HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00022339From: Moore, Zack [/D=EXCHANGELAB5/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=D9C3D01D1FC447OG8B39G3DZ3O5AAC7E-ZSK8OORE] Sent: 7/1I/I0I78:38:46PW1 To: Cris Harrelson <cris.hane|son@brunmickoountyncgov^(cris.hame|son@bmnswickzountync.gmv) [cris.harre|son@brunmvickcountync.gov] CC: Culpepper, Linda [/o=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=73d475cbae3Z4aI9687e171Idc9a79c5'|mcu|pepper];3hehee`Mina [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=e7Zb9b373955417O9fZa93d971ca3]91'mwshehee] Subject: FVV:Draft language (private} Attachments: Fina|282218_manua|_l1-JUL174df;Fina|_tmp|t_537PPTGENx_manua|_11-JUL-17.pdt8CPUDCOC.PDF; COC_OA_282218.pdf Hi Cris, I am copying Linda Culpepper with DEQ, since I have no context for reviewing the attached results and I'm not sure what type of QA/QC was done. Also copying Mina. Thanks. Zack Moore, MD, MPH State Epidemiologist and Epidemiology Section Chief Division ofPublic Health North Carolina Department ofHealth and Human Services 819546-1725 office 8197330490 fax (secure) zockmooro&dhhs.nc.00v 2250. McDowell St. Raleigh, NC27S03 1902Muil Service Center Raleigh, NC27S0Q-10Q2 �a 'i ����m��m8����x������ 8�ML&a�oda������n�� Twitter YouTube Unauthorized disclosure of juvenile, heath, legally privileged, or otherwise confidential inforrnation, including confidential Information relating to an ongoing State pomvrenmntvmort..isprohibited bwlaw. iryou have received this e+nm;inerror, please notify the sender immediately and delete all records nfmism+nui/ From: Cris Harrelson [naiKDIhS.harnelSOn@brungwi[kc0untyn[.gov] Sent: Tuesday, July 11,2O174:35PM To: Moore, Zack Subject: FW: Draft language �privatej Dr. Moore, Do you have time to look this one over? This will be released by our Utilities Department. Cris From: Ann Hardy Sent: Tuesday, July 11,2Ul74:2SPM To: Cris Harrelson ;Amanda Hutcheson Cc: Subject: FVV:Draft language {private) Sent: Tuesday, July 11,ZU174:1OPM To: Ann Hardy Cc: Glenn Walker Subject: Draft language 1privatel I made some tweaks, but here is the notice. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks, Jobo Based on samples taken by Dr. Detlef Knappe and others in August 2014, but not published until November 2016, levels of PerUuoroa|ky| Ether Carboxylic Acid (PFECA) known as GENX and similar PFECAswere found in the Cape Fear River and indrinking water produced bythe Cape Fear Public Utility Authority. Average levels ofGENXfound in the Cape Fear River onAugust 14,Z014were 631nanogramsper Liter (6]1parts per tri||ion). The median value was ]O4nano8rams per Liter. Additional testing of Cape Fear Public Utilities water within the treatment process indicated that there was not significant removal ofGENX during the treatment process. Dr. Knappe'steam did not test the Brunswick County treated water supply atthat time sothere was no confirmation ofGENXwithin Brunsxvick[ount/s treated water. Although the treatment process at Brunswick County's Northwest Water Treatment Plant varies significantly from Cape Fear Public Utilities Sweeney Water Treatment Plant, it is generally thought that traditional water treatment methods will have only limited success inremoving GENX. The Division ofEnvironmental Quality, incooperation with various regional utilities, began testing raw water and finished water at multiple locations beginning the week of June 19, 2017 to determine the levels of GENX and other similar Perfluoroalkyl Ether Carboxylic Acids (PFECAs) and Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs). Additional information un this testing can be found at Samples were taken at Brunswick County's Northwest Water Treatment Plant of both the raw water and the finished water on June 22, June 29th,and July 6mbyDE{lstaff. Additionally, in order to serve as additional sampling validation, Brunswick County staff took separate samples onJune J9mand July 6thalong with DE[\staff. The samples taken byBrunswick County staff were sent toadifferent laboratory than that used byDE{Istaff. Brunswick County has received the laboratory sample results from samples taken on June 29th The levels ofGENX found in the raw water were 36.8 Parts Per Trillion. The levels found in the finished water were 32.8 Parts Per Trillion. It is normal to see some variation in samples since they are two different volumes of water and due to the extreme level of analysis performed (parts per tri||ion). Toprovide asense ofhow much ananogramper Liter (Part Per Trillion) represents, some references indicate that a part per trillion is equivalent to one drop of water (0.05 ml-) diluted into 20 olympic sized swimming pools (2500 M), or about three seconds out of every one hundred thousand years. According to a release by the NC Department of Health and Human Services, "There are no U.S. regulatory guideline levels for GENX. However, as part of the European chemical registration, a 2-year chronic toxicity and cancer study with rats was performed. They reported a Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) of 0.01 mg/kg bw/day. Based on U.S. risk assessment calculations, this corresponds to a concentration in drinking water of 70,909 ng/L of GENX — more than 100 times greater than the mean value of 631 ng/L detected in the Cape Fear River. Based upon these data, the GENX levels detectedin2O13'2Ol4w/ou|dbeexpectedtoposea|ovvrisktuhumanhea|th." The average level of3ZO Parts Per Trillion from Brunswick County's June 29, 2017 samples are 19 times lower than the August 2014 samples. Officials from NC DHHS and the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) are working with the EPA to learn more, and it is expected that later this week or early next week the samples from DEQ will be available along with additional information on Health Risk Levels from the North Carolina Division of Health and Human Services. The full listing ofJune 29,2U17sampling results are included below. Sampling was performed inaccordance with EPA K4ethodS7l. Raw Water Finished Water Percent Constituent Sample Sample Reduction perf|uorobutanesu|fonioacid (PFBS) ND ND perf|uorohexanoioacid (PFHxA) 11.6 8.91 23% perf|uoro-J-propoxypropanoicacid (GenX) 36.8 32.8 11% perf|uoroheptanoicacid (PFHpA) 107 574 4696 perf|uorohexanesu|fonicacid (PFHx5) 4.68* ND 10096 perf|uorouctanoicadd (PFOA) 9.99 4.88 51% perf|uorononanoicacid (PFNA) * ND 100Y6 perf|uorooc1anesu|fonicacid (PFOS) 14.3 5.22* 63% perf|uorodecanoicacid (PFDA) ND 100Y6 perf|uoroundecanoicacid (PFUnA) ND ND perf|uorododecanoicacid (PFDoA) ND ND perf|uorotridecanoicacid (PFTrDA) ND ND perf|uorotetradecanoicadd (PFTA) ND ND known standard does not read this low but the result is above the minimum detection limit of the equipment ND Non Detectable The combined Health Risk Advisory level for PFOS and PFOA is 70 Parts Per Trillion. The combined amount found inthe finished water sample was 1O.lParts Per Trillion. Brunswick County will provide additional information asitbecomes Director Brunswick County Public Utilities POBox 249 Bolivia, NC 28422 Utility Operations Center 250 Grey Water Road NE Supply, NC 28462 OEQ-CFVV_00022341 910-253-5776 fax Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized State official. Unauthorized disclosure of juvenile, health, legally privileged, or otherwise confidential information, including confidential information relating to an ongoing State procurement effort, is prohibited by law. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete all records of this email. DEQ-CFW-00022342