HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00022080From: Satterwhite, Dana [/O=[XCHANG[LABS/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=B5CF94A2DAC14Z2OB1B5A70O528745C0-DSATTERVVH|T] Sent: 7/7/20I7I2:43:I2PW1 To: Culpepper, Linda [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=73d475cbae3Z4aI9687e171Idc9a79c5'|mcu|pepper];Poupart,Jeff [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=Oe]394e6e1ca4a55a13eb4O49IaO665Oiopoupart] Subject: RE: Letter Regarding DWR plans for 1,4 dioxane in the Cape Fear River basin (letters to sources) Will do. Jeff —give me a call. My number is in the v-card below. I will be on conference call from 9:30 until about 10:30 am—opentherestofthedaytoday. Dana Satterwhite Environmental Program Supervisor III WW/GW Laboratory Certification Branch North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section 1G23Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC27GQQ4G23 'o siS, ��e Cann0� :nn%�Lmw/an�xnn�b����n���h7���/�*�wn dp to ema'Hoa���tun, �-a���gz.%�Wt�e sperta`n'o,%," to "heNC ��$e�a�e�A3my�a��a�erLmtar�toiryCerUfivat6mopregmamthat��auklhaxean`mpa«�awyoyv n�ot, san�"b�mnkanna0kuHhwfok)vOng a%Adrm\o From: Culpepper, Linda Sent: Thursday, July O6,2D175:42PK4 To: Puupart,Jeff ^jeftpoupart@ncdenr.8ov» Satterwhite, Dana <dana.sattenwhite@ncdenr.8uv> Subject: Re: Letter Regarding DVVR plans for 1,4dioxane inthe Cape Fear River basin (letters tosources) VVeneed toget this response out Dana can you give Jeff anupdate from the lab aspect? Copy meand I'll send something out ifJeff has already left for vacation. Thankyou On Jul 6, 2017, at 5:13 PM, Mick Noland <mick.nolandr3,1fayr)wc.com> wrote: Fail A response at your earliest convenience would be appreciated, Editorial in the Fayetteville Observer July 6, 2017 When 450 people from one city show lip for a meeting, that's a signal that something important is happening. e hope such a meeting in. Wilmington last week is a signal to lawmakers and regulators in Raleigh that people are fed lip with their allowing our rivers -- which are our municipal water supplies -- to become industrial sewers. The Wilmington meeting — sponsored by our sister GateHouse newspaper, the StarNe s —eras hold to address the presence of a chemical celled GenX, a passible carcinogen, in the Cape Fear River. The chemical was leaking from the Chemours plant can the Cumberland - laden c o ntyT line and was showing up in tests of the water supply in the Wilmington area. There is no practical al way to remove the chemical at treatment plants. The New Hanover County residents who showed up at list creek's meeting included city and county officials, utility leaders, scientists, health officials is and legal experts. Everyone invited to the for -Lim showed nip except for one — a representative from Chemours. That was unfortunate. The company says, however, that it his diverted. the leek of GenX to a holding tank and that the chemical is bring trucked away now to a disposal site where it's incinerated.. The question asked by civic leaders -- and these of us who drink the water from our taps — is pretty basic: Where is the federal, state and local oversight that's supposed to protect the public from threats like Gen . We wish more officials in Fayetteville were asking the sane question about 1'4-dio ane, a toxic chemical that's apparently been in our water for years. The chemical, used in. paint strippers and Tarnishes, appears to be coming; from the 'Triad. The search for its DEQ-CFW 00022081 source, and the enforcement to shut it down, seem too leisurely. We expect and should demand better. Perhaps getting 450 concerned people to show up at one meeting will get someone's attention in Raleigh. From: Mick Noland Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 10:28 AM To: Cc: 'Culpepper, Linda'; 'Wrenn, Brian L'; 'Hill, Tammy'; 'Grzyb, Julie'; 'Asheboro —Michael Rhoney'; 'Kevin Eason (kegs on -0ci, _reidsVi Ile. tic. us)'; 'Lba tutis@)ci.bur1ingtonncus'; 'Mayor'; 'MMjigthaaegl, Borc h e rs o-nc, ��re�ensbor� '; _Steve, 'Shelia Holman' Subject: RE: FW: Letter Regarding DWR plans for 1,4 dioxane in the Cape Fear River basin (letters to sources) Jeff, I wanted to check back with you to see where we stand with getting the lab method validated and when the letters would go out to the identified sources to begin sampling. 'T-hanks, Mick Mick Noland, PE Chief Operations Officer Water Resources Division Public Works Commission of the City of Fayetteville 955 Old Wilmington Road P 0 Box 1089 Fayetteville, NC 28302 (W) 910-223-4733 (F) 910-829-0207 mick.noland@faypwc.com From: Poupart, Jeff [ft)AH-t-o-J -p upz1ft, ncftrmgQy] Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2017 2:11 PM To: Mick Noland Cc: Culpepper, Linda; Wrenn, Brian L; Hill, Tammy; Grzyb, Julie; Asheboro —Michael Rhoney; Kevin Eason reidsvi Ile, nc. us ibaltutis. Mayor; .i ................. ............. : .............. ........................ ..................... �rward -6d) bu r1i Michae Borc ers2areensboro-nc,qoV Steve. Drew -0greensboro-n c gov; Shelia Holman no n�_gov) Subject: RE: Letter Regarding DWR plans for 1,4 dioxane in the Cape Fear River basin DEQ-CFW-00022082 Pouped,Jeff has shared uOuoDnivnfile with you. Toview it, click the link below. The plans and timelines expressed our February letter are still accurate. Our lab received their new instrument and it is up and running for initial validation. We still hope tobeonline for the Diuxanetesting inmid*ummer. | have attached acopy ofthe recently updated sampling plan. Once the lab method isvalidated m/ewill add monitoring topermits identified aspotential sources ofl4dioxane. Please let me know ifyou have any further questions. ]effPoupart Water Quality Permitting Section Chief Division ofWater Resources E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and maybe disclosed tothird parties Fnmrn: Mick Noland Sent: Tuesday, May U2,2U1711:l7AK8 To: Poupart,Jeff Cc: Culpepper, Linda < ; Wrenn, Brian L <� Hill, � Grzyb,]u|ie ; Asheboro —Michael Rhuney ; Kevin Eason ( m��r� Shelia Holman Subject: RE: Letter Regarding DWR plans for 1,4 dioxane in the Cape Fear River basin I wanted tocheck and see when vvecould expect: aoupdate. Ineed the information to pass along to others that are interested in this effort. Ihave Kevin Eason (ReidsvU|e) and Michael Rhoneyk\ beboro\oopiediodhisennaU. I assume Mr. Eason and Mc Khoneywxe,e copied on the letter that you sent out dated February 27,ZDI7but Ihave attached it: tomake sure they have it, Thanks for your continued attention to this important: drinking water issue. Mick Noland, PE Chief Operations Officer Water Resources Division Public Works Commission ofthe City ofFayetteville 19101-TOMM Fayetteville, NC 28302 (W) 910-223-4733 (F) 910-829-0207 mick.noland2faypwc.com From: Kevin Eason [mailto:keason(�)ci.reidsville.nc,us] Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 2:20 PM To: Mick Noland; 'Poupart, Jeff Cc: Asheboro —Michael Rhoney Subject: RE: Letter Regarding DWR plans for 1,4 dioxane in the Cape Fear River basin UPDATE REQUEST Send it to Michael Rhoney From: Mick Noland a I I t o ; m i c k," n o I a n d Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 2:00 PM To: 'Poupart, Jeff Cc: Culpepper, Linda; Wrenn, Brian L; Hill, Tammy; Grzyb, Julie; Steve, Drew.@._gne - - , ) j ------------- --------------------- ensboro_ncgov; cperry @p bormc._gqv; -Mucha -e-l.--B-a,-c-h-e-r-s-, gr ensbom--n-c-,gov.; -Rva-rd-, tmlingtanncgoy; Mayor; Lbjatutis@)ci burIin_qtonnc. Lis; Shelia Holman (shelia,holman(ftcd— —); Kevin Eason Subject: RE: Letter Regarding DWR plans for 1,4 dioxane in the Cape Fear River basin UPDATE REQUEST I can't tell if it went to Asheboro either. They should be sent a copy as well, Mick From: Kevin Eason .... ... . .. ... . ...... .. ... ... .. Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 1:42 PM To: Mick Noland; 'Poupart, Jeff Cc: Culpepper, Linda; Wrenn, Brian L; Hill, Tammy; Grzyb, Julie; -nLg2y; ��p - , pittsboronc.ggy; g &D.y ..... ........................ ...... .. .................................. cba --------------------------------------------------- --- _Cbufliftgtonm� _gov; Mayor; ba holm helia Shelia Holman (sahelia,holman Subject: RE: Letter Regarding DWR plans for 1,4 dioxane in the Cape Fear River basin UPDATE REQUEST Jeff; Please send us a copy of the letter Mick is referencing since you didn't: send it to us in February. Thanks Kevin From: Mick Noland [ ma I Ito: ni ick. nola nd.,.d)fnwn.,.qr rnm] Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 1:36 PM DEQ-CFW-00022084 To: 'POup8Mt,Jefr Cc: Culpepper, Linda; Wrenn, Brian L; Hill, Tammy; Grzyb,]u|ie; Mayor; ' k�v.nE85On'' Shelia Holman ' Subject: 0E: Letter Regarding DVVR plans for 1/4diox8ne in the Cape Fear River basin UPDATE REQUEST I wvould appreciate it: if you could give us an update on any progress that's been made since the letter went out February 27,201T Thanks, Mick Mick Noland, PE Chief Operations Officer Water Resources Division Public Works Commission ofthe City cfFayetteville 955Old Wilmington Road Fayetteville, N[I8]O2 (W)910'2Z3-4733 (R91U-8Z9-UZ87 From: P0upart,]eff Sent: Monday, February Z7,IO17Z:Z8PM To: Mick Noland; St Mayor; Cc: Culpepper, Linda; Wrenn, Brian L|Hill, Tammy; Grzyb,]u|ie Subject: Letter Regarding DWRplans for 1,4dioxareinthe Cape Fear River basin Asafollow-up toour recent conference call attached please find aletter outlining the Division ofWater Resources plans regarding 1,4dioxanein the Cape Fear River. ]effPoupart Water Quality Permitting Section Chief Division ofWater Resources E-mail correspondence toand from this address may besubject tothe North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties - octIef Koappc Professor 319-E Mann Hall Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering North Carolina State University Campus Box 7908 Raleigh, NC 27695-7908 Phone: 919-515-8791 Fax: 919-515-7908 E-mail: Webpage: - - --------- --- -- -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- -- DEQ-CFW-00022086