HomeMy WebLinkAbout19920265 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19920109a SfATFo- e. r State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor January 29, 1993 Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Mr. Rick Sago Conservation Engineer II City of Raleigh 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, N.C. 27602 Dear Mr. Sago: RE: Amended Certification for Starmount Avenue Project DEM # 92265 Wake County On 19 January 1993, DEM issued an amended 401 Water Quality Certification to the City of Raleigh for dredging a creek and deposition of spoil near Starmount Drive and Monterey Street in Raleigh. That letter removed the need for planting of trees. The condition that was added regarding buffers was incorrectly worded. The correct condition is that fill shall not be placed closer than 50 feet of the nearest bank of the new stream channel on lots at 3101 and 3109 Edgetone Drive and 3201 Monterey Street. Please contact John Dorney at 733-1786 if you have any questions. Sincerely, star3.ltr cc: Raleigh US Army US Army Central reston oward, r. G DEM Regional Office Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Corps of Engineers Wilmington Office' Files P.O. I ox 27687, R.-flci_h, North Carolina 27611.7687 Te!cphonc 919-733-49ti-t Fax ; 919-733-0513 An E:;.toi Opnoramiq' ftirmat rc .A.-tion Employer d Ra STATE a, R?`?nc 4 FIIf State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary January 19, 1993 Mr. Rick Sago Conservation Engineer City of Raleigh 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, N.C. 27602 Dear Mr. Sago: RE: Starmount/Monterey Street dredging project DEM # 92265 Wake County In response to your 31 December 1992 letter, condition number 3 of Certification Number 2787 is hereby removed. DEM agrees that sufficient trees will be naturally reestablished on the site so that planting will not be necessary after the grade is restored. I will also confirm your statement that fill may not be placed within 50 feet of any wetlands on lots at 3101 and 3019 Edgetone Drive as we discussed in our 4 December meeting. Please contact Mr. John Dorney at 733-1786 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, starmnt.ltr ,w d, Jr. P.E. cc: Raleigh DEM Regional Office Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Office Central Files P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4984 Fax # 919.733-0513 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer City Of 6Raleigh December 31, 1992 North Carolina Mr. John Dorney NCDEM Water Quality Section Planning Branch PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RE: Starmount/Monterey St. Dredging Project Dear Mr. Dorney: 6 WATER OOaDS GR?Up This letter is a follow up to our telephone conversation of December 30, 1992 pertaining to the conditions of approval attached to the 401 certification for the above referenced project. I am requesting that a portion of condition 3 be reconsidered, specifically the part about replacing any cut trees greater than 6" with similar species. There will be a good many undisturbed trees that will naturally revegetate the area with their windblown seeds which will eventually accomplish the goal of restoring the area to it's present state. These include Sweet Gum, Sycamore, River Birch, and Willows. I would appreciate it if you could consider this proposal and notify me in writing of your decision. Secondly, I would like to verify our conversation concerning the fill on the lots at 3101 and 3019 Edgetone Dr. The project calls for fill to be placed in a portion of the wetlands in this area but the fill will not be placed within the required 50 foot buffer zone. . If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 890-3030. Sincerely, X4 Rick Sago Conservation 401comm2.doc Engineer II cc: Civil Engineer II, Bowden files (3) OFFICES • 222 WEST HARGETT STREET • POST OFFICE BOX 590 • RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27602 Recycled Paper IMPORTANT To- Date f(`? / /1o Time 00 WHILE YOU WERE OUT M d,-ck `;rAcio of_r it-,. A Pmt tn, 1'6 ` IJm Phone Q-16 - .'I 6 3 0 AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION Message Signed TELEPHONED ? PLEASE CALL / CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL N.C. Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources ?]?(? Printed on Recycled Paper • VIA 1 ?o l Piss R), ct S-a Put4.x, d-ldkr C)4 OAU"?) ,?, ? " tl?y -a? v?y?aoi b ud' nok, ? -/ sy? C? 0, d2w u4p? N- cuwce+n? w? V04 0 lc? ---vo e-,65?- ?O?j - b-f-* rj?fo-oj 400 yd? ????? ?q pax 90 x i v e tom' ?,, ??G. ? aok r4,?. wow u+?r ? a ?"vl ?ctil t4NFo State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary October 7, 1992 Mr. Rick Sago Conservation Engineer II City of Raleigh 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, N.C. 27602 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. Acting Director Dear Mr. Sago: Subject: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed stream channelization and lot fill Starmount subdivision area Project #92265 Wake County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 2787 issued to City og Raleigh dated October 9, 1992. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, reston Ho rd Jr. P. E. ting Directo Attachments cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Raleigh DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Mr. John Parker, Division of Coastal Management Central Files June and Harvey Speller, 3201 Monterey Street REGIONAL OFFICES Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/571-4700 919/946-6481 919/395-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer f NORTH CAROLINA Wake County CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 to City of Raleigh pursuant to an application filed on the 26th day of May, 1992 to channelize a tributary to Marsh Creek from 240 feet north of Starmount Drive to 230 feet north of Trawick Road in order to carry the 2 year storm and fill wetlands at 3201 Monterey Street. The Application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of a tributary to Marsh Creek in conjunction with the proposed stream channelization and lot fill in Wake County will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction related discharge (increases such that the turbidity in the stream is 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). 2. Fill may be placed in wetlands on the lot of 3201 Monterey Street as long as no fill is placed within 50 feet of the nearest bank of the new stream channel. No other fill from this dredging project shall be placed onto any other wetlands in this subdivision or other wetlands areas adjacent to this stream. 3. After the stream channelization is complete, the original contour shall be reestablished on all remaining wetlands that were disturbed during construction. All trees greater than 6 inches diameter that need to be cut for the stream channelization work shall be replaced with planted trees using similar species unless agreed upon in writing by the Division of Environmental Management. Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal Permit. This the 9th day of October, 1992. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT A. Preston Howard, Jr. P.E. c ing Director WQC# 2787 4m 0 J r 11 -R ' September 28, 1992 pity Of 5Vorth Mr. John Dorney NCDEM Water Quality Section Planning Branch PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RE: Comments on 401 Application for Starmount Project Dear Mr. Dorney: (Ra le iN SEP 0 1992 Carolina This letter is in response to the public notice published in the Friday, September 18, 1992 edition of the News & Observer. I would like to reiterate the City's position on this project, as stated in the letter from the Central Engineering Department, dated September 1, 1992 (see attached). The City does not believe that the project, as designed, would cause any long term violations of State water quality standards. Also, we believe that the fill areas on each private property are separate and individual projects relative to the stream dredging project. This has been approved by the Army Corps of Engineers. Each property owner independently requested the excess material from the stream dredging to be placed on their property for flood control and/or other property improvement reasons. None of the lots will receive more than one third of an acre of fill and should not require individual permits. Lastly, this project is important to help alleviate the safety concerns related to the street and residential flooding. For the reasons stated above and in the attached letter, the City believes that the application in question should be approved. Sincerely, fC41_A ? J' mie L. Beckom, PE 1ty Engineer 401commt.doc cc: City Manager , files (3) OFFICES • 222 WEST HARGETT STREET • RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27602 Recycled Paper R ?"/VO1'?h ??i11Y)?711£L September 1, 1992 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management NC Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Pb Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RE: 401 Certification Starmount/Monterey St Dear Mr. Dorney: This letter is in response to your letter dated July, 29, 1992. The City of Raleigh shares your concern for the water quality in the area of our proposed project. However, we feel that we are in substantial compliance with the intent of the 401 Certification requirements and believe that the stream will comply with State Water Quality Standards after the proposed improvements are constructed. I have enclosed a marked up map to further explain and clarify the scope of our project. We propose to place fill along the east side of the proposed project between the new top of bank and the uplands at 3113,3117 Edgetone Dr. and 3201 Monterey St., as shown on the attached map. However, as shown on the map, the fill placement will not extend to the proposed channel along 3101 Edgetone Dr. There will be approximately a 50' buffer in this area as you requested. We believe that overall water quality will not be compromised by the project as presently designed. To the best of our knowledge, Marsh Creek currently meets State water quality standards and supports its designated use and we do not believe that the project (including the filling of the residential lots) will create any long term condition that might result in a violation of water quality standards. This is based on the following: The only surface drainage directed to the proposed fill areas is that which runs off the single family lots themselves. All of these. lots are between one-half and one acre in area and have small percentages of`impervious area. OFFICES • 222 WEST HARGETT STREET • RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27602 Rervcled Papet Page 2 9/1/92 None of the street drainage travels through this area. There will be at least 100 feet of vegetated area between the houses and the stream which could be considered buffer for water quality concerns. A significant portion of the wetland areas to be filled are presently being used and maintained in grass as residential yard space. The project calls for all disturbed areas to be revegetated in grasses and/or other residential landscaping which would provide pollutant removal similar to the existing condition. The majority of the wetlands and vegetation on the west side of the stream will be maintained as a buffer/filter for the runoff from the commercial development which dominates the west side of the stream. The references provided do not support a need for a 50 foot wetland buffer for water quality. Specifically, Howard (1988) recommends a 50 foot buffer based mostly on habitat and travel corridor concerns and not water quality. Neiswald (1990) indicates that a 50 foot forested buffer is sufficient to protect water quality when the slopes are less than 15% but does not specify the need for wetland buffers. Additional literature indicates that the grassed buffers can be extremely effective in removing pollutants (Gilliam, 1990 and Franklin, 1991). The wetland area's value in storing and treating floodwaters is minimal, according to the references, since the outlet of the stream is not restricted. There is nothing to guarantee that this area will remain as wetlands, forested, or even vegetated since the individual property owners may alter their yards, including the wetland areas at any time based on current wetland regulations. Second, your letter states that "we believe the channelization and four lot fills are the same project". We are concerned with this interpretation since it conflicts with the Corps interpretation that the four fill lots and the channelization are separate projects. You should have received carbon copies of the five letters sent out to the City and the four property owners by the Corps indicating this. We have relied on this interpretation to develop this project. It was our understanding that the Corps would have the authority to determine the extent and severability of individual projects and then the state in turn would review these projects, as defined by the Corps, for compliance with the 401 certification program. Apparently, there is some confusion on Page 3 9/1/92 this issue. Accordingly, we would be grateful if you could provide us with some guidance on this matter and work with the corps to coordinate interpretations so that we may avoid this conflict in the future. We believe that the project is necessary to address a public safety concern with street flooding and residential flooding. Also, we believe that the fill areas will provide additional berming/flooding protection for existing residential land uses. We also believe that the project as submitted strikes a reasonable balance in addressing the environmental 'issues, including water quality concerns. I hope this letter provides sufficient information for you to issue the 401 Certification for this project. However, if you do not feel that we are complying with the intent of the Certification requirements, we would like to proceed with the public notice process. Feel free to contact me at 890-3030 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Rick Sago Conservation Engineer II 401repl2.doc cc: City Manager City Engineer files (3) ?' • x p IU \ q1\ '' r / tow ~ I'm 1 N ( \\` V7 y III ?? \ ? i / N U 1 1 `? ?` X I III ? ''? \? ?? _ 0 1 r 1_ I °j ?? ? ? c? N --?_ 1 1 O h _k \ f b... W +?? n V se N m ` Y] Z x 7 O oO N 1- fW 0 h 0 W W t9DZXZ 0 \ \ w .?0- zO a < to tL < N o _ tL ? ? \ ? N o 1 ? ? v ?• p \\ a ,? w o. r (` O \ . 0. ` N .w A \ \ 'I I M ? p I p 1 p z \ L ? J- t t w - \ Ql \ 1. m i I ( ) 1.T. _ O b N 1- . \ I ? I i l? 1}? W In M ? o 0 ,^ \ > \J I \? ~ J v r ?Rj w ? p I 1? 'y' I^ o a a J ` rr ti 4 0 \ 0 1 is M CL - \ N u \ \ Q \ f- Q o p? ?o l1 h?/ . d zi :) n Ca \ / N N o 1 i / D n 0 . > ' \ I N n -z w w \ N ?•? N \ / c ?iFL 0 a W i ? 4 LLJ ?+ ?1L \ ? O ` I ?` ? Z 0. ?7 l i M x0 ?.' ?\ ? 1 \ 1 I ?? W CD N `r I / a rn = « N C3 ere NNNx ? \? ? 1 `Y\? ` Q tu- °x \ ? 11 1 I 0 lu M O O 4 J IJ W Z .r w 0 w Q w /'\ J rn c!i Q ?? O m O I.U lL () Q J • ( ! 1 M Y o w M 14 0- " C3 Z ?' 1 1 Io w N n w O In z to C, to c 0 o °° 0 r Ile I Z o2 r1? ?C > M ,3 11 tD r III gn M O ?L I W O IL w y° • Y 1 \ ? ??? Z cq 0. ?; W C.D 'f 11 1 1 Q ?..,?. / O m \ W _ ,. ? t 1 m E 1 " p S O a n 1 3 U. v 2p+Op 1 1 1 M- (L w 1 W CA! w ' 1 \ ao N J r+ F- W J ?' ? m ? m m ' N H ..I p // ` \ /NSQ M I-- cn < z w 0 < _j 0 IN CL ?m me < r < O O i/ /? ?/ U N cn 0- w A§+0 \ W W 1-- / 0- "' C9 U C11 4V /!I O.' F- W m r? z O ?O t W, /' /r z Mme/ ~ / v O F- / a 0O. / O N m N S Z W > N _ CL C3 bd C, Cl: CL 0 r4 w V) 01: IL I-- U) WE / , / / / O? ? ? O < fn 0 m a h N z r C\j IL. J W W W // / ? y m f- 5 m m w o ,. to //?/ /// ?\ ??? O O = r o N D M /?/ / \ ?? J v ~pm P. C%l CL r OW NC LL Cr- \ ?\? co tt < N CP L O 4 Cf) 0. C3 w W- / z 0 1•- I Y a. 51? it ?: ? A _ _._ _ __ ?? fi-t.?.?e.. - cum--?.e?..1.e?,_ ,e.?.. J-?-?. __ ,? _ ?-.?.x.?_,- ;:. t __ __ ___ T ? f .? .. 4P .•ri' ?uL 8 02 July 6, 1992 MEMORANDUM To: John Dorney eThrough: Arthur Mouberry, P.E.- Regional Supervisor Z*im Donnelly, P.E.- Regional Water Quality Supervisor From: Karl Shaffer- Soil Scientist Subject: 401 Certifications; Projects No. 92265, 92309 1. Starmount Drive/Monterey Street. Project No. 92265- Wake County. I have reviewed this area on site with Rick Sago- engineer for the project for city of Raleigh. The proposal is to dredge a tributary of Marsh Creek (class C NSW) in the Neuse watershed. This channel has been silted in due to upstream construction. The result is that Starmount Drive and Monterey streets flood frequently with heavy rains. Additionally, one property and home flood seriously at these times. The RRO has no objection to the dredging activity to restore the channel capacity. The second portion of the proposal is to use the dredged material to fill private lots adjacent to the stream. This fill volume would vary on the differing lots. I feel that this should be treated as one large project, because the impact is to one area. The application feels that each individual area of fill for the respective property owners (each less than one acre), should be automatically granted under the nationwide permitting system. My recommendations for the entire project are as follows: -Lot owned by Harvey and June Speller at 3201 Monterey Street floods frequently and severely. This lot may accept fill as long as 50 feet of natural floodplain remain between the edge of the fill and the re-established creek channel. The fill is to be gradually sloped to the floodway. The fill is to be planted and maintained in permanent vegetative cover. -Lot owned by Jeff and Nancy Strong at 3117 Edgetone Drive has had extensive fill in the past. This fill comes to within several feet of the existing channel. This remaining floodplain is valuable for a buffer to the new channel area. The RRO requests that no fill be allowed on this lot. -Lot owned by Donald Lake at 3113 Edgetone Drive has had extensive fill in the past right to the creek channel. The existing floodplain should be allowed to remain as a buffer to the new channel. The RRO requests that no fill be allowed on this lot. r .? r demo to John Dorney Page -2- -Lot owned by Theresa Deatherage at 3101 Edgetone Drive has some areas which could accept fill with little water quality impacts. The proposed fill will remain at least 60 feet from the proposed creek channel, so adequate floodplain buffer will remain. An existing culvert will be rerouted, but will outlet at non-erosive velocities to the floodplain and not directly to the creek. The RRO has no problem with addition of fill material here to within the confines drawn on the proposed plans. These wetlands are of moderate value. They are in an area highly developed for commercial and residential use. To that extent, they are one of the few remaining wetland areas in the immediate vicinity. Water quality benefits and wildlife habitat are both important aspects of the wetlands area. John, please review these comments and recommendations, and contact Rick Sago with city of Raleigh at 890-3031. He would like to hear as soon as possible what decisions will be reached on the 401 certification so he can proceed with his plans. If you have any questions or see the need to diverge greatly from my recommendations, please give me a call. 2. New Light Farm; Project No. 92309- Wake County. I visited this site on June 30, 1992. The applicant proposes to fill in existing drainage ditches through a pasture and have the Soil Conservation Service design some grassed waterways to handle the stormwater flow. This will benefit water quality in the area by removing the cows from the direct water channel, and by allowing filtration of stormwater through grassed strips instead of unlined ditches. No negative impacts are foreseen on this project. A rating sheet was not done, but the value of the existing ditches is quite low. The RRO recommends a 401 be issued for the project as soon as possible. The applicant would like to have all permits in hand soon so as to begin work in August and seed the waterways before winter comes. The ditches and pasture drain towards New Light Creek in the Neuse River watershed- class C NSW. ` 1 `i J WETLAND RATING SYSTEM WORKSHEET 'roject No. or description ?! A d Slree,C vocation County_ «;?rZ Nearest road or town l 'qol River basin U_5-e_- Nearest stream and classification O tirW valuator .gency and address DCU ate and time evaluated,/,,,,,,. 30 1901Z 5 -3C1 A ajor Wetland Type Approximate size of wetland system-/ acres Approximate extent of wetlands in area acres within miles Vee z1 /,e Perna%n?- ' Three most common plant species (in order) : rr?ad? ?/?'.ouYuresc? ? ? oil Series (if known) ydrologic indicators Direct surface hydroiog?it connec ion? ?i'E NO Kisting Conditions Drainage 5?-?caa-rn ?a '»?P? Disturbance ti1, „ Restoration potential/ ,4rn Restoration value zz t site known to provide habitat for rare, endangered or ened species?. Ite) If so, list species observed or recorded. em No. ation/Landscape 1 Natural area buffer 2 Sensitive watershed 3 Dispersal corridor system ological Values 4 Special ecological attributes 5 Wildlife habitat 6 Aquatic life 7 Water storage B Streambank stabilization 9 Removal of pollutants Human Values 10 Outdoor recreation/education 11 Economic value Total score Score (circle one) 5 05 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 0 0 5 4 3 1 0 5 4 C'P 2 1 0 5 4 3 00 1 0 5 4 -?, 2 1 0 5 4 2 1 0 5 4 2 1 0 5 4 3 0 1 0 5 4 3 2Z ??[D 0 2 S A-rr , Site description and notes: f_U ?z 6/ a4Y J. P May 20, 1992 Page 2 certification. Therefore, if allowed, the City plans to supply the property owners with material, as well as, grade it for them . If you have any questions concerning this project, please contact me at 890-3030. Sincerely, X/14- Rick Sago Conservation Engineer II cc: City Engineer Beckom Civil Engineer II Files (3) dorney.doc 1,,?1 \1 ?Ii 0 !?\? ??\I 1i ? \ 1 J ?/ \ ? I / 5p/t?__ .1 i ?, ?." •? v???/ r? E l tT `-l??'? -,? ? 1 ? ???' I \ ? III ?? _ t ?. \) ? i ??%?i<\ _ _???? ? z'?', 1?== " .?? •lu ?. ? ? ?` ?!?v? i \\ C ,_ / ..? ` ? c ill ?) - q ? /" ? _ \O ?.i li I .•?? \? u`\ ;;? ?? :\ 1 V III/ i " '? l II \ ,? •. _??? a /?i •. li ? iii - .a - ? ? ?. :. ? tis \\N J? ?I, Ill,??l?, ?, (1 I? ?? n '?• 1-7 - ? __ ?, ? _ ?,?I? • `° __ ?,, ? ,? - ? ? I,. ? . I ?. ?' ? _- - ? ? art `_ ? (' J r ? Ifl - r ` 1.: (\.\ I /{I? "I" c??i =lam •`? ?f 1?•, ` \?I, \ ?`• t ?:?fmw. I 1 I. 1• i ?;\ \ / [!, - ? 9 p ) I 111.1 ? _-? I ?? ='i. • __ 1 ?? 1 IG :1 !? ri i / ??? i ??II' ? ?`? 1?,+11?\??.,?I?//1.?• .\I I/l ?I:j/???-'?• r ?(u? ? ,'\•.e\ ? ? ? .? ,'? ?,?? ? ? ? i ?--- 4 .fit` "li? ?` ? , ?\y? • • : Nl £ ? t :?' 1 ? ? ' ' I I ?\ '-,.-,L-" ^, ? h ? ice- ? a 1 ??i ?`\,?ll?*? it i /r//1II?r f ? r?+ ? , ?' _ ?I ?\? (' N ? ?,? .\ _.?.. ? ??• ? ????? i i G /?-? ? ???_ .. ?,?_;;,??? \ ' JC?II?/??I \ ?- y I? `?? I? ??? ;.I j1\ ?I \ 'I 11 //\..? {?? _. /' !•?\\! r\\ ??.i ??- ~I ?? ? ®?` ?R? , ? ?;``r -?\>_??\?\\\ ? - ? ?% ?' ?> >? ??\\?•.( `/_? o ' ? ??_ \`i? ?- y-? 1, ??' ?? 1. v? AA.A A. pity ((?)J 6Raleigh 5orth Carolina May 20, 1992 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management NC Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RE: 401 Certification Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed please find 7 copies of the application and related material for a 40.1 certification for the City of Raleigh's Starmount/Monterey St. Dredging Project. This project is proposed to eliminate the periodic flooding of Starmount Drive and Monterey Street. The problem is the result of the gradual silting in of the existing creek channel, as well as, the outlet of the dual 54" culverts under Starmount Drive over the past several years. Currently the creek is little more than a low area, with no well defined channel. Also, the outlets of the culverts are approximately 7' below the channel. As shown on the enclosed plans, the. City proposes to dredge and enlarge the existing channel. However, there is one area where we propose to relocate the channel to better approximate the original location, as shown on our maps.. This channel has been designed to carry the 2 year storm. It is also proposed to raise the inverts of the culverts approximately 2' and realign them to better line up with the channel. We plan to raise the inverts to minimize the excavation required for the channel. This will allow a more narrow channel, which will help to minimize the impact on the wetlands. The City has received requests for excess material from four property owners along the east side of the channel (see enclosed letters). It is my understanding that these property owners are allowed to place fill in the wetlands on their property as long as they do not fill more than one acre. According to my calculations, none of the property owners will be filling in more than one acre. Also, none will be filling more than one third of an acre, which is under the amount which would require a 401 OFFICES • 222 WEST HARGETT STREET • RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27602 Recycled Paper wr DEM ID: JOINT APPLICATION FORM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO THE DISTRICT ENGINEER NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION CONCURRENCE NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE INDIVIDUAL SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626--0535 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO.THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAME: SEE ATTACHED 2. OWNERS ADDRESS: SEE ATTACHED 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (HOME): ACTION ID: (WORK) : 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: Jimmie Beckom, P.E. 890-3030 City of Raleigh 222 W. Hargett Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 5. LOCATION OF PLANNED WORK (ATTACH MAP). COUNTY: Wake NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: Raleigh SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.): Starting approximately 240 ft north of Starmount on Tributary to Marsh Creek south to approximately 230 ft north of Trawick Road (SR 2206) 6. NAME OF CLOSEST STREAM/RIVER: Marsh Creek 7. RIVER BASIN: Neuse 8. IS THIS PROJECT LOCATED IN A WATERSHED CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, OR WS II? YES [ ] NO [X] 9. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES [ ] NO [x] IF YES, EXPLAIN. 10. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: 2.96 ac. 2/3/9? -2- 11. NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLAND IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT: FILLED: SEE ATTACHED DRAINED: FLOODED: EXCAVATED: TOTAL IMPACTED: 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (ATTACH PLANS): Dredge & enlarge creek channel 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK.: Eliminate flooding of Starmount Drive and Monterey Street 14. STATE REASONS WHY THE APPLICANT BELIEVES THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. ALSO, NOTE MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS. This is where the channel that is silted in is located. This channel must be dredged to allow the water to flow to eliminate the flooding We will do most work from east side of channel to minimize impact on wetlands on west side. 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OR ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES [x1 NO [ 1 RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE ATTACHED. 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT? HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES [}{1 NO [ ] RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE ATTACHED. 17. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DEM: A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, AND LAKES ON THE PROPERTY. B. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. D. IF A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT, ATTACH COPY. E. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? Residential on east side omm?rcia on west. F. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? J"I -- SIGNATURE F_ DATE is 01TI N?1,?C-C R L O ? Breen i.esue c?ha,nte1 - •• 3w C ?It, q2??- AO Ashlon Square Lee Rd. /-T! m r(lon W Shopping Cir. t 3100 Rd• r 2 2'300 Beau No e _ - _ _ ?eoo _ 2300 t offOn IT ne p rt ° h Rd. , eado m I ' Summer R . m °? 1 rya vla ore R10'98 IDust t3800 \. nSlO n Old - p 9" Or c ?°° tc r ' A C ^ 3900^ do s _ Arb 0 to the Sv Dr. ?? o Sue Ellen Dr. 0 S. am ? o SUMMIT RIDGE U. Q On Ct. P ^8 4 ,?D 8 d n m Ct g-° Cascade o Aalta 9h, '? _' j In ram Dr. ?p 0a \?\e So Q --1 - Rd . _ - \ 1 3400 3 s M rlin C'f O P\ g.c U? ,? BU+Ea 360P o 3800 m C Brentwood Elern. g .? so n. p Ct. dan a) c o i o KA o ,Lancelot o 3100 ?, ?;f °o s r e Ln. ` Q Ct.I ? ETA f8r i I c0 p BRENTWOOD Q 3?0 °? O I Scott ? Dr 34? U C) Donna Rd. s a3o0 -y?oo--sAOO.. '• PI. G16 on Dr. 3+00 Gemini r. Q. o 3800 Memory Ln. 0 Woodlea ? ° ' o Y N U6 00a d Dr C 3400 a$ ?? 3600 3100 .a A? STARMOUNT 1 Dr Ir ro L%LUter o ! Ma f fiery cD 0 / Y 10 F Stdr ' o' 3400 I - - - Hechinger U1t - - - ? Plaza Or unt j7? or Hal ncock Rc 8? (^ Shopping Center n` Rd $ s o Starmou 3900 41 cn Astro Ct. ?, Edgetone • r " Pin urst Dr. w Dr. x,000 m? e 1 c i a et?e $ C lellT°Sch. g 3 c S o 0;; . Trawick °' t ( 2800 d. W O01- S1 2s ? ONEY BROOK 3000 Traw' ?- I cv c •. NORTH t. tck o RROADLANDS fire R Rd. -3soo ?T odd. ' r- 3?t N 401 m t o? ??p yot y G ce Q Gatjon)be pl. ------?[7? Q5 g embt, ickersh 3800 Shopping Center o? I ; F? O Dr. E. /St wa am M >a (0 <Q\ aQ?a\e? Derbyshire pl. c, y l ester Rc James op S 2 '3oo Clonnel J o' ?9,SQ 2500 Rd. date era?cr Gf. 4? ? o` Dr "3 28 o Neptun• o° g 1 p o tGg ?_ (A s 3400 o p ?_ N 8 ' GJQpe t. r? a o m ?? Mc Crac en Dr. • R Ieigh City Limits > Planet n? o to 0 7--31176. IC Crest j Brit ain 400 3500 ?•• N 4 r Cr. I 8 0 :3 ` 3000 Dr 3100 - Sk Crest Dr CU = 3300 3500 $k rest Dr. D - oo 1 D. -' 3700 Lo I Dogwoo Dr oc -v v ?. 3 I ?? SKYCREST/VIL1a L Q' N _ C?'g) a Q Dogwood Dr. e N m °???? Z ; g?ont Dr. Pied p?nt ASS n? -U r- COLEWOUD ACRES N ?- 2iedmnnt Dr• o Colewoo „M TIMBERtAKEr?, r TS • CRTS, Inc. 3116 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Richard J. Goodman 3110 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27610 Wayne & Walt Gibson Brentwood 76 2757 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Alex Blackman 3019 Edgetone Dr. Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. James Matthew 2909 Trawick Rd. Raleigh, NC 27604 J.T. Hobby & Son, Inc. PO Box 18506 Raleigh, NC 27609 Ms. Theresa Deatherage 3101 Edgetone Dr. Raleigh, NC 27604 Ms. Sonia K. Bradshaw 3105 Edgetone Dr. Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Charles Overton 3109 Edgetone Dr. Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Donald Lake 31.13 Edgetone Dr. Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Jeffery strong 3117 Edgetone Dr. Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Harvey speller 3201 Monterey St. Raleigh, NC 27604 6 As stated in the cover letter, our project will involve dredging and enlarging the existing channel with four adjacent property owners using the excess material on their private property. The City's project will involve excavating approximately .97 ac. in the wetland along with clearing an additional .48 ac. for access and constructi his puts the city's total impact at approximately 1.45 c. In addition, the City is relocating approximately feet of the existing channel. The existing channel along this area will be filled as part of the work on private property. The material from this job will be placed on four properties, with a wetlands impact as follows: 1. 3201 Monterey Street-clearing & filling Area=.33 ac. 2. 3117 Edgetone Drive-clearing & filling Area=.15 ac. 3. 3113 Edgetone Drive-clearing & filling Area=.04 ac. 4. 3101 Edgetone Drive-clearing & filling Area=.11 ac. TOTAL AREA= .53 C. These property owners will be receiving fill over a larger area than indicated above, however, the rest will placed on land not in the wetlands. The complete fill areas are indicated on the plans. If you have any questions concerning this explanation, please contact me at 890-3030. Thank You Rick Sago Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Speller, Jr. 3201 Monterey Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 May 12, 1992 Rick Sago MPv "18 1992 City of Raleigh ???ii1 Conservation Engineer II 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Dear Sir: This letter is in response to your correspondence of April 29th asking us to inform the city as to whether we would like to use the dredged material to be taken from the Starmount project (scheduled for Summer 92) and if so, how it would be used. We, the property owners, Harvey Speller, Jr., and June Speller do request the use of a substantial amount of the dredged material. We would like to build up the low-lying areas of our property caused by soil erosion from flooding. The areas adversely affected are areas to the right of the main dwelling and areas directly behind the main dwelling. We are not merely asking for a layer of material , but certain, areas may require a build up of two feet or more. Our desire is that the area affected be built up level with Monterey Street k`n with a gradual slope toward the creek. It is our understanding NVI that this poses no problem as long as we remain out of the floodway. As afore mentioned, this would make use of a substantial amountof the material. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, 4Lb?4)t- ?' 44?' Harvey Jr. and June Speller <. Sa ? 0 C ; ?t Ra. I e t I? Y NCA, r t? -S F. Vona/cl K 3 1 13 /O f-- k C. 1, rv. (,. C?2 6 a y RECEIVED MAY 14 1992 19 7" ? G o, o's c- ?' x e -es s e e 6f"d r o l e c_? ? o -? 11 . n m y ? a c k ? a r d 51 F ?1?in ??1C - /ooC/ o- J'_ 6r? ri -e- h hors 1r0e( 4 -/?•? y ? l ? Ir! or w ???e i? end ec?or. e45 Co, p c,, V1p ,e G? cL n y m o v c I r) ?o r (j), sio Q-efe- 1?4 p ,a Y -?, C. - ?,- May 9, 1992 Rick Sago, City Engineer City of Raleigh 222 West Hargett St. Raleigh, NC 27602 Dear Mr. Sago: r'r, nY 13 1992 G??.:PPIPa$3 i.:i??t'''•..?r;3"!5ltiWe would like to use excess dirt from the proposed Starmount dredging project to fill in our backyard to within the floodway. We would like to have it leveled with our neighbors to the left (3113) and sloped on the right side (Monterey). A prior permit from the city for excess dirt from the sewer and water project restricted us to within 50' of the creekbed. If this will be the floodway, the area up to that will be free for filling. Thank you for your pursuit of this endeavor. Please let us know if we need to do anything else. Sincerely yours, Nancy and Jeff Strong .. May 11, 1992 Mr. Rick Sago Room 602 City of Raleigh 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, NC 27602 ?t?Ck1u?.Ci MAY 0 1992 leL11i.6f91 i:!'1?96jC!?:`i1ih? RE: Starmount/Monterey St. Dredging Project Dear Mr. Sago: In response to your letter of April 29,1992 concerning the disposition of dredged material on my property, I am very much in need of this dredged material for leveling my property and making it more usable. At the present time, I own almost 3/4 of an acre of land, yet because of the steep drop off at the side and back, I am unable to have a place to park cars, have a safe place for children to play, store my camper, or plant a garden. I have also been concerned about the standing water in the low areas. This has been a breeding ground for mosquitoes, rats, etc. and a health hazard. This area is also an eye sore, and if not corrected would adversely affect the salability of my home and property at any future date. Please convey my concerns to the Corp of Engineers. I sincerely hope that the project will move forward rapidly and I am interested in discussing the progress of this project with you at anytime. Sincerely, Theresa Deatherage 3101 Edgetone Drive Raleigh, NC 27604 876-0562 •. WETLAND DETERMINATION FORM COORDINATOR! Paktiawal TIME! 10:00 a.m. DATE. 2/28/92 COUNTY: Wake NEAREST TOWN: Raleigh WATERWAY: 'hi QUAD: East Raleigh LOCATION: unknown creek south Starmount Rd. Tributary to PROPERTY OWNER! (NAME/ADDRESS) PARTY DOING WORK: (NAME/ADDRESS) Marsh Public Utilities Central Engineering Crk. City of Raleigh City of Raleigh P.O. Box 590 P.O. Box 590 _Raleigh, _NC 27602 Raleigh, NC 27602 PHONE : (919) 890 - 3400 Rick PHONE : ( 919).890 - 3030 OTHER INDIVIDUALS PRESENT: Exie Saqo IS PROPERTY UNIFORM X OR SEPARATE DISCRETE VEGETATIVE UNITS VEGETATION:(IN ORDER OF DOMINANCE, DRAW LINE ABOVE NON-DOMINANT SPECIES) TREES:SPECIES-%COVER-INDICATOR GROUND COVER:SPECIES-%COVER-INDICATOR I. Betula Nigra OBL -'250 1. Scirpus Koilole)pis FACW - 30% 2. Liquidambar Styr. FAC _ 200 2. Cyperus Erythrorlmze FAC - 25% 3. Acer Rubrum FAC - 20% 3. 4. Quercus Phellos FACW - 10%4. 5. Platinus Occidentalis FACW - 1005. SAMPLINGS/SHRUBS: 6. 1 Betula Nigra OBL - 20% 7. 2. Liriodendron `I'ulipi, FAC - 5% 8 3. Ilex Opeca =- 3% WOODY VINES: 4. Juglans Nigra FACU - 2% 1. Lonicera Japonica FAC - 10% 5. Cornus Florida FVU - 2% 2- Smilax Bona Nox FAC - 10% % OF DOMINANT SPECIES (OBL.-FAC.) 729; OTHER INDICATORS: N HYDROPI- YT I C VEGETATION: YES X NO BASIS: More than 50% dominant v_egetation OBL FAC and FACW _ TYPICAL: (COMPLETE BELOW) ATYPICAL (COMPLETE BACK) SOIL: SERIES: Applying fine san?foam ON HYDRIC SOILS LIST: YES NO X _ MOTTLED: YES X NO MATRIX COLOR- 10YR5/2 HYDRIC SOILS: YES X NO BASIS. Existence of low chroma _ HYDROLOGY: INUNDATED.- YES X NO DEPTH OF WATER: 2-5 inches SATURATED SOILS: YES X NO DEPTH TO SATURATION/WATER TABLE 2-3 inches OTHER INDICATORS: Inundated sign on all sites WETLAND HYDROLOGY: YES X NO BASIS- Low chrorna, mottled soil and hydric soil ATYPICAL. SITUATION: YES X NO NORMAL CONDITIONS: YES NO WETLAND DETERMINATION! WETLAND: X NON-WETLAND: PHOTOS TAKEN: YES NO X AUTHORITY: 10 404 10/404 NONE JURISDICTION: ABOVE HEADQUARTERS ISOLATED ADJACENT NWP#_ DETERMINED BY! PU14/dm 4,01 OFFIICOti ?p ?yy 4r? O ? G 4 S ?? f''1 n s o? ?+ Mr. Rick Sago Conservation Engineer II City of Raleigh 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, NC 27602 Dear Mr. Sago: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE Southeast Regional Office 9450 Koger Boulevard St. Petersburg, FL 33702 March 23, 1992 F/SE013:JEB MAR 2 6 1992 ceillial L-Ni'lleerifle This is in response co -yuur letter regarding '.:hc Pre-discharge Notification for work proposed by the City of Raleigh, North Carolina, and Endangered Species Act considerations. The shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum), along the Atlantic coast, and the Gulf sturgeon (Asipenser oxyrhynchus desotoi), along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, are the endangered species under the jurisdiction of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) which are most likely to occur in your project area. In the absence of evidence to the contrary it must be assumed that these sturgeon are present and may be adversely affected by your proposed activity. The Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended (ESA) requires that federal agencies consult with the NMFS and/or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) when an action permitted, funded, or carried out by an agency (in this case the Corps of Engineers) may jeopardize the continued existence of, or adversely affect, endangered or threatened species. Therefore it is the responsibility of the Corps of Engineers (COE) to make this determination and consult with the NMFS and FWS. This responsibility cannot be delegated to nonfederal organizations or individuals. I suggest that you contact your local COE District Office. They are aware of the situation and they should contact our office with the appropriate information regarding your project. Sincerely, Charles Oravetz, Chief Protected Species Management Branch 1 J_ 1 ?I ???`Nt or C, 1 W UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration r c NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE °"Arts 01Southeast Regional office 9450 Koger Boulevard St. Petersburg, Florida 33702 March 17, 1992 F/SE021/TLW 919/728-5090 Mr. Rick Sago Conservation Engineer II City of Raleigh 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 MAR jy 1992 'el Dear Mr. Sago: This responds to your letter dated March 10, 1992, for work proposed by the City of.Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. In accordance with provisions contained in the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has reviewed the information you provided and has determined that your proposed action would not adversely affect marine, estuarine, or anadromous fishery resources under the purview of this office. Sin erely yo?rs, ?G An eas Mager, J A istant Regio al Director Habitat Conservation Division Cc: PSMB, St. Petersburg, FL IICD, St. Petersburg; F?, COE, Wilmington, NC a4 ',k` eNT'OF TyF vi O ? a ARCH 3 ?$A United States Department of the Interior FI911 AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Field office Post. Off-ice 13ox 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27(33(3-3726 March 27, 1992 Mr. Rick Sago City of Raleigh 222 West Hargett Street P.O. Box 590 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Dear Mr. Sago: TAKE ¦? ¦ AMMENCNA ? RECEIVED MAR 3 U 1992 tG(1400al L.fit pJJ(:0ilr1 This is in response to your letter of Fecruary 25, 1992, requesting the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) to review and provide comments on the proposed dredging project off of Starmount Drive, Wake County, North Carolina. These comments are provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543) (Act). Based on our records and information provided to us, the service believes that the proposed project will have no adverse impact to Federally-listed endangered or threatened species. Therefore, the requirements of Section 7 of the Act are fulfilled. However, obligations under Section 7 of the Act must be reconsidered if: (1) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered; (2) this action is subsequently modified in a manner which was not considered in this review; or, (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by this action. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these comments during the early planning stages of this project. If we may be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely yours/ L.K. Mike Gantt Supervisor % I "d s sTAi o f.. gfCEIVED MAR 2 G 1992 Cenival Engineering North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James G. Martin, Governor Patric Dorsey, Secretary March 24, 1992 Mr. Rick Sago Conservation Engineer II City of Raleigh P.O. Box 590 Raleigh, N.C. 27602 Division of Archives and History William S. Price, Jr., Director Re: Dredging Project off Starmount Drive, Raleigh, Wake County, ACOE NWP, ER 92-7973 Dear Mr. Sago: Thank you for your letter of February 25, 1992, concerning the above project. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no properties of architectural, historic, or archaeological significance which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as currently proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106, codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. Sincerely, David Brook Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB:slw cc: Wayne Wright, ACOE, Wilmington John Dorney, DEM, DEHNR 109 EastJones Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2807 0 / l? ? Z O H U ao I- o fn + Z d' O -- U O 4 Z F-- w (n F- O J CD z Y < /z J < IL \ r L \\ .-. .- 2 .. O N - w - ca If) C3 C) CL_ \\\ \ ? O O w \ O \ O J V F- m m_ \ \ \? Y LL. w \? m < LL. \ \ (if < I.- \ (n LL O { .? Z \ W (Y < + 0 \ w X U \ Z \ O \ O O \ N \ O Q P \ \\ \ %\ \ { N \ \\ m \\ 9 \ ` r C? \ ?\ \\\ w? \ \ o z \\ ?Z C. `?\\ a \ \ / w \ \1, x ui X , , , a p tY . i I I a ? /L ? Y J L O? / m a`?`1yT+ r rye / iL/rrd ?0?'? Ee 1G? r? rr^rr e / // \\ \ QQ+ .{l U V> N LL O 0) F- F- > (V n Z NO C L ? ? Q CO ox O a LL. N W z o O s F- LO a U w w i _ c F > U tnw tD ..ZX O W J w < z J ?-- fn F- Q J N 1 lV U NIOZ0< O ? ?? 11 V W H Z O O Z W U K w i U) s ven w 1- 1- U i' tD r. Z X O W J W a =_ V J 0- N F < w U' I O ? O'. t L - - k O 17 W ?- t J 1 Z N 0 0 _ O N ? 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N F- cD 0 W Z 0 U z W U W w = cn = a U N W F- ?- U H W O J W < Z U J CL N }- fn F- < /Y U ?o jn t V M r? N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 t J f7 I W I < - S _ U - - \ Y W W - - - Tt I U O (] Q o ' I w rr J O r I L O W t- 0 -j m En C C I I K t 1 I 1 I I _ _ C II C i I I 1 1 - - 0- -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - I I t I t 1 CV r -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - 1 - - - - -- - - -- ?- 1 1 Z a- i C C C I - - - I J I w C Z C < C _ C I I U z CD W U z w U) z <C c.? z GO U CD c? z ? U n_ L n LO N w Q QD w I z 0 U w U7 O U Q U H n o. N N U) w Q )J?-* i.. SyTrA 1 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary October 8, 1992 M E M O R A N D U M TO: John Dorney FROM: Bill Flournoy XS SUBJECT: 401 Certification, Starmount Douglas G. Lewis Director Planning and Assessment OCT - 9199Z I have reviewed the background information on the requested 401 Certification for Starmount/Monterey Street in Raleigh. This response is to that package of information; a site inspection has not ben made, although I am generally familiar with the area; and I acknowledge that I am not current in the intricacies of the 401 Certification Program. The project in question is but one of a number of sites in Raleigh with similar flooding problems. In most cases, a small tributary stream is involved and one or more of the following items have contributed to the problem: o inadequate application of flood hazard regulation, o excessive sedimentation of the stream channel, o insufficient drainage through downstream obstructions, such as streets or fill, o excessive runoff from upstream development, o inappropriate subdivision lot patterns, o inappropriate location of structures. It is recognized that many of the problem areas developed before Raleigh instituted protective regulations, or amended preexisting regulations to incorporate current scientific knowledge. Thus, some of the problem areas are unavoidable and cannot be corrected without either a substantial economic commitment or the sacrifice of additional ecological function: P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-6376 An Fnual nnnortunity Affirmative Artinn Fmnlnver o- !.'- f o acquisition of property and removal of structures under existing FEMA programs, o removing downstream obstructions, o creating upstream retention/storage, o channelization, o wetland and/or floodplain fill. More recently developed areas that evolve flooding problems are another matter. These provide a pretty clear indication that protective regulations (or their administration) are still not sufficient to avoid current and future problems. It is my understanding that Raleigh's City Council has directed a review of these localized flooding problems, but I am unsure whether they are being approached as site specific issues, or as programmatic issues. I sincerely hope that a comprehensive programmatic approach is being taken so this type of problem will not continue to proliferate and continue to demand solutions which have their own economic and environmental down sides. On the question of the specific Starmount/Monterey street project, I offer the following observations. o FEMA based flood hazard regulations do not allow fill or other obstructions within the floodway of streams. Since fill is proposed between the top of bank and the uplands on three lots then the floodway must be within the proposed new channel cross-section. o The 100 feet of vegetated buffer between the houses and stream is not assured. There is a building-envelope on each of these lots, defined by city zoning with the exception of required back and side lot setbacks, upon which the owner may build or otherwise use the land for non-buffer purposes. Once the area is filled, it would be more attractive for such use. o The project may call for the disturbed areas to be revegetated in grasses ... but as noted previously, there is no assurance that this condition will persist. o There also is no assurance that wetlands and vegetation on the west side of the stream will persist as a buffer/filter. The channelization process could effect the existing wetland characteristics. Further, the wetland area may not be protected from future disturbance. Even if it were zoned Conservation Buffer, zoning is subject to change. Only a property interest, such as conservation easement, will give the level of protection suggested. W . i*0,w o On the issue of grassed buffer effectiveness, there should be a substantial difference between the filtering (percolation, entrapment, etc.) characteristics of compacted urban lawns and relatively undisturbed agricultural grassed margins. Sorry, I do not know the literature well enough to know how this might have been addressed in the cited references.. I hope these observations are of some help to you. Let me know if you have any questions or wish to discuss this in more detail. WLFjr:dm AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. Wake County. ss. NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly OF ENVI . MANAGEMENT RONMENTAL commissioned and authorized to administer oaths, affirmations, etc., PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giv- en that the City of Raleigh in appeared Robert M. Woronoff, Jr. personally • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Raleigh, North.Carolina has ap• plied to the Division of Environ• mer51a1 Management for a Wafer who, being duly sworn or affirmed, according to law, doth depose and say Quality Certification pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Treasurer that he is Water Act. and Environmental . ............................................. Management Commission rules in 15A NCAC2H .0500 and 15A of THE NEWS AND OBSERVER PUBLISHING COMPANY, a corporation NCAC 2B .0109. The activity for which the certification is sought organized and doing business under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, is to dredge and enlarge an exist. ing stream channel and thereby and publishing a newspaper known as THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, in the' place lands nd in 1.45 to place acres fill in en City of Raleigh, County and State aforesaid, the said newspaper in which additional 0.63 acres of wetlands for residential fill adjacent to° such notice, paper, document, or legal advertisement was published was, at Marsh Creek in Starmount Sub-; division- near Edgetone Drive the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all of the • and Monterey Street in Wake requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of County. - The public is invited to comment North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section on the above mentioned applica• Lion to the Division of Environ- 1 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, and that as such he makes mental Management. Comments shall be in writing this affidavit; that he is familiar with the books, files and business of said and shall be received the Division no later than October 5, Div . Comments sent mental i corporation and by reference to the files f sal pubblication th attached f l T N.C N.C. Division of of Env ron Q lit U ? (? 1. (, ua Management, Water y Section, Planning Branch, P.O. Box 29535. Raleigh. North Coro- advertisement of ................ ........... . a ' , )ll_t( (?/ 1AX lino 27626-0535. Attention: John Dorney. A copy of the applica• ` l t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • tion is on file eI the Division': Regional Offl a (Raleigh Re- was inserted in the aforesaid newspaper in space and on d tes as follows: gional. Office, 3800 Barrett Drive;, Raleigh, N.C. 27609, 919.571-4700) during normal busi- ness hours and may be inspected MONiby the public. 1 John R. Dorney for 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 11 112113 14 5 116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131 A. Preston Howard, Jr. P.E. North Carolina Divisic - Environmental M{mogement DATE: September 4,1992 N&O: September 18, 1992. The above is correctly copied from the books and files of the aforesaid Corporation and publication. Title TSEAL Sworn or affirmed to, a d subscribe before me, this ........ . .... day of A.D. 19 9) In Testimony Whereof, I ha a here to s t my hand d affixed my official seal, the day and year aforesaid. rvvt, ................................. Notary Public. 2nd July My commission expires . ...... , . day of . , ........ , 19 95 ............. r 06& NWa !ACCOUNT NUMBER 73370150 DATE BILLED 09/18/92 Invoice for LEGAL ADVERTISING ACCOUNT NAME NC DEPT OF EHNR BILLED TO: NC DEPT OF EHNR ENVIRON. MGMT. BUDGET OFFICE PO BOX 29535 RALEIGH NC 27626-0535 remit to: LEGAL AIR DEPT. P.O. BOX 191 RALEIGH, NC 27602 FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE: L"Z -029-4586 SEP 2 3 '92 o. E ," 8lIOGET OFFICE INVOICE NR PUBLICATION DATE DESCRIPTION TF4LWD901 09/18/92 JOHN DORNEY-WATER QUALITY/ N SPACE RATE COST 61.OOL 2.21 TOTAL DUE RETURN REMITTANCE COPY WITH PAYMENT $134.81 $134.81 el k IMO m c f p y ! n O o ° W ° n m w? ~ ` f 3 W O m 2 O r - 70 Z < Z 0 r ° z a v w m m m C O ? o o -Zi W N m ? N 'MO T 9 0 mm N ° O V D m 0 m z 0 v _ 0 Fn M CD < M ° m a y d a 3 ° m Z _ Z W Cl) a = 06 4 Z 0 M m a Z CL .. M o o d m E O o 0 = 6 ; Ic 3 m m w c y 33 Z 3 m N c, ° y r 2 Z Z H A )_ _ D o '-° ° m n Z P- 11- z 10- 10- 11 z o m Z y m n v = C •. o "" m D ,, N r m m 3 V+ z 0 < n o m Z? CO v' D C m 3m t e`J Z M Z -i A n m 4& ^01 ?w+ State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor September A, 1992 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary 1(0 Acting Director The News and Observer P.O. Box 191 Raleigh, N.C. 27602 ATTN: Legal Ad Department Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Public Notice Please publish the attached Public Notice one time in the section set aside for Legal Advertisements in your newspaper. The publication should run on or before September k_-341992. Please send the invoice for publication and three copies of the affidavit of publication to the address given below. Payment cannot be processed without the affidavit of publication. N.C. Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Attn: John Dorney If you have any question concerning this matter, please call me at 919-733-1786. Q S' cerely, Jo R. Dorney Wetlands and Tech cal Review Group JRD/PUbnot cc: John Dorney Raleigh DEM Regional Office REGIONAL OFFICES Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/571-4700 919/946-6481 9191395-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 4+ 11 NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Raleigh in Raleigh, North Carolina has applied to the Division of Environmental Management for a Water Quality Certification pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act and Environmental Management Commission rules in 15A NCAC 2H .0500 and 15A NCAC 2B .0109. The activity for which the certification is sought -is to dredge and enlarge an existing stream channel and thereby place fill in 1.45 acres of wetlands and to place fill in an additional 0.63 acres of wetlands for residential fill adjacent to Marsh Creek in Starmount Subdivision near Edgetone Drive and Monterey.Street in Wake County. The public is invited to comment on the above mentioned application to the Division of Environmental Management. Comments shall be in writing and shall be received by the Division no later than October 512; 1992. Comments should be sent to N.C. Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality Section, Planning Branch, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535, Attention: John Dorney. A copy of the application is on file at the Division's Regional Office (Raleigh Regional Office, 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, N.C. 27609, 919-571-4700) during normal business hours and may be inspected by the public. P eston Howard, Jr. P. orth Carolina Division f Environmental Management DATE: September 4, 1992 pf Fq ? V I i'rj?Il. a?? /Ql rp WETLANDS GROUP WATER OUALITY SECTION City Of 5Vo rth 6Raleigl2 Carolina September 1, 1992 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management NC Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RE: 401 Certification Starmount/Monterey St Dear Mr. Dorney: This letter is in response to your letter dated July, 29, 1992. The City of Raleigh shares your concern for the water quality in the area of our proposed project. However, we feel that we are in substantial compliance with the intent of the 401 Certification requirements and believe that the stream will comply with State Water Quality Standards after the proposed improvements are constructed. I ,have enclosed a marked up map to further explain and clarify the scope of our project. We propose to place fill along the- east side of the proposed project between the new top of bank and the uplands at 3113, 3117 Edgetone Dr. and 3201 Monterey St., as shown on the attached map. However, as shown on the map, the fill placement will not extend to the proposed channel along 3101 Edgetone Dr. There will be approximately a 50' buffer in this area as you requested. We believe that overall water quality will not be compromised by the project as presently designed. To the best of our knowledge, Marsh Creek currently meets State water quality standards and supports its designated use and we do not believe that the project (including the filling of the residential lots) will create any long term condition that might result in a violation of water quality standards. This is based on the following: The only surface drainage directed to the proposed fill areas is that which runs off the single family lots themselves. All of these lots are between one-half and one acre in area and have small percentages of impervious area. OFFICES • 222 WEST HARGETT STREET • RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27602 4 ? Page 2 9/1/92 None of the street drainage travels through this area. There will be at least 100 feet of vegetated area between the houses and the stream which could be considered buffer for water quality concerns. A significant portion of the wetland areas to be filled are presently being used and maintained in grass as residential yard space. The project calls for all disturbed areas to be revegetated in grasses and/or other residential landscaping which would provide pollutant removal similar to the existing condition. The majority of the wetlands and vegetation on the west side of the stream will be maintained as a buffer/filter for the runoff from the commercial development which dominates the west side of the stream. The references provided do not support a need for a 50 foot wetland buffer for water quality. Specifically, Howard (1988) recommends a 50 foot buffer based mostly on habitat and travel corridor concerns and not water quality. Neiswald (1990) indicates that a 50 foot forested buffer is sufficient to protect water quality when the slopes are less than 150 but does not specify the need for wetland buffers. Additional literature indicates that the grassed buffers can be extremely effective in removing pollutants (Gilliam, 1990 and Franklin, 1991). The wetland area's value in storing and treating floodwaters is minimal, according to the references, since the outlet of the stream is not restricted. There is nothing to guarantee that this area will remain as wetlands, forested, or even vegetated since the individual property owners may alter their yards, including the wetland areas at any time based on current wetland regulations. Second, your letter states that "we believe the channelization and four lot fills are the same project". We are concerned with this interpretation since it conflicts with the Corps interpretation that the four fill lots and the channelization are separate projects. You should have received carbon copies of the five letters sent out to the City and the four property owners by the Corps indicating this. We have relied on this interpretation to develop this project. It was our understanding that the Corps would have the authority to determine the extent and severability of individual projects and then the state in turn would review these projects, as defined by the Corps, for compliance with the 401 certification program. Apparently, there is some confusion on Page 3 9/1/92 this issue. Accordingly, we would be grateful if you could provide us with some guidance on this matter and work with the Corps to coordinate interpretations so that we may avoid this conflict in the future. We believe that the project is necessary to address a public safety concern with street flooding and residential flooding. Also, we believe that the fill areas will provide additional berming/flooding protection for existing residential land uses. We also believe that the project as submitted strikes a reasonable balance in addressing the environmental 'issues, including water quality concerns. I hope this letter provides sufficient information for you to issue the 401 Certification for this project. However, if you do not feel that we are complying with the intent of the Certification requirements, we would like to proceed with the public notice process. Feel free to contact me at 890-3030 if you have any questions. Sincerely, 4/4- Rick Sago Conservation Engineer II 401repl2.doc cc: City manager City Engineer files (3) • ? ? O III ? ° _? ?\ \ J F-• O I \ y .. O W I?? O \\x \ No / < I \ \\ \ / U) w I N s m I I 1 \ N/ \\\ U O s 1 I 1 / / // \ \\ \ \ / X M • I 1 II /?/ \\ \\ Z .-. N I 1 I ?/ / W \\\ \\\ -C i N I I Y N .ZH \ \ \? (s \ ?\ V N I I Fv J \` {? ?\\ -Po 0 U) C? 1? 05- \\ \ 111 t t z \ 1 1? N 1-;t j \ ??? J In Z W (y m 1 1 \ . ' y 17 O' + ?? \ H N 11\ NVO >- O R ?ta S ? `?\ W t 1\ ? ,Acr) F- \ < 2 y a>a? z ow ?nozzz o m m ir: CL C j ----- ?p en a' / \? Ana N 'ley // U N / ?c•? Z \ \ ... V U9 m / D 0 T L) C) m N m m \ O O r D \ N CL t0 Fes` X H \ TY Yi ?N -I p-?' - ?w o O ( 1 z \ z - lyli I J \ cD \ \ xa I I O [x o 0 tA- \ \ tM I I w w \ \ m I I 1 Iz Z N o N : w \ + \? \ r I I?t Iv l11 L?t/1 In IV?1 1 r O US \ N \ ?X v Q tnr-m \ W ;?rti? I I I IW W N o 0 J W 7 O I 1 ~ o?-a J \ ?7 §4 N M azo N < i _ N U \ i l?z \\ CO I. iv \?`L 11 0 (2 IN it 0 "1 Q Q J \ V n ? \ (- ; Q '? ?? o I y -j W (f) m z O J \ N ' °0 O Z (? \ 1 \ \ \ W J >- LL) < ?,?' w 30 ? \ 1 Y wl , Wm! `r i \ I , M `r I .A ' / UZ'co 04, (D M h t \ + U 1 / b v N Q `lox: N N N Z >- \ 0 1 ?? \ ..,w.p"' z M t 0~ < \ J 1 \ O < I w L'7 Z W j Z z \ 1? I W C9 `O N _N?HO? O +O I w F 0. m N l VI aaaao c\I xozzza t o Z M O O n a w z 0 F- w C9 ° \ W \rl J w U 0) 0 O Q II M ? Z LI 2+0 ' a l /' CL Z < / vl < . _ C < _ < OW W Z O °j 1 I O M (P w U_ U O m ti Ir Z m 1 CO U' < V) \ W 1=- ` 1 I 7 d' 7 D N ° 0- M W ^ oo a W t<' ° < rte. z 1 1 a N= z 7 U*) 0 J '. O N C• 2 _ 11 N '- O O 1- = c Z rll I L 1 3 11 CL > 0 F, 'a?` tD N ? 1 1 I I l I VN7 s zz ? Z+ - l t1 Ji l, W ? V W l ' ? LW)i a W • _ { \ \ N ?? I' Z \ b ? O 11 \- ? w \ 1 ° W _ o ° 11 1 co IUJ LLII - LL > • c1d CL H LL O 3 1 p+00 I ?`? N 2 W_ W L 1 .•7 W z CL 0 N ?v M (0 I \ .. + O f! - .J _j // / \ \ SO O 1 • F- m F- D z -at -a C\j 0- IL :mt de S `T f' U) w W ? 40 ° U N 0_ At+O \ ? / I j Wz \ w d_ / / / ' ? ? IL q / ? a. 6v Z w U / d / L>/ / 1 U 0= H W \ / W / Y lJ ? I ? W •- O - Y / O m M / o ' „ ? -3 o ? W/ / U ? 0 1- O / Q / /It / N • Q,• CL 0- 0 >_ OD V) w 0 / /O \ 1 - O O / _ / Ox ? / j! O m < N W N LL_ n?z 1 J W O w w / /// / / \?\ ? h. N Z Z ? fA ? / / / / ?\ ° / ?\ O M v) assn z ozzz O W oF. -+ IAN LL_ - / / ? O Y to f- . C:' NC U_ w w w 04 0 NO / / /O ?\\\ m < N Oz O < j 11 19 U) a- C3 (L / i wo_< e'` A/1t ° State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and-Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Acting Director July 29, 1992 Mr. Richard Sago Conservation Engineer City of Raleigh 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, N.C. 27602 Dear Mr. Sago: RE: Starmount/Monterey Street Dredging Project Wake County DEM # 92265 As a follow up to our telephone conversation of 23 July 1992, the N.C. Division of Environmental Management has the following objections to the abovementioned project as proposed. We believe that the stream channelization and four lot fills are the same project since the sand from dredging will be placed on the lots as described in the application package. We have no water quality concerns with the stream channelization as a solution to the severe flooding problems in the area as long as the area is restored to its oroginal contour after channelization is completed. I also believe that some (if not most) of the lot flooding will be alleviated once the stream channel can carry the two year storm. However removal of the wetlands adjacent to the stream is of concern with regard to water quality. It is still somewhat unclear but apparently the City's plan is to fill basically all of the wetlands between the new stream channel and the present upland on the four residential lots. It is very clear in the scientific literature that wetlands provide vital buffers for streams to protect water quality (see attached draft report for background). This function is especially important in urban locations where nonpoint sources of pollution are treated by the wetland. The scientific literature indicates that a 50 foot buffer would be needed adjacent to a permanent stream to ensure water quality. As you know several of the lots (noteably 3117 Edgetone, 3113 Edgetone and 3101 Edgetone Drive) have had fill in the past and there is less than 50 feet between the present fill and the planned stream channel. Therefore we believe that REGIONAL OFFICES Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/733-2314 9191946-6481 9191395-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution Prevention Pays 7015 P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733- Mr. Richard Sago July 29, 1992 Page 2 additional fill on these lots could not be approved as part of this project due to water quality concerns. At 3201 Monterey Street, about 0.15 acres of fill adjacent to Monterey Street and the existing home could be approved without water quality concerns. This amount of fill is based on a 50 foot setback from the new stream. I believe that there are two ways to proceed on this project. If the City persists in intending to provide fill for the lots beyond that discussed for 3201 Monterey Street, I will have to put the project out to public notice, wait about two weeks for public comment and then (based on our present knowledge of the project) recommend to the Director of the Division of Environmental Management that he deny the 401 Certification for this project. I anticipate that this entire process would take about one month unless a public hearing is held. In that case, a total of three months would be expected. As you know, there can be no 404 Permit if a 401 Certification is denied. Alternatively if the project is modified along the lines discussed above, I can issue a 401 Certification immediately. Please advise which process the City wishes to follow. I am well aware of the severe flooding problems at the site (especially at 3201 Monterey Street) since I live within one mile of the area and have driven past this site innumerable times in the past five years. However I cannot ignore the fact that a portion of these wetlands are providing significant water quality benefits which would be removed with the avoidable lot fill.. I can be reached at 733-1786 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jo n R. Dorney Wetlands and Tec nical REview Group starmount.ltr/ JRDa cc: Karl Schaffer, Raleigh Regional Office Central Files Mr. John Thomas, Raleigh Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers `18 July 6, 1992 L WETLANDS GRE WATER QUALITY SEC: wi . MEMORANDUM To: John Dorney e_ Through: Arthur Mouberry, P.E.egional Supervisor m Donnelly, P.E.- Regional Water Quality Supervisor From: Karl Shaffer- Soil Scientist Subject: 401 Certifications; Projects No. 92265, 92309 1. Starmount Drive/Monterey Street. Project No. 92265- Wake County. I have reviewed this area on site with Rick Sago- engineer for the project for city of Raleigh. The proposal is to dredge a tributary of Marsh Creek (class C NSW) in the Neuse watershed. This channel has been silted in due to upstream construction. The result is that Starmount Drive and Monterey streets flood frequently with heavy rains. Additionally, one property and home flood seriously at these times. The RRO has no objection to the dredging activity to restore the channel capacity. The second portion of the proposal is to use the dredged material to fill private lots adjacent to the stream. This fill volume would vary on the differing lots. I feel that this should be treated as one large project, because the impact is to one area. The application feels that each individual area of fill for the respective property owners (each less than one acre), should be automatically granted under the nationwide permitting system. My recommendations for the entire project are as follows: -Lot owned by Harvey and June Speller at 3201 Monterey Street floods frequently and severely. This lot may accept fill as long as 50 feet of natural floodplain remain : between the edge of the fill and the re-established creek channel. The fill is to be gradually sloped to the floodway. The fill is to be planted and maintained in permanent vegetative cover. -Lot owned by Jeff and Nancy Strong at 3117 Edgetone Drive has had extensive fill in the past. This fill comes to within several feet of the existing channel. This remaining floodplain is valuable for a buffer to the new channel area. The RRO requests that no fill be allowed on this lot. -Lot owned by Donald Lake at 3113 Edgetone Drive has had extensive fill in the past right to the creek channel. The existing floodplain should be allowed to remain as a buffer to the new channel. The RRO requests that no fill be allowed on this lot. % a Memo.to John Dorney Page -2- -Lot owned by Theresa Deatherage at 3101 Edgetone Drive has some areas which could accept fill with little water quality impacts. The proposed fill will remain at least 60 feet from the proposed creek channel, so adequate floodplain buffer will remain. An existing culvert will be rerouted, but will outlet at non-erosive velocities to the floodplain and not directly to the creek. The RRO has no problem with addition of fill material here to within the confines drawn on the proposed plans. These wetlands 'are of moderate value. They are in an area highly developed for commercial and residential use. To that extent, they are one of the few remaining wetland areas in the immediate vicinity. Water quality benefits and wildlife habitat are both important aspects of the wetlands area. John, please review these comments and recommendations, and contact Rick Sago with city of Raleigh at 890-3031. He would like to hear as soon as possible what decisions will be reached on the 401 certification so he can proceed with his plans. If you have any questions or seethe need to diverge greatly from my recommendations, please give me a call. 2. New Light Farm; Project No. 92309- Wake County. I visited this site on June 30, 1992. The applicant proposes to fill in existing drainage ditches through a pasture and have the Soil Conservation Service design some grassed waterways to handle the stormwater flow. This will benefit water quality in the area by removing the cows from the direct water channel, and by allowing filtration of stormwater through grassed strips instead of unlined ditches. No negative impacts are foreseen on this project. A rating sheet was not done, but the value of the existing ditches is quite low. The RRO recommends a 401 be issued for the project as soon as possible. The applicant would like to have all permits in hand soon so as to begin work in August and seed the waterways before winter comes. The ditches and pasture drain towards New Light Creek in the Neuse River watershed- class C NSW. ? ?"4•,t Project No. or description ar / /Y y r? `r j?? c>1 rz P,,1 S r e " d a FWPI Location County l k-- Nearest road or town River basin Nearest stream :?• /YIaY,G? ('r?Plc and classification O ti-tW Evaluator Agency and, address ?E./V,( Date and time evaluated,&,,,/-- 3C? /9°2 5 = 3CJ Major Wetland Type 1' L? ( Approximate size or wetland system_acres Approximate extent of wetlands in area acres within miles /,.#/e Three most commonPlant species n"'Mr";°-?? ; of a2 a (in order) : Soil Series (if known) Hydrologic indicators Direct surface hydrologic connection? ,yE NO Existing Conditions Drainage ti12->n cd /?i%r/?JY A ? -? e%?ta n ct?tc? ' !?<Yr? rG !? if L?/C?p? Disturbance tip, Restoration potential T ,•?1zy fry Restoration value` Is site known to provide habitat for rare, endangered or threatened species? .,(/ If so, list species observed or recorded. Item No. I. Location /Landscape 1 Natural area buffer 2 Sensitive watershed 3 Dispersal corridor system II. Ecological Values 4 Special ecological attributes 5 Wildlife habitat 6 Aquatic life 7 Water storage 8 Streambank stabilization 9 Removal of pollutants III. Human Values 10 Outdoor recreation/education 11 Economic value Total score Score (circle one) 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 0 0 5 4 3 9 1 0 5 4 2 1 0 5 4 3 O 1 0 5 4 5, 2 1 0 5 4 2 1 0 5 4 2 1 0 5 4 3 (? 1 0 5 4 3 2 r? :!D 0 2 S A? Site description and notes: ,`^??'i'?'"Y?.-- ?.?1_.[*:2?i ??r.1'.v,•t? .• /it-?nC.e Q ?.d-?f..? -??v`?Gi?:?.,? G(,,G? ?s ...,?-;.[)?': ;;Z ,-•?T'/..a 1-?.? 1 13 it ;?.: ( 0 'f- ?cY!-Gr7'nn.? 'i?J? ?/! ?a.,c ??: ? .v-rC , ?cr?-L f2? ?i ? ? D a.co .%rc•?-r.7 ??' C?.k G%2`z.:°?/ ?fi".?iJ?7rr1i C ? ?il?? /'.?;'',y?. ?u_%.fi':c'?.,, .?.??1? ?•;?, ??'?.I?f, ' ?\J ; ' ... ? '? - h I li- •? I?ry I.. 1'? // P ,jam - :? it r \ r v x - J E?? ' '? / ?t -P. it - I - L^? is r .? - - t ?•' .7 v\ r ' ?-/?' ?! !?-? l >,??'? ? y? ??? ? I, •r?°` ? .. %?/.. , T__= ICI r/? _ ??\x `-•? I,!II• `• L! ?? it I• J` ._,i'II3 1? \ FGAn ?,I '?l 11 ?? - .? u ? _ j-1 I . u • I v , iop .11...; '' (I I ?Gll1 ,•\li:- ?/ 11 _ \//j b• ` /^ ->\? \\ ?? •? \. ?•} $ a :4 "' '? ??? ?.??? \' • ,1 _lr? 'z , . II, ?,\ ^I ???- - \ ?' 1 i _.r AW, _•=?:'I 1 \, 1. I -'??.\,l? '?..?? l o- - I, n I •I 'Il?• 1 7f EL J. J - - - -- `l - ..i- _1 LL/ ?--)G?•? ;l?k? v'a - ?i ? 1 :1? \ ?, t ,rte. I ?-?-'•?? ?' _ ,1?. ?l ?\?. - _ ? r ,? •:;'; '\\?l 1\j ??. /' 'I ?//\ I? II' { I` •??r'.N` ? l ?7.'u..-_. =?'\•• 1 ??•?"??\ I I =?1? „ ? ?. 1, \ r al -'j?` L?je ?? j } \Sr\ ??' li•\\:? ? '\N .. ?-, - ,1 , .?\J t l`l. ?., ,I •7i ` \ Ire ? ,\?: -L , ? ? J . x ?,? \ ?"? rte-`'" _ . J Irv. ?\•- \?..? '1?.. \? ? , s ^+ 1 ?? _-,? I! ' I I , . I \: ? ?? I f i ' - ? ? i:R l\,?, •... _ . !v\?_\ ?nI \ if--J'?- It j .',FI ? (? ?-'??7 - ? ?I a4' y ? ?C -c.. ' I??%?pG?/ta r ???j i l v ' l•L,.. ;G??t?nr, - J11--' II•,? ?. i. ?? _ -? - I .. it ??'' ??,? 250 OIL- Tc, 01, - VN k"t, 17, k4l tilt ov, ?Ujt S\ At ]? v L Ci_ c a City Of 6Raleigh 5Vorth Carolina Y 20, Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management NC Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RE: 401 Certification Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed please find 7 copies of the application and related material for a 401 certification for the City of Raleigh's Starmount/Monterey St. Dredging Project. This project is proposed to eliminate the periodic flooding of Starmount Drive and Monterey Street. The problem is the result of the gradual silting in of the existing creek channel, as well as, the outlet of the dual 54" culverts under Starmount Drive over the past several years. Currently the creek is little more than a low area, with no well defined channel. Also, the outlets of the culverts are approximately 7' below the channel. As shown on the enclosed plans, the. City proposes to dredge and enlarge the existing channel. However, there is one area where we propose to relocate the channel to better approximate the original location, as shown on our maps.. This channel has been designed to carry the 2 year storm. It is also proposed to raise the inverts of the culverts approximately 2' and realign them to better line up with the channel. we plan to raise the inverts to minimize the excavation required for the channel. This will allow a more narrow channel, which will help to minimize the impact on the wetlands. The city has received requests for excess material from four property owners along the east side of the channel (see enclosed letters). It is my understanding that these property owners are allowed to place fill in the wetlands on their property as long as they do not fill more than one acre. According to my calculations, none of the property owners will be filling in more than one acre. Also, none will be filling more than one third of an acre, which is under the amount which would require a 401 OFFICES • 222 WEST HARGETT STREET • RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27602 a • May 20, 1992 Page 2 certification. Therefore, if allowed, the City plans to supply the property owners with material, as well as, grade it for them . If you have any questions concerning this project, please contact me at 890-3030. Sincerely, ;41/14- Rick Sago conservation Engineer II cc: City Engineer Beckom Civil Engineer II Files (3) dorney.doc 4 DEM ID: JOINT APPLICATION FORM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO THE DISTRICT ENGINEER NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION CONCURRENCE NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE INDIVIDUAL SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 ACTION ID: WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626--0535 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO.THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAME: SEE ATTACHED 2. OWNERS ADDRESS: SEE ATTACHED 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (HOME): (WORK) : 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: Jimmie Beckom, P.E. 890-3030 Citv of Raleigh 222 W. Hargett Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 5. LOCATION OF PLANNED WORK (ATTACH MAP). COUNTY: Wake NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: Raleigh SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.): Starting approximately 240 ft north of Starmount on Tributary to Marsh Creek south to approximately 230 ft north of Trawick Road (SR 2206) 6. NAME OF CLOSEST STREAM/RIVER: Marsh Creek 7. RIVER BASIN: Neuse 8. IS THIS PROJECT LOCATED IN A WATERSHED CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, OR WS II? YES [ ] NO [X] 9. HAVE ANY SECTION. 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES [ ] NO [X) IF YES, EXPLAIN. 10. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: 2.96 ac. 2/3/92 -2- 11. NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLAND IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT: FILLED: SEE ATTACHED DRAINED: FLOODED: EXCAVATED: TOTAL IMPACTED: 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (ATTACH PLANS): Dredge & enlarge creek channel 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK,: Eliminate flooding of Starmount Drive and Monterev Street 14. STATE REASONS WHY THE APPLICANT BELIEVES THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. ALSO, NOTE MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS. This is where the channel that is silted in is located. This channel must be dredged to allow the water to flow to-eliminate _ the, flooding We will do most work from east side of channel to minimize impact on wetlands on west side. 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OR ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES [X] NO [ ] RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE ATTACHED. 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT? HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES [X] NO [ ] RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE ATTACHED. 17. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DEM: A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, AND LAKES ON THE PROPERTY. B. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. D. IF A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT, ATTACH COPY. E. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? Residential on east side Commercial on west. F. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? jq? C S/?I SIGNATURE t' S C' 1TI FNCA ? fz DATE L U u eun u usu? ratl?E't ?u' L? ?1r' U , Apts. i. U) hL?c Ashlon Square + m h shopping ca. Lee Rd. Rd • 26 p eaurnon w Ho X70° 3800 z800 B .? e 2300 toffon IT p i rl h Rd. eadow m ' SumnlerA-p G- - - ;? l ore 9e 3 O J ?. mslo g vfarte Old e, Rr o Dust Ln. m 0 00 Ar n Arb Ct. 9 3600 -, 0900 a- Z _ o , `??; she Dr w ?? = Sue Ellen Dr. d ?. f 7P g ,? s `? ? o i o `flo L S am onot. e ?8 G o SUMMIT RIDGE ?c L Q "? 4 •i S d -, n? Q?Q de Ct• p dale. b '=dim In ram Dr. C'Ca c3 x a -- Rd.. 3400 = 37. `." V f} \ Uro B1S1ja1o 360?. 3800 \Bientwood Elern. Mrlin f ` Q g C Q cn 1 0 -? son. g g o Ct. i7an a p1a 3,00 d o = o La?icelot o e T 0 D 3,00 (n 0 f0 ? `` 7 1- 0 ti e Ln. Ct. )RENTWOOD Q L' ?. a I ? lT ry I _ _i ?? V $ 3P0 Scott Dr U° n Donna Rd. 3400 ?o _ 3jp0 -MU--3607 PI. Gienraven Dr. stop - a Gemini r. ° Q. o ° ,? 3800 Memory Ln. Woodlea R o Y /? o G`. C'„ \\\ Dr C by 3400 p.. ter dory 3600 3100 .a ?g f STARMDUNT t or. o Ma herY CD 0 I, cv LtR( ? yflo Sf 3 - - - - - = - - iA 3op0 Hechinger ; am dNt 3400 (f) pieza O, vnf 3300 Dr: Hal f?cock 1 0 m (^ Shopping Center ? 3900 J. $ mou6k o Star ? Astro Ct. n L _ 4 b - Edgetone Pin urst Dr. ?j9p0 Dr i < w? N ?td? ec?e $o lelR°Sch. s G O Q? P, Trawick a7 tiger Q` I zeoo z9 . d. W o S ONEY BROOK Traw r co NURTII c. 3p°0 lck 1 O O BROADLANDS 7ireR Rd. ---3500 0 ?, odd r- 401 ??` ?• ?? N-3? p t? (0? 3? lD \oc G?. co Q Gariornbe Ar. N : 0 o eye Dr. E. 8 ernhl ?ckersharn Ieae00 Shopping Center` l 0 0 C< lay west er >' CJ -QN a) 0 N. QQ e Derbyshire pl. Rf s /CY 7? a z6oo ?:'' iy E. James $ z U 6o Clonnel J Rd. w ?q Grate ( N- ?0cp sm Brad Gc o 1 v p 3 EG ??° t 4= a S 28 o` Neptun' o Pe tG? ?? 3400 $ 0 -3 d n Dr. PL C/) (D > Q ?• Mc Crac e . R leigh City Limits ?' Planet o-_ 0 400 3500 o W 0 ---??}. ui k crest 10 erfualn o ? $ r ` c 3000 Dr. , 3100 r _ Sk crest pr I $ CO _ CO 3300 S 3500 Sk . rest Dr. / D " .oo Dr. 3700 I , IRr v o / I D Dogwoo Dr -v oc SKYCREST VILTUA 'IQ Dogwood Dr. - fo ? Cp ?.1 (, ? W ?e m od'"Ont Dr. Piedmont A? T r- D g a COLEWOOD ACRES rr piedmont Dr. w n TIMBERtAK COIEW00 r,M i • CRTS, Inc. 3116 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Richard J. Goodman 3110 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27610 Wayne & Walt Gibson Brentwood 76 2757 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Alex Blackman 3019 Edgetone Dr. Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. James Matthew 2909 Trawick Rd. Raleigh, NC 27604 J.T. Hobby & Son, Inc. PO Box 18506 Raleigh, NC 27609 Ms. Theresa Deatherage 3101 Edgetone Dr. Raleigh, NC 27604 Ms. Sonia K. Bradshaw 3105 Edgetone Dr. Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Charles Overton 3109 Edgetone Dr. Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Donald Lake 3113 Edgetone Dr. Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Jeffery Strong 3117 Edgetone Dr. Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Harvey Speller 3201 Monterey St. Raleigh, NC 27604 As stated in the cover letter, our project will involve dredging and enlarging the existing channel with four adjacent property owners using the excess material on their private property. The City's project will involve excavating approximately .97 ac. in the wetland along with clearing an additional .48 ac. for access and construct ioofi--\This puts the City's total impact at approximately 1.45 c. In addition, the City is relocating approximately feet of the existing channel. The existing channel along this area will be filled as part of the work on private property. The material from this job will be placed on four properties, with a wetlands impact as follows: 1. 3201 Monterey Street-clearing & filling Area=.33 ac. 2. 3117 Edgetone Drive-clearing & filling Area=.15 ac. 3. 3113 Edgetone Drive-clearing & filling Area=.04 ac. 4. 3101 Edgetone Drive-clearing & filling Area=.11 ac. TOTAL AREA= C.63 C. These property owners will be receiving fi7.]_ over a larger area than indicated above, however, the rest will placed on land not in the wetlands. The complete fill areas are indicated on the plans. If you have any questions contact me at 890-3030. Thank You Rick Sago concerning this explanation, please a'% / , . - T1r. and Mrs. Harvey R. Speller, Jr. 3201 Monterey Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 May 12, 1992 Rick Sago MP,, :18 1992 City of Raleigh Conservation Engineer IId1?i:Sitf:g,,•t; 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Dear_ Sir: This letter is in response to your correspondence of April 29th asking us to inform the city as to whether we would like to use the dredged material to be taken from the Starmount project (scheduled for Summer 92) and if so, how it would be used. We, the property owners, Harvey Speller, Jr., and June Speller do request the use of a substantial amount of the dredged material. We would like to build up the low-lying areas of our property caused by soil erosion from flooding. The areas adversely affected are areas to the right of the main dwelling and areas directly behind the main dwelling. We are not merely asking for a layer of material , but certain areas may require a build up of two feet or more. Our desire is that the area affected be built up level with Monterey Street with a gradual slope toward the creek. It is our understanding ?o that this poses no problem as long as we remain out of the floodway. As afore mentioned, this would make use of a substantial amountof the material. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, W"4)t- ?' 4,6, Harvey Jr. and June Speller ! a (1 If? ?, J C) Ra I e C( h Y a, c. 5 J U.,/ o n c-- iu <% a N t,- 3113 Ede e ? 7 r-- 0 ?-- kcl- 1, rv.0. c? 76aK RECEIVED MAY 14 1992 19 (V r :S a?o f to 4 C >< e s s C? c ?..? USc?C/ ra ?' r E 7lar r-»oc?F1'7` ro ' y ? J c? ?o -?? 11 r, Yn y ?rA- ck COL . 5 1 o L? ('t n r n I /a o Cr w `f a IZ d ?l / ?° 6 r i ?t hors 1.0 )-c o-? we Tkc-nK ou- ?or o r Y c,- f ? ScA- V d? ?1?5? c? II o? W (, ?,4e i? d t o cl Y cL in y r no c e i n or l o'?- s 4 May 11, 1992 Mr. Rick Sago Room 602 City of Raleigh 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, NC 27602 RE: Starmount/Monterey St. Dredging Project Dear Mr. Sago: M AY 1 ?? 1992 In response to your letter of April 29, 1992 concerning the disposition of dredged material on my property, I am very much in need of this dredged material for leveling my property and making it more usable. At the present time, I own almost 3/4 of an acre of land, yet because of the steep drop off at the side and back, I am unable to have a place to park cars, have a safe place for children to play, store my camper, or plant a garden. I have also been concerned about the standing water in the low areas. This has been a breeding ground for mosquitoes, rats, etc. and a health hazard. This area is also an eye sore, and if not corrected would adversely affect the salability of my home and property at any future date. Please convey my concerns to the Corp of Engineers. I sincerely hope that the project will move forward rapidly and I am interested in discussing the progress of this project with you at anytime. Sincerely, Theresa Deatherage 3101 Edgetone Drive Raleigh, NC 27604 876-0562 i WETLAND DETERMINATION FORM COORDINATOR: Paktiawal TIME: 10.:00 a.m. DATE: 2/28/92 COUNTY: Wake NEAREST TOWN: Raleigh WATERWAY: y QUAD! East Raleigh LOCATION: unknown creek south Starrnount Rd. Tributary to PROPERTY OWNER: (NAME/ADDRESS) PARTY DOING WORK! (NAME/ADDRESS) Marsh Public Utilities Central Engineerinq Crk. City of Ralejqh City of Raleigh P.O. Box 590 P.O. Box 590 _Raleigh, NC 2760.2 Raleigh, NC 2760-2- PHONE! (919 ) _f_90 - 3400 PHONE : ( 919). 890 - 3030 OTHER INDIVIDUALS PRESENT: Eerie Saqo IS PROPERTY UNIFORM X OR SEPARATE DISCRETE VEGETATIVE UNITS VEGETATION:(IN ORDER OF DOMINANCE, DRAW LINE ABOVE NON-DOMINANT SPECIES) TREES:SPECIES-%COVER-INDICATOR GROUND COVER:SPECIES-%COVER-INDICATOR 1. Betula Nigra OBL -'250 1. Scirpus Koilolepis FACW - 30% 2. Liquidambar Styr. FAC = 200 2. Cyperus Erythrorlmze FAC - 25% 3. Acer_ Rubrum F'AC - 20% 3. 4. Quercus Phellos FACW - 10%4. 5. Platinus Occidentalis FACW - 1005. SAMPLINGS/RUBS 6. 1_ Betula Nigra OBL - 20$ 7. 2. Liriodendron Tulipi. FAC - 5% B. 3. Ilex Opeca MU - 3% WOODY VINES! 4• Juglans Nigra FA-CU - 2% 1- Lonicera Japonica FAC - 10% 5- Cornus Florida FFA - 2% 2. Smilax Bona Nox FAC - 10% % OF DOMINANT SPECIES (OBL.-FAC.)72!? OTHER INDICATORS!_Uon HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION: YES X NO BASIS: More than 50% dominant v-e9etation OBL EA _C acid FACW _ TYPICAL: (COMPLETE BELOW) ATYPICAL (COMPLETE BACK) SOIL: SERIES: Applying fine sanay_ oam _ ON HYDRIC SOILS LIST: YES NO X _ MOTTLED: YES X NO MATRIX COLOR: 10YR5/2 HYDRIC SOILS: YES X NO_ BASIS . Existence of low chroma. HYDROLOGY! INUNDATED: YES X NO DEPTH OF WATER: 2-5 inches SATURATED SOILS: YES X NO DEPTH TO SATURATION/WATER TABLE 2-3 inches _ OTHER INDICATORS: Inundated siqn on all sites WETLAND HYDROLOGY: YES X NO BASIS., Low chrona, mottled soil and hydric soil ATYPICAL SITUATION: YES X NO NORMAL CONDITIONS! YES NO WETLAND DETERMINATION! WETLAND: X NON-WETLAND: PHOTOS TAKEN: YES NO X AUTHORITY: 10 404 10/404 NONE_ JURISDICTION: ABOVE HEADQUARTERS ISOLATED ADJACENT NWP#_ DETERMINED By! PUI.4/dm aPt?"Al Or COti4?p n V n A VP tit[S 01 Mr. Rick Sago Conservation Engineer II City of Raleigh 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, NC 27602 Dear Mr. Sago: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE Southeast Regional Office 9450 Koger Boulevard St. Petersburg, FL 33702 March 23, 1992 F/SE013:JEB MI .R G 1992 I Oirlial Gp?It180r1rl? 'I'bis is in response co -yuut IEi.Lcr regarding tho 'Pre-discharge Notification for work proposed by the City of Raleigh, North Carolina, and Endangered Species Act considerations. The shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum), along the Atlantic coast, and the Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus desotoi), along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, are the endangered species under the jurisdiction of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) which are most likely to occur in your project area. In the absence of evidence to the contrary it must be assumed that these sturgeon are present and may be adversely affected by your proposed activity. The Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended (ESA) requires that federal agencies consult with the NMFS and/or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) when an action permitted, funded, or carried out by an agency (in this case the Corps of Engineers) may jeopardize the continued existence of, or adversely affect, endangered or threatened species. Therefore it is the responsibility of the Corps of Engineers (COE) to make this determination and consult with the NMFS and FWS. This responsibility cannot be delegated to nonfederal organizations or individuals. I suggest that you contact your local COE District Office. They are aware of the situation and they should contact our office with the appropriate information regarding your project. Sincerely, Charles Oravetz, Chief Protected Species Management Branch + 'TN' `N 2 ? J O "41 or UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE ice rATK,o1 Southeast Regional office 9450 Koger Boulevard St. Petersburg, Florida 33702 March 17, 1992 F/SE021/TLW 919/728-5090 Mr. Rick Sago Conservation Engineer II City of Raleigh ;Z ?11?G 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 MAR 19 1992 Dear Mr. Sago: for work This responds to your letter dated March 10, 1992, proposed by the City of Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. In accordance with provisions contained in the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has reviewed the information you provided and has determined that your proposed action would not adversely affect marine, estuarine, or anadromous fishery resources under the purview of this office. Sin rely yo rs, Aneas Mager, J Assistant Regio al Director Habitat Conservation Division cc: PSMB, St. Petersburg, FL IICD, St. Petersburg, FT, COE, Wilmington, NC UMOS? (y?y i 4 J4ti._ _.d°J? 1 United States Department of the Interior FISII AND WILDLIF , SEItVICT' Raleigh Field 01'11ce 1'ost Office 13ox 3,3726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27(1:3(6-:3726 Mr. Rick Sago City of Raleigh 222 West Hargett Street P.O. Box 590 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Dear Mr. Sago: (Act). March 27, 1992 This is in response to your letter of Fecruary requesting the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and provide comments on the proposed dredging Starmount Drive, Wake County, North Carolina. provided in accordance with the provisions of Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 ¦ TAIL ¦?? AMEFJCNA? t.ti i;EIVE D 1W/ '3 U 1992 25, 1992.; (Service) to review project off of These comments are Section 7 of the U.S.C. 1531-1543) Based on our records and information provided to us, the Service believes that the proposed project will have no adverse impact to Federally-listed endangered or threatened species. Therefore, the requirements of Section 7 of the Act are fulfilled. However, obligations under Section 7 of the Art must be reconsidered if: (1) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered; (2) this action is subsequently modified in a manner which was not considered in this review; or, (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by this action. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these comments during the early planning stages of this project. If we may be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely yours, L K_ V `'sic L.K. Mike Gantt supervisor ? ? ??;,+ stniF MI-1(Z 26 1992 ? North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James G. Martin, Governor Patric Dorsey, Secretary March 24, 1992 Mr. Rick Sago Conservation Engineer II City of Raleigh P.O. Box 590 Raleigh, N.C. 27602 Re: Dredging Project off Starmount Drive, Raleigh, Wake County, ACOE NWP, ER 92-7973 Dear Mr. Sago: Division of Archives and History William S. Price, Jr., Director Thank you for your letter of February 25, 1992, concerning the above project. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no properties of architectural, historic, or archaeological significance which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as currently proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106, codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. Sincerely, David Brook Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB:slw cc: Wayne Wright, ACOE, Wilmington John Dorney, DEM, DEHNR 109 East ones Street 0 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2807 / ?0 \\ v tD \\ z 0 H F- U Of O F- O Cn + Z `- O J CD Z X \\ 0.- t \ N \\` U 0- \ \` \ W \\ O < +, \` z ~ \\ w cn F- J \ \\ \ \ < ? O • (] m ?? a > > > z \. o ?ozzi o w \ ?` J !- F- w Co ... ? O \ ?` X LL. Fr: ?? 2 W \ ?? < CL F ? CO < LL \ ? H ? (n a. 0 \ < Z \ W < \ 4 D \ X U \ rr O \ 0 N \ w \ \ m \ \\ JS C) \ \ `\\ F- w \ \ \` Z \? O? Z t \\\\ w C) U J \ \ 1 . 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L J 7 \ ?"C? of-- Phone AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION Message / C lhd? ef)VI A0 '?J Signed TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL N (I Want. of Environment. Health, and Natural Resources 02'r 13(J Printed on Recycled Paper IMPORTANT 0 To Date ZO ?l Time WHILE YOU WERE OUT M asp-r' C of Phone AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION Message Signe TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL N.C. Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources OD' Printed on Recycled Paper IMPORTANT To 1 Ot K _ Date I(/ LAD Time WHILE YOU WERE OUT M r? 1(Sd of Phone AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION Message v r- 0\ Signed TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL N r. Want. of Environment. Health, and Natural Resources ??? Printed on Recycled Paper IMPORTANT To eDk' t. a,,. Date Time WHILE YOU WERE OUT M ^G? x?... ra of- Phone _ AREA COOE NUMBER EXTENSION Message Signed TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL N (: Want. of Environment. Health, and Natural Resources ??? Printed on Recycled Paper 7 ' State of Nlor -i Carolina 4 Uepa.rrr.o.ent of T3nviro-riim .t, Htalth, and Natural. Resources Division of Environmental iVi.ana.getr,era P.O. Pox 29535 Raleigh, NC 27025-0535 hre.% R QTJn".Z.ITY SEC 1011 33-1338 FAX -# 919R33-1338 FAX FROMI: Rotk p 11 ot ? rO. OP ?': 6-ES 1N CT- uDrl'G CO" MRS ',r: 1 ?s ?d srard? State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor September A4 1992 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary 1(9 Acting Director The News and Observer P.O. Box 191 Raleigh, N.C. 27602 ATTN: Legal Ad Department Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Public Notice Please publish the attached Public Notice one time in the section set aside for Legal Advertisements in your newspaper. The publication should run on or before September M4? j1992. Please send the invoice for publication and three copies of the affidavit of publication to the address given below. Payment cannot be processed without the affidavit of publication. N.C. Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Attn: John Dorney If you have any question concerning this matter, please call me at 919-733-1786. S; cerely, Jo R. Dorney we lands and Techn'cal Review Group JRD/PUbnot cc: John Dorney Raleigh DEM Regional Office REGIONAL OFFICES Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/571-4700 919/946-6481 919/395-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Raleigh in Raleigh, North Carolina has applied to the Division of Environmental Management for a Water Quality Certification pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act and Environmental Management Commission rules in 15A NCAC 2H .0500 and 15A NCAC 2B .0109. The activity for which the certification is sought is to dredge and enlarge an existing stream channel and thereby place fill in 1.45 acres of wetlands and to place fill in an additional 0.63 acres of wetlands for residential fill adjacent to Marsh Creek in Starmount Subdivision near Edgetone Drive and Monterey Street in Wake County. The public is invited to comment on the above mentioned application to the Division of Environmental Management. Comments shall be in writing and shall be received by the Division no later than October'TG; 1992. Comments should be sent to N.C. Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality Section, Planning Branch, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535, Attention: John Dorney. A copy of the application is on file at the Division's Regional Office (Raleigh Regional Office, 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, N.C. 27609, 919-571-4700) during normal business hours and may be inspected by the public. P eston Howard, Jr. P. . orth Carolina Division f Environmental Management DATE: September 4, 1992 X40,. TRANSMISSION REPORT ( SEP 16 '92 10:17AN ) *** * sK******** **7K>{c>K>{ok 3Ksk?t * *%K***>KKc****** ************ *********>k?lc ?c** * **************>k* ****>k;i?*K:* *** * * DATE START REMOTE TERMINAL MODE * TIME RESULTS TOTAL DEPT. FILE TIME IDENTIFICATION PAGES CODE NO. * * * SEP 16 10:15AM 919 829 4824 G3E ST 01'11" OK 03 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a' SEP - 3 W2 15 City Of (Raleigh 5Vorth Carolina September 1, 1992 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management NC Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RE: 401 Certification Starmount/Monterey St Dear Mr. Dorney: This letter is in response to your letter dated July, 29, 1992. The City of Raleigh shares your concern for the water quality in the area of our proposed project. However, we feel that we are in substantial compliance with the intent of the 401 Certification requirements and believe that the stream will comply with State Water Quality standards after the proposed improvements are constructed. I have enclosed a marked up map to further explain and clarify the scope of our project. We propose to place fill along the east side of the proposed project between the new top of bank and the uplands at 3113, 3117 Edgetone Dr. and 3201 Monterey St., as shown on the attached map. However, as shown on the map, the fill placement will not extend to the proposed channel along 3101 Edgetone Dr. There will be approximately a 50' buffer in this area as you requested. We believe that overall water quality will not be compromised by the project as presently designed. To the best of our knowledge, Marsh Creek currently meets State water quality standards and supports its designated use and we do not believe that the project (including the filling of the residential lots) will create any long term condition that might result in a violation of water quality standards. This is based on the following: The only surface drainage directed to the proposed fill areas is that which runs off the single family lots themselves. All of these lots are between one-half and one acre in area and have small percentages of impervious area. OFFICES • 222 WEST HARGETT STREET • RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27602 Recycled Paper 4-40, Page 2 9/1/92 None of the street drainage travels through this area. There will be at least 100 feet of vegetated area between the houses and the, stream which could be considered buffer for water quality concerns. A significant portion of the wetland areas to be filled are presently being used and maintained in grass as residential yard space. The project calls for all disturbed areas to be revegetated in grasses and/or other residential landscaping which would provide pollutant removal similar to the existing condition. The majority of the wetlands and vegetation on the west side of the stream will be maintained as a buffer/filter for the runoff from the commercial development which dominates the west side of the stream. The references provided do not support a need for a 50 foot wetland buffer for water quality. Specifically, Howard (1988) recommends a 50 foot buffer based mostly on habitat and travel corridor concerns and not water quality. Neiswald (1990) indicates that a 50 foot forested buffer is sufficient to protect water quality when the slopes are less than 15% but does not specify the need for wetland buffers. Additional literature indicates that the grassed buffers can be extremely effective in removing pollutants (Gilliam, 1990 and Franklin, 1991). The wetland area's value in storing and treating floodwaters is minimal, according to the references, since the outlet of the stream is not restricted. There is nothing to guarantee that this area will remain as wetlands, forested, or even vegetated since the individual property owners may alter their yards, including the wetland areas at any time based on current wetland regulations. Second, your letter states that "we believe the channelization and four lot fills are the same project". We are concerned with this interpretation since it conflicts with the Corps interpretation that the four fill lots and the channelization are separate projects. You should have received carbon copies of the five letters sent out to the City and the four property owners by the Corps indicating this. We have relied on this interpretation to develop this project. It was our understanding that the Corps would have the authority to determine the extent and severability of individual projects and then the State in turn would review these projects, as defined by the Corps, for compliance with the 401 certification program. Apparently, there is some confusion on Page 3 9/1/92 this issue. Accordingly, we would be grateful if you could provide us with some guidance on this matter and work with the corps to coordinate interpretations so that we may avoid this conflict in the future. We believe that the project is necessary to address a public safety concern with street flooding and residential flooding. Also, we believe that the fill areas will provide additional berming/flooding protection for existing residential land uses. We also believe that the project as submitted strikes a reasonable balance in addressing the environmental 'issues, including water quality concerns. I hope this letter provides sufficient information for you to issue the 401 Certification for this project. However, if you do not feel that we are complying with the intent of the Certification requirements, we would like to proceed with the public notice process. Feel free to contact me at 890-3030 if you have any questions. Sincerely, A ?? Rick Sago Conservation Engineer II 401repl2.doc cc: City Manager City Engineer files (3) C\l co .-, F- "Op F- 1 m 1 1 ? \\ -j M U NC M s 1 i II ,/??i \ \\\ \\\\ \ U Z '^ N 1 1 1 ? W \\\ \\\ L \ v N I I c_o J \ `\ ?? `? >CL- / \ oll N N 0?f Y \\ ?? /r M Naa \\ \\\\\ < < ?t Z \\\ ?U N1t-;O + \ ?\\ J < \ J N. 0 to o o zz w ` \ \ n n z u \ \ n gin' ° N H O #? _ rbfn F- C? < a>>> °o z? iC- o 0 ww UIOZZZ N f- .. H .-• ?- A W W CL < O H ' : N N tl ? U ?. z Y 0 \ x W W\ N 1 < / W 9 \\ J S 0 U / • \ • N \ Q. / N N O Q • \ IL LL) W O IZ 1 \ tD \ \ _ 1 0 x p O u f` \ \\ ?%'m I IH W \ M Z N Dl A\ tl 1 1 ' IW F i W N 1 ICS I to N \ 'l_ IX v Cl v)?- m \ w I I 1 Iw w yoo > \v I \? _ n o IL 14 0 7` \ N 00 I-- in V& 1 O ?d ?` O \ o ._ \ \ t Q La < Z \ ? w :A 0 U! N CL C7) 0 N Q rb \ N 1 O t t 0 \ J 1 ` = M z W j z Z 1 W ? ?, O I O Y' N F H p ` O 1 w ., r? M Z Z O to ;..Hon Co N CL » > o N 1 OI xozzzz O wit-- CL 0O M O O J 3 w O F- 7 w . 1 C9 Cl J w vl J 0) _ o D II w tL M 2t? 1 _ C 1{ I Utm W U..U m U m ` _ , v>nSO 0 < In < O p IL 1 to W r? M . (A 0 U, to 00 0' O ! 1 + N Z Z CL 11 J O N S_ ¦N O O 1- = 02 nl I M ,3 n vl 0 z zz •' r ce w II II W ° ,w' / w < C3 II li .. L 1 \ jC w'. / r r r w .. fJ • ? r • ! 1 \ tN / r r Z I 1 ? `? f7 1 ? O i 1 \ w OL 1 1 0°_; w E (L IX U- ft oif, .. LL. O Y 1 I V) ;> fi r' M d 0 z , W Z w w 1 1 °' IL 0 U, 0 J ¦?, 1 W m / N y m?a W _ O 1 \ ?? JW O N f .?. i 400 ? d U) J < Z IP- < o U tr o // // // \\ O =1- Z W J O U N a sa < ¦ < O // CNI U N (A a. J UJI LL- 0 d Z w /t! cc 1- W W cn d) ° ..w o - Y // ? m M LL. Z / O O M o m W,, LO :x ci tLZ 14 O O / Q/ / m O /A a- C\l o > X- N z W CL 0 /? 0 U NCD0 Z i cum N w a: CD IL 00 ¦ _ In O M \ m a N W .. N < w 0 Myz ¦ W J W w W- p s ~ S N z z O /. / , / \?? E ¦ m IA O 2 0 CL M NOzzz O w V) CM lL O NIC LL- Cr. Clio 0 < CL I-- r /O m < LL. < W o= a: < O11\ ~ rn r- m / `9/ w w < / z A .a SIAIj' 4 J? O..w State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Acting Director July 29, 1992 Mr. Richard Sago Conservation Engineer City of Raleigh 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, N.C. 27602 Dear Mr. Sago: RE: Starmount/Monterey Street Dredging Project Wake County DEM # 92265 As a follow up to our telephone conversation of 23 July 1992, the N.C. Division of Environmental Management has the following objections to the abovementioned project as proposed. We believe that the stream channelization and four lot fills are the same project since the sand from dredging will be placed on the lots as described in the application package. We have no water quality concerns with the stream channelization as a solution to the severe flooding problems in the area as long as the area is restored to its oroginal contour after channelization is completed. I also believe that some (if not most) of the lot flooding will be alleviated once the stream channel can carry the two year storm. However removal of the wetlands adjacent to the stream is of concern with regard to water quality. It is still somewhat unclear but apparently the City's plan is to fill basically all of the wetlands between the new stream channel and the present upland on the four residential lots. It is very clear in the scientific literature that wetlands provide vital buffers for streams to protect water quality (see attached draft report for background). This function is especially important in urban locations where nonpoint sources of pollution are treated by the wetland. The scientific literature indicates that a 50 foot buffer would be needed adjacent to a permanent stream to ensure water quality. As you know several of the lots (noteably 3117 Edgetone, 3113 Edgetone and 3101 Edgetone Drive) have had fill in the past and there is less than 50 feet between the present fill and the planned stream channel. Therefore we believe that REGIONAL OFFICES Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/733-2314 9191946-6481 919/395-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer ?!! L Mr. Richard Sago July 29, 1992 Page 2 additional fill on these lots could not be approved as part of this project due to water quality concerns. At 3201 Monterey Street, about 0.15 acres of fill adjacent to Monterey Street and the existing home could be approved without water quality concerns. This amount of fill is based on a 50 foot setback from the new stream. I believe that there are two ways to proceed on this project. If the City persists in intending to provide fill for the lots beyond that discussed for 3201 Monterey Street, I will have to put the project out to public notice, wait about two weeks for public comment and then (based on our present knowledge of the project) recommend to the Director of the Division of Environmental Management that he deny the 401 Certification for this project. I anticipate that this entire process would take about one month unless a public hearing is held. In that case, a total of three months would be expected. As you know, there can be no 404 Permit if a 401 Certification is denied. Alternatively if the project is modified along the lines discussed above, I can issue a 401 Certification immediately. Please advise which process the City wishes to follow. I am well aware of the severe flooding problems at the site (especially at 3201 Monterey Street) since I live within one mile of the area and have driven past this site innumerable times in the past five years. However I cannot ignore the fact that a portion of these wetlands are providing significant water quality benefits which would be removed with the avoidable lot fill.. I can be reached at 733-1786 if you have any questions. Sincerely, 1? Jo n R. Dorney Wetlands and Tec nical REview Group starmount.ltr/ JRDa cc: Karl Schaffer, Raleigh Regional Office Central Files Mr. John Thomas, Raleigh Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers MEMO DATE: TO: SUBJECT: ?;c-'_ From: SMEQ ?c# M r m. i>h ::. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources @,? Printed on Recycled Paper au- MEMO DATE: TO 7/aoh,? a <i- ib - C,g T/0-1 J 1 , _L60 6 --? ? -1,q qZ_ From: . W1 At caw 0 '1 0 North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Print don ecycled Paper QL- hr L 5"1,40 Ca V'z f - 4. - Cdo $ SUBJECT: ?;4 '?C' - . 70 i JIF •? 4w. ?• State of North. Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environnaental Mana;errmt P.O. Box 29535 Ralezgh, INC 27626-0535 WATER QUALITY SEC-110N FAX # 919/733-1338 T -LECOBY TO: FAX NMMBE12: X33 FROM: PHONE: - NO. OF PAGES, INCL-7DZNG =MR SEEK: --------------- C3 C10 Vm Ks. (w i?. ?451T' I TRANSMISSION REPORT ****************************** ( JUL 27 '92 02:41PM ) ******************************************************************************************** * * * * DATE START REMOTE TERMINAL MODE TIME RESULTS TOTAL DEPT. FILE * TIME IDENTIFICATION PAGES CODE NO. * * * * JUL 27 02:40PM 919 571 4719 G3E ST 01'22" OK 03 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,,??l!?? CITY OF RALEIGH •'"LTNTRAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 PHONE (919) 890-3030 q-zoiqS ro W/?'T?/C Q (Jt4-c STS Fe-4-1 Ui? ILI TER ` il TRANSM GENTLEMEN: TRANSMITTED HEREWITH ARE THE FOLLOWING: ( ] Shop drawings ( ] Prints + [ ] Copy of letter [ ] Progress drawings Date -_ s` ZJ 4 Z Proj. No. Attention AX Re: j Z V G. 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