF ORGANISMS 14 15 33 11 3 DRY TOTAL NUMBER OF TAXA 5 4 2 2 2 DRY EPT TAXA 0 0 0 1 0 DRY Monitoring Year 4 Homestead. Creek Second Creek 2007 -Upper Middle Lower Upper Middle Lower TOTAL NUMBER OF ORGANISMS N/A* N/A* DRY N/A* DRY DRY TOTAL NUMBER OF TAXA N/A* N/A* DRY N/A* DRY DRY EPT TAXA N/A* N/A* DRY N/A* DRY DRY Monitoring Year 5 2008 Homestead Creek Upper Middle Lower Second Creek Upper Middle Lower TOTAL NUMBER OF ORGANISMS 67 69 76 50 221 295 TOTAL NUMBER OF TAXA 17 6 10 15 5 11 EPT TAXA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NC BIOTIC INDEX 8.65 8.21 7.38 7.30 8.59 8.76 -• ••• •••• ••?•• r ?• ?•• ?u wuat waa pivviucu uy me wennncanon ianoratory for each monitoring year. N/A*: Species and number of taxa found in Year 4 were similar to those found in Year 3. Because of severe drought conditions. several sampling sites did not contain sufficient flow for adequate sampling: therefore, samples were not sent to the lab for analysis. Page 40