HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041488 Ver 3_Initial Interest_20070212Feb 12 07 09:59a heal C. Floyd ~ Rssoc. 676 8395 p•1 ~X P a_ i~fs$ v3 l~ ~ ~ ~--Q- v ~St ~-~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ w<< ~~~ ~- ~~ ~_ ~~ ~ c.- ~ 'l ~~ ~~~ FEB-12-2887 MON 86:46 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 1 Feb 12 07 09:59a tVeal C. Floyd & Rssoc. 676 8395 p.2 tNtTIAL I_NTER)F:ST IN PARTICIPATION IN THE: EXPRESS PERVIITTiNG PRO(JRP,M FOR THE 40I WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION, ISOLATis~17 WETLAND PERIVQTTING OR STl2EA.M ORIGIN DETERMINATION PROGRAMS ~ .~ ~ ~~ v ~~ Februar 25,2004 ~ ~ ~ .r ~'T o Yet•sion 2 '[ Applicant Name: Applicant Address: Applicant's phone ^umbu: _~~ G 855 - _ Fax number: ~ ~~' ~~~ f Applicant's email address: Consultant Name (if applicable): __-_ N Q0. ~- 4 0~.` C1~ Consultant address (i.f applicable}; .~~~„~, ~~ ~i~ T Consultant's phone number. - '~~Z~~a'7~-~ Ftix number: ~~~' ~3CI~ Consultant's etnaii address: N ~,soC,.so,~,e ~ eell.~~ * ~ T T}'pe of action r~;questeti under the Express Review Program (check a!1 that apply): ^ 401 'V~ater Quality Certifcation ~'' ^ Isolated Wetland Per•tnit i.7 Riparian Buffer Approval Stream Oribin Deiernunation _ 3 _._ ~4` ~~f Determinations Requested L- ~5, Name of Project: ~'-'th5'~rl_ ~0,1__ ~~Dt~ V tSt ~ _,- ~ T~_ Property size (acres) ~_~_ _ _~ CUUrity: ~0~1n~'k'UY~, Nearest named stream (from USGS topo map}: l~ ~`~~} Qg~`t~,r-yn ~ . Please provide a brief description of this project (attach site pldi .if available): U - ~--. Please aaach a map of site location using USG,S I:2~1,000 map and county sail sutti~ey r~:, ~,Y;~1 FEB-12-2007 MON D6:46 TEL:9197336$93 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 2 Feb 12 07 10:00a Neal C. Floyd & Assoc. 676 8395 Location of project site -.please include reference to the county, nearest name town and highway number: lOri ~ { r ;©~ 1- C~ SSO~; Acres of isolated wetlands Linear feet of streams Linear feet of isolated streams Square feet of protected stream buffers Has- consultant or applicant attended any DWQ-sponsored training sessions in the past two years? 7f so, please list which ones. d ~ . Which other environmental. permits will be needed for this project? Please list them below: D~Q, Atc4 ~ ~- ~. Does this project require approval under the State Environrtteutal Policy Actor National Environmental Policy Act? ~ - Does this project require approval of a Variance from the NC Environmental Management Commission" .ore you aware of any local controversy concerning this project? Tf so, please describe the controversy and any measures that have been taken with respect to public involvement. D ._ This form must be submitted pia email (c/o 401express@ncmail.net) fax (919-733-6893) or hand-delivered {Parkview Building, 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604) within the fast three (3) working days of the month for the first three months of the Express Review Program. {until January 1, 2004). P,pplication procedures after that time will be provided at a Later date. Applicants who are selected to participate in the Express Review Program will be notified via email or fax with one additional working day. ;Successful applicants will then be instructed regarding detailed procedures for full application. Unsuccessful applicants will be queried to determine if they want [o be in the following month's selection process or whether they want to follow the normal application process. Please contact John Dorne}~ at 919-733-9b46 if you have any questions regarding this form. M?. ,y~1 2 p.3 ~~ FEB-12-2007 MON 06:47 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 3 Proposed impacts` G 2QS ~ `Acres of wetlands 'Feb 12 07 10:00a Neal C. Floyd & Rssoc. 676 8395 M 0 a (D n 0 b ~~ w W cn o\ t~ O 00 rt N N .~~'-1y V w "~ d tJ J l ' I. Y I F 1 I _ / .-. / i.' a y .fit 11 1 ~•r~~! l 'I _ r Int. 111 ~ ~ ~ ~ - _ • ~ ~ N } ' ~ rl ~`~Il,~l ~ ~~ i `I'~i iw _ _ l .#'~~ ~ Vf 1 - {7 `r _ E ~ I ..- .~ „til ,i I i ':~ ~t 1,' y~ f~ _,.; , _ ,. . _ i~~~ ~ 1i1 1 r t it it}~ Alt '•. 1~ct~ ~.-_:.-._•.~ J 1_ _. r..V,~._~__--•, I ;~ _ 1 `~ I If1 /I ` 4~ 'I ~~~ I`1 a. ~r ms's q l r =, 1'. 1f y f { I -...,•.' may, ..- ty ~~ ~ ~L .~a ~ ~ ~ ,,gyp - - -' - - r= I ~ 1r )~ \ ` I lih+ r 1 V ~ '~~ ~`~ ' ~I ~\'t `~~I~ \ t ~ S I ' 1 II. t;., .11 i41 '~`, I!I ICI }Nt ~ I~ ~?~~\~'',' ~~~5~7~~* _ T I ~"` ~~ ~ -' i I tr i 1 _ I +-~-r~-'_'i"77.Tr'.rvf+' \ \~"" I' 1 ` \ ~~ i'" ` I l I 41--"'~V fj I 1 ~ ~ 1 r, ~\, ,5 ~t~,~, 1 ~~ ~` .._ ,t~G•l. ,~ I ..~ ,I .I j I I; 1 ( ~V - ~I ~ I1 'I ~ 4 I t .. i ~ I ~ _ » ~ `~-'~'S( ~!i`' . f/Jt 1 L 11114 f \ t ~ ~ 1' g i f \ 1 '~^ I ~ 1, ' ~ .A` ~~ - I {t ~,.- ~ ~~ T ~ 1~.14t ~'~~, r \,r _J1 - , ~`. I ~ ~ } l' ,~'F c 1 _ ~ }~ 1 .,~.+. ~5 t f ? I l 1 ~ '"1 ~ '1 `~` t~A tip' 1~ 1. h II~ . 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