HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00022620July 1.3, 2017 MEMORANDUM A SUBJECT: Laboratory Resalts for GcnX (Rounds I-,-'I)NC DEQ Cape, Fear Watershed Sampling Timothy J. Buckley. L FROM. )iredV Exposure Methods and Mpa urefuents Division THR -Zavaleta. Direcfor U. Jennifer Ornie TO: Linda Culpepper, Deputy Director Division of Water Resources North. Carolina Departnient of Environmental Quality Per your request of June 9, 2017, 1 an-.i pleased to provide you with the W-boratory analysis results I'm the concentration of Gen X in water samph,s collected by NC DEQ-These results are for the first three weeks of sampling. Samples were received by our laboratory on Line 23rd, June 30th- mid. July 7thfor each of these three rounds of weekly sampling, It is Our understanding thatwe will be receivin g and analyzing samples from additional rounds of san rom these additional sampling rounds will be reported separately as they s nplhig ,. Results -f become available, We will also report semi -quantitative concentrations of additional. PFAS analytes irk..a later report. Eich round of sampling consisted of a number of sites selected by NC DFQ that included a .variety of water types: effluent, source, drinking, and well waters. Sampling rounds 2 and 3 also inladed tieldiblanks and spikes thaoAere provided by our laboratory for qUality control purposes. It is our understanding that duplicate samples were collected at each site. One ofthe duplicates -was provided to our laboratory, with the second sample being provided to a contract laboratory, Test An-wrica (Dewv-er, Colorado), for Gen.Xanalysis. In rounds 2 and 3,1'est America was also provided with field blanks and spikes that were by prepared our laboratory p I I I (round 2) w-id by an i ndependent lab within EPA (round 3). Results from these QC samples wil I provide the basis for comparing our results with Test America. Our laboratory methods for this analysis are described in. Sun. et tal, 2016' and Strynar et al., 20152. Sun A71; Avcvab E, Stnnar M, hmi?aom A; Richav&on M- Klurns M Piuk-el,,A; SmAh C; Kvappc DRU� Legacy and Erna- gmg Importailt Drinkinz' Wab-,r Confammants in tht. ('4)eF'cu River Water,,died ofNiorth Carofrym. Enyironnicnwd S&nce &Techndogy Letters- 2016 'Stqna M, Dagnfil""l "i, MCME�Ien R"Liang, S. l'rmhqrom A, Andeva= E, Mc? ifflan Lj hurnim N1, Ferret I. Ball C, IdenfifiQation ,A'Novc� Perflumalkyl Etha CaCooxylic Acids ( PFECAs) and SuMmic Acie.5 (PFESA,,) in Natural Wafm Using Auurare fighf Mass F"nViTon Sci Tedinol. 20 P 5 DEQ-CFW-00022620 The lbIlo inn provides a brief summary y of results. • GenX, was obseived above our detection limit of ltl rrg/L in all but one sample. • GenX concentrations ranged from 4 ngf'L (D WR 3 PO Hoffer WFP Raw, Water) to 21,759 ng/L (DW 1-t"heiaiorrrs O tfal'l). • Some samples exceeded our calibration curve (particularly week I where this was the case for ail but one sample). These samples were diluted and the analysis was repeated. 'The dil tirra procedure introduces some additional uncertainty in our quantification. We have raked results for samples that recltr red dilution, • Quality controlsamples (inchided in retrains 2 & 3 only) indicated no field or laboratory contamination arid results accurate with about 5% of the expected values. Specifically, QC samples showed: * GenX was not detected in either of the two field blanks (rmtnd 2 & ) * Spiked field samples. (rr ; round 2 & 3) were ineasured with ar- accuracy that ranged from 96.7 to 106 percent, Hence. we have high confidence in the concentration ation results. reported her,-,,. 'rhank you for inviting us to be a part of this effort that addresses a very important public health concerr. is North Carolina. These results represent the effort of ma �,�,ithin our lab but l would especially like: to acknowledge Dr. Mark Strynar and his laboratory ,conducting the tp analysis, his Branch Chiel` l r. Myriwn Medina -'sera who provided in,,,alrable support and coordination,, a:.n l Ms. Sania Tong Axga€r who supported and oversaw quality assurance. If you 1-mve. any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact rrrale at (919) 41-24 4 or email zt?. �' ' r'x�u��r4 . I loop fionvar•d_to our c ntinued 'ork together. Attachment CC. Becky B. Allenbach, Acting Deputy Directs Water Prt.Aection Division, EPA Region 4 — Atlanta DEQ-CFW 00022621 Jul 1 , 2017 Week 1. 2. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 Concentration of GenX Measured in Cape Fear Watershed Samples Conc. Flag Location Sample Identifier (n L DWR #1- Chemours Outfall 21,760 1 DWR #2 - Bladen Fluffs Raw water intake 501. 2. NC DEQ #1_ LCFWSA 629 2 NC DEQ #2 - CFPUA Sweeny 226 2 C DEQ # - CFPDA_ASR well 588 2 NC DEQ #5 - International Paper Raw 703 2 NC DEQ #6 -- International Paper Finished 523 2 C DEQ #7 - NW Brunswick WTP finished 695 2 C DEQ #8 - Pender County 421 WTP Finished 269 2 C DEQ #4 - Wrightville Beach Well 11 27 DWR #1 Chernours Outfall' 002 15,250 1 DWR #2 Bladen Bluffs Raw water 31 NCDEQ 1 LCFWSA Raw water 72 NCDEQ 2 Sweeny Finished 1.0 NCDEQ 3 A R well 336 3 NCDEQ 4 Wrightsville Reach Well #1 . 2 NCDEQ , 5 International al Paper Raw water 41 CDE:Q 6 International Paper Finished water 111 NCDEQ 2 NW Brunswick WTP Finished 52 NCDEQ 8 Fender WTP Finshed 112 DWR 1 Ch�ernours Outfall 002 py 21,530 1 DWR 2 Bladen Bluffs Paw water 166 DWR 3 PO Hoffer WTP Raw Water 4 4 NCDEQ 1 LCFWSA Raw 11.9 NCDEQ 2 Sweeny Finished 87 NCDEQ 3 ASR Well 148. NCDEQ 4 Wrightsville Beach Well #11 24 NCDEQ 5 International Paper Raw 15 NCDEQ 5 International Paper Raw DUPLICATE 162 NCDEQ.6 International Paper Finished 80 NCDEQ Q 7 NW Brunswick k WTP Finished 125 NCDEQ 8 Pender CO 421 WTP Finished 6 Sample diluted 20 ; diluted sample still exceeded calibration Sample diluted 5 Sample diluted 2 Below limit of quantitatiran DEQ-CFW 00022622