HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00086561IRPO Manufacturing Process Emission Summary A. VOC Compound Summary 11 2007 E missions Emission ummary Page 3 of 23 Nafion® Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. Point Source and Non -point Source Emissions (Ibs) Accidental Emissions Total Emissions Ibs COF2 PAF A/F Solvent TFF Carbonyl Fluoride Trifluoroacet I Fluoride Perfluoro-3,5,7,9,11-pentaoxadodecanoyl fluoride 353-50-4 354-34-7 690-43 2,372 1,680 471 p 0 0 �� A/F Solvent TAF Trifluorometh I ester of carbonofluoridic acid 3299-24-9 471 0"�flra ry�Cu HFP Hexafluoroproplyene 116-15-4 73,410 1 ammunmr HFPO Hexafluoropro I eneEpoxide 428-59-1 31,187 NEMMIFIIR Benzene 1Benzene 71-43-2 2 �rk, # p, "" Y zP Toluene Meth (benzene 108-88-3 2,143 Total VOC Emissions (Ibs) Total VOC Emissions (tons)' rr11k1,`,77a" B. VOL, Controi Efficiency VOCs Generated VOCs Emitted from Stack Point Source Generated (Ibs) Equipment Emissions Inside Buildings Ibs Total VOC Generated Point Source Emissions Ibs Non -point Source Emissions Ibs Total VOC Emitted Ibs 1,226,156 3,420 1;229,577' 96,544 2,183 1,229,577 lb VOC generated 98,727 lb VOC emitted 1 �4 lb VOC removed in control device C. Toxic Air Polluntant Summary 1,130,849 lb VOC removed in control device 1,229,577 lb VOC generated - 9f /o'VOC control efficiency Nafion® Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. Point Source Emissions Ibs Non -point Source Emissions Ibs Accidental Emissions Total Emissions Ibs HF Hydrogen Fluoride 7664-39-3 1,827.60 153.64„a, , ,, , Benzene Benzene 71-43-2 1.92 Toluene Methylbenzene 108-88-3 2,143.00;';�t43�00�n D. HF Control Efficiency Total Emissions (tons) 57.93 PO Manufacturin Process 9 200T Emissions Emission Mumma ry Page 4 of 23 1,828 lb HF emitted from Point Sources (100%-99.6%) Stack Efficiency �56t9Q1 lb HF sent to control device from Point Sources 456,901 lb HF sent to control device from Point Sources 1,981 lb HF emitted 0 lb HF removed in control device 456,901 lb HF sent to control device from Point Sources + 154 lb HF from Non -point Sources inside buildings Ib HF generated 454,920 lb HF removed in control device 457,055 lb HF generated !HF control efficiency 4 IFPG� Manufacturing Process 2007 Emissions Point Source Emission Determination Page 10 of 23 E F. Perfluoromethylcyclopropane (PMCP) Oxygen (02) Fluoroform (CF3H) Carbon Dioxide (COZ) CAS No. 379-16-8 CAS No. 7782-44-7 CAS No. 75-46-7 CAS No. 124-38-9 PMCP, 02, CF31-1, and CO2 are not VOCs nor do they have potential to make HF. Since they are not reportable emissions, the calculations are not shown here. G. Point Source Summary Nafion Compound Name Before Control After Control After Control VOC Generated Stack Emissions Stack Emissions k / r VOC Ib/ r VOC Ib/ r VOC Ib/ r HF ton/ r VOC Ton/ r HF A. COF2 244,367 $7.3 2,155 1306 1 1 B. PAF 173,088 39 1,526 263 1 0 C. Acid Fluoride Solvent TFF) 48,495 428 259.2 0 0 Acid Fluoride Solvent TAF) 48,495 =i 428 0 D. HFP 29,600 Ala 65,256 33 E. HFPO 12,134 26,751 13 TotalFIR 5 56rfit [ a 1-15-2 , DEQ-CFW 00086563 HFPO Manufacturing Process 2007 Emissions Non -Point Source Emissions Page 11 of 23 Non -point Source Emission Determination: Non -point source emissions include equipment emissions and maintenance emissions. Equipment emissions are due to leaks Orom valves, flanges, and pumps. If these leaks occur outside of a building, they are considered fugitive emissions. Maintenance emissions are due to opening up vessels for maintenance and though some of this equipment is located indoors, to be conservative it will be assumed that all maintenance emissions are fugitive emissions. I. Equipment Emissions Equipment Emissions are a function of the number of emission points in the plant (valves, flanges, pump seals). For the equipment emission calculations the inventory shown below is conservative and based on plant and process diagrams. Note that the calculations below include equipment emissions (EE) inside buildings (which become stack emissions or SE) as well as equipment emissions outside buildings (fugitive emissions or FE). A. Equipment Emissions Inside Buildings (Stack Emissions) 1. Equipment Emissions from Reactor, Distillation Column, #1 Recycle Tank: Emissions are vented from equipment located in the barricade and are vented through the barricade scrubber. Barricade scrubber is 95% efficient for control of acid fluorides. From W1208078 HFPO Flowsheet: 0 Material VOC HF Aver a e Vessel Contents k /hr % of contents % VOC % HF HF Potential % overall HF Potential Line 6 1 Line 6 Line 4 1 Total 0.606 0.172 0.11 0.081 02 1 2.4 2.4 4.8 0.1 COF2 X Ix 33.7 33.7 67.4 1.4% 1.4% 1.4% 0.606 1.4% PAF x Ix 25.5 25.5 51 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 0.172 1.0% HFP x 76.4 76.4 152.8 3.1% 3.1% HFPO x 100.1 100.1 200.2 4.1% 4.1% HFA x I 1 1 2 0.0%1 0.0% PMFF x Ix 9.6 9.6 19.2 0.4%1 0.4% 0.4% 0.606 0.4% PMAF x Ix 18.41 18.4 14.5 1 51.3 1.1%1 1.1% 1.1% 0.11 1 PMCP 86.61 86.6 80.51 253.7 5.2% TIFF x x 50.3 50.3 50 150.6 3.1% 3.1% 3.1% 0.081 3.1% TAF x X 500 500 495.9 1495.9 30.6% 30.6% 30.6% 0.606 30.6% TAF x x 335 335 332 1002 20.5% 20.5% 20.5% 0.606 20.5% TAF x x 479 479 476.3 1434.3 29.4% 29.4% 29.4% 0.606 29.4% Total 1 48R.', 91 1% 87.4% 82.3% 1.0% 1-lo/ol 3.1% Assume that: 95% of process materials are VOCs; 88% are acid fluorides with 95% controlled in the barricade scrubber; 7% are non-acid fluorides with 0% controlled in the barricade scrubber. 100% of the liquid is 0.504 weight fraction HF. Barricade: Valve emissions: 119 valves x 0.00039 Ib/hr/valve - 0.046 Ib/hr EE Flange emissions: 248 flanges x 0.00018 Ib/hr/flange = 0.045 Ib/hr EE Pump emissions: 1 pump x 0.00115 Ib/hr/pump 0.001 Ib/hr EE Total equipment emission rate = 0.092 Ib/hr EE Barricade VOC: From acid fluorides: 0.092 lb. EE/hr 710.751 lb VOC generated x 8760 hr/year x (100%-95%) scrubber efficiency x 0.880 lb. A/F VOC/lb. EE Ib/yr VOC emitted .. 7�I lb/yr VOC generated From non-acid fluorides: 0.092 lb. EE/hr x 8760 hr/year x 0.070 lb. Non-A/F VOC/lb. EE is 5_f 537 Ib/yr VOC learricade HF: 0.092 lb. EE/hr x 8760 hr/year x 0.504 lb. HF/lb. EE x (1000/6-95%) scrubber efficiency Total Barricade VOC Emissions: 35.538 Ib/yr VOC + 56.537 Ib/yr VOC 13 %92Q Ib/yr VOC DEQ-CFW 00086564 HFPO Manufacturing Process 2007 Emissions Non -Point Source Emissions Page 12 of 23 _ r 20 353 Ib/yr HF • • �J DEQ-CFW 00086565 HFPQ Manufacturing Process 2007 Emissions Non -Point Source Emissions Page 13 of 23 2. Fugitive Emissions From Distillation System #1 Emissions are vented from equipment located in tower and are vented through stack. rom W1208078 HFPO Flowsheet: Material VOC HF Avera e Vessel Contents % of contents % VOC % HF HF Potential % overall HF Potential Line 8 k /hr 0.606 0.172 0.11 O2 COF2 PAF x x x x 2.4 33.7 25.5 0.93% 13.09% 9.91% 13.1% 9.9% 13.1% 9.9% 0.606 0.172 13.1% 9.9% TT -FP x 76.4 29.68% 29.7% HFPO x 99.9 38.81% 38.8% HFA PMFF PMAF x x x x x 1 9.6 3:8 0.39% 3.73% 1.48% 0.4% 3.7% 1.5% 3.7% 1.5% 0.606 0.110 3.7% 1.5% PMCP 5.1 1.98% TFF x x TAF x IX TAF x Ix TAF Total x Ix 257.4 94.7%1 87.4% A­,r 14P PntP-ntl.'dl 0.121 Assume that: 95 wt. % of the process material are VOCs; 100% of the liquid is 0.121 weight fraction HF. Valve emissions: 60 valves x 0.00039 Ib/hr/valve = 0.023 lb/hr EE Flange emissions: 120 flanges x 0.00018 Ib/hr/flange 0.022 Ib/hr EE Total equipment emission rate 0 9201MIb/hr EE VOC: 0.045 lb. EE/hr HF: 0.045 lb. EE/hr x 8760 hr/year x 8760 hr/year x 0.950 lb. VOC/lb. EE x 0.121 lb. HF/lb. EE = w374490 Ib/yr VOC _ 47w69& lb/yr HF Equipment Emissions From Scrubber, Dryers, and Stripper Column Emissions are vented from equipment located in tower and are vented through stack. From W1208078 HFPO Flowsheet: Avera e Vessel Contents k /hr % of % VOC % HF HF % overall HF Potential Line 6 Line 11 Line 12 Total 0.606 0.172 0.11 Material VOC HF contents Potential 02 COF2 0.68% 068% 0.172 68% PAF 6.5 HFP x 75.8 75.8 75.8 227.4 23.90% 23.90% HFPO x 99.6 96.7 96.7 293 30.79% 30.79% HFA x 1 1 0.11% 0.11% PMFF x x 9.6 9.6 1.01% 1.01% 1.01%E406 1.01% PMAF x x 3.8 3.8 0.40% 0.40% 0.40% 11 0.40% PMCP 5.1 5.1 10.2 1.07% W ater 360 360 KOH 1 40 40 951.5 56.9% 2.1 % 0.7% 1.0% 0.4% Total n"­ WP Potential A 008 Assume that: 57 wt. % of the process material are VOCs; 100% of the liquid is 0.008 weight fraction HF. Valve emissions: 171 valves x 0.00039 Ib/hr/valve = 0.067 Ib/hr EE Flange emissions: 312 flanges x 0.00018 Ib/hr/flange = 0.056 Ib/hr EE Pump emissions: 2 pumps x 0.00115 Ib/hr/pump 0.002 Ib/hr EE Total equipment emission rate Ib/hr EE VOC: 0.125 lb. EE/hr x 8760 hr/year x 0,570 lb. VOC/lb. EE 6g ff99? Ib/yr VOC HF: 0.125 lb. EE/hr x 8760 hr/year x 0.008 lb. HF/lb. EE 871 Ib/yr HF DEQ-CFW 00086566 HFPO Manufacturing Process 2007 Emissions Non -Point Source Emissions 1 Page 14 of 23 B. Equipment Emissions Outside Buildings (Fugitive Emissions) 1. Fugitive Emissions From Distillation System #2 Wrorn W1208078 HFPO Flowsheet: Material VOC HF Avera e Vessel Contents k /hr % of contents % VOC % HF Line 18 Line 23 Total 02 COF2 x x PAF x x HFP x 74.5 73.8 148.3 3.18% 3.18% HFPO x 1 95.8 7.7 103.5 2.22% 2.22% HFA x PMFF x x PMAF x x PMCP 5.1 5.1 10.2 0.22% Toluene x 2200 2200 4400 94.38% 94.38% Total I I 1 1 4662 99.78% 0.00% Assume that : 100 wt. % of the process material are VOCs (most of the mass is toluene CAS No. 108-88-3) 0 wt. % of the liquid is HF. Valve emissions: 155 valves x 0.00039 Ib/hr/valve = 0.060 Ib/hr FE Flange emissions: 300 flanges x 0.00018 Ib/hr/flange = 0.054 Ib/hr FE Pump emissions: 1 pump x 0.00115 Ib/hr/pump 0.001 Ib/hr FE Total fugitive emission rate lb/hr FE VOC: 0.116 lb. FE/hr HF: 0.116 lb. FE/hr x 8760 hr/year x 8760 hr/year x 1.00 lb. VOC/lb. FE x 0.0 lb. HF/lb. FE _ 1012 66� Ib/yr VOC (assume all is toluene) 0: ©Q Ib/yr HF 2 Fugitive Emissions From HFP Storage and Feed *Assume that : This system contains only HFP, so 100 wt. % of the process material are VOCs HFP has no potential to form HF, so 0 wt. % of the liquid is HF. Valve emissions: 120 valves x 0.00039 Ib/hr/valve = 0.047 Ib/hr FE Flange emissions: 135 flanges x 0,00018 lb/hr/flange = 0.024 Ib/hr FE Total fugitive emission rate _LQQ71�Ib/hr FE VOC: 0.071 lb. FE/hr x 8760 hr/year x 1.00 lb. VOC/lb. FE =1 __ .., �_2.2 84{ Ib/yr VOC 3. Fugitive Emissions From Benzene HF: 0.071 lb. FE/hr x 8760 hr/year x 0.0 lb. HF/lb. FE Liffi22AM Ib/yr HF Basis: Fugitive emissions are determined via mass balance, i.e. any mass of benzene unaccounted for in the mass balance will be assumed to be air emissions. Assume that: Benzene introduced into the process is mostly destroyed by reaction. Ratio of emissions to benzene used = 1.9 lb emission/368 lb benzene used (2002) (Future) Calculations: 1.92 Ibs benezene = 4.62 Ibs Toluene 1126145 kg fresh HFP 2,707,354 kg fresh HFP Benzene introduced to process: 372 Ibs from SARA 313 Benzene emissions: 372 Ibs from: x 1.90 lb emission Is 368 lb benzene E'92Ib benzene emission DEQ-CFW 00086567 HFPO Manufacturing Process 2007 Emissions Non -Point Source Emissions Page 15 of 23 4. Fugitive Emissions From Toluene Basis: Fugitive emissions are determined via mass balance, i.e. any mass of toluene unaccounted for in the mass balance will I* be assumed to be air emissions. Assume that: 95% of raw ingredient becomes waste Mass Balance: Toluene inventory in process as of January 1: Toluene added to process: Toluene inventory in process as of December 31: Toluene destroyed in process: Toluene shipped off with product: Toluene removed from process as a solid waste: Toluene released to air via permitted stack: Toluene released to process wastewater: Toluene released to the ground (spill): Unaccounted for difference in mass: + 3184 lb + lb 3715 lb 0 lb 151 lb injected into product 0 lb 0 lb - 0 lb lb toluene = 2143 lb VOC In section B-1, fugitive emissions from distillation system #2, the assumption was made that all of the fugitive emissions were toluene. As the mass balance above shows the unaccounted for toluene, the amount calculated in section 3 is extremely conservative. Therefore, for the purpose of toluene and VOC emissions, the amount actually vented will be reported based on the mass balance calculation. 5. Total Equipment Emissions Emission Source Inside Emissions Outside Emissions (Stack Emissions) (Fugitive Emissions) lb VOC lb HF lb VOC lb HF -1 Reactor, Distillation Columns, #1 Recycle Tank 92.07 20.35 -2 Distillation System #1 374.49 47.70 A-3 Scrubbing, Dryers, Stripper Column 624.90 8.771 B-1 Distillation System #2 1013 B-2 HFP Storage and Feed 622.84 B-4 Toluene System 2143.00 Total 109=1 46 -: 7E 82 3�7849 0 00 In order to be conservative, the calculated values will be multiplied by a factor of 2. Conservative amount (total x 2) Inside Emissions Outside Emissions (Stack Emissions) (Fugitive Emissions) Ib/yr VOC I Ib/yr HF Ib/yr VOC Ib/yr HF Total HF emissions: 154 Ibs HF from outside building + 0 Ibs HF from inside building Ibs HF Total VOCs generated inside building:_ 710.75 lb VOC from Reactor, Distillation Column, #1 Recycle Tank + 374.49 lb VOC from Scrubber, Dryers, Stripper Column + 624.90 lb VOC from Scrubber, Dryers, Stripper Column = lb VOC generated (before control device) Conservative amount (total x 2) lb VOC generated (before control device) 11 DEQ-CFW 00086568 HFPO Manufacturing Process 2007 Emissions Non -Point Source Emissions Page 16 of 23 II. Maintenance Emissions Background During preparation of equipment for maintenance, a vessel is first de -inventoried of liquid (to another process vessel), then de -pressurized (to a vacuum), then nitrogen is used for a series of pressurize/vent-down cycles until a vessel is fume free. For the purpose of estimating emissions from vessel preparation, the plant can be broken down into three sections: HFP Storage and Feed, HFPO Distillation system #2, and everything else. Below are the definitions, assumptions, and calculations of maintenance emissions for each section. A. HFP Storage and Feed The HFP Storage section consists of the two HFP Storage Tanks and the associated equipment to transfer HFP into the tanks. When maintenance clearing is required for these tanks (scheduled once per year), the liquid inventory is transferred to the other tank, the vapors are compressed into the tank (down to 10 psig), and then the residue is evacuated to the Nafion® Division Waste Gas Scrubber. The emissions to the atmosphere, therefore, are the HFP vapors remaining at 10 psig. Calculations: PV = nRT Tank Volume = 3000 gal = Contents = Tank pressure = 10 psig = Tank temperature = ambient = 77 deg F = R= 401 ft3 100 % HFP (MW=150 Ib/Ibmol) 24.7 psia 537 R 10.73 psia-ft3/Ibmol/R n = PV/RT n = 24.7 psia x 401 ft3 «_ 1 72Ibmol HFP 10.7 psia-ft3/Ibmol/R 537 R 1.72 Ibmol HFP x 150 lb HFP lb HFP = 258 lb VOC per cleaning Ibmol HFP Clearings/year: Each tank scheduled once per year; two tanks is two clearings/year scheduled; to be conservative, assume one extra clearing a year, so three clearings performed per year. VOC from HFP Storage Tank = B. Disposal of Off -Spec Material 258 lb HFP x 3 clearings/year F=':774 Ib/yr HFP 258 lb VOC per cleaning x 3 clearings/year '77" Ib/yr VOC In May 2007, two HFPO cylinders containing high levels of HFA were re -worked through the division WGS (see TA NF-07- 1650). HFA was removed in the HDR facility while the HFPO was vented from the process. VOC emissions resulting from this work are recorded here. Cylinder Number HFPO (lb)(lb) HFA Total Mass (lb) 35459 12.447 ' 448.553 461 414-2-69 888.879 914.121 1803 Total 901.326 1362.674 2264 is DEQ-CFW 00086569 HFPO Manufacturing Process 2007 Emissions Non -Point Source Emissions I Page 17 of 23 C. Distillation System #2 When maintenance clearing is required for the column and tanks (scheduled once per year), the liquid inventory is Aransferred to the other tank, the vapors are compressed into the tank (down to 10 psig), and then the residue is vacuated to the Nafion® Division Waste Gas Scrubber. For the purposes of these calculations, the average operating pressure and total volume are used. Calculations: PV = nRT Tank Volume = 3300 gal = Contents = (Conservative approximation based off of vessel contents and volatility of compounds) Average system pressure = 20 psig = Average system temperature = 30 deg F = R= n = PV/RT n = 34.7 psia x 10.7 psia-ft3/lbmol/R 2.91 Ibmol material 2.91 Ibmol material x 441 ft3 490 R 441 ft3 50 % HFP (MW=150 Ib/lbmol) 40 % HFPO (MW=166 lb/Ibmol) 10 % Toluene (MW=92 lb/Ibmol) 34.7 psia 490 R 10.73 psia-ft3/lbmol/R 91 Ibmol material 50 % HFP x 150 lb HFP =2 _ lb HFP Ibmol HFP x 40 % HFPO x 166 lb HFPO = 1 lb HFPO Ibmol HFPO 2.91 Ibmol material x 10 % Toluene x 92 lb Toluene = 27-'lb Toluene 0 Ibmol Toluene As stated previously, toluene amounts are calculated by mass balance. The amount vented calculated by mass balance will be used for toluene and VOC emisssions. Total VOC per cleaning: 218 lb HFP + 193 lb HFPO _412 Ib VOC Clearings/year: Each tank scheduled once per year; to be conservative, assume one extra clearing a year, so two clearinas Der year. VOC from Distillation system #2 = C 218 lb HFP x 2 clearings/year 437 Ib/yr HFP 412 lb VOC x 2 clearin sl ear _ '�& ' Ib/yr VOC 193 lb HFPO x 2 clearings/year ( k = 38 )lb/yr HFPO DEQ-CFW 00086570 HFPO Manufacturing Process 2007 Emissions Non -Point Source Emissions . i Page 18 of 23 D. 'Rest of the Process" The rest of the HFPO process contains HFP, HFPO, and both low and high vapor pressure acid fluorides (acid fluorides re organic compounds which release HF when exposed to the atmosphere). The calculations below do not include the w-pressure acid fluorides because at temperatures at which the vessels are prepared for maintenance the concentration of the low vapor pressure acid fluorides is very low. The high vapor pressure acid fluorides are not included because they are assumed to go to the WGS during decontamination. Though some of the process is located inside buildings, to be conservative it will be assumed that all emissions are fugitive emissions. Assume that: Pressure is vapor pressure of HFP/HFPO at ambient temperature (HFP and HFPO have the same vapor pressures) Composition HFP to HFPO of vapor space in equipment is equivilant to ratio in line 11 of HFPO Flowsheet W130878 : 44 wt% HFP 56 wt% HFPO Calculations: PV = nRT Tank Volume = 1100 gal = Contents = Average system pressure Average system temperature = 77 deg F = R= 147 ft3 44 wt% HFP (MW=150 Ib/lbmol) = 47 mol% HFP 56 wt% HFPO (MW=166 Ib/lbmol) = 53 mol% HFPO 100 Asia 537 R 10.73 psia-ft3/ibmol/R n = PWRT n = 100 psia x 147 ft3, 55 Ibmol material 10.7 psia43/lbmol/R 537 R 2.55 Ibmol material x 47 % HFP x 150 lb HFP = 18.0_ Ib HFP Ibmol HFP 2.55 Ibmol material x 53 % HFPO x 166 lb HFPO = 224.5_ lb HFPO Ibmol HFPO Total VOC per cleaning: 179.9 lb HFP + 224.5 lb HFPO 40 3 Ib VOC Clearings/year: Each tank scheduled once per year; to be conservative, assume one extra clearing per year, so two clearings per year. 180 lb HFP 224.5 lb HFPO x 2 clearings/year x 2 clearings/year Ib/yr HFP - b.9_ Ib/yr HFPO VOC from 'Rest of the Process" _ 404.3 lb VOC x 2 clearings/year ­ " Ib/yr VOC DEQ-CFW 00086571 HFPO Manufacturing Process 2007 Emissions E. Total fugitive Emissions from Maintenance Work Non -Point Source Emissions Page 19 of 23 ID Source Ib/yr HFP Ib/yr HFPO Ib/yr VOC II -A JHFP Storage and Feed 774 774, II-B Off -spec HFPO Disposal 0 901 901:' II-C I Distillation System #2 437 387 823 11-D "Rest of the System" 360 449 809 Total 1,4701 1,72 3;307 III. Non -Point Source VOC Emission Summary Nafion® Compound COF2 Point -Source Emissions Ibs 2,155 Stack Emissions Fugitive Emissions Total Inside Emissions (Ibs) 49 Outside Emissions (Ibs) 169 Maintenance Emissions (Ibs) Ibs 21372 PAF 1,526 35 119 1,680 TFF 428 10 33 471 TAF 428 10 33. - 471 HFP 65,256 1475 5108 1570 73,410 HFPO 26,751 605 2094 1737 Benzene 1.92 2 Toluene 2143 Total 96,544 1 21183 9,702 3,307 111,736 Note: Speciated emissions (except for benzene, toluene, and maintenance emissions) were estimated by assuming that each compound's emission concentration was equal to the compound's stack emissions fraction of the total stack emissions. For example: the stack emission of PAF was 1,526 Ibs with the total stack emission of VOCs being 96,544 Ibs The total outside fugitive emission (minus benzene & toluene) was 7,556.98 Ibs VOC 1,526 Ibs PAF x 7,556.98 fugitive VOC = 119 lb fugitive PAF emissions 96,544 Ibs VOC Ul DEQ-CFW 00086572 HFPO Manufacturing Process 2007 Emissions Accidental Releases Page 20 of 23 • Accidental Releases to Atmosphere A. IR-2007-57 Date: 3/13/2007 Material Released: KOH t - ' r Quantity Released: I— I Quantity VOC Released: 50.0 Ibs KOH/water 0.0 lb VOC B. IR-2007-68 Date: 6/22/2007 Material Released:0�� Quantity Released: Quantity VOC Released: 0.1 Ibs COF2 0.1 lb VOC F. Total Emissions from Accidental Releases � t, CAS W 353 50;4 Source lb DCM lb HFP lb HFPO lb COF2 lb PAF Ib HFA Ib Toluene Ib/ r VOC Ib/ r HF A.1 IR-2007-57 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 B.1 IR-2007-68 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.1 0.0 Total DEQ-CFW 00086573