HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00075001Cycle No. Date(s) Amount injected Amount withdrawn/recove red Amount flushed for sampling / routine operation Amount Stored Comments 1 2/21/2013 0 0 0 0 Begin Cycle 1 Injection - 1 5/2/2013 26.583 0 0.263 26.32 End Cycle 1 injection 1 10/1/2013 26.583 0 1.272 25.312 Begin Cycle 1 Recovery (To System / Flouride Tracer Study) 1 10/6/2013 26.583 5.257 1.347 19.979 Pause Cycle 1 Recovery (Sand Issues / Recovery to System End) 1 12/26/2013 26.583 5.257 1.425 19.9 Resume Cycle 1 Recovery (To Pond / Surface) 1 12/31/2013 26.583 5.257 7.573 13.753 End Cycle 1 Recovery Pumping 1 3/4/2014 26.583 5.257 7.573 13.753 End Cycle 1 - Total Remaining Bubble 13.753 MG (Reset all totalizers to zero to begin cycle 2) 2 3/5/2014 0 0 0 0 Begin Cycle 2 injection 2 6/13/2014 28.714 0 0.172 28.542 End Cycel 2 injection (Pump removed and well screen and sili-bead gravel pack added) 2 10/18/2016 28.714 0 0.473 28.24 Begin Cycle 2 Recovery (Recovered To System / Flushing totals to Surface Pond) 2 11 /12/2016 28.714 17.5631 0.49 10.661 End Cycle 2 Recovery 2 3/27/2017 28.714 17.53 0.605 10.546 End Cycle 2 - Total Remaining Bubble 10.546 (Reset all totalizers to zero to begin cycle 3) 3 3/28/2017 0 0 0 0 Begin Cycle 3 injection 3 6/5/2017 24.58 0 0.056 24.525 End Cycle 3 injection (Cycle 3 Is not complete, Recovery Remains) N CUETOTAL E 79.877 22.787 8.234 48.824 48.824 MG (Total Bubble Size Remaining) Greenville Utility Commission (GUC) Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Well In December 2002, the former Division of Water Quality issued North Carolina's first injection well permit for an ASR to GUC (Permit No. W10700040). This well was intended to be used to inject treated drinking water for storage in the Black Creek and Upper Cape Fear aquifers during times of excess supply, and later recover the water when demand peaks and exceeds the capacity of the GUC's drinking water treatment plant. A recent inquiry with GUC indicated the ASR well is experiencing turbidity issues, which is further discussed below. Original ASR Concerns Two major concerns were raised about issuing this permit. First, whether the construction of this well would hydraulically connect the Black Creek Aquifer and the Upper Cape Fear Aquifer (UCFA). Data collected by GUC at the site indicated that water in these two aquifers is chemica a two aquifers were not significantly different. owever, the well construction has been modified since it was on c ' atT underlying UCFA was sealed off. The well now only injects and recovers water in the Black Creek 1� er. After modification, the well ID was changed from ASR-1 to ASR-1M ('M' for modlfied well). Second, data submitted by GUC indicated that the recharge water would meet all groun water quality standards in 15A NCAC 2L .0202 except for three trihalomethanes (TH'Ms) -- chloroform, bromodichloromethane, and chlorodibromomethane -- disinfection by-products formed by reaction of chlorine with dissolved organic compounds in the water. Since the injection/recharge water came directly from a public water treatment facility (PWT) and met all relevant National Primary and Secondary Drinking Water Standards, the Division believed that despite the exceedance of groundwater quality standards for these three compounds, injection of this water was not expected to pose a threat to human health or the environment, or to render the groundwater unsuitable for its best intended usage. Permit Conditions and Compliance The ASR permit_was initially issued in 2004 and has been renewed several Mites. The most current permit was reissued on February 12, 2016 and expires September 1, 2019.tio ruction and operation of the injection well was approved, but #y only issued for two years from issuance. This allowed GUC time to construct the well and carry out cycle testing. Full-scale operation of the system required amendment of the permit or issuance of a second permit. Permit conditions that addressed the above concerns were: The permit specified that the recharge water must meet all groundwater quality standards in 15A NCAC 2L .0202, except for disinfectants and disinfection by-products. The permit specified a monitoring program to be performed during the cycle testing. 9 months after all injection and recovery cycles are completed, a Final Project Evaluation (FPE) report is required (this FPE is required for both ASR sites permitted in NC). This document shall .assess the injection project's findings in a written summary to include, but not be limited to, the following: o An assessment of the impact of the injection activities on water quality of the injected water and native groundwater, o A determination or calculation of the lateral extent of the injection zones based upon data collected during the cycle testing, o Re-evaluation of the transmissivity and storativity of the injection zones, o Monitoring well sampling data and pertinent head data, and any other pertinent information. O-L-1 DEQ-CFW 00075002 Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Background: The Underground Injection Control program is a Federal Program under the Safe Drinking Water Act; and regulated under 40 CFR Part 144 through 148. The Division of Water Resources within the Department of Environmental Quality permits underground injection wells, and oversees their compliance and enforcement. NC Administrative Code for this program is under 15A NCAC 2C .0219 (attached). One of the types of underground injection wells is the Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR). ASR systems are intended to allow for injection of water into aquifers for temporary storage. ASR systems provide an alternative to more traditional above ground storage tanks and lagoons. Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Wells Nation -Wide ASR wells are systems that are increasing in number nationwide, especially in areas with potential water shortages. These systems are intended to store water when it is readily available, and recover water during dry and high demand periods. The distribution of ASR wells in the United States varies. In the North-East and Mid -Eastern states, ASRs are not widely used since they have an abundance of drinking water. However, in many states, ASR is a popular option. Per the USEPA website, as of 2009, a total of 542 Aquifer and Storage Recovery (ASR) wells are capable of operation. Over half of these are in Region 4, Region 9, and Region 10: Region 4 (southeastern states) has 124 ASRs. These include AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC and TN. Regions 9 and 10 (western states plus) have up to 155 ASRs. Region 9 includes CA, NV, AZ, HI, the Pacific Islands and 148 Tribes. Region 10 includes WA, OR, ID, AK and 271 Native Tribes Distribution of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Wells by EPA Region I-e C` NUJ 47 - 58 9 �4 �f DEQ-CFW 00075003 In response to the discovery of GenX in the aquifer, the original plan of CFPUA was to pump out twice the volume that was injected, up to 200 million gallons. In addition to the 31,021,000 gallons removed as indicated on the Injection and Recovery r0ummary Spreadsheet, they have also pumped out a total of 232,700 gallons during the six weeks of GenX sampling of the ASR Well (Table below). o DATE o Water Purged 0 6 /20/17 0 7,500 gallons 0 6/29/17 0 15,800 gallons 0 7/6/17 0 43,200 gallons 0 7/13/17 0 58,400ga'llons 0 7/17/17 0 59,400 gallons 0 7/20/17 0 48,400 gallons Attachments 1 1. 15A NCAC 2C .020 Ries 2. Site and ASR Maps B. CFPUA Injection and Recovery Summary Spreadsheet 4. CFPUA Permit W10800149 C 9) DEQ-CFW 00075004 level was above 21-standar . The previously referenced Injection and Recovery lummar s read sheet was received August 7, 2017 rev" "ie� w oT a sprea s ee in icates that at the en of Cycle 2, monitoring cfeta-s#eifeH su mitted 60 days after the cycle ended on March 27, 2017. It appears monitoring data for the last cycle has not been submitted yet. The WiRO and CFPUA has been contacted to determine if the data has been received. For Cycle 3, the injection component of the cycle was done, but the recovery component was not initiated due to GenX concerns. Therefore, Cycle 3 has not been completed. According to our records, no NOVs have been issued to this site. Infection Rates The current permitted flow rate is 70,000 GPD at 30 PSI. The target amount of water stored is 360 MG. To date the total stored volume is 48.824 MG. GenX Discovery The unregulated compound GenX has been recently discovered in the Cape Fear, where source water was drawn into the Sweeney Water Treatment Plant (WTP) in Wilmington, to be treated and distributed to its customers. This compound is a byproduct of DuPont and Chemours' manufacturing process, which has been discharged into the Cape Fear River for several years.. After it was reported that GenX was found in the drinking water treated and distributed by the Sweeney WTP, the CFPUA sampled the stored groundwater in the ASR-11VI to determine if it was present in the previously injected water. The initial laboratory analytical results indicated a concentration of 820 parts per trillion (ppt). Follow up testing has shown a gradual decrease in concentration levels, and per the last sampling results available, is below the NC DHHS Advisory Level of 140 ppt (see sampling table below). The CFPUA stopped injecting after June 5, 2017, and it has been reported that Chemours is no longer discharging this compound into the Cape Fear River. Week Date GenX Sampling Results (ppt) Lab Used #1 6/22/2017 820 Test America, Colorado #1 6/22/2017 588 EPA lab, Research Triangle (ORD) #2 6/29/2017 400 Test America, Colorado #2 6/29/2017 336 EPA lab, Research Triangle (ORD) #3 /06/2017 190 Test America, Colorado #3 /06/2017 148 EPA lab, Research Triangle (ORD) #4 7/13/2017 120 Test America, Colorado #4 7/13/2017 84 EPA lab, Research Triangle (ORD) #5 7/20/2017 120 Test America, Colorado #5 7/20/2017 94 EPA lab, Research Triangle (ORD) Path Forward 0 DEQ-CFW 00075005 Two wells were installed: ASR-1 (both an injection well and a recovery well) in May 2004, and TM-1 (recovery well only) in June 2000. The ASR-1 has had continual turbidity issues. A permit renewal with modification was issued on February 12, 2016 wer section of the well screen installed in the Upper Cape Fear Aquifer to be sealed off. n April 6, 2016, the well construction was modifie so �je screen is instala in the rsiacreek Aquifer only with a total depth of 399 feet below Ian surface (BLS)..--. rren- ewe is sti iving turbidity issues and is in testing g an3 eva uation mode. • ` d, turbidity has been the primary concern since recovered water could not be used for the intended purpose until turbidity was reduced to <5 ntu. Total aluminum and total iron exceedances, which generally correlate positively with turbidity, suggests that particulate matter in the groundwater was the primary source of the metal exceedances. • Data suggests that excessive turbidity is the result of the mobilization of naturally -occurring kaolinite (a clay mineral) from the storage -zone aquifers. Cafe Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) ASR Well The second ASR permitted in North Carolina is the CFPUA ASR (Permit No. W10800149), located in Wilmington NC (see attached maps). It was originally permitted in September 2008and has been reissued several times. The current permit was issued February 12, 2016, and expires January 31, 2021. When the original permit was issued, it allowed up to 3 ASR wells to be installed. Two wells were installed (ASR-1 and ASR-2) in the Pee Dee aquifer and the permitted third well was never drilled. ASR-1/ASR-1M phis ae11 was originally installed April a* has undergone 2 complete injection/recovery cycle.* areG Q, 5�third injection but recove as�nr,� r__r rr to d Attached is an Injection and Recovery rYpread sheet submitted by the CFPUA summarizing the volumes of water injected and - recovered, along with date . uring t e time frame of Cycle 2, the well experienced silting/clogging issues. Therefore, to mitigate the silting/fouling of the well, which was originally completed as an hole with with no screen, the CFPUA requested a permit modification to allow a screen to be installed along with a filtering pack consisting of Silibeads® (very small manufactured glass beads). A variance was granted by the Wilmington Regional Office on November 13, 2015, to allow the use of Silibeads® in lieu of quartz sand or other rock materials. The well modification was completed on July 20, 2016. The well ID was changed from ASR-1 to ASR-1M ('M' for modified well). ASR-2 CFPUA decided to cap ASR-2 after construction and testing due to low water production and detected interference of the radius of influence (ROI) between ASR-1 and ASR-2. The well status is considered 'inactive'. Permit Conditions and Compliance The most recent permit required 6 monitoring wells: three wells in the Castle Hayne aquifer, two in the Upper Pee Dee aquifer, and one in the surficial aquifer (see attached site maps and permit). The monitoring plan is included in the attached permit. The permit requires that, with the exception of the three trihalomethanes (THMs), the injected water must meet groundwater standards (2L standards) at the point of injection. Since there is the possibility of metal mobilization (i.e., arsenic), the groundwater is tested for a suite of metals. A preliminary review of the monitoring data for Cycle 1 was submitted in 2014 and did not show any 2L exceedances. However, for a few of the parameters (e.g., bromate), the laboratory minimum detection 3 DEQ-CFW 00075006 CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY (CFPUA) AQUIFER STORAGE AND RECOVERY (ASR) August 7, 2017 Background:_ The Underground Injection Control program is a Federal Program under the Safe Drinking Water Act; and regulated under 40 CFR Part 144 through 148. The Division of Water Resources within the Department of Environmental Quality permits underground injection wells, and oversees their compliance and enforcement. NC Administrative Code for this program is under 15A NCAC 2C .0200 (attached). One of the types of underground injection wells is the Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR). ASR systems are intended to allow for injection of water into aquifers for temporary storage. ASR systems provide an alternative to more traditional above ground storage tanks and lagoons. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) has a permitted ASR. CFPUA Aquifer Storage and Recovery Site • Faced with increasing peak deman periodic fluctuations of water sups storage when there is excess u • To determine whew syn constructed one in and has conducted r w r, CFPUA ap lied for a permit for an ASR to manage ►�d�de nd by alternately injecting drinking water for la ter r covering water when there is insufficient supply. is Site was capable for a full-scale ASR operation, CFPUA I (ASR-1, currently active) in the Upper Peedee Aquifer on, storage, and recovery. • The permit dictates ho oftefi sampling must occur after a recharge and recovery of injected water and what to sample r (see attached ;permit, Part X). • Cycle test 3 was proposed for the period March 29, 2017 through May 10, 2017. CFPUA proposed six weeks of testing during this period to include the ASR-1 and three of the monitoring wells (see attached site map of ASR-1 and monitoring wells). CFPUA Permit ASR permit number for the CFPUA is W10800149. It was originally issued 2008, renewed in 2011, 2013 and modified in 2016. The current permit will need to be renewed by 2021. Issues that must be addressed in an ASR permit application include: o A complete water quality analysis of the water to be injected (all National Primary and Secondary Drinking Water Standards) as well as a basic water quality analysis of native water in the aquifer. o Modeling of potential reactions between the injected water and native waters and between the injected water and aquifer matrix. o Groundwater monitoring at points other than the ASR well itself. o Determination of an injection zone that specifies the horizontal and vertical portion of the proposed injection activity. No violation of groundwater quality standards specified in 15A NCAC 2L .0200 is allowed to occur outside this zone. (The injection zone is indicated on the monitoring well map, attached) Disinfection by-products and disinfectants are the only compounds currently allowed to exceed 2L standards in the injected water, but this is onlyjustified on the basis that the injected water is treated drinking water to be recovered and used as treated drinking water. DEQ-CFW 00075007 GENX Discovery During the ASR cycle tests, CFPUA injected 48.8 million gallons into the ASR. They stopped injecting in June 2017. o Cycle Test Injection #1 ended March 4, 2014 — total 13.75 MG stored o Cycle Test Injection #2 ended June 13, 2014 — total 28.538 MG stored o Due to repairs needed, and additional flushing and recovery, the Cycle Test Injection #3 was delayed. In November 2016, there was a total 24.4 MG stored o Cycle Test injection #3 ended June 5, 2017 — 24.4 MG added; a total of 48.811 MG. ASR #1well testing was done concurrently with raw and finished water testing for the GenX compound. Below are the sampling results: Week Date GenX Sampling Results (ppt) Lab Used #1 6/22/2017 820 Test America, Colorado #1 6/22/2017 588 EPA lab, Research Triangle (ORD) #2 6/29/2017 400 Test America, Colorado #2 6/29/2017 336 EPA lab, Research Triangle (ORD) #3 7/06/2017 190 Test America, Colorado #3 7/06/2017 148 EPA lab, Research Triangle (ORD) #4 7/13/2017 120 Test America, Colorado #4 7/13/2017 84 EPA lab, Research Triangle (ORD) #5 7/20/2017 120 Test America, Colorado #5 7/20/2017 94 EPA lab, Research Triangle (ORD) PATH FORWARD • The original intent of CFPUA was to pump out twice the volume that was injected up to 200- �s. So far they have pumped out a total of 232,700 gallons during the six weeks of GenX sampling of the ASR Well: 0 6 /20/17 7,500 gallons 0 6/29/17 .15,800 gallons 0 7/6/17 43,200 gallons 0 7/13/17 58400 gallons 0 7/17/17 59,400 gallons 0 7/20/17 48,400 gallons DEQ-CFW 00075008 • Water is being proposed to be pumped from the ASR at approximately 500 GPM which is not expected to affect wells in the neighborhood or overwhelm downstream pump stations. This water will be sent to the Northside WWTP, starting approximately September 1, 2017. • Other wells being tested are a private well nearby (750 feet from the ASR, Mr. Paige) where testing results were non -detect. Also, the Wrightsville Beach public water supply well #11, located approximately 3000 feet from the ASR, has been tested. GenX test concentrations ranged from 24 to 44 ppt. • Two more wells will be placed in the PeeDee aquifer between the ASR and Wrightsville Beach to monitor GenX concentrations. • CFPUA still plans on constructing a temporary line from the ASR well to tie in to the sewer force main along Military Cutoff Road (approximately 3,000 feet). o CFPUA will physically disconnect the ASR well from the distribution system and install a Reduced Pressure Zone (RPZ) at the well end of the temporary line and a check valve at the sewer force main. o They will continue to test for GenX as they pump and better determine total volume of recovered water to be pumped. Currently CFPUA is seeking guidance from the Division on acceptable concentrations. o It will be difficult to pump water until non -detect levels of GenX are found without impacting water supply wells in the area. o CFPUA recently requested the Division to prioritize and establish groundwater IMACS for all perfluorinated compounds discharged under NPDES NC0003573. Items to Consider • With the exception of disinfectants and disinfection by-products, the permit requires that the injected water shall at all times comply with groundwater quality standards in 15A NCAC 02L .0202. • The permit requires regular monitoring for typical parameters of concern for a public water supply (see attached permit requirements), but does not include GenX. • 15A NCAC 02L .0202 does not specify a numeric value for a GenX groundwater standard; therefore, the Class GA or Class GSA groundwater standard for GenX is the practical quantitation limit [15A NCAC 02L .0202'(b)(2)]. • 15A NCAC 2L .0106 (b) states that "Any person conducting or controlling an activity which results in the discharge of a waste...to the groundwaters of the State ... shall take immediate action to terminate and control the discharge." • The last sample for the ASR shows GenX at 120 ppt and the DHHS health advisory level is 140 ppt. �• THE QUESTION IS did CFPUA know the water had GenX when they were still recharging the aquifer? November 23, 2016, Dr. Knape with NC state, sent a paper he published in ES&T Letters to NC DWR staff and CFPUA concerning GenX test results, where he states "None of the newly discovered compounds being discharged by the Chemours plant south of Fayetteville are removed by the advanced and conventional treatment processes employed in the Sweeney WTP in Wilmington (see email attached). DEQ-CFW 00075009 CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY (CFPUA) AQUIFER STORAGE AND RECOVERY (ASR) Background: The Underground Injection Control program is a Federal Program under the Safe Drinking Water Act. It falls under 40 CFR Part 144 through 148. The oversight on this program is the Division of Water Resources, where EPA provides a grant of $110,000 and the state matches a portion of this grant. Most At the state's responsibility is to permit underground injection wells, and oversee their compliance and enforcement. Rules were developed for this program under 15A NCAC 2C .0200 (attached). One of the types of underground injection wells is the Aquifer St ora a and Recovery (ASR). Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) has a permitted ASR. CFPUA Aquifer Storage and Recovery Site • Facth-iea�ig dead s ' -wwatNthe Cape Fear Pu 'c Utility Authority (CFPUA) applied for a permit for AS t nage periodic fluctuate of water supply and demand by alternately injecting d in wat or storage when th is excess supply and later recovering water when there i in of ie sup • To determine whet the at this site w capable for a full-scale ASR operation, CFPUA constr e o nje t n/r overy well (AS ,currently active) in the Upper Peedee Aquifer and has c ducte y tests of injectio storage, and recovery. • The permit 'ctates o ten sampli must occur after a recharge and recovery of injected water and wha to sa ple for (see tached permit). • The last set of to in was Marc 9 2017 through May 10, 2017. They did six weeks of testing during this period include e ASR-1 and three of the monitoring wells (see attached site map of ASR-1 and monit ing w s). CFPUA Permit • ASR permit number for the CFPUA is W10800149. It was originally issued 2008, renewed in 2011, 2013 and modified in 2016. • Issues that must be addressed in an ASR permit application include: o A complete water quality analysis of the water to be injected (all National Primary and Secondary Drinking Water Standards) as well as a basic water quality analysis of native water in the aquifer. o Modeling of potential reactions between the injected water and native waters and between the injected water and aquifer matrix. o Monitoring at points other than the ASR well itself. o An injection zone that specifies the horizontal and vertical portion of the proposed injection activity. No violation of groundwater quality standards specified in 15A NCAC 2L .0200 can occur outside this zone. (The injection zone is indicated on the monitoring well map, attached) • Disinfection by-products and disinfectants are the only compounds currently allowed to exceed 2L standards in the injected water, but this is only justified on the basis that the injected water is treated drinking water to be recovered and used as treated drinking water. DEQ-CFW 00075010 CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY (CFPUA) AQUIFER STORAGE AND RECOVERY (ASR) Background: The Underground Injection Control program is a Federal Program under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 1 --tr ei-i rel'(. d fagonw4er 40 CFR Part 144 through 148. Tffie-ove is the imogi:eizA �iog-a�f-ater R es,-w4ere FRA provides a grant of S� 0, nn and tip stat_____— a4t44:�e s-&--pro twul ,-� ge t. Most ',__the..s e's responsibility is to permit underground injection wells, and oversee their compliance and enforce men . Rt�l�.s-u a4&4avaWf�ed.for this program Lar 15A NCAC 2C .0200 (attached). One of the PC-�`� " types of underground injection wells is the Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR). Cape Fear Public Utility ecx)e Authority (CFPUA) has a permitted ASR. CFPUA Aquifer Storage and Recovery Site • Faced with increasing peak demands for water, the-C-ape-Fea ' (CFPUA) applied for a permit for an ASR to manage periodic fluctuations of water supply and demand by alternately injecting drinking water for storage when there is excess supply and later recovering water when there is insufficient supply. • To determine whether the system at this site was capable for a full-scale ASR operation, CFPUA constructed one injection/recovery well (ASR-1, currently active) in the Upper Peedee Aquifer and has conducted cycle tests of injection, storage, and recovery. • The permit dictates how often sampling must occur after a reclarge and recovery of injected water and what to sample for (see attached permitipar �- X • The last set of testing was March 29 2017 through May 10, 2017. They did six weeks of testing during this period to include the ASR-1 and three of the monitoring wells (see attached site map of ASR-1 and monitoring wells). CFPUA Permit • ASR permit number for the CFPUA is W10800149. It was originally issued 2008, renewed in 2011, 2013 and modified in 2016. • Issues that must be addressed in an ASR permit application include: o A complete water quality analysis of the water to be injected (all National Primary and Secondary Drinking Water Standards) as well as a basic water quality analysis of native water in the aquifer. o Modeling of potential reactions between the injected water and native waters and between the injected water and aquifer matrix. o Monitoring at points other than the ASR well itself. o An injection zone that specifies the horizontal and vertical portion of the proposed injection activity. No violation of groundwater quality standards specified in 15A NCAC 2L .0200 can occur outside this zone. (The injection zone is indicated on the monitoring well map, attached) • Disinfection by-products and disinfectants are the only compounds currently allowed to exceed 2L standards in the injected water, but this is only justified on the basis that the injected water is treated drinking water to be recovered and used as treated drinking water. DEQ-CFW 00075011 GENX Discovery • DATE or timeframe CFPUA injected 48 million gallons into the ASR (Was this done so much e week? So, much a month?) • As soon as the GenX product was discovered in the Cape Fear Water Treatment Facility's raw water, the ASR well was tested. Below are the sampling results ASR Testing Results: Week Sampling Results (ppt) Lab Used #1 820 Test America, Colorado #1 588 EPA lab, Research Triangle (ORD) #2 400 Test America, Colorado #2 336 EPA lab, Research Triangle (ORD) #3 190 Test America, Colorado #3 148 EPA lab, Research Triangle (ORD) #4 120 Test America, Colorado • Weeks #,5 and #6 were not available at the time of conversation, but the`,Deputy Director for the Division of Water Resources has these results. • The original intent of CFPUA was to pump out twice the volume that was injected up to 200 million gallons. So far they have pumped out XXX million gallons -what's the schedule to continue??: • Water is being pumped from the ASR at 300 gpm to keep from affecting wells in the neighborhood, and is being sent to a WWTP. • Other wells being tested are a private well nearby (3000 ft from the ASR, Mr. Paige) which was non -detect. Also the Wrightsville Beach public water supply well #11, which was 44 and 37 ppt respectively. • CFPUA still plans on constructing a temporary line from the well approximately 3,000 feet to tie in to the sewer force main along Military Cutoff Road. o CFPUA will physically disconnect the well from the distribution system and install an RPZ at the well end of the temporary line and a check valve at the force o They will continue to test for GenX as they pump and determine total volume to be pumped based on test results. Currently they are seeking guidance from the Division on acceptable concentrations knowing that it will be very difficult to pump to the non -detect level without impacting wells in the area. o Gary McSmith with the CFPUA indicated they were working on a request to Jay for the adoption of an IMAC for at least the known fluorinated compound. o The last test results I have seen for the ASR site are below the health advisory level of 140 parts per trillion. Path Forward DEQ-CFW 00075012 GENX Discovery • DATE or timeframe CFPUA injected 48 million gallons into the ASR (Was this done so much a week? So much ;a month?) • As soon as the GenX product was discovered in the Cape Fear Water Treatment Facility's raw water, the ASR well was tested. Below are the sampling results A&R Testing Results:Q � p e,-lk -,"V—bK Week ��,� Sampling Results (ppt) —$- Lab Used #1 820 Test America, Colorado #1 588 EPA lab, Research Triangle (ORD) #2 400 Test America, Colorado #2 336 EPA lab, Research Triangle (ORD) #3 190 Test America, Colorado #3 148 EPA lab, Research Triangle (ORD) #4 120 Test America, Colorado • Weeks #5 and #6'were not available at the time of conversation, but the Deputy Director for th.e Division of Water Resources has these results. 10, • The original intent of CFPUA was to pump out twice the volume that was injected up to 200 million gallons. So far they have pumped out;XXX million gallons - what's the schedule to continue??. —A.— Water is being pumped from the ASR at 300 gpm to keep from affecting wells in the neighborhood, and is being sent to a WWTP. • Other wells being tested are a private well nearby (3000 ft from the ASR, Mr. Paige) which was non -detect. Also the Wrightsville Beach public water supply well #11, which was 44 and 37 ppt respectively. CFPUA still plans on constructing a temporary line from the well approximately 3,000 feet to tie in to the sewer force main along Military Cutoff Road. o CFPUA will physically disconnect the well from the distribution system and install an RPZ at the well end of the temporary line and a check valve at the force o They will continue to test for GenX as they pump and determine total volume to be pumped based on test results. Currently they are seeking guidance from the Division on acceptable concentrations knowing that it will be very difficult to pump to the non -detect level without impacting wells in the area. o Gary McSmith with the CFPUA indicated they were working on a request to Jay for the adoption of an IMAC for at least the known fluorinated compound. o The last test results I have seen for the ASR site are below the health advisory level of 140 parts per trillion. Lis C,'r%; �r DEQ-CFW 00075013 coick FT- t-V jo� 61 'q4' fy'td z�- TL- t DEQ-CFW 00075014 To: Gary McSmith <Gary.Mcsmith@cfpua.org> Subject: ASR Timeline March 4, 201 n e 1 —13.75 MG Store (Original Remaining Bubble) ICI rc ' - Start Cycle-2 intec io une 13, 201 nd Cycle 2 injection 8��Store une , 20 Pump Removed for inspec — ess egins to address sand issues August 9 — August 12, 2016 Flushing after sili-bead ' stallation October 14, 2016 — Flushing in preparation for start o cycle 2 recovery October 18, 2016 — Start Cycle 2 recover to distribution October 22, 2016 — Well Off waiting on fresh hypochlorite o chemical) October 24, 2016 — Resume Cycle 2 recovery to distributio 1. November 12, 2016 — End Cycle 2 recovery — System in Stor a Mode 10.66 MG Stored Total Bubble Size Remaining Cycle 1 13.75 + Cycle 2 10.66 4,24� 11 M 'Total Bubble Size) March 28, 2017 — Start Cycle 3 injection Ju a 6 2017 End Cycle 3 injection — 24.58 Recharged — Flushing Total Bubble Size Current = Cycle 1 & 2 total 24.411 + Cycle 3 24.4 48.8'f 1 MG John Malone Interim Water Resources Manager Water Treatment Supervisor Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) Water Treatment Division PH:: 91.0-332-6643 Cell: 910-515-6143 Fax: 910-332-6470 John. Maloneacfpua. or %try' NOTICE: E-Mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the NC Public Records Lair and may be disclosed to third parties. DEQ-CFW 00075015 Watts, Debra From: Gregson, Jim Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 4:52 PM To: Watts, Debra; Zimmerman, Jay Subject: FW: ASR Timeline Jim Gregson Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910.796.7215 Reception Desk 910.796.7386 Direct 910.350.2004 Fax Jim. gregson@ncdenr.gov Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Gary McSmith [mailto:Gary.Mcsmith@cfpua.org] Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 4:51 PM To: Gregson, Jim <jim.gregson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: ASR Timeline Hi Jim, Here's the information you requested. Best Regards, Gary McSmith, P.E. Assistant Engineering Director Cape Fear Public Utility Authority 235 Government Center Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 910-332-6629 Desk 910-833-4197 Cell From: John Malone Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 1:21 PM DEQ-CFW 00075016 Watts, Debra From: Gregson, Jim Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 2:27 PM To: Watts, Debra Cc: King, Morelia s; Kegley, Geoff, Risgaard, Jon Subject: ASR Update Debra, Geoff and I met with CFPUA and Rick Catlin at the ASR site this morning to discuss the plans for pumping the 48MG of treated water out of the well. The Authority still plans on constructing a temporary line from the well approximately 3,000 feet to tie in to the sewer force main along Military Cutoff Road. From there it would flow to the Bradly Creek Pump Station and ultimately to the Northside WWTP. They will physically disconnect the well from the distribution system and install an RPZ at the well end of the temporary line and a check valve at the force main tap. Original estimates were to pump around 2X the injected volume or around 200 MG. They will test for GenX as they pump and determine total volume to be pumped based on test results. They are seeking guidance from the Division on acceptable concentrations knowing that it will be very difficult to pump to the non -detect level without impacting wells in the area. Gary McSmith indicated they were working on a request to Jay for the adoption of an IMAC for at least the known fluorinated compound. The last test results I have seen for the ASR site are below the health advisory level of 140 parts per trillion. - Jim Gregson Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910.796.7215 Reception Desk 910.796.7386 Direct 910.350.2004 Fax Tim. rgregsonamcdenr.Rov Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 DEQ-CFW 00075017 GCE�l Watts, Debra u=� To: Gregson, Jim Cc: King, Morella s; Kegley, Geoff; Risgaard, Jon; Watts, Debra; Wilson, Nat; Rogers, Michael Subject: RE: ASR Update Nat See the email below. Jim A couple of things. • First, thanks for keeping us up-to-date. • Second, I'm going to try and talk to Linda Culpepper this afternoon and see what are our options are as far as compliance level for the ASR. If we meet to discuss with staff like Standards and Classifications (Jeff Manning's group), I'll invite you and your staff as well. • Third, in talking with some of the Hydros here, I'm wondering if the Catlin group has been too quick in making this decision of withdrawing 200MG of water from the ASR. Even though they have pumped this water into the ASR, I think we need to keep Nat Wilson's group informed in that this may have implications as far as capacity use i.e. how this would affect the aquifer area wide. • And finally, has the Catlin group looked at other options, like dilution with water from another source? Running the currently stored water through some kind of filter and returning to storage? Etc. We will still look to see what kind of guidelines we can provide, but thought I'd share the above for your consideration. Debra Watts Supervisor, Animal Feeding Operations and Groundwater Protection Branch Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919 807 6338 office debra.watts(dncdenr.gov 512 N. Salisbury Street 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 j' !.--'Nothing Compares Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the /forth Carolina Public t'er or s Law and may be disclosed to thirdpa ies. From: Gregson, Jim Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 2:27 PM To: Watts, Debra <debra.watts@ncdenr.gov> Cc: King, Morelia s <morella.sanchez-king@ncdenr.gov>; Kegley, Geoff <geoff.kegley@ncdenr.gov>; Risgaard, Jon <jon.risgaard@ncdenr.gov> Subject: ASR Update DEQ-CFW 00075018 Debra, Geoff and I met with CFPUA and Rick Catlin at the ASR site this morning to discuss the plans for pumping the 48MG of treated water out of the well. The Authority still plans on constructing a temporary line from the well approximately 3,000 feet to tie in to the sewer force main along Military Cutoff Road. From there it would flow to the Bradly Creek Pump Station and ultimately to the Northside WWTP. They will physically disconnect the well from the distribution system and install an RPZ at the well end of the temporary line and a check valve at the force main tap. Original estimates were to pump arQL nd X the injected volume or around 200 MG. They will test for GenX as they pump and determine total volume to be pumped based on test resu ts. ey are seeking guidance from the Division on acceptable concentrations knowing that it will be very difficult to pump to the non -detect level without impacting wells n the area. ary McSmith indicated they were working on a request to Jay for the adoption of an IMAC for at least the known fluorinated compound. The last test results I have seen for the ASR site are below the health advisory level of 140 parts per trillion. Jim Gregson Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910.796.7215 Reception Desk 910.796.7386 Direct 910.350.2004 Fax Jim.gre sg_on(a,ncdenr.gov Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 Email corresfoondence to and from this address is subiect to the North Carolina Public Records Lair and may be disclosed to third parties. DEQ-CFW 00075019 DEQ-CFW 00075020 P -Q ji , i ,i F I; i DEQ-CFW 00075021