HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00086969J;!,4! 4I Page 1 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments No. 2/No. 6 PS-1 and Particulate matter shall not AP -42 fuel oil -fired 2.1.A.l(a) exceed 0.2667 lb/mmBTU No NA NA boiler PS-2 [2D .0503(a)] calcullatiati on No. 2/No, 6 If emissions testing is required, fuel oil -fired PS-1 and 2.1.A.1(b) the testing shall be performed in No NA NA NA boiler PS-2 accordance General Condition JJ. [2D .0503(c)(3)] No. 2/No. 6 No monitoring/recordkeeping/ fuel oil -fired PS-1 and 2.1.A.1(c) reporting is required for No NA NA NA boiler PS-2 particulate emissions from these sources. No. 2/No. 6 Emissions of sulfur dioxide fuel oil -fired PS-1 and 2 1 A 2(a) from these sources shall not No NA NA AP-42 boiler PS-2 exceed 2.3 pounds per million calculation Btu [21) .0516] No.If 2/No. 6 emissions testing is required, fueell oil -fired PS-1 and 2.1.A.2(b) the testing shall be performed in No NA NA NA boiler PS-2 accordance General Condition JJ. [2D .0503(c)(4)] No monitoring/recordkeeping is 201069 required for sulfur dioxide �'PS-1 J ��el oil -fired and 2.1.A.2(c) emissions from No. 2 fuel oil No NA NA NA boa r u v PS-2 burned in these sources. G�; Uf ' [2Q .0503] Page 2 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments The maximum sulfur content of No. 2/No. 6 PS -land any No. 6 fuel oil received and Certificate of fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.2(d) burned in the boiler shall not No Yes NA Analysis from boiler exceed 2.1 percent by weight. Oil Supplier [2D .0503(a)] The sulfur content of the No. 6 No. 2/No. 6 PS-1 and fuel oil shall be monitored by Certificate of fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.2(e) using fuel oil supplier No Yes NA Analysis from boiler certification per shipment Oil Supplier received. [2D .0516] The results of the fuel oil No. 2/No. 6 supplier certifications shall be Certificate of fuel oil -fired PS-1 and 2.1.A.2(e)(i) recorded in a logbook on a No Yes NA Analysis from boiler PS-2 quarterly basis and include the Oil Supplier name of the oil supplier. [2D .0516] The results of the fuel oil supplier certifications shall be No. 2/No. 6 PS-1 and recorded in a logbook on a Certificate of fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.2(e)(ii) quarterly basis and include the No Yes NA Analysis from boiler maximum sulfur content of the Oil Supplier 10 o fuel oil received during the j �,, quarter. [2D .0516] 'i ,V , 4 r Page 3 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records I Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments The results of the fuel oil supplier certifications shall be No. 2/No. 6 PS-1 and recorded in a logbook on a Certificate of fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.2(e)(iii) quarterly basis and include the No Yes NA Analysis from boiler method used to determine the Oil Supplier maximum sulfur content of the fuel oil. [2D .0516] The results of the fuel oil supplier certifications shall be recorded in a logbook on a quarterly basis and include a No. 2/No. 6 certified statement signed by the Title V fuel oil -fired PS-1 and 2 1.A.2(e)(iv) responsible official that the No Yes NA Semiannual boiler PS-2 records of fuel oil supplier Summary certification submitted represent Report all of the No. 6 fuel oil fired during the period. [2D .0516] A summary report of the fuel oil supplier certifications must be No. 2/No. 6 submitted for the six-month Title V Ofu(g pil fixed PS-1 and 2.1.A.2(f) period between July and No Yes NA Semiannual boi�ef PS-2 December and for the six-month Summary period between January and Report June. [2Q .0508(f)] dk, w�J' ✓ d Page 4 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments The summary report of the fuel No. 2/No. 6 oil supplier certifications must Title V fuel oil -fired PS-1 and 2.1.A.2(f) clearly identify all instances of No Yes NA Semiannual boiler PS-2 deviations from the Summary requirements of this permit. [21) Report .0521] Visible emissions shall not be more than 40 percent opacity No. 2/No. 6 PS-1 and when averaged over a six- Daily visible fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.3(a) minute period; except for once No Yes NA emissions boiler in any hour and not more than observations four times in any 24-hour period. [2D .0521] No. 2/No. 6 In no event shall the visible Daily visible fuel oil -fired PS-1 and 2.1.A.3(a) emissions six -minute average No Yes NA emissions boiler PS-2 exceed 90 percent opacity. [2D observations 0521 ] Visible emissions shall not be more than 20 percent opacity No. 2/No. 6 PS-1 and when averaged over a six- Daily visible el oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.3(b) minute period; except for once No Yes NA emissions bQide in any hour and not more than observations four times in any 24-hour �dg J, period. [2D .0521(d)] Page 5 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments No. 2/No. 6 In no event shall the visible Daily visible fuel oil -fired PS-1 and PS-1 emissions six -minute average No Yes NA emissions boiler PS-2 exceed 87 percent opacity. [2D observations .0521(d)] No. 2/No. 6 Any required emissions testing PS-1 and shall be performed in fuel oil -fired 2.1.A.3(c) No NA NA NA PS-2 accordance with General boiler Condition JJ. [21) .0508(c)(8)] When burning No. 6 fuel oil, the No. 2/No. 6 PS-1 and emission points of this source Daily visible fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.3(d) shall be observed daily for any No Yes NA emissions boiler visible emissions above normal. observations [2D .0521] The results of the monitoring No. 2/No. 6 shall be maintained in a logbook Daily visible fuel oil -fired PS-1 and 2.1.A.3(e) on -site and made available to an No Yes NA emissions boiler PS-2 authorized agent upon request. observations [2D .0521] logbook No. 2/No. 6 The logbook shall record the Daily visible fuel oil -fired PS-1 and 2.1.A.3 (e �()i date and time of each recorded No Yes NA emissions Z() b®iter PS-2 action. [2D .0521] observations ,_, , logbook Vy%(�I �1/J Page 6 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments The logbook shall record the results of each observation No. 2/No. 6 noting those sources with Daily visible fuel oil -fired PS-1 and 2.1.A.3(e)(ii) emissions that were observed to No Yes NA emissions boiler PS-2 be in noncompliance along with observations any corrective actions taken to reduce visible emissions. [21) .0521] No. 2/No. 6 PS-1 and The logbook shall record the Daily visible fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.3(e)(iii) results of any corrective actions No Yes NA emissions boiler performed. [2D .0521] observations No monitoring/ No. 2/No. 6 PS-1 and recordkeeping/reporting is fuel oil -fired 2.1.A3(f) required for visible emissions No NA NA NA boiler PS-2 from the firing of No. 2 fuel oil in these sources. [21) .0521 ] A summary report of the observations shall be submitted No. 2/No. 6 for the six-month period Title V fuel oil -fired PS-1 and 2.1.A.3(g) between July and December and No Yes NA Semiannual boiler PS-2 for the six-month period Summary 10 ®/ between January and June. [2D Report �' .0521] Page 7 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments No. 2/No. 6 All instances of deviations from Title V fuel oil -fired PS-1 and 2.1.A.3(g) the requirements of this permit No Yes NA Semiannual boiler PS-2 must be clearly identified in the Summary summary report. [21) .0521] Report In order to avoid applicability of No. 2/No. 6 ZD .0530, the boiler shall Emissions fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.4(a) discharge into the atmosphere No Yes NA determined boiler less than 25 tons of particulate monthly using matter per consecutive 12-month AP42 factors period. [2D .0530] In order to avoid applicability of 2D .0530, the boiler shall No. 2/No. 6 discharge into the atmosphere Emissions fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.4(a) less than 15 tons of particulate No Yes NA determined boiler matter under 10 microns per monthly using consecutive 12-month period. AP-42 factors [2D .0530] In order to avoid applicability of No. 2/No. 6 2D .0530, the boiler shall Emissions dhe i-t PS-2 2.1.A.4(a) discharge into the atmosphere No Yes NA determined boilt'fired �y v' less than 40 tons of nitrogen monthly using oxide per consecutive 12-month AP-42 factors period. [2D .0530] Page 8 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments In order to avoid applicability of No. 2/No. 6 21) .0530, the boiler shall Emissions fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.AA(a) discharge into the atmosphere No Yes NA determined boiler less than 40 tons of sulfur monthly using dioxide per consecutive 12- AP-42 factors month period. [2D .0530] If emissions testing is required, No. 2/No. 6 the Permittee shall perform such fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.4(b) testing in accordance with No NA NA NA boiler General Condition JJ. [2Q .0501(c)(4)] The Permittee shall keep No. 2/No. 6 monthly accounting records of Fuel consumption fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.4(c) the amount of fuel used and the No Yes NA and sulfur boiler sulfur content, including content certification of the fuel, in a logbook. [2Q .0508(f)] records No. 2/No. 6 The Permittee shall submit a Quarterly fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.4(d) quarterly summary report ofmonitoring No Yes NA reports to boiler and recordkeeping DAQ FRO activities. [2Q .0508(f)] a�J_; Page 9 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments The quarterly summary report shall contain the monthly No. 2/No. 6 particulate matter, particulate Quarterly fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.4(d)(i) matter below 10 microns, No Yes NA reports to boiler nitrogen oxide, and sulfur DAQ FRO dioxide emissions for the previous 14 months. [2Q .0508(f)] The quarterly summary report No. 2/No. 6 shall contain the monthly Quarterly fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.4(d)(ii) quantities of No. 2/No. 6 fuel No Yes NA reports to boiler oil consumed for the previous 14 DAQ FRO months. [2Q .0508(f)] No. 2/No. 6 The quarterly summary report Quarterly fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.4(d)(iii) shall contain the average sulfur No Yes NA reports to boiler content for the fuel oil. DAQ FRO [2Q .0508(f)] The quarterly summary report No. 2/No. 6 shall clearly identify all Quarterly fuel oil -fired PS-2 2.1.A.4(d)(iv) instances of deviations from the No Yes NA reports to boiler requirements of this permit. [2Q DAQ FRO Q / ! , .0508(f)] S' e LvUJ�aU/V lJ`j.a"t Page 10 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUNEVIARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Emissions of particulate matter Butacite® BS-C 2. LB.1(a) from the source shall not exceed No NA NA AP-42 flake dryer an allowable emission rate. [2Q calculation .0515(a)] If emissions testing is required, Butacite® BS-C 2. LB.1(b) the testing shall be performed in No NA NA NA flake dryer accordance with General Condition JJ. [2Q .0501(c)(3)] Production records which specify the types of materials Butacite® and finishes processed shall be Butacite® flake dryer BS-C 2. LB. 1(c) maintained and these records No Yes NA production shall be made available to a records DAQ authorized representative upon request. [2Q .0508(f)] Particulate matter emissions from this source shall be Butacite® BS-C 2.1.B.1(d) controlled by the bagfilter (ID No Yes NA Butacite® flake dryer No. BCD-C2) and cyclone process design separator (ID No. BCD -CI). [2Q .0508(f)] ZO d / t Inspections and maintenance utacite shall be performed as Butacite® flairy�e BS-C 2. LB.1(d) recommended by the No Yes NA maintenance G�� manufacturer. [2Q .0508(f)] records Page 11 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments The inspection and maintenance requirement shall include a Butacite® monthly visual inspection of the Butacite® flake dryer BS-C 2.1.B.1(d)(i) system ductwork and material No Yes NA Bagfilter collection unit for leaks. Logbook [2Q .0508(f)] The inspection and maintenance requirement shall include an An internal Butacite® BS-C 2.1.B.l(d)(ii) annual internal inspection of the No Yes NA was flake dryer bagfilter's structural integrity. performed [2Q .0508(f)] 09/14/2 06 The results of inspection and maintenance shall be maintained Butaciteg in a logbook on -site and made Butacite® flake dryer BS-C 2.1.B.1(e) available to an authorized No Yes NA maintenance representative upon request. [2Q records .0508(f)] Butacite® The logbook shall record the Butacite® fe dryer BS-C 2.1.B.1(e)(i) date and time of each recorded No Yes NA maintenance U I action. [2Q .0508(f)] records v �/ The logbook shall record the Butacite® flaakeke ddryer r S C (/�,�., 2.1.B.1(e)(ii) results of each inspection. No Yes NA maintenance J [2Q .0508(f)] records Page 12 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments The logbook shall record the Butacite® results of any maintenance Butacite® flake dryer BS-C 2.1.B.1(e)(iii) performed on the bagfilters. [2Q No Yes NA maintenance .0508(f)] records The logbook shall record any Butacite® variance from the Butacite® flake dryer BS-C manufacturer's No Yes NA maintenance recommendations. records [2Q .0508(f)] The results of any maintenance Butacite® performed on the bagfilters shall Butacite® flake dryer BS-C 2.1.B.1(f) be submitted within 30 days of a No Yes NA maintenance written request by the DAQ. [2Q records .0508(f)] A summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities for the six-month period between Title V Butacite® BS-C 2.1.B.l(g) January and June and for the six- No Yes NA Semiannual flake dryer month period between July and Summary December shall be submitted. Reports [2Q .0508(f)] t Page 13 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Visible emissions from this source shall not be more than 20 Monthly Butacite® BS-C percent opacity when averaged No NA NA visible flake dryer over a six -minute period. [2D emissions .0521(d)] logbook If emissions testing is required, Butacite® the testing shall be performed in flake dryer BS-C 2.1.B.2(b) accordance with 2D .0501(c)(8) No NA NA NA and General Condition JJ. [2D .0501(c)(8)] The emission points of this shall be observed once a Monthly Butasources BS-C 2.1.B.2(c) month for any visible emissions No Yes NA visible d flaakeke dryer rye above normal. [2Q emissions .0508(f)] logbook The results of the monitoring be maintained in a logbook Monthly Butashall BS-C 2.1.B.2(d) on -site and made available to an No Yes NA visible d flaakeke dryer rye authorized representative upon emissions request. [2Q .0508(f)] logbook The logbook shall record the Monthly ;itaite® BS-C 2.1.B.2(d)(i) date and time of each recorded No Yes NA visible flake�� action. emissions [2Q .0508(f)] logbook Page 14 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of ]Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments The logbook shall record the results of each observation and/or test noting those sources Monthly Butacite® BS-C 2.1.B.2(d)(ii) with emissions that were No Yes NA visible flake dryer observed to be in noncompliance emissions along with any corrective logbook actions taken to reduce visible emissions. [2Q .0508(f)] Butacite® The logbook shall record the Monthly flake dryer BS-C 2.1.B.2(d)(iii) results of any corrective actions No Yes NA visible performed. [2Q .0508(f)] emissions logbook A summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities for the six-month period between Title V Butacite® flake dryer BS-C 2.1.B.2(e) January and June and for the six- No Yes NA Semiannual month period between July and Summary December shall be submitted. Reports [2Q .0508(f)] Page 15 of 46 �t, . TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments The Permittee shall comply with all applicable provisions, including the notification, Butacite® testing, and monitoring sheeting requirements contained in Butacite® and rotogravure BS-D 2.1.BA Environmental Management No Yes NA Central File printing Commission Standard 15A Records operation NCAC 21) .1111 as promulgated in 40 CFR 63, Subpart KK, including Subpart A "General Provisions" [2D .1111] Emissions from the polyvinyl butyral sheeting rotogravure Butacite® printing operation shall be 1999 sheeting controlled using a permanent Stationary rotogravure BS-D 2.1.B.4(a)(i) total enclosure for the process No Yes NA Source printing area and a multi -stage horizontal Sampling operation spray scrubber that achieves an Report overall organic HAP control efficiency of at least 95 percent. [2D .1111] Page 16 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Butacite® The proper performance of the sheeting scrubber shall be monitored for Butacite® rotogravure BS-D 2.1.B.4(b)(i) a minimum water flow rate to No Yes NA Setcinim Data printing each nozzle of 6 gallons per Historian operation minute, averaged over a three- hour period. [21) .1111] The proper performance of the Butacite® scrubber shall be monitored for sheeting a minimum air flow rate to each Butacite® rotogravure BS-D 2.1.B.4(b)(ii) nozzle of 63 standard cubic feet No Yes NA SetcimTM Data printing per minute, averaged over a Historian operation three-hour period. [2D .1111] The proper performance of the Butacite® scrubber shall be monitored for sheeting a minimum general area exhaust Butacite® rotogravure BS-D 2.1.B.4(b)(iii) fan exit velocity of 3,950 feet No Yes NA SetcimTM Data printing per minute, averaged over a Historian operation three-hour period. [21) .1111] Page 17 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Source Terms and Conditions Was Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments The Permittee shall comply with Butacite® all applicable record keeping and reporting requirements sheeting specified in 40 CFR Parts rotogravure BS-D 2.1.B.4(c) 63.829 and 63.830, and in 40 No Yes NA Setts mTM Data. printing CFR Part 63 Subpart A - Historian operation General Provisions. [2D .1111] Page 18 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Source Terms and Conditions Was Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments If an action taken by the Permittee during a startup, shutdown, or malfunction (including an action taken to correct a malfunction) is not consistent with the procedures Butacite® specified in the affected source's sheeting startup, shutdown, and Title V rotogravure BS-D 2.1.B.4(c)(i) malfunction plan, the Permittee No Yes NA Semiannual shall record the actions taken for Summary printing operation that event and shall report such Reports actions within 2 working days after commencing actions inconsistent with the plan, followed by a letter within 7 working days after the end of the event. [40 CFR 63.6(e)(3)(iv)] J �, �!vJ ^ - y' u/ v 170 jd Page 19 of 466 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments The Permittee shall submit to the Regional Supervisor, DAQ, a semi-annual summary report Butacite® as specified in 40 CFR Part 63.830, by January 30 of each Title V sheeting rotogravure BS-D calendar year for the preceding No Yes NA Semiannual printing six-month period between July Summary operation and December, and by July 30 Reports of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. [2D .1111] If the actions taken by the Permittee during start-up, Butacite® shutdown, or malfunction sheeting (SSM) are not completely Title V rotogravure BS-D 2.1.B.4(c)(iii) consistent with the procedures No Yes NA Semiannual specified in the SSM plan, then Summary printing operation the Permittee shall submit an Reports SSM report, to the DAQ Regional Supervisor. 10 [2D .1111] Page 20 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Nafion® Emissions of particulate matter Emission membrane from this source shall not exceed AP�2 source NS-I coating NS-I 2.1.C.1(a) an allowable emission rate as No Yes NA calculated by the equation in calculation has no visible process 2D.0515(a). [2D .0515(a)] emissions. Nafion® If emissions testing is required, membrane NS-I 21C ...1(b) the testing shall be performed in No NA NA NA coating accordance with General process Condition JJ. [21) .0515] Production records shall be Nafion® maintained which specify the membrane types of materials and finishes Nafion® coating NS-I 2.1.C.1(c) processed and these records No Yes NA production shall be made available to a records process DAQ authorized representative upon request. [2D .0515] A summary report of monitoring Nafion® and recordkeeping activities for Title V membrane the six-month period between Semiannual 0 NS-I 2.1.C.l(d) January and June and for the six- No Yes NA Summap MOM month period between July and December shall be submitted. Reports a d�. [21) .0515] Page 21 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Visible emissions shall not be Nafion® more than 20 percent opacity Emission membrane when averaged over a six - source NS-I NS-I 2.1.C.2(a) minute period; except for once No NA NA NA coating in any hour and not more than has no visible process four times in any 24-hour emissions. period. [21).0521(d)] Nafion® In no event shall the visible Emission membrane NS-I 2.1.C.2(a) emissions six -minute average No NA NA NA source NS-I coating exceed 87 percent opacity. [2D has no visible process .0521(d)] emissions. Nafion® If emissions testing is required, membrane the testing shall be performed in NS-I 2.1.C.2(b) No NA NA NA coating accordance with General process Condition JJ. [2D .0521] Nafion® No monitoring/ membrane recordkeeping/reporting is NS-I 21C ...2(c) No NA NA NA coating required for visible emissions process from this source. [2D .0521] J Page 22 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments In order to avoid applicability of Nafion® 2D .0530, the Vinyl Ethers Vinyl Ethers Vinyl Ethers North process shall discharge North Monthly North NS-B 2.1.CA(a) into the atmosphere less than No Yes NA 68.9 tons of VOCs per Emissions process consecutive 12-month period. Report [2D .0530] Nafion® Calculations of VOC emissions Vinyl Ethers Vinyl Ethers NS-B 2. 1. per month shall be made within No Yes NA North Monthly NorthC.4(b) 30 days of the end of each Emissions process month. [2D .0530] Report Nafion® The total amount of VOC Vinyl Ethers Vinyl Ethers NS-B 21 ..C.4(c) emissions shall be recorded No Yes NA North Monthly North monthly in a logbook. Emissions process [2D .0530] Report Nafion® The Permittee shall be deemed Vinyl Ethers Vinyl Ethers in noncompliance with 15A North Monthly North NS-B 2.1.C.4(c) NCAC 2D .0530 if the VOC No Yes NA emissions exceed the limit. Emissions process 10 [2D .0530] Report ligq�v ` �l 4�I iWr I, V ���f Page 23 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Nafion® The Permittee shall submit a Title V Vinyl Ethers NS-B 2.1.C.4(d) quarterly summary report of No Yes NA Quarterly North monitoring and recordkeeping Reports to process activities. [21) .0530] DAQ FRO The report shall contain the Nafion® monthly VOC emissions for the Title V Vinyl Ethers previous 14 months. The Quarterly North NS-B 2.1.C.4(d)(i) emissions shall be calculated for No Yes NA each of the 12-month periods Reports to process over the previous 14 months. DAQ FRO [2D .0530] The Permittee shall ensure the Nafion® proper performance of the See attached Vinyl Ethers y scrubbers by monitoring the Nafionis IP21 deviation North NS-B .1. 2CA(e)(i) injection liquid flow rate Yes No No (minimum of 7,000 kilograms ' Data Historian letter dated process p per hour, averaged over a three- 07/25/06 hour period). [21) .0530] The results of inspections shall Nafion® be recorded in a scrubber log UZ book which shall be kept on site SAP ers No 'Q NS-B 2.1.C.4(f) and made available to Division No Yes NA Electronic of Air Quality personnel upon Historian request. �' [2D .0530] Page 24 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Any variance from the manufacturer's recommendations or the permit Nafion® monitoring requirements, or the Nafion® IP21 Vinyl Ethers failure of the air pollution Data Historian North NS-B 2.1.C.4(f) control equipment to operate in No Yes NA and SAP a normal and usual manner, shall Electronic process be investigated with corrections Historian made and dates of action recorded in the log book. [2D .0530] The inspection and maintenance Nafion® activities, as well as required Nafionis See attached Vinyl Ethers monitoring for scrubbing liquid Data Historia Historian n deviation North NS-B 2 .1.C.4(f) flow rates, and scrubber Yes No No and SAP letter dated process pressure drops, if appropriate, Electronic 07/25/06 shall be recorded. [2D .0530] Historian In order to avoid applicability of Nafion® 2D .0530, the Resins process Resins NS-G 2.1.C.5(a) discharge into the No Yes NA Monthly 4esinsshall atmosphere less than 40 tons of Emissions 0OVS VOCs per consecutive 12-month Report period. [2D .0530] Page 25 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Nafion® Calculations of VOC emissions Resins Resins NS-G 2.1.C.5(b) per month shall be made within No Yes NA Monthly 30 days of the end of each Emissions process month. [2D .0530] Report Nafion® The total amount of VOC Resins Resins NS-G 2.1.C.5(c) emissions shall be recorded No Yes NA Monthly monthly in a logbook. Emissions process [2D .0530] Report The Permittee shall be deemed Nafion® in noncompliance with 15A Resins Resins NS-G 2.1.C.5(c) NCAC 2D .0530 if the VOC No Yes NA Monthly process emissions exceed the limit. Emissions [2D .0530] Report Nafion® The Permittee shall submit a Title V Resins NS-G 2.1.C.5(d) quarterly summary report of No Yes NA Quarterly monitoring and recordkeeping Reports to process activities. [21) .0530] DAQ FRO The report shall contain the monthly VOC emissions for the Nafion® previous 14 months. The Title V Resins NS-G 2.1.C.5(d)(i) emissions shall be calculated for No Yes NA Quarterly p%es®f each of the 12-month periods Reports to / 15� over the previous 14 months. DAQ FRO [2D .0530] -v.ae: Page 26 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments In order to avoid applicability of Nafion® 2D .0530, the BFPO process BFPO BFPO NS-A 2.1.C.6(a) shall discharge into the No Yes NA Monthly atmosphere less than 85.3 tons Emissions process of VOCs per consecutive 12- Report month period. [21) .0530] Nafion® Calculations of VOC emissions BFPO BFPO NS-A 2.1.C.6(b) per month shall be made within No Yes NA Monthly 30 days of the end of each Emissions process month. [2D .0530] Report Nafion® The total amount of VOC BFPO HFPO NS-A 2.1.C.6(c) emissions shall be recorded No Yes NA Monthly monthly in a logbook. Emissions process [2D .0530] Report The Permittee shall be deemed Nafion® in noncompliance with 15A BFPO HFPO NS-A 2.1.C.6(c) NCAC 2D .0530 if the VOC No Yes NA Monthly process emissions exceed the limit. Emissions [2D .0530] Report Nafion® The Permittee shall submit a Title V BFPO NS-A 2.1.C.6(d) quarterly summary report of No Yes NA Quarterly monitoring and recordkeeping Reports to process activities. [2D .0530] DAQ FRO Page 27 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments The report shall contain the monthly VOC emissions for the Nafion® previous 14 months. The Title V BFPO NS-A 2.1.C.6(d)(i) emissions shall be calculated for No Yes NA Quarterly process each of the 12-month periods Reports to over the previous 14 months. DAQ FRO [2D .0530] The Permittee shall comply with all applicable provisions, NS-A including the notification, The effective Nafion® through 2.1.C.6 testing, and monitoring No NA NA NA date of 40 processes NS-L requirements contained in 40 CFR Subpart CFR 63, Subpart FFFF, FFFF is 2008 including Subpart A "General Provisions." [2D .1111] Fluoro- products Emissions of particulate matter polymer polymer from this source shall not exceed AP�2 manufa FS-A 2. LD.1(a) an allowable emission rate as No NA NA calculation development calculated by the equation in 2D facility .0515(a). [2D .0515] Page 28 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Fluoro- products If emissions testing is required, polymer FS-A 2.1.D. l (b) the testing shall be performed in No NA NA NA manufact'g accordance with General development Condition JJ. [2D .0515] facility Fluoro- Production records shall be products maintained which specify the polymer types of materials and finishes PMDF manufact'g FS-A 2.1.D.1(c) processed and these records No Yes NA Production development shall be made available to a Records facility DAQ authorized representative upon request. [2D .0515] Fluoro- Particulate matter emissions products from the Fluoroproducts polymer FS-A 2.1.D.1(d) polymer manufacturing facility No Yes NA PNIDF Process manufact'g (ID No. FS-A) shall be Design development controlled by the bagfilter (ID facility No. FCD-A2). [2D .0515] Fluoro- p To To assure compliance, the � Permittee shall perform Vole rlra nufac'1 FS-A 2.1.D.1(d) inspections and maintenance as No Yes NA pMDF Area Records J e d! `t7 recommended by the facility ���+ manufacturer. [2D .0515] Page 29 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Fluoro- The inspection and maintenance products requirement shall include a polymer FS-A 2.1.D.1(d)(i) monthly visual inspection of the No Yes NA Monthly Filter manufact'g system ductwork and material Inspection development collection unit for leaks. facility [2D .0515] Fluoro- products The inspection and maintenance An internal polymer requirement shall include an inspection was manufact' g FS-A 2.1.D.1(d)(ii) annual internal inspection of the No Yes NA performed on development bagfilter's structural integrity. 07/12/2005 facility [21) .0515] Fluoro- products The results of inspection and polymer polymmanufaer maintenance shall be maintained pMDF Area FS-A 2.1.D.1(e) in a logbook on -site and made No Yes NA Records development available to an authorized agent facility upon request. [2D .0515] Fluoro- �, roducts The logbook shall record the o19e1 FS-A 2.1.D.1(e)(i) date and time of each recorded No Yes NA PMDF Area � �n aG�nufact devefo r}g�t action. [2D .0515] Records facility ®��� Page 30 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Fluoro- products polymer The logbook shall record the P1RD manu[2D FS-A 2.1.D.1(e)(ii) results of each inspection. No Yes NA A development .0515] facility Fluoro- products The logbook shall record the polymer FS-A 2.1.D.l(e)(iii) results of any maintenance No Yes NA PMDF Area manufact'g performed on the bagfilters. Records development [2D .0515] facility Fluoro- products The logbook shall record any polymer FS-A 2.1.D.1(e)(iv) variance from manufacturer's No Yes NA PMDF Area manufact'g recommendations, if any, and Records development corrections made. [2D .0515] facility Fluoro- The Permittee shall submit the products results of any maintenance polymer FS-A 2.1.D.l(f) performed on the bagfilters No Yes NA PMDF Area f" , within 30 days of a written Records Jd�velope '`�� request by the DAQ. �c�ty� [2D .0515] uu,;, d Page 31 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Fluoro- A summary report of monitoring products and recordkeeping activities for polymer the six-month periods between Title V manufact'g FS-A 2.1.D.1(g) January and June, and between No Yes NA Semiannual development July and December, shall be Reports facility submitted. [2D .0515] Fluoro- products All instances of deviations from polymer FS-A 2.1.D.1(g) the requirements of this permit No Yes NA Title V Semiannual manufact'g must be clearly identified in the development summary report. [2D .0521] Reports facility Fluoro- Visible emissions shall not be products more than 20 percent opacity The PMDF polymer when averaged over a six- Process does manufact'g FS-A 2.1.D.2(a) minute period; except for once No NA NA not emit development in any hour and not more than visible facility four times in any 24-hour emissions period. [2D .0521(d)] Z® 01 °�t Page 32 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Fluoro- products In no event shall the visible The PM DF polymer emissions six -minute average Process does manufact'g FS-A 2.1.D.2(a) exceed 87 percent opacity. No NA NA not emit development [2D .0521(d)] visible facility emissions Fluoro- products If emissions testing is required, polymer polymer the testing shall be performed in manufadevelopment FS-A 2.1.D.2(b) accordance with 2D .0501(c)(8) No NA NA NA and General Condition JJ. facility [2D .0521(d)] Fluoro- No monitoring/ products recordkeeping/reporting is polym polymer FS-A 2.1.D.2(c) required for visible emissions No NA NA NA manufadevelopment from this source. [2D .0521(d)] facility Fluoro- In order to avoid applicability of products 2D .0530, the Resins process PMDF polymer FS-A 2.1.D.4(a) shall discharge less than 40 tons No Yes NA Monthly Emissions /deelopmeni of VOCs per consecutive 12- Reports month period. [2D .0530] faci�t/d ,; ififfe1 Page 33 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Calculations of VOC emissions products per month shall be made within PMDF polymer FS-A 2.1.D.4(b) 30 days of the end of each No Yes NA Monthly manufact' g month. Emissions development [2D .0530] Reports facility Fluoro- products The total amount of VOC PMDF polymer FS-A 2.1.D.4(c) emissions shall be recorded No Yes NA Monthly manufact' g monthly in a logbook. Emissions development [2D .0530] Reports facility Fluoro- The Permittee shall be deemed products in noncompliance with 15A PMDF polymer FS-A 2.1.D.4(c) NCAC 2D .0530 if the VOC No Yes NA Monthly manuemissions exceed the limit. Emissions development [2D .0530] Reports facility Fluoro- The Permittee shall submit a products quarterly summary report of Title V of r p � manufa g F -A / 6'd 2.1.DA(d) monitoring and recordkeeping No Yes NA Quarterly Reports to activities. c��vlopr}�ent ,i. 'V [2D .0530] DAQ FRO facility l u --, Page 34 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Fluoro- The report shall contain the products monthly VOC emissions for the Title V polymer FS-A 2.1.D.4(d)(i) previous 14 months, which shall No Yes NA Quarterly manufact'g be calculated for each of the 12- Reports to development month periods over the previous DAQ FRO facility 14 months. [2D .0530] Emissions of particulate matter No. 2 fuel from the combustion of fuel oil oilfired that are discharged from this AP�2 PS -Temp 2.l.G.1(a) source into the atmosphere shall No Yes NA temporary not exceed the allowable limit calculation boiler pursuant to 2D.0503. [2D .0503] No. 2 fuel If emissions testing is required, oil -fired PS -Temp 2.1.G.l(b) the testing shall be performed in No NA NA NA temporary accordance General Condition boiler JJ. [2D .0503] No monitoring/ No. 2 fuel recordkeeping/reporting is oil -fired PS -Temp 2. l .G.1(c) required for particulate No NA NA NA tempot& emissions from the firing of No. .1 kvb c?iler 2 fuel oil in this source for this regulation. [2D .0503] vJ.d'Y Page 35 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments The Permittee shall comply with all applicable provisions, including the notification, testing, recordkeeping, and This rental No. 2 fuel monitoring requirements boiler was oil -fired contained in Environmental operational PS -Temp 2.1.G.2(a) Management Commission No NA NA NA from temporary boiler Standard 2D .0524 "New Source 04/05/06 Performance Standards (NSPS) until as promulgated in 40 CFR Part 05/24/06. 60 Subpart Dc, including Subpart A "General Provisions." [2D .0524] No. 2 fuel The maximum sulfur content of oil -fired PS -Temp 2.1.G.2(b) any fuel oil received and burned No Yes NA Fuel supplier temporary in the boiler shall not exceed 0.5 certification boiler percent by weight. [21) .05241 Visible emissions shall not No. 2 fuel exceed 20 percent opacity (6 oil -fired minute average) except for one Daily temporary PS -Temp 1G 2...2(c) six minute period per hour but No No NA observations boiler not more than 27 percent opacity when firing fuel oil. [2D .0524] Page 36 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUAEMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments No. 2 fuel Fuel supplier certification shall oil -fired be used to demonstrate sulfur Fuel supplier PS -Temp 2.1.G.2(d)(i) dioxide emissions compliance as No Yes NA temporary described under 40 CFR § certification boiler 60.46c(e). [2D .0524] No. 2 fuel The Permittee shall record and oil -fired PS -Temp 2.1.G.2(e) maintain records of the amounts No Yes NA Fuel consumption temporary of each fuel fired during each boiler month. [2D .0524] records A summary report of the sulfur No. 2 fuel content of the distillate fuel oil Title V oil -fired fired shall be submitted for six- semiannual PS -Temp 2.1.G.2(f)(i) month period between January No Yes NA temporary and June and for the six-month summary boiler period between July and reports December. [2D .0524] No. 2 fuel A summary report's fuel Title V oil -fired PS -Temp 2.1.G.2(f)(i) supplier certification shall No Yes NA semiannual temporary (A)(1) include the name of the oil summary boiler supplier. [2D .0524] reports Page 37 of 46 . i TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments A summary report's fuel No. 2 fuel supplier certification shall Title V oil -fired 2.1.G.2(f)(i) include a statement from the oil semiannual temporary PS -Temp ()() A 2 supplier that the oil complies No Yes NA summary with the specification under the boiler definition of distillate oil in 40 reports CFR § 60.41 c. [2D .0524] A summary report's fuel supplier certification shall include a certified statement No. 2 fuel signed by the owner or operator Title V oil -fired 2.1.G.2(f)(i) of an affected facility that the semiannual temporary PS -Temp (A)(3) records of fuel supplier No Yes NA summary boiler certification submitted reports represents all of the fuel fired during the semi annual period. [2D .0524] In order to avoid applicability of No. 2 fuel 2D .0530 for major sources and Monthly sulfur oil -fired major modifications the dioxide terns(garb PS -Temp 2.1.G.3(a) temporary boiler shall discharge No Yes NA into the atmosphere less 40 tons emissions boiler of sulfur dioxide per consecutive calculation twelve month period. [21) .0317] Page 38 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments No. 2 fuel If emissions testing is required, oil -fired the testing shall be performed in PS -Temp 2.1.G.3(b) accordance with 15A General No NA NA NA temporary Condition JJ. boiler [2D .0317] No. 2 fuel The Permittee shall record and oil -fired maintain records of the amounts Fuel PS -Temp 2.1.G.3(c)(i) (in gallons) of No. 2 fuel oil No Yes NA consumption temporary burned in the boiler during each records boiler month. [2Q .0317] The record of the amounts of No. 2 fuel fuel (in gallons) burned during oil -fired each month shall be made Fuel temporary PS -Temp Z.1.G.3(c) available to an authorized No Yes NA consumption boiler representative of DAQ upon records request. [2Q .0317] The Permittee shall submit a No. 2 fuel summary report of monitoring oil -fired and recordkeeping activities Quarterly temporary PS -Temp 1G 2...3(d) within 30 days after each No Yes NA reports to boiler calendar year quarter. DAQ FRO 110 Q f LIU I 1[2Q .0317] GJ3� Page 39 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID (Yes/No) (Yes / No es / No Status Comments The report shall contain the monthly quantities of fuel oil No. 2 fuel burned in the boiler for the oil -fired PS -Temp 2.1.G.3(d)(i) previous 14 months. The total No Yes NA Quarterly reports to temporary quantities burned must be boiler calculated for each of the 12- DAQ FRO month periods over the previous 14 months. [2Q .0317] No. 2 fuel The report shall clearly identify oil -fired all instances of deviations from Quarterly temporary PS -Temp 1G 2...3(d)(ii) the requirements of this permit. No NA NA reports to boiler [2Q .0317] DAQ FRO This rental No. 2 fuel A temporary boiler that remains boiler was oil -fired at a location for more than 180 operational PS -Temp 2.1-GA consecutive days is no longer No NA NA NA from temporary boiler considered to be a temporary 04/05/06 boiler. [2D.1111 ] until 05/24/06. ..4 Page 40 of 40 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Any temporary boiler that This rental No. 2 fuel replaces a temporary boiler at a boiler was oil -fired location and is intended to operational PS -Temp 2.1.G.4 perform the same or similar No NA NA NA from temporary boiler function will be included in 04/05/06 calculating the consecutive time until period. [2D.1111] 05/24/06. Visible emissions shall not be The more than 20 percent opacity SentryGlas® SentryGlas® when averaged over a six- Plus Mfg. Plus Mfg. SGS-A 2.1.H.l(a) minute period; except for once No NA NA process does process in any hour and not more than not emit four times in any 24-hour visible period. [2D .0521(d)] emissions The In no event shall the visible SentryGlas® SentryGlas® emissions six -minute average Plus Mfg. Plus Mfg. SGS-A 2.1.H.1(a) exceed 87 percent opacity. No NA NA process does process [2D .0521(d)] not emit visible emissions v Page 41 of 4� „r TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments If emissions testing is required, SentryGlas® the testing shall be performed in Plus Mfg. SGS-A 2.1.H.l(b) accordance with 2D .0501(c)(8) No NA NA NA process and General Condition JJ. [2D .0521(d)] SentryGlas® No monitoring/recordkeeping/ Plus Mfg. SGS-A 2.1.1-1.1(c) reporting is required for visible No NA NA NA emissions from this source. process [2D .0521(d)] Polyvinyl Emissions of particulate matter ]Fluoride from this source shall not exceed AP-42 FS-B 2.111(a) an allowable emission rate as No NA NA Polymer Mfg. calculated by the equation in 2D calculation Process 0515(a). [2D .0515] Polyvinyl If emissions testing is required, Fluoride the testing shall be performed in Polymer Mfg. FS-B 2.111(b) accordance with General No NA NA NA Process Condition JJ. [21) .0515] Page 42 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments Production records shall be Polyvinyl maintained such that the process The PVF Fluoride rates "P" in tons per hour can be PVF Facility will Polymer Mfg. FS-B 2.1.I.1(c) derived, and shall make these No No NA Production not Process records available to a DAQ Records commence authorized representative upon operation request. [2D .0515] until 2007. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A The PVF Polyvinyl NCAC 21) .0515 if the PVF Facility will Fluoride Polymer Mfg. FS-B 2.1.I.1(c) production records are not No No NA Production not Process maintained or the types of Records commence materials and finishes are not operation monitored. [2D .0508(f)] until 2007. The Permittee shall submit the The PVF Polyvinyl results of any maintenance Facility will Fluoride FS-B 21I ...1(d) performed on the bagfilters No No NA PVF Area not Polymer Mfg. within 30 days of a written Records commence Process request by the DAQ. operation [21) .0508(f)] until 2007. Page 43 of 4Q IQ TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments A summary report of monitoring The PVF Polyvinyl and recordkeeping activities for Facility will Fluoride the six-month periods between Title V not Polymer Mfg. FS-B 2.111(e) January and June, and between No No NA Semiannual commence Process July and December, shall be Reorts p operation submitted. [2D .0515] until 2007. The PVF Polyvinyl All instances of deviations from Facility will Fluoride FS-B 2.1.I.1(e) the requirements of this permit No No NA Title V Semiannual not Polymer Mfg. must be clearly identified in the Reports commence Process summary report. [2D .0521] operation until 2007. Visible emissions shall not be more than 20 percent opacity The PVF Polyvinyl when averaged over asix- Facility will Fluoride FS-B 2.1.I.2(a) minute period; except for once No No NA not Polymer Mfg. in any hour and not more than commence Process four times in any 24-hour operation period. [2D .0521(d)] until 2007. 10 Page 44 of 4¢ TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments The PVF Polyvinyl In no event shall the visible Facility will Fluoride FS-B 2.1.I.2(a) emissions six -minute average No No NA not Polymer Mfg. exceed 87 percent opacity. commence Process [2D .0521(d)] operation until 2007. Polyvinyl If emissions testing is required, Fluoride the testing shall be performed in Polymer Mfg. FS-B 2.1.I.2(b) accordance with 2D .0501(c)(8) No NA NA NA Process and General Condition JJ. [2D .0521(d)] Polyvinyl The emission points of this The PVF Fluoride sources shall be observed once a Monthly Facility will Polymer Mfg. FS-B 2.1.I.2(c) month for any visible emissions No No NA visible not above normal. emissions commence Process [2Q .0508(f)] logbook operation until 2007. The results of the monitoring The PVF Polyvinyl shall be maintained in a logbook Monthly Facility will Fluoride FS-B 2.1.I.2(d) on -site and made available to an No No NA visible not Polymer Mfg. authorized representative upon emissions commence Ippocess request. logbook operation [2Q .0508(f)] until 2007. 10 ®/ °'c�� Page 45 of 4¢ TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments The PVF Polyvinyl The logbook shall record the Monthly Facility will Fluoride FS-B 2.1.I.2(d)(i) date and time of each recorded No No NA visible not Polymer Mfg. action. emissions commence Process [2Q .0508(f)] logbook operation until 2007. The logbook shall record the results of each observation and/or test noting those sources The PVF Polyvinyl with emissions that were Monthly Facility will Fluoride FS-B 2.1.I.2(d)(ii) observed to be in noncompliance No No NA visible not Polymer Mfg. along with any corrective emissions commence Process actions taken to reduce visible logbook operation until 2007. emissions. [2Q .0508(f)] The PVF Polyvinyl The logbook shall record the Monthly Facility will Fluoride FS-B 2.1.I.2(d)(iii) results of any corrective actions No No NA visible not Polymer Mfg. performed. emissions commence Process [2Q .0508(f)] logbook operation until 2007. L® Page 46 of 46 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2006 Terms and Conditions Was Source Deviation a or Permit Records Non- Method(s) of Emission Control Condition Condition Summary Deviation Maintained compliance Determining Source Device Number ? ? Issue? Compliance Description ID No. s es / No es / No es / No Status Comments A summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities for ,The PVF Polyvinyl the six-month period between Title V Facility will Fluoride FS-B 2.1.I.2(e) January and June and for the six- No No NA Semiannual not Polymer Mfg. month period between July and Summary commence Process December shall be submitted. Reports operation [2Q .0508(f)] until All instances of deviations from The PVF Polyvinyl the requirements of this permit Title V Facility will Fluoride FS-B 2.1.I.2(e) must be clearly identified in the No No NA Semiannual not Polymer Mfg. summary report. Reports commence Process [2D .0521] operation until 2007. The Permittee shall comply with all applicable requirements in accodance with 40 CFR Part 68 including submitting a Risk Risk All sources All 2.2.0 Management plan to EPA No Yes NA Management pursuant to 40 CFR Part 68.150 Plan submittal prior to June 21, 1999 or as specified in 40 CFR Part 68.10. [40 CFR 68] 0