HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG180238_Name-Owner Change Supporting Info_20181219Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 1 of 24 IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE ----------------------------------------------------------------x In re: Chapter 11 HERITAGE HOME GROUP LLC, et al., Case No. 18-11736 (KG) Debtors.I : Jointly Administered ----------------------------------------------------------------x RE: Docket Nos. 217 & 322 ORDER (I) APPROVING THE ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEBTOR SELLERS AND HAMILTON SQUARE, LLC, (II) APPROVING THE SALE OF THE ACQUIRED ASSETS FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL LIENS, CLAIMS, AND ENCUMBRANCES, AND (III) GRANTING RELATED RELIEF Upon consideration of the Motion for Orders: (I) (A) Approving Bidding Procedures for the Sale Of Debtors' Intellectual Property and Other Assets Related to the Broyhill, Thomasville, Drexel, Drexel Heritage, and Henredon Brands; (B) Approving the Form and Manner of Notices Related Thereto; (C) Approving a Form of Asset Purchase Agreement, Including Bid Protections; (D) Scheduling Dates to Conduct Auction and Hearing to Consider Final Approval of Sale, Including Treatment of Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases; (II) (A) Approving the Sale of the Acquired Assets and (B) Authorizing Assumption and Assignment of Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases; and (III) Granting Related Relief [D.I. 217] (the "Sale Motion") of the above -captioned debtors and debtors in possession (collectively, the "Debtors"); and the Debtor Sellers having entered into that certain Asset Purchase Agreement, dated October 18, 2018, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A (as may be amended or ' The Debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor's tax identification number, as applicable, are: Heritage Home Group LLC (9506); HH Global II B.V. (0165); HH Group Holdings US, Inc. (7206); HHG Real Property LLC (3221); and HHG Global Designs LLC (1150). The Debtors' corporate headquarters is located at 1925 Bastchester Drive, High Point, North Carolina 27265. Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 2 of 24 supplemented, the "Agreement"),Z pursuant to which Hamilton Square, LLC (the "Purchaser") shall acquire the Acquired Assets set forth in the Agreement; and it appearing that the relief requested in the Sale Motion is in the best interests of the Debtors' estates, their creditors, and other parties in interest; adequate notice of the Sale Motion and opportunity for objection having been given; this Court having reviewed and considered the Sale Motion and any objections thereto; this Court having heard statements of counsel and the evidence presented in support of the relief requested by the Debtors in the Sale Motion at a hearing before this Court (the "Sale Hearing"); upon the full record of the Chapter 11 Cases; it appearing that no other notice need be given; it further appearing that the legal and factual bases set forth in the Sale Motion and the record made at the Sale Hearing establish just cause for the relief granted herein; and after due deliberation and sufficient cause therefor: THIS COURT FINDS AND DETERMINES THAT: Jurisdiction, Final Order, and Statutory Predicates A. The findings and conclusions set forth here constitute this Court's findings of fact and conclusions of law pursuant to Rule 7052 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (the "Bankruptcy Rules"), made applicable to this proceeding pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9014. To the extent that any of the following findings of fact constitute conclusions of law, they are adopted as such. To the extent that any of the following conclusions of law constitute findings of fact, they are adopted as such. B. This Court has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1334 and the Amended Standing Order of Reference from the United States District Court for the District of Delaware, date February 29, 2012. 2 Except as otherwise defined herein, or where reference is made to a definition in the Sale Motion, all capitalized terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement. 2 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 3 of 24 C. This matter is a core proceeding within the meaning of 28 U.S.C. § 157(b) (2). The Debtors have confirmed their consent, pursuant to Rule 9013-1(f) of the Local Rules of Bankruptcy Practice and Procedure of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the "Local Rules"), to the entry of a final order by this Court in connection with the Sale Motion, to the extent that it is later determined that this Court, absent the consent of the parties, cannot enter final orders or judgments consistent with Article III of the United States Constitution. D. Venue is proper in this District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1408. E. The bases for the relief requested in the Sale Motion are sections 105(a), 363, 365, 503(b), and 507(a)(2) of title 11 of the United States Code, 11 U.S.C. §§ 101-1532 (the "Bankruptcy Code"), Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004, and 6006(a), and Local Rules 2002-1, 6004-1, and 9013-1(m). F. This order (this "Sale Order") constitutes a final order within the meaning of 28 U.S.C. § 158(a). Notwithstanding Bankruptcy Rules 6004(h) and 6006(d), and to any extent necessary under Bankruptcy Rule 9014 and Rule 54(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, as made applicable by Bankruptcy Rule 7054, this Court expressly finds that there is no just reason for delay in the implementation of this Sale Order, and waives any stay and expressly directs entry of judgment as set forth herein. Retention of Jurisdiction G. It is necessary and appropriate for this Court to retain jurisdiction to, among other things, interpret, implement, and enforce the terms and provisions of this Sale Order and the Agreement, including its related documents, all amendments thereto and any waivers and consents thereunder and each of the agreements executed in connection therewith to which the Debtors are a party, and to adjudicate, if necessary, any and all disputes involving the Debtors 3 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 4 of 24 concerning or relating in any way to, or affecting, the sale of the Acquired Assets to Purchaser (the "Sale") or the transactions contemplated in the Agreement, and related documents. Corporate Authority; Consents and Approvals H. The Debtors have, to the extent necessary or applicable, (a) the full corporate power and authority to execute and deliver the Agreement and all other documents contemplated thereby, (b) all corporate authority necessary to consummate the transactions contemplated by the Agreement, and (c) taken all corporate action necessary to authorize and approve the Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated thereby. The Sale has been duly and validly authorized by all necessary corporate action. No consents or approvals, other than those expressly provided for in the Agreement, are required for the Debtors to consummate the Sale, the Agreement, or the transactions contemplated thereby. Notice of Sale and Auction I. Actual written notice of the Sale Motion, the Sale, the Auction, the Sale Hearing, and the transactions contemplated thereby, and a reasonable opportunity to object or be heard with respect to the Sale Motion and the relief requested therein, has been afforded to all known interested entities and parties, including, without limitation, the following entities and parties: (a) the Office of the United States Trustee for the District of Delaware (the "U.S. Trustee"); (b) the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors; (c) PNC Bank, National Association, in its capacity as Prepetition Agent and DIP Agent ("PNC"); (d) KPS Special Situations Fund III (A) L.P., in its capacity as Pre -Petition Term Agent ("KPS"); (e) the Securities & Exchange Commission; (f) the Office of the United States Attorney General for the District of Delaware; (g) the Internal Revenue Service; (h) the U.S. Department of Justice; (i) the offices of the attorneys general for the states in which the Debtors operate; 0) the Stalking Horse Bidder; (k) all parties known or reasonably believed to have asserted an Interest (as defined herein) in the 0 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 5 of 24 Acquired Assets; (1) the Debtors' insurance carriers; (m) all parties entitled to notice pursuant to Local Bankruptcy Rule 2002-1(b); (n) all entities known to have expressed an interest in a transaction with respect to some or all of the Debtors' assets during the past six (6) months; and (o) all federal, state, and local regulatory or taxing authorities or recording offices which have a reasonably known interest in the relief requested by the Sale Motion. Accordingly, no further notice of the Sale Motion is necessary or required. J. In addition, the Debtors have caused the Sale Notice [D.I. 327] substantially in the form attached as Exhibit 3 to Exhibit 1 of the Sale Motion to be published in the national edition of The New York Times, see Docket No. 345, as authorized in the Order (I) (A) Approving Bidding Procedures for the Sale of Debtors' Intellectual Property and Other Assets Related to the Broyhill, Thomasville, Drexel, Drexel Heritage, and Henredon Brands; (B) Approving the Form and Manner of Notices Related Thereto; (C) Approving a Form of Asset Purchase Agreement, Including Bid Protections; (D) Scheduling Dates to Conduct Auction and Hearing to Consider Final Approval of Sale, Including Treatment Of Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases [D.I. 322] (the "Bidding Procedures Order"). K. The notice of the Auction and the Sale Hearing provided all interested parties with timely and proper notice of the Sale, the Auction, and the Sale Hearing, L. The Debtors have articulated good and sufficient reasons for this Court to grant the relief requested in the Sale Motion regarding the sales process, including, without limitation, approval and authorization to serve notice of the Auction and Sale Hearing, M. As evidenced by the affidavits of service and affidavits of publication previously filed with this Court, proper, timely, adequate, and sufficient notice of the Sale Motion, the Sale, the Auction, the Sale Hearing, and the transactions contemplated thereby, has been provided in 5 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 6 of 24 accordance with the Bidding Procedures Order; Bankruptcy Code sections 105(a), 363, and 365; and Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004, 6006, 9007, 9008, and 9014. The notices described herein were good, sufficient, and appropriate under the circumstances, and no other or further notice of the Sale Motion, the Sale, the Auction, or the Sale Hearing shall be required. N. The disclosures made by the Debtors concerning the Sale Motion, the Agreement, the Auction, the Sale Hearing, and the Sale were good, complete, and adequate. O. A reasonable opportunity to object and be heard with respect to the Sale and the Sale Motion, and the relief requested therein, has been afforded to all interested persons and entities, including the Notice Parties. Auction P. The Auction was conducted at 10:00 a.m. on October 18, 2018, at the offices of Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP, 1000 N. King Street, Wilmington, Delaware in accordance with the Bidding Procedures Order, at which the Purchaser submitted the highest bid for the Acquired Assets. The Auction process set forth in the Bidding Procedures Order afforded a full, fair, and reasonable opportunity for any entity to make a higher or otherwise better offer to purchase the Acquired Assets. The Auction was duly noticed and a reasonable opportunity has been given to any interested party to make a higher and better offer for the Acquired Assets. The Debtors determined in the exercise of their good -faith business judgment that Purchaser submitted the highest and best bid for the Acquired Assets and, accordingly, Purchaser was determined to be the Successful Bidder for the Acquired Assets. Good Faith of Purchaser Q. As demonstrated by the representations of counsel and other evidence proffered or adduced at the Sale Hearing, the Debtors and their advisors marketed the Acquired Assets to secure the highest and best offer. The terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement are fair, Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 7 of 24 adequate, and reasonable, including the amount of the Purchase Price, which is found to constitute reasonably equivalent and fair value. R. Purchaser is not an "insider" of the Debtors, as that term is defined in Bankruptcy Code section 101(31). No officer, director, manager, or other insider of the Debtors hold any interest in or is otherwise related to Purchaser. S. The Debtors and Purchaser extensively negotiated the terms and conditions of the Agreement in good faith and at arm's length. Purchaser is purchasing the Acquired Assets and has entered into the Agreement in good faith and is a good -faith buyer within the meaning of Bankruptcy Code section 363(m), and is therefore entitled to the full protection of that provision, and otherwise has proceeded in good faith in all respects in connection with this proceeding in that, inter alia: (i) Purchaser recognized that the Debtors were free to deal with any other party interested in purchasing the Acquired Assets; (ii) Purchaser agreed to subject its bid to competitive bidding at the Auction; (iii) all payments to be made by Purchaser and other agreements or arrangements entered into by Purchaser in connection with the Sale have been disclosed; (iv) Purchaser has not violated Bankruptcy Code section 363(n) by any action or inaction; (v) no common identity of directors or controlling stockholders exists between Purchaser and the Debtors; and (vi) the negotiation and execution of the Agreement was at arm's length and in good faith. T. Neither the Debtors nor Purchaser have engaged in any conduct that would cause or permit the Agreement to be avoided under Bankruptcy Code section 363(n). The Debtors and Purchaser were represented by their own respective counsel and other advisors during such arm's length negotiations in connection with the Agreement and the Sale. 7 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 8 of 24 U. No party has objected to the Sale, the Agreement, or the Auction on the grounds of fraud or collusion. V. Accordingly, Purchaser is purchasing the Acquired Assets in good faith and is a good -faith buyer within the meaning of Bankruptcy Code section 363(m). Purchaser is therefore entitled to all of the protections afforded under Bankruptcy Code section 363(m). Highest and Best Offer W. The Debtors conducted a sale process in accordance with, and have otherwise complied in all respects with, the Bidding Procedures Order. The sale process set forth in the Bidding Procedures Order afforded a full, fair, and reasonable opportunity for any person or entity to make a higher or otherwise better offer to purchase the Acquired Assets. The Auction was duly noticed in a non -collusive, fair, and good -faith manner, and a reasonable opportunity has been given to any interested party to make a higher and better offer for the Acquired Assets. X. The Agreement constitutes the highest and best offer for the Acquired Assets, and will provide a greater recovery for the Debtors' estates than would be provided by any other available alternative. The Debtors' determination that the Agreement constitutes the highest and best offer for the Acquired Assets constitutes a valid and sound exercise of the Debtors' business judgment. Y. The Agreement represents a fair and reasonable offer to purchase the Acquired Assets under the circumstances of the Chapter 11 Cases. No other entity or group of entities has offered to purchase the Acquired Assets for greater overall value to the Debtors' estates than Purchaser. Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 9 of 24 Z. Approval of the Sale Motion and the Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated thereby are in the best interests of the Debtors' chapter 11 estates, their creditors, and other parties in interest. AA. The Debtors have demonstrated compelling circumstances and a good, sufficient, and sound business purpose and justification for the Sale prior to, and outside of, a plan of reorganization. No Fraudulent Transfer or Merger BB. The consideration provided by Purchaser pursuant to the Agreement (a) is fair and reasonable, (b) is the highest or best offer for the Acquired Assets, and (c) constitutes reasonably equivalent value (as those terms are defined in each of the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act, the Uniform Fraudulent Conveyance Act, and Bankruptcy Code section 548). CC. Purchaser is not a mere continuation of the Debtors or their estates, and there is no continuity of enterprise between Purchaser and the Debtors. Purchaser is not holding itself out to the public as a continuation of the Debtors. Purchaser is not a successor to the Debtors or their estates, and the Sale does not amount to a consolidation, merger, or de facto merger of Purchaser and the Debtors. Validity of Transfer DD. The Agreement was not entered into for the purpose of hindering, delaying, or defrauding creditors under the Bankruptcy Code or under the laws of the United States, any of its states, territories, or possessions, or the District of Columbia. Neither the Debtors nor Purchaser are entering into the transactions contemplated by the Agreement fraudulently or for the purposes of statutory and common law fraudulent conveyance and fraudulent transfer claims. 0 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 10 of 24 EE. The Debtors are the sole and lawful owner of the Acquired Assets. Subject to Bankruptcy Code section 363(f) (addressed below), the transfer of the Acquired Assets to Purchaser will be, as of the Closing Date, a legal, valid, and effective transfer of the Acquired Assets, which transfer vests or will vest Purchaser with all right, title, and interest of the Debtors to the Acquired Assets free and clear of any interest in such property of any entity other than the Debtors' estates (collectively, "Interests"), including, without limitation: (a) all liens and encumbrances relating to, accruing, or arising at any time prior to the Closing Date (collectively, the "Liens"); and (b) all debts arising under, relating to, or in connection with any act of the Debtors or any claims (as defined in Bankruptcy Code section 101(5)), liabilities, obligations, demands, guarantees, options in favor of third parties, rights, contractual commitments, restrictions, interests, and matters of any kind and nature, whether arising prior to or subsequent to the commencement of the Chapter 11 Cases, and whether imposed by agreement, understanding, law, equity, or otherwise (collectively, the "Claims"). FF. For the avoidance of doubt, the terms "Liens" and "Claims," as used in this Sale Order, include, without limitation, rights with respect to any Liens and Claims: (1) that purport to give any party a right of setoff or recoupment against, or a right or option to affect any forfeiture, modification, profit-sharing interest, right of first refusal, purchase or repurchase option, or termination of, any of the Debtors' or Purchaser's interest in the Acquired Assets, or any similar rights; or (2) in respect of taxes, restrictions, rights of first refusal, charges of interest of any kind and nature, if any, and including, without limitation, any restriction of use, voting, transfer, receipt of income, or other exercise of 10 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 11 of 24 any of the attributes of ownership relating to, accruing, or arising at any time prior to the Closing Date, with the exception of Permitted Encumbrances (as defined in the Agreement) that are expressly assumed by Purchaser pursuant to the Agreement. Section 363M Is Satisfied GG. The conditions of Bankruptcy Code section 363(f) have been satisfied in full; therefore, the Debtors may sell the Acquired Assets free and clear of any Interests in the property other than any Permitted Encumbrances and Assumed Liabilities. HH. Purchaser would not have entered into the Agreement, and would not consummate the transactions contemplated thereby, if the Sale of the Acquired Assets to Purchaser and the assumption of any Permitted Encumbrances by Purchaser were not free and clear of all Interests, other than Permitted Encumbrances, or if Purchaser would, or in the future could, be liable for any of such Interests (other than the Permitted Encumbrances)). Unless otherwise expressly included in the Permitted Encumbrances, Purchaser shall not be responsible for any Interests against the Debtors, their estates, or any of the Acquired Assets, including in respect of the following: (a) any labor or employment agreement; (b) all mortgages, deeds of trust, and other security interests; (c) intercompany loans and receivables among the Debtors and any of their affiliates (as defined in Bankruptcy Code section 101(2)); (d) any other environmental, employee, workers' compensation, occupational disease, or unemployment- or temporary disability -related claim, including, without limitation, claims that might otherwise arise under or pursuant to: (i) the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended; (ii) the Fair Labor Standards Act; (iii) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; (iv) the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973; (v) the National Labor Relations Act; (vi) the Worker 11 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 12 of 24 Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988; (vii) the Age Discrimination and Employee Act of 1967 and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, as amended; (viii) the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; (ix) the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985; (x) state discrimination laws; (xi) the unemployment compensation laws or any other similar state laws; or (xii) any other state or federal benefits or claims relating to any employment with the Debtors or their predecessor, if any; (xiii) Claims or Liens arising under any Environmental Law (as defined in the Agreement) with respect to the Debtors' business, Excluded Liabilities (as defined in the Agreement), the Acquired Assets, the Excluded Assets (as defined in the Agreement), or any assets owned or operated by the Debtors or any corporate predecessor of the Debtors, at any time prior to the Closing Date; (xiv) any bulk sales or similar law; (xv) any tax statutes or ordinances, including, without limitation, the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; and (xvi) any statutory or common-law bases for successor liability. II. The Debtors may sell the Acquired Assets free and clear of all Interests in such property of any entity other than the Debtors' estates, including, without limitation, any Liens and Claims against the Debtors, their estates, or any of the Acquired Assets (other than the Permitted Encumbrances) because, in each case, one or more of the standards set forth in Bankruptcy Code section 363(f) (1)-(5) has been satisfied. Those holders of Interests in the Acquired Assets, including, without limitation, holders of Liens and Claims against the Debtors, their estates, or any of the Acquired Assets, who did not object, or who withdrew their objections, to the Sale or the Sale Motion are deemed to have consented pursuant to Bankruptcy Code section 363(f)(2). All other holders of Interests (except to the extent that such Interests are Permitted Encumbrances) are adequately protected by having their Interests, if any, in each instance against the Debtors, their estates, or any of the Acquired Assets, attached to the net 12 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 13 of 24 proceeds of the Sale received by the Debtors ultimately attributable to the Acquired Assets in which such party alleges an Interest, in the same order of priority, with the same validity, force, and effect that such Interests had prior to the Sale, subject to any claims and defenses the Debtors and their estates may possess with respect thereto. Sound Business Purpose for the Sale JJ. Good and sufficient reasons for approval of the Agreement and the Sale have been articulated. The relief requested in the Sale Motion is in the best interests of the Debtors, their estates, their creditors, and other parties in interest. KK. The Debtors have demonstrated both (a) good, sufficient, and sound business purposes and justifications for approving the Agreement, and (b) compelling circumstances for the sale outside the ordinary course of business, pursuant to Bankruptcy Code section 363(b) before, and outside of, a plan of reorganization, in that, among other things, the immediate consummation of the Sale to Purchaser is necessary and appropriate to maximize the value of the Debtors' estates, and the Sale will provide the means for the Debtors to maximize distributions to creditors. Compelling Circumstances for an Immediate Sale LL. To maximize the value of the Acquired Assets it is essential that the Sale of the Acquired Assets occur within the time constraints set forth in the Agreement. Time is of the essence in consummating the Sale. MM. Given all of the circumstances of the Chapter 11 Cases and the adequacy and fair value of the Purchase Price under the Agreement, the proposed Sale of the Acquired Assets to Purchaser constitutes a reasonable and sound exercise of the Debtors' business judgment and should be approved. 13 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 14 of 24 NN. The consummation of the Sale is legal, valid, and properly authorized under all applicable provisions of the Bankruptcy Code, including, without limitation Bankruptcy Code sections 105(a), 363(b), 363(f), 363(m), and 365, and all of the applicable requirements of such sections have been complied with in respect of the transaction. 00. The Sale does not constitute a sub rosa or de facto chapter 11 plan for which approval has not been sought without the protections that a disclosure statement would afford, as it does not and does not propose to: (i) impair or restructure existing debt of, or equity interests in, the Debtors; (ii) impair or circumvent voting rights with respect to any future plan proposed by the Debtors; (iii) circumvent chapter 11 plan safeguards, such as those set forth in Bankruptcy Code sections 1125 and 1129; or (iv) classify claims or equity interests, compromise controversies, or extend debt maturities. Accordingly, the Sale neither impermissibly restructures the rights of the Debtors' creditors, nor impermissibly dictates a liquidating chapter 11 plan for the Debtors. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED THAT: General Provisions. 1. Relief Granted. The relief requested in the Sale Motion and the transactions contemplated thereby and by the Agreement are approved as set forth herein for the reasons set forth in this Sale Order and on the record of the Sale Hearing, which is incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Sale Order. 2. Objections Overruled. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Sale Order, all objections to the Sale Motion and the relief requested therein that have not been withdrawn, waived, or settled by announcement to this Court during the Sale Hearing or by stipulation filed with this Court, including, without limitation, any and all reservations of rights 14 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 15 of 24 included in such objections or otherwise, are hereby denied and overruled on the merits, with prejudice. Those parties who did not object, or withdrew their objections, to the Sale Motion are deemed to have consented pursuant to Bankruptcy Code section 363(f) (2). 3. Prior Findings and Conclusions Incorporated. This Court's findings of fact and conclusions of law set forth in the Bidding Procedures Order are incorporated herein by reference. 4. Sale Order and Agreement Binding on All Parties. This Sale Order and the Agreement shall be binding in all respects upon all creditors (whether known or unknown) of and holders of equity interests in the Debtors (whether known or unknown), agents, trustees and collateral trustees, holders of Interests in, against, or on the Acquired Assets, or any portion thereof, all non -Debtor parties to any contracts with the Debtors (whether or not assigned), all successors and assigns of the Debtors, including, without limitation, any and all present or future affiliates of the foregoing, and any subsequent trustees appointed in the Chapter 11 Cases or upon a conversion of the Chapter 11 Cases to one or more cases under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code and shall not be subject to rejection or unwinding. 5. Subsequent Plan Provisions. Nothing contained in any chapter 11 plan confirmed in the Chapter 11 Cases, the confirmation order confirming any such chapter 11 plan, any order approving the wind down or dismissal of the Chapter 11 Cases, or any order entered upon the conversion of the Chapter 11 Cases to one or more cases under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code or otherwise shall conflict with or derogate from the provisions of the Agreement or this Sale Order. In the event there is a conflict between the terms of any subsequent Chapter 11 plan or any order to be entered in these cases (including any order entered 15 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 16 of 24 after conversion of these cases to cases under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code), the terms of this Order shall control. Approval of the Agreement 6. Agreement Approved. The Agreement and all other ancillary documents, and all of the terms and conditions thereof, are hereby approved. 7. Authorization to Consummate Transactions. Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code sections 363(b) and (f), the Debtors are authorized, empowered, and directed to use their reasonable best efforts to take any and all actions necessary or appropriate to (a) consummate the Sale pursuant to and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, (b) close the Sale as contemplated in the Agreement and this Sale Order, and (c) execute and deliver, perform under, consummate, implement, and fully close the Agreement, in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Agreement, together with additional instruments and documents that may be reasonably necessary or desirable to implement the Agreement and the Sale. Payment of Proceeds and Transfer of the Acquired Assets 8. Payment of Proceeds. At Closing, all proceeds from the sale of the Acquired Assets, net of fees, costs and expenses approved by DIP Agent (the "Net Proceeds"), shall be paid in cash by wire transfer to DIP Agent to be applied to the Obligations in accordance with the terms of the DIP Order and the DIP Financing Documents (as defined in the DIP Order). The Net Proceeds shall be paid to DIP Agent without any setoff or deduction of any kind other than as set forth in the Agreement. 9. Transfer of the Acquired Assets Authorized. Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code sections 105(a), 363(b), and 363(f), the Debtors are authorized and directed to use best efforts to transfer the Acquired Assets to Purchaser on or as soon as reasonably practicable after the 16 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 17 of 24 Closing Date, and such transfer shall constitute a legal, valid, binding, and effective transfer of such Assets and shall vest Purchaser with title to the Acquired Assets. 10. Surrender of Acquired Assets by Third Parties. All persons and entities that are in possession of some or all of the Acquired Assets are directed to surrender possession of such Assets to Purchaser, its assignee, or its designee at the time of Closing. On the Closing Date, each of the Debtors' creditors are authorized and directed to execute such documents and take such other actions as may be reasonably necessary to release their Interests in the Acquired Assets, if any, as such Interests may have been recorded or may otherwise exist. All persons are hereby forever prohibited and enjoined from taking any action that would adversely affect or interfere with the ability of the Debtors to sell and transfer the Acquired Assets to Purchaser in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and this Sale Order. To the extent provided by Section 525 of the Bankruptcy Code, no governmental unit may revoke or suspend any permit or license relating to the operation of the Acquired Assets sold, transferred and conveyed to the Purchaser on account of the filing or pendency of these Chapter 11 cases or the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Sale Order. 11, Transfer Free and Clear of Interests. Upon the Debtors' receipt of the Purchase Price, and other than Permitted Encumbrances specifically set forth in the Agreement, the transfer of the Acquired Assets to Purchaser shall be free and clear of all Interests of any kind or nature whatsoever, including, without limitation, (a) successor or successor -in -interest liability, (b) Claims in respect of the Excluded Liabilities, and (c) any and all Contracts not assumed and assigned to Purchaser pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, with all such Interests to attach to the net proceeds received by the Debtors, if any, subject to and after payment to PNC in accordance with paragraph 8 herein, ultimately attributable to the Acquired Assets against, or in, 17 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 18 of 24 which such Interests are asserted, subject to the terms thereof, with the same validity, force, and effect, and in the same order of priority, which such Interests now have against the Acquired Assets, subject to any rights, claims, and defenses that the Debtors or their estates, as applicable, may possess with respect thereto. 12. Legal, Valid, and Marketable Transfer with Permanent Injunction. The transfer of the Acquired Assets to Purchaser pursuant to the Agreement constitutes a legal, valid, and effective transfer of good and marketable title of the Acquired Assets, and vests, or will vest, Purchaser with all right, title, and interest to the Acquired Assets, free and clear of all Interests except as otherwise expressly stated as obligations of Purchaser under the Agreement; provided, however, that DIP Agent shall retain its Liens on the Debtors' interest in proceeds from the Sale of the Acquired Assets that are escrowed at Closing (the "Escrowed Funds") until such time as the Escrowed Funds owed to Seller, if any, shall be paid to DIP Agent in cash by wire transfer. All Persons holding interests or claims of any kind or nature whatsoever against the Debtors or the Acquired Assets, the operation of the Acquired Assets prior to the Closing Date, the Auction or the Sale are hereby and forever barred, estopped, and permanently enjoined from asserting against Purchaser, its successors or assigns, its property, or the Acquired Assets, any claim, interest or liability existing, accrued, or arising prior to the Closing. 13. Recording Offices and Releases of Interests. On the Closing Date, this Sale Order shall be construed and shall constitute for any and all purposes a full and complete assignment, conveyance, and transfer of the Acquired Assets or a bill of sale transferring good and marketable title of the Acquired Assets to Purchaser. Notwithstanding the foregoing and for the avoidance of doubt, the obligations of the Debtors to PNC or KPS are not discharged by anything in this Sale Order. This Sale Order is and shall be effective as a determination that, on 18 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 19 of 24 the Closing Date, all Interests of any kind or nature whatsoever existing as to the Acquired Assets prior to the Closing date, other than Permitted Encumbrances, or as otherwise provided in this Sale Order, shall have been unconditionally released, discharged, and terminated, and that the conveyances described herein have been affected. This Sale Order is and shall be binding upon and govern the acts of all persons, including, without limitation, all filing agents, filing officers, title agents, title companies, recorders of mortgages, recorders of deeds, registrars of deeds, administrative agencies, governmental departments, secretaries of state, federal and local officials, and all other persons who may be required by operation of law, the duties of their office, or contract, to accept, file, register or otherwise record or release any documents or instruments, or who may be required to report or insure any title or state of title in or to any lease; and each of the foregoing persons is hereby directed to accept for filing any and all of the documents and instruments necessary and appropriate to consummate the transactions contemplated by the Agreement. Each and every federal, state, and local governmental agency or department is hereby authorized to accept any and all documents and instruments necessary and appropriate to consummate the transactions contemplated by the Agreement. A certified copy of this Sale Order may be: (a) filed with the appropriate clerk; (b) recorded with the recorder; and/or (c) filed or recorded with any other governmental agency to act to cancel any Interests against the Acquired Assets, other than the Permitted Encumbrances. 14. Cancellation of Third -Party Interests. Except as provided below concerning the Interests or Claims in the Acquired Assets held by PNC, as Prepetition Agent and DIP Agent, if any person or entity which has filed statements or other documents or agreements evidencing Interests on or in all or any portion of the Acquired Assets (other than with respect to Permitted Encumbrances) has not delivered to the Debtors prior to the Closing, in proper form for filing 19 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 20 of 24 and executed by the appropriate parties, termination statements, instruments of satisfaction, releases of liens and easements, and any other documents necessary for the purpose of documenting the release of all Interests which such person or entity has or may assert with respect to all or a portion of the Acquired Assets (the "Release Documents"), the Debtors and Purchaser are authorized to execute and file such statements, instruments, releases and other documents on behalf of such person or entity with respect to the Acquired Assets; provided that, on or prior to Closing, PNC and/or the Debtors shall provide the Purchaser the Release Documents, which shall be prepared by Purchaser, as they relate to any interests PNC may assert in the Acquired Assets, with such Release Documents being mutually agreeable to PNC, Seller and Purchaser and with consent not being unreasonably withheld; provided further that, notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of this Sale Order authorizing the transfer of the Acquired Assets free and clear of all Interests (except only for Permitted Encumbrances) shall be self-executing, and it shall not be, or be deemed, necessary for any person or entity to execute or file releases, termination statements, assignments, consents, or other instruments in order for the provisions of this Sale Order to be implemented. 15. Taxes. The Purchaser has no tax liability as a result of this Sale Order, except as provided for in the Agreement. Prohibition of Actions against Purchaser 16. No Successor Liability. Except for the Permitted Encumbrances set forth in the Agreement, or as otherwise expressly provided for in this Sale Order or the Agreement, Purchaser shall not have any liability or other obligation of the Debtors arising under or related to any of the Acquired Assets. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and except as otherwise expressly provided herein or in the Agreement, Purchaser shall not be liable for any Claims against the Debtors or any of their predecessors or affiliates, and Purchaser shall have no 20 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 21 of 24 successor or vicarious liabilities of any kind or character, including, without limitation, under any theory of antitrust, environmental, successor, or transfer reliability, labor law, de facto merger, mere continuation, or substantial continuity, whether known or unknown as of the Closing Date, now existing, or hereafter arising, whether fixed or contingent, whether asserted or unasserted, whether legal or equitable, with or liquidated or unliquidated, including, without limitation, liabilities on account of warranties, intercompany loans, receivables among the Debtors and their affiliates, environmental liabilities, and any taxes arising, accruing, or payable under, out of, in connection with, or in any way relating to the operation of any of the Acquired Assets prior to the Closing. 17. Actions Against Purchaser Enjoined. Except with respect to Permitted Encumbrances and Assumed Liabilities set forth in the Agreement, or as otherwise permitted by the Agreement or this Sale Order, all persons and entities, including, without limitation, all debt security holders, equity security holders, governmental, tax, and regulatory authorities, lenders, trade creditors, litigation claimants, and other creditors, holding Interests of any kind or nature whatsoever against, or in, all or any portion of the Acquired Assets, arising under, out of, in connection with, or in any way relating to, the Debtors, the Acquired Assets, the operation of the Debtors' business prior to the Closing Date, or the transfer of the Acquired Assets to Purchaser, are hereby forever barred, estopped, and permanently enjoined from asserting against Purchaser, or any of its affiliates, successors, or assigns, or their property or the Acquired Assets, such persons' or entities' Interests in and to the Acquired Assets, including, without limitation, the following actions against Purchaser or its affiliates, or their successors, assets, or properties: (a) commencing or continuing in any manner any action or other proceeding; (b) enforcing, attaching, collecting, or recovering in any manner any judgment, award, decree, or other order; 21 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 22 of 24 (c) creating, perfecting, or enforcing any Lien or other Claim; (d) asserting any set off, right of subrogation, or recoupment of any kind; (e) commencing or continuing any action, in any manner or place, that does not comply or is inconsistent with the provisions of this Sale Order or any other order of this Court, or the agreements or actions contemplated or taken in respect thereof, or (f) revoking, terminating, or failing or refusing to transfer or renew any license, permit, or authorization to operate any of the Acquired Assets or conduct any of the business operated with the Acquired Assets. Other Provisions 18. Effective Immediately. For cause shown, pursuant to Bankruptcy Rules 6004(h), 6006(d), and 7062(g), this Sale Order shall not be stayed and shall be effective immediately upon entry, and the Debtors and Purchaser are authorized to close the Sale immediately upon entry of this Sale Order. The Debtors and Purchaser may consummate the Agreement at any time after entry of this Sale Order by waiving any and all closing conditions set forth in the Agreement that have not been satisfied and by proceeding to close the Sale without any notice to this Court, any pre -petition or post -petition creditor of the Debtors and/or any other party in interest. 19. Access to Books and Records. Following the Closing of the Sale, the Debtors and any successor to the Debtors' estates (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any plan trustee) shall have, and Purchaser shall provide, reasonable access to their books and records, to the extent they are included in the Acquired Assets transferred to Purchaser as part of the Sale. 20. Bulk Sales Law. No bulk sales law or any similar law of any state or other jurisdiction applies in any way to the Sale. 21. Agreement Approved in Entirety. The failure specifically to include any particular provision of the Agreement in this Sale Order shall not diminish or impair the 22 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 23 of 24 effectiveness of such provision, it being the intent of this Court that the Agreement be authorized and approved in its entirety. 22. Modifications to Agreement. The Agreement and any related agreements, documents or other instruments may be modified, amended or supplemented by the parties thereto and in accordance with the terms thereof, in a writing signed by such parties, without further order of this Court, provided that any such modification, amendment or supplement does not have a material adverse effect on the Debtors' estates. 23. Standing. The transactions authorized herein shall be of full force and effect, regardless of any Debtors' lack of good standing in any jurisdiction in which such Debtor is formed or authorized to transact business. 24. Authorization to Effect Order. The Debtors are authorized to take all actions necessary to effect the relief granted pursuant to this Sale Order in accordance with the Sale Motion. 25. Automatic Stay. The automatic stay pursuant to Bankruptcy Code section 362 is hereby modified, lifted, and annulled with respect to the Debtors and Purchaser to the extent necessary, without further order of this Court, to (a) allow Purchaser to deliver any notice provided for in the Agreement, and (b) allow Purchaser to take any and all actions permitted under the Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof. 26. No Other Bids. No further bids or offers for the Acquired Assets shall be considered or accepted by the Debtors after the date hereof unless the Sale to Purchaser is not consummated or otherwise does not occur in accordance with the Agreement or its related documents. 23 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393 Filed 10/23/18 Page 24 of 24 27. Order to Govern. To the extent that this Sale Order is inconsistent with any prior order entered or pleading filed in the Chapter 11 Cases, the terms of this Sale Order shall govern. To the extent there are any inconsistencies between the terms of this Sale Order and the Agreement (including all ancillary documents executed in connection therewith), the terms of this Sale Order shall govern. Dated: October 23, 2018 F Wilmington, Delaware kfLjw THE HO ORABLE KEVIN ROSS UNITED STATES BANKR TCY JUDGE 24 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 1 of 68 EXHIBIT A Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 2 of 68 ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT among HERITAGE HOME GROUP LLC, and HHG REAL PROPERTY LLC (as Sellers) and HAMILTON SQUARE, LLC (as Buyer) dated as of October 18, 2018 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 3 of 68 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS ................... ARTICLE II PURCHASE AND SALE Page 8 Section 2.01. Purchase and Sale of Assets........................................................................... 8 Section 2.02. Excluded Assets............................................................................................... 9 Section 2.03. No Assumed Liabilities................................................................................... 9 Section 2.04. Excluded Liabilities........................................................................................ 9 Section 2.05. Purchase Price and Deposit.......................................................................... 11 Section 2.06. Intentionally omitted.................................................................................... 11 Section 2.07. Withholding Tax........................................................................................... 11 Section 2.08. Intentionally Omitted................................................................................... 12 Section 2.09. Condition of Purchased Real Property at Closing ..................................... 12 ARTICLEIII CLOSING.............................................................................................................. 12 Section3.01. Closing............................................................................................................ 12 Section 3.02. Closing Deliverables...................................................................................... 12 Section3.03. Prorations...................................................................................................... 13 Section 3.04. Transfer Taxes.............................................................................................. 13 ARTICLE IV REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF SELLERS ............................. 14 Section 4.01. Organization and Qualification of Sellers .................................................. 14 Section 4.02. Authority of Sellers....................................................................................... 14 Section 4.03. No Conflicts; Consents................................................................................. 14 Section 4.04. Sellers' Knowledge of Real Estate............................................................... 15 Section 4.05. Title to Acquired Assets................................................................................ 15 Section 4.06. Intentionally omitted.................................................................................... 15 Section 4.07. Purchased Real Property............................................................................. 15 Section 4.08. Environmental Matters................................................................................ 15 Section 4.09. Legal Proceedings; Governmental Orders ................................................. 15 Section 4.10. Intentionally omitted.................................................................................... 16 Section4.11. Brokers........................................................................................................... 16 Section 4.12. Exclusivity of Representations and Warranties ......................................... 16 Section 4.13. "AS IS" Sale................................................................................................... 16 ARTICLE V REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF BUYER .................................. 16 Section 5.01. Organization of Buyer.................................................................................. 16 Section 5.02. Authority of Buyer........................................................................................ 17 Section 5.03. No Conflicts; Consents................................................................................. 17 Section5.04. Financing....................................................................................................... 17 Section5.05. Brokers........................................................................................................... 17 Section 5.06. Legal Proceedings......................................................................................... 17 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 4 of 68 ARTICLE VI COVENANTS....................................................................................................... 17 Section 6.01. Confidentiality............................................................................................... 17 Section 6.02. Received Payments........................................................................................ 18 Section 6.03. Availability of Books and Records.............................................................. 18 Section 6.04. Bulk Sales/Tax Clearance Waiver............................................................... 18 Section 6.05. Cooperation on Tax Matters........................................................................ 18 Section 6.06. Retention of Tax Records............................................................................. 18 Section 6.07. Further Assurances....................................................................................... 19 Section 6.08. Conduct of Business Prior to the Closing ................................................... 19 Section 6.09. Intentionally omitted.................................................................................... 19 Section 6.10. Access to Information................................................................................... 20 Section 6.11. Notice of Certain Events............................................................................... 20 Section 6.12. Efforts to Consummate................................................................................. 21 Section 6.13. Intentionally omitted.................................................................................... 21 Section 6.14. Intentionally omitted.................................................................................... 21 Section 6.15. Intentionally omitted.................................................................................... 21 ARTICLE VII CONDITIONS TO CLOSING.............................................................................21 Section 7.01. Conditions to Obligations of All Parties ..................................................... 21 Section 7.02. Conditions to Obligations of Buyer............................................................. 21 Section 7.03. Conditions to Obligations of Sellers............................................................ 22 ARTICLE VIII NON-SURVIVAL............................................................................................... 23 Section8.01. Non-Survival.................................................................................................. 23 ARTICLE IX TERMINATION.................................................................................................... 23 Section9.01. Termination...................................................................................................23 Section 9.02. Effect of Termination................................................................................... 24 ARTICLE X BANKRUPTCY COURT MATTERS AND RELATED COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS.................................................................................... 25 Section 10.01. Sale Order..................................................................................................... 25 Section 10.02.Other Filings in the Bankruptcy Case ........................................................ 25 Section 10.03. Bankruptcy Process...................................................................................... 25 ARTICLE XI MISCELLANEOUS.............................................................................................. 26 Section11.01. Expenses......................................................................................................... 26 Section 11.02. Sellers Representative................................................................................... 26 Section11.03. Notices............................................................................................................ 27 Section 11.04. Interpretation................................................................................................ 28 Section 11.05.Disclosure Schedules.....................................................................................28 Section11.06. Headings......................................................................................................... 28 Section11.07. Severability.................................................................................................... 28 Section 11.08. Entire Agreement.......................................................................................... 29 Section 11.09. Successors and Assigns................................................................................. 29 Section 11.10. No Third -Party Beneficiaries....................................................................... 29 Section 11.11.Amendment and Modification; Waiver......................................................29 ii Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 5 of 68 Section 11.12. Governing Law; Submission to Jurisdiction; Waiver of Jury Trial ........ 29 Section11.13. Counterparts ................................................................................................. 30 Exhibits Exhibit A — Bill of Sale Exhibit B — Allocation ft Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 6 of 68 ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT This Asset Purchase Agreement (this "Agreement'), dated October 18, 2018 (the "Effective Date") entered into among HERITAGE HOME GROUP LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("HHG"), HHG REAL PROPERTY LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("HHG-RP" and together with HH Global, HHG, and HHG-RP, collectively, the "Sellers"), and HAMILTON SQUARE, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company (`Buyer"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Sellers are engaged in the business of designing, manufacturing, sourcing, licensing and selling home furnishings under the Broyhill, Thomasville, Drexel, Drexel Heritage, and Henredon brands (the "Business"); WHEREAS, on July 29, 2018 (the "Petition Date"), Sellers commenced administratively consolidated cases (collectively, the "Bankruptcy Cases") under the Bankruptcy Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the "Bankruptcy Court") and will continue in the possession of their respective assets and in the management of their respective businesses under Sections 1107 and 1108 of the Bankruptcy Code; and WHEREAS, Sellers, subject to the receipt of any higher or better offer received by Sellers for the Acquired Assets (as hereinafter defined), desire to sell the Acquired Assets to Buyer pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and Buyer desires to so purchase and acquire the Acquired Assets from Sellers in accordance with Sections 105, 363 and 365 of the Bankruptcy Code. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS The following terms have the meanings throughout this Agreement as are specified or referred to in this ARTICLE 1: "Action" means any claim, action, cause of action, demand, lawsuit, arbitration, inquiry, audit, notice of violation, proceeding, litigation, citation, summons, subpoena or investigation of any nature, civil, criminal, administrative, regulatory or otherwise, whether at law or in equity. "Acquired Assets" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.01. "Affiliate" of a Person means any other Person that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such Person; provided, that all other portfolio companies of investment funds affiliated with or managed by KPS Capital Partners, LP are deemed to not be an Affiliate of any of the Sellers hereunder. The term "control" (including the terms "controlled by" and "under common control Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 7 of 68 with") means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a Person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise. "Agreement" has the meaning set forth in the preamble of this Agreement. "Auction" means an auction conducted by Sellers in accordance with the Bid Procedures. "Avoidance Actions" means any and all claims and causes of action of any Seller, arising under the Bankruptcy Code or similar state law claims, including under chapter 5 of the Bankruptcy Code. "Bankruptcy Cases" has the meaning set forth in the recitals of this Agreement. "Bankruptcy Code" means Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the United States Code, 11 U.S.C. § 101 et sue, as amended. "Bankruptcy Court" has the meaning set forth in the recitals of this Agreement. "Benefit Plans" means any pension, benefit, retirement, compensation, employment, consulting, profit-sharing, deferred compensation, incentive, bonus, performance award, phantom equity, stock or stock -based, change in control, retention, severance, vacation, paid time off, welfare, fringe -benefit and other similar agreement, plan, policy, program or arrangement (and any amendments thereto), in each case whether or not reduced to writing and whether funded or unfunded, including each "employee benefit plan" within the meaning of Section 3(3) of ERISA, whether or not tax -qualified and whether or not subject to ERISA, that is or has been maintained, sponsored, contributed to, or required to be contributed to by the applicable Seller for the benefit of any current or former employee, officer, director, retiree, or independent contractor of Sellers or any spouse or dependent of such individual "Bid Procedures" means the bidding procedures approved by the Bankruptcy Court for purposes of seeking bids for the purchase of Sellers' assets at the Auction. "Bidding Procedures Order" means an Order of the Bankruptcy Court, in form and substance reasonably acceptable to Buyer that among other things, establishes a date by which qualified bids meeting the requirements approved in such Order must be submitted by bidders and establishes procedures for the Auction process. "Bill of Sale" means a bill of sale in the form of Exhibit A hereto and duly executed by Sellers, transferring to Buyer the Purchased Tangible Personal Property (and any tangible personal property which may be affixed to the Purchased Real Property) included in the Acquired Assets. "Books and Records" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.01(d). "Business" has the meaning set forth in the recitals of this Agreement. 2 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 8 of 68 "Business Day" means any day except Saturday, Sunday or any other day on which commercial banks located in New York, New York are authorized or required by Law to be closed for business. "Buyer" has the meaning set forth in the preamble of this Agreement. "Buyer Closing Certificate" has the meaning set forth in Section 7.03(d). `Buyer Default Termination' has the meaning set forth in Section 2.05(b). "Chair One" means the building located at 815 Visionary St., Lenoir NC 28645. "Closing" and "Closing Date" have the meanings set forth in Section 3.01. "Closing Payment" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.05(b). "Closing Cash Consideration" means FOUR MILLION AND SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND 00/100 dollars ($4,750,000.00). "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. "Confidential Information" has the meaning set forth in Section 6.01. "Contracts" means all contracts, leases, deeds, mortgages, licenses, instruments, notes, commitments, undertakings, indentures, joint ventures and all other agreements, commitments and legally binding arrangements, whether written or oral. "Default" means (a) a violation, breach, or default, (b) the occurrence of an event that, with the passage of time, the giving of notice or both, would constitute a violation, breach, or default, or (c) the occurrence of an event that, with or without the passage of time, the giving of notice or both, would give rise to a right of damages, specific performance, termination, cancellation, renegotiation, or acceleration (including the acceleration of payment). "Deposit" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.05(c). "Disclosure Schedules" means the Disclosure Schedules delivered by Sellers concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement. "Effective Date" has the meaning set forth in the opening paragraph of this Agreement. "Encumbrance" means any charge, claim (as defined in Section 101(5) of the Bankruptcy Code), pledge, condition, lien (statutory or other), option, security interest, mortgage, easement, encroachment, right of way, right of first refusal, transfer restriction or other similar encumbrance. "End Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 9.01(f). 3 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 9 of 68 "Environmental Law" means any applicable Law (a) relating to pollution (or the cleanup thereof) or the protection of natural resources or the environment (including ambient air, soil, surface water or groundwater, or subsurface strata) or (b) concerning the management, manufacture, use, containment, storage, recycling, reclamation, reuse, treatment, generation, discharge, transportation, processing, production, disposal or remediation of any Hazardous Materials. "Environmental Permit" means any Permit required under or issued, granted, given, authorized by or made pursuant to Environmental Law. "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, and the regulations promulgated thereunder. "Escrow" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.05(b). "Escrow Holder" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.05(b). "Excluded Assets" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.02. "Excluded Liabilities" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.04. "Final Order" shall mean an order or judgment, the operation or effect of which is not stayed, and as to which order or judgment (or any revision, modification or amendment thereof), the time to appeal or seek review or rehearing has expired, and as to which no appeal or petition for review or motion for reargument has been taken or been made and is pending for argument. "FIRPTA Certificate" means, in connection with the sale of the Purchased Real Property, a certificate duly executed by each Seller pursuant to Treasury Regulations Section 1.1445-2(b), in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, that such Seller (or such Seller's owner for U.S. federal income tax purposes if such Seller is a disregarded entity for U.S. federal income tax purposes) is not a foreign person within the meaning of Section 1445 of the Code. "Governmental Authority" means any federal, state, local or foreign government or political subdivision thereof, or any agency or instrumentality of such government or political subdivision, or any self -regulated organization or other non- governmental regulatory authority or quasi -governmental authority (to the extent that the rules, regulations or orders of such organization or authority have the force of Law), or any arbitrator, court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction. "Governmental Order" means any order, writ, judgment, injunction, decree, stipulation, determination or award entered by or with any Governmental Authority. "Hazardous Materials" means (a) any material, substance, chemical or waste that is hazardous, acutely hazardous, toxic, or words of similar import or regulatory effect under Environmental Laws and (b) any petroleum or petroleum -derived products, radioactive materials or wastes, urea formaldehyde foam insulation and polychlorinated biphenyls. 11 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 10 of 68 "Knowledge of Sellers" or any other similar knowledge qualification, means the actual knowledge, following due inquiry, of Blair Hawley, Rob Allen, Brian Buchanan, and Chris Litras. "Law" means any statute, law, ordinance, regulation, rule, code, order, constitution, treaty, common law or rule of law of any Governmental Authority. "Liabilities" means liabilities, obligations or commitments of any nature whatsoever, asserted or unasserted, known or unknown, accrued or unaccrued, matured or unmatured or otherwise. "Losses" means losses, damages, liabilities, deficiencies, Actions, judgments, interest, awards, penalties, fines, costs or expenses of whatever kind, including reasonable attorneys' fees and diminution in value; provided, however, that "Losses" will not include, except in the case of fraud or to the extent actually awarded to a Governmental Authority or other third party, punitive damages, exemplary or special damages, lost profits, lost expectations, consequential damages that were not reasonably foreseeable as a result of the applicable claim giving rise to such damages (other than, for the avoidance of doubt, any loss or damage calculated based on a multiplier, or other enhancing measure, of actual damages), or any loss or damage that is calculated based on a multiple, or other enhancing measurement, of actual damages. "Material Adverse Change" means any event, occurrence, state of facts or development, condition or change that, individually or in the aggregate, (i) has been or would be reasonably likely to be material and adverse to the Acquired Assets (including, without limitation, a casualty or condemnation of the Purchased Real Property) or the assets, business, condition (financial or otherwise) or results of operations of the businesses or (ii) has prevented, materially delayed, or materially impaired, or would be reasonably likely to prevent, materially delay or materially impair, the ability of the Sellers to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or any other Transaction Document or to perform its obligations under this Agreement or any other Transaction Document, provided that, the commencement of the Bankruptcy Cases and the financial condition of Sellers as a result of such filings shall not constitute a Material Adverse Change. "Material Contract" means any Contract with respect to which Sellers have made or received annual payments of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) or more. "Order" means any judgment, order, writ, decree, injunction or other determination whatsoever of any Governmental Authority or any other entity or body whose finding, ruling or holding is legally binding or is enforceable as a matter of right (in any case, whether preliminary or final). "Ordinary Course" means the ordinary course of business consistent with the past practices of Sellers and their Subsidiaries in the operation of the Business from and after the commencement of the Bankruptcy Cases. "Permits" means all permits, licenses, franchises, approvals, authorizations, registrations, certificates, variances and similar rights obtained, or required to be obtained, from 5 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 11 of 68 Governmental Authorities, held in connection with the ownership or operation of the Acquired Assets. "Permitted Encumbrances" means (i) mechanics', carriers', workmen's, repairmen's or other like liens for amounts that are not delinquent or which are being contested in good faith by appropriate proceedings; (ii) Taxes/Tax assessments that are not yet due or payable; (iii) all defects, exceptions, restrictions, easements, rights of way, covenants, conditions, exclusions or other Encumbrances that do not, individually or in the aggregate, materially interfere with the use of the Purchased Real Property of record; (iv) easements or other grants to any one or more utility companies and public or quasi -public entities to facilitate the delivery of utilities to the Purchased Real Property, or for road, water, sewer, or other public purposes, regardless of whether they are for the benefit of the Purchased Real Property; (v) all liens, encumbrances, ordinances, statutes, and other matters whether recorded or unrecorded that would be disclosed by an accurate survey, title search or physical inspection of the Purchased Real Property; (vi) zoning, building codes, entitlement and other land use and Environmental Laws regulating the use or occupancy of the Purchased Real Property or the activities conducted thereon that are imposed by any Governmental Authority having jurisdiction over such Purchased Real Property; or (vii) liens that will be released at or prior to the Closing. "Person" means an individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, Governmental Authority, unincorporated organization, trust, association, or other entity. "Petition Date" has the meaning set forth in the Recitals. "Pre -Closing Tax Period" means any taxable period ending on or before the Closing Date and, with respect to any taxable period beginning on or before the Closing Date and ending after the Closing Date, the portion of such taxable period ending on and including the Closing Date. "Purchased Real Property" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.01(a). "Purchase Price" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.05(a). "Purchased Tangible Personal Property" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.01 N. "Representative" means, with respect to any Person, any and all directors, officers, employees, consultants, financial advisors, counsel, accountants and other agents of such Person. "Sale Order" means an Order of the Bankruptcy Court in form and substance satisfactory to Buyer, pursuant to, inter alia, Sections 105, 363 and 365 of the Bankruptcy Code authorizing and approving the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; provided, that Buyer shall not be required to accept a Sale Order that does not: (i) provide for the sale, transfer and assignment of all of the Sellers' rights, title and interest in the Acquired Assets to Buyer on the terms and conditions set forth herein, free and clear of all Claims, Excluded Liabilities, and Encumbrances (including any successor liability) to the maximum extent permitted by law, other Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 12 of 68 than Permitted Encumbrances; (ii) intentionally omitted; (iii) contain findings of fact and conclusions of law that the transactions contemplated by this Agreement are undertaken by Buyer and Sellers at arm's length, without collusion and that the Buyer has acted in "good faith" within the meaning and entitled to the protections of Section 363(m) of the Bankruptcy Code; (iv) find that notice of the Sale Motion was good and sufficient; (v) provide that, other than the Permitted Encumbrances, Buyer shall not be responsible for any liability of Sellers; (vi) find the transfers of the Acquired Assets by Sellers to Buyer constitute transfers for reasonably equivalent value and fair consideration under the Bankruptcy Code and the laws of the State of Delaware; (vii) provide that the Sale Order is binding upon any trustee in the event of conversion of the Sellers' chapter 11 cases to cases under chapter 7, or in the event that a chapter 11 trustee is appointed or venue is transferred; (viii) hold that Buyer is a not a successor to the Sellers or their estates by reason of any theory of law or equity with respect to any Claims or Encumbrances against the Sellers or the Acquired Assets and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law permanently enjoining each and every holder of any claim for such liabilities from commencing, continuing or otherwise pursuing or enforcing any remedy, claim, cause of action or Encumbrance against Buyer or the Acquired Assets related thereto; (ix) hold that, after the entry of the Sale Order, the terms of any reorganization or liquidation plan submitted to the Bankruptcy Court or any other court for confirmation or sanction, shall not conflict with, supersede, abrogate, nullify or restrict the terms of this Agreement, or in any way prevent or interfere with the consummation or performance of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; (x) authorize the Buyer to abandon property in accordance with regularly approved procedures; (xi) contain findings of fact and holdings typically included in such orders; (xii) intentionally omitted; (xiii) provide for the waiver of the automatic stay provisions of Bankruptcy Rules 6004 and 6006; and (xiv) provide that Buyer has not violated Section 363(n) of the Bankruptcy Code by any action or inaction. "Sale Motion" means the motion, in form and substance reasonably acceptable to Buyer, filed by Sellers with the Bankruptcy Court seeking authority to sell the Acquired Assets. "Sellers" has the meaning set forth in the preamble of this Agreement, and "Seller" means one of the Sellers. "Sellers Closing Certificate" has the meaning set forth in Section 7.02(e). "Sellers Representative" has the meaning set forth in Section 11.02(a). "Subsidiary" means, with respect to any Person, any corporation, limited liability company, joint venture or partnership of which such Person (a) beneficially owns, either directly or indirectly, more than fifty percent (50%) of (i) the total combined voting power of all classes of voting securities of such entity, (ii) the total combined equity interests, or (iii) the capital or profit interests, in the case of a partnership; or (b) otherwise has the power to vote or to direct the voting of sufficient securities to elect a majority of the board of directors or similar governing body. "Successful Bidder" has the meaning set forth in the Bidding Procedures Order. 11 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 13 of 68 "Tax" or "Taxes" means all federal, state, local, foreign, and other income, gross receipts, sales, use, production, ad valorem, transfer, documentary, franchise, registration, profits, license, lease, service, service use, withholding, payroll, employment, unemployment, estimated, excise, severance, environmental, stamp, occupation, premium, property (real or personal), real property gains, value added, windfall profits, customs, duties or other taxes, fees, assessments or charges of any kind whatsoever, together with any interest, additions or penalties with respect thereto and any interest in respect of such additions or penalties. "Tax Return" means any return (including any information return), report, statement, declaration, estimate, schedule, notice, notification, form, election, certificate or other document or information (including any amendments thereto) that is, has been or may in the future be filed with or submitted to, or required to be filed with or submitted to, any Governmental Authority in connection with the determination, assessment, collection or payment of any Tax or in connection with the administration, implementation or enforcement of or compliance with any Law relating to any Tax. "Transaction Documents" means this Agreement, the Bill of Sale, the special warranty deed, and the other agreements, instruments and documents required to be delivered at the Closing. "Transfer Taxes" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.04. ARTICLE II PURCHASE AND SALE Section 2.01. Purchase and Sale of Assets. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein and pursuant to Sections 105, 363, and 365 of the Bankruptcy Code, at the Closing, but subject to Error! Reference source not found., Sellers will sell, assign, transfer, convey, and deliver to Buyer (or any Person designated by Buyer), or cause one or more of their Subsidiaries to sell, assign, transfer, convey, and deliver to Buyer (or any Person designated by Buyer), and Buyer will purchase from Sellers, free and clear of any Encumbrances other than Permitted Encumbrances, all of Sellers' right, title and interest in, to, and under the following (collectively, the "Acquired Assets"): (a) the real property set forth in Section 2.01(a) of the Disclosure Schedules, including the buildings, fixtures, parking lots and other improvements or movable assets considered real property as a matter of Law located on or attached to such real property and all appurtenances thereto (the "Purchased Real Property"); (b) all furniture, fixtures, equipment, machinery, tools, vehicles, security devices, office equipment, office supplies, computers, telephones and other tangible personal property identified in Section 2.01(b) of the Disclosure Schedules (the "Purchased Tangible Personal Property") together with any software identified in Section 2.01(b) of the Disclosure Schedules that is transferrable with the Purchased Tangible Personal Property; (c) all of Seller's indemnities and all similar rights against third parties to the extent related to any Acquired Assets; Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 14 of 68 (d) as relating to the Acquired Assets, originals or copies of all books and records; books of account, ledgers, and general financial information; financial and accounting records; and files relating to the Acquired Assets ("Books and Records"); (e) the right to receive and retain mail and other communications related to the Acquired Assets; (f) except for accounts receivable, claims, causes of action and other legal rights and remedies against other Persons to the extent arising from or relating to or in connection with the Acquired Assets (regardless of whether or not asserted by any Seller), all of the proceeds from the foregoing which are accrued and unpaid as of the Closing, all rights of indemnity, warranty rights, guaranties received from vendors, suppliers, contractors, or manufacturers, rights of contribution, rights to refunds, rights of reimbursement, and other rights of recovery possessed by any Seller against other Persons and the prosecution files of Sellers related thereto, in each case, to the extent related to the Acquired Assets (regardless of whether such rights are currently exercisable); provided, however, that the foregoing shall exclude any Avoidance Actions; and (g) (i) any transferrable warranties (such as roof warranties) related to the Purchased Real Property; (ii) any unrecorded agreements made for the benefit of Purchased Real Property (such as unrecorded license agreements for use of neighboring properties); and (iii) any transferrable warranties related to the Purchased Tangible Personal Property. Section 2.02. Excluded Assets. With the exception of the Acquired Assets, Buyer shall not acquire any of Seller's assets, properties, or rights of any kind and nature, whether real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible (collectively, the "Excluded Assets"). Section 2.03. No Assumed Liabilities. Buyer will not assume and will not be responsible to pay, perform or discharge any Liabilities of any Sellers or any of Sellers' respective Affiliates of any kind or nature whatsoever, including any intercompany obligations. Section 2.04. Excluded Liabilities. As stated above, Buyer will not assume and will not be responsible to pay, perform or discharge any Liabilities of any Sellers or any of Sellers' respective Affiliates of any kind or nature whatsoever, including any intercompany obligations (the "Excluded Liabilities"). For the avoidance of doubt, the term "Excluded Liabilities" shall include: Contract of any Seller, equipment; (a) all Liabilities and obligations arising under or relating to any (b) all Liabilities of Sellers under any Contract, including any lease of (c) any indebtedness or obligation for borrowed money of any Seller; (d) all Liabilities arising from the Excluded Assets; W Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 15 of 68 (e) all Liabilities for any and all Taxes for which a Seller or any of its Affiliates or direct or indirect partners, shareholders or members is or may be liable, regardless of the taxable period to which Taxes relate, and any and all Taxes relating to or imposed or payable in connection with the Business or any of the Acquired Assets to the extent attributable to (or payable in respect of) any Pre -Closing Tax Periods, in each instance regardless of whether such Taxes are assessed or determined to be due or payable before or after the Closing; (f) all Liabilities assumed by the purchaser of any Excluded Assets; (g) all Liabilities under any Benefit Plans; (h) any and all Liability for: (i) costs and expenses incurred by Sellers or owed in connection with the administration of the Bankruptcy Cases (including the U.S. Trustee fees, the fees and expenses of attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, consultants, and other professionals retained by Seller, and any official or unofficial creditors' committee, the fees and expenses of the post -petition lenders or the pre -petition lenders incurred or owed in connection with the administration of the Bankruptcy Case); and (ii) all costs and expenses of Sellers incurred in connection with the negotiation, execution, and consummation of the transactions contemplated under this Agreement or the other Transaction Documents; (i) any Liabilities with respect to negative credit balances under any accounts receivable of the Sellers; 0) all (i) store or customer credits, sales promotions, rebates, coupons, gift cards and certificates or (ii) customer deposits, other deposits, returns of goods or merchandise, customer prepayments and overpayments, customer refunds, credits, reimbursements and related adjustments with respect to goods or merchandise; (k) any and all Liabilities arising from or related to the operation or condition of the Acquired Assets prior to the Closing or facts, actions, omissions, circumstances or conditions existing, occurring or accruing with respect to the Acquired Assets prior to the Closing; (1) any and all Liabilities relating to any environmental, health or safety matter (including any Liability or obligation under any applicable Laws concerning environmental, health or safety matters, whether known or unknown), arising out of or relating to the Sellers' conduct, action or omission or its leasing, ownership or operation of real property on or prior to the Closing Date, no matter when raised; (m) any and all Liabilities relating to the Sellers' employees, including, without limitation, unpaid vacation, severance, or Liabilities arising under the WARN Act; (n) any leases or other occupancy agreements for the Purchased Real Property, if any; and (o) any Liabilities with respect to any Encumbrances which (i) do not constitute Permitted Encumbrances or (ii) will be removed pursuant to the Sale Order. 10 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 16 of 68 Section 2.05. Purchase Price and Deposit. (a) The aggregate purchase price for the Acquired Assets is the Closing Cash Consideration (the "Purchase Price"). (b) At the Closing, Buyer shall (i) pay to the Sellers Representative an amount equal (x) the Closing Cash Consideration minus (y) the Deposit, by wire transfer of immediately available funds to an account designated in writing by the Sellers Representative to Buyer no later than two (2) Business Days prior to the Closing Date (collectively, the "Closing Payment") and (ii) direct the Escrow Agent to disburse the Deposit to Sellers. (c) Upon submission of this Agreement for consideration as a bid for the Acquired Assets, Buyer shall, in accordance with the Bidding Procedures, deliver into a segregated account (the "Escrow") maintained by an escrow holder designated by Sellers parties (the "Escrow Holder") and pursuant to an escrow agreement in form and substance satisfactory to Buyer and Sellers the sum of ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE AND 00/100 dollars ($170,625.00) (the "Deposit") in immediately available funds. Upon receipt of the Deposit, the Escrow Holder shall immediately place the Deposit into a non -interest -bearing account. The Deposit shall become nonrefundable upon the earlier of (i) the entry of a Final Order of the Bankruptcy Court approving Buyer as the Successful Bidder at the hearing on the Sale Motion and satisfaction by all parties of all conditions set forth in ARTICLE VII, and the absence of any restriction, limitation, or prohibition on Buyer's right to acquire the Acquired Assets in the manner, and under the terms and conditions, set forth in this Agreement except where any such restriction, limitation, or prohibition is solely caused by an act or omission of Buyer, and (ii) Sellers' termination of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement in accordance with Section 9.01(d) (a `Buyer Default Termination"). At the Closing, the Deposit shall be delivered to Sellers and credited toward payment of the Purchase Price. In the event the Deposit becomes non-refundable by reason of a Buyer Default Termination and Sellers are not then in Default of this Agreement, Escrow Holder shall immediately disburse the Deposit to Sellers to be retained by Sellers for Sellers' own account as liquidated damages. If this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Section 9.01 other than due to a Buyer Default Termination, the Escrow Holder shall return the Deposit to Buyer within two (2) Business Days. to (d) The allocation of the Purchase Price shall be as set forth on Exhibit Section 2.06. Intentionally omitted. Section 2.07. Withholding Tax. Buyer shall be entitled to deduct and withhold from the Purchase Price all Taxes that Buyer may be required to deduct and withhold under any provision of Tax Law. All such withheld amounts that are paid over to the relevant Governmental Authority will be treated as delivered to Sellers hereunder. In the event Buyer determines that it is required to withhold and pay Taxes, Buyer shall notify the Sellers Representative of such requirement and the basis for such requirement at least five (5) days prior to any withholding. Buyer and Sellers shall cooperate, as reasonably requested by the Sellers Representative, to reduce the amount of withholding Taxes imposed on the Purchase Price. 11 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 17 of 68 Section 2.08. Intentionally Omitted. Section 2.09. Condition of Purchased Real Property at Closing. (a) Sellers shall deliver possession of the Purchased Real Property (without any tenant or occupant) to Buyer immediately at Closing; provided, however, Buyer shall permit Sellers to (i) continue to use Chair One for storage of inventory located at Chair One as of Closing and (ii) access Chair One to remove such inventory during normal business hours until December 31, 2018. From the Closing Date until all inventory is removed from Chair One, Sellers shall pay Buyer rent at a rate of $6,250 per week due Monday of each week (or the next Business Day if Monday is a holiday). Rent shall be pro rated for any period in which inventory is located at Chair One if such period is not a full month. Sellers shall also provide to Buyer at Closing all keys and key fobs (and similar devices) and security codes for any of the buildings or improvements on the Purchased Real Property. (b) Sellers jointly and severally agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Buyer for any damages as a direct result of Sellers' occupancy of Chair One and the removal of inventory from Chair One. Each Seller agrees that Buyer shall not be liable for any damage to inventory located at Chair One except for damages resulting from Buyer's gross negligence or willful misconduct. ARTICLE III CLOSING Section 3.01. Closing. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (the "Closing") will take place through the electronic exchange of documents and signatures, which process will be coordinated by Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP, at 10:00 am prevailing Eastern Time, on the earlier of (i) the fourth (4th) Business Day following the satisfaction or waiver of each of the conditions set forth in ARTICLE VII (other than those conditions which can be satisfied only at the Closing, but subject to the satisfaction or waiver of such conditions at Closing) and (ii) at such other time, date or place as the Sellers Representative and Buyer may mutually agree upon in writing; provided, however, that such other time or date shall be on or before the End Date. The date on which the Closing is to occur is herein referred to as the "Closing Date," and the Closing shall be deemed to have occurred at 11:59 pm prevailing Eastern Time on the Closing Date. Until Closing, the risk of loss or damage to the Acquired Assets shall be borne by Sellers. Section 3.02. Closing Deliverables. (a) At the Closing, Sellers will deliver or cause to be delivered to Buyer the following, each of which shall be duly executed by the applicable Seller (or an Affiliate thereof): (1) a copy of the Sale Order entered by the Bankruptcy Court; (2) the Bill of Sale; 12 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 18 of 68 (3) the state and county transfer forms that are required to be executed by the applicable Seller to effectuate the real property transfers for the Purchased Real Property; (4) an assignment (i) any transferrable warranties (such as roof warranties, etc.) related to the Purchased Real Property; (ii) any unrecorded agreements made for the benefit of Purchased Real Property (such as unrecorded license agreements for use of neighboring properties, etc.); and (iii) any transferrable warranties related to the Purchased Tangible Personal Property; (5) a special warranty deed for each parcel of Purchased Real Property; (6) the FIRPTA Certificate and such other documents as Buyer's title company may reasonably request to issue an owner's policy at regular rates subject only to the standard exceptions and Permitted Exceptions; (7) the Sellers Closing Certificate; (8) a Settlement Statement; (9) termination(s) of any and all leases affecting the Purchased Real Property or a certification that no such lease exists; (10) all instruments of transfer, including, as applicable, any affidavits of lost title certificates, necessary to transfer to Buyer to any motor vehicles that are Acquired Assets; and (11) such other customary instruments of transfer, assumption, filings or documents, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, as may be reasonably required to give effect to this Agreement. (b) At the Closing, Buyer will deliver to the Sellers Representative the following, each of which shall be duly executed by Buyer (if applicable): Sellers; and (1) the Closing Payment; (2) instructions to the Escrow Holder to deliver the Deposit to (3) the Buyer Closing Certificate. Section 3.03. Prorations. Ad valorem and personal property Taxes shall be prorated between Sellers and Buyer as of the Closing Date; provided, however, that Seller shall be responsible for any rollback taxes for any period prior to Closing. Section 3.04. Transfer Taxes. Any transfer taxes that may be payable by reason of the sale of the Acquired Assets under this Agreement or the transactions contemplated herein 13 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 19 of 68 ("Transfer Taxes") shall be borne and timely paid one-half by Buyer and one-half by Sellers. Each of Buyer and Sellers shall cooperate with each other and timely sign and deliver such certificates or forms as may be necessary or appropriate to file any Tax Returns required to be filed in connection with Transfer Taxes or to establish an exemption from (or otherwise reduce) such Transfer Taxes. ARTICLE IV REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF SELLERS Except as set forth in the correspondingly numbered Section of the Disclosure Schedules, Sellers, jointly and severally, represent and warrant to Buyer, as of the date hereof, the representations and warranties in the following Section 4.01 through Section 4.11: Section 4.01. Organization and Oualification of Sellers. Each Seller is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the Laws of the jurisdiction of its organization. Each Seller has full power and authority to own, operate, or lease the properties and assets now owned, operated, or leased by such Seller. Each Seller is duly licensed or qualified to do business and is in good standing in each jurisdiction in which the ownership by it of the Acquired Assets or the operation of the Business as currently conducted by it makes such licensing or qualification necessary. Section 4.02. Authority of Sellers. Subject to the entry of the Sale Order in the Bankruptcy Cases, (i) each Seller has full power and authority to, enter into this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents to which such Seller is a parry, to carry out, and to cause any of its Affiliates to carry out, their obligations hereunder and thereunder and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby; (ii) the execution and delivery by each Seller of this Agreement and any other Transaction Document to which it is a party, the performance by such Seller of its obligations hereunder and thereunder and the consummation by such Seller of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby have been duly authorized by any necessary action on the part of such Seller; and (iii) this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by each Seller, and (assuming due authorization, execution and delivery by Buyer) this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of each Seller enforceable against each Seller in accordance with its terms, subject to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization and other laws of general applicability relating to or effecting creditors' rights and to general principles of equity. Section 4.03. No Conflicts; Consents. To the Knowledge of each Seller and subject to the entry of the Sale Order in the Bankruptcy Cases, the execution, delivery and performance by such Seller, and the execution, delivery and performance by any of such Seller's Affiliates, of the other Transaction Documents to which it is a party, and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby, do not and will not: (a) conflict with or result in a violation or breach of, or default under, any provision of the certificate of formation, operating agreements or other organizational documents of such Seller or any of its Affiliates; (b) conflict with or result in a violation or breach of any provision of any Law applicable to such Seller or any of its Affiliates; (c) Intentionally Omitted; (d) result in the creation or imposition of any Encumbrance on the Acquired Assets; or (e) require the consent of, or filing with, any 14 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 20 of 68 Governmental Authority except for such consents or flings, the failure to obtain or make that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Change. Section 4.04. Sellers' Knowledge of Real Estate. To the Knowledge of each Seller there are no (i) condemnation(s) affecting or contemplated with respect to the Purchased Real Property; (ii) actions, suits, or proceedings pending or threatened against the Purchased Real Property; (iii) changes contemplated in any applicable laws, ordinances, or restrictions affecting the Purchased Real Property; or (iv) governmental special assessments, either pending or confirmed, for sidewalk, paving, water, sewer, or other improvements on or adjoining the Purchased Real Property, and no pending or confirmed owners' association special assessments. Section 4.05. Title to Acquired Assets. Sellers and their Affiliates have good and valid title to all of the Acquired Assets. All such Acquired Assets are free and clear of Encumbrances except for Permitted Encumbrances. Section 4.06. Intentionally omitted. Section 4.07. Purchased Real Property. With respect to each parcel of Purchased Real Property (a) the applicable Seller has good and valid fee simple title free and clear of all Encumbrances except Permitted Encumbrances; and (b) there are no leases, subleases, licenses, concessions, or other agreements, written or oral, granting to any Person the right of use or occupancy of any portion of such Purchased Real Property; and (c) the improvements thereon are in good working order and repair subject to normal wear and tear and ordinary, routine maintenance and repairs. The applicable Seller has not received written notice of any pending condemnation proceeding with respect to any parcel of Purchased Real Property nor, to such Seller's Knowledge, is there any threatened condemnation that would preclude or impair the use of any Purchased Real Property by Buyer for the purposes for which it is currently used. Other than the right of Buyer pursuant to this Agreement, there are no other options or rights of first offer or rights of first refusal or similar rights or options to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire any interest in any of the Purchased Real Property that have been granted by the Sellers to any Person (other than Buyer) that are enforceable. Section 4.08. Environmental Matters To the Knowledge of Sellers, Sellers are, and have been at all times since December 31, 2015, in compliance in all material respects with all Environmental Laws. To the Knowledge of Sellers, all material Environmental Permits required in connection with the ownership of the Acquired Assets have been obtained and are in full force and effect and the Sellers are, and have been at all times since December 31, 2015, in compliance in all material respects with all such Environmental Permits. There are no material Actions pending or, to the Knowledge of Sellers, threatened in writing against any Seller pursuant to Environmental Laws. This Section 4.08 contains the sole representations and warranties concerning Environmental Laws or Hazardous Materials in the Agreement. Section 4.09. Legal Proceedings; Governmental Orders. There are no Actions pending or, to the Knowledge of Sellers, threatened in writing against or by any Seller (i) relating to or affecting the Acquired Assets; or (ii) that challenge or seek to prevent, enjoin or otherwise delay the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 15 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 21 of 68 Section 4.10. Intentionally omitted. Section 4.11. Brokers. Except to the extent payable solely by Sellers, no broker, finder or investment banker is entitled to any brokerage, finder's or other fee or commission in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or any other Transaction Document based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of Sellers. Section 4.12. Exclusivity of Representations and Warranties. None of the Sellers nor any other Person is making any representation or warranty of any kind or nature whatsoever, oral or written, express or implied, relating to any Seller (including, but not limited to, any relating to financial condition, results of operations, assets or liabilities of such Seller), except as expressly set forth in this ARTICLE IV and the Disclosure Schedules, and each of the Sellers hereby disclaims any such other representations or warranties. Section 4.13. "AS IS" Sale. BUYER HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THIS ARTICLE IV ABOVE, SELLERS MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER RELATING TO THE ACQUIRED ASSETS INCLUDING EXPENSES TO BE INCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUIRED ASSETS, THE PHYSICAL CONDITION OF ANY PERSONAL PROPERTY COMPRISING A PART OF THE ACQUIRED ASSETS OR WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF ANY OTHER LEASE OR OTHER CONTRACT TO BE ASSUMED BY BUYER AT THE CLOSING, THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION OR OTHER MATTER RELATING TO THE PHYSICAL CONDITION OF ANY REAL PROPERTY OR IMPROVEMENTS THAT ARE THE SUBJECT OF ANY REAL PROPERTY LEASE TO BE ASSUMED BY BUYER AT THE CLOSING, THE ZONING OF ANY SUCH REAL PROPERTY OR IMPROVEMENTS, THE VALUE OF THE ACQUIRED ASSETS (OR ANY PORTION THEREOF), THE TRANSFERABILITY OF PROPERTY, THE TERMS, AMOUNT, THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS OF THE PERSONAL PROPERTY OR ANY OTHER PORTION OF THE ACQUIRED ASSETS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY OTHER MATTER OR THING RELATING TO THE ACQUIRED ASSETS OR ANY PORTION THEREOF. WITHOUT IN ANY WAY LIMITING THE FOREGOING, SELLERS HEREBY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE AS TO ANY PORTION OF THE ACQUIRED ASSETS. SUBJECT TO THE REPRESENTATIONS SET FORTH IN THIS ARTICLE IV, BUYER WILL ACCEPT THE ACQUIRED ASSETS AT THE CLOSING "AS IS," "WHERE IS," AND "WITH ALL FAULTS." ARTICLE V REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF BUYER Buyer represents and warrants to Sellers as follows: Section 5.01. Organization of Buyer. Buyer is a limited liability company duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the Laws of the State of North Carolina. 16 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 22 of 68 Section 5.02. Authority of Buyer. Buyer has full limited liability company power and authority to enter into this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents to which Buyer is a party, to carry out its obligations hereunder and thereunder and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby. The execution and delivery by Buyer of this Agreement and any other Transaction Document to which Buyer is a party, the performance by Buyer of its obligations hereunder and thereunder and the consummation by Buyer of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby have been duly authorized by all requisite limited liability company action on the part of Buyer. This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by Buyer, and (assuming due authorization, execution and delivery by Sellers) this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of Buyer enforceable against Buyer in accordance with its terms, subject to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization and other laws of general applicability relating to or effecting creditors' rights and to general principles of equity. Section 5.03. No Conflicts; Consents. The execution, delivery and performance by Buyer of this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents to which it is a party, and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby, do not and will not conflict with or result in a violation or breach of, or default under, any provision of the certificate of formation, limited liability company agreement, or other organizational documents of Buyer or require the consent, notice or other Action by any Person under any Contract to which Buyer is a party. Section 5.04. Financing. Buyer will have at Closing funds or financing in place necessary to pay and deliver to Sellers the Purchase Price. In no event shall the receipt or availability of any funds or financing by Buyer or any other financing or other transactions be a condition to Buyer's obligations hereunder. Section 5.05. Brokers. Except to the extent payable solely by Buyer, no broker, finder or investment banker is entitled to any brokerage, finder's or other fee or commission in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or any other Transaction Document based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of Buyer. Section 5.06. Legal Proceedings. There are no Actions pending or threatened in writing against or by Buyer or any Affiliate of Buyer that challenge or seek to prevent, enjoin or otherwise delay the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. No event has occurred or circumstances exist that may give rise or serve as a basis for any such Action. ARTICLE VI COVENANTS Section 6.01. Confidentiality. From and after the Closing and subject to any disclosure requirements of Sellers arising in the Bankruptcy Cases, each Seller will, and will cause Sellers' respective Affiliates to, hold, and will use its commercially reasonable efforts to cause its or their respective Representatives to hold, in confidence any and all information, whether written, oral, electronic or otherwise, relating to the Acquired Assets (collectively, "Confidential Information"). 17 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 23 of 68 Section 6.02. Received Payments. From and after the Closing, if any Seller or any of its Affiliates receives or collects any funds relating to any Acquired Asset, such Seller will remit (or cause to be remitted) such funds to Buyer within ten (10) Business Days after its receipt thereof. If Buyer or any of its Affiliates receives or collects any funds relating to any Excluded Assets, Buyer or its Affiliate will remit such funds to the Sellers Representative within ten (10) Business Days after its receipt thereof. Section 6.03. Availability of Books and Records. To the extent that Sellers deliver Books and Records or copies of Books and Records to Buyer at the Closing Date, then from and after the Closing, Buyer shall provide to the Sellers Representative (after reasonable notice and during normal business hours and without charge to Sellers) access to (a) Buyer's personnel who have custody of Books and Records for periods prior to the Closing and (b) all Books and Records for periods prior to the Closing and shall preserve such Books and Records or deliver copies of such Books and Records to Sellers Representative, subject to compliance with applicable Law. Such access to Books and Records shall include access to any such information in electronic form to the extent reasonably available. Sellers shall have the right to retain copies of Books and Records for periods prior to the Closing. With respect to any litigation and claims, Buyer shall, at Sellers' sole expense, render all reasonable assistance that any Seller may request in defending such litigation or claim and shall make available to Sellers, for and at reasonable times, Buyer's personnel most knowledgeable about the matter in question. Section 6.04. Bulk Sales/Tax Clearance Waiver. The parties agree to waive compliance with the provisions of any so-called "bulk transfer law," "bulk sales law," or any similar Tax Law (including any tax clearance or certification of tax compliance Law) of any jurisdiction that may be applicable with respect to the sale of the Acquired Assets as contemplated by this Agreement; it being understood that any Liabilities arising out of the failure of Sellers to comply with the requirements and provisions of any so-called "bulk transfer law," "bulk sales law," or any similar Tax Law (including any tax clearance or certification of tax compliance Law) of any jurisdiction shall not constitute assumed liabilities and shall be treated as Excluded Liabilities. Section 6.05. Cooperation on Tax Matters. Sellers and Buyer shall (and shall cause their respective Affiliates to) cooperate fully with each other and make available or cause to be made available to each other for consultation, inspection, and copying (at such other party's expense) in a timely fashion such personnel, Tax data, relevant Tax Returns or portions thereof, and filings, files, books, records, documents, financial, technical and operating data, computer records, and other information as may be reasonably requested, including (a) for the preparation by such other party of any Tax Returns or (b) in connection with any Tax audit or proceeding including one party (or an Affiliate thereof) to the extent such Tax audit or proceeding relates to or arises from the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Section 6.06. Retention of Tax Records. From the Closing Date to the earliest of (i) seven years from the Closing Date, (ii) the expiration of the relevant statute of limitations, and (iii) the date on which the Bankruptcy Cases are no longer pending, each of the Sellers and Buyer shall retain possession of all accounting, business, financial, and Tax records and information that (a) relate to the Acquired Assets and are in existence on the Closing Date and 18 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 24 of 68 (b) come into existence after the Closing Date but relate to the Acquired Assets before the Closing Date, and each of the parties shall give the other parties notice and a reasonable opportunity to retain any such records in the event that the party in possession of such records shall make a determination to destroy or otherwise abandon any such records. From the Closing Date to the earliest of (x) seven years from the Closing Date, (y) the expiration of the relevant statute of limitations, and (z) the date on which the Bankruptcy Cases are no longer pending, Sellers shall retain possession of all accounting, business, financial, and Tax records and information that relate to the Excluded Liabilities and shall give Buyer notice and a reasonable opportunity to retain any such records in the event that Sellers shall make a determination to destroy or otherwise abandon any such records. In addition, from and after the Closing Date, each party shall provide to the other parties (after reasonable notice and during normal business hours and without charge) access to the books, records, documents, and other information relating to the Acquired Assets as the requesting party may reasonably deem necessary to properly prepare for, file, prove, answer, prosecute, and defend any Tax Return, claim, filing, Tax audit, Tax protest, suit, proceeding, or answer. Such access shall include access to any computerized information systems that contain data regarding the Acquired Assets. The provisions contained in this Section 6.06 are intended to, and shall, supplement and not limit the generality of the provisions contained in Section 6.03. Section 6.07. Further Assurances. Following the Closing, each of the parties hereto will, and will cause its Affiliates to, execute and deliver such additional documents, instruments, conveyances and assurances and take such further actions as may be reasonably required to carry out the provisions hereof and give effect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents. Section 6.08. Conduct of Business Prior to the Closing. Except as otherwise set forth in Section 6.08 of the Disclosure Schedules from the date hereof until the Closing Date, Sellers shall: (a) maintain the properties and assets included in the Acquired Assets in the same condition as they were on the date of this Agreement, subject to reasonable wear and tear, if applicable; (b) not amend, modify or terminate any Contract in respect of the Acquired Assets or enter into any new Contract in respect of the Acquired Assets; (c) maintain the Books and Records in accordance with past practice; and (d) comply in all material respects with all Laws applicable to the ownership and use of the Acquired Assets. Section 6.09. Intentionally omitted. 19 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 25 of 68 Section 6.10. Access to Information. (a) From the Effective Date until the Closing, Sellers will (i) afford Buyer and its Representatives during normal business hours reasonable access to and the right to inspect all of the properties, assets, premises, Books and Records, Contracts and other documents and data related to the Acquired Assets; (ii) furnish Buyer and its Representatives with such financial, operating and other data and information related to the Acquired Assets as Buyer or any of its Representatives may reasonably request, including, without limitation, (A) copies of all reporting packages provided Sellers to Sellers' debtor -in -possession lender in the Bankruptcy Cases, including updated borrowing bases, and (B) as soon as reasonably practicable after the end of each fiscal month or quarter, as the case may be, such monthly or quarterly financial reports, statements, and other information as the Sellers customarily prepare at the end of such fiscal periods. Such information shall be prepared in accordance with the books and records of the Sellers and shall fairly present the Sellers' financial condition and results of operations as of the last day of the period covering such report; (iii) afford Buyer and its representatives reasonable access to all employees, contractors, and other Representatives of Sellers with knowledge about the operations of the Acquired Assets; and (iv) instruct Sellers' employees and Representatives of Sellers to cooperate with Buyer in its investigation of the Acquired Assets. Any investigation pursuant to this Section 6.10 will be conducted in such manner as not to interfere unreasonably with the conduct of the Business or any other businesses of Sellers and shall not include any environmental sampling. (b) So long as the Bankruptcy Cases are pending, following the Closing, Buyer shall provide Sellers and Sellers' counsel and other professionals employed in the Bankruptcy Cases with reasonable access to all documents relating to the Acquired Assets for the purpose of the continuing administration of the Bankruptcy Cases (including the pursuit of any avoidance, preference or similar actions), which access shall include (i) the right of Sellers' professionals to copy, at Sellers' expense, such documents and records as Sellers or Sellers' may request in furtherance of the purposes described above, and (ii) Buyer's copying and delivering to Sellers or Sellers' professionals such documents or records as Sellers or Sellers' professionals may request, but only to the extent Sellers or Sellers' professionals furnish Buyer with reasonably detailed written descriptions of the materials to be so copied and Sellers reimburse Buyer for the reasonable costs and expenses thereof. Section 6.11. Notice of Certain Events. From the Effective Date until the Closing, Sellers will promptly notify Buyer in writing of: (a) any fact, circumstance, event or Action the existence, occurrence or taking of which (i) has had, or could reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Change on the Acquired Assets, (ii) has resulted in, or could reasonably be expected to result in, any representation or warranty made by any Seller hereunder not being true and correct, or (iii) has resulted in, or could reasonably be expected to result in, the failure of any of the conditions in Section 7.02 to be satisfied; (b) any notice or other communication from any Governmental Authority in connection with the Acquired Assets or the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; and 20 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 26 of 68 (c) any Actions commenced or, to the Knowledge of Sellers, threatened against, relating to or involving or otherwise affecting the Acquired Assets or that relates to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Section 6.12. Efforts to Consummate. From the Effective Date until the Closing, each party will use reasonable efforts to take such actions as are necessary to satisfy the closing conditions set forth in ARTICLE VII. Section 6.13. Intentionally omitted. Section 6.14. Intentionally omitted. Section 6.15. Intentionally omitted. ARTICLE VII CONDITIONS TO CLOSING Section 7.01. Conditions to Obligations of All Parties. The respective obligations of each party to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement are subject to the fulfillment or waiver by the parties, at or prior to the Closing, of each of the following conditions: (a) No Governmental Authority having enacted, issued, promulgated, enforced or entered any Governmental Order that is in effect and has the effect of making the transactions contemplated by this Agreement illegal, otherwise restraining or prohibiting consummation of such transactions that are not otherwise satisfied, resolved or preempted by the Sale Order. (b) The Bankruptcy Court shall have entered the Sale Order, and the Sale Order shall not have been stayed, vacated, reversed, or modified as of the Closing Date. Section 7.02. Conditions to Obligations of Buyer. The obligations of Buyer to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement are subject to the fulfillment or Buyer's waiver, at or prior to the Closing, of each of the following conditions: (a) Other than the representations and warranties of Sellers contained in Section 4.01, Section 4.02, and Section 4.11, the representations and warranties of Sellers contained in this Agreement, the other Transaction Documents and any certificate or other writing delivered pursuant hereto shall be true and correct in all respects (in the case of any representation or warranty qualified by materiality or Material Adverse Change) or in all material respects (in the case of any representation or warranty not qualified by materiality or Material Adverse Change) on and as of the Closing Date with the same effect as though made at and as of such date (except for those representations and warranties that address matters only as of a specified date, the accuracy of which shall be determined as of that specified date in all respects). The representations and warranties of Sellers contained in Section 4.01, Section 4.02, and Section 4.11 shall be true and correct in all respects on and as of the Effective Date and on and as of the Closing Date with the same effect as though made at and as of such date (except for 21 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 27 of 68 those representations and warranties that address matters only as of a specified date, the accuracy of which will be determined as of that specified date in all respects). (b) Sellers will have duly performed and complied in all material respects with all agreements, covenants and conditions required by this Agreement and each of the other Transaction Documents to be performed or complied with by it prior to or on the Closing Date. (c) From the Effective Date, there shall not have occurred any Material Adverse Change, nor will any event or events have occurred since the Effective Date that, individually or in the aggregate, with or without the lapse of time, will result in a Material Adverse Change. (d) The applicable Sellers or their Affiliates shall have delivered to Buyer duly executed counterparts to the Transaction Documents (other than this Agreement) and such other documents and deliveries set forth in Section 3.02(a). (e) Buyer shall have received a certificate, dated the Closing Date and signed by a duly authorized officer of the Sellers Representative that each of the conditions set forth only in Section 7.02(a) and Section 7.02(b) have been satisfied (the "_Sellers Closing Certificate"). (f) The Bankruptcy Court shall have entered the Sale Order, and such Sale Order shall be in full force and effect. (g) Sellers shall have executed, delivered, and filed or authorized Buyer to file such termination statements, lien releases, discharges, financing change statements or other documents, notices or other instruments as Buyer may reasonably deem necessary to release Encumbrances (other than Permitted Encumbrances) on the Acquired Assets. Section 7.03. Conditions to Obligations of Sellers. The obligations of Sellers to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement are subject to the fulfillment or Sellers' waiver, at or prior to the Closing, of each of the following conditions: (a) Other than the representations and warranties of Buyer contained in Section 5.01, Section 5.02 and Section 5.05, the representations and warranties of Buyer contained in this Agreement, the other Transaction Documents and any certificate or other writing delivered pursuant hereto shall be true and correct in all respects (in the case of any representation or warranty qualified by materiality or Material Adverse Change) or in all material respects (in the case of any representation or warranty not qualified by materiality or Material Adverse Change) on and as of the Closing Date with the same effect as though made at and as of such date (except for those representations and warranties that address matters only as of a specified date, the accuracy of which shall be determined as of that specified date in all respects), except where the failure of such representations and warranties to be true and correct would not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to have a material adverse change. The representations and warranties of Buyer contained in Section 5.01, Section 5.02, 22 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 28 of 68 and Section 5.05 shall be true and correct in all respects on and as of the Effective Date and on and as of the Closing Date with the same effect as though made at and as of such date. (b) Buyer shall have duly performed and complied in all material respects with all agreements, covenants and conditions required by this Agreement and each of the other Transaction Documents to be performed or complied with by it prior to or on the Closing Date. (c) Buyer shall have delivered to Sellers duly executed counterparts to the Transaction Documents (other than this Agreement) and such other documents and deliveries set forth in Section 3.02(b). (d) Sellers shall have received a certificate, dated the Closing Date and signed by a duly authorized officer of Buyer, that each of the conditions set forth only in Section 7.03(a) and Section 7.03(b) have been satisfied (the `Buyer Closing Certificate"). ARTICLE VIII NON -SURVIVAL Section 8.01. Non -Survival. Subject to the limitations and other provisions of this Agreement, except in the case of actual fraud, the representations and warranties contained herein and in any certificate delivered pursuant hereto shall terminate and be of no further force or effect at Closing (and no party shall have liability thereunder at or after the Closing). All covenants and agreements of the parties contained herein shall survive the Closing indefinitely or for the period explicitly specified therein. ARTICLE IX TERMINATION Section 9.01. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the Closing: (a) by the mutual written consent of the Sellers Representative and Buyer; (b) by Buyer by written notice to the Sellers Representative if Buyer is not then in material breach of any provision of this Agreement and there has been a breach, inaccuracy in or failure to perform any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement made by Sellers pursuant to this Agreement that would give rise to the failure of any of the conditions specified in ARTICLE V11 and such breach, inaccuracy or failure is either incapable of being cured or has not been cured by Sellers in all material respects within the earlier of (i) twenty (20) days of Sellers Representative's receipt of written notice of such breach from Buyer and (ii) the End Date; (c) by Buyer by written notice to the Sellers Representative if the Bankruptcy Court shall fail to enter the Sale Order on or before the [tenth (loth)] day following Buyer's designation as the Successful Bidder for the Acquired Assets; 23 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 29 of 68 (d) by the Sellers Representative by written notice to Buyer if Sellers are not then in material breach of any provision of this Agreement and there has been a breach, inaccuracy in or failure to perform any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement made by Buyer pursuant to this Agreement that would give rise to the failure of any of the conditions specified in ARTICLE VII and such breach, inaccuracy or failure is either incapable of being cured or has not been cured in all material respects by Buyer within the earlier of (i) twenty (20) days of Buyer's receipt of written notice of such breach from Sellers and (ii) the End Date; (e) by Buyer or the Sellers Representative in the event that (i) there is any Law that makes consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement illegal or otherwise prohibited or (ii) any Governmental Authority issues a Governmental Order restraining or enjoining the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, and such Governmental Order has become final and non -appealable; (f) by the Sellers Representative or Buyer, upon notice to the other at any time following November 8, 2018 (the "End Date") if the Closing shall not have occurred on or before the End Date; provided, however, that the right to terminate this Agreement under this Section 9.01(f) shall not be available to any party (i) who is in material breach of this Agreement that would give rise to the failure of any of the conditions specified in ARTICLE VII or (ii) whose failure to fulfill any obligation (including failure to satisfy or be ready, willing and able to satisfy any condition set forth in Section 7.02, if such notice is given by the Sellers Representative, or Section 7.03, if such notice is given by Buyer) under this Agreement has been the cause of, or resulted in, the failure of the Closing to be consummated by the End Date; or (g) the Bankruptcy Court enters an Order that otherwise precludes the consummation of the transactions set forth herein on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, subject to any limitations set forth in the Bidding Procedures Order. Section 9.02. Effect of Termination. (a) In the event of the termination of this Agreement as provided in Section 9.01 hereof, this Agreement shall no longer remain in force and effect and thereafter there shall be no liability or obligation on the part of any party hereto, except that (i) subject to Section 9.02(b), no termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 9.01 hereof shall relieve any party of any liability for a breach of any provision of this Agreement or any Transaction Document occurring on or before the effective time of such termination (including any breach that resulted in termination) or for any Losses incurred by the other parties as a result of such breach, and (iii) the provisions of Section 6.01, this Section 9.02, ARTICLE XI and any related definitions set forth in elsewhere in this Agreement shall survive any such termination of this Agreement, subject to any limitations set forth therein. (b) Buyer understands and acknowledges that if this Agreement is terminated by the Sellers Representative pursuant to Section 9.01(d), Sellers will suffer material damages. The parties agree that such damages are difficult to quantify and thus Sellers' retention of the Deposit is a reasonable approximation of such damages. Accordingly, if this Agreement is terminated by the Sellers Representative pursuant to Section 9.01(d), Sellers shall be entitled to retain the Deposit as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. Sellers receipt and retention of the 24 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 30 of 68 Deposit shall be the sole and exclusive remedy against Buyer, in the event that Sellers Representative terminates this Agreement pursuant to Section 9.01(d). (c) The Parties acknowledge and agree that the agreements contained in this Section 9.02 are an integral part of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby and are a material and necessary inducement to the Parties to enter into this Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. ARTICLE X BANKRUPTCY COURT MATTERS AND RELATED COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS Section 10.01. Sale Order. Subject to Buyer being designated as the Successful Bidder, Sellers shall promptly use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain entry of the Sale Order approving this Agreement, including furnishing affidavits or other documents or information for filing with the Bankruptcy Court for the purposes of, among others, providing necessary assurances of performance by Buyer under this Agreement and demonstrating that Buyer is a "good faith" purchaser under Section 363(m) of the Bankruptcy Code and that the Purchase Price was not controlled by an agreement in violation of Section 363(n) of the Bankruptcy Code.Other Filings in the Bankruptcy Case. Sellers shall promptly provide Buyer with the proposed final drafts of any and all motions, applications, pleadings, schedules, statements, reports and other papers (including exhibits and supporting documentation) filed by or on behalf of Sellers related to or that might have a material effect upon the Acquired Assets, this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or any provision herein or therein, so as to provide Buyer and its counsel with a reasonable opportunity to review and comment on such motions, applications, pleadings, schedules, statements, reports and other papers prior to filing with the Bankruptcy Court, and insomuch as is consistent with the Sellers' fiduciary duties, consider such comments in good faith. Buyer may file a notice of appearance in the Bankruptcy Cases and Sellers acknowledge and agree that Buyer shall have standing to appear in connection with all proceedings regarding the sale of the Acquired Assets in the Bankruptcy Case. Section 10.03. Bankruptcy Process. Unless Buyer is in material breach of this Agreement or this Agreement has been terminated, Sellers covenant and agree that if the Sale Order is entered, the terms of any plan submitted by Sellers to the Bankruptcy Court for confirmation or otherwise supported by Sellers shall not conflict with, supersede, abrogate, nullify, modify or restrict the terms of this Agreement or the rights of Buyer hereunder, or in any way prevent or interfere with the consummation or performance of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including any transaction that is contemplated by or approved pursuant to the Sale Order. If the Sale Order or any other Order of the Bankruptcy Court relating to this Agreement shall be appealed or any petition for certiorari or motion for rehearing or re -argument shall be filed with respect thereto, Sellers agree to take all action as may be commercially reasonable and appropriate to defend against such appeal, petition or motion, and Buyer agrees to cooperate in such efforts, and each party agrees to use its reasonable efforts to obtain an expedited resolution of such appeal. 25 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 31 of 68 ARTICLE XI MISCELLANEOUS Section 11.01. Expenses. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, all costs and expenses, including, without limitation, fees and disbursements of counsel, financial advisors and accountants, incurred in connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby will be paid by the party incurring such costs and expenses, whether or not the Closing occurs. Section 11.02. Sellers Representative. (a) Each Seller irrevocably appoints HHG as the representative, agent and proxy for such Seller (the "Sellers Representative") for all purposes under this Agreement and the Transaction Documents, including the full power and authority to act on such Seller's behalf: (i) to consummate the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents; (ii) to negotiate disputes arising under, or relating to, the Transaction Documents; (iii) to receive and disburse to such Seller any funds received on behalf of Sellers under the Transaction Documents; (iv) to withhold any amounts received on behalf of Sellers pursuant to the Transaction Documents or otherwise to satisfy any and all obligations or liabilities incurred by Sellers or the Sellers Representative in the performance of its duties hereunder or thereunder; (v) to execute and deliver any amendment or waiver to this Agreement or the Transaction Documents (in each case, without the prior approval of Sellers); and (vi) to take all other actions to be taken by or on behalf of Sellers in connection with the Transaction Documents. Sellers further agree that such agency and proxy are coupled with an interest, are therefore irrevocable without the consent of the Sellers Representative and shall survive the bankruptcy, dissolution or liquidation of any Seller. All decisions and actions by the Sellers Representative shall be binding upon all of the Sellers, and no Seller shall have the right to object, dissent, protest, or otherwise contest the same. The Sellers Representative shall have no duties or obligations hereunder, including any fiduciary duties, except those set forth herein, and such duties and obligations shall be determined solely by the express provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all Transaction Documents related to the Purchased Real Property shall be executed by HHG-RP. (b) Each Seller severally, for itself only and not jointly, agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Sellers Representative and its Representatives against all expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts incurred by such Persons in connection with any action, suit or proceeding to which the Sellers Representative or such other Person is made a party by reason of the fact that it is or was acting as, or at the direction of, the Sellers Representative pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. (c) Neither the Sellers Representative nor any of its Representatives shall incur any liability to any Seller by virtue of the failure or refusal of such Persons for any reason to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby or relating to the performance of their duties hereunder, except for actions or omissions constituting intentional and knowing fraud. The Sellers Representative and its Representatives shall have no liability in respect of any action, claim or proceeding brought against such Persons by any Seller, regardless of the legal theory under which such liability or obligation may be sought to be imposed, whether sounding 26 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 32 of 68 in contract or tort, or whether at law or in equity, or otherwise, if such Persons took or omitted taking any action in good faith. (d) In the event that the Sellers Representative becomes unable or unwilling to continue in its capacity as the Sellers Representative, or if the Sellers Representative resigns as the Sellers Representative, a majority -in -number of the Sellers may, by written consent, appoint a new representative as the Sellers Representative. Notice and a copy of the written consent appointing such new representative and bearing the signatures of a majority -in - number of the Sellers must be delivered to Buyer and each Seller. Such appointment will be effective upon the later of the date indicated in the consent or the date such consent is received by Buyer. (e) Buyer shall be entitled to rely upon any action or decision of, or instruction by, or any document or other paper delivered by, the Sellers Representative on behalf of the Sellers (without any obligation to inquire into the authority of the Sellers Representative or the genuineness or correctness of such document or other paper or any signature of the Sellers Representative), and Buyer shall not be liable to any Seller for any action taken or omitted to be taken by Buyer in such reliance or with respect to actions, decisions and determinations of the Sellers Representative. Section 11.03. Notices. All notices, requests, consents, claims, demands, waivers and other communications hereunder will be in writing and deemed to have been given (a) when delivered by hand (with written confirmation of receipt); (b) when received by the addressee if sent by a nationally recognized overnight courier (receipt requested); (c) on the date sent by facsimile or e-mail of a PDF document (with confirmation of transmission) if sent during normal business hours of the recipient, and on the next Business Day if sent after normal business hours of the recipient or (d) on the third (3rd) day after the date mailed, by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid. Such communications must be sent to the respective parties at the following addresses (or at such other address for a parry as may be specified in a notice given in accordance with this Section 11.03): If to Sellers: c/o HH Global II B.V. 1925 Eastchester Dr. High Point, NC 27265 E-mail: Robert.Albergotti@heritagehome.com and RAlbergotti@alixpartners.com Attention: Robert Albergotti with copies (that will Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP not constitute notice) to: Rodney Square 1000 N. King Street Wilmington, Delaware 19801 E-mail: cgrear@ycst.com Attention: Craig D. Grear If to Buyer: Hamilton Square, LLC 101 S. Hamilton Street 27 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 33 of 68 High Point, North Carolina 27260 Attention: Mr. Anderson Shih Email: AShih@legacyclassic.com with copies (that will Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP not constitute notice) 101 South Tryon Street, Suite 2200 to: Charlotte, North Carolina 28280 Attention: Mr. David Conaway Email: dconaway@slk-law.com Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP 101 South Tryon Street, Suite 2200 Charlotte, North Carolina 28280 Attention: Ms. Julia May Email: jmay@slk-law.com Section 11.04. Interpretation. For purposes of this Agreement, (a) the words "include," "includes" and "including" will be deemed to be followed by the words "without limitation"; (b) the word "or" is not exclusive; and (c) the words "herein," "hereof," "hereby," "hereto" and "hereunder" refer to this Agreement as a whole. Unless the context otherwise requires, references herein: (x) to Articles, Sections, Disclosure Schedules and Exhibits mean the Articles and Sections of, and Disclosure Schedules and Exhibits attached to, this Agreement; (y) to an agreement, instrument or other document means such agreement, instrument or other document as amended, supplemented and modified from time to time to the extent permitted by the provisions thereof and (z) to a statute means such statute as amended from time to time and includes any successor legislation thereto and any regulations promulgated thereunder. This Agreement will be construed without regard to any presumption or rule requiring construction or interpretation against the party drafting an instrument or causing any instrument to be drafted. The Disclosure Schedules and Exhibits referred to herein will be construed with, and as an integral part of, this Agreement to the same extent as if they were set forth verbatim herein. Section 11.05. Disclosure Schedules. Each representation, warranty and covenant set forth herein shall have independent significance. Any item or matter required to be disclosed on a particular section of the Disclosure Schedules pursuant to this Agreement shall be deemed to have been disclosed if information for such item or matter complying with such disclosure requirements is set forth on another section of the Disclosure Schedules, to the extent reasonably apparent that such information applies to such particular section of the Disclosure Schedules. Section 11.06. Headings. The headings in this Agreement are for reference only and will not affect the interpretation of this Agreement. Section 11.07. Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability will not affect any other term or provision of this Agreement or invalidate or render unenforceable such term or provision in any other jurisdiction. Upon such determination that 28 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 34 of 68 any term or other provision is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the parties hereto will negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original intent of the parties as closely as possible in a mutually acceptable manner in order that the transactions contemplated hereby be consummated as originally contemplated to the greatest extent possible. Section 11.08. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the other Transaction Documents constitute the sole and entire agreement of the parties to this Agreement with respect to the subject matter contained herein and therein, and supersede all prior and contemporaneous understandings and agreements, both written and oral, with respect to such subject matter. In the event of any inconsistency between the statements in the body of this Agreement and those in the other Transaction Documents (other than any deed), the Exhibits and Disclosure Schedules (other than an exception expressly set forth as such in the Disclosure Schedules), the statements in the body of this Agreement will control. Section 11.09. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns. Neither party may assign its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party; provided, that notwithstanding the foregoing, the Buyer may assign their respective rights or obligations hereunder to one or more successors or assignees of the other businesses conducted by Buyer and its Affiliates. Section 11.10. No Third -Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is for the sole benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns and nothing herein, express or implied, is intended to or will confer upon any other Person or entity any legal or equitable right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement. Section 11.11. Amendment and Modification; Waiver. This Agreement may only be amended, modified or supplemented by an agreement in writing signed by each party hereto. No waiver by any party of any of the provisions hereof will be effective unless explicitly set forth in writing and signed by the party so waiving. No waiver by any party will operate or be construed as a waiver in respect of any failure, breach or default not expressly identified by such written waiver, whether of a similar or different character, and whether occurring before or after that waiver. No failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, any right, remedy, power or privilege arising from this Agreement will operate or be construed as a waiver thereof; nor will any single or partial exercise of any right, remedy, power or privilege hereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, remedy, power or privilege. Section 11.12. Governing Law; Submission to Jurisdiction; Waiver of Jury Trial. (a) This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Delaware without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule (whether of the State of Delaware or any other jurisdiction). (b) ANY LEGAL SUIT, ACTION OR PROCEEDING ARISING OUT OF OR BASED UPON THIS AGREEMENT, THE OTHER TRANSACTION 29 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 35 of 68 DOCUMENTS OR THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED HEREBY OR THEREBY SHALL BE INSTITUTED IN THE BANKRUPTCY COURT AND, TO THE EXTENT THE BANKRUPTCY COURT DOES NOT HAVE OR DOES NOT ACCEPT JURISDICTION TO ADJUDICATE SUCH MATTER MAY BE INSTITUTED IN THE FEDERAL COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR THE COURTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN EACH CASE LOCATED IN NEW CASTLE COUNTY, STATE OF DELAWARE. EACH PARTY IRREVOCABLY SUBMITS TO THE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF EACH SUCH COURTS IN ANY SUCH SUIT, ACTION OR PROCEEDING. SERVICE OF PROCESS, SUMMONS, NOTICE OR OTHER DOCUMENT BY MAIL TO SUCH PARTY'S ADDRESS SET FORTH HEREIN WILL BE EFFECTIVE SERVICE OF PROCESS FOR ANY SUIT, ACTION, OR OTHER PROCEEDING BROUGHT IN ANY SUCH COURT. THE PARTIES IRREVOCABLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION TO THE LAYING OF VENUE OF ANY SUIT, ACTION OR ANY PROCEEDING IN SUCH COURTS AND IRREVOCABLY WAIVE AND AGREE NOT TO PLEAD OR CLAIM IN ANY SUCH COURT THAT ANY SUCH SUIT, ACTION OR PROCEEDING BROUGHT IN ANY SUCH COURT HAS BEEN BROUGHT IN AN INCONVENIENT FORUM. (c) EACH PARTY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT ANY CONTROVERSY THAT MAY ARISE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR THE OTHER TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS IS LIKELY TO INVOLVE COMPLICATED AND DIFFICULT ISSUES AND, THEREFORE, EACH SUCH PARTY IRREVOCABLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY WAIVES ANY RIGHT IT MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF ANY LEGAL ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, THE OTHER TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS OR THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED HEREBY OR THEREBY. EACH PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT CERTIFIES AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAT (A) NO REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY OTHER PARTY HAS REPRESENTED, EXPRESSLY OR OTHERWISE, THAT SUCH OTHER PARTY WOULD NOT SEEK TO ENFORCE THE FOREGOING WAIVER IN THE EVENT OF A LEGAL ACTION, (B) SUCH PARTY HAS CONSIDERED THE IMPLICATIONS OF THIS WAIVER, (C) SUCH PARTY MAKES THIS WAIVER VOLUNTARILY, AND (D) SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN INDUCED TO ENTER INTO THIS AGREEMENT BY, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THE MUTUAL WAIVERS AND CERTIFICATIONS IN THIS SECTION 11.12(c). Section 11.13. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, but all of which together will be deemed to be one and the same agreement. A signed copy of this Agreement or any Transaction Document delivered by facsimile, e-mail or other means of electronic transmission will be deemed to have the same legal effect as delivery of an original signed copy of this Agreement or any Transaction Document. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] 30 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 36 of 68 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date first written above by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized. HAMILTON SQUARE, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company By: "µ Name: Title: [Signature Page to Asset Purchase Agreement] Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 37 of 68 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date first written above by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized. SELLERS HERITAGE HOME GROUP LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: Na' e: Robert Albergotti Title: Chief Restructuring Officer HHG REAL PROPERTY LLC, a Delaware limited li bility company By: ame: Robert Albergotti Title: Chief Restructuring Officer [Signature Page to Asset Purchase Agreement] Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 38 of 68 Exhibit A BILL OF SALE This BILL OF SALE (this "Bill of Sale") is executed and delivered as of , 2018, by HERITAGE HOME GROUP LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("HHG"), and HHG REAL PROPERTY LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("HHG-RP" and together with HHG, collectively, the "Sellers") to HAMILTON SQUARE, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company (`Buyer"). WHEREAS, on the terms and subject to the conditions of the Asset Purchase Agreement, dated as of October _, 2018, among Sellers and Buyer (as modified, amended, or supplemented, the "Asset Purchase Agreement"), and Sections 105, 363, and 365 of the Bankruptcy Code, Sellers agreed to, on the Closing Date, sell, convey, transfer, assign, and deliver to Buyer the Acquired Assets free and clear of all Encumbrances other than the Permitted Encumbrances. NOW, THEREFORE, for the consideration set forth in the Asset Purchase Agreement and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged: 1. Defined Terms. All initially capitalized terms used but not defined herein have the meaning ascribed to such terms in the Asset Purchase Agreement. 2. Transfer of Acquired Assets. On the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Asset Purchase Agreement, Sellers hereby sell, convey, transfer, assign, and deliver to Buyer, and Buyer's successors and assigns, all of the right, title, and interest of Sellers in and to the Acquired Assets owned by Sellers free and clear of all Encumbrances other than the Permitted Encumbrances. No provision of this Bill of Sale shall in any way amend any of the express provisions (including the warranties, covenants, agreements, conditions, representations and obligations and indemnifications, and the limitations related thereto, of Sellers or Buyer) set forth in the Asset Purchase Agreement, this Bill of Sale being intended solely to effect the transfer of the Acquired Assets. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this Bill of Sale and the terms of the Asset Purchase Agreement, the terms of the Asset Purchase Agreement shall prevail and govern. 3. Further Assurances. If Buyer shall consider or be advised that any deeds, bills of sale, instruments of conveyance, assignments, assurances, or any other actions or things are necessary or desirable to vest, perfect, or confirm ownership (of record or otherwise) in Buyer, Buyer's right, title, or interest in, to, or under any or all of the Acquired Assets transferred and conveyed by Sellers hereunder, Sellers shall execute and deliver all deeds, bills of sale, instruments of conveyance, powers of attorney, assignments, and assurances and take and do all such other actions and things as may be reasonably requested by Buyer in order to vest, perfect, or confirm any and all right, title, and interest in, to, and under such rights, properties, or assets in Buyer, in each case at Buyer's cost and expense. Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 39 of 68 4. Binding on Successors; No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Bill of Sale shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and the successors in interest and permitted assigns of such parties. This Bill of Sale is not intended to confer any rights or remedies upon any Person other than the parties hereto. 5. Counterparts. This Bill of Sale may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. A manual signature on this Bill of Sale or other documents to be delivered pursuant to this Bill of Sale, an image of which shall have been transmitted electronically, will constitute an original signature for all purposes. The delivery of copies of this Bill of Sale or other documents to be delivered pursuant to this Bill of Sale, including executed signature pages where required, by electronic transmission will constitute effective delivery of this Bill of Sale or such other document for all purposes 6. Governing Law; Submission to Jurisdiction; Waiver of Jury Trial (a) This Bill of Sale will be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Delaware without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule (whether of the State of Delaware or any other jurisdiction). (b) ANY LEGAL SUIT, ACTION OR PROCEEDING ARISING OUT OF OR BASED UPON THIS BILL OF SALE, OR THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED HEREBY SHALL BE INSTITUTED IN THE BANKRUPTCY COURT AND, TO THE EXTENT THE BANKRUPTCY COURT DOES NOT HAVE OR DOES NOT ACCEPT JURISDICTION TO ADJUDICATE SUCH MATTER MAY BE INSTITUTED IN THE FEDERAL COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR THE COURTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN EACH CASE LOCATED IN NEW CASTLE COUNTY, STATE OF DELAWARE. EACH PARTY IRREVOCABLY SUBMITS TO THE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF EACH SUCH COURTS IN ANY SUCH SUIT, ACTION OR PROCEEDING. SERVICE OF PROCESS, SUMMONS, NOTICE OR OTHER DOCUMENT BY MAIL TO SUCH PARTY'S ADDRESS SET FORTH HEREIN WILL BE EFFECTIVE SERVICE OF PROCESS FOR ANY SUIT, ACTION, OR OTHER PROCEEDING BROUGHT IN ANY SUCH COURT. THE PARTIES IRREVOCABLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION TO THE LAYING OF VENUE OF ANY SUIT, ACTION OR. ANY PROCEEDING IN SUCH COURTS AND IRREVOCABLY WAIVE AND AGREE NOT TO PLEAD OR CLAIM IN ANY SUCH COURT THAT ANY SUCH SUIT, ACTION OR PROCEEDING BROUGHT IN ANY SUCH COURT HAS BEEN BROUGHT IN AN INCONVENIENT FORUM. (c) EACH PARTY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT ANY CONTROVERSY THAT MAY ARISE UNDER THIS BILL OF SALE IS LIKELY TO INVOLVE COMPLICATED AND DIFFICULT ISSUES AND, THEREFORE, EACH SUCH PARTY IRREVOCABLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY WAIVES ANY RIGHT IT MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF ANY LEGAL ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS BILL OF SALE OR THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED HEREBY. EACH PARTY TO THIS BILL OF SALE CERTIFIES AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAT (A) NO REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY OTHER PARTY HAS REPRESENTED, Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 40 of 68 EXPRESSLY OR OTHERWISE, THAT SUCH OTHER PARTY WOULD NOT SEEK TO ENFORCE THE FOREGOING WAIVER IN THE EVENT OF A LEGAL ACTION, (B) SUCH PARTY HAS CONSIDERED THE IMPLICATIONS OF THIS WAIVER, (C) SUCH PARTY MAKES THIS WAIVER VOLUNTARILY, AND (D) SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN INDUCED TO ENTER INTO THIS BILL OF SALE BY, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THE MUTUAL WAIVERS AND CERTIFICATIONS IN THIS SECTION 6(c). 7. Entire Agreement. This Bill of Sale contains the final and entire agreement among the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and is intended to be an integration of all prior negotiations and understandings. No change, amendment, or modification to this Bill of Sale shall be valid unless the same is in writing and signed by the parties to this Bill of Sale. [Signature Page Follows] Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 41 of 68 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Bill of Sale as of the day and year first above written. SELLERS: HERITAGE HOME GROUP LLC By: Name: Robert Albergotti Title: Chief Restructuring Officer HHG REAL PROPERTY LLC By: Name: Robert Albergotti Title: Chief Restructuring Officer [SIGNATURE PAGE TO BILL OF SALE] Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 42 of 68 Exhibit B Allocation The purchase price shall be allocated to the Acquired Assets as follows: (a) $4,000,000 of the Purchase Price shall be allocated to the Purchased Real Property (with each tax parcel of the Purchased Real Property being allocated its tax value (2738871015: $155,200; 2738863436: $38,200; 2738974890: $2,093,600 ($343,600 land value; $1,750,000 building value); and 2738967731: $1,713,000 ($277,900 land value; $1,435,100 building value)); and (b) $750,000 of the Purchase Price shall be allocated to the remaining Acquired Assets. Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 43 of 68 DISCLOSURE SCHEDULES TO THE ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT BY AND AMONG HERITAGE HOME GROUP, LLC, AND HHG REAL PROPERTY LLC AND HAMILTON SQUARE, LLC DATED AS OF OCTOBER 18, 2018 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 44 of 68 DISCLAIMER These Disclosure Schedules (these "Disclosure Schedule") have been prepared and delivered by the Sellers (as defined herein) in connection with the Asset Purchase Agreement, dated as of October 18, 2018 (the "Agreement"), by and among HERITAGE HOME GROUP, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("HHG"), HHG REAL PROPERTY LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("HHG-RP" and together with HHG, collectively, the "Sellers") and HAMILTON SQUARE, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company (`Buyer"). Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined herein shall have the respective meanings ascribed to such terms in the Agreement. Section 11.04 of the Agreement shall apply to the interpretation of these Disclosure Schedules, mutatis mutandis. These Disclosure Schedules are provided confidentially and are subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. The information provided in these Disclosure Schedules is being provided solely for the purpose of making disclosures to Buyer under the Agreement. Any item or matter required to be disclosed on a particular section of these Disclosure Schedules pursuant to the Agreement shall be deemed to have been disclosed if information for such item or matter complying with such disclosure requirements is set forth on another section of these Disclosure Schedules, to the extent reasonably apparent that such information applies to such particular section of these Disclosure Schedules. The inclusion of any matter, information or item in these Disclosure Schedules shall not be deemed to constitute an admission of any liability by the Sellers to Buyer or any third party or otherwise imply, that any such matter, information or item is material or creates a measure for materiality or any other similar term or concept for the purposes of the Agreement or that any such matter, information or item did not arise in the ordinary course of business. All references in these Disclosure Schedules to the enforceability of Contracts with third parties, the existence or non-existence of third -party rights, the absence of breaches or defaults, or similar matters or statements, are intended only to allocate rights and risks between Buyer, on the one hand, and the Sellers, on the other hand, and are not intended to be admissions against interests, give rise to any inference or proof of accuracy, be admissible against any party to the Agreement by any Person who is not a party to the Agreement, or give rise to any claim or benefit to any Person who is not a party to the Agreement. Matters reflected in these Disclosure Schedules are not necessarily limited to matters required by the Agreement to be reflected in these Disclosure Schedules. Such additional matters are set forth for informational purposes and do not necessarily include other matters of a similar nature. In addition, the disclosure of any matter in these Disclosure Schedules is not to be deemed an admission that such matter actually constitutes noncompliance with, or a violation of applicable Law, Contract or other topic to which such disclosure is applicable. In no event shall the disclosure of matters disclosed in these Disclosure Schedules be deemed or interpreted to broaden any of the Sellers's representations and warranties, obligations, covenants, conditions or agreements contained in the Agreement. In disclosing this information, the Sellers expressly do not waive, and expressly reserve any rights under, any attorney -client privilege associated with such matter, information or item, or any protection afforded by the work -product doctrine with respect to any of the matters, information or items disclosed herein. The headings contained in these Disclosure Schedules are intended solely for convenience of reference and shall not affect the rights of the parties to the Agreement nor be deemed to Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 45 of 68 modify or influence the interpretation of the information contained in these Disclosure Schedules or the Agreement. Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 46 of 68 Section 2.01(a) of the Disclosure Schedules —Purchased Real Property The following real property located in Caldwell County, North Carolina (with graphical depiction on next page): NCPIN: 2738871015 Parcel -id: 06170 1 1 NCPIN: 2738863436 Parcel -id: 06169 1 11 NCPIN: 2738974890 Parcel -id: 06170 12 NCPIN: 2738967731 Parcel -id: 06170 13 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 47 of 68 Graphical Depiction of Purchased Real Property Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 48 of 68 Section 2.01(b) of the Disclosure Schedules —Purchased Tangible Personal Property All tangible personal property listed on the attached spreadsheets and any other machinery and equipment owned by any of the Sellers (or any of their Subsidiaries) together with any software identified in this Section 2.01(b) that is transferrable with the foregoing which is located at any Purchased Real Property. For purposes of clarity, the Buyer will not assume any equipment leases. [see attached] Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 49 of 68 008482 FURNITURE RACKS 12/01/13 7960.72 7,960.72 Broyhill Racking 9001 Watson -Imp Logistics 005464 Stackable Racks 12/O1/13 4:349.68 4,349.68 Broyhill Racking 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005459 500 FURNITURE RACKS 12/01/13 3,301.47 3,301.47 Broyhill Racking 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005458 500 RACKS TO STORE CHAIRS 12/O1/13 2,944.15 2,944.15 Broyhill Racking 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005473 NISSAN ELECTRIC FORKLIFTS 12/O1/13 2,442.26 2,442.26 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005463 EGA STACKING RACKS 12/O1/13 2,368.70 2,368.70 Broyhill Racking 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005465 Stackable Racks 12/01/13 2,174.84 2,174.84 Broyhill Racking 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005466 Racks 12/O1/13 2,174.94 2,174.94 Broyhill Racking 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005467 Racks 12/01/13 2,174.94 2,174.94 Broyhill Racking 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005462 PORTABLE STACKING RACKS 12/O1/13 1,894.96 1,894.96 Broyhill Racking 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005456 RACKS TO MAKE TRANSITION FROM 12/O1/13 1,766.49 1,766.49 Broyhill Racking 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005457 MATERIALS USEDTO REVERT TO WO 12/O1/13 1,766.49 1,766.49 Broyhill Support Equipment 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005450 200 STACKING RACKS 12/O1/13 1,298.77 1,298.77 Broyhill Racking 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005454 100 JARKE AIRECTOR STACK RACKS 12/O1/13 1,265.18 1,265.18 Broyhill Racking 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 004958 2003 ACCT. 152 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 35.63 35.63 Broyhill Computer Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004959 FIBER BACKBONE FOR IDF 12/01/13 109.84 109.84 Broyhill Computer Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004960 INSTALL CAT -SE DATA CONNECTIVI 12/01/13 159.00 159.00 Broyhill Computer Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004961 UPGRADE LONG RANGE SCANNERS 12/O1/13 438.73 438.73 Broyhill Computer Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004962 2004 ACCT. 152 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/01/13 34.42 34.42 Broyhill Computer Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004963 2004 ACCT. 152 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 82.86 82.86 Broyhill Computer Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004964 BARCODE SYSTEM 12/01/13 3,376.51 3,376.51 Broyhill Computer Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004965 1999 MISC ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 2.71 2.71 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004966 2000 ACCT. 151 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 26.40 26.40 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004967 2000 ACCT. 151 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 8.13 8.13 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004968 CARD ACCESS AT TURNSTILE 12/01/13 102.01 102.01 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004969 2001 ACCT. 151 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 48.62 48.62 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004970 2002 ACCT. 151 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 66.20 66.20 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004971 2002 ACCT. 151 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/01/13 32.39 32.39 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004972 2003 ACCT. 151 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 25.58 25.58 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004973 2003 ACCT. 151 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/01/13 12.78 12.78 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004974 2004 ACCT. 151 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/01/13 72.32 72.32 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004975 Muratec Copy/Fax Machine 12/01/13 122.49 122.49 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005455 INSTALL AIR COMPRESSOR, TELESC 12/01/13 1,254.02 1,254.02 Broyhill Support Equipment 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005476 4 EXIDE FORKLIFT BATTERIES 12/O1/13 1,185.85 1,185.85 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005112 (12) IR Heaters 12/01/13 848.00 848.00 Broyhill Support Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005445 500 STACKING RACKS 12/O1/13 715.93 715.93 Broyhill Racking 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005110 MAKE-UP UNIT RELOCATED FOR RUT 12/01/13 451.76 451.76 Broyhill Support Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005111 Power Wiring for Compactor 12/01/13 448.35 448.35 Broyhill Support Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005101 3 DOCK LEVELERS 12/O1/13 417.43 417.43 Broyhill Support Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005674 ACCESS PLATFORMS & CLEAN OUT D 12/O1/13 287.49 287.49 Broyhill Support Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005108 QUINCY#F325-80 ASME AIR COMP 12/O1/13 249.06 249.06 Broyhill Support Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005105 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM M#1517 12/01/13 208.39 208.39 Broyhill Support Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005677 PROPANE GENERATOR IOKW5883 12/O1/13 188.42 188.42 Broyhill Support Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005460 WATER COOLER 12/01/13 173.54 173.54 Broyhill Support Equipment 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005102 TRASH BOX 40 CU YD 12/01/13 169.77 169.77 Broyhill Support Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005107 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM M#1517 12/O1/13 128.49 128.49 Broyhill Support Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005104 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM M#1462 12/O1/13 56.27 56.27 Broyhill Support Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005106 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM M#1517 12/O1/13 44.93 44.93 Broyhill Support Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 009217 CONVEYOR WHEEL KNIFE CUTTER & 12/01/13 8,551.07 8,551.07 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009218 CONVEYOR WHEEL KNIFE CUTTER& 12/O1/13 8,551.07 8,551.07 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009200 CONVEYORIZED WHEEL/KNIFE CUTTE 12/01/13 6,897.95 6,897.95 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 50 of 68 009307 PLANT RENOVATION 12/01/13 6,011.61 6,011.61 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009267 FABRICATE SLATBED CONVEYORS, T 12/01/13 4,875.35 4,875.35 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009303 52' SHRINK WRAP OVEN 12/O1/13 3,985.75 3,985.75 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009376 PLYWOOD GRINDER & DOUBLE TRUCK 12/O1/13 3,943.68 3,943.68 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009243 QUINCY STAGE SCREW COMPRESSOR, 12/01/13 2,788.01 2,788.01 Broyhill Compressed Air 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009342 Stackable Racks 12/O1/13 2,254.51 2,254.51 Broyhill Racking 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009176 SULLAIR AC SIN 003-100232 12/01/13 1,865.92 1,865.92 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009331 Install conveyors from 68 12/01/13 1,724.88 1,724.88 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009153 SULLAIR COMPRESSOR SN:003-8528 12/O1/13 1,409.80 1,409.80 Broyhill Compressed Air 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009294 FOAM BUGGIES 12/O1/13 1,129.85 1,129.85 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009343 Stackable Racks 12/O1/13 1,035.65 1,035.65 Broyhill Racking 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009328 FRAME DEPT-MATERIALS & LABOR F 12/01/13 892.32 892.32 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009350 Electrical Wiring 12/O1/13 751.44 751.44 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009304 60 CUSHION CARTS 12/01/13 739.12 739.12 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009302 75 CARTS FOR USE WITH HICKORY 12/O1/13 716.63 716.63 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009296 BUILD 100 CARTSTO MOVE FOAM 12/O1/13 704.05 704.05 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005013 CAMERAS AND CARDACCESS 12/O1/13 290.05 290.05 Broyhill Office Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005691 Slat Bed Conveyor 12/O1/13 666.83 666.83 Broyhill Support Equipment 9305 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009348 Repipe Gas Heaters 12/01/13 661.32 661.32 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009265 FABRICATE PLATFORMS, STEPS, AN 12/O1/13 649.98 649.98 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009330 MATERIALS & LABORTO MOVE FIBE 12/O1/13 624.80 624.80 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009338 Upholstery Tables 12/O1/13 605.96 605.96 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009337 Extend Slatbed Conveyor 12/O1/13 565.20 565.20 Broyhill Conveyors 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009156 CONVEYOR TO SHRINK WRAP OVEN 12/01/13 522.49 522.49 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009154 4 CUTTING TABLES 60 12/01/13 516.50 516.50 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009140 ZEKS 800THERM 12/O1/13 447.44 447.44 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009309 60 Fr. STATIC TABLE FROM PLANT 12/O1/13 422.88 422.88 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009339 41 Fabric Racks 12/O1/13 388.58 388.58 Broyhill Racking 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009183 ZEKS HEATSINK REFRIG AIR DRYER 12/01/13 387.79 387.79 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009308 CARTS FOR CUSHION FOAM 12/O1/13 377.52 377.52 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009141 AIR DRYER HSBA 12/O1/13 333.90 333.90 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009277 PLASTIC FIBERGLASS CONTAINERS 12/O1/13 284.88 284.88 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009365 Process Piping 12/01/13 268.76 268.76 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009375 CONCRETE PAD FOR WOOD GRINDER 12/O1/13 265.53 265.53 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009364 Compressed Air Lines 12/01/13 256.85 256.85 Broyhill Compressed Air 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009258 60 FABRIC TUB WAGONS 12/O1/13 255.34 255.34 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005069 OVERHEAD SCREW CONVEYOR 12/01/13 251.36 251.36 Broyhill Support Equipment 8196 840 Complex Place, Lenoir, INC 009189 HIGH SPEED SWITCH SN MHOXCO710 12/01/13 239.97 239.97 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009355 Misc. Electrical 12/O1/13 232.63 232.63 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009358 Electrical Wiring for Fan 12/01/13 227.32 227.32 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009198 REFRIGERATOR, AIR DRYER, SAFET 12/O1/13 212.62 212.62 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009305 20 FABRICATED 4X3 BUGGIES FOR 12/O1/13 211.98 211.98 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009313 CUSHION BUGGIES FOR PILLOWS 12/01/13 211.98 211.98 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009312 CUSHION BUGGIES FOR CARPENTER 12/O1/13 207.03 207.03 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009316 CUSHION BUGGIES FOR HICKORY SP 12/O1/13 207.03 207.03 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009347 Install/Wire Personal Heaters 12/01/13 185.01 185.01 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009300 DTM CONVERSION KIT FOR WISE BL 12/O1/13 180.20 180.20 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009242 LABOR & MATL. TO SCREW QUINCY 12/O1/13 171.54 171.54 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009346 Wired Heat Tapes/Heaters 12/O1/13 170.11 170.11 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009354 Warehouse Tunnel Lights 12/O1/13 155.62 155.62 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009353 Exterior Lighting-LotE 12/O1/13 150.98 150.98 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 51 of 68 009349 Lean Cell Painting 12/O1/13 146.19 146.19 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 00,9259 3 BARRELS AND CONVERTERS AND 3 12/O1/13 136.75 136.75 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009256 FABRICTUB WAGONS 12/01/13 127.67 127.67 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009257 30 FABRICTUB WAGONS 12/O1/13 127.67 127.67 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009319 10 CUSHION BUGGIES 12/O1/13 124.19 124.19 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009363 Tapered Rollers 12/01/13 118.32 118.32 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009298 PART OF ASSET#31500315 12/O1/13 116.03 116.03 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005007 (2) 18X21 CARPORTS 12/01/13 62.09 62.09 Broyhill Sup port pport Equipment 8195 840 Complex Place, Lenoir, NC 009372 (2) HYDRAULIC UNITS FOR DOCK 12/O1/13 56.82 56.82 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009263 FABRICATE PLATFORMS, STEPS, AN 12/O1/13 49.13 49.13 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005009 Portable stack racks 12/O1/13 7,428.87 7,428.87 Broyhill Racking 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004992 700 STACKING RACKS 12/O1/13 4,459.05 4,459.05 Broyhill Racking 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005060 10 MOBIL RADIOSAND FM BASE ST 12/01/13 510.19 510.19 Broyhill Furniture &. Fixtures 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005034 92 KENTUCKY TRAILERS(5) 12/01/13 3,964.93 3,964.93 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005035 591 FRUEHAUF TLRS SN 1H2V048 12/O1/13 2,760.37 2,760.37 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005028 3 STRUGHTON TRAILERS 12/01/13 2,451.94 2,451.94 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005044 (4)'86 GREAT DANE TRAILERS; 12/O1/13 2,450.26 2,450.26 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004989 300 STACKING RACKS 12/01/13 1,981.62 1,981.62 Broyhill Racking 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005029 2 STROUGHTON TRAILERS 12/O1/13 1,634.63 1,634.63 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004988 250 STACKING RACKS 12/O1/13 1,619.28 1,619.28 Broyhill Racking 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004981 200 POSTS FOR UPH RACKS 12/01/13 1,561.47 1,561.47 Broyhill Racking 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005027 USED 1981 FRUEHAUF TRAILER 12/O1/13 1,378.00 1,378.00 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004980 UPHOLSTERY RACKS 12/O1/13 1,296.63 1,296.63 Broyhill Racking 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005003 FABRICATE & INSTALL STORAGE RA 12/O1/13 1,219.25 1,219.25 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005041 2- 1993 GREAT DANE TRAILERS 12/O1/13 1,044.10 1,044.10 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005061 CHIP CONVEYOR UNLOAD W 45 FT V 12/O1/13 970.10 970.10 Broyhill Support Equipment 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005072 UNDERGROUND PIPING TO GAS PUMP 12/O1/13 922.40 922.40 Broyhill Support Equipment 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004995 150AIRECTOR STACKING RACKS 12/O1/13 840.53 840.53 Broyhill Racking 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005078 2005 ACCF 156 MISC ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 102.08 102.08 Broyhill Office Equipment 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004996 OIL\WATER SEPARATOR NHT1000 12/01/13 787.44 787.44 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005692 421N SLAT BED SHIP DEPT 12/O1/13 771.12 771.12 Broyhill Support Equipment 9305 Collage -Corp (LFC) 004983 EGAPRO POSTS FOR UPH RACKS 12/O1/13 739.78 739.78 Broyhill Racking 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005051 1987 FRUEHAUFTRAILER 16808 12/O1/13 609.50 609.50 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005040 (3) GD TRAILERS 2'881'92 12/O1/13 577.90 577.90 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005074 MATERIALS TO MAKE CHANGES FOR 12/01/13 489.70 489.70 Broyhill Support Equipment 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005068 PIPE UP FUEL TANKS 12/O1/13 456.75 456.75 Broyhill Support Equipment 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004982 INSTALL UPH RACKS 12/01/13 383.46 383.46 Broyhill Racking 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005089 BARCODE SYSTEM 12/O1/13 1,224.08 1,224.08 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005090 FINISHED GOODS BARCODE SYSTEM 12/O1/13 2,523.34 2,523.34 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005091 BECKOFF(REPL.) COMPUTER FOR FL 12/01/13 247.81 247.81 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005092 Dell Latitude Laptop 12/O1/13 108.62 108.62 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005093 Dell Latitude E6400 Laptop 12/01/13 86.42 86.42 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005094 Dell Latitude E6400 Laptop 12/O1/13 102.53 102.53 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005095 Dell Latitude E6400 Laptop 12/O1/13 118.08 118.08 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005096 Catalyst 35604810/100 12/O1/13 202.93 202.93 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005097 Dell Latitude Laptop 12/O1/13 92.21 92.21 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005098 Dell Latitude E6400 Laptop 12/O1/13 102.53 102.53 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005100 Space Heaters 12/O1/13 239.91 239.91 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005015 SERVICE LIFT MODEL AC-MM-20FL 12/O1/13 382.99 382.99 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005057 1974 FRUHAUF TRAILER#206 12/01/13 318.00 318.00 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005058 1986 VANCO TRAILER#202 12/O1/13 318.00 318.00 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 52 of 68 005059 1979 BUD TRAILER N201 12/O1/13 318.00 318.00 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005067 CONCRETE CONTAINMENT FOR FUEL 12/O1/13 300.32 300.32 Broyhill Support Equipment 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005000 3TON TRANE A/C 12/01/13 280.90 280.90 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004990 INSTALL CIRCUIT BREAKER PANEL 12/O1/13 265.00 265.00 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005693 SLAT BED CONVEYOR 12/O1/13 254.72 254.72 Broyhill Support Equipment 9305 Collage -Corp (LFC) 005073 PAINT DIESEL AND GASOLINE TANK 12/O1/13 239.83 239.83 Broyhill Support Equipment 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005052 1995 STOUGHTON TRAILER IDW1A48 12/O1/13 238.50 238.50 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005050 1987 TRANSPORT TRAILER 13042 12/01/13 222.94 222.94 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005016 CASCADE CLAMP SN665195-P-1 12/O1/13 201.71 201.71 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005071 BENNETT PUMP MODEL 3925-D 12/01/13 196.74 196.74 Broyhill Support Equipment 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004994 INSTALL EXHAUST HOOD & FAN 12/O1/13 196.55 196.55 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004978 HUNTER SPINNER 12/O1/13 196.23 196.23 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004976 2 NORD CHARIOTS 12/01/13 173.33 173.33 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005005 EMISSIONS ANALYZER 12/O1/13 172.31 172.31 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005062 HYDRAULIC UNIT 12/01/13 165.95 165.95 Broyhill Support Equipment 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005065 INSTALL SCREW 12/O1/13 126.25 126.25 Broyhill Support Equipment 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005063 ROOF VACUUM 12/O1/13 114.28 114.28 Broyhill Support Equipment 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005702 1 PUMP 888316 12/01/13 92.56 92.56 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9305 Collage -Corp (LFC) 005077 2004 ACCT. 148 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 73.38 73.38 Broyhill Support Equipment 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005131 MONITOR, PLOTTER, HP PRINTER F 12/01/13 413.79 413.79 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005134 TO REPLACE & UPGRADE WEBER PRI 12/O1/13 159.32 159.32 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005136 Security Access Readers 12/O1/13 315.36 315.36 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005137 Grecon Fire Detection System 12/01/13 547.59 547.59 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005138 Telephony System w/58300 G450 12/O1/13 2,712.98 2,712.98 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005139 Phone and Network Wiring 12/01/13 3,064.33 3,064.33 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005140 Wireless Scanning Network 12/O1/13 4,385.17 4,385.17 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005142 Dell PowerEdge R710 Server 12/O1/13 360.10 360.10 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005143 (2) Projectors (Cutting Edge 12/01/13 896.93 896.93 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005150 EQUIP FOR CARD READER SECURITY 12/01/13 333.10 333.10 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005151 25 ERGONMIC SEWING CHAIRS 12/O1/13 39.40 39.40 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005152 Digital Video Processor 12/O1/13 31.80 31.80 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005153 Custom Cabinets 12/O1/13 104.94 104.94 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005156 (2)52"Sharp Aquos 12/O1/13 221.89 221.89 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005158 Bathroom Upgrade/Water Cooler 12/01/13 348.65 348.65 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005159 Air Screen Refrigeration Unit 12/O1/13 447.18 447.18 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005160 (152) Stack Chairs,Chrome 12/01/13 669.67 669.67 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005161 Cafeteria Serving Fixtures 12/01/13 1,178.37 1,178.37 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005162 Custom Casework & Counters 12/01/13 2,623.13 2,623.13 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005437 PRINTRONIX PRINTERS 12/01/13 572.04 572.04 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005438 2003 ACCT. 152 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/01/13 247.70 247.70 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005439 FINISHED GOODS BARCODE SYSTEM 12/O1/13 3,106.05 3,106.05 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005441 2000 ACCT. 151 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 44.73 44.73 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005442 2001 ACCT 151 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/01/13 248.14 248.14 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005443 2002 ACCT. 151 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/01/13 67.90 67.90 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005444 2003 ACCT. 151 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 107.91 107.91 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005470 2003 ACCT. 156 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 44.12 44.12 Broyhill Office Equipment 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005590 BELKIN UNIVERSAL UPS FOR SECUR 12/01/13 6.05 6.05 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005591 (16) Dell Wyse Termninals 12/O1/13 300.32 300.32 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Unknown 005592 (17) Wyse Terminals 12/01/13 415.43 415.43 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Unknown 005593 (4) Telephones (Mediant 1000) 12/O1/13 361.59 361.59 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Unknown 005594 DEALER EXTRANET AND IN HOME SE 12/O1/13 4,748.80 4,748.80 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 53 of 68 005595 EQUIPMENTTO ALLOW UNINTERRUPT 12/O1/13 492.80 492.80 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005596 EQUIPMENT FOR BFI INFRASTRUCTU 12/01/13 1,089.47 1,089.47 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005597 EQUIPMENT FOR ADVERTISING PRIN 12/01/13 1,532.25 1,532.25 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005598 EQUIPMENT TO ACCESS IMAGING SE 12/01/13 4,900.94 4,900.94 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005599 POWEREDGE 4210 FRAME RACK 12/O1/13 222.02 222.02 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005600 33 UPS BATTERIES 12/O1/13 287.63 287.63 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005601 (4)PRINTERS & ETHERNET SWITCH 12/O1/13 181.08 181.08 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005602 THIN CLIENT TERMINALS (7) & MO 12/01/13 179.84 179.94 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005603 CALL PILOT AUTO -ATTENDANT SYST 12/O1/13 1,058.04 1,058.04 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005604 Hardware/Logility Forecasting 12/O1/13 516.27 516.27 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005605 Business Intelligence Hardware 12/O1/13 4,250.23 4,250.23 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005606 Power Edge Server 12/01/13 255.70 255.70 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005607 Dell Latitude D410 Laptop 12/O1/13 107.24 107.24 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005608 Laptop Computer 12/O1/13 139.53 139.53 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005609 Laptops for sales force 12/O1/13 462.47 462.47 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005610 Server 12/O1/13 151.12 151.12 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005611 Latitude D420 Laptop 12/O1/13 108.62 108.62 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005612 Dell Latitude D420 12/01/13 93.43 93.43 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005613 MVL-A SQL Server 12/O1/13 564.15 564.15 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005614 Replacement Web Server 12/O1/13 271.93 271.93 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005615 Database Server 12/O1/13 383.36 383.36 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005616 Apple MacBook Pro 17" 12/O1/13 174.55 174.55 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005617 Apple Mac Pro 12/01/13 174.61 174.61 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005618 Latitude D420 Laptop 12/O1/13 189.70 189.70 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005619 Latitude D420 Laptop 12/O1/13 93.85 93.85 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005620 Latitude Computer 12/O1/13 105.05 105.05 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005621 Dell Latitude 12/O1/13 105.05 105.05 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005622 VariousJDE hardware 12/O1/13 24,992.58 24,992.58 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005623 2TR1034U P4C-R UNIVERSAL PC 12/O1/13 330.24 330.24 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005624 (5) Wyse V30L Thin Computers 12/O1/13 85.99 85.99 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005625 Dell E6400 Intel Laptop 12/O1/13 98.79 98.79 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005626 Dell Latitude E4200 Laptop 12/O1/13 104.15 104.15 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005627 Latitude E6400 Laptop 12/01/13 92.34 92.34 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005628 Dell Latitude E6500 w/Case 12/O1/13 81.56 81.56 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005629 Dell E6400 w/Port Replicator 12/01/13 105.99 105.99 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005630 Dell Latitude E4300 Laptop 12/O1/13 97.23 97.23 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005631 Latitude E6400 Laptop w/Dock 12/O1/13 102.53 102.53 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005632 VOIP Phone System 12/O1/13 207.07 207.07 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005633 (2) Dell Latitude PC-E6400 12/01/13 171.38 171.38 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005634 CYBERPOWER RACK MOUNT 12/O1/13 34.21 34.21 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005635 (3)AVAYA PHONES 12/O1/13 41.74 41.74 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005636 CAMERA SYSTEM 12/O1/13 249.40 249.40 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005637 COMMUNICATIONS WIRING 12/O1/13 2,750.16 2,750.16 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005654 15 CABINETS FOR FINISHING LAB 12/01/13 530.87 530.87 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005655 2 ELEVEN DRAWER FILE CABINETS 12/O1/13 201.24 201.24 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005656 12-MANAGEMENT CHAIRS#1167-15 12/01/13 166.82 166.82 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005657 14-MANAGEMENT/EXECUTIVE CHAI 12/O1/13 303.35 303.35 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005658 INSTALL 3 CONDUIT FROM WALLS T 12/O1/13 159.00 159.00 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005659 LEATHER EXECUTIVE RECLINERS 12/O1/13 227.79 227.79 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005660 Muratec Copy/Fax 12/O1/13 91.81 91.81 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005661 Copy Fax S/N 90127030 12/01/13 91.60 91.60 Broyhill Furniture &Fixtures 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 54 of 68 005662 (3) Hunt DVRs CCTV -Security 12/O1/13 328.57 328.57 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005663 REFRIGERATOR 12/O1/13 45.63 45.63 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005664 SIGNS FOR NEW OFFICE 12/O1/13 51.32 51.32 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005665 ICE MAKER -NEW CORPORATE OFFICE 12/O1/13 114.82 114.82 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005666 OFFICE FURN. PURCH FRM TFI 12/O1/13 840.19 840.19 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005667 OFFICE FURNITURE (PURCH FROM 12/O1/13 72.02 72.02 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005668 ADD'L FURNITURE PURCH FROM TFI 12/O1/13 87.87 87.87 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005669 Paging System, portable 12/01/13 777.88 777.88 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005670 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 12/01/13 322.37 322.37 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 9099 Watson -Imp Logistics 005678 16 CAMERA DVR WITH 360 GB HD 12/O1/13 230.18 230.18 Broyhill Office Equipment 9099 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005679 SECURITY CAMERAS 12/O1/13 447.52 447.52 Broyhill Office Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005680 TRL UNITTO RECORD ALL CAMERAS 12/01/13 230.18 230.18 Broyhill Office Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005681 OVERHEAD PROJECTOR FOR BOARD R 12/01/13 355.72 355.72 Broyhill Office Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005682 Konica 420 Copier 12/O1/13 500.07 500.07 Broyhill Office Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005683 Konica Biz Hub 600 12/O1/13 789.12 789.12 Broyhill Office Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005685 2003 ACCT. 152 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 36.62 36.62 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9305 Collage-Corp(LFC) 005686 2004 ACCT. 152 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 21.15 21.15 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9305 Collage -Corp (LFC) 005697 2002 ACCT. 156 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 8.46 8.46 Broyhill Office Equipment 9305 Collage -Corp (LFC) 005698 2003 ACCT. 156 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 74.20 74.20 Broyhill Office Equipment 9305 Collage -Corp (LFC) 005699 2004 ACCT. 156 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/01/13 15.63 15.63 Broyhill Office Equipment 9305 Collage-Corp(LFC) 005712 2030 Muratec Copier 12/O1/13 150.50 150.50 Broyhill Office Equipment 9320 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005713 Telephone System 12/O1/13 548.66 548.66 Broyhill Computer Equipment 9626 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009113 SAMPLE SHOP CAD UPGRADE 12/O1/13 643.24 643.24 Broyhill Computer Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009114 CONVERT 12 SCANNERS TO LONG RA 12/O1/13 227.29 227.29 Broyhill Computer Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009115 100 CCD REPLACEMENT SCANNERS 12/01/13 166.07 166.07 Broyhill Computer Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009116 BAR CODE SCANNING PROJECT-UPHO 12/01/13 2,298.69 2,298.69 Broyhill Computer Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009117 HARDWARE FOR SIG MATEK AUTOCAD 12/O1/13 203.63 203.63 Broyhill Computer Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009118 (245) R60e Data Terminal Unit 12/O1/13 12,403.68 12,403.68 Broyhill Computer Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009122 Work Tables &Sinks 12/01/13 194.05 194.05 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009123 (17) Formica Tables 3698.58 12/O1/13 216.38 216.38 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009124 (21) Formica Tables 3698.58 12/01/13 260.56 260.56 Broyhill Furniture & Fixtures 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009378 ACCUJET 520 PLOTTER 12/O1/13 214.12 214.12 Broyhill Office Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009379 Infinity II Plotter 12/01/13 732.04 732.04 Broyhill Office Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004977 VECLOADER 422 12/01/13 2,266.86 2,266.86 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004979 UPHOLSTERY RACKS 12/O1/13 1,898.22 1,898.22 Broyhill Racking 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004986 HYDRO -RETRIEVER SWEEPER/SCRUBB 12/O1/13 990.04 990.04 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004987 400 STACKABLE RACKS 12/O1/13 2,675.43 2,675.43 Broyhill Racking 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004993 INSTALL ONE UNLOAD PLATFORM 12/O1/13 447.67 447.67 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005002 (2) 460 VOLT 3 PHASE UNIT HEAT 12/O1/13 137.68 137.68 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005004 HYSTER DEMO UNIT WITH BATTERY 12/O1/13 507.00 507.00 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005006 COATES TIRE CHANGER 12/01/13 144.48 144.48 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005008 EXTEND HOODS OVER BATTERY CHAR 12/O1/13 139.93 139.93 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005010 Forklift battery 12/01/13 371.04 371.04 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005011 Industrial Battery & Charger 12/O1/13 371.04 371.04 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005012 DISTRESSER MACHINE ATTIC H 12/O1/13 477.00 477.00 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005017 84 DATSUN FKLFT SIN CFOI-02191 12/O1/13 568.08 568.08 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005018 84 DATSUN FKLFT SIN CF01-02194 12/O1/13 568.08 568.08 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005019 84 NISSAN FKLT SIN CFOS-022580 12/01/13 711.65 711.65 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005021 87 NISSAN FKLT SN CPHOI-00051 12/O1/13 580.72 580.72 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005022 87 NISSAN E3000 12/O1/13 819.72 819.72 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005023 87 NISSAN E3000 12/O1/13 1,024.83 1,024.83 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 55 of 68 005024 87 CROWN FKLFT SN W-8430 12/O1/13 838.51 838.51 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005025 2 NISSAN FORKLIFTS E3000 12/01/13 2,002.42 2,002.42 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005030 3 NISSIAN ELECTRIC FORKLIFTS 12/O1/13 2,242.70 2,242.70 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005031 3 NISSAN LIFTTRUCKS MODEL E-3 12/01/13 3,364.04 3,364.04 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005033 NISSAN FORKLIFT SN: 002273 12/O1/13 846.94 846.94 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005037 2CHARGERS &2 DOUGLAS 510 AN 12/O1/13 457.15 457.15 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005038 RAMPS ON LOWBOY TRAILER 12/01/13 186.68 186.68 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005039 2 NISSAN 3000 LB FORKLIFTS SN 12/O1/13 2,190.46 2,190.46 Broyhill Rolling Stack 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005043 NISSAN ELECTRIC FORK TRUCK SN# 12/01/13 1,871.43 1,871.43 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005045 2001 USED PRIME MOVER TOW TRAC 12/O1/13 235.53 235.53 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005046 (2) 48V. FORKLIFT BATTERIES 12/O1/13 272.57 272.57 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005047 2 PRIME MOVER TOW TRACTORS 12/O1/13 412.02 412.02 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005048 2 PRIME MOVE TOW TRACTORS#003 12/O1/13 824.04 824.04 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005049 INSTALL LIFT PARTS FOR HAND TR 12/01/13 130.27 130.27 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005055 Reman. Nissan Transmission 12/O1/13 185.91 185.91 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005056 Forklift Battery 12/O1/13 350.81 350.81 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005064 HYD POWER UNIT 12/O1/13 432.86 432.86 Broyhill Support Equipment 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005066 HELCOID SCREWS 12/O1/13 513.75 513.75 Broyhill Support Equipment 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005070 INSTALL HYDRAULIC SHUTTLE UNIT 12/O1/13 468.07 468.07 Broyhill Support Equipment 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005076 AIR CONDITIONER RECYCLER UNIT 12/O1/13 198.48 198.48 Broyhill Support Equipment. 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005081 24 Cell 510 AH Charger 12/O1/13 240.17 240.17 Broyhill Support Equipment 8197 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005082 STIHL 16" CHAIN SAW MS170 12/01/13 9.02 9.02 Broyhill Support Equipment 8197 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005083 STIHL BACKPACK BLOWER BR550 12/O1/13 21.75 21.75 Broyhill Support Equipment 8197 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005094 (4) STIHL STRING TRIMMERS FS90 12/O1/13 60.67 60.67 Broyhill Support Equipment 8197 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005085 UTILITY LANDSCAPE TRAILER 6X12 12/O1/13 56.18 56.18 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8197 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005086 JOHN DEERE LAWN TRACTOR 997 12/O1/13 731.95 731.95 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8197 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005087 JOHN DEERE LAWN TRACTOR 997 12/O1/13 731.95 731.95 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8197 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005694 FABRICATE BAG LOADER 12/O1/13 287.43 287.43 Broyhill Support Equipment 9305 Collage-Corp(LFC) 005701 NISSAN FKL 5000 12/O1/13 899.90 899.90 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9305 Collage -Corp (LFC) 005704 C50 NISSAN FORKLIFT #002143 12/01/13 770.09 770.09 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9305 Collage -Corp (LFC) 005705 89 NISSAN FKLFT SN CPHOI-9028 12/O1/13 85.94 85.94 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9305 Collage -Corp (LFC) 005706 NISSAN FORKLIFTS (2) SN:905364 12/01/13 207.87 207.87 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9305 Collage -Corp (LFC) 005707 NISSAN 5000 LB FORKLIFT SN 900 12/01/13 918.81 918.81 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9305 Collage -Corp (LFC) 005708 NISSAN FORKLIFT 3500 LB SN 9N0 12/O1/13 979.44 979.44 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9305 Collage-Corp(LFC) 005709 NISSAN LIFT TRUCK SN:9P5543 12/O1/13 971.33 971.33 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9305 Collage -Carp (LFC) 009125 2-EASTMAN CLASS 625 ULTRONICS 12/O1/13 60.49 60.49 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009126 2 CUTTING MCHS 625C-7 & 4-334- 12/O1/13 133.88 133.88 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009127 CUSHION FILLE 12/O1/13 164.30 164.30 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009133 CUSH FILL MACH ANDERSON SN 803 12/01/13 311.36 311.36 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009136 AK CLIP MACHI FRAME DEPT 12/O1/13 232.54 232.54 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009138 CUSH FILL MACHINE 12/01/13 324.89 324.89 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009142 2 CUSH FILLER MACH 12/O1/13 298.00 298.00 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009157 DOUBLE DRILL DR T-NUT MACH#HF 12/O1/13 1,074.75 1,074.75 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009168 WIRE CUSHION MACHINE & SEWING 12/O1/13 214.89 214.89 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009185 CBZ-X CUSHION BOX MACHINE SN P 12/O1/13 487.12 487.12 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009186 CUSHION FILLING MACHINE 12/O1/13 452.45 452.45 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009191 POWER PROCESSOR 200 SOFTWARE 12/O1/13 572.51 572.51 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009211 2 PFAFF SEWING MACHINES SN 510 12/01/13 502.65 502.65 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009229 FIBER BLOWING ADDITION 12/01/13 1,100.81 1,100.81 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009232 2-DTI 7000 BRASS NAIL GUNS 12/O1/13 669.13 669.13 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009234 DTI-7000 BRASS NAIL GUN 12/O1/13 310.47 310.47 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 56 of 68 009236 DTI-7000 BRASS NAIL GUN 12/O1/13 310.47 310.47 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009251 STEAM GENERATOR WITH ACCESSORI 12/O1/13 254.48 254.48 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009255 DTI-7000 AUTO BRASS NAIL GUN 12/O1/13 915.90 915.90 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009262 DOUBLE OPENER/NOZZLE FIBER BLO 12/O1/13 2,865.60 2,865.60 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009264 APEX CUSHION STUFFING MACHINE 12/O1/13 491.84 491.84 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009266 FABRICATE UPHOLSTERY TABLES, T 12/O1/13 1,432.27 1,432.27 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009272 APEX CUSHION STUFFING MACHINE 12/01/13 487.60 487.60 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009274 CLIP MACHINETO RUN PLYWOOD FR 12/O1/13 641.39 641.39 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009276 AUTO FEED BRASS NAIL GUN 12/O1/13 589.90 589.90 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009279 MOTORIZED HAND PALLET TRUCK 12/01/13 218.14 218.14 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009283 AUTO BRASS NAIL GUN 12/O1/13 984.95 984.95 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009288 DTI 7000 BRASS NAIL GUN 12/O1/13 605.42 605.42 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009292 THETA ASSEMBLY 12/01/13 122.58 122.58 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009293 DTI 7000 AUTO BRASS NAIL GUNS 12/O1/13 1,263.31 1,263.31 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009299 THETA ASSEMBLY 12/01/13 446.41 446.41 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009311 INSTALL FIBER FILL SLATBED 12/01/13 388.80 388.80 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009314 AUTO FEED BRASS NAIL GUN 12/O1/13 1,277.22 1,277.22 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009318 AUTOMATIC FEED BRASS NAIL GUNS 12/O1/13 1,643.37 1,643.37 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009324 ROLLER CONVEYOR W/ CHOPSAW-SPR 12/01/13 250.43 250.43 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009325 ROLLER CONVEYOR WITH CHOPSAW F 12/O1/13 250.46 250.46 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009333 3 Routers 12/O1/13 44,795.22 40,315.68 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009334 3Nail Guns 12/O1/13 583.48 583.48 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009341 Finger Cusion Machine 12/01/13 132.50 132.50 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009360 Apex Bag Closer S/N 240123 12/O1/13 58.30 58.30 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009361 Apex Bag Closer S/N 240127 12/O1/13 58.30 58.30 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009362 Apex Bag Closer 5/N 240132 12/O1/13 58.30 58.30 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009369 (2) APEX 600A BAG CLOSERS 12/O1/13 116.60 116.60 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009373 USED BUTTON TUFTING MACHINE 12/O1/13 318.00 318.00 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009383 91 NISSIAN ELEC FKLT SN CUM01 12/O1/13 1,121.35 1,121.35 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009384 92 YALE FKLFT SN N523728 12/O1/13 768.02 768.02 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009387 2 CROWN STOCKPICKERS SN IA1800 12/O1/13 1,784.09 1,784.09 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009389 YALE M#MPB040ACWALKIE ELECTRI 12/01/13 187.09 187.09 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009390 PRE -OWNED YALE MOTORIZED HAND 12/O1/13 101.44 101.44 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009392 YALE HAND PALLET 12/O1/13 203.15 203.15 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009394 HIGH RISE LIFT TRUCK AND ON BO 12/01/13 120.45 120.45 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker TJG AccuRouter MS 10,000.00 TJG AccuRouter MS 10,000.00 TJG 36" Tannewitz Band Saw 500.00 TJG Single Spindle Boring Machine 200.00 TJG Multispindle Horizontal Boring Machine 500.00 TJG 36" Tannewitz Band Saw w/glue block mech 750.00 T1G Single Spindle Pump Sander 200.00 TJG 36" Tannewitz Band Saw 500.00 TJG Worldmax Chop Saw -upcut saw 300.00 TJG Lancaster Incline Clamp 200.00 004997 4JUKI SEWING MACHINES 12/01/13 294.31 294.31 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004998 4 JUKI SEWING MACHINES 12/O1/13 588.62 588.62 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 004999 WAREHOUSE PLATFORMS 12/O1/13 213.19 213.19 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005001 8- PFAFF MODELS 1425 12/O1/13 1,203.09 1,203.09 Broyhill Support Equipment 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005036 NISSAN E304 FORKLIFT SN 003488 12/O1/13 1,919.13 1,919.13 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005042 INSTALL THREE DUST TRAILER SCR 121O1113 969.66 969.66 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 57 of 68 005053 FORKLIFT BATTERIES 12/O1/13 414.22 414.22 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005054 (2) FORKLIFT BATTERIES -TYPE 12/01/13 288.53 288.53 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8195 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005075 PARTS ON LIVE BOTTOM DOUBLE SC 12/O1/13 478.98 478.98 Broyhill Support Equipment 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005079 UNLOAD SYS-TRAILER HYDRAULIC 12/O1/13 931.36 931.36 Broyhill Rolling Stock 8196 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 005103 BARRELL TANK CONTAINER 12/O1/13 49.40 49.40 Broyhill Support Equipment 9001 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005109 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER FOR FINIS 12/O1/13 480.97 480.97 Broyhill Support Equipment 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005113 80 DATSUN FKLT SN NCF01-00046 12/O1/13 730.01 730.01 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9001 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005114 80 DATSUN FKLT SN CPF02-00028 12/O1/13 748.81 748.81 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005115 85 NISSAN FKLT SN CPFOI-02370 12/O1/13 681.65 681.65 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9001 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005116 85 NISSAN FKLT SN CF01-22755 12/01/13 774.70 774.70 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9001 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005117 87 NISSAN FKLFT SN CPH01-0002 12/01/13 838.98 838.98 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005118 92 YALE FKLFT SN N514388 12/O1/13 880.49 880.49 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9001 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005119 U YALE FORKLIFT SN N496600 MHl 12/O1/13 762.14 762.14 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9001 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005120 NISSAN C35KLP FORKLIFT SN 9017 12/01/13 817.68 817.68 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9001 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005121 NISSAN FORKLIFT SN 905651 MH15 12/O1/13 919.47 919.47 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9001 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005122 NISSAN FORKLIFT MODEL CSOKLP 5 12/O1/13 855.21 855.21 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9001 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005123 3500 LB NISSAN FORKLIFT SN 9N0 12/01/13 977.85 977.85 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9001 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005124 1 USED REFUBISHED NISSAN FORKL 12/O1/13 401.48 401.48 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9001 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005446 1998 MISC ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 24.99 24.99 Broyhill Support Equipment 9023 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005447 1999 MISC ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 105.89 105.89 Broyhill Support Equipment 9023 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005448 15' DRY FILTER SPRAY BOOTH 12/01/13 606.82 606.82 Broyhill Support Equipment 9023 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005449 INSTALL 2 AIR REELS 12/O1/13 116.67 116.67 Broyhill Sup port pport Equipment 9023 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005451 2000 ACCT. 149 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 48.78 48.78 Broyhill Support Equipment 9023 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005452 2000 ACCT. 150 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/01/13 95.65 95.65 Broyhill Support Equipment 9023 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005453 1000 LB WEIGHT LIFT & 400 LB. 12/01/13 170.36 170.36 Broyhill Support Equipment 9023 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005471 87 NISSAN FKLFT SN CPH01-0002 12/O1/13 767.43 767.43 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9023 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005472 USED 1993 NISSAN FORKLIFT SN 9 12/01/13 509.54 509.54 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005474 NISSAN ELECTRIC FORK TRUCK#PE 12/O1/13 935.72 935.72 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 005475 BATTERY & CHARGER #IBCI-24-85- 12/O1/13 197.74 197.74 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9023 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005478 48 VOLT BATTERY Mp24-85TB-15 12/O1/13 154.27 154.27 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9023 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005479 FORKLIFT BATTERY 12/O1/13 198.65 198.65 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9023 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005481 FORKLIFT BATTERY 12 CELL 24V 12/01/13 174.16 174.16 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9023 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005672 2005 ACCT 148 MISC ADDITIONS 12/O1/13 53.51 53.51 Broyhill Support Equipment 9099 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005673 SPRAY BOOTH 12/O1/13 117.58 117.58 Broyhill Support Equipment 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 005675 EXTEND 2 BOOTHS ATTEST LAB 12/O1/13 252.73 252.73 Broyhill Support Equipment 9099 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005676 Scan Guns & Accessories 12/O1/13 602.37 602.37 Broyhill Support Equipment 9099 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 005696 WORKTABLES 12/O1/13 422.11 422.11 Broyhill Support Equipment 9305 Collage -Corp (LFC) 005700 NISSAN FKL 5000 12/O1/13 829.90 829.90 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9305 Collage -Corp (LFC) 005703 1 BLADE F/FRONT END LOADER 12/O1/13 66.78 66.78 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9305 Collage -Corp (LFC) 005711 Carton Maker 12/O1/13 1,444.25 1,444.25 Broyhill Support Equipment 9320 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 008483 4JUNGHEINRICH FORKLIFTS 12/01/13 5,483.17 5,483.17 Broyhill Rolling Stock 9001 825 Visionary St, Lenoir, NC 008484 SHRINK WRAP OVEN 42' LONG 12/O1/13 5,006.03 5,006.03 Broyhill Production Equipment 9001 Collage -Corp (LFC) 009128 BANDSAW 78011SN TRNNEWITZ 12/01/13 389.28 389.28 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009129 CUSHION FILLER SN: 706-MV 12/01/13 201.67 201.67 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009130 MEASURING MACHINE R-5416 & R-5 12/O1/13 643.98 643.98 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009131 FIN CONVEYORS -OVENS 12/01/13 871.62 871.62 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009132 HANDY BUTTON MACH SN 1159 12/O1/13 255.67 255.67 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009134 CUSHION FILLER ANDERSON 12/O1/13 325.16 325.16 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009135 AUTO BUTTON MACHINE SN 2011 12/01/13 522.26 522.26 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009137 S91 GERBER CUTTER SYSTEM 12/01/13 23,399.83 23,399.83 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009139 CUSH FILL MACH SPUHL ANDERSON 12/O1/13 326.51 326.51 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 58 of 68 009143 14 SEW MACHINES 12/01/13 3,507.43 3,507.43 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009144 BUNN TYING MACHINE 12/O1/13 213.06 213.06 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009145 1 APEX BORDER MACHINE 12/01/13 426.76 426.76 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009146 RUFFLING SEWING MACHINE 12/01/13 683.22 683.22 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009147 ANDERSON CUSHION FILLING MACHI 12/O1/13 365.13 365.13 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009148 S SEWING MACHINES#291164062 12/O1/13 1,404.50 1,404.50 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009149 4 EASTMAN CLOTH CUTTERS 12/O1/13 243.19 243.19 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009150 BUNN TYING MACHINE 12/O1/13 241.13 241.13 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009151 APEX 12/O1/13 489.96 489.96 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009152 ZIPPER MACHINE SINGER MODEL 12/01/13 267.38 267.38 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009155 ZIPPER MACHINE MODEL AS50 SN: 12/O1/13 195.38 195.38 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009158 3 BRO OVEREDGER 511 SN M15904 12/O1/13 224.02 224.02 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009159 PFAFF SEW MACH SN 1546822 12/01/13 175.31 175.31 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009160 APEX ZPR-2 ZIPPER MACH SN 635 12/O1/13 201.63 201.63 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009161 APEX DWK-2 DOUBLE WELT MACH S 12/01/13 335.43 335.43 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009162 APEX CBZ-X6 BORDER MACH SN 65 12/01/13 500.96 500.96 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009163 ADLER GATHERING MACH 550-12-10 12/O1/13 767.55 767-55 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009164 12 DURKOPP SEWING MACHINES 12/O1/13 3,200.06 3,200.06 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009165 CBZ-X BORDER MACHINE 12/01/13 476.42 476.42 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009166 BROTHER OVERLOCK SN M1590440 12/O1/13 77.35 77.35 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009167 3 AUTO CUTTERS 2 JUKI MH481 12/O1/13 554.78 554.78 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009169 JUKI LOCKSTITCH SN 627873 12/01/13 313.15 313.15 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009171 JUKI SEW SN 4469,3910,3490,447 12/O1/13 294.31 294.31 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009172 10 JUKI SEWING MACH 12/O1/13 2,943.08 2,943.08 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009173 SINGER SEW MACH SN U933719002 12/O1/13 140.45 140.45 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009174 2BRO OVERLOCKS & APEXZIPPER 12/01/13 219.68 219.68 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009175 U APEX BORDER MACH SN C6412 12/O1/13 208.77 208.77 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009177 BROTHERS EF4-B511 SN 4571294 & 12/O1/13 160.05 160.05 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009178 8JUKI SEWING MACH 12/O1/13 2,370.84 2,370.84 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009179 7JUKI SEWING MACH 12/O1/13 2,060.16 2,060.16 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009180 UNITED SEWING MACHINE SN DUNKS 12/O1/13 139.18 139.18 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009181 LOCKSTITC SEWING MACH SN DLNXB 12/01/13 139.18 139.18 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009182 JUKI SEW MACHINE SN DMN-5420N- 12/01/13 242.59 242.59 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009184 WELT MACHINE SN W-1439284 12/O1/13 182.00 182.00 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009187 2 SEWING MACHINES E4571291 & B 12/O1/13 138.64 138.64 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009188 SEWING MACHINE (HIGH SPEED) SN 12/01/13 234.19 234.19 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009190 2 APEX DWK-2 WELT MACHINE SN 7 12/O1/13 427.70 427.70 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009192 7JUKI SEWING MACHINES 12/O1/13 791.25 791.25 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009193 APEX MODEL CUSHION BORDER MACH 12/01/13 366.68 366.68 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009194 JET 20 BANDSAW" 12/O1/13 183.50 183.50 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009195 CUSHION STUFFER 12/O1/13 401.48 401.48 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009196 Cushion Stuffer 12/O1/13 401.48 401.48 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009197 20 JUKI, 1 APEX, 2 UNITED, 1 C 12/01/13 231.45 231.45 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009199 9JUKI SEWING MACHINES 12/01/13 828.39 828.39 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009201 JUKI OVERLOCK WITH TRIMMER 12/O1/13 222.28 222.28 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009202 10 JUKI SEWING MACHINES 12/01/13 2,887.59 2,887.59 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009203 6 CZB BORDER MACHINE" 12/01/13 465.34 465.34 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009205 DOUBLE WELT SEWING MACHINE SN 12/O1/13 273.00 273.00 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009206 JUKI SINGLE NEEDLE SEWING MACH 12/01/13 176.38 176.38 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009208 10 PFAFF MODEL 1425 ELECTRONIC 12/01/13 2,513.23 2,513.23 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009209 BROTHER 2 NEEDLE POST MACHINE 12/O1/13 333.49 333.49 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 59 of 68 009210 PURCHASE OF NEW SEWING MACHINE 12/O1/13 5,024.61 5,024.61 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009212 BROTHER 2 NEEDLE POST MACHINE 12/O1/13 320.91 320.91 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009213 JUKI SINGLE NEEDLE SEWING MACH 12/O1/13 290.40 290.40 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009214 PURCHASE OF NEW SEWING MACHINE 12/O1/13 4,999.70 4,999.70 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009215 BROTHER 2 NEEDLE POST MACHINE 12/O1/13 320.91 320.91 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009216 TANNEWITZ BANDSAW & FLETCHER T 12/01/13 279.69 279.69 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009219 BROTHER SEWING MACHINE (2 NEED 12/01/13 320.91 320.91 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009220 APEX BORDER MACHINE SIN 6662P 12/O1/13 478.59 478.59 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009221 CONVEYORIZED WHEEL/KNIFE CUTTE 12/O1/13 2,222.29 2,222.29 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009222 BRASS NAIL GUN 12/01/13 319.01 319.01 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009223 AUTO NAIL GUN 12/01/13 319.01 319.01 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009224 SOUND ENCLOSURE AROUND FAN & E 12/O1/13 139.51 139.51 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009225 DCS 3500 CONVEYOR CUTTER SYSTE 12/01/13 25,641.43 25,641.43 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009226 ZPR 4000 ZIPPER MACHINE 12/O1/13 283.76 283.76 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009227 8- PFAFF MODELS 1425 12/O1/13 240.62 240.62 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009228 APEX ZPR-2 ZIPPER MACHINE 12/01/13 212.25 212.25 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009230 JUKI DOUBLE NEEDLE SEWING MACH 12/O1/13 303.78 303.78 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009231 UNITED SEWING MACHINE#300ZPR- 12/O1/13 382.63 382.63 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009233 DTI-7000 BRASS NAIL GUN 12/01/13 310.47 310.47 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009235 S91 CUTTER 12/O1/13 15,033.81 15,033.81 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009237 REMANUFACTURED HOFFMAN 38404 M 12/01/13 568.79 568.79 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009238 REBUILT SINGER 300W DOULBLE WE 12/01/13 240.89 240.89 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009239 PFAFF MODEL 1425 ELECTRONIC SE 12/O1/13 267.38 267.38 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009240 PFAFF MODEL 1425 ELECTRONIC SE 12/O1/13 267.38 267.38 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009241 REMANUFACTURED HOFFMAN 39404 M 12/01/13 332.71 332.71 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009244 JUKI MH-481 SEWING MACHINE SN: 12/O1/13 168.62 168.62 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009245 JUKI DOUBLE NEEDLE SEWING MACH 12/O1/13 334.67 334.67 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009246 DTI-7000 BRASS NAILER 12/O1/13 310.47 310.47 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009247 NESTER SOFTWARE TO BE USED W/A 12/01/13 728.77 728.77 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009248 4 GLUE GUNS AND 4 GLUE POTS 12/O1/13 140.68 140.68 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009249 DTI-7000 AUTO FEED BRASS NAIL 12/O1/13 310.47 310.47 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009250 MOTOR FOR GERBER MACHINE 12/O1/13 638.64 638.64 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009253 JUKI SEWING MACHINE SIN: LU0DE0 12/01/13 261.60 261.60 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009260 REMANUFACTURED HOFFMAN CENTRIF 12/O1/13 529.78 529.78 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009261 DTI-7000 AUTO. FEED BRASS NAIL 12/O1/13 620.95 620.95 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009268 (2) CONVEYOR CUTTER SYSTEMS 12/01/13 9,361.39 9,361.39 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009269 1 CONVEYOR CUTTER SYSTEM 12/O1/13 9,361.39 9,361.39 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009270 TWIN TABLE STATIC CUTTER SYSTE 12/01/13 24,238.49 24,238.49 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009271 MEASURING MACHINE FOR 60 FABRI 12/O1/13 384.25 384.25 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009273 PLASTIC FIBERGLASS CONTAINERS 12/O1/13 915.52 915.52 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009275 CLOTH CUTTERS 12/O1/13 144.00 144.00 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009278 AUTO. FEED BRASS NAIL GUN 12/O1/13 310.47 310.47 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009280 2INFINITY PLOTTERS & 1 AP REW 12/01/13 2,334.04 2,334.04 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009281 SEWING MACHINES 12/O1/13 864.03 864.03 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009282 SUPER SHODA ROUTER 12/O1/13 19,496,43 19,496.43 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009284 AUTO BRASS NAIL GUN 12/01/13 310.47 310.47 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009285 PLASTIC FIBERGLASS CONTAINERS 12/01/13 915.52 915.52 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009286 DTI 7000 BRASS NAIL GUN 12/O1/13 627.84 627.84 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009287 TROUGH FOR S91 GERBERTABLE 12/01/13 286.35 286.35 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009289 SANYO PROJECTOR FOR CUTTING ED 12/01/13 371.16 371.16 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009290 3 UNITED 8 STRAIGHT KNIVES" 12/O1/13 160.59 160.59 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 60 of 68 009291 PARTS FOR GERBER MACHINE & PLO 12/O1/13 104.21 104.21 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009295 BELTAX'S MOTOR ASSEMBLY FOR C 12/01/13 296.66 296.66 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009301 JUKI SEWING MACHINE L51342 12/O1/13 306.69 306.69 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009306 CUTTING TABLES 12/O1/13 960.06 960.06 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009315 AXIS MOTOR ASSY. FOR GERBER 12/O1/13 237.44 237.44 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009317 BRISTLE CLEANER FOR GERBER 12/01/13 630.70 630.70 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009320 VERSA CLIPPER 3000 12/01/13 429.30 429.30 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009321 VERSA CLIPPER 3000 12/O1/13 429.30 429.30 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009323 SPRING RAIL LINE 12/O1/13 227.88 227.88 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009326 VERSA CLIPPER 3000 12/01/13 429.30 429.30 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009332 Motor/Base for Shoda 12/O1/13 214.13 214.13 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009335 Installation of Routers 12/O1/13 2,594.44 2,594.44 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009336 Addition to Router#3 12/O1/13 1,863.61 1,863.61 Broyhill Production Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009344 Polystrap Signode Machine 12/O1/13 765.32 765.32 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009345 Saddle stch sewing mach369RB1 12/01/13 187.36 187.36 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009351 Electrical -Cut & Sew 12/O1/13 55.62 55.62 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009352 Cushion Stuffing Machine 12/O1/13 133.83 133.83 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009356 Cushion Filling Machine 12/O1/13 278.36 278.36 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009357 DTM 24" Wide Econo Feeder 12/O1/13 477.00 477.00 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009359 Power Supply Wiring 12/O1/13 344.50 344.50 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009366 Juki Sewing Machine 12/O1/13 347.15 347.15 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009367 Juki Sewing Machine 12/01/13 347.15 347.15 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009370 (3) METLER TOLEDO BENCH SCALES 12/01/13 169.68 169.68 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009374 ACCESSORIES FOR TUFTING MACHIN 12/O1/13 189.21 189.21 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009377 ROTARY BUTTON MAKING MACHINE 12/01/13 33.92 33.92 Broyhill Support Equipment 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009380 85 DATSUN FKLFT SN CF01-02189 12/O1/13 580.10 580.10 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009381 CROWN STOCKPICKER H 10705 002 12/O1/13 796.84 796.84 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009382 85 DATSUN FKLT SN CFOI-023212 12/01/13 723.77 723.77 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009385 ELEC ORDER SELECTOR#05030EA 12/O1/13 822.08 822.08 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009386 YALE ELEC ORDER SELECTOR SN OS 12/O1/13 812.81 812.81 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009388 5000 LB NISSAN FORKLIFT 12/O1/13 873.18 873.18 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009391 USED YALE ORDER SELECTOR SN#N5 12/O1/13 581.94 581.94 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009393 SKYJACK SCISSOR LIFT#73592 12/01/13 267.38 267.38 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009395 YALE HAND PALLET TRUCK#MPB040 12/O1/13 192.44 192.44 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 009396 Used Yale Order Picker 12/O1/13 534.24 534.24 Broyhill Rolling Stock 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 010010 DT17000 Brass Nail Guns(4) O1/O1/15 16,890.25 8,244.04 Broyhill Support Equipment 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker TJG Shoda Router 8,000.00 TJG Shoda Router 8,000.00 TJG Shoda Router 8,000.00 TJG Vecoplan Grinder 1,500.00 TJG Vecoplan Grinder 1,500.00 TJG Lectra Cutting Machine 2,000.00 TJG Embroidery Machine 6,000.00 TJG Gerber Cutting Machine 2,000.00 TJG Craftsman 34" Radial Drill Press 200.00 TJG Chop Saw (upcut saw) 200.00 TJG (3) Tannewitz 36" Band Saws 1,500.00 T1G De Wait Miter Saw on stand 100.00 TJG Richardson Trim & Bore Machine 200.00 TJG Bell 24 Miter Saw 1,500.00 TJG Corner Block Machine (bore & saw) 500.00 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 61 of 68 TJG SCMI Gang Rip Saw 1,000.00 TJG Mattison 404 Straight Line Rip Saw 1,200.00 005099 LABEL MATRIX SOFTWARE WITH PRI 12/01/13 248.09 005144 POWER PROCESSOR 200 SOFTWARE 12/01/13 67.47 005148 Gerber Technology Software 12/01/13 256.61 005149 Plant Floor Attendance 12/01/13 1,537.00 005440 2003 ACCT. 155 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/01/13 57.86 005638 KELLF.RSCAN SOFTWARE SYSTEM FOR 12/01/13 286.95 005639 SOL SOFTWARE 1Z/01/13 262.92 005640 FORECASTING SERVER & SOFTWARE 12/01/13 7,934.86 005641 UPHOLSTERY RESCHEDULING SOFTWA 12/01/13 1,885.04 005642 MYRIAD SOFTWARE FOR OUTLET 12/01/13 265.00 005643 120 SCANONLINE APPL. FOR BARCO 12/01/13 596.25 005644 PART OF ASSET#01001187 12/01/13 1,138.18 005645 AutoCAD 06 - Upgrade from 2002 12/01/13 1,569.17 005646 Synapse Lic. & Maint. 12/01/13 1,210.17 005647 Zethcon Configuration 12/01/13 1,399.20 005648 WIN SVR ENT 2003 12/01/13 114.76 005649 MVL-A WIN SVR 2003 12/01/13 150.08 005650 Business Objects Software 12/01/13 233.72 005651 Inventor Suite 2008 12/01/13 733.47 005652 SOFTWARE PACKAGE 12/01/13 1,183.72 005653 Loquendo Text To Sp. Software 12/01/13 184.51 005687 2004 ACCT. 155 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/01/13 22.22 005688 2002 ACCT. 155 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/01/13 26.50 005689 2003 ACCT. 155 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/01/13 26.50 005690 2004 ACCT. 155 MISC. ADDITIONS 12/01/13 41.04 009110 ACCUMARK SILHOUETTE PATTERN SY 12/01/13 14,628.42 009111 AM-260-D-PKG ACCUMARK (WORK ST 12/01/13 1,257.69 009112 ACCUMARK SYSTEM PACKAGE FOR PA 12/01/13 2,972.24 009119 AUTOCAD 2005 12/01/13 210.94 009120 ACCUMARK SILHOUETTE SOFTWARE 12/01/13 1,162.46 009121 SIGMATEK AUTOCAD SOFTWARE 12/01/13 3,333.70 248.09 Broyhill Computer Software 9001 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 67.47 Broyhill Computer Software 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 256.61 Broyhill Computer Software 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 1,537.00 Broyhill Computer Software 9008 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 57.86 Broyhill Computer Software 9023 Watson -Imp Logistics 286.95 Broyhill Computer Software 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 262.92 Broyhill Computer Software 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 7,934.86 Broyhill Computer Software 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 1,885.04 Broyhill Computer Software 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 265.00 Broyhill Computer Software 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 596.25 Broyhill Computer Software 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 1,138.18 Broyhill Computer Software 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 1,569.17 Broyhill Computer Software 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 1,210.17 Broyhill Computer Software 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 1,399.20 Broyhill Computer Software 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 114.76 Broyhill Computer Software 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 150.08 Broyhill Computer Software 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 233.72 Broyhill Computer Software 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 733.47 Broyhill Computer Software 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 1,183.72 Broyhill Computer Software 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 184.51 Broyhill Computer Software 9099 Visionary -Lenoir Chair 22.22 Broyhill Computer Software 9305 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 26.50 Broyhill Computer Software 9305 Collage-Corp(LFC) 26.50 Broyhill Computer Software 9305 Collage-Corp(LFC) 41.04 Broyhill Computer Software 9305 Collage-Corp(LFC) 14,628.42 Broyhill CE- Servers&Network 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 1,257.69 Broyhill CE- Servers&Network 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 2,972.24 Broyhill CE- Servers&Network 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 210.94 Broyhill Computer Software 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker 1,162.46 Broyhill Computer Software 10700 Cmpix-CtrWh/Pcmaker 3,333.70 Broyhill Computer Software 10700 Cmplx-CtrWh/Pcmaker Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 62 of 68 Heritage Home Group, LLC Combined Vehicle Listing • • • -. -illaff4w NC Corporate office HR 1984 Budd TL trailer unregistered NA IMRMOIIMIMI� 1 BK10VA22EE215123 NC X 43 Corporate office HR 1999 Sterling TR box truck YA-116592 83,284 2FZNCWYBXXAA84659 NC X 140 Corporate office HR 2000 Ford VN passenger van CHV-8807 189,412 2FMZA5147YBA75464 NC X 134 Corporate office HR 2004 Chry VN passenger van CHV-8810 139,017 2C8GP44R74R531264 NC X Corporate office HR 2004 GMC MP Yukon ELE-9021 79,432 1GKEK13Z74J330884 NC X 321 Corporate office HR 2005 Honda MP Pilot VRE-4338 183,507 2HKYF18155H568842 NC X 330 Corporate office HR 2008 Honda MP Pilot WZB-9090 213,366 5FNYF18208B023109 NC X 123 Lenoir Upholstery IT 2004 Chev VN cargo van CHV-8809 118,111 1GNDM19X54B127744 NC X 68 (303) Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1965 Fruehauf TL dust trailer PT-46662 NA FWF330501 NC X 206 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1975 Fruehauf TL dust trailer AC-49687 NA CHS193319 NC X 003 (319) Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1977 Fruehauf TL dust trailer BR-15734 NA CHY244744 NC X T9-D1 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1979 Budd TL dust trailer AC-79595 NA 176443M NC X T9-D2 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1979 lBudd TL Idust trailer AC-79594 NA 176410M NC X V-201 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1979 Budd TL Idust trailer AC-49686 NA 176433M INC X 197-5(126 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1983 International TK dump truck ER-5974 146,915 1 HTAA16E2DHA26915 NC X BCT-301 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1985 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-62231 NA 1 H2V04822FC010515 NC X 107 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1986 Fruehauf TL trailer BW-54620 NA 1H2V04525GE0077666 NC X BCT-340 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1986 Great Dane TL trailer AC-49698 NA 1 GRAA9623GS114805 NC X BCT-345 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1986 Great Dane TL trailer AC-49699 NA 1 GRAA9622GS110423 NC X BCT-348 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1986 Great Dane TL trailer AC-49700 NA 1GRAA9621GS114804 NC X BCT-349 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1986 Great Dane TL Itrailer AC-62203 NA 1GRAA9621GS110428 NC X V202 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1986 VANC TL dust trailer AC-49688 NA 1VVV48204G1006072 NC X BCT-138 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 Fruehauf TL Itrailer AC-62210 NA 1H2V04826HA016817 NC X 124 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 Great Dane TL trailer BN-88573 NA 1GRAA9623HB174259 NC X B1 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 Great Dane TL trailer AC-79514 NA 1 GRAA962XHS050103 NC X BCT-139 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 HOBB TL trailer AC-62241 NA 1H2V04828HC011204 NC X BCT-124 LenoirUpholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 IHUB TL trailer AC-62223 NA 1H5V04826HM032954 NC X BCT-136 I Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 JHUB TL trailer AC-62216 NA 1H5V04827HM033014 NC X 103 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 ITtrickland TL trailer unregistered NA 1S12E9489HD281809 NC X 002(320) Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 Strickland TL Idust trailer BR-15733 NA 1S12E8481HD290076 NC X 105 LenoirUpholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 Strickland TL Itrailer BR-85817 NA 1S12E9481HE284312 NC X 104 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 Strickland TL trailer BR-85818 NA j1S12E948XHD282015 NC X BCT-102 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 Transport TL low boy trailer AC-62236 NA 11139K47309H3013042 NC X BCT-132 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 Wabash TL trailer AC-62217 NA 1JJV482T9HL107758 NC X BCT-143 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 Wabash TL trailer AC-62221 NA 1JJV482T8HL107668 NC X BCT-152 LenoirUpholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 Wabash TL trailer AC-62227 NA 1JJV482TIHL107690 NC X BCT-155 LenoirUpholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 Wabash TL trailer AC-62208 NA 1JJV482TXHL107848 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 63 of 68 Heritage Home Group, LLC Combined Vehicle Listing NC X 113 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Dorsey TL trailer BR,85820 NA 1DTV42X28JW029698 NC X 1 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Fruehauf TL trailer unregistered NA 1 H2V04524JC003501 NC X 4 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Fruehauf TL trailer unregistered NA 1H2V0452XJC003504 NC X 8 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Fruehauf TL trailer unregistered NA 1 H2V04527JC003508 NC X 186 (6) Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Fruehauf TL trailer unregistered NA 1 H2V04523JC003506 NC X DH 13 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Fruehauf TL trailer BN-88558 NA 1 H25VO4520JC003513 NC X 7 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Fruehauf TL trailer BN-88563 miss NA 1 H2V04525JC003507 NC X DH 10 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Fruehauf TL trailer BN-88554 NA 1 H2V04525JC003510 NC X B3 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Great Dane TL trailer unregistered NA 1 GRAA9620JS072505 NC X BCT-362 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Great Dane TL trailer unregistered NA 1GRAA9622JS062820 NC X BCT-365 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Great Dane TL trailer unregistered NA 1 GRAA9623JS062812 NC X BCT-366 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Great Dane TL trailer unregistered NA 1GRAA9626JS062822 NC X BCT-350 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Great Dane TL trailer AC-62204 NA 1 GRAA962XJS062810 NC X BCT-356 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Great Dane TL trailer AC-49691 NA 1 GRAA9624JS062821 NC X BCT-357 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Great Dane TL trailer AC-49692 NA 1 GRAA9622JS062803 NC X BCT-361 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Great Dane TL Itrailer AC-49693 NA 1GRAA9621JS062811 NC X BCT-367 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Great Dane TL Itrailer AC-62202 NA 1 GRAA962XJS062807 NC X BCT-368 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Great Dane TL Itrailer AC-62201 NA 1 GRAA9624JS062804 NC X 101 Lenoir Upholstery PlantlWarehouse 1988 IMiller TL Itrailer BR-85819 NA 1MLT14823JB145148 NC X 108 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Strickland TL trailer BR-85822 NA 1S12E9480JE294271 NC X BCT-103 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1989 Great Dane TL trailer AC-6-2220 NA 1 GRAA9624KS080110 NC X BCT-305 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1989 Kentucky TL trailer AC-62240 NA 1 KKVA4828KLO83023 NC X BCT-302 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1989 Kentucky TL trailer AC-62239 NA 1KKVA4822KLO83020 NC X BCT-307 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1989 Kentucky TL trailer AC-62238 NA 1 KKVA4821 KL083025 NC X BCT-119 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1989 Stoughton TL trailer unregistered NA 11DWlA4824KS189106 NC X BCT-118 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1989 iStoughton TL trailer AC-62228 NA 1DWIA4822KS189069 NC X BCT-171 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1990 Great Dane TL trailer AC-62224 NA 1GRAA9621LS022036 NC X BCT-308 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1990 Stoughton TL trailer AC-62230 NA 1DW1A4825LS666806 NC X BCT-309 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1990 Stoughton TL trailer AC-62233 NA 1DW1A4827LS666807 NC X BCT-310 1 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1990 Stoughton TL trailer AC-62234 NA 1DWIA4827LS666810 NC X BCT-311 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1990 Stoughton TL trailer AC-62232 NA 1DW1A4829LS666808 NC X 742072D Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1990 Strickland TL trailer AC-79598 NA 1S2E9488LD317398 NC X F3 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1990 Utility TL 45' utility -flatbed AC-62242 NA 1 UYFS2425LA325402 NC X BCT-320 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1991 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-62243 NA 1H2V04826MB040118 NC X BCT-322 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1991 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-62214 NA 1H2V04821MB040124 NC X BCT-323 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1991 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-62213 NA 1H2V04824MB040120 NC X BCT-325 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1991 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-62211 NA 1H2V04828MB040122 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 64 of 68 Heritage Home Group, LLC Combined Vehicle Listing • • •-. NC X BCT-326 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1991. Fruehauf TL trailer AC-62212 NA 1H2V0482XMB040123 NC X BCT-321 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1991 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-49694 NA 1 H2V04828MB040119 NC X BCT-163 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1992 Great Dane TL trailer AC-62209 NA 1 GRAA9627NS036221 NC X BCT-319 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1992 Kentucky TL trailer AC-49695 NA 1 KKVA4826NL092419 NC X 317 Lenoir Upholstery PlantAlVarehouse 1992 Kentucky TL trailer AC-49685 NA 1KKVA4822NL092417 NC X BCT-315 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1992 Kentucky TL trailer AC-49683 NA 1KKVA4829NL092415 NC X BCT-316 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1992 Kentucky TL Itrailer AC-49684 NA 1KKVA4820NL092416 NC X BCT-337 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1993 Great Dane TL trailer AC-62215 NA 1GRAA9623PS057702 NC X 1766 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1993 Great Dane TL Itrailer AC-79600 NA 1 GRAA9624PS021405 NC X LV-9 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1993 International TK box truck unregistered 275,606 1HTSCPHM2PH498880 NC X T9-4 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1993 Strickland TL trailer AC-65001 NA 1S12E948XPD361411 NC X 2274 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1993 Strickland TL trailer AC-79599 NA I1S12E9486PD362345 NC RDC-9 (P4 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1994 Ottawa switcher spot tractor unregistered 1479 hrs 71689 NC X P10-3 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1995 jChev TK flatbed YA-116570 237,991 1GBM7H1J7SJ101198 NC X 16 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1995 IChev TK box truck EX-6964 80,016 J8BB4B1K9S7005093 NC X U8 (62) 1 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1995 Chev VN I cargo van CHV-8806 109,790 1 GCGG39K9SF206109 NC X 305 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1995 Ford TK Ipick up VZA-7472 187,658 1 FTEF14YXSNA93917 NC 1 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1995 Ottawa switcher I spot tractor unregistered 71992 NC X BFQ-6 Lenoir Upholstery Plant(Warehouse 1995 WHGM (Volt' TR tractor- tandem YA-116572 455,674 4VIJDBRFXSR838242 NC X BCG-58 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1996 Chev TK box truck YA-116569 298,540 1GBM7H1J3TJ100308 NC X U12 Lenoir Upholstery PlanWVarehouse 1998 Chev TK pick up CHV-7845 84,047 1GCFC24R4WZ182957 NC X RDC-7 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1998 Chev TK box truck YA-116576 273,431 1GBM7H1C6WJ113348 NC X 1 ILenoir Upholstery PlantfWarehouse 1998 Ford VN cargo van CHV-7852 85,384 1FBSS31S5WHB19701 NC X 672(U17) Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1998 International TK box truck ER-5972 308,000 1HTSCAALOWH524647 NC X BCT-71 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1999 Capacity switcher spot tractor unregistered 4LMBF5111XL011365 NC X U6 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1999 Chev VN cargo van CHV-8805 172,001 1 GCGG25RXX1145144 NC X P10-2 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1999 Chev VN passengervan EL-1364 85,933 1GCGG25R9X1020250 NC X U13 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1999 Dodge TK pick up unregistered (pl 151,065 3B7HC16Y1XM584526 NC X 325 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1999 Ford TK pick up WSX-9305 182,787 1FTNF20L7XEE12553 NC X U3 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2000 jChev VN passengervan CHV-8802 99,122 1GAHG39RXY1267176 NC X U10 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2000 Chev VN cargo van CHV-8804 131,188 11GNDM19WOYBI17197 NC X BCG-2 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2000 Chev VN EL-1361 301,271 1GCGG25R9Y1175902 NC X P10-1 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2000 Ford TK flat bed (F350) EL-1359 98,540 1FDWW36F7YEC74716 NC X 67 (U9) Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2000 Ford VN cargo van CHV-8698 128,703 2FMZA5140YBC23924 NC X 57 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2000 Ford VN passenger van CHV-8700 144,696 2FMZA504XYBC62859 NC X 26 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2000 Sterling TR tractor -tandem YA-116597 275,606 2FWPEWCB4YAG09806 NC X LV-1 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2000 Toyota VN passenger van CEH-5069 163,710 4T3GF19COYU269817 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 65 of 68 Heritage Home Group, LLC Combined Vehicle Listing NC X BCT-55 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2001 Chev TK pickup HF-6573 193,361 1GCGC24U91Z211113 NC X 74 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2001 Chev VN passengervan CHV-8692 122,132 1GNDM19W71B129563 NC X 286 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2001 Ford TK pickup BZ-5220 99,799 1FDNF20L61EC24058 NC X U16 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2001 International TK box truck YA-116581 317,492 1HTSCAAN91H355156 NC X 65 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2001 Sterling TR tractor YA-116586 401,400 2FWJAZAS81AH49143 NC X 335 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2002 Ford SW Taurus SE VZA-8301 165,919 1FAFP58U52A196286 NC X U1 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2003 IChev VN passengervan CHV-8697 152,061 1GNDX03E43D210965 NC X 98 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2003 Trailmobile TL trailer AC-79579 NA 2MN01JAH531003345 NC X 099-G Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2004 GMC TK passengervan CEH-2762 175,193 1GDFG15T741153730 NC X 099-S Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2004 GMC TK passengervan CEH-2760 175,343 1 GDFG15T641154125 NC X 099-B Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2004 GMC TK passengervan CEH-2759 192,431 1GDFG15T941147816 NC X 116 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2004 Wabash TL Itrailer AC-65016 NA 1JJV482W341-883842 NC X P-1 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2005 Chev TK pick up VNM-4427 103,569 1GCEC14V95Z264149 NC X 126 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2006 Sterling TR tractor YA-116600 517,560 2FWJA3CV06AV32730 NC X 197L-1 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2011 Caon utility traile utility trailer AC-62245 NA 4YMUL1214BG023406 NC X 197L-3 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2012 Caon utility traile utility trailer AC-62244 NA 4YMUL1822CGO06539 NC 100110 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 2015 Freightliner TR tractor -LEASED 2231476 187,090 3AKJGEDV3FSGB6930 NC X BCT-168 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1991 Strickland TL trailer AC-62219 NA 1 S1 2E9482MD337146 NC X BCT-166 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1992 Great Dane TL trailer AC-62226 NA 1 GRAA9627NS036204 NC X C5 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1970 Lufkin TL trailer AC-79591 NA 31858 NC X 10 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1975 Lufkin TL trailer AC-79592 NA 45567 NC X BCT-125 I Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-62222 NA 1H2V04825HA016808 NC X BCT-137 ILen0 irUpholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-62229 NA 1H2V04828HA016835 NC X BCT-156 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1987 Wabash TL trailer AC-62207 NA 1JJV482TBHL107850 NC X BCT-353 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Great Dane TL trailer AC-62205 NA 1 GRAA9623JS062809 NC X BCT-355 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1988 Great Dane TL trailer AC-62206 NA 1 GRAA9629JS062815 NC X T9-6 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1990 Strickland TL trailer AC-79597 NA 1S12E9484LD317401 NC X BCT-318 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1992 lKentucky TL trailer AC-49696 NA 1KKVA4824NLO92418 NC X BCT-160 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1993 Great Dane TL trailer AC-62218 NA 1 GRAA9626PBO53904 NC X BCT-200 Lenoir Upholstery Plant/Warehouse 1995 Stoughton TL trailer AC-62235 NA 1DW1A4825SS931304 NC X 304 Lenoir Wood Plant 1968 Fruehauf TL dust trailer AE-31782 NA FWJ303103 NC X 120 Lenoir Wood Plant 1969 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-79588 NA MAJ176818 NC X 32 Lenoir Wood Plant 1975 Gind TL dust trailer R-30878 NA 126880M NC X 33 Lenoir Wood Plant 1975 Gind TL trailer R-30879 NA 125426M NC X Lenoir Wood Plant 1977 Budd ITL dust trailer AE-31849 NA 139342E NC �176 X 175 Lenoir Woad 1 Plant 11977 IBudd ITL Idust trailer BN-36454 NA 142917M NC X 4508 Lenoir Wood IPlant 11983 1 Dorsey TL Itrailer AC-95951 NA 1DTVlUW20DA160727 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 66 of 68 Heritage Home Group, LLC Combined Vehicle Listing REHIJILM • • • •-. NC X 4509 Lenoir Wood Plant 1983 Dorsey TL trailer AC-79577 NA , 1DTV11W28DA160720 NC X P104 Lenoir Wood Plant 1984 GMC TR flatbed EN-1752 94,756 IGDHC34M1EV509688 NC X C4 Lenoir Wood Plant 1987 Thur TL trailer AC-79587 NA 1TA114524HI125914 NC X N-10 Lenoir Wood Plant 1988 Fontana TL flat bed trailer AC-79590 NA 13N1452C7JI54466 NC X 4 Lenoir Wood Plant 1988 Mono TL trailer AC-79576 NA 1NNVA5327UM112979 NC X 136 Lenoir Wood Plant 1989 International TR tractor YA-116596 138,307 1HSLRDBN6KH677150 NC X 174 Lenoir Wood Plant 1989 Kentucky TL Idust trailer BN-36453 NA 1 KKVA4520KL085367 NC X 168 Lenoir Wood Plant 1990 Fruehauf TL Iflat bed BN-88570 NA 1 H2PO4526LW005101 NC X 48 Lenoir Wood Plant 1995 Freightliner TK box truck YA-116595 92,397 1 FV6HLBA8SL686269 NC X 12 Lenoir Wood Plant 1998 Great Dane TL trailer AC-95947 NA 1 GRDM9022WM003002 NC X 22 Lenoir Wood Plant 1999 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-95964 NA 1JJV482FOXF613826 NC X 85 Lenoir Wood Plant 1999 Sterling TR tractor YA-116583 109,182 2FWPCMDB6XAA67678 NC X 46 Lenoir Wood Plant 2000 Ford TK dump truck ER-5969 87,316 3FDNX654XYMA01905 NC X 89 Lenoir Wood Plant 2000 Sterling TR tractor YA-116598 421,596 2FWPEWCBIYAF51993 NC X 314 Lenoir wood Plant 2002 Ford TK F350 crew cab BZ-5219 130,920 1 FTSW30S02EA54625 NC X 104 Lenoir Wood Plant 2003 Ford TK pick up DFT-8739 70,800 1FTRF17283NB29386 NC X 99 Lenoir Wood Plant 2003 Trailmobile TL trailer AC-79578 NA 2MN01JAH731003346 NC NC X 331 Lenoir Wood Plant 2005 Dodge VN passenger van YYV-8239 176,291 I D4GP24R35B367326 X 6 Lenoir Wood Plant 1978 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-79583 NA CHZ271626 NC X 117 Lenoir Wood Plant 1983 Dorsey TL trailer AC-79580 NA 1 DTV1 1 W22DAl 61426 NC X 11 ILenoirWood Plant 1998 Great Dane TL trailer AC-79582 NA 1GRDM9020WM003001 NC X DH-17 I Chair Warehouse 1981 Fruehauf TL trailer BR-85825 NA 1H2V04525BC019501 NC X 143 1 Chair Warehouse 1984 Strickland TL trailer BR-85823 NA 1S12E9487ED255446 NC X 125 IChair 1 Warehouse 1985 Great Dane TL trailer BN-88572 NA IGRAA9627FS151211 NC X 144 Chair Warehouse 1985 Strickland TL trailer BR-85814 NA 1S12E9481FD265262 NC X 111 Chair Warehouse 1986 Strickland TL Itrailer BR-85816 NA 1S12E948OGD274584 NC X 182 (2) Chair 1 Warehouse 1988 Fruehauf TL Itrailer unregistered NA 1 H2V/4526JC003502 NC X 12 Chair Warehouse 1988 Fruehauf TL Itrailer BN-88559 NA 1H2V04529JC003512 NC X 112 Chair 1 Warehouse 1988 Miller TL Itrailer BR-85821 NA 1 MLT14824JBI45014 NC X 116 Chairl Warehouse 1989 Mono TL trailer BN-88574 NA 1NNVA4820KM128266 NC X 1713 Chair 1 Warehouse 1992 Great Dane TL trailer AE-32199 NA 1 GRAA9623NS071807 NC Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 1979 Great Dane TL trailer NONE NA 98075 NC X 4529 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 1983 Dorsey TL trailer AC-95957 NA I DTV11 W27DA160725 NC X 4512 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 1983 Dorsey TL trailer AC-95952 NA 1 DTV11 W24DA161427 NC X 031 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 1985 Stoughton TL trailer AC-95946 NA 1DW1A4823FS470352 NC X 173 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 1993 Great Dane TL trailer AC-95948 NA 1 GRAA9620PS021417 NC X Inone I Morrison Ave DC lWarehouse 1997 Holm TL utility trailer AC-65011 NA 1C9UP1223VH568103 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 67 of 68 Heritage Home Group, LLC Combined Vehicle Listing NC X 63 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 1998 Ford TK roll back YA•116593 118,138 1 FDZS96POWVA39544 NC X 021 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 1999 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-95960 NA 1JJV482F6XF613829 NC X 023 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 1999 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-95959 NA 1JJV482F3XF525675 NC X 025 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 1999 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-95963 NA 1JJV4821`7XF613824 NC X 020 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 1999 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-95961 NA 1 JJV482F9XF613825 NC X 034 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2000 Chev TK pick up EN-1748 76,429 1 GCFC24T5YE132378 NC X 54 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2000 Ford TK dump truck ER-5970 52,738 3FDNF654XYMA29612 NC X 51 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2000 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-79593 NA 1JJV482F5YF606596 NC X 59 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2001 Chev TK pick up CHV-7860 72,336 1GCEC14WXlZ118202 NC X 55 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2001 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-65009 NA 1 JJV482F31 F726127 NC X 056 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2001 Fruehauf TL trailer AC-65008 NA 1JJV482F11F726126 NC X A2526A3 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2001 UTILITY TL trailer CK-28523 NA 1 UYVS25361 P492221 NC X A2557A3 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2001 UTILITY TL Itrailer CK-28524 NA 1 UYVS25371 P627206 NC X 105 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2003 Ford TK 1pick up CHV-7859 74,893 1FTRF17233NA71431 NC X 109 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2003 Sterling TK box truck ER-5971 57,351 2FZACFCT43AL71436 NC X A2693A3 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2003 UTILITY TL trailer AE-22905 NA 1 UYVS253X3PO82699 NC X 110 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2004 Sterling TR tractor- single YA-116588 158,570 2FWBCHAK34AM60097 NC X 112 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2004 Wabash TL trailer AC-65005 NA 1JJV482W54L883843 NC X 114 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2004 Wabash TL trailer AC-65003 NA 1JJV482W04L883846 NC X 115 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2004 Wabash TL trailer AC-65002 NA 1JJV482W94L883845 NC X 113 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2004 Wabash TL trailer AC-65004 NA 1JJV482W74L883844 NC X 111 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2004 Wabash TL trailer AC-65006 NA 1JJV482W14L883841 NC X 125 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2005 Chev VN passenger van CHV-8811 147,050 1 GNDM19X45B105414 NC X 23 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 1971 Fruehauf TL trailer unregistered NA CHN127746 NC X 21 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 1971 Gind TL trailer unregistered NA 75648 NC X 65 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 1977 Fruehauf TL trailer unregistered NA MEY529938 NC X 4501 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 1983 Dorsey TL trailer AC-65015 NA 1 DTV11 W26DA161431 NC X 029 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 1988 Mono TL trailer AC-65013 NA 1NNVA4820JM114690 NC X 024 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 1999 Fruehauf TL trailer AE-32200 NA 1JJV482FIXF525674 NC X 152 1 Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2000 Fruehauf ITL itrailer AC-65012 NA 1JJV482F9YF606598 NC X 53 I Morrison Ave DC Warehouse 2000 Fruehauf ITL trailer AC-65010 NA 1JJV482F7YF606597 Case 18-11736-KG Doc 393-1 Filed 10/23/18 Page 68 of 68 Section 6.08 of the Disclosure Schedules —Conduct of Business None.