HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131280 Ver 3_CAMA Minor Mod Request_20181214ROY COOPER NORTH CAROLINA Governor Environmental Quality MICHAEL S. BEGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director MEMORANDUM TO: Greg Bodnar, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator, Division of Coastal Management, Morehead City CC: Raleigh Bland, US Army Corps of Engineers, Washington Anthony Scarbraugh, DWR - Water Quality - 401, WaRO Maria Tripp Dunn, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, WaRO Shane Staples, Fisheries Resource Specialist, NC DCM, WaRO FROM: Lynn Mathis, Environmental Specialist II, NE District, DCM THROUGH: Frank Jennings, District Manager, NE District, DCM DATE: November 27, 2018 '3ECEIVED/NC0ENR/DWR DEC 14 2018 Water Quality Regional OPeraon Washington egional ns ll office SUBJECT: Minor Modification of Major Permit #26-14 issued to T. A. Newbold Miller, LLC REFERENCE: (a) Letter from Ted Sampson of S.A.M.P.S.O.N. and Company requesting a Minor Modification (b) 15A NCAC 07J.0405, Permit Modifications T. A. Newbold Miller, LLC, was issued CAMA Major Permit #26-14 on March 24, 2014, with an expiration date of December 31, 2017. The original permit authorized 6,013' of bulkhead, four pier structures (each with a finger pier, platform boatlift and boathouse), and the reconstruction of a pre-existing pier and platform with a lift. The site is located at the end of Bundy Road, adjacent to the Perquimans River, in Perquimans County. 2. The applicant received a "Refinement" on April 8, 2015, authorizing the installation of a culvert through the approved bulkhead with a riprap apron on the waterward side (south of the dwelling), and the installation of a riprap Swale and culvert north of the dwelling. 3. The applicant received a Major Modification on November 13, 2017, to place 2,297' of riprap along a section of shoreline previously approved for a bulkhead and to realign an approved pier structure on the north side of the dwelling. 4. Current expiration date of the permit is December 31, 2020. owwawu� /"� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Elizabeth City Office 1 401 South Griffin Street, Suite 300 1 Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 252.264.3901 T. A. Newbold Miller, LLC Minor Modification Page 2 5. T. A. Newbold Miller, LLC's consultant, submitted a request for a Minor Modification to include the, installation of an additional —470' of riprap along the southeast side of the property, at the mouth of Sutton's Creek. The proposed riprap alignment is described in the enclosed narrative and shown on the enclosed site plan and cross section drawing dated 11/07/18. The requests show a 450' shoreline, but the actual length is closer to 470' due to the shape of the shoreline. 6. A site visit was conducted on November 27, 2018 and it was determined that the request may meet the requirements contained in 15A NCAC 07H .1100. Verification that the proposal complies with 07H .1100 is subject to verification that no wetlands are present within the proposed work area or landward of the proposed revetment (See #10. Below). 7. Photos of the site are included a with a photo map index. 8. The required fee of $100, was received from Ted Sampson in the Elizabeth City District Office on November 9, 2018, Check No. 7976. 9. A copy of the Minor Modification request and plans are attached. 10. It is recommended that the Minor Modification request be granted provided: a) all Permit Conditions of the original permit remain in effect, b) the maximum distance waterward for any riprap be limited to 10' from normal water level NWL), and, c) the applicant obtain verification that no wetlands will be impacted by the proposed dprap. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Elizabeth City Office 1 401 South Griffin Street. Suite 300 1 Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 252.264.3901 S.A.M.P.S.O.N. and Marine Construction And Environment 128 Hunters Trail West, Elizabeth City, -North' Carolina, 27908 USA;: - _I Tel: 252,331,2447 - Fax: 866 783.4267. . permitsQsampsonmarine.com www.sampsonmarine.com November 8, 2018 Frank Jennings Received RECEIVED District Manager NC Division of Coastal Management DEC 132018 401 South Griffin Street, Suite 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 DGM•EG 0CM-i1MHD CITY Re: T. A. Newbold Miller, LLC.'s Major Permit CAMA Major Development Permit 26-14, issued on March 24, 2014; request for,Minor Modification Dear Mr. Jennings: S.A.M.P.S.O.N. and Company, Inc. has been authorized by T. A. Newbold Miller, LLC, to seek a modification to the referenced Permit for erosion protection of a section of the Suttons Creek shoreline through placement of riprap. The development is located at the confluence of Suttons Creek with the Perquhnans River, commencing at the southern terminus of the existing bulkhead, and extending for approximately 450 -ft up the shoreline of Suttons Creek. The Miller site is located at the terminus of Bundy Road in Perquimans County. Please accept this letter as the written request required under 15A NCAC 07J.0405(a) to modify the terms of the referenced Permit. This modification request seeks authorization for the development to place riprap shoreline protection along an escarpment that is elevated above the Normal Water Level (NWL) a distance ranging from 4 -ft to 14 -ft, with most of the escarpment approximately 8 -ft to 12 -ft above NWL. To minimize disturbance of existing trees along the upland portions of the shoreline adjacent to the escarpment, the intent is to place the riprap against the existing escarpment, to a height of approximately 6 -ft above NWL, with minimal, or no disturbance of the escarpment that extends above the 6 -ft height. Because the lateral distance between the bottom of the escarpment and the NWL varies over this length of shoreline, the toe of the riprap will in places terminate landward of the NWL and in other places extend beyond the NWL. This modification request seeks authorization to place the toe of the riprap tip to 10 -ft waterward of NWL where needed to maintain an appropriate slope for the riprap, which is intended to vary between 1:1.5 and 1:3, depending on the specific terrain. This modification request does not seek to place riprap waterward of any wetlands. Please find enclosed a drawing that depicts the section of Suttons Creek shoreline for which riprap erosion protection is requested. Also enclosed are the Agent Authorization forms, the Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Notification Forms, with Green Cards, and a Check in the amount of $100 in support of this request for a Minor Modification to the referenced Permit. S.A. P.S.O.N. and Company, Inc. 11/8/181tr to Frank Jennings Page 2 of 2 Should you have any questions, or require additional documentation or information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available• fora site visit in support of your review of this modification request. -Kindly advise when you intend to visit the site. With best regards, Ted Sampson Environmental Consultant Encl: (1) Drawings 06-042413-603, Sheets 1 and 2, dated 11/07/18 (2) Agent Authorization Form executed 8/24/2017 (3) Agent Authorization Form executed 10/24/2018 (4) Adjacent Property Owner Notification with Green Card - C. Edward Bundy (5)Adjacent Property Owner Notification with Green Card - Calvin M. & Lela Bundy (3) ` Sampson Contracting, Inc.' Check for $100 2 f er -re IZ I MIMI V "AND 611. Lit tj 4i .r Y A 1 r t Ale", •i i Y A 1 r r i 9 IN PERQUIMANS RIVER - - T T T LEGEND/KEY M \ _ — SHORELINE(NWL)GPS037Y1017 �- + + EXISTING BULKHEAD 0 + + ---- -------------- MAXIMUMWATERWARDEXTEN70FRIPRAP \ l 75-FTEaSTUARINE - /� ----- ANTICIPATED RIPRAPFOOTPRWT SHORELINEAEC F (,:zTo,:as OPE) - -- — �- — - 30'CAMAPUBLICTRUST8HORELINEAEC \ - - - 7VCAMAESTUARINESHORELINEAEC \ TOPOFESCARPMENT II 30 -FT PUBLIC TRUST - BOTTOMOF ESCARPMENT SHORELINEAEC (D - — +BFTNWLOONTOUR Cl) 6WAMPFgtEST 7 NCCOASTAL WETLANDS ' -� �J.Tr�— - —�� - _.^�} / • — / APPROX LANDWARDEDGETREEUt'E \ i .r ^� �c—�'J�.. i•.� \� �/ \ \ -I ' AM +12 ....... TOPOF E&CARPMENt ELEVATION(ML) .,• \ \ �.__ _____: - �_ _ , ,�"' '��. � ; \ \ \� � � • CYPRESSTREE(S) , •J SLITTONS CREEK Received COPY -50' 0' 50' 100' 200' 300' DCM'EG SCALE: finch = 50 ft 1) Drawings derived from a survey of Josiah A Webb, III, L-2989, signed on March 21, 2006, and from Information available from the Perquimans County GIS, NCDENR's NCCREWS data, and from GPS data points of the shoreline collected on 3123/2017. 2) Drawing is for permitting purposes only and not construction. 3) Copyright m 2018 SAM.P.S.O.N. d Co., Inc. A8 rights reserved. This material is the property of S.AM.P.S.O.N. 8 Co., Inc., and is protected by the copyright taws of the United States and other countries. It may not be reproduced, distributed, or altered in any fashion by any entity without the express written consent of S.A.M.P.S.O.N. 8 Go., Inc. Written consent is hereby granted to T. A Newbold Miller, LLC. Written consent is herby granted to NC DCM, INC DEQ, and the US ACOE STANIP SA.M.P&0AandCalM p -E: T. A. NEWBOLD MILLER, LLC RIPRAP SHORELINE PROTECTION RIPRAP SUTTONS CREEK SHORELINE As Indicated KAW,N(i NU.: Ts 06 -042413 -003 SHEET 1 OF 2 WArd' 11/07/18 1 - LEGEND/KEY TYPICAL RIPRAP CROSS SECTION TYPICAL RIPRAP CROSS SECTION WATERWARD OF NWL LANDWARD OF NWLAND WETLANDS TYPICAL ESCARPMENT 14 CONTOURS TYPICAL ESCARPMENT 14 CONTbURS NORMAL WATER CLASS At GRANITE CLASS At GRANITE LEVEL IPRAP FROM QUARRY RIPRAP FROM QUARRY — y T - DESIGN SLOPE 1 RISE: 2 RUN o TOP OF WETLAND SUBS RATE DESIGN SLOPE — 1 RISE : 2 RUN NORMAL WATER LEVEL OR tTOP OF WETLAND SUBSTRATE T GENERALNOTES 1 Drawln Is for permitting purposes ) g ingpurpoeeeonly dnotconstruction. Must not beused forconatmctbnwithout PEStamp affixed. 2) Copydght O 2018 S.AM.P.S.O.N. $ Co., Inc. All rights reserved. This material is the property of S.A.M.P.S.O.N.$ Co., Inc., and Is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. It may not be reproduced, distributed, or altered In any fashion by any entity without the express written consent of S.A.M.P.S.O.N. & Co., Inc. Written NOTE: SLOPE OF RIPRAP MAY VARY 1:1.6 AND 1:3, DEPENDING DISTANCE LANDWARD 12 FT AT 2:1 SLOPE ON TERRAIN. VARIES FROM 6 - 75 FT BETWEEN AND 1iAP MAYVARYBETWEEN BETWEEN 1:1.6 AND 1:3, DEPENDING MAX DISTANCE WATER- ON TERRAIN. WARD OF NWL-10 FT consent le herebygrented to T. A. Newbold Miner, LLC. Written consents Nerby granted to NO DCM, NO DENR, and the US ALOE for Permit processing purposes. FILTER CLOTH _ FILTER CLOTH NO REVISION DATE RIPRAP SHORELINE PROTECTION RIPRAP SHORELINE PROTECTION PHSTAW S. XP.S,O.N.andCwpany 0' S' 10' 15' 0. 61 70' 15' r.- 129 Hunters Trall West H14absth CHY, NC 27909 ROECTT r": T. A. NEWBOLD MILLER, LLC RIPRAP SHORELINE PROTECTION DRAWING TITLE: ReceivedSUTTONSCREEK T. A. NEWBOLD MILLER, LLC c'J J " 1D10 RIPRAP DETAILS As Indicated DRAWING NO.: -SCALE: D MEC 06-042413 - 003 RAWN: TS F��, SHEET 2 OF 2 DATE: 11107HB NO.: OB .042415