HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00087371Vinyl Ethers North Air Emissions Inventory Maintenance Emissions Page 1 of 4 0 2005 Maintenance Emission Determination A. Background Periodically, the process vessels in the VE North plant are emptied for campaign switches and for maintenance. During the deinventory process, the liquid is transferred to another process vessel and then the gases are evacuated to the division waste gas scrubber. The amount of gasses from the condensation reactor, crude receiver and foreshots receiver are already included in the vent flowmeter readings used to calculate emissions in previous sections. This section estimates maintenance emissions for the rest of the major process vessels. B. Condensation Tower Assume the following: (a) void fraction in distillation columns is 40% (b) ideal gas behavior (c) vessels are at atmospheric pressure (d) ambient temperature (25 deg C) (e) gases are 90% acid fluorides and 10% non-acid fluorides (f) average molecular weight (MW) for acid fluoride component based on the average respective average acid fluoride MW for each campaign Therfore the average molecular weight for VE North is 392 (g) average MW for non-acid fluoride component = 156 (assumed to be HFP) (h) number of deinventory events = 4 • DEQ-CFW 00087371 Vinyl Ethers North Aar Emissions Inventory Maintenance Emissions Page 2 of 4 9 List of Process Vessels E Condensation Tower Volume ft3(gallons) Volume Reactor Decanter 5 41 Stripper Feed Decanter 7 51 Stripper Column 17 130 Stripper Overhead Receiver 5 40 AN Column 27 203 A/F Overhead Receiver 14 106 A/F Tails Decanter 1 10 ABR Feed Tank 27 Total Volume 10584 H202 VOC Emissions n = PV/RT, where P = 14.7 Asia R = 10.73 psia-fO/lb-mol degR V = 105 fP T = 537 degrees R n = PV = 14.7 psia x 105 fl - 0.27 lb-mol gas RT 10.73 psia-f? x 537 deg R deinventory event lb-mol degR 0.27 lb-mol gas x 4 deinventory events = 1.07 lb-mol gas deinventory event year year 1.07 lb-mol gas x 10% non-acid fluorides x 156 lb non-A/F = 16.7 lb non-A/F year lb-mol gas year Before -control AN vented from Condensation: 1.07 lb-mol gas x 90% acid fluorides x 392 lb A/F = 377 lb A/F year lb-mol gas year After -control emissions utilizing the 99.6% control efficient Waste Gas Scrubber (WGS): 377 lb/yr A/F VOC Total VOC: 16.7 lb/yr non-A/F VOC x (100%-99.6%) control efficiency + 1.5 lb/yr A/F VOC 1.5 lb/yr A/F VOC 18.2 lb/yr VOC DEQ-CFW 00087372 Vinyl Ethers North Air Emissions Inventory Maintenance Emissions Page 3 of 4 • • • C. Agitated Bed Reactor & Refining Assume the following: (a) void fraction in distillation columns is 40% (b) ideal gas behavior (c) vessels are at atmospheric pressure (d) ambient temperature (25 deg C) (e) gases are 100% vinyl ethers which are 100% VOC (f) average molecular weight (MW) for acid fluoride component based on the average respective average acid fluoride MW for each campaign Therfore the average molecular weight for VE North is 392 (g) number of deinventory events = 4 BF Potential Vinyl ethers are VOCs without the potential to form BF List of Process Vessels Agitated Bed Reactor & Refining Volume its(gallons) Volume Ether Still 107 803 Ether Still Overhead Receiver 9 69 Product Receiver 46 348 Total Volume 163 1220 VOC Emissions n = PV/RT, where P = 14.7 psia R = 10.73 psia-fO/lb-mol degR V = 163 ft T = 537 degrees R n = PV 14.7 psia x 163 fle 0.42 lb-mol gas RT 10.73 psia-fO x 537 deg R deinventory event lb-mol degR 0.42 lb-mol gas deinventory event 1.66 lb-mol gas x year x 4 demventory events = 1.66 lb-mol gas year year 392 lb VOC = 652.6 lb VOC lb-mol gas year DEQ-CFW 00087373 Vinyl Ethers North Air Emissions Inventory Maintenance Emissions Page 4 of 4 I* D. Total Maintenance Emissions Emission Source Stack Emissions VOC lb Condensation Tower 18 Agitated Bed Reactor & Refining 653 Total 671 E. Speciated Maintenance Emissions VOC Summary Naflon® Compound EVE Emissions bs PPVE Emissions bs PSEPVE Emissions bs Total Emissions bs Stack Maint. Stack Maint. Stack Maint. Stack Maint. HFP 580 7.7 6,254 82.8 8,919 118 15,752 209 BFPO 427 5.7 12,362 163.7 1 1,458 19 14,248 189 HFPO-Diener 1 0.009 0 0 1 0 EVE 7 0.1 0 0 7 0 PPVE 0 4,068 53.9 0 4,068 54 PSEPVE 0 0 1 19.31 0.26 19 0 PPF 0 56 0.7 0.36 0.00 57 1 TFE 318 4.2 11,144 147.5 26 0.3 11,487 152 SOF2 0 0 23 0.3 23 0 C4 0 298 3.9 1,331 17.6 1,628 22 C5 0 30 1 0.4 0 30 0 DA 0 0 0.150 0.002 0 0 Glycol Ethers 254 3.4 0 3,086 40.861 3,341 44 Hydro-PSEPVE 1 0 0 1.287 0.017 1 0 Iso-PSEPVE 0 0 3.861 0.051 4 0 TOTAL 1,586 21 1 34,212 1 453 14,868 1 197 50,666 671 Note: Speciated maintenance emissions were estimated by assuming that each compound's emission concentration from maintenance activities was equal to that compound's stack emission fraction of the total stack emission. For example, the stack emission of HFP from the EVE process was 259 lb., with the total stack emission from the Vinyl Ethers North processes being 43,109 pounds. The total maintenance emissions were 141 pounds. Therefore, the HFP maintenance emissions from the EVE process were determined by: 580 lb. HFP X 671 lb. Total maintenance emissions = 7.7 lb. HFP 50,666 lb. Total stack emmisions DEQ-CFW 00087374