HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00087996• • ' Vinyl Eshers South Air Emissions Inventory Maintenance Emissions Page 1 of 3 2004 Maintenance Emission Determination A. Background Periodically, vessels in the VE-South Plant are emptied for campaign switches and maintenance activity. Periodically, the process vessels in the VE-South plant are emptied for campaign switches and for maintenance. During the deinventory process, the liquid is transferred to another process vessel and then the gases are evacuated to the division waste gas scrubber. The amount of gasses from the PAF column, the condensation reactor, stripper column and low boiler column are already included in the vent flowmeter readings used to calculate emissions in previous sections. This section estimates maintenance emissions for the rest of the major process vessels. B. Condensation Tower Assume: a) void fraction in distillation columns is 40% b) ideal gas behavior c) vessels are at atmospheric pressure d) ambient temperature (25 deg C) e) gasses are 90% acid fluorides and 10% non-acid Fluorides f) average MW for acid fluoride component based on the respective acid fluoride for each campaign multiplied by the percentage of the total operating hours for each campaign = 250 g) average MW for non-acid fluoride component = 150 (assumed to be HFP) h) number of deinventory events during the year = 3 List of Process Vessels Condensation Tower Volume ft'' Volume al Reactor Decanter 9 70 A/F Column 5 37 A/F Decanter 2 16 A/F Overhead Receiver 25 184 Total Volume 41 306 VOC Emissions n = PV/RT, where P = 14.7 psia R = 10.7 psia-ft3/lb-mol degR V = 41 ft3 T = 537 degrees R n = PV _ 14.7 psia 41 ft3 _ 0.10 lb-mol gas RT 10.73 psia-ft x 537 degR deinventory event Ibmol-degR 0.10 lb-mol gas x 3 deinventory events = 0.31 lb-mol gas deinventory event year year 0.31 lb-mol gas x 10% non-A/F x 150 lb non A/F = 4.7 lb non-A/F year lb-mol gas = 4.7 lb VOC Before -control A/F vented from Condensation: 0.31 lb-mol gas x 90% A/F year x 250 lb A/F = 70 lb A/F lb-mol gas DEQ-CFW 00087996 'Vinyl Ethers South Air Emissions Inventory Maintenance Emissions Page 2 of 3 After -control emissions utilizing the 99.6% control efficient Waste Gas Scrubber (WGS): 70 lb A/F Waste Gas Scrubber x (100%-99.6%) control efficiency = 0.28 lb A/F = 0.28 lb VOC Total VOC Emissions 4.7 lb/yr non-A/F VOC + 0.28 lb/yr A/F VOC 5.0 lb VOC C. Agitated Bed Reactor & Refining Assume: a) void fraction in distillation columns is 40% b) ideal gas behavior c) vessels are at atmospheric pressure d) ambient temperature (25 deg C) e) gasses are 100% vinyl ethers f) average MW for vinyl ethers based on the respective vinyl ether for each campaign multiplied by the percentage of the total operating hours for each campaign = 186 g) number of deinventory events = 3 HF Potential Vinyl ethers are VOCs without the potential to form HF List of Process Vessels Volume Volume Agitated Bed Reactor & Refining ft' al Product Column 8 59 PMVE/PPVE Product Receiver 68 507 Total Volume i 761 566 VOC Emissions n = PV/RT, where P = 14.7 psia V = 76 ft3 n = PV = 14.7 psia x RT 10.73 psia-ft3/Ibmol/R x R = 10.7 psia-ft3/lb-mol degR T = 537 degrees R 76 ft3 = 0.19 lb-mol gas 537 R deinventory event 0.19 lb-mol gas x 3 deinventory events = 0.58 lb-mol gas deinventory event year year VOC Emissions from ABR & Refining 0.58 lb mol x 186 lb VOC = 108 lb VOC lb-mol VOC DEQ-CFW 00087997 • • • Vinyl Ethers South W E. Total Maintenance Emissions Air Emissions Inventory Emission Source Emission lb VOC Condensation Tower 5 Agitated Bed Reactor & Refining 108 Total Maintenance Emissions 113 Speciated Maintenance Emissions Summary Maintenance Emissions Page 3 of 3 Nafion(b PM/PE Emissions lbs PMVE Emissions lbs) PPVE Emissions lbs Total Emissions lbs Stack Maint. Stack Maint. Stack Maint. Stack Maint. PAF 181 1.6 248 2.1 0 0 429 4 PMPF 189 1.6 1 329 2.8 0 0 518 4 PEPF 794 6.9 0 0.0 0 0 794 7 PPF 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 PMVE 1 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 1 0 PEVE 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 PPVE 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 HFP 7,211 62.2 1,261 10.9 0 0 8,472 73 TFE 1,534 13.2 135 1.2 0 0 1,669 14 HFPO 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 C4 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 C5 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 COF2 932 8.0 245 2.1 0 0 1,178 10 TOTAL 10,842 94 1 2,217 19 0 0 13,060 113 Note: Speciated maintenance emissions were estimated by assuming that each compound's emission concentration from maintenance activities was equal to that compound's stack emission fraction of the total stack emission. For example, the stack emission of PAF from the PM/PE process was 130 lb., with the total stack emission from the Vinyl Ethers South processes being 13,877 pounds. The total maintenance emissions were 150 pounds. Therefore, the PAF maintenance emissions from the PE/PM process were determined by: 181 lb. PAF x 113 lb. Total maintenance emissions = 1.6 lb. PAF 13,060 lb. Total stack emmisions DEQ-CFW 00087998